#cloudy leo
galaxymagick · 2 years
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vinescreens · 6 months
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Stardew Valley
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pumpkinbxtch · 4 months
hi!!! I was wondering if you could do hcs for what arguing would be like with the HOO boys
Don't talk me like that! | headcanons
— arguing with the hoO boys
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warnings: angst, language, boys being...boys
who's here: jason grace, leo valdez, frank zhang ands percy jackson.
a/n: ohh ohh ohhh, yes. I can. I love drama.
— jason grace:
To get into a real fight with him, you must have come a long way because he's so peaceful and always tries to negotiate calmly, making sure both of you communicate effectively. But at the end of the day, you're like any other couple and sometimes end up having real fights.
The big issue is Jason's nature. He goes silent when he's really upset, his emotions hard to show.
When he’s that mad, you can see it on his face. It’s scary, let’s not lie.
When the ice breaks, he tries to take charge to explain what's wrong, which often makes things worse.
He keeps his distance when you argue, tense and rigid. He’s like a handsome, angry log.
Sometimes he says things reluctantly, like "don't act childish," which is so him.
Yes, he raises his voice and gets frustrated, "no, I said NO, THAT’S NOT HOW IT IS, gods…"
If you're wondering if his powers show, the answer is NEVER, or at least not against you. His mouth might taste like metal or his fingers might spark, but that's just him being really stressed.
His eyes get cloudy and grey.
He takes off his glasses and rubs his temples while muttering.
When things finally start to work out, he breathes better and starts talking more because he knows nothing will work if he doesn’t.
He’s practical, coming up with solutions to problems.
When the fight's over, he hugs you and kisses your forehead, relieved to be out of that situation.
Can he stay mad for days? Depends on the problem, but he’d prefer it doesn't last more than a day.
— leo valdez;
Leo and you usually argue over small things because you have that kind of relationship where you bicker and tease for fun, but when things get serious, the arguments can get heated (get it? heated? laugh, please).
That’s when things get tough. He may seem easy-going, but Leo has a strong temper and is very stubborn when he's mad. Whatever made you really fight doesn't matter because he’ll be stuck on his point.
"No, that's not how it happened." You could be contradicting each other all day until you both turn away and stop talking.
"Well, screw you!" you say, and he growls back, "Yeah, you too," swearing in Spanish. "vale ma-" "me lleva la ch-"
Yes, he switches languages mid-sentence.
"I already told you no! CUANTAS VECES TENGO QUE DECIRLO, carajo!-"
If you know Spanish, you can reply; if not...
"I don’t understand you, idiot. Say it in English or fuck yourself ." (just in case because you’re not sure what he said)
Swearing is common if he's really mad, but it's more his way of dealing with it than being mad at you.
That or sharp sarcasm.
Yes, he might cry if the argument is really bad.
His rigid feelings and insecurity can come up.
Leo is attached, so he’s constantly thinking of ways to fix it because he can’t stand being away from you for too long.
He keeps his distance, terrified of hurting you with his powers, which makes him nervous. "No, DON’T COME NEAR ME." It's for your safety, but it hurts him to see the look in your eyes when he says it.
Can he stay mad for days? Absolutely, but he misses you a lot, though his pride might keep him from showing it.
Don’t worry, he’ll eventually sit down to talk it out, and you’ll both calm down and fix things.
Then he'll give you a big hug and kiss your cheeks.
— frank zhang:
it’s hard to imagine: WHAT DID YOU DO TO FIGHT?
Yes, Frank is Mars’s son, but he’d never choose the battlefield for his lover. He’s very careful and always considerate, but yeah he can be severe when things get bad, and when isn't enough just have a serious talk.
You end up fighting in not-so-quiet whispers, with your faces and gestures being the most expressive.
"Of course not, I already told you, hey!" He raises his hands, and his body tenses up threateningly.
Frank tries to understand your point and make himself heard, always mindful of both your feelings. He knows how to set boundaries.
Sometimes, he just can’t take it anymore and signals a pause. "You know what? This is getting too much, and neither of us is in the best shape. Let’s talk tomorrow or later, please."
Does he raise his voice? Hardly, only when he really needs to make a point.
His eyes are bright, tinged with sadness and anger. The deadliest is his calm face or the way he slightly curls his lip, almost growling.
His eyebrows always seem to be touching, even if he doesn’t want them to.
He keeps a cool head to solve things.
Can he stay mad for days? Yes, while clearing his mind and thinking. He’ll come up to you, and you’ll talk it out, making things work in the end.
He’ll take your hand. You might feel guilty for pushing a guy like Frank to his limit, but he doesn’t mind having relationship problems with you:
"I hope we fight many more times, but about totally different things because it means we’ve really solved the previous issues."
— percy jackson:
wtf did you both do to get into a fight?
Percy won't waste a second, trying to resolve it immediately by asking and reflecting on his own actions. "What did I do wrong?" if it was his fault. "Can you listen to me for a second?" if it was you.
He hates being mad at you, just can’t stand it. But if the fight starts, he wants to start or finish it (or both).
Yes, he might cry.
Yes, he might raise his voice. "No, I didn't do anything. LISTEN TO ME."
Then he apologizes for it because he lost it.
He tries to hold your hands and says, "Babe, babe…"
He makes you both breathe and talk calmly.
He argues, of course, but differently. He’ll stop the conversation. "You know what? I'll think about it." He leaves or makes you leave.
Consequently, he might stay mad for days, or both of you might be mad at each other, but he’s thinking of what to say rather than just calming down. (Nothing wrong with that, everyone handles feelings differently and that's valid.)
Yes, he asks his mom.
Yes, he asks Paul.
You both end up fixing things, and he hugs you tight, giving you kisses all over your face while pouting.
"I missed you, babe."
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seafoamreadings · 19 days
full moon lunar eclipse at 25 pisces. conjunct neptune.
the eclipse is not exact yet but you can feel it from now, especially if you are a piscean, virgoan, or neptunian, or a leo or cancer. the effects are an aftermath lasting well into the ingress of the moon into aries. my best advice at this time is to go to great lengths not to deceive or to be deceived and if this is difficult, abstain from any cloudy or questionable dealings as long as possible so the effects of this eclipse can pass and begin to settle. meanwhile, an introspective, calm, restful, and magical couple of evenings are advised. then upon waking, carefully record any dreams you can remember, even if you only can retain shards of them. these will contain messages that may be deeply personal, prophetic, or that come from people you used to know who seem to be long gone.
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somerandomdudelmao · 1 year
I hope this kills you and makes your day at the exact same time. I'm winging this btw and it's all improv in mah brain so it might be longer than expected, idfk, we'll see.
Thanks so much for existing and giving us this comic in the first place now suffer-
Leo watched as Donnie continued talking, his movements exaggerated and his words ecstatic. The holograhic screen lit up every surface within a 2-foot radius, the words big and bright against the darkened atmosphere. Beside himself, Mikey and Raph shivered on each side, looking anywhere but at Donnie's face. And even though Leo understood why they couldn't bare to look their brother in the eye right now, something deep inside of him still burned with annoyance. Because despite everything, it was still Donnie! They just couldn't see it yet!
Not like Leo could see very well past the hard, stable shell that his twin had built around himself. Not like he could tell how Donnie was really feeling. Not like his tireless efforts to reach out and help did anything noteworthy.
All it got him was...
"...Oh! And how could I forget the infirmary machinery as well!" Donnie continued, his voice raised in a professional manner that would make anyone else think he was just giving a regular presentation. "The infirmary duties will obviously be passed onto you, Leo, since aside from Casey, you're the most medically knowledgeable. Plus, I know you won't disappoint."
Of course, Leo wasn't anyone else. He could hear the manic cry for life and freedom and pain in his twin's voice, no matter how quiet. It was there, faint and far away, somewhere that not even Donnie could find it, but it was still there and it needed answering.
Donnie just kept refusing to look in the right direction.
It was well after midnight when Donnie pulled Leo aside for a chat about the affairs of taking on three positions at once. The leader of the resistance could barely piece together what Donnie was saying though, his words muffled by the bigger picture.
In the dead of night, as expected, Donnie's demeanor took a complete 180 shift, his expression barely masking the exhaustion and weakness he undoubtedly felt. His eyes were half-lidded and cloudy, a look that Leo's only ever seen thrice in those yellow and red irises. His shoulders, despite getting bonier and bonier by the day, were slouched in a lazy way that made the soft-shell look like a corpse. The purple hoodie he so much adored nearly reached his knees, the lost fat and muscle making the article of clothing seem bigger than it actually was.
But one of the worst aspects about Donnie's appearance didn't have anything to do with any signs of death or sickness. No... The thing that made Leo really want to throw up...?
Donatello was now shorter than Leonardo.
"C-come on, Donnie... Why would I need to learn any of this... Nerd... Stuff, if I already have you?"
A stupid question. Idiotic, dumb, foolish, stupid, demeaning, disgusting, stupid, gross, stupid stupid stupidstupidstupidstupid-
"Riiiiiight... Anyway, you'll need to remove that panel right there to get to the inner-workings of..."
But even though it was a stupid question, Donnie would've usually gone out of his way to answer it.
Why wouldn't he answer?
Two weeks.
It had only been two weeks.
But it felt like a lifetime.
Donnie wasn't dead yet, thank whatever god that's still out there that he wasn't, but Leo still felt like he was. Donnie was literally just there, he was just right in front of him, talking about the schematics of something or other, running his mouth like he's been doing for the past few days. Nothing truly notable about Donnie's health had really changed, no weakening brain cells or crippling disabilities. The only things that had changed were Donnie's height again and his now inability to walk.
His inability to walk. Just two weeks ago he was bouncing off the walls and biting people's noses off.
However, despite all of the physical evidence that Donnie was very clearly still here and alive, Leo couldn't help but feel like a part of him was gone. Dead, deceased, whisked away by the winds of time... It was hard to explain, even for him, how something inside of him just kind of... Faded away.
The Death, as Leo pessimistically liked to call it, was a slow and agonizing process, beginning all the way back when Donnie first revealed his worsening condition and then continuing on until now. It began with just a little click, a little pinprick of emptiness and loss and HURT that Leo didn't know how to fix. Then that pinprick slowly grew into a scab, then a paper cut, then a scratch, then a hole, and then finally evolved to a gaping wound that would take years to fix. It was just this... This agonizing feeling of emptiness and loneliness that Leo hadn't even felt when Raph first died. (Haha, funny. He's already died twice by now. Hilarious.) And no matter how hard Leo tried to heal it with potions and bandages and medicine and melatonin, it never went away.
Not even when Donnie stood directly in front of him.
And isn't that just hilarious? Isn't that great? Isn't that just Splendid? Isn't that just the coolest Revelation That LEO'S EVER FELT?? ISN'T THAT SO INTERESTING????
Isn't it funny?
Leo watched as Donnie continued talking, his movements exaggerated and his words ecstatic.
He watched the ghost wave goodbye with a dramatic flair and a little giddiness in his step, the small soft-shell turtle barely able to show his hand from inside the giant sleeve of his favorite hoodie.
Leonardo waved back, a sad, forced smile and a train track of dried tears gracing his face.
Red enveloped Leo's vision one final time, and soon enough...
The half of himself that somehow still remained...
Faded away.
Haha get Disaster Twin'd idiot-
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I mean. Thank you. This is amazing and I love it with all my heart💜💙
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tmntfixationxreader · 8 months
♡A Dance in the Rain♡Leo x reader♡
~Leo won’t let a little rain mess with your fun~
Word count: 962
Warnings: Complete fluff, slight kissing.
“Yes! I’m so excited to… Oh…” You open your front door to the building you were staying in, looking out into the empty front yard, only to discover it was pouring down rain.
Leo looks over your shoulder out at the rain.
“Dang… Looks like we won’t be taking that walk after all…” You mutter, and go to close the door.
Leo’s hand holds the door open.
“Why not? We should go out!” He says excitedly, then blushes. “Out- into the rain..”
You smile, but raise an eyebrow. “Why? won’t we get-”
Leo already has your hand and he pulls out onto the front steps.
Rain pours down on both of your heads, soaking you almost immediately in cold water.
“Leo!” You chuckled, flicking some water at him.
He laughs so genuinely it makes your heart flutter. He flicks water at you back, then kicks the grass to send more water droplets at your legs.
You laugh again, and look up at the sky, watching the rain fall from the cloudy heavens.
Leo watched you.
Your face smiling up into the sky, the water falling down from your hair and all down your skin, soaking your clothes even further.
You, his best friend, the most attractive person he swears he’s ever met, looking up into the sky, water drops rolling down their face.
He felt his heart flutter and melt, and his cheeks get warmer.
You noticed him watching, and smiled at him. He blushed more, but wasn’t afraid to stop looking at you.
“What?” You giggled to yourself.
“Just admiring the beauty of mi ángel,” He smiled wide.
You blush and laugh.
“I bet you came down from the sky just like the rain…” He grinned, taking a step closer to you and slowly cupping your cheek.
You chuckled giddily, butterflies fluttering in your stomach. “You're a tease…”
“Maybe, mi amor, maybe…” He smirked, and gently kissed your cheek. You blushed a thousand and one shades of red.
He chuckled. “Your face is so red…”
You laughed, giving his shoulder a playful shove. “It’s probably from the rain…”
“Suuuuuuure it is…” he smirked again, water running down his face from his soaked blue mask.
“Leo!” You objected, grinning, and giving his shoulder another shove.
He laughed, then his face lit up with an idea.
He shoved his hand into his hoodie pocket, pulling out his phone that was somehow dry.
“Leo, you're gonna get that thing soaked,” You say, watching him bend over it slightly to protect it from the rain.
In only a second before his phone began to play your favorite slow song. He must have either had it saved or memorized, because he found it right away.
He put his phone back into his pocket, and held out both hands with raised eyebrows.
You smiled, taking one of his hands and putting the other on his shoulder.
He held your hand gently, then put his other hand on your hip. He seemed confident, but his face was blushing and he was clearly nervous.
You smiled at him, blushing.
Slowly he took the lead, and stepped backwards. You followed his movements, and soon you two were slowly dancing in a square.
Surprisingly, you two only stepped on each other's feet a couple of times.
You couldn’t help but smile giddily.
Leo smiled, and his mask, now soaking wet, slipped down over his eyes. He was about to fix it, when you reached up and fixed it for him.
You adjusted his mask so he could see out the eye slots, and kept your hands there for a moment longer.
“Heh.. Thanks…” he muttered, cheeks as red as the crescents around his eyes.
“No problem…” You mutter back, smiling.
You rest your hands on his shoulders, and his settles onto your hips.
He swallows, and dampens his own lips with his tongue (even though he was already soaking wet) before he speaks.
“Y/n… Could I… Can I…” He muttered, glancing down at your lips nervously.
You smile, blushing just as much as he was. You give a small nod, and couldn’t help but look down at his lips too.
He was surprisingly slow. For the turtle who was always fast and bouncing off the walls, he was the slowest he probably had ever been.
Leo leaned in, lips hovering just over yours. You could feel his warm breath against your lips.
You leaned a little forward to let him know you wanted it.
He smiled, then pressed his lips against yours.
It was warm… Yet the rain pouring down around made the both of you cold.
He was slow, taking his time and just resting in the position for a moment, before finally moving his lips a little. You matched him and slowly you two built a pattern…
Until the sky rumbled and you heard a loud crack! of lighting. Both of you jumped, lips separating, and instinctively looking towards where the lightning had struck… But of course it was far enough away that you couldn’t actually see anything.
Leo turned back to you with a smile.
“Uh, maybe we should go back inside…” He grinned, running his hand up your back over your wet clothes.
You chuckled. “Probably…”
The two of you hesitated, glancing down at each others lips before-
Crack! Boom!
Lightning and thunder stuck within the sky again and the two of you jumped.
“Ok- maybe we should go inside-” You say hurriedly, and let go of him, grabbing one of his hands.
Leo laughs, squeezing your hand as the two walk towards the front door.
“Yeah, yeah, I think mother nature is trying to tell us to take this elsewhere…” Leo smirked in a tone that sent butterflies to your gut.
You blushed, chuckling. “Leooo!”
Leo spanish translation:
Mi ángel = My angel
Mi amor = My love
Master post
Bye bye butterflies!
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pjoxreader · 1 year
can you do something with jason, leo, and percy where they turn on the reader or something and they have to kill their s/o because someone told them that they were evil??
Reader Gets Betrayed by Their SO
TW (Death, Blood, Broken bones)
Jason Grace
-There you stood looking up at your boyfriend in the raging rain storm. Rain was pelting you as if it was hail. Thunder claps above the two of you illuminating his blonde hair and making his blue eyes seemingly glow in the cloudy gray storm clouds as he stares down at you coldly. -”Jason! Please!” You beg him, voice cracking as you plead. You couldn’t believe it, your boyfriend, the person you had trusted the most had turned against you. You wanted to believe he was being controlled, that this was some cruel monster forcing him to do this…
-But it wasn’t. You knew deep down that he wasn’t. Jason lands in front of you, flicking out his coin and summoning his sword. “Jason you don’t understand…” You try. But the look in his eye… He… He was determined to kill you. You never once imagined what it was like to be a monster…
-Yet now you felt bad for them, being forced to stare down these cruel eyes before their death. You force yourself to draw your sword as he charges you, the two of you clashing swords, you’re barely able to keep your defense up as your feet dig into the ground.
-Tears were forming in your eyes as you kicked him back to try and get space. But he kneels getting ready for a lunge. You… You didn’t have time to move. The same move you had spent hours in training to avoid… Would be your downfall? You could only gasp pathetically grabbing at his shirt in a last desperate attempt to get to him as you feel the blade enter your stomach. You barely manage to grab hold of his shirt looking down and seeing the blade impaled you through your stomach blood seeping down his blade. 
-You fall to your knees looking up at the sky as the rain pelts you, helping wash away your tears as you could only helplessly look at the one you used to love. “I… Love… You…” you manage to choke out through the blood before you lose all your energy collapsing to the ground. Jason lets out a feral yell of anguish into the storm as thunder roars above him as the lone survivor. 
Leo Valdez
-Oh how the fates were cruel. The only thing you wanted in this world was for someone to love you. And they granted you that. For two wonderful years you had dated your boyfriend enjoying every second of it.
-But the fates are restless. You were exhausted, trying to catch your breath as you stared down your boyfriend. “Leo… please… Please at least hear me out.” you beg him between breaths. Leo had his hammer at the ready, a few tears in his eyes as he stayed ready in his fighting stance. 
-”I don’t want to hear it, How could you… How could you betray camp…? How… How could you betray me?” his voice cracks at the end as he grips his hammer so tightly his knuckles turn white. With that he moves in closer to you raising the hammer high and bringing it down full force.
-You barely manage to block the attack with your sword, but it breaks in half the rest of Leo’s strike landing fully on your arm with a sick snap. You cry out in anguish falling back as you cling to your surely broken arm. -You try to move but you can't. You were just too tired to… You pant weakly looking up at the sky as you try to catch your breath. At least it was a beautiful day… Leo blocks your sight, tears going down his face as he lifts the hammer blocking the sun from your eyes.
-”I love you...” you say, giving him a last smile before the hammer swings down. You feel an anguished pain, dizziness but… But then the pain starts to fade. You could hear Leo sobbing but it was too far. You try to reach for him despite the fact you couldn’t see but to no avail, your hand goes limp before you could. 
Percy Jackson
-The beach had so many fond memories for you. Where you and percy first kissed, where he asked you out and you even had your first date here… But… But now you were trying to stand your ground against your boyfriend.
-You had seen percy lose himself in rage before but nothing like this. “No more… How… How many people are going to betray me!” he roars in anguish water raising to life behind him. You could only try to leap out of the way to avoid a blast of water that takes down a pine tree not far from you.
-”Percy please! I didn’t betray you! I wouldn’t!” you try to reason, barely avoiding another blast. It took everything you had to keep avoiding the strikes, but then your body tenses up as he holds his hand to you. You could feel every vein in your body clench. Was… Was he controlling your blood…?
-”Percy… Percy please…” you choke out feeling yourself fall under his control only barely able to plead him. “No more… No more!” He yells water rushing you in an intense flurry trapping you in a swirling vortex in a bubble.
-You gain control of your body, struggling to get free but you are spiraling inside the bubble unable to even reach out.Tears form in your eyes as you feel your lungs burning desperately clawing at your throat as you attempt to breathe.
-You pathetically reach out to Percy in a last silent plea but he only stares at you, those cold eyes as cruel and dark as the ocean stare into your soul as your vision starts to fade. The last bubbles of air leaving your throat with those eyes being the last sight you ever see.
~Masterlist & Rules~
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vase-of-lilies · 1 year
How about a one shot of mommy getting mad at mama because when we pout mama all of a sudden forgets the rules. Oh, no ice cream before bed? Forgotten. Only 30 minutes of tv time ? Nope . Baby’s in the corner for saying no when told to clean toys ? No she’s not. Only three sweets a day? Never ! Baby’s not allowed on mama’s motorcycle? Well, just this once ( this was mommy’s snapping point, at mama of course. Because we didn’t know any better ) for the tiny tiger au please :)
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What Rules?
Paring: Mommy!Wanda Maximoff x Little!Reader (f) x Mama!Natasha Romanoff
Warnings: Heavy MD/LG, dark AU, Nat is defiant and mad at Wanda, literally Nat is a menace and honestly it takes after Tiny lol, rule-breaking, mentions of spanking
A/n: I love this, omg. I feel like because Nat grew up in such a tight-knit childhood, she would be SO lenient with rules when Wanda wasn’t watching 😂 I LOVE this request AHHHHH Thank you for sending it in! And thank you for the kind words!
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Natasha was never able to do what she wanted when she was young. Being in the widow program was a torturous process and was under a hawk-like rule enforcement. So whenever she could, she would let you have some leniency with the rules that Wanda and her have set for you.
Those rules and punishments were posted on the refrigerator door;
No big girl words (cussing) - Soap in mouth
Clean up toys after playing and put them in their home - In the corner in time out for 10 minutes
30 minutes of TV a day - No TV for 24 hours
No sweets before dinner or before bed - No sweets for 2 days
Not allowed on Mama's motorcycle while in little space - 10 spanks
You were very obedient when you should be! But of course, when on the days you were fussy or didn't get enough sleep, these were the days you pouted. Your mommy was not happy when you were not happy so she allowed you to break some of these rules to cheer you up.
On a cloudy Tuesday morning, you woke up very grumpy. Wanda couldn't tell if it was a bad dream, hunger, or just plain old defiance that you woke up with, but she was quick to soothe you as she did every morning by feeding you.
This morning, however, the usual things didn't help you. Wanda was perplexed so she requested Nat to help you instead. When she came into the room she frowned as she saw you sniffling with your lion clutched to your chest.
"Hi my little love, whats going on today?" Nat asks, sitting down on your bed next to her wife. You didn't answer, your only response was whimpers of distress as you hid your face against Leo's head. Your mama gently tickles your arm and looks to Wanda, silently letting her know she can do what work she needs to do today.
"How about we have some play time? Do you want to play with your legos?" Your eyes lit up at the sound of playing with your new Lego set Uncle Tony bought you. It was the set you had always wanted; a lego vase with more blocks to make four (4) flowers to go inside of it. Wanda was against it at first, knowing that you like to suck on things, but you promised that you would have your paci when you played so you kept the legos out of your mouth.
Natasha helped you read the instructions while you built, and Wanda worked on her laptop in the mushroom tent in the corner of your room. She was contemplating telling Bucky about you, knowing that his health has gone downhill since your "death." Wanda still cares about Bucky and knows when you are in your adult head space you miss him greatly. But now wasn't the time.
Wanda's head snapped up at the sound of clapping from you, your little vase of Lego flowers now complete.
"Good job, Tiny! Look how pretty!" Nat said, giving your hair a little ruffle from her hand. You giggle in response and stand up with Leo, leaving the mess of extra pieces and wrapping on the floor.
Wanda follows you with her head as you walk out of the bedroom and then looks back at her wife, trying to find an explanation as to why you didn't clean up.
"What was that about? She needs to clean up her mess," Wanda states, closing her laptop and getting up from the mushroom tent. "You knew that, love..." She folds her arms as Nat stands as well.
"I just wanted to give her a break, she woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I'll have her clean up later, ok?" Natasha made the excuse, knowing exactly what she was doing by allowing you to break this rule. She kisses Wanda's head and then her lips, saying softly, "Get some work done, ok? I know you have been real busy with Y/n, so take a much needed break."
Wanda smiled at her wife, leaning her forehead against Nat's chin, sighing in relief. "Thank you, love. And please, keep her in line, ok? I don't want any more rules to be broken."
Her wife only nods and kisses her head once more. Gently, Nat pats Wanda's bum and she chuckles as looks down at the mess you made. Ignoring it now, she goes to the living room where you are sat on the couch watching [enter favorite cartoon], the volume on low.
Nat sits down next to you and lets you cuddle against her, your paci in your mouth and Leo in your arms.
Thirty (30) minutes go by, and you stay as still as possible. You didn't want to remind your mama of the time limit. However, she already knows this limit doesn't apply to you today. She smiles as she pulls you into her arms and you lay against her chest. Your eyes are glued to the TV, the soft colors of the cartoon occupying your brain.
An hour and a half later, you have now fallen asleep for your daily nap and Wanda was confused as to what Nat was doing. She heard the TV going for much longer than thirty (30) minutes and came to check on you. You were in and out of sleep, still watching the TV as you tried to stay awake.
Wanda sat next to you and put your head in her lap, brushing a very obvious ice cream stain from your chin. Nat was no longer watching you as she left you to watch TV to go work on her widow gear. She came in through the backdoor and smiled at her wife on the couch, not paying attention to Wanda's angry face.
"Hi, love! Is she asleep for her nap yet?" She asks, starting to clean the two ice cream bowls in the sink. Wanda nods and looks down at your sleeping face in her lap, sighing as she shakes her head in disappointment.
"I have a little bit more to work on, are you going to be good?" Wanda asks her wife this time, the redhead responding with a small chuckle and a nod.
"Of course, I only want the best for all of us." She says softly, tucking a third chocolate bar behind the coffee maker to hide it. She plans on giving it to you after your nap, and one more right before bed.
"Ok..." Wanda says hesitantly, laying your head back on your pillow and laying a soft blanket over you. "I love you, tiny, sleep tight." She whispers, kissing your head.
After your nap, Nat is there to greet you with not one (1), but TWO (2) chocolate bars! Today could not have been better! You ate the sweets with a smile on your face, sighing as you finished the last square. "Nummy..." You say, looking up at your mama.
"Why don't we do something else? What ever you want to do, love, just name it." Natasha said, knowing full well that you would want to break another rule.
Immediately you think of what you want to do. "Bike! Bike!" Nat smirks and nods softly. "As you wish! Let's go before Mommy sees!"
You nod and stand up, holding Nat's hand while you walk to the garage. Wanda was suspicious, so she checked on the cameras to see what you were doing. She was furious when she saw you on top of your mama's motorcycle, pretending to drive it. Your caregivers agreed to have this rule for your safety, and Nat was going completely against it.
Stomping to the garage, Wanda slams the door open. You jump and your eyes widen as you see your mommy in the doorway. Tilting your head, you look back to your mama, curious as to why Wanda was so angry. Nat let you do this, so it wasn't really breaking a rule, right?
Wanda makes her way over to you on the bike and lifts you off of it, gripping your wrist and pulling you back inside. Nat instantly follows, stopping Wanda before she is able to punish you.
"Wanda! Wait! It was my fault, don't punish her, she didn't know better." Nat's words make Wanda freeze.
"You allowed her to get on your bike?? First, you don't put her in time out for not cleaning up, and then you let her watch an hour and a half of TV. And don't think I didn't see the ice cream stains and the chocolate wrappers in the garbage can. Now this? What has gotten into you??"
Wanda removes you from over her lap and lets you sit on the couch. Watching your mommy stand up, she approaches your mama. "I understand that this is hard with Bucky trying to get to us. But we run a tight ship here and I need you to bring all hands on deck. If this happens again, there will be more consequences."
Natasha sighs and nods in understanding. "Can I at least give her the last chocolate bar? I promised her she could have it after she brushes her teeth..."
Wanda presses her hand to her head and looks up at Nat. "You know the goddamn answer to that."
The two women laugh together, moving to the couch to give you a stern talk about Mama letting you break the rules.
"Remember, even if Mama or Mommy says you can break a rule, tell her you want to be a good girl. Do you understand, Tiny?"
You nod, still confused about what happened today. Your mind was clouded and you just wanted to be with your mommies now, and that was what they gave you. All the attention you could ever need.
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phoebepheebsphibs · 5 months
Double-Mutated Mikey
Chapter 8: Recollections
Continued from the short story written by @boots-with-the-fur-club
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Raph sits down on his bed, grabbing a stuffed bear and rubbing his thumb over its worn-down stomach.
The room is dim, but not dark. The main light is off, but the hanging lanterns he has strung along the wall give a warm red glow to the room.
Ever since his krangification, Raph's eye has been a bit sensitive. It waters easily, stings on occasion, and bright lights irritate him. He's started wearing sunglasses outside more often, even on cloudy days. Donnie offered to make an artificial eye to help, but Raph said no. He'd rather keep the eye, even with its attitude and quirks.
"I'm not ready to be a cyborg just yet," he'd joked.
He thought that much of a change would be too big for him, after all the changes he and his family have already gone through.
Now a mechanical eye doesn't sound so crazy or scary.
Raph hugs his teddy bear. It squeaks in his arms. He thinks of how similar it felt to holding Mikey before he got mutated...
He grimaces, scrunching his face up tight and pressing his hands against his head, trying to force the thoughts away.
Mikey is still Mikey! Just with a few new... he won't call them upgrades. Changes. Nothing that can't be reversed, of course.
But... what if they can't be?
Raph presses his hands even tighter against his head.
Stop it. Shut up. Shut up!!
He doesn't want to think about this. He doesn't want to think about Mikey. Not in this way.
He feels like he's betraying him somehow, thinking of him as a monster or a wild animal rather than a brother. But then, he feels like he won't be able to help him if he keeps thinking of Mikey as he was before, and not accepting that he is changed now. But then, he won't stay changed. But then...
"SHUT UP!" Raph yells to himself, slamming his fists against the bed frame.
His ninpo activates, giant red fists breaking the bed slightly and causing the edge of it to slip under his weight and crash against the floor. Raph yipes in alarm, looking down at the mess he's made.
"...Nice going, Raph," he grumbles, grabbing some boxes of dumbells from the corner of his room to prop up the extension on his bed.
He sighs, sitting down on the edge of the mattress again, head in his hands.
He tries to stay strong. He tries not to break down. His family doesn’t need that right now, they don't need a basket case or a worry-wart or whatever else they might call him. They need Raph, strong and brave and ready to take on the world.
But he needs Mikey... he needs his baby brother back, safe, sound, whole. Not broken, not bloody, not feral and confused. He wants Mikey home again. Home in his own body.
Raph starts crying. Although he's disappointed in himself for it, he is glad that he can finally get the tears out. He presses his face into his stuffed animals, trying to get it all out all at once.
Raph hates himself so much right now...
Because it is all his fault...
"...But I don't see WHY we have to wait!" Raph gripes, Mikey sitting beside him, drawing random doodles on his arm wraps while he listens to the rant. "If we know that the place is doing villain stuff, shouldn't we go in to stop em?"
"I mean, Leo's decision does make a little sense," Mikey counters, taking a big yellow marker out and drawing a smiling sun on Raph's arm. "It's a pretty big building, dude."
"I'm not saying we storm the castle," he responds, waving his arms in exasperation.
Mikey scolds him and brings his arm back down to continue his work.
"I'm just saying that we could scope out the place instead of ignoring it completely!"
"We're not ignoring it," Mikey corrects. "Donnie is gonna run surveillance on it. Leo's gonna have Cass and the girl scouts check it out. Besides, when did you become the go-getter? I thought you and your Raph-chasm would have preferred taking it slow and safe!"
"Raph-chasm?!" he sputters. "Is Leo spreading that slander around?"
Mikey giggles.
"You do know we've been calling it that for years, right?"
Raph growls angrily.
"Dang it, Leo..."
Mikey giggles again.
"But for real, Raph... why are you so antsy?"
"I don't know... just a gut feeling. There's been reports of all kinds of crazy stuff since the invasion, and most of it has something to do with that new organization Donnie and April told us about..."
"What did they call it again? ESP?"
"EPF," Raphael corrects. "Earth Protection Force, or some junk. But the building they're occupying is labeled Techno Cosmic Research Institute, or some junk."
"Doesn't sound so bad," Mikey hums, taking out a blue marker and drawing a mini version of Leo on Raph. "Sounds like a radio shack from the 90's or something!"
"Maybe, but it bothers me that this new weird mystery organization is everywhere." Raph shudders. "It's unsettling. What if they find us?"
"Find us...?" Mikey turns his head up. "What do you think they'd do?"
"I don't know. But I don't trust em. Something about it all just... bugs me."
Mikey is quiet for a second. He places the cap on his marker. He's managed to draw everyone in the family but himself.
"Well, if it bugs you, then... let's go check em out!"
"Wait, huh?"
"You're gut says they're untrustworthy? Then that's enough for me!" he says, jumping up from his spot. "Let's go see how bad they are."
"But... Leo said..."
"Weren't you the one just complaining about how you didn't think we should stand still and do nothing?" Mikey challenges.
"I know. But Leo is the leader, and I want to show him that I trust him."
"We do!" Mikey exclaims. "We're not storming a castle, we're checking out the scene. Leo wants to wait until we can get some actual intel? Then let's help him along! Let's grab a few listening devices or something and place them along the windows."
"Well... that would help... but we leave at the first sign of trouble, okay?"
"Absolutely!" Mikey salutes. "Now, am I breaking into Donnie's labs to get the spy stuff or are you?"
Raph chuckles as he stands, cracking his knuckles.
"You get the spy equipment, I'll get the weapons. Meet you at the tank."
The two give quick nods before heading off in separate directions.
Raph rushes to the training room and grabs the weapons. It is only then that he sees Mikey's doodles.
Oh, he should change his wraps. He doesn't have time to clean them off, and besides, he knows Mikey prefers to take pictures of all his doodles before getting rid of them.
Raph quickly grabs his sai and Mikey's nunchucks before heading to his room, grabbing a spare roll of black bandages, and carefully but speedily removing the one on his right arm. He just needs to replace the one arm, Mikey hasn't gotten to decorating the left yet. Maybe when they get back he can finish it...
He races back to the tunnel, seeing Mikey leaning against the ginormous tire of the turtle tank as he waits.
"There you are! Ready to go?"
"Sure thing. Do you wanna try driving tonight?"
"Can I?" Mikey asks with excitement.
"Sure, why not? You need the practice."
Mikey squeals with delight as he climbs in, Raph following suit.
The two drive away, making plans while Raph gives Mikey impromptu driving lessons. They joke, they laugh, Raph clings to his seat when Mikey's turns come in too sharply.
"Park over there," Raph says, pointing to an alley closeby to the targeted building.
Mikey nods with an "aye-aye, cap'n!" as he makes another sharp turn and hides the tank in the alley, activating a cloaking device Donnie came up with recently.
"Okay, got the listening doohickeys?"
"Right here!" Mikey says, reaching out and producing several small, round baubles with purple centers.
"Alright, so all we're gonna do is ninja up there, ninja a few of these around the perimeter, and then ninja out."
"That sounds just like the time future Leo saved a war camp!" Mikey giggles. "Or whatever Casey Jr. said."
"Uh, okay?" Raph offers. "I'll pretend like I understood that."
The two exit the vehicle and slink around the block, coming up on the building.
It looks like a normal building. No more than 13 stories, small windows with frosted glass, a rotating door that leads to a small lobby, a few security guards and an intern behind a desk. Above the door is the acronym TCRI, bright and silver surrounded by white LED lights. There's graffiti on the side of the wall, with what looks like an artist's rendition of the 'New York Heroes'. Mikey takes a quick selfie with it before getting back to the unsanctioned mission.
"You take the left side, I'll take the right," Raph whispers. "We don't have a lot of listening gadgets, so use 'em sparingly. Got it?"
"Got it!" Mikey whispers back.
He takes his chucks out and swings them up. A long glowing chain activates, and Mikey starts to scale the wall, swinging to the opposite side.
Raph starts pressing the small devices to the wall, doing two for each floor. Once the gadgets stick to the bricks, the purple centers start to blink.
After about five minutes, Raph's phone buzzes. He pulls it out to see that he's getting a call from Donnie.
He declines the call.
He presses two more devices to the wall before Donnie calls him again. Raph groans and pulls the phone out, answering it.
"Oh, Raphala, where are you?" Donnie asks. His tone sounds cheerful and fake. He can tell he's seething.
"Um, nowhere..."
"Nowhere? Really? Then, would you care to explain to me why I am getting bombarded with notifications about my spy tech being activated? And why when I checked the garage, the tank was gone? And why I cannot find you, nor Mikey, nor your gear anywhere within the lair??"
"Um... bad connection?" Raph tries.
"What are you doing."
"Nuthin'," Raph says, his voice squeaking. He clears his throat and tries again. "Just, y'know... ninja stuff."
"I can clearly see your location, Raph."
"Shoot, I forgot about that," he hisses. "I mean, uh..."
"Is that Raph?" Leo's voice comes into the call.
"Oh no," he groans.
"Let me talk to him."
"You had your chance," Donnie speaks into the phone, before handing it over to Leo.
"Raph. Where are you. What are you and Mikey doing with the listening devices."
"Okay, well, we were thinking," he starts, moving away from the alley for a moment as he talks with Leo on the phone. "We were thinking that maaayyybeee it would be a good idea to get some surveillance on the TCRI place before our next big mission, and so --"
"And so you ignore the fact that I said to wait?!" Leo yells angrily. "Raph, we TALKED about this! I thought you said you were gonna let me be leader without pulling these kinds of stunts behind my back!"
"I'm not pulling any stunt! All we're doing is setting up the devices, then leaving! We just wanted to try and see if we could get any intel on them to help! We're not stupid enough to just go in and mess around, ya know!"
"Where's Mikey?" Leo asks exasperatedly. "He isn't answering his phone."
Raph turned back to look at the building he's walked away from. He looks up, and can see Mikey standing on the roof, looking around.
"He's on the roof," Raph sighs. "I'll go and get him."
Raph puts Leo on hold as he runs back to the building. Once in the alley, he starts jumping between walls, doing impressive parkour as he bounces back and forth and flips off of fire escapes until he's at the roof.
But Mikey isn't there.
Raph walks to the other side of the roof and looks over the edge.
Mikey isn't on the ground.
He notices a vent panel has been jimmied open.
"Oh no."
Raph grabs his phone.
"Um, Leo? I think he went in..."
"WHAT?!" Leo screams at him, causing Raph to pull his phone away from his ear.
"Why would he go in?!"
"I don't know!" Raph whimpers. "I told him we were only doing the exterior--"
"You shouldn't be there at all!"
"Should I go in after him?"
"No, don't -- wait for a minute, call him, maybe he'll answer you."
"Okay, yeah, I'll do that," he says, trying not to panic. "Call you back soon."
Raph hangs up and quickly dials Mikey.
It rings once before he answers.
"Shello?" he whispers.
"Mikey? Where are ya?!" Raph hisses at him. "I thought we said no inside stuff!"
"I saw a weird van pull up," he explains. "They took a krangified person in through the back."
"They what?"
"Yeah, I know. I wanted to see what they were gonna do with him."
"Mikey, I think you should get outta there," Raph whimpers.
"I will in just a sec, I think I found the room where... huh..."
Mikey's voice trails off.
"Mikey? Mikey, what is it?"
"I'm not sure... hold on a sec, 'kay?" Mikey whispers, his voice soft and secretive.
"Mikey, get out of there, now!" Raph scolds.
Mikey doesn’t respond.
Raph waits for him to say something. Anything. He hears Mikey gasp quietly.
"Ohmigosh," he whimpers. His voice is weak and his breathing fast. "Okay, that's enough for me, I'm coming out now!"
"Mikey?! What did you see, what's going on?"
He hears a clattering sound, a stifled gasp, muffled shouting.
"I dropped my phone," Mikey whimpers in fear. "I think they heard me."
"GET OUT NOW!" Raph yells. He dials Leo, adding him to the call.
"Raph? What's going --"
"Mikey's been made," Raph says in a panic.
"Get out of there, now!"
"Leo?" Mikey whispers nervously. "Is that you?"
"Mikey, we're on our way now, just get out as fast as you can! Don't worry about whether or not you're seen, just get out!"
"I'm trying!" Mikey cries nervously. "I'm stuck in the vents!!"
Raph hears a loud clang, followed by Mikey's screams and a thud.
"There he is!"
"Get him!"
"Come'ere, kid!"
Mikey yells in protest, terrified screams as he shouts at them to 'let me go, stop, leave me alone!'
Raph yells out into the phone. He's not sure what he yells, only that he wants Mikey back. He hears Leo yelling, too.
"Raph! Leo!" Mikey screams.
"MIKEY!!" the two yell back in unison.
The line goes dead.
A blue light ignites besides Raph, and Leo jumps through immediately, gasping for air as he stares down at Raph, who is on his hands and knees, holding the phone like it was Mikey's only lifeline.
"Where is he?" Leo pants. "Where is Mikey?"
Raph can't do anything but shake.
Mikey got captured... Because of him...
Raph lifts his face from the army of plushies he has been confiding in.
He takes in a deep breath.
He stands, going to a drawer and pulling out the wraps from that day. Almost a week ago.
The drawings are still there. The sketches and doodles are all intact. The image of a family is there, with each member colour-coded. Red, Blue, Purple... but it's missing their Orange brother. He never did get to finish that portrait.
Raphael leaves his train car and walks over to Mikey's. The door is wide open.
Inside, he sees Leo, slumped over on a beanbag chair and snoring softly, his mouth fallen open.
He hadn't said anything about sleeping in here.
He must've wanted to check on Mikey, too...
Raph grabs of one the extra blankets and pillows and adjusts his brother so that he can sleep more comfortably.
He takes residence in another beanbag chair opposite him.
Once settled, Raphael watches Mikey, who is sleeping peacefully and undisturbed, his tail swinging from side to side and his claws twitching on occasion.
Raph sighs.
Tears silently streak down his face as he cries himself to sleep.
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Current list of my TMNT Fanfics
✅ next to a fic means that it is complete
⏳ next to a fic means it is still being worked on
🔁 next to a fic means it will never be "finished" because it does not require completion (drabble collections, etc.)
I'm dividing these into two sections: fics in my 1970s AU iteration, and everything else.
1970s TMNT AU:
A TMNT Cookbook 🔁
Presented by Michelangelo, King of the Kitchen -- A collection of TMNT-inspired recipes and the very short stories behind them
Rating / Genre: G / Food & Cooking
Size: 4/? chapters (~1600 words so far)
Notes: Ties into my 1970s AU, but works for just about any version
Duck And Cover ✅
January 28, 1977 -- When April O'Neil bought the building where she had spent her early childhood, she knew it was going to be a challenge fixing it up... but she never imagined that challenge would involve uncovering both evidence of the old owner's Cold War paranoia and a group of unusual "tenants" living twenty feet below her new property.
Rating / Genre: G / General
Size: 3/3 chapters (~13,800 words)
Notes: The first story in my 70s Au... centers around how April meets the Turtles
Other TMNT Fics:
A Cup Of Good Cheer ️✅
April is afraid that she got Donnie the wrong Christmas gift this year, but Leo tries to convince her otherwise.
Rating / Genre: G / Holiday, family, gen
Size: 1/1 chapters (~3,400 words)
Notes: Autistic Donnie vibes
All The Time In The World ⏳
All Donatello wanted was a little more time to think…
Rating / Genre: T / Drama
Size: 7/8 chapters (~5,130 words so far)
Notes / Warnings: 2003 Universe; explosions, peril, guns, injuries
Displaced ️✅
An unprepared Donatello ends up on a Greyhound Bus to Springfield, Massachusetts
Rating / Genre: soft T / Mild drama, road trip, gen
Size: 6/6 chapters (~18,500 words)
Notes / Warnings: This was my first TMNT fic, which I originally posted some 25 years ago. It was written even earlier, though, right after the 1990s movies came out // Blood, guns, mild peril
Fleeting Thoughts 🔁
A collection of 100-word TMNT drabbles
Rating / Genre: G / Various, gen
Size: 9/? chapters (900 words so far)
Notes: I know it is hotly debated what the length of a drabble should be, but I was always firmly in the 100-word camp.
Just Breathe ️✅
Raphael has a frightening encounter on a chilly winter night.
Rating / Genre: G / Gen, mystery
Size: 1/1 chapter (~1,500 words)
Notes: Fits pretty much every iteration / mentions of suffocation
Midnight On The High Bridge ️✅
The High Bridge between Manhattan and the Bronx has always been one of Michelangelo's favorite places to go for a late night ride on his board; but on this cloudy evening, he finds more than just fresh air and freedom high above the Harlem River.
Rating / Genre: G / M/F, Meet-cute
Size: 3/3 chapters (~8,100 words)
Notes: Brings Oyuki into the 2007 universe; takes place a year after the events of the movie
Passage ⏳
Leonardo has an appointment with death.
Rating / Genre: T / Drama, supernatural
Size: 10/12 chapters (~13,300 words so far)
Notes / Warnings: Originally written back in the early 2000s // Death and dying, gore, blood, mentions of religion
Red Dust ️✅
I had a dream last night. It was a long, restless, wandering dream.
Rating / Genre: G / Drama, poetry, gen
Size: 1/1 chapter (~700 words)
Notes / Warnings: Donatello-centric, Post SAINW, originally written and posted back in 2007 // mentions of death and dying
Requiescat ️✅
Leonardo died today.
Rating / Genre: G / Drama, grief, poetry, gen
Size: 1/1 chapter (180 words)
Notes / Warnings: Written a couple decades ago // Death and dying
Second Time Around ⏳
Two years after the defeat and banishment of Krang and Shredder, the Turtles and their human friends now have different, more personal challenges to overcome -- challenges that are made all the more difficult to deal with when Baxter Stockman and Karai pull them into a conflict that involves disentangling the complexities time itself.
Rating / Genre: T / Script, gen
Size: 19/? chapters (~28,000 words so far)
Notes / Warnings : A screenplay for a third Bayverse movie // Character death mentioned
Something Wicked ⏳
He felt movement all around him; something like the wind, though the air was dead still. He backed against the curved sewer wall… holding his breath as his eyes scanned the pitch blackness. The feeling grew closer, touching him… a whisper against his damp skin…
Rating / Genre: M / Horror, suspense, gen
Size: 21/? chapters (~64,200 words so far)
Notes / Warnings: Originally written and posted a couple decades ago, now being put under an extensive rewrite // Blood, gore, possible character death, whump, etc.
Still Waters ️✅
They say I'm the quiet one…
Rating / Genre: G / Introspective, poetry, gen
Size: 1/1 chapters (~200 words)
Notes: Also from over twenty years ago. A Donatello introspective.
The Bone Garden ️✅
You gathered up old papers, old photos… and you flipped through them, one by one, remembering…
Rating / Genre: G / Drama, grief, gen
Size: 1/1 chapters (400 words)
Notes / Warnings: Originally written on Halloween, 2007 for the 2k3 episode, Same As It Never Was, but now I feel that it applies to The Last Ronin, as well... or really, any story where one Turtle remained after the others had passed on // Mentions of death
The Scent Of Violets ️✅
Donnie and Mike are trapped underground with a memory
Rating / Genre: T / Drama, gen
Size: 1/1 chapter (~1,800 words)
Notes / Warnings: Written in the late 90s, early 2000s // Blood, severe injury
Under The Influence ️✅
Leo is under the influence of… something
Rating / Genre: G / humor, gen
Size: 4/4 chapters (400 words)
Notes: Just a silly little four-drabble story I wrote when I wasn't feeling so well a bunch of years back
When She Loved Me ️✅
She always said that I had his eyes. I don't know if I ever really believed her… after all, I never knew him. But I suppose they must be his. Her own eyes were deep and dark, almost black… reflective like mirrors. Mine are blue… light blue, like the sky. I think that sometimes she hated looking into them, because it was like she was looking at him again… like she was looking at my father.
Rating / Genre: G / Drama, gen
Size: 1/1 chapters (~2,500 words)
Notes / Warnings: Oyuki's backstory as I see it. Originally posted at FFnet back around 2000, though the fic is contemporary with the TMNTA Comics, setting its year at 1992 // Parental abandonment and neglect
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sagstelliums · 1 month
What is Pluto retrograde in Capricorn bringing to you? (PAC)
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Pile 1
I see that during this retrograde you may be extra fertile or horny, I see you need to take caution when it comes to romance or sex. I see that during the retrograde your manifesting skills will increase/it’ll be easier to manifest, I see that you’ll be getting a lot of ideas. You may have a lot of people romantically interested in you during this retrograde but it won’t be anything too serious. I see that whatever stagnation you’ve been feeling will start to ease up, you may feel mentally cloudy or like you’re having a hard time focusing. Signs- Aquarius,Leo, Gemini. Initials- J, A, K, F
Pile 2
I see that during this retrograde you may be more in your masculine energy or people are going to be attracted to your masculine energy more, I see that you’re going to be spending a lot of time with your friends or with masculine energies. I see something you’ve been waiting for is going to get approved or go through, I see you feeling like people are saying “yes” to you more rather than rejecting you. I see that there’s a reconciliation/fresh start someone’s been thinking about having with you but it won’t happen. Signs- libra/gemini. Initials- K, I, H, X
Pile 3
(TW-family loss/death) I see that during this retrograde you’re going to rise above any drama or obstacles you face with a new perspective that will help you receive a lot more, I see you trying to heal from a loss in your family or you getting intuitive messages from someone in your family that passed away. (My condolences to anyone this is for 🙏🏾❤️) Someone in your family may pass but I’m getting that this won’t be unexpected. Signs- Aries, Leo, Scorpio. Initials- P, X, Q, U, E
Personal readings always available
Divider by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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paquerettexx · 3 months
leo kurosagi — tiny dancer (one-shot)
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model reevaluates relationship with diabolic influencer
pairing: leo kurosagi / reader
tags: angst, hurt no comfort, manipulation, gaslighting, slightly mature themes
words: 878
[cross posted from ao3]
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Hand on my chin, tilting my face upward to meet his eyes. Eyes like amber stare back at me, golden glint flashing under the reflection of the dim and gloom from the windows.
"I'm tired, Leo..." I heaved a sigh, eyes averting away from the sweet temptation of his honeyed eyes. His lips would quirk a bit at the side as he finds amusement within my predicament. "I can't do this anymore." I whispered.
"You're spewing nonsense again, babe." He'd dismiss my words with a scoff as if I was deliberately being difficult for him. "Quit being so boring, you're my bitch."
"That's the thing– I don't want to be your bitch anymore." I stated, biting my lips, my hands clenched into fists from being infuriated.
"That's not for you to decide, okay?" Leo would whisper, his lips barely ghosting over my ears as his breath warmed my face. "You'll only listen to me." He added before placing a kiss on my cheek.
"You ruined me." I mumbled under my breath as I sat frozen on our bed, my back against the ginormous window that overlooked other skyscrapers within the city.
"You ruined yourself." He'd deny my voice, lips coming to place a chaste kiss on my cheek as I felt salty teardrops fall on my cheeks. "I'm only taking good care of my precious bitch." Leo would add, combing my hair through his fingers before leaning in to place a kiss on my locks.
"Are you acting like this because I neglected you for a week? Is that it, hm?" He'd ask, tone insensitive to my tears as always. The weather outside reflected my feelings– cloudy, gloomy, and hazy. Gray clouds blanketed the sky, covering the sun; not even a ray of light could reach me who was trapped in his arms.
White sheets sprawled over the bed pooling around our bodies, the strap of my nightgown off my shoulder, and littered hickeys across my skin– it was all evidence of what had transpired between us last night. It made me feel disgusted at myself. How could I continue to be with a man like him?
"I asked a question." I flinched as his sharp tone brought me back like a stinging slap to my cheek. "I- I just missed you." I gritted my teeth as another lie casually fell off my lips. I'm so tired of this.
"Heh?" He'd smirk, a cunning light devilishly dancing in his eyes which were filled with amusement. "Is that right? My perfect little model missed me?" He'd taunt, an arm coming to trap me against the window and the other coming to caress my thigh, slowly hitching my nightgown up.
"I guess I should reward you more, huh? Should I give you praise? Do you think you deserve praise~?" Leo would ask, tone cheery as if he's chanting a song that would pull me back to him.
"This is your type of reward, right~?" He'd hum against my neck as he leaned in and placed a kiss, lips trailing down to my collarbone before racing up against to trace my jaw. He'd litter butterfly kisses all over my chest, my neck, and everywhere else but not my lips. He'd gaze at every part of me but never once peek into my heart that was already in his hands.
"Leo... I don't think this is a good idea anymore." I voiced out, hands coming to halt his actions. I pried his hands away from me, unable to meet his gaze that I know would trap me like quicksand.
"Hah, you really lost your mind." Leo would sigh before pulling away, hands coming to look for his phone on the nightstand as he threw on a shirt he'd discarded to the floor last night.
"This isn't like you to push me away but whatever." He would add, eyes already focused on his phone as he scrolled through his social media accounts.
"Listen up, bitch. I don't care what you do as long as you bring me clout. Let's film a vlog tomorrow so you better have that stupid smile on your face by then." Were his last words to me before he slammed the door closed, leaving me with my thoughts once again.
My heart was hammering against my chest once I was left alone again, knees to my chest as I curled up into a ball just as the rain started pouring outside.
It was strange- something even I couldn't comprehend. He used me, my name, my fame, my job, and my persona for his own gain; all for something as dismal as internet clout. Every time I pulled away, he'd pull me back in and lull me into his arms with his fickle affection that I crave. I knew I was on the losing end yet every time, I kept waiting for him to come back, to kiss it all better. He's insufferable and irredeemable yet I'm only a fool who wanted to change him.
I wanted to change him for the better yet I knew better than anyone else that my efforts are futile. He couldn't be changed, rather, he doesn't want to change. And I? I am only a tiny dancer waltzing in the palm of his hands.
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hubbvrd · 7 months
Dog sitting | Sam Hubbard
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summary — In which you are initially just the dog sitter for Sam's dog, until it suddenly seems to become something more
paring — sam hubbard x reader
words — 2655
You go through your thoughts again to make sure you really have everything you need while you take a look in your bag.
Your wallet, toiletry bag, charging cable, a change of clothes and a little make-up are there, as are your cell phone and dog biscuits.
Your car keys are in your hand, so you've thought of everything. Before you zipper up the bag, you check the contents one last time to make sure everything is there.
You would only be leaving home for one night, so forgetting something wasn't too dramatic, but better safe than sorry.
"Let's go" you mumble to yourself as you leave your home and pull the door shut behind you.
The sun shines down from the sky and gently tickles your nose with its rays, making you sneeze.
It had been quite cloudy for the last few days, so the sun is high in the sky for the first time in several days, making sure that half the neighborhood is out on the street or in their gardens.
Waving to your neighbors, you walk over to your car, where you stow your bag and then get in and push your sunglasses up your nose before driving off.
The roads were pretty busy in this beautiful weather, so you make the fifteen-minute drive today in twenty-five minutes.
However, a glance at the clock on the dashboard tells you that you're still well on time.
A sigh of relief leaves your lips as you skillfully steer your car up the bright driveway and come to a stop next to the dark SUV.
A few seconds later, you walk up the narrow gravel path to the front door, where you press the doorbell button, followed by a bark and the silhouette of the dark dog appearing in front of the door.
It doesn't take long for the door to open and the dark fluffy dog slips between Sam's legs and comes running towards you.
You quickly take one of the dog biscuits out of your bag and then get down on your knees to greet the fluffy dog.
"Hello Leo, look what I've brought you" you greet him with a smile and hold out the dog biscuit to Sam's dog, which is eaten within a few seconds.
Preparing the cookies had taken up a little of your time, so you smile at the speed with which Leo ate the cookie.
"So, did you like the homemade cookie?" you ask Leo, who snuggles up to you and you start stroking his ear.
In response, Leo licks your face once before sticking his nose in your pocket and looking for more cookies in your bag.
"Leo, out!" Sam admonishes his dog and gently pulls him away from you and your bag by his collar. Sam gives Leo a command to go back into the house and shortly afterwards the furry friend disappears back inside.
"Do I get the same warm welcome?" Sam asks you with a grin as you stand back on your feet.
"I'm afraid I didn't bake any cookies for you. Sorry, Hubbard, but I only have one favorite in your house," you joke as Sam pulls you into his warm arms and you smell his aftershave, which smells much more intense than usual today.
"Ouch, that hits me hard," he replies jokingly as he lets go of you and closes the door behind you after you step inside.
There is already a travel bag and a small rucksack in the hallway.
Sam will be heading out in a few hours with a few colleagues from his The Sam Hubbard Fondation and staying away for a night, so you've taken over the dog-sitting part.
For about a year now, you've been looking after Leo regularly when Sam has away games or other important appointments so that Leo isn't alone.
"Maybe you'll get cookies next time," you reply with a gentle smile and follow Sam over to the kitchen.
"Would you like something to drink?" he asks as he opens the fridge and takes a look inside.
"Do you happen to have any iced tea?" You put your bag down on the counter and then look over at Sam, finding it incredibly difficult not to stare at his muscular back, which is even more visible thanks to the tight-fitting T-shirt.
"Peach iced tea? Sure, I got it specially. As well as a few snacks to make dog-sitting somehow bearable for you" he replies with a grin and then hands you a can of cold iced tea.
"Very generous of you, Hubbard" grinning, you open the can and take a big sip. Only now do you realize how thirsty you actually are.
"Always," he comments with a grin, before also taking a big gulp from his water bottle and then bracing his muscular arms on the counter opposite you.
Just don't stare, y/n , you admonish yourself and direct your gaze to the can in your hand, on which you begin to read the label.
"So..." Sam begins after a few seconds of silence, causing you to lift your gaze and look into his eyes. "Leo was out about half an hour ago, so you don't have to go out again until this evening. He's also just eaten, so you won't have to give him any more until about..."
Before Sam can even begin to continue the sentence, you put your hand on his forearm to make him stop.
"Sam," your voice sounds softly in the room. "You don't have to tell me all that again. I know how to feed Leo, how often he has to go out and what I have to watch out for. This isn't the first time I've looked after him."
"Sorry," Sam mumbles more to himself as he starts to take another sip and you quickly remove your hand from his arm as you realize what you just did.
You and Sam have known each other for a while, because back then Sam was looking for a dog sitter and noticed your ad.
From the first time you met, the chemistry was right not only between you and Leo, but also between you and Sam.
In the beginning, you were only with Sam when you were looking after Leo, but now Sam and you also spent time together from time to time, which Leo was particularly happy about, because the little four-legged friend loved you more than anything.
"When will you be back tomorrow?" you start to turn the conversation to another topic, as you notice that the atmosphere between you is a little tense at the moment due to your brief contact.
"Around three pm. You don't have to stay with Leo that long if you have plans. You're welcome to bring him back here after lunch and give me the key again another time."
"No, it's all good. I've got nothing planned for tomorrow. Besides, I like spending time with Leo." And with you, Sam, you continue your thought quietly.
Because you actually had a little crush on Sam, but who could blame you with the handsome Bengals star?
"Okay, great. I have to get going. If there's anything, just give me a call, okay? " Sam puts his bottle of water back in the fridge before he walks over to Leo's basket and starts to scratch him behind the ears and says goodbye to him.
The way he treats Leo so lovingly makes your tummy tingle and your heart warm.
There is almost nothing more attractive than men who are so sweet with animals.
"I will," you promise him as you follow Sam into the hallway, where he puts on his rucksack and then reaches for his travel bag.
" See you tomorrow, y/n. And don't let the puppy eyes wrap you around their fingers too much. "
Sam pulls you into another hug, whereupon you wrap your arms lightly around him and feel Sam hug you tightly for a few seconds and you can usually feel him burying his nose in your hair.
"I can't promise anything," you say, giggling as you release your embrace again. "Have fun, Sammy. Drive carefully and come back safely."
"I'll write to you when I get there. See you tomorrow." Sam raises his hand in farewell before leaving the house and pulling the door shut behind him.
You stand there for a few seconds, literally staring at the door, until you hear the engine of his car start and the car leaves the driveway shortly afterwards.
"And what are we two pretty ones going to do while your master is away? " you ask Leo as you flop down on the sofa and put your feet up.
Leo literally jumps up from his basket and a few seconds later finds himself lying half on top of you on the sofa.
"I guess that means cuddling, huh?" you ask with a grin and bury your hand in the dog's fluffy fur, which you start to cuddle.
Leo's head lies on your stomach and his dark eyes look up at you sadly.
"You miss Sam already, don't you? " you ask and get a quiet whimper in reply. "Shall I tell you something? I already miss him too. I wish he was here now too."
A soft sigh leaves your lips as you continue to cuddle Leo.
Hopefully Sam will come back soon so you can spend time with him again.
— —
Although Leo missed Sam a lot at first, you quickly managed to distract him from his grief.
After a long scratching session, you played a bit of ball and frisbee together in the garden until it was time for the evening walk and then you both had dinner.
You then fell asleep together watching an episode of Criminal Minds and spent the night on the sofa instead of in Sam's guest room.
Sam didn't really like it when Leo was in bed with you, because his dog had his own rules and wasn't allowed in the guest room. But no matter how often you took Leo out of the guest room, the little four-legged friend would always sit in front of the door howling, so you let him in every time.
But you were spared this by sleeping on the couch.
"Look Leo, we've just finished our lunchtime round and it won't be long before Sam arrives" you stroke Leo gently through his fur before leashing him and making your way back to Sam's house with him.
For the last forty-five minutes, you and Leo have been running through the forest, playing fetch and catch.
Now not only was Leo dirty, but so were you. Your shirt and pants were covered in various splashes of dirt and dog paws, so you had to go straight home and shower as soon as Sam got home.
But it was worth it, because the walk and playing fetch and catch were so much fun for you that your mood had doubled.
And perhaps Sam's arrival also played a part in this.
As Leo and you walk up the driveway, exhausted, you can see Sam's car parked next to yours from a distance.
Confused, you glance at your watch and are shocked to see that it's already half past three.
Damn, you'd actually forgotten the time. Hopefully Sam wouldn't get angry.
You quicken your steps and then enter the hallway with Leo, where you first clean his feet properly and then brush the dirt from his fur before letting him inside the house.
Shortly afterwards, you hear Sam's voice.
"Hello, buddy! Oh yes, I've missed you so much too! Have you had a nice walk and worked off your energy?" as Sam speaks, you keep hearing a soft laugh, which warms your heart again.
Leo is probably giving out his favorite dog kisses again.
As Sam's footsteps approach, you're in the middle of cleaning your shoes somehow. But it would probably be smarter to let the mud dry first so that you can get it off better.
"Oh, wow. I guess I can answer the question myself as to whether that was a successful walk," Sam says with a grin as he begins to look you over.
"It really was," you beam in his direction, wiping some dried mud from your face. "Only I guess I really need a shower and should get home now..."
"You can shower here and put some of my clothes on," Sam babbles almost in a panic, afraid that you might disappear at any second.
"If that's okay?" you ask, almost shyly. The thought of wearing Sam's clothes triggers a tingling sensation in your stomach that you probably won't be able to get rid of any time soon.
"Of course. Go ahead and take a shower. The towels are under the sink, but you know that. I'll put something for you to wear outside the door and make us some tea in the meantime."
Without waiting for your answer, Sam disappears upstairs and leaves you behind.
A good fifteen minutes later you come into the living room, freshly showered and wearing Sam's clothes (which you had been standing in the bathroom for a few minutes smelling with your nose).
Sam is sitting on the sofa and his eyes widen when he spots you in your clothes. A quiet 'wow' leaves his lips, which makes you wonder whether you might have imagined it, as quiet as it was.
Embarrassed, you sit down next to Sam on the sofa and then reach for the cup of tea, from which you carefully take a sip.
"How was your trip?" you ask as you notice that Sam is just staring at you, which makes you feel quite nervous.
Sam begins to tell you happily about his trip and as you listen to his words, you keep sipping your tea.
"And how was it here? Did everything go well?" Sam asks you afterwards.
"Everything was great. Leo was easy to look after as always and we had a lot of fun. Or did Leo?" you ask and look over to the basket where Leo is lying with a chewy bone, which he is chewing on with relish.
"I'm glad." Sam scoots a little closer to you, causing your heart to start beating faster and you nervously turn the cup in your hand back and forth.
"Are you okay?" you ask nervously.
"You still have some dirt on your face" he lets you know, whereupon you start to wipe your face in panic.
"No, wait, I'll help you." Sam stretches out his finger and gently wipes your cheek. His face is so close to yours that you can feel his breath lightly on your cheek.
Sam's proximity makes you so nervous that a slight shiver runs down your spine and makes you swallow.
"There, gone," he lets you know as he leans back a little, then takes the cup from you and places it on the table.
But instead of Sam leaning back again and widening the distance between you, he narrows it again.
"Sam...what...what are you doing?" you ask nervously as the tips of your noses brush lightly.
"I want to kiss you so much, y/n. I've had this thought since yesterday and I just can't get it out of my head," he begins honestly, brushing your nose again before looking you in the eye.
"Can I kiss you?" he almost breathes against your lips, causing the butterflies in your stomach to wake up and start doing somersaults. But Sam suddenly seems pretty nervous too.
"Yes," you breathe back and Sam bridges the last few centimetres between you until his warm lips are on yours and he kisses you.
You've both been waiting for this moment for so long and now it's finally coming true.
The dog sitting couldn't have ended any more beautifully.
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luckycharms1701 · 9 months
a wild masterpost appears
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it's me! lucky. hello. 🍀
AO3 ~~~ writing ~~~ theories and headcanons bayverse mating season
18+ only please
got asked about this, so: if you see any of my posts and it inspires you to add to it, please do so! i always love to see other people’s thoughts!
REQUESTS: open requests in queue: 9
please read this before you ask!
Request Rules:
feral about the turtles so that's what i'll write- specifically bayverse and rise but will almost certainly add more as i get farther into turtle hell
please specify if you have a preference for iteration or writing vs. headcanons, otherwise i will pick one
i will write: reader x turtle (f!reader or gn!reader), fluff, a little smut, headcanons and theories... pretty much anything that's not on the no-no list
the no-no list: tcest, underage/noncon, self harm, crossovers, unhappy endings
angst: i will write angst, but i won't write heavy angst. if you're not sure, go ahead and send it in and i'll let you know if it's something i'll write or not.
i'm always available to talk!
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Current Projects:
I've Got Sunshine on a Cloudy Day: Rise Mikey: AO3: Chapter 16
Spotlight: Rise Leo wants your attention
Upcoming Projects:
Cowboy AU: Rise Leo: Working Title: The Future is Comin’ On
Hatefucking: Rise Donnie
Theory: Bay Raph’s position in the family
Theory: Bay Mikey vs. Rise Mikey
Dancing: Rise Leo
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azucar-skull · 1 month
A couple options to choose from! Do whichever you like best
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F!Leo and Casey jr.
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Donnie talking to Leo
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Usagi talking to Leo (not really rottmnt characters, but at this point Yuichi is an honorary rottmnt char)
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Mikey to [someone]
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Raph to [someone]
I'mma do the first one!!!! Also I'm flipping a coin for a good or bad ending. You're getting...a bad ending. =) (I've never wrote one before)
27. "Breathe... breathe. Look at the stars, kid." With F!Leo and Casey
Prompt List
They were ambushed.
It was hard to see at night, especially when your flashlights are off in order to avoid drawing attention. But even so, they couldn't see the swarm of Kraang dogs emerging from the dark shadows of the hilled wastelands. Didn't notice their beady red eyes until they were close enough to reach it.
"RUN!", Sensei shouted.
So Casey runs. All the soldiers run. Now caught, there's no use in keeping the lights off. Casey pulled down his night vision mask and dodged his way through the horde, revving his chainsaw. He slashed away at the dogs, gaining some distance.
He didn't notice the one sneaking up behind him.
Casey is sent tumbling down a slope as the dog pounces on top of him. They land harshly at the bottom, the Kraang slamming its claws on top of the teen. Casey pushed it back with his staff, keeping the dog's teeth away from him as the Kraang incessantly tries to reach out and rip off his face. But the Kraang moved fast. And smart.
The dog ducked down under the staff and bit Casey hard in his side. The teen screamed out in agony as he tried to wrestle free but it was no use. The teeth pierced through his armored chest plate and chomped down down down--
A flash of blue blinds his vision and suddenly the Kraang dog is sent flying off. A chunk of flesh came with too.
Casey stares in fear yet awe as he watches the almighty Leonardo beating the Kraang dog to a pulp with his bare hands. He clasps his fists together, punching down on its rib cages again and again and again and again--
"I think you got 'em, Nardo!", Donnie called out. He slid down the slope to the teen. And blinks in horrid surprise. "...Oh...fuck..."
Leo snapped his head around and spotted Casey. He hurried to him in a second.
"Okay...okay, you're okay.", he muttered, unconvincing.
Leo went to scoop his arms under Casey but it sent hot white flashes of pain throughout every part of his body. The teen screams through gritted teeth, clutching his side. He could feel the wound pulsating underneath his hands, his breathing picking up the pace of his fast heartbeat.
"Okay, okay! No moving, got it. Just hang tight.", Leo quickly stammered. "Donnie, gauze."
The softshell dispensed a first aid from his battleshell, ripping the box open to grab the gauze. Leo pried Casey’s hands away which hurt more than it should've. He pressed the layers of gauze against the wound. Casey screams again, flailing and trying to push Leo’s arms back but the slider only pressed harder.
"I know. I know it hurts, Case. I know.", the slider croaked. "But you need to trust me, okay?"
It hurt. It hurt so bad that....fuck...it just hurt. That's all there was. All there had been. Just. Hurt.
"Breathe... breathe. Look at the stars, kid.", Sensei soothed.
Casey tried. He glanced up at the cloudy night sky. Only a few stars were shown from above. So few. How many were there? 3....7....12...
Casey began to feel exhausted. His head spun, the black sky getting blacker.
"Hey, hey, hey! Stay with me!", the leader demanded. "Shit, he's bleeding a lot. Donnie!"
"There's a chunk missing, Leo!"
The softshell hesitated for a moment, but sighed. He grabbed more gauze, soaking up the bleeding with his twin. But it wasn't enough. Casey could feel the warmth oozing out his side and soaking up in his pants and cape and up to his hair.
The stars began shining brighter. And brighter. And brighter until...
All he saw was white.
Don't blame me. You asked for this. I wrote this while baking cookies btw lmfao.
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its-wabby-stuff · 6 months
How Human is your Animal?
Based on animalistic representation in Media. Ranging from anthropomorphic to everyday pet.
A tier list for your convenience
S Tier- Humans don’t exist here
Qualifications: the world has no humans, animals tend to walk on hind legs and participate in human like societies, most likely anthropomorphic but not required
Zootopia, Kung Fu Panda, Sing, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Chicken Little, My Little Pony, Goofy Movie, Ducktales, Robin Hood, Angry Birds, Samurai Rabbit, Paws of Fury, Spiderhams Universe
A Tier- I see, a little co-op happening
Qualifications: the world has humans, humans acknowledge animals in some way, they can be hired/considered for jobs and/or are active in society. Might be considered mutants
Paddigton, Muppets, Stuart Little, The Bad Guys, Pinnocio, Shrek universe, Care Bears, the Bee Movie, Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3, and subsequently the entire MCU, Monsters Inc, Storks, Looney Tunes, TMNT, MHA, Yogi Bear, We Bare Bears, Chip N’ Dale: Rescue Rangers (2022), Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Hop, Wonderland, James and the Giant Peach, Hoodwinked, Mr. Peabody and Sherman, Ichabod and Toad, Sonic Movie
B Tier- Your getting suspiciously close
Qualifications: act more human like, perhaps develop a hidden society or walk on hind legs or plan elaborate heists, it’s just not quite right for an animal
Madagascar, Ice Age, Shark Tale, Surfs Up, Snoopy, Rescuers, SpongeBob, Ratatouille, Horton Hears a Who, Free Birds, Great Mouse Detective, Chicken Run, Flushed Away, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Tom and Jerry, Secret of Nym, Tale of Desperaeux, American Tail, Once Upon a Forest, Garfield, Over the Hedge, Rango
C Tier- Communication is key in fostering animal relationships
Qualifications: Perhaps by magical transformation or special gift or something that has always been kept a secret until now, these animals are able to talk to you
Cinderella, Tarzan, Jungle Book, Epic, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, Charlottes Web, Scooby Doo, Happy Feet, Snow White, Pete’s Dragon, Princess and the Frog, Aladdin, The Little Mermaid, Spies In Disguise, Emperors New Groove, Enchanted, Sophia the First, Peter Rabbit, Meet the Robinsons, Anastasia, Swan Princess, Dr. Dolittle, Leo, Up
D Tier- Oh look, it’s gaining complexity
Qualifications: although animals have been known to convey emotions nothing is more complex than creating Shakespearean like storylines. Humans take to the sidelines
Lion King, Finding Nemo, 101 Dalmatians, Bambi, Land Before Time, The Secret Life of Pets, Bugs Life, Oliver and Company, All Dogs go to Heaven, Lady and the Tramp, Fox and the Hound, Aristocats, Migration, Bolt, Dinosaur, The Good Dinosaur, Super Pets, Dumbo, Home in the Range, G-force, The Wild, Spirit, Rio, Curious George
F Tier- It’s all okay, animals are just animals here
Qualifications: Imagine your pet in a movie, that’s prolly what fits here. The everyday dog, or cat, or shark. Likely plays a part in the plot progression of the movie
Babe, Jurassic Park, Milo and Otis, Old Yeller, Life of Pi, Sword in the Stone, Beethoven, A Dogs Purpose, We Bought a Zoo, Pokémon, Dolphins Tale, Homeward Bound, The Black Stallion, Marley and Me, Jaws, King Kong, How to Train Your Dragon
Z Tier- So it doesn’t work like other places, but it works for you
Qualifications: a Universe with its own set of rules, perhaps jumping into a place outside of their own where rules seem just a little different. Who can say if it was real, or a dream?
Mary Poppins, Spiderverse, Fantasia, Mario Bros, Song of the South, Alice in Wonderland (cartoon), Calvin and Hobbes
Each placing is based on the highest human to animal ratio in universe even if that is one exception. This is for fun, don’t take it too seriously. You’re welcome to fill in anything you think is missing. If I mentioned one of your favorite movies you have to reblog, I don’t make the rules.
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