#cloth coll
colorizedaily · 1 year
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Viceta Wang
Spring 2023
0 notes
ohfroot · 1 year
guy turned his life around in an unforeseen chain of events
0 notes
mysteria157 · 4 months
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Pairing: Nanami Kento x Black Fem Reader
CW: Light Profanity, Light Alcohol Consumption, Explicit Sexual Content, Missionary, Fingering, Mentions of Cunnilingus, Public Sex (Sort of), Office Sex
WC: ~9.8k
Nanami may be disconnected from social media trends, but he’s not oblivious. He’s overheard the crass innuendos and seen the tasteless memes on Yuji's phone. He knows the vulgar things some men say—about how excited they get when the summer begins. 
It always seemed so stupid and dramatic to Nanami, who has never had a straying eye to actually see if the rumors were true. But now that you’ve come into his life…he gets it.
Oh, he gets it. 
Sundress season.
Notes: Hello! Had a random thought this morning and decided to roll with it and practice writing Nanami some more. Anywho, I hope you all enjoy this one-shot.
This is a prime example of me writing smut when I feel like it. Please do not ask me for more related to this story and please do not ask me to write smut, the answer is no lol. This is just a one-shot of a random idea, please enjoy it for what it is lol. Thank you all for understanding!
Reblogs, likes, or comments are always appreciated! Happy reading!
Dividers: @cafekitsune @arminsumi | Header: made by myself
Masterlist | Ao3 | Twitter |
©mysteria157, all rights reserved. DO NOT copy, plagiarize, reupload, modify, or translate (without permission) my work to other accounts and platforms.
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The city summers are a different kind of hell. The humid heat clings to Nanami, making his skin feel instantly tacky as if he hasn’t showered in days. It wreaks havoc on his usual crisp suit and tie, causing the fabric to stubbornly adhere in unflattering ways. He thinks back wistfully to his bachelor days when he could simply escape such misery by holing up inside with the AC blasting, and then wait until the evening for a walk or to run errands. But that was before you came into his life like a vivacious sunbeam, all warmth and carefree laughter.
Now, he wouldn’t dream of depriving you of simple joys like strolling hand-in-hand through the park, watching you bask in nature’s dazzling seasonal shifts. The fragrant flowers blooming, the fireflies flickering to life as dusk settles, the earthy pre-rain smell you adore—he lives for the ease of these tranquil moments.
Throughout your relationship, Nanami has cataloged your ever-changing looks to match the passing seasons. The oversized chunky sweaters and leggings you’d cuddle up in during fall’s crisp breezes. The sleek peacoats and woolen scarves wound around your neck when winter blanketed the city in soft stillness.
But summertime is when your vibrant spirit and personal style shines. And it’s Nanami’s first summer with you when everything changes.
Nanami may be disconnected from social media trends, but he’s not oblivious. He’s overheard the crass innuendos and seen the tasteless memes on Yuji's phone. He knows the vulgar things some men say—about how excited they get when the summer begins. 
It always seemed so stupid and dramatic to Nanami, who has never had a straying eye to actually see if the rumors were true. But now that you’ve come into his life…he gets it.
Oh, he gets it. 
Sundress season.
And it’s a season that has awoken something primal within him. Something in his gut stirs, something in his mind shifts and the more he notices, the more he feels like a lecherous old man instead of the well-mannered one in his late twenties. While his clothes stick uncomfortably to his sweat-slicked skin you get to slip into breezy summer dresses that let every inch of your beautiful body breathe. 
As an event planner constantly on the move, you seem to live in the wispy, colorful outfits at all hours of the day. Like the buttercup yellow and candy pink number currently floating around you as you stroll together to the bakery during your shared lunch hour. It’s modest—cotton fabric that doesn’t stick to you, with ruffle short sleeves and a V-neckline that highlights your collarbones and the delicate diamond necklace resting between.
Nanami risks a sidelong glance, instantly regretting it when his gaze gets trapped by the way the bright floral pattern sways and twists with each step you take. The hem brushes the brown skin of your knees and while he can’t see much, Nanami knows the soft curves hidden underneath the airy fabric intimately.
While the caveman part of him can understand the underlying meaning of sundress season, it’s everything else that flares his want for you. It’s the wild curls that brush your cheeks and neck, the diamond earrings that reflect in the sun, the curl of your long lashes that kiss your lower lids when you blink. And yes—the gorgeous dress that you have on enhances everything about you—but in the most basic sense, you are beautiful.
“You’re staring.” It’s a playful accusation that you direct at him even though your eyes are admiring the tulips that you both walk past.
He quickly averts his eyes, sharp cheeks blazing a fiery red. “My apologies I…” Nanami clears his throat, struggling to regain his usual unruffled demeanor. “That dress looks lovely on you.”
You hum in acknowledgment, pausing so he can open the bakery door for you. “You think so? I just picked it up last week. Perfect for this heat, isn’t it?”
Nanami swallows hard at the teasing tilt to your tone, the innocent question feeling anything but. From the very first day he met you—that very first day you knocked back a glass of expensive whiskey and smiled at him as if it was nothing—he’s come to accept that you have no reservations of flustering him. You thrive on it, and for as stiff as Nanami is, you are a breath of fresh air that he never imagined would slide into his lungs. 
Umber eyes watch you walk ahead of him and into the welcoming AC of the bakery, tantalizing calves flexing with each step.
“Very much…” is all he can manage, hastily ripping his eyes away again as his equilibrium dangerously shifts.
You laugh lightly at his sudden silence, the warm, rich sound simultaneously soothing his thundering heart and making it trip up all over again. “You act like you’ve never seen me in a dress before.”
“You know that’s not true,” he mutters, switching his gaze to the menu to avoid your entirely too-innocent smile. “I simply…appreciate fine things.”
The rich ring of your answering chuckle sends molten desire licking traitorously down his spine. “Is that so? Then I’ll have to acquire more of these stunning ‘fine things’ for you to appreciate this summer…”
He should have known better than to egg you on. Had he kept his eyes to himself and brushed off your knowing glances, he could have enjoyed you without your playful watch. But for as smart as Nanami is, for as observant and vigilant in his work as he is in his life outside of it, he can never wrap his head around how devious you truly are.
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One day, the weather calms down enough for lunch at the park. It’s the perfect day to eat outside. The sun is high in the sky but the canopy of trees gives you both the protection you need from harsh rays.
“Need any help setting up?” You call out, shrugging off the ice denim jacket from your shoulders to reveal this summer’s newest addition—an angelic white sundress adorned with delicate lace trim.
Nanami’s throat tightens and he shakes his head, unfurling a blue blanket onto the thick grass below you both. “I can do it, love. Please just relax.” 
He carefully arranges the picnic blanket, spreading the wrinkles free before you plop down on one side. As you dig into the large lunchbox, he admires the crisp white cotton that seems to skim over your frame, covering you but still unable to touch. Thin straps leave your shoulders bare, your skin glowing in the sun from your shimmery sunscreen. No necklace this time, so the square neckline dips just enough to offer a subtle hint of cleavage. The stretchy ribbed material hugs and accentuates every lush curve before gently flaring into an effortless, free-flowing skirt.
You purse your lips and furrow your brow in concentration, leaning more over the lunchbox, your back straightening to steady yourself before he watches free of shame as you arch just so.
When you turn to flash him that achingly fond smile, your curls falling over one shoulder, all traces of decency flee from Nanami’s mind. In that moment, he’s transported back to those dizzying early days of your relationship—entirely captivated, yet utterly terrified of somehow shattering this dazzling, undeserved connection between you.
“Thirsty?” You hold out one of the banana milk boxes that he’s grown to love since your presence, an impish quirk of your brow, clearly aware of his slow descent into hell.
Nanami nods jerkily and takes the milk box, unable to find his voice for a beat. As you settle down gracefully beside him, the skirt drifts up in a gentle billow, shaping to and showcasing skin. He has to tear his eyes away from the wicked flashes of toned thigh with extreme willpower.
Like the devil you are, you toss him a coy smirk, shiny lip gloss clear even though he knows it tastes like strawberry. “We gonna eat or are you just gonna gawk at me like a weirdo?”
He can’t help the scoff that leaves him as he pulls out sandwiches for you both. “I thought you liked when I gawk at you.”
“Not when I’m hungry.” 
He shakes his head, smirking softly as he removes the cling wrap before handing you your half, your fingers brushing against his. Warm pleasure blooms in his chest at the radiant sight you make contrasted against the swaying greenery. It’s as if you don’t belong but he couldn’t imagine you anywhere else. You take a generous bite of your sandwich, a smear of mustard in the crease of your lips as you offer him a gentle smile.
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As the scorching summer rages, Nanami can’t help but chastise himself. A mundane and childish social meme has become the representation of the hardest test he’s ever taken. Maybe he should have asked for tips from Yuji on how to better prepare himself. 
He’s always prided himself on admiring from afar, on controlling his emotions in public and savoring them later in private. He knows your beauty and the unintentional way you drain the air around him. But he’s always been able to offer that soft smile, place a hand on your shoulder or your waist and offer a compliment to whatever you’ve chosen to wear for the day. But recently, in the face of your summertime wardrobe choices, Nanami finds that steely discipline faltering at an alarming rate.
Sinking deeper into the plush living room sofa, Nanami exhales a deep sigh and allows the tension thrumming through his shoulders to bleed away. Here, surrounded by the apartment’s climate-controlled sanctuary, he can savor these increasingly rare moments of solitary peace sprawled out with a good book. It’s a well-deserved shared day off for you both—free of schedules, obligations, or anything more strenuous than lounging around with each other. And more importantly, at home, you’re nothing but comfortable clothes and soft pajamas. 
He’s safe.
A wry smirk tugs at the corner of his lips as he imagines the look of feigned innocence you always sport whenever he gets too overt about appreciating your seasonal attire. As if you don’t know the absolutely devastating effect even the simplest hair toss or twirl has on what’s left of his challenging self-restraint these days.
It’s going to be a great day. He’s almost done with this book, just three more chapters and then he can start another in his pile that he wants to tackle this summer. That’s right, Nanami Kento is going to—
The soft pad of your bare feet against the hardwood floors has Nanami glancing up instinctively from behind the novel’s pages. And just like that, the world around him completely whites out as if he’s been hit over the head with a brick.
You’ve emerged from the hallway in a yellow sundress so vibrantly captivating, so deliciously clingy and effortlessly suggestive that he nearly swallows his tongue in surprise. The rich gold hue kisses the deep tone of your skin, as if you’re a sunflower blooming under the artificial lighting of the apartment. The dress accentuates your shape in the most brazenly tantalizing way—the thin ruffle straps on your shoulders, the sweetheart neckline hinting at full cleavage, the dress’ light hem hitting indecently high on your thighs in playful flirty wisps.
But it’s the stretchy knit fabric’s complete inability to disguise any curve or meaty swell that really has Nanami sitting up straighter on the cushions. It’s not layered well enough—almost transparent—and the snug material leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination, from the outline of bright panties that cover the soft spread of your hips to the pert dusky points outlined beneath the bodice. 
Absolutely devastating and on full, confident display and this isn’t fair because he has three chapters left.
He barely registers the “What are you reading?” you offer him over one shoulder as you stroll towards the kitchen area in that swaying, uninhibited saunter that never fails to ignite his senses. Nanami simply sits there transfixed—one hand gripping the spine of his book while the other claws restlessly against his own inner thigh. Each roll of your hips has that thin dress swishing and lifting in tiny torturous glimpses that have his imagination veering wildly into unrestrained territory. But he’s at home, that’s okay right?
That’s when you shift your weight onto the tips of your toes, your back turned to him, stretching up towards the top cabinets with one hand braced against the counter…and the entire world seems to judder to a halt all over again. Because from this new vantage point, Nanami can’t tear his eyes away from the call of your legs, the dimples on the backs of your thighs, up, up to the hem and—
A guttural sound wrenches free from low in his diaphragm, a mix of a groan and a growled curse. He looks back down to his book, searching aimlessly for where he left off, flickering back over to you just as quick.
He should look away, tear his eyes off of the gloriously indecent picture you’ve unwittingly created simply by existing. And yet…Nanami finds his stare burning an increasingly blazing trail down the bewitching ‘V’ between your shoulder blades, past the delicious dip of your arched lower back to the toned flare of your thighs and calves below.
At one point, you bend even deeper at the waist, hips tilting up as you struggle to reach a particularly elusive item on the high shelf. The filmy yellow skirt jumps and flirts up with the motion, granting Nanami a shameless eyeful of toned thighs and the flash of his favorite pair of panties—lilac with lace along the edges that squeeze the skin of your ass in the most inviting way. He very nearly drops the book from his suddenly slack fingers at the sight, hissing out a low curse between his teeth.
You huff out an adorable sound of frustration as you fail to reach whatever item you’re going for, and he knows he should step in to assist like the gentleman he is. But his stare remains rooted to spot, ogling and committing it all to memory so he can think about it later—alone.
“Let me get that,” he finally manages to scrape out, voice gone low and gritty with naked yearning despite his best efforts at nonchalance. 
You shoot him one of those bright, beaming smiles over your shoulder in response—blissfully unaware of the effect your glowing, ethereal beauty has on him even without your intentional teasing. “Just grabbing the flour for dinner,” you explain sheepishly, leaning into his broad form as he comes up behind you and grabs the ingredient on the top shelf. “I always have trouble reaching.”
And isn’t that just symbolic as all hell? His curvy, tempting beloved constantly hovering just beyond his reach these past few weeks—unattainable without discarding every last vestige of control he has. It isn’t like you both don’t have sex. You do…often. There’s just always been a build up, never anything explosive.
Even in the privacy of your home, he’s never thrown caution to the wind. Nanami has always been one to savor every calculated build of pleasure in its precious sequence. You’ve expressed your satisfaction readily enough, reciprocating his passion with that same rapturous abandon you bring to all aspects of life. But in all the years of his tiring, overworked life, you are the first to show him what it feels like to never walk a predetermined line.
“This is…I’ve never seen you wear it inside,” Nanami manages, his throat feeling increasingly dry as his eyes trace the line of fabric on your shoulders.
You take the flour from him, shooting him a sly, knowing look from beneath your lashes as you turn to face him fully. “It’s a little stuffy in here, don’t you think?”
He can’t stop the reflexive glance that rakes over every inch of you. “It’s sixty-eight degrees.”
You lean in a fractional amount—just enough for the swell of your breasts to brush against his shirt as you crane up towards his face. “Well, I run hot,” you murmur, voice dropping into the pits of hell, a throaty register that bypasses Nanami’s higher cognitive functions entirely. 
He’s beyond undone. Frozen in place with desperate, rapturous hunger raging through his very marrow. This close, he can make out the small raised moles on your exposed shoulders, the genetic blemishes that are common for your skin tone. He gets a better view of the rigid peaks of your nipples straining against the thin fabric, practically begging for the heated and dripping touch of his mouth that he’s always more than happy to bestow upon you. 
His fingertips clench and relax at his sides, held back only by tremendous reserves of willpower from reaching out to map and relearn every soft, silken plane of feminine heat and temptation currently being dangled in front of him like a prize he still can’t win.
You take in the undisguised wanting and torment written large across his features with a look of utter satisfaction. Then, before he can formulate some slurred plea for relief, you spin on one heel and saunter out of his reach—hips undulating hypnotically beneath that flimsy gauze of material in an alluring farewell.
Only once you finally disappear around the corner does Nanami manage to sag forwards—palms braced on the counter as he attempts to draw steady lungfuls of air back into his oxygen-starved body.
By the time he plops back on the sofa, and opens the spine of his book, the desire to read is gone.
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You take pity on him for a few weeks after that searing afternoon in the kitchen. Your outside adventures are marked by breathable athletic leggings paired with loose tank tops that drape and show you off…but in a far tamer, less flagrantly teasing way than before.
Even at home, the soft cotton shorts and tees you lounge around in provide Nanami some solace—the casual fabrics leaving just enough to the imagination rather than putting every mouth-watering curve on display.
Your usual playful flirtations also seem to be dialed back during this oasis period. As if you’re allowing the poor man a chance to realign his senses and regain some semblance of control. It allows him time to resettle back into some of his usual regimented routines. Without you on a mission at the periphery of his awareness constantly, stoking those primal fires, he finds himself able to slip back into the role of polished, tired professional and attentive partner with relative ease.
Perhaps a bit too easily, if he’s being honest with himself. Because before he can even register the transition, that fleeting grace period seems to dissolve back into the heady summer ether as quickly as it had begun.
The warm evening air smells of charcoal and citronella as Nanami moves through the crowd, trying yet failing to focus on anything but you. All around him, friends and coworkers intermingle while indulging in ice-cold drinks and delicious food fresh off the smoker. He loves food, especially Yuki's cooking when she hosts a barbecue.
But none of it registers tonight.
Because every sensory nerve-ending in his body is completely captivated and overwhelmed by the vision you make in that deep red sundress.
The rich crimson chiffon swirls and caresses over your body in sinuous waves of delicious color. You’re bathed in red, as if rose petals have unfurled and stitched themselves together to form the beautiful dress on your body. It’s a maxi dress that sweeps down to your ankles and kisses the straps of your block heels. Scorching flashes of full thighs are visible through the flowing slits on each side. The deep v-neck dips in a daring drop that leaves your sternum and the inner sides of your breasts achingly exposed. 
Each step you take has the delicate material clinging and drifting in the most hypnotic dance around your heavenly form. Nanami tracks the rhythmic sway of your hips with a burning stare, his control splintering a little more with every toss of your head that allows the deep brown of your skin to wink at him from the column of your neck.
Yuki is already three wine coolers in—not a lot for most, but more than enough for her to throw decorum to the wind. From across the backyard, Choso watches with an indulgent smile as his partner bobs off-beat to the soft music flowing from the speakers.
Choso's expression of pure adoration mirrors the way Nanami looks at you when he thinks no one else is watching. They share that unspoken understanding, that bone-deep contentment of being completely enraptured by the women they love.
At one point, the music shifts, more alcohol disappears, and Yuki is hauling you to the makeshift dance floor of the backyard. Nanami tries, he really, really does. But everything about you makes him stand at attention. Breathing, walking, laughing, smiling at nothing, and now—with just one rock of your hips to the music—his eyes are locked in.
You’ve never been a good dancer. But you’ve also never cared of the expectation to be a good one either. And Yuki is an extroverted pull that makes you sway more, that makes your shoulders roll and laughter to bubble from your lips as you watch your friend make a fool of herself. 
Nanami runs a hand through his thick blonde locks, disrupting the careful part he made before you both left the apartment earlier in the evening. The other hand clutches a glass of scotch a little tighter, the condensation sliding against his fingers before he takes a generous swig, his eyes not once leaving you. 
You can feel him before you even look over, and when you do lock with Nanami’s deep brown gaze from across the yard, you throw him a soft look from beneath your lashes as you slowly roll your hips. It’s the same motion of your hips that he got to feel last night with you straddling him, panting against his lips in the middle of the night.
Outwardly sensual in only a way he can recognize amongst everyone around him. But it’s your rapturous, carefree expression of pure bliss that simultaneously enchants and undoes the last tattered remains of his composure. With every movement, you embody the very essence of feminine energy—raw, joyful, and utterly free. You are a vision of untamed beauty, a wild goddess of the summer night come to life in a swirling dreamscape of rich ruby chiffon. 
The erotic, carnal urge to chase after your swaying, taunting form and haul you away to some shadowed corner where he can divest you of that sinful dress is overwhelming. Swallowing hard, Nanami averts his burning stare for fear of literally combusting on the spot.
“You alright there, buddy?” Yu's familiar voice cuts through the lusty fog, tinged with the warm charm of a couple beers down. “You look like you’re about to swallow your tongue or something.”
“I…excuse me,” is all Nanami can grate out, the remark feeling like fragments of glass as he speaks. He doesn’t wait for a response, simply stalking off through the open patio door and into the thankfully dim and cool interior of Yuki and Choso's home. Anything to escape your enticing presence for even a single moment.
The music and laughter from outside feels muffled as he sinks down onto the living room sofa in the shadows—rubbing distractedly at his thundering chest. But it does nothing to get rid of the vision of you dancing so wantonly and on unrestrained display in that gorgeous ruby sundress. 
Where are you even getting them? Online? Or is there a store that he doesn’t know about? He hasn’t seen other women in the city wearing dresses like you do. But then again…Nanami doesn’t really pay attention unless it’s you. 
His fingers grip the plush armrest of the sofa until the knuckles strain white, breath sawing harsh and ragged from his heaving lungs. Nanami squeezes his eyes shut, forcing himself to visualize anything other than the way that lightweight crimson had drifted and kissed over your thighs that peeked between side slits, the growing sheen of sweat between the generous canvas of your chest, the exposed slope of your neck free of curls—a spot of concealer on the side to hide the mark he gave you last night.
A harsh exhale escapes him as he forces his eyes open, only to instantly regret it. The muted sounds of the party filter in from outside—sweet laughter, the low thrum of bass, the periodic high-pitched squeal of your voice crying out at Yuki to get a hold of herself.
Nanami’s stomach clenches raggedly at that sound, arousal stroking down his spine in sweltering waves. Through the clear glass of the patio door, he can see the way your face lights up in pure rapturous joy as you give in to yourself. The subtle shifts and gyrations of your body in time with the beat, each swivel of your hips like a siren’s call. 
Against his volition, imagination melds into memory, replaying the countless times he’s buried his face between your thighs and simply drank in the celestial sounds of your pleasure until his name was a breathless gasp on your lips. That shrieking cry at Yuki almost the same towards him when he licks at your sensitive nerves one too many times. He forces his gaze away, leans his head back against the sofa and stares up at the ceiling.
The music fluctuates once more, that instantly recognizable intro to the next funky summer hit you adore cuing up. Despite the walls between you, Nanami can still acutely pick up the subtle cadence of your movements in time with that danceable rhythm. He knows the exact choreography of hips and legs that song inspires in you…and his slacks suddenly feel far too confining.
That’s when your voice cuts through the relative quiet like a bolt of lightning, somehow even closer now as you call out—half-playful chiding, half siren’s promise.
“Oh Kentooo…” The singsong inflection has his eyes squeezing shut even as his cock shamefully twitches against it’s restrictive fabric prison. “Where has my favorite salaryman gone off to hide? You know I can’t dance without my partner watching me.”
Gritting his teeth against the dark, full-bodied groan that tries to escape, Nanami hunches forward until his elbows are digging into his thighs. There you stand framed in the patio door, backlit in a devastating silhouette by the lantern lights emanating through the loud yard behind you.
You walk closer in that torturous dress, the double layers trailing languidly behind in currents of fabric that have his throat struggling to swallow. Your stunning frame is practically dripping in sensual confidence and self-assured power. He knows the power you have over him and would sooner swallow his favorite tie than give that up.
The rich carmine floats around you in sinuous waves as you sashay closer to where Nanami sits transfixed on the sofa. And with each step, all manners and decorum that have been taught to him fizzle away with the increasing ache in his jeans.
“Like what you see?” you murmur huskily once you’ve prowled to stand between his legs, allowing Nanami an unfettered view of your neckline, the long gold necklace between your breasts winking at him with each shallow intake of breath. You lift one leg to press a knee onto his powerful thigh—close enough for your perfume to slide down his nostrils and cloud his mind. The slit over your bent knee flutters open in an obscene gap, granting his hooded gaze a glimpse of skin his teeth ache to bite into.
“I asked,” you breathe out in a seductive timbre, near enough for Nanami to actually taste the addictive warmth of your presence on his tongue. “If you like what you see…”
The inhale that rattles through his powerful frame is involuntary. So is the compulsive way his fingertips suddenly flex against the cushion with the overwhelming urge to finally reacquaint himself with the soft temptation of your skin. Others be damned, mannerisms of being a respectful guest falling to the wayside.
Somewhere through the rapidly thickening haze of pure liquid arousal, Nanami manages a jerky nod—unable to summon even the most basic of syllables in response. He swallows hard, Adam's apple bobbing convulsively as you arch one delicious eyebrow in a silent challenge. With your beautiful curls pulled up into a high ponytail, he can see the slope of your ears that are adorned with the gold hoops he bought you last month.
Then, before he can gather enough of his scattered wits to chastise you for your behavior, you’re boldly reaching out and capturing one of his clenching fists in a firm grip. A soft grunt rattles up from deep in Nanami’s chest at the heated feel of your palm finally making purchase on his overheated skin.
But his breath hitches in a harsh inhale as you purposefully guide his splayed fingers towards your exposed leg—sliding his hand up excruciatingly slow to caress along the landscape of textures and planes laid out in offering. He expects the generous hem of panties he’s seen time and time again. He knows what they look like in his mind when he teases the edges before slipping inside to graze his fingers along your aching clit. But the calloused pads of his fingertips brush the thin string of a thong instead. And it’s just a single touch that has him wide-eyed, reeling—the edges of his vision dizzying into a hazy fog of aching, inexplicable need. 
You should have come with a manual. Surely there’s a guide to get through the summer months with you? Some sort of text to explain the steps he needs to take to keep himself in control in public?
The rapturous throb of your saphenous vein leaps against his fingertips as you allow him to slant just a hairsbreadth further—close enough to feel the heat of the place he’s been countless times before—close enough to slide a thick finger along fabric he knows is wet.
Only for you to tear your hand away and drop your knee as the sound of Yuki's voice pierces the heavy sensual tension hanging between your bodies.
“There you are!” She calls out cheerfully from the sliding glass door. “My song is on, come dance with me!”
There’s a gentle tuft of laughter from you then—one tinged with dark satisfaction as you drink in the wrecked, wanton expression flaming across Nanami’s features. As if thoroughly enjoying reducing him to this strung-out state of desperation. You could rule the world if given the right resources.
“Yuki, let’s get you some water. You’ve had a little too much to drink…” your voice trails off as you disappear in a rustle of vermilion and sashaying hips with one last loaded look over your bare shoulder. 
He manages a shuddering breath that feels more like sandpaper sliding down his abused lungs. The delicious scent of your perfume still clings to the charged air around him, the phantom-like caress of your dress along his knuckles, the sound of your throaty laugh disappearing back to the party outside. Each ragged exhale has his body subtly canting forward, giving silent chase to your retreating form as if by muscle memory alone. 
This game…this deliciously maddening game you delight in playing has Nanami’s entire being teetering on the razor-thin edge of unraveling completely. Each new summer ensemble seems specifically designed to further tempt and destroy the decades of discipline he’s meticulously cultivated since he was a teenager.
Nanami would think after a relationship or two, he would have steeled himself against falling victim to seduction. And yet, not a single woman from his past could have prepared Nanami for the devastating combination of your radiant beauty and barely-restrained hedonism.
Your laughter calls out to him again, his eyes snapping up to see you smiling as Yuki chugs the glass of water Choso has pressed to her lips. Completely innocent and free of devilish qualities, the fact that Nanami knows that dark side of you makes him fold his arms across his chest, sagging against the sofa and glaring at your form as he wills his erection to go down.
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It’s two days before summer’s end when Nanami feels the steadily fraying threads of his self-control finally unravel into oblivion. He’s tried every possible tactic these last few months to stave off the relentless fire of desire you’ve been stoking within him—going for runs, ice cold showers, avoiding you when possible. He’s even resorted to having you model your newest sundress purchases at home in a desperate attempt at desensitizing himself. It all seems incredibly dramatic, but Nanami has no idea what else to do. Nothing has worked against the intoxicating mix of your lively beauty and increasingly bold choices designed to torment him until he’s six feet under.
He had known from the moment he accidentally stumbled upon that fateful periwinkle dress sitting in your laptop’s shopping cart that it would be his undoing. He can still picture with perfect clarity the way the model seemed to shimmer and dance on the screen as he clicked through the product imagery—he pictured it with heart throbbing clarity how it would look on you.
And he still has so many more years left of his life to enjoy.
Without conscious thought, Nanami had swiftly removed the item from the cart—an invasion of privacy that left him nauseous, but a necessary decision if only to spare himself. 
He was stupid to think it would actually work.
So it comes as little surprise to see you boldly flaunting that silken number tonight at the rooftop gala marking his company’s most prosperous quarter yet. The twinkling strings of lantern bulbs and hot summer breezes swirling all around you only heighten the flagging warning that this night won’t end the way he wants. 
As you glide about the rooftop, the pale periwinkle seems to float effortlessly around your body. Like every dress before, this one is no exception, complimenting the deepness of your skin. The whisper-weight fabric lays against your hips and waist, simultaneously shaping and gracefully draping in all the right places.
The thin straps crisscross behind your neck, framing your graceful shoulders and collarbones. As you turn, the silk lifts and drifts around you in a mesmerizing swirl of decadence. It’s another plunging V-neckline, but this dress sits on your body and decolletage with an air of romantic grace. It’s not scandalous like that night at Yuki and Choso's. 
But it’s the back—oh it’s the back that makes his gaze heavy, that makes the organ in his chest beat out of rhythm with every inch he uncovers. Try as he might, it’s absolutely impossible for him to look away from the delicate contours and valleys of your body put on full and enthralling display by this backless dress. From the elegant lines of your throat and shoulders left teasingly bare to the soft inward curve of your arched lower back—the dress is a cruel temptation showcasing every salivating inch of you that he’s spent countless nights worshiping.
It’s beautiful on you, truly and unimaginably beautiful, and it’s a terrible twist of fate that such a simple observation is destroying Nanami from the inside. All that discipline—the cold showers, the extra miles added to his runs, the attempts of desensitization—it’s useless. No matter how hard he tries, he will always notice something new each time he looks at you. And it will always wreck him and throw him off axis whether he likes it or not.
Because amidst all the warmth and sociability of this rooftop celebration, all Nanami’s rapidly sharpening focus can zero in on is the subtle glisten of perspiration trailing down the slope of your spine. Every imperceptible turn and cock of your hip amplified tenfold by the silk that gets to touch you while he watches. As if personally daring him to finally surrender every last shred of patience and simply take what he wants.
A soft chuckle escapes your full lips as Nanami’s boss leans in closer, undoubtedly regaling you with some far from amusing anecdote from the office. The charming sound has every thread of Nanami’s control taut like a bowstring. Because that sound means a lot for him nowadays—laughing at his dry humor, the movies you both watch together, the giggling stuttering into whimpers and moans of ecstasy when your back arches from his tongue.
Suddenly, the light summer breeze kicks up in and swirls around you, waving the hem of your dress and the two-day old twistout on your head. Instinctively, you reach up to tuck a lock of those dark silken twists behind one ear.
Time itself seems to slow as he watches those inky tendrils ghost across your bare shoulders and the exposed skin of your upper back. Nanami watches with visceral hunger as those wild strands make playful, meandering paths across the smoothly toned expanse of brown skin. His entire body instantaneously flushes with hot need and arousal at the simple, harmless image. The soft rise of your breasts shake as you offer a fake laugh to whatever drivel your boss has just said. And in that split second—the culmination of tonight, this dress, the entire summer of taunting and coy smiles— Nanami’s restraint finally shatters into so many useless slivers at his feet.
Before conscious thought can override anything else, he’s stalking across the rooftop with rigid, predatory intensity—adjusting the unique glasses on his nose, his mouth set in a grim line of single-minded focus. The gaggle of chattering coworkers and small-talk banter all fade away into muted static and white noise. All that exists in this heated vortex of Nanami’s rapidly narrowing universe is the coiling pull of you.
“Ah, Nanami!” His boss greets heartily, clearly surprised yet pleased to see the company’s best worker at last. “Your partner and I were just discussing a better way to spruce up the quarterly party for next year. Care to weigh in, my friend?”
The question lands on deaf ears. Because at the exact same instant his professional mentor is extending that olive branch of attempted small talk…your eyes are on his, a knowing, small smile pressed to the hem of your champagne glass as you take a sip. The sight of your jewelry, the fabric against your skin, the way you look at him…the desire that rips through his body is staggering.
“I apologize for interrupting, but I need to speak with you,” he grates out in a tone heavy with gravel and masculine focus. His palm finds the smoldering heat of your lower back without conscious thought, marking delirious patterns of desire against your naked skin. Your eyebrows furrow with a silent question at the rough timbre of his command…even though you see that undisguised storm of hunger and frustrated desire raging behind his tinted glasses.
“Of course,” you finally murmur and turn to his coworkers to wish them goodbye, setting down your glass on the table beside you.
He’s burning, raging with a fever that doesn’t even exist and each shallow inhale draws more of your achingly familiar perfume into his senses—only making things worse.
He guides you through the crowded rooftop party and towards the elevators with a molten intensity bordering on feral. Nanami’s palm maps possessive into the searing expanse of your back. Every step jostles his arm flush against the silk on your frame.
“Where exactly are we going in such a hurry?”
The rich, seductive rasp of your voice is designed to torture him further, but Nanami doesn’t rise to it, simply presses fingers more firm to your back, his other punches the elevator button with purpose.
“I said I need to speak with you,” he finally bites out. “That should be more than enough.”
You lean further into his touch and look up at him, your tongue darts out to toy with your plush bottom lip in a show of faux innocence.
“Is that so?” The melodic lilt coupled with the ghost of your warm breath fanning across Nanami’s jaw would have been enough to make a lesser man’s knees buckle entirely. Instead, it simply ratchets the tension coiling through his powerful frame into a downright maddening degree.
The soft chime of the arriving elevator makes you both turn in tandem, the mirror of the elevator doors casting your reflections—allowing Nanami to drink in the smoldering fire already blazing behind your heavy-lidded stare. There’s profound hunger glimmering there that matches his own. An unadulterated wildness reined in by the thinnest veneer of coy indifference. You’ve always been slick—but not tonight.
The mirrored doors slide open with a hushed mechanical shush, you both step inside, and the doors slide closed. 
Nanami offers a silent apology for the violation of manners his parents instilled in him before he backs you into the far wall—the breath punching out of your lungs as your back makes shocking contact with the mirrored paneling. Now it’s you breathless, struggling to compose yourself as the masculine power of Nanami consumes you.
A subtle shudder ripples through Nanami’s abdomen as you wantonly tilt your head back, arching your throat in wordless invitation just as your fingertips rise to trail heated lines over his heaving chest. The lapels are black as midnight, the undershirt a crisp white, and he’s the handsome man that’s all yours even as he fights between what’s right and what he wants. One of his palms is cupping the slope of your jawline as the other maps out the silk of your dress. He bends slowly until the heat of his mouth is tracing the full curve of your parted lips—a heavy brush of sculpted male confidence against your teasing softness. 
“You’ve pressed against my boundaries to a criminal degree, love,” Nanami warns in a dark rasp scorched with the first cinders of the firestorm yet to come. His palm slides up the bare inward curve of your back until his fingers are tunneling through the wild riot of your twistout at the nape of your neck. Tinted eyes slit in satisfaction as your head tips back farther on a shaky inhale—granting him access to the deliciously vulnerable length of your throat.
“Nothing to say?” he husks out in the open, admiring the flutter of your lashes as his voice hits you. Nanami’s mouth brands a hot trail from the sensitive juncture of your jaw up towards the shell of your ear. You whimper softly at the slow, torturous build—the same sound of rapture he has memorized and pulled from you countless times between the sheets. It’s enough to strip away any lingering reservations entirely. 
With the strength he’s never ashamed to show you, hands slide under your thighs and he yanks you up. Your legs wrap around him on instinct, your arms winding around his neck, your head tilting back again to smack on the mirrored glass. 
His tongue glides along the buttery curve of your throat, tasting the familiar tang of salt and vanilla on the tip and the smell of him, of pure Nanami clouds your mind enough to finally look down at him, your noses a hairsbreadth from each other. It’s a silent standoff, your eyes as teasing as they are filled with arousal, his eyes dark with something that makes you shiver against him. 
And then he’s kissing you, deep and hungry, his hands roaming the bare expanse of your back, dipping lower, pulling you closer. You melt into Nanami’s kiss, your initial surprise giving way to a matching hunger. Your hands slip under his suit jacket, feeling the heat of his skin through his shirt. He groans against your mouth, the sound vibrating through you, igniting your nerves, thrumming in your veins.
You don’t even hear the elevator doors open but you feel him walking, lips hot and demanding groaning into you as you slide your fingers into his golden locks and pull. Nanami knows these floors like the back of his hand, and he’s familiar with the abandoned break room on the thirtieth floor, his hand yanking the door open and shutting it hard, lips never leaving yours. 
You gasp into his mouth when your ass lands on the old buttons of a copier, the machine groaning under your weight, the plastic buttons beeping in protest. As Nanami presses you against the copier, he can’t help but marvel at the feel of you beneath his hands. The dress, this damn dress, is like water under his fingers, smooth and cool and entirely too thin. He can feel every curve, every contour, every shuddering breath you take. 
He punctuates his actions with a roll of his hips, pressing his hardness that strains against his slacks against your core. You moan, your head falling back, and he takes advantage of your exposed neck, his lips and teeth worrying the sensitive skin, his tongue licking the marks he leaves.
“How many more dresses do you have?” he growls against your throat, his voice rough with need. “How many more ways are you going to torture me?”
You gasp as his teeth graze your pulse point, your fingers threading into his hair. “T-that depends,” you manage, your voice breathy. Nanami’s chuckle is dark, dangerous, his hands trailing higher, dipping into the seam of your panties, his fingers brushing over your clit. He savors the way your jerk against him, a whimper leaving your throat as you pant into the dusty air.
“Is this what you wanted? To reduce me to this? A man so desperate for you he’d take you in a public place?”
“Yes,” you hiss, arching into his touch, your breasts pressing against the thin silk that covers them. “Yesyesyes...”
Nanami’s groan is part frustration, part desire. “You have no idea what you do to me.” There’s a hint of wonder in his voice, a note of awe at the depth of his own need. His fingers press more insistently, circling, gathering your slick to make each stroke more messy and impactful, driving you towards the edge. The buttons of the copier dig into your skin, the machine whirring and beeping beneath you, adding to the crescendo of sensation. He can hear the mechanical shuffle of papers being chucked out from one end, slapping onto the floor.
“Do you like this?” Nanami pants, his breath hot against your ear. “Do you like teasing me, driving me crazy?”
“Yes,” you admit, free of shame, your nails digging into his shoulders. “Please, Kento.”
He slides two fingers into your wet heat, savoring your wanton gasp, increases the pressure, the speed of his fingers, pushing you closer to the precipice. “Have you done this before?” he asks, his voice raw with emotion. “Teased other men like this, made them want you so badly they’d forget themselves?”
“No,” you moan desperately, your head thrashing from side to side, deep locks brushing your cheeks. “Never. It’s only ever been you, Kento. Only you.”
“Say it again,” he demands, his teeth grazing your earlobe.
“Only you,” you pant. “I’m yours, Kento. Completely.”
It doesn’t take long—countless strokes inside of you, a curl of his fingers, a twist of his wrist, and you shatter. Your cry of pleasure mixes with the beeps and groans of the copier, your body shaking, your fingers digging harder into Nanami’s shoulders that he’s sure you’ve broken the barrier. 
He holds you through it, his lips on your skin, his murmured praises in your ear, soft litanies of words that has made you fall deeper in love with him each passing day. You don’t get a chance to come down fully because he’s on you again, pressing closer, pushing your panties to the side and digging his fingers into the meat of your hips. But the angle is wrong, you’re too high and the copier digs into his thighs and impedes him from getting to you the way he wants.
With a grunt of frustration, Nanami lifts you off the machine. Your legs wrap around his waist as he carries you to the conference table. He sweeps aside the accumulated debris with one arm, sending sugar and tea packets scattering to the floor. Your back hits the table, the hard surface unyielding beneath you. Plastic cups crunches and snaps under your weight, sugar and coffee creamer powder puffing into the air, settling on your heated skin.
“Do you have any idea,” he murmurs, soaking in the radiance you beam up at him, “how many times I’ve imagined this? Pulling you away from everyone, getting my hands on you…not being able to do it because I’m better than that.”
You moan as he nips at your collarbone, your legs wrapping around his waist, pulling him closer. “And yet here you are,” you tease, breathless with twinkling eyes that shine right through him.
He captures your lips again, the kiss deep and demanding. You arch into him, your hands throwing off his glasses—they smack against a wall—your fingers deftly undoing his tie, working on the buttons of his shirt. You need to feel his skin against yours, need to be closer, and he shudders at the feel of your warm hands breaching the open buttons, sliding up his bare chest.
As if reading your mind, Nanami reaches for the zipper of your dress, slowly pulling it down. The fabric parts, baring more of your skin to his heated gaze. He takes a moment to admire you, his eyes roaming your body like a physical caress.
“Beautiful,” he murmurs, almost to himself. Then his hands are on you, tracing your curves, fingers brushing your nipples before he gives them a pinch. A whimper shakes from you, your fingers pressing into his bare chest.
Dimly, he’s aware that he should stop this, that he’s in a public place, at a work event. But the heat of your body, the insistence of your touch, the mounting pleasure coursing through his veins—it all conspires to drown out reason.
Your hands fumble with his belt, your fingers shaking with need. He helps you, impatiently pushing his pants and boxers down just enough. And then he’s touching you, his fingers digging into your hips, sliding you closer to him until the tip of him presses to the sopping wet heat of your center, wet from your orgasm and still ready.
“Please,” you whimper, hardly recognizing your own voice. “Please, Kento…”pushing your dress further up your hips, trailing over your ribs, cupping your breasts until the skin spills between the gaps. His eyes widen at the sight, the base of his spine heating up. So many times he’s seen you like this in the privacy of your home, and now it’s in an old break room at his workplace, the consequence of you finally taking things too far.
He’s free of any feral energy as he kisses you, sliding into your welcoming heat slowly to acquaint himself again. Your fingers dig into his skin, your chest pressing into him as you adjust, the table creaking under your joined weight as you wrap your legs around his waist and dig your silver heels into his back. Soon he’s moving above you, within you, each thrust pushing you higher, each thrust fanning the fire within himself.
“Please,” you whisper against his lips, begging again for the unspoken demand of more. And even though the roles are reversed right now—you the one being teased—he gives you whatever you ask.
He sets a pace that’s just shy of punishing, each snap of his hips brushing his zipper against the inside of your thighs. The room fills with the sounds of sex—the slap of skin on skin, your gasps and moans, his grunts into the air. He cannot believe he’s in this moment, doing something so scandalous.
“You reduce me to this,” he pants against your lips. “It’s not fair.”
“I know,” you gasp, your hands pulling at open lapels of his shirt, squeezing around the buttons, the fabric groaning. “I’m sorry.”
But you’re not, he can tell. There’s a hint of satisfaction in your voice, a touch of pride. And why shouldn’t there be? You’ve brought him, the ever-controlled Nanami Kento, to his knees. He loves you too much to ever want anything different.
“I’m a good man,” he murmurs, more to himself than to you, curving his next thrust that he knows will brush against that spot you like.
“You’re an amazing man, Ken,” you moan in surprise, your hips lifting to meet his to seek more. “The best. Only the best for me. Only you, Kento.”
The praise makes him shake, the fire in his body raging like an inferno, burning his skin, breaking him into a sweat. He presses a knee into the table, throws one of your legs over his shoulders and savors the ragged way your name leaves his lips as he gives you everything.
“You feel so good,” he pants, his tongue licking the skin of your neck. He tastes the saltiness of your sweat, the sanitizing taste of perfume, the powdered creamer and sugar that sticks to your skin from the table. “So perfect.”
“Come on, Kento” you keen, your nails raking down the suit on his back. “Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”
He doesn’t. Couldn’t, even if he wanted to. He’s lost in you, in the feel of you, in the knowledge that he’s the only one who gets to see you like this. Wanton, needy, completely undone.
Nothing else matters—not the party going on just floors above, not the risk of discovery, not the propriety you’re both abandoning. In this moment, there’s only you and him and the heat that’s consumed you both all summer, finally finding release.
Nanami’s thrusts become erratic, his rhythm faltering as the base of his spine tightens in a delicious way to let him know that he’s close. His hand slips between your bodies, past the silk of your rumpled periwinkle dress, gliding over your clit in well-practiced strokes and the leg over his shoulder tenses up, your head digging into the table, neck arching for him to see the flecks of sugar sticking to your neck. 
“Ohhh right there Kento. Right there. Please, please I’m gonna cum—I’m—“ you smack a hand over your mouth to quiet yourself, eyes shutting tight.
“Absolutely not.” Nanami hasn’t suffered for months just to be deprived of anything during this encounter. He yanks the hand from your mouth, pressing it hard into the table, and the shock on your face as you look up at him, the staccato of your breaths, the undeniable seriousness in his gaze even as he pistons into you, admiring the way your dress pools at your waist as he gives you more, harder, deeper until—
“Ohhhh fuck!” you cum with a long dragged out cry, your body clenching around him, walls locking around his cock to the point his orgasm is yanked from him as he falls over the edge with you, pulsing deep inside with a groan muffled against your neck.
He sags against you, both of your chests heaving against each other. He slips a hand behind you, trailing lightly up and down your glistening back as you lie beneath him, spent and satisfied.
As he slowly comes down, he presses a lingering kiss to your sweat-dampened hairline, the roots of your twistout beginning to frizz. There’s a hint of coconut from your leave-in as his nose brushes down to your cheek. So familiar, yet still so intoxicating after almost a year of smelling it. As if he could ever grow numb to the potent lure of your presence.
A ragged chuckle escapes him at that thought, the mirthful rumble making you pull up your head to look at him. Nanami drinks in the utterly debauched vision you make—beautiful brown sweaty skin, hair messy, lips swollen and smirking as per usual.
His arm tightens reflexively around the sensual curves of your waist, pulling you closer in a subconscious gesture of possession and longing. Because for all the delicious torture you’ve inflicted over the past few months with your endless parade of tempting summer dresses…he wouldn’t trade this hard-won moment for anything.
Nanami is many things—disciplined, regimented, a hardworking—albeit tired— professional. But he is also only human at his core. And you, his beautiful free-spirit of a partner, has a simply breathtaking talent for awaking the primal, unrestrained parts of him he usually keeps so rigorously leashed.
“You know,” you murmur in that velvety voice he loves so much. “The minute I realized the dress vanished from my cart was the minute I knew it would be the one.”
A sleepy chuckle breaks free from his lips at your words, the sound causing you to join in as well—a vibrant melody that coats his soul in pure contentment. Nosing closer, he peppers a line of feather light kisses along the line of your jaw. “You’ll never go easy on me, will you?”
“And rob myself of bringing down Nanami Kento piece by piece?” You snort, shooting him a look of pure, playful sin from beneath your lashes. “I might have to make sundress season a year-round thing.”
His answering groan is part growl, part disbelieving laughter as the palm behind your back glides along the elegant curve of your spine down to the bend of your hip. Ever the devilish temptress without even trying, even in the aftermath.
“You’ll be the death of me.”
“That’s a good way to go,” you tease, pulling him down for another kiss, sweet and sticky and full of promise.
His hands slide along the canvas of your body, fingers dipping into the ridges of the open zipper of your dress. He’ll make sure it’s dry cleaned so you can wear it next year. And hopefully he’ll be better prepared.
When you giggle against his lips and dig your heels into his back, he realizes that there will be no amount of preparation when it comes to you.
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pitchsidestories · 6 months
underneath your clothes II Cata Coll x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 1687
a/n: based off the cute request here. We're really craving a tattoo on our own now after finishing this oneshot. 😂
You knew tattoos were your passion since you had gotten your first one aged eighteen. So by opening your own tattoo studio with your best friend, you had fullfilled one of your life goals in the last year.
It was not always easy but you loved your job, especially when you could make your clients happy with your artwork. But at the moment, business was slow.
You were focused on wiping down the counter when your best friend and coworker Carla grinned at you: “Your favourite customer is back, y/n.”
Surprised, you looked up and saw someone walk towards the door of your studio: “What? Oh, she‘s not my favourite customer, Cata has been her only once before.”
“She‘s still your favourite.”, Carla shrugged with a smug look on her face.
You grimaced at her: “I don‘t have favourites.” Turning to your customer, you greeted her: “Cata, hi.”
“Hi.”, the goalkeeper smiled at you.
“You‘re here for another tattoo?”, you asked politely.
She nodded: “I am.”
“Do you have something specific in mind?” You noticed her gaze linger on the inked skin of your left arm.
“Uhm, yeah…”, she replied, catching herself and looking back at your face.
You bit back a smile as you thrust your arm in her direction to show her the floral tattoo wraping around your forearm: “Liking this one?”
Catas cheeks reddened: “I do. It‘s beautiful.”
“Thank you.”, you replied. You could feel Carlas eyes on you.
“But I actually wanted to get something for my sister today. Maybe next time.”, Cata explained.
“Oh, that‘s sweet.”
The football player continued while she gestured towards her upper arm: “Yeah, I want it to be on my arm. I was thinking about a wave or something.”
“Is there a meaning behind the wave?”, you asked curiosly while simultaneously trying to picture the perfect tattoo for her.
Cata nodded with excitement: “Yes, we grew up in Mallorca…”
“Thats is adorable. I love when people tell me the meaning of their tattoos.”, you happily replied while getting your sketchbook.
“Ever been to the island?”, Cata asked while she watched you starting to draw different kinds of waves.
Without looking up from your work, you explained: “Actually, yes. My mother was born there and part of her family still lives there so we spend all of the vacations in my childhood there.”
You could hear the astonishment in her voice: “Wait, you did?”
“That‘s a funny coincidence.”
You slid the sketchbook in Catas direction so she could have a look: “Who knows, maybe we‘ve met each other before without knowing. So which wave do you like best?”
The goalkeeper looked thoughtfully at the drawings in front of her:” I like that one.”
With a dreamy smile on her lips Cata continued: “This is a nice thought actually. That we might have already met before.”
“I agree.”, you responded in a warm tone.
“I’m going to the coffeeshop, would you two like an iced coffee?”, Carla chirmed.
“Sure.”, you nodded.
“Nothing beats iced coffee on a warm spring day.”, the Barcelona player confirmed.
“So true.”, you agreed.
After Carla left the coffeeshop Cata promised you with a wink:” Next time, I’ll bring you an iced coffee before I show up.”
“You want another one already? Don’t you get into trouble for it from your coach or something.”, you raised an eyebrow at her.
Confidently she waved it off: “Oh, no. If it’s done in my free time, he can’t say anything about it.”
“Okay, good.”, you sighed relived.
“Don’t worry. I won’t get in trouble.”, the professional athlete replied.
“I’m glad to hear that.”
“Also, it’s just a small one.”, Cata reminded you while you were drawing the wave on her skin with a needle.
For a moment you looked up from your work:” Right.”
Meanwhile Carla had returned, bringing the coffees immediately to both of you:” Hey girls, I’m back.”
“Thank you, Carla.”, you answered sincerely.
“You’re welcome.”, she mumbled.
You quickly took a sip from the coffee before asking her:” What do you think of Catas new tattoo.”
After your friend took a closer look at your art piece, she whistled: “Oh, this is nice.”
“It symbolizes my sister.”, Cata explained beaming.
“How cute.”, Carla smirked.
While they talked for a bit you added the finishing touches until the tattoo was done:” Now you’re ready to go, Cata.”
“Thanks. I love it.”, the goalkeeper told you happily.
“My pleasure.”, you said and meant every word whole heartedly.
She stood up excitedly:” I’ll call you soon for a new appointment.”
“Alright.”, you answered.
After Cata has left your best friend declared dramatically:” That poor girl.”
“What?”, you frowned at her.
“Oh please, don’t play dumb.”, Carla begged you groaning.
This was the moment you realized what she has been hinting at:” Don’t worry. Next time, I’ll ask her out.”
Normally you didn’t open to customers like you did with the Barcelona player. Even though it was you who was the person who has seen her upper body without clothes, her dark eyes seemed to have seen right through you.
“You should.”, your friend grinned.
You couldn’t help but to blush as you thought about Cata:” She’s so cute, Carla.”
“I could tell that you thought that.”
Guys! Cata has a crush on her tattoo artist!“, Claudia yelled full of excitement.
The other Barcelona players looked up from their team dinner with varying degrees of curiousity and surprise while Catas cheeks turned red. A minute ago, she had just shown her new tattoo to Claudia and Patri but the youngest midfielder had immediately caught on as she heard the way Cata talked about her tattoo artist.
“Oh, that’s why she’s getting so many tattoos recently!“, Ona exclaimed with laugh.
“That’s not true.“, Cata tried to defend herself.
Mariona just smiled sweetly at her: “That’s so cute, Cata.“
“Guys, stop.“
When Alexia finally spoke up, Cata had hoped that she would call her teammates back to order but instead she just tilted her head: “So, when are you going to see her again?“
“Whenever I get my next tattoo?“, the goalkeeper shrugged.
Patri raised an eyebrow: “And that’s soon?“
“I mean I do have an idea for the next one.“, Cata admitted with a small smile on her lips.
Salma shared a knowing look with Patri: “Guess this means very soon.“
Cata was back at your tattoo studio only a few weeks after her newest tattoo, this time with an iced coffee in hand. You caught yourself smiling subconsciously as you watched the football player walked in.
“Hi Cata.“, you greeted her and gratefully took the drink from her that she handed to you. “Thank you for the coffee.“
Cata smiled as you took a sip: “Told you, I’d bring you one.“
“Appreciate it.“
It was the perfect mix of sweet and bitter. Exactly how you liked it. You set down the coffee on the front desk and thoroughly looked at the goalkeeper: “But you know that you don’t have to get tattoos all the time to ask me out on a date.“
You rolled your eyes with a chuckle.
Cata looked at you dumbfounded: “Wait, what?“
“Cata, would you like to go on a date with me?“, you asked politely.
Her face immediately lit up: “I would love to.“
“Great.“, you said and had to bite back a laugh as Carla pumped her fist in excitement behind Cata.
But the goalkeeper caught your attention again: “When is your shift over?“
“At 5 pm.“, you replied truthfully.
Cata nodded with a big grin on her face: “I’ll pick you up then?“
You nodded happily: “Yes, okay.“
Cata left the studio without a tattoo this time but she did leave the feeling of butterflies in your stomach instead.
At exactly 5 pm, Cata waited for you in front of the studio. From what you saw through the window, she looked great in her button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to showcase her tattoos. You could barely wait to close the studio.
When you finally locked the door behind yourself, the two of you awkwardly smiled at each other and you had to admit that Cata looked even better when she was right in front you.
You pointed at the picnic basket she was holding in her right hand: “Where are we going?“
“Just trust me, follow me.”, the goalkeeper replied warmly.
You didn’t know why but you trusted her immediately. Walking along side Cata made you feel safe and welcomed. When you reached the destination, you stood there in awe: “Oh my god, the view is stunning.”
“It’s, right?”, she grinned at you.
Truthfully you told her:” Yes, I love it.”
“I hoped you would.”, the player answered satisfied.
Watching at Barcelona from a distance made your worries surrounding your tattoo studio look small in comparison and you felt lighter in the company of the other woman, so you mouthed into her direction a heartfelt thank you.
“Here’s some food.”, Cata hummed, handing you some antipasti to eat.
Closing your eyes you mumbled:” It’s delicious.”
“Wine?”, she asked you, proving to be the perfect gentlewoman.
“Sure.”, you nodded, as the goalkeeper filled your glasses and you both took a deep sip.
“You know I would have come by to get a million more tattoos just to spend time with you.”, Cata confessed with a wink.
You looked into her eyes amused:” I do, so I had to save you from yourself.”
“That’s sweet. But I still want some more.”, the goalkeeper smirked.
Quickly you promised her:” You can get them one at a time.”
“I will.”
With that said you went forward to kiss her, she gladly replied to the kiss, pulling you closer to her, to fully embrace you in her strong arms.
A few weeks had gone by, and Cata and you were officially girlfriends. You were in the tattoo studio when Carla excitedly exclaimed:” Y/n? Thanks to your girlfriend a lot of her teammates have asked us to do their tattoos!”
Hearing that you hugged your girlfriend gratefully:” Love!”
“You’re welcome.”, Cata whispered.
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belokhvostikova · 9 months
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 "𝐏𝐥𝐮𝐠"
𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 | A night after Homecoming has you reveling in the loneliness of your mind, but a drug dealer "meandering" his way by is there to solve your issues, especially after finding a particular toy of yours.
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | Swearing, mentions of drugs/drug dealing, minor comments about food, feelings of embarrassment, overthinking, mentions of mean friends/exclusion, loneliness, insecurities, and explicit sexual content: fondling, one spank, edging, orgasm denial, praise kink, sir kink, oral (female receiving), rimming (female receiving), anal play/fingering, use of sex toy (butt plug), and unprotected vaginal sex.
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞 | Everyone be honest: do you actually enjoy my writing being this long, when little to nothing is happening? I don't know, I feel like I dramatically wrote this, it's kinda comical. Also, this is literally an entire Soundgasm audio I heard, but can no longer find- the agony! All script credits to them, I’ll try to link it once I do find it! And, @strangerstilinski is a lot better at Pinterest than me, so big, loveable thanks to you for the photos!
𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐬, 𝐃𝐨 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭.
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Cold and creamy, the slab of lotion smearing its enriching silk onto the skin of your shaven legs to prevent that inevitable itch in a couple days had been the only thing to smooth over your mind in the suffocating humidity of your bathroom. But even then, the sweetening smell of coconuts and vanilla couldn’t fully appease your feelings from the nagging reality of how isolated you felt from the people closest to you. 
Quinton Reeves.
For whatever reason, retired number ninety-five of Hawkins High’s baseball conference champions of 1983, still had the popularity chokehold of high schoolers, despite the matter of being into his second year of his community college career, while brandishing the golden name tag of the multiplex theater he hadn’t left since junior year. Something about giving away free tickets to greedy teenagers, that’s what made him “cool,” though utterly pathetic in your eyes. 
But unfortunately, in the eyes of swooning cheerleaders, Quinton Reeves’ “maturity” had made his Friday night rager on Old Cherry Road the main priority of your friends’ plans, after a grueling night of sore toes and itchy fabric that was the Homecoming dance. An actual celebration, where booze monitoring or debauchery dance moves couldn’t be policed by the faculty of your soon to be alma mater. Not that it was celebrating much, those green and orange jerseys adorned by the most admired only saw scuff marks with no touchdowns; yet another year of despair for Hawkins High’s athletic department. And yet, somehow a trophy-less trophy cabinet did little to sway the big egos of the prim and proper. Funny. So now, you sigh, basking in a night of a hot shower, trying to exfoliate and shave off that icky feeling in you that you knew resided deeper than superficially. 
Because while your friends drank the night away at Quinton Reeves’ Friday night rager on Old Cherry Road, you sat forlorn with a kitchen full of purchased junk food, a bathroom full of face masks, a bedside table full of magazines, and a television stand full of movies, because despite being planned a week in advance—after you conveniently got left out of Stacy Wither’s girls night—Quinton Reeves’ Friday night rager on Old Cherry Road became more important than your girls night. 
Softened skin bundled in cozy clothes, you watched your saddened reflection in the foggy mirror of your bathroom, where a squeaking wipe to the condensation allowed for pellets of water to race down the glass. Beneath the mask of green gunk that claimed to heal those pesky bumps of raging hormones on your skin, you could still see the dampen expression of your sorrow face, where you recollected the comments of your so-called friends. 
Buzz-kill. Bummer. Borning. Rummaging through the entirety of the B section of Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Thesaurus just to really cement the fact that they wanted nothing to do with your itinerary-riddled girls night. 
You splashed your face with the wake of lukewarm water. To hell with them; your skin was glowing, body freshly cleaned, your scalp free from any solid itch of hairspray, fingers and toes wiggling with a beaming white polish, and you had an assortment of snacks to rake through while ogling at Ferris Bueller, watching him have a day off with his friends who actually care. Perhaps you should take a stroll through Chicago, and catch a Cubs game. It wasn’t anything but a state away. And if you got lucky, maybe you could find Sloane Peterson’s fringe jacket in your stack of magazines. 
Surely, Ferris Bueller was cuter than any twenty-one-year-old who still spent his weekends partying with high schoolers. 
Christ, a parked full driveway. 
Eddie, four hundred seventy-six dollars richer, Munson craned his neck, ticking his tongue at the scale of which your house stood at 11:28 p.m on this Friday night. One hesitant sniff at his shirt, and he regretted the decision of not moving Samara Lawson away any faster, when the drunken girl attempted the flirtatious endeavor of receiving that twenty-five percent discount you were always accustomed to. 
Perhaps her revenge on the dealer, himself, after he politely declined with a harsh line to his lips was forcing him to reek of booze after a tight hug to ensure her chest squished against his just enough that Samara Lawson surely thought it would deduct a dollar or two. It didn’t. 
“Fucking two stories, man…” Eddie sighed, kicking the mulch of your mother’s meticulously cared for garden, as the bricks of your home seemed to drag onward for an eternity from his five foot eleven stance (six feet if you’d ever ask). 
A towel in hand, you gently dabbed away the excess water from your face, before you turned to serums and creams to gently massage your face with, hoping to ease any worry lines your friends have cost you in the wake of disappointment. Mint flavoring of stringy floss proceeded to invade your mouth, as you plucked all you could from your teeth to triumph through your oral hygiene care. Not that it mattered, though, a party-sized bag of Doritos was awaiting its fate of being empty by the time Pretty in Pink began its course of replay. 
If Eddie Munson knew anything, it was the probable fact that your bedroom could be found from the dimly lit window on the left wing of your home, where white curtains cascaded against a potential entry to your room. In the instances in which Eddie found himself in the weekly routine of taking three steps up porch and three knocks to the door, the stained glass that adorned your front door for decorative reasons always allowed him the warped sight of you appearing from the left side of the second story, before bouncing down the stairs like Yasmin Bleeth running down Will Rogers State Beach. 
And for the brief one minute and thirty-seven seconds it took to exchange the half ounce for fifteen dollars—prolonged extensively by Eddie Munson’s attempt at small talk—Eddie lavished in the bubble that was your true element. While cheer skirts became devastatingly enticing when you wore them, something about pajama pants that pooled at your feet for the entirety of being too long with sweaters that swallowed your tiny hands in comparison to his truly had his heart cinching with the tight grasp of utter devotion. 
It became the only thing that inveigled him to make the thirty minute trek across town to deliver your demands. What a surprise it was when Chrissy Cunningham revealed the dealer, himself, never offered her home visits, after too many complaints of making the eerie journey through the woods to receive her goods had you suggesting to your friend to give him the call you did weekly. But a groaned out, “You know he’d never do that; his whole ‘I don’t come to you, you come to me’ policy,” had you perplexed in the face. He had never disclosed you of that. Huh.
“For the love of God, please just let me be right for once.” Eddie huffed, as his calloused hand collected itself around the gutters that followed alongside your home, which provided him the leverage to denounce the white window sills with dirty scuff marks of Hawkins’ muddy winter sleet. 
How more pathetic could you possibly look? A frown had permanently etched itself onto your face, where a fake smile was once plastered before Lucy Coleman informed you of the fact that no one was showing up to your scheduled ‘Homecoming’s Coming Home Girls Night.’ God, you even had a cute name for it… ish. 
Freaking twenty-one-year-old multiplex ushers. 
Giving up the bathroom for the night, a trip following the banister down to the kitchen became a dangerous game of stuffing your feelings with carbohydrates you’d eventually come to regret the next morning. Your father had made the safe assumption to ignore the ruckus of opening cabinets and crinkling wrappers that appeared behind him from the living room, because eighteen years of living with you had taught him you were always one, “are you okay?” away from exploding from the angsty teenage rage that bubbled inside you. By tomorrow, you’d eventually come to him with a sadden face and wails of a hurt tummy, and just like you were seven, he’d be there to comfort you with a hearty breakfast and open arms. 
Littered posters, rumpled white sheets of little red heart, a vanity besmirched with powders and glitters, and a heavy resemblance of laundry piles that mimicked his bedroom floor—saved from the blacks and denim, only colors and lace this time. If, for whatever reason, this wasn’t your bedroom, Eddie Munson would be heavily concerned. 
With an artillery load of snacks on hand, your father followed your huffy stomps through the living room and up the stairs. “Wanna save me some?” A joke terribly unappreciated on your part, as a scowl met his lighthearted smile.
Your bare toes dug into the carpeted steps to solidify your displeased mood. A little dramatic, and unserious, but only targeted to your flippant father, who found amusement in the little jabs that made your face crease like your mother’s. The actual hurt and betrayal that lingered within was still discreetly churning in your belly with the fretful epiphany of how lonely your friends made you feel. 
But as mentioned, that’d be a discussion for tomorrow morning, when you could cry into your scramble eggs. 
One step at a time, the view of your bedroom door—cracked, and flooding the hallway with the mustardness of lamps—came to light, as a guttural sigh left your mouth as a “fuck you” to the stir of messes you felt, pounding at your head with no mercy, as if the shitty friends you had wasn’t enough, they were capable of making you feel horrible, awful things. 
Yeah, fuck yo- “Ah!”  
Bags of chips and wrappers of candy avalanched down the doorway of your bedroom, as Eddie Munson’s already large eyes rounded to the ghastliness of yours, hunched and frozen in stance of that of a burglar, and suddenly Eddie was coming to the realization of how utterly creepy he looked.  
A call from the living room, a call from your parents’ room; your mother and father’s voice boomed with concern of what could be another dramatic yell fueled by teenage temper or actual danger. But Eddie’s surrendering hands, with a look of desperate apologies that had to go unspoken unless he wanted to be caught by your parents had made it apparent that Hawkins’ local drug dealer who wandered about with a gaudy jewelry and hair you’d like to braid had little to offer when it came to harm. 
Also, the way in which his fretful finger was comically signaling to his prized lunchbox had let the understanding of business ventures finally hit you. 
“S-Sorry! Um, giant spider!” Stifling their consternation of any imminent danger, Eddie cracked a tiny smile, before treading down to your feet to pick up what he caused to drop in the first place. 
One after another, your pile of snacks were now being examined under the scrutiny of your drug dealer. “Friends coming over for a sleepover or somethin’?” 
Insulting. “No.” You mumbled with a particular sass he hadn't usually been indulged in, that had him quietly chuckling. God, him and your father would get along. 
Sat aside on your bedside table to be feasted upon when cute, unwarranted company couldn’t witness the giant devour, you quietly closed your bedroom door, and stood watching Eddie Munson awkwardly swing his arms. 
“You’re probably-”
“So, um-
“Oh, I’m sorry, go ahead.” He encouraged you with a tight-lipped smile.
You shrugged, and sat upon the edge of your bed. “I was just going to ask why you snuck into my room… at this hour.”
Eddie cleared his throat. “No, yeah, um, I realize how weird this must be, but, uh,” his eyes gallivanted to the notable furniture that adorned your bedroom—bookshelf, arm chair, desk—to avoid the knowing look on your face he’d have to be met with, because for whatever reason it was, it was now just painfully dawning on Eddie Munson how terrible of a move this was. “Well, I was just heading home, passing through the neighborhood,” lie, “and realized you weren’t at the party- Reeves’, I mean, you weren’t at Reeves’ party.”
And you truly gave the man, himself, little to offer with your subtle, “yeah,” that would force him to grab a crowbar to pry what little information he was willing to take for the night if it meant you’d just keep talking to him. 
“Just, uh, all your friends were there, bought from me n’ all, but, um, I don’t know, just kinda figured you’d be there with them since you always are.” He mustered out, as his eyes rapidly jumped about to scan the movements of your body. “And, well, didn’t see my number one customer.” 
And Eddie smiled, as your heart began pattering with stirring feelings that had your throat tightening with disbelief. “You came to check on me?” So softly spoken. 
“No, no.” Oh. How more embarrassing can this get for you? He might as well point and laugh in your face for being so lonely. “I-I, um, thought I could, uh, drop off your usual, y’know, squeeze in some extra cash.” Of course. “I saved you some.” Eddie patted his battered box. 
He watched your body deflate, and suddenly he wondered why he went that route, when it clearly caused the frown line on your face to deepen. “Right, um, thanks.” You sighed. Junk food and weed? At the very least, you could be high when crying tonight. 
One second to open your bedside drawer, but another second halted by Eddie’s voice that stopped your movements from stretching to reach for your wallet inside. “I- y’know what? Free of charge.” He propped open the metal lid to grasp onto the reserved baggie of the usual half ounce, before placing the lunchbox down to hand the substance to you. And he read you confused look quickly, as your hand hesitantly graced his fingers to take the goods. “Just, um, loyal customer, figured I should give back.” 
“Eddie, you already gave me a discount, I really don’t mind paying.” A promise to indemnify him for all that he already did. 
“Ah, well, you should, because I’ll be terribly offended if you do pay me.” He broke a smile that had your shoulders slumping with relaxation. “Just, uh, gotta let me hang here for a minute, if that’s okay with you.” 
“You want to stay here?” 
“Food, weed, and your company? C’mon, what kind of man would I be to pass up that opportunity?” And thankfully, that was enough confidence to have you shyly giggling before him. “Just a little break before I head home, I guess.”
“Had too much fun partying?” You teased. 
“Think I would’ve had more fun if you were there.” Oh, no. Pattering heartbeats, and now fluttering butterflies disrupt the peace of your tummy, as Eddie stared down at you. “Mind if I sit, uh, next to you, or over there, or wherever?”
You nodded to his request, complying by moving to the center of your bed, where you and Eddie sat back in the bundle of your rumpled duvet and pillows. A pregnant pause consumed over, as Eddie chose to linger in the silence to get a good view of the knick knacks that disheveled your room perfectly, and you admired the glow in which his profile became illuminated by. With bouncing eyes, it became the shiny embroidery of gold italics on the velvet sash that read “Homecoming Court” that paired cheaply with the tiny, plastic $3.99 Party City tiara that had dug into your scalp for the three hours you had to endure that night that caught Eddie’s attention. 
“You win?” He abrasively asked. 
“Uh, no.” You quietly answered. “Chrissy Cunningham got the bigger crown.” 
Eddie nodded along. “Figures.” He added. “She’s sweet.” 
It was your turn to nod, as the lips concaved into your teeth, while your fingers rustled with the plastic baggy in hand. “Yeah, she is.” 
“Kinda boring, though. Don’t you think?” He tossed his head back to meet his eyes upon yours. 
“No- well, not really, I mean Chrissy winning, y’know? Carver, too.” He clarified, as he watched your face with the suggestions he was making. “Like, why even vote- or hell, go to that shitshow if we already know who’s going to win? At the very least, throw in a curveball. Like-Like, Johnny Katowski.” Eddie laughed. 
“The kid from chess club?” You quietly giggled, as Eddie sat up.
“Yeah, him!” He declared. “How great would it be to see a kid like him winning Homecoming King, I mean, he may have bitched me out when I knocked into his lunch table and messed up his little figurines-”
“Yeah, pawns.” He laughed. “But the point is, why not give some other people the light, y’know?”
“Oh, well, Johnny Katowski is a really nice person, but I think he’d be too shy to enjoy everyone staring at him.” You quietly spoke, as you fiddled with your fingers under Eddie’s stare. “But, um, other people like you?”
“I meant other people like you.” Eddie smiled. “I’m too good to be king.” He joked, as you laughed at his cockiness. “I’m sure that dance would’ve been better if you had won, ‘s all. Just like the party.”
Your brows raised with gentle curiosity. “Oh, did you not have a good time at the dance?”
“Oh, no,” he waved you off, “didn’t even go. Dances aren’t exactly my thing, sweetheart.” 
You softly giggled. “You didn’t go to the dance, but you went to the afterparty?”
“Can’t exactly sell my supply on school premises, Y/N.” Eddie jokingly protested. “And even so, you went to the dance and not the afterparty.” Like tightening rope around your throat, your gut was hit with the simple analysis Eddie concurred. Though rather obvious, it somehow manifested worse coming out in the words of others around you who clearly saw the disconnect between you and your friends. Sure, a little more information would solidify it, but in the overworking mind of intrusive thoughts that made up your mind, Eddie’s phrase managed to concoct the notion that all of Hawkins High was now acutely aware of the fact that the ties of friendship with the girls closest to you was now being severed at the hands of no longer wanting you. “Hey, you okay?” His face lowered to catch yours, only to quickly move as you suddenly cleared your throat whilst straightening your comfortable posture. 
“Yeah, yeah, just a little tired, I guess.” You mumbled, providing him a small smile to end whatever prodding he was about to dig into. You no longer wanted it. 
“Oh.” He spoke. “Um, you want me to leave, leave you alone?”
“No, no.” You assured him. “It’s okay.” 
Another silent pause. Eddie Munson laid his cards on the table. A, he could cut the awkwardness short, and be on his way back home, sufficed with the fact that he, at least, got more words out of you than the usual “thank you, here’s your money, see you next week” routine, that he’ll be stuck with for the rest of the school year, until you inevitably leave for college- I mean, good for you, but then he would be stuck with a whirlwind of what if’s that would eat him alive, all while you got the live your prosperous life in god knows what city, where some dude who actually had to balls to make a move on you would get the honor of being called your boyfriend. Deep breath. Or B, he could just be a friend right now, because it really looked like you needed one. 
“You’re sure you’re okay?” You slowly peered up at him. “I mean, like, you’ve always been kinda quiet, just, y’know, from seeing you around, but you seem a little more down now. Like mime quiet.” He smiled, eliciting a worn giggle from you. “Just feel like you have something to say, but you’re not saying it.”
“I…” you sighed, “it’s really stupid, Eddie.” Because suddenly sitting back with Eddie—whose personal life details were spread around town for the sake of small town gossip to enact who could and could not associate with the shunned of Hawkins, Indiana—your problems felt entirely too small. The last thing he needed was to be drowned by your superficial problems. The last thing you needed was to be judged for feeling the way you did, when Eddie Munson would give the reality check of a lifetime, and tell you to grow up. “Yeah, just, um, really miniscule things that I don’t, uh, wanna annoy you with.” You attempted to laugh off.  
“I asked you.” Eddie stated matter-of-factly. “You’re not gonna annoy me when I’m literally asking to hear you, sweetheart.” He chuckled in disbelief at your resigned behavior, baffled by the notion you could even believe anything about you to be bothersome. “C’mon, just say it, say it with your chest, just lay it all on me. Can’t do any good to keep it in, no?”
Eddie Munson had quite the knack of being a cute motivational speaker, as your giggles caused by his coltish self seemed to abate the linger tussle of depressive hesitancy in your mind. “It’s just… y’know, my friends, n’ all.” A hearty grunt of agreement coming from Eddie had you laughing through your words, as his face of distaste for your friends made it easier to speak. “Like, I just know they-they don’t want me- or, at least, it really feels like that. God, Eddie I rented out all these movies, bought some face masks- which are really expensive, by the way, and these damn snacks, ugh. Why-Why is some lame party more important than my plans, than me? They just don’t care! And I get I’m more quiet than them, but why does that mean I have to be left out of everything?! A-And, y’know, they always say I’m a bummer, but they don’t think about the fact that they make me a bummer. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love shopping just as much as the next guy, but knit-picking everything that’s wrong with how a dress looks on me isn’t exactly going to make me an ecstatic person, y’know?!”
Eddie Munson used to be able to count the number of words you spoke to him on the fingers of one hand. And right now, that was, at least, twenty-five singular hands. And the thought had him smiling in the distance, when in actuality, that stagnant pause was an invitation for him to speak, as per a normal conversation. So it became that very smile that had your stomach flipping with ignominy at the fact that your overthinking thoughts were transpiring right in front of you: Eddie Munson thought your problems were laughable. 
A quiet “huh” was all he had to say.
“Well?” Your face, unfortunately, contorted with desperate validation. “You think it’s stupid, don’t you?” Almost accusatory, but in all seriousness, his lack of words were only cementing the scary thought that infested your head: you were the problem.
While deliberating, Eddie was really trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, he really was. But for the love of god, why were you allowing these people to have this much sway over your life? Three days ago, Courtney Keller, co-captain of Hawkins High’s cheer team, who conveniently sat a desk over in Eddie Munson’s English literature class thanks to Ms. O’Donnell’s tyrannical assigned seating, was overheard asking if Romeo and Juliet had been inspired by the 1978 cult classic Grease. Ah, yes, because William Shakespeare surely looked to a Hollywood blockbuster love story of a goody-two-shoes and greaser to write his most notable play. These were the people making you miserable?! You bombarded your letterman jacket with a bunch of tiny, obscure pins for crying out loud! Only you could make those god awful, gaudy, green jackets look remotely cool. Not to mention the fact that when looking at you from a distance—totally not creepy—Eddie could make out those funky, little doodles that indented the cover of your notebooks, before being thrown into your stuffed locker of knick knacks and stickers. Pins and doodles? Totally cool in Eddie Munson’s book. 
Okay, maybe not the most substantial aspects to determine one’s coolness, and perhaps, most wouldn’t look to the super, super senior to constitute what is, but the fact of the matter was that Eddie Munson, himself, thought you were pretty damn cool, so who the hell were some peaked-in-high-school nobodies to tell you otherwise? 
“What do I think? Uh, how do I put this?” Eddie reiterated, playing out the right words to confront you with. Though, Eddie Munson wasn’t necessarily one to speak so eloquently. “I think you’re kinda acting like a dumbass,” and your fallen face had him stuttering into recovery, “n-no, I mean, like, not that you’re dumb or anything, you’re really fucking smart. It’s just, I dunno, c’mon, you’re smart enough not to let them bother you.” He exasperated. 
“Like- sorry,” he interrupted, “I just mean that you’re so much better than them. Like, in every aspect, you have so much more going on than their puny life.”
“Well, according to them, I don’t even have a life.” You grumbled, knees wedging themselves against your chest to provide the perfect burial for your head. 
Eddie sighed, choosing to sit up against the headboard of your bed to get your smushed face to follow his movements. “Hate to break it to your sweetheart, but getting shitfaced at some boring party isn’t exactly the epitome of having a life. I mean, sure, maybe to the people who thrive in small town shitholes like this place,” and luckily, Eddie was able to follow along with your airy giggles, “but you and I? Hell, no, babe, nuh-uh, we were made for bigger shit than Hawkins.” He smiled.
And you smiled, too. “Like New York?”
“Like New York.”
“Ooh, or somewhere pretty like Paris or Marseille?” Your head finally perked up.
“Sure… I mean, I think I can put up with French people for you.” He joked, letting that genuine laugh fall from your lips so effortlessly. “Kinda draw the line at eating snails, though.”
You gasped dramatically. “What?! You’re telling me you’ve never tried Benny’s escargots?!” Yeah, you were way cooler than any Courtney Keller clone. 
Eddie’s head leaned back, as his hearty laughs quietly fanned your face, until the atmosphere was finally at peace with steady breaths. “I mean it, sweetheart, just gotta look them right in the eyes, use those big, beautiful things you got, and tell them to fuck right off.” 
While undeniably making your heart patter in your chest, Eddie Munson’s comment also served to become the catalyst for the most humiliating moment of your life. With your face turned away into your knees to shield him from the lovesick smile you were embarrassingly about to flash him, you terribly missed the single opportunity it would have taken to redirect Eddie’s devastatingly—for you—short attention span away from the beaming jewel that rested in your still opened drawer. 
“What’s this?” Pink and glimmering under the lowlight of your lamps, Eddie couldn’t resist the encrusted jewel lined with silver. And you hummed in question, oblivious to his findings, turning around all too late. “In your nightstand.” His hand inching closer and closer.
In your nightstand, in your nightstand, in your nightstand, echoing like a nightmare on repeat, as your eyes widened at the epiphany that Eddie Munson had found your- “Don’t touch that!” Your father’s brow cocked, wondering what movie it was this time eliciting dramatic reactions from you. But Eddie’s calloused fingers had already grappled onto the silver handle, pulling out what was beyond mortifying for you, as the lamp shade had fully revealed what concealed item contained that sparkling decoration.
“Oh, damn…” Eddie blinked, swallowing the nothingness of his throat, as a stir began to tickle his naval just below the belt. Both sets of eyes glued to the bulbous end of your plug, though Eddie’s incoming smirk seemed to differentiate tremendously to your gaping mouth of disbelief, where you sat frozen in horror at the events transpiring before you. Held like a priceless jewel, Eddie examined your personal toy with a devious smile to pair. “You use this? Like, it really goes up your ass?” 
Your internal being was screaming at the top of your lungs, all masked by the stoic features of your face that refused to accept the reality of what was happening. “Eddie.” You managed to mutter out. “Please, put that back!” Harsh whispers smacked him in the face. “Eddie, I- sorry, just please, I’ll-”
“Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay.” His free hand came to secure itself around your knee, allowing that tightening breath to finally make its escape from the anxious hold in your chest. “Really, I just- it’s cool, just caught me by surprise ‘s all.”
“Okay, well, can you please just put it back, and forget this ever happened?” You pleaded, wishing him away for the night, hoping to never meet his eyes, the same eyes that made your butt plug fall under scrutiny. “I swear, it’s not mine- well, it is, but, like, I didn’t buy it, my stupid friends, ugh-”
Palms digging into the sockets of your eyes, you wielded this as your punishment, hoping the pain would come to mask the utter humiliation of Eddie finding your personal belongings. Uptight, they joked. Laughing with those giggles you learned to despise as you unwrapped the decorative paper that covered your birthday present. A book, a journal, sketch pencils, or plant, any and everything that could have sufficed as personal presents that would have been highly appreciated. But your friends seeked another personal route, with the jabbing comment of wanting you to “loosen up.” And so what, gag gift or not, the use of that particular toy came about as no one else’s business, because while the contribution came at the expense of the devastating realization that your friends were grade A assholes, there was no judgment in exploring yours- GOD.
“Hey, seriously, sweetheart.” Eddie’s hands came to pry yours away, letting his lighthearted eyes cast away the round, sadness of yours. “I just, y’know, didn’t think you were like that- or into that.”
“Oh, right, because I’m so uptight and boring.” You defensively rolled your eyes at him, before attempting to move from your spot next to him, but Eddie worked quicker to keep you in place.
He spoke earnestly. “Hey, no, don’t put words in my mouth, I didn’t say that.” Eddie sighed, jumping through the endeavors to show his action didn’t come maliciously. “Seriously, you know that, alright. Don’t think of me as being that kind of person.”
You sighed in defeat. “Eddie, this is just beyond humiliating.” And he desperately just wanted to take a hold of your adorably sullen face. 
“I don’t think it’s humiliating.” He smiled, of course, it wasn’t his butt plug in his hand. “Think it’s kinda… intriguing. L-Like, sexy.” Your eyes peered to his height, searching for the laughter of a joke you swore was about to follow. But Eddie Munson had never lost the hold of your eyes, piercing his through yours to strike that flame in your body with a burning match. 
Eddie nodded. “Yeah.” His fingers continuously fiddling with your toy in hand, as his pants tightened at the mere thought of it being inside of you. What you did, late at night, to destress, finding an escape in the pleasure of being plugged, and played with. “Knowing what you like, testing your body, yeah, sweetheart, it’s really fucking sexy.” He slyly eyed you down, as your throat went dry under his dark stare. “Wouldn’t even mind seeing it.”
“W-What?” You stuttered out, thighs tightening to rub that aching thump brewing between your legs. “Like, um-”
“If you’re okay with it, Y/N,” Eddie took over for you, “I’d like to see how you make yourself feel good.”
Your mouth gulped like a fish out of water, trying to find the right words that were lost in the tangled disarray that was your overthinking mind, beating heart, fluttering tummy, and pulsating heat. But even that gnawing anxiety couldn’t deny you the unbearable urge to have Eddie Munson ravish you. “I- right now?��� You spoke so quietly, nodding to the sentiment. 
“Yeah,” his tongue drenched his lips with one swipe, “let’s just say it’s for, uh, educational purposes, what do you say? Might even, y’know, get your mind off things. Relax. Feel good. Better than that fucking weed can do.” His ringed hand took a hold of the plastic baggie from your side to place away in your nightstand- inside, where you apparently held your most precious items. 
You swallowed the nerves away, allowing yourself the selfish pleasure of Eddie’s touch to wash away the heavy troubles of your mind. You want this. You deserve this. “Please?” So delicately spoken.
“Yeah?” He sneered. You nodded. Under his gaze, you made the move onto your knees to comfortably shift out of your pajama shorts, but your hands couldn’t move further than grasping onto your waistband, before Eddie made a quick call to stop you. “Woah, woah, what are you doin’, sweetheart?”
Your mouth opened to speak, but you froze in the awkward position, and eyed him worriedly. Surely, you couldn’t have possibly read this entirely wrong. “I- you said you wanted to see, like, taking off my clothes.” You meekly explained, as the burns of a suffocating bonfire blazed your cheeks with embarrassment. 
“No, c’mon, baby, you gotta let me be a gentleman first.” Eddie chuckled. “Can’t just start fillin’ you up without kissing you. Get over here.” He patted his lap. 
Your leg thrown over his had you seated on the thickness of Eddie’s thigh, as the skin of yours nipped at the graying denim of his black jeans. Plug aside, his fingers teased at the seam of your shorts to encourage your hands to place themselves on his chest, where he saw you hesitantly reaching for. Feeling the cracking print of his worn band tee had suddenly brought you a sense of contentment, allowing you to comfortably press your weight onto his legs, a sign of snugness that had him smiling at you lovingly. Goosebumps arose in the wake of Eddie’s fingers brushing down the sides of your thighs to connect with the creasing of your knees, finding the fold as leverage to bring you forth. 
Chest to chest. Nose to nose. “You gonna give me what I’ve been dreamin’ about?” Your lips grazed the oncoming stubble of his upper lip, just seconds of subtle, bare touches that were feeding into that aching desire igniting inside both of you, before fully securing your mouth upon his. Eddie’s lips became a suction, refusing to let you go, as his hand crept with security to the back of your neck. Your tiny moans melted into the kiss, with tenuous grinds against his bulge that bent the zipper of his jeans, all too deliciously for Eddie to handle, leaving his mouth drowning with saliva that slicked your lips with the taste of Eddie Munson. “Don’t have to worry about anything with me.” He murmured into you.
A hungry “mhm” was all that could be trusted to come out of you, as your hips rolled with greed, entirely fueled by his tantalizing hand that squeezed at any fat he could latch onto. 
“Everybody deserves a break, baby.” He cemented with firm pecks that left your lips raw with the sound of spit smacking to echo into your ear. “Just let me be nice to you- let me be so fucking nice to you.” You nodded against his face, nose bumping with harsh breaths, as neither of you could find the will to pull away. “Let’s- fuck, let’s get these off now, pretty.” Eddie snapped your stretchy waistband against your hip.
Tingles coursed through your legs, as you found the strength to dig your pedicured feet into the rug of your bedroom, and stand before him. His blunt nails gently scratched down your legs to invigorate you to declothe. Your bottoms slid down, pooling at your feet, before you stepped out to have your pussy on display for him. 
“Mm.” Eddie lowly hummed, enthralled by your mound, so perfectly decorated with the hairs of your pubes, and puffed between your thighs. “Damn, you standing here without your shorts makes me wanna listen to music.” He smiled.
Your brow pointed, gifting him the sight of your confused, little face that had him chuckling at you. “What?” You asked. 
“Y’know,” he snickered, “‘cause I wanna use your thighs as headphones.”
Your girlish giggled made him feel good about his awful joke, finding all enjoyment in seeing your hands cutely hide your face from the shyness of your nature, despite standing bare in front of him. “Eddie, that’s so corny.” You laughed. 
“But I got a smile out of you, s’all I care about.” His hands came to yours to twiddle with your fingers that differed from his thick ones, lavished in the loud jewelry he brandished. “So, uh, I imagine I gotta get you ready first, y’know, wet. Don’t wanna hurt you.” You softly nodded to confirm his words, suddenly feeling the tickles in your belly moisten you, as the realization of this actually happening was becoming truer by the second. “Somewhat of a handyman, myself, can grab some DW40 or somethin’.” 
“Eddie.” You flirtatiously chastised, mewling a whine of gauche, of which you had a real talent of making cute. 
He laughed. “Look, look, there’s no… romantic or- fuck, I dunno, chivalrous way of asking someone if you can eat their ass, so can I just eat you ass, sweetheart?”  
Eddie’s unabashed bluntness had your face burning with the intoxicating sensations of humiliation and want, brewing something nasty in you that always laid dormant under the unexplored aspects of your desires. Leave it to Eddie Munson to elicit that filth with the raunchy words of his mouth that already showed you just how sinfully good it could make you feel. Just for you, you hoped. But surely, Eddie had to have obtained these skills from some practice. And you wondered if that’s what you were. Practice for the next gal to have her world rocked. Or… just thoughts. Loathsome thoughts, the very things Eddie has dedicated to clearing from your pretty head, because someone with a face like yours, and being so sweet had no reason to suffer, as you did. Practice? God, no, you were just everything. So Eddie Munson made sure to give you everything. 
“Yeah.” You tenderly answered. “Just, um- well, I already showered for the night before you came here, but, like, I can, you know, clean up-”
“Just so you’re comfortable with every-”
Roughed by heavy car parts and heated guitar strings, his all but soft hands felt so gentle in yours, with fingers dancing in the intertwine of a caring hold, flooding you with security, as his eyes without word complimented the contours of your figure silently but so earnestly. Eddie squeezed your hand. Eyes searching inside you through yours. “Stop, stop.” Your nervous rambling came to halt. “I don’t care. I know you’re clean, I wanna taste you.”
“Yeah.” You took a deep breath. A squeeze back to show love to his tough hand. “Yeah, okay.”
A smile breached his face. “That’s what I like to hear. C’mon, bend over for me, pretty, let me ease you from your mind.”
With the rumpled duvet sinking with the load of your limbs carrying you to the center, the air felt cold against the oozing slickness of your bare cunt, spreading its welcome with the curvature of your back with tits hung from their weight on your chest, as you allowed yourself the liberty of resting your head upon your pillow. The falling of Eddie’s creased sneakers against your floor appeared louder than reality when blood was pumping in your ears to the overworking beat of your heart. Naked and vulnerable, several deep breaths were taken to appease that anxious thought in the back of your head of what you might look like to a boy you liked so dearly, but nothing ameliorated you better than the waking touch of Eddie’s hand against your ass. 
“Fuck.” And suddenly his voice had a way of coaxing your hands to relax against the harsh hold of your sheets. His hands rounded the globes of your ass, feeling the fat wobble beneath, when a sharp spank landed on your right cheek, forcing you to suppress the whine with a metallic bite to your lip.
You mewled out your reprimand “Eddie! My parents are still here!” Having to whisper your frustrations, because now having a taste of what an Eddie Munson spanking could do, you wanted more, but couldn’t under a parental household. 
“Sorry, I’m sorry.” He chuckled, a complete lie he muttered just to calm you, because forcing your ass to ripple with the slam of his hand would be nothing he’d apologize for. “It really is just so spankable.” Eddie’s hands worked to massage the brief sting of his abuse that had you quietly pushing back for more. “So fucking perfect, all soft n’ shit in my hands. Nice to just fucking grab, and spread apart like that- fuck.” Fingertips digging into the dough of your cheeks had pulled your pussy lips to reveal strings of sweet arousal, and two pulsating holes Eddie was desperate to fill. “That’s so fucking beautiful.” His thumbs came to brush the hairs of your lips, inspecting what he was about to cherish on his tongue. 
His soft proclamations had you smitten with a smile that would surely strike him to his knees if flashed at him, but you contained yourself in the soft fuzz of your sweater that pooled at your breast to allow him the pleasure of running his course down your spine. Just an exploration of your body, feeling all his could while he can, because while your mind had a funny way of overthinking, his did, too; Eddie Munson was slapping himself to right your worries, because one wrong word, one wrong touch, one wrong stroke of his tongue had him rampant in the head that you’d leave disappointed in his actions. Forever. 
“Eds.” But as Eddie Munson was there to ease you, you were there to ease Eddie Munson. You’ve nicknamed his status to something closer than drug dealer. And the salacious click of your tongue had you proving to wanting to push that status further.
Eddie smiled at the possibility. Your gasps were all that could be heard next, feeling the tip of his wet tongue browse your tight hole, as your ass swallowed him in. His mouth lathered you with the spit that once coated yours, though now preparing your asshole for the stretch he’d succumb you to, lips nipping at your hole that had you salivating your moans into your pillow. A feeling all too foreign for you, allowing someone in your most intimate area, and Eddie took it with such delicacy, manifesting all his love for your ass in the mewls he shoved between your cheeks. 
It quickly found itself to be something better than lubricating your ass with the use of your slick and prodding your hole with a curious finger. Eddie had managed to bring depraved sensations with the globs of his spit and the intrusion of his tongue, forcing itself to snake past the pulses that attempted to keep him out. “Fuck, you taste so good.” Pumps and pumps of his wet muscle tickling the walls of your tight ass, as his hands pinched your body in tight grips, shaking all fat in his vicinity to do everything to be consumed by you. 
“Eddie!” You hugged your pillow, suddenly feeling the fire of your warm sweater, as your ass danced along his face. “Want you to- mm! Want you to keep doing that!”
“Sorry if I’m takin’ long, baby.” Like spitting the taste of nicotine out of his mouth, a warm glob of saliva impurely landed on you, giving leeway for his thumb to massage your squeezing hole, before submerging in with your moans to accompany. “Just really wanna make sure you’re ready. Fuck, and, um, I know I said I just wanted to see how a plug works, but can I please eat at your pussy, baby, it’s right there.” God, he could smell you enticing him, seeing your pussy hole clench completely neglected as your asshole got the fun of his touch. 
“Yes, please, Eddie, just want your mouth on me.” Hips thrusting back to chase what left, leaving him with nothing to do but smile and ravage your thighs and hips and sweet kisses. 
“Nasty, little fucking thing, aren’t you?” He proffered no time to answer, giving himself what he wanted, face becoming smeared with the gleam of your wetness. Your pussy tickled under the scratch of his light stubble on your lips, the shoving of his nose in your sopping hole, and his tongue flicking of your clit igniting every prurient urge you ever tried to satiate on your own. 
That delicious tang of your cunt infiltrated every sense within him, surrounding him in nothing but you— the hearing of you, the sight of you, the smell of you, the touch of you, the taste of you. Your raw bud throbbed under the exploitation of his mouth, sucking the shockwaves to cause your thighs to quake.
“Too much. Eds- fuck me, I can’t, s-sto- uh!” Your hand reached back at an attempt to push him away from the stampeding orgasm you were too insecure to experience him seeing. But no matter the sting of your pretty nails digging into his scalp, nothing was stopping Eddie from seeing the sheer tremble, cry, and gush he could bring your body to. 
With his thick thumb plunging into your asshole, his free hand sadistically pulled at your cheeks to expose as much of your pussy as he could, leaving you to mewl at the stretch of your skin. The sole separation of your puffy lips had him moaning at the sight; such a tight pussy hole aching for something to fill it, needing to squeeze down to spark your greedy orgasm. “Shit, fucking pussy pulsating just for me.” His tongue buried itself inside, letting his finger fall to pinch at your vibrating bud, rewarding it with the tight circles of rubs that felt unbearable. “Taste so fucking delicious!” His words were barely eligible in the crevices of your cunt, but they provided all sensation to push you into your tonic state. “Cum for me, fucking cum!”
Fucked by his tongue and finger, you no further denied him, unleashing a gush of your spent to ravish his mouth, as your holes kept him in place with their tightening hold. If it wasn't for the fault of your parent’s bedroom being on the other side of your home, they would have surely heard the vulgar corruption of sweat and sex condensing the air of their daughter’s bedroom.
“Fuc- mm, uh…” Like a Pavlov dog, your pillow had soaked itself wet from the salivation of your chewed lips, as your legs shook under the grasps of Eddie’s hands. 
“Shhh, baby, I’m gonna put it in. Let me play with it.” When limbs went numb after orgasmic bliss, the dealer knew now was the time your body would accept it. Gaping from the size of his thumb, Eddie’s gentle insertion made the process enjoyable, placing a delicate kiss to your asshole, before your plug was indulged in the tightness of your ass. Now crowned with a pretty, pink jewel to top. And you mewled, softly shaking your ass to adjust to your decoration, trying to find feeling in your shaky legs. “God, you sound so fucking cute.” He rubbed your ass with groping hands. “Don’t let that get into your head, though, I’m still in control here.” Eddie chuckled. 
Despite falling limp, Eddie’s strength found no trouble in pulling you onto his lap, once he fell back onto his calves. While a hammering bulge was fighting back against the restraints of his cuffed belt, you couldn’t deny the fact that he didn’t feel the satisfaction of a bursting orgasm, yet your mind pondered on the reasons as to why his heart was pounding so profusely against your spinning head. Your hand splayed against his chest, as you peered up at him. “Are you nervous?”
Eddie Munson swallowed thickly. And ignored you completely. “You’re a really dirty fucking girl for playing with yourself like that all alone.” His hands pinched at the sweaty skin of your back, as your face contorted with the creases of confusion at his now unnecessary comment. “But… now you have me, though, right? Gonna play with me always?” Though, any confidence Eddie previously had speaking to you that way was gone under your scrutinizing stare, and you could hear it in the slight quiver of his voice. Because Eddie Munson wasn’t trying to dirty talk you. No, Eddie Munson was trying to seek your desire to want him around. 
And you gave it to him. “Yeah.” Free of any sexual suggestion, because Eddie knew you saw through his assertive facade, piercing at his vulnerability and choosing to accept it through the deep breath of relief of his nose. 
With his tongue swiping at the surrounding areas of his lips, you assisted his clean-up, thumbing at the gleam that coated his chin, subsequently letting the burden of his heavy head fall into your gentle hands. “Y’know, I see you a lot at parties- like, more than just us doing deals, I see you.” He cleared his throat. “And I’ve had this thing. This, uh, really big thing for you for a long time now, Y/N. A-And I know it’s your friends dragging you to these parties, but, I dunno, when I see you you just look so… meek, I guess, but like in a good way. Like, this whole elegance you got to you.”
Both you and Eddie stumbled into soft giggles at his boyish articulation, trying to grasp the concept of feelings from a man who’s never been graced with the excitement of committed reciprocation. But there was one thing for certain, Eddie Munson was damn sure trying this time. “Wouldn’t necessarily call myself elegant.” You chuckled. 
“No, but you are.” He earnestly protested. “Y’know, you show up, not even wanting to, not saying a word, just keeping to yourself, and everyone just looks at you- notices you.” 
In a town of Stacy Withers, Chrissy Cunninghams, Lucy Colemans, and Courtney Kellers, that felt like a big, fat lie smeared in your face. You brushed the stinging sentiment with quiet laughters of pain. “No one notices me, Eddie-”
“I notice you, Y/N.” He urged you to see, hands molding onto your body for fear of you not seeing what he gets to so lovingly see. His lips landed upon your cheek, brush-like strokes, dragging his affection to the canvas of your face, before a devout kiss seared your mouth to his. The swelling muscles of his arms squeezed to tighten around your back, savoring your being, and exploding when your sweater-clad arms mimicked his fervor around his neck, experiencing first-hand what was Eddie Munson’s first requited love. “Just to be here,” his lips spoke against yours, pausing to kiss away the ache that fell constant when your tongue wasn’t dancing upon his, “playing with you,” your mouths clicked with the slobber of his spit, ridden with the tart honey of your pussy juices, the same ones beginning to sog the stitching of his jeans, “just cracking that armor you got on, it’s heaven on Earth for me.” Your lips strung apart, as your thumbs soothed over his chasing movements, caressing the beating pulse point of his neck. But where you smiled, Eddie continued to try to kiss your upturn beam. “You’re not kissing me, why aren’t you kissing me?” He whined, trying to pull a pucker out of you. “Just smiling, aren’t you?”
You nodded. “Yeah,” giggling against his hungry lips. 
“As pretty as you are smiling, I need you kissing me, baby.” Eddie playfully admonished with a hefty squeeze to your hip in a puerile way of presenting his frustration. 
“It’s just,” late nights of perfecting the solos of various guitar sequences allowed your fingertips to skim over the delicate purpling of his under eyes, “I don’t know, Eddie, the night has just been really shitty, and you’ve somehow managed to make it a lot better.”
“Probably because I gave you one hell of an orgasm.” This time you’ll allow his refusal to accept the complimenting sincerity of your words, masking the mush of giddiness inside him with a comment of sex, because at least this one made you laugh in his hold. 
“And other things, Eddie.” But there you were to peel that mask away, and dump your kindness of wanting him all over his walls. “You gave me other things.”
A building appreciation for yourself. 
The cynicism of his eyes jumped hurdles to search for any fibbery he may have found himself trapped into, but you were so warm. To the touch, your skin sent his hands aflame with sparks of desire from the true benignity of your being. Warm eyes, warm lips, warm heart, working to secure a blanket of security over his shoulders from the sheets of coldness both of you have been offered by those who cared too little for your wellbeing. “Y/N, I need to tell you something.” His mouth moved without thought, as his body grew sore of ignoring the very thing it wanted: you. “Look, I’m just gonna jump right in, and say it, I want you to be mine- I want to be your boyfriend.” His eyes bounced around the brightening features of your face, creasing with lines to make room for the smile that enamored his chest. “But first I gotta prove to you.”
“Prove to me?” You gently prodded, mind working overtime to control your hands from balling the fabric of his shirt from uncontained excitement. 
“See, I kinda just got this thing in my head, y’know, that I gotta prove my worth to you-”
“No, I know it sounds bad, but really, it’ll just be for my own peace of mind.” He assured you with the earnestness of his voice soothing the concern you were about to tackle to confirm Eddie Munson was, in fact, enough. “I know it might not be the biggest deal to you, but I just wanna be able to take care of you- like, please you. Make sure I can make you cum.” He whispered into your face. 
You wondered where he was for the last five minutes, somehow forgetting the euphoria he had just pulled from you with the sole use of his tongue. “Didn’t- I’m sorry, I don’t mean to laugh, but didn’t you already… just do that?” 
“I mean make you cum l-like couples do.” He bashfully iterated, eyes falling down, as if he hadn’t spoken the dirtiest things to you before. Though, perhaps, the beginning stages of what would blossom into a loving relationship had the boy suddenly at the age of fourteen, wondering when that momentous occasion of a first girlfriend would come. Having sex a year later surely doubled the probability, though Nicole Summers wasn’t exactly one that stuck around to find out. “Won’t exactly feel too great if the only way I can get my girlfriend off is by one single way. Let me prove to you that I can be good for you.”  
“Quite presumptuous of you to believe I would even say yes to you asking me out.” You’d a hundred percent say yes. 
Eddie smiled, before the strength of a sole arm entrapped you soundly against his chest, as his torso dropped forward to lay back against the plushness of your bed. Before a sharp moan could elicit the concern of your parents, Eddie brought forth his mouth to yours, once his bulge caught a steady rhythm against your buzzing clit. “Don’t think,” his hot breath concocted with yours in the heated makeout, “I got to see your tits.” Too neglected for your liking, your sweater found itself bunched under your chin, under glowing lamp lights that shadowed your peaked nipples. “Fuck me, pretty girl, just too,” a kiss to your valley, “ fucking,” a kiss to your breast, “perfect.” Eddie Munson swallowed your pert bud whole. 
“Mm, that’s so nice.” You quietly mewled, with polished fingernails delicately weaving through the tousled curls of his head, sweaty and dampened from a whirlwind of nightly activities. 
His hands groped at the fat, squeezing them together to tongue at your nipples, harsh flicks that had you arching into his face. “Just too fucking beautiful for this world.” He nuzzled into your chest, his nose flaring hard to inhale the sweet scent of your perfume, crisp and clean just for him to lose himself in. 
“Are you going to fuck me now?” A guttural groan burrowed its way out of Eddie’s throat, crawling forward to shove kisses along your cheek that had your head pressing into the softness of your pillow.
“Not gonna worry about your folks?” When the Indianapolis Colts saw a hopeless comeback of being seven to twenty-seven against the Dallas Cowboys, your father knew to save him the anger of witnessing another pass interference with a click of a button that blackened the screen; a definitive call for the night. The heavy steps of your father’s movements followed along the stairs, wood creaking with the shift of his weight to bring him amongst the bedroom doors of the second floor. One look at your door. As every night would go, a quick knock at your door would allow your father entry into your room, hopefully catching you in that green gunk of a facemask you’d like to smear on your face, to provide your father the perfect joke to hear that loving, “dad, stop!” But given the crotchety tone of your previous engagement, your father guessed he’d follow the the statement if his gifted ‘#1 DAD’ mug, and leave you for the night. Embarrassing you will have to wait for Saturday morning’s event. And off to bed he went. 
You hadn’t even realized your luck, allowing Eddie Munson to bruise your neck, oblivious to the predicament you slid by. “We can be quiet.” You pleaded, running your legs along his to feel the scratch of his itchy jeans, desperate to receive any and all sensations against your exfoliated skin. 
“Open your legs for me more.” Your thighs pried open to his body, sanctioning him the authority to squeeze all he could to bring lines of tingles to your core. “Good girl, feels so fucking good to finally be touching you. Your plug in good?” Sitting snug between your cheeks, where a sticky stream of your cream pooled down your ass, bringing an extra shine to the gem of your plug. 
“Mhm, feels nice.” You dug into the sheets of your bed, hips pivoting forward to the chase of Eddie’s thumb massaging into the dough of your inner thighs, hoping they’d make their move to examine your pussy with the prying of his curious fingers. 
“Just wanna make sure you’re comfortable ‘s all.” He mumbled. A hand invading the crease of your thigh and hip had him softly chuckling to himself; quiet guffaws of disbelief to the radiating fever warmth that was congenial from the suffocation of your meaty thighs.
Your bitten lips twisted into a pout. “Why are you laughing at me?” 
“Not laughin’ at you, baby.” He laughed. Eyeroll. “Just love that pussy heat, y’know?” Eddie callowly smiled, bringing forth a burn to your cheeks, as your watched wrinkles of titillation annex his face from the sheer look of your natural body. “I dunno, guess it kinda makes my head a little bigger knowing she’s waiting for me.” He became delirious on the hypnotics of your moving hips. “Fuck, want me to touch you, pretty girl?”
You were falling desperate under his command. Your nails dug their crescent shapes into his hand, skin flooding with the pumping veins from the stinging rush, an urgent call to have him finally give in. “Please, Eddie, been waiting too long.”
“Ah-ah, have some fucking manners first, not gonna get it that easily without asking nicely.” He tortuously tantalized with the coming of his hand beginning to lightly rake the wisps of your manicured pubes. A whine of despair was all he was met with, nothing but your hips attempting to gyrate his hand to your needy clit. “C’mon, don’t get all greedy on me, baby, remember this is about you, you’ll get it all eventually. Just need you to feel everything as much as possible. Let me just rub the outside; up and down.” The weight of his fingers interfered with the glue of your slick, now pulling at your pussy lips to showcase the rawness of your cunt, strung by webs of your syrup that had him itching to shove his tongue in once more. “And maybe, I’ll just take my finger,” his pointer, pushed out ever so lightly to tickle the wet skin below your pussy, before the rigid callouses dragged up to spark the nerves of your puffy labia, catching a rub to your erecting clit, “and touch you whenever I feel like it.”
Your breath became caught in strings of gasps. “Eds.” Purring with delight at the tease of his finger brushing at your impulses of sensation. “Please, please, can I have you?”
“Just wanted to see that sexy fucking smile you do when you get all excited.” Eddie admired, reveling in the twinkle that bedecked your face to light up from the touch of his fingers. “You are so fucking hot, man.” Mumbling to himself, his head refuting the belief of this being reality. But your body moved with the liveliness of feelings, your voice rang with melodies of harmony, and your smell infused his skin with the sweetness of sugar and oils; no matter how hard Eddie Munson’s eyes welded shut with dubiety, there was no dying the realness of a woman before him. “Wanna play a little game with you, baby.” 
“A game?” Your voice softly upped in review of him, as he climbed over with a heavy hand turned soft to pet your head with loving strokes that matched the brief attachment of his lips to yours. 
“Yeah, just a little one, nothing to worry about, just love seeing your face n’ everything.” He vaguely detailed, letting your mind lose itself to the softness of his peppered kisses. “First, you gotta any names you wanna call me: master, sir, daddy?” 
Eddie watched your eyes shy away from his brashness, adorably being unable to endure the heat of his words. “Um,” your teeth pinched into your lips, “I-I think sir’s kinda nice.” You timidly admitted, only ever divulged by the encouragement of Eddie’s affection. 
And he smiled against your lips, dragging his devotion to your cheek, temple, and forehead. “I think it’s kinda nice, too.” From you? Anything would have his body stirring. Eddie abruptly sat up from your body, his mangled hair briefly frizzing from the overhead reach of his shirt, that left his torso blank of any band tee he’d previously adorned. His abdomen came to light as a soft tummy lined with the harsh crevices of flexed muscles in a strive to show off a physique he thought would look best for you. But your warmhearted hand relaxed the strain of his stomach with a single stroke to his naval, sending shockwaves with every graze against his happy trail. 
In the midst of pulling away the worn leather belt from the clinking metal buckle, your words swiftly halted his movements. “You’re very pretty, Eddie.” 
His head bowed, soft laughter coming through the nostrils of his nose, as he shook his head with a smile that adamantly won over his face, despite a hefty attempt of biting his lip to keep it down. “Feel like I should be the one telling you that, look at you.”
“Would it be so wrong for you to hear the truth, too?” A smile so pure, it shot straight to his heart, causing a speed bump to the rhythmic beating of his chest. 
His cheeks darkened with vulnerability. “I- yeah, you’re really about to fucking get it…” both of your soft laughter mingled into the air, as he tugged the length of leather from his belt loops, “…and thank you.” His lips pressed to your inner knee, whilst undoing his pants. But then, he paused. Eddie Munson had not even the slightest idea of how easily you were able to undress before him. Perhaps, it simply fell down to the principle of the matter that Eddie Munson was already head over heels crazy about you before you ever spoke to him. He’d like to thank Chrissy Cunningham- or, actually, whatever stress it was she was enduring for being the sole reason why she went seeking him that fateful Friday afternoon. Now, he understands the grossness of that sentiment, but, truthfully, as an aspiring entrepreneur, the problems of your clientele surely become the profit of your business. And while he wasn’t exactly looking to better this capitalist venture, it did, in fact, lead him to you. Standing in the back, watching reddening leaves fall to the ground, under the guise of being your friend’s lookout. C’mon, that rotting bench hadn’t seen company for years, Chrissy Cunningham was merely weary of his presence and needed backup. But gladly so, as for once, someone’s uncalled for judgment allowed him the privilege of staring at their pretty friend. So excuse him for suddenly falling insecure about the look of his body. You were quite literally everything to Eddie Munson. Would he be for yo-
“It’s okay.” What? “I want to see you, Eddie.” You smiled so perfectly. 
Without notice, stirs of anxiety turned into fluttering butterflies in his belly. And Eddie Munson smiled back. Following the squeaks of your bed, he headed off, taking a hold of what was his pants and boxers into a tight grip, and finding the confidence to rid himself of any further clothing. Springing from confinement, seven inches of weight bobbed against his naval with a smack, as you relished in the sight of his cock with bulging veins that strained to pump blood to his scarlet, mushroom tip. Any concerns about the appearance of his area abruptly left his rampant mind, after witnessing the dragging pull of your plump lips opening for your mouth to widen in awe. Your thighs rubbing in heat, a desperate attempt to satiate that rubescent, needy clit that thudded with tingles from the mere sight of him naked. 
Yeah, nothing to worry about- in fact, quite a large inflation to his ego. “Decent enough, huh?” His lips twisted with a sneer. 
A deprived “mhm” moaned its way out of you. 
Rushing to place himself between the warmth of your legs, Eddie positioned his cock to sit heavy against your tummy. His large balls of cum became immersed with the slick of your pussy, as his velvet skin rubbed against your drenched folds to fully show you the length of his member; nudging it to your belly button, whilst the chaos of his pubic hairs titillated your thighs. “This game, baby, the only thing with it is that you can only cum when I tell you.” His eyes kept a close watch of your rippling stomach with every smack of his cock he caused. “You understand?”
“Yes, I understand.” You sighed, becoming antsy with the tickle on your abdomen from the sheer weight of his dick. 
“That’s the right fucking answer,” he darkly chuckled, “just gonna start playing with you, pretty girl.” His hand directed the fat tip of his cock to butt at your clit, forcing your hips to jolt awake with the electricity of pressure against your sensitive nub. “Just like that, you fucking like that, don’t you?”
“M-More, please.” You clawed at your bed sheets, stressing the material with every rub of his length against your cunt. 
“Nah, baby, gonna treasure this, take it nice and slow.” He agonized, sucking in breaths with every tense of his balls, as you brought pulsating tingles to his body by doing nothing, but laying pretty. “Fuck, you really do something to me, whatever you got going on is doing a fucking number on me, sweetheart.” Saying all the right things to you, his words shot straight to your pussy, making it impossible to hold back your soft moans. “Honestly, baby, not really one to talk about my feelings, I guess, but you- everytime I come by knockin’ on your door, I just get these nerves n’ shit. Gotta talk to myself, too,” he husky laughter pierced so sexily, “honestly, like ‘damn, gotta pull yourself together, can’t let her pretty ass see you like this.’” Eddie’s cock dragged through your folds, separating strings of wetness to marinate on your raw cunt. “And I just wanted to kiss you for the longest, wanted to be right here playing with this fucking pussy.”
“I want you, fuck.” You heaved, hips chasing an itch he refused to have you revel in. “Always want you, Eddie.” 
His cock spurred excitedly. “Shit, sweetheart, can’t say things like that to me, fuck.” Eddie’s tip ran through your slit, the swollen head now prodding at your hole, just a first glimpse of the stretch you were about to endure. “God, just having me lay here with you, seeing you, hearing you, touching you, it’s the greatest thing ever. Does that feel good baby? Like me teasin’ you?”
“Yes, sir, please, Eddie.” You hummed, trailing a high that was building too slowly for your liking. “Want more.”
“Mm, really like hearing you say that, love your pretty, little voice.” Eddie’s free hand dropped by your head, supporting his weight to hover over you, letting his unruly hair cascade a waterfall around you. “As a matter of fact, you should speak up. Tell me you wanna be a good girl for me.” So close, his cock was barely grazing the entrance of your cunt, all before tortuously leaving your warmth to dissipate that spark in your body. And up above, Eddie was enjoying the show of your contorting face of frustration. “C’mon, you can say it.”
“I wanna be your good girl, sir.” You pleaded, taking a grasp around his supporting wrist to help find your rhythm against his teasing dick. “I promise, I’m your good girl, just let me have it.”
“Yeah, you wanna be my good girl.” He mocked, aligning his slick head of precum and your arousal to your clenching hole that oozed more wetness. “Here’s the thing, you’re already mine, so who am I to deny you- mm, fuck!”
Falling chest to chest, your nails clawed up his back at the burning sensation of his girth breaching your seizing walls. Eddie’s forehead dropped to yours, as the mixture of both your hot breath confined what little space was left between your gaping lips. “Slow, slow!” You urged him, as his bangs crumpled against your head with a fervent nod to listen to your pleads. Every clasp of your cunt had him harshly breathing through his nose, fighting the onslaught of sensations that were subsequently bringing him closer to the edge far faster than anticipated. “Uh! Fuck, you’re so big!” Inch by inch, your body was giving way to the pleasure of his deliberate intrusion, welcoming him in with a warm hug from your cunt. 
Nearly lacerated by his nails, Eddie hoped the balling of his fist would defuse the overwhelming feelings churning in his chest, but suddenly being submerged balls deep into your body had his mouth spewing with all he felt for you. “Fuck, you really don’t understand what you do to me.” He whined against your face. “First time I saw you, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I don’t really get in situations like these often- hell, fucking ever, but you! I just had to do whatever I could to get you. Honestly, it kinda pissed me off.” Eddie breathlessly chuckled against your lips, driving his greedy hips to drag his cock along your walls. “Holy s-shit, fuck, how the hell was I letting some girl have this affect on me. But you’re not just some girl, Y/N. God, mm, you’re fucking everything.” 
Leave it to Eddie Munson to confess his feelings from the tightness of your pussy. 
“Eddie!” His cock found no trouble in abusing that spot within you that had your legs occupying his waist like a lifeline, toes curling from the rapture that trembled your legs. Your hands forced his head to your lips, swallowing each other's moans to consume the desperation of night. Where spit messily slicked your lips, a ring of cream surrounded Eddie’s cock that smear the wetness against your pussy. 
“Fuck, just wanna do everything for you.” His lips dragged against yours, bodies bumping with every pound of skin slapping Eddie caused with his dick. “Got your holes all plugged up, nasty, little fucking thing.” Pursuing that desperate high, your pelvis began meeting his with an impassioned gyrate; the swollen head of his cock bruising your g-spot, all whilst the tickle of his pubes itched at your inflamed clit. “You wanna come, baby- fuck, I know you do!” His stomach clenched with every squelch your pussy created under the squeezing hold of his dick’s continuous reentry. 
Licking and rubbing your cunt to a tender mess of cum and slick had your second orgasm of the night pummeling quickly under Eddie’s intrusive cock, and you were pleading to see white stars from the fucking of his body to yours. “Yes, please, please, sir! Fuck, you’re gonna make me cum, you’re gonna- mm!” 
Sweat coated your rubbing bodies together, where you nipples abraded against his to have you wailing with all sensations, yanking that orgasmic string within you. “Squeezing down on my fucking cock, yeah, baby, you can cum, but not until I say so.”
Eddie Munson was torturing himself when his body stilled inside you, but seeing your desperate face twist into a crying mess was far better than dumping inside you within the first five minutes. “No, no, sir, please!” Your hips attempted to fuck themselves deeper onto his cock, but Eddie’s harsh hand imprinted itself to the fat of your curves, holding your down from any endeavors to cumming. 
“Hey, hey, listen, listen, sweetheart.” He took a hold of your jaw, forcing your eyes upon his. “Remember, you’re my good girl; gotta be good for me.” All along this is what Eddie wanted, turning your mind into deprived mush to cloud those overcrowding thoughts that hurt your little head. And he watched it transpire before him, seeing you desperately nod to his words, completely at his mercy with full trust to care for you. “I know I’m being mean, baby, but you gotta believe me when I say this will feel so good.” His puffing breath fanned your face. “I’m so proud of you, so proud of you getting all that shit off your chest, so proud of you letting me play with your holes, being this perfect, dirty girl for me. Now, I want you to come, okay, just gonna play with your pussy-”
“Ah, fuck!” Your body jolted under the tight, circling rubs of his rough fingers against your clit. 
“Sh, sh, don’t want your folks disturbing us, baby.” His devilish sneer taunted your face. “Just tell me you wanna come, okay? Say it.”
Your lips incoherently spewed out. “Iwannacomesir-” 
“Slower, pretty girl, slower.” Eddie demanded, with each pinch to your buzzing pearl fueling that plucking string of hot cum inside you to burst. 
“I want to cum, sir.” Your trembling hands secured his hot cheeks to bring him forth, as your lips whispered against his with tiny kisses. “I… want to… cum, sir.”
Eddie smiled against your lips, before planting a fat sucker on them. “Good, now shut the fuck up, and you better listen to me.” With your heads bound closely, all of the world became lost in the homey environment within Eddie’s curtain of hair. Where his two-in-one shampoo clashed with your coconut hair mask, and the smell of sex fermented the humid air of hot breath, Eddie began hammering his cock into your sopping pussy, with spurts of wetness jumping to souse your connecting bodies. “You are so fucking gorgeous.” He huffed. “Anyone can see that plain as day- so fucking incredible. You deserve the fucking world, deserve to be taken care of, and I swear, baby, I swear on my life to be that man.” Eddie moaned into your ear, his wet lips exciting every nerve in your body with hot whispers, that had you mutilating his skin with streaks of unbearable red. “Just feel me playing with you, pleasing you, only you, pretty girl- f-fuck! Tell me I’m yours, fucking tell me.” 
Your legs tightened around his backside, driving the heels of your feet to the tiny plush of his ass, forcing him deeper into your cunt. With your hands caressing the beauty of his face, you managed to find the strength to open your screwed shut eyes, and meet the round ones that were pouring desperation into yours. “You’re mine, Eddie.” Spoken so delicately from the hoarseness of your throat, whilst the filthiest actions were occurring to your body. “You’re all mine, Eddie. No one else. Just you.” Sealing it with a searing kiss that had him sobbing groans onto your tongue, in a heated mix with your whines. 
“When I tell you, cum for me, okay, baby? Ten.” His heavy hand forced a grip to your leg, hiking them higher for an angle unbeknownst to you, leaving you to squeal into the crevice of his neck. “Nine… eight… seven, love how fucking greedy your body is, almost there, my pretty girl.” Eddie’s balls were seizing with twitches, as his engorged cock was building up a hot load that was on the precipice of flooding you. “ Six, look right at me, five… four, wanna see your pretty face when you finish.” Too much pressure was mounting on your cervix, as your body began losing itself to the thrills of an impending orgasm. “Three… two, tell me you wanna cum.”
“I wanna cum!”
“I wanna cum on your cock!” Singing it to his ears with cries of harmony had his body cramping with pleasure. 
“One, fucking do it, cum for me!” Your back arched with the snap of your orgasm, a scorching gush of creamy white invading his cock with unfathomable squeezes and squelches. “Fuck, fuck, fuck… f-fuckkkk!” A hose of his sizzling seed fucked itself into you with stuttering hips that had you wailing into his buff shoulder, nails bloodying his alabaster skin with reds of passion, as your bodies convulsed in the aftershocks of pure hedonism. “T-There you go, fucking ride it out, sweetheart, ride it out with me.” His muscles flexed under the intense explosion of his bust; beads of musky sweat falling down the length of his body to infuse the creamy cum that matted his pubic hair. “God, you’re so fucking sexy, so fucking beautiful.” 
“Auugh!” Your fogged mind whined in the lost stars of white that flashed your vision. 
“It’s okay, my baby, just relax, you’re alright.” Eddie brought you back to reality, peppering kisses of adoration along your perspired skin, cementing every word he ever uttered to you in the heat of the moment. A brief cry of discomfort from his cock pulling out had him comforting your body with gentle caresses, all while witnessing the artistry that was a pearly concoction of both your hot cum painting the pink jewel of your butt plug with a filthy iridescent. “Fuck, you really are fucking mine, Y/N.”
Your soft voice ripped through the sounds of heavy breaths, as your body felt like waves of crashing water under his touch. “Yeah.”
You weakly laughed. “Yeah, you can definitely be my boyfriend.” As if that was ever a question.  Your gentle mewls echoed into his ears, as his thick fingers made the move to smoothly twist out your butt plug from your needy hole, that felt the need to keep its clamping clutch onto it. Eddie swore under his breath, falling in love with the winking gape of your asshole. While a clean-up was surely at hand, your beckoning voice had him dropping your toy to lay by your side. His lips found solace in the company of your own, as he brought your sticky being of sweat and cum close, snug under the protective arms of his body. “Yeah, I’m your boyfriend, and you’re my girlfriend.” Eddie Munson’s lips upturned to a damning smile that had you clinging to his closeness for the rest of the night.
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knightjpg · 13 days
fluffy comfort ghost/reader drabble 🌙
“Oh, honey. I thought you'd be asleep by now.”
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You close the door to the bedroom behind you with a small smile. Simon puts down his trashy horror paperback and pushes his reading glasses on top of his head. 
Kettlebell has jumped off the bed to rub against your legs, and you bend down to scratch him under his chin. Mim just sleepily lifts his head to chirp hello and then goes right back to sleep at Simon's side. 
“Wanted t’make sure y’got home safe,” Simon says. “How'd it go?” 
“Good, I think.” You start unbuttoning your work blouse. “The coordinators didn't make as much of a mess as last year, so check-in only lasted an hour.” 
Simon snorts. “Knobheads.” 
You hum in agreement. Your blouse and sweater are tossed onto the big clothes chair, and you bend down to roll off your pants. “But the turnout was good. More people than we thought there'd be... Which was great but also not, because, you know. More people I can disappoint.” 
When you straighten and look over your shoulder Simon's eyes are laser-focused on your ass. “Could never disappoint.” 
Kettlebell hops back on the bed and gives an impatient little “mrrp!”. You laugh and quickly pull one of Simon's shirts over your head, then crawl in bed. Kettlebell's purring motor starts up immediately and he tries to make biscuits on your legs while you're still moving bedding and pillows to get comfy. 
“Mm. Are you trying to sweet-talk me?” 
One corner of Simon's mouth lifts. “S’it workin'?” He turns on his side and holds his arms open for you, making grabby hands. “C’mere.” 
You make an apologetic face. “Oh, baby, I'm freezing. Like actually. I waited for the bus for twenty minutes in the cold—give me a minute to warm up first.” 
Simon frowns, taking one of your hands in his. “Bloody—why didn't you coll me? Hm? I woulda come picked you up.” 
You shiver. Simon is a furnace, and the warmth from his hand alone makes goosebumps prick along the skin of your arm. “No, it's okay. It would've taken the same amount of time for you to get there.” 
Simon leans in for a kiss. His lips are warm and soft, and you shiver again when you press your nose against his cheek.   
“Don't want my girl t’be cold,” he murmurs. “Now get in here ‘fore I drag you.” 
“Are you sure? I don't want to be—” 
Before you can finish your sentence Simon grabs you by the shoulders and hauls you closer. Kettlebell sniffs grumpily when his biscuit factory suddenly turns into a boat at sea during a storm, and he hops from the bedding to the pillows to make a nest in your hair. 
Simon tenses for a second when he puts your hands against his chest, but otherwise shows no signs of the discomfort you know he must be feeling. “See? Not so bad.” 
“Liar.” You put your toes against his shins, and Simon hisses. You chuckle, nuzzling closer into his neck. “I love you.” 
Simon reaches behind him to dim his nightstand light, and Kettlebell's purr slowly starts up again. Cuddled up this close you can feel the rumble of it buzz against your skull in that pleasant white noise way. Like listening to the ocean, or to a bonfire. Comforting. 
You feel a pair of lips press softly against your forehead. “Get your sleep, lovie. Tell me everythin’ about th’conference tomorrow, yeah?” 
“Mhm.” You snuggle a little closer, eyes slowly drooping shut. The cold and the tension are slowly melting away, and with Simon's smell enveloping you completely you finally get to turn off your brain and relax. Today is done. Tomorrow you can start thinking again. 
“Love you too,” a voice says softly in your ear while you fall asleep. 
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linghxr · 3 months
My least favorite Chinese character: 着 (著)
My least favorite Chinese character is 着 (著) because its many pronunciations are always tripping me up 😭
【1】 着(著)zhe - aspect particle indicating action in progress or ongoing state
【2】 着(著)zháo - to touch / to come in contact with / to feel / to be affected by / to catch fire / to burn / (coll.) to fall asleep / (after a verb) hitting the mark / succeeding in
【3】 着(著)zhuó - to wear (clothes) / to contact / to use / to apply
【4】 着(著)zhāo - (chess) move / trick / all right! / (dialect) to add
If you're learning traditional characters, you’ve got a 5th pronunciation to contend with.
【5】 著 zhù - to make known / to show / to prove / to write / book / outstanding
Some words have multiple pronunciations for different varieties or standard vs. colloquial speech. I'm always second guessing myself with these words.
着想(著想)zhuóxiǎng or zháoxiǎng - to give thought (to others) / to consider (other people's needs)
着落(著落)zhuóluò or zháoluò - whereabouts / place to settle / reliable source (of funds etc) / (of responsibility for a matter) to rest with sb / settlement / solution
着急(著急)zháojí or zhāojí - to worry; to feel anxious / to feel a sense of urgency; to be in a hurry
着凉(著涼)zháoliáng or zhāoliáng - to catch cold
怎么着(怎麼著)zěnmezhāo or zěnmezhe - what? / how? / how about? / whatever
Zháo vs. zhuó is quite tricky for me. When I see a brand new word, I will usually guess zhuó but am not very confident.
That being said, the worst offender IMO is 穿着 (穿著). Is it chuānzhe (wearing) or chuānzhuó (attire)? This one has tripped me up so many times.
他穿着一身黑衣。 -> chuānzhe
对我来说,穿着打扮很重要。 -> chuānzhuó
Usually I can figure it out from context, but if I'm confused about other parts of the sentence, I struggle with the pronunciation.
I'm not fully grasping the meaning of 小气 here, so I'm not sure if 穿着 is chuānzhe or chuānzhuó 🥲 Honestly I would have guessed the first one is chuānzhe and the second is chuānzhuó, but I feel like that doesn't make any sense 🆘
Definitions are adapted from MDBG.
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delfiore · 1 year
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pairing: ona batlle x fem!reader
synopsis: you and ona become much closer, but in the wrong way; an offer on the horizon threatens to tear you apart.
word count: 3.7k
warnings: description of collision in football
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Sports Illustrated: USWNT International Y/N Y/L/N Scores in First Game Back From Injury “Y/N Y/L/N will not stop scoring. The Man City star returns to action with a stunning header in a home game against Everton since picking up an injury this summer in the CONCACAF final against Canada. Though the U.S. emerged victorious thanks to Alex Morgan’s penalty kick, Y/L/N was forced off in the 68th minute with a torn hamstring. She was expected to be sidelined for 3 months. […]”
You skimmed through the article, waiting for your coffee to brew. It has been an arduous few months as you focused on rehabilitation. You were supposed to be match-fit at the start of the season, but the physios determined you needed at least a few more weeks before you could play. Your thigh still felt a bit tight every time you stretched them. Nonetheless, you were back to playing, that was all that mattered.
It was early November, and the winds were picking up in Manchester, and yet you were warm.
“Morning,” you said, smiling at the figure waddling into the living room.
Bratwurst was wagging his tail by her side, no doubt looking for more food as if you hadn’t fed him half an hour ago.
“Good morning,” Ona said, rubbing her eyes.
“Coffee?” You nodded towards the machine.
“No, I have to get to training. Thanks, though.”
“In my shirt?” You smirked at looked down at her top. Sure enough, it was the old T-shirt you lent her after you were done last night.
“Hah hah.” She mocked you, but then took off the shirt, leaving her top half completely bare, and threw it at your face. “Obviously not.”
You let your eyes travel freely, as she went back into your room and returned wearing the clothes she came in last night.
“Looks like you’re back to being your insufferable self.” She walked to where you sat, putting on her necklace. “Can’t even go on social media without seeing people praising your goal.”
“All in a day’s work,” you said, grinning.
Ona rolled her eyes and put on her shoes. “I’m glad you’re back, but I won’t go easy on you.”
You stood up and pecked her lips.
“I never asked you to,” you leaned closer, ducking your face into her neck. “Maybe when we’re alone.”
She snickered quietly and patted your cheek. “Try not to miss me too much. Bye-bye, Bratwurst.”
The pup sat by the door as he watched her close it behind her. Ever since she started spending time at your apartment, it felt like he liked her more, always following her around and snuggling with her as she gave him pets.
Ona had been coming over since the kiss at the end of last season with the premise of meaningless sex. You both had an arrangement, and you were committed to keeping to it. You were surprised when she suggested it, thinking her not to be the type, but Ona continues to surprise you.
You had only meant to meet up over dinner to talk about what happened, but the night ended with her hands tangled in your hair and your legs tangled in her sheets. The ups and downs these past few months never deterred you from seeing each other. In fact, Spain losing out in the Euros prompted her to come over and forget about it for a night. In a way, you both had each other.
Your teammates at Man City were especially amused whenever you’d forget to cover up and come to practice with marks on your neck.
“Who’s the unlucky gal this time, Y/N?”
“Have you been busy while you were injured?”
Every time, you would just shake your head with a grin because you’d never kiss and tell. Also, because Leila and Laia would flip out if they knew you’d been screwing their teammate on the national team.
Your arrangement worked for a while, both of you still too young and too committed to football to think about anything else. While a lot of your colleagues would disagree, it was the excuse you told yourself to fully admit that what you felt for Ona was beyond just carnal desires.
You were treading on dangerous waters, your feelings bubbling to the surface every time you saw the girl. It was much more challenging to keep them under wraps, especially when you had to play against her every couple of months. From what people knew about you two, you were rivals, and that was your relationship. Rumors of a romance surfaced too, amongst younger fans, but it was the result of baseless shipping. If only they knew.
Ona wasn’t an incredibly affectionate person, not by a mile. The only times you would catch her lowering her guard by the tiniest of margins were when she was tired, maybe then she’d let you cuddle her after sex. But you remembered when Spain was knocked out of the Euros way too soon, and she was crying on the phone to you. You had just won the CONCACAF with the US across the Atlantic, and yet all you wanted was to hold her.
And so that was what you did. Two days later, after you were dismissed from your international duties, you flew back to Manchester and waited for her. Ona liked to be the little spoon whenever she was sad, and you were very happy to oblige. If she was feeling generous, she would even thank you for it. As much as you wanted to, you never teased her about it, because you knew what you had was fragile, and a slight mention of it could topple everything to the ground.
That was how it was with your Spanish beauty.
“Wooooooow . . . You’ve got a handful,” said your teammate, Chloe, as she stood in your kitchen, eating your chips.
“Yup,” you pressed your lips thinly, grabbing some seasoning from the cupboard. “That’s my life right now.”
You proceeded to tell Chloe everything one day, omitting a few saucy details, of course.
“Have you tried talking to her about it?”
“That’s the thing, though. There’s nothing to talk about. I can’t just walk up to her and demand something that wasn’t part of the arrangement to begin with.”
“I know, but it’s clearly affecting you. You like her, don’t you?”
“No.” A few seconds of silence followed, and Chloe was looking at you with a glare. “Okay, I think she’s cute, like, really cute.”
“I think you should talk to her, Y/N,” Chloe said. “Worst case scenario, you lot stop whatever you’re doing with each other behind all of our backs. Best case scenario, you date her.”
You smirked, but nothing no usual quippy or smug remark came out. “I should try,” you spoke quietly.
Chloe nodded expectantly and continued eating her chips, now. “I can’t believe it. You tricked all of us! It was Batlle all this time!”
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“I didn’t think you’d come tonight,” you whispered quietly into the room, sitting by the edge of your bed.
Ona was under the covers, on her phone. “Why? ‘Cause we played against each other?”
You nodded bashfully.
“I’m here, aren’t I?” she set her phone down. “Or did you not want me to come?”
“It’s a little too late for that, don’t you think?” You said, gesturing at the clothes strewn on the floor.
You let her study you for a moment, finding the ruffled sheets much more interesting instead.
“What’s wrong?” She said.
“You’re too quiet.” Her voice was low and calming. She reached out and caressed your hand. You wanted to bury your face in her neck and be done with the conversation instead.
“I was just wondering . . . would you like to come over a bit earlier from now on?”
Your question made her look at you with a puzzled expression. “Have I been staying too late?”
“No, no. I mean—you can stay as late as you want, but come a bit earlier. I can cook for us, and then we can just sit and . . . talk.”
You fumbled with your fingers, your eyes drifting up to her, seeing the realization dawn on her. She exhaled. “Okay, that sounds nice . . . but as friends, right?”
“Um . . . no?”
“Y/N,” Ona breathed. Her silence was killing you. Finally, she looked up. “That wasn’t our arrangement, and I’d like for it to stay as we’ve agreed. You’re okay with that, right?”
“Yeah,” you lied, caressing her arm and flashing a smile. “It’s for the best.”
She nodded but watched you closely. “Come here,” she whispered.
You obliged, letting her pull you into her embrace. A searing kiss followed, leaving you to straddle her bare waist.
A short gasp left your lips. “Fuck me, Ona.” You pleaded quietly, hoping she’d fuck you until you forget the conversation ever happened. But you also hoped she’d go slow and make love to you, proving that she’d finally reciprocated your feelings.
You’ve decided that you wanted both. Maybe then, you’d finally get what you wanted.
You didn’t know that Ona was scared to let you in too, so she settled for sleeping with you.
You had been an obsession of hers for three years, a game she played besides having to focus on the actual game she was paid to play. But now, here she was—sleeping with someone who could possibly be her mortal enemy. She didn’t know when, but suddenly, she couldn’t bring herself to see you harmed.
She wanted you, but that was the selfish part of her speaking.
In the morning, you had expected her to be there, but your bedside was empty.
Ona moved through her days like a ghost. She didn’t expect it to be this hard three years ago when she first set foot in Manchester. She didn’t expect a forward to make her life this hard, or that she would fall in love with you. Every minute she spent tangled up in bed with you were minutes where nothing else outside that bedroom mattered, and it scared her.
It scared her that only you could make her feel that way, that something she had spent so hard working towards for herself, you did so easily for her.
She thinks of the nights after the Euros when she practically stayed over all day, and how you took care of her. She thinks of the cheeky winks you would send her way whenever she played against you, and the not-so-innocent brushes that you sneak in whenever she defended you. She think of your face when she shut you down, and how quickly your walls came back up.
She thinks of you the entire time she was on the Zoom call with her agent.
“You need to decide soon, Ona,” her agent had told her. “Barcelona doesn’t wait for anyone.”
It was a no-brainer, but she thinks of you all the time.
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The referee blew the whistle and the 90 minutes were over. You collapsed on your knees as the Etihad erupted into cheers. Man City had reached the semifinals of the Women’s Champions League for the first time ever in the history of the women’s club. You would be playing Wolfsburg next, but you couldn’t care less about that right then. You just wanted to celebrate with your teammates.
You wished that you could celebrate with Ona too.
You sent her a text much later in the night, but she didn’t respond. Thinking it to be too late for her to come over, you went to bed, soaking in your victory.
But then, she didn’t respond the next day, then the day after that. A week later, she still hadn’t responded. Then the first leg of the semifinal came, and City drew 2-2 to Wolfsburg. You had given her space to deal with whatever she didn’t want you to know and knew double-texting made you look desperate, but you have had enough of the silence.
A vote of confidence would have been nice Sent 4:29pm
You weren’t going to put your life on hold for her. You wouldn’t give her that satisfaction.
The week of the return leg, you had almost forgotten all about Ona from the amount of training you were doing.
“Okay, ladies. Gather around,” said Chris, the assistant coach. “This will be our last practice session before the Champions League game. We’re gonna do some passing to start with, then a set-piece practice, and we’ll close off with a 5v5 scrimmage. That sound good?”
You were starting to feel more confident than jittery. Your movements were sure and steady, so were your finishes. Big games never deterred you, but it was the added fact of Ona not responding to your text that caused you to check your phone every time you were able to.
“No phones, Y/N,” Chris said, and raised an eyebrow.
“Sorry, Coach. Just checking news from family,” you lied. He extended his hand anyway, and you begrudgingly handed your phone over.
“I can’t have you distracted, Y/N. The match is tomorrow.”
“I know, I know. I’ve been good, though, haven’t I?” You grinned, taking a swig of water.
Practice ended later than scheduled, but you didn’t mind. You needed the extra preparation, and you were glad to have done that with your teammates. Chris finally gave you your phone back, like a naughty student, and you quickly checked your messages. Still nothing. It wasn’t like this was the biggest game of your life or anything.
Going to the news, flipping through articles upon articles on politics, your eyes landed on one about sports.
The Busby Babe: Ona Batlle Set For Barcelona Return “Manchester United and Spain star right back Ona Batlle is reportedly on the verge of completing a move back to Catalonia, rejoining Barcelona Femeni at the end of her contract with the Red Devils. […]”
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The match of your life started. You were on the left wing as you always were, playing inverted so Laia would be running the flank. You scored one, but Wolfsburg got one back towards the end of the first half.
“Make those runs, ladies. If you see them coming at you, call out to your teammates. Use the third man to break free of the defense.” Gareth pointed at the board, showing hypothetical scenarios that the team could exploit for an opening.
“Hey,” Chloe sat next to you, her forehead glistening. “You alright?”
You uttered a small ‘yeah’ and closed your hand over her sweat-clad one over your knee. You couldn’t be distracted. You owed it to Chloe and everyone else on this team.
You were slamming your fist on the door, but you didn’t care. Your jaw clenched as you swayed on your feet waiting for her to open up.
“What the fuck, Y/N?!”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” You stepped into her apartment.
Her face went pale. “How did you know?”
You let out a laugh. “You’re pathetic. You’re a coward for not even saying a single word.”
The ball was sent over long from deep aiming towards you. You called for Filippa for a one-two, but once you dribbled, you were tackled inside the box. You put your hand up at the referee but huffed in disbelief when she only shook her head and granted a corner.
Slapping your hand on the grass, you sprung up with a grunt. It must have looked like you were throwing a tantrum, but you couldn’t care less, you wanted to win.
“I didn’t know how to tell you.”
“So you were just not gonna say anything at all?! You owe me that much to—”
“I don’t owe you anything, Y/N.” She snapped. She had never snapped at you before, not while off the pitch. “You know what we have is just sex. That’s all we ever had and that’s all we will ever have.”
Tears formed in your eyes. You felt like a kid again, being scolded and taken for granted. “Please, don’t do this.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N, but this isn’t some fantasyland,” Ona said firmly. “I told you what I wanted, and I thought you agreed.”
There was a period of struggle over the ball soon after, mostly in midfield. You were growing increasingly frustrated as passes continued being cut off just before they reached the attacking third.
“Come on, guys! Let’s finish this!” You called out to your teammates in an attempt to hype them up before a throw-in.
Your irritation mounted, but you told yourself to quickly snap out of it. I need to stay calm, my team needs me. It proved quite difficult when Lena Oberdorf slithered up from behind to mark you. She dug an elbow into your back to keep you at bay, and when you moved, she moved. So you pushed back, much harder than you anticipated. It set her off. Good, stay off me.
Soon, you heard the ref’s hurried whistle, as Lena shoved you back. “The fuck are you pushing for?!” Your opponent seethed, getting all up in your face to challenge you.
You were feeling bold, so you smirked at her. “Come closer, see what I’ll do. Or do you just want a piece of this, huh?”
It wasn’t your best quality, you admitted it, but you liked it when you set off an opponent. You didn’t care when Lena was hurling insults at you in German as she was being led away. What mattered was that you had gotten in her head, and it would be much easier to break her defense from now on. The referee blew her whistle again, and a few teammates of yours attempted to separate you from Lena.
“Sei ruhig, Mann. Bleib’ da drüben.” Be quiet, man. Stay over there. Waving at her dismissively, you saw the way her eyes looked like they would pop out of her sockets in fury, knowing she didn’t expect you to know German. You couldn’t help but feel a sick sense of satisfaction.
“Last warning, Y/L/N.” The referee warned before continuing the match.
There would always be one player that completely drove the opposition crazy, and you would gladly be that asshole, so your teammates wouldn’t have to. You wanted to win.
“You kissed me first. I thought . . .”
“Please, don’t make this any harder than it already is,” Ona said quietly.
“I thought we had something, Ona,” you tried to steady your voice. You knew you sounded pathetic, but you never believed Ona could betray you in such a way.
She only pressed her lips thin. “We don’t. The only thing we have is our arrangement and however you feel about me on the pitch.”
Bunny scored in the 75th minute, and that would be the last goal for City in this match. The game went to extra time, and you could feel your teammates getting tired and sloppy in possession. You were tired too, but you wanted to keep fighting, anything to keep the thought of Ona out of your head.
You were so focused on the ball that you didn’t see a defender coming up beside you, her body colliding with yours in an attempt to redirect the ball. You fell to the ground with a thud, the stinging impact beginning to spread across your back. You felt the wind getting knocked out of you, your vision beginning to fade until all you could see were the lights atop the stadium, until those faded too.
The next thing you knew, you were on your side. Then the uncomfortable pain in your gut started to become more apparent, and you felt like you couldn’t breathe anymore. You gasped for air, just as a couple of your teammates knelt beside you.
“Y/N, can you hear me? Medic!” You heard a voice almost like Demi’s call out.
You didn’t know who knocked into you, you didn’t care anymore, because you had the overwhelming urge to throw up whilst still struggling to breathe.
“Can’t . . . breathe,” you wheezed out, tears starting to fill your eyes. You wanted to go home.
One of the medics shone a flashlight in your eyes. “Pupils are PEARL,” she said. “Okay, I need you to try and take deep breaths for me, alright, darling?”
You drew a shaky breath. There was a wheezing noise, in and out. In and out. The more you did, the easier it got. Your head was dizzy when you stood up, just as you heard applause ringing throughout the stadium.
Chloe appeared in front of you and offered her arm while a medic took your other as you walked toward the sideline.
“You’re alright, love,” she flashed you a warm smile and wiped away the stray tear that lingered on your cheek.
It was much too unfortunate, because you still had a lot more to give, but you were done for the night. Gareth knew it too, so he sent Hempo in to take your place.
You finally let the tears fall freely when the final whistle came.
“When do you leave?”
“In two weeks.”
A scornful laugh escaped you that you didn’t even bother to hide. “You didn’t even have the decency to tell me, not as your booty call, but as your friend.”
But you were kidding yourself. You knew Ona and you were never friends, never quite lovers either. Only two people floating around in a sexual limbo who were too scared to admit to themselves what was right in front of them. Now she was leaving, and you would never get the chance.
It didn’t matter anymore, any of it. You had a Champions League semifinal to play.
ESPN: Wolfsburg Grabs Victory in Extra Time to Reach Women’s Champions League Final “[…]”
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a/n: it was so heartwarming to see the support for jenni and the players :’) it’s abt fuckin time man let’s hope this continues until rubiales and vilda’s resignation
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zombiewhor3 · 1 year
fem reader x eddie munson
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WARNINGS: smut. characters are 18+, sneaking around, forbidden dating, angst, fluff,
"fuck just like that eds" she hummed into his ear, she had her back pressed against the wall, his hands holding onto her legs as they wrapped around his back to give her some leverage.
he was thrusting into her so hard that her eyes had almost started to roll back into the inside of her skull, her nails dug into the sides of his shoulder blades only making his breaths grow raspy as she moaned aloud his name.
she wasn't supposed to be fucking her brother's best friend but she didn't have to tell him everything about her life.
Besides what would life be without the pleasure of sneaking around and screwing munson.
The knot in her stomach had came undone, she let her mouth stay open in an 'O' shape so that only a soft moan had slipped out of her.
he shushed her gently as he pulled himself out of her with a groan, he wanted to just go for another round right then and there.
but they had a small party in the basement just below them that was going to start soon and well Gareth was going to be home shortly.
if he didn't get arrested for using his fake ID to buy more beer for the rest of them.
Eddie had cleaned her up and clothed her before getting himself ready, she watched as he ruffled his hair in her bedroom mirror.
his fingers running through his fizzy bangs to make them look less out of place,
"do you really have to go" she whined and could see his smile through the reflection of the mirror, he could also see her pouting a little.
"I'll be back you know that sweetheart" he turned to face her and could see her sitting on her bed with her legs crossed.
"you'd better hide that before Gareth starts asking you questions again" she gestured to the hickey that was on his neck, it was a shade of red and purple, he turned to look in the mirror to pull down his shirt collar a little.
he turned back around to look at her,
"you're so lucky we don't have time for another round because i would so leave you covered"
"and leave me dead because how would i explain to my brother i 'burnt my neck with my straightener' seven times"
he smiled at her sarcastic remark,
"then you just have to get a lot better at makeup, or maybe say you met a vampire, your brothers a geek he'll surely believe it"
she smacked his shoulder playfully,
"now get out before my brother catches you"
"Gareth you said a small party! This is the whole fucking town not to mention our entire high school is here!" She yelled over the music and could see her brother roll his eyes.
"just enjoy it, go have some fun maybe talk to a few new people, make some friends!"
he pushed a beer in his hand before he had disappeared into the crowd.
She hadn't hated parties but she hadn't loved them either, small ones with less than the entire town didn't seem that bad.
the music was loud and half of the people in the room were already tipsy or just flat out drunk.
some couples had gotten a little to touchy to which it made her think of Eddie, besides where the hell was he anyways?
and with the question she could feel a pair of hands start to rub at her shoulders, the silver rings leaving a cool bite on her skin.
she turned to see him standing there shockingly without a beer or a cigarette in his mouth.
he went to kiss her but she put a finger in front of his face, "my brother could be watching" she spoke and could feel his hand on hers.
up the stair case and into her bedroom, without even a hesitation his lips were already pressed against her skin sucking and nipping so he could purposely leave marks on her.
she let out a soft moan as her hand cupped and grabbed at the bulge in his jeans with even just the simple friction of her hand he groaned out to her sending a warm sensation throughout her skin and a pumping one through her heart.
she could feel herself fluttering from the impatience and the boundary of clothing that was between the two of them, it made her tug at the collar of his shirt until he finally stripped it away from him and tossed it to the floor.
he pulled his lips away from her skin so he could look down at her, so he could flip her body over to where she was straddling him, her hands resting on his abdomen, she let out a small breath because she already knew what he wanted.
and yet she didn't mind because she had her hand on his crotch where now she had pulled his pants completely off of him,
she gave him the puppy dog eyes as she was pulling off the cotton of his boxers teasing him by taking her sweet time.
he grabbed at her hair using his fingers to swirl it around into a pony tail he was able to grab to bob her head down on his cock, but not before she licked a stripe up it to just give him a small taste of the pleasure like he had done to her.
"i so wish i had my camera i'd reminisce on this til the day i die" he remarked and could see the hint of light in her eyes only grow even brighter,
she gestured to the Polaroid camera that was sitting a top her night stand, without a hesitation he grabbed it just as she sank her mouth down onto him.
she saw the flash and could see as he shook the picture to let it process,
she could feel him hitting the back of her throat with his size and it made her gag a little but she choked it back along with the set of tears that prickled in her eyes because she enjoyed it.
she enjoyed having the feeling of his hand in her hair and the sound of his moans ringing through her ears, everyday she replayed them each and every time she could.
the next thing she knew she had swallowed his load, it poured down her throat and a shallow breath eddie was looking down at her, his hand letting go of her hair but he offered her one of the hair ties on his wrist to put it up,
to which she pulled it back and remained on her knees between his legs, she placed her hands onto her thighs before straddling over him, she sank herself down onto his cock and she could hear the click of the camera once again.
Eddie let out a soft groan at the feeling of her cunt sinking around him, the way her walls were already clenching as he held onto her waist so she kept her balance.
she was riding him so perfectly so nice that eddie couldn't resist the soft moans that kept slipping from his lips let alone the profanity he had let fall from his mouth as she started to bounce up and down a top of him.
"doing such a good job princess" he praised and gave her sides a slight squeeze as a way to praise her for the way she was riding him so good and well the fact his cock throbbed when he felt her moan with each and every thrust.
each and every touch they were feeding one another had only ended up leading to a ride of an orgasm that caused her to cry out.
and well the pictures he had taken of her that now he tucked into her nightstand just until after the party while he got her cleaned up.
y/n was out and Eddie was sitting in their living room Gareth rested on the couch next to him with a can of beer clasped in his hand,
he looked over at eddie who was reaching into his pocket as a cigarette dangled from the corner of his lips.
"gareth do you have a lighter?" he asked and watched as he slipped a hand into his pocket to pull out a lighter that was out of fluid.
tossing it he pulled a draw out from under the coffee table and searched through it to which it had figured y/n took the matches up to her room so she could light her stupid candles.
he stood up from the couch and with a hefty sigh he made his way up the stairs and into her empty bedroom, her bed was disheveled with her sheets a tangled mess and pillows tossed everywhere even along the floor.
he tossed a pillow back onto her bed before reaching into the drawer of her night stand where she had usually kept everything away from Gareth including the matches,
once he found the box he had almost shut the drawer but a glare of a polariod picture caught his eye.
multiple polaroid pictures rested in a stack to which he pulled them out, his eyes widening and his face turning into a digust and still yet a shock at what the hell he had just seen.
quickly he shut the drawer as the pictures were still in his hands,
y/n walked through the door with a bag of groceries her hand to which she tossed a bag of candy to Eddie who was sitting on the couch before she set the rest of the groceries out onto the kitchen counter.
Gareth's shoes had been a loud noise against the wooden stairs as he was running down them, nearly tripping at his rapid speed but he ignored it as he stepped a foot back into his living room to see where Eddie sat.
y/n had stepped in to see what all the commotion was about and to her surprise Gareth had a look on his face, one that suggested she had done something wrong or maybe he had found the hidden beer she had stole from him.
"hello to you too?" she remarked and looked down at his hands, he held two things.
a box of matches taken from her nightstand drawer and a set of pictures also taken from her night stand drawer, he could see both of their eyes widen a little as he tossed them down out onto the coffee table.
"you were in my room"
she muttered and watched as a sarcastic expression arose on his face and he raised an eyebrow at her as his arms folded,
"that's what you care about? you don't care that you slept with one of my friends?"
he sounded pissed, she could hear it in his voice and see it with the way his face looked
she had no words or expression except for the eyes that looked down at the floor beneath her as she could hear him start to talk like a parent would, or even just as a brother would.
"i told you my friends were off limits, we've had that ground rule for years. why would you go behind my back and do something like this y/n?" he was lecturing her about the rule, the same damn rule he couldn't follow himself, well it was never to this extent.
"you flirt with my friends all the time! every time i have someone over you flirt with them!" she muttered back and folded her arms with a huff,
"using cheesy pick up lines for fun isn't the same as sleeping with one of my friends, you've ruined everything y/n, what the hell were you expecting" she didn't blame him for being angry or being upset but just maybe he was going over the top with it.
"me and him have been seeing each other for the past 4 months, nothing has changed between me and you, or you and him. without those damn pictures you would've never noticed anything that was different"
without even another word from her or her brother she pulled her car keys from the pocket of her coat before slamming the front door behind her.
"4 months and you didn't think to tell me you were seeing my sister?" Eddie put out the leftover cigarette bud in his mouth, blowing some of the smoke out of his pursed lips as he tried to think of something to say back to him.
"i figured it'd be best to keep it on the down low" Eddie replied and could see the expression on Gareth's face change as he stood up from the couch, "i get how you think this is going to hurt you but its not"
she had been doing everything to avoid not just her boyfriend but her own brother as well, in fear of pissing her brother off and in fear of destroying the friendship the two of them still seemed to have left together.
she had let herself rot in her room, listening to music or sneaking out to buy beer just to bring it back and get herself drunk while lying back on her bed.
she had been at this for weeks now, only going to school and coming straight home to avoid any unwanted contact with anyone that heard about the situation, which pretty much meant every single person that was apart of the hellfire club had heard the news.
thankfully Gareth hadn't dug any deeper in her room to find the other pictures that were hiding in a shoe box under her bed because surely then he would've probably killed Eddie right then and there in their living room.
she could hear a knock at her door but it only made her turn up the music louder to try and drown out the sound of whoever was on the other side, but the knocking only got louder and louder until her door was swung open.
her brother stood with a plate of dinner in his hands and she turned away her head and diverted her attention back to the book she had in the grasp of her hands.
he turned down the music and set the plate down onto the night stand beside her, she shut the book and placed it in her lap as she looked up at him, "get out" she muttered and could see him fold his arms and lean against her dresser.
but he didn't budge he stayed right in the same spot, "Gareth get out of my room" she gestured for him to walk out of her open bedroom door but he looked down at his shoes and finally back up to her,
"you can't ignore me forever, besides the group wonders why you don't come down stairs anymore and well Eddie just doesn't show up or when he does he's quiet some days he doesn't say a word at all"
she couldn't blame him if what Gareth was saying was true, because she understood the awkwardness that he must've faced when he was in the same room as him.
"why would he?" she replied and folded her arms in her lap as she laid her legs out straight onto the bed,
"you two are," he paused as he tried to think of the right words to top of his sentence without sounding like an asshole or a softie.
"you two are the most important people in my life, to lose you both over something so stupid would never be able to reverse itself"
her body shifted a little and she watched as his eyes softened when he looked at her.
"nothing will happen, we'll always be the same old Eddie and y/n back to normal" she sighed a little and could see him shake his head.
"you two can't break up, if you stay together it'll bring back the balance we need"
he watched as she smiled a little before getting up out of her bed to hug her brother.
"thank you gare, and i promise no matter what happens we'll always be the same"
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wandaromanova · 2 years
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Fem!Reader
Warnings: physical violence, bullying, one cuss word
A/N: hello! this is my first fic in a very long time and also my first wednesday fic. i’m super rusty so please bare with me. not proofread. happy reading <3
Summary: You’re the only person who sees Wednesday for who she really is.
Word Count: 3.2K | wednesday masterlist |
please do not repost or try and take ownership of my work. reblogs, likes, and comments are always welcome. <3
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Wednesday Addams was an enigma. 
From the second Enid had introduced you to the newest Nevermore resident, your interest in the raven-haired girl had been piqued.
Lifeless stare, ghostly-pale skin that was ice cold to the touch, and the cadence of her brief yet eloquent words were like a breath of fresh air. You were instantly enamored by her, eager to know more.
However, that proved to be difficult as time passed. Wednesday was a person of few words and if she so happened to speak, all that would fall from her lips were insults or the occasional death threat.
Conversations were merely one-sided whenever you worked up the courage to speak to her, which eventually faltered as she blankly stared at you through her long lashes. 
And it wasn’t like you could stalk her social media for some insight.
Unsurprisingly, she found social media to be, and you quote, “a soul-sucking void of meaningless affirmation.” You had to admit, she had a point.
All you could do was observe the things Wednesday would say or do. Considering you shared classes and had Enid as a common denominator, it wasn’t like all hope in getting to know the girl was lost. 
You did notice the Addams girl somewhat warm up to everyone else, just not with you. As odd as it may sound, you wanted to be seen by the raven-haired girl.
It was as if the need to be accepted by her was consuming you. 
At one point, you questioned whether or not there was any true depth to her. Was she genuinely cold-hearted or was there some semblance of humanity beneath her rough exterior? Why was she especially rash with you?
Wednesday Addams always had her guard up, so what was she trying to hide?
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You’d never forget your first decent interaction with Wednesday. 
You were standing beside your locker, leaning against the wall as Enid went on a tangent about her feelings for Ajax.
As the wolf spoke animatedly, hands flailing about, your eyes couldn’t help themselves from diverting their attention to the living shadow that stalked your way.
Wednesday looked gorgeous as always, there was no doubt about that. There was something about the way she carried herself with such grace that stood out in a sea of people.
Not a single wrinkle of her clothes nor a strand of hair out of place, perfect posture, and burgundy lipstick that complimented her complexion beautifully. 
Enid noticed your staring and turned around, her excitement going into overdrive which admittedly, you didn’t think was possible.
You loved the girl, but you sometimes wonder how she isn’t exhausted from all the energy she uses.
“Hi, roomie! How has your day been so far?” Enid’s enthusiasm was written all over her face, contrasting Wednesday’s lack thereof.
“It’s been dreadful,” Wednesday spoke monotonously as she glanced at you over her roommates’ shoulder. 
“Dreadful in a good way or dreadful in a bad way?” The blonde inquired and Wednesday’s eyes snapped back to her in an instant.
“Dreadful in an ‘exsanguination is becoming increasingly appealing’ way. How you interpret that is inconsequential to me.”
Wednesday deadpanned, forcing Enid to awkwardly chuckle. You decided to try and save your friend from embarrassment.
“So, you’re having a decent day it seems.” You spoke up, the two girls focusing on you. The raven-haired girl stared at you with a glimmer of curiosity behind her dark eyes. 
“And what gave you that impression?” You cleared your throat, playing with the collar of your uniform nervously as Wednesday raised an eyebrow.
“Exsanguination is surface-level or internal blood loss. It kills quickly and efficiently with little to no warning. It seems like something you would enjoy…”
You trailed off, avoiding eye contact with the cloud of darkness that stood before you as realization dawned on you. You sounded fucking insane.
However, you didn’t have time to contemplate getting psychiatric help before Wednesday’s soft yet firm voice met your ears.
“You’re the only person I’ve met in this hormone-infested hell to understand my implications.” 
You half-heartedly smile in an attempt to remain calm and collected. There was no time to respond as the bell rang, signaling the students of Nevermore to head to their next class. 
“Time to go, see you later Y/N. Don’t forget, we’re hanging out in my room later.” Enid half-yelled out as she walked past you.
Wednesday simply gave you a nod before following behind the hyper werewolf. As soon as the pair were out of sight, you couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face. 
In a way as unorthodox as herself, Wednesday Addams had complimented you.
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You’d never forget when you caught her staring at you.
You were sitting at your self-designated seat in botanical science class, doodling random pictures into your notebook when you felt a presence beside you.
Confused, you look up to see Wednesday settling her backpack onto the floor, and that feeling increases tenfold. Normally, Wednesday is partnered up with Enid.
So…why was she here with you?
“Uh, hey. Why are you sitting here? Not that I mind, you just usually sit with Enid.” Your voice came out shaky and you mentally berated yourself for it.
“Enid wants Ajax to sit with her since their date went swimmingly. I had to hear about it all night, much to my misery.”
The raven-haired girl grumbled as she took out her notebook from her backpack, placing it on the table in front of her.
“Okay… cool, cool. It’s just that Yoko sits the-” You started to speak but instantly stopped as the girl you mentioned walked up to Wednesday’s side.
“That’s my seat, Addams.” The attitude was evident in your friend’s voice and expression, as you awkwardly sat and watched.
Wednesday turned her head, glaring at Yoko. You were glad to not be on the receiving end of her stare. She was honestly terrifying for such a tiny person.
“Not anymore.”
There was no room for argument as the storm cloud beside you faced forward once more. You shot Yoko an apologetic stare as she huffed and went off to find another chair. Soon after, Thornhill’s replacement came in and class began.
No words were spoken between you and Wednesday for the majority of the session. To be fair, it’s hard to get a word in when you’re copying down notes and trying to comprehend what the hell is going on. 
You furrowed your eyebrows and bit down on your lip as you listened to the teacher, but the feeling of someone’s eyes on you pulled you from your trance. The second you turned your head, your eyes met Wednesday’s intense gaze.
“Is there something on my face?”
“Besides stupidity? No.”
You would say you were surprised by her response, but you weren’t. Part of you wanted to confront Wednesday, question her more.
However, you decided your ego couldn’t take another hit for the time being and left it to rest. 
Perhaps she was internally judging every fiber of your existence. From what you knew about her, you figured that had to be the case. Nevertheless, her unwavering gaze persisted throughout the remainder of the period.
As the class came to a close, you turned to speak to the girl beside you, just to be met with an empty seat.
The only sign of Wednesday’s presence was the fleeting glimpse of her silhouette disappearing through the door. Disappointment washed over you, but you pushed it aside as you collected your belongings. 
Flinging your backpack over your shoulder, you stood up and made your way over to Enid and Yoko. You gave them a puzzled look when you realized they had been sitting together during class, their items still scattered about the table. 
“Hey Enid, I thought you were sitting with Ajax,” You greeted the blonde, curiosity laced in your voice. She flashed her signature wide smile at you, tilting her head to the side in a questioning manner.
“Nope, he was paired up with Xavier. They like drawing bugs together to bring to life, it’s really gross. Why would you think he was with me?” 
Enid sidetracked before asking, staring at you in anticipation as she awaited your response. 
“Oh, no reason. Just thought you guys would be together since you’re dating and all that jazz.” You chuckled, rubbing the back of your neck awkwardly before Enid forcefully linked her arm with yours. 
She abruptly pulled you along as Yoko followed close behind, heading toward the exit practically jumping in excitement as she went on about the new desserts that were in the cafeteria.
Her words were mere whispers compared to the thoughts that clouded your mind. 
Ajax and Enid hadn’t been together today like Wednesday said they would. So, why would she go through the trouble of sitting next to you, knowing that the spot was occupied by someone else? Why hadn’t she sat with Enid instead? 
So many questions flew around your mind, but one aspect of the ordeal stood out to you. Out of all the places she could’ve been, she chose to be beside you. Wednesday had lied to be near you.
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You’d never when Wednesday stood up for you.
You were walking around Jericho Town Square, casually looking at the displays in the windows of the different shops when you caught sight of a group of five normie boys pointing and laughing at you from a distance.
You thought nothing of it until they started to make their way over to you. 
You turned around, speed-walking in the opposite direction of the teens. You could hear their footsteps behind you, and as their pace picked up, so did yours. However, you couldn’t outrun them. 
You felt a pull on the back of your shirt and before you knew it, you were being dragged into an alleyway and shoved up against a wall by your collar. You let out a grunt from the impact, your head hitting the cement with such force it made you lightheaded. 
“Listen carefully, the mayor may let you weirdos roam around, but no one wants you here.”
The dude dressed in a letterman jacket gripped your collar tighter as his entourage laughed, pushing your body higher up on the wall, practically choking you as the material blocked your airways. 
You were trembling, half because of fear and the other half from lack of oxygen. You were never one for violence and tried to avoid it at all costs.
“You’re worthless! Jericho would be a better place without mistakes like you here.” One of the four boys that were watching yelled. You couldn’t make out who was saying what as your vision began to blur, consciousness slowly leaving you.
The next thing you knew, your body was falling to the ground. You hit the floor hard, the impact causing you to wince before you felt kicks from every direction. All you could do was lay there and beg them to stop as the pain radiated throughout your body.
The insults and slurs they spat out had become muffled as you curled up into a ball, hands over the sides of your head in an attempt to protect it. It felt like the kicks would never end, until they did. 
“Hey!” You heard a familiar voice shout out. The blows had come to an abrupt halt. You looked up to find the source of the sound and your eyes widened when they landed on Wednesday. 
“Check it out boys, another freak for us to beat the shit out of. This should be fun.”
The boy who had previously pinned you to the wall had laughed out, the rest chuckling with him. However, they went silent and took a step back as the raven-haired girl pulled out a knife from her boot, inching towards them.
“Leave now or I’ll gut and fillet each and every one of you. And trust me, it wouldn’t be my first rodeo.”
Wednesday practically growled her words at them, fuming in anger. Her glare was as cold as you’d ever seen. Her knuckles turned white as she gripped the knife with all of her strength. At that moment, you were convinced she was going to commit murder.
Her threat was enough to send the group running, as expected. Wednesday’s eyes remained on the teens until they were out of sight. She placed the knife in the place she found it before rushing over and dropping to her knees in front of your writhing body. 
You were shaking like a leaf, still scared they might return with a vengeance as you voiced your concerns to the girl above you.
“W-Wednesday, what if they come back to hurt me again?” You croaked out, letting out a groan when she lightly touched your side.
“If they do, I’ll make sure their bodies are never found.” 
She stared down at you, analyzing your visible injuries before coming to the conclusion that you wouldn’t be able to get up and walk. “I’m going to have to carry you. There’s no way you’ll get to Nevermore on your own, let alone out of this alley.”
You simply nodded as she placed her arms under your body. The moment she lifted you up, an agonizing cry left you. It felt as if your body was on fire. You knew she was being as gentle as she could, that was evident when she began walking. She moved at a slow pace to avoid as much movement and friction as possible. 
A few minutes later, you started to feel sleepy, but you were pretty sure your body was just shutting down from the trauma it endured. You managed to murmur a “thank you for saving me,” before closing your eyes and drifting into sleep, not expecting a response.
The colorless girl waited until your breathing had evened out, a sigh leaving her lips as she stared down at you in her arms, still being cautious of each step she took.
“I wish I had sooner.”
───────── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──────────
You’d never forget your first kiss with Wednesday.
In the following months after the incident, she’d been less callous towards you. You figured she was pitying you, but this was Wednesday Addams we were talking about. She isn’t capable of pity. So, you had no idea why she was allowing you to get closer to her. 
Nevertheless, you enjoyed being able to hang out with the girl without low-key fearing for your life. And with the close proximity, you had developed feelings for her.
It was hard not to fall for Wednesday. She’s incredibly smart, a master at playing the cello, an amazing writer, and beautiful. The only problem was her lack of interest in you. 
Sure, you enjoyed learning about her, but she never attempted to learn anything about you. 
Reciprocated feelings or not, she was still your friend and it kind of hurt that she showed no regard for who you were as a person. It was almost as if she accepted your company for the sake of having someone there.
So, one day you finally decided to tell her how you felt, for better or for worse. 
You’d been in Wednesday and Enid’s room. Enid was at the movie theater with Ajax, leaving you and her roommate alone. The room was silent, the only sound to be heard was the clicks of Wednesday’s typewriter. 
You were sitting on her bed, mindlessly scrolling through your phone. However, you couldn’t get the girl who was just a few feet away out of your mind. A sigh escaped your lips, grabbing Wednesday’s attention. 
“Someone looks miserable.” Her voice, despite the insult, was music to your ears. You knew that was her way of asking what was bothering you. You decided to grow a pair and finally talk to her, seeing as this was the perfect opportunity to do so.
“I know it’s your writing hour, but can we talk? It’s important.” You shyly asked as you stood up and made your way toward her, internally rolling your eyes at yourself. You were trying to sound confident and ultimately failed. 
“It better be,” Wednesday mumbled, removing the paper from her typewriter and neatly placing it on the side of her desk. She spun her chair to the side, looking up at you expectantly. You gulped, looking down at the floor as you tried to formulate the words you wanted to say before committing to them.
“So, um, we’ve been friends for a while now, and don’t get me wrong, I’m happy about it. It’s just sometimes it feels like the interest is one-sided. Maybe it just hurts because I have romantic feelings for you, but I want you to see me for who I am. I don’t even know if I’m making any sense. I’ll shut up now.”
You couldn’t even look the girl in the eyes as you attempted to keep your voice stable. Your heart was racing as you waited for her to say something, anything.
A minute had passed before Wednesday stood from her chair. You thought she was about to force you out of the room and tell you to never come near her again, but that didn’t happen. She spoke instead.
“You play with the collar of your uniform when you’re nervous, bite your lip when you’re concentrating, you tremble when you’re scared, and you look down at the floor to avoid eye contact when you’re under stress.” 
You looked up at her in shock, instantly making eye contact with the girl. Truthfully, you didn’t even know you did those things yourself. They were simply subconscious ticks that you had. You were about to speak up, but Wednesday had beat you to it.
“You somehow enjoy chick-flicks, your favorite color is a nauseating tone of pink, you’re afraid of the dark so you sleep with a nightlight, you order a caramel frappuccino with extra whipped cream at the Weathervane, and you’re allergic to tomatoes.”
As the raven-haired girl listed off more facts about you, you were rendered speechless. You weren’t even sure how she knew about your nightlight or your tomato allergy, but this wasn’t the time to question her.
All you could do was stare at her like a deer caught in headlights. You were in such disbelief that you didn’t even realize that Wednesday had gotten closer.
You were finally brought back down to earth when you felt her cold hand cup your cheek. You stared deeply into her dark eyes, before taking a leap of faith and connecting your lips with hers. 
There was some hesitancy at first, but the feeling of her lips on yours was euphoric.
You were instantly addicted and believed Wednesday felt the same way, if her hands that tangled themselves in your hair were any indication. 
When air became an issue, you pulled away, allowing the two of you to catch your breath, your forehead connecting with hers.
Your eyes were closed as you smiled, taking in the moment you had been waiting for, but your eyes fluttered open, locking onto Wednesday’s as she filled the comfortable silence.
“I’ve never seen anyone as clearly as I do you, Y/N.”
───────── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──────────
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letomills · 1 month
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Download: SFS / Mega
Outfits for CelestialSpider's Lady Apple body shape. I didn't know of any modern clothes for this body shape so this is sort of a starting set (all clothing categories are covered).
You get 20 new meshes (10 for AF-EF and 10 for TF) converted from a variety of Maxis outfits, with up to 30 recolors each. All have fat and preg morphs. All are low-poly as long as you don't pick the sexyfeet variants.
None of the textures are my original work; see credits, details and previews under the cut.
All recolors are BSOK'd and available for both AF-EF and TF.
You'll always have the option to have the recolors repo'd to the corresponding Maxis outfits and/or standalone. The teen recolors can also be repo'd to the Lady Apple AF-EF recolors.
Don't forget to also choose between blockfeet and sexyfeet for the meshes with bare feet.
I hit the limit for the number of pictures - please click the "turnaround" links to properly see the meshes on imgur.
Camisole (afbodycamisole)
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Categorized as underwear & sleepwear. Polycount: blockfeet: 2,304 // sexyfeet: 6,880. Textures by Maxis, Chalkmetal, GrayDragonfly, SooBeeWell (all I got is a direct link) and WitheredLillies.
AF-EF turnaround ┃ TF turnaround
Cowl Neck (afbodycowlneck)
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Categorized as everyday & outerwear. Polycount: 2,162. Textures by Maxis, Fanseelamb, GrayDragonfly and Shakeshaft (set 1, set 2).
AF-EF turnaround ┃ TF turnaround ← as you can see I casualized the shape of the shoes on TF.
Dress Tennis (afbodydresstennis)
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Categorized as everyday & athletic. Polycount: 2,154. Textures by Maxis, Chalkmetal, Novemberlove (I edited the skirt cap textures) and Plumbbobslave.
AF-EF turnaround ┃ TF turnaround
Dress Wedding Aline (PF's edit of afbodydressweddingaline)
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Categorized as formal. Polycount: 2,082. Textures by Maxis and @pforestsims (from here).
AF-EF turnaround ┃ TF turnaround
Maxis Undies and Swimsuits
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Polycount: blockfeet: 1,944 // sexyfeet 6,520. Textures by Maxis.
AF-EF turnaround ┃ TF turnaround
Parka Boots (afbodyparkaboots)
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Categorized as outerwear. Polycount: 2,270. Textures by Maxis.
AF-EF turnaround ┃ TF turnaround
PF Short Ruffle Dress (afbodyruffledress with PF's shoes)
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Categorized as everyday & formal. Polycount: 2,570. Textures by Maxis and @pforestsims (from here). The 3 recolors that are repo'd to Maxis AF will be reflective like the Maxis dresses, all others will be matte.
AF-EF turnaround ┃ TF turnaround
Seventies Dress (afbodyseventiesdress)
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Categorized as everyday. Polycount: 2,486. Textures by Maxis.
AF-EF turnaround ┃ TF turnaround
Sweater Dress (tfbodysweaterdress)
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Categorized as everyday. Polycount: 2,464. Textures by Maxis, Alovingdiva, GrayDragonfly and Rosahege.
AF-EF turnaround ┃ TF turnaround
Yoga outfit (tfbodyyoga)
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Categorized as athletic & sleepwear. Polycount: blockfeet: 2,004 // sexyfeet: 6,441. Textures by Maxis, GrayDragonfly (set 1, set 2, set 3) and Sosliliom (coll. 1, coll. 2, coll. 3).
AF-EF turnaround ┃ TF turnaround
If you want your Lady Apple sims to retain their shape when nude, you may want to give them showerproof skins.
Please let me know if anything is amiss. Another clothing pack for Lady Apple is in the works.
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kentocidal · 1 year
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users: trans!ftm!chuuya nakahara x trans!ftm!reader
internal warnings: gloves, improper use of gloves, t4t established relationship, fingering (reader receiving), cum eating, light degradation (reader receiving), finger sucking, stuff done in front of a mirror, ask to tag
internal notes: haha uhhhh brainrot. anyway reader uses he/him pronouns, this is to be read as a t4t fic, do Not interact if you’re cis or if you’re gonna be fucking weird.
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“you want me to what?!”
chuuya stared at you incredulously, brows furrowed, mouth twisted in confusion and surprise.
you sat back and covered your face with your hands, whining softly in embarrassment. “forget i said anything!”
“no, no, don’t you dare back down now! i just wanna make sure i heard you correctly.” chuuya grumbled loudly and grabbed one of your wrists to pull a hand away from your face, making you look at him. “repeat yourself.”
“i… want you to… keep the gloves on. just once. during… you know.”
“you want me to keep my gloves on during sex,” he said, almost blandly, as if you weren’t sitting at a quiet bar, “after you begged me to stop wearing my gloves around you.”
“yes! that’s what i said, you don’t need to say it so everyone here can hear you.” you smacked around at his hand and looked around the bar to make sure no one was looking towards you both. “i just think- i thought- maybe it would be nice to try. i don’t know.”
your gaze turned back to chuuya’s, and he had the gall to be snickering at you. you whines again, pushing his chest. “stop it! don’t kinkshame me!”
“i’m not, you brat! it’s just funny!” chuuya grasped your wrist again, his bare hand warm against your skin, his fingers grazing along the soft inside of your wrist. “and a little gross. i kill people with those things on.”
you felt heat crawl up your neck towards the tips of your ears, your eyes glancing away from his, and you heard him let out a breath. “ah. i get it now. jeez, you’re a freak.”
“don’t remind me. i thought you loved me.” you pouted and pulled your hand away from his for a second time. “forget i said anything.”
“but we can do it, i guess. you sure you want me to forget?”
“… no.”
“thought so.”
a few days after that short conversation, you found yourself on your bedroom floor, panting softly and keeping your head turned to the right with your eyes screwed shut. chuuya was sat behind you, fully clothed, the sleeves of his button up rolled up to his elbows, gloves on. you, however, were completely nude, your back to his chest, legs spread over chuuya’s to hold you apart.
“you’re not looking.” he huffed softly against your ear, nipping at the sensitive skin at the base of your jaw. you whimpered and let your eyes slip open just a crack, staring at yourself in the low light of your bedroom. you were spread open for viewing in the mirror, chuuya’s gloved hands roaming up and down your inner thighs.
you caught his gaze in the mirror and he shot you a feral grin, watching you squirm when his fingers curled slightly into the meat on your thighs. his gloves, warm and soft and slick already, were a foreign feeling that left your head spinning.
“look at how fuckin’ handsome you are,” he sighed and pulled you back a little harder against him, almost making you rest your full weight back against him.
“please, touch- please-“ you breathed out and chewed on your lip, watching the way chuuya’s one hand finally started to slip down towards your hard, neglected, twitching cock. you were leaking, drips of your slick drooling down towards the floor.
chuuya chuckled as the ghost of his middle finger traced over your wet cock. “here? you want it here? gotta tell me.”
“yes, please, there…” you whimpered loudly and nodded, and chuuya finally relented, pressing his gloved fingers to your cock and watching your hips jerk up towards the pressure.
“sensitive, huh? how fucking cute are you. you’re makin’ me wanna skip all this and just fuck you.”
you moaned when you felt his fingers slip down towards your hole to collect some of your slick, and then his fingers moved to start jerking your cock quickly. you gasped and cried out, throwing your head back on his shoulder. the leather of the gloves and your slick made his fingers slide so perfectly against your cock, like there was no friction at all. you squirmed in his lap, chest heaving, feeling his other hand slide from your thigh to around your middle to press his hand flag and wide against you.
you felt trapped, held open with chuuya’s lithe, skilled fingers jerking you off. the slip was so perfect, just barely enough, and it made you dizzy. you had to be sweating.
“what a dirty boy you are, hah? beggin’ me to jerk you off with my gloves on. how’s it feel? say it. tell me how it feels.”
“good! feels s’good!” you felt like you were choking on air as his other hand moved from your abdomen to between your thighs, sliding against your hole before dipping two fingers inside.
you almost cried out, the roughness of the leather feeling like too much before you clamped down on him and gushed around his fingers, rolling your hips into his touch harder.
“you like when i fuck you like this? with my fuckin’ gloves on? does it feel good? i didn’t know you were such a freak.” chuuya laughed at the way your cock twitched between his middle and index fingers as he jerked you off, his opposite hand curling his fingers inside you to make your eyes roll back into your head.
“chuuya, chuuya, please, ‘m gonna cum-“
“gonna cum already? jesus, you really were desperate for this.” chuuya sucked a mark into your neck as he pumped his fingers faster, groaning as he watched a creamy ring form at the base of his fingers as he fucked you on them. “go ahead. you’re bein’ so good. such a good slut. show me how much you wanted this.”
you cried out loudly and bucked your hips almost wildly against his fingers as he continued to jerk you off, and you clamped down hard on his fingers as you gushed and your orgasm washed over you like a tidal wave.
you squirmed and panted as he kept his fingers moving against your twitching, soaked cock, slowing down but not stopping. his other fingers helped you ride out your high, then pulled out of your hole. he brought his hand up to your face to make you look at the ring you left, at how soaked his glove was.
“must’ve felt good, hm?” his hand moved and his fingers pressed against your lips. you immediately let your jaw go slack, sucking your own cum off of the leather with a low moan.
chuuya grunted behind you, rocking his own hips — you could feel the wet patch in his own pants, feel the bulge in his slacks against your back. before you could say anything, his fingers pressed down on your tongue to make you keep your mouth open, and he stared at you with dark eyes through the mirror.
“sit up and get face down. it’s my turn to try something.”
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yaekiss · 1 year
#Mailroom Open! If you still have open slots/want to do this <3
I'd like this letter to go to Tighnari, please and thank you! Subtle yandere and SFW. Thank you again!
The contents of the letter are as follows:
Things have been absolutely marvelous in Mondstadt. Your idea to visit my family was genius. It's been a long time since I've been back home. My mother asked why you didn't accompany me, isn't that cute? She called you her future son in law.. Then asked when we'd be giving her grandbabies.
I have been missing you to pieces though, my love. You would love a few of my friends over here, they're interested to learn more about you! Well.. aside from one. He seemed a bit upset when I gushed about you. But never mind that! How are things back home with you? How is Collei? Please let her know that Amber sends her regards. But most importantly! How are you?
I also hope that the package I sent gets to you safely. I thought you'd really appreciate my finds.
Love you so much!
The package itself is smaller in size, yet still larger than the envelope sent. Inside the box are new glass storage jars, made for storing herbs and spices. Aside from the jars, there's a hand woven bracelet. It matches with Tighnari's typical attire, and is woven in order to prevent fraying or breakage. There's another, tiny sticky note at the bottom of the box with a doodle of Tighnari and his partner. They're stick figures and holding hands.
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꩜ Letter Content: GN! Reader x Slight Yan! Tighnari, SFW, no gendered terms for reader, possessiveness from Tighnari, lmk if I missed out anything ! ꩜ Delivery Notes: Tighnari was absolutely covered in pollen when I picked up his package in Sumeru, HAHA! However, judging from his droopy ears and tail, I think he really misses you :( ꩜ Wanna write a love letter yourself? Check out it out here!
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Sent back to you is a small, lovingly handmade, woven basket that you recognise to be the handiwork of Tighnari. Weaved between the strips of dried Kalpalata lotus vines are cute tiny flowers native to the forested area around Gandharva Ville. There’s a ribbon tied around the handle in your favourite colour that’s lightly scented with the perfume of Sumeru roses.
A dark green fabric that matches his fur colour sits nicely atop the contents of the basket, it’s embroidered with the stick figure drawing of you and Tighnari. The Tighnari stick figure is made of thread in a light emerald green that’s the colour of his eyes while your doodle is woven in a gorgeous shade identical to yours. There are extra little hearts floating around the two of you in the embroidered picture too, how cute! 
Removing the embroidered cloth cover from the basket, you first take his letter out. Reaching into the envelope, the first thing you pull out is pressed Nilotpala lotus petals. They retain a delicate faint glimmer of how they shone when they bloomed at night and infuse the parchment in the envelope with their light floral scent. His reply is written in his usual scrawling handwriting you see in his research journals but there's an underlying tenderness present. You think he makes a noticeable effort to ensure that his words are more legible, especially just for you. His response reads:
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“My dearest lotus,
It’s about time you wrote back! Just before I got your letter, I was going to mail you a lengthy lecture regarding important safety tips while one is travelling. Really, with your extended silence, I was worried about you for a bit, lotus. It's good to hear you're enjoying your time in Mondstadt with your family though, how’s the flora diversity there? I do hope you bring me back some flower and mushroom samples.
Collei too sends Amber her very enthusiastic regards, she was so excited at the mention of Amber, the way her eyes lit up was precious, I wish you were there to see it, lotus. Now, I’m sure with your keen eye you’ve noticed all the flowers included in the basket. I can’t take all the credit, it was Collei who helped to collect the flowers for the basket. She came back with so many that we spent almost a whole afternoon just picking out the best ones for you. Seriously, you should’ve seen the way she came into the hut with her arms full of flowers, I didn’t even know how she could see in front of her!
Also, new jars! You know me so well, how did you figure out I was running out of them? Gods, thinking about the hassle of procuring them gave me such a headache. You really are my saviour, gods, I miss you so much… Please come back soon, lotus, I’m getting sick of longing for you. Your lovely handmade bracelet has done well in curbing the urge to go over to Mondstadt to sweep you back up in my arms. It’s beautiful and I appreciate all the work you put into such a sweet gift, lotus. I’d never take off the bracelet, ever.
I’d hate to nag but do take care of yourself alright, it worries me to be so far away from you. (this part is written in a small font, but squinting, it reads out) Especially where you can meet with all sorts of people… and that friend of yours you mentioned. Ugh, I feel my headache coming back.
Help me pass my well wishes on to your mother, and tell her that calling me her “future son-in-law” is not too far off from the truth. Write more often to me alright, lotus? Hearing from you helps keep my longing in check. Come back soon!
Ever awaiting your return,
-Tighnari -”
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Tucked underneath, is a sealed bag of dried mushrooms, the kind that Tighnari favours the most. It warms your heart to know that he’s willing to part with the stash of his favourite shrooms to make sure you’re eating well in another region. Tacked on are some collated recipes for the ingredient, with little notes scribbled in the margins on how the default recipe can be improved after gathering feedback from many many many rounds of him cooking it for you. Everything is so sappily domestic that you’re sure your mother would coo over how adorable the two of you are when she finds out about his gift.
And finally, there’s a small box at the side, crafted in the form of a lotus using expertly preserved Kalpalata lotus petals. Gingerly opening up the petals reveals an exquisite ring resting in the centre, woven from sturdy plant stems entwined with golden fibres that almost seem to shine. The stems are fortified with a sheer shimmer of dendro (no doubt Tighnari’s) so that it endures, staying evergreen. Included is a tag reading: “A temporary placeholder for an engagement ring, so that no pest steals you from my side while you’re away ♡”
Slipping it on, it fits perfectly, snugly home on your ring finger. You’ve never told him your ring size though, lucky guess?
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Thanks for reading! Consider supporting me on kofi if you enjoyed this or check out my other works hehe ♡
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atlantahammy · 4 months
*Baps you in the face*
Do C1
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-squints- Know this was just meant to be a quick doodle but it turned into THIS?! I think it took so long because I was being extra on the line art.... Maybe. /lol
Donnie's experiencing whimsy, don't mind his expression~ He's just surprised because:
A) Comfy B) Astra's clothes magically fit him so it didn't ruin them when he tried. C) That cape? Enchanted for climate control! Coll in summer, warm in winter~
Also, surprise dragon tiddy /j ———————————– My Commissions | .Carrd | Ko-Fi
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mountttmase · 2 years
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The Do-Over - Part Three
Note - another request for part three, a little spicy as promised 😏 also definitely didn’t base the gift part on my boyfriends Christmas present to me this year 😉🥹 feedback is always appreciated and I hope you enjoy. Part one & Part two are linked.
Pairing - Mason Mount x Reader
Word count - 6.3k
Warnings - fluff and smut
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Low-key was not a word in Masons vocabulary.
You had both decided to keep things under wraps for now until you were both settled, giving you a chance to get yourself into a good routine with each other. The only other person who knew you were seeing each other again was Woody as he seemed to be attached to Masons hip more than you were.
Ava would hound you everyday at work, asking how your first date with him went and was furious at you for being so tight lipped. You’d even had a few texts from Dec wanting the down low as he wasn’t getting anything out of Mason but you both held it all in.
You could trust him to be secretive when it came to others asking questions, it was when you were in public that seemed to be hardest for him. You’d been on a few other dates, more dinners and a few crazy golf or bowling nights and as much as you tried to remain inconspicuous, he couldn’t help but have his hands on you at all times. His lips constantly kissing any part of skin he could access and always whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
‘It’s nearly the weekend. Got any plans with money Mase?’ Ava winked at you from across your desk and you laughed loudly at her words. ‘What? I know he’s not got a game for a few days so he’s got the evening free tomorrow. The both of you think you’re so clever but I know somethings going on’ she pouted and you rolled your eyes playfully.
‘Who says I’ve got plans with anyone tomorrow?’
‘So you can keep me company then?’ She asked and your face faltered for a second. ‘I knew it, I’m your best friend, why can’t you just admit it?’
You did feel bad, she had been rooting for you and Mason more than anyone and you would of loved to have a girl to chat about him with, so you gave into her pouty face and came clear.
‘Fine’ you huffed, and she clapped her hands together like an excited seal. ‘We’ve been seeing each other since a little after new years. We just thought it would be best to keep it low key and not put so much pressure on it, you know? Figure things out for ourselves before everyone finds out’
‘I get that’ she smiled at you sympathetically but you could tell she was over the moon for you. ‘How’s it going?’
‘Really good’ you smiled and she mirrored your smile with her own. ‘He’s grown up a lot, tells me a lot more, like when somethings on his mind he doesn’t shut off and he wants to work through it with me which is really nice’
‘What about the sex? You shagged him yet?’
‘Bloody hell Ava’ you choked, as you both got sent into a fit of giggles.
‘What I’m curious?’ She laughed whilst shrugging her shoulders. ‘You never told me what he was like when you two were together. I’ve known him for a long time and I wanna know if his bedroom abilities are up to scratch’
‘Well from what I remember I definitely had no complaints, but we haven’t gone there yet this time’ you told her. ‘We wanna focus on us as people before we rip each other clothes off’ you laughed and she gave you a knowing smile. ‘I have a question though. Why did you and Mason never get together?’
‘Dec’s a very over protective cousin’ she admitted whilst rolling her eyes ‘told Mason he’d never walk again if he ever touched me. Plus as cute as Mason is, he’s not my type’ Ava was a bit mysterious when it came to boys, never openly admitting who she liked and even though you’d seen her with guys on nights out, you’d never known her be in a proper relationship.
‘What’s your type then?’ You asked her and she rested her head on her hand whilst giving you a far away stare.
‘Ruben Loftus-Cheek’ she breathed and you both erupted into giggles before getting the death stare from a few of your colleagues. She stuck her tongue out at you playfully before carrying on with her work just as you heard your phone ping besides you. Masons name popping up on the screen.
Hello beautiful, I was having a think about to tomorrow and I’ve had an idea. Give me a call when you’re done with work xxx
You text him back, letting him know you would but you were curious about his plans. You had both decided to celebrate Masons birthday towards the end of the month as he had such a packed schedule and it was proving difficult to find a day you could both agree on however thanks to a Sunday game, Mason now had a Friday night free. Once you were on your train home, you pressed Masons number to give him call and he picked up on the third ring.
‘Hello trouble’ he answered, a slight teasing note in his tone but it made you smile.
‘Hello, Mason’
‘How was your day?’
‘Long, but not too bad. How about you?’
‘I won a shootout against Kai today, so I’d say pretty good’ he boasted and you could hear the smile in his words. ‘But I didn’t want you to call me so I could tell you how great I am. I want to speak to you about tomorrow’
‘I’m all ears’ you told him and you heard him get comfortable before starting.
‘Well Woody has managed to trick some poor girl into going out with him so my house is free and we won’t be disturbed. I thought you could come over and I can make you your favourite just like I used to’ he insisted, and you were excited by his words. ‘Just thought it might be nicer than some over priced restaurant under the prying eyes of the public like normal. I want it to be special. So what do you think?’
‘Sounds perfect’ you breathed and you heard him let out a relived sigh on the other end. ‘But it’s supposed to be your birthday Mase, not about me.’
‘How about we think of it like a joint birthday slash one month anniversary’ he laughed and you rolled your eyes playfully. Of course he was trying to make this about you. You carried on chatting until you made it home and he told you he had to go so he could sort some things out but he’d text you later like normal.
The next day was Friday, and you and Ava sat sharing a box of chocolates she had left over from Christmas whilst gossiping about Mason some more. She promised she’d not tell a soul and it felt good to have someone to talk to about him with again. As soon as the clock struck five, you were out the door and ready to race for an earlier train, but the sight outside your office made you stop in your tracks.
Masons car was parked over the road, and you could see him sat looking out. He waved as soon as he saw you and you run across the street to jump into the passenger side door what he’d opened.
‘Firstly, it’s dark out Mason. You don’t need to be wearing sunglasses, you look like a right melon’
‘Excuse me’ he scoffed, sliding them up his nose so they rested on his head. ‘I’m trying to be inconspicuous’
‘Well you make yourself stand out even more’ you laughed as you took them from his head and placed them over your eyes. ‘And secondly, what are you doing here?’
‘Well firstly’ he mocked, reaching behind your seat to produce a bunch of red roses and your heart began to race as the gesture. ‘Happy Friday, beautiful’ he smiled as he sat them in your lap. You lent over your seat and met him in the middle so you could kiss him, holding him by the jaw and stroking his cheek as you hummed into the kiss.
‘Happy Friday, Mase. Thank you, you shouldn’t have’ you told him shyly, feeling your cheeks heat up as he looked at you adoringly.
‘Thought I’d hold off sending them to your office this time, I know how embarrassed you get’ he teased but you laughed along with him as he gave you one final kiss. ‘And secondly, can a man not pick his girl up from work?’ He teased, turning in his seat and starting the ignition. ‘Thought I’d save you from public transport and take you straight to mine’
‘Thank you, Mase. I appreciate it I really do but I wanted to nip home first so I could sort myself out’
‘I can take you home first’ he smiled ‘I’ll just wait in the car and then we can go to mine’ he told you before driving off. Once at yours you quickly changed into a cute strappy black dress that was still comfortable enough for you to sit around in and touched up some of your makeup before grabbing the gift you’d got him and running back down to the car.
Once at his he made you wait by the door, claiming he wanted to check something before racing back to you, an excited smile playing on his face and he grabbed you by the waist.
‘You look gorgeous by the way’ he told you, kissing you softly as he slowly turned to stand behind you, his hands covering your eyes as he gently encouraged you to walk forwards. ‘Just trust me, yeah?’ He laughed as you yelped, grabbing onto his arms as he guided you through his house until you reached where you knew his dining room table was. He softly counted to three before removing his hands and once your eyes had adjusted you let out a soft gasp at the scene in front of you.
The table was set perfectly, candles lit in the middle of the table, silver and blue balloons grazing the ceiling with tea lights scattered about to create a more cozy atmosphere. You’d never seen anything more romantic and you felt you eyes sting as you took in the scene in-front of you.
‘Is it okay?’ He asked, almost timidly, and you pulled back you crash your lips into his. When you eventually pulled away, you both stood their smiling at each other out of breath. ‘I’ll take that as a yes’
‘It’s beautiful, Mason. Thank you I love it. But we’re supposed to be celebrating you and I feel like you’ve done all the hard work.’
‘Well, like I said, it’s a joint celebration’ he winked before leaning down to kiss you again. ‘Foods almost done so why don’t you take a seat and I’ll sort everything out’ he told you whilst pulling out your chair so you could sit.
He returned from the kitchen to top up your glass before bringing in your food in. Your hand sat in his throughout as you chatted over dinner and you sat there feeling like you were in a fairytale, thanking whatever god would listen for bringing Mason back into your life.
After dessert he shooed you off to the sofa whilst he cleared the plates away. You took this time to grab his gift and as he came over to join you, you passed it over to him with a smile.
‘What’s this’ he smiled, taking the wrapped box from your hands and setting it on his lap.
‘Just a little something’ you breathed, before placing your hand over his as he went to unwrap it, halting his movements. ‘Before you look, you’re really hard to buy for’ you told him and you both let out a little laugh. ‘I mean what do you buy the man who has everything? So it’s just a few little silly things and-‘
He cut you off with a kiss and you could feel his smile on your lips before he pulled away. ‘Whatever it is, I’ll love it cause it’s from you’ he told you before you removed your hand so he could tear the paper off.
Inside were all of Masons favourite sweets with cute little handwritten notes you attached with a pin about each one. You’re as cute as a button pinned to a bag of chocolate buttons, I chews you on a packet of chewits and life without you was unBEARable attached to a huge bag of gummy bears among some other random bits and bobs. He laughed as he read through all of them before his eyes met yours and the look he was giving you made you blush.
‘I know it’s silly, but I remember you used to like to sneak snacks in your bag for away games so I thought I’d help you stock up’ you laughed and he lent over to kiss your forehead.
‘These are coming with me tomorrow’ he winked before pulling you into his lap. ‘Thank you baby’ he whispered against you lips before kissing you deeply, running his hands over your thighs as you clung to his shoulders. He pulled away and you both sat there with flushed cheeks whilst smiling before he gently moved you off him to grab a small box off the coffee table that you hadn’t seen. ‘Now it’s your turn’
‘My turn? What you on about? What’s this?’ You asked as he passed the the small box.
‘I told you, one month anniversary’ he winked and you shook your head whilst trying to give the gift back to him.
‘No Mason, I can’t accept this’
‘Please baby’ he pouted, pushing it back ‘I picked it out myself and I want you to have it’ he insisted and after a silent stare off for a few moments, you undid the wrapping. As soon as you noticed the shade of blue from the gift box, you dropped it into your lap and covered your face. ‘Hey, what’s wrong?’ He laughed but you couldn’t look at him as you responded.
‘I can’t Mase, it’s too much’
‘You haven’t even opened it yet’
‘But I can tell where it’s from’ you countered before looking up into his hopeful face. ‘Really, Mase? Tiffany’s? I don’t feel like I deserve it’ you laughed, so he grabbed your hand with a sympathetic smile.
‘You deserve this and so much more’ he whispered, kissing you pout gently. ‘Just let me give you this, please’ he begged, and you cook one final breath before opening up the box to revel a small arrow pendent necklace. Not one for flashy jewellery, you fell in love with it instantly, a small gasp came flying from your lips as you inspected it. ‘Do you like it?’ Mason whispered, snapping you out of your trance so you could look at him.
‘I really do, could you put it on me?’ You asked and he smiled whilst taking the box from your hand removing it whilst you turned away from him so he could fix it around your neck.
‘There’s a reason why I chose this one. It’s not just random’ he told you, his lips by your ear as you felt him fiddle with the clasp.
‘What’s the reason?’
‘Well, there’s two reasons actually. The first one was to tie into my cherub tattoo’ he told you, leaning you back so you were pressed against his chest, looking up at him as you were hanging on his every word. ‘Being struck by Cupid’s arrow means you fallen in love. Just like us’ he winked and you chuckled as he held you a little bit tighter. ‘They also apparently symbolise overcoming set backs and moving forward. Like you have to pull an arrow back, and the further you do, the more it travels forward. I like to think that describes us a bit? Like we’ve had to go through a bit of a shit time, but now we get to move forward together and I’m so excited about what the future holds for us’
‘Fuck’ you whispered and he laughed lightly at you whilst furrowing his eyebrows. ‘I think I’ve just fallen in love with you all over again’ you told him and he bent down to kiss you gently. ‘No seriously. That was sexy as hell’ you laughed and you felt his chest rumble as he laughed behind you.
‘Oh yeah?’ He teased, ticking your sides until you turned in his grasp, your eyes flicking over the flushed face of the boy you loved more than anything. You felt your face drop as you thought about leaving soon, not wanting to be away from him tonight, and he picked up on your soured face instantly. ‘What’s the frown about, pretty girl?’ he asked, cupping your cheek so you’d look at him.
‘I know we’ve still got a few hours, but I don’t wanna go’ you pouted. Curling your arms around his shoulders and hiding your face in his neck. He hugged you back tightly, slightly swaying you as you felt him laugh under his breath.
‘So don’t go’ he reasoned and you pulled back to look at him. ‘I don’t want you to go. I never do. Ive got stuff here for you, you can sleep in my shirt like you used to and I’ll drop you home on the way to Chels tomorrow’ he shrugged, like he had it all planned already.
‘You sure’ you whispered and he pulled you in for a long heavy kiss that told you all you needed to know.
‘Come on, why don’t we get sorted for bed and watch tv or something. I know you’re dying to get out of this dress’ he teased, pulling you up and walking you towards the stairs. After a quick shower, you met Mason in his room wrapped in a towel where he handed you a fresh T-shirt from his drawer. ‘I’ve actually got some of your stuff in there I think’ he told you, pointing to the drawer where you used to keep a few of your things. You had a peek inside to find some clean underwear and socks as well as a few pairs of leggings and you smiled that he’d kept them in there for so long. ‘I won’t be long’ he smiled before disappearing into his en-suite.
You quickly changed into his shirt before looking through the underwear in his drawer to find a nice pair, settling on a meshy black pair that you thought you’d lost. You weren’t sure if anything was about to happen with him but you wanted to look good just in case it did. You were just packing back the last few things when you heard his door open, turning round to find him stood in just his boxers and you bit your lip at the sight. He quickly dimmed the lights before pulling you into bed, helping you to sit on his lap and straddle his thighs.
His hands were stroking up and down your legs as his dark eyes flickered over every inch of you. You felt hot under his stare, and when he lent forward to press his lips to yours, you couldn’t help but hum into his mouth.
‘What happened to watching tv, Mase?’ You laughed as you pulled away and he squeezed your waist gently.
‘You expect me to focus on some boring show when I’ve got you in my bed with my shirt on? Nuh uh, I can think of other things I’d rather be doing’
‘Oh yeah? Like what?’
‘You’ he whispered in your ear, and you shivered at the thought. It had been so long since he’d touched you, since anyone had touched you in fact and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t nervous. Your thoughts turned to the last time Mason had been touched, wondering if he’d slept with anyone in your time apart and the thought made you feel sick. He was always being linked to girls and you tried to take as little notice as you could but now you felt like you couldn’t let this carry on unless you knew what happened. You realised you had no right to be upset, he was single and you figured there was no way he could of gone a whole year without seeing anyone, but you still felt that sinking feeling in your tummy.
He felt you stiffen up, turning your chin so you’d look him in the eye, and the look of panic and sadness confused him. ‘Hey’ he whispered softly, stroking your cheek gently to try and calm you. ‘If you don’t wanna do anything it’s fine, like if it’s too soon I get it’ he reassured you, but you shook your head, knowing that wasn’t the issue.
‘It’s not that’ you whispered and he pulled you even closer to him.
‘What is it then, baby? Talk to me’ he asked, and his tone melted your insides.
‘I’m gonna sound so stupid, but I was just thinking and I wondered if… like the year we were apart? Did you um- did you…’
‘Did I sleep with anyone?’ He asked, finishing your sentence for you. You were too frazzled to say anything so you just nodded, looking at him with wide eyes as you waited for his answer. He gave you a small embarrassed smile and you were ready for him to tell you you had when he shook his head to say no.
‘What?’ You questioned, furrowing your brows as you couldn’t believe what you were seeing. ‘You’re telling me you haven’t had sex since the last time we did?’
‘I’m not gonna sit here and tell you I didn’t have the chance to, I’ve been on a few dates here and there and yeah I kissed a few of them but it never went any further than that’ he told you and you appreciated his honesty. ‘Truth is I knew it wouldn’t be the same, and I lost interest’ he shrugged and you let you a breath you hadn’t realised you’d been holding. ‘Don’t worry, before you I wasn’t exactly reeling them in. I know how to get by’ he winked, waving his hands at his sides to let you know he knew how to look after himself. You laughed, blushing as you covered your face and fell into his chest. His arms came around you, holding you to him as he kissed your head, relief flooding your veins at his admission. ‘What about you huh? Got anything you need to tell me?’
‘I went on one date’ you admitted, turning your face so was free from his neck and you could talk as he rested his cheek on the top of your head. ‘It was an absolute disaster and I had to get Ava to call me and pretend to of fallen down the stairs so I could leave’ you told him and you felt his chest shake underneath you as he laughed.
‘So that’s it?’
‘That was it’ you affirmed and he looked at you confused. ‘Don’t worry, I know how to get by too’ you winked as you sat up to look at him and his face was a picture as if he couldn’t believe what you’d just said, but when he bit his lip, you knew what mood he was in.
‘Is that so’ he murmured, flipping you over so you were now on your back and he was leaning over you. ‘Why don’t you show me’
‘What?’ You blushed, wondering if he was actually asking you what you thought he was.
‘I want you to show me, what you did to yourself when I wasn’t around’ he whispered, rising to his knees so he could get a better look at you. Palming over his boxers and you could see he was getting hard at the thought of you touching yourself. ‘Go on baby, put on a show for me. Don’t worry, I’ll show you too’
You were frozen in place, this not being something the two of you had ever done before, in fact something you’d never done with anyone so you were unsure how to proceed, but the lust in his eyes made your tummy erupt with butterflies, so you slowly ran your hands down you body as he got comfortable in between your legs. Lying on his stomach with his head by your knees so he had a good view of you.
You quickly sat up to discard the T-shirt and laid back down, hearing him growl lowly at the brief sight of your chest. You could feel him pressing sporadic kisses on the inside of your leg, and before you could talk yourself out of it, your hands were gliding back down and dipping into your underwear.
You were already wet from his stare and soon enough you felt his hands hook your underwear down your legs and pull them off, now giving him a full view of what you were doing to yourself. You could feel your face flushing at the intimacy of it all, and you knew your hands were shaking but you pushed through, at first pretending he want even there and running your fingertips all over your body again until you were covered in goosebumps and you could feel your nipples harden.
You slowly ran your fingers through your folds, coating them before you circled over your clit. You could hear Mason take in a breath before kissing your legs again, slowly getting higher as you pleasured yourself in front of him.
‘Mason’ you breathed as the pleasure intensified and you felt him shuffle up your body a bit more until hips lips were on your waist.
‘That’s it, that’s my girl’ he mumbled into your skin and you let out a whimper as his lips attached to you nipple, sucking gently before teasing off with his teeth, sending a shiver down you spine. He sat up on his knees in between your legs before he pushed his boxers down, letting himself spring free and your mouth watered at the sight of him.
He took himself into his hand, slowly pumping himself up and down whilst his gaze fluttered all over you as if he didn’t know where to look. Soon after, he grabbed your wrist, and bought your fingers to his mouth, sucking your wetness from you as his eyes rolled back at the taste.
‘Fuck, just as good as I remember’ he breathed, getting his face settled between your thighs again as he looked up at you. ‘I’m a little out of practice but I need to taste you’ he told you, placing your hand in his hair before diving into you tongue first.
You gasped at the contact, finally feeling his mouth on you again after so long. He told you he was out of practice but he was always good with his tongue and you were pleasantly surprised to find that was still the case. You tugged his hair slightly in a way he used to love and he moaned into you.
You had gotten yourself most of the way there already, so when slipped his fingers inside you, it didn’t take long for you cum around them. Once he knew you were through it, he went back to kissing all over your thighs, traveling up your body to kiss your chest and the feel of his lips still all over you sent your head into a spin, only the the thought of him pounding into you on your mind, but he seemed far too interested in kissing every inch of your skin that he’d missed.
‘Mase, please fuck me’ you whimpered and you heard him whine into your neck at your words, lifting his head with a mischievous smile so he could bump his nose with yours. You could feel him hard against your leg so you knew he was ready and waiting for you but you also knew he liked to drag out your pleasure.
‘Say that again for me baby’ he uttered, kissing your cheeks as you bucked up into him.
‘Fuck me Mase, please. I need to feel you’ you pleaded, ruining your hands down his body until you were met with his length. You took him in your hand, pumping him a few times and enjoying the way his face changed at the feeling. His eyes closing and his lips parting ever so slightly so he could let out a shaky breath. You managed to line him up with your entrance, but he needed no extra help from there. Slamming into you until you arched your back, moaning directly into his ear as he thrusted into you with all he had.
‘So needy for me’ he teased, his lips lost in your neck before he brought his head up to look at you again. Both breathing into each others mouths as he gave you all he could. He was close already and you could tell, but you knew he wasn’t ready to cum yet so he sat up before spitting down onto you and circling your clit whilst he was still buried inside you. ‘That good’ he questioned, noticing how your eyes were rolling to the back of your head with each brush of his fingers.
‘You have no idea’ you managed to croak out, the feeling becoming overwhelming and you were certain you’d never felt this good. He saw how close you were, now knowing it was safe for him to get back into it so he started moving his hips again whilst still keeping his fingers working. His other hand traveled up to your throat, squeezing gently as he remembered you used to love it and clearly still did from the way you tightened around him even more.
You were trying to keep your moans at bay, not wanting to sound too desperate, but the harder he went, the harder it became for you to keep a lid on things.
‘I know for a fact you can be louder than that, come on baby, let me hear you. Let me hear how good I’m making you feel’ he pleaded, his low raspy voice turning you on even more causing you to cry out in pleasure. He bit his lip at the sound before attaching his lips to yours, pushing you both over the finish line and you clung to his neck as you both attempted to get your breathing back on track.
He slumped to the side of you, not wanting to crush you but too tired to move anywhere further. You ran your fingers through his hair and felt his body melting into yours which caused you to chuckle beneath him.
‘Don’t laugh at me’ he scolded you gently before lifting off you slightly so he could look at you. The bridge of his nose was flushed and his hair was a mess but he was radiating happiness and you couldn’t help but smile at him. ‘You okay?’ He whispered and you nodded whilst kissing his forehead.
‘Never better’ you breathed and he nestled back into your neck.
‘Well rest up, I’m gonna need a round two soon’ he told you, standing up and helping you you to sit so you could go to the bathroom. You let out a little laugh and his eyes snapped to yours, a cheeky smile on his face as he winked. ‘You think I’m joking, we’ve got a lot of catching up to do’ he teased, slapping your bum playfully as he followed you into the bathroom to join you in the shower.
You’d barely slept, both your hands on each other all the time and the simplest of contact led to a quick fumble between the sheets. You were exhausted and had no idea how Mason was going to manage to get through the day. At least he would have a night away from you tonight to catch up on sleep before his game tomorrow.
You we’re currently in the kitchen, dressed only in your underwear and Masons shirt whilst you made the pair of you a coffee. He was currently behind you, his arms wrapped around your waist as he kissed your neck gently and you lent into his chest to update him on some office gossip you hadn’t got round to telling him yesterday. You both heard the front door open, freezing as you were unsure as to who it could be, but the sound of Masons dad shouting his name made you relax before panicking again.
‘Shit, I forgot they were all coming today’ he groaned and you were filled with anxiety as you took the pair of you in, him in just his boxers and you not leaving much to the imagination. ‘Fuck fuck fuck’ he muttered before darting from the room to greet them, leaving you stood in the kitchen, frozen in fear.
‘Ah there he is. Nice to see you got dressed this morning’ you heard his mother tease, their voices getting closer and the entered the living room. ‘What the hell is going on in here’ she laughed and you realised the table was still set from last night as half burnt candles littered the floor and balloons were floating around everywhere. ‘You know what, I don’t wanna know. I just need to put this in your fridge’
‘I can do that’ you heard him offer, a tinge of desperation in his voice, but it was no use. Before you knew it, she was in the kitchen, your eyes meeting and you’d never seen her look so shocked. She visibly jumped before she realised it was you, a massive smile breaking out on her face before she dashed to your side, bringing you in to a bone crushing hug.
‘I knew it’ she shouted spinning you both in a circle and she laughed. ‘They all thought I was mad but I was right’ she howled, as Mason stood laughing with his hands on his hips in the doorway. Debbie pulled back, holding you in front of by your arms as her eyes filled with tears. Your eyes glazed over too at the sight of her, you knew how close Mason was with his family and they had welcomed you with open arms when you first got together. To see her so happy at the sight of you warmed your insides.
‘What do you mean you were right?’ Jaz questioned as she followed in behind, but as soon as she saw you she was running over to join the hug. ‘Oh it’s so good to see you, but I owe mum a tenner now so it’s kind of not’ she laughed as Mason entered the room, holding summer on his hip, his dad, brother and Sam flooding in behind with shocked faces.
‘Why do you owe mum a tenner?’ He questioned as you watched the little girl wriggle around in his arms as if she was fighting him off to get to you.
‘Call it mother’s intuition’ she laughed and Mason rolled his eyes and he popped Summer on the floor so she could run over to you ‘let’s face it Mason, you haven’t exactly been a ray of sunshine this last year. But these last few weeks you were back to being my Mase again’ she explained as you lifted Summer up onto your hip. ‘I knew there was something up and I figured it had to be you’ she told you, squeezing you a little tighter. ‘He gets this special look when you’re around’
‘Who is it Summer’ Jaz asked her excitedly as she began threading her tiny fingers in your hair.
‘Auntie y/n’ she clapped and you tickled her sides gently. ‘Trousers gone?’ She questioned and your face flushed as you remembered you were stood there in front of his family in pretty much next to nothing.
‘Uh yeah, I must of lost them’ you laughed and you could see Mason trying to hold in a laugh from across the room.
‘Summer?’ You heard Lewis call as you set her down. ‘Why don’t we go get your stuff out the car while y/n tries to find them. Mason maybe you can help, I have a feeling yours might be lost in the same place’ he teased before grabbing Summers hand and walking her out the room.
Once back up in Mason room, you flopped onto his bed face first and groaned as he stood laughing at you. ‘Don’t Mase, I’m so embarrassed’
‘But look how happy they were to see you’ he laughed as he sat down on the bed next to you, rubbing over your thigh to try and comfort you. ‘Sorry baby, it’s my fault. I was so focused on you being here i forgot I’d made plans with them. They’re gonna stay here tonight and come to my game tomorrow’ he explained and you rolled over to look up at his apologetic face. ‘You do realise my mum will probably invite you to go with them now’
‘I suppose it wouldn’t hurt, I haven’t been to a game in a while’ you told him, sitting up as he kissed your cheek. ‘Can I borrow a shirt?’
He laughed, standing up to grab one of this season’s shirts with his name printed on the back and you smiled as he handed it to you. ‘Call it a late Christmas present’ he winked as he cupped your jaw to kiss you. ‘I guess since now my family know, and you’ll be wearing my shirt at the game, maybe now we can tell some more people? Like be official?’
‘Are you asking me to be your girlfriend again, Mason Mount?’ You teased, your eyebrows raised and your tongue in your cheek as he looked into your eyes lovingly.
‘I’m asking you to be my girlfriend again y/n y/l/n. If you’ll have me that is’
‘I don’t see why not’ you whispered as you kissed him. A year of hurt and upset now behind you as you were officially back with your person.
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hot-bumblebees · 1 year
Picture this… hear me out… Doma with a he/him coochie
Contains: masterbation, oral, fingering, genital piercings, reader and Doma are kinda nasty
Doma who had been a demon for a hot minute already but has never tried to change his genitals/gender until he saw another demon do it and was reminded that he could also do that.
He wasn’t interested in having more feminine features, he liked the way he looked, but there was something about having a pussy that excited him.
So he does it and he loves it so much! It’s so much more comfortable to sit down and live. And it’s not like he could get a period so he got all the pros and no cons.
But his favourite part was when he would get touched there.
The first time he touched him self he didn’t last long, the feeling just being too good. He now understood why women were so loud when he pleased them and he couldn’t blame them.
Doma who loves to take his time and feel himself up and edge himself until he’s ready to cum on his fingers.
The way his fingers felt against clit was so incredible as rubbed small circles on it. His slick helping him glide his fingers across the sensitive surface as he moaned and wined. When he’s ready he uses his other had to insert two fingers inside of him, making the pleasure border line too much. it only took a few more movements to make his hole twitch around his fingers.
Doma who gets a vch piercing just so that every time he sits down or does a specific movement the bar rubs against his desperate clit that could never get enough.
Finally one day you came along and you had been getting closer to Doma. You noticed that his posture was different from other males, he would sit cross legged and he would never complain about how being uncomfortable, which most males do when they sit cross legged. That was one of the things that you noticed but never minded to ask.
One day as you guys were sitting outside on the porch you asked him if he ever considered changing genders since he could do that. Doma looked at you and smiled.
“Of course I have Y/n! And I have! It’s so much better than a dick!” He responded laughing lightly, amused by the conversation.
A mischievous smile appeared on your face.” Oh really? In what ways Doma?” You knew exactly where you were going with this.
“It’s much more comfortable and feels so amazing when I touch myself!” Doma raved at the thought of pleasing him self.
“Yourself? How about others?” You asked knowing the answer already.
“Unfortunately I haven’t tried that out yet.” He pouted as you moved closer towards him, placing your hand on his upper thigh.
“Oh Doma you poor thing.” Empathy in your tone.” Let me fix that for you. Can’t have you deprived like that.” You stand up and put your hands in front of Doma to help him up and led him back to his room. Lucky all the members were sleeping.” Take your cloths off and sit on your bean bag.” You order and watch him obey, peeling his clothes off and going to sit down on the bag. You walked up to him and sat beside him to kiss him. He immediately took control of the kiss making it aggressive as he wrapped his arms around your waist. Your dominant hand going in-between his legs to toy with his sensitive bud, but to your surprise the was something cold and hard there too. Pulling away from the kiss you looked down. There was a small silver curved bar bell sitting on top of his puffy clit.” What’s this for? Hmm? It’s pretty cute.” You complement as you flick the metal bar making him gasp and shake.
“I like feeling cute and every time I sit down it makes me feel good.” He responds as he watches your hand as it starts to rub circles on him.” Sometimes I rub my legs together just for a little relief but it never works” He frowned as he sighed.
“Your so dirty Doma… such a desperate slut.” You go to kiss his pale neck as your fingers keep playing with him.
He seemed to really like little tight circles with added pressure, so you continued that motion and going down to his hole to collect wetness and to tease him a little.
Doma was getting louder as time went by and you could tell that he was going to cum soon so you pull your fingers away and detached your self from his neck. Doma whined at the absence of your fingers.
“Why’d you stop? You’re being mean.”
“Open your mouth.” You ignored him. He opened his mouth and sucked on your wet fingers, tasting himself. After you felt like your hand was ‘clean’ enough you pulled your hand out of his mouth.” How do you taste?” You ask as you go down to the floor, pushing his thick thighs open and taking in the sight of his pussy.
“I taste so good y/n! Your very lucky to have the chance to taste me!” Doma flaunted as he looked down at you.
“Indeed I am.” You mumbles as you went to lick a strip up his slit. He tasted so good and sweet, so you went back in for more. Starting slowly at working away on licking Domas clit. the blond hair that he trimmed was tickling you face but it was ok, it added to the appeal.
“Oh y/n! More please?!” He desperately asked as his hips tried to hump you face for more friction. You complied latching onto his clit sucking it as his whines turned into moans.” Ya just like that y/n! So good!”
His head tilted back, as the familiar feeling of his climax approached. The only thing that was missing was the fingers inside of him, but you seemed to read his mind. You used one hand to hold his legs down to keep him folded and your other hand was coming to put two fingers in him and rub his g-spot.
Tears started to build up in Doma rainbow eyes. The feeling was so good, better than it ever had been. His orgasm was rapidly approaching but time it felt different, there was a pressure also building up in his bladder, something that never happened before but it felt so incredible making him cry in pleasure as his body was taken over by tremors. You kept going until Doma was done riding out his orgasm and your face was covered in cum and squirt.
You pulled away form Domas sticky cunt and wiped your face on your shirt. Moving back up to Domas face to quickly peck his lips.” How was that?” You asked as you stood up.
“It was amazing y/n! I want to do it again!” He expressed as he sat up with excitement.
“Of course Doma.” You smiled as you went to go get a rag to clean him up.
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