#coach whitey durham
Recently I heard a One Tree Hill podcast host say that Nathan and Haley are the young version of Coach Whitey and Camila and hearing that perspective practically changed my life. I can't remember what podcast it was cause i've been and starting and stalling on a lot of podcasts recently so it's all kind of a blur.
But that is so true. Nathan and Haley are the young version of Whitey and Camila. This undying love and dedication that they both had. After I heard that it reminded me of the Drama Queens episode that James Lafferty was on recently. They asked if he could play any character aside from Nathan who would it be? And he said Coach Whitey which was perfect in and of itself and now it's even better.
You know I always thought how amazing it was that Nathan was able to have such a healthy relationship when he grew up with such a disfunctional marriage between his mom and dad being modeled. But it's dawned on me now how Coach Whitey, as the sort of surrogate father he was to Nathan, probably modeled his marriage with Camila and showed Nathan what a healthy marriage looks like.
Coach Whitey really was like a father to Nathan. Lucas had Uncle Keith and Nathan had Coach Whitey. Fuck Dan Scott!!! He was no father but Whitey supported and cared for Nathan throughout the years!
My heart had grown 10 sizes since thinking of all of this! 💗💗💗
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I’d know that voice anywhere
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winnie-the-monster · 1 year
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shadowuponstorm · 5 months
Stay Away From The Coach's Granddaughter
A/N: I recently started watching One Tree Hill and when I searched it, I noticed it's rarely posted about on this platform. So, I thought "Why not write up something for it and be a part of those who want to keep it alive?". Hope you 'Ravens' enjoy! (I just wanted to mention, I love all the endgames! This is just another scenario separate from the show)
Summary: Coaching basketball for Tree Hill always seem to be first place on the list of Brian "Whitey" Durham's pride and joys, when it's in actually fourth place. The third place belongs to his son, Dale, the second for his granddaughter, and the first place is always reserved for Camila. When he gains custody of his granddaughter, he vows to always have her best interest at heart, even if it means warning his boys to stay away from her. What would happen if one of them breaks one of Coach's rules?
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I was about to sit down to eat dinner when a knock came on the door. I grumbled as I tried to get out of my recliner, complaining that all I needed was peace and quiet. I opened the door to see two police officers standing there, with the lights on the squad cars still on.
"You Whitey Durham?" The officer on the left asked as I nodded my head and confirmed I was, "Your son, Dale, was in a car accident. I'm sorry to inform you, sir, that he didn't make it to the hospital."
Hearing those words, ripped a chunk of my heart out. "No, no, not my boy." I kept thinking over and over again, trying to stay upright.
"Thank you for coming all this way to tell me," I said to the officers as they nodded in understanding of my reaction to the shocking news I've been given, "H-have you informed his ex-wife? What about my granddaughter, was she with him?"
"Someone is going over there right now to tell her," The officer on the right responds, he then tells me, "As for your granddaughter, we have her in the back of the squad car. She wasn't in the accident with your son."
I sighed in relief as I looked past the cops' shoulders to see her just sitting there, looking devastated, and I couldn't blame her, she just lost her dad. I asked, "Is there any way you can allow her to stay with me? I mean, her mom lives pretty far from-"
"Oh, Mr. Durham, she isn't going to her mom. Social Services came by the hospital and explained to her that she was to live with you if something were to happen," the officer says as I see his partner go down the steps of my porch and get her out of the car.
"Why don't you go on in? I'll finish this up as quickly as I can," I told my granddaughter as she passed by me to enter the house.
After a few more minutes, the police left and I shut the door behind me to see Charlotte sitting on the couch, as quiet as she could be. She turned to look at me after hearing the door shut and whispered, "What am I going to do without my dad? I'm only 13."
"Oh, sweetheart," I said as I took a seat right next to her and pulled her into a hug, "I know this is going to be hard, but we'll get through this. That's what us Durhams do."
"I'm glad he and Grandma Camila are reunited at least," I hear Charlotte whisper as I tell her that was a good way of thinking.
I will do everything in my heart to keep her safe and protect her as best I can from harm's way.
-PRESENT, Charlotte's POV-
"Come on! Let's Go!" I hear Grandpa shout at the boys as I try to study on the bleachers, "Focus on practicing the plays, not showing off!"
I chuckle to myself and roll my eyes as I witness Tree Hill's star player, Nathan Scott, doing the exact opposite of what he was "asked" of. My phone buzzed beside me and I picked it up to see a text from Haley.
Haley: "Hey, wanna study at Karen's cafe?"
I text back, "Have to ask Grandpa first, but that would be greatly appreciated!"
After I put my phone back down, I glanced back at the court to see Nathan looking in my direction and proceeded to wink at me. I looked around to see if Peyton was sitting nearby, but couldn't see her anywhere.
"Nathan, you got something in your eye son? If not, stop blinking!" Grandpa yelled as the other boys laughed and I shook my head.
I packed up my stuff and headed down the bleachers toward Grandpa to ask him, "Hey, Haley texted me asking if I wanted to study over at the cafe. Can I go?"
"Sure, go ahead," Grandpa said as he glanced his attention to me for a split second, "Stay safe and remember to keep your phone."
"Yes sir," I respond as I walk toward the exit, but not before turning my head to yell over my shoulder, "See you guys at the game!" prompting the guys to hoot and cheer, much to Grandpa's annoyance.
After I arrived at the cafe, I sent a quick text before opening the door to see Haley helping Karen out behind the counter.
"Oh hey sweetie," Karen says as she spots me walking in and putting my schoolbag on the counter, "Your grandpa's yelling was too much for you?"
I laugh at her little joke and respond, "I wish I could say I'm not used to it, but I'm used to it. He's stressed about the big game and Nathan was busy showboating. Speaking of Nathan, he did something strange."
"What did he do?" Haley asked as I pulled out my notes and textbooks, "Did he flirt with you?"
"Okay, one, you know my grandpa's rule about me fraternizing with his "boys" so flirting is out of the question as well as dating. Two, no, he winked in my direction, but Peyton wasn't on the bleachers or there."
"Hold on, you say he winked in your direction, but Peyton wasn't around?" Haley asked as I nodded my head, "Charlotte, he was winking at you."
"No, he wasn't," I respond skeptically as I look over at Karen, who has the "Yeah, he definitely winked at you" expression on her face, "There's absolutely no reason that Nathan Royal Scott, who is taken mind you, would want to wink at me."
"Why not? You're intelligent, funny, and such a beautiful girl," Karen says as Haley voices that she agrees with that.
"Nathan lives up to his father, which means, he is not going to go for the smart and nerdy girl, he's going for the pretty cheerleader," I respond before mentioning, "No offense to Peyton, she definitely rocks it."
"Well, believe me when I say this, something is going off in that boy's brain when you're around," Haley says as she grabs a biscotti from the jar.
"Who are you guys talking about?" Lucas asks from behind, making me jump a little, "Oh, sorry, thought you heard the door open."
"It's fine, we're good," I said as I turned my body in his direction, "Also, none of your business who we were talking about because it's nothing of importance."
"Nathan winked at her and she thought Peyton was nearby," Haley responded as I shushed her from going further than that information.
"Well, they're always breaking up and getting back together, so I didn't know," I said as Lucas nodded his head in understanding of my theory before mentioning, "He and Peyton have broken up for good."
"There, now you have a shot at becoming the star player's girlfriend," Haley says as I roll my eyes and remind her that I'm also the Coach's granddaughter, so there's a little to no possibility of that happening, "You never know, maybe Whitey will go soft at the fact you're finding love."
Despite doubt running through a loop in my mind, maybe Haley's right about this. Grandpa is always telling stories about how he and Grandma were soulmates in love, he would want me to have a similar experience.
"Hey Charlotte, if we win this game, how about we grab some dinner together?" I hear Tim shout at me, making me roll my eyes and yell back, "In your dreams! Now focus before he chews off your head or worse, benches you for the rest of the game."
I could've sworn I saw a little smile on Grandpa's face when he heard me rejecting Tim's offer. After my dad's passing 4 years ago, it was in writing that Grandpa was to get full custody of me since my mother wasn't acting like an actual mother and being reckless with everything regarding money, drugs, and especially men. It was honestly the best decision my father made because he didn't want me to be exposed to the fact my mom put those first instead of my health and well-being. I understand why the "Stay Away From The Coach's Granddaughter" rule is in place, but doesn't help when most of the boys are actually really nice.
"Hey Charlotte!" I heard someone shout and I looked to see who it was, "Down here!
I turned my head in the direction of the voice to see it was Martin McFadden, or what he likes to be called, Mouth.
"What Mouth?" I asked as I walked down the bleachers to his spot, "Did you need extra help with something?"
"No, it's not that, here," Mouth says handing me a folded-up piece of paper, and before I can ask, he mentions, "If your grandpa asks, just say it's my number so we can keep in touch in case we're working on something."
"Got it," I respond as I put the paper in my pocket and head back to my spot on the bleachers, with part of me itching to want to read the note now.
As always, the Ravens kicked ass and my grandpa gained another win to his record. Grandpa and I were on our way home when he asked, "What was that kid giving you? The one with the big lips."
I laughed a little before saying, "His name is Martin, but he goes by Mouth as a nickname. He just wanted to give me his number for his phone in case we're to be working together on a project."
"You sure it isn't a love note? It was folded up pretty good," Grandpa responded as a little joke, prompting me to shake my head.
"No, just a friendly communication between the sportscaster and the granddaughter of the coach," I say as Grandpa parked the car in front of the house.
After dinner had been eaten and dishes cleaned, Grandpa went into the den to watch TV in his favorite recliner as I went into my room. I pulled the paper from my pocket and unfolded it to see a very recognizable handwriting, Nathan.
"Hey, I know this is not ideal, but you know, your grandpa has that rule of his set in stone and I don't want to be benched for the rest of the season. Here's my number xxx-xxx-xxxx, in case you want to talk or text."
I chuckle at how bold this boy is, using his friend to give me this note and bypassing my grandpa's rule. I pull out my phone and text the number, "If this is a prank, I very much don't appreciate that."
Nathan: As fun as that sounds, it's not. Guess you got my note ;)
Me: You know very well I did, it happened right in front of you, and you also had Mouth help you. Good game today.
Nathan: Thanks, that wink was towards you by the way.
I looked at my phone screen in confusion before texting back, "I know, you texted it to me just now."
Nathan: No, I mean earlier. You were looking around like it was meant for someone else.
Me: Can we switch over to a phone call?
Nathan: Wouldn't Whitey overhear you?
I closed my phone and put it in my pocket as I left my room to head towards the den.
"Hey, is it alright if I go for a night bike ride? I won't be gone long," I said as Grandpa nodded his head, "I have my phone on me."
"Stay safe, love you," Grandpa shouts as I yell, "Love you too."
After I shut the door behind me, I started biking down the road that goes toward the River Court. I pulled my phone out and called Nathan as I leaned my bike against the bleachers. He answered on the first ring and said, "So what excuse did you give?"
"Har har, very funny, I gave him an honest one. He's used to me doing rides at night, as long as I'm not out too late," I respond as I hear Nathan laugh, "What? I'm serious, I've never broken any of his ground rules, as of now."
"What a way to break the old man's heart, betrayal," Nathan said as I rolled my eyes and rebutted, "At least I'm always on his good side."
"Touche, question, why were you looking around when I winked at you?" Nathan asked as I ran my hand over my face and groaned.
"It's embarrassing," I respond as Nathan hits me with a "Try me."
After I took a breath, I said, "I thought Peyton was around, so when you winked at me, I looked to see if it was for her since she's usually your girlfriend."
Nathan laughs a little before saying, "We do break up a lot, don't we? Yeah, we're done for this time. Don't worry, that's not something to be embarrassed about."
"Jeez thanks, Scott," I respond jokingly before pulling my phone away from my ear to see the time, only have 15 more minutes before I have to start biking home.
"How much longer do we have on this call?" Nathan asked and before I could ask how he knew, he said, "I heard you pull the phone away."
"We have 15 more minutes before I have to bike home," I respond before I hear his voice change when he asks, "I'm sorry? Did you say bike?"
"Yeah, I thought I mentioned that," I said before clarifying, "I don't have a car yet and I think we both know how my grandpa feels about your dad, so there's no way my car is coming from him."
"Yeah, probably best if you don't," Nathan agrees as I add in, "Sorry, know he's your dad and all, but he can sometimes be an ass."
"Oh no, feel free, I feel the same way," Nathan responds as I start to feel bad about the way how unhappy he is talking about Dan.
To change the topic, I asked, "So, what's the real reason you wanted to talk to me?"
"Just to get to know you, the real you. You know, finally know your personality, not just the fact you happen to be related to my basketball coach," Nathan responds as I feel the inside of my body warm up and blush.
"Didn't know Showboater Scott actually had a heart," I say sarcastically as Nathan laughs and mentions, "Just takes the right person to make it skip a beat."
"I really should get back before Grandpa sends a search party, I'll see you tomorrow," I respond as Nathan agrees and tells me goodnight.
After I told him goodnight back, I closed my phone and started biking back up the road. I entered the house to look into the den to see Grandpa snoring and see the TV was playing a video of an old Ravens game. I grabbed a blanket to cover him up and I kissed him on the forehead to whisper, "Goodnight, Grandpa."
My phone buzzed to signal a text came through as I entered my bedroom, I pulled it out to see Nathan texted me.
"Had to tell you goodnight again, hope your dreams are sweet and have me in them ;)"
I laughed before putting my phone on charge and getting dressed for bed. Maybe tomorrow will bring something more into my life.
"Have a good day today, I'll see you later," Grandpa says as we both exit the car and head toward the school.
After I told Grandpa to have the same, I headed toward my locker to see Tim leaning against it. I thought to myself, "Great, another day to reject his advances, again."
"What do you want Tim?" I asked as I stopped in front of him and shoved his shoulder to get him to move, "And get off my locker."
"Just thought I'd try to serenade you to go out with me, no one can resist my charm," Tim says smugly like he thinks he'll be successful in his attempt today.
Before I can say something, I hear someone say, "Tim, she's never going out with you, so stop. Besides, Turner's looking for you, it looks like you're in trouble as always."
"Aww man, I gotta hide," Tim nervously says as he bolts down the hall and keeps looking in all directions to try to avoid our principal.
I turned around to see Nathan standing there with a smile on his face.
"Clever, is Turner really looking for him?" I asked as Nathan shook his head and said, "Nope, thought I'd save a damsel in distress."
I open my locker to get my textbooks before saying, "I could have handled it myself, but thank you. I swear he just never gives up."
"Yeah, that's Tim for you," Nathan responds as I laugh, "Did you make it home in time? You didn't respond to my text."
"I did, thanks for being concerned. I did get your text, was nice," I said as he plastered an "I take offense to that" expression as a joke and whispered, "How dare you? I worked on that text for hours."
"Fine, it was funny, better?" I respond as Nathan nods and looks around for who I assume is my grandfather to make sure he isn't nearby before he leans in, "I really enjoyed our phone call, we should do it again."
The school bell rings and everyone starts rushing the hallways, causing my attention to be distracted and when I looked back, he was gone. So I pulled my phone out to text him, "We should."
I entered class to take my seat and the teacher started teaching his material when I saw a folded piece of paper get thrown on my desk. I looked towards the person who put it there and they shrugged their shoulder, meaning they were only told to give it to me. I started to unfold the paper when the teacher called my name.
"Yes sir?" I asked as he glanced toward the paper in my hand and asked what I had in my hand, "I'm not sure, I was given this just now."
I handed it to him after he asked for it, knowing he believed me since he knew I was not the type of student to break school rules, opening it to see what it said, before folding it back up.
"Sir, isn't it your rule to read notes aloud?" I hear a student asks before the teacher responds, "Yes, but in this case, I'm not going to."
"Not fair to the other times you did it," Another student says before the teacher looks at me with a somber expression and apologizes before he unfolds the paper to read what it said.
"Charlotte, you should wipe your existence off Planet Earth because of how ugly you are, no wonder your daddy is dead and your mommy didn't care to want you."
My stomach dropped and my veins turned cold hearing those words,
"I-I-" I tried to say but sentences weren't forming in my brain nor connecting with my mouth, "I can't."
I suddenly grabbed my bag and ran out of the classroom with tears streaming down my face. I didn't even know I was going outside the school until I was actually outside, standing on the sidewalk.
"I can't stay here, I don't want anyone to see me like this, especially Grandpa," I kept thinking over and over in my head.
I walked back into the school and towards Turner's office, who was surprised to see me.
"Charlotte, how can I-. Is everything alright?" He asked as I shook my head and told him, "I'm feeling sick and can't stay for the rest of the day. Do you mind telling my grandpa I went home?"
"Of course, hope you feel better soon," Turner says after I thanked him and left the office towards the parking lot to grab my bike.
After I biked home, I got in the house and that's when I finally decided to let out a scream and started sobbing, where no one could hear or see me this way. I've been bullied like this a lot by Rachel, and no one knows about it, not even Grandpa. I don't know why she's doing it, she's only been in Tree Hill for a few months. "I wish she would just stop."
I went into my bedroom and practically slammed my whole body onto the bed to grab a pillow to hold. I must've fallen asleep for a few hours because my phone buzzed with a text and I looked at the screen name to see it was Nathan.
"Hey, where were you? All the guys asked Whitey and he said you'd gone home sick."
Me: I did. A bug must be going around and I caught it.
Nathan: You looked fine this morning so I know that's a lie. What's going on?
Me: Nothing, I'm fine. Aren't you supposed to be practicing?
Nathan: Practice is over, didn't you see the time?
I looked at the time to see it was 5:30, which meant Grandpa would be home in an hour or so from mingling with his friends.
Me: Didn't realize, oops. Sorry, I had to miss seeing Grandpa yell at you guys.
Nathan: I need to hear your voice, phone call?
I sighed and tried to make my voice sound like I hadn't been crying before pressing the call button.
"Hey, how did practice go?" I say with a hint of crackling in my voice, which I silently curse that I let it slip
"About how it is sometimes, are you really okay?" Nathan asked with concern in his voice.
"Yeah, I might've just caught what's been going around. I'll be fine," I said as I heard a car door shut nearby, "Shoot, Grandpa's home early, I'll talk to you later."
After Nathan and I said our goodbyes, I made it look like I'd been sleeping since I got home. The door creaks open as Grandpa's footsteps enter my room and they stop as he sees my appearance. I hear him set down something on my desk and walk over to kiss my forehead to whisper, "Hope you feel better sweetheart, whether the bully is getting to you or you're actually sick."
I open my eyes to see a soup container and by the smell, it's from Karen's cafe, which means it's bound to be delicious. First, I need to talk to Grandpa, so I exit my bedroom to enter the den.
"Listen, I'm really sorry-" I started to say before Grandpa stopped me and said, "I know, your teacher got worried so he came to see me and showed me the nasty note. Then Turner came and told me you left because you weren't feeling good."
"Does that mean I'm barred from going to the next game?" I asked as Grandpa shook his head and told me the skipping class rule doesn't apply to me, "I promise, it's a one-time thing."
"Oh really? So, you're not going to skip class even if Nathan asks you to?" Grandpa asked, making my eyes widen in shock, and before I could ask, he said, "I see the way he looks at you, and I admit, maybe my rule is a little harsh."
"It's not, I understand why," I responded as I mentioned, "He doesn't know about the note or the bullying. This is all recent."
"Well, you outta tell him, he was worried about you when he didn't see you in the bleachers," Grandpa said as I sighed and responded, "I know, I just- I don't know why I'm allowing their words to hurt me."
"Those words hurt me too, seeing those awful things said to part of my whole world, hit me in the core," Grandpa said as I went to sit on the sofa, "You know your daddy loved you so much, loved you to the point he thought of the world of you and ensured you'd be with me as well as protected."
"I know, and I appreciate him for that. The mom part though, struck a chord since it's true, she loves those things more than me," I mention as Grandpa shakes his head yes, "At least I have the best parental figure take her place, because it makes me miss her less."
"Now you're just pulling my leg," Grandpa says to try to make me laugh. I shout, "I'm not! I'm serious."
"I know, just wanted to see that smile of yours, which I hope you've been showing Nathan," Grandpa responds as I blush and say, "We just started recently talking on the phone, but you can say he has since I have a tiny crush on him."
"As much as I don't like the fact he broke my rule, I'm glad," Grandpa said as he smiled and mentioned, "He'll be excited to see you back in the bleachers."
I sighed, trying to keep the butterflies at bay, before pushing open the door to the gym to enter the basketball game. I looked up at the scoreboard to see the Ravens are winning by 5, hopefully making Grandpa pleased.
"Hey Charlotte, glad to see you're feeling better," I hear Peyton say to me as I walk near the cheerleaders, causing me to turn my head and respond, "Thanks, Peyton."
Before I even passed by the cheerleaders fully, I heard from behind me, "You look like you need a good purging, why don't you go into the bathroom real quick?". Rachel, she's on the squad?? I decided to ignore her and keep walking, but she apparently didn't like that because the next thing that came out of her mouth was, "Hey fatty, did you hear what I said to you?"
"Rachel, stop," Brooke said, genuinely worried, "Don't you realize who you're speaking like that to?"
"Oh I don't care that her grandpa is some big-shot coach, doesn't excuse the fact she looks like that. Probably why her parents didn't want to be near her," Rachel responds with a smug look on her face.
Before I could turn around and call her out on her disgusting behavior, I heard Nathan shout, "That is enough!" causing the whole gymnasium to be quiet.
"Oh come on, you know it's true," Rachel says as if she believes Nathan is on her side and will get the others to join in.
"No, it is not. And you have no right to speak to her like that," Nathan responds as he inches forward, "Ever since you came to Tree Hill, you've been acting like a real bitch to Charlotte, who has never done anything to you. Despite what you've done to her, she remained silent because she knew what it would mean if she spoke up."
"It's not like I'm going to get in trouble for this," Rachel says as Turner speaks up, "Rachel, we know it was you who wrote that note to Charlotte, we'll be discussing your punishment."
When Rachel turns to look at me, she had pissed written all over her face. "You are so fake! People need to know the truth about the real you." Rachel shouts, looking desperate for attention to be on her.
"She's not fake," Nathan says as he moves to be closer to me, "She has a heart of gold, she's kind to everyone around her, she's so smart, she's funny when she thinks she isn't, and doesn't pay any notice if someone is admiring her from afar."
"Nathan, I-" I started to say, fear of my grandpa's rule creeping in when he said, "He gave me permission, it's okay." He took my hand in his and squeezed it in comfort before whispering, "Now, you have another person in your life to love."
I looked up into his eyes to see sincerity swimming in them before I pressed my lips against his and kissed him. I felt him wrapping his arms around my midsection and picking me up, causing everyone to cheer and hoot. Meanwhile, Rachel stormed off with a fuss, but no one was paying attention to her. I pull away before whispering against his lips, "Now go kick some ass, boyfriend."
"Not a problem, girlfriend," Nathan said as he put me down and I smiled as I watched him run back onto the court.
I looked over to see my grandpa smiling back at me and I gave him the thumbs up before going to my seat next to Haley.
"Camila and Dale, you would be really happy and proud of our girl. She's doing amazing and found herself the best boy I'd imagine she falls in love with and he treats her like she deserves to be treated. Keep watching over us and blessing us with what we need most.
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crowsandmurder · 5 months
Dan Scott Tags & Verses
Dan  ✖ (Aesthetics)
Dan  ✖ (Thoughts)
Dan ✖ (Character Development)
Dan  ✖ (Crack)
Dan ✖ (Headcanons)
Dan  ✖ (Photos)
Dan  ✖ (Starter Call)
Daniel Robert Scott, the younger son of Royal and May Scott, spent most of his life in Tree Hill, North Carolina, other than a brief amount of time in college. He had a younger brother named Keith, but well, he killed him. Dan was a student at Tree Hill High and excelled in basketball. His father pushed him too hard to become even greater, and he cost Tree Hill the state championship, by sitting down and refusing to play. When he was a teenager, he looked up to his coach, Whitey Durham, but as he got older, their relationship turned into one of animosity.
For most of high school, Dan dated Karen Roe and he loved her, even wanting to marry her. He was popular and cocky, but there was a side of him that came out, only with her. Karen became pregnant when they were seniors in high school, and he went away to college anyway. But, he said he would be there for her.
Once he was in college, he met Deb Lee, and she too was pregnant, just a few months later. He almost left her before she told him, wanting to go back to Karen but eventually, he wound up abandoning Karen, never showing up at the hospital, when his oldest son, Lucas was born.
While in college, Dan hurt his knee and with his mother's help, he lied to his father about how bad his injury was and left basketball behind. Just three months after Lucas was born, Deb gave birth to his second son, Nathan.
With Deb's family's wealth and her father being willing to invest in him, he started Dan Scott Motors. Having a car dealership was originally his brother's idea but Dan had the money to do so. Dan and Keith didn't get along, and Keith helped Karen raise Lucas.
Once the boys were teenagers, things started to be less perfect in his life. He pushed Nathan, who inherited his basketball genes to be great, much like his father did. But, Lucas inherited those genes too. When Lucas joined the basketball team, he helped turn Nathan against Lucas.
He continued to mostly shun Lucas, other than signing for him to have surgery. He and Deb spent a lot of time apart, but eventually, she got sick of him and wanted a divorce. Nathan was sick of them both and emancipated himself from them.
After finding Deb in bed with his brother, Dan wound up having a heart attack, all while his seventeen year old son had gotten married. He was nice for a time, but refused to sign the divorce papers for quite some time. Out of revenge for Keith sleeping with Deb, Dan hired a woman to seduce Keith and break his heart.
Once Lucas found out, Dan manipulated him into moving in with him, and he'd keep Lucas' heart condition a secret. Of course, it all went badly and Keith wound up hurt. When Dan was in a fire in the dealership, he was sure Keith was the one who poisoned him and set it on fire. He continued to manipulate everyone around him, even becoming mayor. When the school happened, Dan shot Keith and killed him.
Haunted by what he thought was his brother's ghost and finding out Keith didn't try to kill him made him feel the guilt of his actions. When Karen told him she was pegnant with Keith's baby, he promised to be there and tried to get closer to her.
Still estranged from his family, he never thought that Lucas would be the one to find out he killed Keith. Though he initially denied it, Karen going into the hospital after Lucas confronted Dan weighed on him, as the secret started to come out. He wound up confessing to the police and spent the next four years in prison.
Upon his release, he wanted to make things right with his family, but Nathan and Lucas did not buy it. His grandson Jamie was what helped him start to change. But, he also needed a heart transplant or he would die. Things never go smoothly and he wound up getting kidnapped by a former nanny and a dog ate his other heart.
Disappearing for a while, he returned later with a new talk show and a new wife, who graduated with Nathan & Lucas. No matter what he tried, neither son wanted to forgive him, even when he was telling other people they deserve forgiveness. He walked away from it, all the money he had, and Rachel when they were going to do a talk show where he killed Keith. Seeing Jamie before he went, he boarded a bus to start a new life.
His new life consisted of living in the middle of nowhere, running a diner. It was a shell of his former life and no one really bothered him. When Nathan eventually brought him a picture of his new baby girl and Jamie's first homerun baseball, he made the choice to take that in and he burned down his diner and returned to Tree Hill.
While Nathan was away in Europe, he approached Haley about staying with them. When Nathan returned, he told him he had to be gone by the time he got back from Europe. When Nathan went missing, Dan did everything he could to try to find him, with Haley's help. Figuring out where he was, he had Chris Keller and Julian for backup. Rescuing Nathan, things didn't go according to plan and he got shot in the back.
Nothing could ever kill Dan Scott. This time, his wounds were too severe, but he got to make peace with Nathan and spend time with his grandchildren, feeling the forgiveness that he knew he didn't deserve. He found his redemption but never got over what he did to Keith.
As he stopped breathing, he saw Keith who told him that he could be his plus one in heaven
(This is a summary of his show canon but adjustments can be made, on a case by case basis.
His actual canon bio: HERE
V: Basketball Star [High School & College]
From a young age, Dan was good at basketball and his father pushed him hard. He was great in high school and got a scholarship. There was more than his cockiness but very few people got to see that.
V: Young Adult [Birth of the boys - start of the show]
Back in Tree Hill and married to Deb, he prides himself in raising his second son, Nathan. He never acknowledges Lucas, the son he fathered with his high school love. He keeps tabs on him but that's it. He's focused on raising Nathan to be the best, but he would never be as great as Dan.
V: Assiest Ass on the Planet [Seasons 1-4]
With both boys on the team, Dan's pressure on Nathan intensifies. His wife winds up leaving him. He manipulates pretty much everyone he comes in contact with and he makes a mistake that will haunt him for the rest of his life, one that causes his family to hate him.
V: Reformed? [Seasons 5-6]
After several years in prison, Dan wants to make amends with his family. But, Nathan and Lucas don't want him near their families. He starts to grow closer to Jamie after he rescues him from his psycho nanny. He wants his family back, but he knows that it probably won't happen. He also needs a heart transplant, but that probably won't happen either.
V: Scott Free Redemption [Season 7]
Dan disappeared from Tree Hill for a while. Now he has a new wife, Rachel Gatina and a best-selling self help book, along with a TV show. But, it's all a fraud. He tries to makes amends with Nathan, by proving that a woman was lying but it didn't do anything. His redemption truly begins when he quits his show, gives up his fortune and leaves his wife and Tree Hill. 
V: Flipping Burgers [Diner Era]
Dan literally gave up everything and now he runs a diner, outside of town. No one bothers him and he is on a path to redemption, even if he never sees him again.
V: Danny Boy [Season 9]
After burning down his diner, Dan went to Haley and told her he lost everything. Nathan was not pleased his father was staying at his house and told him when he left for Europe, he better not be there when he returns. He helped Haley at the Cafe and tried to keep a low-profile. But eventually, he gets kicked out and moves into one of the trailers on Julian's soundstage. When Nathan goes missing, Dan is determined to find him and not let him down. He didn't care if he died doing it.
V: Lifetime Piling Up [Canon Divergence and AU]
This is where all canon divergence and AU's fall.
Faceclaim(s): Paul Johansson
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obsessedwithpurpose · 5 years
Whitey will forever be my favorite person, fictional or otherwise with Mouth coming in as a close second.
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dylanobrienisbatman · 5 years
Okay but Judd’s dad spoke like 3 words on the phone and i was immediately like “COACH WHITEY?!?!”. like damn... i may need to rewatch one tree hill
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othramblings · 3 years
Nathan and Haley paralleling each other in season 4 is my fav.
They both advocate for each other—Nathan goes to the principal to sway him into allowing Haley to give the valedictory address. Haley goes to Coach Durham to ask for assistance in getting Nathan a chance to play college ball.
It’s just so sweet. I love that Whitey acknowledges Haley when he tells Nathan he found a way to make it work.
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Peyton, it’s hard to lose somebody. I spent a lot of time searching for reasons, for answers... but you can’t find what’s not there. It just happens.
Coach Whitey Durham, One Tree Hill, Season 1, All That You Can’t Leave Behind
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liz-wes · 3 years
One Tree Hill rewatch (Season 1, Episode 2 - The Places You Have Come to Fear the Most)
I’m back with my thoughts for the second episode of season 1! If you want to read my thoughts about the Pilot, here they are. I’ve also created a masterlist where I’ll have my thoughts for every OTH episode, which is here.
Note 1: these posts of mine are not meant to be a recap of the episodes, simply what I was thinking as I as watching the episode!
Note 2: I *think* I’m going to be doing these once a week, so the episodes are fresh on my mind when they’re talked about in the podcast. However, if I find the time and/or want to, I might start doing these more regularly! Who knows, I’m not sure yet what the schedule will be.
Note 3: these will not be spoiler-free. So if you haven’t watched the show or are rewatching and, like me, don’t remember much you can filter the following tags: “one tree hill rewatch”, “one tree hill s1 rewatch”.
Before I start though, I want to say that you can always send me a message (via ask or chat) to talk about the episode! I’m rather useless talking about future episodes because, as I said in my first post of this series, I watched this show only once and it was like 8 years ago, so I don’t remember much. But feel free to talk to me about the episodes I’ve already rewatched, I’d love that!
Episode synopsis: Lucas plays his first game as a Tree Hill Raven...and chokes. He isn't the only one confronting insecurities: Peyton can't find the courage to submit her drawings for publication.
So, without further ado, here are my thoughts:
Keith and Karen at the cafe 🥺
Haley OMG!!! This girl talks so much lmao
When Coach Whitey Durham calls “Scott” and both Lucas and Nathan look up lmao
Ahah, Mouth and Jimmy trying to interview Lucas before the game 😂
Mouth (to Jimmy): “Did you just hear that? We’re media” 😂
God I hate Dan so much (and he was just talking to Keith in the stands at the gym)
God I can’t wait for Nathan to be the Nathan we know and love!!!
OMG BROOKE DAVIS, LOVE OF MY LIFE, FINALLY APPEARS!!! Mind you, from what I remember, I didn’t really like her until like s3-s4, but still 🥰
Peyton (to Lucas): “Nice hands”; Lucas (to Peyton): “Nice legs” - lmao
Wow Lucas is really feeling the pressure during the game. I actually feel bad for him
The cheerleading uniforms from these first two episodes are actually kind of cute, but not anywhere near the s4 uniforms, which were a beauty 😍
OMG, the first time the theme song plays 🥺🥰 ngl, it made me emotional
Ewwww, Nathan and Peyton 🤢 - I want Haley!!!
Nathan (to Peyton): “Hell yeah, didn’t you?” - Nathan, sweetie, why do you have to be such an arsehole?! And what he said to Peyton? Omg, fuck him!!! Man, he’s such a little shit (in a bad way)!!!
Ahah, Karen upset at Keith. But mostly at herself for not being at the game for Lucas 🥺 oh Karen sweetie 🥺
Peyton (to Lucas): “Guess misery really does love company”. Also, what a great way for her to cheer up Lucas: “Look, it’s just a game. Who cares if the entire school, most of your friends and half the town saw you suck?” LMAO
But also this hairstyle looks so good on Peyton 😍 (as Sophia, Hilarie and Joy said on the podcast, it always comes back to hair 😂)
I think I’m going to roll my eyes every time Dan is on screen, ngl. He’s such a little shit, it makes me want to scream! Or beat the shit out of him!!!
Peyton (to Lucas): “Do you want to come in?” and “What are you doing? (...) I didn’t invite you in, I just asked you if you wanted to. Thanks for the ride.” Peyton 😂
Karen (to Lucas): “I’m sorry I missed it”; Lucas (to Karen): “Yeah, me too.” 🥺
Peyton’s drawings!!!
Peyton (to Nathan): “Peyton’s not here right now, just her lame music” 😂
Yeah, you should be sorry Nathan! You’re being such a little shit!!! Also, have you ever actually been good to her?!
Again, Lucas really feeling the pressure, can’t even score in the playground
Teacher (to Peyton): “Peyton, describe Lucas using only one word”; Peyton (to Lucas/classroom): “Choke”; Teacher (to Lucas): “Lucas, care to respond and describe Peyton?”; Lucas (to Peyton/classroom): “Lonely”; ooooh indeed
Nathan (to teacher/classroom): “I can describe Lucas in one word. Bastard.” - NO NATHAN, YOU’RE THE BASTARD!!!
Jake LMAO you little shit (in a good way)
Lucas and Haley’s friendship 🥺
Brooke (to Peyton): “You know, it’s really too bad Lucas is poor and can’t play because he’s fine.” - ewwwwww 🤢 (disclaimer: I strongly dislike/hate Brucas, so any kind of comments like this or, worse, when they’re together will involve these types of comments and emojis)
Brooke (to Peyton): “I think about the future sometimes and it scares me. But then I think I’ll go to college, I’ll join the right sorority, marry a rich guy... unless I get fat” 😂 But wow, that first sentence is such a mood
Keith and Lucas 🥺
Keith (to Lucas): “It’s the rule of life. Prettier the girl, messier the car.” 😂
Hum, Lucas, sweetie, why did you think it was ok to go through someone’s private belongings?! That’s not right!
Dan for fuck sake!!!!!!! Go fuck yourself!!!!!!!
Nathan (to Dan): “He wasn’t swinging at me, dad. He was swinging at you.”
Haley: “Is that the phone?” 😂
Karen (to Lucas): “So why go down to his level?” - wise, wise words
Lucas (to Karen): “How would you know, you weren’t even there.” - yikes Lucas, but also I feel bad for him
Lucas and Karen the next morning 🥺
Oh Karen sweetie 🥺 you deserved so much better!!!
Dan certainly has (and always has had) a healthy ego 🙄
Jake (to Lucas): “Just remember, don’t let him take it.”; Lucas (to Jake): “I don’t know what that means.”; Jake (to Lucas): “Yeah, I know, but you will.”
Nathan stop being an arsehole!!!
Peyton (to Lucas): “I wanna draw something that means something to someone” sweetie 🥺
Ugh, Dan go fuck yourself!!!!! Ugh, I hate him so much 🤬
Coach Durham (to Dan): “Make you happy, Danny? Seeing the demise of the kid you fathered and then abandoned?” and “You’re just destroying kids’ lives left and right, aren’t you?” you tell him!!!
While the teacher is reading the answers the students wrote on the papers, I’m realising that so far it’s really only Peyton, Lucas and Nathan the main characters. We barely see Brooke or Haley.
Ewwww, Nathan and Peyton 🤢 - I want Haley!!!
Again, Haley and Lucas! I love their friendship 🥺
Karen and Lucas 🥺 oh Lucas, I feel so sorry you had a shitty “father” who abandoned you 🥺
Dan (to Lucas): “Give this to my boy, will you?” - Fuck off Dan!!!!!
Jake (to Lucas): “Don’t let him take it - your talent, it’s all yours.”
Oh Karen, what a brave step going to the gym where the arsehole broke your heart 🥺
Lucas (to Peyton): “Hey... your art matters. It’s what got me here.” 🥺🥰
Get fucked Dan!!!!! Lucas isn’t quitting the team!!!
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One Tree Hill Meme {75/187} Season 4 Episode 8: Nothing Left To Say But Goodbye Top 2 Favorite Characters Per Episode (As voted by fans on TVTime.com)
Peyton Sawyer (47%)
Coach Whitey Durham (35%)
(Percentages as of June 2024)
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It’s a good thing Clay never met Whitey or he might never have let go of Sara (much as the letting go broke my Clara heart). It’s sad that at 25 years old Clay knows the same kind of hardcore wisdom-inducing loss that Whitey does at retirement age. Lydia was definitely the safer choice to appreciate how good he and Quinn are for each other.
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robinrants-blog1 · 6 years
Don't Wait!
When I was a tiny bit younger, I loved the television series One Tree Hill.  I couldn't wait for the new episode each week.  The show brought up several serious topics and it always contained memorable quotes.  The quote that struck me the most was delivered by the basketball coach, Whitey Durham.  He said something to the effect of "Every day you wait is a day you can't get back."
I've wanted to write a blog for quite some time now.  Excuse after excuse kept me from starting the blog..."I'm tired from working all day", "I have so much cleaning to do", "I don't know if anyone will like it or even read it."
Coach Whitey's words still ring in my head.  Something inside me tells me "Don't wait."  If I don't start something now, I may continue to sweep it to the corner until it eventually stays there - no hope of coming back from that corner.  So, this is my blog!  I actually started it yesterday, so this is technically my second blog.  Still, I wanted to write a blog explaining my blogs.
I intend to write about different topics...some helpful, informational, inspirational, ranting, etc.  I hope that anyone who reads these blogs walks away with a sense of satisfaction.  Most of the topics will come from general questions in my head.
I want to close with a note that's been swimming around in my head for fifteen or so years now: Don't wait!  If there's something that you want to do, do it.  Do it now while the passion lives inside of you.  Whether it's starting a new career, trying a different style, moving to a different city, or saying hi to that cute guy or girl at the supermarket.  As long as that something that you want to do doesn't hurt another living person or thing, do it!  Live it.  Feel it.  Experience it.  Embrace it.  It's not too late.
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simplyshelbs16xoxo · 4 years
Can we please give a round of applause for Coach Whitey Durham!?
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teamfreeofficial · 4 years
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James Lucas Scott surnommé Jamie, Jimmy Jam, J-Luke, J-Man, J-Scott ou encore Jam est le fils de Nathan Scott et Haley James et le grand frère de Lydia Scott et le filleul de Lucas Scott et Brooke Davis. Son prénom lui vient du nom de sa mère et son deuxième prénom lui vient de son oncle et parrain, Lucas Scott. Sa mère tombe enceinte alors qu'elle est encore en dernière année de lycée, elle a du mal à l'annoncer au père de Jamie, Nathan, elle finit par lui annoncer alors qu'il vient d'obtenir une bourse pour la prestigieuse Université de Duke. Nathan le prend d'abord très mal, sentant ses rêves s'envoler, puis il finit par l'accepter et être content, et il déclare lors de la conférence de presse annonciatrice de sa décision d'aller à Duke que ce jour est le plus beau de sa vie car il a appris qu'il allait être papa. Le jour de la finale d'état de basket, Haley apprend qu'elle est enceinte d'un petit garçon, ce qu'elle annonce à Nathan qui est très content. Le même soir, Haley manque de perdre Jamie en se faisant renverser par une voiture, finalement les deux survivent. Il est né le jour de la remise de diplome lycéen de ses parents à quelques jours d'écart de la cousine de son père, Lily Scott. Ses parents le nomment James Lucas, James en hommage au nom de famille de sa mère et Lucas en honneur à son oncle paternel et son parrain, Lucas Scott . Pendant les 4 premières années de sa vie, Jamie est élevé à l'Université de Gilmore par son père, sa mère et son oncle, puis à l'Université de Maryland, il revient finalement à Tree Hill avec ses parents. Son père traverse alors une forte dépression, dépression de laquelle Jamie l'aidera à sortir. Lors de son enfance, Jamie se lie d'amitié avec plusieurs personnes, Quentin Fields, un adolescent de 17 ans qu'il admirera mais qui sera assassiné dans une station essence, il se liera ensuite d'amitié avec le petit frère de Quentin, Andre Fields, qui a le même âge que lui, ensemble, ils surmonteront le décès de Quentin. Après des débuts difficile (une bagarre et des insultes), il deviendra le meilleur ami de Chuck Scolnik. Il tombe amoureux de Madison Landry qui devient sa petite amie, après une courte séparation, ils se remettent ensemble. Vers l'âge de 8 ans, il devient grand frère avec la naissance de la petite Lydia. Bien que voulant un petit frère au début pour avoir une relation comme Nathan et Lucas, il accepte bien le fait d'avoir une soeur et est extrêmement protecteur avec elle. Tout les amis de Nathan et Haley sont proche de Jamie et prennent soin de lui, de son côté, il les considère tous comme ses oncles et tantes, il est particulièrement proche de Antwon Taylor, Lucas Scott, Brooke Davis, Quinn James et Clayton Evans. Jamie est en admiration devant son père et veut devenir comme lui, ce qui pousse Nathan à être un exemple pour lui. A l'âge de 4 ans, Jamie se fait enlever par sa nounou, Carrie mais est sauvé in extremis à deux reprises par son grand-père, Dan Scott. Il en ressort une forte relation avec lui, qui sera mise à l'épreuve quand Jamie apprendra que c'est Dan qui a assassiné son grand-oncle et le père de Lily, Keith Scott. Jamie finira par pardonner à son grand-père, plus tard, lorsque Nathan se fait enlever, Jamie croit un temps que Dan est responsable, et lui hurle dessus en l'accusant et en lui demandant de ramener son père. Jamie s'excusera plus tard auprès de son grand-père. Lorsque Dan est mourant à l'hôpital, Jamie vit très mal la situation, et avoue à son grand père qu'il ne se sent pas courageux et qu'il ne veut pas le voir partir, Dan le rassure en lui disant que lui non plus ne se sent pas courageux. Dan s'éteint dans son sommeil en la présence de Jamie, son ex-femme Deborah Lee, Nathan et Haley. Jamie est content de voir que son père a enfin pardonné à Dan. Suite au décès de son grand-père, Jamie décide de se consacrer au basketball, expliquant à son père que vue que Dan et Nathan étaient très fort, les gens attendent que Jamie le soit aussi. Nathan fait alors promettre a son fils de ne pas se mettre la pression comme lui l'a fait, et qu'il joue uniquement pour son plaisir et pas pour les autres. Jamie avoue aussi a sa mère qu'il a un objectif; battre les records de son père. Jamie accueil aussi dans sa famille son cousin adoptif, Logan Evans, qu'il semble accepter très bien. Aujourd'hui, Jamie a intégré l'équipe des Ravens et il a battu les records de Nathan pour le plus grand bonheur de ce dernier, il porte le numéro 12 (numéro que portait Nathan en D-League et en NBA) et son numéro est déjà retiré au côté de ceux de son père (23), du coach Whitey Durham (le 1) et de celui de Quentin Fields (le 44) ancien joueur des Ravens, et ami de Jamie, assassiné dans une station essence. C'est un très bon élève principalement grâce à sa mère et les encouragements de son père.
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