#clint licks things
sunnysideprincess · 1 year
Tony, with all his reputation as a playboy billionaire, is a little slow on the uptake. Natasha noticed this shortly after moving in with the team. He was genuinely unaware of the way ladies would drag their sunglasses down to their nose just to see the swing of his hips or the slow roll of his shirt sleeves. Pepper, despite their mutually thought break up, still drools a little when Tony's nimble fingers work the tie loose. And yeah, Nat wouldn't say no to a wild weekend away with the genius on a secluded cabin on the hill—doing nasty, nasty things to that tush.
But nothing compares Tony's oblivious nature when it comes to the men around him.
The way he drives Tiberus Stone crazy during the Met Gala, wearing a corset that's tight enough to give Victorian Era ladies a run for their money. The way one of the military brats shamelessly stares at his throat, licking his lips and subtly adjusting his pants. The way Barnes whines when Tony comes out of the armor, wearing the tight-just right-flight suit. The way Steve punches a hole in the refridgerator when he sees his shirt sitting loose on Tony's bare chest. (Apparently Tony and Nat are the resident clothing thieves. She doesn't disagree because Bruce's shirts and Clint's jackets look good on her.)
She sees it while tracing the spots on her mug. The resident genius billionaire is listing sideways, on the verge of falling off his perch on the counter top—because normal seats are for losers, he said. His head bumps on the shelving unit above and he mutters a curse, stretches his arm up to swat at it like it's a fly. But her attention catches at the stillness of two super soldiers staring at the patch of skin—a tiny sliver around the waist, the curve of the hip bone winking at them.
Tony yawns, jumps down to the floor and the loosely fitted sweats slide an inch below their designated spot. Something cracks and Nat watches them—the two Brooklyn boys pushing away their broken chopsticks and slowly, with the stillness of a pack of predators, rising up from their seats.
"I'm gonna go upstairs, use my bed for once," Tony tells them and sends Nat a slow smile. A knowing one.
He swings his hips around, humming an off beat tune and doesn't bother checking his own disheveled state of clothes.
It takes them all a moment to understand, and then Steve and Barnes are racing out of the kitchen after him, only to have the elevator doors slam on their faces.
Looks like Tony might not be so oblivious after all.
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dreamwritesimagines · 1 month
The Eye of the Hurricane [32]- Back Alley
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback, you made my day! ❤️I hope you’ll like this chapter as well, and please don’t forget to tell me what you think! ❤️
Summary: Business partners don’t have to be friendly.
Word Count: 3100
Pairing: MobBoss!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Warnings: Violence, guns, crime, blood, explicit language, dysfunctional relationship, mentions of sex. This is an AU, friendly reminder that I don’t condone any of the actions depicted on this story and please read with care.
Series Masterlist
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You were beginning to think that the divorce clause in your prenup was going to come in handy any day now.
Granted you and Bucky had a deal, and you did trust him to hold up his end of the deal but he hadn’t spoken to you, or spared you as much as a glance for almost a week now so you were slowly getting lost in your anxious thoughts.
It was one thing when you were giving him an attitude but him acting like you didn’t even exist?
That flat out made your chest ache.
“Here you go,” Clint’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts as he put the file in front of you and you looked up at him, then smiled slightly.
“Thank you.”
“Oh no, thank you,” he said with a huff of laughter. “Rhett is an asshole, I’m glad you’re taking over.”
“He’s not so bad,” you muttered, opening the file to skim the page, then let out a small laugh. “But yeah. I could’ve told you he would reject this even if I offered it to him.”
“What’s wrong with it?”
“Not enough profit on his end,” you muttered, shuffling through the pages. “And he wants to see every plan you have, A to Z.”
Clint heaved a sigh, shaking his head.
“Well as I said, I’m glad you’re taking over,” he said and sat up straighter. “Nat will back you up, you know?”
You hummed, still focused on the page. “In the deal?”
“As the heir.”
That made your head snap up and you blinked at him in silence for a couple of seconds. He seemed almost entertained at your puzzlement as he leaned back on his seat behind his desk, and shrugged his shoulders.
“She talked to me too.”
You licked your lips. “And?”
“You won’t even try to feed me some bullshit about respecting your father’s chosen heir?”
“Depends,” you said. “Do you respect my father’s chosen heir?”
He let out a chuckle and held up his hands.
“He has done nothing to earn my respect,” he said. “I was willing to give him a chance—I did give him a chance and he fucked it up, as you know.”
You crossed your legs, keeping your gaze on him.
“Arthur is a legend in our line of work,” he said. “He’s the main reason why we have the truce now. That’s why I don’t understand how he made all the right choices up until the choice of heir because that…Y/N, that’s your right. I’m glad you’re making your move now.”
You pursed your lips.
“I’m not sure if it’ll be enough to make him reconsider.”
“Doesn’t matter,” he said. “You have Bucky in your corner, Steve and Sam and Nat as well, and I’m planning on supporting you the minute your name comes up.”
You weren’t so sure about Bucky being in your corner at the moment but you still smiled at him. “Thanks Clint.”
“So the only one left is…”
“Tony,” you said. “He doesn’t trust me.”
“He doesn’t trust Ian either.”
“No but he trusts my father,” you admitted. “He may not like Ian but he isn’t going to go against that decision.”
He hummed, drumming his fingertips on the desk.
“Nat and I will talk to him,” he said. “Let’s see if he changed his mind in the light of these recent developments. Just one question though.”
“If your father doesn’t change his mind,” he said. “Will you take it from Ian anyway?”
That was a difficult question.
If it were Steve or Sam asking you this, you could answer it truthfully but you didn’t know Clint as well as you knew them. You had no idea if it was a bait, so whatever answer you gave him could change his opinion about backing you up, so you bit inside your cheek, deep in thought.
“I…” you trailed off. “I’m not going to start a war, but I’m not just going to lie back and take it if Ian does. I doubt anyone else would either.”
Clint nodded his head slowly.
“You two are always going to be a threat to each other, he knows that,” he muttered. “He’s an idiot, but not that much of an idiot.”
You shifted your weight on your seat, nibbling on your lip.
“Mm hm.”
“And you do realize that one of you will have to kill the other to get to the top?”
That made your jaw clench before you nodded your head, trying your hardest to ignore the churning in your stomach.
“Nat said the same thing.”
“Because she knows how it goes,” he said. “Are you sure you’re ready for that?”
You paused only for a moment, an image of you pulling the trigger flashing before your eyes before you smiled at him.
“Sure,” you said. “If it comes down to that, yeah. I’m ready.”
“I don’t understand what the problem is, your whole relationship with Bucky has been nothing but a fight so far,” Becca said as she handed you and Sarah your coffee cups. “I wouldn’t say it’s too big of a deal.”
“We’ve never had a fight like this though,” you muttered and turned to Sarah. “What do you think?”
Sarah shot you a sympathetic smile. “I don’t think it was the best call to hide Rhett from him until that meeting.”
You let out a whine, slipping a little in your seat. “I had a reason!”
“Which was?”
“I didn’t—I—” you stammered. “I didn’t want him to go behind my back and make that deal himself, obviously!”
Sarah and Becca exchanged glances before they turned to you.
“And you think Bucky,” Sarah started. “Bucky who’s been trying to push you to the top ever since you told him you wanted to be the heir would do that?”
“Yeah well, forgive me if I can’t trust mob bosses,” you muttered. “My dad said he wanted me to be the heir, and then what did he do? He took it away from me. I’m not going to let Bucky do that as well, that plan has been in motion for years now, I put in the effort—”
“Should I just text Bucky you have daddy issues and be done with this nonsense?” Becca asked and your jaw dropped.
“I do not have daddy issues!” you insisted. “Sarah, tell her!”
“Your picture comes up when I google daddy issues,” Sarah said with a shrug of her shoulders, making your jaw drop.
“I mean if we look at it from Bucky’s perspective, he does have a point in feeling betrayed.”
Your stomach did a painful flip and you took a deep breath, throwing your shoulders back.
“Well you are my best friends so we’re not looking at it from his perspective,” you told Becca, making her let out a small laugh, holding her hands up to gesture surrender while Sarah sipped her coffee.
“Does he at least know you and Rhett had a full on relationship?”
“Was it that bad?”
“It wasn’t good,” you sulked while you and Isla walked out of the building. “I swear if I fail the midterm…”
“You won’t fail,” she assured you and you let out a groan, but then stopped dead on your tracks when your eyes fell on Rhett who was leaning against his jet black car on the other side of the road. A smile curled your lips and you turned to Isla.
“Go ahead,” she said with a wink. “I have to find Bradley anyway.”
“Tell him I said hi!” you called out, already running to Rhett and you threw yourself into his arms, making him chuckle before he lifted you up to sit you down on the hood of the car, his lips claiming yours. You heaved a sigh when he pulled back, then smiled up at him brightly.
“Hi!” you said, your fingers brushing over his curly hair. “I thought you had a meeting!”
“The meeting finished early.”
You tilted your head, pulling your brows together.
“Oh you got rid of him?” you asked. “What was he, a mole?”
He gave you a reprimanding look. “Not in public, baby.”
You rolled your eyes at him, making him chuckle as he squeezed your thigh, still his other hand resting against the hood beside you, caging you in while you fixed your skirt.
“Do you have plans for tonight?”
Rhett hummed. “I have a plan that includes you and a bed, does that count?”
You let out a giggle, pecking him on the lips.
“There’s this party for the end of the midterms,” you said. “Do you want to come with me?”
“There’s no way I’m leaving you alone at a party,” he stated. “Sure thing, I can tag along.”
“Before that though, have you—” he started but his phone started vibrating in his pocket. He pulled it out, and took it to his ear.
“Yeah?” he asked while you absentmindedly pulled his gun out of his waistband to check the magazine, humming a song to yourself. “Yeah, no, I had to cut the meeting short. Our usual guys are dealing with the clean up.”
You counted the bullets, then slid the magazine back to its place while Rhett stroked his thumb over your knee, coaxing another giggle out of you.
“Great, thanks,” he said and hung up, making you look up at him as he took the gun from you.
“You’re missing a bullet.”
“It’s inside a guy’s skull as we speak,” he muttered, leaning in to brush his lips against yours and you cupped his cheek, heaving a sigh when he pulled back.
“Have you eaten yet?”
“I had like three energy drinks,” you said as he tilted his head to shoot you a look. “What, it’s the midterms week!”
“Let’s have lunch in bed.”
“I don’t think that’s a thing, Rhett.”
“Should be a thing,” he mused, dragging his fingertips up your leg, making you swat at his hand.
“We’re in public!” you reminded him, making him chuckle. “Anyways, what are we eating then?”
“You’re eating whatever you want and I’m eating you out.”
You tried to ignore the fire spreading over your face as your jaw dropped.
“Very romantic—” you started but you were cut off when his phone started vibrating again, making him grit his teeth before answering.
“What, dickhead?” he snapped at whoever it was on the phone. “I’m with my girl, the fuck do you want?”
“Be nice!” you whispered to him and he shook his head slightly.
“Yeah Lucas, he knows,” he said. “I called him before I called the clean up guys. Can you handle your shit or should I come there and hold your hand?”
You raised your brows as he hung up the phone, then turned to you.
“Sorry about that baby.”
“No problem,” you said “So that was Lucas on the phone?”
“Mm hm,” he said. “He wants to know if my dad knows about how the meeting ended. Anyways, as I was saying—”
“You do realize he wants your position?”
That made him pause and he frowned. “What?”
“Lucas,” you said, leaning back on your palms. “He wants your position as the prince of Chicago and he will try to stab you in the back.”
His eyes searched yours before he scoffed a laugh.
“Lucas is as loyal as a dog,” he said. “What makes you think that?”
“He glares at you the way my cousin glares at me,” you pointed out. “Whenever you’re not looking.”
His frown deepened and he thought for a moment, then shook his head.
“Nah,” he brushed it off. “No way. As I said, loyal as a dog.”
“But Rhett, your position—”
“The only position I care about right now is the one I’ll put you in when we get to my place,” he muttered to your lips with a smirk, making you giggle before he stole a kiss. “Come on. We’re leaving.”
“It didn’t come up,” you muttered. “Besides, it isn’t as if we were serious.”
“You kind of were.”
“You need to tell him,” Sarah insisted, making you turn your cup in your palms just to distract yourself. “It’s better than Rhett telling him, no?”
“I guess,” you said. “I just don’t think he likes me nowadays.”
Becca rolled her eyes.
“You two need to start actually talking to each other.”
You huffed out a breath, then sipped your coffee.
“I mean we have the therapist appointment,” you said. “Which, I don’t even know if he will show up but…”
“You are feeding false information to the therapist,” Sarah reminded you as if trying to help you. “Try to talk to each other truthfully, maybe?”
You clicked your tongue, turning the cup between your palms.
“Yeah,” you murmured. “Can’t hurt to try I guess.”
The therapist appointment was uncomfortable to say at the very least. Bucky kept quiet for the most of it despite Dr. Raynor’s efforts to include him in the conversation, and the answers he gave her were pretty curt, so it came as a no surprise when Dr. Raynor put her notebook aside.
“I’m sensing a tension?” she said, motioning between you two while Bucky bounced his leg, his gaze darting to the clock on the wall before returning to her.
“We’ve had a disagreement,” you said, making him grit his teeth.
“We’re in a therapy session and you haven’t talked to me for the last week,” you said. “Might as well.”
“You haven’t talked to each other for the last week?”
“I did try,” you defended yourself and Bucky crossed his arms, keeping his eyes on the table.
“I have nothing to say.”
“Don’t do that!” you insisted. “You’re angry at me for some reason—”
“For some reason?” he asked, his voice full of disbelief. “Are you serious right now?”
“What happened?” Dr. Raynor asked and you licked your lips, then sat up straighter.
“We’re going to make a deal with a business partner,” you said. “Bucky is angry because I know him.”
“No Y/N, I’m angry because despite us having a deal, you went behind my back.”
“I didn’t go behind your back,” you protested. “Not sharing every single detail with you isn’t going behind your back.”
“You knowingly kept me out of the loop and that’s not going behind my back?” he asked and you threw your hands up.
“Do you feel like Y/N betrayed your trust, Bucky?”
Your jaw dropped as you looked at Dr. Raynor. “Excuse me?”
“Yeah actually,” Bucky said. “We had a deal and it turns out she’s had all these plans that she didn’t let me know about. Including knowing the guy—which by the way, you never did tell me how you know him.”
Your heart skipped a nervous beat and you let out a breath. “I don’t think it’s the place for it.”
“I disagree, you were the one who started it,” Bucky said. “So? How?”
You bit inside your cheek, then cleared your throat, motioning vaguely. “We used to date.”
Bucky gawked at you for a couple of seconds in complete silence before a dry laugh climbed up his throat and he ran a hand over his face.
“You used to date,” he said, dragging the tip of his tongue over his lip. “Of course…”
“That’s not even relevant—”
“Oh it’s very relevant,” Bucky cut you off, glaring at you. “What he—he still loves you or something? That’s why he’ll say yes to the deal? Because he thinks he has a shot?”
“Wh—no!” you exclaimed. “Do you hear yourself right now? It’s completely irrelevant!”
“Says you.”
“In case it has escaped your notice, we’re married, dickhead!”
“Alright, let’s calm down,” Dr. Raynor said but neither of you spared her a look.
“How is it irrelevant that the guy you used to date happens to only want to talk to you or make a deal with you?”
“Because I made sure that he trusts me!”
“Yeah?” he provoked you. “And how did you do that?”
 “By being good at this fucking job, how do you think?” you snapped back but before Bucky could retort, Dr. Raynor cleared her throat.
“Let’s continue this conversation in our next appointment,” she said and Bucky scoffed, then stood up to walk out of the office. You smiled at Dr. Raynor, standing up as well.
“See you next week, Dr. Raynor,” you said and went after Bucky, only catching up with him when you stepped outside.
“Bucky!” you called out and he turned around to give you a quizzical look. You licked your lips and stepped closer to him, not even sparing a glance at the bodyguards waiting for him by his car.
“Do you mind?” you asked him, nodding at the nearest back alley and he looked like he would say no, but he still followed you there. You took a deep breath and crossed your arms, looking up at him.
“I was going to tell you about me and Rhett,” you said and he let out a dry chuckle.
“Yeah,” he said, putting his hands in his pockets. “Sure.”
“What, you don’t trust me?”
“I trust you as much as you trust me,” he pointed out, making you swallow thickly.
“Don’t be like that,” you muttered. “First you ignore me for a week and now—”
“I’m not ignoring you.”
Even you were aware of the petulant tone in your voice; “You’ve barely looked my way since the sit down!”
“I will talk to you when I have something to talk to you about.”
“If you’re expecting an apology—”
“Oh I know you better than that,” he cut you off. “Is that all or do you need anything else? I’m going to be late to my meeting.”
“Stop fucking treating me like one of those mob wives,” you growled and he shrugged his shoulders.
“I’m not,” he said. “I told you. I’m treating you like a business partner. That’s what you said you wanted, isn’t it?”
You gritted your teeth, glaring up at him in silence and he had the audacity to give you a dry smile.
“Great. See you at home.”
He walked away from you and soon you heard the car driving off. You let out a furious breath, then leaned back to the wall, closing your eyes for a moment before opening them again.
“Very well then,” you muttered to yourself and got your phone out of your pocket, then found the name in your contacts. Your heartbeat sped up as your finger hovered over the screen, but you took a deep breath, touched it and took the phone to your ear.
It only rang once.
“Finally,” the familiar drawl reached you. “I was beginning to think you wouldn’t call sweetheart.”
You could feel the smile curling your lips.
“Hi Rhett,” you said. “Do you have a moment?”
Chapter 33
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katebishopshands · 1 year
You Can See Me As A Secret Mission
(Kate Bishop/Reader)
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Content: (SMUT, 18+, wlw, top Kate bishop, bottom reader, enemies to lovers, hate sex (kinda??), fake dating/relationship, making out, finger bLASTING, strap on sex, reader has pierced tits because I do)
Kate bishop has been a pain in your ass since she joined the “new avengers”. Perky, talented, caring, but only you saw what she actually was, a rich girl that always got her way.
After being put on a undercover mission together, will pretending to be in a relationship with her for the sake of the mission push you farther apart, or will it make your realize maybe your feelings are more than meets the eye?
“Does it always take you this long to get ready?”
Your eye twitched in annoyance as you put the final coat of mascara on your lashes. You knew if you were to walk out of the bathroom you’d see Kate Bishop, sat on the couch, scrolling through her phone looking bored.
You could’ve been paired with anyone on the team. Sam, Bucky..Yelena even. Her experience in the field would be appreciated. But instead you were paired with Kate bishop, the rookie. Clint had said that she was ready to take over his role as sharpshooter on the team but you think he really just wanted to retire. Lucky son of a bitch.
Kate was fine, she was good with a bow and could throw a punch, but she lacked precision. Often going out on her own and putting the whole mission at risk. It was extremely frustrating for someone who had worked most of their late teens and early twenties to be where you were. Her rich girl attitude showed through on more than one occasion, like when she forgot that not everyone didn’t go to a private school for all of their school career, or that most people rely on the subway to go from place to place and don’t get chauffeured.
In return to your shitty attitude to her, Kate had taken a liking to rolling her eyes and scoffing at things you said. Proving to you that she was smarter than you by correcting things you had said, and you most favorite of all, taking any chance she could to embarrass you. The endless nicknames that spew from her lips never ceased to make you want to punch her perfect teeth out.
You needed no further proof that Kate Bishop was an overgrown child, and not ready to be an Avenger.
“I have to look the part, do I not?”, you poked your head around the corner, you were correct with your prediction. Kate rolled her eyes and gave a weak glance up from her phone at you. Her eyes lit up at the sight of you however.She took in your figure, covered in some slinky black dress that showed way too much cleavage for your liking.
You could’ve sworn she licked her lips after she checked you out for what seemed to be the second time. You hated to admit it, but she looked good, too good for your liking.
Gone was the athleisure you normally saw her in, traded in for a black suit, her black undershirt’s top two buttons undone and a thin silver chain was visible hanging over her collarbones. Her hair still up on her usual ponytail and a dark purple polish on her nails. You stared for probably too long than was normal for someone who didn’t like their mission partner.
The two of you were supposed to play the roles of a young millionaire and her fiancé that were interested in purchasing some illegal weapons that were rumored to be made out of vibrainium. Tonight was a party at some exclusive bar for potential clients of the group, so you were to look your best so the two of you could scope out the scene. If your cover was blown tonight, the whole mission would go up in smoke.
Luckily for Kate, the role would come naturally. For you? Not so much. Pretending to be in love with Kate was difficult. Sure she was attractive and funny and considerate for the most part, but you were all business whereas Kate wanted to dilly dally a bit too much. Too different for anything to actually work.
The click of a camera brought you back to your senses.
“Yelena is never going to believe you’re wearing that”, Kate snickers and snaps another picture.
“Kate are you serious!? Cut it out!” You take a step forward and reach for her phone, which she holds out of your reach.
“Aw cmon, you look nice. Gimme a twirl” she gestures a twirling motion with her fingers. she’s sincere with her words, but her actions speak louder as she continues to play keep away with you.
“I’m serious Kate DO NOT send that” you reach across her, cleavage in her face, her phone almost in hand. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think she was looking.
With one slip of your hand off of the arm rest of the couch you were falling. Falling directly into Kate Bishops lap.
The two of you sit in silence for a moment, not sure what to do. Searching each others faces for some sort of answer. You took in beauty marks splashed across her face that you’d never seen before, her full lips slightly parted.
Stormy blue eyes that looked into yours. She was prettier up close. You could smell the expensive perfume she had put on earlier for the first time. She had your stomach doing summersaults. Kate flashes you a million dollar smile and your senses come slamming into you like a semi truck. You’re scrambling back up in an instant before she gets the wrong idea.
“I’ll uh, delete the pictures, sorry for embarrassing you “ she looks like a scolded puppy. She avoids looking at you, choosing to fiddle with the hem of her jacket.
“We’re going to be late”, you say ignoring her apology as you rush over to put on your shoes. Your eyes stayed on the floor as you moved. Kate cleared her throat and readjusted her jacket Trying to brush off what had just happened.
You’re grabbing your purse containing the things you need for the night when you hear Kate rifling through all of her pockets.
“What’s wrong?” You say looking up at her. She’s tapping her her suit pockets aggressively, brows furrowed in concentration.
“We’re missing something”
“I don’t think we are, Kate we’re going to be late and it’s gonna blow our cov-“ Kate pulls something small and shiny out of her pocket with a small “aha!”. Your eyes lock with a diamond engagement ring she’s holding up to the light.
“Can’t blow our cover now can we?” Kate says as she positions herself in front of you on one knee, as If she was proposing. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes as she shook her arms out, and cleared her throat once more.
“Will you do me the honor of making me the happiest girl on the planet, and being my fiancé?” Kate holds out the ring, and looks up at you. Batting her thick eyelashes a few times, lower lip caught in between her teeth as she smirks at you. She’s completely over the top and ridiculous with it, as she is with most things. But it feels a little too real for your liking.
You swallow hard, why were you nervous? You rub your clammy hand down the front of your dress and hold out your hand,Kate obliges and slips the ring on your index finger. She briefly squeezes your hand before she stands back up. You stand there, becoming accustomed to the ring you now bore on your finger.
“We’re gonna be late!!” Kate nags you, mocking your words from earlier. This snaps you out of your thought and you turn around, letting Kate slip a hand on your lower back, not even minding the gesture, as you’re guided out the door.
Kate bishop is going to be the death of you.
Sam had given you specific instructions that tonight was for observing and surveying what exactly these people had on the market. No contact was supposed to be made with anyone. So here you sat, leaned up against a bar holding some drink that was sweating against your hand and had been for far too long.
The music was loud, it was too dark to see much, except for the few vibrainium weapons that were on pedestals illuminated with a blue light, giving the room a blue hue. You scanned the room once, then twice. Looking for anyone that might be of interest. But as for now, it seemed to be yuppy rich people wanting expensive and deadly toys to play with .
Kate fit right in. You watched her leaned up against the bar across from you, laughing and drinking with two girls that were on either side of you. She wasn’t even doing her job, instead taking the mission as a chance to party. You finished the rest of your drink, slamming it on the bar hard enough to make the remaining ice cubes jostle about.
A strange feeling bubbles in your stomach, one that you almost could call jealousy. Maybe it was that or the expensive tequila that had been in your drink. You smoothed your dress down, starting your way towards Kate and her new comrades. If she was going to not take this job seriously, then you might as well embarrass her a little.
Coming up behind Kate, you latch yourself onto one of her arms. Looking at her with doe eyes. She jumps a bit , but turns slightly to face you.
“There she is!! I was just talking about you!”
She smiles at you, pulling the arm you had grabbed from you and wrapping it around your waist. Kate’s hand found its resting place on your ass as she pulled you into her, giving it a light squeeze. Before you could have any reaction to the previous action, the other of Kate’s hands found its way to your chin. She held your face in place as she leaned down, connecting your lips . A surprised noise escaped your mouth and she deepens the kiss, letting her tongue push into your mouth. You couldn’t do anything but kiss back, not wanting to blow your cover and not wanting to let her win in whatever game she was trying to play.
She pulls away and you’re breathless. Kates face is flushed , eyes wide as she looks from you to her new friends.
“I was just telling these nice girls about how you so badly wanted to come to the party tonight and look at the new catalog they have this season!” Kates demeanor has changed from the goofy archer you normally know, to a socialite who knows what she wants.
“We just LOVE this years catalog, we’ve been buying all the latest models from this company for years!” The blonde across from you says excitedly.
Kate side eyes you, and you pick up what she’s trying to get you to notice. This company isn’t new, They’re just getting sloppy covering up their tracks, letting too many of the wrong people into their inner circle.
The two of you converse for some time more, digging up as much information as you can from the girls. Having moved from the bar to a small area of lounge tables and chairs. You watch as people trickle in and out of the party, some looking more important than others. Your eyes are constantly scanning the world around you.
You’re going to sit in the chair next to Kate when she grabs your hand, yanking you down on top of her. She gives a pat to your thigh and continues talking business with the ever growing crowd of people that surround you. This had somehow turned into Kates mission without you even realizing it.
Two can play at this game, let’s kick it up a notch. You lean back a bit, resting your arm around her shoulders, playing with the ends of her ponytail flirtily. Kate looks up at you and smiles a bit.
She rubs her thumb over your bare thigh in a comforting manner and goes back to the conversation. It’s amazing watching her run the conversation. Somehow knowing just what to say to everyone to get the information she wants out of them. She’s dazzling in the dim light of the party. You could almost get used to this.
“Show them your ring, babe” you’re snapped out of your thoughts by Kate giving you another pat to your thigh.
“Huh?” You blink at her. She shakes her head and laughs a little, her eyes flashing you the “ go along or we’ll blow our cover” look.
“Awh don’t be shy, show them the pretty rock I bought you” she removes your arm from around her shoulders and shows off the glittering ring on your finger.
“Oh my ring of course!” You laugh off your panic and wiggle your fingers in an attempt to show off how shiny the ring actually was. The group is filled with “oohs” and “ahhs” as you show it off, Kate smiling proudly at you the whole time. Your heart swells a bit at the attention. Almost believing for a bit that you’re actually engaged and in love, not in some rich guys warehouse on a mission for work.
You didn’t like Kate bishop. She was aggravating, the definition of a spoiled rich girl. Where were these feelings coming from?
“Where did you two first meet?” A voice from the group catches you off guard. You lock eyes with an older woman who has had way too much plastic surgery done.
“We uh…” Kate starts, you can see her losing her cool. You hadn’t come up with a backstory. Rookie move.
“We actually met in school!” You save the day by stepping in with your quick thinking skills. She lets out a barely noticeable breath of relief it technically wasn’t a lie. You HAD met in a class, a class about hand to hand combat, but a class nonetheless.
“And I guess it was just love at first sight” you say through almost gritted teeth. It pains you to say that, because it wasnt. This wasn’t real love, and you two have never gotten along. Physical attraction maybe, but your personalities continuously clashed.
Kate looks up at you once more, a small smile on her lips, “yeah….love at first sight”.
Your eyes meet each other. Her eyes are soft, pupils blown a bit. She continuously strokes her thumb on your leg. Kates acting is a bit too good for your liking.
A ding from Kate’s phone pulls your attention from each other and the other guests continue to chat amongst themselves. She reads it, biting her lip a little. You scoot yourself closer to her, wrapping your arms around Kate neck and reading the message on her phone.
Party’s over. Get outta there. Put together all information collected and send in a mission report by 9am.
It’s a text from Sam, updating you on what to do next. Kate looks at you, giving you a slightly disappointed look before she plants a kiss on your cheek. It’s a long kiss, one that only lovers share when they know they won’t see each other for a while.
She taps your leg to signal for you to stand up, so You oblige. Kate goes around the circle saying goodbye to the people you had met over the course of the night. You trailing behind her, admiring the way she looked in her suit.
God she was aggravating. Was there anything she wasn’t good at? She could charm people with the bat of her eyelashes. Flirt successfully with strangers. Shoot an arrow with a blindfold across her eyes. She was hot and you hated to admit it. She was perfect and that’s what you hated.
It was like you had come out of a haze now that you were off her lap. You were mad that she had charmed you THAT easily. Just like every other person in the Kate Bishop fanclub. You huff, grabbing her hand and dragging her towards the exit, not wanting to play the roles of young lovers anymore.
The room was eerily quiet as you both got unready. Fleeting glances towards each other, never meeting the others eyes.
You swallowed hard as you sat down on one of the couches to take off your heels, “Was tongue really necessary?”. You had broken the silence and now there was no going back.
“What?” Kate looked up from fiddling with her shirt buttons.
“The kiss, at the bar. Did you REALLY need to swap spit with me like that ?”
“Well I thought it was funny”
you scoffed at her. In shock that an hour ago you were thinking about how maybe you could get along and maybe have something more.
“You’re insufferable, you know that?” You say with a dirty look in her direction.
“Lyings not a good look on you. The noise you made told me that you were into it”
She laughs at her comment and you roll your eyes, letting a more awkward silence fall over the room.
“I think you might actually like me a little bit, she jokes half to herself and half to you.
She looks over to you, lightly biting her lip a little.
“You seemed a little into the act tonight, that’s all I’m trying to say”
“Shut the fuck up”, you snap at her.
Kate puts her hands up defensively and continues to unbutton her shirt. You sneak a glance at her, catching a look at her toned stomach. It made your face flush a bit before you continued working on unzipping your dress.
The zipper catches midway through your back and you groan. You tug it up and down a few more times in an attempt to free yourself. Kates eyes follow the noise of the zipper and she sees you struggling. She makes her way across the room, her black dress shirt unbuttoned and hanging untucked around her form. The purple lace bra she wore under it being exposed ever so slightly.
You attempted to ignore her, confining to tug on the zipper. But her exposed skin was so tempting to look at.
“Do you need some help?”
“No I don’t need your hel-“, you start to protest her intervention.
“Turn around” Kate demands.
You shut up, listening to her and turning around. Kate sighs and gently moves your hair to one shoulder. Her fingertips are gentle on your exposed back, touching you like you’d break.
You don’t dare to look back at her or else you might do something you regret. You feel her grab the zipper as she begins to work it free.
“Why do you hate me?”
Kate asks casually as she continues her work. It catches you off guard. In the time you’ve known her you’ve never known her to be this blunt. Your voice catches in your throat. The big and bad attitude you had five minutes ago slipping away quickly.
“I don’t hate you”
“Then what’s with the attitude”
You weren’t sure if you were lying or telling the truth when you say you didn’t hate her. The last few hours have been making You rethink everything.
Kate gives a yank to the zipper and it moves freely. Once she’s done you turn to meet her, still holding your dress up. She hasn’t moved, opting to stand and stare at you.
“Kate I-“
What were you going to say? You hated her? She drove you insane? You weren’t even sure anymore. You take a closer step to her,
“You make me feel frustrated. I’m not sure in what way, but I’m frustrated beyond belief by you”
She she searches your face, saying nothing.
“I’m confused, okay? There..are you happy?Did you get what you wanted out of me?” You’re exasperated with her lack of response.
You wait for a response from her for what feels like forever. Her brows are furrowed as she stares at you. You almost could swear that she was looking into your head. You couldn’t decipher what she was thinking. Her blue eyes dark, consumed in consideration. You’re about to walk away when she finally opens her mouth to say something.
“Do you want to find out exactly how I frustrate you?”
She’s close. Closer than you’ve ever been. She’s close and the air is tense, like a bomb ticking about to go off. Her eyes are on your lips, flicking between them and your eyes. She fiddles with a stray piece of hair resting over your shoulder.
“Kate what does that mea-“
She’s grabbing your face, colliding your lips in an explosion of frustrated passion.
You kiss her back hard, harder than you’ve ever kissed anyone before. A whine escapes your mouth. You’re fighting for dominance, and losing pathetically. Your arms are slung over her shoulders. Desperately clawing at her hair.
“Yes-“ you gasp for air when she pulls away, “I want to find out so fucking badly “
Atleast two years of tension had just blown up in your face. Two years of tension that you couldn’t name for the longest time, and now you could.
Kate had upset you so much because you liked her. You liked her giddiness for new things, her almost naivety to how non rich people live. You loved the millions of questions she asked Sam. How she teased you, even if it drove you up the wall. This girl drove you insane and you loved it.
She pounces on you, shoving you up against the nearest wall. Biting at your lip, you submit to her. This was a losing game, there was no point to fighting her. Kate would win, like she always did.
You’re panting when she pulls her mouth off of yours, dragging your bottom lip a little with her. Your unzipped dress finally gives way and falls to the floor. Kates eyes meet yours and then look down to the black dress pooled on the floor. She moans a little, seeing you in just your bra and underwear.
She’s kissing down your neck, leaving little bites in her wake and you’re breathless. Head spinning over the predicament at hand.
“You think I’m insufferable, but..” she trails off, planting a kiss on your collarbone. Her eyes flick up to yours, looking at you through dark lashes.
“The most insufferable thing is how insanely horny you’ve made me all night”
Your breath catches in your throat at her confession. She kisses down the valley of your breasts, her hands gripping your hips. You moan at her actions. A kiss to your ribs, to your stomach, to just above your underwear.
“Kate..”, your hands are caught in her black waves.
“What Princess? No snappy comebacks now?”
Another moan from your mouth. The nickname slips from her mouth so effortlessly, like she had been just waiting to call you it. She was right though, you had nothing to say for once. You looked down at her, Kate’s mouth mere inches from your aching cunt.
She smirks at you, hooking two fingers around the waistband of your underwear.
“Should I take these off?” She asks so innocently. She punctuates her words with a tug on the band. Her blue eyes burn into yours. You nod your head.
“Words please” she’s playing a game with you. Dangling your pleasure right in front of you.
You don’t want to give her the verbal satisfaction. She is still Kate Bishop after all. And she still presses all your buttons. You press your lips into a thin line and stick your chin up hoping she gets the hint. You are not going to use your words. intertwining your fingers with her hair, you give a harsh tug in an effort to show her what you want. Kate moans.
It makes you wetter.
“Oh and I’m the one who’s a spoiled brat” she lets go of your underwear,snapping it back in place and standing at her full height.
“Kate..” you pout at her jutting your lower lip out at her. She wipes her thumb over your lip, keeping it there. She forces you to keep your eyes on her.
You admire her. The freckle that seems to be right under her right eye. The way her eyes are lined with a darker blue than the rest. Her already kiss swollen lips. She’s close to you as she supports herself against the wall. You reach out, running your hand down her abs, almost letting your fingers reach the top button of her slacks. Kate grabs your hand and holds it in place.
“You knew what you were doing tonight” she smirks at you. You look at her through half lidded eyes and smile.
Kate laughs a little at you. It’s crazy hot.
“Sitting on my lap all night,” she removes your hands from her abs, holding them together in front of you, “in that little dress, clinging to me”
She leans close to your ear and whispers in a low voice,
“I am going to fuck you so hard, you won’t be able to walk”
“In your dreams, Bishop”
You had finally found your voice, her charm had worn off. She laughs again. Looking your face up and down.
You’re whining as she crashes your lips together. It’s messy. Teeth clacking here and there, Kate’s hands grabbing at your ass . You’re grabbing at her back, leaving indents where your nails meet her pale skin.
“And everyone at HQ is going to know that you let Kate bishop, the girl you hate, ruin you” That ignited something in you. Your ongoing feud was no secret, and having everyone know you fucked your feelings out was a little too tempting.
She’s kissing down your neck, sucking bruises that will last longer than you want them to.
“And what if I fuck you?”, You pant, grabbing at the back of Kate’s neck.
“I’d like to see you try”
Kate grabs your ass, picking you up quickly and moving you to the nearest bed. She’s reaching behind you to undo your bra.
“Hardly seems fair that I’m almost fully naked
And you still have your pants on”
Kate snorts at your remark, popping the back of your bra and removing it from your body swiftly. Your nipples perk up at the cold air of the hotel room. The metal bars in them glinting in the light, catching Kates eye. She looks at them, briefly licking her lips, and then back to you.
“Is this what you want?”
Kate stares into your eyes as she undoes the top button of her pants. She steps out of them, leaving her in just the matching lace bra, underwear and and her black button up.
“ shirt off too, please” you sit up, batting your eyes at her and jutting out your lower lip in a pout. She shakes her head as she reaches to take the button up off .
“Now you have manners…but remember.. IM the spoiled brat here” she rolls her eyes and throws the bunched up black shirt at you.
You catch it and toss it off the bed, welcoming Kate back as she crawls her way on top of you. She kisses you again , letting her hands explore down your chest. She kneads on your boobs, grabbing fistfuls of each.
You moan into her mouth, pushing your chest into her hands more.
“Eager much?” She pulls away, letting her breathe fan across your face.
“No chance” you laugh at her, your hands grasp both sides of her face as she leans over you. She rolls her eyes at you again, letting one of her hands stroke down to your nipple, where she takes the bar and gives a sharp tug.
You inhale through your teeth holding back a moan, not wanting to give her the satisfaction.
She gives another tug, this time flicking her thumb over the bud of your nipple. She keeps her eyes locked with yours, smirking at you. She’s expecting you to show some sort of reaction.
Your chest lurches forward, seeking more friction from her calloused hands.
The damp spot in your underwear continues to grow as you rub your legs together in an effort to soothe the ache that’s ever growing in your cunt.
She glances down at the movement and looks back to you while biting her lip.
Kate lets her hand travel from your tit, down your stomach and ending right above the elastic to your underwear.
“This where you want me?” One finger slides its way under. You turn your head to the side, not wanting to confirm you wanted her fingers. Lips pressed into a fine line, you say nothing.
She huffs and leans forward, kissing her way up your neck.
“Cmon…you know it’ll feel good” , two fingers push farther down.
You’re holding back moans. Noises only Kate Bishop has been able to elicit from you and you haven’t even fucked yet.
She’s so warm and inviting. You know it would feel so good if she just stuffed her fingers in your cunt and fucked you stupid. But you can’t let her win. She’s always winning, running circles around you.
Kate bites at your earlobe, those two fingers dangerously close to your throbbing cunt.
You whine,not being able to contain the kind anymore. The scent of her lavender body wash looming around you, clouding your better judgement.
“Kate…” you whine her name out. Kate moans at the sound of your voice, needy and desperate.
“Yeah?” She asks, her thumb stroking gentle circles on your skin, a smile on her lips as they’re pressed to your neck.
How could the girl you had hated for so long be treating you so good right now?
“Please…” you whisper out, letting your resolve break.
Kate bishop had won this round.
Those wandering fingers abruptly enter your pussy, earning a loud moan from your mouth.
You jolt upwards, back arching and pressing your nipples against Kate’s lace covered chest. She continues to thrust her fingers in and out of you, occasionally letting her thumb brush up against your clit.
“I told you it’d feel good” she whispers into your ear. You moan at her words, she’s right. It feels fucking fantastic. She’s managing to hit all the spots that make you see stars. Your head leans back, making eye contact with the ceiling as Kate picks up her speed. She’s curling her fingers as she sucks marks down your neck, eventually leaving a few on your breasts.
You grab at her head, threading your fingers into her hair and pull her face into you chest. Kate gives a groan at that as she latches onto one of your nipples. She slides the bar in your nipple around with her tongue, making you groan loudly and tug at the strands of dark hair clutched in your hand.
She continues her ministrations at your core. Every press of her fingers has your eyes rolling back into your skull.
“I’m gonna..”
“You’re gonna what? Cum?” Kate laughs as she pulls off of you. You nod frantically at her. She’s slamming her fingers into you at this point and you’re a moaning mess, only wanting to finish.
Kate’s moving up closer to your face. She presses her forehead against yours, your noses grazing the other.
“Cum on my fingers then”
She thrusts her fingers into your cunt, your juices leaking down her arm.
“Shit, shit Katie”, you’re grabbing at the hand that’s thrusting in and out of you, curling upwards towards her.
Her thumb brushed against your clit, a purposeful circle and you’re unraveling into her.
Her lips find yours again, silencing the pathetic moans that you’re making. Kate moans into you as you finish on her fingers, exactly how she wanted you to. She works you through your orgasm for a moment, giving a few gentle thrusts before pulling her fingers out of you.
You wince a little as her fingers exit you, not letting the grip you had on her wrist go. Kate gently removes your hand from her wrist as she sits up. She gives it a light kiss before she turns her own hand towards her mouth.
Kate locks eyes with you as she slides her tongue up her wrist, collecting your slick before inserting her fingers in her own mouth. She moans a little as she wraps her lips around her fingers, sucking your juice from her fingers for a second before releasing them with a slight ‘pop’.
You blink a couple times, panting. Kate looks at you, and smiles a bit. A cocky, all knowing smile.
“Enjoy the show?” She smirks as she leans back towards you. Her dark hair falls around your face, pieces of it tickling your cheeks.
“Kate Bishop…” you pant a little, looking up at her, “I didn’t know you were such…”, your hands start to explore the plane of her stomach, touching the toned abs that lay there,
“…..a whore”, you smile at her. Your tone laced with malice as you spit out your last word.
Kate scoffs a bit, stopping your hand before you could get your fingers under the waistband of her underwear.
“I could say the same about you, based off the noises you were making”
She gets off the bed, but not before tweaking the jewelry that sat pretty in your nipples. You jump a little, moaning in pleasure.
“Brat”, she says, flashing a smile and laughing slightly before going to her bag and beginning to dig through it.
You sit up a little, admiring the way her purple underwear fits her ass. Your mind wanders to all the times you checked it out during training. God damn Kate bishop and her too tight leggings.
Kates digging goes on for a little too long and your curiosity begins to peak.
“Is your dick in there or something?” You half joke, wanting to know what she was looking for. You laid there, completely exposed to the too cold AC of the hotel room. You already missed Kate being in the bed with you.
“Yeah…Or something” Kate mumbles quietly. The sound of her zipping up her bag catches your attention.
“Kate is that a fucking strap on?”
“You never know when duty is gonna call!”
You sit up slightly, watching as Kate steps into her harness. The purple silicone dick bobs in between her legs, and you swallow slightly.
“You’re ridiculous, you know that, right?”, Kate joins you back on the bed, crawling over you.
“I know I am, and you’re obsessed with me because of it”, she kisses up your neck. Her confidence oozing out of her, you could almost swear you were breathing it in and letting it cloud your mind.
You grab at the ponytail at the back of her head, pulling her mouth off your neck. Kate gives a groan before her blue eyes meet yours.
“I told you I was going to fuck you so hard you wouldn’t be able to walk. I’m a lady of my word”
Kate teases your entrance with her strap, letting it run through your folds.
“Shit Kate..” you half moan half whine as she positions her dick.
“God say that again” Kate moans into your ear . She begins to push her strap into you and you swear you can feel your heartbeat in your throat.
You’re pulling on her ponytail, pulling her head away from you when all Kate wants to do is mark you, claim you as hers.
“Fucking shit Kate..” you repeat, more enthusiastically this time as Kate’s strap finally enters you, fully.
She fills you to the hilt of her strap, your hips almost flush with each another. The base of her dick rubbing sweetly against her clit.
She whines a little, resting her head into the crook of your neck.
“Aw poor baby, do you want to swap?” You coo sarcastically as you rub her back, finding your way to the clasp of her bra.
Kate gives an annoyed groan, punctuated by a hard thrust into your pulsating cunt.
You yelp in surprise, popping the clasps of her bra, watching the straps fall loose around her shoulders. Kate pulls out again and thrusts her hips once more,relishing in the friction she also receives from the motion.
“Just couldn’t keep your hands to yourself, huh?” Kate begins to take off her bra, discarding it to wherever your clothes also lay.
Your hands find her nipples, twisting and pinching them as she snaps her hips into you.
You lean up, swallowing the beautiful whines she’s giving to you as you play with her tits with your mouth.
She kisses you back, letting herself submit to your suddenly surge of dominance.
“So fucking hot..” you mutter as you pull away, letting your eyes drift to Kate’s lust blown pupils, down to where her dick was splitting you in two.
“Could say the same about you” Kate watches your tits bounce with each thrust she gives. Her eyes following the shiny jewelry in your tits. she leans down a bit, taking one of your nipples in her mouth. Her teeth close in one of the bars and she pulls every so gently.
You’re moaning as you grasp at her back, letting your dominant facade fall and letting Kate have the full power once again.
Her hips are slamming into yours, practically humping you like a dog in heat. Your legs wrap around her hips, attempting to put you two closer than you already were.
Kates whining, actually whining. You can see sweat drip down the side of her face, baby hairs sticking to her forehead.
You’re in no better shape. Your back arched up, legs locked around Kate’s waist, sweat traveling down your back and into your asscrack.
“I’m gonna fucking-“ you moan, your sentence not even getting finished as Kate reaches down to rub your clit while continuing her ministrations with her hips.
“Me too…oh my god me too” Kate’s going hard now, chasing her own high. Her thrusts are spastic and uncalculated.
The floodgates open in a minute, and you’re gushing all over Kates cock, and hand once again. A whining, moaning, drooling mess.
She works you through your high, only taking a few more pumps until she’s also finishing. Kate gives a few weak pumps, almost pushing you towards overstimulation before she falls on top of you, leaving her strap on inside.
She gives you a few weak kisses on your chest as you run your fingers through her hair, releasing it from the ponytail.
Kate reached down to remove her strap, making you suck in a breath of air as you an adjust to the feeling.
Once the harness and silicone dick had been removed, she sighs, content as she sinks her face into your chest, fingers rubbing small circles in your stomach.
“I still don’t like you, you know that, right?”, you break the silence first, still playing with Kates dark locks.
“Mhm, and I hate you “ Kate smiles lazily up at you.
You roll your eyes at her. Kate turns to look at you, blue eyes sparkling with mischief.
“Do you think we have to put this on the mission report to Sam?”
Kate bishop simp nation, I have returned.
My apologies, this is not proofread in the slightest lmao
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 1 year
Yours For The Taking
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Authors note: everyone say thanks to @romanoffsbish (and sorry for the late post guys, didn’t realize it was the 4th lol)
Warnings: Nat has a penis, typical a/b/o stuff(claiming, mating, knotting), sexual content (oral sex, vaginal sex)
Word count: 6632        Nat Masterlist   Marvel Masterlist
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    To say Natasha wasn’t like other Alphas would be a massive understatement. After everything you've done to gain her affections and attention, any other Alpha would have pounced on you by now, but not Natasha. And even more frustratingly it’s not like she's ignoring you or uninterested, the way she reacts to you tells you she is, but she never acts on this.
   Every gentle caress you give her arm or cheek has her leaning in, chasing more of your touch. Every compliment you give her has her smiling shyly with pink dusted cheeks as she softly compliments you in return. Every flirtatious remark you give her leaves her blushing profusely and has her looking down at the floor in order to stutter out a response. And on the rare occasions where she's the one to flirt, well it's the most pitiful thing you’ve ever heard. It's nothing like what she can accomplish on missions or when she's being playful with the guys, no it's more akin to what a nervous college boy would say while at the bar.
  And whenever you pump out your pheromones in an attempt to lure her in, you see how she reacts. In fact you take great pleasure in watching how you affect her. It starts with her eyes dilating, followed by her licking her lips. Next her breathing increases and her limbs tremble ever so slightly. Then lastly she shifts to adjust her pants before promptly leaving the room. 
   So really it's quite clear she harbors some type of feelings for you, but for some reason she just doesn't act on them. You’ve never known an Alpha to behave in such a way, but then you've never known an Alpha that had such an unusual and cruel upbringing as she had. You figured it had something to do with her shyness and quietness with her obvious attraction, it's why you tried so hard, you wanted to work her out of her shell. Unfortunately that approach is slow going. 
   “Have you seen Nat?” you ask, entering the kitchen and to your annoyance  Wanda gives you a knowing look. Damn perceptive Alpha
   “She's at SHIELD” Kate answers through a bite of Yelenas special mac & cheese, “I think she's doing something with the recruits today. At least that's what Clint said”
   You nod, “Thanks Kate. If anyone needs me- ”
   “You’ll be at SHIELD” Wanda finishes, sending you a wink
   It doesn’t take you long to get to SHIELD, and once you get there you’re treated for a show. Natashas in her black leggings that hug her form perfectly, with her black tank that shows off her sculpted biceps off to match. Her hair is back in a tight braid and she wears a proud smirk as one of the recruits, an overconfident young Alpha by the looks of him, hobbles away from her spot on the training mats. Seems she had been given the task of teaching the recruits hand to hand combat today, and she's not going easy on them. 
   Half of them looked like they've been asked to hogtie a rampaging Hulk, and the other half looked like they’d been run over by him while trying. You decide to hang back in the shadows by the doorway. You suspect she knows you're there, she is the Black Widow after all, but it's much more fun for you to watch this than make yourself known to the recruits in the room. It's not often you have the opportunity to shamelessly ogle her out in the field, so this is a very welcomed change.
   She easily fights her way through the next handful of recruits, offering them advice and criticism as she does so, and god does she look hot. Muscles flexing, sweat dripping down her porcelain skin, mischief shining in her eyes with that damn cocky smirk. You love getting to witness her in her element. Even more so when you know just how much she squirms when you remove her from it.
   “Alright, that's enough for today” she announces, wiping the sweat from her brow, “I don’t want to break any of Furys new guys”
   The crowd erupts in a symphony of groans at her remark, but one of the Alphas, the young man you remember from earlier gives her a defiant growl, “No way an ex KGB turncoat could break me”
  Her eyebrows knit together as she glares at him, a growl of her own leaving her throat, “Well, I’m not just an ex KGB agent McKinnon. I'm also a level 10 SHIELD agent and an Avenger, so rest assured, if I wanted to I’d send you to Fury in pieces. You're all dismissed.”
   You watch with a smug smile as she puts him in his place, making all the recruits quiet down before they all file out of the room. There's a definite slump to McKinnon's shoulders that has you quite proud of the Russian and you almost feel bad knowing that you're about to make her a stumbling mess
  “Hey Natty” you call out, walking towards her with a smile
   Her gaze shoots over to you and a familiar pink settles across the apples of her cheeks as she remembers that you walked in a while ago, which means you not only got to witness her fighting skills but you also got to see her tell off the younger Alpha. She secretly hopes you enjoyed both displays of strength
   “Hi-Hey” she stutters, and her brows furrow in frustration at herself. She takes a deep breath before trying again, “Hi Y/n”
   Your smile never falters which helps put her at ease, and a smile of her own breaks across her features, “Have fun tossing around Furys new rookies?”
   “You have no idea” she replies, her cocky smirk returning briefly, “I don’t understand why they always hate hand to hand combat training.”
   Your eyes rake over her as you chew on your bottom lip, “Yeah, me either”
   Her blush returns ten fold and she fidgets with her fingers in her nervousness, “So uh, what um, what brings you over here?”
   “Well…” you draw out, letting your hand trail up her bicep, making her swallow thickly, “I thought you might be hungry after such an active afternoon. Wanna grab lunch?”
   “Yeah, sure” she answers, trying not to sound too eager to spend time with you even though she absolutely was, “Where were you thinking?”
   “I haven’t decided yet. Why don’t you go grab a quick shower, and by the time you're done I’ll have a place picked out”
   She nods, “I’m holding you to that”
   “And what's that supposed to mean?” you ask, a knowing smile on your face
   She smiles and holds her hands up in surrender as she takes a few steps back towards the locker rooms, “Nothing, nothing. You can just be a little indecisive, that's all”
   “Don’t make me go to lunch without you” you tease, knowing full well you would never do such a thing. But the slight crease of worry in the Alphas brows tells you she doesn’t realize that, “Go shower Natty. I’m not leaving without you.”
  “Ok” She blushes, still not entirely used to your ability to read her so easily, “I won’t be too long. Be right back”
   You nod and watch her walk away, shamelessly letting your eyes look over her toned back before traveling down to glance at her muscular thighs. And you'd be lying if you said you didn’t admire the sway of her hips as she walked through the locker room door. 
   There was no doubt Natasha was a very physically attractive Alpha, and you did admire her muscles and her beauty, but there was far more to her than that. Her smirk could give you butterflies, her sense of humor never failed to make you laugh, her sarcastic quips always amused you, her laugh always made you smile, her kindness was incredible for someone that had been through so much hardship, her smile could always brighten your day, her protectiveness always made you feel safe and cared for, her eyes were always so warm and welcoming, her physical and mental strength was awe inspiring, her gentleness proved how good of a heart she had as most Alphas were much more rough, and her touch. 
   God her touch, it practically set your skin ablaze and had your heart beating wildly inside your chest. But the adorable Alpha was so shy and unsure that she didn’t indulge in this too often, much to your chagrin. But when she did, you could tell she felt the same sparks you did. Which made her lack of initiation frustrating at times.
   “Hey, you ready?”
   Her voice brings you out of your thoughts and you nearly sputter at how quick she was, “Jesus, if your hair wasn’t wet I would think no water even touched you. You were only gone like six minutes”
   “Well, you know SHIELD taught us those quick military showers when we were recruits and anytime I’m here that training just sorta kicks in” She laughs it off trying not to let you know she was so quick because of her excitement, “So, where are we eating?”
   “I was thinking Italian, so B’artusi?”
   Her eyes light up, “Yeah, sounds good. Come on, the subway will get us there the quickest”
   As you descend the stairs into the subway you try not to let your anxieties show, but as usual the Alpha is able to read you easily
   She eyes you carefully, “Everything ok?” 
   “Yeah, I'm good. I just don’t take the subway too often since it's not really that safe for Omegas on their own, so seeing and smelling all these Alphas makes me a little nervous” you reply, taking a deep breath in an attempt to focus on her pine and jasmine scent, “That must sound a bit silly coming from an Avenger”
   “I don’t think it's silly” she replies, looking at you in the gentle way that she does, “In a way i can understand.”
   “Really?” you ask, finding comfort in the fact that the brave Alpha could relate 
   She nods, “Yeah, all the scents can be overwhelming. But if you get stressed, just remember I’m right here.”
   “Thanks Natty” you say, smiling softly making her heart melt
   The two of you make your way through the crowd until the subway car is in view. You both allow the people in front of you to file in before following and Natasha heads in first. She leads you to an empty section of seats towards the back and lets you sit down first before taking the seat next to you. The doors then close and the subway takes off.
   The ride proceeds as normal, stopping a few times to let people on and off before taking off again. During all this you focus on Natasha, having an easy casual conversion to distract yourself from the constant changing smells of Alphas. It works, for a while at least. But at the last stop a group of four rowdy Alphas board. 
   They’re loud and obnoxious, but nothing you haven’t seen before. Their scents bother you though, and by the looks of their attire it's easy to understand why. They’re fresh from the gym and high on adrenaline, and coupled with their rowdiness their pheromones are working in overdrive. It's bad enough that you even see the redhead's nose twitch a few times.
    Their gaze eventually turns to you and subconsciously your leg starts bouncing to help quell your anxieties. To help calm yourself further you reach out for Natashas hand. Not expecting the contact from you, the Alpha stiffens at first, but when realization hits her she settles and tries to ignore the warmth rushing to her cheeks. Distracted, she fails to notice the group take in her unusual reaction and being more brawn than brain they don't read it as shyness, they see it as a lack of interest.
   “Hey there baby” the gruff voice of the lead Alpha calls out, “Why don’t you come over here with me and my boys? We’re more than willing to give you our undivided attention”
   “Yeah, might even give you a nice treat” another of them snickers, adjusting the crotch of his shorts 
   “Back. Off.” Natasha growls, her hand moving from your hand to your hip, and she pulls you closer as she pumps out her pheromones. You know it's to drive the other Alphas back, but you can’t deny that it has the opposite effect on you. You’d do anything to melt against her right now and bury your face against her neck.
   “I think you're the one that needs to back off.” he says, chuckling with a cocky smirk, “In case you haven’t noticed, you're a little outnumbered. And I think we’re better suited to care for her needs”
   Her lip curls with another growl, a deeper one this time as she puffs out her chest. Cleary these dumb, overly cocky assholes had no idea that the Alpha they were messing with was an Avenger. Let alone the Black Widow, an Alpha that could easily mop the floor with all of them. But you both have a feeling they're very close to finding that out.
   “Poor ‘mega. We can take care of you baby” another one of them suddenly says, stepping closer to you. He pays no attention to your obvious discomfort as you attempt to shift away from him and closer to Natasha, and he crosses yet another line by cupping your jaw, “One of us might even keep you after we’ve all had our turn”
   And that's all it takes for Natasha to lose what small shred of patience she had left.
   A few minutes later the train stops at your station, and Natasha makes her way back over to where you sit. You smile as she takes the incentive to grab your hand, and she leads you over the pile of unconscious Alphas towards the train's exit. Once the two of you make it to street level your sense of peace returns and Natasha is able to relax once more and put her focus back on you and your lunch date. At least that's what she hopes this is, though she won’t risk asking.
   “I was thinking about getting fettuccine alfredo at first, but now I'm thinking about shrimp penne.” she tells you with a smile, “What about you?”
  “Mmm, I’m thinking baked ziti. Oh! Or maybe a creamy chicken carbonara”
   “Good choices” she says, opening the restaurants door for you
   The two of you get a table near one of the main windows, giving you a nice view of the bustling city life. Cars, cabs, bikes, buses and people pass by in blur as they all go about their day and you're content to watch them do so from your cozy seat inside the quaint restaurant. 
   “Sometimes I forget that there's a certain beauty to city life” you hear the Alpha across from you admit, “You can’t really notice it when you're caught up in it, or world saving missions but when I take a step back, I can easily see it”
   Your gaze shifts from the window and over to her, and you're almost taken aback when you find her already looking at you, her eyes shining with emotions you cannot seem to place. She offers you a shy smile and you don’t hesitate to smile in return, letting your hand brush against hers on the table. Her pinkie twitches, but she doesn’t move away.
   “Thanks for deciding to take a step back with me today, Natty”
   When the waitress shows up neither of you accept the menu she offers, instead you both go for one of your earlier options. Nat decided to go with the fettuccine and you choose the carbonara. It doesn’t take long for your meals to be brought out to you and neither of you wait to dig in.
   “How's yours?” she asks after swallowing a mouthful of her own pasta
   You nod, “Very good. What about yours?”
   “Delicious. I’ll definitely be ordering it again.” she says as she gathers some up on her fork. Before she can bring it to her mouth though your hand grasps her wrist, and you bring her hand, and fork over to your own mouth. She watches with pink cheeks as you take it into your mouth.
   “Mmm, you're right. That's very good. I’ll have to order it next time.”
   “I uh, I- yeah. Yeah.” she stutters, finally bringing her arm back over to her plate
   Enjoying her flustered state you can’t resist the urge to release some of your pheromones, further antagonizing her. It’s not that you want to upset her, no, you just want her to act on her natural Alpha urges. And she desperately wants to, but it's not like the Red Room taught courses on the subject of courting and mating, quite the opposite really. They did their best to strip those instincts from her, leaving her perplexed on what to do in situations like these.
   You watch as she inhales your strawberry and plum scent, making her eyes dilate and you focus on her tongue as it pokes out to wet her lips. You give her a not so innocent smile and her grip tightens on her fork as she tries to rid herself of the not so appropriate thoughts running through her mind. And as if she was unaware of the affects you have on her, her cock twitches, further proving how much she wants you.
  She averts her gaze from you and squirms slightly, really hoping that no one in the restaurant, especially you, notices her particular dilemma. But she decides to play it safe and excuses herself to the bathroom before it can get any worse. 
   She swallows thickly and leans against the sinks countertop, taking a deep breath before looking at her reflection. She internally curses at how lust crazed she looks, but the curses don’t stay internal once she sees the tent in her pants.
   “Damnit, get it together” she chastises herself, moving her shaking hands over to the sink. She turns the water on and collects a bit in her hands, bringing it up to splash her face. To move her focus away from the throbbing in her pants she does some deep breathing, and she's relieved to find that seems to be doing the trick.
   After about five minutes she returns to the table and she really hopes it wasn’t obvious why she had left. It was though, to you at least because you knew exactly what you were doing. Still, you don’t tease her about it.
  “Do you want to get dessert before we leave? We can split it if you want.”
   She sits back down across from you and smiles, “Yeah, I’d like that”
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   It's been almost a week since lunch with Nat, the two of you have unfortunately been kept at a distance with all the missions and paperwork that have been assigned. Sure you'd seen each other and been able to say a handful of words but it was much different than the way you'd both normally be able to do things together like watching movies, working out or just talking over coffee. But at least the two of you had still been able to text. That's how you knew she was free this afternoon after training the SHIELD recruits again, and thankfully you were free too.
   “Where are you off to?” Tony asks, watching you walk through the compound with a pep in your step
   “Gonna surprise Natty over at SHIELD. I haven’t seen her in a few days.”
   He does his best to hide his knowing smirk with his cup of coffee, “Well have fun watching her beat them up”
   “I will!” you reply, making your way to the elevator
   Once you make it over to SHIELD headquarters you're a bit surprised to find Yelena in the training room, watching her sister work.
   “Hey Lena”
   “Oh, hey Y/n” She greets with a smile, “What are you doing over here?”
   “Well, Natty and I haven’t seen each other in a few days so I was hoping to do something today, but if you have plans with her…” you draw out, trying not to let your disappointment show
   “No, no plans” she tells you, “Fury just wants me to start training recruits as well so today I was made to watch her teaching technique. It's very….”
   “Rough?” you offer, as resounding thud of a recruit hitting the mat rings out
   The blonde smiles, “I was going to say hands on, but yes. Rough fits”
   The young and cocky Alpha from the other day currently leans up against the back wall. He's angered by the fact that he, and none of his other fellow recruits have managed to even make Nat break a sweat, let alone get the upper hand on her. But when he sees you enter the gym, he decides on a different approach to get under the Alphas skin.
   Just as she's about to dismiss everyone off to the locker rooms she spots him approaching her, and she huffs in annoyance as she knows something is coming
   “Wow” he breathes out, looking past her, “Y/n is absolutely gorgeous, isn’t she Romanoff?”
   Her jaw clenches at his tone, but she does in fact follow his gaze over to you. A warmth bubbles in her chest when she sees you, she's missed you these past few days. Unfortunately she's not able to appreciate you long as McKinnon still has more to say.
   “And to think she's still unmated. Means I still have a chance, I am afterall a worthy and untainted Alpha, unlike you. How red is your ledger exactly?”
   She's taken aback by his statement, not only because he's never once said anything about you indicating his attraction but also because no one has ever been so forward with her, essentially challenging her in her affections for you. But what really sets her off isn’t his dig at her past, it's how his gaze glues itself to your ass 
   Yelenas eyes suddenly meet hers and she realizes that she doesnt think like he does, meaning she really could be the Alpha for you, even if she doesn’t have a clue on what she's doing. She sees you, all of you, and she enjoys it all. That has to make her worthy, right? 
   “Listen here McKinnon” she growls, pointing a finger deep into his chest muscles, “If you put even half as much effort into your training as you did making me mad, you’d already be a level four agent.”
   His eyes widen slightly as she takes a very protective tone and he instinctively takes a step back from her. It does no good, as she simply steps forward, smirking at the way his knees nearly buckle as her angry scent surrounds him
   “A word for the wise, agent. It's not very smart to piss off someone that has both the clearence and the skill to make you disappear without a trace” she growls, roughly shoving him before turning on her heels
   She starts making her way over to you and her sister then, hopeful that her confidence from putting him in his place won’t fade as you're sure to make her stumble. Yelena had seen everything as she kept you busy with conversation and she gives the older Russian a knowing smirk as she approaches. .
   You notice her before she's even beside you, her scent is strong today. Much stronger than usual. It makes your knees wobble and your hands sweat. And the way her muscles all flex when she greets her sister with a side hug has your mouth going very dry. Both of which are things you're not accustomed to dealing with when it comes to the Alpha.
   “Hey Y/n” she greets, her normally shy smile replaced with a natural one that has butterflies erupting in your stomach as your heart races
   “Hi Natty” You greet in return, wrapping your arms around her for your usual hug
   There's the smallest amount of irritation and discomfort lingering in her scent, something you can really only notice when you're this close to her. Subconsciously your instincts take over and you end up scenting her to help ease her. Though you don’t notice you’d done this, she does, and it thrills her. In response to this her grip on your hips tightens, almost possessively so as her eyes bore into McKinnon's who is off sulking behind you. And the longer you stay in her embrace, the hazier your mind becomes.
   Eventually you both break apart and Nat is sure to puff her chest out to McKinnon to further deflate his ego. Watching her show off to the younger Alpha while her scent swirls around you has arousal pooling in your belly as your mind wanders to all the things you’d want Natasha to do to you, and with wide eyes you finally realize what's going on. Your heat has been triggered.
   It had already been closely approaching, but you thought you could handle yourself around Natasha, like you had in the past. Apparently your exhaustion from the past few days was enough to lower you to the edge, and with your need for the Alpha her scent had been enough to throw you over head first. And you absolutely cannot be out in the open for this
  “Well, it was nice you Yelena…Natty, I’ll uh, I’ll text you!” you rush out before quickly fleeing
   Nats' confused reply dies on her tongue as your scent hits her and Yelena like a truck. Her brows furrow when she picks up on how different it is. It lingers in the air longer than it normally would and it's sweeter too. Did that have something to do with why you’d taken off like that? It had to, because why would you come all the way to SHIELD only to leave without even having a conversation with her…were you hurt? Sick maybe? She wasn’t sure, but she knew she had to find out.
   “Somethings up with Y/n. I need to make sure she's ok.” the Alpha stresses, not wanting to just abandon her sister but needing her to understand
    “Go. Check on your Omega” she tells the older woman
    “She's not mine” Nat hisses, her cheeks once again turning pink as she turns to practically bolt off to the locker room
   A knowing smirk spreads across the blondes face and she mutters a quiet, “Not yet anyway”
   The redhead quickly gathers her belongings and heads for the garage, hardly even noticing how she manages to shoulder check McKinnon on the way out. She hops on her motorcycle, revs the engine and speeds back to the compound. By the time she gets there she's too worried to wait for the elevator, and opts to take the stairs instead. She takes them two at a time, hardly even huffing as she exerts herself.
   Finally she makes it to the main floor for the Avengers, and she tries her best to not just burst through the stairwell door. She takes a deep breath to calm her racing heart and her nerves before opening the door and walking in. She makes her way through the entryway and living areas without bumping into anyone, but unfortunately that comes to an end once she reaches the kitchen.
  “Hey Romanoff” Steve calls out, beckoning her to come closer for a conversation. Her muscles tense in irritation at his poorly timed request but since he is head Alpha, she relents. 
   As he begins to drone on about whatever it was Fury said she finds her mind checking out of the conversation. She can feel her frustration bubbling under her skin, he's keeping her from you. It's not intentional, she knows that. But she also knows that something is going on with you, and she doesn’t like not knowing if you're alright.
   In your room you squirm in your nest, a futile attempt to get comfortable as a layer of sweat starts to cover your body and you let out a pitiful whine when your core throbs painfully. Trying to comfort yourself you bring your shirt up and inhale deeply, letting the lingering scent of the sweaty Alpha you hugged earlier seep into you.
   Unfortunately this does the opposite to help you. You can feel your slick dripping down your thighs as your entire being aches for the redheaded Russian and despite knowing she very well may be oblivious to your current plight, you can’t stop yourself from reaching out.
   The Alphas phone dings suddenly and she manages to check it while Steve continues to ramble. What she sees, makes her heart race and her worry grow
    I need you. Please
   “Steve” she stresses, “I’ve gotta go”
   “Now wait just a minute” he tells her, grabbing her arm as she attempts to turn away
    She immediately turns to him, letting a growl slip past her lips. Surprised, the older Alpha lets her go and backs down against this challenge. He knows she wouldn’t brush him off without a reason if it wasn’t something important. She nods in thanks before running off down the hall that leads to everyone's quarters. When she arrives at your door she's too anxious to knock, instead she rushes in, only realizing that may have been a bad idea once the door shuts behind her and she finds herself within arms reach of your nest. 
   “Oh fuck” she exclaims, her mind already going hazy as your scent envelopes her, and her cock eagerly twitches, “You…you're in heat”
   You whimper, confirming this as you lock eyes with her, “Natty, need you so badly”
   Her mind races, at your declaration. She wants to believe you mean this so she can care for you and claim you as her own. But between how naturally needy heat can make an Omega and with how her Red Room training affects her Alpha instincts so much, she has her worries.
   “I-  you…you don’t know what you're saying right now” she stutters as she subconsciously takes a few steps closer to you
   “Baby, no, please. I want you so bad.” you whine, grabbing her hand, “I've always wanted you. Please Alpha, let me show you"
   The way you're looking at her has all hesitation fleeing her, unfortunately the nervousness didn't follow, "I uh…o-okay"
   "Yeah?" You question, pulling her closer to you as you sit up
   She nods, "Go ahead Omega. Show me"
   Your heart hammers at hearing her say it and you practically launch yourself into her arms to capture her lips in a searing kiss. Her arms wrap tightly around you, holding you protectively as you take her breath away. Unsure if it's the intensity of your scent or the lack of air that's causing her dizziness she breaks away.
  “That was…wow” she stutters, a large dopey grin spreading across her face 
   You return the grin before nuzzling into her neck, breathing in her strong scent. Her hands gently rub your back and a soft purr escapes you as you bask in her presence. You've longed to have her this close and judging by the way her hold on you tightens, she's longed for it too.
   Eventually you back out of her grasp, but still hold onto her hand and you begin to lead her over to your bed. She follows, her hand in yours as you lead her to the bed, and you gently press your lips against hers once more.
  "This all because of me baby?" You hum, your hand softly cupping her bulge
   "Yes" she whimpers, pushing her hips further into you, "Your scent drives me crazy…"
  "Yours drives me crazy too" you admit, placing a gentle kiss against her scent gland as your hands begin to pull at the bottom of her shirt
   She eagerly lifts her arms for you, allowing you to practically rip it off her before tossing it to the floor, her bra quickly joining it. Gently you press your hands against her shoulders to get her to sit. She does so, shifting around in an attempt to get comfortable as her hard cock strains against its confines. 
   Your hands travel to her waistband then and she lifts her hips allowing you to pull her pants and boxers down and she lets out a sigh of relief as her clothes pool around her ankles.
   Your mouth waters as you watch her cock rise to almost meet her toned abs, and you give her a smirk before letting one of your hands begin to slowly jerk her off. She groans, letting her head fall back slightly as you pleasure her and you watch a drop of her precum drip onto your thumb. It takes everything in her not to whine as she feels you let go, but her pupils blow wide as she watches you lick your thumb, tasting her essence. 
   “You taste better than I imagined” you purr, watching the way she blushes
   “You- you imagined tasting me?” she asks, her hopeful tone sending a warmth through you
You smile at her, “Of course I did, I imagined everything with you Natty. I told you, I’ve always wanted you”
   You kneel before her and lick your lips before taking her tip in your mouth, causing her hips to buck slightly. She gives you an apologetic look but you don't really mind as it allowed even more of her cock to enter your mouth and you quickly make her expression turn to bliss as you begin to bob your head up and down, taking what you could of her down your throat.
   She brings one of her hands to your head, tangling her fingers in your hair in an effort guide you, “Come on detka(baby), open wider for me….oh fuck, just like that”
   She guides the rest of her cock into your mouth with ease, letting herself enjoy its warmth as her eyes begin to roll back. Not used to something so big you gag a bit and the Alphas eyes immediately shoot open as she stares down at you with concern. It warms your heart to see her be so attentive to even the slightest of changes with you, but to ease her worries you let your hands rest on her bare thighs as you continue your actions.
   After a few more minutes you can feel the way her muscles tighten beneath your grip as well as hear the way her breathing picks up. Intent on pleasing your soon to be Alpha you double down on your efforts and are rewarded with a guttural moan from her as her fingers tighten in your hair
   “Y/n, I’m gonna….gonna cum” You hum around her cock in an effort to tell her it was ok, and she gets the idea, spilling her seed down your throat 
   After swallowing every drop you release her still hard cock with a ‘pop’ and happily smile at her as you stand. Without any warning she grabs you by the hips and pulls you into a kiss. It’s full of her passion for you, and you have no objections as she begins to remove your bra. It lands on the floor somewhere, and your underwear do too.
         Your hands find purchase on her shoulders before you swing your leg over hers as you straddle her lap. She can feel the heat of your core above her and her cock throbs as a bit of your slick drips down on her. You look her in the eyes as you slowly lower yourself, your hips softly swaying as you do, and her hands grip your waist tightly as you let out a moan.
    “You're so big” you whimper, taking a moment to adjust to her size
    She nuzzles against your neck to distract herself from the urge to wildly begin trusting up into you and begins to kiss and suck your soft skin. You take that as your queue to continue sinking down on her lap and you both let out a moan as your hips meet hers, letting her be fully buried inside you
  “Fuck, Y/n” she moans as you begin to bounce on her lap, “You're so warm around my cock detka(baby)”
  She begins to kiss and suck the soft skin around your neck, trailing her mouth down to your supple breasts until she can take one of your nipples into your mouth. You arch yourself further into her, wrapping your arms around her neck and burying your hands in her red locks and another moan slips past your lips as she hits that perfect spot inside you
   Hearing her title fall from your lips while she's sheathed inside you does something to the Russian. It's like it unlocks all her hidden and buried instincts and brings them to the surface, and now there's no holding her back from her desires
   Suddenly and without warning  you're on your back on the mattress with Natasha hovering above you, her hips moving almost frantically as she pounds into your soaked cunt. Your nails dig into her shoulder blades and your legs wrap around her hips as you try to keep her as close as possible and the sounds you're making spur her on even more
   “Ooh, Natty!” you cry out, clutching at her as you quickly feel your orgasm approaching
   “You sound so pretty for me detka(baby)” she grunts, bringing her forehead to rest against yours, “On;y for me, right?”
   “Yes!” you answer, nodding as best you can, “Only want you Natty”
   She croons at your answer and nuzzles against your neck once more. You nuzzle against her as well, letting her scent overwhelm you and your mouth waters as you eye her scent gland. Without even thinking you give into the urge, sinking your teeth into her skin
   She moans as she feels you mark her, and her knot begins to form. You feel it too and just as it slips inside you, you strike. She moans as your teeth bite into her scent gland, her cum filling you as she locks into place and she's brought back to her senses by your gentle purr
   “All mine Alpha. Just as you should be”
   She hums in agreement before eyeing your scent gland and she takes the opportunity to sink her teeth into you then, causing you moan as you feel her teeth break through your skin. 
   When she pulls away she lovingly cups your face, her eyes glistening as she looks at you, “My beautiful Omega”
   You watch as a few tears spill down her cheeks, her other emotions finally catching up with her. A loving Omega that wants her, despite her abnormal Alpha behaviors and harsh past is something she never thought she’d be able to have. She never even hoped for it really, not until she met you. So now, having you claim her as your own is a dream come true
   You bring your hands to cup her face, letting your thumbs brush away her tears, “I love you Natty”
   “I love you too, Y/n” she admits, smiling at you, “So much. I just never knew what to say, or what to do”
   You smile back at her, “I know baby, and that's ok. We have each other now and that's all that matters.”
   She nods and lets her forehead rest against yours once more, “I’m going to do everything I can to make sure I take care of you properly, my Omega. I promise”
   “You already do Alpha. You have nothing to worry about.”
Taglist: @wandaromamoff69 @mmmmokdok @nataliasknife @natashasilverfox @when-wolves-howl @danveration @naomi-m3ndez @sheneonromanoff @sayah13 @likefirenrain @nighttime-dreaming @readings-stuff @chaoticevilbakugo @crystalstark02 @wackymcstupid @xchaiix @iaminluvwithnat @lovelyy-moonlight @blackwidow-3 @mistressofinsomnia @that-one-gay-mosquito @yomamagf @yourfavdummy @justarandomreaderxoxo @scoutlp23-blog @whoischanelle15 @lissaaaa145 @eline03 @wizardofstories @imthenatynat @marvelonmymind @fluffyblanketgecko @bitch-616 @dakotastormm  @zoomdeathknight @rayeofmoonlight ​
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sa10mb0n3z · 2 months
Hello!! This is my first time submitting an ask/request so I hope I'm doing this right :']
May I request smut Vampire!Sebastian x Trans!Reader? Like- Just needy vampire Sebastian with his beloved transmale reader ajnsiajaialspkcjdiaislnc
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Hell Knows No Heaven, Because They Do
Not Have You.
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Summary: Poor farmer has been in a rut lately. His spouse has been going out at night more than usual. He doesn’t come home until the break of dawn and then subsequently sleeps all day. Worried that he’s cheating, farmer goes out at night and follows his lover into the mines. Things don’t go as planned.
Contains: mentions of blood, sharp objects and of course smut. Transmasc farmer has afab anatomy but has top and bottom surgery. Body worship, some references to heaven and religious worship. Super gay. Vampire Seb is incredibly needy.
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You and Sebastian have been dating for a while now. Nothing too crazy has happened yet, besides some adorable little dates like the one time he drove you across the valley at night and to the docks where Sam and Abigail had set up a romantic, gothic style picnic for you both to enjoy. You could tell that Elliott helped with the candles and black rose petals, but you still enjoyed it. One thing you didn’t enjoy, however, was his tendency to go out at night and sleep all day.
At first you thought it was a common sign of depression and even tried to talk to him about his unhealthy lifestyle, but once the talk was over all you got was a ‘I’ll try to keep that in mind.’ Which, for his credit, did keep him up for a good while. You did notice however, he seemed a lot more tired than usual when he was up in the day, but you chalked it up to his body not being used to a normal schedule.
But lately in the past week or so he’s been distant. He hasn’t been at his house, you have Maru to thank for telling you that, and he certainly wasn’t at the farm house. So where was he? You missed your partner. Missed his pretty black hair and pale skin. You wanted him over more, especially when the days work got to be too much and you needed a quick release.
But tonight was different, you were walking through the mines, desperately trying to get some amethyst for Clint and his piss poor attempts to snag Emily when you heard a low rumbling sound for a cavern you had yet to explore. Grabbing your sword you ready for attack, and venture inside.
A large black mass hovers on a ledge, its body upside down and groveling with a thick, deep growl that hung in the air like black paint. It hisses and you realize it’s a incredibly large bat, figure larger than anything you’ve ever seen before, and when it opened its eyes they looked to vaguely familiar that you couldn’t help but lower your guard. Which was your biggest mistake.
Within an instant you were on your back, legs in the air and all the air in your lungs was gone. You groaned and realized that your sword was gone and you couldn’t get the creature off of you. You expected a slow and painful death, to have your ravaged body or whatever was left of it found by Marlon or Linus, but instead a whimpering sound filled your ears and the creature was shapeshifting into…Sebastian? You gasped as he licked your neck and you immediately pull back.
“Seb, what the hell, Is this where you’ve been all this time?”
He whimpers and you finally notice the hard-on in his skinny jeans. You prop yourself up on your elbows and immediately hold your head, trying to process what the fuck is happening.
“My darling,” Be begins, voice somehow much lower but high with need at the same time. He begins to explain why he’s been down here, that he was a vampire and nobody besides his mother and Mary knew. He would never tell Demetrius. You nod in understanding at that part. What gets you, however is when he explains that his mating cycle had started and how he didn’t want to hurt you on accident. You smile and shake your head, holding your lovers face. ‘You could never hurt me” You state, smiling. Sebastian smiled and kissed your lips.
“I’m sorry I scared you so much, baby.” He states running hot kisses down your neck. You smirk and slowly start to spread your legs a little more. “In the mines?” He gasps and you think for a moment. Better now, you’re lucky a skeleton or slime hadn’t gotten to you yet and should take the luck you’ve got know and leave.
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Thats how you got here, on the bed of your farm house with Sebastian between your legs. He smirking at your blushing face as he gently pulls off your shirt, revealing your top surgery scars. He traces a long claw across your scar and slowly leans down to kiss your nipple. He slowly traces the beautiful nub and pinches the other as you whimper and sigh and beneath him. You squirm and as as pulls back to remove your jeans you feel a dripping at your core. Sebastian goes impatient and rips through both your jeans and boxers, and with no hesitation shoves his tongue inside you.
You whine and gasps, feeling him hit your clit with a forked tongue. He licks between the folds and keeps you pinned down with his strength. Teasing your cunt, he slowly presses a finger inside as he eats you out. Sebastian looks up at your blushing face as you groans above him, and despite his damned ways as a creature of the night; he feels his tethered soul rise as the holy feeling of you around him makes him believe that the same god who damned him, blessed the world with your holy figure.
Your scars were like two perfect symbols that any man would praise if given the chance. Perfect. You were perfect and as he added a second figure and watched your body shake with desire, he knew that he had a found a heaven worth prasing. He grabs your thighs and immediately put them on his shoulder as he went deeper inside, tongue so deep you could see a bulge within your stomach.
And as soon as it starts he’s out, licking his dripping fingers as he as he looms over your twitching form. An evil look in his eyes as he strip’s himself and pounces on you. You immediately feel his grip on your thighs once more as he positions himself with your cunt. Shoving inside you, he immediately starts to move back and forth while watching you become jello. You scream and moans scratch as his back as he destroys you. He sits you up so that you’re sitting on his lap and pummels deep inside you. You whine and gasp, screaming his name as you feel him twitch inside and soon enough you’re coming on his cock and he continues to destroy you. After three more hard thrusts he comes inside as you twitch from overstimulation.
“Hah…I hope you’re satisfied baby…” You states a blushing, fucked out mess.
‘We’re not finished…” He states, a dark tone in his voice. You’re in for a long night.
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Fanfic and title belong to Mosquake.
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lavylu · 1 year
A request where tony stark has a shy gf reader (who has a power of water) who got affected by a sex pollen. shy gf reader wants tony to really take her virginity and cure her sex pollen
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I changed the reader to Tony’s fiancée instead of gf.
1.3k words
Your heart rate was increasing and you didn’t know why. Everything was going according to plan, after all you had successfully found the location of the files you needed to retrieve.
Some hydra scientist had information in their new projects and SHIELD had asked you to investigate. Slipping into their compound was easy enough so you were on edge. Things were just too easy.
You crept through the dark hallway pearling into rooms to make sure no one was following. You clutched the hard drive into your hand leaving a slight mark. Eventually you found the room with their master computer.
You slipped inside and carefully entered the hard drive. After doing some light waiting you took the hard drive and stuffed it into your pocket. Thanks to SHIELD experts you didn’t have to worry about hacking into the system.
You made your way out back to the hallway and tried to slip out. Unfortunately you heard footsteps coming around the corner. You ran into the first room you came across and quickly shut the door.
You let out a sigh of relief as you heard the footsteps fade away. Your hand went to open the door but your body froze. You smelled something simply wonderful and felt your head become fuzzy.
You turned around and saw the most beautiful flower imaginable. It was about a foot high and had a huge blossom on top. Gold pollen seemed to float off of it and you saw some stick to your hands. Each place the pollen touched you felt warmth. Your body started to flush as you saw your skin become rosy with a glow. Your eyes started to feel heavy as you felt your knees start to buckle.
You had to get out.
You quickly dialed Clint as you made your way out of the building to the roof. He saw you stumble around and had a concerned look in his eyes. As soon as you got inside the plane he had you lay down and you quickly fell asleep.
When you woke up you were laying in yours and Tony’s bed. He looked down at you concerned and you suddenly became self conscious over now much sweat was gathering on your back.
“Baby, are you okay?”
You went to nod your head but then something changed inside you. You felt a huge wave of arousal fall down your body to your core. And suddenly you felt super wet. Your nipples hardened as you looked at your fiancé.
“Are you sure because Bruce did some test and it seems you’ve gotten some sex pollen in your system.”
You shrugged as you traced a hand around your breast giving a tight squeeze. You moaned and licked your lips.
Tony looked at you with confusion as you pushed your blanket off and crawled on over to him. You bit your lip as crawled onto his lap. You pushed him onto his back and grinded your hips down into his. Tony let out a moan as he threw his head back. He loved when you got feisty but usually you stopped at just making out. Instead you went to pull your shirt off and your breast fell forward.
Tony saw your nipples through your bralette and he felt himself stir downstairs. He pushed you away briefly, “baby I don’t want you to do anything you’ll regret.”
You quickly silenced him with a kiss, “Baby, I’ve been wanting this for a long time. I think the increased libido has just given me the courage to pursue it before the wedding.”
Tony nodded slowly as you slowly undid your bralette letting it fall to the bed. Tony’s eyes widened with surprise. He smiled big as he looked you up and down.
“Tony, I’ve wanted this for so long, but you know I don’t have any experience. I didn’t want you to be disappointed and leave me.” Your voice quieted at the end as you stopped your hips from moving. Tony just looked up at you and brought your head down to his and gave you a steamy kiss.
He pushed his tongue into your mouth. He made contact with your tongue and threaded his hands into your hair. He pulled away and flipped you over so you were on your back. You let out a soft groan as Tony trailed kisses down your neck.
“Darling, I love you so much. You never have to worry about your experience. I love you.” Between each word he placed a kiss on your body.
He moved to your breasts and sucked lightly on the flesh. He bit lightly making you squeal. He smirked against your skin as he moved to your nipples. He sucked one into his mouth as you moaned. He grazed his teeth over it before swirling his tongue. His other hand met your other nipple as he pinched it in his hand.
Your core started to throb as Tony continued to play with your breast. He switched to sucking your other nipple. His other hand playing with your wet tit.
You squirmed under him as a warm sensation built up in your stomach. Your core pulsed as you threw your head back. Your eyes rolled back as you felt your orgasm come over you. You moaned loudly making Tony chuckle.
“I told you I’d take care of you. Let it all out, enjoy yourself.”
He smirked as he went to remove your pants. In one swift motion your entire body was bare. He looked up at you as you nodded. He smiled as he pressed a kiss to your wet core. He licked up your juices as you squirmed underneath him. Your hands met his hair pulling his face closer to your pussy.
Tony smirked against the lips of your pussy as he swiped his nose against your puffy clit. He thrusted his tongue deep inside your eager hole as his hand made figure eights on your sensitive bud. Another orgasm was fast approaching as Tony continued to lap up your juices.
You screamed out in ecstasy as Tony stood up to remove his boxers. His cock sprang free and his entire tip looked painfully swollen.
Tony stroked himself a few times before reaching for a condom. You went to go sit on your knees and went to grab his length but Tony tutted. He rolled the condom onto his dick as he spit into his hand.
He stroked himself a few more times and motioned for you to lay on your back. You obliged as Tony lined up with your entrance.
“As much as I would like for you to suck me off, that’s as activity for another time.”
You went to nod but your motions freezes when Tony pushed into your swollen pussy. Your toes curled as he took care of you.
He thrusted sloppily as you moaned. Your hands scratched down Tony’s back edging him on either further. He quickened his pace as he leaned forward to kiss you. His tongue swirled around in your mouth as his dick reached the spongy spot inside you.
You went numb under him as felt your third orgasm approach. Tony continued kiss you. He continued to thrust into you as he started to go even deeper into your insides.
You screamed out in ecstasy as you fell limp under Tony. He pulled out of you, his face covered in sweat. He peeled the condom off and you saw he was still rock hard.
You came down from your high as you cocked your head to the side. Tony smirked as he motioned for you to kneel in front of him. He stroked himself as he pressed an open mouth kiss to your tits. He pulled away as he ejaculated on your tits.
You moaned as your hands went up to gather his cum on your fingers. You stuck your fingers in your mouth and moaned contently as you fell back on your back.
“Tony, I love you.”
He just chuckled “I love you too darling. Now get some sleep. Well wait till the pollen wears all the way off.”
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Black Widow Curse
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Summary: The last thing Yelena expected was to see someone at her sister's grave and got them caught in her web.
Warning: MINIORS DO NOT INTERACT. 18+, mention of Natasha's death, fighting, mention of past abuse, injuries, dubious consent (Yelena is drunk), sex (not in a lot of detail), angst, unhappy ending, toxic relationship, everyone is hurt and no one is okay
Word Count: 3.5k
When Yelena stepped out of her truck, she wasn’t expecting to see someone at her sister’s headstone. She was positive that no one knew where it was. With her hand on her gun, she approached the mysterious figure. Maybe they weren’t a threat, but after the past few failed assignments, she wasn’t sure who was a friend or an enemy. Suddenly, a blur of white and brown fur ran to the stranger. Her dog traitor began to lick your face, and your laughter began filling the quiet area. “You know,” you said. “I believe dogs can sense someone with good intentions,” you turned around to face her, but your hand still ran through Fanny’s fur. “So I’d appreciate it if you took your hand off your gun.”
Yelena kept it there and took in your features. You were younger than her, but not by much. Your clothes were baggy, slipping off your frame. Yelena could see tattoos that covered your arms. They seemed random, black swirls that decorated your skin. “Who are you?”
“I think I should be asking you that,” you dropped your hand. Fanny whined but walked back to her owner. “Wait,” your eyes narrowed at her, and you stood up from Natasha’s grave. “Your Yelena, Nat’s sister.” Knowing her name did not help your case, in the Blonde’s opinion. She took a step back.
“Who are you? I won’t ask again.” It took you a moment to respond, stunned by her sudden appearance.
“I was an Avenger with your sister,” you said. “We were friends.” Yelena hated that word. Avenger. It held much power and acted as a shield to hide behind and not face the past. Once again, she was face to face with someone who had more time with her sister. “Look, I heard about what happened with Clint,” you took another step forward. This time, Yelena removed her gun and pointed it at you. “Are you going to shoot me?” Yelena shrugged. “Why?”
Yelena wasn’t sure if she could give you a good answer, but did she need one? She was trained to kill and accept orders without a second thought. “Feels right,” she undid the safety. “I have nothing better to do.” You dared to laugh. That pissed her off. It seemed every day, the only emotion she felt was anger.
“You can’t kill me,” you simply said.
“Is that a challenge?” You smiled.
“Merely stating a fact,” you turned to face Natasha’s grave, kissed your fingers, and placed it on the stone. “It was nice to meet you, Yelena. I hope we meet again as friends.”
It happened rather suddenly. Intense cold washed over her, and her vision darkened. It felt similar to when she was blipped. As quickly as it happened, her warmth returned, and her vision came back.
She was standing alone. Fanny ran over to the spot you were standing in. The Akita circled something on the ground before lying down next to it. Yelena put her gun away and walked over to it. On the ground was a ripped photo strip with a girl with blue hair and another one with Blonde hair.
You hated parties. Even when you were with the Avengers, you loathed everyone that Tony threw. Full of fake politicians who did not care about the people they represented. You hated the stuffy outfits. Now, you stood in a rented suit at another party, not as a guest. The guest of honor, Hunter Sykes, hired you as private security. It was easy money, and you had rent and groceries to pay for.
So when Mr. Sykes led a beautiful woman back to his hotel room, you followed through the shadows. It was how you saw Yelena first, dressed in a red cocktail dress. She watched what floor the elevator stopped at and took the stairs to the 5th floor. Before she could exit the staircase, you pushed her up against the wall and emerged from the shadows. “Well, we meet again,” Relaxation washed over the Blonde. Before you could ask what her plan was, she pushed you on the chest, and you stumbled backward. It startled you, blinked a few times, and chased after her. A deja vu moment washed over you. Instead of chasing Yelena down a hallway, you were running after Natasha in a warehouse. The elder Black Widow got the best of you. Yelena wasn’t, but you wanted to play fairly. You kept your powers at bay even when they danced on your fingers. With a burst of speed, you caught up with her and grabbed her wrist. You ducked at the punch, but she was able to kick at you. You jumped back. The space allowed her to grab a knife on her thigh.
You wished Natasha could see this, and you wondered who she thought would win. The two sisters shared similarities, which made sense given their similar training. However, there was a slight difference. Natasha found fluidity in how she fought, as if there wasn’t a weight on top of her. Yelena was stiff. She was fighting to win, and you felt it in the punch to the side of your head.
“You are good,” you said, shaking the stars out of your vision. The Blonde rolled her eyes. “What? Am I not getting a compliment?”
“You are annoying,” she deadpanned. You would take it. Even though she was Natasha’s sister, you had a job to do, and she wasn’t going near Mr. Sykes. The fighting continued. You managed to get the knife out of her hand and threw it in the wall. You landed a powerful kick to her chest, she stumbled backward and then hit the window behind her. The glass creaked. Yelena shook her head to regain her footing, but you refused to give her time to recover. You sprinted towards her and pushed on her chest. The impact sent you both out the weakened window. You grabbed the ledge and ignored Yelena’s shout as she fell.
The sudden commotion caused Mr. Sykes to exit his hotel room. You pulled yourself up, removed the glass from your hair, and approached him. You hoped Yelena was okay.
“Fucking hell,” you mumbled and pulled out a frozen bag of peas. You slumped down on the couch with your ice pack against your head. After you pushed Yelena out of the window, you got Mr. Sykes out of the hotel with his regular security detail. If Yelena tried to kill him again, it was out of your hands. He paid you. The job was done; now it was time to rest and recover. You were pretty sure Yelena could punch harder than Natasha. The memory of your friend still hurts even though it was coming on two years after her death.
Taking off the peas, you grabbed the only photo in your apartment. It was of you and Natasha a few months after she and Steve broke you out of the RAFT. You and the Black Widow were curled up on the couch in a random safe house in Europe while a James Bond movie was playing on the TV. That night, she told you all about Yelena and the mission in Ohio. Steve sent you the picture of your new burner phone when you left them.
You weren’t angry at Natasha. When half of the population was blipped away, you were part of it. You could have stopped her if you were there, but Clint was right. Natasha was stubborn. Once her mind was made up, no one would stop her. Still, it was unfair. The birds were still singing, and the leaves would change. You weren’t angry at her. She was the greatest thing you’ve lost.
“For an Avenger, it was very easy to break in here,” you laughed as Yelena climbed through your fire escape window and sat beside you. At least she had the decency to close the window behind her.
“Are you here to kill me?” She shook your head and took the frozen vegetable.
“I would have killed you before I entered the apartment,” Fair enough. She placed the peas on the back of her neck. “That fight was so long. Do you have food?” You chuckled and stood up, wincing at the slight pain in your joints.
“I was about to order Chinese. Do you want some?” Yelena nodded. You walked to your fridge and took the menu off the side. Before you walked back to her, you saw the Blonde pick up the photo frame. She looked it over and put it back down. “Figure out what you want,” you handed her the menu. “I’m going to shower.” She looked at you and blinked a few times.
“You are going to leave me alone in your home.” Home was a strong word to describe this place. It was a place to keep food, shower, and sleep. You shrugged.
“As you said, if you wanted to kill me, you would have,” Maybe it was a little stupid to put your blind trust in someone you just threw out a window. But she was Natasha’s little sister. She had to be hurting as much as you were.
When you returned to your living room, Yelena was still in the same spot, except for the pea bag you assumed was back in the freezer. “What do you want?” Your question went unanswered. You weren’t sure if she heard you. Picking up the menu, you gently tapped her with it. That snapped her out of whatever fog her mind had created. “What do you want?” You asked again as if nothing happened.
“Fried rice and orange chicken,” you nodded and walked to the kitchen to order the food. You knew better to ask a Black Widow if they were okay. They ended up lying. Once the food was ordered, you rejoined Yelena on the couch with a few beers.
“Food should be here in 15 minutes,” you noticed the Blonde looking at you this time. Your shorts and simple T-shirt did not hide your tattoos. But she took a bear and slumped back.
“Your taste of beet is shit,” you opened your bottle and took a sip. It was shit.
“It was cheap. As you can see, I’m not rolling in the cash,” you gestured toward your apartment.
“Is Mr. Sykes not paying you well?” She asked.
“I don’t work for him. He hired me for that event because I was in the area,” you watched her nod out of the corner of her eye. “Did you kill him?”
“I wasn’t there to kill him,” your eyebrows shut up to your hairline in surprise. The Blonde chuckled. “I was hired to get the DNA from the woman he wanted to fuck. Job completed minus being thrown out the widow. That was good form.”
“I was trained by the best,” her face darkened slightly, but she recovered.
“By my sister?” She questioned. You knew this conversation was coming up. Sighing, you crossed your legs.
“Natasha was good, but I was trained before we met,” you smiled softly. This part of the story wasn’t bad. “I tried to kill her. I got a few hits in, but she threw me on my ass,” you managed to catch Yelena’s smile and let out a chuckle. You counted that as a small victory.
“Who trained you?” She asked. The doorbell rang, interrupting your story. You stood up, paid the delivery boy, and grabbed extra plates before you returned to the couch. You took your food and handed the bag to Yelena.
“I called him the Doctor,” you took a bite of your food. “Not sure what the endgame was before the Avengers killed him.”
“Where you born with-?” She gestured to the tattoos on your arms.
“Yup,” you popped the ‘p’. “It started with one on my shoulder, then grew and grew. I hated them at first, but they made me very popular with the ladies,” you wiggled your eyebrows at her. Again, she chuckled and smiled. It was a little louder than before—another victory. “Yelena,” you looked at her. “Why are you here?” She sighed.
“I had nowhere else to go.”
You weren’t sure how to describe this newly founded partnership between you and Yelena. She would end up at your apartment when she had nowhere else to go. Even if you weren’t there to greet her, you could come back to new food in your fridge and a freshly stocked first aid kit. When you managed to catch the Black Widow sneaking through your window, you would order takeout and watch whatever movie was on. She would never tell you that caused the gunshot wounds or bruises that you helped clean. The same was true for you. Yelena would grab the first aid kit and sit you down to clean your wounds.
There was an intimacy about it. An unspoken trust between you and her. Her hands were soft and warm against your skin as she patched a cut on your rib. Sometimes, you felt her fingers wander and trace the nearby tattoos. Similarly, you found yourself tracing faded scars. Goosebumps would form on her skin, and you would hear the slight hitch of her breath. You both would never call each other out. That was it. Slight touches, longing looks, two people lonely and desperate for something good. Nothing was acted on it. You could feel the tension every time she was in the room, but you were too afraid to scare her away.
It was strange to see the Blonde by your apartment door. Sometimes, you wondered if she knew you had a front door. “Did you forget how to climb through my window?” you teased, but your small jab was met with silence. That should have been your first clue that something was wrong. Sometimes, Yelena was quiet, but she always joked around with you.
You opened the door and held it open for her. She was quick to walk in, and when you closed the door, she leaned against the wood. Maybe if you weren’t exhausted and your mind wasn’t desperately calling for sleep, maybe if you recognized the month, it would have explained her behavior, but you missed all of it.
This was the first time you saw Yelena in about a month. You were busy with contracted work. You even answered the call when Sam asked for help. Then Carol. Then Strange. October blended into November, and now it was December. Again, it should have been a clue when she suddenly grabbed you by your shirt, pushed you against the door, and kissed you. The sound of your bag hitting the ground did not pull you apart. But the logical part of your brain needed to know what was going on. You placed your hands on her hips and flipped positions. “What,” you cleared your throat. “What are you doing?”
“Kissing you,” she said. “Do you not want me to?” God, you wanted her to keep going. For many nights, that thought of her lips on yours kept you up at night with an ache between your legs, but you needed her to say it.
“Do you want me to kiss you?” You asked. She nodded and moved her hands behind your neck.
“Please,” she pleaded. “I need you to make me feel good.” All of your life, you were strong. You survived this power that was given to you and lived through the abuse at the hands of your parents. Won over the Doctor and climbed through his ranks. Then joined the Avengers. But when it came to Black Widows, you were weak to them. You folded. You crumpled. You dropped to your knees and submitted to them. So you kissed her, ignoring the taste of alcohol on her lips and the bloodshot look in her green eyes. You ignored all of it to satisfy a loneliness deep inside you.
You moved your hands under her thighs and lifted her. Her ankles locked behind your back. Your lips stayed together as you moved to your bedroom and gently laid her down.
You made good on your promise. Each moan, gasp, and whine that left her lips filled a hunger deep inside you. You were on wire with your hand between her legs and lips on her skin, whispering praise after praise.
“So fucking beautiful,” you mumbled. Her nails dug into your skin, leaving half-moon indents that you would look at later to remind yourself that this happened. You were the one that brought her over to the edge over and over again. She was crying out your name. Your tongue was tasting how sweet she was. You were addicted to her body, memorizing every spot that made her tick.
You only stopped when Yelena pushed you away. Her green eyes were hidden behind her eyelids. A thin layer of sweat covered her body, and she was warm when she cuddled against you. You basked in the warmth because when you woke up in the morning, she was gone. The bed was cold.
A week passed when she appeared at your apartment again. Yelena pushed you down on the couch and got between your legs. She made you cum with your hand twisted in her blonde hair. This time, the Black Widow disappeared for five days. She climbed through your window, and you pushed her against the wall so hard you thought you had left an indent there. She stayed for two days, and you cursed every surface of your apartment.
As she lay on your chest, basking in the afterglow, you wanted more. You wanted more than sex. Sometimes, you thought about dates you would take her on. What would she wear to a dinner and a movie? Or maybe you could splurge on a Broadway show. Whenever you asked, she wouldn’t answer. Instead, she would kiss you deeply, climb onto your lap, and make you forget what you requested.
She wrapped you around her finger, pushing you away and then bringing you close. It was an emotional roller coaster. Inspired by Yelena, you disappeared. You bounced between jobs and couches for two months to put distance between you and the Blonde.
But you found yourself at Natasha’s grave. While you cleaned up the weeds and straightened up the gifts that people left, it felt unfair how this place was where you found peace. You found solace in the presence of another Black Widow while you escaped the other. “I miss you, Nat,” you sighed. “I wish you were here.”
You weren’t surprised that she found you. You heard Fanny run up behind you and wiggle her way onto your lap. Smiling, you ran your fingers through her fun. “You have not been home,” Yelena said. You smiled sadly at her as she sat down next to you.
“Hasn’t felt like home for a while,” you answered. It felt suffocating. Everything in your apartment reminded you of Yelena and her absence. It drove you mad.
“Because of me?” Your silence was enough of an answer for her. “I am sorry.”
That was the thing about Black Widows. For every aspect of their life, they were forced to be used, forced to kill, and forced to seduce. Black Widows were used to being used, so it made sense it was all they knew.
Natasha was the same way. From the moment you joined the team, she poured herself into you, every deep-seated trauma to the blood in her ledger. Every time she wanted to give up, you were there. You were the life persever when the waves forced her down and threatened to to drown her. But she was never there when you needed saving or someone to hold your head above the water. She closed the door on you. Then she would come back around, apologize, and swear it would never happen again. That if you needed her, she would be there. She never was. It was a cycle that you couldn’t escape from. Now, another Black Widow had you trapped.
“I am sorry,” she said again and grabbed her hand. “I will do better. Be better,” she promised. “Please. I miss you.”
Yelena was different from her sister. You never crossed that line with Natasha, giving her access to your mind, body, and soul. But you were weak, and you missed her too. You loved someone unable to return your feelings. “I missed you too,” you admitted. I’ll come home.” She smiled, and you fell in love with her more.
You wondered what you did in your past life to be trapped in the web of two different Black Widows. Yelena kissed your cheek, then softly kissed your lips. You missed the taste of her—her natural taste mixed with her strawberry lip balm. That was the alluring characteristic of Black Widows. They weaved their webs and waited until an unlucky intruder got trapped. Widows injected their victims with poison until they were unable to move. They feasted on the weak, and you were weak to them.
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darkwaveho · 10 months
Damage Control
Summary: You went through hell just to get this vacation, and everything has been going smooth but how long will it last?
Parings: Mob!Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Warnings: 18+, violence, fluff, jealousy, hurt -comfort, angst, drug use, alcohol use, bondage, edging, orgasm denial, Oral, fingering, overstimulation, scissoring, tribbing, psychotic le$beans <3
A/n: This shit is long asf lmaoo so if you don't have time to read it in one sitting I would probably wait until you do, buut that's just me idk? never again (unless on A03) anyway, I hope you guys like it and thank you guys for being patient with me. I know I promised this chapter like a year ago but I'm happy to finally post this and get it out of my dusty drafts folder.😂💜
Damage Control Masterlist
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During the whole vacation trip Natasha was insatiable, never letting you get an inch before her hands and lips were on you. she fucked you anywhere she could. That whole situation in the warehouse was a wakeup call for her and she would never take you for granted ever again.
“Tashh, enough.” you whine into the pillow she licks a long stripe up the center of your neck before she bites your skin. “That’s not what you said last night.” she drags her lips against your skin and drips her head down to lower each kiss further down your body. “In fact, I believe the words that came out of your mouth was ‘more, don’t stop, more." She mocks you with pride, smirking against your skin as she travels dangerously closer to your covered sex.
“Shut up.” you harshly yank her hair in retaliation. “Shut me up then.” she smirks after she bites your cheek in retaliation and tugs on your panties you move her hand away from the expensive lace. “I’m serious, I still need to get dressed. we both still need to get dressed” you correct yourself and huff beneath her. “We can stay in and go to the club another night.” you roll over on top of her as she was caught off guard. thinking she’s won you over she places her hands on your hips waiting for you to give her what she wants.
“We’re going.” you untangle her hands from your hips and walk into the bathroom to fully dress yourself. “You know you want to; I don’t even know why you’re denying it right now.”
“We’re not staying cooped up here in the penthouse tonight, Tash. we already missed our dinner reservations.”
“Well, whose fault is that? you’re wearing my favorite set. what’d you expect?”
“I expect you to have some self-control but we both know you don’t know what that is, don’t we?” you snap back at her not caring if you bruised her ego or hurt her for bringing the amber thing back up in her face. Okay you haven’t completely forgiven her; you still threw things up in her face any chance you got, and Natasha couldn’t do anything but sit there and take it. she sighs on the bed waiting for you to return from the bathroom.
She checks her phone for any updates on anything back home. nothing out of the ordinary, Yelena bugging her about when you’re coming back because she misses her bestie and Clint dealing with import deals. She also saw a couple of text messages from Melina. Once she saw the mention of his name on her screen, she shut the whole thing down completely. She needed to take her mind off of it. There was no way she was going out tonight, she wouldn’t be up to partying now.
“Why aren’t you dressed yet?” you stand in front of her on the bed hand placed on your hip annoyance present on your face. say lays there on the silk sheet in her button up blouse that she was too lazy to button up at the moment and no pants. she stands giving you a better view of the lace that pressed against her body. she nears you with hunger and an unwavering gaze. she was mesmerized. staring at you, admiring your beauty. there was also a look on her face that you know too well, something set her off and she needs a distraction, a way to release her emotions.
“Look at you baby, absolutely breathtaking.” she swiftly slides her hand under the tight dress running her hands against your soft skin. “Tash, no. I already said we were going.” you try to remain firm on your plans, she’s done this many times before to sway you into doing what she wanted.
“Please.” you groan from hearing her beg and she knows it’s a weakness of yours. you rarely ever heard her beg. after almost losing you forever she’s wanted nothing more than to keep you to herself in this penthouse. “I’ll make it up to you in the morning, sweet face. We can have our own party right here.” You stand firmly on your decision by unlinking her hands from around your waist. “No, I said we’re going, if you're not downstairs in 10 minutes I’ll just go by myself.” You grab your jacket and make your way to the door.
“You wouldn’t leave me.” She replies with confidence, maybe the old you wouldn’t have but the Amber situation brought things up in a new light you were tired of her shit. You had just as much if not equal power as she did; you were no longer going to let things slide so easily. “I guess you’ll find out in about…” You glance at your phone to view the time. “Seven minutes now.”
Natasha sighs heavily as you leave her alone in the penthouse. She really didn’t feel like going out and maybe she should’ve given you more details about why she had a change of heart but then that meant she had to talk about it. She also didn’t want to spend the remainder of the night alone, so she put the rest of her outfit together, but she didn't rush to finish. Ignoring the time frame, you set for her. She was deliberately ignoring the timeframe you set for her just to remind you of who was still in charge regardless of how sorry she was for her mistake. Natasha is the one calling the shots, at least that’s what she thinks.
She makes her way downstairs coming out of the building as the doorman holds the door open for her. She waits patiently still not seeing the driver's car. She calls you promptly and you let the phone ring on the first call just to be petty. Truth, is you left immediately after you made it downstairs. Telling the driver that you had a change of heart and that you were still going to the club. “Y/n, where are you?” She has to shout into the phone and now it away from her ear as the loud screams and music drum through her ear. “I’m at the club, duh. You took too long.” Natasha goes to yell at you for leaving her. You weren’t even sitting outside for no longer than ten minutes. Her lips part but remain in place as she hears the mentions of body shots. She hears your voice agreeing and cheering on the crowd. “Y/n I swear to god! We’ve been doing so well on vacation, don't do anything stupid to ruin it.”
“It's called having fun Natasha, you could be having fun with me and my new friends right now if you came downstairs in a timely matter.” The only words that seem to register in her head is “new friends” “Listen, very carefully I will leave bodies all throughout this city if I have to, don’t add more deaths to your consciousness.” If Natasha could see your face on the other end of the phone, she would have regretted saying those words to you. She knows how hard you tried staying away from actually getting your hands dirty, not only was Amber a contest reminder of infidelity but a constant reminder that no matter how hard you tried you still had the blood of a killer in you.
“Well, I guess I should tell you to have fun on your Gta rampage then. I’ll see you back at the penthouse.” just as you finish your response the drunken woman you've come really close to in a matter of minutes comes back with your drinks. The only thing Natasha can accurately make out is that it was your turn for body shots. If that meant you licking someone else's body or someone else licking your body, she didn’t know, and she didn't care. It shouldn't be happening. She doesn’t expect the growl to escape her throat as she yells into the phone again, but this level of disrespect was causing her to lose every inch of restraint she's been holding back on this entire trip.
“Bye Tash!” You end the call with a muffled laugh as the phone goes dead. Natasha fumes by the curb, the realization of the club music no longer playing on her phone. Your voice filled with excitement. You, having fun without her. Having fun with strangers. Would you be bold enough to get even with her after everything she's doing to show you how sorry she was? Natasha’s not going to stand here and think about scenarios like that. If this is the game you wanted to play, fine she down to play but she won't be holding herself accountable for what comes out of it. Natasha gathers her thoughts and calls a contact to pick her up. As she sits in the vehicle dangerously calm, and stone faced. The inner part of her is excited. Yes, excited to cause a bit of chaos. She’s been loving vacation time with you, but it wasn’t every day that she gets to go on a rampage. The other non-rational devil on her shoulder keeps repeating that you're pushing her to do this. You want her to act this way. You want to see innocent people die and get hurt. One thing Nat is always good for is making your wish come true.
Natasha swears she made it in record time telling her driver to run every red light that tried to slow her down. Her fast-paced steps hold a rhythm as she searches for you within the dark and crowded room. when she spots you by the bar preparing to lay on the counter the rage overloaded as she stomps her way over to you.
“Did you think that was fucking funny?” she adds more force behind the yanking of your neck. She practically drags you to the corner of the bar before a bystander approaches her for her aggressive actions. "Hey, leave her alone!” She naps her head around to face the person who dared speak to her and inserts herself in her relationship conflicts. “What the fuck did you just say to me?” The man doesn’t back down clearly not knowing who Natasha is and what her level of power was. “You heard what I said.” he reaches for you, thinking that you were actually in danger. You’re too buzzed to actually tell him that everything was okay. That and the fact that Natasha was jealous and angry had you wanting to see how things would play out.
Natasha lands a swift and impactful hit to his throat, crushing his air supply momentarily. As the man holds his neck in pain while coughing up a lung Natasha watches him still not satisfied with the damage. “Fuck!” The man cries out in pain. Always the observant one, Natasha picked up the abandoned glass off the bar and in one swift motion she lodged the shattered piece of glass into the man’s neck. Blood splatters out as the man's face raises in panic, he holds the wound on his neck for dear life desperately trying to keep all the blood from flowing out as much as possible. “You crazy bitch.”
The outburst caused a scene within the club, people yelling and screaming from the escalated fight that just occurred before their very eyes.
“What the hell is going on?” The woman's voice sounds louder than the music and the frantic screams in the club. Natasha turns her head with pinch brows as she recognizes the voice. “Long time no see.” she smirks to the woman and you stand there clueless looking back and forth between the two. “I should've known it was you Romanoff, what the hell are you doing wrecking my club?”
“Relax Sharon, it’s just a flesh wound he’ll be fine.” the blonde woman sighs and brushes it off, calling her worker over to clean up the mess. “Come on, let me show you to the VIP section.” Natasha quickly interjects Sharon’s offer.
“Oh that won't be necessary, we aren't staying anymore since this one wanted to get a rise out of me.” she clenches your forearm as she responds to Sharon, an obvious sign that you really made her mad tonight.
“Oh, come on, you can't come to madripoor unannounced, trash my club and then leave, have some class, Natasha. I mean unless you’re still working under Alexei and have no time for fun, or a social life then never mind.” Sharon pokes fun at her knowing she'd get her to stay at least for an hour by bringing up Alexei’s name. She turns away from you and Natasha and halts when Natasha's voice reaches her ears once more.
“We’ll stay for about an hour or so, my sweet face here already started partying without me.” she reminds you of what you did just to make you feel guilty. For making her lash out like that when this was supposed to be a relaxing time for the both of you to reconnect and just enjoy the sense of a normal relationship vacation trip.
“Ah so this is y/n? Had I known that you were in my establishment I would have treated you to a much more luxurious greeting.” Sharon grasps your hand with the utmost gentle care. “I’m Sharon Carter, nice to finally put a name to a face.” You rarely were involved with Natasha’s business. After what happened to your father you tried to block that part of your life out. So, it shocks you that Natasha would mention your name to someone you haven’t met before. “Sup Sharon.” You reply back to her and shake her hand that hasn’t left yours during this whole interaction. She accepts the greeting and releases your soft hand. Sharon turns to Natasha and motions with a tilted head nod for her to follow.
“So, I can count on you to spend a little more for that outburst you caused earlier?” Sharon speaks over the loud music as she leads you both to the top level of the club.
“Well, that depends.” Natasha shouts back and keeps you pinned to her side to make sure you don’t wander off causing more headaches for her.
“On what?” Sharon questions Natasha's response, only her focus was on you and your inebriated, loopy state. “If you keep making sly touches and glances at my girlfriend ” It takes Natasha to yank you by your clothes for Sharon to bring her attention back to Nat’s unamused glare. Sharon clears her throat and rolls her eyes. “Right, I forgot you’re not big on sharing.”
“Let’s hope you don’t forget that again, for your own sake.” Only Natasha could be this unfazed about making threats to Sharon in her own environment. The remainder of the walk was silent apart from the loud music and passing conversations.
“Let me know if you need anything.” Sharon showed you to the table right above the dance floor. Natasha sat down in the booth and drinks were brought to the table immediately. Natasha didn't say one word to you, she spoke about you as if you weren't sitting right next to her silently begging for her to acknowledge you, touch you, look at you or something.
You start thinking that maybe you went a little too far tonight, but then you remember that she had no right to act this way when she was the one who stepped out on you and this relationship. You throw back a vodka shot and stand from the booth. The sound of the glass firmly slamming against the table brought her attention to you, only this time you weren't really seeking for her anymore and she could sense that. The sudden movement of you standing has Natasha's grip on your wrist in an instant. “Where are you going?” Natasha's grip on your arm for the second time that night did not hold back on the amount of strength she used on you. "The restroom.” you reply back to her with gritted teeth and an annoyed attitude. She raises her eyebrow at the tone of your voice, maybe she’s been too soft with you. Let this be no mistake she was sorry for what she did, and she wanted to do anything to make it up to you, but she would never tolerate this level of disrespect, especially in a public setting. You know better.
The image she possessed was everything to Natasha, it always has been and it always will be. She releases you and turns back to her abandoned drink and lights a cigar. Silently telling you it was Okay to leave from the vip section. Sharon comes back to the vip section not expecting you to be absent. “Where’s your troublemaker?” She sits down across from Natasha casually fixing the cuffs of her suit jacket.
“What do you want, Carter?” Natasha takes the cigar out of her mouth as smoke fills the area. “Well, I wouldn’t be a businesswoman if I didn’t at least try to tempt you into something, now, would I?” Natasha doesn’t even hesitate with an answer. “No.” Sharon’s face drops from rejection and Natasha’s blunt but playful response. “Oh, c’mon you haven’t even heard me out yet.” Natasha looks Sharon over for a moment and thinks what warm could it do to at least hear the proposal. “Alright, fine but don’t waste my time.” Sharon smiles as she’s won Natasha over; she also knows the amount of money the two of them could make would have her set for life without any worry.
During that time of discussing business Natasha lost track of time and your absence. She searches the crowd from above until her eyes land on you, on the dance floor dancing but of course you're not alone why would you be when you look that good in a club filled past its maximum capacity. “Nice, catching up with you Sharon but we have to get going now.'' Natasha puts the cigar out and throws back her drink before slamming the glass down against the marble tabletop. The glass cracks from the brutal force but Sharon doesn’t complain about it, she could care less about a glass right now, her mind was too busy focused on her future financial luxury that would be coming her way.
You let the music take over as all the negative energy fades away from your body. You dance close with strangers, well one woman wasn’t really a stranger you met her in the restroom. After a few traded compliments you two have since then become best friends even if she doesn’t know your name. As your body grinds against others without a care in the world you're once again snatched up and pulled away from the dance floor. "Ouch!" You yell out in pain, but Natasha continues on her mission to exit the club with her hand firmly around the back of your neck.
“Get in the car.” she shoves you into the backseat. “Aww are you mad at me baby?” you inch toward her with a condescending pout on your face. You reach for her face to bring her closer, she dodges with ease. Setting her jaw and sticking to keeping her eyes on the window she wasn’t in the mood to play your game.
The moment you were about to cave in and apologize to her, the car door opened on your end, surprising you both. Natasha was seconds away from blowing a hole into the intruders head just because she’s away on vacation doesn’t mean she let her guard down. She was always aware and alert. The sound of the bullet never comes as she blinks away the utter disbelief that someone would be stupid enough to enter her vehicle. It’s the woman you were on the dance floor with.
“Omg I was looking all over for you! One minute we were drowning in vodka, sharing a blunt and then the next you were gone babe by.” She moves the hair from her eyes and leans a little closer to you. She was obviously more drunk than you, not even taking notice of the gun barrel that was aimed at her head. “Omg you found me!” You move away from Nat scooting closer to the other side of the seat.
“Of course, I did! Now why don’t we take this party back to your place, we can have more fun with just us.” her hands start to travel in places that only belonged to the fuming red head seated on the opposite side of you.
“Absolutely not!”
“Cmon Tash live a little, I don’t mind at all” The woman snorts thin white powder from her wrist, that seemed to get Natasha’s attention again but what comes after it has her considering cutting this trip short and ending her no kill rule for this trip. The woman plants her lips onto yours. Humming in delight and moaning in ecstasy. It was quick but calculated so much so that her tongue sneaked its way past your lips for the second time tonight.
Natasha had enough. There was a part of her that thought this through, thoughts of participating in a threesome, thoughts of letting you sleep with someone else for what she did to you, but she could never go through with it, she was selfish and a hypocrite.
Her apology would have to be enough because once again she’s not big on sharing and she’s definitely not big on sharing when it comes to you, she’s had many requests over the entirety of your relationship. All have been shot down over the request and some have literally been shot at for even proposing such a thing. “Get the fuck out!” Natasha shields you away from the drunken woman pulling you onto her lap and raising the gun to a better eye level. “Woah, hey! No need to get violent red. I was going to give you a taste next.” She raises her hands up in surrender. She furrows her eyes and does a seductive motion, slowly lifting her dress up to change Natasha’s mind. “Mm can we take her home Tash?” You bite your lip as you slowly wait for the drunken women to reveal more.
“Don’t move your hands any further unless you want me to chop them off! Now get out!” You can only giggle hysterically at the interaction between the two of them. Natasha smacks your ass to quiet your annoying drunken giggles and gives the woman one last chance to exit the vehicle before the entire back seat interior was covered with her brains. If she even had a brain. She understands the seriousness now or either she’s started to slowly sober up but she doesn’t say anything else as she exits the car finally. “Byee madissyn.” You slur your words as you watch her leave the vehicle. Natasha grabs your face harshly turning you around to face her, and for the first time tonight she looks deeply into your eyes and lifts your eyelids. “Did you fucking take something?” You giggle and mock her as a reply “dId yOu fuckin take something.”
“Relax, it’s nothing we haven’t done before.” Natasha doesn’t need you to go further she can tell by your dilated pupils and the way you can’t sit still in the leather seats. Ecstasy. She knows the signs partly because you’ve done it together a few times when you were younger. She can’t decide if she’s upset that you took it from a stranger or the fact that you took it without her.
“Are you out of your goddamn mind? You don’t even know her!” Natasha shoves you to the other side of the seat and instructs the driver to head back to the penthouse. You've made her mad, mission accomplished but at what cost?
Entering the penthouse Natasha goes straight to the bar by the window, taking her jacket off and tossing it on the bar stool. For some reason it annoys you, how could she be so upset and hurt when all you did was dance and participate in harmless body shot fun. Okay maybe it wasn’t as innocent as you made it out to be but the fact that she was being hypocritical right now only angered you more. “You’re upset about a dance, body shots, shotgunning some weed and some ecstasy pills?” She keeps her back turned towards you as she sips on her drink. You walk closer to her stumbling a bit when you near the bar.
“It was more than that and you know it, the whore even followed us out to the car and had the nerve to touch you! We didn’t discuss anything about bringing a strange whore into our bed!” She deeply inhales and exhales, closing her eyes to maintain her calm demeanor. “Get away from me y/n, I’m not in the mood to even look at you right now.”
“Aww did you not like her touching my body?”
”Y/n” she says in a warning tone, her face is stern but the way her lips pout in a cute way only makes you want to push further.. “Did you not like her lips grazing mine?”
“I’m warning you, watch what comes out of your mouth.” You challenge her, what could she possibly do when she vowed not to hit you in that way again? You brush off her warning threat and you can’t fully blame it on the drugs and the alcohol for what comes out of your mouth because truth be told it’s been on your mind since that day.
“I would hate to see the look on your face when I actually do decide to fuck someone else!” Her hand finds comfort around your throat, your back pressed against the wall as you struggle to breathe. Natasha doesn’t look like she’s letting go of you anytime soon. Being in this position was a sense of deja vu. Being back home in the bedroom after finding out about Natasha's true actions at Tony’s club, but this time it didn’t end with you receiving a slap to the face and a split lip.
“You don’t mean that.”
“Don’t tell me what I don’t m-“ your snappy response gets cut off when you feel the ripped fabric of your skirt. cold air exposing you and the wet spot of your fancy lingerie. “You think someone can fuck you better than me?”
“The way you’ve soaked your panties tells me otherwise, did you like making me mad? You like seeing me go crazy over you?” Your breathing picks up as she moves closer to you. Her lips ghosting over yours. Everything she said was true, you just wanted to be petty tonight, and give her a taste of what could happen if she ever stepped out on you again. There is always someone out there that would kill for a night with you.
“I asked you a question” she tightens her grip on your neck no doubt a bruise will be left when her hand finally retracts from your skin. You offer no reply back to your girlfriend, only smiling menacingly at her and placing your hand on top of hers adding more pressure to your restricted airway. A flash of excitement rushes through Natasha. You weren’t always like this, so willing to initiate certain kinks like airplay. “I know everything about you and your body, I know what sets you off, and I know I’m the only person that can make you cry out to god.” You don’t hide any sense of humility. Smugness plastered across your face. It’s not enough, you really want to push her.
“Unfortunately for you the same can’t be said for me.” You’ve pushed too far deep now. She knows you can find pleasure from someone else. Of course, it won’t be on the same level as her, but your body will react and openly welcome the pleasure. For her it’s not the case, the prime example of that is now dead. The darkness within her eyes had you retreating. No longer wanting to toy with her but the damage was done, and Natasha had her mind set, once she finally had confirmation that you wanted her to lash out at you and use your body to take out her frustrations. Finally, she slams you to the window, not hard enough to truly injure you but hard enough to have more than a hangover in the morning.
Her lips crash into yours leaving your plea unheard. The kiss was rough and messy, as it normally would be in this situation of claiming you. The feeling of her rough hands tearing at the remainder of your clothes.
“Fuck, you know I love this set on you.” She speaks with mesmerized once again as her eyes land on the lingerie set that had her begging you to stay on for the night. It was a midnight black two piece. Mostly basic, Natasha didn’t need much despite her lifestyle, at least when it came to you she welcomed simplicity she found it just as sexy as you dressing up for her but the reality of it all was she just loved you. No matter how long or how hard it’s taken her to admit that out loud and under the circumstances it came out.
“Duh, that’s why I put it on.” You don’t receive any form of reply. Natasha snatches the fabric of your bralette finally exposing your Breasts. Her animalistic growls only increase the burning desire to have her near your throbbing core. She briefly breaks away from the kiss, roughly turning you around to face the bright lights and industrial buildings. Your face pressed against the window and her fingers plunged into your warm cunt without warning. You didn’t need any foreplay, that started the minute you decided to leave her for the club. Riling her up any chance you got. You hoped that she would fuck you, but you didn’t want to be fucked against this high rising window. You teased her, you angered her, and edged her on, now you were just going to have to deal with it and take what she gives you. She keeps a steady and brutal pace pushing you closer to your high and pulling away just at the cusps.
“Hm, Tash- it’s enough.” You reach behind you with intentions to push her arm away. Natasha smirks and forcefully pushes your pleading hand away and plants it against the window as well. She keeps her hand there for extra security, squeezing your wrist as a silent warning not to do it again or to move it. She wasn’t done tormenting you just yet, but she’ll allow you to cum. She lifts your leg and hikes your thigh up for a better angle, adding another finger to your overstimulated hole. She grunts as her breath fans over the shell of your ear.
“Tsk, what happened to all of that mouth you had a few minutes ago? she knows your fear of heights and still proceeds to fuck you against the thick glass. The fear and the pleasure has your mind going foggy, experiencing both at the same time. She pounds into you harder with each thrust reminding you of who you belong to. The thick glass brought some sort of comfort to your skin, cooling it off from Natasha’s burning touch. No words come from you, only panting and whines. Your breath fogs the glass as Natasha keeps her brutal pace, slick runs down your legs . She doesn’t relent until you practically turn into mush against the tall frame window.
As you feel her body weight slightly removed from your back you sniffle as the tears built up in your eyes struggle from falling down your cheeks. The edges her on even more, the sound of you trying to catch your breath and the small sound of your sniffles push her further. She’s definitely not done being petty. She takes her previous position behind you and pulls your back against her front; she grazes her lips against the warm skin of your ear and her raspy voice lights a fire inside of you from anger and arousal. “Who’s the sensitive one now?” You didn’t need to turn around to know she was wearing that shit eating smirk, you didn’t even need to look at her reflection in the smudge stain glass, you could hear it.
You use all the strength you have left on your shaky limbs to push her away. “What the fuck is wrong with you? You asshole!” You wipe the stray tears that fell from your eyes and Natasha only returns a smirk in response before she reaches for her abandoned drink on the bar counter. “Relax, the window is custom made, there are very few things that would make it shatter and our body weight isn’t one of them.” Natasha isn’t hiding her enjoyment right now, it’s on a very rare occasion when you actually cry for her. After the small moment of silence the soreness and weakened state of your body starts to take effect. Your eyes feel heavy and the drugs start to come back in full effect. It's pretty normal for you when you do smoke, not to mention the post orgasm clarity.
Natasha stood next to you the entire time watching you and she knows you had the idea of sleeping on your mind next and that just wasn’t enough for her, she’s still angry at you. Natasha picks you up and heads for the bedroom, she lays you on the bed gently totally different from her aggressive demeanor in the living room. You think she’s helping you get more comfortable, but the light tap against your cheek tells you otherwise. “Oh, no sweet face, wake up we’re not done yet.” She removes your shoes and tosses them to the floor. You hear shuffling around you still not quite aware of your surroundings.
“You’re a hypocritical, psychotic, asshole.” You mumble into the cool air of the night with closed eyes. The small break was enough for you to gather yourself again and you’re still upset about her putting you into danger like that just to get back at you for what happened at the club. She stops unbuttoning her blouse and kneels over your body until she’s face to face with you, her hands softly rub against your cheeks. “Don’t act like you don’t love it.” Natasha takes her clothes off and sits everything she needs on the other side of the bed, the next thing you feel is the bed dipping. Natasha grabs both of your arms and lifts them above your head, the feeling of soft fabric against your wrist causes you to jerk your body. She pays no mind to you as she continues to focus on knotting the fabric and connecting it to the headboard.
Your mind is still hazy, so every little movement Natasha makes is keeping you alert. “Nat, what are you doing?” You say, your voice is scratchy and hoarse. Natasha returns with a liquor bottle, two shot glasses and one regular glass. “We’re gonna play a game, since you’re in a playful mood tonight.” Is all she says before pouring into the two shot glasses. You curiously watch her in anticipation. She kisses up your stomach leaving bites and wet kisses along the way before she stops at your neck and pulls away all together.
“If you spill any of my drinks you lose.” She places one shot glass on your bare stomach as you shudder from the cold glass she sends you a warning sound. “Careful buttercup you don’t want to lose before we even start now do you?” You have to compose the little self control you have left. Her fingers slide against your thighs as they get closer and closer to your sex her smirk grows wider. Her finger grazes your swollen clit and you have no choice but to react causing the drink to shake but thankfully the alcohol remains in the glass.
Natasha crawls up your body and takes the glass in her mouth while remaining eye contact, she doesn’t finish all of it, she leaves a small amount in the glass and removes it from her mouth and pours the alcohol down your body starting from the center of your chest. You shudder from the contact and Natasha doesn’t give you much of a break as she starts her attack going down your body. She follows the trail that the alcohol leaves behind for her with her tongue. Leaving deep marks and bites along the way until she makes it back to your clit with a gentle kiss that leaves you wanting more. She looks up from your clit at the sound of your moan.
“Isn’t this much better than doing body shots with strangers?” You don’t reply to her, your head is too busy wondering how long she’ll keep this game up. She pours another shot but this time she has a new agenda on her mind. She makes her way up your body right in front of your breathless face. “Are you thirsty?” She knows the answer to that question just based on your appearance. The tension in your throat was becoming too much. You need a sense of relief. She takes your head leaning forward as a yes. Just as your lips were about to make contact with the glass, she pulls it away from you and drinks the shot herself and chuckles from the bewildered look on your face. “What the hell Nat!” You don’t even know what number of shots she’s on right now, but it takes a lot for Natasha to be drunk. A drunk Natasha was a completely different story than an annoyed Natasha.
“You still thirsty?” She whispers against your lips. Her stare is intense and intoxicating. You look away from her to show her just how annoyed you are, of course she thinks it’s cute. She refills the glass and hooks her finger under your chin bringing you face to face with her again. She downs the shot once again and tosses the glass across the room. She keeps your face in place as you try no ring away from her. She smashes her lips against yours and pushes the alcohol into your mouth. It’s fast and sloppy, so small amounts of it leak down the corner of your mouth and as Natasha pulls back she uses her tongue to catch every drip she sees.
“You want more Detka?” She still remains close to you as she reaches over to grab the bottle of alcohol off of the small cart. You only silently nod eagerly, wanting her to do it again. Except this time she hooks a finger underneath your chin tilting your head backwards and tips the bottle over. She notices the sudden change in enthusiasm at the change of direction. She can only laugh at you and your expressions but she can’t get too lost in it. This was a punishment after all. There was no time to be soft, at least so early into things. “Don’t pout.”
The next time she reaches for a shot to place on your stomach she sits the bigger glass on your stomach as well. She follows it up with dropping a few pieces of ice into the glass. “Nat you’re not being fair” frustration grows more when you realize this was a losing game either way it went. It’s not a game at all, it's a punishment of overstimulation. She pulls the wand out and turns it on to the highest level, your moans rise in volume at the first touch. “What was that I can’t hear you?” She keeps a firm grip on the toy and doesn’t relent on the pressure against your clit. “Fuck” you whine from the overstimulation, your legs are numb, and you no longer have the strength to try closing them from Natasha's access. The drinks spill over your body and the sheets Natasha takes in the sight with pride even though you’ve clearly just lost she has not intent on letting up on this game “You lost, baby and you’ve made such a mess.” She taunts you with fake concern as her hand stays firm and she starts moving the toy against your folds.
“Natasha, please.” She pouts at you with her fake sympathy. “Natasha please, what?” She gave your messy pussy a break by turning the level to the lowest Instead of taking it away completely. Your facial expressions plead more towards her than your words do. “Y-ou made your point, okay? now can you please- fuck! untie me?” She hums, weighing her decisions on if she thinks you’ve learned your lesson or not. Not really though because once Natasha Romanoff’s mind was set on something she made sure to go through with it no matter what. She took a little bit of pity on you right now but she really wanted to see this through, plus she was beyond turned on. She’s just stubborn like that.
“You know I don’t like pity cards and you know I don’t like cop outs, but nice try buttercup. You take what I give you and be happy with it.” If you were truly in unbearable pain, you’d use the safe word or Natasha would notice your breaking point and stop everything immediately. “Besides, don't you want to cum?” You growl in frustration as you glare at her, forgetting about the tight silk fabric strained against your skin you hiss in pain after your little tantrum. Natasha chuckles as she presses the toy firmly back into you. “You’re worried about me hurting you, it looks like those are doing it all on their own.”
“Mmh- h-how much longer are you gonna keep me like this?
“Until my feelings are no longer hurt or until I’m satisfied enough with how puffy and messy your pussy gets for me.” You were about to say something until the sensation of the wand tapping against your clit and the curl of Natasha’s finger entering your hole sent you further into ecstasy “Oh! Oh my-“ your fingers clench hard around the fabric of the restraints. “You know you haven’t even said sorry.” The look you gave her made her laugh but you can tell that she was being serious, maybe you did cut a little deep with your words knowing she has abandonment issues among many others. “I’m sorry, please. I’m sorry Tash.” You desperately apologize to her and she gives you no sign that she’s acknowledged it. Natasha turns the toy back on but not to the highest level and trails her tongue to your throbbing and neglected hole. She teases you for a moment by swirling her tongue around the hole before she spreads your folds, dives in and fucks you with firm and fast strokes. The sound of your wetness egging both of you on even more.
Every stroke and flick of her tongue was so intensifying that you forgot all about the silk fabrics restricting your hands from her grasp. Your body jerks from overstimulation but hearing the sound of Natasha’s praise filled moans made up for it. You ignore the stinging pain as the pleasure was much more overpowering. Just as you were getting used to the feeling of being on the edge again Natasha abruptly stops and pulls away from you with your juices smeared over her face. She enjoys the baffled look on your face right now. “I hate you.” You say, breathlessly while glaring at her as your legs shake uncontrollably with the loss of another orgasm.
You both know that’s not true she is using this moment to trap you, she wants to get a reaction out of you, she wants you to beg her to fuck you after you’ve been pleading with her for a break. “No, you don’t.” She places a soft but burning kiss on your skin while doing absolutely nothing to hide that smug expression from her face. You arch your back off of the bed, the sensation is now becoming too much to withstand. Natasha takes note of it and silently looks at you for any signs that you are at your limit. You wrap your legs around her as tight as your worn-out limbs will allow. “Keep going daddy, I’m okay.” Natasha’s strong hands have to keep you in place as she devours what belongs to her.
“Naat” your voice was finally at its breaking point. Worn out and hoarse. Natasha doesn’t budge, she keeps her focus on gaining her pleasure. “Hm fuck, just hold on a little longer” she thrusts against you groaning just how you like it, breathlessly panting with extra rasp in her voice. The moment her breath fans against your earlobe you felt your control slipping away. “Hold on for daddy?” She hooks your leg up for more security. Her fingers would surely leave behind imprints from the way she’s pressed her fingers into your soft thighs. “You feel so fucking good throbbing against me.”
“Just for me” she whispers the words out loud more so to herself than to you, but you respond to her anyway.
“Uh huh” you nod with eagerness as your nails claw at her skin. Natasha endures the stinging pain as she gets lost in the feeling of your warm slick. “Say it!” The sound of her hand making contact with the side of your ass jerks your body. “Just for you! Fuck, just for you!” You cum before Natasha does, you were already worked up and well spent she however still had energy left to use against you. Anger and jealousy were always a motivational boost for Natasha’s sex drive weirdly enough. As you lay there catching your breath Natasha’s movements slow down only for a moment before she’s repositioning herself on top of you. She finally frees your hands from the silk binds. Quickly massaging your wrists and leaving a chastise kiss on them. She spreads your puffy folds and begins angling herself against you. “Tash.”
“You can take it.” The sigh of relief and pleasure that takes over Natasha’s face was definitely worth the soreness that you will feel in the morning. She positions her clit against your dripping hole, she slowly pushes into you. The warmth of your pussy against the tip of Natasha’s clit was pure joy, she doesn’t do it often, or rather she didn’t really have time to do anything other than a quickie. Her mob activities and her regular nine to five businesses were always top priority now with new goals and a clean slate she wouldn’t dream about leaving you and your feelings out of the equation anymore. Especially not if she gets to fuck you like this more often.
Natasha snaps her hips forward, with each thrust your tits bounce in perfect rhythm. Her thrusts start slow but firm, until she can no longer hold on. Even though her entry point was small it didn’t take away the indescribable feeling of you sucking her in. Natasha pulls back for observation and once she sees the tip of her clit still inside of you something snaps inside of her. The perfect bounce of your tits soon starts to become erratic and sloppy just as Natasha’s thrusts. The loud sound of skin slapping, and wetness was almost enough to drown out anything else.
she buries her face into the crook of your neck, her muffled moans send the last bit of sensation you had left through your body. You don’t move. All of your limbs were non-functional at the moment, your bodies are still pressed together, and you hope to the highest heaven that Natasha meant what she said this time because you could still feel her throbbing against your folds. Your warm juices continue to flow as you watch Natasha come down from her high. “That was so hot.” She bites the side of your neck and soothes it over with her tongue. She takes a moment to place soft kisses anywhere she can on your body. You lay there in comfortable silence as you bask in the warmth and affection, she’s showing you right now because you truly don’t know how long it will last. How long this side of Natasha would stay before she’s back to her cold and set ways of thinking.
You fought off sleep as long as you could, but you were no longer winning the fight, Natasha obviously notices you trying to keep yourself awake. She makes quick work of cleaning you up, during your moment of dazed and fuzzy afterglow you only come down when you feel her in the same area she just abused. “Fuck off tash.” You limply try swatting her hands away from your cunt. Natasha scoffs and chuckles in the same breath. “Shut up and stop squirming. I'm cleaning you up, I should leave you a mess for what you did tonight.” She slaps your pussy once just to add on to the ‘asshole of the night award’ and you call her a bitch which only makes her chuckle. You know it’s a lie, Nat has never deliberately skipped aftercare with you. Only in times when she had to rush out unexpectedly, back when she was still in training to take over the business. Back when your relationship was in an awkward place.
During your small moment of reminiscing, you feel the bed shifting. The warm heat of Natasha’s skin against yours and the faint feeling of her breathing gets you to crack your eyes open to be greeted with her patiently awaiting your gaze. “Hey.” Your groggy greeting is cut off forcefully by Natasha’s lips smashing into yours. She pulls back looking you over as her nimble fingers ghost over your skin, over every mark on your neck and chest. She’s satisfied with her work tonight. She gives you a few more kisses before pulling you close to her side of the bed and turning the lights off. “Y/n.”
“Hm?” You hum in response while she rubs your back soothingly. “You're the only one for me." She wants to say, “I’m sorry I fucked up for me to realize that.” But she doesn’t want to get deep into that conversation right now. She doesn’t want to be vulnerable and open; she'll save it for another day. “Sleep.” Not long after that you were out cold.
The next time you shift in bed your eyes are halfway open. You notice Natasha is still sitting up with her back against the headboard talking in a hushed whisper. She hears you stirring beside her. She doesn’t want you awake, she doesn’t want you to hear the conversation. Panic bells sound off inside of your head anytime she gets a phone call in the early hours of the morning. “Let me guess, vacation is over.” Your voice still dripped with slumber but it wasn’t a question it was more of confirmation, confirmation that usually results in you being tossed to the side and neglected. Natasha pauses the conversation you weren’t too focused on trying to hear. You were nearly on your way back to sleep. “No, baby, just go back to sleep.” She gives you a soft kiss to distract your curiosity so you fall asleep without any hesitation or any push back.
The next time you wake up you hear voices, and you feel yourself being moved around. The cool breeze hits your face, but you still remain with low lidded eyes. You’re not in danger, you would know if you were. The hands that hold on to you and occasionally caress your face weren’t unfamiliar ones. You could spot them instantly; you drift back off to sleep with the reassurance of a body nestled close to yours and warmth radiating into you. You wake up feeling the aftereffects from the evening you had last night with Natasha. You stretch your arms out while remaining to keep your eyes shut. You feel the bed for Natasha’s body and freeze when you come up empty. She wasn’t here.
You vaguely remember being put in the car and seeing your luggage being carried out of the penthouse. You sit up in bed with pinched brows after you’re aware of your surroundings, you search for your cell phone and find it on the side table plugged into the charger. Most of the messages were from Yelena and a few emails about your new night club. You were just about to call Natasha’s phone to demand answers about the change in location when you heard voices above you on the top deck of the yacht. Not only is Natasha standing there but she has Bucky and Clint with her as well. This was supposed to be a trip away from the mob life and that includes them. You storm up the last few stairs towards her. She knew you’d be yelling at her sooner or later after you woke up.
“Are you fucking kidding me? I thought this was our vacation time?” You cross your arms as you await her answer while also being aware of the extra bodies that were not supposed to be present. “Good morning to you too honey, I slept great thanks for asking.”
“Don’t fuck with me, I’m not in the mood to play with you right now Natasha.”
“We’re still on vacation…this needed to be dealt with immediately.” Her response doesn’t do anything for you to ease up on her. “Oh, c’mon sweet face, I thought this would be better by settling this here so we wouldn’t have to cut our trip short.” She rubs your waist and kisses your face hoping it will cool your temper. “You couldn’t have handled it at the penthouse?”
“You’d rather have me do that in a place where we lay our heads?”
“Natasha, we’re in fucking madripoor! Shit happens here every hour on the hour! Packing me and our things away at the ass crack of dawn for this? was not necessary!”
“Will you relax? You’re always complaining about me being romantic. Well, I was trying to be spontaneous while also getting things done efficiently!”
“Nothing about this is romantic and your whole excuse is a cop out.”
“Surprising you with a morning on a yacht isn’t romantic?”
“Don’t condescend me Natasha, it was the way you did things while also having an ulterior motive behind it.” Natasha grabs your hand before you walk away from her. Linking her fingers through yours and somehow your eyes drift up her body just in time to see the flex of her muscles in the tank top she was wearing. “Calm down, have some breakfast. I have all of your favorites prepared Already. This is not the end of our trip, it's more of a small interruption.” “Fine.” You turn your face away from her and start moving towards the kitchen area for some breakfast. if you were going to be around for this you were not doing it on an empty stomach. Natasha stops you and places her lips to the shell of your ear. “It won’t take long I promise.” She kisses your neck. “We can go back to our room and make that champagne and ice bucket useful, hm?”
“No, absolutely not you’re not touching me after last night, I’m still sore.” You brush past her as she scoffs and glares at you, you can say that now but maybe when she’s finished, you’ll change your mind. Natasha walks back to the group at the seating area and picks up a few pieces of fruit as the paranoid man sits in silence. “It’s my understanding that I haven’t received your payment.” She holds her hand up when the man attempts to speak, no doubt to apologize or make an excuse for his actions. “I don’t want excuses” Natasha doesn’t like pity and she doesn’t like excuses. You'd be lucky enough for her to even ask you for a solution instead of killing you. Charles stupidly ignores her response hoping she’d be able to understand when she hears the full story and his side of things.
“We’ve been having a tough time at the shop and-“ Her fists cut his words short he wasn’t even aware of when she stood up to even get near him. “I thought I just said I didn’t want to hear any excuses.” Natasha sighs with disappointment as she checks her nails like the narcissist she is. “You interrupted my lovely trip with my sweet face over there.” She points to you while you sit at the counter sipping your orange juice. “This was not the way she was supposed to be waking up, Charles. Do you understand my dilemma here?” The man hesitated to answer Natasha. The question was dripping with a sexual undertone, not knowing if he would end up with a bullet between his eyes for answering truthfully. “I-“ Natasha delights in his uneasiness to reply, one wrong word would set her off completely, changing the mood of this meeting. “It’s okay, you can answer.”
“I understand, trust me.” He takes a little too long to turn his attention back to her. So, she grabs him by the collar. “Aren’t you going to apologize?” She tilts her head hovering above him. “I-I apologize for the intrus-“ the back of her hand makes contact with his face. “Not to me you fucking idiot!” She grabs his face and turns it towards your direction. “To her.” You grow awkward with the man’s eyes on you while you are trying to eat. “I’m sorry.” “She can’t hear you! Say it louder!” You heard his apology but you wanted to be left alone for now. After having a week of silence and wild nights with Natasha you weren’t ready for things to start going back to normal. You weren’t ready to go back home and fall into the same pattern again. “I’m so sorry” fully catching your attention you flip him off in response and go back to eating and drinking your juice. He turns around to look at Natasha for what to do next. She insists on him trying again for an apology. Shooing him away with her hands. He moves further into the kitchen area as you eat your breakfast. Unfazed by his presence. “Um miss I wanted to sincerely apologize for-“ his apology was stopped abruptly when the weight of the waffle iron collided with his face. “What the hell!” He shouts out in agony clutching his broken nose on the floor.
“Why the hell are you in my face? You already ruined my morning, now you’re going to ruin my breakfast too?” You grab him by the collar of his shirt. “No, that was not my intention.” Even if he was telling the truth, you were still pissed about it, so you use this opportunity to use him as a punching bag. Throwing multiple punches to his already broken and bruised face. Clint once again steps next to Natasha. “You just gonna let her do that? We don’t need him dead, Nat.” Natasha looks at Clint with a smirk on her face. She honestly loved that you let out your dark side more now. “I suppose you’re right, but I just love seeing my sweet face go sour and bad for a bit.” Clint makes a face of disgust.
“Please spare me the details of you and y/n’s psycho relationship dynamic, I already told you that you two need therapy like yesterday.” She rolls her eyes and walks away. You stop your attack on his face and you hold him up by the collar of his blood-stained shirt. The small blade presses against his skin; you trail the sharp knife down his cheek and stop at the curve of his neck. “What type of work do you do?” He seems caught off guard with that question as he nervously licks his lips. He doesn’t know if he is supposed to look at you or keep his eyes trained on the cabinets. “I own a butcher shop.”
“Oh, this is perfect.” You take pride in his blatant display of confusion and fear. “You cut and trim meat all day, what’s so hard about that?” You don't give him a chance to reply to you, not that he would even dare try to respond to that loaded question. “Since you’re a butcher I’m sure you’re aware that a single incorrect cut could ruin a good piece of meat.” He stares up at you in pain and confusion as you tilt your head adding more pressure behind the knife. Natasha arrives in the kitchen area just in time.
“Okay, that’s enough, buttercup.” She pulls your back to her front and holds you in place. “Put the knife down.” She rubs your body soothingly to bring you back to a calm state. It takes you a few seconds, but you eventually flick the blade back into its safety pocket and place it into Natasha’s hands and let the man go in the process. As she puts the small knife in her pocket Natasha looks down at the bloody figure on the floor. “I know how much you wanted to cool off a bit, I don’t know what possessed him to bother you.” She snuggles her face closer to your neck inhaling deeply, She loved the scent of you. As Natasha was distracted the man quickly defended himself once again.
“You literally told me to come over here and apologize!” He shouts out at her stupidly once again not knowing how dangerous that is. “No, I don’t think I did, actually.” Instead, she replies back with a cool and calm demeanor she wanted to see if you’d attack him again. ”Yes you did!” Charles shouts back defensively and Natasha kicks him in the face “Shut up!” You crane your neck to watch Natasha’s body language. “Don’t listen to him baby Especially since I know how grumpy you get when something interrupts our plans.” She softly kisses your neck when she’s done telling the lie. You take a moment to look down at your silk pajamas and groan frustration.
“He got his blood all over my new pajamas, now we have to buy another set of matching ones.” Natasha just chuckles at your response. Blaming that poor man for getting blood on your expensive robe when you were the cause of it being there in the first place. She loved it. Part of her wished your father would’ve made you more involved with the mob activities like she had to. She would’ve had this sight of you way early on into the relationship, but she loves you just the way you are right now. “Don’t worry about it. We can buy all the matching pajamas you want, I’ll take care of it.”
“Yeah, you will especially since this is your fault for sending him over here in my goddamn face in the first place.”
“See, I told you!” You both speak at the same time. “Shut up!” When the man quiets down Natasha doesn’t try to deny it this time she just laughs and pulls you closer to her. Of course, you knew she was lying. “I’m sorry, I just thought you wanted to let some anger out and I was clearly right.”
“How thoughtful of you.” You gently pat her cheek. “I know.” She leans forward placing her lips on yours. She growls in surprise when you take control, shoving your tongue down her throat. Backing her up into the counter and harshly biting her lip. “Don’t tease me right now dekta.”
“Can you two stop sucking face? We have import shit to deal with here!” Bucky was getting annoyed. From the time being wasted and just from seeing you two showing public displays of affection. You clench your jaw, looking over Natasha’s shoulder. Who the hell did he think he was? You pick up an empty champagne flute and launch it at Bucky. “Shut the fuck up!” He dodges the glass before it makes contact. Clint pulls Bucky aside with force. “You seriously need to let it go, Buck.” Clint harshly whispers to him. He snatches his arm from Clint and goes to sit down on the padded couch. Seeing him be seated like a good little guard dog that he should be. As Clint snatches the man from the floor and away from the kitchen area you focus back on your girlfriend. “Finish everything up here and I’ll be downstairs. Don’t take too long though, I’m not promising to keep my hands off.” You slide your hand underneath the silk waistband of her pajamas. Natasha’s eyes blown wide, she couldn’t wait to get this over with to have you screaming out in pleasure and pain once again. You bring your hand back out into the open. Natasha licks her lips at the glistening wet slick dripping down your fingers. You place your fingers on her lips. She welcomes them openly, sucking the flavorful juices off your fingers. You lean in ghostly whispering against her lips.
“If you get this handled quickly the next time, we kiss I’ll have the taste of your cum on my lips.” Her breath hitches and she’s more determined to get this shit done now more than ever. Hell, she might even give him more time and just have Clint and Bucky take Charles back home. That would be the only time she would show forgiveness. The only time she’d be so lenient to someone who wronged her.
Natasha makes her way back to the seating area; she makes a show to whistle from your previous actions. “Yeah, she’s pissed. I was going to put on a show for her but I’m feeling merciful and gracious.” She pops a few pieces of fruit in her mouth and turns directly to face the bruised and bloody man. “So, let’s talk about how you’re going to move forward to get me the money that I’m owed and how you’re gonna pay extra for this inconvenience, shall we?”
They found a way to come to an agreement and the instant that the problem had been solved Natasha jumped up from her seat with haste and intended to run downstairs to you. “Natasha, we have another problem.”
“No, we just fixed it…any other problems can wait until tomorrow or until I officially return from my vacation.”
“Uh, Nat you’re not listening…”
“And you’re not listening to me Clint, this trip was to make things up to y/n, and I don’t need calls interrupting the time I made for her. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have holes that I need to fill downstairs and you’re making me late.” Clint visibly gags and Natasha’s satisfied with his reaction to walk away from him to leave him with that burning image. “Jesus! Keep that to yourself I swear to God I’m this close to ditching my earring aids whenever I’m on duty! and I’m serious Nat it’s about Alexei.” Just as she was walking away from him she stops in her tracks as soon as he mentions the name. She slowly turns around to face him and a silent Bucky. “What kind of problem is it?”
Time passes longer than you would’ve liked but once again you were used to it. This trip did nothing but show you the reality of your life and your relationship. You could never truly get away from this lifestyle. You quickly change into normal clothes, your mood has drastically changed and the likelihood of your girlfriend returning to you anytime soon was uncommon. As expected when the bedroom door opens you know it’s Natasha and you know she’s come to tell you the bad news but what she doesn’t expect is for you to already have the bags packed and ready to be put into the car. Her apology falls dead on the tip of her tongue as you cut her off before she even had the chance to release it. “I don’t want to hear it.” Your response is cold and calm, two signs she’s much familiar with now, you could snap at any moment. Which furthers the internal need to be close to you she knows there’s a chance of a fight happening, an item being thrown at her hell you could be hiding a knife somewhere just waiting to make your move. She ignores her thoughts and cautiously takes small steps towards you at a time.
“Hey, it’s another emergency that needs to be addressed and it’s much bigger than what happened this morning.” You don’t say anything to her as you sit in silence on the edge of the bed. She tries to be near you to bring you some sort of comfort, but you stand up and head for the door with your luggage in hand. “I told you I don’t want to hear it; I don’t want to hear excuses.” Natasha already felt bad and now you’re using her own shit against her which makes her feel even worse. She reached for you hoping you’d let her explain the situation further. Maybe it’ll ease the pain if you knew just how dire it was to fly back home. All she got in return was a stinging slap to the face before you stormed out of the room with your luggage completely. Natasha wasn’t expecting it but she isn’t mad at it, you’re upset, angry and hurt. She knows you’re not letting it all out, so a slap to the face is something she’d have to endure. She grabs a duffel bag and tells Bucky and Clint to get the rest of the luggage as she follows after you.
You remained silent in the car as Clint and Natasha discussed business matters. You settle for keeping your focus on the car window knowing Natasha is staring at you intently waiting for you to address her. To say something. Anything. She leans closer to you, and you counter her movements by sliding closer to the door. She tries again by placing her hand on your thigh to silently apologize for cutting the trip short. You remove her hand immediately. In your eyes it looked like she lied about what happened earlier, which in truth she didn’t lie, things just played out that way. How Inconvenient for her. She leaves you to deal with your emotions and goes to her phone texting Yelena about your incoming attitude and about this meeting that Alexei demanded to have.
You make your way onto the private jet, and you still have not said one word to Natasha other than your outburst from earlier. You flop down in the seat after taking a sucker from the candy bowl and popping it into your mouth. Natasha brings two champagne flutes over as she sits next to you. She asks you something and your only response is to grab the abandoned pair of headphones and turn the volume up to true maximum level to drown out her repeating apologies. “Can I have some?” She removes the left side of your headphones to speak directly into your ear. When she has your attention, she nods to the candy that’s in your mouth. You roll your eyes and hand her the bowl only she never reaches for it. Instead, she goes for the sucker in your mouth, and she reaches for the end of the stick. Lightly tugging on it for you to release it from your tight grasp. Making a sound of annoyance and disapproval you swat her prying hands away.
“You’re not gonna share with me?” You once again shove the bowl of candy near Natasha, and she still doesn’t budge. That’s not what she wanted. This was her way of getting you to interact with her. To acknowledge her. It’s not the first time something so childish as candy could bring you back from a fit of rage and anger and back into her embrace of understanding and forgiveness. A little lighthearted interaction to let her know how deep in shit she was truly in once the two of you were back home and things went back to the everyday routine. Natasha makes a disapproving noise and tosses the candy bowl on the empty seat next to her. She’s had enough of your attitude and your unwillingness to hear her out, this wasn’t like any other excuse that truly needed her presence. Natasha quickly grips your face and turns your attention back on her.
“I didn’t plan this. Trust me I would rather still be on that yacht with you right now, but this is serious." You shrug her off of you, annoyed with her cryptic responses, she never really goes into detail about why things were serious or so urgent that you sit at the dinner table alone most nights. You remove the candy from your mouth and lick your lips, an action Natasha focuses on intensely. “You still haven’t told me what’s so serious that you cut our vacation short, a vacation I only got because you let Stark get in your head and you couldn’t keep your hands off of an attention seeking whore!” Your voice raises in volume and Clint and Bucky share a look but they remain in their seats unbothered. They’re pretty much used to the outbursts between you two and they’ll only intervene if Natasha tells them to. Meanwhile you lean away from her and place the candy back into your mouth seemingly being done with this conversation. Natasha rubs her face harshly and exhales a deep breath that she’s been holding since she got the news. Natasha calms her nerves trying to stay on her new path by managing her temper. She’s trying her best to communicate properly. “It has to do with Alexei.”
“Alexei?!” You could’ve cut the inside of your mouth with how fast you pulled the candy out of your mouth from hearing his name. She nods her head and swigs down her champagne. She was nervous. “You know just as much as anybody how dreadful this surprise meeting is going to be for me.” Natasha hasn’t spoken to Alexei directly in a long time and she hasn’t seen him in the flesh for even longer. The two of them never got along and when Natasha started to rebel against him and his orders, that caused the drift between them. The final straw that broke the camel's back was her continuing to defy him by being in a relationship with you. Once he found out about you two, things changed. He treated you differently, he deemed you as a distraction to his daughter. Of course, his attitude could only be expressed slightly back then with your father still being around and being the man in charge but once he was murdered, Alexei didn’t hold his tongue any longer. He had free reign to say anything he wanted. He Finally got to release the built-up aggression that built up over the years starting from the moment you came back, and the moment Natasha set her eyes on you.
The harsh and cruel words spewing out of his mouth no longer held back in the depths of his throat. The words remained there from the first day he caught you and Natasha together. The memories brought back pain not just yours but Natasha’s as well. You saw how she was treated by that man for as long as you’ve known her. You finally turn your whole body to her and the first thing you can see is the sincerity in her eyes. “I know.” You say with softness and love. You hold your hand out to her and she doesn’t touch you. You move your hand closer to her, placing it in her lap. “Are you gonna hold my hand or what?”
“That depends if you’re gonna slap me again or not.” You shake your head ‘no’ in response and she links her fingers with yours. Now you feel bad for slapping her knowing she has Alexei on her brain already, that abuse was enough on its own, even though your feelings and reaction was valid you needed to apologize. “I’m sorry for that by the way.” You use your other hand to rub against the cheek you previously struck. “No, you aren’t.” She cracks a smile and you return the same mirrored emotion back at her. “Okay, maybe not completely but I’m sorry for not hearing you out earlier.” You slowly exhale, lowering your gaze down to your abandoned hand on Natasha’s lap. “I was just really starting to get used to this kind of lifestyle.”
“You’ve always had a luxury lifestyle, what are you talking about?”
“Not that, I meant being normal. Having a normal and domestic lifestyle, that doesn’t involve waking up to random strangers in our living room or having to be pulled away from vacation after the shit I had to go through to even get here.” You take a brief moment to calm down. You weren’t trying to start another argument with her, not after you know what awaits her when this private jet lands. The mindset and preparation she has to readjust to. You feel the warm embrace of her hand in yours. Natasha gives you a firm and comforting squeeze before she finally links her fingers with yours. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine, I know I’ll never be able to truly escape it but it would be nice to put things on pause more often and just...get away.” You look to Natasha to answer your response as if your statement was a question. She understands perfectly without the use of your voice. She’s known how long you’ve wanted to get away and it was always put on the back burner, had she known that a vacation trip meant this much to you, your passport would’ve been overfilled with stamps by now. She feels guilty for neglecting you and not being attentive to your needs. All she had to do was make a call and everything you wanted would be everything you’d have. “We’ll take more trips…I promise.” You give her an annoyed look, it's something you’ve heard before and you’d rather not hear the lie again. “I’m serious, if you want to take a trip just book a flight or call Fitz to have the jet ready and we’ll go wherever you want.”
“Tash, you talk a sweet game, but we both know how this will play out.”
“I’m making changes, I’ve put in the effort and I’ve owned up to my mistakes. I’m being serious, I really mean it this time.” You hum with satisfaction as you see new determination in her eyes. Your hand tugs the collar of her shirt forward, you hold eye contact for a moment before your lips ghost over hers. “Next time something like this happens just tell me straight up, and don’t start with apologies. Do you understand Natalia? She smirks against your lips as they slightly graze each other. “Yes, my love.”
“Good.” You say, softly and finally lean forward to peck her lips you pull away way too soon for Natasha to even get started on her attack. You pull away with a smug smile while Natasha licks her lips tasting the remnants of sweetness from the cherry blow pop, she was practically begging for moments ago. “I’m stressed out over here and you’re teasing me?”
“You’re right” you go in for another kiss, but this time Natasha pulls you in and holds your face in place as she deepens the kiss. It’s sloppy and desperate, which is another silent sign that means she needs comfort and support right now. when you try pulling away again, she places her hand around your neck giving you a subtle squeeze as a warning to keep still. Natasha makes sure to savor the artificial flavor as she strokes her tongue around every part inside of your mouth. The noises you two pull from each other caused Clint to fully turn his hearing aids off and Bucky turns his headphones on max volume to drown out the lewd sounds. When she finally lets you come up for air, she admires your dazed expression and goes back to drinking her champagne as if nothing just happened.
“You just tried to kill me!” You say as you finally get the sensation of oxygen coming in again. she chuckles and turns her head towards you. “It’s your fault for not sharing with me.” Is all she says before shrugging her shoulders and sighing before she makes a move to get up. You quickly place your hand on hers stopping her movements, a silent question hung in the air about why she’s leaving her seat. “I need to plan things out with Clint and buck” you move your hand and silently nod in agreement but before she leaves you beckon her with your finger for one more kiss which she happily obliged to.
After a few playful nips and bites, you both pull away and you place the blow pop against Natasha’s wet lips. “I also forgot to mention that Alexei is meeting at our house tonight for dinner.” The moments of normalcy and domestication were over, now things were officially going back to what you've been used to since you were born. You just hope and pray that no one ends up dead but maybe that's asking for far too much when Alexei is at the center of the equation.
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hoppers-babygirl · 9 months
Lover Boy
word count: 3362
author: hoppers-babygirl
kofi link: hoppers-babygirl
warnings: pure smut- literally pure smut lol
pairings: Clint Barton x Unnamed reader
header made by: @firefly-graphics
Tumblr media
Your legs were on his shoulders, your thighs seizing up every time his tongue flicked against your swollen bud. Fingers tangling in his messy blonde hair, tugging as his fingers curl perfectly inside you. “Baby please I need more.” Your voice is light and breathy. Teasingly he slips his fingers from your tight entrance. This causes you to whine loudly. “Fuck, please baby. You know how much I need you.”
You’re a panting mess as he makes his way up your body once more. Kissing up your thighs, across your pelvis, over your belly button, through the valley of your breasts before finding your lips. You gasp as his lips practically devour yours in a passionate kiss. His tongue slides across your bottom lip silently asking for permission. Parting your lips, your tongues colliding, you can taste yourself on his lips. His hand slips between your bodies lining his length up to your dripping entrance.  
Triumphantly you wriggle your hips in anticipation but he continues to tease you even as you tug on his swollen bottom lip. He enjoyed seeing you so needy and feral for him, it boosted his ego and made his cock twitch with every sweet little sound that left your lips. You sucked on his tongue causing a moan to slip from his lips and for the last of his resolve to melt away. He let out a deep groan as he finally pushed into your warm wet heat. Your walls eagerly greeted his length, you broke the kiss to let out a relieved whimper, after all that teasing and dragging things out was worth it just to feel his bulbous tip tracing against your velvety walls with every drag of his hips. 
Calloused fingertips brushed slowly against your soft skin which caused goosebumps to raise upon our sticky skin. Breathy moans pressed against your throat as he buried his face against the nape of your neck with each thrust. His fingers digging into your plush hips, your own finding his mussed blonde hair and tugging gently as you felt his hips quicken their pace for just a moment. Despite Clint’s teasing even he couldn’t resist just how good you felt wrapped around his throbbing shaft. The room was filled with the sounds of your mixed pleasure which only encouraged his thrusts. 
Eventually you tugged the strands of his hair so he’d look up at you, leaning in as you pressed your lips against his, the kiss not as hurriedly as before but just as passionate as he drank in your whimpers and moans. Your thighs trembled as his hips pushed and pulled between your legs in slow, harsh thrusts. He moved his knee a bit and raised your leg just enough so he could somehow push in deeper causing you to gasp. Your hands trailed down his neck to his muscular back, your short nails still dug into his skin as you tried to somehow anchor yourself as if you were going to float away from just how good you felt. He grunted against your tacky skin as you scratched up and down his back. 
Licking his lips he peppered kisses across your throat and down your neck, his thrusts stuttered as he leaned his head down to press open mouth kisses to your supple breasts. Your nipples perked at the feeling of his breath ghosting across them as he continued to kiss your heated flesh. Teasingly he let his teeth graze the flesh of your breast as you helplessly pawed at him, his actions rendering your voice useless. But he knew just what you wanted and for once he easily gave in and in an instant his lips wrapped around your sensitive bud as his fingers tweaked and teased the other. 
Your back arched up to press further into his mouth and into his touch as your leg hooked around his ass, pulling him in closer to you as his thrusts slowed almost to a stop. He hadn’t meant to stop but fuck did your walls feel so good just clenching and quivering around his shaft. Gently he tugged your nipple between his teeth before he pulled back with a devilish grin as your face twisted in pain and pleasure as the feeling sent a jolt through your body. 
“Please baby.” You breathed out as you looked down at him, his hands still massaging your breasts as he looked down at you adoringly. 
“I know princess, I know I can feel it.” He replied softly before he moved in closer once again and captured your lips in another kiss. 
He could feel just how badly you needed him, your body practically vibrating in need and excitement. He hadn’t meant to draw it out this much but he just loved seeing you like this. His hands moved to the backs of your thighs as he moved them up, your knees bent and closer to your face as he now pushed in deeper making you moan. You held onto his biceps as he began to thrust now with more power behind his hips as he was chasing both your releases.  
Your hand moved between your bodies as your nimble fingers rubbed your sensitive bud in tight quick circles. Clint groaned as your walls squeezed around his cock as you rubbed your clit. His shaft slick from your juices, squelching sounds filled the room as he fucked into you faster. His weight laid on you in the most delicious way as his hips pistoned. His heavy balls slapped against your puffy cunt with each of his thrusts. As he neared his edge he began to grunt and groan, his eyes squeezed shut as he bit down on your shoulder. 
Your legs quivered and the knot in your belly snapped, crying out as your wetness gushed around his cock making him pull back just enough to watch your mess with a proud smirk on his lips. “Look at how pretty that mess is baby, god I love it when you’re just making a mess on my dick.” He moaned and pressed a sloppy kiss to your lips as the shocks of your orgasm coursed through your veins. 
After a few short sloppy thrusts he groans into your lips, his cock pulsing deep inside you as rope after rope of his warm sticky seed filled you up. Your walls milking his cock as his own orgasm worked its way through his body. His hands moved to your sides, he broke the kiss to gasp out a breath. “Fucking shit- Princess. Feels so good filling you up.” 
You grinned up at him with a dopey look, moving your legs to wrap around his waist to keep him buried to the hilt inside you, your fingers slow down but never stop as you wanted to prolong your orgasm he had been teasing in front of you all day. “We need to do this more often.” You whispered and ghosted your lips across his. 
He chuckles and after a moment his orgasm subsides, he caresses your cheek sweetly as he gives you a look full of adoration. “I’d be more than happy to spend the rest of my days like this with you, Princess.” The pet name made you smile and give him one last kiss. 
The two of you laid in bed still connected just enjoying the feeling of one another. After a few moments he peppered sweet kisses to your face and gently slipped from within you, a small mess ensued but his thick digits pushed the sticky mess back inside your quivering pussy. You whimpered at the feeling and reached out for him but he quietly shushed you. 
“I won’t be long, I’m gonna get you something to drink and then I’m going to run us a bath okay?” His voice was gentle as he spoke to you. 
You nodded and pulled the messed blankets over your body as you watched him walk out the bedroom. You couldn’t help the feeling of relaxation and content that fell over you nor could you help the sleepiness that pulled you under as you waited for him to come back. 
You dozed off for what felt like a few minutes but in reality was a couple hours, you only woke up once you felt Clint gently shaking you awake. You didn’t register what he said until he held up your favorite water bottle and helped you sit up in bed. 
“Here you go, baby. I know you're still sleepy but you need to drink and eat dinner. I ordered pizza, I hope you don't mind.” He gave you a sheepish smile, he was sure you’d be sick of pizza but he can’t help it that it’s something fast and easy to deliver to your apartment. 
Sitting up you stretched and let out a quiet groan, your body was sore from your earlier activities which made you giggle softly to yourself as you thought back but Clint’s soft touch pulled you from your thoughts. “Cmon, Princess, let's get some dinner for you then we can get that bath I promised you earlier.” 
He’s dressed in a pair of boxers as he stands to help you up, you found the gesture sweet as you took his hand. His other hand held the shirt he was wearing earlier that you so gracefully threw on the floor as the two of you found your way into bed. 
“Here you can wear this and I’ll meet you in the kitchen for dinner.” He handed you the shirt and kissed your cheek, leaving you to go to the bathroom to clean up a little before you joined him in the kitchen. 
At least three boxes of pizza awaited you on the counter, your stomach growling at the delicious scent of the pizza, you made your way over only to be handed a beer and a plate of pizza. “Thank you, it looks great.” You hummed and sat down at the island where he soon joined you with his beer and plate of pizza.
“No problem, I figured you needed the rest so I just wanted to order something fast and easy for us to enjoy for dinner.” He explained before he took a bite of his pizza. 
You nodded in agreement, “I didn’t realize I’d be that tired afterwards.” You chuckled. 
He smiled triumphantly at your words. Playfully you swat his chest and he laughs. 
“Yeah yeah I know that just boosts your ego even more.” You said with a smile on your lips. 
“I can’t help that I like hearing just how good I fucked you and wore you out.” He playfully held his hands up defensively. 
You shook your head at him, but you couldn’t help finding it amusing yourself as well. Eventually you two finished up your dinner and spent some time just chatting and catching up about how your days at work had been. Which sounded a little silly seeing as he was an avenger and you were just an accountant for Stark Industries but you liked your job nonetheless and you enjoyed hearing about his job even if it did scare you just about every time you heard the news but you did your best not to focus on that part too much.  
You both agreed to go to the annual Stark Christmas party which you hoped wouldn’t be too crazy as it’s been in the past but you figured Pepper wouldn’t let Tony get too crazy and so far the budget for the party didn’t seem too out of place.  
His calloused fingers pushed back a piece of stray hair behind your ear which made a smile break out across your lips, he leaned forward and pressed a deep kiss against them. 
You moaned quietly, just a noise of appreciation really, but soon enough the kiss ended and Clint stood up holding his hand out to you. “Why don’t we get into that bubble bath I promised you?” He hummed.
You nodded and took his hand where he led you into your ensuite bathroom before he gently dropped your hand so he could get the water started for you both. As you waited you pulled the shirt off and over your head before going to the closest to pick out the perfect bubble bath for the mood. 
Champagne and rose petals, that seemed like it could be romantic enough plus it added a bit of glitter to the water which you always loved. He slipped out his boxers and took your discarded clothes away in a nearby hamper as you swirled the scented bubble bath in the water. He dimmed the lights and made his way over to you, lifting your hair as he stood behind you his lips found your neck and shoulder. You smiled at the intimate kiss on your skin. 
You turned in his arms to face him, your arms wrapped around his shoulders as his own found their way to your hip where he pulled you flush against his body. His semi hard length pressed against your soft thigh and you let out a quiet moan at the feeling. He leaned in and pressed another kiss to your lips, his fingers digging into the flesh of your hips. A choked moan slipped from your lips which he greedily drank up as your mouths moved in harmony. 
After a moment you pulled back and caught your breath before he led you into the large tub filled with the beautiful bubbles. The heat of the water felt good on your skin, Clint sat behind you despite the space in the tub for you both. Which you didn’t mind especially when he pulled you back into his strong arms, your back against his muscular chest as his arms wrapped around your soft middle. You closed your eyes and hummed in content, relaxing against him but it seemed his hands had other plans as they scrawled across your belly, fingertips brushing against your breasts as he teased you easily from this position. Your lips curled into a playful smirk as his hands traveled higher and he soon cupped your breasts in his hands, his cock now pressing against your back as he attached his lips to your neck he began to suck a mark onto your skin. 
Your own hands braced themselves on his thighs as he continued to explore your warm soapy skin just as he was now. You leaned your head back on his shoulder which gave him more  access to leave kisses against your skin. Which is exactly what he did, his teeth scraping against your pulse point causing you to gasp, his cock twitched against your back. Your hands moved from his thighs to between your own plus thighs, your fingers brushing your sensitive bud eliciting a whimper from your lips. He continued to kiss and suck and mark your throat and neck as much as he could reach from his spot behind you. His hands now massaging and groping your tits, your nipples pebbled at the feeling and only added to your arousal. Slipping a finger into your messy entrance you moaned out which caught his attention, he swatted your hand away and replaced it with his own. His thick digits soon pushed into your fluttering hole and you gasped, your hands once again bracing on his thighs as he pumped his wrist. 
You gasped and whined, your hips rolling against his fingers as you wanted more, his teeth dug against the flesh of your shoulder as the movement of your hips teased his cock. His fingers curled deep inside you and you cried out. The sound made him remove his fingers from inside you and he pushed you up a bit, you were a little confused until you realized what he was doing behind you as you sat up on your knees. Peering over your shoulder you moaned at the sight of him stroking his cock in his fist. 
His hand reached out to pull you back to him and with a little adjusting you easily found yourself seated on his cock once again. 
You puffed out a breath as you began to move your hips, riding him at a slow and steady pace. The water around you both began to sway with every movement but you didn’t care much as all you could really bring yourself to care about was just how good of a slight burn the stretch of his cock felt as you rode him in this position. Both of you preferred to see one another when you had sex but you couldn’t deny the moments when it became too much for you both and Clint would bend you over the closest place and take you right then and there and today seemed to be one of those days for you both. 
He grunted and groaned as he watched the fat of your ass bounce with every thrust of his hips as he impatiently moved to meet your hips. His hand kneaded the flesh that bounced beautifully right in front of him, soon enough his large hand came down and he spanked you earning a choked moan from your lips. 
“Fuck- you look perfect like this taking my cock.” He mumbled as he watched your pussy devour his cock. You let out a breathy laugh at his words, your arms grew a little tired as you held yourself up but you liked how mesmerized he was by your body so you didn’t mind just a few more thrusts. 
“Feels so good when you’re filling me up.” You yelped out as he brought you back down on his hips rather harshly. 
“Wanna see you, please.” You whined and tried to move from his grip to which caused him to give your ass another spank and you huffed in annoyance, mostly because you were just being a whiny brat. 
He chuckled and let you move from him so you could turn to face him which you did happily. Afterwards you sunk back on his cock with a moan, your hands resting on his chest as you both moaned at the feeling of your walls clenching around his shaft once again. 
You leaned in and pressed a kiss to his lips and soon enough you two fell back into a harmonious rhythm between your thrusts and soon enough you were panting, he leaned his head down and captured your nipple between his lips as his hand moved to rub our clit in quick circles. 
HIs tongue swirled and teased the bud before he pulled back and did the same to your other breast, your fingers tugged at his hair, his scalp pickled at the feeling and he bucked his hips up harshly. 
He pulled back and gave your sternum a kiss before he looked up at you with a blissed out grin to his lips. “You gonna cum for me baby?” He cooed. 
You nodded and picked up the speed of your hips, the water splashing around by now but you didn’t give a second thought as his fingers gave your clit a slight pinch and soon enough you cried out, your head tilted back and your nails dug into his shoulders as your body quaked. 
“Fuck!” You called out. He picked up speed, holding you close to his chest and with a few more thrusts he soon buried into the hilt and filled you up with his hot seed. 
You both were panting, a guttural groan fell from his lips as your walls quivered and clenched around his shaft as he throbbed deep inside. 
After a few moments and your orgasms subsided he peppered sweet kisses across your chest, neck, throat and face. As much of your skin that he could reach he left a kiss. He pulled out of you, making you both whimper, but he gave your lips a soft kiss. 
“Why don’t we get cleaned up, Princess?” He hummed with a proud smirk on his lips as he took in just how beautiful you looked above him. 
The rest of your afternoon was spent washing one another in the peaceful silence of your apartment. 
tagging: @astrorogers
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bulkyphrase · 2 months
Cap-IM Rec Week - Cap-IM Sunday
It's day 7 (the final day) of @cap-ironman's rec week event! Today's recommendations feature stories created for previous Cap-Iron Man events. Thanks so much to them for organizing this event, and all the other events that inspired the following fics!
I Look and in the Mirror the World Shatters by @navaan, art by Caz and KakushiMiko (616, Mature, 25,807 words)
Created for: 2022 Captain America/Iron Man Big Bang
Summary: After Pleasant Hill, Civil War II and right in the middle of Secret Empire, Steve Rogers (the real one) comes back and realizes a copy of himself is now leading HYDRA and has taken over the world. With Tony dead and only an AI copy of him existing and nobody trusting the face of Steve Rogers, he decides to make things right and help the heroes trapped inside and outside the planetary field. One way to do it: Infiltrating HYDRA by playing the role of the other him. What he finds is more than he bargained for.
Tabula Rasa by @sineala, art by @veryvincible (Captain America Corps, Explicit, 37,819 words)
Created for: Captain America/Iron Man Reverse Bang 2022
Summary: Sometimes superheroes save the world. And sometimes they're too late. Captain America's longtime villain Superia had a plan for revenge. She stopped the Avengers from ever finding Steve in the ice, tore the Avengers apart, and turned the world into her own personal authoritarian dystopia. A team made up of Captains America from across the multiverse came to set things right: they united all the remaining superheroes, took down Superia, and made sure the world would find Steve again. Tony spent Superia's hellish reign as her prisoner, a suicidally-depressed disembodied brain trapped in a jar for years on end, begging the Avengers to kill him and put him out of his misery. The Captain America Corps instead gives him his freedom, a brand-new body, and even the Avengers -- including his very own Captain America. But Tony's not entirely sure he wants to be here. He's walking wounded, and he thinks some wounds are too deep to heal. He thinks there's no chance the Avengers will ever be what they could have been. He thinks there's no way Steve will ever be the friend and partner he could have been on so many other worlds. Luckily for Tony, Steve happens to disagree with that.
More below the cut!
A Little Confused But He Got the Spirit by jellybeanforest (@jellybeanforest-a-go-go) (MCU, Mature, 3,298 words)
Created for: 2021 Captain America/Iron Man Holiday Exchange
Summary: On their third date, Steve decides to come clean about his lycanthropy. Tony is surprisingly understanding, almost too much so. Based on a prompt by DepressingGreenie.
on the inherent homoeroticism of cake decoration by Welcoming_Disaster (@welcomingdisaster) (616, General Audiences, 8,191 words)
Created for: 2020 Captain America/Iron Man Holiday Exchange
Summary: “She’s matchmaking, Barton,” Carol sighed. “We,” Thor corrected, thumping himself hard in the chest, “art matchmaking.” “Who, Cap n’ Tony?” Clint asked, his mouth full. “Cap and Tony,” Janet confirmed, cutting herself a thin slice of egg and gently depositing it on her whole grain avocado toast, “it’s getting ridiculous.” “Wait, I thought they were—“ Clint frowned, glancing around the room as though to confirm. Nothing but confused faces met his questioning gaze. “Huh. I really thought they were fucking.” “And there is the crux of the issue,” Jess licked a bit of spaghetti sauce off her lip. “Aye,” agreed Thor, “there’s rub.” ----------- The team tries to set up Steve and Tony. Things don't go as planned.
An Error in the System by orphan_account, art by Jellybeanforest (@jellybeanforest-a-go-go) (MCU, Mature, 45,224 words)
Created for: 2020 Captain America/Iron Man Big Bang
Summary: When the Avengers faced Ultron, they believed that Vision completed his task to lock Ultron out of the internet. After Sokovia, no one thinks that Ultron survived. Everyone is wrong. Ultron’s code persists, hidden in the deepest trenches of the internet. Soon, it rises to cause chaos around the world and the only way to stop a catastrophe is to meet Ultron face to face. But Ultron is computer code – elusive, persistent, and viral. The only way to confront him is to meet the AI on equal footing within the bowels of the internet itself. Steve and Tony enter the virtual world of Ultron’s mind, passing through the rims to get to the center Hub of the AI’s existence. Along the way they face challenges and nightmares, hardships and truths. Truths that hurt and haunt them. Now they have to deal with a genocidal killer AI, and a truth that could destroy them. Steve blames himself for everything that went wrong with his relationship with Tony, but that doesn't mean he isn't still hoping and pining for someone who will never love him in return.
The Fabric of Reality by Neverever (@captainneverever), art by Jayjayverse (616, Mature, 26,210 words)
Created for: 2019 Captain America/Iron Man Big Bang
Summary: Tony loves being Iron Man and the Avengers. But anyone can see that the Avengers are struggling as a team. While he helps Jan solve their problems, Tony meets freelance Artist Steve Rogers. Tony believes that everything is going to turn out great -- the Avengers will pull together, Tony has a gorgeous boyfriend, and the supervillains will be defeated. What more could the modern superhero and CEO want out of life? Except that Tony has a few secrets that threaten to undermine his happiness. For one thing, Tony remembers that Captain America was an Avenger when everyone else thinks he died at the end of World War II. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
The Don'ts Of Dating (And How They Can Win You A Man) by Mozzarella (@muchymozzarella), art by @acachette (Marvel, General Audiences, 5,162 words)
Created for: 2019 Cap-IM Reverse Bang
Summary: In which Steve Rogers fills in the Don't column of "Cosmo's Dos and Dont's of Dating" and somehow makes it work, while Tony Stark marvels at the fact that he's picking this weird (yet unbearably sweet) artist from Brooklyn over Captain Goddamn America. AU where Tony is known as Iron Man but Cap's identity is secret even to the other Avengers.
The Moon and the Sea by @dirigibleplumbing, art by Bella (MCU, Explicit, 81,058 words)
Created for: 2018 Captain America/Iron Man Big Bang
Summary: Steve has lived his whole life in the coastal California town of Nublado. He’s spent the last few years trying to move on from a traumatic event in his past, and he finds new joy when he befriends—and quickly falls for—reclusive local billionaire Tony Stark. Then Tony abruptly breaks things off and won’t reply when Steve reaches out. Steve’s friends Clint and Nat have his back, at least. But… is someone following him everywhere? What’s with the human teeth Steve and his friends found while they were out fishing? How did the Scarlet Witch know so much about him? And why are there so many crows around?
Tony Stark and the Subterranean Escapade by @veldeia (Iron Man Noir, Teen And Up Audiences, 20,279 words)
Created for: Captain America/Iron Man Bingo 2016
Summary: Soon after the end of the War, a French cave explorer contacts Tony for help concerning a mysterious artifact found deep underground. It's time for a new era of adventures for the hero of Marvels, together with his friends, including a certain war-time acquaintance named Steve Rogers, with whom he has grown quite close. Bingo fill for the prompt "Infinity Gems (Make Life Difficult)”
Dreams of War, Dreams of Liars by @teaberryblue (MCU, Teen And Up Audiences, 34,438 words)
Created for: 2014 Captain America/Iron Man Holiday Exchange
Summary: When Steve succumbs to a malevolent attack that puts him permanently to sleep, the only way to wake him up is to unearth a technology that hasn't been used in twenty years. Welcome back to Dreamvision, Tony Stark. This is an MCU canon-compliant story that incorporates the science of Inception, rather than a straight-up AU or crossover.
Phantom by Del_Rion, art by Gabbi (MCU, Mature, 28,426 words)
Created for: Cap/Iron Man Reverse Bang 2013
Summary: After Steve gets mysteriously possessed by dark magic, the Avengers must contain the situation and save their leader without losing their own lives in the process. Steve keeps escaping, however – and unerringly migrates towards Tony every time. Written for: Cap/Iron Man Reverse Bang 2013. Story based on & inspired by the beautiful art by the talented Gabbi!
If Through a Door by jibrailis, art by tripperfunster (MCU, Explicit, 44,036 words)
Created for: Cap/Iron Man Big Bang 2012
Summary: Tony is accused of murder on an alien planet; Steve marries him to bring him home.
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avengerscompound · 6 months
The Tower - Under the Table
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The Tower - Under the Table
Series Masterlist
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 4585
Warnings:  smut (ten personal bixexual orgy, oral sex, vaginal fingering, anal sex, some use of powers, blindfolds)
Synopsis:  It’s Elly’s birthday, and after dinner the group have their own special kind of party game, one where they find out how well they know each other, and who can keep a good poker face.
Author’s Note:  Long time no update! I’ve been writing really slow at the moment.  But I am still doing these if you have requests.  This one was Requested by bubsanddoll21 on Wattpad. You can send in your requests too.
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Takes place between The Tower and The Holiday Special
Under the Table
In the early days of my relationship with the Avengers, it was a rare event that all of us had a meal together at a table.  Ten people at a table felt more like a dinner party than a date.  Sitting around on the couches just felt more familiar and comfortable. So when we did sit down to eat, it was a special occasion.
This one was my birthday.
The others had wanted to do something special, so they decorated the conference room and Bucky, Sam, and Wanda had cooked a large meal.  It was nice and at the point where most of us had finished eating, Tony leaned back in his chair and put his hands behind his head.  “We should have brought some games up with us,” he said.  “I could go a few rounds of Cards Against Humanity right now.”
“I could go down and get something,” Steve offered.
“You’re still eating, Steve,” Wanda said.  “Someone else can go.”
“Or!” Clint said, waggling his eyebrows.  “Or… we could play a different kind of game.”
“Why do I get the feeling that you’re not talking about charades?” Sam asked.
“Because you know me too well, Sammy,” Clint said.  “I saw this thing…”
“What have I told you about watching that stuff on the company wifi?” Tony scolded.
Clint smirked at him.  “To invite you along when I do,” he teased and stuck his tongue out at Tony.  “Anyway, as I was saying; I saw this thing.  Someone gets under the table and starts going down on someone.  And if the person getting blown or eating out gives it away that it’s happening to them, they have to go under the table.  And if someone guesses the wrong person, it’s them.  Like a Blow Job Roulette.”
“Okay, that sounds fun,” I said.  “Can we?” 
There was a murmur around the table, and one by one everyone agreed it sounded like it could be fun.
“Birthday girl goes first,” Sam said.
“Shouldn’t I be the one that gets eaten out first?” I countered. 
“But then we’d all know it was you, and you’d just end up under the table,” Sam argued.  “You might as well start down there.”
I laughed.  The logic was flawed, but I figured it was as good a place as any.  “Alright, pants off everyone,” I said, slipping off my chair onto my knees under the table.  Everyone shuffled around, some of them just opening their pants and pulling their cocks out, while others stood and pushed their pants all the way down.  Wanda and Natasha were both wearing skirts, so they just took off their panties and hoisted up their skirts.  It was quite a sight under the table.  Nine people all around me, pants down, and legs spread.  Some of the men were already half-hard.  I looked around, picking my target.
Of all the members of the group, Wanda was calling to me the most.  She was wearing thigh-high black socks, heeled boots, and a black skirt that was bunched up.  Her legs were spread and the little thatch of pubic hair glistened invitingly.
I crawled over to her, putting my hands on her thighs.  She tensed and I ducked my head forward, licking up her slit.  I wondered what she looked like right now.  How she was hiding what was happening.  If she was hiding it.  From where I was, it seemed so obvious.  Her muscles had clenched and she’d tilted her hips forward.  I could even feel a slight shake in her thighs.  I couldn’t imagine it not being totally obvious from above the table, but if she was, no one had said anything yet.
I pushed my tongue inside her and flicked it up over her clit, painting little shapes over it.  She squirmed and her cunt flooded, and as the tart, musky flavor of her slick filled my mouth, Bucky, Tony, and Clint all called out at once. “Wanda!”
“No fair!” Wanda whined as I pulled away.
“That’s the game, Wanda,” Sam said.  “Now under the table.”
I crawled out and wriggled out of my pants as Wanda climbed in under the table.  I sat down and nothing seemed to happen for a while.  I could hear Wanda moving under the table for a moment, and then after that, it was just the sounds of people picking at the last of the food and random conversation in the group.
All of a sudden Clint yelped and practically rocketed up off his chair. “Wanda!” he scolded.  “No powers!”
She got up giggling as everyone burst out laughing.  “Did someone get invaded by some pink light?” Tony teased.
“That’s one way to put it,” Clint said as he climbed under the table.
It took a really long time before the next person became clear.  I was studying everyone very closely, and the only thing that had me wondering was the slightly bored looks in the eyes of Natasha and Tony.  Which made me think it was more likely Tony as he usually dominated the conversation.  It wasn’t until his brow furrowed and he moved his hand under the table that I knew for sure it was him.
“Tony!” I yelled, pointing at him.  “It’s you!”
“Ah, shit,” Tony said, reaching under the table with both hands and began to rut his hips.  “Wait, Clint, I’m nearly done.”
“Hey now,” Steve said.  “You can wait like the rest of us.”
Clint made a choked sound and stumbled out from under the table, his eyes watering, and he wiped his mouth.  “Jesus,” he cursed.  “Tony was a terrible choice.”
“Oh, baby,” Tony said, as he smoothed down his shirt.  “The amount of calls I’ve taken while I’ve been balls deep in someone.”
“Alright, alright, get under the table smart ass,” Steve said.
Tony laughed as he climbed under, and I decided on a completely different strategy.  I glanced around the table, trying to see if anyone had given it away, but at the same time, I tensed my hands and took in a shaky breath.
“Elly!” Clint, Steve, Natasha, and Sam all said at once.
“No!” I shouted and Bruce groaned. “It’s Bruce!”
“You little…!” Natasha scolded.  “That was evil!”
Tony had broken down into laughter under the table and he crawled his way out.  “That was awesome,” he said.  “Now what?  Do all of you have to get under the table?”
“Might I suggest that we alter the game?” Thor asked.  “Perhaps, rather than all of us trying to work out who is being pleasured, Lady Elise should be blindfolded and have to work out which of her lovers is pleasuring her.”
“I think that sounds like a fantastic idea,” Natasha said.  “If she can guess, then they can make her come.  If not, she just gets edged.”
“What do you think of that, Elise?” Steve asked.
I nodded enthusiastically.  “Yes, please. It is my birthday after all.”
“We might need lube and something to blindfold El with,” Sam said.  “I mean - if we’re going to have real fun that is.”
Wanda lifted her loop scarf off over her head, and Tony, Clint, Natasha, and Thor all fished in their pockets and pulled out lube.  What was funny was none of them had the same kind of lube.  Tony had the warming gel kind, Clint’s was espresso flavored, Natasha’s doubled as a massage gel, and Thor’s was an oil he’d brought from Asgard and came in a delicate-looking, hand-blown glass bottle.
Steve and Wanda approached me as the others started clearing the table.  “Let’s get you ready, Elise,” Steve said.
Steve lifted my shirt off over my head and Wanda unfastened my bra.  I let the fabric slip down my arms and Steve tossed both it and my bra aside.  Wanda kissed me softly and then wrapped the scarf around the top of my head, obscuring my vision.  When it was in place properly, and I had assured them I couldn’t see anything, Steve lifted me and put me on the table.
I lay back and lifted my legs, spreading them and resting my feet at the edge of the table.  They made me wait a moment, and while I waited, they were clearly not keeping their hands to themselves.  There were moans and the soft wet sounds of kissing around me, which only made that wait worse.
My thighs were trembling by the time someone touched me.  Right away I knew it was one of the guys and not Natasha or Wanda, and given the fact that he touched me with both hands, and they were both flesh, I knew it wasn’t Bucky either.
There was no preamble. Whoever it was just lunged in and began to lap up the length of the slit.  They didn’t even try spreading me with their fingers, rather their tongue pushed between my folds and just got to work.  I could feel the scratch of their beard.  Yet, even without that, they were very skilled with their tongue.  It started wide, sweeping up from my entrance to my clit, and then began to focus on the little but, sending little jolts through me.  I didn’t even need the extra sensation of their long hair tickling the insides of my thighs, I knew it was Thor.  The size of his hands, the beard, and the technique all screamed the god of thunder to me.
“Mmm… Thor,” I moaned, lifting my hips to meet his mouth.
A deep booming chuckle sounded between my legs and Thor sent a jolt of electricity right through my clit making my body jerk up hard.  I nearly came just from that.
“How do you even do that?” Tony laughed. “You are too good at this game.”
“You gotta make me come now,” I said breathlessly, reaching down to tangle my hands into Thor’s hair.
“Don’t worry, lover.  I will,” Thor said.
He was good to his word.  He pulled my clit between his lips and began to flick his tongue over it.  Every now and again, he’d send another spark into it, that made my core muscles clench completely out of my control.  It brought me careening to the edge very quickly and the fourth time he did it, the dam burst and I came, arching up hard off the table as my orgasm crashed through me.
“Fucking hell!” I cried out.
“Damn, Thor,” Sam said.  “That had to be some kind of record.”
“I am a god, Samuel,” Thor bragged.
There was only a short wait for the next person to move up.  It was another one of the men and once again, clearly not Bucky.  This person was much more tentative than Thor, spreading my folds with his fingers, and slowly swirling his tongue over them.   He was tender and methodical, and it sent a warm buzz through me, oozing out like honey on tiles.  There was no beard, and the very faint tickle of the hair on his head on my thighs.
“Bruce,” I moaned, arching my back and lifting one leg so it was draped over his shoulder.
“What the fuck?” Tony cursed.  “You’re gonna be having so many orgasms tonight.”
“I know you all too well,” I moaned.  “Gonna have to mess up on purpose so I don’t die.”
“Let’s see how you go,” Bruce said and eased two fingers inside me.
Bruce was slower and more methodical about things than Thor, at least initially.  He pushed his fingers in deep, touching my g-spot and then stroking over it.  As he did, he pulled my clit between his lips and flicked his tongue over it.  The louder I moaned the rougher he got, so it wasn’t long before he’d gone from careful and slow, to rough and fast.  His fingers hammered into my g-spot, over and over, sending sharp jolts right through me, making it so I couldn’t think straight.  Beside me, someone had started having sex, and from the sounds of it, it’d be a while before Clint was down between my legs.
My orgasm peaked and Bruce pushed his fingers against my g-spot and twisted his wrist, and I came, my back arching off the table as I cried out, shuddering with it.
Bruce hummed and pulled away. “Mmm… I love seeing you come,” he hummed, leaning down to kiss me.
I sucked my slick from his lips and he pulled away, running his hand down my stomach and patting my pussy before pulling away.  I didn’t have to wait very long before the next person to take their place.  Right away I could tell it was one of the women, which narrowed the choice down to two.  I almost wanted to just take a shot in the dark and really freak them out.  I didn’t even need to though, the slow tease of her fingers up my thighs, and the way she ran her nails over my hips as she leaned in, I knew right away it was Natasha.  Not because she always touched me like that, but just that it was uniquely her.
“Natasha!” I said quickly.
She cursed in Russian and Tony burst out laughing, while at least two other people applauded me.  I would have taken a bow if I wasn’t flat on my back.  “That’s my girl,” Natasha praised and got to work.
Her nimble fingers pushed inside me and immediately pushed against my g-spot. I gasped and bucked up hard against her, but she just pushed my hips back down and continued doing it.  She countered the intense pressure of her fingers against that sweet spot inside me with her tongue on my clit.  It was intense.  I couldn’t focus.  Lights popped behind my eyes and each time I tried to say something all that came out was an animalistic cry.
When I came, I gushed, spraying Natasha with my juices as I arched hard on the table.  It was so intense, it knocked every conscious thought out of my head and I just oozed down onto the table, breathing heavily, completely forgetting that there were still six more people to go.
“Well done, Mishka,” Natasha praised.“I hope you have more in you.”
I wasn’t so sure.  In fact, when the next person stepped up, it took me a moment to realize there was even someone there.  Their tongue was lapping up and down my folds before I was truly aware enough to remember I was supposed to be playing a game.
The way they lapped their tongue was almost soothing after the intensity of the last orgasm I had.  There was a scratch of beard on my skin, but my foggy head made it hard to think about which beard it could be.
Finally, it clicked into place.  No metal hand.  That cut out Bucky.  Clint and Steve were both clean-shaven.  Which just left Tony and Sam.  I was sure that Tony would want to torture me after what happened and he wouldn’t be going easy on me at all. “Sam…” I moaned, the sounds completely breathless.
“We should never have doubted you,” Thor said.  “This is truly impressive.”
“Are you sure you’re not peeking?” Clint asked.
“Just know you all,” I argued in that same breathless moan.
Sam pulled back and a moment later there was the press of his cock against my cunt. “Let’s make you come a different way,” Sam said.
He lifted my legs so they were up against his chest and he pushed into me.  As he started to thrust into me, I gripped the edge of the table to hold myself steady. “Oh fuck,” I moaned.  I was so sensitive and overworked, that I knew the next six orgasms would happen really fast.  I was going to be completely over-stimulated by the time we were done.
Sam slid his hands down my thighs and onto my cunt, and he began to rub my clit in tight circles. I mewled, arching my back and clenching tight around his shaft.  “Oh god, Sam.  Please…”  I didn’t even know what I was pleading for.  I just knew I needed something.  More, harder, slow down, be gentle.  Or maybe just to stop.
His thumb kept rubbing in tight circles on my clit and thrusting in fast and deep, and very quickly I was brought spiraling to the edge once more.  He pinched my clit and I went toppling over, crying out and clenching my teeth as all my muscles clenched up at once.
“Good girl,” Sam praised.  “There we go.”
He slipped out of me and I let my legs fall on the table.  “You still okay?” he asked.
I nodded and made an incoherent sound.  He caressed my cheek and ran his thumb over my bottom lips.  “Elise, are you sure?”
I nodded again.  “Yeah.  I can do this.”
He stepped away and the next hand touched me. Just the right hand, and it slid up my legs and when it reached the apex of my thigh, the thumb ran up and down my slit.  Someone might have been just trying to mess with me, but I didn’t think so, and when the person crouched and their long hair teased the inside of my thighs it confirmed it.  “Bucky,” I said.
He laughed. “Damn it.  I was trying not to give it away.”
“That’s what gave it away,” I said.
“Alright, alright, let’s make you come then,” he said, sounding a lot like he was pouting.
He didn’t even bother to try and go down on me.  He just pushed my legs up against my body, lined his cock up to my cunt, and shoved in deep.  I gasped as he bottomed out and I felt the sharp sting of the head of his cock hitting my cervix.  “Bucky,” I whined.
“Sorry, honey,” he said, backing off a bit.  He smoothed his hands down my thighs and began to thrust.
I reached up, grabbing his wrists as he thrust into me and I wrapped my legs around his waist, drawing him in as tightly as I could.  “Bucky,” I moaned.  “Kiss me.”
He wrapped his right arm around my waist and lifted me, so I was sitting on the edge of the table and the cool metal of his thumb brushed over my lips.  I parted them, leaning forward as I wrapped my arms around him and pushed my hands into his hair.
He kissed me, his tongue pushing into my mouth.  I flicked my tongue forward to meet his and they danced together.  Bucky kept thrusting into me and I rolled my hips to meet him.  As worked up as I was, I knew I wouldn’t last, but the way this orgasm built felt so different from the past four.  It wound around me like a warm blanket.  I was engulfed by it, cocooned completely.  It heated me from the inside and yet I trembled in Bucky’s arms.  He held me close, thrusting in deep and kissing me with a passionate intensity that took my breath away.
When my orgasm washed over me, I threw my head back and clenched tight around me.  “Oh god, Bucky,” I moaned.
Bucky’s hips stuttered and he groaned loudly, burying his head in my neck. “Fuck, Elly,” he groaned, suddenly jerking forward and coming inside me.
“Bucky Barnes, you dirty dog,” Clint scolded.  “Leaving a mess in there for us to clean up.”
I swatted lazily in Clint’s direction as Bucky started laughing. “Oh like you’re not looking forward to that.”
He pulled out of me and I lay back with a groan.  It wasn’t long before someone else was between my legs.  They lifted them and spread them wide and then did something that gave them away immediately.  They laughed.
“What’s so funny, Tony?” I asked.
“Ah fuck,” he said. “Didn’t even get a chance to trick you.  I just had plans to go to town on you.”
“Mean,” he said, reaching for him.  “Go on, you gotta give me my prize.”
“Alright, alright,” he said and pushed his cock up against my cunt.  “It’s coming and so will you be.”
I laughed, but it was cut short as he shoved inside of me.  He thrust in so hard it nearly knocked the wind from me.  I cried out and reached above my head.  Someone grabbed my hand and I held onto them as Tony began to thrust into me.
He didn’t go easy on me the way Bucky had.  He grabbed my legs, held me in place, and just railed into me.  “Fuck… fuck… fuck…” I babbled as I was jolted on the table.  My fingers tightened around whoever’s hand I was holding.  It felt like this orgasm was being hammered into me.  Each thrust of Tony’s hips just made it build more and more until I was ready to burst.
It hit me hard, lights popped behind my eyes and I cried out, my hips bucking and my body writhing under him.  “Oh fuck yes, Tony!” I mewled.
Tony kept thrusting, fucking me through my orgasm, and with a shudder he came too, moaning as he did.  “There you go, Legolas,” Tony teased as he held me in place.
He leaned down and kissed me as he pulled out, and stepped away.  A lay on the table breathing heavily, waiting for the next person the move up.
I didn’t have to wait long, and once again, I knew who it was as soon as their hands were on my skin.
“Wanda,” I said.
She giggled.  “I knew there was no point trying to trick you.  But lucky you, now you get your prize.”
She took her hands off me completely and just as I wondered what she was doing, the warm tingle of her powers touched on my feet and began to wind their way up my leg.  It was slow going, and it didn’t settle on my cunt right away, rather, it wrapped its way right around me, making my whole body buzz and tingle.
I whined, squirming on the table.  I was still holding someone’s hand, and I gripped it tighter, trying to tether myself to something real.
“Please, Wanda,” I whined, bucking my hips.
She giggled again, but things started to get more focused.  It swirled around my nipples, tugging on them, and began to buzz against my clit. I moaned, arching my back and the pressure increased.  Every moan I made made her increase the pressure of her powers on me.  My nipples hardened almost painfully and a hot current ran right through me from my clit.  I was dripping on the table as my cunt clenched around nothing.
It started to feel like some kind of torture.  I was so close, and yet she was keeping me hovering there right at the edge.  “Please.  Please, Wanda.  I need … I need…”
“Yes, Elly?” she asked.
“I need to come,” I wailed.
A jolt shot through me, and just like that, I came, arching hard off the table, and screaming as my orgasm rocked through me, making me gush onto the table.  It was the most intense orgasm yet, and for a moment everything went black.
When the world returned, I was panting heavily, completely dazed as I rode out the extreme orgasm high.
“Holy shit, Wanda,” Natasha cursed.  “That was impressive.”
“Two more left, El,” Steve said.  “You sure you’ve got them in you?”
I nodded slowly.  “Think so.”
Someone moved up and skimmed the back of their fingers up the insides of my thighs.  It was a Clint trick, but not out of Steve’s playbook. Whoever it was leaned in, ghosting his lips up the insides of my soaked thighs.  His fingers moved to my cunt, spreading it with his fingers and running his tongue up my slit.  There was no beard, but both Clint and Steve were currently clean-shaven, so that didn’t give it away.  I really had no idea who was touching me.
I lifted my feet, put them on his shoulders, and flexed my toes.  Whoever it was was broad-shouldered and muscular.  That didn’t exactly narrow it down either.  And just because Steve was broader than Clint, I chose him.
“Steve?” I asked.
“You sure about that, darlin’?” Bucky asked. 
“No… but it’s my guess,” I moaned.
Some of the group started clapping.  “Well done, that’s all of you.  How about Clint and Steve make you come together, so you only have to do one more?” Sam suggested.
I nodded emphatically.  “Please.”
Steve moved forward, the thick head of his cock pressing against my cunt.  I raised my hips to meet him, wrapping my legs around his waist and pulling him closer to me.  He pulled back just a little and with a snap of his hips, he sunk in deep.
I gasped and arched my back.  As I did, Clint moved up beside me on the table and began to flick his tongue over my clit and play with my breast.  The table was jostled beside us and Clint grunted and let out a moan.
“Who’s fucking Clint?” I moaned.
“That’d be me, honey,” Sam replied.  “You want to see?”
I nodded.  “Please.”
The blindfold was taken off as Steve continued to thrust into me.  I blinked at the light and looked around, Taking everything in.  Steve was between my legs, holding me in place, his brow furrowed as he fucked me.  Clint was half propped on the table, bent over me, licking at my clit and that base of Steve’s cock.  Sam was behind him, one hand braced on Clint’s shoulder and the other on his hip as he thrust into him, jostling him against me.  The others were spaced around the table.  Most just watching.  Thor was the one holding my hand, though Wanda was bouncing in his lap, her eyes glowing pink.
Everyone else was just kissing and holding each other as they watched Clint and Steve bring on my final orgasm.  Seeing them just added to my pleasure, bringing me closer and closer to the edge.
I relaxed back, just letting the pleasure wash over me, It encompassed me completely.  But in the end, it wasn’t either Steve or Clint that set my orgasm off, it was Wanda’s orgasm.
She cried out and her powers burst out of her and I was hit by a sudden, intense wave of her pleasure.  I came hard, all my muscles clenching at once making me arch violently off the table.  I cried out and my vision blacked out for a moment.  Wanda’s orgasm must have affected the others too.  Steve groaned and gripped my hips hard shoving into me and coming deep inside me.  Sam’s hips bucked and his head fell back as his hit too, and Clint suddenly arched like a cat and came in thick ropes onto the table.
I fell back breathing heavily as I rode the waves of my orgasm.  Steve hunched over me panting and Clint slithered down and lay there with his head on my stomach.
That’s how we stayed for a while and then Natasha stood.  “Okay.  How about we clean up here and head downstairs?  I think it’s time for a soak in the hot tub.” 
Steve sighed contentedly and slipped out of me.   He pulled up his pants and then picked me up, cradling me against him. “Good birthday?” he asked.
I hummed, snuggling against his chest and closing his eyes as I murmured my reply. “The best.”
~ END ~
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peachyyy1234 · 9 months
Coriolanus snow x fem reader 18+
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Summary: you take coriolanus virginity
Authors note: hope you guys like thise post it's my first time writing lease don't judge also sorry if I miss spell English isn't my first language love your author olivia hope you like it
Warning seaxual content finger in pussy sex eating someone out
It was around 11 pm you where are your best friend coriolanus snows house to study you two been close for years " I don't get this stupid question" you say frustrated "it's not that hard " coriolanus says "for you it's not" you say looking ate him as he sighs you close your book
" how about we do something fun" you say.
"Like what" he says. You get up and walk over to him "um I could think of a few things " you say flirty you grab hum by the color and bring him close to you "what are you doing" coriolanus says confused you kiss him
He pulls back surprised you freel embarrassed but the he kisses you back you . You push him on his bed and get on top of him " I have nev-" coriolanus was saying until you cut him off " don't worry" you say you kiss him you pull back and take you shirt off leaving you in your lacy black bra coriolanus eyes widen he look ate you I'm shock he has never seen you thise beautiful before you take his pants off leaving him in he underwear you also take you pants off leaving you in ur panties and bra you get back on top of him and slowly move your hips around coriolanus let's out a loud whiper as you moan " faster " coriolanus says so you do what he says and move fast letting out a very loud whiper from him and a moan from you he grabs you waits to make you stop "what" you say confused "take your panties off and put my dick in your pussy " he says demanding so you do what he says you rip his underwear off and take your panties off you slowly stroke his cock he whipers softly " I'm gonna put your dick in mu pussy now ok " he nods slowly you put his dick inside your pussay moaning loud he whipers "that feals so nice now ride my dick baby" you start moving you hips around moaning he slips his hand up your back to take you bra off ass you ride he cock he watches you titis bonce while you ride his dick " oh fuckkkkkk ahhh" you whiper riding corios cock " that's the spot baby ohh yeah that's it" coriolanus says moaning you start picking up that pace now your pussy jumping up and down his dick on of his on your waits the other squeezing your boobs he love's the way they bounce "I'm close" he says "omg I'm gonna cum ahhh " you say moaning "I'm gonna fill your sweet pussy up with all my jucy cum baby fuck" he says "I'm there fuck" coriolanus says while cuming inside you pussy "ahhh I'm cuming ahhahh fuc fuck ahhh" you say cuming as you walls close on coriolanus dick he slaps your ass hardly as you climax you pull out of him and lie down next to him "fuck that was good corio " you say he dosnt say anything he starts to play with your swollen pussy "ahh corio I can't " you say moaning " yes you can baby " says he starts moving his fingers faster in a circle on or Clint "ahh" you moan scream out he inserts one ginger inside your swollen pussy while you moan loud he removes his finger and inserts his tongue you moan as he he locking the inside of your pussy he inserts a finger "ahh omg fuckkkk" he removes his tongue and inserts another finger while moving his finger fast in your pussy " faster faster baby ahhh" you say moaning "I'm gonna cum I'm gonna cum fuck " you say whimpering "I'm cuming ahhhh" uph say whiler moaning as you cum on his finger while whimpering and moaning he removes his fingers and licks his fingers "you did so good baby " he says going up to kiss you he lies down next to you
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randomshyperson · 2 years
New Romantics - Chapter One - Wanda Maximoff Series
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Summary: Trapped in a loveless relationship that has cost her friendships, Wanda watches her senior year of school turn upside down after a party. She will make new friends and may end up learning that not every relationship is doomed to failure.
Warnings: (+16), straight and toxic relationships, making out, underage drinking, language, co-dependency, conversations about insecurity and self-worth, attempted romantic comedy, unrequited love at first, friends to lovers. | Words: 4.236k
Skamverse Collection | Series Masterlist | AO3 | Wattpad |
Chapter One - Parties and Makeups
“The global mentality is moving toward free world trade and increased market liberalism. A world full of opportunities. A world where dreams can come true. It sounds fantastic, and it is fantastic. For a very small percentage of us. But for the vast, poor majority, the capitalist system only means one thing: death and suffering. While we live out our days thoughtlessly and stuff ourselves with cheap food. The poor people of the earth struggle in factories. Wages are forced down to the minimum, while the work hours keep increasing. Unionization is illegal, and the working conditions are intolerable. Before applauding freedom, we must remember one thing: Our over-consuming society stands on the shoulders of the coffee beans from Peru. We gorge on cheap food produced by underpaid children hands from India[...]”
Novi Grad, Monday, 1:00 pm.
"So what do you think?"
Wanda licked her lips, trying to choose the right words to define the monologue her boyfriend has been reading the last few minutes. Vision stares at her in anticipation.
"It's smart." She says, and he gives a soft laugh.
"Is that all? Don't you think I should change something?"
She sighs, shrugging. "I don't know, it's just good." She murmurs, thinking for a moment before adding. "Maybe exclude cheap food? You used it twice..."
Vision leans over to look at the paper. "No, you see, because that's a technique to emphasize the idea I picked up..."
Wanda stopped listening - Yes, she hated doing it, especially at how often it happened. But her attention was diverted to the other side of the courtyard, where a group of girls was leaving the school building. Most of them didn't notice that Wanda was watching, but one of them did. Eve, once she realized it, assumed an icy expression that made Wanda's stomach churn. The girl next to her was Jean Grey, and as soon as she followed her friend's gaze, she raised her middle finger in Wanda's direction before continuing walking.
Wanda swallowed dryly and looked away. Vision cleared his throat, waving in front of his girlfriend's eyes to attract her attention.
"Hey, don't let that get to you." He tried, leaning in to peck her cheek. "Okay?"
"Forget about it." Wanda forced a smile, kissing him. Vision smiled, enjoying the closure of the subject much more than she did since the one who had to deal with the free hatred was not him. The boy pulled away a little to take a breath before deepening the kiss, but a sheet of paper was placed between their faces and caused them both to jump away.
"No more making out my sister." It was Pietro, shoving the test in their faces. He wasn't alone, Clint Barton was with him, and he was the first to greet Vision. Pietro leaned on the railing behind where they were standing, "How did you go in the Geography assignment?"
Clint greeted Wanda with a kiss on the cheek, and Vision answered the older twin with a proud smile, "I got an A+."
"Typical." Pietro retorted chuckling. "What about you, sestra?"
Wanda sighs, gripping the handle of her backpack tighter as if the crumpled test at the bottom was going to jump out and give away her lie. "Hmm, I got a C minus."
The trio made sounds of trouble, and Wanda rolled her eyes. Pietro gave a little chuckle. "Papa will be so disappointed..." He teased, receiving an impatient sigh in return.
"What about you? Did you get an A?" She inquired. Pietro chuckled.
"No, but I'm an athlete." He reasoned. "I don't need the brains when I have the muscles." The boys thought it was funny but Wanda rolled her eyes at the foolishness.
"Okay, Pietro, keep believing that one."
"Better than having neither..." He teased low, and Clint pulled him out of the range when Wanda threatened to push him into the railing. Vision laughed, holding his girlfriend by the waist.
"We're going to Barton, see you later?" Vision announces, and she takes her attention from her brother who walked a few feet with Clint to the boy in front of her.
"I thought you were going over to my place."
Vision shrugs. "I went to your house yesterday, Wanda. And the day before, and before, and before..."
"I get it." She cuts in with a clumsy laugh. She kisses him quickly. "Call me later?"
He smiles, nodding before kissing her intensely. Pietro gets in the way again, asking him to hurry up. Vision leaves with the boys, and Wanda stands at the school entrance, alone for a few minutes even after they have turned the corner.
Novi Grad, Monday, 8:00 pm.
"Don't forget to feed little Chaos, that stinky cat." 
Wanda smiled at her father's message, typing that she had already done so before turning her face to the other side of the bed, where an orange cat was sleeping heavily. She reached out, and scratched him behind the ears, receiving a purr in return.
"Papa is being mean, you smell good, Chaos." She says to the kitten, who doesn't wake up. Then sounds of door and keys ring out in the apartment, and Wanda leaves her cell phone on the mattress before getting up and leaving the bedroom.
Pietro is dropping off his shoes in the doorway. "Hey, good evening. Is Papa home yet?"
She denies it, hands in her sweatshirt pockets. "Double shift. Were you at Barton until now?"
The boy chuckled shortly, letting his jacket hang down and turning his back to go to the kitchen. "Ne (no), I left hours ago."
Wanda frowned, the image of Vision chatting messages and unanswered calls in her head. "Vis left too? I tried calling him..."
"I don't babysit your boyfriend, Wanda." Pietro cuts her off from the refrigerator door, and she swallows dryly ready to leave the kitchen. He regrets his aggressiveness and sighs. "I left early because Crystal wanted to talk. Or rather, fight. I'm sorry for taking it out on you."
Wanda shakes her head. "No problem. Are you guys okay?"
Pietro takes out the dinner saved for him to heat up in the microwave, shrugging. "She dumped me for the ninth time, but she didn't throw anything at me this time so I'd say that was progress."
Wanda sighs. "What was the problem now?"
He chuckles, rolling his eyes. "I don't know, she saw me talking to the new girl at school and thought I was being too nice. She's as hot as she is crazy."
"Don't be sexist Pietro, it doesn't make you any cooler." Wanda retorts turning her back on him, and the twin rolls his eyes again, focusing on dinner.
Wanda returns to her room, and Chaos is stretching out on her bed. He's lying on top of her cell phone now, and she has to push him slightly to get the device. She tries to call, but Vision doesn't answer like all the other times.
Before she can go back to watching the paused video classes on her laptop, there is someone on her porch.
Wanda rushes over to help her boyfriend get inside.
"Weird, it seems to have gotten harder to do that." He comments on the small tear in his jeans made by the railing and Wanda laughs lightly.
"Maybe you just need to exercise more." She teases, making him chuckle. He kisses her, pushing his way inside, but Wanda pulls away with the excuse that she is helping him take off his backpack and jacket. When he sits down on the bed to pet Chaos before kicking the cat out of the room, Wanda asks. "Where were you?"
Vision begins removing his shoes. "At Barton's."
"Until so late?"
The boy lets out a confused laugh, raising an eyebrow at her. "You know his mother is never home to care. Pretty much like your daddy..."
"I tried calling you." She insists. 
He sighs wearily. "My cell phone died."
"Clint didn't have a charger?"
Vision laughs. "No, Wanda, he couldn't find it or whatever. What's this, huh? Some kind of interrogation?"
She swallows dryly, looking away, "No, I just... I was worried."
"Well, don't be, I'm right here." He retorts with a smile. "And you, well, you're quite far away..."
She laughs shortly, moving closer to sit on his lap. He is the one who initiates the kiss, and she cuts him off when she is starting to get out of breath. "Let me get the door." She gasps as she gets up, and Vision just nods.
But when Wanda returns, he notices the study items next to the laptop on the bed, and there is a test with a red note in his hands, and a little smile on his face. "I thought you said you got a C minus, Miss."
Wanda snatched the paper from his hand with rosy cheeks to the red F who seemed to mock her as much as her boyfriend. "Shut up." She says, and he gives up tormenting her when she kisses him again.
Novi Grad, Wednesday, 9:30 am.
"Hey, Wanda." 
The greeting comes accompanied by a tap on the shoulder because the brunette is wearing headphones. Wanda pulls out both items at once, looking at her colleague, Darcy Lewis, with curiosity.
"Hi, Darcy, good morning."
The one with glasses smiles. "Are you going to the welcome party on Friday? You didn't confirm the invitation on Facebook, and Jane is being a bit uptight about the organization. She and Thor are taking care of the drinks." Wanda superficially recognized the names mentioned, they were popular people at school, but they were not her friends. She looked at the book - Dracula - in her lap for a second before turning back to Darcy.
"I don't know, I'll probably..."
"What, be reading on a Friday night?" The girl interrupts with teasing, but not mean smile. "You know, I have nothing against interesting habits, but the welcome party is the first opportunity to meet new friends at the very beginning of the year. This, and also to show the spirit of solidarity with the new freshmen who will fund our graduation. It’s important they know who you are, even if you have chosen to adopt the position of the emo geek of this school. Right?”
Wanda hesitates, half unsure of what to say about the whole thing. Before she can think how to respond, Jane - who was addressing other tables in the study area - approaches Darcy.
"Can you believe Thor told me that Loki just texted that he's taking some friends? What part of Students only did he not understand? The principal won't be happy to hear that they had strangers at the party." Jane blurts out angrily, offering a forced smile of greeting to Wanda before returning to typing on her cell phone. Darcy clears her throat.
"The end of the world really." Murmurs the one with the glasses. "See you Friday, Maximoff?"
"I think so." Wanda retorts, and Darcy smiles, offering her a wink before leaving with her friend.
Wanda doesn't have much time to get back to reading in peace. The class bell soon rings, and she has to collect her unfinished book to get to the next class.
Novi Grad, Wednesday, 5:41 pm.
Watching Vision play soccer with his friends is never fun, but Wanda doesn't complain anyway.
She busies herself with her book, finding it definitely more interesting than watching the boys, and it is only at the first break that Vision interrupts her.
She complains about the kiss because he is sweaty.
"You look pretty when you're focused, you know that?" he compliments, hands resting at her side. She twitches her nose.
"Am I not pretty at other times?"
He chuckles. "Don't be silly, being pretty is your greatest talent." He retorts, and she forces a smile, trying not to look bothered by the phrase. He doesn't notice, moving away to get a bottle of water. 
The soccer field is not empty, but Wanda doesn't know the kids there besides Clint, and her twin obviously. She has seen some of them, but they were Vis's friends and not hers. So she has a big empty space around her in the stands.
Stealing glances at the surrounding groups of friends and couples, Wanda sighs before turning her gaze back to her boyfriend.
"Vis, will you go with me to the school welcome party?"
He makes a confused face, finishing a large sip of water before retorting, "That cheesy thing? Why do you even want to go to that, we've never attended it before."
She frowns softly. "It's not cheesy. It's important that the freshmen get to know us now, they are responsible for over half of the fundraising for the graduation trip-"
"Didn't your father say he was going to pay for yours?" He interrupts her with a raised eyebrow. 
Wanda sighs. "Yes, but I'm not going to think only of myself-"
"I have money too." He cuts in again shrugging. "Clint works, Pietro is your brother so he's insured too. You don't have to care about a dumb party full of brats, Wanda." He mocks with a chuckle, leaning in to kiss her, but Wanda turns her face away. Vis doesn't notice, distracted by the boys rushing him to get back to playing, and Wanda sighs at the thought that he almost never notices anything that bothers her. 
"I just think it would be nice to meet new people." She murmurs, and he sighs, looking down at the field and nodding that he's going already.
"Well, I guess we could drop in for a few hours, free booze is a nice thing..." He suggests, and her face immediately lights up. Vis extends a hand to her strands of hair. "But you have to do something for me."
She frowns. "What?" 
"Can my brother spend Easter with us?"
Wanda's excited expression drops. "Seriously? Can I bring mine?" She retorts wryly and angrily, closing the book. Vision sighs helplessly.
"Baby, come on..." She rolls her eyes, starting to put things away. "Hey, I know I said I didn't want anyone bothering us, but Dad grounded Tony and I don't want to leave him alone for the whole holiday..."
"If Tony would stop screwing up he wouldn't be grounded." Wanda retorts now standing up, with her backpack in her hands. Vision chuckles, making puppy dog eyes at her. 
"Please, darling. A party for a party." He negotiates, and she rolls her eyes.
"Okay, fine." She agrees, and he grins, grabbing her by the waist to spin her in the air despite her protests. With the delay, Clint approaches them, just as sweaty as his friend.
"Come on man, you two can hook up after the game." Says the boy, busy with the water as Vision lets go of Wanda with little grace, who pulls down the hem of her skirt with her cheeks slightly flushed with embarrassment. 
"I'm celebrating, Wanda has agreed to let Tony spend Easter at her family Cabin." Vision tells. Wanda wryly chuckles:
"Maybe you'd like to come too, it seems the holiday for two has turned into a holiday for everyone." 
Clint chuckles, wiping his mouth before commenting, "How did he convince you, Maximoff?"
She sighs. "He's taking me to the welcoming party on Friday." She says, and Vision shrugs, but Clint frowns.
"Friday? Don't you have that fancy dinner with your dad and the uni people? You haven't shut up about it for months." Clint recalls and Vision puts his hand to his head. 
"Oh, shit, it's true. Baby, I completely forgot..."
"Whatever." She says wearily with her hands in the air lightly. "See you tomorrow, Clint." He said leaving, and Vision patted the back of his friend's head before following his girlfriend.
Novi Grad, Friday, 07:12 pm.
"I'm already at the restaurant, good thing I wore a suit. Try to go to the party, it will be good for you." 
Wanda reread the message for the ninth time, trying to understand what in the last sentence bothered her so much. She sighed, looking at the little Chaos adjusting himself on her bed.
"What do you think, buddy? Do you think I should go to a stupid party?" She asks the cat, who doesn't even meow back. 
Wanda risks checking Instagram, only to be bombarded with pictures in her feed about the school party, which grew in popularity apparently because Loki wasn't the only one who took other than students.
She glanced around her messy room, and at the paused sitcom on her laptop. The Addams Family was not being efficient in distracting her tonight. Vision was at a dinner party with her father's contacts from Europe's top universities, Pietro was sleeping over at Crystal's because they got back together the day before, and Clint was supposed to be working. And there were no other friends.
Wanda forced herself to her feet. She could do this. New friends at a party, right? It shouldn't be that hard.
She got ready in record time and changed from her comfortable sweatshirt into a wine-colored cotton dress. Maybe it didn't scream friendly energy, but it definitely made her look pretty. 
Chaos meowed at her when she stood in front of the mirror, and Wanda thought she was good to go. She texted to Vision that she was going to have fun knowing he wasn't going to answer tonight before she left.
Novi Grad, Friday, 08:40 pm.
Music from the loudspeakers echoed throughout the room. The welcoming committee did a good job, because they had booked the whole night at the Panther Club, two blocks away from the school, and the place was completely full.
Wanda managed to get in at the ticket booth with her school ID and was given a different wristband for being of legal age. She imagined that this would guarantee alcoholic drinks for her inside the bar, but she doubted very much that anyone was respecting these rules of the amount of drunk freshmen around.
She was trying to have a good time. She didn't rely too much on the colorful drink that the bartender said was alcohol-free and decided to enjoy the Club's trademark live music show.
It wasn't exactly her idea of fun, being around hundreds of drunken teenagers, but Wanda tried to ignore the discomfort of her own boots to dance a little. 
It was not a good idea.
She returned to the bar area after three songs way too long for the good health of her toes and was considering leaving when she recognized the red-haired figure only a few feet away.
Jean was waiting for her drink, and saw Wanda out of the corner of her eye, assuming a defensive posture.
"Hi." Wanda greeted, receiving only an icy stare in return before the redhead looked forward again. Wanda sighed, "Jean, please. You can't ignore me forever."
"Not forever, it's already senior year." She retorts coldly, turning her body toward Wanda, one arm resting on the counter. The brunette swallows dryly, but the redhead smiles wickedly, the other hand reaching out to push the strands of brown hair behind the smaller girl's shoulder. "What do you want from me, Maximoff? A chance to stab my back, too?"
Wanda tenses her jaw, her eyes burning. "Please don't be like this." She pleads and takes on courage. "I miss you, you know. And Eve... Please just say something."
Jean licks her lips and tucks a strand of hair behind Wanda's ear before lowering her hands. She looks her in the eyes.
"Next time, try to use less eyeliner. You're looking like a slut." She declares, turning away before Wanda can really process what was said to her.
She feels her throat tighten with the urge to start crying and takes a deep breath. And then she feels a presence behind her.
"Very nice friend you have." Ironizes an unknown voice. Wanda turns around and is surprised by a slightly familiar face. 
You smile and stare back at her. "Did you know that girls who call others girls sluts are statically more likely to get chlamydia?"
Wanda frowns slightly. "Really?"
You grin "No, but it would be fun karma." You say, and it is her turn to chuckle. You then extend your hand to her. "I'm Y/N, we're in the same Literature class."
"Oh, that's right. The new girl." Wanda murmurs finally realizing where she recognizes the face from. "I'm Wanda."
"I know." You retort biting back a smile and when she blinks curiously, you half-heartedly clarify, "Your brother, Pietro, right? He's been very considerate of the new students, even the ones who aren't freshmen. He pointed you out in the courtyard once."
Wanda nods, a little out of frame. She wasn't very good at socializing, especially with those she thought were kind of attractive.
You noticed her distance and cleared your throat. "Just for the record, Wanda, and well, I'm no makeup expert but..." You extended your hand again, this time to her face, wiping with the tip of your finger a bit of eyeliner smeared by the tear she let fall. "I wouldn't say you look slutly, I'd say you look quite beautiful."
You compliment, and Wanda feels a shiver spread through her body. So surprised by her own reaction, she can barely smile back when you do so in farewell, leaving the bar.
She decides to run to the bathroom and check her makeup even though her legs are still shaking a little.
The sound of the party is muffled inside, and Wanda sighs as she sees her own reflection. She wants to believe what you said, but since Jean treated her like that, it's been a little difficult. 
With a wet piece of paper, she carefully removes the eyeliner, and just as she is finishing, she hears a soft cry coming from one of the booths.
Worried, Wanda throws the paper in the trash and follows the sound. "Hello?" she needs to call out another two times for the girl to sniffle and answer.
"Sorry to bother you, but are you okay?" It's kind of a silly question to ask someone who is crying in the bathroom, but it's the best that Wanda handles. And the girl seems to enjoy the kindness.
"Yeah, just... it's stupid." She replies in a small voice.
"Can you open the door for me for a minute?" There is a pause, but the keyhole unlocks and the girl pushes the door slightly. Wanda offers her an understanding expression and pulls her by the hand. "Come, I can help with the smudged makeup." The girl agrees to be led out of the booth, to the sinks. "I'm Wanda, by the way."
"I know, your brother is pretty popular." Mumbles the other one sniffling softly. Wanda smiles, "I'm Yelena. Can you call someone for me? The team captain?"
"Oh, sure." Wanda assures, kind of getting the impression that the girl is kicking her out, kind of uncomfortable with the attention.
She leaves Yelena and heads back to the party, spending a good ten minutes asking about this team captain to the people around - most of them too drunk to know - until finally one of the third-year girls points to a tall boy at the back of the club. "The only captain I know is Steve Rogers, sweetie. That pretty boy over there."
Wanda approached him in a circle of people, it was as uncomfortable as she expected. Steve, at least, seemed like a nice guy and followed her with some concern about that girl crying in the bathroom.
But when Wanda returned, Yelena was not alone. Another blonde girl was finishing helping her with her make-up.
"[...] you and Kate need to stop this push and pull, that's what I think." Advised the stranger. Yelena sighed.
"She left me crying in a bathroom, I'll never speak to her again."
"Come on Yelena..."
"Sorry." Wanda interrupts the interaction with Steve trailing behind her. "I brought your friend, Yelena. The team captain."
The two look at her as if she is crazy. Yelena points to the other, "This is my friend. Carol Danvers, captain of the basketball team."
Steve nods. "What's up, Carol?" he greeted her with a smile half confused by the whole thing. 
"Oh, I didn't know we had more than one...team." Wanda mumbles clumsily, and Yelena sighs half impatiently.
"Look, thanks anyway, it's the thought that counts. But we were in the middle of a conversation here..."
"God, you're so rude when you're mad at Kate." Carol complains. "Come on, Natasha was looking for you. Thanks again, sweetie." The blonde pulls her friend out of the bathroom, and Wanda decides she has had enough for the night.
She makes her way out of the bar, but on the street, she realizes that Steve Rogers has followed her the whole way.
"Hey, sorry, are you Jarvis Stark's girlfriend?" He asks and she takes her time assimilating her boyfriend's real name instead of the nickname everyone has used since elementary school. 
"Yeah, why?"
Steve smiles awkwardly. "Any chance you have his brother's number?"
Wanda has a good few seconds of pure surprise before muttering that she really wasn't talking to Tony. The blond gets a little disappointed but forces a smile. 
"Sorry, see you at school." She babbles, honestly tired from this night.
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siremasterlawrence · 1 year
New Bodies Part 1 & 2
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So my career is kicking up in to the air as my voice leaves a echo reaching in to a the sky and soon enough I lay down on my bed I close my eyes.My body transfers in to spirit from flying in to the sky I float off in to the midst of a new universe somewhere in space I begin to think.
I wish that I could be able to possess others powers to serve only me and when I need a new body. It is pretty crazy suddenly my body swirls in to the air sending my flying in to the body of another who falls like a tone of bricks I find myself waking up.
Groggy I woke up from a state for the first time in my life I am drunk wiping my eyes and I barely am able to sit up fleeing all the things spiraling out of control and I knew I have a new way of life and being since he is a ass.
The next thing I know I am on my feet once more moving forward to the bathroom I close the door slamming it hard in a gruff soon stumbling to the sink my hands manger to reach it and I hold on tight the voice is weird.
My eyes roll up staring in my eyes it took for a while for me to see it but I freak one finally able to gain control I notice something off it is the body of Scott Eastwood I am fully in possession. Speaking of it I find him very conflicting for a number of reason because of his assholic father.
Number two he is an exact copy of him with that some arrogant, hard core, not so hot or attractive face many seem to like he is quite a catch though because speaking of that word nepotism like great white shark his father appears.
“Hey dad…what’s going on? I am fucked in haha.” I manage to say half wanting to barf.
“You’re drunk as per usual.” He states to me with a smile.
“I guess…hahaha” I reply avoiding his gaze the best I can.
“Fuck!” Clint says angrily smashing the Newspaper.
“What’s wrong?” I ask.
“Fucking pansies.” He yells.
“Calm down dad!” I write.
“Fuck off” he says closing the door.
“I need to get out of here.” I tell myself.
“My dad” I call to him.
“Don’t be a liberal “ he yells
“Sure thing…fuckwad” immature I know but I hate him.
“Taking control of his body now”
“He can be drunk to new day”
“Yes! Perfect “
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Driving off to the house he calls home I park his car swiftly walking in to the front door I enter the house racing up the stairs I undo my my jacket throwing on to the bed stand in front of the mirror I set up my cellphone on a tripod.
Creating a new instagram account I set up my cell on a tripod press record moving back I wink at the camera doing a sexy dance, blow a seductive kiss while I shake my body and slowly remove my clothes one piece at a time.
I feel new body up touching my pecs I hit it hard then start to squeeze them tightly in a seductive motion I turn around showing my ass. I shake it hard smacking it slipping my underwear down l lick my finger make a hot sound as I touch my ass.
Flipping the switch off inhaling my scent as my nose digs in to his skin I watch all of my control over him, deep down I can sense he is being turns him on he can’t help it he is wanting to hump something and I give him what he wants.
“Oh God! I am so fucking hot! Hawt damn you will provide get ways for my voice so yeah.”
“Look at this face, body and my ass.”
“Fuck yeah!”
“Sent…mwahahaha “
“Time to get ready for my party “
“We will blow shit up”
“Everyone drink everything “
“All the booze are free”
“Let’s party “
“Who wants to dance ?”
“I am hard “
“So horny “
“Their eyes are on me”
“This white ass can look so stupid”
“I am going to fuck someone “
“Smash him”
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It is two months later when I am literally in a city in Mexico on vacation that my time has come to an end with Scott.
He is boring me that night I had one more romp in the hay exploring his body then fell a sleep in his sweat.
I woke up in the embrace of the sun to way too many text in the morning form his far too infernal father Clint.
Picking up my cellphone I throw to the wall ignoring it I get up sliding off of the bed on to my feet.
A full length mirror lays on the wall before me as I press a tiny button on his neck the skin becomes loose.
It begins deflate his husk to floor like an air balloon running out of air I step out of it in disgust.
I had to make hash racing to the bathroom a shows awaits me clothes ready on the bed as I dry and exist the room.
Funny enough Justin Baldonis hot Italian ass
pumps into me staring at his phone I take my chances
He is distracted so I place the device on his neck press if he fades in to his own mind and deflated away.
This perfect I drag his ass in to a bathroom in the hallway slipping him on to my skin he forms over me.
My height rises to tend fold to new levels I can look way over me and everything and everyone seems so small.
My body goes from a bit toned exploding in to a massive wad of toned muscles and new strangling never before.
I smirk with a bright white smile showcase his teeth I do a sexy dance stepping on to the elevator.
Winking at woman passing by the door shut as it drops to the first floor I move on with my life and head to the airport.
Once one the plain I can sense Scott is back to normal form coming to with a migraine and angry father on the line.
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“Wow! Poor Scott! He just noticed the tattoo”
“Asswipe! He wants to be angry and ring my neck.”
“He is turned on”
“Oooh! So is Justin”
“Dam! Why so horny?”
“God! I am hard”
“I guess I am going the mile high club”
“With my new body?l
“That counts right ?”
“Mwahahahahaha “
“Excuse me!”
“Get out the way “
The end
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quietlyimplode · 2 months
here again now
Warnings: violence/aftermath of torture
Word Count: 2047 (gif not mine)
Summary: Natasha is captured, tortured and left with insomnia. (Part 2/4)
A/N: Chapter 2 - Tony worries; Natasha talks about where she’s been and no one sleeps.
(pls note that the fic starts below and finishes on ao3 - i know how annoying it is to start on one platform only to have it finish on another)
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The night is rough.
They stay in the hospital wing.
There’s drugs in Natasha’s system that sends off flags. Residual adrenaline, and some other run of the mill drugs, but nothing that Bruce can find that would give her such fear of being asleep.
It’s psychological.
It’s clear from her demeanour, though her shaking hands and hyper vigilance, make Clint think that other things have happened that they can’t test for.
He wants to ask.
Is desperate to ask.
But he doesn’t.
Instead he sits with her throughout it the night, holding her tight, changing positions, talking about stories from the past.
The hours are slow.
He wonders if it’s the same for her.
He thinks it is as she apologizes, and tries to push him towards bed.
She tells him she’ll be fine, as shaking hands drink water.
As she comes back from the bathroom with a wet face, clear that she’s tried to use water to refresh herself.
“Sorry,” she apologizes again as he licks his lips and changes his position.
The silence that follows is loud, her apology hanging.
He regrets the look at the time.
He sighs.
Even a couple of hours.
“You can go to sleep,” she whispers, “I’ll be okay.”
He throws her a look, knowing he needs sleep.
Especially if tomorrow is like today.
Images of her being rolled out of the van play in his mind.
He wonders that even if he did sleep, would he dream?
Would he wake up gasping?
Would he have dreams?
He doesn’t know.
He offers her water, and she takes it, sipping it gratefully.
“Come on, lie down with me,” he offers.
He’s tired. He wants sleep but he wants to keep her safe more.
It’s four am.
The night almost done.
He yawns heavily, and finally she talks, voice hoarse; he thinks she’s reached a point where she’s going to fall asleep, so all that’s left is for her to talk.
It’s self preservation.
To keep herself awake.
Clint yawns.
He prompts a yawn from Natasha and he pulls the cover a little higher around them.
“She’d threaten you. She said if I fell asleep, she’d kill you. They’d monitor my heart rate, when it dropped below a level, they’d electrocute me. They said.. They left you alive. Clint, she didn’t want anything. But she kept me awake, just to torture me.”
She swallows hard.
Clint puts his hand over hers, her fingers picking at her cuticles. Looking up to him, she reaches for his face.
He closes the gap and allows her to touch his face.
“She said that I killed you. Every time I fell asleep. That I wanted you to die. She’d count down, tell me that I only had five chances left. Time was a loop. I couldn’t hold it anymore. I think she wanted me to sleep because then she’d wake me up with drugs, adrenaline, I think. Then leave me. My heart felt like it was going to explode. I was handcuffed. I couldn’t move.”
She huffs and he knows she’s crying.
He doesn’t comment.
Holding tight onto her hand, he squeezes it gently.
“I don’t want you to die, Clint.”
He nods.
“I’m not going to die, Nat,” he assures her.
She shakes her head.
“This isn’t real,” she moans.
“We’ve been here before, don’t you see? I can’t tell if I’m awake or asleep, and if I’m asleep, then when I wake, you won’t be here. She’s going to kill you.”
She turns and the tears continue down her face.
“I’m asleep. You’re not real. This is just my mind conjuring images. I was asleep? I am asleep? Am I awake? You… They woke me? And now we’re here.”
She settles back in against him. He words jumbled and not making sense.
“You’re not real,” she repeats.
“But I wish you were.”
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itsanerdlife · 4 days
Wicked Intentions 11
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Stark!Reader // (Seriously close) Steve Rogers x Reader // Clint Barton x Reader // T’Challa x Reader.
Warning: Violence. Language. Bullying. Girl Fights. Name Calling. Degrading Comments. Angst. Degrade of Woman (to a point). Criminal Life. Illegal Shit. Fights. Alpha Males. Stalking.
Characters: Peter Stark. Howie Stark. Bucky Barnes. Steve Rogers. Clint Barton. TC (T’Challa). Ben Reilly. Cledus Kasady (CK). Brock Rumlow. Gwen Stacy. Wanda Maximoff. Becca Barnes. Amore Lorelei. Kitty Pryde. Frank Castle. George Barnes. Joe Rogers. Winni Barnes. Pepper Stark. Wade Wilson. Eddie Brock. Warner Strucker. Barney Barton. Bobbi Morse. Pietro Maximoff. Logan.
A/N: This is a Bully Romance. High School setting. Mafia Family Life. Woman are on a lower level than males in their world. Just a heads up. This is the third installment of the series. Bad Intentions, Cruel Intentions, and Wicked Intentions.
Credit: Huge shout out to @ml7010 for all the help, pushing, hyping up, putting up with my changes midway through. If it wasn't for this peach, y'all never would have gotten this series or nearly as far as I am now.
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They stopped to change quickly, stepping into The Ditch. A thrill in the air, the kind that spikes excitement in your blood, no matter if you’re watching or fighting. Spectators take notice of Y/N in the room, her name being a big one in the ring. Her name being on the cards, rakes in money unlike any other name.
“Welcome.” Barney grins coming up, slapping hands with Peter.
“Thanks for taking the short notice call.” Bucky trades props with him as well.
“Anything for a Stark.” Barney smirks. “You’re up next.” He tips his chin at Y/N.
“Better be something fun.” She points a finger at him as they pass.
Barney laughs, shaking his head. Clint rolls his eyes, grinning.
TC chuckles, pulling tape from her small bag, they kept on hand for fights. “Hands out.” She holds out her one hand to him.
Peter seems distracted by the crowd.
“You good?” He wonders.
Peter looks over suddenly, startled almost. “Me? Yeah. Worried about Howie and Gwen.” He shakes his head.
It’s the way Peter seems almost twitchy, that leaves Buck not fully believing him.
“What’s Howie going through?” He asks.
Peter licks his lips, looking torn.
“Look, Bucky.” He sighs. “Let’s sit down and talk it over tomorrow. I don’t want to keep things from you, but Smalls, cut him from the know tonight.” Peter explains softly between the two of them.
His eyes snap up looking from Peter to Y/N who is taunting Clint as TC tapes her other hand.
“Why would she do that to her brother?” He looks back to Peter.
“I wasn’t kidding when I said he’s going through something right now.”
“Like what?”
Sighing he glances around. “Tomorrow, I promise.”
Buck nods, agreeing. Barney announcing the winner in the ring, signaling Y/N up next, making the crowd go nuts.
He watches as the girl tries to wrap Y/N up. Y/N slams her elbow back into her ribs, before she smashes it back into the girl’s face. She stumbles back, nose gushing. Y/N slams into her throwing her to the floor of the ring, raining down hit after hit. TC’s ducking under the ropes, scooping her up, off the girl.
TC turns holding Y/N up off the ring floor, around the waist.
Announcing her the winner, still holding her up. The crowd going nuts, in all the screaming, shouting, celebrating, Bucky hears it.
“Oh fuck.” Come from Peter. Looking over finding him not far, shock on his face. His shoulders dropped, worry radiating off him.
“Pete?” He calls. Peter’s head snaps over, locking eyes with him.
“Fuck.” Peter swallows, Buck cuts his eyes around confused what Peter could be looking at. Nobody Bucky would know can be seen.
Y/N is climbing down, her girls giving her props. Peter is crowding her suddenly, whispering in her ear. Her head snaps up, shock and confusion on her face. The two of them look his way.
Now he’s moving for them both.
“Explain, now.” He glares at them. They look at one another. “No.” He steps closer to her. “Look at me baby girl, tell me now.” Brown eyes turn up at him.
“You’re going to be real pissed.” She swallows.
“Buck?” TC is suddenly joining them looking confused.
“What?” He snaps. TC scratches the back of his head.
“Someone threw down money for a fight.”
“She just fought.” His brow pulls in.
TC glances from her to him. “Nah, with you.”
“What?” Confusion in his voice.
“Fuck.” Both Stark’s whisper.
“Wade Wilson.” TC glances over. A light brown hair kept short and neat. He’s a decent size guy, not much different than TC. Only he’s glaring at Bucky.
“Who the fuck is this dickhead?” He scoffs.
Peter and Y/N seem to be arguing with a look.
“Y/N.” He lifts a brow at her. She presses her lips together, dragging her eyes to him.
“Ah, so,” she starts stopping, looking to her brother.
“He’s Small’s ex.” Peter blurts out. Y/N cringes.
“Excuse me?”
“Repeat that again.”
“Oh hell.”
“We’re all going to die.”
Their group comments together.
Bucky blinks at her for a moment. “Forget to tell me a few things, huh?”
Her head tips to the side, nose crinkling.
“He wants to fight me?” He looks at TC. “Why?”
TC’s eyes fall to Y/N.
“Tell him I said I wouldn’t want to shame him again in another loss.” He spits. TC nods slowly, turning around. “You two and me need to talk.” He turns back to the Stark’s. Y/N is gnawing on the tape still on her hands, avoiding eye contact.
“Look,” Peter sucks in a breath “Wade was Y/N’s first boyfriend.” Steve starts taking off the tape on her hands. “Back when we weren’t sure if Small’s was going to be just a wife or not.” He cuts his eyes to Y/N who looks annoyed. “See the issue was, Wade wanted her only as a wife.”
“Fuck that.”
Bobbi and Becca retort. Y/N high fives them with her untapped hand.
“Satan as a wife. Doesn’t sound right.” Clint shakes his head.
Peter nods. “It wasn’t really what she wanted. Wade figured since they have history, our father would pick him, over the others bidding.” Bucky smirks at Peter.
“Only, when Small’s and the girls came to Reform, she asked for a favor.” Peter smirks at his baby sister, she rolls her eyes, bringing them up to him.
“What favor baby girl?” He chuckles softly.
“The Saintz details.” Her tone cocky.
“Details?” Steve grins.
“Addresses, numbers.” Peter nods.
Bucky grins, thinking it over. “So the night at the party,”
“After you followed me to Reform.” She cuts in. He grins, shrugging.
“told you, you were hearing things doll. You said you already had my number. You had your brothers get it for you?”
“Needed that upper hand on you boys.” She shrugs.
Clint and Steve laugh.
“You know we were only at that party, because of you, right?” Steve grins at her. Her mouth pops open slightly.
“After her favor, Howie and I called our dad, telling him to hold off on accepting any bids on Small’s. We wanted to see how this played out for the two of you. She’s never mentioned a guy to us, not even Wade. He introduced himself to us.” Peter shrugs.
“Fuck your ex. I’m not fighting him. I’ll kill him and we don’t need that issue right now.” Bucky points a finger at her.
“Heard Boss man.” She smirks at him.
“Think it’s best we maybe not stick around.” TC joins them again, shaking his head.
Bucky grabs her hand, heading for the exit, they only get so far before Wade is coming towards them.
“You’re not even going to say hello? I know your mother raised you better.” He grins at her. He’s a good looking guy. Nothing special, but Bucky hated him no matter what, he had Y/N.
“Hi.” She nods.
“Long time no see, you going to hug me?” He goes to reach for her.
Like someone flipped a switch. His fist follows through.
------- Everything Peaches 9/21/2024 @mo320 @ml7010 @kmc1989 @babizza @coley0823 @destiel-artemis @royal-sunflower @camelliasblossom @shinycupcakebaker @purpleeclipseeggsland @daughterofthenight117 @hisredheadedgoddess28
Bucky 'Fuck Me Up' Barnes: @jbbarnesgirl @kaylaphantomhive
Series tags: @sebastians-love @otterlycanadian
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