strawberrygardenkisses · 11 months
Laufey has such romantic songs!! My favorite love songs of hers are Bewitched and Valentine. 😊💗
Thank you for such sweet recommendations. I love her voice. She reminds me of love songs of old; so dreamy with a hint of nostalgia 🩷🩷
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kirby-the-gorb · 4 years
reply roundup!
a few days late because we were busy getting ready for my partner to be out of town -n-
highlights from the past couple weeks include [pumpkin carving], a [christmas comic] in october because no one can stop me, and [space] doing super well for reasons unknown.
also please remember to vote if you’re at all able to! it’s not a magical cure-all, but it actually can make things concretely better. (for example in my city there’s a ballot measure to allow the city council to reduce the duties of the sheriff’s department.) (this is mostly addressed to US folks, but applies to everyone who lives in a system of government that includes voting!)
from the ask box:
@shslweirdo​ asked: Ever seen the Kirby on the Telephone animation?
yes! I love it very much :> (the animation is on youtube [here])
on [playtime]:
@the-aqua-life​ said: the only rendition of kirby that matters
awwww that is a high honor indeed
on [bedtime]:
@okspacekid​ said: sleebycore :>
ohhhh sleebycore :o wonderful
I love everyone’s tags on [monch]. that is exactly the vibe I was going for.
on [leaves]:
living the crunchy dream!
@incrediblue said: the best part of raking leaves
the only reason to even let someone talk you into doing it, unless it’s your own yard and you gotta be like. a responsible adult or something.
@dragonofcupcake said: I miss being able to do this. Either way... the leaves look good woah
thanks I used a brush preset XD (snowgum from the organic pack that comes w procreate by default)
thank you for everyone’s enthusiasm on [pumpkin], I do not have a lot of experience with carving but I have done a lot of other crafting, so I figured out how to go slow and really approach it more like peeling than cutting pretty quickly. (not immediately tho hence the toothpick lol)
on [feet]:
@inexplicably-spookified said: ah. a... a perfectly normal kirb...... nothing wrong here
very normal. factory standard. on-model.
on [spider]:
@macro-microcosm said: hey I too am an autistic person who watches Jenny Nicholson! and I find that I do project it on characters I like (but I usually don’t realize it lol)
same remarkably specific hat! I appreciate how comparatively even she keeps her voice, and she mentions autistic folks more than once and it’s literally never as the butt of a joke, it’s pretty much always to be like “hey this seems like a rude portrayal” or “hey sometimes theme parks are a lot”. plus I just love hearing people talk at length about obscure stuff they enjoy, like theme park drama or aggressively mediocre YA films.
on [vote]:
@the-halo-of-my-memory said: [story abt their ballot] itll get mailed back to me again right? anyways this is super cute!!!! i adore every post
if it just got dropped back in the mail in its original envelope, instead of getting filled out and put into the return envelope, it should get sent back! and thank you :>
on [space]:
@okspacekid said: i want to stargaze with kirb.....
I bet it’d be a great picnic activity.
on [juice]:
@0-jayless-0 said: Juice boxes are the best
true. something about drinking juice out of a box just tastes better than a bottle.
@inexplicably-spookified said: he’s drinking dark matter tears. tastes like fake cherry flavour
is it......... black cherry? *badum tss* (because. because dark matter is drawn like a black void. :v )
on [hearts]:
@cloudminty said: Awww that's so sweet I want a love like that someday!
I’m sure your person or people are out there! and they’re as excited to find you as you are to find them :)
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rrdcooc · 4 years
cloudminty replied to your post “I don’t play Animal Crossing (because I can’t afford any of the...”
These are so cool!! Could you do a bit of "Grim Grinning Ghosts"?
Someone else added it and I reblogged it with the addition.
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build-a-buddy · 3 years
ok so I did some looking around and honestly the best place for gashapon toys is either eBay or Etsy (wild, right?); if you just want to browse them but not buy epoch.jp, kitan.jp, and gashapon.jp seem to be catalogs of gacha toys
pinging @the-13th-rose and @cloudminty because they both wanted to know too
edit: my friend shops at this store for gashapon but BE WARY there are horny anime items on this site so be careful (I know some folks do not want to see the sexy stuff. Tread carefully ok?)
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petrosapian · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Was tagged by @halalgirlmeg 💚🧡❤️
Home page, last song I listened to (yes I cheated), and last pic I took (there are baby birds in my moms planter but they’re tricky to see)
Tagged the last five mutuals in my tags and anyone who wants to do it @kariachi @starfiyah @i-swear-this-is-for-homework @cloudminty @coconutxraikage
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herrfivehead · 7 years
@cloudminty my dad can’t be larry bc he hasn’t been single for almost 30 years
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aribar · 8 years
cloudminty replied to your photoset
I see it as just him being flustered with his idol saying that, it wasn’t much of a “no homo” moment imo.
Oh I agree with you! I just wanted to have a laugh about my reaction in the moment, I didn’t see it as a ‘no homo’ thing either. And the conversation they had right after made me very happy!
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jaeger-titties-blog · 9 years
Okay this is the last Dilf!Eren prompt I swear Levi and Isabelle are off of school so levi goes over to hang out but she's not there but Eren is and he just got out of the shower with nothing but a towel around his waist.
“Today was fucking awful, you would not believe it, Iz, the sub we had for math today?—He totally hasn’t washed his hands since fucking birth. I bet his still has skin from his mom under his nails, they were that fucking disgusting and…” He locked the front door of the Jäger’s home as he slid inside the cozy place.
Levi had his left hand on his backpack and the other holding his (crappy,, obsolete, ugly, beat up) cellphone as he spoke to the redhead whom, at the moment, was still at soccer practice and subsequently not at home…Not that Levi had noticed her absence yet, it seemed his observational skills dissipated quite easily when he was really worked up.  Nevertheless, the teenager had walked through the unlocked front door of the Jäger’s house, sliding off his shoes with ease, scrolling through a set of obnoxious texts from Hanji, all whilst calling out for his best friend Isabel—Who happened to have the hottest, kindest, dorkiest dad of all time—and ranting about that damned substitute teacher.
Levi didn’t notice at first, but Isabel’s replies and chiming laughter at his ridiculous perception were not present whatsoever in the household. He continued on, nearly prattling about how grown men ought to know how to trim their nails or at least clean under them, as he walked to Izzy’s room. 
The hall was a familiar one that Levi didn’t need to look up from his glowing screen to navigate. There was the decorative table to the right with the small bouquet of flowers Eren always had refreshed for the house, to the left was the said man’s bedroom, and a few more steps lead Levi right to the door of—
Levi dropped his backpack, the atrocious thing falling to the floor with a heavy thump announcing that there were two books inside. Gunmetal eyes widened slightly from their typical scowl as Eren, the (hot, kind, dorky, hung) toweled father of his best friend emerged from the still steamy bathroom. Levi’s breathing stopped as his face went entirely too red.
Holy fucking shit, what the actual fuck…
Eren stood in all his glory, the smallest of all sinfully tiny towels wrapped about his waist, as another blue towel worked on his messy hair. The brunet was obviously shocked as well, seeing as bright green eyes had widened much, much more than Levi’s had. However, he didn’t go red. No, instead, his lips curled into the smallest and most of awkward of grins. He reached behind his head, scratching his neck as he looked at the younger male.
“I, uh, guess Izzy didn’t tell you she had to stay after for fighting with another kid on the team?” He asked more than stated, albeit, both knew the presumption were true.
Levi didn’t even nod, perhaps he didn’t even hear Eren’s timid sentence, as his eyes just drifted over the wet planes of Eren’s toned chest, over defined abs, down to where the slightest peaks of a trail of brown hair led down, down, into the white cloth.
Levi swallowed thickly before his eyes retreated back up to his best friend’s dad’s eyes, face less red now, but still pink as all holy hell.
Eren saw the arousal there, saw how Levi’s pupils grew ever so slightly, how the grey of those piercing eyes became a little more intense. The brunet slid out of the way, swallowing thickly himself before he headed towards his room, brows knitted and tone a bit apprehensive, 
“You should get a start on your homework, Levi, you know Izzy’ll be home soon. She’ll need your help—”
There was a hand grabbing his, the other feeling up the wall as the darker haired male, the shorter male, the younger male tugged Eren back. In an effort to keep his integrity of that sacred towel hiding his length and the last shreds of Eren’s dignity, the brunet followed the movement forced by his daughter’s friend. It landed them close, one of Eren’s hands hitting the wall by Levi’s head, the other barring the highschooler in place. Eren hovered over Levi, tongue escaping to wet his bottom lip as Levi produced the smallest of smirks.
“We have a bit of time before Izzy comes home…” He muttered, moving to his tiptoes, lips pursed, eyes lidded, pressing their bodies closer…
Eren tilted his head slightly and leaned forward, meeting Levi’s soft lips, feeling the cooler temperature against his own warmer mouth. He parted his lips before Levi did, but the younger male easily followed suit and Levi groaned. White teeth nipped Levi’s bottom lip sharply and the teenager wrapped his arms loosely around Eren’s neck and he dragged him closer.
Eren’s mind short circuited, all rational thought disappearing, and he moved his left hand down to the darker haired male’s jaw, cupping it, breathing him in, kissing him until his hand dropped lower, slipped under the teenager’s shirt, teased soft skin, found his mouth moving to pepper kisses along Levi’s jaw and throat, licking at a sensitive spot before preparing to bite the tender skin and—
There was a jingle of the front door’s knob, the thing being locked, and then horrendous pounding as Isabel’s voice sounded through the thick wood. Eren pulled back sharply, his and Levi’s lips connected by the thinnest trail of saliva that Levi broke as he ducked under Eren’s arm. He kissed the tanner male’s cheek before slipping into Izzy’s room to drop his bag off before shouting a, “Can you be anymore fucking obnoxious, I’m coming okay!?” 
And he rushed to answer the front door, Eren already hidden in the depths his bedroom, decidedly dressing in pajamas, mind finally rebooting.
“Oh God…” Eren breathed.
He loved every moment of what had just happened.
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komlin · 9 years
Woah that plot twist.... o.o makes me wanna know what happens next!!
aaa unfortunately i won’t be continuing it, but im glad the twist intrigued you! thank you for reading!!! ; v;
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shingekicorn · 9 years
HOW CAN SOMEONE HATE GHOSTBUSTERS THAT'S LIKE HATING ICE CREAM AND BABY ANIMALS Though my sister hates Queen and chocolate so I guess some people just have bad taste
My dad is one of those people who has absolutely no sense of taste and we hate going to the movies with him. 
He stood up at the end of The Dark Knight and said “Well that was a waste of two hours” and it was then we realized there was no saving him. None. We’re doomed to a lifetime of him hating everything. 
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leviismybitch · 9 years
I love you, never stop writing dilf!eren
/)///////////(\ oh dear, hello you lovely person you
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levixeren-blog · 9 years
I LOVE you ohmygosh!! Uhh I was thinking it might be really cool to hear Eren's POV? Like maybe at first he's just laughing at the funny teenager lusting over him, but then he starts to find him attractive/appealing and he's like "shit how am I gonna explain this to Izzy."
i think im gonna do a couple more eren overhearing bc they’re fun to write crack like that is my life omfg and then i’ll do some eren POV on the situation
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mybrainproblems · 9 years
cloudminty replied to your post:Trampled plants, trampled heart
I’m crying you meanie TnT
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jaeger-titties-blog · 9 years
Dilf!Eren prompt: first meeting at a neighborhood barbecue and Eren's in full hotdad mode at the grill and when Levi asks for a hot dog Eren winks at him and Levi falls in love/lust.
OH MAN I GOT THIS OKAY I JUST RAN WITH A DRABBLE FOR THIS BECAUSE I always envision Eren/Isabel (father/daughter yknow) living in the suburbs with a pool and stuff while Levi comes from a shitty half of town and his crappy father and all sooooo:
Levi’s never really considered his taste in men much, he’s always been too busy focusing on helping Isabel, his best friend, with homework or managing to do decent in school so he can eventually get out of the hellhole his father likes to consider a ‘home’ down some streets over from the Jäger’s nice suburban neighborhood with those little picket fences and grass greener than Izzy’s eyes. 
Levi’s a had a fling or two, realized he was gay back in the horror that was middle school when him and a girl named Petra had kissed before she had moved away. There was no spark, no sentimentality, it was awkward and rusted and all too robotic for it to be that natural feeling all the Yahoo!Answers (Levi wasn’t very social to know otherwise) posts said kissing was supposed to be.
Pathetic really, but it gave him answers at least. 
Nevertheless, standing on the damp grass in his black swim trunks at the edge of the Jäger’s pool, Levi has finally (again) come to the conclusion that his taste is definitely hot dads. 
Namely, hot dad’s a the grill and in their own swim trunks (red?—A pretentious deep burgundy and still wet enough they cling to toned thighs and an even sweeter ass that Levi swears is a gift from some booty-deity) that Levi cannot fucking stop staring at to save his life…Or save his friendship with Isabel.
Levi’s toes dig into the damp earth as the sun beats down on porcelain flesh, pale as ever and just damp as the slightest waves of a warm breeze course over his lithe frame. There’s that signature frown on Levi’s face, etched deep into the higherschooler’s features, and he decidely sits at the edge of the pool as Isabel announces that she, for the third time in what Levi thinks has only been a hour, needs to go pee inside. 
“Just real quick!” Izzy assures and it takes all of Levi’s willpower to turn to Isabel (and away from that beautiful bubble butt) so Levi can roll his eyes to throw a snarky comment that doesn’t turn into a weakened whimper at the thought of Isabel’s dad, Eren, shoving him against the back of the house…
And putting a toned leg between his thighs to boil his blood and get him all hot and bothered so those perfect teeth (so much whiter against Eren’s olive skin and brown hair) on his neck—
And that happy trail leading just faintly from what is minimally exposed by the elastic waistband of those fucking trunks that Levi just wants torn off and why can’t they just acknowledge the tension between them already so he can be flipped on the mattress late during a sleepover so the teenager can feel that cock slide between his thighs all hot and slick, eventually meeting the curve of his ass and…
Eren looks over his shoulder, catching Levi’s intense stare on his ass and back (who could resist staring at such toned muscles anyhow?) and he gives a small smirk, one prominent enough that Levi’s cheeks heat up a shade or too pink enough to be acknowledged. The Ackerman turns his stare to the sliding glass door as he expects Isabel’s soon return, but Eren is still looking at him with that cocky smirk, just saying how he knows exactly what Eren wants and what he needs.
“How do you want it cooked?” 
Levi blinks, gunmetal eyes turning into slivers as the teenager tries to determine what the ever loving fucking Eren is going on about now with that smooth voice and tongue wetting his bottom lip as he did idly (especially before or after dinner, yeah, Levi is over often enough to pick that up). And then, Levi has an epiphany and he gets up, heading over to the grill and next to his friend’s dad.
“But, I don’t want a burger, daddy, I want a hot dog,” Levi accentuates, teeth digging into a full bottom lip as he smirks a bit too coyly for the constriction of burgundy trunks to manage.
Eren cocks a brow before winking at his daughter’s best friend, frame turning back to the grill as Isabel returns from her bathroom break. And, if that single wink wasn’t enough to make the Ackerman whimper right then and there, then the knowing smirk and Eren’s chuckle was definitely going to do it.
The sliding glass door’s scrape covers the needy sound as Izzy looks between the two, her father and friend, and sighs as she slips back into the pool and the water cools her feet from the scalding cement, not a care in the world.
“I’ll take a hotdog too!” She calls, apparently having heard some of the conversation as green eyes bright like the grass Levi is currently picking at (much to Eren;s eventual chagrin) dance over to the volleyball she has every intent on throwing Levi’s way to get him into the water to hang out again.
The Ackerman looks at his best friend, “There aren’t any left here, the only one’s in a red package and it’s mine. Guess you’ll have to settle for a burger.”
The implication goes over his best friend’s head and right to Eren’s.
The redhead looks absolutely dejected but there is a quiet snort from Eren’s direction, “I can run to the store and buy more if you man the grill, Izzy. You know Levi won’t touch it because it’s filthy right now.”
And God, the only thing Levi can really hope for is some really hot car initiated blowjobs on this trip out, because honestly, that may quench his thirst for the next few hours so Izzy can finally stop complaining about Levi being distant.
It looked like maybe Isabel wouldn’t have to settle for a burger, but she’d be waiting a while as Levi and Eren took their sweet time at the store (as was apparently usual these last couple of times).
Izzy atoned it to her friend and father being morons, Levi atoned it to luck, and Eren atoned it to fortune.
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picklestpickle · 10 years
I have a very important question to ask you. Is your url Pickle Saint Pickle or Pickle-est Pickle?
omggg XDDD tanekore you are not alone on the pickle st. pickle thing
I meant it to be picklest pickle, but I'm fine with whatever! :"D
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veliseraptor · 10 years
cloudminty replied to your post:thirty day nsfw steve/loki kink challenge; day...
I don’t even ship this but daaaaamn you have a gift that was really hot.
are you sure you don't ship it? not even a little bit? 
I kid, I kid. thank you for the compliment! I am glad you enjoyed it. :D
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