#cmon little buddy. you gotta get better at killing
giftplane · 4 months
listen little prince you gotta get better at killing people you gotta. please
more fambonds art this time of the shitpost variety
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unsleepingtales · 6 months
Cursed out! What an ep!
Thinking about the Lucy/Gorgug parallels post and rotating them. In my head
Bakur art????
Ah they have leveled up!
Cottoncandy bitchfuck <3
Kipperlilly is independently wealthy ok
If Adaine could charge for her oracle duties that would be great
Adaine hates her SO much
I love the close up shot of Siobhan’s hand
I love Brennan glancing over at Ally to let them know that they need to pay attention to this next part before mentioning the divine stuff
The Abernant Sisters are everything to me <3
Even when you were being evil you were at least interesting and cool!
Aelwyn you gotta take care of yourself pls
And people are dying or something?
Loam Farm. Ok so the issue wasn’t with the faire, it was with the former venue?
Were they framed to get the faire to change venues?
Summoning a demon. Just another thing.
Riz is SO done
“You’re getting a+s and you’re killing all your extracurriculars so where is the stress coming from”???? Sklonda. Sklonda! Cmon. You had to have heard yourself say that.
Keep my name out of your mouth 💀💀💀 they are MARRIED
Sorry what
It’s called the moonar yulenear? That’s what the midwinter holiday in solace is called?
November (if that’s what month it is)
Brennan SO meant for Riz to be running
Of course Riz is going to Loam Farm.
Maximum legend!
Ratgrinders group art!!
Ally continues to be great at blending rp and mechanics
Hmmmm Kristen going to fallinel. Thoughts.
That’s so sad actually
Zac is SO smart
Your drama’s beautiful and I think it’s really gorgeous but I do think that Fig is fully cursed
God they’re insane I love them so much
It’s just an orifice
I love that little hands moment with the friends <3 I could pick your hands out of a lineup they are calloused and freckled and I love you
I’m wearing a sports bra and a g string and I want to be closer to all of you!!
He really tried to figure out a way to politely decline a bardic and he couldn’t
Mazey are you okay??
Oh god
The vice principal can’t leave a certain distance from the school??
There’s gotta be a way to get Ayda in on this
Wild that student government only has one elected position?? How are all the other positions chosen??? I was on student gov for six years and I had to run every time?
Brennan is thrilled with them
Shoutout to Zac for using proper over-under cable coiling technique while miming
Tragic this is devastating
She doesn’t need to die she’s gonna pass on the position at the end of the year??
Jealousy surrounds me. (The most serious she’s been all day)
Stop bringing him UP
“When you think about me why do you always bring up the ball?” Onesided fabriz truthers are having a field day rn
Mazeyyyyyy you care so so much
He wanted to live with his family I’m gonna cry
Hmm. Convincing.
From the man who dabbed at a school assembly we now bring you the revival of pwned
Bro she likes you
Paperweight boggy!
It’s a whole thing
Oh god
Summer god domain changed to more fire stuff regarding rage?
Not my circus not my monkeys 😭😭
Five from 2d10 😭
Whyyyyyy are you giving a speech to the middle schoolers. WHY
Sandra Lynn and Jawbone’s art makes me so happy
This little bitch ass cat >:(
Lydia Barkrock I love you forever and ever
D&D is so cool D&D IS SO COOL
Also science :)
Paladin Fig!
No that’s the curse babes
Fig is super fucking cursed
They literally tagged their notebooks with the ratgrinder sticker !
It’s not his place to feel wrathful. Oh my god he’s. Something.
Yolanda WAS neutral though that was the whole POINT she gave up any relationship to a deity in order to better teach clerics!! The token she gave Kristen was all about divine power and relationships despite lack of a god!!
Stay the fuck away from her brother
(Ally mumbling threateningly)
Step off buddy. Step Away.
Oooh why is that dc that way
Oh yeah but that has nothing to do with Fig
FUCK YEAH OATH OF ANCESTORS I love paladin mechanics so fucking much guys
Ey?? Zara and Porter?
Fig how many fucking parents are you gonna get
THANK YOUUUUUUU I love paladin mechanics I love devotion to a friend I love getting literal magic from love and devotion and a promise
This is sooooo leading towards Fig becoming a paladin of Bakur’s deity.
Ally and Lou’s reactions 😭
Murph face
Ruben seems genuinely upset about Lucy
Why is that your email address
Do you want me to get you a phone????????
A card that says thinking of you but fig signs it from gorgug 😭 I’m gonna cry
You absolute sweetie 🥰
What a choice!
Ohhh Fabian. Fabian misses his dad. Ouch.
Wild art imitating life moment bc we were just talking about getting hit in the tattoo
Oh goddddddd rage tokens
They would do anything for each other
The gleam in Brennan’s eye……..
Oh nooooo
(Emily laughing sadistically)
You made that so terrible for yourself and you did not have to.
Oh my GOD
Ok chill out man
Ok next week looks fun. The return of Baron. That’s chill.
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dendrophalaen · 1 year
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can we talk about baldur's gate i've been dying to talk about baldur's gate
(spoilers below, mostly about act 3 and the ending)
i'm sure these points have already been discussed MANY times and by people who are better at articulating their words than i am. BUT I GOTTA TALK ABOUT THIS STUPID GAME CONSUMING MY MIND (brain worms (real) (tadpole) (not clickbait))
very rambly
i am a cut content truther
i did not play Early Access but bring daisy back!! i think she is more interesting than what the guardian became
daisy can still be the manifestation of the tadpole and the guardian is there to steer you away from its influence. plus down by the river gets to make sense again
obviously the guardian is the emperor, who does have an interest in convincing you to embrace the tadpole powers in canon HOWEVER. in my silly little fanon, the emperor wants you sane and/or manipulatable enough to work with him to defeat the elder brain, so he would discourage the use of the tadpole
why would he NEED tav to be a mind flayer too? 🤨 like buddy what if i'm a STRONGER rogue illithid than you are and i ruin your plans?
there should've been actual consequences for consuming tadpoles/using the powers (even with the emperor's/orpheus' protection) → as in: you start to lose control and your sense of self because you are accelerating ceremorphosis
not sure how that would work game mechanics-wise, but it gives more weight to the dilemma of choosing to use the tadpole or not than just "raaa i am upholding my morals and values i want to stay 100% non-illithid raaaa" (which i think is a valid reason but feels a bit flimsy)
speaking of orpheus, i think he should've had a more active role earlier on in the story than being reserved for the very very end, whether that be actually being freed from his prison or just a way for tav to interact with him
just some way of getting to know him better instead of just taking voss' and lae'zel's word for his character (i guess taking the gamble on if orpheus is trustworthy IS part of the story and my tav was stupid enough to do that, but i feel like there are many companions/other tavs who would rather make a more informed decision) lol
emperor... what a guy (it/he)
it would've been so funny to play up his straight man/Only Sane Man role, especially for a tav who is easily distracted off doing side-quests
no fun allowed (emperor) vs yes fun allowed (daisy)
anyway he is SO frustrating like he says he's Special and not like other mind flayers because he still has his personality, but at the same time he says "i can't help it i'm a mind flayer"
WELL WHICH IS IT (this may be the point. to cast doubts over trusting his words. i am still allowed to hate it though)
was balduran already an asshole. is that why his personality stayed
dear ansur.... i'll always be your balduran....
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(← dragonborn tav)
let me ride this undead dragon into battle just to kick the emperor's ass
SPEAKING OF kicking the emperor's ass, i hate how freeing orpheus makes the emperor throw a tantrum about trust and join the netherbrain
mfer i can trust you WHILE ALSO disliking the idea of imprisoning and exploiting a whole ass PERSON
i've seen people speculate that it's because the emperor believes he has a higher chance of survival by siding with the netherbrain and willingly allows himself to be dominated by it
but i think it is so. stupid 😭 cmon man it can't just be two binary choices for you (get killed by orpheus vs join the netherbrain) i'm sure there's a secret third option we can work out
it would've made more sense to just have a fight in the astral plane right then and there over the netherstones (but he wouldn't initiate an unnecessary battle where he would be outnumbered lmao)
plus that choice/ending should've factored in more of what your relationship with the emperor was (making overall positive/cooperative choices over the course of the game → chance of convincing the emperor to stay on your side or something)
i had more things to say but i forgot them all. the emperor scrampled my brain and i would let him do it again
also i'm still early in act 1 in my dark urge playthrough, so i do not have thoughts on how durge aspects fit in with everything yet :]
i love this game i like to think about it
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This is Part 5 of the Vacation Series. Next Part is the last one :( I don't wanna say goodbye to this series!
Warnings: uh, straight up fluff and maybe a whisp of angst in the form of a flashback. Just so cute you might need to get your teeth checked for cavities.
“How you feeling pretty girl?”
“Pretty rough not gonna lie. This one is gonna torture me before they’re big enough to play soccer on my organs”
It was Christmas morning, and you and JJ were finishing wrapping Rikers santa gifts while he slept
JJ had just set down a cup of tea in front of you, knowing it was the only thing you could keep down of a morning.
You were officially 8 weeks pregnant with your second child, and had decided to tell your families at Christmas dinner today.
“I think this may be the last year he sleeps in for Santa.”
“And next year we’ll have a five month old on top of a toddler”
JJ smiles at you from across the table, thinking about how you had shocked the hell out of him on your honeymoon by quoting him from two years ago.
“If I don’t leave here pregnant, I’m going to be disappointed”
“You telling me you want another baby, pretty girl?”
“What can I say J? We make cute kids”
The rest was history.
Much like your first trip, the first night was a lot rougher than the second morning.
And you’d loved every minute of it.
So six weeks ago when you got the positive test, you’d celebrated in the bathroom at 6 am so you wouldn’t risk waking Riker up.
Of course, Riker was still too young to understand he was getting a younger sibling but you’d both already started preparing him.
“You gotta be gentle with Mama, Ri. She’s got your baby brother in her belly”
“Or baby sister,”
“Just like with Ri, I have a gut feeling it’s a boy”
You’re finishing up your cup of tea while JJ places Rikers gifts under the tree.
You got up, setting your cup in the sink so you can start breakfast because you knew your son wouldn’t want to do anything until he ate, much like his father.
You’re just setting his food on the table when JJ brings him downstairs, his head on his shoulder and still sleepy.
“Good morning buddy. Merry Christmas.”
You kiss the top of his head as he whines and buries his head in JJs neck.
“Oh no, did Daddy wake my baby up too early? Cmon, let’s eat breakfast and then Nana and Pop Pop will be here.”
You couldn’t help but laugh as Riker perked up a little bit at the mention of your mother and JJs dad.
“You know it’s a little bittersweet, watching my dad with Ri.”
“I know, J”
“I never got that type of relationship as a kid. With my dad or my granddad”
“I know, but look at this way. You made your dad swear to get help and to get clean. You are the reason Riker gets to have this relationship with your dad. If you wouldn’t have picked him up from jail, sat him down and said if he ever wanted a proper relationship with you and your future family, then he had to stay clean, then Riker would just have my mom.”
“I know. I’m glad we get along now, I’m glad he’s here for Riker”
As soon as he’s done eating breakfast, you move to the living room so you can watch him open presents while you nurse a second cup of tea.
Of course, JJ is helping him get his little hands under the wrapping paper and showing him how to rip it off.
You move to get off the couch as the doorbell rings, only to find John B and Sarah at the door.
“John B decided he needed to spoil his godson and had to hand deliver presents”
“Riker and JJ are in the living room, J is fighting with a toy dump truck”
JB goes towards the living room, while you and Sarah head to the kitchen so you can make another cup of tea.
“I think this baby is going to kill me, S”
“I thought the same thing but now that I’m in the second trimester it’s a lot better.”
“Riker? That was just nausea. I could handle that. This one? I can’t even think about eating until noon”
“I’m sure it’ll get better, Y/N”
You give her a half smile as you both walk back towards the living room.
Seeing the mountain of presents for Riker has practically doubled, made you smile.
“You know, next Christmas you’re gonna have one of your own to spoil JB.”
“There’s something about buying for little boys that’s different than for little girls.”
“Wait a second, a girl?”
“We found out Monday, we’re telling the family today.”
You tear up knowing that the man who’d been like your brother for nearly 13 years was going to be the world's best girl dad.”
“Actually, these two are for you guys.”
“You didn’t have to get us anything”
“Just open them, they’re really from the baby”
You roll your eyes at the brunette man as you and JJ open the small gifts to discover coffee cups in them.
World’s Best Godmother
World’s Okayest Godfather.
You immediately burst into tears.
“JB you broke my wife.”
“It’s not his fault, it’s the stupid pregnancy hormones, J.”
John B stares at you.
“This wasn’t how you were supposed to find out, JB. But your daughter is only gonna be a couple months older than our second. JJ feels like it’s a boy.”
“I know in my gut it’s a boy. Girls are a rare Maybank occurrence”
You rolled your eyes at your husband.
Of course he was proud of himself and the ability to give you a house full of boys.
“J, why don’t you go get Riker dressed for the day. I need to start on the food.”
“Sure you can stomach it?”
“You’ll just have to taste test everything.”
You watch as JJ scoops up Riker in his arms, laughing as he squeals a “Daddy noooo!” then disappears up the stairs with him.
30 minutes later, you can hear the water draining from the bathtub, and JJ telling your son that he can’t go downstairs naked because it wasn’t polite.
The doorbell rings and you go to answer it, but not before you hear JJ yell Rikers name and little feet running down the stairs, followed by heavier ones right behind him.
Of course, it’s your mom, who just raises an eyebrow at you as you grab your still naked son’s arm to keep him from running outside.
“I’m sorry, someone is acting a little bit like their father this morning.”
JJ finally catches up with your son, swooping him up in his arms.
“He heard the doorbell, was gone before I grabbed him. C’mon Ri, lets get this little butt dressed.”
“No daddy! No dressed”
Riker pouts in his dads arms.
“Nice try buddy, but the cute little pout isn’t working today. Do you want Nana and Pop Pop to see your butt? How about Auntie Y/S/N and your cousins?”
“Then we have to get dressed.”
JJ once again heads back upstairs to your sons room.
“I bet you’re glad you only have one of those”
You hold back a laugh at your mom, leading her into your kitchen where you were in full swing of cooking.
“Will you taste the potatoes and make sure they’re okay?”
“You can’t.”
“Uh, new diet, I don’t eat before noon.”
“What kind of diet keeps you from eating before noon.”
You sigh, grabbing your tea.
Your mom just looks at you confused.
“It’s the morning sickness diet, Mom. I can’t keep anything but tea down before noon. Riker was so easy. This one is trying to kill me.”
Your mom laughs, clearly not taking you seriously
Until she realizes you aren’t laughing.
“Wait you’re serious.”
“Yeah, I’m serious. Honeymoon baby.”
“Holy shit Y/N”
You half laugh thinking about how JJ had said the same thing when you told him you were serious about having another baby.
Suddenly there were little footsteps again.
You turn to see Riker running in, dressed this time, laughing at his little “biggest little” shirt.
JJ wandered in behind him.
“He refuses to let me brush his hair. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. I told my mom because I needed her to taste the potatoes so I could put them in the oven.”
He wraps his arms around you, kissing the top of your head.
“We’re gonna have a cute family, Y/N Maybank.”
“We already do, JJ Maybank, we already do”
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hqwritings · 4 years
Tsukkishima, Tanaka, Nishinoya, and Sugawara’s Reacting to Their S/O Cheering Them On
@nikki--han requested: so so, can you make headcanons for Tsukki, Tanaka, Noya and Suga when their s/o cheering them during a match?
A/N: First official request! Hello everyone! Rules, about me, and (possible) masterlist will be posted shortly! I really went ham on this I wanted to go real big to start everything off. Requests are currently open so please feel free to send one in (please remember that this post is an exception and that requests can only have a max of three characters)
Tsukkishima Kei:
-He’s honestly really caught off guard by it?? He’d expect something like this from his brother maybe, but you? One of the things he likes about you is that you’re relatively quiet, but hearing you call out his name in the stands with his brother makes his heart swell more than he’d like to admit
-He quickly looks away and feigns annoyance when in reality he’s just super flustered. Yamaguchi knows exactly how he’s feeling and because he’s your local Tsukki expert and Sugawara knows because he’s that much of a little shit
-Tanaka and Noya hear you calling out for Tsukki and when they see that his face looks slightly annoyed it pisses them off, but when Yams tells them it’s because he’s flustered and embarrassed they don’t stfu. Tsukki doesn’t even have it in him to say his usual “shut up Yamaguchi” because he’s right and he knows that if they see his blush it’ll only add more fuel to the flame
-He does his best to carry on like usual but his teammates quickly notice that he’s actually putting in more effort than usual? It’s really off-putting but when they put two and two together that it’s because of you they all low key go soft because awww Tsukki is being a soft boyfie!
-Hinata doesn’t know how to stfu either and makes a direct statement abt this “Hey Tsukishima! You’re playing a lot better today! … Is it because Y/N’s here?”
-Tsukkishima gives him a hella death glare for this and Hinata cowers in fear because he doesn’t understand why he got him so angry. He was just pointing out the obvious Tsukki, don’t be a meanie!
-After Karasuno takes the win he meets up with you and Akiteru. He acts like he’s annoyed at you two but when Akiteru sees the way he’s looking at you he leaves you alone. The rest of Karasuno can see it too and as much as Noya and Tanaka want to stick around for the tea, they’re dragged away by Ennoshita who tells them to mind their business
-Unrelated, but Kiyoko is also especially entertained by all of this and gives a giggle and a knowing look to Tsukki as he makes his way to you (much to his embarrassment)
-When you two are alone you’re looking up at him questioningly. “Tsukki? Are you okay? Did I do something wrong by coming here? I’m sorry I just wanted to-“
-He’s hugging you. He’s hugging you so freaking tight and hiding his face in your shoulder because he can’t fathom how absolutely in love he is with you right now. He’s embarrassed and happy and angry because his heart is beating fast and he doesn’t get it and
-He forgets all of that when you hug him back. You two step just a little closer to each other and when he’s ready he’s gives a soft little kiss to your cheek and quietly whispers a “thank you” in your ear
Tanaka Ryuunosuke:
-Mans sees you and he. Is. HYPED! They’re doing their whole “walk dramatically to the court to assert dominance” thing and he’s all focused and has his gangsta face on but the moment he hears your beautiful voice shout “Tanaka(-senpai)!!!” He’s done for.
-He sees you and suddenly his gangsta face is now a puppy-that’s-desperate-for-attention face and he wants to cry on the spot he loves you so much?? You’re even out there with his sister and both of you have Pom poms and stuff and maybe even color coordinated your outfits to match w Karasuno’s colors and he is on cloud 9 you look so freakin cute!! (And he’s gotta have a pic of you in that outfit)
-Immediately grabs Noya (who’s also doing an Angry™ face) by the shoulder and stops him just so that they can admire the two of you together. Noya is obv your bestie and he absolutely loves seeing you and his other bestie happy and he really likes the outfits you're wearing! They’re crying happy tears and Tanaka’s going “I’m so lucky man” and Noya’s agreeing saying “We both are” because who gave you the right to be so gosh darn cute
-You notice Noya and wave to him too, which gives him happy tears as he’s waving back to you and Tanaka’s blowing you kisses and at this point everybody in Karasuno is looking at them in disgust because they’re so weird but they also think you’re cute and appreciate you being here to cheer them all on, especially since you’ve been so supportive even before they made it this far, offering to get snacks and even find ways to increase the budget.
-Eventually though they have to start the game and Daichi begrudgingly starts dragging them “Cmon you two, you can talk to Y/N later after we take our victory” Noya and Tanaka immediately snap out of it because as much as they both love you, you and them both know that the game is what takes top priority right now. Tanaka looks up at you in the stands and shouts “I’ll talk to you after the game, ok Babe! This victory’s gonna be for you!” And he blows one more kiss to you before resuming his walk to the court, now 10x more confident
-needless to say he is on F I R E the entire time, absolutely destroying the opposing team and doing so knowingly, giving an evil smirk every time he blocks or spikes a really nasty kill. At this point the other team is absolutely pissed off with how cocky he looks (some even knowing about his whole encounter with you in the stands getting jealous; “the only reason why he’s good is because his s/o’s here”)
-Ukai and Takeda are especially pleased with him and everyone on the team knows that this sudden boost in morale and confidence is thanks to you. They also notice that Tanaka’s actually quieter now, focused on the game and on listening to what his teammates have to say when they’re discussing strategy off the court.
-Now even though Tanaka’s an amazing player, he’s human and he makes mistakes sometimes. But knowing that you’re up there pisses him off even more but when he feels himself getting really stressed, it’s Kiyoko who says to him “Tanaka, you’re getting carried away. Remember, Y/N’s cheering for you. Would they really wanna see you lose your cool like this?” Everybody’s so surprised because A)Kiyoko’s saying words and B)Shes being nice to Tanaka??? But Tanaka appreciates it and they share an agreeing nod that this is something he can easily make up for. He goes back into the game and everybody’s telling him not to mind and just to carry on
-And carry on they do, all the way to fucking victory. They’re all exhausted and ready to just go out and eat and sleep but when Tanaka sees you waiting for him outside the doors he immediately runs to you and picks you up (regardless of whether or not you’re taller/shorter than him) and is peppering you with kisses, not caring who sees or gags (*cough*Tsukki*cough*) and you’re congratulating him and the team (who all thank you)
-side note: even though you give Noya plenty of attention too, the attention of your bestie still isn’t quite the same as the attention of a partner. Both Kiyoko and Yachi notice this, Kiyoko giving him a good pat on the back and a “well done” and Yachi giving him a high five and a hug. It’s still not quite the same but he relishes in it anyway because girls ((this is me vicariously living through Kiyoko and Yachi bc I too want to smother Noya in hugs))
-After eating out and celebrating and finally getting home (your parents allowing you to stay with Tanaka so long as Saeko sticks around to make sure no funny business is going on) Tanaka and you are cuddling on the couch, still pressing soft kisses to one another as he also pats your head telling you how much he loves you: “Thank you for coming Y/N, you really make me feel like the luckiest guy in the world”
Nishinoya Yuu:
-Another hyped boy!! Holy shit he loves you so much that he’s bouncing up and down on the closest person (which just so happens to be Asahi, who is terrified right now because he’s being shaken like a rattle) and pointing at you aggressively while also waving “GUYS GUYS GUYS OMG ITS Y/N GUYS ITS Y/N HI BABY!!!”
-Hinata sees this and probably says something like “Wow!! Noya-San’s s/o came to support him! That’s so cool” to which Noya absolutely just basks in because hell yeah he’s the cool guy of the group that got an s/o before everybody else. Tsukki gives an annoyed groan and Tanaka’s hyping his buddy up while also giving a wave to you. Asahi wants to wave too but is too squeamish from how much Noya’s shaking him. Suga has to get him off of him because no. The only person allowed to emotionally and physically scar Asahi is him (re: literally every time Suga hits Asahi as motivation)
-He’s jumping up and down in front of the crowd, not caring who sees or hears him as he shouts to you “This win’s gonna be for you baby!!” You laugh and reassure him that he’s gonna do great and that you’ll see him after the game, but you know that look on Daichi’s face and quickly advise Noya to go back before Daichi sends him to an early grave.
-He gives a pout and goes back but not before flashing you one more big grin that absolutely melts your heart. Tanaka’s giving him a pat on the back, assuring him that they’re gonna win this and he’ll be able to smooch your beautiful face the moment they get off the court. Noya’s extra pumped now and the whole team is ready to take home the win
-Cheering Noya on not only inflates his ego but apparently it boosts his speed as he’s receiving balls left and right, not even giving the opponents a chance to score a point. He can receive even the nastiest spikes and he’s loving the way his arms are burning (he makes a note to show them off to you later, almost as if they’re battle scars he got while fighting heroically. Ofc you reassure him as such when you’re praising him later)
-During timeouts or anytime he’s out of the court and just resting on the bench getting his thoughts together he’s also looking at you. You both give each other encouraging looks and when you make a little heart at him with your hands, he’s blushing extra hard and he’s thinking his heart is going to jump right out of his chest. He’s grabbing the nearest person (Probably Narita or Kinoshita, poor bbys) and clutching his heart while saying “My Y/N is so freaking cute look at how cute they are oh my god-“ “Yup, mhm, absolutely adorable Noya now please let go of me-“
-At one point he does rolling thunder (yes, and he says it out loud while doing it) and for a hot second everything goes kinda silent because why tf did he say that out loud that’s so stupid- but to you that just makes him extra cool as you’re cheering him on in the stands shouting “YEAH!! GO ROLLING THUNDER!!!” Noya has selective hearing and only hears you praising him so his ego is inflated even further
-When Karasuno inevitably wins thanks to everyone’s hard work, but especially Noya’s incredible receives and the Kghn quick attack, everyone is cheering and laughing and when Noya and Tanaka do a really sweet chest bump, Noya’s immediately looking up to you in the stands going “See! Told you I’d win for you!” You give a soft smile and laugh quietly as you get up to go down and congratulate the rest of the team
-Noya jumps on you the moment he sees you, smothering you in kisses and love and while he is cute it’s also low key gross because he is sweating really really bad and he’s getting it all over your clothes. You know if you push him off though, he’ll be pouty and upset so you let him do it anyway because what’s one happy boyfriend compared to some slightly sweaty clothes?
-Even though everybody is really tired and exhausted Noya somehow isn’t? Or at least it’s not showing as he’s happily stuffing his face and going on and on to you how amazing he felt while playing today, pulling a Hinata and giving weird sound effects while he’s eating (“mmfmmfandWOOSH-“) literally nobody can understand him but because he’s your boyfriend and you’re a certified Nishinoya Professional™ you understand him perfectly and eagerly add on (at this point nobody’s surprised because they all know how whipped you two are).
-The moment he gets home though he is OUT and immediately falls asleep as soon as you two are cuddling on his bed. As you’re stroking his hair and he’s slowly drifting further into unconsciousness in your arms he whispers to you before completely going out “I love you Y/N, thank you for cheering me on”
Sugawara Koushi:
-Now one might think that because he’s one of the more “mature” ones of the group he’d be more calm and collected right? WRONG, mans is absolutely freaking out. You all saw the way he was when Kiyoko held his hands, how do you think he’d react to his beautiful s/o calling his name in the stands? He’s absolutely going to be flustered as hell
-He’s so happy and he feels so grateful that you’re here to cheer him on and he needs Daichi and Asahi to hold him for a quick sec because he’s just so happy that you’re there. Asahi and Daichi are high key making fun of him but Sugawara doesn’t give a shit and knows it’s just bc they’re jealous they don’t have an s/o yet (totally that and not because he looks like a tomato, yep absolutely)
-You give your hellos to Asahi, Daichi, and Kiyoko too and they all promise that he’ll be fine and will definitely have his time to shine today. Even though you don’t mind whether or not he actually gets to play, you nod and continue to cheer them on.
-When Ukai actually subs him in Suga is on fire, utilizing the signals to the max and scoring so many points for the team. He even does a few setter dumps! He can’t quite put his finger on it but he feels especially in shape today and like he can take anything on. He definitely has you to thank for that.
-He actually stays in the game from then on nearly all the way to the end of the match, only being subbed out for Hinata when Ukai wanted to use his and Kageyama’s quick attack. It’s only when he finally reaches the sidelines does it dawn on him that oh shit he’s going to pass out- his energy today has been fueled x10 and when he finally gets to calm down and focus on himself, he’s gasping for water and dripping in sweat. He looks up to you and you’re concerned face because you see how absolutely wrecked he looks but he gives you a cute smile to reassure you that he’s completely fine and even blows you a kiss and mouths an “I love you”- shit you’re so soft for him (even when he’s a sweaty mess)
-Soon he’s out back out there and it’s a little concerning how easily he was able to go back into his Uber focused mode. Nonetheless it was especially useful, as he immediately pulled off a setter dump and got the team to match point. At this point you and Yachi are clinging to each other in the stands, anxious for the result of the game.
-Karasuno wins! And you’re all jumping in the air and the team is hyped and everybody’s happy and patting Sugawara on the back for being the absolute MVP of the day. He’s just so happy that he managed to be out there for so long, especially since it’s a game that you, his beautiful, wonderful s/o came to attend.
-He’s low key limping out of the doors because damn is he so freaking tired and almost collapses on you the moment you come in for a hug (doing so after he first cups your face and gives your forehead a kiss). You’re holding him by the waist and he has his arms wrapped around your shoulders as he’s giving you soft kisses to the neck and cheek and it’s all low key embarrassing and you’re blushing but also giggling because he’s cute and it tickles
-He’s absolutely clinging to you after the game, always with a hand on your waist/hip or maybe even on your ass (“Koushi not in public-“) but either way he can’t keep his hands off you and has to have his head on your shoulder as you’re all waiting for the food to come. Nobody except Daichi says anything because they all know that he’s absolutely dead at this point but Daichi’s teasing him for being so clingy (“wow, you really can’t keep it to yourself today can you?” “Shut it Daichi-“ “Koushi, be nice!”)
-He doesn’t even finish his food because he’s so sleepy, so you pack it up and Takeda offers to drive you two to Sugawara’s house, which you accept. He falls asleep in the car and you’re carrying him out by the shoulder when you get home (Takeda says he’ll help but you insist it’s fine). When you close the door behind you he gets up and lazily kabedons you against it. He lifts his head from your shoulder and gives a tender kiss to your lips, which you happily accept and cup his face for. When you two separate he’s giving a sleepy smile, his eyes lidded but still so very in love with you. One more kiss to your lips before he says “Thank you for being there for me”
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winterscaptain · 4 years
Aaron Hotchner x Reader
request from anon: hi!!! Could you do a Hotch x reader where they are close and she calls him Agent Hotchstuff and brings him food/drinks cuz he always forgets to eat. One day he snaps at her cuz he’s tired and she stops doing those things for him and he’s sad about that. Later on apologizes and confesses (very fluffy) thanks!!!
rating & words: g, ~1900
a/n: this just poured out of me last night. i loved loved loved this request. thank you to anon!!
AO3 | Masterlist | Requests Open!
You step through Hotch’s doorway, finding him behind his desk on the phone. A fresh mug of coffee rests between your hands, prepared just the way he likes it – black, with one sugar. He hasn’t stopped working since he stepped out of the elevator this morning. While unruffled, you know he stretches himself too far – often forgetting to eat and take regular breaks.
You quietly place the mug on his desk handle on his left-hand side. He looks up, grateful. He mouths his thanks and returns to his note-taking.
When you retreat to the door, you watch him for a moment. He drops his pen and takes an absent-minded sip of his coffee as if it had been there the whole time. Satisfied, you track back to the bullpen and get back to work on your current consult.
It’s the third day in the field. Hotch studies the map with his hand over his mouth, frowning. The rest of the team was working elsewhere, leaving the two of you to search for things yet unseen.
“Hey, Hotchstuff.” You catch him huff a laugh at your newest attempt to find a new nickname. It was a work in progress. “See anything new?”
He spares you a glance and a nearly-imperceptible smile. “No, nothing new. JJ is following up with the families today. The fourth victim’s father knows more than he’s letting on.”
You hum in agreement and pull a granola bar out of your back pocket. You’d tucked it there just before walking in. Reaching forward, you bring it into his eye-line, careful not to startle him out of his focus. He stares at it for a moment before taking it from you.  
“I haven’t seen you eat anything since this morning,” you say, quietly. You pass him, and stick a post-it flag next to the fourth victim, marking a possible lead.
“Thank you.”
“Of course, sir.”
He unwraps the granola bar and takes a bite. You smile to yourself.
You kneel and open your arms. The boy runs to you, leaping into your arms. You spin him in a circle, and he hangs off your hip as you pepper his head with kisses. His Aunt Jessica waves to Hotch, standing on the bridge outside his office.
“What are you doing here today?” He tucks his head neatly under your chin, and you pull him close to your chest, one arm under him and the other across his back with your hand on his head.
As you chat with him on your walk back to your desk, you miss the way Aaron leans on the railing with a soft smile on his face. He had come back from an early afternoon meeting to find a muffin and cup of coffee on his desk. He didn’t need a note to know who left it for him. You take care of him more than he thinks he deserves.
Watching you with his son ignites something in him. He flushes and pushes the feeling away. He shoves off the railing and grabs his bag from the office.
“Jack, let's go,” he calls, stepping down the stairs with purpose.
The boy pouts from his place on your lap, doodling in your notebook. “Cmon dad! Just a little longer.”
“Nope. We gotta go, buddy. I promised your Aunt Jessica dinner when she’s done with her appointment.” Hotch won’t look at you, and a flash of disappointment strikes through your chest.
No. He’s not yours. Quit while you’re ahead.
Shaking off the feeling, you pull Jack close to you and lean close to his ear. “Better listen to him, love. I’ll see you later, okay?”
He grins up at you and leaps off your lap, taking his father’s hand and leaving the office.
Hotch hadn’t been able to shake that feeling in his chest since seeing you with Jack on Friday. It was uncomfortable, and felt like a betrayal to Haley. It hadn’t been that long since her death, but he felt deeply for you. You were always there for him – through the rocky last cases before she walked out, through the divorce, and through the crushing grief of her loss.
When he walks into the office, the sight of your mug next to his – George Washington University Law next to your alma mater’s seal – reminds him of the situation. You’re his direct report. He can’t have feelings for you.
He pours his own coffee that morning. When you arrive to find his mug gone and his office door closed, the irrational disappointment returns.
“What’s on your mind, kiddo?” Derek steps into the break room and sees your thousand-yard stare.
You plaster a smile on your face. “Nothing.” You press a hand to his shoulder and assure him before he can ask. “I’m alright.”
You aren’t, and he knows it. He sighs and relents, letting you go with a pat to your hand.
When you knock on the door with a sandwich in-hand from JJ’s lunch run, your chest feels close to bursting.
“It’s open,” Hotch says.
You open the door, and step inside, closing it behind you.
His head has been inside reports all day and he’s been in and out of meetings since the early morning. Beyond that, he’s barely left the office.
“Hey Hotchstuff,” you say with a gentle laugh. You pray you can draw a smile from him, but his brows only draw closer together.
He looks up at you, and his brown eyes are hard and belie his exhaustion. “Stop. Just stop.”
You stop short, halfway to the desk. “Hotch…what’s wrong?”
One large hand pulls down his face, landing at his mouth. “I’m incredibly busy. Unless it’s case-related, I simply can’t spare the time today.” His tone is harsher than he wants, and he immediately regrets it when he sees your face fall.
You pull it together quickly. As you take the last three steps to his desk, you toss the wrapped sandwich toward him, turning before you can see it land. Your hand meets the doorknob. Before you open it, the bitterness crawling up your throat leaves your mouth. “Of course, sir.” You swallow the lump in your throat and continue. “I apologize for the interruption, Agent Hotchner. Won’t happen again.”
The door slams behind you. You return to your work with a vengeance, headphones on and blind to the world around you.
JJ and Derek look at each other, then train their gaze on Hotch’s office.
The figure in the window turns away from their watchful eyes, the sandwich untouched on his desk.
The next few cases pass in a blur, marked only by your relentless diligence, professionalism, and adherence to boundaries. You arrive on-time for days in the office, promptly leaving right after five o’clock. In the field, you stay up working until you can’t keep your eyes open anymore, and return early in the morning.
Hotch finds himself reaching for coffee that isn’t there after his meetings. JJ has reminded him to eat twice after near-blackouts in the field. For too many days in a row, he realizes only upon his return to the hotel room that he’s failed to eat anything all day. He eyes your packed lunches as you share with Derek and Spencer on the jet and in the bullpen.
Aaron makes it a point to sit across from you on the jet, in the section farthest from the rest of your sleeping team. His side is more of a small sofa than a chair.
The case was difficult, and you couldn’t talk the unsub down before he killed his final victim right in front of you.
“Hey,” he says, searching for your eyes.
“Good evening, sir.” You continue to stare at the case file in your hands, mentally building your after-action report.
He sighs. “Can we talk?”
You finally look up at him, closing the file on your lap. You raise one eyebrow – an invitation to continue.
“I’m sorry for my behavior.” He rests his elbows on his knees, his hands laced loosely in front of him. “It wasn’t fair of me to snap at you a few weeks ago.”
You watch him for a moment, taking stock of his tells. His thumb rubs restlessly against his index finger, and you know he’s not finished talking. He’s nervous.
“I know you’re always doing your best to look out for me. I didn’t – I wasn’t –“ He huffs, frustrated. “I saw you with Jack that Friday, and it scared me.”
It’s your turn to furrow your brow. “What scared you?”
“You. I didn’t expect to feel so strongly about anyone so soon after Haley, but you were always…there. You’ve been a friend to me when I’m not easy to be around and I ruined it in a moment of frustration. You always know what I need before I need it, and…” He reaches out, leaning across the small aisle to cover your hand with his. “I’ve missed you.”
His admission startles you, just a little. When you blink, you find your eyes stinging and misty. You look at his hand covering your own. Turning your palm, you grasp his hand. “I missed you too.”
He offers you a small smile, then. “And I only hate it a little when you call me Hotchstuff.”
That draws a real smile from you. You release his hand and place the file on the seat next to you. When you settle next to him, you reach for his hand again. “So, what don’t you hate?”
His brown eyes are fixed on your laced fingers. “I don’t mind Hotch, of course, but I think Aaron’s okay when it’s just us, don’t you think?”
You squeeze his hand. “Sounds good.”
“I love you, you know.” He smiles at you, and leans against the window, closing his eyes.
“I love you, too, Aaron.” Your fingers still laced with his, your eyes close.
When you drift back into consciousness, you’re warm and secure and surrounded by a familiar, comforting smell. You come to realize the security is from Aaron’s arms around you, and the smell is from the soft shirt beneath your cheek.
You push yourself up, and Aaron’s arm falls behind you. The rest of the team is still deeply asleep, with a little less than an hour left on the flight. You rise, on a mission.
With two mugs of coffee in one hand and a cookie in the other, you return to your seat. You set the coffee down on the little pull-out table near the window, and place a hand on Hotch’s shoulder.
He starts awake but orients himself quickly. He smiles at you – small and sweet.
“Thought you’d want to wake up a bit before landing.” You offer him the cookie and look pointedly at the matching mugs.
He leans forward, kissing you gently on the cheek. “Thank you.”
You turn your head, leaning into the risk, and press your lips against his. He gasps quietly, surprised, before bringing a hand around to the back of your head. He holds you to him for a moment, and your hand cups his jaw, your thumb running back and forth against his cheekbone. The cookie and it’s little paper plate are forgotten between you for the moment.
When you pull away, his eyes are a little glazed over. You reach past him, intentionally leaning way closer to his crotch than is entirely necessary, and snag both mugs of coffee. Pressing one of the mugs into his hands and another chaste kiss to his lips, you lean back and settle into your seat.
“Of course, Aaron."
tagging: @quillvine, @arganfics, @ange-must-die (love you all!!)
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blushingbarnes · 4 years
seven types of love (3)
Series summary: There are seven different types of love, and over the course of knowing you, Bucky experiences every single one.
warnings: boyfriends being toxic and verbally abusive. slow burn
~series masterlist~
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~agape- a universal type of love~
You look at the cup, then back at your phone, back to the cup, and back to the phone.
It had been 20 minutes since you’d gotten home, and you’d been debating texting the number ever since.
It wasn’t an unusual thing for a friend to give you their number, right? But then again, Bucky wasn’t exactly a normal friend.
You shake yourself out of your thoughts, and pick up your phone. You type the number into your phone, and hover your fingers over the keyboard.
You should be teasing right? Make a joke? You haven’t started a new text conversation in ages.
Wait, why are you thinking about this so much? It doesn’t matter, it’s not like you’re trying to flirt with him.
You decide to start with “You couldn’t have thought of a better joke?” Simple, and he would probably understand that it was you.
After sending the text, you created a contact. You saved the name as ‘B’. That way, Will wouldn’t freak out that you had Bucky’s number.
You check the time, it’s about 3:15. You decided to put a show on in the background while you wrote some notes for some of your upcoming sessions.
You put on Criminal Minds, and began to work.
About 15 minutes later, your phone dinged. You checked it, and read the message.
“I only had about 30 seconds to write the message sweetheart, I couldn’t think of a better one.” The message read. You laughed to yourself, and wrote something back.
“So are you sneaking your phone at work, or are you off now?” You asked, and set your phone down.
You attempt to get back to work, but soon realize that you can’t. Your mind was clouded, and you kept on checking your phone.
You hadn’t felt this way since high school, checking your phone obsessively to talk to a boy.
You chalked it up to just being excited to have a new friend. Recently, work has been eating you alive, and you haven't had much time for anything else.
Reminded that you haven’t had time to do anything else, you go to your fridge to see if you need to stock up on any essentials. As you are making a mental list, you hear your phone ding again.
You move embarrassingly fast back to the living room to check your phone.
Yet it’s not a text from Bucky, but from Will.
“Wanna hang out later” The text reads.
“Of course” You reply, locking your phone. Almost as soon as you do that, your phone screen turns on again, this time from two texts.
“Ok cool i’ll pick you up in like an hour” Will’s text reads. You reply with a simple okay.
Bucky’s text says ‘I’m sorry for the late response. I was driving home from work, so i guess that answers your question ;)’ This is followed up by another text. ‘Besides, how could i make all of the fancy drinks at the shop if i’m distracted by my phone?’
You smile as you text back, ‘That’s definitely true, the latte art you do is too pretty for you to be distracted.’
You see the typing icon almost as soon as you send the text. You can’t help but think that Bucky is also sitting there, with his phone open on the messages, expecting your text.
“What can I say doll, I’m the best of the best :P” Bucky types. “What are you up to this evening?”
“Just hanging out with Will, you?” After you send that message, you head to your bathroom to begin fixing your hair to see Will.
Your phone lights up beside you on your bathroom counter.
“Just a night in for me, might be with my buddy Sam.” Bucky replies.
“Nice, I probably won’t reply for a while, Will is probably going to be here soon. Don’t miss me too much.”
“I can’t promise anything darling :)” Bucky says.
You set your phone down, and continue getting ready.
Later, you’re in the car with Will. You guys are just going to get a quick bite to eat before you hang out at the house.
“All I’m saying is that aliens don’t exist. We are definitely the highest thing that there is.” Will says, one hand on the steering wheel, and one gesturing.
“Well now you’re just being ignorant, there’s now way out of all the planets and solar systems that we are the only things out there. Even the only survivable planet!” You exclaim, throwing your hands down in a fit.
“Nevermind, I’m not starting a fight over a stupid thing.” Will says, shaking his head.
“I’m just saying it doesn’t make sense for you to-”
“Shut up!” Will almost yells. “Goddamn, I say nevermind and you just keep going on.” He sighs.
“Don’t talk to me like that.” You say, standing your ground.
“Whatever, we’re going home.” Will says, switching lanes to turn around to go back to your house.
You sit in disbelief, and turn your head towards your window. You begin to pick at your fingernails, a nervous habit that you had picked up during childhood.
Will pulls up at your apartment building. “So.” He says, and looks at you in an expectant manner.
“What?” You ask, eyes wide with confusion.
“Are you ready to apologize?” Will asks, with clear arrogance on his face.
“What on earth would I have to apologize for?” You exclaim, in probably a too harsh tone of voice.
“I don’t know, maybe for calling me ignorant?” Will says, crossing his arms.
“I’m not apologizing.” You say, and pick up your bag, and begin to get out of the car. You halt for a moment, and slump slightly back into your seat.
“I love you.” You say, looking towards him.
“Love you too.” Will says, and looks out the window.
You sigh, and get out of the car to walk to your apartment.
You throw your keys onto the table, and head to your room. You flop down face-first onto the bed.
You lay like this for a moment, then you turn your head, and pick up your phone.
You go to your message thread with Bucky.
“Would you like to hang out sometime?” You ask, and then immediately put your phone face down, not wanting to read the answer.
The reply takes a few minutes, but it comes.
“I thought you’d never ask, when are you free?” Bucky asks.
You let out a sigh of relief. You check your schedule for the next day. ‘Tomorrow after work? I’m pretty much free after 4.”
“Sounds good. I’ll pick you up and then we’ll see what to do from there?” Bucky suggests.
You agree, and give him your address.
Bucky smiles as he sets his phone down next to him on the couch. He glances back to whatever game Sam had wanted to watch this time.
“Are you talking to that girl who has a boyfriend?” Sam asks, looking over at Bucky.
“No.” Bucky scoffs, and Sam looks at him, knowing that Bucky is lying. “Okay, fine, yes.” Bucky admits.
“You’re gonna get ya’self killed man.” Sam says, laughing and shaking his head.
“We’re just friends.” Bucky says, a blush covering his cheeks.
“Keep telling yourself that.” Sam teases.
The next day, Bucky is quite literally counting down the seconds until he gets off work. He makes the drinks faster, maybe in hope that that makes the day go by faster.
That is until you come in.
Peter switches, Bucky takes your order.
“Hot date tonight ma’am?” Bucky asks, taking in your appearance, but not necessarily in a creepy way.
“You wish Barnes.” You laugh. “Can I get a vanilla latte?” You ask.
“Of course darling, I’ll pick you up around 6, okay?” Bucky confirms.
“Sounds good.” You smile, and begin to take out your wallet.
“Don’t worry, it’s on me.” Bucky smiles.
“Oh, thank you.” You seem a bit flustered, but accept.
When you get your drink and are about to walk out of the shop, you wave to Bucky.
“See ya later doll!” Bucky waves.
“Did you finally get a date with that girl?” Peter asks him. Bucky looks at him with a glare. “Nah kid, she’s got a boyfriend. We’re just friends”
Peter rolls his eyes, “Okay…” Peter says, his voice laced with disbelief. Bucky hits him lightly.
Hours later, Bucky pulls into your apartment parking lot.
He texts you “I’m here :)” and waits patiently in his car.
Then, he sees you. Most of the other times he’s seen you, you are coming to or from work. He doesn’t get to see your casual wear too often.
But he loves it, the black jeans and blue graphic tee that you’re sporting.
He is torn from his thoughts when you open the door. “Hey Bucky!” You smile as you get into the car.
“Hey Y/n.” Bucky softly smiles.
“So, where are we going?” You ask as you buckle your seatbelt.
“I was thinking, there’s a little strip that I know of with a bunch of cool shops and restaurants, so we can sort of pick around there?” Bucky says, hope in his eyes.
“Sounds good.” You say, smiling.
In the car, Bucky asks for more details about your job, claiming you know so much about his.
He notices the way that your eyes light up when you talk about it, he loves it.
Bucky parks a good amount away from where everything is as it nears dusk.
“Cmon, follow me.” Bucky says, unbuckling his seatbelt. He would’ve opened your door, but you were already out of the car.
As you two are walking, you admire all of the cute boutiques and stores. Bucky notices that you’ve complimented many people, telling them you like their hair, and other things.
Bucky’s heart swells, and he thinks about how much you share your heart with the world, it makes him happy.
Bucky sees an ice cream store, and directs your attention to it. “Want to get ice cream?” Bucky’s points.
“Sure!” You say, and begin to walk towards the shop.
The bell rings as you enter, and Bucky sees your smile grow.
“I love the 50s!” You say, taking in the fact that the shop is 50s themed, with decor all around.
You walk up to the counter, and begin to order, “Can I get a medium german chocolate?” You say, smiling at the older man working the shop.
“Of course dear.” He smiles, and turns to Bucky.
“Just a medium cookie dough.” He smiles, and gets out his wallet. Bucky hands the man the card, and looks at you.
“You already paid for my coffee today, and now you gotta pay for my ice cream?” You ask, it being obvious that you’re fake offended.
“I‘ve gotta share the obvious wealth I have sweetie, us baristas make millions.” Bucky says, a smile on his face.
You playfully roll your eyes, and wait to receive your ice cream.
Once you do, you thank the man; and you and Bucky sit down on the chairs provided. You two get on the topic of Bucky’s younger sister, Rebecca, and all of the antics she used to pull. You bond over how your younger sibling used to do similar things.
Once you’re finished, you throw away your container, and walk out of the shop.
You’re drawn to the music that you can softly hear, and begin to walk towards it.
You reach the small amphitheater that the music is coming from. The small jazz band had their cases open, so you dropped a few ones in there.
You begin to sway to the soft music, and then turn to Bucky. “May I have this dance m’lady.” You ask, tipping an imaginary hat.
Bucky laughs, taking the hand you had outstretched. Bucky ends up taking the lead, because that’s what he’s used to.
He looks into your eyes as you dance, getting lost in them. He feels like he can see the rest of his life through your eyes.
He’s snapped out of the trance when you accidentally step on his feet. “Ahh, sorry, I’m not good at this.” You say, regret on your face.
“It’s okay, doll, I'll show you.” He says, and begins to show you the steps.
“There… you’re getting it.” Bucky smiles.
Bucky spins you, and when you turn back to Bucky, you’re awfully close.
You and Bucky’s foreheads are almost touching, and your eyes are locked.
Bucky’s head is racing, and he doesn’t know what to do. His eyes dart to your lips, and back to your eyes. He just wants to know what you’re thinking. He licks his lips almost on instinct.
You clear your throat, and Bucky steps away from you, clearing his throat as well.
“It’s getting late right?” He asks, checking the non-existent watch on his wrist.
“Yeah, it is.” You say, trying to hide your blush in the dim light.
“I’ll take you home, cmon.” Bucky says, letting you go in front of him.
Bucky tries to make conversation, but the rest of the way home is filled with awkward silence
send an ask if you’d like to be tagged
@nsfwsebbie @scarletnerd05 @fentybucky @vherriepie @blaizens @darlingtholland @rachel-rebellio @majesticavenger @lustfulholland @yknott81 @haikyuuea @captainamerica-is-bae
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ultraklll · 4 years
Tony Miller as a Gun For Hire! Tagged by the lovely @envyfelled ! Ty! This was super fun! Also, I'm on mobile, so sorry for the garbo formatting! (Fun fact, tonys voice claim is laura bailey as fiona/fem!boss)
Paired With Fangs For Hire:
Boomer - "Heya buddy!" followed by excessive scratching behind the ears | "Fuckin' love this dog, can sniff out a peggie like shark sniffing out blood. Good trait to have! Awfully convenient too…" | [patpatapatptpataptap] | "Atta fuckin' boy Boomer!" When she sees him get a kill | "Who's a good boy! Who wants to kill some cultists!" | "Wanna play fetch? Rip out their necks?"
Peaches - "Good girl…" | stealth gang stealth gang | peaches: mows down peggies/tony: a baby!" | "I jus' think it's funny that when we went to the Henbane, we picked up a cougar, Addie, an actual cougar, Peaches, and joined a crew called the Cougars… Just'a thought," 
Cheeseburger - "This reminds me'a Vegas pride, saw plenty'a bears there too" | "Kinda ironic to find you in Jacob's region, all things considered," [snickers to herself] | [PATPATPATPATPATPAT] | "Get outta my pockets! These snacks are mine, not yours!" | "You remind me of those like, beware of dog signs, but the dog is always a sweetheart who'd rather play with a home invader rather than attack them," 
Paired With Other Guns For Hire:
Jess - stealth gang stealth gang stealth gang | Jess has a MASSIVE crush on Tony. Everyone can tell. Tony knows | jess: guns are fucking lame and the sniper rifle is the cowards weapon/ tony: uses a sniper rifle/ jess: actually sniper rifles are cool as fuck | "Good shot Jess!" "S-shit, um, thanks, Tony," 
Grace - sniper gang sniper gang!! | [steals a headshot Grace was lining up] "Cmon Gracie, thought you were meant to be Olympic level!" | highly competitive, do a shot whenever they get a perfect headshot to die instantly | smug top solidarity | also heavily depressed solidarity 
Adelaide - [acts like she's not sleeping with her nephew even tho Addie knows she definitely knows] | Tony is either constantly laughing or constantly face palming over the shit addie says | have gotten into an argument once bc addie said john was a top 
Nick - "What's up eye in the sky?" | [flirts over radio] [flirts over radio] [flirts over radio] [fli | Nick: speaks/Tony: god I just love the way you fucking talk | often talk about kim together | "Can we have a barbecue at your place once these fuckers are dealt with?" | [pretends not to be bitter the Deputy got to help deliver Carmina and not her]
Sharky - "Heya baby!" | [constant back and forth flirting. It's embarrassing] | any second they're both not talking is a second they're making out | Can and Will go john wick on some peggy ass if he gets hurt badly | "Do you wanna have a sleepover?" "Lemme ask my momma," | she calls him Charlie :> | loves him so so much they're just constantly talking about anything and everything | literally like A Comedic Duo. Have together for certified funnies
Hurk jr. - "Junior! This'll be just like Kyrat!" | competitions about who can shotgun a beer faster every 4 seconds | WILL tell you stories about their time in Kyrat together | Tony has punched Drubman sr in the nose before and she'll do it again | "Hey Tony? You still in contact with Ajay?" "He sends me a royal postcard every now n' then. Apparently it's boring being king, and his only solace is that his new bodyguard is cute," 
In Combat: 
Seeing an enemy - "Fucker in my sights," | "I got a bullet with your name on it… actually I don't, who the fuck has time to carve names in bullets, but you get the idea- im just gonna shoot you now" | "You're dead on arrival, shithead," 
Sneaking - "You'd think me sneaking is counter productive because I'm 6'4 and have a very loud gun, but you're the boss Dep," | "Shhhh… we're huntin' shitheads… Heard it in a game," | [shoots alarm boxes] "You ain't allowed to call your friends, you're all grounded," | *peggy triggers alarm* "Fuckin snitch!" 
Killing an enemy - "SKULLCRACKER!" | "I just don't miss!" | just fucking headshot after headshot after headshot | [sucks in breath through teeth] "God damn I'm good," | when shes not using her Wifle (wife rifle, a 45/70) she's being FUCKING EFFICIENT with her ak-ms or just blasting ribcages open with her shotgun
Reviving - "Up you get, baby," | "You ain't dying on me that easy, Dep" | "Not today Satan!" | "You gonna let some unwashed asshole kill you?" 
Hurt - "Motherfucker!" | "That's another scar I'll tattoo over," | "Thank god people find scars sexy," | "God fuck that's smarts!" 
Downed - "Dep! Give me a hand?" | "Clean up on Aisle 4 needed!" | "Don't worry about me, just bleeding out over here, no rush," 
Revived - "Drinks on me when this is over Dep," | "Thanks babe!" | "I'll kiss you when we get outta this mess," | "I owe ya!"
Entering a vehicle - "Lemme take over I'm a way better driver than you," | "Floor it!" | "Hang on I've got a mixtape, just hope I havent fuckin' crushed it," | [takes the opportunity to roll cigs] | *peggies roll up* "Keep her steady!" [leans out the window and headshots the peggie on their ass, causing them to crash the car, like that isnt the coolest shit you've ever seen] "Aight cool,"
Reckless Driving - "Watch the fuckin' road asshole!" | [desperately tryna grip the wheel so she can take over driving] | "STOP THE CAR! I'LL JUST FUCKING WALK!" | "Are you tryna kill us?! Fuckin' swap seats now!" | tony is the designated driver bc one she's fucking good at it and two shes also a really bad backseat driver. Just let her drive 
Changing Radio Stations - "Now don't tell Charlie I said this but some of the peggies music is actually good,"| "John's a prick but his music taste is fuckin' good," | [punches radio in when Only You comes on] "...Sorry… Force'a habit…" | "Bold and brave my ass, John looks like he needs help getting spiders out of rooms and wears fuzzy pink bathrobes," 
"Man, John's a freak, and yeah I mean that in the sexy way. Someone who demands so much outward control whilst being a shithead little brat likes to get trussed up like a thanksgiving turkey and stuffed like one too. Don't give me that look Dep, I'm right and we both know it," 
"That dude Jacob ate was called Miller?? God, that could've been me if I was much older and way uglier!" 
"Faith just makes me fuckin sad man. She's been manipulated and groomed into this life by fuckin Joseph- she's so goddamn young too. I'm not gonna tell you what to do Dep, but that's just my two cents,"
"Joseph's the worst kind of man- a manipulator. He tells you what you wanna hear, targets the misfortunate who have nothing left to lose, builds a fucking army out of em. The other heralds I'm ok with arresting, but Joseph's got to go,"
[Lights cig with either her fancy lighter or by striking a match on the bottom of her shoe] "Don't start smoking, Dep,  bad for your health," 
Location Specific: 
Testy Festy Aftermath - [pinches bridge of nose] "Not again…" | "Anyone got a water and like, 3 aspirin?" | "Ain't the first time I've woke up passed out in a field, won't be the last," | "Did we at least get a photo from the night? I've won the competitions here for the last 3 years in a row now, I'm not fuckin missing one cuz of these peggies," 
Falls End - "Fuckin shame to see Falls End like this, but Mary May and Jerome will take good care of her now weve got it back, they always do," | "Think we'll get free drinks for life at the Spread Eagle when this is all over? Actually, we probably won't even get free drinks for week, so for life is wishful thinking," | she enjoys playing with the singing fish on the front of the speed eagle and keeps tryna convince Mary May to let her take it for herself bc tony goddamn miller has the biggest singing fish collection in the entire county 
Seed Ranch - *loud whistle* "this place is swanky as fuuuuck… Not that big a fan of all the dead animals though…" | "IS THAT WEED ON THE TABLE? Johnny boy you fuckin' hypocrite!" | "Oh he's definitely got a secret room behind one of these bookshelves, like a home torture room? Oh my God, what if he has more than one...?" [starts frantically pulling books off shelves] | regarding his shelves with peggie memorabilia [takes baseball bat to it] | [pretends she's never been here as she frantically stuffs any of her own belongings she might've forgotten here into her bag]
Entering the Henbane - "Don't trust a goddamn thing you see here. You think you see something you're not supposed to, hit it," | [swinging at bliss induced angel/animal/faith visions] | "Can we try savin' Faith? Don't feel right killin' her, she's so young…" | "Can we go to Sharky's place? I left some stuff there that could be worth picking up,"
Hope County Jail - "Sheriff Whitehorse has always been a good man to me, Dep. Would appreciate it if he lived through this," | "I always feel like a giant whenever I come here, everyones like 5'3. Virgil, Tracey, Charles, all shortasses," | "I think it's cute they gave you a little pin! You're part of their Pride now! Or whatever the cougar equivalent is to a lions pride… do Cougars even travel in packs? Aside from when Addie used take the girls out for drinks,"
Entering the Whitetails - "Always feels like something's watchin' you in these woods. Keep your eyes peeled," | "Always felt like there's something in these woods that there ain't supposed to be…" | [Shifting from foot to foot] "Can we get a move on? Aint'a big fan of standing around waitin' to get shot by some fuckin' sniper with a bow," | [watching Jacob's video punishing Pratt] "I'll fuckin' get you outta here, Stace… you just gotta hold out a second longer," | [about all the dead bodies and 'you are meat' graffiti] "Love what Jacob's done with the place," 
The Wolfs Den - "Eli Palmer is a good fuckin man. Kind, smart, careful and ruthless against peggies. We've made a good friend here, Dep," | "Heya Wheaty! Got a few more vinyls for your collection! They're all my own though, so be careful with em," | "I don't think Tammy likes you that much Dep. I don't think she likes much of anything anymore, other than attaching jumper cables to Peggy's nipples… Oh god, my piercings hurt thinking about it," 
Joseph's Island - [hand firmly on rifle grip] | "Creepy, evil motherfucker, had him pegged right from the start. Well, not pegged. I'm not pegging Joseph. I'd rather stick my dick in a ceiling fan then go anywhere near him- I'm just gonna stop talking," | "You know what? No one else has asked it so I'm gonna- where the fuck does Joseph sleep.  In the church? In one of these houses? In the dirt somewhere? What if he hangs upside down from trees like a bat?" 
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thegeminisage · 5 years
on a lighter note 4.10 is probably one of my favorite episodes in the entire series...i did re-stan arthur for like ten minutes near the end...it was So Good. a cut because i talked for so long about how good it is:
first of all i love that the episode opens with everyone giving elyan shit not because i dislike elyan (i love him he does not deserve to be the butt of jokes) but because i like that as far as this group of guys goes their primary form of affection is roasting each other. that’s toxic masculinity! it’s also a little charming
when i first watched this episode i thought the reason arthur looked so spooked at the shrine was that it was spooky and potentially magic and he’s not down with magic. rewatching it now that i Know has me screaming into my hands!!! when he first catches sight of it he looks as though he’s seen a ghost and watching his slow creeping recognition is like. mm. really good. good stuff
(as an aside: i’m not talking about it: but if i was: merlin calling arthur nothing but sire during this ENTIRE EPISODE as a form of rebellion because he’s still pissed about gwen is a whole ass mood. i have never loved merlin so much as i did when he was gwen’s only friend and stuck up for her and stuck his neck out for her REPEATEDLY despite knowing it could cost him)
gwaine talking about salt circles made me nostalgic for a different show :’)
arthur with stew in his hair is what he deserves
i was VERY MAD AT HIM for this WHOLE EPISODE so when (possessed) elyan was trying to kill him i was all YEAH BABE CMON GO RIGHT FOR THE NECK but then arthur USED HIS FOOTSTOOL AS A SHIELD and effectively fought off an ARMED ATTACKER while TOTALLY WEAPONLESS. it’s so under-appreciated there aren’t even gifs of it (i know, i looked, i would kill for some). it’s one of the coolest fight scenes in this entire series despite only being 20 seconds long. my love for arthur pendragon returned with a vengeance and i had a good bit of difficulty shoving it back down
elyan’s buddies all tracking him down and tricking him into surrendering peacefully only for percival to punch him in the face to knock him out. GUUUYSSS come on
merlin like straight up weeping upon witnessing the BRUTAL GENOCIDE that “uther” committed there 20 years ago is like...jesus FUCKING christ. they went SO hard.
ok so do we all remember in 2.08 when arthur tried to kill his dad (changed my life......) in the throne room or dining room or wherever that is and uther would only block and not strike back because arthur’s rage was just and true?? WELL PARALLELS because now arthur’s the one blocking and not attacking and i know a lot of it is because he didn’t wanna hurt elyan but also in my heart it’s partially because that little kid’s beef with him was LEGIT!!! and i think part of him realized. we even had merlin running up there to put a stop to it and arthur begging him to stop because he didn’t wanna kill him
i think the plot twist at the end of this episode (that it’s arthur, NOT uther, who was responsible for the slaughter of children at the druid camp) was really good and it makes for a very interesting second watch. case in point: arthur’s face when merlin and gaius are explaining to him that the spirit seeks revenge and the only way to save elyan’s life is to atone. very haunting: merlin says that uther is dead, and he can never atone for what he did now. unspoken: arthur’s NOT dead, not yet, and he CAN.
also interesting: merlin’s attempts to comfort arthur fall flat. “you can’t be held responsible for everything your father did” gets a dark look and a quick dismissal. it’s because merlin doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about
it’s a REALLY interesting dynamic swap because usually merlin is the one keeping his secrets close while arthur unknowingly blunders around in the dark trying to guess at what he’s thinking...with this, it’s the other way around, and i gotta say, arthur’s poker face is MUCH better than merlin’s. when he stews on something he stews on it hard. none of merlin’s horsing around and playing the fool and barely scraping by with dumb luck for arthur: he’s a WALL. maybe this is just the arthur stan in me but it makes getting a look at what’s going on in there SO much more gratifying
i know how this sounds, but i almost wonder if arthur didn’t give merlin extra chores on purpose - the extra chores were why he was up so late, and why he saw arthur slipping out of the castle in a cloak...this is far from the first time merlin’s followed him, and far from the first time merlin would witness him totally losing his shit emotionally (2.08 babey), so maybe arthur was scared of going back by himself and didn’t know how to explain the whole thing and ask for the company because toxic masculinity, and it was easier to just set merlin up to do what he naturally does best: be a nosy little shit
evidence: he catches on to merlin’s tailing him VERY quickly (was he looking out for him?) and doesn’t seem at all surprised or angry that he’s there, nor does he order merlin to go back (his exact words are “feel free to go back to camelot anytime you like”) - if you watch very VERY carefully, you can also see his expression shift just a little after merlin states his intention to tag along - there’s just the barest hint of a smile
arthur looks SO SPOOKED walking back into this shrine. it’s so good. he gets real intense
merlin also sort of shifts his weight back after arthur confesses to his checkered past as a WAR CRIMINAL and like...wow
this dynamic. arthur is kind of afraid of magic and merlin is kind of afraid of arthur’s reaction to his magic. and when i say “kind of” what i mean is they’re scared shitless of each other despite trusting each other implicitly. it’s a lot for me. it’s my favorite dynamic in the entire world
i restanned arthur for this section because he was SO GOOD. he’s really actually quite scared of dying (in the opener for s4 he was really troubled by his supposed upcoming doom and in this he lowkey starts to hyperventilate when he thinks the druid kid is about to kill him) but he’s always jumping at the chance to lay down his life anyway - they say atone to save elyan, he fucking atones, even if he has to die for it
like i said aloud going into this “i am still so mad at him he better display some top-tier empathy if he wants out of the doghouse” BUT HE DID...MY BOY...
also i feel like this hug from this kid he GOT KILLED is maybe only the 8th time he’s ever been hugged in his whole entire life
am not a big fan of merlin giving him shit about his lil moment in the end but like also...maybe he was just trying to cheer him up...the way Men do...i hurt
anyway this is like the first sign we’ve seen since arthur’s coronation that maybe he isn’t going to be totally anti-magic like uther forever...the first sign we’ve seen that he truly is anti-genocide...it’s true atonement and it’s Good
and not to give the writers this much credit but in my heart the reason he was so adamant to save that little druid kid (mordred) in season 1?? was because of this, the dead druid children weighing on his conscience. also gives new weight to the very brief scene in i think the s3 finale where he held his sword to a druid kid’s neck in exchange for the cup of life, and maybe explains a little bit why he looked so fucking spooked in there. no they didn’t do it on purpose but why ignore something that’s so good even if it is accidental THANK YOU AND GOODNIGHT
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ask-joeydrewstudios · 7 years
Similarly Spiteful, Chapter 16
@disneyphantomlover: ((You know it’s bad when not even Bendy trusts the mechanic. Also, this link is important for the nameless song they play. 9w9 ))
Bendy was rather proud of himself!
Not only was Mr. Sammy Wes happier now, but the Music Director showed him how to play a song on the piano! It was a weird but fun song, and he liked flicking his tail to the beat. Sammy Wes was mumbling some lyrics under his breath, but he refused to sing them outright. It was a little frustrating, but honestly, the demon didn’t care too much. It was more fun learning how to bounce his hand along the black and white keys like the blond did, and make a recognizable melody out of it.
He’d played the song over and over until the melody was stuck in his head! Then he shoved Sammy Wes to the side and played it himself all the way through. “What’s the name of this one??”
The blond man smirked, holding a finger up to his lips to hush him.
Now that only made him all the curious-er! He stood on the bench, his tail circling and snapping around him. “Cmooooon! What’s the name? I wanna know!”
Sammy’s huge hand came down and patted Bendy’s head inbetween the horns, and it took a minute for the demon to realize that noise coming out of the man was a friendly chuckle. “It’s just a lil song that ain’t coming out for a few years. It’ll be reaaall popular in a bit, just you wait.”
WHOA. Bendy felt his eyes grow large from an influx of ink, his little jaw dropping just so. WHOOOOOAAAAAA. He was the first to hear a song?? A big ol’ popular one at that?! Oh gosh! This was fantastic!! This was amazing!! He couldn’t help rocking back and forth on his heels, grinning for all he was worth. “Thanks, Sammy Wes!!”
“Only one thing, ya lil menance.” Even though his Sammy called him a “menace” a lot, it was actually nice hearing it from Sammy Wes. He seemed genuinely teasing and playful about it. Even when he poked Bendy on his nonexistent nose. “Since it’s not coming out for a while, I ain’t telling you the name of it. That fair?”
“Well. NO.” He stopped rocking on his heels as much, pouting a little. But… He did take a second to think about it. It was his special gift from Sammy Wes. “….But I guess I can deal with that. Can I at least call it yer song?”
That made the man smile widely, and he nodded. “Sure thing, buddy.”
Bendy shot off like a bottle rocket then. He needed to share this with Boris and Alice! They’d be soooooo jealous! He got a special song from the other Sammy, and they didn’t. And he’d be the only toon taught to play on Sammy’s piano! …Okay, so it wasn’t their Sammy, but Sammy Wes was close enough! He was almost to the stairs when he saw the ink. Nothing but ink filled the entire stairwell, and the little demon grimaced. Wally was going to freak out when he saw this… And so would Mr. Connor. He needed to find someone else who could fix this… Seeing so much ink like that always made him a little anxious.
Just as he was going to go find someone, a tall man walked right by him. “Oh wonderful… Another leak…” Bendy blinked as the man set down a toolbox on the stairs’ landing and took a few steps into the ink. The ink was already up to his hips when he stopped going down the stairs and stopped to survey the burst pipe. The first thing that the Devil Darling considered was the fact that while he didn’t recognize the man, his voice was familiar. No idea from where though… “Gonna have to replace this whole coupling later.”
Oh! Wait! Now he did! This must be Murray Hill! He’d never seen the man, but he recognized his voice from when he was in the pipes! Maybe he should go hide…
“Hey. Little Demon? Mind passing me a rag out of my kit?”
…..Or he could be addressed?? That was an option he hadn’t considered. “I-…Uhhh….Okay.” He threw open the kit, finding a few rags at the top and tossing one to the mechanic. “Heads up!”
The man didn’t even turn around, but he caught it anyways! Used it to wipe some ink spatters off his face before leaning in. “Much obliged.”
Bendy sat down, watching as the mechanic picked up a few tools, wading back and forth between a few stairs as he replaced the metal that held two pipes together. He was pretty fast, and the little devil enjoyed watching him work. They stayed in silence for a few minutes, with Murray working on the pipe and Bendy humming his new song. It helped lessen his anxiety about seeing SO MUCH INK THERE, but not by much. 
Didn’t help that the demon could only handle silence for so long. “How come you ain’ freaked out by me?”
Murray was wiping his hands with the rag, attempting to sop up some of the ink before it stained his pale hands. “Eh. Seen too many Creations to be really surprised.”
“Creations?” Bendy let his head cock to the side, curiosity getting the better of him. “I thought Joey only made three of us.”
“Well… Other people have the same idea Mr. Drew did.” The man bounced his shoulders in a shrug. The pure lack of surprise in his voice made Bendy’s ink crawl. “It’s why I get called in so much. Help make cartoons like you real.”
…..That made logical sense. At least to his simple protagonist mind. But something felt wrong…. The demon couldn’t place it, but something about that man’s response felt off. Like a nasty note, or a bad model sheet. It wasn’t obviously wrong, but just enough to make him take notice. Joey told him that it took a lot of stuff like blood and ink and knowing the right rituals just to bring one of them to life. Him, Boris, and even Alice were here because of a lot of hard work and sacrificing on Joey’s part. And Murray sounded so… Uninterested. What part about living cartoons was uninteresting?
He pulled himself to his feet, taking a few steps back. “I'mma… I'mma go find Joey. Someone’s gotta tell him about this pipe.” He took off before the mechanic could respond to him. Something felt wrong and he’d feel better being near his Creator. Joey made things better. He may be a crazy, hare-brained man who liked the occult too much, but…. He was his Dad. And when uncomfortable, you go to your Dad.
It took a little longer than he liked to find Joey Drew, with ink starting to drip down his face and obscuring the vision in his left eye. But he tracked the man down and found him in Sammy’s office. He peeked through the glass, and saw Mr. Sammy Wes handing him a sealed envelope. It was soooo hard to hear through the glass, but he tried!
“-is how the boys at my Studio avoided getting drafted. ….It may not work the same here, but it’s a start. Just follow my directions, kay Drew?”
“I can do that. ….But…Would any of this apply to Henry? So he doesn’t get taken?”
“Absolutely. But you cannot- fucking look at me, Joey-you CANNOT open that until the date that’s on there. If you do, it’ll be suspcious.”
“Okay, okay…. I’ll keep this in my study. ….And Sammy Wes? …Thank you. I wouldn’t know where to begin with this… A draft? Why would they need to draft for a war?”
“….I don’t know, Drew. Cuz the military’s got its head up its ass and likes butting in unnessecarily? I couldn’ tell ya.”
Oh geeez… More stuff involving that “deployed” thing. Bendy scowled slightly, walking the short distance to the office door and knocking on it. Joey answered it, and Bendy couldn’t help but latch onto one of his legs and hang on for dear life. He didn’t notice Joey picking him up and holding him close, trying to coax something out of him. He just needed Joey right now. Nothing with that impending human stuff, or that creepy mechanic.
“Hey… What’s wrong, buddy?” That was Mr. Sammy Wes. He felt a second hand on his back, rubbing small circles on his shoulders.
Bendy couldn’t answer.
Joey deflated with a sigh, and Bendy felt a pat on the back of his head. “Cmon. I’ll take you to the office.” The demon felt his Creator start walking, through the door before stopping. “… We can do the ritual tonight, Sammy. Okay?”
((THERE IS SOMETHING SO WONDERFULLY INNOCENT AND ENERGETIC ABOUT THE WAY YOU WRITE BENDY AND HIS RELATED NARRATIONS. And he got so excited over the Secret Song™ wes played, that’s so darn cute. I’ve prolly said it already but I live for cute interactions between the toons and Wes, and Bendy seeking out Joey when things got Weird, he got all quiet and just grabbed his leg and like… fuck man I Love It. Poor Babby. man just kill me now this is some Wholesome Fuckin’ Content, Too Good And Wholesome For This World.
And I am dying to know what is up with Murray. The mystery is real. I’m on the edge of my seat here xD Anyway thank you for the fic!! <3 <3))
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six | part seven| part eight | part nine | part ten | part ten and a half | part eleven | part twelve | part thirteen | part fourteen | part fifteen | part sixteen | part seventeen | part eighteen | part nineteen (END)
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crispyninjadonut · 8 years
Keeper Group Chat Chapter 2
A/n hey guys sorry I don't have a schedule set up for updating I procrastinate and end up writing this on notes going to and from class XD  Enjoy
  As always under the cut for people that don't want to read (but why wouldn't you)
Linh: fitz did you have that science test yet Fitz: yeah earlier today Linh: how hard was it Fitz: define hard Fitz: like bash head against the wall hard Linh: definitely not that hard hopefully Fitz: yeah it wasn’t tHaT hard Linh: phew Sophie: hey guys Fitz: yo soph Linh: how was your morning Sophie: tiring Fitz: I don’t blame you Linh: yeah Sophie: I wonder where everyone else is Fitz: probs getting to class Linh: yeah doesn’t biana have maths across the school next? Sophie: tru Fitz: yep Sophie: I am sooooo ready for lunch Linh: saaaame Fitz: gtg bells about to ring Linh: me too Sophie: bye
Keefe: I have the fear Biana: you okay Keefe Keefe: t h e l u n c h l i n e Dex: oh my god Biana: how long have we been going to this school Tam: too long Biana: -_- Biana: my point is that you’ve gone through the lunch line before stop being so dramatic Dex: ohhhhhh Dex: she told you Keefe: if i die you aren’t getting any of my stuff Biana: just go! God Tam: see you at the table Dex: ugghhhh why does my locker have to be so far away Biana: c'mon Dex stop talking more walking Dex: I’m coming sheesh
Sophie: I don’t wanna go to maaaaath Fitz: c'mon that’s our only class together Keefe: I see why you don’t wanna go Fitz: -_- Keefe: ALLL byyyy myyyseeeeelf Keefe: don’t wannaaaa beeee Biana: oh my god Sophie: I know Tam: keefe could you shut up Keefe: nevverrrrr Fitz: uhoh Biana: the bells gonna ring you better shut up Sophie: if you make my phone go off in class Ill kill you Fitz: hahah HAHA Fitz: go to class Sophie: I swear if you are ditching again Keefe: me? Pfft Keefe: no way Biana: -_- Keefe: maybe a little Fitz: KEEFE Biana: you are so getting detention Fitz: don’t skip the detention Keefe: of course I’m gonna skip the detention Sophie: Keefe no Keefe: Keefe yes Tam: I do not condone this Keefe: hahaha see ya later guys Fitz: are you serious
Dex: FREEEDOOOOOOM Linh: yep Biana: let’s freaking go Im ready Sophie: where is my bus Keefe: with all the other busses Sophie: thanks Keefe Fitz: UGH I’ve got so much homework Dex: haha sucks to suck Fitz: what Dex: forget it Sophie: I CANT GIND MY BUS Biana: noooooooo Keefe: Foster it’s right over there Sophie: where the heck is that Keefe: the front Sophie: whys it over there Linh: go before you miss it Dex: oh my god soph XD Fitz: what are we gonna do with you Biana: :P Sophie: ha ha ha Sophie: ha ha ha haaaaa Sophie: -_- Dex: it’s okay Sophie: I’m disowning all of you Biana: you do that Sophie: jk jk love you guys Tam: I’m trying to do homework can you guys SHUT UP Keefe: you can’t tell us what to do bangs boy Biana: so what do you guys want to do on the ride home Dex: cry Keefe: um Dex: ;-; Linh: you okay there Dex: nO Fitz: do you want to talk about it Dex: no I’m just never okay Sophie; IM NOOOT OKKAAAAYYY Sophie: IM NOT OKAAAYYYYYYY Biana: sophie stap Sophie: ok I’m good Keefe: that happened Fitz: indeed Biana: I see the house on the horizon Fitz: woot let’s go Keefe: see ya guys Sophie: byyyye Dex: ughh five more stops Dex: I’m gonna do a little homework Sophie: ok talk to ya later Dex Keefe: bye!! Sophie: and then there were 2 Keefe: make that 1 my stop is in a minute Sophie: ugggggggggggg Sophie: alllll by myyyyyseeeelllllllfffff Sophie: fine I’ll do homework then
Sophie: HOMEWORK SUCKS Linh: I feel you Sophie: math Sophie: I hate math Dex: *maths Sophie: yeah yeah whatever Biana: XD Fitz: you having trouble Sophie: AM I HAVING TROUBLE Fitz: *? Fitz: need some help Sophie: yea Fitz: FaceTime me I’ll help Sophie: omg thanks Dex: hey linh do you get the music homework cause I don’t Linh: what part Dex: every part Linh: well that’s helpful Dex: wait google is being helpful Linh: okay Linh: am I being replaced by a computer? Biana: XD Dex: nooooo Dex: it’s just that google understands me Linh: XD okay
Keefe: it is already dark out!!! Tam: yeah that happens Keefe: but I have practiiiiiice Tam: deal with it Keefe: sigh Keefe: oh I see how it is Keefe: your just gonna leave me here with my boredom Keefe: ugghgggggggghhh your all so boring
Biana: hahaha sorry Keefe Keefe: -_- Biana: :P Keefe: hey hey did you know Biana: the more you KNOWWW Keefe: did you know that how to save a life is ten years old now Biana: WHAT Biana: ARE YOU SERIOUS Keefe: yep Biana: man I feel old Keefe: I know right Biana: wooowwww Biana: welp I gotta go Keefe: ugh just leave me be Biana: XD see ya
Sophie: hey at least its not math Dex: *maths Sophie: sigh Dex: technically it is like maths though Sophie: oh shut up Dex: XD Dex: I win Keefe: foster nobody calls it math Sophie: AMERICANS CALL IT MATH Keefe: I rest my case Sophie: ohhHHHH ITS ONN Dex: look what you did Keefe Dex: I just wanted to complain about my homework Dex: but nooooo Keefe: hehe sorry Sophie: UGH Sophie: you disgust me Keefe: I try ;) Dex: ew Sophie: omg Dex XD Dex: ^-^ Keefe: I am highly offended Biana: why am I not surprised Dex: heyy biana Dex: you have mister austin for music right Biana: yeah Dex: did you have any music homework Biana: nope we were running late Dex: are you serious Biana: sorry buddy Dex; well im gonna fail Sophie: no your not Biana: why are you taking music anyway Dex: my parents like TORTURING me Sophie: -_- Biana: cmon music isn’t that bad Dex: you know im terrible at it Sophie: your never gonna get better with that attitude Biana: yeah Dex: hmf Keefe: Guess who’s back Dex: an idiot is back Sophie: ab argumentative idiot is back Keefe: ack I am highly offended Biana: good Keefe: why do yall hate me Sophie: keefe Keefe: yah Sophie: never say y'all again Keefe: okay Dex: XD Keefe: hey Keefe: hey hey Sophie: yeah? Keefe: biana Sophie: oh Dex: XD Keefe: bianaaaaaa Biana: what is it keefe Keefe: is fitz around Biana: -_- Biana: he’s shut up in his room doing homework Keefe: ohhhh Biana:facetime him or something Keefe: I can’t he set it to do not disturb Dex: what do you want wonderboy for anyway Sophie: dEX Dex: yeah yeah don’t call him wonderboy anymore I know Sophie: :-: Biana: welp I don’t know what to tell you Keefe: tell FiTz that there’s a rugby game this saturday Biana: fine Sophie: ope Sophie: dinners ready bye! Keefe: bye foster! Dex: see ya soph Keefe: sooo Dex: I’m doing hw talk later Keefe: mkay
Biana: just told him Keefe: thanks Keefe: imma go take a nap Biana: XD okay Keefe: see ya tomorrow
 Chap 1
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