#office memos
meanwhile-in-hell · 9 days
tooday in hell shax had a meeting with the dark cownsil and one of hell’s repruhsentativs to america. they were both given a stiff but sinseer commendayshun for the chayos and mizeree they cawsd so far this year in the UK and US elekshuns. when they left the cownsil chamber, they trayded appropriately demonic compliments, then shared a look that silentlee sed ‘i know you didn’t lift a single claw for those elekshuns either”
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businessmemes · 4 months
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if the octagon is right side up, do not duck. doing so will be deducted from your pay and incur the loss of up to all sick days.
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noirandchocolate · 5 months
I reviewed another opinion for a judge in a case I worked on, and she not only copied my supervisor on an e-mail glowing with praise for my memo and how quick and helpful my editing was, she asked me to call her just so she could 'thank me properly' for explaining a complicated area of the law she was unfamiliar with and 'making her job so much easier.'
^(^o^)^ I am gooooood at what I do and everybody says so!!!
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heich0e · 1 year
vampire geto buys your company and then immediately shuts it down just so you don't have to work anymore btw
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magicalshopping · 4 months
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♡ Stranger Things Milk Carton Notes ♡
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whosname · 2 months
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Did you see the memo about this?
[Id. President/CEO Kintoki, wearing a gold bow tie, blue vest, blue suit; with his right arm on a cubicle and a coffee in a "#1 boss" mug in his left hand, smiling like he owns the place. End Id.]
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emileillustration · 7 months
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newgomensfan · 25 days
Can’t wait to see more of your reverse omens
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Yippee!! My first ask lol, and thank you!! I’m excited to share more of my reverse creatures with you 💛💛💛
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abigailspinach · 2 months
History Will Know
In some quarters, Biden’s address might be dismissed as the self-justifications of a man who was on track to lose re-election, gussied up as self-sacrifice on behalf of a grateful nation. But that would be a grave mistake because it was the very threat of Trump that made forcing Biden out of the race even thinkable. Don’t confuse cause and effect.
As the standard-bearer for the broad anti-Trump coalition, Biden’s faltering on the June debate stage put everything at risk. His failure to rebound quickly or sufficiently enough from that setback prompted the coalition, including his own party and many longtime allies, to abandon him precisely because the stakes were so high.
Biden eventually came around, perhaps more under duress than by free will, but he was ultimately able see that his re-election bid was more than about just him: “Nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy. That includes personal ambition.”
For reasons that are probably peculiar to me, I have been focused to the point of borderline obsessiveness on helping to create a historical record that we didn’t just sleepwalk our way into authoritarianism. If we end up sliding over the cliff into a uniquely American form of fascism, I want it to be unmistakably clear to historians and everyone who comes after us that we knew what was happening. We saw it. We endeavored to prevent it, to arrest the slide, to warn of the perils. We had eyes wide open. We were not blindsided. If it happens, it happened despite our best efforts.
The warnings have come from sitting federal judges, from highly respected longtime Republicans cast out by their party, from conservatives who were previously villains in the progressive firmament, and now from President Biden sitting in the Oval Office having made a substantial personal sacrifice of his own as a way of further sounding the alarm.
History will show that we knew. Maybe that will erase the smugness of future generations that somehow they are immune. We are not, and neither are they.
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thomasicism · 2 months
What are 3 things that define your muse for you?
🖌️; i really like this question so it's a lil long hehe <3
there's very little canon content to go off of given he's a side character, but if you know me from main, you know that one of my most favorite things to do is try to dig into a character's motivations and figure out why they act or speak the way that they do! i don't think i get it perfectly all the time, but i still try to give him as much depth as i can 🥰
1—poised, professional attitude... most of the time. canonically, we often see him carry himself in a very self-assured and confident manner fitting of a businessman. the only times we don't is when rafayel does something out of the ordinary that he has to keep up with, so we know that he has a side to him that's not always calm and collected, and he can get flustered and panicked. also interestingly enough, his dialogue tone is formal, but the word choice itself isn't suffocatingly so? i think this leaves room for a more casual, perhaps playful side of him to surface, enough to not be super intimidating~ his character is more complex than we give credit for <3
2—complex relationship with art and his profession. from that one anecdote it's my belief that although he's always had a genuine love for art, the years he's spent on it made him lose sight of that to focus more on its monetary aspect. it's after talking to rafayel that he realizes that, and subsequently takes a step back. imo he probably has some lingering insecurities about that, and he's taking his role as rafayel's manager as a learning arc to grow separately from being an artist before he's able to pick up a paintbrush again. i think it's a very central point to his character!
3—rafayel. none of y'all can change my mind about this, i firmly believe that rafayel is extremely valuable to his character and his growth as a person, despite the fact that they bicker so often. rafayel is a source of stress as much as a source of inspiration, as much as a source of comfort. he has admiration and respect for rafayel and belief in his abilities, and this affects the way he's able to seamlessly handle being his manager and the gallery—and subsequently the way he acts, too. he is, after all, more of a voice of reason in contrast to rafayel 😆
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rejectshumanity · 5 months
hi friends 😎 I'm starting to feel a bit better, so i’m gonna start slowlyyyyy making my way back to being active again.
some updates to come:
activity will be much slower and more sporadic. between work entering its busy season and other things going on in my life, i don’t have nearly as much time to write as i used to.
i’m going to do a soft revamp and delete most of the asks in my inbox. i still plan to keep a few ongoing threads, but i'm starting fresh for the most part.
i’ll be keeping most of my replies on the shorter side, averaging 1-3 paragraphs per reply, and i would prefer that y’all do the same for me. it’s all i have the time and the energy for these days, and i feel bad when my longer threads languish and die because i can’t focus well enough to write a decent response 😔 i’m sorry if that disappoints anyone, but it is what it is. there may be occasional exceptions, but please don’t expect consistent novella length replies out of me.
i’ll be moving my multi over to a new sideblog, since i can’t seem to keep more than one active blog at a time 🤡 i'm cutting down the muse list, and the remaining muses will all be linked to dio in some form or fashion. lucky them.
i’m working on revising my carrd with updated rules and verses.
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It has come to my attention once again that a few select people on our social media team and Community Outreach Department are receiving anonymous inquiries into my personal life.
I would like to remind you all once again that it is strictly against company policy to discuss matters regarding your personal life, both during and after normal business hours. It does not reflect well on our organization to have a legion full of loose-lipped idlemouths sharing and oversharing details about their personal lives. What does this reflect on your ability to then, say, protect company secrets? Reticence, as always, Team Magma, is key.
Additionally, in the age of social media and the advent of ever-rapidly progressing technology, almost any information at all can quickly be turned into a security breach. Don’t take the risk.
And, it goes without saying, but it bears repeating: it is absolutely forbidden for anyone to speculate on or discuss the personal lives of any Team Magma Executive. If you have any questions, please reach out to Tabitha, Assistant Administrator, or Courtney, with Engagement and Community Outreach, directly. You can also reference the policy in the corresponding section in our Code of Conduct.
Anyone found to be in violation of this policy will be written up and disciplined per infraction as written in the Code of Conduct.
This has to cease.
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magicalshopping · 1 year
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♡ Emote Sticky Notes from YesStyle ♡
♡ Use the code RINIHIME for 10% off! ♡
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livvyofthelake · 1 year
“beth what’s wrong with the editing” well nothing really. i’m not saying i could do better i know how hard editing is and i think it’s very impressive to make a movie…. i am complaining about something very small and insignificant but well i have seen this seven times and i think i’m allowed to complain about the littlest things you can imagine <3
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grapehyasynth · 1 year
if anyone needs an incentive to re-read the latest chapter of my fic... i just made two tiny tweaks to it because i had written bits of dialogue for wille that didn't sit right with me this morning on my way to work 😂😂
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lenavis · 1 year
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why am i so stupid
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