#clique secret santa <3
phantaloon · 2 years
ohhhh i can't believe christmas day is already here, you have no clue how much i enjoyed talking with you during this time, I'd really love for us to keep talking even if there are only a few common interests, two's enough right? :)
but ohh i wish you a very merry christmas, in my country (or maybe just my family lol) we see christmas as a time for blessings and happiness and gratefulness, so I wish you the absolute best, i hope you're showered in blessings and i hope you get to enjoy with your loved ones these happy holidays <3
look lmao about your gift, i totally forgot how much i suck at drawing and painting. i really said oh yeah i got this it's gonna be amazing, and yk the concept sketch was actually kinda cool and it was all going fine right until the moment i started painting it ahdjdkf either way I'll leave it here to you, it's not a great painting (it's not good at all tbh) but it is from the heart <3
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so obviously i meant to crossover csty with your doggie in a christmas sweater but it turns out i suck at painting, feel free to laugh at it lmao so did i (it's still from the heart tho ajdjfkf)
buuut i hated it so damn much that i said yk what i can't just leave this as my christmas gift for my secret santa sooooo i also made you a moodboard :) ngl I'd never done one before, and ik there are some things you like that are not in it but here it is too <3
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so yeah! i really hope you had as much fun as i did, really i wish you the best and i hope we can stay as semi interacting mutuals (bc i suck at keeping in contact for long periods of time)
I'm sending you a big hug and all the love to you and your loved ones
merry christmas!
- phantaloon
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thisisthewaytomando · 2 years
hello!!! it's your secret santa again <3
i hope you're doing good, i was wondering if you get snow where you live?? if so do you like it??
Hello! ❤️
I’m doing great! (I hope you are too!) I do get snow where I live but it’s rare. I absolutely LOVE snow (when I don’t have to drive in it of course) my dream is a white christmas but that has never happened 😂
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cliquesecretsanta · 2 years
thanks to everyone who participated in this year's tumblr clique secret santa for making this holiday season so special <3
we've reblogged all the gifts, so take a look through our blog to see everyone's creations!
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bbluejoseph · 2 years
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merry christmas @aro--chaos !! i'm your clique secret santa! i made these moodboards for you with some of your interests in mind, i hope you like them <3
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re-decorate · 2 years
clique secret santa is up and running, and there are only 3 more days left to sign up!!!
visit @cliquesecretsanta for more info :)
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it’s secret santa 😝 hiiiiii
which fic have you written that you’re the proudest of and why?
and also which one of your own fics is your fave to read?
hiiiii santa im replying to this a bit late because i was hanging out with my family yesterday :')
THANK YOU for this question, when someone asks me about my fics i go FERAL :D
and, the answer to both questions is, Bright And Early For Their Daily Races. it's been years since i wrote and posted it, but this is the best fic i've ever written. and i'm proud of it for many reasons: i wrote it during a very tough year, i did lots of research on the topics i wrote about, i skipped my usual depictions of 'pain' and blood and violence, and more focused on angst and family relationships. and, i had some people who didn't know the band but somehow found the fic and read it, and they said they loved it! sure, there's a ton of easter eggs for the clique, but if you don't know the fandom, you can still enjoy it, it seems! and i was so happy to know it. and, the art my friend made for this one? i can't NOT mention it <3
sometimes i reread this one to make sure it's still my best one. this fic is so important to me that i wish i could write something like this again, but i never will. it doesn't disappoint me, though - because all of my fics, for all fandoms, are still me, but a different version of that 'me' who stayed in 2018.
i clearly remember how i planned it, how my plan was nearly 5k words and i tried to tie all ends into one, but not to give everyone a happy ending, i just wanted to finish the story at the right place.
once again, thank you so much for asking! this is really important to me!
hope you have a great day/evening/night <3
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lidrens · 5 years
Hiiiii just checking in, it’s me again 🤡! I started working on your gift today :) and I’m currently getting packed for a flight tomorrow (which is today for you lol) how are you doing? Any upcoming plans? If you could have dinner with anybody (dead or alive) who would you want, and what would y’all talk about ? Also, what’s your favorite mythical and/ or extinct creatures (I.e whoolie mammoth, unicorn, Dinos, centaurs, etc) also I’ve been looking through your art on ur blog and omg ur so good
hewwo again this is a yesterdays ask im very sorry i couldnt reply in time ;;-;;
my only upcoming plan is to get through the holidays at this point and dont get to the bottom of the life again cuz depression is stupid and im so fuckin tired man. so goddamn tired. but i made my plans for today, so.  have hope?
hmm. theres someone id wanna meet again and become better friends with. we could talk about our lives back then. and nerd out haha.. theyre not alive, sadly.
uuuuh im not big on creatures so i must say none? tho id fuckin love to have giant bugs from ancient times. but theres nothing specific. and tbh im not a fan of mythical animals,, theyre cool and all but id rather have mythical sentient creatures ndjkfdc
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vialism · 5 years
I’m brimming with Jennergy today, I baked and decorated a bunch of sugar cookies, made eggnog and a rum cake!! Do you like to bake/cook or decorate for the Christmas season? Also: your opinion on snow? Too cold and bothersome or festive and pretty? Oh and I hope you have a great, easygoing and stress-free day! -⭐️
So much jennergy!!!! I hope you had tons of fun, rum cake sounds AMAZING. I love to bake and cook, I have already made several batches of cookies and I’ll be making more + cake for Christmas dinner + pudding for Christmas Eve :-)
snow is nice in moderation but when it gets to be a Lot I get tired of it really fast. But I do enjoy a white Christmas!!
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sloubs · 3 years
Secret Santa à l'appareil ! 🎅🌲 Il fait bien moche moche chez moi j'espère que c'est moins pire par chez toi ou qu'au moins tu as de la belle neige ✨
On m'indique dans l'oreillette que tu as un OC, parle moi-z-en je veux tout savoiiiiir 👀🌲
Ohhh coucou secret santa <3 Bah écoute chez moi y a jamais de neige, juste du crachin froid et moche :(
Et sache que ton timing est PARFAIT, puisque j'étais actuellement en train de dessiner mon OC, aka ma puce Riwannon! Je te fais un cut pour t'expliquer tout ça, attention c'est un peu long 🥴
La voici juste ici :
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(je te mets une petite image que j'avais déjà upload mais c'est juste te donner une idée de ce à quoi elle ressemble)
Alors je sais que j'en ai pas encore beaucoup dit sur elle, mais tu as une petite base ici (x) et tu peux éventuellement aller checker les tags #riwannon et #riwannon de galvoie sur mon compte ! Je me prépare à sortir bientôt (peut-être demain mais chut) le chapitre 2 de ma fic sur elle (cf mon post épinglé), j'veux pas tout révéler parce que c'est pas drôle mais Riwannon c'est une petite meuf qui apparaît post-KV1, à qui il est arrivé des choses pas très chouettes pendant que Lancelot était au pouvoir, et qu'Arthur rencontre au fin fond d'une forêt inconnue.
Elle sait manier les armes, elle a beaucoup de répartie et d'humour, et c'est trois trucs qui vont faire qu'Arthur va s'intéresser à elle et lui proposer de faire partie de sa petite clique. Cependant elle a des failles, elle est très solitaire et elle cache de profondes blessures qui font qu'elle se renferme souvent sur elle-même. Elle va devoir se défendre dans un milieu très masculin, mais sa forte personnalité l'aide à s'imposer parmi les hommes. Mine de rien elle est archi douce, romantique et à l'écoute et elle va tisser des liens forts avec certains personnages principaux, notamment Guenièvre.........Arthur va l'engager en tant que maîtresse d'armes pour lui enseigner un peu le self-défense tout ça, et au fur et à mesure elles vont apprendre à se connaître....se confesser des trucs....partager leurs états d'âmes.....se rapprocher un peu physiquement.......et voilà j'en dis pas plus hihi mais elles ont beaucoup plus de points communs qu'elles l'auraient imaginé ! Bref pardon c'est très long et je sais pas si ça va t'aider mdrrrrr mais hésite pas à poser plus de questions si t'as besoin, quoique moi-même y a encore des trucs que j'ai pas encore bien établi fshkjfdf
bisous secret santa déso pour la lecture de trois kilomètres de longs <3
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robinshore · 4 years
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[ ROBIN SHORE. 26. CISFEMALE. SHE/HER] is here! They’ve lived in Silver Lake for [ 26 YEARS ] and are originally from [ SILVER LAKE ]. They are a [FASHION DESIGNER ] and in their downtime love [ CONCERTS ] and [ DANCING ]. They look a lot like [ OLIVIA COOKE ] and live [ IN OASIS APTS]. 
the girl, the myth, the dumbass. let’s get to know her...
(please be aware of mentions of eating disorders, self harm, body image and prescription drug use in this introduction) 
- Robin James Shore, birthday is April 14th. Big Aries energy.
-Oldest daughter of Jimmy Shore and his former long-term partner, Aubrey
- born and raised in Silver Lake, very much a “California girl”, generally had a happy childhood but did have some learning difficulties in school (sensory and focus issues)
-when she was young she was obsessed with being a dancer (no seriously, if you tried to take the remote from her when ‘so you think you can dance’ or ‘dancing with the stars’ was on she would bite you with zero regret or hesitation just ask bowie)
- she was highly decent at dance but not the kind of ~naturally talented~ that earns you a viable career in the art, but the girl is stubborn and doesn’t know when to quit to she persisted through her teen years
-constantly comparing herself to other dancers, being on the wrong end of somemean girl cliques in middle school, plus the amount of influence from magazines, television, and movies and hell just living in LA in general -- robin started to have a very toxic relationship with her body at the age of 13
- robin remained very effective at hiding her severe battle with anorexia and self harm until the age of sixteen. her older brother, bowie, had already suspect something was amiss. after a health incident at school that caused robin to end up in the er, bowie intervened and outed her secret to her parents
- robin was placed in an (albiet, very fancy) inpatient treament center called rosewood ranch in santa monica. at first, she was very bullheaded and angry, insisting that she didn’t need treatment and rufusing family visits purely out of spite for months
- it was slow going, but as robin gradually allowed herself to embrace help she thrived 
-in treatment she was able to nature her love for art and design, sketching and sewing to her hearts content and creating clothing that she felt beautiful in for the first time in as long as she could remember
- she set herself a goal to apply for the parsons school of design as soon as she completed treatment -- it was her light at the end of the tunnel
- robin graduated treatment three months shy of her eighteenth birthday after almost two full years in the program
- a year later, with a respectful portfolio in hand, robin applied and was accepted to parsons in new york...only to find that the college fund she had been promised was gone
- devastated, and now with a severe rift between her and her father, robin worked to find other ways to see through with her dream 
- she spent three years working as an assistant to a los angeles stylist, rubbing shoulders with celebrities and dressing them for events all while often pulling all nighters to work on her own designs 
- at the age of 23, robin applied to be on a season of project runway. her youth, sassy personality, and openess about her struggles with body image, along with her designs made her an immediate fan favorite on her season
- after approximately 3 close elimination calls, robin excelled through to the final four, getting the opportunity to create her own collection for new york fashion week 
- she came second runner up, which was disappointing, but the offers to further her career came rolling in after the finale 
- she was offered an apprenticeship in berlin, where she has been for the last six months
 - she is returning to LA in hopes of starting her own fashion line 
- she has recently hit 1M followers on instagram who follow her for her style tips and design previews
- 🥰 🔪🌼
- i swear she is a reall nice girl, she just refuses to pull punches. she is always going to be honest about the way she feels (unless it hurts her pride)
-spicy lil temper. sassy. can hold a grudge until the day she dies if she wants to
-but would throw hands for the people that she loves
wanted connections:
- i know she has a lot of built in family connects so if that’s you please come hold my hand and HELP
- she’s been in silver lake all her life so gimme ride or die friend squads, neighbors, former coworkers or classmates, people she knows through the fashion industries, people she runs into in bars, former flames, flirtationships that havent managed to go anywhere, etc etc
-no seriously float me an idea and ill usually run with it if it works
hmu anytime on my discord local witch™#2137 
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The Happiest Place on Earth
The Happiest Place on Earth
Happy Kristanna in July @artnerd2003. I am your Secret Santa and I hope you enjoy this little fluffy modern Kristanna AU. This fic was inspired by a Tik Tok video.
A huge shoot out to @michaelakuntzmann for giving this the once over and correcting my boo-boos. And thank you to @lukin08 for previewing it as well.
Anna stood there in complete disbelief…how did this happen? They were always super careful. It just did not make any sense. How was she going to tell him? The knock on the bathroom door startled her back to the present.
“Anna? Are you going to come out and tell me the results?”
Anna unlocked the door to let her sister in. Elsa walked over to the little pink stick sitting on the counter and looked down to read it…. PREGNANT.
“Are you ok?”
“NO! How can I do this now? I am 22, just graduated from college and no job! And Kristoff is only 25 and working for his Dad’s construction company.”
“You aren’t alone in this…you have me and don’t sell Kristoff so short. That man loves you with everything he has and would go to the moon and back for you.”
“Sure, he loves me, but we have never talked about having kids or about the future. Now he is going to be tied to me for the rest of his life because I seemed to have messed something up with the birth control.”
“Now wait a minute…it takes two to make a baby. He is just as responsible for it as you. I really do not think you have anything to worry about regarding Kristoff. I mean it is not going to be easy but if anyone can do it, you and Kristoff can. Are you going to go tell him?”
“No, not yet. I do not want it to ruin our trip to Disney World. It may be our last chance to be happy together.”
“Don’t wait too long. He has the right to know. Why don’t you tell when you are in Disney?”
“Wait, what?”
“I don’t know…I’m sure we can look up some cute ways to tell a dad to be on Pinterest.”
“Do you really think I can do this? Do you think I can be a good mother?”
Elsa walked over to Anna put her arm around her and wrapped her up in a tight hug.
“If anyone can do this, you can. You were born to be a mother.”
The girls spent hours on the internet looking for memorable ways for her to tell Kristoff that he was going to be a dad. Elsa could sense Anna’s frustration at all the ideas they saw.
“I wish it could be like the wedding proposal ones.”
“What do you mean?”
“I would love to do it in that spot with Cinderella’s castle in the background and have someone capture the moment on camera. But it isn’t like I can give him a ring.”
“What if we combine a couple of ides. Like you said in front of the castle but instead of getting on one knee with a ring, hand him a baby onesie that says I Love My Daddy.”
Anna loved the simplicity of the idea and decided this was her best option.
“Let’s go shopping for the onesie but first call your doctor and make an appointment for when you get back from Disney.”
Looking at all the baby things changed her outlook on the situation. Maybe she could do this and just maybe this could be the start of a new adventure.
Kristoff wanted to make sure this trip went off without a hitch. They were leaving in 3 days. He made a list of everything he needed to pack. He also knew how Anna was and that she would be packing ten minutes before they had to leave for the airport.
He decided that he should call his feisty girlfriend and see if she had thought about packing for the trip.
“Hi Baby…how are you? I wanted to know if you have thought about packing for the trip ahead of time?”
“Ummm….” Anna fiddled with the tiny onesie in hand and started to panic. “Kind of…I bought a few new things.”
“Oh good…I was afraid you would be packing as I pulled up to pick you up for the airport.”
Anna let out a nervous laugh because he was not 100% wrong.
“Do you want to come over tonight and binge some Netflix?”
Anna knew if she saw him, she would blurt out that she was pregnant and had to think of a reason not to get together for the next three days.
“I would love to, but I should really spend some time with Elsa because she is going to miss me when we are away.”
Kristoff was confused by Anna’s answer but who was he to question sister time.
“Alright but promise me you will take some time to pack. I want you to have an unforgettable time on this trip. I want it to be something talk about for years to come.”
“Oh, I will be.”
“Nothing, honey…just saying that I know this will be a trip full of all kinds of surprises!”
Kristoff was worried that Elsa had told Anna about the surprise he had planned for the trip.
Kristoff had not seen her in four days. Every time he suggested they hang out; she had a weird reason to stay home. He chalked up her wacky behavior to excitement for their trip. The night before the trip, she was not answering any of his call, so he decided to text her.
‘Hey Baby…just checking in to see if you are all set for tomorrow morning. I will be there at 6:00am for our 8:30 flight. I hope you are as excited as I am to see Mickey Mouse & Co.’
‘Hi Handsome…you would be proud of me…I am all packed AND my bag in by the front door. I just need to pack my last-minute stuff in my carry on.’
‘I am proud of you! Get a lot rest because it is going to be a busy 10 days! I love you!’
‘Good night, Kris! Love you too. xoxo.’
Kristoff was surprised to see Anna sitting on her front step with Elsa when he pulled up. He jumped out of his truck and walked up to the sisters.
“Well, well, well. This is certainly a surprise. Did you have to drag her out of bed?”
“No, she dragged me out of bed.”
“I guess only Mickey Mouse can get her up and moving.”
“Yeah, yeah…keep joking you two. I don’t have a chance when the two of you gang up on me.”
Kristoff grabbed her bags and headed for the truck. Anna took this quiet moment to look to Elsa for one last bit of advice.
“Are you sure about this Elsa? I don’t want to lose him.”
Elsa took both of Anna’s hands in hers and kissed them.
“I promise this will all work out. Have faith in Kristoff and yourself.”
Once Anna was with Kristoff she settled back into their normal groove. She had made up her mind and was going to tell him today.
Their flight was on time and did not encounter any problems. Anna had never traveled so smoothly. Their bags were among the first to come out on the luggage carousel. She took that as good sign of things to come.
They took the shuttle to the Grand Floridian and arrived a short time later. The moment they entered Disney World, Anna forgot about all her worries and started getting overly excited.
“Settle down Feistypants…we still need to check in and correct me if I am wrong, but I remember someone wanting to go buy us some Mickey Ears.”
“Oh, my goodness…I almost forgot all about that. How am I going to decide which ears to buy?”
“You can pick out any ears you want as long as I can have something plain.”
Anna lunged over to him and hugged him tight. “You are such a good sport! I know it is not your favorite thing to do.”
“Anything for you, my love.”
They got checked in, dropped off their bags, and freshened up. Anna was pulling him all the way to the shop she read about online.
“So, you don’t mind if I but a whole bunch of these headbands because I can’t decide on just one?”
“Whatever you want princess. I will get those simple Mickey Mouse ones and the Captain America shield ones.”
“That’s it?”
“Well in all fairness, I won’t be wearing anywhere but here. You will be able to wear them in your classroom whenever you want.”
“That if I get a teaching job.”
“You will, I just know it.”
He leaned down and kissed her temple and grabbed the classic Mickey ears and the Cap ears. She decided on the sequined Minnie ears to match his Mickey ones.
“Hey Anna, can we go do that couple thing that everyone does?”
“What couple thing?”
“Can we go to that spot where the castle is in the background and t-take a picture.”
A million butterflies erupted in her stomach. He did not usually want to do such cliqued things. He was never one for pictures, selfies or public displays of affection and he seemed nervous. She was beginning to get cold feet but then she put her hand in her small backpack and felt the baby onesie and decided that this was it.
“OK…I guess since I have you wearing Mickey ears we might as well go all in.”
“Milk it for all you can because you know I won’t be wearing a headband all week for you to get these pics.”
They walked hand and hand until they arrived at the spot. They both took a moment to enjoy how beautiful the castle really was in person.
“It is funny how they did that optical illusion thing to make it look taller than it is.”
“I was so shocked when I saw that too. I am so glad you are planner and made us watch all those YouTube videos about it.”
“Ma said it was the best way to find all the tricks and ins and outs and get the most bang for our buck. OK…I think this is the perfect spot. Let me just find someone to take a picture with my phone.”
Kristoff walked over to a Disney World and asked them to pretend to just take a picture of them in front of the castle but hit the record button and not to stop recording until he said so.
They set up next to each other and posed for the photo.
“Alright look right here and smile. Perfect.”
Kristoff pulled away from Anna slightly and got down on one knee and took her left hand in his. Anna turned to him confused.
“What are you?”
“Anna, will you marry me?”
He pulled out the ring and started to put it on her finger and Anna start to tear up and covered her face with her right hand. She had to take a deep breath and get through this. She looked up at the woman and realized she was recording a video and held up a finger.
“Wait one minute.”
Kristoff finished putting the ring on her hand and Anna started to pull something out of her backpack. Kristoff was confused and just waited. Anna looked over again and said, “wait, keep recording.”
Kristoff was so confused. What could she need in her backpack at this moment?
Anna pulled out some fabric and unrolled it and held in front of her and it said I Love My Daddy on it. After a minute he finally gets it. All he could hear was the crowd cheering all around them. One guy even yelled out, “She hit him with the reverse Uno!”
He looked up at Anna and said. “Really?”
All she could do was shake her head yes. He ran his hands down his face and started to tear up. Once he composed himself, he got up and wrapped his arms around Anna and pulled her in for hug.
It really was the happiest place on Earth, and it would be a story for them to share with future generations of Bjorgmans!
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phantaloon · 2 years
heyo! secret santa here! just wanted to let you know that your gift is going to be a bit late! I'm so sorry to have to keep you waiting one more day, but I've been gone and I want to put the proper effort into this gift Hope you'll like it!
hello!! merry christmas!! it's no problem really <3 there's nothing wrong with taking your time but also don't worry too much about it :) i hope you're good!!
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malecsecretsanta · 5 years
Merry Christmas, @Shipnotised!
For my lovely Secret Santa giftee! You said you liked fluff and Magnus and Izzy friendship so I decided to run with both. I hope you like it!! <3
Read on AO3
A Dazzling Haze
“Hey, don’t hog the wine.”
Magnus rolls his eyes and twists where he’s already lying sprawled out on his couch, so that he can push the bottle of r osé towards Izzy.
Magnus watches her pour out a generous amount and down it in a few long sips before she joins him on the couch, an arm over her eyes.
“Remind me never to make my final short answer again.”
It’s the end of the fall semester and Magnus and Izzy have convened in Magnus’ loft to celebrate getting their grades into the system on time. In Magnus’ case, two minutes before they were due.
“Only if you remind me not to assign lab reports in the last week,” he replies. He can still see the titration graphs when he closes his eyes.
He and Izzy have been working together as college professors for almost two years now and while she’s a good amount younger than him, they’ve become good friends.
It’s almost a tradition at this point to buy copious amounts of wine and complain about their classes once the semester is over.
“We torture these poor students don’t we,” Izzy mutters, taking a large gulp of wine and closing her eyes.
“All in the name of learning, my dear.”
Magnus leans forwards to refill his now empty glass, humming in content.
“Hey Magnus,” Izzy says after a moment, and Magnus looks over to the other side of the couch where Izzy is now sat up straight, “I think there’s something wrong with your cat.”
Magnus follows her line of sight to the corner of the room where Chairman has been most of the night . Magnus had rescued Chairman from a back alley almost a month ago now. He has been stalking around that corner for a week now and Magnus can’t for the life of him figure out why.
Magnus exchanges a look with Izzy when Chairman plops onto the floor and starts making loud meowing noises. He’s never made this much noise before.
“Is he okay?” Izzy asks, eyebrows climbing up into her hairline when Chairman makes another loud sound.
“I—I don’t know?”
He gets up and walks over to Chairman who has made himself comfortable in the corner and is still meowing loudly.
He looks like he’s breathing hard and faster than normal. Magnus worries his lip between his teeth and reaches out to the cat.
Izzy is behind him and she has her phone in her hand.
“My brother is a vet,” she says, “maybe I should call him.”
Magnus studies Chairman. His breathing is worrisome even if he pushes into Magnus’ hand affectionately and meows loudly.
“Yeah,” he murmurs, “that’s probably a good idea. Better safe than sorry.”
Magnus scratches under Chairman's chin and murmurs softly to him while Izzy talks to her brother on the phone. She takes a photo of Chairman to send to him and when he sees Izzy’s eyes widen he feels his heart sink.
Izzy disconnects the call and Magnus is on his feet in a second.
“What did he say?”
Izzy presses her lips together and looks at Chairman before looking back at Magnus.
“Well. Alec thinks Chairman is in labor.”
Magnus’ eyes widen and he grabs Izzy’s arm.
“What? He can’t be in labor. He’s not pregnant. What? ”
Magnus shakes his head and paces away from Izzy. This can’t be right. He’s not qualified to take care of newborn kittens.
“I hate to break it to you Magnus, but I don’t think Chairman is a he .”
Magnus looks back at Chairman who is now lying stretched out in the corner, still breathing fast.
“Well shit , ” He mutters under his breath.
“How the fuck did you not know your cat was pregnant ?” Izzy asks.
“I don’t know!” Magnus throws up his arms and spins to face her, “I just thought she was a bit overweight. I’m sorry for trying to enforce body positivity.”
Izzy laughs and Magnus sends her a glare.
“This is not a laughing matter Isabelle,” he warns, “I am not qualified to deliver kittens.”
Izzy laughs again and throws a hand over his shoulder.
“Don’t worry. I texted Alec your address. He’s on his way.”
Magnus lets out a relieved breath and drops back onto the couch.
“Thank god.”
Magnus is sitting in the corner with Chairman when the doorbell rings.
He and Izzy had set up a cardboard box lined with towels for Chairman in the corner  and she’d taken up residence in it.
Now that Magnus is looking for it, he can see that she is definitely pregnant. He’s not sure how he didn’t think there was something up earlier.
Izzy gets up to let her brother in while Magnus stays with Chairman, petting her head softly every little while.
He looks up when Izzy and Alec walk into the living room and freezes for a second when his eyes land on Alec.
He’s tall is the first thing that pops into his head. Followed quickly by beautiful .
Magnus lets his lips turn up into a smile and he gets to his feet.
Alec drops a bag of supplies down near the couch and Magnus holds a hand out for him to shake.
“Magnus Bane,” he says smoothly, “I didn’t realize such striking beauty ran in the family.”
He flicks his gaze up at Alec’s face, smirking when he finds a faint flush dusting his cheeks, and then looks at Isabelle who stands in the corner looking absolutely delighted.
Alec pulls his hand back and moves it behind his back.
“Alec Lightwood,” he says with a small smile, “how’s your cat doing?”
Magnus deliberately spins and on his heel towards where Chairman is lying in the box they’d set out and shimmies his shoulders once before throwing a glance over his shoulder at Alec.
“She seems okay,” he pauses, waiting for Alec to look at Chairman and then back to him, “but you’re the expert here.”
Alec lets out a breath that sounds a little bit like a laugh and Magnus bites his lip to hold back a smile.
“Usually they don’t need much help other than some encouragement,” Alec says, crouching down and murmuring something low and sweet to Chairman.
Izzy comes over to stand by Magnus, while Alec checks out Chairman’s condition and Magnus bumps his shoulder with hers accusingly.
“You didn’t tell me your brother was hot ,” he whispers.
Izzy snickers under her breath and Magnus glares before elbowing her in the side.
“Ow,” she mutters, still laughing.
Alec looks over his shoulder at the commotion and Magnus sends him an innocent wave.
He grins when Alec blushes and returns the wave with a smile.
The first kitten arrived about an hour later.
Magnus holds his breath until the tiny thing makes a high pitched meowing sound and then can’t help but smile.
Alec looks over at him with bright eyes.
The kitten is so tiny. It’s fur is mussed and wet but Magnus can feel himself falling in love with it. There’s no way he’s going to be able to give any of them up.
Alec is biting his lip and watching him out of the corner of his eye as if he knows exactly what Magnus is thinking.
He’s probably done this so many times that he does.
Ten minutes later a second kitten arrives and Chairman gets to work bathing it while the first kitten nestle s into her stomach.
“They’re so small,” Magnus murmurs and Alec smiles.
“Don’t get too used to it,” he says, “they grow fast.”
Magnus can’t imagine these babies who aren’t even as big as his palm growing ever.
After the third kitten arrives, Chairman meows loudly and Magnus can’t help but chuckle.
He brings a hand up to pet her head at the same time Alec does and their fingers knock together for a second.
It’s clique. So completely clique that Magnus should be annoyed, but warmth from the touch climbs up his arm and he and Alec’s eyes catch on each other for a long second.
Alec blinks a couple times, smiling a sort of half smile, and then looks away back down at Chairman.
“She’s doing good,” he says quietly and Magnus wonders if he’s imagined the way Alec’s voice is a just a bit rougher than it was before.
Izzy huffs from behind them and Magnus turns around to find her sprawled on the couch, wine in hand. She looks extremely delighted and raises her eyebrows at Alec in some sort of unspoken communication.
“Um, I think Chairman is going to be fine, do you want to maybe move from the floor?” Alec asks.
Magnus realizes then , that the two of them have been crouched in front of the box where Chairman has been giving birth for over an hour now.
He stands up and offers a hand to Alec who takes it with a smile.
“Would you like a drink?” he asks, turning on his heel to walk over to the coffee table where he’d left the wine.
He hands a glass to Alec and watches through his eyelashes as he takes a sip.
He sees Magnus watching him and seems to smile into the glass, Magnus’ lips quirk up into a smile of their own in response.
They’ve known each other for barely two hours but there’s something there that Magnus wants to explore.
They don’t say anything for a long moment, just looking at each other. Magnus admires the way the light from the lamp casts shadows over Alec’s face and the way he’s not exactly smiling but the corner s of his lips are quirked up just the tiniest bit.
Magnus feels Izzy kick his leg and turns to find her sprawled out even further on his couch. She swirls her glass and grins at him cheekily.
“Are you two done?” She asks, “Because I was promised a wine night.”
Alec laughs and rolls his eyes before moving to take up residence in one of Magnus’ armchairs.
Since Izzy has decided to take up the entire couch, Magnus settles into the second armchair and burrows himself into the cushion.
The three of them end up talking until late into the night. Alec fits well into the easy bantering he and Izzy have long since established and listening to Izzy and Alec team up to  regale him with  ever increasingly dramatic stories of their youth is nothing if not thoroughly amusing.
Magnus finds himself liking Alec. Not just as a pretty face, but because he’s smart and bluntly honest and he smiles at Izzy like she’s his entire world. He doesn’t notice the time until Alec sets his glass down on the coffee table and smiles sheepishly at him.
“It’s getting late,” he says and Izzy nods from the couch, yet makes no move to actually get up.  She’s a bit drunker than the two of them.
Magnus laughs as Alec rolls his eyes and leans down to try and pull Izzy off the couch.
“You can stay in my spare room if you’d like,” Magnus suggests , secretly not wanting them to go just yet.
“That’s nice of you, but it’s okay,” Alec says, having gotten Izzy up and leaning into his side.
He’s a little tipsy from the wine and they stumble slightly where they’re standing. It’s quite adorable.
“I’ll call you a cab then,” Magnus says brushing past them to retrieve his phone, “don’t fall over in the meantime.”
He lets Alec’s amused laughter follow him into the kitchen where he finds his phone.
A few weeks later, Magnus’ loft has been taken over by tiny kittens that dart around the space and follow Magnus around like adorable little shadows .
He carefully side steps one of them waiting for him outside the kitchen and drops onto the couch.
Three more kittens appear from who knows where, settling in his lap and under his arm. Magnus rolls his eyes but pets their little heads nonetheless.
“Send me the article and I’ll take a look at it,” he says into the phone.
He and Izzy had teamed up on a research project and had started up background research as soon as the semester had ended. He’s excited to work with her for the first time and can already tell they’re going to be a great team.
They’ve been on the phone for hours now and Magnus can tell this is going to end up going well.
Izzy hums in conformation and Magnus listens as she goes to send him the article.
When she’s done her voice is more teasing. Magnus can tell that they’re done talking about work.
“So,” she asks, “how are the kittens?”
Magnus looks down at the pile of fur crowded around him.  
“They’re good,” he says with a smile.
“Alec keeps asking about them,” Izzy says more suggestively this time, “though I think it’s a cover up for asking about you.”
Magnus will deny it but his heart rate speeds in his chest when he hears Alec’s name.
“I don’t know - ” he starts and gets cut off by Izzy.
“He said you were hot.”
At that , Magnus sits up straighter on the couch.
“He has my number right?” he asks.
He distinctly remembers telling Izzy to give it to Alec after they’d left that night , but he hadn’t heard anything for two weeks so he assumed Alec wasn’t interested.
“You have his too,” Izzy answers and Magnus rolls his eyes.
“I hate you,” he mutters and Izzy laughs into his ear.
“Love you too.”
It takes him a few minutes and a pep talk but Magnus eventually ends up calling Alec.
Alec’s voice is low and smooth when he answers the phone.
Magnus smiles and drops his head onto one of the kittens who is lounging on the armrest.
“Alexander,” he says, “how are you?”
“Um—I’m good.”
He sounds confused and Magnus realizes he needs to come up with some reason that he’s called after not seeing or speaking to Alec for two weeks otherwise he’s going to sound really weird.
“I was wondering,” he says slowly, “if you wanted to come over to see the kittens. They’ve grown a lot since the last time you saw them.”
It’s a friendly enough question but Magnus hopes Alec understands the implication.
“Yeah,” Alec replies, voice soft, “I’d like that.”
That evening when Magnus opens the door for Alec all six of the kittens crowd against the door to greet their new visitor.
Alec laughs when he sees them and they all meow in high pitched greeting.  He crouches down and lets them crawl all over him. It’s unfairly adorable.
“They like you,” Magnus says.
When Alec looks up, their eyes lock and Alec smiles warmly.
“I do too,” Magnus blurts.
Alec’s eyes widen and then he laughs.
“Yeah. I like you,” he repeats, basking in the way Alec’s eyes light up.
“I like you too ,” Alec says, carefully picking up a kitten from his shoulder and depositing him back on the ground before standing up to face Magnus properly.
Magnus grins and steps forwards into his space.
“Maybe we should do something about that.”
Alec’s eyes dart down to his lips and then back up to his eyes and Magnus takes that as his cue to lean in.
Alec’s lips are soft and Magnus smiles into the kiss as he feels arms wind around his waist and pull him closer.
When they pull apart he’s still smiling.
“So,” Alec says, “What do you say to a date?
“I’d love that.”
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hey! hope you are having a good day! I wanted to know what has been your favorite gift you’ve received? it can be one you got for yourself or one someone got for you! —clique secret santa :)
hey. its been a tough day lowkey (its the first anniversary of my dad's passing) but as always your message makes my day!
The best gift ive ever gotten was either my first cat that i was given when i was 3. She passed at the beginning of last year (2018 was a tough year) and she was my best friend. either her or my complete box set of bones on dvd
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rainy-rose · 5 years
11/11/11 Tag Game
I was tagged by a few people: @aslanwrites @graceomeallain  Sank youuuu
Is this becoming one of my favorite tags? Probably!
Rules:  answer 11 questions, ask 11 new ones and tag 11 people.
This is gonna be a loong one, but first:
My Questions:
1. Do you have an outline? Do you stick to it?
2. A line that made you feel second hand embarrassment?
3. What is on your OC’s bucket list? Why?
4.  What is your favourite book?
5. Do your OCs have any secrets?
6. Is any of your OCs superstitious?
7. How do your OCSs deal with headaches?
8.  Do you find more comfort in animals or in people?
9.  What is your favorite trope in media?
10. Do your OCs use nicknames/pet names?
11.  If you could travel anywhere in the world, all expenses paid, where would you go? And why?
The answers to the questions I got are under the cut.
Tagging: @mvcreates @igotablankpage @elizabethsyson @radley-writes @graceomeallain
Feel free to tag me so I can answer your questions as well ^_^
1. What are some influences for your WIP?
My RP experiences, random conversations I want to say some myths and legends, but I still need t read them :)).
2. Is there a writer or someone you would like to collab with? Or maybe even do a crossover with?
I have no clue because I am still a tiny tiny begginer at this :)) but I am open to all collaborations!
3. What are some facts about the world you’ve created that you’d like to share but can’t seem to quite fit into the story yet?
Yes! So long ago there was a clan that had mind reading as a family spell/magic. Things happened, the clan members died and with them mind reading disappeared. In the last few decades law enforcement figure out that hey mind reading could be pretty useful for the 2 member unit field agents teams and for the mentor and disciple units. So what did they do? They worked on figuring out a way to use mind reading by splitting it into telepathy ( for the field agents) and one - way emotions reading for the mentor and disciple units. It is not mandatory, but Elise has both so there is that.
4. What are you most excited about sharing with your WIP?
Everything? I am not sure how to answer :)).
5. What are your OCs favorite genres of music?
I am still getting to know them so for the moment everybody is into rock music cause that is the music I listen to with some language variation. As in Vincent listens to Romanian underground rock music, Takeru to Visual Kei etc.
6. How good is your main character at cooking?
Elise knows to do basic stuff. She is not awful, she’s somewhat decent let’s say. She does orfer a lot of take put and Osgar and Sometimes Vincent used to cook for her.
7. What kind of comics would your OCs like?
Marvel? And I think some autobiographical graphic novels? I don’t read that many comics so. Oh Tarioush and Osgar have the Wheel of Time graphic novels and they have read those multiple times.
8. What inspired you to write your WIP?
I had Elise as a character on a RP forum and I really liked her backstory :)).
9. What other stories do you have in mind?
I kind of have one, maybe two.
Raflec’s story is a high fantasy bildungsroman thingy in which the main character, Raflec battles with his inner demons while trying to find himself and the kilveh ( humanoid magical creature ) community he belongs to and also get  control of his unstable powers and being tracked down by the villain named, Fyron who wants to break him and get him on his side. 
The other thing which I’ve had small snippets popping up for the past few years is a quest type fantasy. The goal is to find a mythical plant/rose. 
10. Oh no! Your main character has been kidnapped! Who goes to find them? Who says “let it be”? Who forms a search party? And what does your main character do in this event?
Well Elise will get kidnapped at some point :)). Vincent and Takeru and Ingrid, strategise and figure out how to get her back. Elliot might say let it be, if i decide to make him a recurring character. Tarioush might stay behind because he will not be allowed to come, at least not initially.
And what does Elise do? Well nothing case she is being... incapacitated to put it mildly.
  11.What is your favorite kind of ice cream?
Just one? Ummmm, mint with chocolate chips I guess.
1. What’s the age gap between your oldest and youngest OC?
18 I think between T-
*Nathair hisses at me showing his fangs threateningly, The Fear demon draws closer* 
Okay, okay, calm down! It’s 1000+ cause those to magical beings are ancient and stopped counting.
2. If your MC was dropped in a high school setting, which clique would they fit in with?
Elise is a jock :)) and a mythology nerd.
3. Which of your OCs is the funniest?
Tarioush I think. He is a friendly ray of sunshine that wants to make everyone happy.
4. Who’s an early riser, and who sleeps in?
Early riser: Tarioush and Osgar, Buach
Sleeping in: Elise and Takeru, The Accomplice
And Vince just wants sleep anytime he can get it.
5. Which draft of your WIP are you on?
First draft which I am also using as an outline.
6. How many main characters do you have in your WIP?
In theory one, but I write third person with multiple perspective so 3 kind of. 
7. Which of your OCs is the best looking?
Vincent hands down! Face scar included! This might be because I’ve had an aesthetic crush on his play by, Cillian Murphy, for years :)). 
8. What do your OCs do at Christmas? If nothing, why not?
Secret Santa at the office. Then Elise spends the night over at Taripush and Osgar. Vincent doesn’t celebrate, too many bad memories. Takeru visits him cause he doesn’t care for the holiday and wants to get away from the fundraising party his cousin organizes and flying all the way to Japan to spend time with his family is time consuming so Vincent is the next best option. 
9. Do your OCs have any piercings?
Takeru might have had one in his cartilage and I think Elise wants to get her tongue pierced at some point. 
10. What are their favourite foods and why?
Elise: homemade apple pie - it makes her feel warm, fuzzy and cared for
Tarioush: muffins - he has a giant sweet tooth
Vincent: cabbage rolls with polenta - brings back memories of his grandmother in Romania and the whole family gathered around the table
Takeru: vegan omurice - childhood memories 
11. If your WIP has any couples, which is your favourite?
There are 2 couples for the moment, one establishes and one that is a couple in everything but name. My favorite is the established, happily married one, Tarioush and Osgar. They have a supportive, healthy and adorable relationship. 
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re-decorate · 2 years
hey, this is coming a little bit late but thank you for arranging the whole secret santa thing together with bouncemann. it was lovely to see our small clique come together like that :)
you're welcome <3 i had so much fun doing it in 2019 and im really glad we were able to do it again. the clique has always been my favorite thing to come from this band so im so happy that we had so many people participating :')
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