erythromanc3r · 18 days
AU where Eddie and Chrissy are first-responders (firefighters, EMTs, etc.)
Thank you for the ask! This is such a creative one!
1. Chrissy is an EMT, Eddie is an electrical line technician (ie; THE FIRST RESPONDER’S FIRST RESPONDER — guess who the cops call when there’s a downed wire in the road after a storm? Linemen, that’s who, but I’ll get off my soapbox now)
2. They keep making eyes at each other when they’re both at crash sites…it’s really quite unprofessional, actually
3. They get to talking during a blizzard when they’re riding it out out at the hospital, sitting cross-legged across from each other on a cot and eating lots of junk food they grabbed from the vending machines, sharing all their crazy stories from the job and what they both love about it.
4. Eddie plays in a band, Chrissy is studying for the MCAT in her off-time.
5. They soft launch their relationship at Eddie’s company picnic and all his coworkers are like “oh, you two finally got together!”
Send me AU asks!
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If you're still doing the AU thing: Hellcheer AU where Chrissy is a vampire
i actually wrote a fic where chrissy is a vampire! it's called lose/lose and you can find it here 🥰
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Tagged by @themaradwrites to share 10 comfort TV shows!
Parks and Rec
The Good Place
Never Have I Ever
Ted Lasso
Kid Cosmic
Legends of Tomorrow
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
i can't come up with a tenth - so close but so far :')
Tagging: @someonefantastic @lesbiankarolinanovotney @cluelessrebel1988 @bluejay-in-flight and whoever wants to do this!!
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themculibrary · 7 months
Jimmy Woo Masterlist
A Damn Good Team (ao3) - Enigmaforum T, 1k
Summary: They weren’t the Avengers but they were a damn good team all the same.
They could do this. They would do this.
First meet contact. Second save Darcy.
Beyond Our Control (ao3) - cluelessrebel1988 T, 2k
Summary: An extended scene with Monica and Jimmy during and after the events at the end of WandaVision episode 6
Breaking All The Rules (ao3) - DGCatAniSiri scott/jimmy G, 1k
Summary: Jimmy is in Scott Lang's bed. That's really not how this is supposed to work.
choreography (ao3) - manic_intent scott/jimmy E, 9k
Summary: The alpha stood carefully by the biggest window in Scott’s house, keeping his hands to himself. Fate had just decided to fuck with Scott in a major way and the only comfort Scott could take from the mess was that Agent Jimmy Woo looked as freaked out as Scott was. Of course the first perfectly compatible alpha Scott had ever met in nearly five decades of his life on earth would be his goddamned case officer.
first date (ao3) - ChookTingle scott/jimmy M, 2k
Summary: Scott finally asks Jimmy out then turns up late for their first date. This doesn't end even half as badly as he expected.
First Move (ao3) - calatoria darcy/jimmy T, 3k
Summary: Post-Hex, Darcy and Jimmy keep dancing around each other. Who makes the first move?
Green Tea Panna Cotta with Cookie Crumble and Brûléed Plums (ao3) - derevko_child phil/melinda G, 3k
Summary: They both smell like they just came out of a coffee shop but Coulson smells like coffee and May smells like tea, and if twenty years ago, someone tells him that one day, he’ll be sitting in between the two of them, eating Chinese takeout for dinner, knees touching, watching tv and bantering like old friends, he’d probably think they’re crazy
Agent Jimmy Woo gets a surprise visit from old friends.
Hints (ao3) - amitiel, RikuKingdomHearts3 darcy/jimmy G, 1k
Summary: Darcy realizes that she has a crush on Jimmy so she figures that she'll drop some hints and get them talking about it so she can properly tell him. After all, no one can be THAT dense... right?
Normal People (ao3) - manic_intent scott/jimmy E, 43k
Summary: “Dating is a security risk,” Phil said. He patted Jimmy companionably on the shoulder as he said it.
Jimmy pointedly shrugged off Phil’s hand. “Seriously? Is this really the time?”
Phil shaded his eyes against the sun. They were both wrapped heavily in parkas, knee-deep in snow a couple of miles out from Mt. Lussari village. Nothing but brilliant blue sky, mountains, and the wreckage of a military plane with all the bodies suspiciously missing. “It’s always a good time. Especially if you insist on using unsecured apps.”
Only in a Sitcom (ao3) - ForASecondThereWedWon darcy/jimmy T, 26k
Summary: Darcy has no idea what the hell's going on with this WandaVision thing, but neither does Jimmy. It's kinda fun to have somebody to binge-watch alternate reality TV with.
Initiative (ao3) - manic_intent scott/jimmy E, 6k
Summary: “Hello again,” Scott said, as cheerfully as he could.
Standing by the holographic deck in the middle of the shiny new Situation Room in the shiny new HQ for ATLAS, Jimmy stared at Scott. “Did you need something else, Mister Lang?”
Scott winced. The past year since the Ghost Incident hadn’t changed Agent Jimmy Woo much. Same wary expression, as though Scott was going to cart off the TV if Jimmy turned his back. Jimmy was still looked perfectly folded into his black suit with the neat tie, his collar pressed to sharp edges. “No uh. Just want to say. I’m happy to be here?”
jurisdiction (ao3) - manic_intent scott/jimmy E, 5k
Summary: “Let’s say that I met someone kinda cute,” Scott said as he and Luis sat down for tacos in Taqueria El Farolito, hunched over their burritos against the bright yellow and orange wall. “But we didn’t meet in the best of circumstances, and they probably hate me. How would I fix things?”
never the wrong card (ao3) - manic_intent scott/jimmy E, 4k
Summary: Scott peeked in. He was a little late thanks to traffic. On a quick sweep of the place, he thought for a moment that whoever he was meeting was also late. Or had stood Scott up. No such luck. In the corner of the restaurant, checking his phone, was a guy in a suit with a white tulip pinned to his lapel.
Huh. Scott felt a little embarrassed for snipping a wildflower off the sidewalk now, but he’d genuinely forgotten about the flower thing until he was on his way. He sidled over to the table and sat down. “Paxton’s friend?” Scott asked, then added awkwardly, “er, hi.”
superheroes (ao3) - manic_intent scott/jimmy E, 7k
Summary: “Just gimme the chicken soup,” Scott said, once Agent Woo ran out of breath.
Woo blinked and handed over the plastic soup container. It was lukewarm to the touch and smelled rich and oily and herby in a way Scott didn’t recognise. Strange wrinkly red raisin-like things floated on the surface among odd white shards, and the chicken was a weird charcoal colour through the clear plastic lid. “Err. Is this really chicken soup?” Scott asked, trying his best not to sound suspicious and failing.
“It’s obviously chicken soup,” Woo said, a little defensively.
the mistimed bing (ao3) - Siria scott/jimmy T, 3k
Summary: “Oh, whoa, okay, wait, hold up.” Scott came to a halt in the middle of the sidewalk, clutching his bag of tacos to his chest. “I think he actually was asking me out.”
Wooing Bruce (ao3) - Blizzard_Fire jimmy/bruce T, 2k
Summary: Jimmy performs card tricks to calm Hulk down. In the year that follows, he and Bruce get to know each other.
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cluelessrebel1988 · 1 year
First new fic in a while, but I recently rewatched the original Jumanji movie with Robin Williams and Kirsten Dunst, and this idea was born from that
What if the Judy and Peter who played the game with Alan and Sarah weren't erased, but instead were brought back like Alan and Sarah were -- to the point in time when they started playing the game?
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jemmasimmons · 4 years
stay at home ask: 23, 26, 30
Hello! Thank you so much for sending me this— I’m sorry for the super belated reply to this. I know it’s from forever ago, but I am finally finishing all the asks for this meme, so I really do appreciate you sending this :)
23. the book you just finished and what you thought (no spoilers!)
Oof, good reminder I need to read more! I did recently finished Atomic Habits by James Clear. It was phenomenal. I’ve been really into personal development, so having his ideas really strengthen a lot of the things I’ve been learning and thinking myself has been great. It also is very actionable advice! And if you buy the book he sends you templates, worksheets, and tips—so double bonus!
26. the film you watched most recently that you could watch again and again
I was feeling down recently and I made my boyfriend watch Father of the Bride I and II. Which, I have been watching over and over again for years lol They’re extremely silly, a little dated with certain jokes and plotlines, but overall it makes me laugh a lot and I can just relax and not think.
30. a song that makes you want to have a boogie round your bedroom
I answered this question here, but since I love dancing music, here are a few that didn’t make the first list:
Come and Get Your Love —Redbone
Dancing in the Dark —Bruce Springsteen
Rasputin —Boney M.
Ghostbusters —Ray Parker, Jr. (anytime of the year!)
Good as Hell —Lizzo
Thank you so much for the ✿ Soft Asks ✿
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Fanfic ask: 15, 16, 18, 19
15. Post the last line you wrote without context.
Oh no, did she know who he really was?
16. Describe your WIP that currently has the highest word count.
I don’t know for certain, but the one I know I have involves space and found family.
18. Do you have a fic reading/writing routine?
*Moira Rose laugh*
My writing routine is find time when I have it and write while watching something. My reading routine is if I have some time or while I’m cooking dinner/ready to go to sleep. It is an irregular schedule. 
19. What’s your favorite character headcanon?
Now this is hard because I have many headcanons for many characters. I would say that my headcanon for Gary Green is that his father is Vandal Savage (plausible until busted).
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starrypawz · 3 years
Film asks: 10, 12, 15, 16
Film Asks
Favourite Director?
I’m gonna expose myself as an uncultured as I’m not I think into movies enough to really know enough directors off the top of my head let alone enough to like really super know their body of work enough to be like ‘I’m a fan’. Can I say Miyazaki at least?
A movie that holds a special place in your heart?
I’m cheating since it’s a trilogy but LOTR, it’s a key part of my psyche
A film everyone loves but you hate / A film you love but everyone else hates
I’m popping these together as like i don’t think I’ve really got an answer for these? I think my taste in movies is generally like fairly mainstream/non controversial. And like I seldom like outright hate anything?
Like only things I can think of is like I’ve never really hated the SW Prequels and back in the day I liked the Jim Carrey Series of Unfortunate Events Adaptation because tbh when it came out I was like not familiar with the books so I didn’t have that ‘they adapted the book wrong’ problem unlike say the Golden Compass movie, I’m not super into Frozen (I don’t think it’s a ‘bad’ movie but I feel like it’s way more hyped up than necessarily idk)
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puntuations · 4 years
Ask thing: 2, 29, 30, 31
thanks for sending these in!
2. what would you name your future kids?
I haven’t really thought of this! I think it would be cool to name them after book characters though.
29. favourite film(s)
I answered this question here
30. favourite tv show(s)
I rewatch like the same few shows all the time buuuut B99, Friends, Grey’s Anatomy, and The Queen’s Gambit
31. 3 random facts
I like to bake! My mocha brownies are pretty great!
I’ve only been to one concert but I’m hoping to change that after the pandemic
I won a pumpkin carving contest when I was younger (technically I shouldn’t have won because I didn’t carve the pumpkin but painted it)
send in some nice asks!
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raviposting · 4 years
End of the year ask thing: 1, 4, 19, 20
Aah thanks (skipping #4 bc I did it)! :D 
1. Song of the year? Maybe Say So by Doja Cat? I still haven’t gotten sick of it so I appreciate that lol 
19. What’re you excited about for next year? I am excited to not have Trump as president lmaooo 
20. What’s something you learned this year? Hm. I think, being at a location, briefly, with a lot of Trump supporters, I learned a lot, genuinely, about their mindset. Whether that’s good or bad that I learned it I really can’t tell you LOL, but I learned a lot about it. 
End of the Year Asks!
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shitthehousessay · 6 years
Slytherin: Hufflepuff, I have the distinct impression we woke you around 3:30 this morning.
Hufflepuff: No, it was ten to four.
Gryffindor: Did we say why?
Hufflepuff: You said you wanted to sacrifice a virgin.
Slytherin: Did we?
Hufflepuff: I was too sleepy.
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catelyngrant · 4 years
writing ask: 22, 23, 25
22. Do you reread your old works? How do you feel about them? Sometimes! Usually when I’m dipping my toes into an old fandom and am feeling nostalgic. Generally I feel pretty good about them, though if I go waaaay back to when I was writing 24 fic in my early/mid teens, that would probably not be the case. 
23. What’s the story idea you’ve had in your head for the longest? Probably the AU I started in 2011 where Sarah Jane joined Ten and Rose in the TARDIS after School Reunion. I lost the notebook that had most of the ideas and scene sketches, and realistically it’s just never gonna happen, but I still have a soft spot for the concept. More recently, I’ve had a Cat Grant backstory/character study in the works (or at least in my mind, and chunks in Google Docs) since 2016. I still like to think that I’ll finish it one day...
25. What part of writing is the most fun? Finishing it, lol. Every now and then I’ll just get a surge of inspiration and something will pour out of me, and that’s the best feeling. 
Thank you! 
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timelessbian · 4 years
writing ask thing: 11, 31, 33
thanks!! <3
11.  How do you come up with your fic titles?
depends. sometimes i go into it with a title already picked out (which is usually the case with my longer fics and multichapters) or just do one of those artsy lowercase lyric titles, usually pulled from whatever song i had on repeat while i was writing (and in some of my older stuff the titles are just straight up lame, which is why i lean for lyrics now if i don’t have any better ideas lmao)
31. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
i think angie is always going to be my fave. she’s just fun to write (and use as my emotional support projection character afbsjhbvhs) and i don’t feel like i’ve had any reader complaints lol
33.  What do you like writing better: one shots or multi-chapter stuff?
oneshots no contest. i’m SO BAD at keeping up with multichaps and i’m p sure i’ve abandoned more than i’ve finished at this point lmao. i mean, multichaps are fun and when i do finish them it’s always super rewarding! but generally my hell-brain was made for churning out oneshots in a few hours of hyperfocus and then promptly forgetting about it ahvbdhbvhad
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rocinantescoffeestop · 8 months
Getting to Know You
I was tagged by @themaradwrites!
Last Song I Listened To: Touchy Feely Fool by AJR
My Favourite Colour: Red still :)
Last Film/Show I Watched: School Spirits & Stargate: Atlantis
Sweet, Savoury, or Spicy: Savoury and spicy
My Relationship Status: Single
Last Thing I Googled: What is cariad in Welsh? (it means love, btw)
My Current Obsession: Greek Mythology (specifically Atalanta)
Last Book I Read: Atalanta by Jennifer Saint (last one I completed); I started a new one yesterday called The Last Party by Clare MacIntosh
Looking Forward To: Late Spring and Summer when it warms up and I can potentially draft some friends into hiking with me. :D
Tagging: @someonefantastic @loverjed @cluelessrebel1988 @shrinkthisviolet @goldheartedchaoticdisaster and anyone else who wishes to join!
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elivanto · 5 years
Not from the US ask thing: 1, 5, 10
1. favourite place in your country? berlin. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
5. favourite song in your native language? this is so cliché but ‘Das Beste’ by Silbermond
10. most enjoyable swear word in your native language? there are none that are as enjoyable as english ones. I say ‘scheiße’ a lot though lol
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simplyshelbs16xoxo · 4 years
for the get to know me ask thing: 52, 91, 92
52. Favorite food? I'm always so conflicted between Nachos and Pizza lol
91. Do you like your own name? I love it!
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? Not really. There was a time I had the whole marriage, babies, and white picket fence dream, but it's not what I want anymore. If I decide to have kids, I'll probably adopt them ♡
Get to Know Me Uncomfortably Well
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