lostusagis · 2 months
@cloudpools ask continued x
There was the internal conflict of believing dying in battle was the best way for a Yato's life to end given their love for battle, along with the self loathing he already had, then the thoughts of how his death would hurt someone extremely important to him too. As the blood would continue to fall from his wounds, so many things swarmed through his mind.
Of all people to find him though, it had to be her. That annoying samurai. He'd threaten her, but it was empty words since he was pretty sure a punch from him in this state would give the same amount of damage as a toddler. He'll bluff and play it off though. Kamui despised weakness, he hated the memories of being that weak child unable to do anything, the one who failed to kill his father when he needed to the most. Being vulnerable in front of someone he fights with is out the question.
He couldn't. He just couldn't.
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What if she'll look down on him? It'll make him want to kill her even more.
He'd grit his teeth, still feeling the pain throughout his body. Hell, he was in so much pain he couldn't think straight. ''I'd rather bleed out than accept help from you get away from me. Worthless human.'' Words were hissed out, despite his current state.
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dcviated · 3 months
@cloudpools replied to your post “"Hm. Need to work on my golf swing."”:
Nara VC: "I could teach you." ((Me: *salivating at the thought of Nara in one of those cute little golf girl outfits* You know she's golfed a ton on business trips lololol
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"Oh~?" The club is rested over Wylan's shoulder mid-turn, far from a professional stance (when is he professional?) (..oh right) looking more like a thug you'd find in a back alley than an upstanding sportsman.
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"Actually, that sounds fun. You do this sorta thing all the time after all." And yet there's a devious knowing glint in his eye. As if he's suddenly got different ideas in mind. "I'm a king at putt putt, and can knock balls into windows just fine- but... hm. How honest do I even wanna be here...."
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the-haunted-office · 8 months
(A starter for @cloudpools ! Good luck, Blythe!)
Doomsday is bored. That's not a new thing. In fact, nothing is really new around the Office anymore - not the carpet, not the walls, not the visitors, not the cars that periodically run through it, not the other ghosts, not even the monuments that have been stolen and set up outside of it.
Certainly not her boredom.
The ghost doesn't even feel like destroying anything today, because that's not a new thing either. She's put plenty of holes in the vibrantly painted walls around here. Set fire to the 90s arcade carpet plenty of times. Defenestrated the couches more times than she can count. What's the point.
It's to the point where she doesn't even feel like scaring the shit out of anybody anymore. Not really. That's lost its fun, too. Most people don't react in a way that's funny these days. They either just stand there or try to come onto her. Nobody runs away screaming or begs for their life anymore. What kind of crap is that? Boring.
Except. Oho, wait, maybe she does feel like scaring the shit out of somebody after all, because here's a new potential customer now. This one looks promising. A younger folk - they're generally more likely to scare, like little Timmy who still flinches at the sight of her at her sharp-toothed grin and glowing yellow eye sockets.
With a small snicker, Doom goes up into the ceiling, passing straight through the tiles, and begins following the visitor overhead, watching her through the barrier. She can see through walls and other solid objects. She can even see her soul, if she has one.
She follows her around quietly for a minute or two, observing her, before deciding to making her presence known. All she does is giggle. A sound that's not inherently bad... if you know where it's coming from.
She follows up this giggle by making the lights flicker and softly saying, "Who's this little soul wandering my hallways? Ehehehehehe."
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mythicalminded · 2 months
@cloudpools - for nara & seven
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"... You seem to misunderstand your position." the words are delivered blankly, with little intonation between each breath taken. the tall redhead tilts his head underneath the shade of the hood he has adorned, and he steps back, twirling the knife once pressed against her throat and sheathing it at his side. "And you don't seem the sort to do what I've been led to believe you would do. Apologies."
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astarab1aze · 2 months
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People watching was something Hydre had learned to get used to, over the many thousands of years of his miserably over-purposed life. In order to pass all that time without utterly leveling the whole of the mortal world, he had to...adapt, learn to live with being idle, unmoving, a statuesque addition to the scenery - imagine his surprise that such should become his preferred way of being. So, he sat on a filigreed bench, legs spread wide, head thrown backward over the steel back rest, hands lazily clasped in his lap, black cloth hiding the frigid shallows of his gaze--
Watching, eyes flitting about the form of a seemingly rambunctious (at least, by his standards) girl, flailing her arms about as some hideous fishmonger barked at her, the both of them disgruntled and moody. He didn't care why or how the altercation began, lips pursing, brow lofting - they seemed so small, their problems smaller, but there was a faint urge to lumber nearer, sniff out the troublemakers in this situation, and eat them. His stomach gurgled with a low, rolling growl - he was hungry anyway. Funny that, it was simultaneously real and false, a metaphor made tangible, a dream made flesh. It wasn't supposed to be legitimate, a certain truth niggling at the back of his mind, one he wouldn't always be able to ignore.
He stood slowly, and the evening moonlight sent his shadow long down the blackstone steet, condensation and evaporation taking place within the murk - and he lumbered over, a hand reaching past the girl's head, fingers spread over the man's face. Just as quickly, did he retract, all the surprise, confusion, angry words turned to stutters, cast aside in favor of a simple, easy calming spell. Threads of magic jolting through the fishmonger's face and skull, deep into his brain, through touch alone. He ushered the girl aside with his free hand, wordlessly bade her run lest he swallow her whole next, snake-like in the twists and turns of his body, grin toothy, fangs on clear display- Unmitigated terror in the eyes of a man drenched in fish-stink and sea water, jaws slowly opening wider and wider and wider and wider, near to unhinging--
A tap on his shoulder interrupted him, however, as did the girl's voice, and before he could take the fishmonger's head into his mouth, flesh and bone snapped into a particularly human place. Evidence of a glacial hydric truth erased as quickly as they'd come about. He touched the man again, ice spidering forth from his fingers, frost and chill freezing him to the spot - silent, unmoving, in stasis. A perfectly good meal, frozen, gods above, this couldn't fly.
"Are you going to let me eat him, or do you like getting reamed?"
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chaoscrawls · 7 months
@cloudpools- liked for a stater with nyarlathotep
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The sensation had likely been at the back of their mind all day. The prickling of static, the sensation of eyes on them, the feeling they were being followed. And they were, but the creature had chosen to keep a safe distance between them.
Each time their prey turned to find the source, they would only capture fleeting glimpses of the strange creature sinking back into the darkness or shifting from shadow to shadow. Seemingly biding their time till the sun went down.
Now, as the sun dips beyond the horizon and the streets become darker, they too grow bolder. Gnarled fingers curl around buildings, leaving scratch marks in their wake. Burning mauve eyes blaze from their hiding spot before snuffing out and appearing closer than before. Each gesture is a threat and warning that they are coming.
“Now now, you can’t just keep ignoring. Hoping I go away.” The god calls to their victim, words echoing unnaturally. “I think you’ll find I can be quite persistent.”
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emystic · 8 months
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"Hiiiii, Carter! Sittin' by yourself again?" She sought out the punk-looking schoolmate so much, that it was almost as if she could track him during lunch. Not waiting for a beat to sit next to him with her own lunch and with a bubbly expression on her face.
Opening her lunchbox to show the lunch she made, taking a sweet, but spicy meatball and blowing it for a moment before offering it to Carter. Her smile curled into almost a catlike curve on her lips. Lucy knew her cheery and talkative nature was probably annoying and pushed her bottoms. Nonetheless, a part of her enjoyed seeking him out and putting him under her radar.
"Try it! I made it myself, mi abuela's secret recipe."
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madderot · 6 months
Can you tell me more about your adventures? ((From Darla
"I don't see why not. They probably ain't all that interesting." He wasn't sure how much he'd done that was noteworthy- That wasn't illegal or at least concerning.
"I don't do it often, but sometimes I find myself crossin' the border for work. Only been that far up north once or twice. Too fuckin' cold for me. But I been t' Mexico plenty. S' nice enough down there- I don't usually got the time t' check it out though." He shrugged softly. "I do wish I could spend a little more time enjoyin' it." While it wasn't the safest place to be running drugs, he sometimes didn't feel like he had much of a choice.
"Even goin up north is different. I'd rather stay down south, but s' cool t' check out every now n' then."
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2isms · 2 months
@cloudpools | CONTINUATION
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“Pretty sure people trying to talk wouldn’t look as pissed as those do,” he told her, watching as the robbers ran at them. There was an option to simply escape, buuut those guys were being real jerks to the poor girl earlier, so maybe he should teach them a lesson or two. It’s been a while since he’s been in a real fight, either way, so might as well have some fun.
Easily dodging the attacks, the martial artist jumped up a nearby stack of cargo boxes, before carefully lowering the girl down to sit on the top. “Wait here,” he instructed, with an easygoing grin that contradicted the gravity of the situation, then hopped off the stack.
It wasn’t long before he hopped right back up, dusting off his hands. The guys had quickly scrambled away after he was done with them, carrying their now-unconscious third member away. “You twisted your ankle, huh?” he mused, crouching beside her to look at the injury. “Well, I guess I could just carry you home for now, but that really needs to be looked at. It’s looking nasty.”
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grandpiratecrew · 2 months
Get me a flying girl
As the ship came down to the isolated island they noticed some damage in the trees. "Estin." Flynt said after a rap on the hull. "That looks like a crash site."
"While I believe you what do you want us to do." "Land and see what's down there."
The ship 'landed' on the ocean with an audible rush of water as the hull hit it. Once it was down a shuttle craft split from the main ship and went to the shore. "You think anyone is there?" Seravin asked before a blonde girl took off into the air ahead of them. "Hope so."
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lostusagis · 6 months
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@cloudpools asked: [ wounded ] sender patches up receiver's wounds (Nara to Kamui 👀)
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''. . . . . .''
He wasn't happy about this.
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He was irritated the entire time she patched him up. Mainly because Kamui believed it was unnecessary, and he felt like he was being looked down upon. He had a tendency of hiding when he was wounded, for the sole fact that people could take advantage of his injured state. Kamui was strong, but he was vulnerable to excessive blood loss like everyone else.
Why did it have to be NARA of all people to figure out he was injured?
''Why the hell are you doing this anyway, when I beat you half to death during our first meeting? Are you trying to get on my good side?'' Kamui was immediately skeptical, assuming there was an ulterior motive. Unfortunately for her, he kept his circle of people he cared about very, very small. He rarely let anyone new step into it.
She was likely going to always be on his bad side, even if she was sort of interesting. Kamui didn't find her interesting enough to actively befriend though.
No. He didn't like her. She was annoying. He'll be sure to stay away from her next time he ever got an injury.
''Hope you know, I don't consider you a friend. At all. Never will. Don't try being overly nice to me all of a sudden, because it won't work.'' Kamui will still kill her even if she did tend to his injuries.
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dcviated · 2 months
@cloudpools replied to your post “another munday meme :: open”:
Idol Nara VC: “…I’m in more magazines…”
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Lightning crackle stare-down ensues.
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"Is that so? But how many times were you featured on the cover, hmm?"
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the-haunted-office · 2 months
❇️ SPARKLE - what is their most prized possession? what do they value? && 🎤 MICROPHONE - are they good at singing? what is their go-to karaoke song? ((For Trent!!! :D
❇️ SPARKLE - what is their most prized possession? what do they value?
Trent's most prized possession is a friendship bracelet he wears on his right wrist. It doesn't look much like what you might imagine a friendship bracelet to be. It's just a couple of twisted cords of an extremely tough type of plant from his world, pretty dull and ordinary to look at. But it's precious to him and if anything happened to it, he'd be heartbroken.
🎤 MICROPHONE - are they good at singing? what is their go-to karaoke song?
I'd say Trent is average at singing. He hasn't tried to do much of it and doesn't know a whole lot of songs. I think if he learned some, he'd be decent.
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sunflowerwilds · 1 year
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my friend @fullmeowtal-cloudpool has reignited my highschool obsession so now i'm making it everyone else's problem. please take some Ib cats! 🌹🎨
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penpeaches · 3 months
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For my buddy RhalgrsDragon on twt (ft. @mewmew-cloudpool's Riza)
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bloodylariat · 8 months
Starter for @cloudpools (for Blythe)
Aspen had been running for... she didn't even know how long anymore. Hours, most likely.
The dryad princess had never dared to run away from home until tonight. At first, she'd reveled in the euphoric feeling of finally having freedom and independence all to herself. She'd get to go wherever she wanted, without any guards or family watching and deciding her every move!
But that feeling had since disappeared, soon to be replaced by immense uncertainty and guilt. It was starting to weigh on her that she was truly alone now, in a wilderness she was completely unfamiliar with.
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"Oh god, what am I doing? What am I doing...?" she muttered to herself, pacing back and forth.
This had been a stupid idea. Mother and father would be in a panic by now. And Aster would miss her terribly. She should just turn around and go back home...
But going back home meant going back to boring royal duties, never leaving the boundaries of the woodlands. And the threat of the arranged marriage she wanted absolutely no part of.
With a groan, she sat down on the ground, hugging her legs close to her body, trying to ignore how stressed she currently felt.
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