#closest w/ null
farewell-in-veil · 2 years
aw what a silly gu
pasquinade was stored away just like the aifp points. theyre actually very good friends with all of them !!
but, one day, before the second star savior arrived, they got sick of being locked away. they wanted to meet others. especially that stratosfear guy
so they simply broke out, and went to meet her
initially they just wanted to steal his symbol to fuck with them, but when that had no affect on him like it had on the other aifp points, they got bored, and smashed the symbol on the ground, then left her alone
since then, theyve been free, roaming around and fucking shit up to their hearts content
they most commonly steal anshine, signol, and ulipses symbols because they like the way being symboless affects them. its funny to them
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rvby · 5 months
these arent even like. hcs theyre so small that its just him. yknow.
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guesspls · 2 years
Since Red, Blue, Yellow, all of them have one ep where they play as a villain (AvM Original - AvM Witch - AvM Lucky Block), it's easy to say that Green gonna has one too. But what's he gonna be?
1, AvM - Totem of Undying
Green died the most in all 5 of them, and the Totem of Undying is a saving item in Minecraft. Some theory about the Totem of Undying was about a village get trapped inside the Totem, if Alan follows the theory then maybe Green also getting possession ?
(Have this little old art I used to post on Twitter)
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2, AvM - Entity 303/ Null
Idk what to say, but it's just the same to Red. Also possession. I don't think this too much.
3, AvM - Note Block
I- don't think about it actually, but Green was counted as the Antagoist in Note Block ep based on wiki
Maybe he goes supervillain after drinking the poison of musically ? ;)
4, AvM - Purple's betrayed
Purple aready betrays Green, twice. For this work, maybe Purpe trick the CG to abandon Green, leading him to be a villain ? Or maybe he accidentaly kills sth, and blames it on Green ? For this it has 50% work since I don't think Alan gonna make Purple a protagonist anymore.
5, AvA - The Dark Lord
Okay, this is what I want to talk the most. There are lots of similarities between Chosen - Dark relationship and Second - Green relationship. - They becoming friends after touching hand/ shaking hand ( and besides, one of them want to fight the other) - They have the closest bond (can't be sure with Chosen and Dark since Alan didn't say anything but we can easy to believe it) - Green being Good At Everything (Alan confimed :D) can be seen the same as The Chosen One, The Second Coming or The Dark Lord. But this can't be sure since my HC was the name refers to the person, it mean three of them in my HC was also, good at everything. Second, for example, he shows to be good at music (Note Block Battle) , coding + building (Restone Academy), fighting, and his main interests still hasn't been discover. - They also rival with each other, both good and bad way.
There're also 2 thing often happen in a story, replaced and repeated (it sound a bot weird lol). Replaced kinna like how Purple and MT relationship, they both lost sth and the other just fit in the hole that lost. We DO NOT say that Purple replaced Gold, Purple is Purple. But we not gonna talk about Replaced. We talk about Repeated.
Repeated is an action, or stuff that got repeated again in the story. Like Red getting possession twice, in AvM- Original and AvM- The King, or Green getting kill twice in one epison. So I want to say about a repeated in Chosen - Dark action, appiled to Second - Green action.
The thing make this theory not okay is that Green is not the type of guy who is curious, if say in that way, Yellow or Red fit in the role of someone who tries to find A FREAKING DANGEROUS PERSON like The Dark Lord more than Green. For this, Green has to have something that really curious him enough to find Dark by himself, without the color gang and Second.
(and for this to work, Dark also needs to be alive, or at least be a majoy problem in Green's head)
So I really want Green to play the villain role and battle with Second, kinna like best friend turn into enemy. But this has a bit of problem, Green surelly died if he did that :), and I don't think Alan will kill an important role like Green or the CG (if they can't come back)
6, He never be a villain
- DJ like Green (lol, surely not the main reason) - Green is perfect ( I believe) - Okay, We know that Green has been kill by his best friend, twice, has been betray by his friend, twice, and he still forgive them, like dude... - I used to read a comment in AvM 29. The comment says that, Green during the chase asks Purple if he's good or bad. But after seeing Purple's backstory, Green has pushed away both the devil AND the angel. To my HC, Green belived in "Not everyone is all bad". And that the reason why Green, after this epison, is even hard to make him a villain (the eassiest way is only by force, which is getting possession I belived).
Saying all that, but I just gonna left a small conversation between Green and Dark here ;). I have had this in my head for a while now.
Green: Hey... Dark Dark: ? Green: Can I be a villain? Dark: Why did you ask that? Green: I mean.... I don't think I ever being a villain in the story before, or maybe being like, a powerful hero ? I feel like I'm just an average dude, and I feel... Dark: Feel what? stuck or something ? Green: I- Dark: Then maybe when you live long enough, you will understand how stupid you just say. Green: What !?! Dark: Just stop thinking about it kid . Green: Hey you're not answering my question ! Dark: When you glow up more you will know, now quick we losing time, back to training Green : >:< -- Dark : When you live long enough, you will see yourself as a villain.
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identityarchitect · 1 year
which ones most embody each of the fears from the magnus archives
hmm im gonna just assign them fears under the cut cus i have a lot of ocs
solace group
a glimmer of seasalt - lonely. she's too far away from anyone to be on the main communication network, so fox has to forward any messages to her, and after communications broke down she was just alone.
three tears of a fox - corruption. this girl is Literally infested. she is Literally rotting. very corruptioncore
rising birds - mmmm very tentative hunt, maybe end. ive mentioned before that her whole thing is trying to figure out how to kill iterators so that she can protect people so. yeah
stormclouds overhead - eye? maybe? during his collapse he lost lots of memory so he's using. basically feral cats as librarians to rebuild his memory. thats decently eye
cold water rushing - stranger methinks but possibly spiral. its name is a pseudonym and it hides its face i couldnt make it more stranger w/o making it an actual clown
seven crowns of bone - buried. my guy literally got eaten by a sinkhole
chorus group
collector of caged kismet - vast! he's trying to get a slugcat to go down to the void sea and then come back up which like. can you even get more vast
bells of other ballads - very tentatively flesh. she's trying to train a slugcat to be an engineer to repair iterators, and iterators are biomechanical, so i guess flesh?
caught under null thorns - im gonna be real i have no idea what CUNT is like. no assignment because of lack of personality
forgoing all glory - honestly very difficult. extinction is the closest. FAG was built to be self repairing to a fault, and designed to be an everlasting monument to the ancients, so that he'd stick around Literally Forever. which is kinda vast now that i think about him but him and his mindset is closer to extinction/end/desolation
does your kin endure - uhhhh. im giving her an honorary potential dark/desolation alignment im gonna be honest i havent thought much about her either
to reinvent as new, not yours - flesh baby!! literally a trans surgery machine, flesh as hell
69 weed leaves - corruption? hes pretty much falling apart and theres plants and shit in his machinery which is pretty corruption
equinox group (+ winters group which are technically separate)
no peaceful ending - end. no question. she died, she came back wrong, oliver banks is high fiving her as we speak
fibres of silence - im honestly gonna say slaughter. silence is VERY mad for what winter did to peace. if not slaughter then lonely
hallows of fate, damned - uhhhhhh. buried? maybe? in the sense of more metaphorical pressure. fate has very bad imposter syndrome stemming from one Really bad fuckup that ended up harming a lot of his colony, so i guess i could see her being buried.
glowing wind between speckled trees - she's probably kind of like adelard dekker or mikaele salesa in that she interacts with the entities without being bound to any of them. my girl just cares about tea. if i really really had to, maybe eye
dappled light over decaying leaves - web or eye. i dont know how just yet but this girl knows things she is not supposed to
winters group
awakening winter - web. no doubt. this man manipulates other people to his own end so much. hes also got some desolation/hunt spice in there from all the killings and ruination
nebula of snow eternal - hmm. end? possibly desolation. he was winter's first victim, and he collapsed and was literally crushed by his can (similar to how peace was) so. yeah
cycles within cycles - end! this guy was a sliverist, meaning that he believed death was the means to ascension. trying to stop winter was a win-win scenario for him; either he stops winter, or winter kills him (thus ascending him). he gave no shits
revent chorus, the silence calls - slaughter slaughter slaughter slaughter my guy went mad and started killing for as of yet unknown reasons. slaughter as hell
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captainkurosolaire · 2 years
~ Update ~
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When the heart yearns does it ever burn. It’s most certainly back, after nearly a year dimming out. Last year I put everything I had into punching holes through my limits and barriers.I am without mistaken proud of what I accomplished and the tribute I laid out that I wholeheartedly dealt. But of course. That’s never enough for me. I still feel as I’ve only put scratches of what I’m capable to do-- no, what I want to do. With that being said I’ll be back soon in full might, undoubtedly with another consistent flood-wave of flowing content and ink to canvases, soul sweating every fiber I got to unlock and breathe again. Cause it’s only when I’m truly back to creating, do I breakout and feel oh so alive! It’s a ventilation and my own personal oxygen supply that nulls any health issue, disease and as it’s tried for over a decade now to try redefining my approach to live. It’s been unsuccessful in taking me out for the long haul. I will go further in details of what has transpired in my absence gone below the cut. But a month is my goal date. I’ve already began lining up some content and I definitely have some swelling ideas but I am taking a new charge in this upcoming voyage so I can be with all intent more longevity my fully functional state. Cheers until then hearties.
Awhile ago, I wrote a piece about how doubt can poison us and ground. With that said the manifestation was festering me. Wasn’t certain If I’d ever be able to get drawn or motivated enough to trigger that awakening I held that same energy, drive, heart and determination I unleashed the after-mention year. That’s most likely a scenario occurs a lot after a stellar year in any sort of thing many factors, fear for future events, uncertainty if a prime was hit. Although I can’t deny the creeping shadows of that engulfing can’t be an issue. Things beyond control putting effort in that it’s much more damaging. And I honestly don’t feel that is a web of truth for me. As I stated, know there’s more to grow in me. That haven’t properly been nurtured yet is all. The season hasn’t dried away all the cold, it’s all still fresh. Sometimes changing fighting stances results in better yields, and I think mentally there’s guard changes, stand swaps in those too. I no longer think on what dwells. Instead there’s a starving in my belly and itch that needs a fill and relieve. A viscous passion consumes me and I’m taking it to pampering it up nice and taking it to prom and we’ll see where that night gets me. Envisioned many arcs and sagas so much unfilled but I was always daunted with the notion that it had a standard I needed to commit. Not just for the sake of others but for my own personal, self-improvement. Perfection isn’t my cup. I’ve got my damages, the trauma and a plethora of flaws. They make up me and give me abundance of ideas, to twist and warp something authentic and throw it into fantasy. I have rode out the physical and mental rehabilitation and it’s an exhausting card every time. It’s a grueling tradition at this point. But the only weakness isn’t giving it all out and launching yourself to get an extra step, pushing it to get a sprint out again before anything catastrophic hit. Turned into a very ghostly figure, closed in and put myself in a box, unable to confront or muster any more energy to give to the people that matter or the closest to me and there’s never an easy way to leave things like that, can make others ponder if they did stuff wrong or blame themselves, however isn’t a -them- issue. Isn’t even something personally another did just an old vehicle with some shitty mileage rates, the gas tank leaks, the entire motor is shot and barely worthy of getting to a trusted destination. But when the ignition works, it purrs with a classic thrill. That’s a lot how as a system I operate. I’m a doomed situation to repair, the price runs beyond the budget. But I’m get a destination out more than ever expected and fill that ride with memories and songs to last until I work again. This time, I get my motor running early for a change, spend an entire month, challenge myself to put stuff to paper. Build up the entire thing and stockpile, then whatever I have, I unleash in whatever state of quality when I return. Then while that occurs, I take myself and do the sightseeing, do the things I’ve wanted. Return and be more proactive about attending events, try stirring up some threads, and things I always wanted too. But be uninterrupted by all the deterrence or feeling like I need to puncture something forcefully in. Let things hit me and still go, then start stockpiling in the background and continue the pace, staying a whole ten miles ahead. Try making this joy ride last as long as possible, surpassing all that stuff I did before. Giving myself a month of wiggle room to fuel up. For now got Budokai 3 a showdown with some unique astrology and lore-twisting usages to make a deathmatch out. Just need to polish that up and I’ll have that done. But that water doesn’t end I got some skit ideas, some concepts I never once had in my head for years that came organically that’ll follow the aftermath of the results of that gruesome battle, that’ll be even more in-depth filling, I got that a lot from the last XIV Challenge. Then if I can get to it, I have a major arc with a very ambitious idea. Try getting a whole crew vs crew showdown going into something. There’s a literal ‘giant’ undertaking I want this year and a whole War/Saga point that’ll just endlessly and abundantly unlock so much stuff and I want that initial thing at the very least. I said and set that last year and nothing has changed. If anything I’ve got a chip on my shoulder to get to it fairly. But if anyone out there ever want to chat on here or discord or something about OC or story stuff, or plot ideas, pre-establish stuff, or intrigue in joining Crew and huge arc or anything I’m going to do my best to be even more accommodating. - Try upping my gif and screen-set stuff, cosplay things too when I get myself in the forefront of this. Stay worldly ye treasures.
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For the writing ask game: 13, 15, and 18 (:
ooh thank you grace!! <3 and sorry i’m getting to this late D:
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy?
ummm i’ll start with easy :D easy for me is soft family moments and people struggling with their sense of who they are. grief and sort of - how to say it - i hate to say ‘spiritual’ cause that doesn’t seem quite right, but that’s the closest descriptor i can think of. whatever the subject is of stuff like the one with fives comforting fox in his dreams and hevy visiting echo on lola sayu - that’s easy for me. i know i’m kind of losing the ‘subject matter’ and getting into ‘genre’ instead skjflkds but difficult is broken relationships and also anything action-packed. i struggle with action D: but broken relationships is both the difficult-est thing i can think of off the top of my head and also something i don’t like, so chances are it’ll always be difficult for me cause i don’t particularly want to practice writing it XD
15. Do you write in the margins of your books? Dog-ear your pages? Read in the bath? Why or why not? Do you judge people who do these things? Can we still be friends?
i’m actually trying to make myself comfortable with marking up books for fun - i’ve always been scared to so much as bend the spine of a book and have obsessively taped and glued many a tiny tear in the cover a paperback XD but i’ve also always used a separate journal to take notes as i read, and after a failed hard drive that wiped away almost a decade of said journaling, i’ve decided to start putting those notes in the physical books themselves
that being said, i actually have read in the bath before! an epsom salt bath and a book and a cold glass of tonic water w/lemon is the height of luxury for me skfjkdlsf i....should go scrub my bathtub so i can do that, actually >.>
18. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end.
i was trying to find something non-angsty for this question, and i remembered - well, let me go ahead and expose myself by posting this passage from the fic i have neither updated nor rewritten as i have promised to do since december of 2020 D:
There are a couple of times where you have to ask for clarification on a point that Kal’s made almost entirely in his own language, and the Nulls are eager to help you out. They’re also sympathetic when you nearly choke on one of the small chilis Kal has left in the stew - how you’re ever going to handle it at it’s usual intensity, you really don’t know - and under pretense of passing you water, Mereel takes the opportunity to put his warm little face right next to your ear and whisper:
“I think tingilaar is awfully spicy, too.”
“I’m glad I’m not the only one,” you whisper back, ignoring Kal’s inquiring look.
After that, the two of you spend the rest of dinner send each other conspiratorial glances over the your bowls of stew. Whenever Kal’s back is turned you take the opportunity to stick your tongue out and fan it, and you’ve quickly got not only Mereel but also Prudii and A’den giggling quietly every time you do so. When Jaing starts joining in, Kal finally pauses in the middle of explaining something to Kom’rk and turns to you in exasperation.
“Someone want to tell me what’s going on here?”
“Sorry, Kal,” you say contritely. “This is so good, but it’s just so hot. I think my tongue’s on fire.”
“No it’s not!” Mereel blurts out scornfully, and at the same time Prudii asks, “Is it really?”
“That’s not possible,” Ordo says, his forehead wrinkling. “Is it possible, Kal?”
“It’s not,” Mereel insists. “Stick it out again.”
You obligingly stick out your tongue and are immediately swarmed by the Nulls, all peering at it with great interest.
“It’s not burnt,” Ordo says with relief. “Just red.”
“Really red,” Kom’rk adds.
“I bet yours are, too,” you say.
“Ith mine ed?” A’den asks, sticking his own tongue out.
backstory-wise: i’d gone home for a couple weeks and while i was there, my mum decided to make a szechuan stir fry. she added the chili oil and the peppercorns but didn’t want any actual chilies in hers, so she left them out and let my dad and i put as many as we wanted on our own plates. she also hadn’t been able to find the regular chinese chilies (tien, or something?) and had gotten a different kind - i want to say birds-eye but we used to grow those in our backyard and i don’t remember them being nearly so hot as these were. my dad and i, who both like spicy stuff, sliced up a bunch of them - enough to have a healthy piece of chili or two in every bite - and piled them on top of our food, blissfully unaware of what we were about do to ourselves. and then regretted our decision about three bites in. but we’re also both incredibly stubborn and refused to either pick some of the sliced chilies out or drink any milk to help with the pain, so we suffered through the meal in red-faced, sniffly silence while my mum shook her head at us over her own, chili-less plate (’:
i remember nearly taking the scene out just cause it felt silly and the fic was supposed to center around x reader romance stuff but i had so much fun with the children that i...kinda got distracted after that and started writing one-shots about kal and the nulls instead of continuing the fic XD it was a really helpful scene to try and pin down the characterizations for all the children, though. ordo was obvious enough, but the rest of them have to be reverse-engineered through their adult personalities of course and i remember spending absolutely ages switching names around for the dialogue tags until they seemed to match correctly
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junoknox · 3 years
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( stella, she/they, 20, est, n/a) juno knox has walked on set. they’re a 23 year-old screenwriter who’s been working at skyline media for one year. they’re overly-ambitious, you say? i’d like to think they’re more passionate. either way, catch them watching girl, interrupted (1999) — chase sui wonders / she/they / lesbian / non-binary
FULL NAME: Juno Victoria Knox NICKNAMES: June, Junie, etc BIRTHDAY: December 27th, 1998 AGE: Twenty-Three SUN/MOON/RISING: Capricorn/Aries/Sagittarius  ORIENTATION: Lesbian EDUCATION: Bachelor of English w/ a Minor in Film Studies from New York University OCCUPATIONAL EXPERIENCE: Several internships, lots and lots of turned down screenplays. POSITIVE TRAITS: passionate, outspoken, confident, independent, individualistic, logical NEGATIVE TRAITS: overly-ambitious, stubborn, aloof, emotionally stunted, critical, self destructive.
Fleabag (Fleabag) - just an absolute wreck. stubborn through and through. set in her ways, copes with sex, occasionally humor. you love to watch her fuck everything up! also the family disappoint, womp womp.  Toph Beifong (Avatar: The Last Airbender) - DO NOT extend help to them, they do not want it and will not accept it. perceive them as anything other than tough as nails and you will get a wack to the face! nothing can jeopardize their cool exterior even everything in their life feels like it is on fire. Jo March (Little Women) - her one true love is WRITING and her CAREER! , temperamental and again, stubborn to a fault.  Jughead Jones (Riverdale) - this is mostly a joke but in case you haven’t noticed they’re weird, they’re a weirdo, they don’t fit in and they don’t want to fit in. leave them to be a little freak in peace!
𝐁𝐈𝐎 (tw homophobic implications, alcohol mentions)
juno liked girls and juno had a dream. she knew this on christmas day right before her fourteenth birthday when she watched but i’m a cheerleader for the first time away from her parents cautious eyes. 
their plan included getting the fuck out of kansas no matter what it took. school wasn’t easy for them but they worked hard to get into a college that would kickstart their life. juno is a hard worker above anything else. critical of themself, others, and unyielding until their ideal of perfection is reached.
 the first 18 years of life prior to nyu were null and void in juno’s mind. nothing notable. it can be a footnote in the juno knox story one day, but nothing to talk about presently.
coming out, unfortunately, was not easy. mr and mrs. knox didn’t understand and the high school kids in kansas were mean. juno didn’t care for the pity some people gave once she left kansas. it was behind her now. in fact, she’s been no contact with her parents for a while at this point. 
here and there, juno gets a call or two from their sibling asking for money, but other than that, they’re largely on their own. 
in new york she really honed her craft, made dozens of short films for school, wrote dozens of full length screenplays and television series, but never really made any friends in the process. she always has been and still is the definition of being married to her work. no matter where she is, it isn’t good enough and she isn’t content. beyond becoming an artist, she really came into herself.
because of their ambitious nature and high standards, it’s been difficult for juno to find work. this is largely in part of their shortcoming in making actually strong connections that are so vital to finding success in the industry. 
a year ago she struck the closest thing to gold yet. skyline media offered her a full-time position on their staff, and juno knew she would be stupid not to accept. sitcoms aren’t exactly what she wants to be making for the rest of her life, in fact, she finds her current position to be a joke, and is deeply unhappy which is causing her to act out in a variety of ways. fighting with her bosses, hook ups left and right, binge drinking, the WORKS. at the end of the day though, she knows nothing can change right now and that beggars can’t be choosers and she has to start somewhere before she can take the helm on feature films. so cheers to the slightly concerning behavior!
ANYTHING YOU CAN DO I CAN DO BETTER - classic enabler vibes. alex is just as much of a mess as juno, maybe even more! regardless each time juno wants to go off the rails, not only are is alex there to encourage her, he’s ready to jump with her! and of course, this courtesy is extended to him as well. it’s kind of their fucked up version of being best friends...should they go to therapy? ( taken - @ofalex)
WON’T YOU BE MY NEIGHBOR? - as much as juno insists they don’t have friends, you’re pretty sure they like you. one time they threw your wrongly delivered package at your door (it left a mark) and another time you caught them flipping you off from the window. they’re so funny! ( taken - @vcntages )
LINE WITHOUT A HOOK - juno would vehemently deny any suspicions about her unrequited and intentionally unknown crush on izzy. there’s no way izzy, or anyone, knows about it. she treats izzy exactly the same as everyone else, but secretly, she can’t get enough of her. juno won’t ever say anything about it though, having a crush is deeply embarrassing. ( taken - @izzyjames )
SEX WITH A GHOST - you and juno are absolutely not good for one another. maybe in another life there could’ve been a relationship for the two of you, but after enough time you got fed up with juno’s bullshit behavior and refusals to commit. it was a real painful mess, and you know you’re wrong for this, but each time you end up in the same proximity it seems you can’t help but fall into bed with each other. damn it. ( open )
ROOMMATE WANTED- honestly you’re a saint for daring to live with juno knox. she keeps her shit clean, maybe a little too clean, and you can put up with the random shit banging around in the kitchen at three in the morning when you know she’s writing. sure, she’s a little intense, but you’re fond of her. like a pet dog. ( taken - @xquietonsetx )
pinterest x
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punkcherries · 3 years
Why would Ryan and Simon butt heads aside from Ryan having reasons to be suspicious of the Apex and Simon being an introvert who dislikes disbelief in the Apex and Nulls, or would that be the reason? Similarly why would Min and Grace get along? I feel Min and Simon are the closest counterparts of the two groups given the former's brief rant about being abandoned, whilst Ryan and Grace are more similar due to their extroverted personalities.
oh grace and ryan definitely also get along p well, but grace is more focused on getting min on board since hes the more hesitant between the two. grace is also just all around better with people! simon is so caught up in the grandeur of their perceived mission and much quicker to get snippy when he thinks people arent listening to him, that getting ppl on their side is much more difficult for him than for grace. grace is cool headed and charismatic, which are traits that lend themselves quite nicely to her manipulative tendencies, ppl are more likely to trust u if ur confident and act like u know what ur talking abt instead of getting argumentative abt it yk??
as for ryan and simon butting heads specifically, simon is a very controlling type, and ryan is a reckless free spirit, so simon being unable to control ryan like other members of the apex would definitely get him wound up and ryan would NOT take kindly to simon's needling and bad attitude. the "counterparts" thing is kinda why min and grace get along but ry and simon dont, personality-wise simon and grace are both kinda twisted versions of ry and min, but like. in different ways. grace has the people skills and charisma, which are traits min is endeared to (especially in ryan) but she uses them for her own personal gain, while ryan is more ingenuous ig? simon on the other hand is an introverted nerd yes but he kinda has the bossy "im the Mature One so u gotta listen to me" vibes min gets from time to time but like. Way Worse. and that rubs ryan in all the wrong ways, cus those are traits he hates (though hes a lot more chill abt it w/ min)
i think grace and min would also hit it off based on similarities between like how their parents raised em n stuff. grace got private dance lessons and parents who werent that interested in her as a person, min got private viola lessons and parents who Tried but also kinda clearly were nudging him away from things He wanted to do, theres common ground there yk? i think theyd have a nice moment in the debutante ball car
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anangelicday-mrwolf · 3 years
Wolfsbane : Noblesse Fanfic (post-ending)
(previous chapter)
Chapter 54 – The Night of Horror
“Tao, duck!”
Screamed M-21, to which Tao responded by promptly letting an imaginary hand wrench his entire torso towards his feet.
Not a second after, a human body thrust its way through the exact spot where his head used to be.
The agent M-21 just wrestle-flung collided with a man in a lab coat, reaping from them grunts close to beastly snarls.
They shared one thing in common – nothing about their appearances suggested they are Homo sapiens, with discolored skin reminiscent of corpses, nails and teeth jutting out in a vicious manner, and eyes seemingly brimming with blood.
And these were not exclusive to the two pseudo-zombies giving Tao and M-21 a challenge like nothing before.
Of course, it would take less than a minute and feel like less than 10 seconds for Tao and M-21 to make sure their opponents will never again disrupt them.
Alas, they could not position themselves appropriately, let alone pull out a weapon or shift into battle forms, because they happened to be facing the staff of KSA.
“Looks like that gas was combined with the technology on... What was it again? Rapid body modification?”
“Yup. Damn, I didn’t think it would be so effective.”
The two men lamented upon witnessing how employees and agents wobbled back to their feet; they could swear they did more than a proper job of hitting their vital points to knock them out.
They even twisted the ankles, solemnly swearing to get upon their knees for forgiveness once the storm is gone; however, their plan was made null by the healing power that naturally comes with body modification.
“...I don’t think we’ll be getting out of this situation, unless we pry out their limbs or a rib or spine or two.”
“...How I hate the fact that I can’t help but agree with you there.”
The outcome was beyond Tao and M-21’s expectation, probably because of Yuhyung’s adjustment.
Nevertheless, they presumed the healing power that surfaced within the victims would be below average.
After all, the project on which their modification was based off was classified as failure and ultimately canceled.
So just like M-21 said, the victims would not be able to recover the loss of a limb or skeletal structure.
Nonetheless, Tao and M-21 could not dare harm them; the only thing they have done wrong, if they have done anything wrong, was staying overnight to fully dedicate themselves to their duties.
It was not the question of post-measurements, already guaranteed by KSA and Frankenstein; it was the question of morals.
M-21’s and Tao’s faces stiffened as the victims dragged their feet towards them, the two men cornered in the room.
Just then, one of the agents bumped shoulders with a researcher closest to him, from which the situation took a precipitous downfall.
The agent made a violent lash at the researcher’s face, and the researcher countered by rooting his teeth into the agent’s shoulder with full power.
Which served as a cue for the rest of the victims to tackle and thwack and open their mouths wide at one another.
Tao and M-21 turned pale as they watched how a scene from fratricidal zombie movie was being played live, their minds becoming numb with shock as the floor being slowly freed from gas was now being plastered with victims’ blood.
They threw themselves in the middle to separate the victims from each other, and that was when their communicators finally vibrated with life.
<Tao! M-21! Do you copy?!>
“Takio? Where are you? What in the world is keeping you? And why did you have to wait to...”
<What is going on? What’s wrong with these people?>
Tao and M-21 met each other in the eyes for a moment at how alarmed Takio sounded.
Then their memories rang the bell for them – the corridors of KSA were not the only area under the effect of Yuhyung’s gas.
“Don’t tell me... Are there people whose body went through modification? Shoot, I was hoping it’d take time for the gas to spread!”
<It’s not far from KSA’s HQ, but what on earth is going on? And what do you mean, body modification? I’m sure these people are civilians!>
“We’ll talk about this later! First, get over here! We could really use a hand or two right now!”
Knowing Takio, they anticipated him to fly over on the double, although they ended up acting individually, a rare occasion to begin and to continue.
Notwithstanding, there was a reason why Murphy’s law was ever coined.
<Uh... I’m afraid as of now I’m... Ugh!>
Their ears whirring upon the sonic boom so very tangible despite the distance secured by the communicators, Tao and M-21 gaped each other with their eyes trembling.
“Takio? What’s going on?!”
“Are you also under the civilian attack?”
<No! It’s the Union! I ran into two of them on my way. One of them happens to be that big guy we saw in the footage we pieced back together from the security camera outside the safehouse that was destroyed. And the other one is a woman with...>
“...Orange hair and cerulean eyes?”
<H-how did you know?>
“Takio, that’s the one!”
“That’s the woman Miss Lunark mistook for Kespar! The one who plotted against Frankenstein in joint with the 3rd Elder!”
“Hang in there. We’re coming in...!”
M-21 and Tao stomped their legs in a halt, in the middle of their sprint carrying the violently struggling people, partitioned with their arms and shoulders.
As soon as they turned the last corner connected to the nearest lab, they saw how the tiles were barely visible due to countless people with abnormal builds.
“Impossible! There’s no way such number would be remaining at this hour!”
“Tao, look at them.”
M-21 directed Tao’s eyes towards the side, where three men and women were yanking each other with their mouths like hyenas that fasted for a month.
“Look what they’re wearing. They’re no agents. Or employees.”
“Are they civilians...? Did some of them trespass?!”
Tao bellowed in dismay, which unfastened the door that was keeping the avalanche of trouble from stampeding towards them.
The blood-shot eyes of people who were busy taking a bite or grab out of anyone within their reach darted glances towards M-21 and Tao.
Not long after, the artificially modified humans lunged towards the two RK’s like a pack of rabid dogs that have spotted a target, a phenomenon propagating outside KSA.
“W-what the hell?!”
“Argh! Mommy!”
“H-help me! Somebody please he... Aaaah!!!”
People who have never consented to their monstrous changes spread out from the street housing KSA’s headquarter, to hunt down innocent citizens, paving the streets with blood and gore.
Which Yuhyung was watching through his device, via the cameras attached upon interior and exterior of the KSA building.
His hands gripping the device quaked, and he hurriedly pulled out a communicative device he would keep asleep unless he has to talk to Helga.
<Oh, hey. So how’s the plan go...>
“What the heck is going on?!?!”
Yuhyung shrieked, as if he were forcing his guts out through his throat, as soon as Helga’s pointed-as-always voice hit his eardrums.
And her response successfully blew up his half-powdered mind.
<What’s the yelling for? Is there a problem?>
She sounded so very placid, whereas her voice was toned up and down deliberately, as if she had seen this coming.
“Problem? Problem is an understatement!!! You know what is... I mean, you are seeing and hearing what is going on! You said you’ll make your way to KSA, so you should know very well what’s...”
<Oh, yes. I know. Of course I do. In fact, I’ve known it for quite long.>
Yuhyung’s quivering voice listlessly scattered into thin air, like a ball of dirt caught in the wind.
<I’ve never told you, have I? I mean the reason why this project the data I gave you came from was labeled as failure and canceled. Well, you were too excited to get your hands on the data and didn’t even bother to ask.>
Helga did mention that the project has a side effect, but he heeded not much, since the way she spoke of the side effect gave impression that it is no big deal.
Still, like she said, he was so thrilled back then to at last gain the Union data he had been thirsting for.
His thoroughness, a must-have value for anyone affiliated with investigation, was discarded temporarily, as he was too occupied with letting his elation jingle his entire universe, like popping champagne open.
And when he later examined the data, he could not find anything in particular in terms of side effect, so he had forgotten about it, until now.
<That’s right. What you’re seeing as we speak is the side effect of this project. The subjects that experience rapid body modification lose the ability to tell their friends from foes. Whenever they see something living and moving, they will first and foremost react by driving their teeth and nails into flesh. And if they are devoid of lifeform around them, they will slash and masticate and take apart their own bodies.>
Instantly, Yuhyung felt as if the entire world spun right into his chest; the entire world turned into a stone of immeasurable size and unimaginable weight, smashing his heart into pieces and plummeting towards his core.
<Did you honestly think I’ll forfeit a complete, safe technology to someone like you? We’d rather die than to suffer a humiliation of allowing vermin like you walking on par with us!>
Helga snickered, stage-choking herself.
<Anyways, congratulations. You made your wish come true – turning non-modified into modified. And now, you’d get to collect as much data as you’d want, like picking apples under the falling leaves!>
Helga sneered as she smiled in vile entertainment and sinister glee, and Yuhyung could only make out his mind escaping far away from him as he watched her.
And the horror spreading throughout Seoul, delivered to his device in divided screens, did not stop assaulting his calm.
This isn’t what I wanted......
I’ve never asked for something like this......!
<And now excuse me. There’s something that compels me to make myself unavailable for now.>
After peeking at something that was not accessible for sight from Yuhyung’s side, Helga cut off the signal, to restrain Kornel once more.
“I’d thought I told you to be prudent!”
“Oh, come on! Can’t you stop stopping me now?! We’re going to kill him anyways!”
“I would have let you, if it were someone else. But that’s Takio we’re facing – the one Sol told us. Takio of DA-5.”
“What? That’s him?”
“Precisely. We assumed it’d take a miracle for him to stand against Aris, let alone beat her. But he not only deleted her existence but also decided to put himself against us. Do I have to explain what we could achieve if we manage to apply the secret of his growth to us?”
“Okay, okay. I got it. Geez. But you don’t mind me beating him up just enough to leave him battered but breathing, do you?”
“Actually, that’d be more than welcome. There’s no telling what will unfold if we don’t go that far to capture him.”
This was certainly not a pleasant situation for Takio, about to battle two Union agents when immediately surrounding him was a scene from a common disaster movie.
His fingers poised upon the triggers, waiting for his order, were strained with pressure.
(next chapter)
So in summary, there are 3 battles taking place at the same time: (1) Takio (ft. Tao & M-21) vs Helga and Kornel, (2) Rael vs Deneb (with Yuhyung), and (3) Lunark vs Dark Spear. As I am posting this chapter, I finished composing part 1 of this battle. And once I’m done with the remaining parts, I’ll finally move on to the finale of this fic. I already know what I’m going to write, and I can’t wait to reach there lol. I’ll do my best as I take this fic to its ending!
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Blood Of Olympus Read W/ Me
This was the worst book of the series by far. I almost didn’t finish it. I think my thoughts are going to be rather short but they’ll still be below the cut for spoiler reasons. There will also be Trials of Apollo spoilers so I highly suggest not reading this if you haven’t caught up with those books! Let’s get into it.
I’d like the start by saying what I like: Nico/Reyna POV. I loved their relationship (which I didn’t see coming at all) it was very big sis-little bro vibes. I love that Nico finally found a place and his budding relationship with Will. What’s funny is though I knew Will would be his love interest (You can’t avoid them in fanfic at all) I thought he’d be more like super sunshine/super happy and that would contrast with Nico’s emo nature. But he was just chill and was like Nico, stop being a dumbass, we’re friends. I think fanfic gave me a different impression of what he’d be like (Granted I never read the fics, just summaries) and I was surprised that he was not like that. It’s not bad or good, just pointing it out. 
Oh and Nico telling Percy he liked him and Percy just being like ‘say what?’ I didn’t expect Nico to actually fess up to that one but Percy’s reaction was gold. 
The best moment in this book is Reyna taking down Orion by herself. She was that BITCH. Correct me if I’m wrong but the only other person who defeated a giant by themselves was Percy right? In the Battle of Labyrinth when he fights Antaeus? I think Antaeus was a half-giant though because Percy, a demigod, managed to kill him without the help of a god. Anyway, Reyna was everything in that scene. Oh I lied, he took down Polybotes too. They’d be unstoppable together (though I love Percabeth). She was about to sacrifice herself too!! What a queen. I respect the crap out of her. UM Jason you really picked the wrong girl lmao. 
I appreciated the Thalia cameo (because again, I didn’t re-read the Lost Hero so I haven’t seen her since the last time I read the PJO series) and the mention of Zoe. I hope Kenzie didn’t really die though, I liked her. 
And that’s all the good I have to say about it. Now for the bad...so much bad.
So after thinking about it, I realize that what makes HoO so different from its predecessor series is that there’s no consequences. The closest we got to consequences was Annabeth and Percy falling into Tartarus because they weren’t saved in time. No one important (protagonist/good guys side) died. Leo was resurrected (And I looked it up and found out that he came to Camp in the Trials of Apollo series so everyone knows he’s alive). Even for the Tartarus one, we didn’t even get a PTSD arc. It would’ve been helpful to have Percy or Annabeth’s POV in this book to wrap up that subplot. Instead we get two lines about their time in Tartarus and when Percy brings it up, Annabeth tells him not to mention it. So no PTSD arc. Got it. But we can just casually mention that Octavian committed suicide (which I don’t care for that ending at all).  Right.
The HoO books are boring because there’s no consequences. I never felt true fear apart from Percy/Annabeth being in Tartarus. In the Last Olympian, mortals were put to sleep, Annabeth was gravely injured, Silena and Beckendorf died. Luke and Ethan died. There was no magical save for them. Blood of Olympus had NO stakes, coupled with a weak, slightly developed new characters made it a bad series imo. It also doesn’t deliver on the questions posed in the book.
Hazel’s curse is still active, no descendant of Neptune has taken it away. I read the wiki summary for every book of the Trials of Apollo (The last one isn’t out yet) and there’s no mention of her curse being lifted. I think Frank’s stick is resolved imo being that it’s safe in the fireproof pouch but for some readers, they don’t think that’s resolved. Kym told Percy he’d have to face his fatal flaw. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t feel as though he did. Percy also never helped Leo find Calypso but Ig that’s null because he never got the chance to. Also is Black Jack, Frank’s grandmother, Hylla okay? Orion said Hylla got away but I was hoping for another cameo. 
Let’s talk about the villains/the entire quest of the Seven. The quest was boring, Nico/Reyna/Hedge’s quest was 100x more interesting and they were transporting a freaking statue. The quest of the Seven was fight this minor god/villain who is working for Gaea who promised them something (Even Jason has a line where he makes fun of this), outsmart/fight them, get to Athens where all the monsters are. Percy and Annabeth’s blood awakens Gaea. The gods come down which makes me angry because most of them weren’t helpful throughout the series. Poseidon wasn’t in this series at all. He didn’t even send a symbol or talk to his son who went missing. I’m pissed that the battle against Gaea wasn’t even in Athens! I’m pissed that they got slapped to New York, like what? The gods really couldn’t poof them back there, they gave some excuse but it was still bs. But I guess Rick needed Argo II to get back to NY so Leo can turn festus back into a dragon. But anyway, the gods come down, the demigods work with to defeat the giants in less than two pages. The giants that were poised as a massive threat for four books straight. Defeated in mere minutes. We don’t even get a cool battle description, they just hack and slash at them and they’re dead. Huh? 
Percy, Annabeth, Hazel, and Frank were reduced to background characters and I understand they don’t have a POV but I never felt that characters who didn’t have a POV in a certain book were ever forgotten/not utilized. They didn’t really get to do anything. 
We also don’t really see the Roman and Greek gods all that much. I know they’re the same people, different Greek and Roman personalities. But like I thought their Roman side could be seen a bit more but they were having difficulty maintain one persona throughout the whole series. I can tell you what the Greek gods are like and how they interact w/ each other based on the throne room scenes/anytime they help demigods in PJO/HoO. But Roman gods as whole? I can’t tell you how they even interact with each other. 
But wait, it gets worse. There’s not even a formal recognition thing like there was at the end of the Last Olympian (where Percy is offered godhood and Annabeth is given position of architect) there’s a little meeting with the gods and the Seven in which Jason is like give minor gods shrine and the gods aren’t really all that interested in what he has to say. There’s no thank you demigods. No, thanks Annabeth and Percy for literally going through Tartarus and Hazel for sacrificing yourself at 13 back in the 1940s. And the rest of them sacrificed something too. Like damn, no wonder why Luke was always like the gods don’t care about their kids. 
Gaea was built up to be a big bad (honestly not really, she talked trash the entire time/sent people to do her work) and the woman is easily overpowered by the three demigods. She’s not even awake for 20 minutes and she goes down. WHAT?? 
Overall, it was anti-climatic and totally did a 180 on everything else established in this series-the fact that Gaea was such a major foe and turned out not to be (that SEVEN demigods had to take her down, not just 1 like Percy’s prophecy) and the giants were to be feared too but they get taken down. At 200 pages in, I dead ass wanted to DNF, it was so boring. I gave it a one star because although the good I mentioned was really great, it doesn’t save the book. So for me, this series had every book be 3 stars or under except House of Hades. 5 books and I only really was able to like one and get through it easily and it still had issues. Like what?
Lastly, I want to touch on Jason. I still think he’s bland though I appreciated him giving Nico a hug at the end there. Again from ToA/being spoiled over the years, I learned that Jason died and I won’t be reading ToA but I read the summary of the book where he died and um, wow. I don’t feel anything for his death but the fact that he and Piper broke up sent me into a laughing/anger rage. Laughing because they really said ‘I love you’ at the end of BoO and they didn’t even make it a year lmao. And the fact that PIPER, miss always insecure in her relationship with him, McLean broke up with HIM. WOOOOOW. But it made mad because I listened to her complain/fawn over Jason for 4 freaking books (not counting tSoN) for NO REASON cuz they ended up breaking up. Overall, I appreciated what Jason, Hazel, Frank, and Piper did in the HoO series because they were helpful but I couldn’t connect with their characters. I’ll admit that in BoO we got a little bit more bonding between characters which is what I asked for in my last read with me and I like the Percy/Jason scene underwater and Piper/Annabeth scene from the beginning. I do think some relationships were summarized when they could’ve been shown--i.e. Annabeth/Reyna/Piper friendship but they have potential. 
The bonding was good, it was just too late. It should’ve happened in MoA/HoH as well. Random but I also hate how Leo was treated (esp. by Jason and Piper) throughout the series and I’m glad he got out of that mess. He was reduced to a deus ex mechanic and that wasn’t cool. The Seven wouldn’t have been able to do this quest without him. 
Sooo I guess this is it. I don’t think I’m going to read another Rick Riordan book again unless I hear something drastic happens to Percy or Annabeth/Any of the PJO characters and Reyna. I’m strongly reconsidering removing him as my fav author. I still love the PJO series but this one was not it. I don’t know if Rick was on a tight deadline for these HoO books but it was just poorly executed. I don’t regret reading the series, I think reading HoH was worth all the time I spent reading this series. I wish I had just read a summary of tSoN and MoA, especially because I already read them years ago and knew I wasn’t into them from my first read. I wasted my own time by doing that. So if I had done that I would’ve gotten to just read HoH and then only be disappointed by BoO as opposed to three books. It is what it is. It’s nice to be in the loop because I always see these things about HoO characters and spoilers so now I know how it went down. 
But that’s it guys, thank you for reading this entire thread and the ones before it. I have a lot of opinions and I don’t think I’m in the minority by saying I didn’t like this series overall. I will get back to my writeblr content and I will leave you guys with my final ratings for the series (My rating system may seem generous compared to my read with me thoughts but I personally don’t give less than 3 stars to books that plot wise made sense. It may not be the most compelling plot or have the best characters but if it made coherent sense, I have to give it at least a 3.) :
The Lost Hero: This score is based off of my original reading in 2012/2013 and my thoughts on the main characters in that book, I give this a 3/5 stars
The Son of Neptune: 3/5
The Mark of Athena: 2/5
The House of Hades: 4.5/5
The Blood of Olympus: 2/5 
Worst book of the series: Mark of Athena (Blood Olympus is a close tie but the Nico/Reyna really saves it from this spot) and best book- House of Hades. 
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kihaku-gato · 4 years
OC Ships / Ship Dynamics
For whatever reason I fizzled out mid-writing so I had to power through last night to try to follow through what I wanted to ramble about Valentine’s Day night. Probably full of typos and incoherence once you hit the Harriet X Anne section onwards, but I’m not proofreading for typos cause brain frustrated trying to spit this out into words so WHATEVER TAKE HERE IT AND SHIP THE CHARACTERS hopefully
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If the ship title is wrapped in “*“ it means it’s a canonical ship in the main canon story of said OCs. Also since AUs will be mentioned, if a specific sentence is wrapped with “*“ it means its a specific thing to the canon story and may not be consistent in AUs.
*Terra X Kayla*
My first OC ship so one of the ones closest to my heart. The serious-chivalrous X bubbly-princess kind of ship (Xena/Gabrielle and Lucia/Sumire are good comparisons). Terra sees Kayla as as an innocent woman that needs to be protected *though Kayla in reality is plenty capable of taking care of herself, and may not be as naive/innocent as Terra thinks*. Despite Kayla’s capabilities, Kayla fantasizes being swept off her feet by Terra as if Terra were a prince charming- but quickly learning Terra’s boundaries she does not force those fantasies onto Terra. Do not mistake Kayla’s damsel-esque fantasies to mean she would not protect Terra in return, if Terra is truly threatened Kayla is far scarier *and more powerful* than Terra could ever be.
*A lot of their developing relationship is them realizing that they both have severe scars from major points of their childhoods, that though both coped with it very differently, they are not so different in many regards.*
Kayla is very physically affectionate, at least having body-to-body contact, hand/arm holding, and if able, rubbing her face against her s/o. Terra’s affection is more aloof but shows her affection by wanting to at least be in the same room/space as Kayla, *craft/curate magical items/trinkets with Kayla in mind* and at times when lost in thought/focus sometimes ends up catching herself stimming via twirling Kayla’s hair in her hands. I could nonetheless see Terra potentially caressing Kayla’s face with her hand though less common.
More direct affection between them is show via kunik kisses (rubbing/touching their noses together), less so actual lip to lip kissing though it happens rarely.
Among the ship complexes they are one of the least sexual of the ships, though among the Terra related ships its the one where I could most likely see Terra having sex (despite Terra not being a sexually driven person); being that Kayla is extremely respectful of Terra’s set boundaries and Terra wanting to please Kayla best she can.
*Riivar X Demauria*
*Their relationship starts as an unofficial Royal X Guard relationship, even though it’s purely for the title and not cause Riivar needs protection*. Between Riivar’s very flirty sexually open nature, and Demauria’s tsundere-esque will-not-admit-she-has-high-sexual-drive/attraction nature, this ship is very sexually tense even though a lot of their starting relationship doesn’t even remotely have sex involved (Riivar doesn’t even make any sexual moves on Demauria as she does not want to make Demauria uncomfortable, rather it’s Demauria later on that makes the move).
Demauria sees Riivar as a tall powerful, confident, knows-what-she-wants-in-life person, and eventually seeks to understand how she came to be so *since a lot of Demauria’s character arc is about finding her drive/purpose in life*. Riivar sees Demauria as a small almost-child that needs room/space/resources and love to grow *though later in the story believes she is not the one that can give enough for Demauria as she feels Demauria has outgrown the need for Riivar*.
Riivar is very open and affectionate and is all about pleasing her partner however her s/o wishes, so as such tries to keep Demauria as comfortable as possible, and only pushes Dema out of her comfort zone is she believes it’s something of benefit to Demauria. Demauria in contrast is very closeted in her emotions, and struggles to regulate them; though she likes the affection she is prone to snapping at Riivar, as such she tries to be more aloof to avoid accidentally snapping at Riivar altogether, as she does not want to hurt the very person doing so much for her. It takes a long time for Demauria to open up and better manage some of her more major intense emotions.
Relationship-wise Demauria wants to try to take the lead but is often strongly outshone by Riivar though not intended.
Among the canon ships this is one of the ships I’ve wanted to drop canonization of; being that I struggle to read/predict how the two interact with each other, plus though unintended there is an accidental power dynamic between Riivar/Demauria that I don’t like (some of it is Riivar having more experience, some of it is that *the canon story has Riivar in the position of hero / good summaratin, which puts Dema in almost a child-like position*), despite my attempts to remove/nullify said power dynamic.
*Harriet X Anne*
This ship is relatively new as far as canon ships go and I keep beating around the bush when it comes to Anne (as a character and her motives etc.) so excuse the disservice of how short this may be for them. Chivalrous Prince X Princess, but in contrast to Terra X Kayla, the energy is reversed; Harriet is the more energetic/open “prince” while Anne is the more aloof “princess”. Probably the ship with the most pining of the 3 canonical ships; Both hold each other with utmost respect.
Harriet puts a lot of effort in treating Anne like a lady when she’s not treating her like a “partner” (non-romantically), which just absolutely squeezes Anne’s heart. A huge arc in their relationship is putting trust that they can help each other in their times of need, being both have a habit if shouldering responsibilities on their individual selves instead of taking the helping hand. I originally was gonna give Harriet a rivalrous energy with Anne at the start of their story, but Anne ended up becoming much much softer/gentler of a character than initially planned, so it became a gentle chivalrous/comradic energy towards instead.
 Harriet X Terra
One of the non-canon ships I think about a lot. I think a lot of it is my enjoyment for seeing Harriet’s feathers getting ruffled by Terra being very attractive in Harriet’s eyes w/o Terra even caring or doing any effort to be so. So yes, the majority of the variations of this ship are rivalrous, whether it is or not really depends Harriet and the context of the AU and how they meet.
In the DnD and MHW AUs for example, Harriet treats/sees Terra in a “broski” sense since they meet each other in a more socially null environment, while most other AUs (and for that matter even in the canon main story where they aren’t a ship) they meet indirectly while in their own social cliches, leading to Harriet to quickly see/treat Terra as a rival/nemesis, due to feeling Terra as a threat to her social/romantic spotlight. It doesn’t help either that Harriet likes to be the center of attention and Terra by no direct fault of her own has a presence that “robs” that of Harriet when the eyes turn to Terra instead.
Terra on the other hand sees Harriet dismissively at the start of their ship/non-ship stories, changing to either “an interesting person” when seeing Harriet’s skills/specialities/morals, or to “a loud nuisance” when Harriet is attempting to instigate competitions/fights with Terra. Later in said ships Terra tends to grow a respect for Harriet even though they don’t entirely play to the same tune.
Interestingly I think they’d both try to get along quicker if they both saw some of the similarities in each other; one being they both will risk their necks to protect other women in their somewhat chivalrous ways, the other being my not-officially-canon-yet-cause-hesitancy is both of them being Autistic (Terra leaning more to the what people expect, while Harriet is not what one would expect- but “how/why my OCs are/should be canonically Autistic, writtern by their creator who is also Autistic” is for a different ramble).
One thing I enjoy is thinking about the point of the ship where Terra may start to open up to Harriet and show her more vulnerable side (either out of long term built trust or out of bad luck / inconvenience if they are earlier yet in the ship) and Harriet being outright disarmed by it. Tbh a lot of this ship is Harriet getting disarmed by Terra in various ways.
 Kayla X Demauria
A ship I initially did not think of till a friend drew fanart of it, but has since become a nice one for me. Kayla’s bubbly friendliness/openness and Demauria’s cold angry/pissyness is a grand contrast. Demauria is a lot more aggressive with Kayla than with  Riivar (whether that being in the “make the first move” sense or actual behaviour) *which is a lil ironic if you learn towards the canon story where Demauria is actually scared of Kayla’s capabilities hidden under the warm smile*.  Despite Dema being the more “aggressive” one I like to think they are on equal grounds as far so “who make the first move” since Kayla is very physically affectionate.
Also while Dema is more closeted with Riivar even when they become a couple, I like to follow my friend’s headcanon that Demauria would be much more physically/sexually open to Kayla than she is in the Riivar ship.
While I don’t have much for ship AUs between the two compared to the others, my one favourite that sometimes comes to my mind is an AU of an AU; the College/roomates AU where they are crushing over Terra and Riivar only to instead fall for each other instead of their crushes during the time they try to pursue them (if you are familiar with the Toradora anime you will sort of know what I mean by that).
 Riivar/Abbey X Harriet
Do I mean Riivar or Abbey or do I mean a poly ship? The Answer is both, also it is categorized together as the results would be very similar whether it’s Riivar, Abbey, or both being together with Harriet. One word; SPICY! While Terra X Harriet is indulgent for me storywise/emotionally, this ship here is tbh is the steamy kind of indulgence and I both apologize and don’t apologize for it.
Harriet has a huge celebrity crush on Riivar (both canonically and in several AUs), and while Harriet never meets Abbey in canon I would like to believe Harriet would be just as weak for Abbey as she is with Riivar. Both Riivar and Abbey would find Harriet absolutely adorable and too fun to tease/please.
Riivar is all about giving her partner comfortable pleasure, while Abbey is more one to be a lil sadistic with her partner(s) liking to bite or give a lil pain to the pleasure if her partner allows. So unsurprisingly such a combo put upon Harriet is quite fun, as she can just crumble into a mess from so much as a pretty girl smiling at her, much less two VERY pretty/beautiful women going ALL-IN as far as seduction/flirtation goes.
As I said, this ship is VERY indulgent even if imo it is one of my shallowest ships.
   Kayla X Kal
 Almost forgot this one when posting but is one I CANNOT IGNORE; a ship between Kayla and my friend Shiro’s OC Kal. THEY’D BE SO CUTE TOGETHER AND IM GLAD SHIRO LOWKEY SHIPS IT TOO. Kal flexing her muscles to flirt with Kayla? Kayla absolutely losing it / swooning cause she is a woman who loves beefy ladies? YES PLEASE. Also Kayla being stronger than she looks catching Kal by surprise is a hella nice bonus too.
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chibimyumi · 5 years
Hi Chibi, I love your blog! Thanks for taking yor time to bless the Kuro fandom with your translations and with Furukawa ❤ I always wondered what Yana thought about the anime and you mentioned in a post that she doesn't seem very pleased with it. Can you go more in depth about it and bring some examples?
Hello Anon,
First of all, thank you for your sweet words! ^w^
There is not a lot more about the anime coming directly from Yana herself other than the things I already said in this post you are referring to.
As Yana’s old blog is gone, I only have her Twitter left, but this gives us a fairly good picture as well. Though, please note that Yana is a person who is incredibly kind with words, and most of all, morally obliged to stay diplomatic. Considering her position as well as the nature of Japanese language, the key here is to read between the lines.
Toboso Yana
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“I don’t know who was right or wrong in the past, but as the original creator myself I also can’t determine what was right anymore, oh, Circus Arc. During the time the Circus Arc was being serialised in GF, the first season of the anime was in full swing. Regardless, Squair Enix still allowed this content [of the Circus Arc] to be published, and I am just so grateful, really.”【Toboso】
Note: The anime was very popular during its run, but during the Curry Arc already, the story was making a clear split from the original content. Normally it is considered risky if the canon content would blatantly “contradict” what is considered popular. Blatant contradiction might risk the anime (which often starts with a bigger fanbase than the manga) being accepted as ‘canon’ at the expense of the original content.
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“When I look at the art of the first episode of season 1 it really brings back memories and I almost want to cry ~~ 😭 Please look at episode 1 of the anime version, [it] is great.”【Toboso】
Note: Japanese is a null-subject language, and therefore what Yana refers to by [it] is unclear. It could be the story, it could be the art. But as Yana explicitly referred to the art of episode 1 being great, (and not the episode itself, or the rest of the season), it is not unreasonable to assume that [it] refers to the art alone.
Explicit Opinion through Editor K
While Yana is kind with words, Editor K is significantly less gentle in expressing his opinions. The following are Editor K’s words about the Furukawa era of Kuromyu wherein he also represents Yana. Source
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“During the year 2009 when the first musical was running, the spectators were still not used the the concept of 2.5D. The anime however was a big hit, and the musical staff were all hyper-conscious as not to give the audience the disappointment of “the characters feel different”. I remember that Mr. Matsushita received the instruction to thoroughly incorporate the factors of the anime, and not of the manga, such the way of talking and voice. That went very well, and the musical of ‘Kuroshitsuji’ was well received in the aspect of betraying neither the original- or the anime-content fans.”
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“When talking about ‘the original canon’, then the Sebastian played by Mr. Furukawa Yuta is the absolute closest. It is a bit hard to bring this up, but when ‘Kuroshitsuji’ was to get an anime adaptation, the timing was sooner than even what is normally the standard for the collecting of original content. As such, people who believed the anime Sebastian was canon, and the people who regarded manga Sebastian as canon were pretty much divided in halves. In this sense, Mr. Furukawa is closest to the canon, probably because he disregarded any information from the anime and solely approached Sebastian from the manga.”
Host: “[Mr. Matsushita] followed the anime Sebastian strongly, right?
“That’s right. However, Mr. Furukawa’s approach for Sebastian was different. There was not a trace of the first musical Sebastian in him. If I may quote Ms. Toboso here, “he let me taste the beast-like sides and the non-human aspect in Sebastian that I have been holding so dear”. Without fearing to cause a misunderstanding, we could totally imagine [Mr. Furukawa] going on all-fours and crawl. He reminded us of the image we had of Sebastian during the time the ‘Red Butler Arc’ was made, before the anime adaptation, shall we say? Especially at the beginning when he was summoned by Ciel, before he appeared, he ‘breathed as the soul of a beast that just escaped’. Mr. Furukawa’s Sebastian appeared as he grunted: “Haa――”. I said that I found that so refreshing, but Ms. Toboso said: “No that is not ‘refreshing’, if anything, this is exactly what it was always supposed to be”. The script of ‘The Lycoris that Blazes the Earth’ is the same as the one Mr. Matsushita held last year, but I am shocked to see such immense difference. Not saying who was better, just that I was stunned.”
So yeah, despite their moral obligation to stay as diplomatic as possible, the roundabout-ness in both Yana’s and Editor K’s words tell us a clear story. I hope this helped ^^
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thethespacecoyote · 5 years
Some brief injury fic just to get back in the groove of that sort of thing. Read on ao3 here too!
As they walked through the open hangar of the reclaimed Imperial base, heading back towards the transport waiting to carry them to the Finalizer, Kylo couldn’t help but observe the strict, measured strides of his co-commander as he led the way a couple paces ahead of him and the rest of the troopers.
The general always exuded this aura of invulnerability, but different than the kind Kylo imagined he possessed according to the average rank and file. Whereas they must’ve perceived him as too powerful, too volatile to ever be touched, injured, or killed, the reaction to Hux was always more akin to a guarded respect of some kind of inaccessible object. Immaculate to the point of inhuman, but less like a droid and more like a doll—a sneering, supercilious doll, with pale skin and hair sculpted so rigidly one could still see the teeth of the comb. It was an image Kylo had imprinted in his mind from the very moment he first met Hux, one he’d never seen waver in all the time he’d known him.
That image had shattered into pieces the moment the explosion that consumed their transport shot a wicked lance of shrapnel through the air and straight through the general’s gut.
Now Hux lies on the ground, half-braced up against a wall, shuddering with the distant impacts of blasters and bodies as the remaining contingent of troopers fan out before them to fend off the ensuing attack and cover their two commanders. Kylo knows he should probably join them, as his powers and battle expertise would surely bring the skirmish to a quick close, but instead he finds himself kneeling at the general’s side with one had braced against his shoulder and the other hovering nervously over his wound.
The shrapnel’s still stuck through Hux’s body, sunk and half melted into the wall behind him. Dark, glistening red steadily spreads through the black material of his uniform and splatters up against the shaft of the mangled metal. Hux trembles all over, his face beet red with exertion and pain, eyes manically wide and teeth gritted so tightly it’s a marvel they don’t shatter. The usual, slick-backed style of his hair has fallen completely apart from the impact and injury, ginger strands plastered against his sweaty, tense temples.
“Hold still,” Kylo says without thinking, as he carefully touches just above where the shrapnel pierces Hux’s middle. The general snorts angrily through his bloody teeth, eyes narrowing at him.
“A-Are you stupid? W-Where am I going to go, I’m pfaasking impaled to the wall!” Hux spits a bit of red down his lips, but somehow continues speaking, as if that doesn’t phase him. “On...second thought...perhaps I’ll take a jog …”
“General, don’t speak. Don’t waste your strength,” Kylo tries, though he really just wants Hux to be quiet . He’s trying to figure out how best to tend to the general’s wound, should they have to flee or otherwise travel quickly to a new rendezvous point. But Hux won’t let up. Maybe speaking, berating Kylo, helps him deal with the pain and shock of the injury.
“I’m going to try to take this out.” He taps lightly against the shrapnel. Hux’s eyes widen, and he shakes his head.
“Are you mad...? You take it out, I’ll bleed to death in this miserable p-place!” He moans, stomach heaving pointedly around the wound. Kylo sighs through his mask.
“That’s not going to happen. I’ll use the Force.”
Hux laughs hoarsely and rolls his eyes.
“Of course...the Force ...surely the Force can heal wounds and resurrect the dead, yes? And perhaps rain c-confections down upon the earth—”
“I can at least hold back the bleeding once I remove it.”
Hux blinks, looking genuinely surprised.
“You...you can?”
“Theoretically, yes.”
“T-Theoretically?” Hux’s eyes bulge as he weakly shakes his head. “No, get me a damned medic, I won’t let you experiment on me like this!”
Kylo has never run into a man who could continue to run his mouth with such vehemence while he was— uh , run through. Perhaps if the shrapnel had pierced Hux a little bit higher he’d be too busy dealing with the blood filling his lungs to berate Kylo as he tries to save his life.
“There’s no telling when a medic will arrive. Trust me, General.” Kylo knows that’s a bit of a tall order, considering their relatively hostile history. Hux seems to realize this and scowls, but his expression overall looks a little more somber. He twitches painfully, fist clenching on his thigh.
“Stars, if the last thing I see in this life is your ghastly f-face, Ren, I’m going to haunt you to the end of your miserable days…”
Kylo thinks it best to bite his tongue on the fact that Force-Nulls like Hux aren’t particularly likely to return as a ghost. That will probably only enrage him further, and he needs to focus if he’s going to withdraw the shrapnel enough for a medic to properly repair later, once it’s safe. The sounds of blasters and further explosions still sound around them, making him wonder if he’ll even have to carry Hux, on top of all of this.
“You’ll keep still then?” Kylo whispers, summoning the Force to his fingertips and watching Hux’s face. The general presses his bloodied lips tightly together, tilting his head back until his skull rests against the unsteady wall. After a moment of harsh breathing through his noses, he gives one, terse nod. As if reclaiming a bit of his lost stoicism, restoring Kylo’s belief that maybe they’d get out of this intact, that everything could go back to how it was before.
Summoning all of his focus and strength, Kylo takes the shrapnel in his invisible grasp and carefully starts to draw it out. He stops with Hux hisses through his teeth, a little thread of blood dripping over his lips, but after a moment the general nods sharply to continue. A sharp screech of metal cuts through the din around them as Kylo pulls the other end out of the wall, carefully sliding it through the meat of Hux’s body.
The general’s fist trembles on his thigh, clenched so tightly Kylo thinks the leather might rip at the seams. Somehow, Hux’s cheeks have reddened even darker than before, tendons in his neck straining above the collar of his uniform as the slick sounds of metal on ragged flesh reach both of their ears. Kylo, who has heard the dying gurgles of hundreds of slain men, enemies and allies alike, finds it unsettling, especially as he starts to pull the other end back through Hux’s body.
Sweat trickles down his forehead as he feels Hux’s blood rush in to fill the wound, inhaling sharply as he halts it with more precision in the Force than he’s ever had to muster before. It’s more strenuous than he imagined—especially considering Kylo has dragged fleeing speeders out of the air with relative ease before. His fingers tremble, those of his other hand carefully manipulating through the air as the warm, bloodstained shaft of the shrapnel starts to rise up out of the general’s body with surgical slowness. Hux keeps his eyes tightly closed, refusing to look downwards, his face erratically twitching with pain.
Kylo finds himself leaning in, the mouthpiece of his mask very nearly brushing up against Hux’s flushed cheek. It’s the closest they’ve ever been to one another, close enough that Kylo can examine the finer details in Hux’s face, even as he concentrates on keeping the general’s spilled blood at bay. His eyelids are almost translucent, threaded with little purple veins and tipped in fine, metallic eyelashes that somehow have kept their luster despite the trauma of the whole ordeal. Kylo wants to keep better track of little things like this, after he gets Hux somewhere safe.
As the shrapnel shifts through Hux’s insides it grows more difficult, the extent of the injury finally becoming morbidly clear to Kylo, but he’s determined not to let the general’s life slip through his fingers. Hux has put a shred of trust in him. He needs to do this.
Finally, the jagged end of the metal pulls out of Hux’s stomach, and as soon as it’s free Kylo forces invisible pressure upon the yawning hole, as well as throughout the wound to hold the general’s innards in place. More sweat trickles down his quivering face as he concentrates, and soon enough something warm and painful bursts in his nose to join it, trailing down over his trembling lips.
Hux whimpers at the loss of the shrapnel inside him, undoubtedly in pain from the injury, and if Kylo had the spare strength he might try to delve into the general’s mind and ease his discomfort himself, but all his focus is consumed with staving off Hux’s bleeding. More blood streams from his nose as his head pulses, unused to such delicate applications of the Force, but he endures it to keep his general living.
Gradually the conflict, both within and outside of the base, starts to ebb away, and for a moment Kylo wonders if he’s merely fading out of consciousness before fresh reinforcements, led by the implacable Captain Phasma herself, sweep through and happen upon the their blood-streaked commanders. Even with a proper medic now on hand to tend to Hux’s wounds and prepare him for transport, Kylo keeps his focus even as he trembles on his feet and blackness eats at the corners of his vision. He manages to make it on the rescue vessel, keeping to Hux’s side until they reach the small medical quarters, at which point he finally lets go and—with the sudden release of pressure—loses consciousness, nearly slamming his helmet against the edge of Hux’s gurney as he collapses to the ground.
The hum of engines briefly wakes Kylo from his daze.
His head throbs, and the white lights above hurt his eyes and forces him to turn to the side. He realizes distantly that someone has taken off his helmet, and feels a twitch of anger and shame at that fact, but he’s far too weary to exact retribution at the moment.
When Kylo flutters his eyes open again, away from the intruding light, they fall upon a second bed right beside his, upon which the body of General Hux rests. His heart leaps briefly into his throat, before falling in relief as soon as he notices the steady movement of Hux’s chest. His middle is swathed in heavy medical dressing, leaving Kylo to wonder how long he’d been out, and if they’d had to immerse Hux in any bacta before lying them beside one another.
But exhaustion creeps around him, chasing away his brief wisp of conscious thought. For now, Kylo lets it retake him, and falls back asleep.
He’ll have to preserve his strength for when Hux wakes, after all. The general will certainly have some very choice words for him then.
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hunterartemis · 5 years
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The Assistant: an addition
This post represents the current members of one of the Richest and Oldest French Pureblood family Valois. It took me two weeks to find the right kind of images and people (most of whom I don’t really know) to represent what was the perfect image of the Valois family
The Image at the very top is the family crest of the Valois, and in real life, it is actually the Crest of Valois, found on the tomb of Charles the Bold, the original founder of the Valois line.
The next one, “Tres haut, tres excellent, tres magnanime et tres puissant” is the official writing on the tapestry of the allied Valois-Bourbon line. It means “most high, most excellent, most magnanimous and most powerful”, it is the praise of the family, and only the High Nobles have.
Hrothgar Bartholomew Valois: I have chose an edited version of Timothy Omundson on this one. Hrothgar has dark eyes, Timothy Omundson had blue. In the panel next to him, is a Crown. The name ‘Hrothgar’ has been taken from the Angle Saxon Epic Beowulf, Where Hrothgar is a Danish King. The exact meaning is not known, but Hrothgar means “Spear”. His middle name “Bartholomew” means “Pirate King”. Pirates don’t care for morality or codes, they just plunder and conquer. I have placed the names of Legitimate and Non-Legitimate Kings side by side to highlight Hrothgar’s diplomatic nature that hold both ruthlessness and shrewdness together.
Marguerite Lucrezia Valois: “Marguerite” is the French version of “Margaret”. This figure, “Marguerite” is inspired from “Marguerite de Valois”, one of the earliest Queen Consort of the Valois dynasty.  The Name “Marguerite” means “pearls”, a very sought after object by European nobles, and an important symbol of Virginity and Purity, often worn by Elizabeth I the Virgin Queen of England. “Lucrezia” is an Italian name that means “wealthy”. Marguerite is from the family of Orleans, which in real life assumed the July Monarchy in France. So her name in total means “Wealthy in Pearls” or “Wealthy in Purity”. She is a reddish blond haired woman, with hazel eyes
Menelaus Cepheus Valois: the Eldest Valois son has the name of Mythical King of Troy, Menelaus. Menelaus means “Strength of the People”, the eldest Valois son is also named after a gracious King, like his father and his middle name “Cepheus” is a name of a Constellation, which also means “King”. I have picked Gabriel Aubry for this role. he has a darker blond hair.
Svetlana Arkyadevna Valois: The Elder Daughter-in-law of the Valois hails from the Russian nobility, Gruzinsky. In real life, the Gruzinsky are Georgian Nobility and Subject of Russia. Her name “Svetlana” means “Luminous” or “Light” in Russian, and I have been inspired from the Russian Ballerina ‘Svetlana Zakharova’. Her middle name “Arkyadevna” means    “daughter of Arkady”. It is a common tradition in Russia that a person’s middle name suggests whose son or daughter they are. Her middle name was inspired from Tolstoy’s heroine, ‘Anna Arkyadevna Karenina’. “Arkady” usually means “someone from Arcadia”. So the whole of her name means “Arcadian Light”, another Grecian inspired name, coinciding with her husband Menelaus. She has red hair and blue eyes. 
Magnus Cetus Valois: The Younger son of the Valois is named after the famous “Whale” constellation. ‘Magnus’ is Latin for “Great”. The literal translation of “Cetus” is Whale. It was coincidental that during both of the son’s birth the Constellations Cephus and Cetus were in the front line, so it was decided that their middle names would be after these stars. Magnus’ name keeps up with the mother. Whale is an oceanic creature and pearl is found in the ocean.
Elena Vittoria Valois: Magus’ wife, Elena Vittoria is from the Italian house of Orsini. In real life, the Orsini family existed in medieval times and Renaissance and produced a number of Popes to give to the Roman Empire. Therefor this Orsini too, is of old origin. ‘Elena’ means “blessed”, a common Italian name, and “Vittoria”, another common Italian name (Italian Version of ‘Victoria’) means “Victory” or the Goddess of Victory herself. Her name therefore means “blessed Victory”. She has platinum blonde hair, gray eyes and neurotic disposition. She is currently with child.
Maxine Adrienne Odessa Valois: The youngest child of Hrothgar Valois who possesses her father’s looks. She has three names, unlike her brothers. “Maxine”, a name that was chosen by her father (all of the sons were named by their mother) that means “Greatest” in Latin; “Adrienne” a name that means “dark”, was given because she was the first child of Hrothgar who was born with the same black hair like his. Her last name ‘Odessa’ was given in a whim, a name that is the female version of “Odysseus”, the famous Greek Traveler. Later in life, she traveled around the world, wandering about, in search of knowledge. I have chosen an edited version of Vittoria Ceretti, an Italian model. she came closest to my idea. I am aware that her hair does not totally match Maxine’s but it is to be remembered, Maxine’s hair is not curly, it is wavy. The roots are straight, but the length is not.
I have chosen to edit them B/W and not in colour or in that fashion of 1920′s to indicate how they are trapped in a mental state of 19th century and aristocratic supremacy. Maxine is in colour to depict how different she is from them.
I have put many quotes here, these are to showcase the values of the family, and to use them as aesthetics. These are the vows of the Valois Family
“bono malum superate, capax infiniti, faciam quodlibet quod necesse est   “ :  overcome evil with good, holding the infinite, I’ll do whatever it takes.
 “Compos mentis, concilio et labore, coniunctis viribus, Resurgam” :  in control of the mind,  by wisdom and effort,  with connected strength, I shall rise.
“Deus et mon droit, et it doit etre pre avec tous les mouyens“: The God and My Right, I will take it by any means.
The last quote is in French, and the part “Deus et Mon droit” is the true motto of the Valois. However, I have put this in French to echo the mindset and realness of Maxine.
Narum Ligno Domum: This is the motto of the Wizarding Pureblood family of the Valois. The quote means “the backbone of the dynasty is made of wood”. It is said that There were not one, but two men that established the Valois family. The Muggle one was established by Charles de Capet, Son of King Philip III and Isabella of Aragon, and his unknown brother Jean-Baptiste de Capet. In the medieval age, when Jean-Baptiste was born with magical blood his Royal parents kept him a secret. When Charles found the Valois house in 1284, Jean-Baptiste, now educated in Magical Arts, threatened to end him. To avoid conflict, bloodshed and exposition, both Charles and Jean-Baptiste signed a treaty that there will not be one, but two Valois branches, one non-wizard another wizard, and both will be bound to each other. The pact consisted-
1. If a non-magic child in born with magical blood, he/she would be the responsibility of the Wizarding Valois family and Vice Versa.
2. The Non-Wizard will protect the secrecy and existence of the Wizarding Valois family. 
3. In return, the Wizarding Valois family will protect the Valois-Capet Dynasty with magical means. This condition became null and void when the Muggle Valois family went extinct in 1589.
The motto literally meant that the Muggle Valois Dynasty is and has been protected by the wood (wand) of the Wizarding Valois.
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poundfooolish · 6 years
So, we had a fucking encounter today at the pub.
So It’s Odds Bodkin season which means Meaghan and I go down to the pub to listen to him tell stories. It’s Our Thing, it’s what we do, it’s fun. They know us there, to the point that the owner of the establishment reserved our favorite seats at the bar for us specifically, and came over to chat with us a bit during intermission. 
This is not the encounter, I’m just still tickled by it. 
Anyway, also during intermission, there’s this girl sitting next to us. We don’t know her, never seen her, we don’t really interact with anyone else there besides the owner and Bodkin himself because, well. That’s who we’re here for. But anyway, she starts talking to me. Out of nowhere. Which wouldn’t be entirely weird except she felt the need to lead in with an apologetic explanation as to why she wasn’t drinking, which was because she’d already taken her psych meds, but next time she was totally going to time it better so she could drink. I’m just cool, okay, that’s neat. 
We talk about how fun and interesting this event is, how it gives us that Traditional Skald feel, and she starts talking about how it’d be cool if we could drink out of skulls in the traditional way. How cool it’d be if they could get the antrhopologists to bring us some real skull cups to drink out of. Maybe Aztec skulls.
Meaghan has caught onto the conversation and suggests maybe replica skull goblets. I’m still trying to process this and trying to figure out a way to express that this would probably be disrespectful to the Aztecs. She misunderstands us entirely as being concerned about contracting ‘mad human disease’.
I go on a disorganized tangent about the nature of prion diseases and how the odds of contracting any sort of disease from an ancient, processed skull were virtually null. 
Meaghan informs this woman that cannibalistic rituals and medicine happen to be my special interests, at which points she asks me if I was aware that the Aztecs ate their sacrifices. Somehow, we get onto the topic of consent and cannibalism, which I have a lot of thoughts on, and believe requires a nuanced and in-depth discussion, none of which I want to have in a pub on a sunday night with half an intermission left to go. 
She decides to ask me if I’ve ever eaten people before. I have not.  Somehow, we get onto the topic of consent and cannibalism, which I have a lot of thoughts on, and believe requires a nuanced and in-depth discussion, none of which I want to have in a pub on a sunday night with half an intermission left to go. I try to correct a few misconceptions about how consenting to cannibalism necessarily involves immediate suicide, with a summary of a news story I read a while back about a young man who had his leg amputated, and decided that the sendoff he wanted for the leg was to eat it with his closest friends, and how that helped him come to terms with its loss on a spiritual level. She wasn’t interested in that. She wanted to talk about how the Aztecs made people tacos.
And then. She says the thing that blows me out of the water, and I finally realize that I do Not want to be having this conversation anymore, not just because it’s constantly shifting around and I didn’t ask for it, but because our interest in this topic is so fundamentally at odds with one another that it’s actually making me uncomfortable with the topic. 
Anyway, she says “Couldn’t we like, shoot people in war, then bring their bodies home to grill?”
I just say no. No. We can’t. I’m not going to get into the fucking layers upon layers of wrong with everything she just said, from the grotesque disinterest in human rights, from the fact that it blatantly ignores the conversation about consent we had previously, from the disrespect to culture and human dignity, from the deep-buried understanding I have, but I don’t think she has, that most of our war conflicts involve invading and colonizing brown countries, impoverishing them and uprooting their rights to self-determination, and how layering THAT with the desire to EAT them as we murder them is just. Beyond barbarous. 
But she still wants to talk about this stuff, so now the conversation turns to veganism, somehow, and whether or not humans are superior to animals. She says yes, because if we weren’t superior to animals, then we’d have to be vegan, because how do we justify killing and eating animals if we aren’t superior than them? I say no, we aren’t inherently superior to anything, we’re just other animals, and we live on a death planet where, inherently, something must die for other things to live, that is the cycle and pact we have made for the right to be alive at all (I didn’t manage to get to the part where I figure animals have just as much a right to try and eat me as I do them, but w/e.). She asks why aren’t we better if we managed to ‘end premature death’ and live longer? If we did these things, then we must be superior. And I say luck. We lucked into the mutation to be Aware and the thumbs to do something about it. Meaghan and I have a brief aside about other long-lived animals, like turtles and parrots and sea sponges.
And then this girl goes on ANOTHER weird tangent, going off about how only people who are aware of their own identities can be oppressed, because you can only be oppressed if you think you’re oppressed, and because animals don’t have a concept of identity, it’s okay to eat them, and that’s why she eats meat. And at this point I have to ask her to clarify that like three times because the way she phrased it made no goddamn sense, and I try to explain to her that that’s not a great argument to make, because she just implied that people who are not aware of their identity or oppression are basically on the same level as animals, and if animals are less than human, then those people are sub-human as well. 
She didn’t get this. 
At this point the show FINALLY starts up again, and I just turn my back to her entirely so I can focus on the story. She left not long after that, dunno if she had somewhere to go or if I upset her, but. 
Christ. What an episode. I hope to god I don’t sound like that when I talk about cannibalism. I like to think I have a little class on the subject.
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Faction Dmg Types
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Eve Pirate Faction Damage Types
Eve Online Pirate Faction Damage Types
There are several types of Torpedoes, which may vary in damage potential, flight speed, launch time, applicable modifiers and additional effects over the base Kinetic Damage, but regardless of type, all of them deal Kinetic Damage. Torpedo types by faction & recommendations edit edit source.
Faction modifiers, body part modifiers, critical hit and stealth modifiers as well as Warframe debuffs are disregarded for now, since all of these are independent of damage types. Dealing damage is quantized. Dec 17, 2015  The purpose of this guide is to give a simple straight forward cheat sheet for the “Best” damage combinations in Warframe given your group and the faction you’re hunting. Information in this guide was formed by a consensus of various Warframe forum posts and damage combo theory crafting discussions on Reddit. These tend to be the same as the NPC damage types of that race's primary opposing faction (e.g. Caldari racial damage types are the same as the Gurista damage types), and the general principle is that these will be the main damage types which that race will put out.
There are four different damage types in EVE: Electromagnetic (EM) Kinetic Thermal Explosive All weapons in EVE do at least one (often two) of these damage types, and every ship has different resistances against each. Understanding damage types helps you to survive longer and deal more damage to enemy ships. There are eight primary types of hybrid ammunition: Antimatter charges. Plutonium charges. Uranium charges. Thorium charges. Lead charges. Iridium charges. Tungsten charges.
Triglavian Collective faction logo.
The Triglavian Collective are a new faction introduced in the “Into the Abyss” expansion (May 2018), they can be found in a new type of space providing a unique solo PVE timed encounters in a special area of space and exotic new technologies, including their very own ships and new weapon system.
1Triglavian Collective
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Triglavian Collective
Eve Pirate Faction Damage Types
Full Introduction
While the 'Into the Abyss' expansion adds a number of other changes, this new Triglavian faction is the primary focus of this page, with the related Abyssal Deadspace complexes on top.
The core source of most of the Triglavian content is the Abyssal Deadspace complexes, which are unique complexes in a separate and isolated area of space for which only one person can participate in at a time. These sites are the source for the BPCs used to build Triglavian ships, also called Precursor vessels; these sites also provide 'keys' to access other complexes, blueprints for Entropic Disintegrator modules, Abyssal Deadspace modifier items and some apparel items.
Precursor vessels are the only ships that can use the Entropic Disintegrator modules which have a different setup than the conventional weapon systems most EVE players are familiar with. They focus on an armor tank with emphasis on utility; much like the Society of Conscious Thought vessels, these hulls tend to be somewhat mediocre but can excel in very specific situations. They are specifically equipped to use the Entropic Disintegrator weapon system: all of the hulls have only one turret slot yet have two or more utility high slots, possibly to synergize with the remote armor repair bonuses on each hull. Entropic Disintegrators are a curious weapon system which has some parallels to laser systems, with an interesting but rather specific attribute whereby the damage modifier of the weapon system increases with each shot fired.
Abyssal Mutaplasmids are special modifier elements which are designed to modify certain attributes of select modules. An example would be a Microwarpdrive: the mutaplasmid can boost or decrease the velocity bonus, the powergrid requirement, the signature radius modifier or the activation cost. This allows for interesting concepts in ship choices but also threatens the stability of the module metagame.
Further details on each of these concepts will be explored below.
Eve Online Pirate Faction Damage Types
The Triglavian Collective is a new faction that appeared in New Eden in early YC120. Fleets were following heavily damaged and incapacitated Drifter Fleets appeared around several locations around New Eden it was discovered that those fleets were engaged by a faction that was not known before. Data vaults salvaged from those damaged drifter fleets and Arataka Research Consortium managed to salvage data from those corrupted trinary data vaults that have video footage that shows that unknown faction, named as 'Triglavian Collective' engaging Drifter Fleet with an exotic weapon system. One of their Battleship class hulls was also captured by CONCORD and further research was conducted to reveal more about those new faction. It was suggested that the Triglavian Collective is a formation of three entities. Those entities are Peruna Clade [CLPER], Svarov Clade [CLSVA] and Velesian Clade [CLVEL].
The Scope Video : The Scope - The Triglavian Collective Revealed
Abyssal Deadspace
Main article: Abyssal Deadspace
Abyssal Deadspace is a special area of space disconnected from conventional Known Space (K-space) and wormhole space (W-space). Players use special Filaments which are like 'keys' to access such areas of space, and have a limited amount of time and face special challenges to complete these sectors of space and survive.
The Expansion introduces a new ship skill called “Precursor” that leaves room for future races to fall under. What is known so far about the ships and is subject to change. Triglavian ships have medium speed and a focus on armor tanking, as well as several utility role bonuses toward remote armor repairers, energy neutralizers, and smartbombs.
Interestingly enough, the T1 hulls were the only ones to originate from the Triglavian Collective, while the others were designed by one of the factions in known space. Each T2 hull was created by one of the four empires integrating their own technology with Triglavian designs; the Nergal was made by the Gallente, the Draugur by the Minmatar, the Ikitursa by the Caldari, and the Zarmazd by the Amarr. The special-edition Hydra and Tiamat were both designed by the Society of Conscious Thought.
Frigate: Damavik
Assault Frigate: Nergal
Covert Ops: Hydra (Limited)
Destroyers: Kikimora
Command Destroyer: Draugur
Cruisers: Vedmak, Rodiva
Heavy Assault Cruisers: Ikitursa
Logistics Cruisers: Zarmazd
Recon Ships: Tiamat (Limited)
Battlecruiser: Drekavac
Battleship: Leshak
Entropic Disintegrators
See also: Entropic Disintegrators
A new weapon skill and specialization will allow the use of Entropic Disintegrators coming in T1 (Meta 0, Compact, Scoped and Faction) and T2 variants, and in three sizes. The new weapon system will occupy a single turret slot and only one can be fitted, limited to Triglavian ships. This opens many possibilities as a large number of utility highs remain free.
The Entropic Disintegrator has unique characteristics such as increasing damage per cycle and no falloff. When a target is out of range of the weapon, or if any event causes the weapon to deactivate, the damage ramp-up is reset. The weapon system uses tracking mechanics and is impacted by tracking modules, using Entropic Radiation Sink modules as damage modules. The damage type is restricted to explosive and thermal. Ammunition is loaded into the Disintegrator like conventional weapon systems, has no reload time, holds large amounds of ammunition which also takes up large amounts of space in cargo (subject to change).
The base optimal ranges are 6500/15500/28000 m for small/medium/large variants. The rate of fire is 4s/6s/8s. The damage charge-up is 5% per cycle up to 150% maximum damage. Ammo will have up to 80% extra range or down to as low as negative 50% for higher damage. Base turret damage 3/4/6 turrets equivalent.
For ammunition, Tetryon provides the highest base damage and closest optimal range, Baryon for mid-range, and Meson for lower base damage with farther optimal range. Occult and Mystic are Tech II ammunition, with Occult being close-range high damage lower tracking ammunition (similar to Void or Conflagration for blasters or pulse lasers, respectively) with Mystic being a lower damage lower tracking longer range ammunition (similar to Null or Scorch).
A New set of skills were introduced in order to use the new precursor ship hulls and weapons.
Precursor Frigate (Requires Spaceship Command I)
Precursor Destroyer (Requires Spaceship Command I, Precursor Frigate III)
Precursor Cruiser (Requires Spaceship Command IV, Precursor Destroyer III)
Precursor Battlecruiser (Requires Spaceship Command IV, Precursor Cruiser III)
Precursor Battleship (Requires Spaceship Command V, Precursor Battlecruiser III)
Small Precursor Weapon (Requires Gunnery I)
Medium Precursor Weapon (Requires Small Precursor Weapon III)
Large Precursor Weapon (Requires Medium Precursor Weapon III)
Tech II Disintegrators require similar skill requirements as conventional weapon systems such as pulse lasers: for instance, to use a Small Entropic Disintegrator II, the player must first train Small Precursor Weapon to V and then train Small Disintegrator Specialization to at least level I.
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This is an elemental damage and physical damage weakness overview for Warframe (updated 08/2019). This overview is a starting point for new players that want to progress through the starchart. This overview does not consider finisher damage, status procs and crit multiplier that are needed for high level (sortie or endless) content. – Explanation video below
Physical Damage types and fraction weakness
Physical damage is the base damage for most weapons you encounter in Warframe. Very rarely will you find a weapon with a physical damage. Early game weapons will always have a combination of all 3 physical damage types.
Going against Infested you should prefer Slash heavy weapons. Against GrineerPuncture damage is preferred and against CorpusImpact damage is the damage type of choice.
Slash damage is good against Infested & effective against flesh
Puncture damage is good against Grineer & effective against armor
Impact damage is good against Corpus & effective against shield
But these 3 physcial damage types are only your starting point because elemental damage combinations are way more effective against each faction.
In Warframe you have 4 base elemental damage types: Heat, Cold, Toxin and Electricity. They are even more powerful when they are combined. I have listed the most effective combinations against each faction for you.
Grineer elemental weakness and best setup
Basic Grineer grunts are weak against Heat damage. But heavier units wear armor and Corrosive damage is your best choice against them.
Corrosive (Toxin + Electricity) against heavy Grineer
Heat against light Grineer
Infested weakness and best setup
Similar to Grineer grunts are light Infested units. They are also weak against Heat damage. Heavy Infested units possess armor that can is weak against Corrosive damage.
Corrosive (Toxin + Electricity) against heavy Infested
Heat against light Infested
Corpus elemental weakness
Corpus units posses shields that have a weakness against Magnetic damage. Additionally Toxin has the ability to do damage under Corpus shield against Corpus flesh.
Magnetic (Cold + Electricity) against heavy Corpus
Toxin against light Corpus
Void elemental weakness
Void enemies on the start chart have similar weaknesses like Grineer. That means that Corrosive damage is useful against heavier units. Heat damage as well as Cold damage are useful against grunt enemy types.
Corrosive (Toxin + Electricity) against heavy Void units
Cold against light Void units or Heat against light Void units
Additional damage types and weakness
The Index – damage types Eidolon hunt – damage types Rathuum Arena (Nakki, Yam, Vodyanoi) – damage types
Elemental damage will always be applied to the target. It has nothing to do with status chance. Status chance is the chance of triggering the elemental status effect; also known as proc. The higher the status chance the higher the chance a damage type (physical or elemental) will proc.
Video guide to Warframe faction weakness
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