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bassmentbusan · 2 years ago
Bahnya Dub Temple 5/27 Sat
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🕍Bahnya Dub Temple Vol.2🕍
[반야 덥 템플] 그 두번째 시간은 사운드 시스템 컬처의 선구자, 뮤지션, 레이블 오너, 덥와이저 등의 다양한 수식어를 갖추고 약 50년의 세월을 쉬지 않고 달려왔던 대들보 '쟈 샤카 Jah Shaka'를 기리는 이벤트로 개최하고자 합니다. 그가 만들고 참여 했던 곡이 아니어도 그의 사운드 시스템에서 플레이가 되었다면, 선곡과 사운드 오퍼레이팅 방식이 교과서가 되어 그 곡들 마저 모두의 추종이 대상이 되어왔습니다. 그래서 우리는 쟈 샤카의 곡만을 플레이 하는 것이 아닌, 그가 전파해온 사운드 시스템 컬처 자체를 27일 밤 여러분들께 선사할 것입니다. 목 놓아 환호를 하고, 신명이 나게 춤을 추는 밤을 만들어 우리 모두의 가슴속에 이 밤을 새깁시다.
🌍10,000KRW (1 free drink)
🌍Rest in power of trinity, @jahshakamusic
jahshaka #jahshakasoundsystem #반야사운드시스템 #bahnyasoundsystem #soundsystem #clubrun #junbak #smileysong #mhmd #shinji #vonbueno
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runningtobehappy · 5 years ago
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Happy suffering on the Integração race.
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thebombproject · 4 years ago
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Out and about on the #hdhrnationals2020 #clubrun today, first stop the @beenleighrumdistillers There's no cars in this shot, just a pair of fluffy #carnerds 💪😎🇦🇺 Next stop is Heritage Park in #Pimpama if you see about 30 #ironlions in convoy on the #pacificmwy give us a toot and a wave 👋😎 ##hdhrholdennationals #hdholden #hrholden #ironlion #convoy (at Beenleigh Artisan Rum Distillery) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF5sp42Achx/?igshid=1b11a6zg252u
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footprinting · 6 years ago
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Scottish tank, dear friends on the sidelines, gutsy hills, clear crisp day and swishing ponytail? This could only be XC season! And more specifically, the famed and wonderful Vosseler 💥⛰️ This was my first race with @wellingtonscottish 2 years ago and I'm very grateful it was. Thanks so much to WHAC @wellingtonharriers for hosting us on Saturday, we had an absolute blast! #xc #hihills #vosseler #clubrunning #mtvic #wellingtonnzonline https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx8Emj3nn8b/?igshid=1dbjvlgswp7pd
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grimsbywargames · 8 years ago
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Rehydrating from the club run with a pint of Stella. Main reason am here is because its the Clee AC Vice Chairmans 70th Birthday meal tonight #stella #vegan #cleeac #cleethorpesathleticclub #birthdaymeal #clubrun #thirsty #rehydrating #stellaartois (at The Trawlerman)
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amazin4444 · 8 years ago
#clubrun @djjohnnyhansum #testrun #crushon FEATURING @koonce_finesselord & @MAZE_HNY click the link under my BIO TO LISTEN TO THE FULL SONG #CRUSHon #HNYRECORDS #maze
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thebombproject · 5 years ago
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The @h00nchild and I went on our first #clubrun with the Qld HD & HR Club today. As you'd expect, I took a camera and doco'd the shit out of it. This first set was taken at the meet-up point, the @beardeddragonhotel at Tamborine. From there we cruised to the Gallery Walk at Tamborine Village, but it was waaaaaaay too busy there so the kid and I hightailed to the second stop, Lions Park at Canungra #norona In case you're curious, we were in the #VFCommodore #Storm affectionately known as #Pixels. Obviously #TheBomb is not in any condition to cruise just yet, and #Bevan the #VBCommodore sounds like he's about to drop his guts all over the road so he stayed home 🤦‍♂️ If you're hot to see some not-Holdens we saw on the way around, check out my regular insta - @algonewild 🤘😎🤘 https://www.instagram.com/p/CC0r3S7A6HD/?igshid=136n0jsa0foxx
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jumpondabandwagon · 8 years ago
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#ClubRun Live At The Spot #ShowLife ShoutsOut 2 @d_teck We Chopped It Up A Few Times At A Few Events #SupportWhoSupportU #StayConnected #WorknGrindnStaynActive Ayo @jmg_thelabel Im Workn
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lycraluke-blog · 8 years ago
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Sunday Social @jaydirtydogs @gbecyclingclub #gbecyclingclub #sundaysocial #clubrides #clubrun @mybikeandi #mybikeandi #cyclingkit #clubattire #clubapparel #gbecyclingclubjersey #owayo #gbecc #stravaride #roadbike #instaride #focusbike #carrera #bikegram #beardsandbikes
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intersport-schrey · 4 years ago
#ClubRun Der erste komplett digitale Run, bei dem sich Läufer deutschlandweit messen können 🏃 ♀ 🏃 ♂ Das Highlight: mit deiner Startgebühr supportest du deinen lokalen Sportverein! Mehr Info's und die Teilnahme findest du unter: run.intersport.de/clubrun oder direkt über den Link in unserer Story. II Powerd by @adidas_de II #AusLiebeZumSport #INTERSPORT #adidas #teamgeist #gemeinsam #supportyourlocal #run #laufen #running #wirliebensport #zuhause #adidasrunner #frontrunner #bleibtfit #workout #training #lifestyle #fit #fitspo #sport #fitness #welovetraining #laufenmachtglücklich #sportmachtglücklich @ikkclassic @stantonamarlberg @runnersworld.de https://www.instagram.com/p/CEvv-wFKRez/?igshid=127ntesp7zhw6
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lockettay · 8 years ago
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Lovely run with the Away group last night. A bit of trail and canals! 😁 #awayrun #countryside #canal #runner #running #club #clubrun #trailrunning #free #nature #yorkshire #runningclub #freshair (at Thorne, South Yorkshire)
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renrappinghood · 8 years ago
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#cycle #roadbike #clubrun #bikelife #cyclelife #garmin #boardmanbikes (at Elgin, Moray)
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nickrearden · 8 years ago
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Heidi has a birthday Raleigh electric bike and the tandem is now back from Kent (thank you Rebecca) for Luke & Bron to ride on Sunday clubruns #helloaugust #odddowncircuit #veloclubwalcot #milesofsmiles (at Odd Down Cycling Circuit)
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thebombproject · 5 years ago
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I'm proud to present the #donor body for #TheBomb 😎 It comes with all the panels and bits we need to finish the project off [BYO engine & drive line 👌] so I'll have the freedom to retain as much or as little of my old girl as I choose. . . The current owner is already well into the #rustrepairs and the body comes with the #rotisserie so that's going to save me a bunch of time. He wants to clear his shed and move on to his next project (an electric land-speed record streamliner) and I'm keen as mustard to help him out with that, too 🤩 We should have it here in our own shed within the next week or two, all things going to plan. . . Which throws up another entirely unexpected problem - finding somewhere to store #Bevan the #VBCommodore for a few months while the garage is full of deconstructed HRs 🤔 Any suggestions? Ideally I'd like him relatively close and accessible so we can still go on #clubruns with him every couple of weeks. #thebombproject #hrholden #hrute #holdenute #projectcar #myfirstcar https://www.instagram.com/p/B48t0jvgABQ/?igshid=qv8t4d986ryr
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missatown2u · 4 years ago
When the beat drop lol, with @trapbeckham ☺😁 #strokersatl - - - #ClubRun #ATLMedia #ATLDjServicePack https://www.instagram.com/p/CGJC_0EBWKN/?igshid=1wmd1m8csijf9
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#Unete. https://www.facebook.com/groups/clubrunning/
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