#clockwork zenyatta
night-lie · 2 years
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A new Zen League skin and the two promised Reaper variants
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whipped-bean · 2 years
Clockwork zenyatta I'm in love with him he's so ough
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saltedbeans · 4 months
A list of the Overwatch League Skins back in the hero gallery;
Zhulong Sombra
Thunder Doomfist
Royal Gladiator/Knight Mercy
Clockwork/Zen-Nakji Zenyatta
All-Stars Tracer & Genji
All Happi Genji variants
Good/Evil Echo
Midas Roadhog
Flying Ace Winston
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nitewrighter · 2 years
here's something i had a thought about in terms of overwatch; you know how a lot of sports have separate categories and records for men and women? do you think omnics would have their own category in these sports? do you think there would be entirely new sports invented just for omnics to play? i'd like to hear your thoughts
I mean, just to point out how stupid humanity can be, we're currently discriminating against human athletes just for having slightly different hormone makeups than average (though suspiciously they're all black women and not Michael "My body produces only a fraction of the lactic acid the average human body produces" Phelps), so it doesn't take much of a stretch of the imagination to see that we would definitely discriminate against robots who consider themselves, spiritually, our equals.
That being said, I do think that there is a part of humanity that relishes in competing against machines--when IBM's Watson showed up on the quiz show Jeopardy, it was a huge deal! We all desperately wanted to see who would win in man vs. machine for a quiz show that's well-known for its wordplay and puns. But athletics are different--I mean Zenyatta poses the question, "Do robots think? Does a submarine swim?"
Since Omnics were originally designed for labor, one can assume that they have virtually limitless stamina, but honestly I don't think there's a huge emphasis on physical ability for omnics, culturally. I can definitely see them engaging with 'play' but 'professional competition' is a horse of a different color. But I do think there are Omnics who are passionate about human culture, so it stands to reason there would be omnics who want to participate in human sports--but like how Omnics are banned from gambling, it's likely they're barred from human sports. Since omnics seem to be largely at major legal and economic disadvantages in Overwatch's world, and they face a lot of discrimination, I don't think there's a lot of money being poured into an omnic football league.
I do think Omnic brains are different enough from ours that they come up with their own games and sports, and these sports are kind of staggeringly complicated and clockwork-like. Like watching a computer play chess against itself.
That being said, we know there are Robot-exclusive athletic events! Colosseo hosts robot gladiator fights!! And there's a rivalry between the robot Gladiators Maximus and Zephyrus!!
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Whether the robots are omnics or AI's or they're controlled by teams of engineers like Robot rumbles are today, it's not clear. Personally, I hope they're omnics because that has a lot of fascinating and fucked up implications.
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🎀 give my muse a gift
it seems they have similar ideas; communication through gifts - swapping things hat make them think of eachother.
so with little hesitation, zenyatta gave away the wooden box within his hands - a clockwork music box with a golden peacock inside.
his hands were quick to fill with the wrapped gift from the other; gentle in his unvieling of the new tresure.
「 ༀ- thank you dearly, my friend. it is always a pleasure.」
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sunseekerdeluxe · 5 years
Music Mondays 55
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Also heard this week:
Lindsey Buckingham - Out of the Cradle Leonard Cohen - Popular Problems Damn the Machine - Damn the Machine Depeche Mode - Songs of Faith and Devotion Edge of Sanity - Unorthodox Exhorder - The Law Brad Fiedel - The Terminator Harem Scarem - Bonus Tracks & Rarities Magic Dance - Vanishings Neurotica - Living in Dog Years Nine Inch Nails - Add Violence Pet Shop Boys - Please: Further Listening 1984 - 1986 Tom Petty - Wildflowers Poets of the Fall - Twilight Theatre The Police - Zenyatta Mondatta Rise Against - Appeal to Reason Rush - Clockwork Angels
Hey, what do you know, I got more metal in there than I expected this week. Not, you know, a lot, but more than it looked like there'd be on Wednesday night!
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eiramew · 6 years
Concept: a Zenyatta "clockwork soldier" dishonored style skin and his ult line is "experience uncertainties"
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prettytrifling · 7 years
I can't wait to play Moira! I wonder how good of a healer she will eventually become compared to Zenyatta due to their obvious similarities. They even show her wrecking Zenyatta as her introduction. If I can get a faster version of Zen(he'll always be valuable because of discord but getting dived as Zen is hell) I'm down.
And I know having orbs and being healers are their only similarities but the healing world is cutthroat. Mercy is guaranteed and you rarely get two healers so I hope she's not a Sombra/novelty.
But really none of the above matters because WE HAVE MORE HEALERS TO CHOOSE FROM!!! I'm also calling her getting a clockwork doll skin as a legendary upon release or for the next Halloween/Anniversary event. And I will never take it off because her design is certainly an outlier compared to everyone else.
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gaydemogorgon · 7 years
Hey blizzard
When are we getting Zenyatta's clockwork skin ??
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imonlymildlyinsane · 6 years
"You're bein' stubborn, I told you to fuckin' leave me here. Ain't no sense in both of us windin' up dead." Came the strained voice by your ear, though the conviction in it was not lost; defeated and resolute in your safety only.
It was annoying, really. There was a bullet lodged in your lower leg from enemy fire, some shrapnel had managed to knick you in the side from a couple of explosions and you were certain that there was a hunger headache looming your skull; thank the Sun for adrenaline blocking serious pain. All of that, and you were trying to save his sorry ass, but he couldn't even have the good grace to save his self-depreciation for later.
Honestly, Jesse needed to work on his manners; southerners know it's rude to refuse a service, especially one important as this.
While the both of you were clear of the danger zone, the frigid winter of Switzerland was nothing to take lightly. While they still had daylight on their side, the loss of blood on both their parts—coupled with being in the wilderness—left them very vulnerable to a plethora of situations. The last signal of location you received from Hana had been thirty minutes ago, which still gave the both of you a good chance of making it out with almost everything still in tact.
Jesse, of course, had been more focused on you getting out alive, rather than surviving.
Unfortunately, coming across Widowmaker in the crosshairs of an attack was probably one of the worst things that could have happened. They were on her playing field—being so unaffected by cold—but that was also why you had been brought on this mission. Picking off Talon operatives between the two of you was fairly easy, but dodging the perfect assassin was a whole other ballgame.
What started as a diversion shot to a gas tank to clear a way for the both of you had ended badly. The explosion had been a lot bigger than McCree predicted, with the cowboy being knocked clean out about fifty feet away from flying debris. It was a calculated shot, sure, but even those can go off the rails, and he sure as hell was going to chew himself out about it at a later date. You had immediately began dragging him away from the main scene, but when Widowmaker had shown up, you had to make a hasty decision of your own. The flames wouldn't last long in the cold atmosphere, but it still wouldn't make her falter from landing a clean shot.
Fight or Flight; a cliché classic.
You really hated to run, but with being broke off from the rest of your team, a partner unconscious and Talon forces closing in with a head assassin leading them, you had no choice. Picking the man up on one shoulder, you grit your teeth against the pain and immediately burst into a sprint; the omnium core settled in your chest pushing an overflow of adrenaline through your body. While your injuries wouldn't heal any faster, it would carry your body as far as your emotional response would carry it.
This meant you had to keep to a constant state of distress for your core to keep pushing past your limits. Mental and Physical exhaustion, and you were perpetually tired as it was.
The heavy scent of mingling blood was beginning to effect your senses, but underneath the metallic scent, you could smell an encroaching danger; tickling at the back of your neck. You risked a look over your shoulder and was met with scratching heat of a bullet scratching across your cheek, clean through one of your braids. Like clockwork, your body was flooding with adrenaline once more, and you were running with energy renewed.
The communicator at your side, thankfully, buzzed to life with the broken tone of your best friend. "W— ov— the ne—t hill!! —eep goi—!!"
Elation could not come close to how you felt, but death still loomed over your shoulder as you began up the high hill; legs shaking with the added weight and strain from injuries. However, the core in your thoracic cavity was humming with resolution as your pushed on, hands clutched tightly around Jesse's limp body, having passed out from the blood loss once more. It didn't matter, as you could still feel the slowed thump of his heart against your back, even through your body suit, and it only gave you more hope that this would not be the end. It wouldn't be—push, keep moving, do not stop. Stopping meant death. You would die on your own fucking terms, even if it meant flipping a big middle finger in the Reaper's face, and you sure as hell weren't about to lose this idiot of a man either.
The footfalls of oncoming enemies was growing closer, but you never had a chance to turn and defend yourself. Before you could reach over the hill, the sound of machine fire filled the air, D.Va's mech heavily battered, but still functioning. You grinned woflishly and ducked past her to get to the transport, Lucio at her side holding them off until you boarded safely.
Through the air, you heard Tracer's voice instructing them to get in, the strain in her own voice seeming secondary to her typical melodic tone. Once inside, the hatch closing as the rest of the team boarded, your legs immediately gave out and sent you onto the ground; pain vibrating through your bones. The world seemed a blur as the wight of Jesse was removed—probably by one of the healer's to tend to him—while your best friend carefully lifted you up. The buzz of your omnic core began to reside and decrease the chemical flowing through you, leaving every wound, tear of muscle and fracture throbbing anew with pain.
It was well worth it.
It was decided that the debriefing be done without your presence, as the state of your injuries were far more worse than initially thought. The doctor had been in and out while assessing you, and you could have sworn that you felt the calming energy of Zenyatta more than once, but sleep was all you could manage during this time. Whether it had been hours or days was unbeknownst to you, but there was this lingering pain in your left leg that you couldn't place. You would try to flex it when slight wakefulness came, but would soon slip back under.
Whatever it was could be addressed later.
In the midst of being unconscious, you were fairly sure that you were in a coma; medicated, if the strange taste of chemicals lingered in your mouth. Certain voices you could zone in on, while some were deemed unimportant. Your physical state was something you would rather confront when you were fully awake, but it was fun to eavesdrop here and there. However, when the steps of heavy boots came, follows by a shutting of the door, you were sure you knew who it was.
A sigh filled the air, followed by a soft curse.
"Darlin', I...I told you to leave my ass there. This wouldn't have happened if you would've just listened to me...Can't complain though. That stubborn attitude is one reason I love you so much."
There was flutter in your stomach; panic and joy mingling together.
Steps came forward before stopping short of your bed, a big, warm hand gently cupping your cheek. "You took a risk savin' my hide, goodness knows I'm grateful, but you...shit, you deserve better than this. Better than me, definitely...I'm cheatin' you right now by sayin' all this while you're outta commission. Should hear this face to face...It's not so bad, though the damn prosthetics do come with one con. It's like you can still feel the pain, even if the damn thing ain't there anymore."
You tried to flex your left leg. There was tension at your knee cap, but anything below was oddly missing. So, that's what it was. Huh.
"If you can hear me...I'm so sorry for this. Guess it'll just be another sin to pay for. Heh, I guess I just keep rackin' 'em up." The warm, syrupy tone was still there, but tainted with sadness. His fingers were calloused and comforting against your cheek, enough so that you found yourself mentally leaning into it; like you had done so many times before. However, the gasp that came from Jesse made you think that it may have actually happened, as the coolness of his other hand contrasted the flesh one as he cupped your other cheek.
"Sweetheart, d-did you actually hear all that? I mean, sure, I'd be embarrassed, but I promise I'll be just as happy."
You chuckled, though it was a throaty sound in actuality.
He laughed wholeheartedly and leaned down to press a kiss to your cool forehead; sighing deeply in his chest. Through the sterile scent of the room, he could still smell the coconut and tea tree oil that lingered on your skin, and he never thought that such a smell could bring him that much comfort. In the midst of it all, you managed to will a hand through the medicated haze; clutching onto the serape of his, though it was weak. Nonetheless, he was elated and took hold of your hand, kissing the top of it.
"You're somethin' else, you know that? I doubt anythin' really could stop you...God, I love you."
In response, the omnic core thrummed lightly and released a flurry of endorphins through your body; euphoria washing down in warm, gentle waves. You managed a gentle squeeze around his hand, lips lifted slightly in a smile. It wasn't much, but he took it for what it was.
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crimpy13 · 7 years
Skin Artist Links
http://www.deviantart.com/art/Overwatch-skin-idea-Oni-Genji-632696250 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Overwatch-Fan-Skin-Older-Genji-644601636 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Demon-Hunter-Genji-605018337 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Genji-Templar-Sentinel-skin-concept-art-604378878 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Genji-633611412
http://www.deviantart.com/art/Overwatch-Fan-Skin-Cyborg-Hanzo-644601631 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Overwatch-Play-of-the-Game-Link-637895327 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Hanzo-Skin-concept-Tech-Kabuki-Demon-617302059 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Heartseeker-Hanzo-valentines-skin-659341020 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Robin-Hood-Hanzo-663761894
http://www.deviantart.com/art/New-Years-Widowmaker-660507413 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Overwatch-Fan-Skin-Crosshairs-644601641 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Widowmaker-Skin-Concept-614337760 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Widowmaker-634977609 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Widowmaker-Skin-Sketch-Femme-Fatale-596907488
http://www.deviantart.com/art/concept-art-D-va-620209640 http://www.deviantart.com/art/D-va-skin-consept-Or-CA-605408442 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Overwatch-D-VA-concept-Riding-Hood-650654462 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Magical-D-va-Skin-633124009 http://www.deviantart.com/art/D-Va-Alt-Skin-616357725
http://www.deviantart.com/art/Overwatch-Fan-Skin-Talon-Tracer-644601651 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Overwatch-SteamPunk-Tracer-613565997 http://www.deviantart.com/art/White-rabbit-Tracer-Skin-concept-609675225 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Clockwork-Tracer-636077786 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Cheer-Up-Love-628434937
http://www.deviantart.com/art/Cyber-bunny-Sombra-645755676 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Sombra-Concept-Art-631167658 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Faerie-Sombra-645403400 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Sombra-fanart-skin-645029647 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Sombra-Legendary-Skins-Bandit-628560228
http://www.deviantart.com/art/Faerie-Ana-621316421 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Overwatch-Ana-Destiny-Hunter-armor-V-E-625372286 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Ana-Amari-625401677 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Ana-Plague-Doctor-640333633 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Ana-Amari-623864346
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http://www.deviantart.com/art/Christmas-Mei-concept-652145839 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Mei-christmas-skin-concept-651367085 http://www.deviantart.com/art/OW-Mei-snowman-skin-651594099 http://www.deviantart.com/art/mei-671340366 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Mei-Peking-Opera-Skin-Fan-Art-644224972
http://www.deviantart.com/art/Metal-Gear-Bastion-Overwatch-627831158 http://www.deviantart.com/art/PatriotBastion-650958572 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Tin-man-Bastion-641935076 http://princessbloodymary.deviantart.com/art/Birb-623499044 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Unit-02-632402473
http://www.deviantart.com/art/Overwatch-Monster-Hunter-McCree-Skin-Concept-642251916 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Faerie-McCree-670113295 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Mccree-s-New-Skin-632979924 http://www.deviantart.com/art/McCree-Bandit-Overwatch-Fan-Made-Skin-655254846 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Mccree-663305001
http://www.deviantart.com/art/Overwatch-Hellspawn-Reaper-667461414 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Reaper-s-New-Skin-632979781?offset=0 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Demon-hunter-Reaper-skin-concept-663569230 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Reaper-s-Valentine-gift-sketch-663561112 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Reaper-KingSlayer-Skin-Fan-made-concept-634864534
http://www.deviantart.com/art/Faerie-Torbjorn-629057812 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Christmas-Torbjorn-659290540 http://www.deviantart.com/art/May-contain-traces-of-aardvark-616884098 http://www.deviantart.com/art/What-s-up-648184815 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Come-get-cha-armor-669750961
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http://www.deviantart.com/art/Zarya-670098147 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Zarya-Thunder-Guard-630450863 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Faerie-Zarya-Full-655443586?offset=0 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Bride-of-Junkenstein-Zarya-Halloween-skin-idea-639670763 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Zarya-Skin-1-650054101
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http://www.deviantart.com/art/Overwatch-Paladin-Lucio-Skin-627390441 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Lucio-Skin-Concept-Rebellion-Offense-603698932 http://www.deviantart.com/art/faerieLucio-613326224 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Get-On-Up-609060863 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Lucia-631493864
http://www.deviantart.com/art/Zenyatta-Basketball-Skin-612021122 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Faerie-Zenyatta-650713218 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Venetian-Zenyatta-659538491 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Rakshasa-Zenyatta-641570159 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Overwatch-Zenyatta-Shambali-Skin-613385972
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barbosaasouza · 6 years
A Guide to the 12 Overwatch League Teams
The Overwatch League is gearing up to change the face of esports, bringing in multi-million dollar franchises and official teams. But the ongoing changes might make things a little tough to keep up with, so Shacknews is going to attempt to neatly organize each individual franchise, their ownership, and the roster that they'll be bringing out for the Overwatch League.
There are 12 teams total for the Overwatch League, including Los Angeles (with two teams), Boston, New York City, San Francisco, Miami/Orlando, Philadelphia, Dallas, Houston, London, Shanghai, and Seoul. Let's run them down one-by-one.
(Last updated: 4/10/18)
Dallas Fuel
Owner: Team EnVyUs
Head Coach: Kyle "Kyky" Souder
Jonathan "HarryHook" Tejedor Rua (Lucio, Soldier: 76, McCree)
Timo "Taimou" Kettunen (Widowmaker, McCree)
Hyeon "EFFECT" Hwang (Tracer, Doomfist)
Brandon "Seagull" Larned (Pharah, Genji, Hanzo)
Pongphop "Mickie" Rattanasangchod (D.Va, Zarya)
Christian "cocco" Jonsson (Reinhardt, Winston, Zarya)
Sebastian "Chipshajen" Widlund (Ana, Zenyatta, Sombra)
Benjamin "uNKOE" Chevasson (Ana, Zenyatta, Sombra)
Min-seok "OGE" Son (Winston, Reinhardt)
Dylan "aKm" Bignet (Soldier: 76, McCree, Pharah)
Dong-jun "Rascal" Kim (Soldier: 76, Genji, Pharah, McCree, Mei)
Houston Outlaws
Owner: OpTic Gaming
Head Coach: Tae-yeong "TaiRong" Kim
Matthew "CLOCKWORK" Dias (Soldier: 76, Tracer, McCree)
Jiri "LiNkzr" Masalin (Genji, Widowmaker, McCree)
Jake "JAKE" Lyon (Genji, Soldier: 76)
Lucas "Mendokusaii" Håkansson (Tracer, Genji, McCree)
Matt "coolmatt" Iorio (D.Va, Zarya)
Alexandre "SPREE" Vanhomwegen (Zarya, Tracer, Soldier: 76)
Austin "Muma" Wilmot (Reinhardt, Winston)
Daniel "Boink" Pence (Lucio)
Chris "Bani" Benell (Ana, Zenyatta, Sombra)
Shane "Rawkus" Flaherty (Ana, Zenyatta, Sombra)
Russell "FCTFCTN" Campbell (Reinhardt, Winston)
Won-hyeop "ArHaN" Jeong (Genji, Tracer)
San Francisco Shock
Owner: NRG Esports
Head Coach: Brad Rajani
Daniel "dhaK" Martinez (Lucio)
Nikola "Sleepy" Andrews (Zenyatta)
Dante "Danteh" Cruz (Tracer, Sombra, Genji)
Andre "IDDQD" Dahlstrom (McCree, Tracer, Soldier: 76)
Andreas "Nevix" Karlsson (Genji, Tracer, Ana)
Andrej "Babybay" Francisty (Soldier: 76, Genji, McCree)
David "Nomy" Ramirez (Reinhardt, Winston)
Jay "Sinatraa" Won (Tracer, Genji, Zarya)
Matthew "Super" DeLisi (Reinhardt, Winston, Tracer)
Min-ho "Architect" Park (Genji, Junkrat)
Grant "moth" Espe (McCree, Lucio, Zenyatta)
Choi "ChoiHyoBin" Hyo-bin (D.Va, Roadhog)
Los Angeles Valiant
Owner: Immortals
Head Coach: Byung "MBC" Chul Moon
Brady "Agilities" Girardi (Genji, Roadhog)
Terence "SoOn" Tarlier (Tracer, Roadhog, McCree)
Ted "silkthread" Wang (Tracer)
Jun-hyeok "Bunny" Chae (Tracer)
Stefano "Verbo" Disalvo (Lucio)
Young-seo "KariV" Park (Zenyatta, Sombra, Ana)
Pan-seung "Fate" Koo (Winston)
Seb "numlocked" Barton (Winston, Reinhardt)
Indy "SPACE" Halpern (Roadhog, Zarya, D.Va)
Scott "Custa" Kennedy (Moira, Zenyatta, Ana)
Kyle "KSF" Frandanisa (Genji)
Finnbjorn "Finnsi" Jonasson (Zarya, Soldier: 76, D.Va, McCree)
Los Angeles Gladiators
Owner: Stan & Josh Kroenke (Los Angeles Rams)
Head Coach: David "Dpei" Pei
Lane "Surefour" Roberts (McCree, Pharah, Tracer)
Chan-hyung "Fissure" Baek (Winston, Reinhardt)
Joon-seong "Asher" Choi (Tracer, McCree)
João Pedro "Hydration" Goes Telles (Genji, Pharah, Torbjorn)
Aaron "Bischu" Kim (Zarya, D.Va)
Luis "iReMiix" Galarza Figueroa (Reinhardt, Winston)
Jonas "Shaz" Suovaara (Ana, Zenyatta, Sombra)
Benjamin "BigGoose" Isohanni (Lucio)
Jun-woo "Void" Kang (D.Va)
Ted "silkthread" Wang (Tracer, Genji, Soldier: 76, Pharah)
Florida Mayhem
Owner: Misfits Gaming
Head Coach: Vytis "Mineral" Lasaitis
Johan "CWoosH" Klingestedt (Genji, Winston)
Andreas "Logix" Berghmans (Tracer, Soldier: 76)
Tim "Manneten" Bylund (Zarya, D.Va, Roadhog)
Kevyn "TviQ" Lindström (Genji, Soldier: 76, Tracer)
Sebastian "Zebbosai" Olsson (Lucio, Ana, Widowmaker)
Aleksi "Zuppeh" Kuntsi (Ana, Zenyatta)
Joonas "Zappis" Alakurtti (Zarya, Tracer)
Jung-woo "Sayaplayer" Ha (McCree, Widowmaker, Tracer)
Kim "aWesomeGuy" Sung Hoon (Winston, Zarya)
New York Excelsior
Owner: Sterling.VC
Coaches: Hyun Sang "Pavane" Yu, Hyeongseok "WizardHyeong" Kim
Jong-yeol "Saebyeolbe" Park (Tracer, Roadhog)
Do-hyeon "Pine" Kim (McCree, Widowmaker, Sombra)
Hye-sung "Libero" Kim (D.Va, Genji, Pharah)
Tae-hong "Mek0" Kim (D.Va)
Joong-hwa "Janus" Song (Reinhardt)
Dong-gyu "Mano" Kim (Winston, Reinhardt)
Sung-hyeon "JJoNak" Bang (Ana, Zenyatta)
Yeon-joon "ArK" Hong (Lucio)
Tae-sung "ANAMO" Jung (Lucio)
Boston Uprising
Owner: Robert Kraft (New England Patriots)
Head Coach: Da-hee "Crusty" Park
Stanislov "Mistakes" Danilov (Tracer)
Gwon "STRIKER" Nam-Ju (McCree, Soldier: 76, Widowmaker)
Kristian "Kellex" Keller (Lucio)
Lucas "NotE" Meissner (D.Va, Zarya)
Noh "Gamsu" Young-Jin (Reinhardt, Winston)
Min-seok "AimGod" Kwon (Genji, Reaper)
Shin "Kalios" Woo-Yeol (Zarya, D.Va, Ana)
Mikias "Snow" Yohannes (Ana, Mercy)
Connor "Avast" Prince (Lucio)
Se-Hyeon "Neko" Park (Hanzo, Widowmaker)
Philadelphia Fusion
Owner: Comcast Spectacor
Head Coach: Yann "Kirby" Luu
George "ShaDowBurn" Gushcha (Genji, Pharah)
Isaac "Boombox" Charles (Zenyatta)
Jae-hyeok "Carpe" Lee (McCree, Genji, Tracer)
Jeong-hwan "Dayfly" Park (Ana)
Josh "Eqo" Corona (Genji, Tracer)
Joona "Fragi" Laine (Reinhardt, Winston)
Joe "Joemeister" Gramano (Lucio)
Hong-joon "HOTBA" Choi (McCree, D.Va, Zarya)
Gael "Poko" Gouzerch (Zarya, Winston, Soldier: 76)
Alberto "neptuNo" González (Lucio)
Simon "snillo" Ekström (Soldier: 76, Tracer, McCree)
London Spitfire
Owner: Cloud9
Coaches: Chang-geun "changgoon" Park, Jeong-min "Jfeel" Kim
Ji-hyeok "birdring" Kim (Tracer, Roadhog)
Jun-young "Profit" Park (Tracer)
Dong-eun "Hooreg" Lee (Soldier: 76, Doomfist)
Jun-ho "Fury" Kim (Soldier: 76, Junkrat)
Seung-hyun "WooHyaL" Seong (D.Va)
Jae-hui "Gesture" Hong (Winston)
Hyeon-woo "HaGoPeun" Jo (Zenyatta)
Won-sik "Closer" Jung (Lucio)
Seung-tae "Bdosin" Choi (Zenyatta, Ana)
Jong-seok "NUS" Kim (Ana, Zenyatta, Mercy)
Jang-hyeon "TiZi" Hwang (Winston)
Shanghai Dragons
Owner: Netease
Head Coach: Jun-Young "Kong" Son
Weida "Diya" Lu (McCree, Tracer, Doomfist)
Chao "Undead" Fang (McCree, Tracer, Reaper)
Junjie "Xushu" Liu (Pharah, Winston)
Wenhao "Roshan" Jing (Winston, Reinhardt)
Dongjian "MG" Wu (D.Va, Zarya)
Yage "Altering" Cheng (Mercy, Lucio)
Zhaoyu "Fiveking" Chen (Lucio)
Peixuan "Freefeel" Xu (Ana)
Junjian "Sky" He (Ana, Zenyatta)
Se-yeon "Geguri" Kim (Zarya, D.Va, Roadhog)
Eui-Seok "Fearless" Lee (Winston)
Gi-hyeon "Ado" Chon (Genji)
Dae-min "Daemin" Kim (Widowmaker, McCree, Ana)
Seoul Dynasty
Owner: Kabam
Head Coach: Baek Kwang-Jin
Ryu "ryujehong" Je-Hong (Ana, Zenyatta)
Yang "Tobi" Jin-Mo (Lucio)
Heo "Gambler" Jin-woo (Lucio, Mercy)
Gong "Miro" Jin-Hyuk (Winston, Reinhardt)
Kim "Zunba" Joon-Hyuk (Zarya, D.Va, Soldier: 76)
Moon "Gido" Gi-Do (Tracer, Genji, Roadhog)
Byun "Munchkin" Sang-Beom (Tracer, McCree)
Kim "Fleta" Byung-Sun (Pharah, McCree, Genji)
Koo "xepheR" Jae-Mo (Zarya, D.Va)
Dae-kuk "KuKi" Kim (Winston, D.Va)
Seok-woo "Wekeed" Choi (McCree, Genji, Junkrat)
These are the finalized Overwatch rosters. The Overwatch League is set to begin on January 10, 2018.
A Guide to the 12 Overwatch League Teams published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
0 notes
nitewrighter · 5 years
Of Blades and Broomsticks Part XVI
Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Read it on AO3 here.
The chambers of Comtesse Amélie were ornate--the rest of the château had an imposing grace about it, but there was an odd sort of warmth about the room, lit by candles as dawn bled pink against the horizon out the window. Amélie knew she would have to rest soon, but it did give her unbeating heart a thrill to see just how far she could push things to spend time with her spymaster before descending down to the château’s cellars to rest.
The comtesse had no reflection, but still she brushed her hair, seated in front of a mirror, watching the hairbrush in the reflection over and sweep down with each stroke.
“Do you think we were too harsh?” asked Amélie.
“She waltzes in with no warning after dead silence for 114 years and expects you to lend swords to her aid just because some idiot got stuck with a pumpkin head?” said her spymaster, looking down the sights of her crossbow, “If the fairies are as about hospitality and customs as they say they are, I think she’d treat you with a little more respect.”
“Or did you push me the other way because she called you ‘food?’” asked Amélie, smirking.
“Well in her defense, I am delicious,” said the spymaster, plopping down into the comtesse’s lap. 
“You’re ridiculous,” said Amélie, waving the hairbrush in her face in a mock-scolding manner.
“But no, I had better reasons than that,” said the spymaster, staying Amélie’s scolding hand with her own.
“If you fear war against the humans, I could always turn you,” said Amélie, “It wouldn’t even hurt...”
“I appreciate the offer,” said the spymaster, “But not yet. I can’t give up daylight just yet. And I don’t think plunging into all-out war is going to be good for anyone.”
“On that we agree,” said Amélie, looking at the window, wondering how few minutes she had left.
“You know we built something good here,” said the spymaster, taking the hairbrush and turning it over in her hand to see the filigree on the back, “And the fairies are always going on about the encroaching destructive force of man--and I’m pretty sure that’s because they refuse to adapt. And that whole perversion of magic thing--I mean, isn’t the whole point of magic that it does things that don’t usually happen? Things that aren’t supposed to happen?”
“The flame of creation alight in the world does concern me,” said Amélie.
“I could track it down for you,” said the Spymaster with a shrug, setting the hairbrush down on the vanity, “I can track pretty much anything, you know. I think that would show Her Royal Pain-in-the-Ass.”
“I know, my love--” Amélie pressed her fingertips to her forehead with a headache of the encroaching dawn, “But the last place it was seen was burned to the ground--”
“Not completely burned,” said the spymaster.
“Sombra,” Amélie closed her eyes and furrowed her brow. She should have been heading down to the cellar now. She knew that--she also liked keeping Sombra in her lap a bit longer.
“Scared about your poor delicate human pet?” said Sombra, folding her arms.
“You’re not my--” Amélie huffed, “You like getting a rise out of me.”
“I do,” Sombra grinned.
“But if there is a change in the wind as the queen said, we must be cautious,” said Amélie, “You can investigate, but use a gentle touch--if you do find the flame, don’t engage with it, just report back to me.”
“Fine...” Sombra said with a sigh, “Now, someone’s got a dirt-filled coffin with her name on it.” she playfully tapped the tip of the comtesse’s nose and Amélie rolled her eyes.
“Perhaps I’ll stay a few days in it this time... join you in the daylight...” said the comtesse.
“If that’s what my comtesse desires,” said Sombra, slipping from her lap and helping her to her feet, “I can keep things tied down while you build up your strength.”
“Mm,” Amélie leaned some weight against Sombra as they moved out of the room and down a winding staircase down to the cellar, and from the cellar to a vault with two guards posted outside of it, standing at alert and pushing the heavy oaken doors open for them and followed them inside. A baroque coffin sat on a large stone altar that looked far older than everything else in the vault, and judging by the Merovingian-era carvings decorating it, probably was far older. Whether it had been brought to this place when the Château was built, or the chateau was built around it, Sombra never thought to ask. She wondered, sometimes, if her comtesse was the only comtesse the Château ever had, if anyone had bore the title before her, or if she had always ruled and simply took that particular title when it came into fashion. The guards lifted the lid off of the coffin, and the comtesse set her pale hand against the dark loamy earth within. She bent and breathed in the scent of it before climbing up into the coffin with as much grace as she would mount a horse with. She sat in the dirt-filled coffin and ran a hand along its side.
“You could join me,” she said to Sombra.
“Yeah but then I’d have to get up to pee, and I’d have to climb all over you, and then get the lid up--it would just be a mess,” said Sombra with a sly grin, “Plus, I did say I would keep things tied down while you rested.”
“Don’t get too old while I’m sleeping,” the comtesse quipped.
“Maybe don’t sleep too long,” said Sombra, arching an eyebrow. She took the comtesse’s hand and kissed it, “Until next you wake, my lady.”
“My love,” the comtesse took the spymaster’s chin in her hand and pushed up slightly so that Sombra was looking at her, she kissed her on the corner of her mouth, “My heart,” there was no warmth of breath against Sombra’s face, but the words seemed to lace themselves around her and sink into her skin as the comtesse pulled away and the two guards lifted up the coffin lid to set it back down.
“Sweet dreams,” said Sombra as Amélie laid down and closed her eyes as the coffin lid closed over her. The final dragging thud of the coffin lid finding its place elicited a short huff from Sombra. She folded her arms, looking pensive for a few brief moments, staring at the coffin, before sharply lifting her head and looking at the guards. “What are you staring at? You know the drill. To your posts. Nothing harms the comtesse while she sleeps.”
“Yes spymaster,” the guards said in unison as Sombra walked out of the vault. She caught a few hours of sleep for herself on the comtesse’s bed in her chambers. She sometimes envied the farmers and their clockwork sleeps in the valleys out past the chateau’s lake--she couldn’t remember the last time she slept all night and was awake all day, but then again, she didn’t particularly care to remember life before the comtesse. It was about midday when the guards roused her from her sleep as per her orders, she donned the doublet and armor of her office, and left the château on a little black mare to survey the comtesse’s lands and see if the queen’s prophecies of fire and doom rang true.
“They really overdo it, don’t they?” said Mercy, watching as a cultist walked by with a large sack of feed.
“What do you mean?” said Genji, stroking one of the horse’s muzzles.
“All this!” said Mercy, gesturing at the covered wagon, “I didn’t see any stables around the monastery, where did they even get horses?”
“Master just pulls stuff like that out of portals sometimes--” said Genji, shrugging, “He can pull out pretty much anything that’s fallen into the void.”
“Horses,” Mercy repeated flatly as a cultist took her bag from her hands and tossed it in the back of the wagon, “He can just... pull horses out of the void.”
“He is a god,” said Genji.
Mercy’s lips drew to a thin line. “Of course,” she said with an eye roll.
“I thought it prudent,” said Zenyatta, “It would eliminate a lot of variables--provide some rudimentary shelter when you are between villages, give you a chance to read that.” He pointed to the Vitae book under Mercy’s arm.
“Oh--I was just--” Mercy held the book up, “You can--”
“The point of a library is lending books. Not letting them rot on shelves. You have a way of breathing life into things, Gramercy, I believe that book is a good fit for you,” said Zenyatta.
Mercy looked down sheepishly, “I don’t know how to begin thanking you for your kindness...” she said softly.
“Simply pay that selfsame respect to your traveling companions,” said Zenyatta with a bow of his head.
Yes. Very subtle. He might as well have lit up the words ‘Tell Genji You’re Magically Sterile’ in pink and green flames above his head, thought Mercy.
“I will do my best,” said Mercy.
“Fare ye well, stabby cultists!” said Junkenstein, waving toward the monastery, “Perhaps one day we shall return! Isn’t that right, my creation?” he looked back at his monster to see several cultists crowding around him and smearing protective runes in ashes and water over his massive green belly. “Oi-oi! Oi! Say your goodbyes and be done with it! We’ve had quite enough of rituals and whatnot!”
The monster gave a “hrmm” and a reassuring pat on the head of one of the cultists as they stepped back from him with one stern look from Zenyatta.
“Take this,” said a cultist, pushing a mass of black cloth into the monster’s arms, “The outside world is full of heretics. Many of them will not recognize your magnificence as a golem blessed by Zenya’taa. You should conceal your form.”
The monster let the cloth unfurl and saw it was a large black cloak, which he fastened around his shoulders. The cultist had to stand on their tiptoes to secure the cloak with a brooch of uncut amethyst before slipping away back behind Zenyatta. The monster gave them a nod of approval and the cultist beamed beneath the shadows of their hood.
“Right then!” said Junkenstein, putting his hand on his hips, “Who shall take up the first leg of our journey?”
Mercy and Genji smiled nervously, but neither raised a hand or stepped forward.
“...neither of you know how to drive a cart, do you?” said Junkenstein, running a hand down his face.
“I can fly--” Genji started.
“I lived in the woods--!” Mercy started.
“I mean I can try, it should be fairly intuitive--” Genji started.
“Fine! Fine! I’m driving. But don’t think you two won’t be getting lessons!” said Junkenstein, clambering up onto the cart. The wood of the wagon creaked as the monster lumbered up into it, and Genji nimbly hopped up and held a hand out to help Mercy up into it.
“Everyone settled?” said Junkenstein over his shoulder.
Mercy, Genji, and the monster gave a nod. Junkenstein gave the reins a short flick and the horses started moving forward.
“Farewell, Master!” called Genji, waving out the back the wagon, “One day we will return with great tales of adventure and bloodshed!”
“If you ever get lonely, remember that the void will swallow up you and everything you’ve ever known and loved!” Zenyatta called back.
“Thanks!” Genji called back as Mercy awkwardly waved next to him.
With that, the creaking wagon was moving out down a narrow rocky path on the high sea cliffs away from the monastery. It rumbled and shuddered with the roughness of the path, but it was well made, it would do well for their journey. And the first leg of the journey was a long one, west across the windswept seaside highlands surrounding the monastery. Junkenstein quickly deduced west from the position of the sun, and it would be pretty easy to maintain that direction along the coastline. At least in theory. Mercy looked back at the monastery shrinking in the distance with no small amount of bittersweetness in her heart. She wondered if anyone would ever treat her as kindly as Zenyatta and the cultists there had. She wondered if she would be outrunning being burnt at the stake everywhere but there for the rest of her life.
“This is exciting!” said Genji, crossing his legs on the floor of the wagon, “I can’t remember the last time I traveled like this! I’m so used to taking the form of birds!”
Mercy snickered, “It’s just a wagon”
“You forget, I have been both demon and prince,” said Genji, folding his arms, “Now as we flee the prying eyes of those from Adlersbrunn who would hunt us, we must come up with new identities for ourselves! We are traveling in disguise! I will be... Genji.”
“Creative,” said Mercy.
“A dashing mercenary in the service of two traveling apothecaries and their...” Genji gestured at the monster, “Um... manservant.”
The monster made a noise that wasn’t too far from “ugh.”
“Apothecaries works...” said Mercy, looking over at Junkenstein, “As far as cover stories goes.”
“I’m fine with apothecaries,” said Junkenstein, only half-paying attention between them and driving the wagon, “But I’m not touching any piss! Well,” he caught himself, “Yes, I’ll synthesize the urea and ammonia from it, but I won’t be happy about it!”
“Well Genji had the advantage of no one knowing his name to begin with,” said Mercy, “But we should come up with other names as well.”
“...Fawkes,” said Junkenstein.
“Fawkes?” said Mercy.
“Y’know, it’s sneaky, like a fox,” said Junkenstein, “You’ll need a name too, Creation.”
The monster perked up.
“Something... dignified....What about Aldous Marion Shelley-Von Kuttner the third?”
The creature’s shoulders slumped.
“No?” said Junkenstein, “We’ll keep working on it.”
“What about you?” said Genji, looking at Mercy. 
Mercy stared out of the back of the wagon for a while, resting her hand in her chin. “Angela,” she said after a few seconds.
“Angela?” repeated Genji.
“Angela?” repeated Junkenstein.
“I don’t know... I always... I always had the name in my head,” said Mercy, “It’s...one of the only memories of my parents I have. But I don’t even know if it was my name or my mother’s name... maybe it was too early to even name me when they...” she trailed off and shook her head.
Genji reached forward and touched her forearm, and Mercy looked up at him.
“It’s....” she glanced off again, “It’s just a name I know I’ll respond to,” she said with a shrug.
“It’s a good name,” said Genji, “...and ironic as you probably think this sounds, it suits you.”
Mercy just scoffed and rolled her eyes.
“I mean it,” said Genji.
“And if you can’t trust your demons, who can you trust?” said Mercy, wryly.
“Exactly,” said Genji.
“So our cover story is set,” said Mercy.
“And look!” Genji pointed at his face.
“...What?” said Mercy, after a beat.
“Normal colored eyes,” said Genji, pointing at his, indeed brown, eyes. Genji pulled his lips back from his teeth, “No fangs,” he said, through gritted teeth.
“...And all it took was actually letting your scars show?” said Junkenstein, looking over his shoulder at Genji.
“I--yes...” said Genji, running two fingertips along a scar on his cheek, “But--it fits, doesn’t it? I am a dashing mercenary now.” 
“The look suits you, Genji,” said Mercy, smiling.
“Well, as long as you like it, Witch,” said Genji leaning in, slightly.
Junkenstein and the monster exchanged weary looks as Mercy giggled a little nervously and glanced off, blushing.
“It is exciting though, isn’t it?” said Genji, “The smell of salt and horses on the wind, the fact that we have no idea what lies ahead of us in the future, the past we have to escape...” He took a deep breath in, “No more hobbling about between village and town, Witch! We’re on an adventure, now!”
About an hour later Genji was lying flat on his back on the floor of the wagon, groaning and staring at the canvas that arched over them.
“How do you stand it?!” he said with a whine.
“How can you be alive for 600 years and get bored this easily?” said Mercy.
“Would we go faster if I turned into a third horse?” said Genji.
“Wagon isn’t rigged for three horses,” said Junkenstein.
“Uggggghhhhhhh,” Genji groaned.
Pharah was sore. A few days of riding would do that to you. The sun as their guide, they were still stuck on the meandering path through Adlersbrunn’s forest. Jesse seemed to know where he was going, more than he was willing to let on. Theirs was a slow pace of stopping for nearly every passerby to try and ask for information. Every story was different, many stories were hearsay three times over, and on several occasions Pharah found herself correcting different would-be informants. The first few nights they slept in barns and the lofts of lumber mills, but now they were deep in the thick of the forest, they still had the path, but the next inn wasn’t for a few too many miles.
“We’ll make camp here,” said Jesse, swinging off his horse. 
“It’s barely twilight, there’s another hour of riding to be had,” said Pharah.
“Factor in finding firewood to keep the wolves off our backs?” Jesse suggested.
Pharah sighed and swung off her horse. With the last lumber mill behind them, the river running through Adlersbrunn had forked off into numerous winding creeks, still digging deep fissures into the soft forest earth. Any lumber heading west would have to do so by wagons on the path. Pharah watered and brushed down the horses. while McCree built some quick lean-tos and gathered firewood. By the time the sky had darkened, they had a surprisingly comfortable camp with a blazing fire. McCree apparently carried an obscene amount of smoke-dried venison in his saddlebags. The already gamey meat was rendered even tougher by his preservation, and the gnawing and chewing Pharah had to do just to keep the meat from chafing her throat kept conversation to a minimum. It slowed their eating enough so that they filled up fairly quickly while consuming little of their rations. When they had their fill, McCree lit a pipe and took a few puffs, offered it to her, and she declined.
“You’re used to this, aren’t you?” said Pharah, hugging her knees and looking at the fire, “You can set a camp quickly not just because it’s practical, but in case anyone refuses you shelter.”
“You’d be surprised how little it takes for most ‘kind and decent’ folk to turn their back on you,” said Jesse.
Pharah hugged her knees a little tighter and kept her eyes on the fire. “Why were you excommunicated?” she asked.
“I will tell you one day, you have my word on that,” said Jesse, “But I don’t think that day is here, yet.”
“I should like to know if you’re a witch or a heretic or just a bastard,” said Pharah.
“Well, thankfully, I’m none of those things. Maybe a little bit of the third thing, but my mother was a godly woman. She did her best.”
“What then?” said Pharah.
“There’s a time and place for these things,” said Jesse, puffing on his pipe.
“The time is now so I can trust you,” said Pharah, “Is it political? I--I’m willing to understand if it’s political.” 
“The fact that a church can be political means it’s probably further from being a church than it should be,” said Jesse, “Well--obviously your faith influences your politics, but I’m talking about the interior workings of indulgences and bishops and--never mind. Never mind all that. Anyway, never had the time to nail shit up on church doors myself.”
“So a little bit of a heretic then,” said Pharah.
“Are you willing to accept ‘little bit of a heretic’ for now?” said Jesse, a puff of smoke coming from the corner of his mouth, “I do want to tell you but... today is not that day for the story.” 
“Just... tell me: was it Reyes who ordered you excommunicated?” said Pharah.
“Does that matter?” Jesse tilted his head.
“Reyes is the only reason why I have any inclination to trust you,” said Pharah, “You had to be a good enough person at one point for him to take you under his wing. And...” she fished the adder stone out of her pocket, “He walks--walked... a gray path. Dogs protect sheep from wolves---”
“But all dogs were wolves once,” Jesse’s voice overlapped with hers.
Pharah stared at him, and in that flickering firelight she could swear she saw a flash of Reyes in Jehoshaphat Maccrea’s countenance. Determined, wearied by what he had seen, fearless and yet deeply sad.
“You’re wondering if just being in my presence will put you in the same place I am now,” said Jesse, “You want to keep doing Reyes’ work, but not if it means becoming an excommunicated piece of trash.”
“I don’t think you’re a piece of--” Pharah started but McCree’s eyes flicked up to her, looking sharp and almost brandy-colored in the firelight.
“I get it, you know,” said Jesse, poking at the campfire and sending up a brief burst of sparks, “You want to be able to return to the people you’re protecting and still be the person they know. Still be the person they love.”
Pharah was silent.
“I think we’ve all known enough soldiers in our lives to know that that’s not possible,” said Jesse.
Pharah looked up from the flames to Jesse. “You saw it in Reyes, too.”
“I saw it in Reyes. I see it in you. You wouldn’t be out here if you were the same person before you saw... whatever that witch did,” said Jesse. He pulled the pipe from the corner of his mouth and puffed out one last breath of smoke. “For as much as the word of an excommunicated scoundrel is worth--I promise you, I’ll do everything in my power to keep you from falling into my position. You could be the next Reyes--Not me. Not anymore.”
“But how much is that word worth, Jesse?” a voice lilted through the canopy of trees overhead. Pharah’s hand went to her musket, the horses nickered anxiously, and Jesse drew his own matchlock pistol and slowly rose to his feet.
“Knew I should have strung up some garlic around camp before we settled down,” he muttered, his eyes flicking around the trees. 
“Oh you know garlic can’t stop me,” the voice responded with a snicker.
There was a rustle of leaves and a figure dropped down behind him and he pivoted on his heel, pistol at the ready, only to find himself facing down a loaded and tensed crossbow, the point of its bolt poking against his chest. His eyes flicked up from the crossbow to its owner, a woman in a black hood and armored doublet, grinning a grin that still barbed his heart when he thought about it too long.
“Sombra,” said Jesse, his eyes narrowing.
“Been a while,” said Sombra.
“You know her?!” said Pharah.
“It’s a long story--” Jesse started.
“And it’s one for ‘another day, ain’t it, Jesse?’” said Sombra, mockingly imitating Jesse’s timbre.
Pharah was already scrambling for the powder horn of her musket but Sombra drew a smaller matchlock pistol from her hip and had it pointed at Pharah before she could load the musket balls. Pharah was forced to freeze where she was.
“So here’s what’s going to happen,” said Sombra, “You two are going to tell me everything you know about the flame of creation and the town that burned down. Sound good?”
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nitewrighter · 5 years
So now that you've discovered them, who is a warforged in a dnd/fantasy au?
Hmmmm well I mean Omnics are the closest parallel, so Zenyatta, Orisa, Bastion, Lynx Seventeen, Maximilien, and Echo are the obvious answer. Bastion would be stone with moss growing on it, Orisa would be wood and stone, Zen would be wood and bronze, Echo would be glass and ivory, Maximilien would be clockwork, and Lynx Seventeen would be like... malachite glass like the glass armor in Skyrim.
8 notes · View notes
barbosaasouza · 6 years
A Guide to the 12 Overwatch League Teams
The Overwatch League is gearing up to change the face of esports, bringing in multi-million dollar franchises and official teams. But the ongoing changes might make things a little tough to keep up with, so Shacknews is going to attempt to neatly organize each individual franchise, their ownership, and the roster that they'll be bringing out for the Overwatch League.
There are 12 teams total for the Overwatch League, including Los Angeles (with two teams), Boston, New York City, San Francisco, Miami/Orlando, Philadelphia, Dallas, Houston, London, Shanghai, and Seoul. Let's run them down one-by-one.
(Last updated: 4/10/18)
Dallas Fuel
Owner: Team EnVyUs
Head Coach: Kyle "Kyky" Souder
Jonathan "HarryHook" Tejedor Rua (Lucio, Soldier: 76, McCree)
Timo "Taimou" Kettunen (Widowmaker, McCree)
Hyeon "EFFECT" Hwang (Tracer, Doomfist)
Brandon "Seagull" Larned (Pharah, Genji, Hanzo)
Pongphop "Mickie" Rattanasangchod (D.Va, Zarya)
Christian "cocco" Jonsson (Reinhardt, Winston, Zarya)
Sebastian "Chipshajen" Widlund (Ana, Zenyatta, Sombra)
Benjamin "uNKOE" Chevasson (Ana, Zenyatta, Sombra)
Min-seok "OGE" Son (Winston, Reinhardt)
Dylan "aKm" Bignet (Soldier: 76, McCree, Pharah)
Dong-jun "Rascal" Kim (Soldier: 76, Genji, Pharah, McCree, Mei)
Houston Outlaws
Owner: OpTic Gaming
Head Coach: Tae-yeong "TaiRong" Kim
Matthew "CLOCKWORK" Dias (Soldier: 76, Tracer, McCree)
Jiri "LiNkzr" Masalin (Genji, Widowmaker, McCree)
Jake "JAKE" Lyon (Genji, Soldier: 76)
Lucas "Mendokusaii" Håkansson (Tracer, Genji, McCree)
Matt "coolmatt" Iorio (D.Va, Zarya)
Alexandre "SPREE" Vanhomwegen (Zarya, Tracer, Soldier: 76)
Austin "Muma" Wilmot (Reinhardt, Winston)
Daniel "Boink" Pence (Lucio)
Chris "Bani" Benell (Ana, Zenyatta, Sombra)
Shane "Rawkus" Flaherty (Ana, Zenyatta, Sombra)
Russell "FCTFCTN" Campbell (Reinhardt, Winston)
Won-hyeop "ArHaN" Jeong (Genji, Tracer)
San Francisco Shock
Owner: NRG Esports
Head Coach: Brad Rajani
Daniel "dhaK" Martinez (Lucio)
Nikola "Sleepy" Andrews (Zenyatta)
Dante "Danteh" Cruz (Tracer, Sombra, Genji)
Andre "IDDQD" Dahlstrom (McCree, Tracer, Soldier: 76)
Andreas "Nevix" Karlsson (Genji, Tracer, Ana)
Andrej "Babybay" Francisty (Soldier: 76, Genji, McCree)
David "Nomy" Ramirez (Reinhardt, Winston)
Jay "Sinatraa" Won (Tracer, Genji, Zarya)
Matthew "Super" DeLisi (Reinhardt, Winston, Tracer)
Min-ho "Architect" Park (Genji, Junkrat)
Grant "moth" Espe (McCree, Lucio, Zenyatta)
Choi "ChoiHyoBin" Hyo-bin (D.Va, Roadhog)
Los Angeles Valiant
Owner: Immortals
Head Coach: Byung "MBC" Chul Moon
Brady "Agilities" Girardi (Genji, Roadhog)
Terence "SoOn" Tarlier (Tracer, Roadhog, McCree)
Ted "silkthread" Wang (Tracer)
Jun-hyeok "Bunny" Chae (Tracer)
Stefano "Verbo" Disalvo (Lucio)
Young-seo "KariV" Park (Zenyatta, Sombra, Ana)
Pan-seung "Fate" Koo (Winston)
Seb "numlocked" Barton (Winston, Reinhardt)
Indy "SPACE" Halpern (Roadhog, Zarya, D.Va)
Scott "Custa" Kennedy (Moira, Zenyatta, Ana)
Kyle "KSF" Frandanisa (Genji)
Finnbjorn "Finnsi" Jonasson (Zarya, Soldier: 76, D.Va, McCree)
Los Angeles Gladiators
Owner: Stan & Josh Kroenke (Los Angeles Rams)
Head Coach: David "Dpei" Pei
Lane "Surefour" Roberts (McCree, Pharah, Tracer)
Chan-hyung "Fissure" Baek (Winston, Reinhardt)
Joon-seong "Asher" Choi (Tracer, McCree)
João Pedro "Hydration" Goes Telles (Genji, Pharah, Torbjorn)
Aaron "Bischu" Kim (Zarya, D.Va)
Luis "iReMiix" Galarza Figueroa (Reinhardt, Winston)
Jonas "Shaz" Suovaara (Ana, Zenyatta, Sombra)
Benjamin "BigGoose" Isohanni (Lucio)
Jun-woo "Void" Kang (D.Va)
Ted "silkthread" Wang (Tracer, Genji, Soldier: 76, Pharah)
Florida Mayhem
Owner: Misfits Gaming
Head Coach: Vytis "Mineral" Lasaitis
Johan "CWoosH" Klingestedt (Genji, Winston)
Andreas "Logix" Berghmans (Tracer, Soldier: 76)
Tim "Manneten" Bylund (Zarya, D.Va, Roadhog)
Kevyn "TviQ" Lindström (Genji, Soldier: 76, Tracer)
Sebastian "Zebbosai" Olsson (Lucio, Ana, Widowmaker)
Aleksi "Zuppeh" Kuntsi (Ana, Zenyatta)
Joonas "Zappis" Alakurtti (Zarya, Tracer)
Jung-woo "Sayaplayer" Ha (McCree, Widowmaker, Tracer)
Kim "aWesomeGuy" Sung Hoon (Winston, Zarya)
New York Excelsior
Owner: Sterling.VC
Coaches: Hyun Sang "Pavane" Yu, Hyeongseok "WizardHyeong" Kim
Jong-yeol "Saebyeolbe" Park (Tracer, Roadhog)
Do-hyeon "Pine" Kim (McCree, Widowmaker, Sombra)
Hye-sung "Libero" Kim (D.Va, Genji, Pharah)
Tae-hong "Mek0" Kim (D.Va)
Joong-hwa "Janus" Song (Reinhardt)
Dong-gyu "Mano" Kim (Winston, Reinhardt)
Sung-hyeon "JJoNak" Bang (Ana, Zenyatta)
Yeon-joon "ArK" Hong (Lucio)
Tae-sung "ANAMO" Jung (Lucio)
Boston Uprising
Owner: Robert Kraft (New England Patriots)
Head Coach: Da-hee "Crusty" Park
Stanislov "Mistakes" Danilov (Tracer)
Gwon "STRIKER" Nam-Ju (McCree, Soldier: 76, Widowmaker)
Kristian "Kellex" Keller (Lucio)
Lucas "NotE" Meissner (D.Va, Zarya)
Noh "Gamsu" Young-Jin (Reinhardt, Winston)
Min-seok "AimGod" Kwon (Genji, Reaper)
Shin "Kalios" Woo-Yeol (Zarya, D.Va, Ana)
Mikias "Snow" Yohannes (Ana, Mercy)
Connor "Avast" Prince (Lucio)
Se-Hyeon "Neko" Park (Hanzo, Widowmaker)
Philadelphia Fusion
Owner: Comcast Spectacor
Head Coach: Yann "Kirby" Luu
George "ShaDowBurn" Gushcha (Genji, Pharah)
Isaac "Boombox" Charles (Zenyatta)
Jae-hyeok "Carpe" Lee (McCree, Genji, Tracer)
Jeong-hwan "Dayfly" Park (Ana)
Josh "Eqo" Corona (Genji, Tracer)
Joona "Fragi" Laine (Reinhardt, Winston)
Joe "Joemeister" Gramano (Lucio)
Hong-joon "HOTBA" Choi (McCree, D.Va, Zarya)
Gael "Poko" Gouzerch (Zarya, Winston, Soldier: 76)
Alberto "neptuNo" González (Lucio)
Simon "snillo" Ekström (Soldier: 76, Tracer, McCree)
London Spitfire
Owner: Cloud9
Coaches: Chang-geun "changgoon" Park, Jeong-min "Jfeel" Kim
Ji-hyeok "birdring" Kim (Tracer, Roadhog)
Jun-young "Profit" Park (Tracer)
Dong-eun "Hooreg" Lee (Soldier: 76, Doomfist)
Jun-ho "Fury" Kim (Soldier: 76, Junkrat)
Seung-hyun "WooHyaL" Seong (D.Va)
Jae-hui "Gesture" Hong (Winston)
Hyeon-woo "HaGoPeun" Jo (Zenyatta)
Won-sik "Closer" Jung (Lucio)
Seung-tae "Bdosin" Choi (Zenyatta, Ana)
Jong-seok "NUS" Kim (Ana, Zenyatta, Mercy)
Jang-hyeon "TiZi" Hwang (Winston)
Shanghai Dragons
Owner: Netease
Head Coach: Jun-Young "Kong" Son
Weida "Diya" Lu (McCree, Tracer, Doomfist)
Chao "Undead" Fang (McCree, Tracer, Reaper)
Junjie "Xushu" Liu (Pharah, Winston)
Wenhao "Roshan" Jing (Winston, Reinhardt)
Dongjian "MG" Wu (D.Va, Zarya)
Yage "Altering" Cheng (Mercy, Lucio)
Zhaoyu "Fiveking" Chen (Lucio)
Peixuan "Freefeel" Xu (Ana)
Junjian "Sky" He (Ana, Zenyatta)
Se-yeon "Geguri" Kim (Zarya, D.Va, Roadhog)
Eui-Seok "Fearless" Lee (Winston)
Gi-hyeon "Ado" Chon (Genji)
Dae-min "Daemin" Kim (Widowmaker, McCree, Ana)
Seoul Dynasty
Owner: Kabam
Head Coach: Baek Kwang-Jin
Ryu "ryujehong" Je-Hong (Ana, Zenyatta)
Yang "Tobi" Jin-Mo (Lucio)
Heo "Gambler" Jin-woo (Lucio, Mercy)
Gong "Miro" Jin-Hyuk (Winston, Reinhardt)
Kim "Zunba" Joon-Hyuk (Zarya, D.Va, Soldier: 76)
Moon "Gido" Gi-Do (Tracer, Genji, Roadhog)
Byun "Munchkin" Sang-Beom (Tracer, McCree)
Kim "Fleta" Byung-Sun (Pharah, McCree, Genji)
Koo "xepheR" Jae-Mo (Zarya, D.Va)
Dae-kuk "KuKi" Kim (Winston, D.Va)
Seok-woo "Wekeed" Choi (McCree, Genji, Junkrat)
These are the finalized Overwatch rosters. The Overwatch League is set to begin on January 10, 2018.
A Guide to the 12 Overwatch League Teams published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
0 notes
barbosaasouza · 6 years
A Guide to the 12 Overwatch League Teams
The Overwatch League is gearing up to change the face of esports, bringing in multi-million dollar franchises and official teams. But the ongoing changes might make things a little tough to keep up with, so Shacknews is going to attempt to neatly organize each individual franchise, their ownership, and the roster that they'll be bringing out for the Overwatch League.
There are 12 teams total for the Overwatch League, including Los Angeles (with two teams), Boston, New York City, San Francisco, Miami/Orlando, Philadelphia, Dallas, Houston, London, Shanghai, and Seoul. Let's run them down one-by-one.
(Last updated: 4/3/18)
Dallas Fuel
Owner: Team EnVyUs
Head Coach: Kyle "Kyky" Souder
Jonathan "HarryHook" Tejedor Rua (Lucio, Soldier: 76, McCree)
Timo "Taimou" Kettunen (Widowmaker, McCree)
Hyeon "EFFECT" Hwang (Tracer, Doomfist)
Brandon "Seagull" Larned (Pharah, Genji, Hanzo)
Pongphop "Mickie" Rattanasangchod (D.Va, Zarya)
Christian "cocco" Jonsson (Reinhardt, Winston, Zarya)
Sebastian "Chipshajen" Widlund (Ana, Zenyatta, Sombra)
Benjamin "uNKOE" Chevasson (Ana, Zenyatta, Sombra)
Min-seok "OGE" Son (Winston, Reinhardt)
Dylan "aKm" Bignet (Soldier: 76, McCree, Pharah)
Dong-jun "Rascal" Kim (Soldier: 76, Genji, Pharah, McCree, Mei)
Houston Outlaws
Owner: OpTic Gaming
Head Coach: Tae-yeong "TaiRong" Kim
Matthew "CLOCKWORK" Dias (Soldier: 76, Tracer, McCree)
Jiri "LiNkzr" Masalin (Genji, Widowmaker, McCree)
Jake "JAKE" Lyon (Genji, Soldier: 76)
Lucas "Mendokusaii" Håkansson (Tracer, Genji, McCree)
Matt "coolmatt" Iorio (D.Va, Zarya)
Alexandre "SPREE" Vanhomwegen (Zarya, Tracer, Soldier: 76)
Austin "Muma" Wilmot (Reinhardt, Winston)
Daniel "Boink" Pence (Lucio)
Chris "Bani" Benell (Ana, Zenyatta, Sombra)
Shane "Rawkus" Flaherty (Ana, Zenyatta, Sombra)
Russell "FCTFCTN" Campbell (Reinhardt, Winston)
Won-hyeop "ArHaN" Jeong (Genji, Tracer)
San Francisco Shock
Owner: NRG Esports
Head Coach: Brad Rajani
Daniel "dhaK" Martinez (Lucio)
Nikola "Sleepy" Andrews (Zenyatta)
Dante "Danteh" Cruz (Tracer, Sombra, Genji)
Andre "IDDQD" Dahlstrom (McCree, Tracer, Soldier: 76)
Andreas "Nevix" Karlsson (Genji, Tracer, Ana)
Andrej "Babybay" Francisty (Soldier: 76, Genji, McCree)
David "Nomy" Ramirez (Reinhardt, Winston)
Jay "Sinatraa" Won (Tracer, Genji, Zarya)
Matthew "Super" DeLisi (Reinhardt, Winston, Tracer)
Min-ho "Architect" Park (Genji, Junkrat)
Grant "moth" Espe (McCree, Lucio, Zenyatta)
Los Angeles Valiant
Owner: Immortals
Head Coach: Byung "MBC" Chul Moon
Brady "Agilities" Girardi (Genji, Roadhog)
Terence "SoOn" Tarlier (Tracer, Roadhog, McCree)
Ted "silkthread" Wang (Tracer)
Jun-hyeok "Bunny" Chae (Tracer)
Stefano "Verbo" Disalvo (Lucio)
Young-seo "KariV" Park (Zenyatta, Sombra, Ana)
Pan-seung "Fate" Koo (Winston)
Seb "numlocked" Barton (Winston, Reinhardt)
Indy "SPACE" Halpern (Roadhog, Zarya, D.Va)
Scott "Custa" Kennedy (Moira, Zenyatta, Ana)
Los Angeles Gladiators
Owner: Stan & Josh Kroenke (Los Angeles Rams)
Head Coach: David "Dpei" Pei
Lane "Surefour" Roberts (McCree, Pharah, Tracer)
Chan-hyung "Fissure" Baek (Winston, Reinhardt)
Joon-seong "Asher" Choi (Tracer, McCree)
João Pedro "Hydration" Goes Telles (Genji, Pharah, Torbjorn)
Aaron "Bischu" Kim (Zarya, D.Va)
Luis "iReMiix" Galarza Figueroa (Reinhardt, Winston)
Jonas "Shaz" Suovaara (Ana, Zenyatta, Sombra)
Benjamin "BigGoose" Isohanni (Lucio)
Jun-woo "Void" Kang (D.Va)
Florida Mayhem
Owner: Misfits Gaming
Head Coach: Vytis "Mineral" Lasaitis
Johan "CWoosH" Klingestedt (Genji, Winston)
Andreas "Logix" Berghmans (Tracer, Soldier: 76)
Tim "Manneten" Bylund (Zarya, D.Va, Roadhog)
Kevyn "TviQ" Lindström (Genji, Soldier: 76, Tracer)
Sebastian "Zebbosai" Olsson (Lucio, Ana, Widowmaker)
Aleksi "Zuppeh" Kuntsi (Ana, Zenyatta)
Joonas "Zappis" Alakurtti (Zarya, Tracer)
Jung-woo "Sayaplayer" Ha (McCree, Widowmaker, Tracer)
Kim "aWesomeGuy" Sung Hoon (Winston, Zarya)
New York Excelsior
Owner: Sterling.VC
Coaches: Hyun Sang "Pavane" Yu, Hyeongseok "WizardHyeong" Kim
Jong-yeol "Saebyeolbe" Park (Tracer, Roadhog)
Do-hyeon "Pine" Kim (McCree, Widowmaker, Sombra)
Hye-sung "Libero" Kim (D.Va, Genji, Pharah)
Tae-hong "Mek0" Kim (D.Va)
Joong-hwa "Janus" Song (Reinhardt)
Dong-gyu "Mano" Kim (Winston, Reinhardt)
Sung-hyeon "JJoNak" Bang (Ana, Zenyatta)
Yeon-joon "ArK" Hong (Lucio)
Tae-sung "ANAMO" Jung (Lucio)
Boston Uprising
Owner: Robert Kraft (New England Patriots)
Head Coach: Da-hee "Crusty" Park
Stanislov "Mistakes" Danilov (Tracer)
Gwon "STRIKER" Nam-Ju (McCree, Soldier: 76, Widowmaker)
Kristian "Kellex" Keller (Lucio)
Lucas "NotE" Meissner (D.Va, Zarya)
Noh "Gamsu" Young-Jin (Reinhardt, Winston)
Jonathan "DreamKazper" Sanchez (McCree, Genji)
Shin "Kalios" Woo-Yeol (Zarya, D.Va, Ana)
Mikias "Snow" Yohannes (Ana, Mercy)
Connor "Avast" Prince (Lucio)
Se-Hyeon "Neko" Park (Hanzo, Widowmaker)
Philadelphia Fusion
Owner: Comcast Spectacor
Head Coach: Yann "Kirby" Luu
George "ShaDowBurn" Gushcha (Genji, Pharah)
Isaac "Boombox" Charles (Zenyatta)
Jae-hyeok "Carpe" Lee (McCree, Genji, Tracer)
Jeong-hwan "Dayfly" Park (Ana)
Josh "Eqo" Corona (Genji, Tracer)
Joona "Fragi" Laine (Reinhardt, Winston)
Joe "Joemeister" Gramano (Lucio)
Hong-joon "HOTBA" Choi (McCree, D.Va, Zarya)
Gael "Poko" Gouzerch (Zarya, Winston, Soldier: 76)
Alberto "neptuNo" González (Lucio)
Simon "snillo" Ekström (Soldier: 76, Tracer, McCree)
London Spitfire
Owner: Cloud9
Coaches: Chang-geun "changgoon" Park, Jeong-min "Jfeel" Kim
Ji-hyeok "birdring" Kim (Tracer, Roadhog)
Jun-young "Profit" Park (Tracer)
Dong-eun "Hooreg" Lee (Soldier: 76, Doomfist)
Jun-ho "Fury" Kim (Soldier: 76, Junkrat)
Seung-hyun "WooHyaL" Seong (D.Va)
Jae-hui "Gesture" Hong (Winston)
Hyeon-woo "HaGoPeun" Jo (Zenyatta)
Won-sik "Closer" Jung (Lucio)
Seung-tae "Bdosin" Choi (Zenyatta, Ana)
Jong-seok "NUS" Kim (Ana, Zenyatta, Mercy)
Jang-hyeon "TiZi" Hwang (Winston)
Shanghai Dragons
Owner: Netease
Head Coach: Jun-Young "Kong" Son
Weida "Diya" Lu (McCree, Tracer, Doomfist)
Chao "Undead" Fang (McCree, Tracer, Reaper)
Junjie "Xushu" Liu (Pharah, Winston)
Wenhao "Roshan" Jing (Winston, Reinhardt)
Dongjian "MG" Wu (D.Va, Zarya)
Yage "Altering" Cheng (Mercy, Lucio)
Zhaoyu "Fiveking" Chen (Lucio)
Peixuan "Freefeel" Xu (Ana)
Junjian "Sky" He (Ana, Zenyatta)
Se-yeon "Geguri" Kim (Zarya, D.Va, Roadhog)
Eui-Seok "Fearless" Lee (Winston)
Gi-hyeon "Ado" Chon (Genji)
Seoul Dynasty
Owner: Kabam
Head Coach: Baek Kwang-Jin
Ryu "ryujehong" Je-Hong (Ana, Zenyatta)
Yang "Tobi" Jin-Mo (Lucio)
Heo "Gambler" Jin-woo (Lucio, Mercy)
Gong "Miro" Jin-Hyuk (Winston, Reinhardt)
Kim "Zunba" Joon-Hyuk (Zarya, D.Va, Soldier: 76)
Moon "Gido" Gi-Do (Tracer, Genji, Roadhog)
Byun "Munchkin" Sang-Beom (Tracer, McCree)
Kim "Fleta" Byung-Sun (Pharah, McCree, Genji)
Koo "xepheR" Jae-Mo (Zarya, D.Va)
Dae-kuk "KuKi" Kim (Winston, D.Va)
Seok-woo "Wekeed" Choi (McCree, Genji, Junkrat)
These are the finalized Overwatch rosters. The Overwatch League is set to begin on January 10, 2018.
A Guide to the 12 Overwatch League Teams published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
0 notes