#clinical research organization services
sandipancel · 2 years
Patient Recruitment and Retention Services
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mprexhealthcare · 4 months
Best Clinical Research in India
Mprex is a prominent in healthcare. Mprex stands out in healthcare, offering top-tier Clinical Research Solutions and consultancy services across diverse therapeutic realms. Positioned as a premier Independent Contract Research Organization (CRO) in Asia, Mprex excels in nutraceutical research with a global footprint and expert investigators. Our dedication to excellence is evident through our comprehensive capabilities covering all aspects of therapeutics, driven by innovation.
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researchtraining · 7 months
Exploring the Excellence of Clinical Research Services in India: A Comprehensive Guide
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Introduction: Understanding Clinical Research Services and Their Significance
Clinical Research Services play a pivotal role in advancing medical knowledge and improving patient care by conducting rigorous studies to evaluate the safety and efficacy of healthcare interventions. These services encompass a wide range of activities, including protocol development, patient recruitment, data collection, and statistical analysis. In recent years, India has emerged as a key player in the field of Clinical Research services, offering a cost-effective and quality-driven environment for conducting clinical trials. The significance of Clinical Research services in India lies in its ability to contribute valuable data to global research efforts, accelerating the development of new therapies and medical innovations for the benefit of patients worldwide.
The Advantages of Choosing Clinical Research Services in India:
Following are the advantages of choosing Clinical Research Services in India
Cost-effectiveness: Clinical research services in India often offer cost-effective solutions compared to many Western countries. The lower cost of conducting trials in India can be attributed to factors such as lower labor costs, infrastructure expenses, and regulatory fees.
Diverse Patient Population: India has a diverse population, offering a wide range of genetic and demographic profiles. This diversity is advantageous in clinical research, as it allows for a more comprehensive understanding of how different populations may respond to treatments. This diversity can enhance the generalizability of study findings.
Experienced Investigator Pool: India has a growing pool of skilled and experienced clinical investigators and researchers. Many healthcare professionals in India have received international training and certifications, contributing to the quality of clinical trials conducted in the country.
Accelerated Recruitment and Enrollment: The large and diverse population, coupled with a robust healthcare infrastructure, often facilitates quicker patient recruitment and enrollment in clinical trials. This can lead to faster completion of studies and quicker access to valuable research outcomes.
Regulatory Framework: Over the years, India has strengthened its regulatory framework for clinical research. The regulatory bodies, such as the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO), have implemented measures to ensure the safety and ethical conduct of clinical trials. A well-defined regulatory environment provides assurance to sponsors and researchers regarding the integrity of the research process.
The Role of Contract Research Organizations (CROs) in Clinical Research Services
Contract Research Organizations (CROs) play a pivotal role in the landscape of clinical research services by offering specialized support to pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device companies. These organizations serve as strategic partners, assisting in the planning, execution, and management of clinical trials, thereby accelerating the drug development process. CROs provide a range of services, including protocol development, patient recruitment, data management, regulatory compliance, and monitoring of clinical trials. Their expertise and infrastructure enable sponsors to navigate the complexities of the research process more efficiently and cost-effectively, ultimately contributing to the timely and successful completion of clinical studies. As outsourcing to CROs continues to grow, their role in facilitating innovation and advancing healthcare solutions remains integral to the progress of the pharmaceutical and life sciences industries.
Regulatory Framework for Clinical Trials and Ethical Considerations in India
In India, the regulatory framework governing clinical trials is primarily overseen by the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) under the auspices of the Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI). The regulatory process involves obtaining approval from the Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC) and the DCGI before initiating clinical trials. The Drugs and Cosmetics Act, along with the Schedule Y of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, provides the legal framework for conducting clinical trials in the country. Ethical considerations are paramount, and trials must adhere to the principles laid out in the Declaration of Helsinki and the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) guidelines. These guidelines emphasize the importance of obtaining informed consent from participants, ensuring patient confidentiality, and maintaining high standards of safety and efficacy throughout the trial process. The evolving regulatory landscape reflects India's commitment to upholding ethical standards and ensuring the safety of participants in clinical research.
The Future of Clinical Research Services in India: Trends and Innovations to Watch Out For
The future of clinical research services in India is poised for significant advancements, marked by emerging trends and innovative approaches. With a growing emphasis on technological integration, virtual trials, and real-world evidence, the landscape is evolving to enhance efficiency and accelerate drug development. India's robust healthcare infrastructure, coupled with a vast and diverse patient population, positions the country as a key player in the global clinical research arena. Collaborations between industry stakeholders and research organizations, along with a focus on data analytics and precision medicine, are expected to shape the future of clinical research services in India, offering new opportunities for stakeholders to contribute to cutting-edge advancements in medical science.
Conclusion: Leveraging the Benefits of Clinical Research Services in India for Successful Outcomes
In conclusion, harnessing the advantages offered by clinical research services in India is pivotal for achieving successful outcomes in the field of healthcare. The country's robust infrastructure, diverse patient population, and cost-effective yet high-quality research facilities make it an ideal hub for clinical trials. Leveraging these resources not only accelerates the pace of research but also ensures the generation of valuable data for advancing medical knowledge. With a collaborative approach between global pharmaceutical companies and Indian research institutions, the potential for groundbreaking discoveries and improved patient care is substantial, affirming India's position as a key player in the realm of clinical research.
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industryupdate · 8 months
Contract Research Organization Services Market was Dominated by the Pharma and Biotech Companies
The contract research organization services market will advance at a compound annual growth rate of 10.4% by the end of this decade, to reach USD 142.56 billion by 2030. The development can be chiefly credited to the high cost of in-house drug growth and tech progressions in clinical trials, and these services aid in trial planning, data analysis, site access, hospital staffing, and…
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icbio-blog · 9 months
ICBio, leading Independent Full-service Contract Research Organization. We offer end-to-end quality clinical research solutions in India and around the world.
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lambdatherapeutic · 1 year
We, Lambda Helpful Exploration Restricted are a main worldwide clinical research organization (CRO) settled in Ahmedabad — India, with offices and tasks in Mehsana (India), Toronto (Canada), Warsaw (Poland), London (UK) and Pittsburgh (USA), Las Vegas (USA) and Fargo (USA) with estimated 1500+ representatives situated in our offices across the globe.
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noirandchocolate · 1 month
RICE Alzheimer's Research Institute
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Terry died on 12 March 2015, having given his PCA a run for its money.  Open about his diagnosis, he has helped to unlock the secrecy and stigma that often surrounds dementia.  His legion of fans is undoubtedly grateful that despite the inevitable progression of the PCA he was able to fight his ‘embuggerance’ and continue to produce a number of both well-received and well-reviewed books.  Terry was also a great example to me in emphasizing how important it is that, in caring for people with any type of dementia, we always look for what people with a condition like PCA can still do, rather than what they can’t: by maximizing what is possible, a person can still live well with dementia for a significant time.
–Professor Roy Jones, Director of RICE (taken from “Terry Pratchett: His World”)
I wanted to post something for the Glorious 25th about the Research Institute for the Care of Older People (RICE) in Bath, where Sir Terry Pratchett received treatment for Post-Cortical Atrophy, the type of Alzheimer’s disease that eventually took his life. From the organization’s website:
RICE established one of the first memory clinic services in the UK in 1987 – a service which has since been widely replicated and is now considered standard and best practice by the NHS. In fact, RICE now runs the NHS Memory Clinic in Bath and North East Somerset on behalf of the local clinical commissioning group and local authority through a sub-contract with HCRG Care Group. To date, we’ve assessed, diagnosed, treated and advised 12,000 people with memory problems and their families in our memory clinic. 
Most of RICE’s clinical services and research activities take place in our own purpose built, specialist centre located on the Royal United Hospital site. The building of the RICE Centre was possible as a result of generous donations from major donors, trusts and foundations, and members of the public. RICE moved into the ground and first floor of the centre in 2008. Following the success of the DementiaPlus Appeal and further generous donations from major donors, trusts and foundations and members of the public, RICE converted the attic floor in 2019 to create more office space. This has given us access to much needed additional rooms and offices which will enable us to grow and run more services and activities. We’ve worked hard to ensure that the areas of the centre visited by our patients meets their needs and we regularly receive feedback on how much our patients enjoy their visit to our centre.
RICE not only provides clinical services to patients, but also conducts research into aging and dementia, including performing clinical trials for new drug treatments for memory-related diseases and developing other “techniques for diagnosing, managing, treating and understanding dementia and memory changes in older adults.”
Lady Lyn Pratchett is the patron of the organization, and the website includes a page about how people can donate funds or volunteer at the clinic and participate in fundraising events.
SO, if you’d like to help fund Alzheimer’s research on this Glorious 25th of May–or at any time–in honor of the Man in the Hat, take a look!
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rattusn0rvegicus · 2 years
Sometimes, when talking about the current psychiatric system, we get lost in anger and don’t look towards alternatives and what a better tomorrow might look like. Here’s some cool mental health/psychiatry reform things that I think are neat (Somewhat US centric bc that’s where I live). Lots of them focus on psychosis, because I think psychosis is a sorely ignored subject in mental health activism.
US Peer Respite Directory - A list of voluntary, community-based, non-clinical crisis support group-home like environments that are staffed by people with lived experience of mental illness and/or lived experiences in the psychiatric system.
Students With Psychosis - A nonprofit that empowers students with psychosis through virtual programming, support groups, etc. They’re run by the amazing Cecilia McGough, an advocate with schizophrenia.
Hearing Voices Network - A network of support groups for people who hear voices, see visions, and have other extreme experiences. Focused on supporting individuals without judgement and giving them a place to explore their experiences and grow from them.
Open Dialogue - An psychosocial approach to psychiatric services that focuses on treating clients with respect, shared decision-making, dialogue between client, providers, and family (if the client wants family involved), and more minimal use of medication.
CommonGround software - A software developed by Dr. Pat Deegan that allows clients to communicate their needs to their providers more efficiently to support shared-decision making. Dr. Deegan has a lived experience of being diagnosed with schizophrenia and believes in personal medicine and med empowerment.
Project LETS - A radical approach to peer support and healing that has a disability justice centered approach, giving people with lived experience a voice and focusing on mutual aid. They provide peer mental health advocates, self-harm prevention, and more.
Integrative Psychiatry - A holistic form of psychiatry that focuses on nutrition, exercise, therapy, and psychosocial factors, where medication is just an aspect of treatment. US database of integrative psychiatrists here.
Soteria Houses - Community homes with peer support that provide residents with personal power, responsibilities, and “being with” residents, that focus on a humane and person-centered approach.
Relating to Voices Using Compassion Focused Therapy - A self-help book by Drs. Eleanor Longden and Charlie Heriot Maitland about managing distressing voices and building a respectful, cooperative relationship with them. Views voices as potential allies in emotional problem-solving rather than enemies.
Clubhouse International - A non-profit organization that gives people with mental illness opportunities for friendship, employment, housing, educational, and medical services all in one place. It was founded by a group of friends who survived a psychiatric hospital together.
Psychosis Research Unit - A group of psychology researchers who are doing research on and developing psychotherapeutic techniques for coping with and managing psychosis, such as CBT for psychosis and Talking with Voices therapy.
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mariacallous · 3 months
It’s almost that magical time of year that the Humane Society of America likens to a “natural disaster.” Kitten season.
“The level of emotions for months on end is so draining,” said Ann Dunn, director of Oakland Animal Services, a city-run shelter in the San Francisco Bay Area. “And every year we just know it’s going to get harder.”
Across the United States, summer is the height of “kitten season,” typically defined as the warm-weather months between spring and fall during which a cat becomes most fertile. For over a decade, animal shelters across the country have noted kitten season starting earlier and lasting longer. Some experts say the effects of climate change, such as milder winters and an earlier start to spring, may be to blame for the uptick in feline birth rates.
This past February, Dunn’s shelter held a clinic for spaying and neutering outdoor cats. Although kitten season in Northern California doesn’t typically kick off until May, organizers found that over half of the female cats were already pregnant. “It’s terrifying,” Dunn said. “It just keeps getting earlier and going later.”
Cats reproduce when females begin estrus, more commonly known as “going into heat,” during which hormones and behavior changes signal she’s ready to mate. Cats can go into heat several times a year, with each cycle lasting up to two weeks. But births typically go up between the months of April and October. While it’s well established that lengthening daylight triggers a cat’s estrus, the effect of rising temperatures on kitten season isn’t yet understood.
One theory is that milder winters may mean cats have the resources to begin mating sooner. “No animal is going to breed unless they can survive,” said Christopher Lepczyk, an ecologist at Auburn University and prominent researcher of free-ranging cats. Outdoor cats’ food supply may also be increasing, as some prey, such as small rodents, may have population booms in warmer weather themselves. Kittens may also be more likely to survive as winters become less harsh. “I would argue that temperature really matters,” he said.
Others, like Peter J. Wolf, a senior strategist at the Best Friends Animal Society, think the increase comes down to visibility rather than anything biological. As the weather warms, Wolf says, people may be getting out more and noticing kittens earlier in the year than before. Then they bring them into shelters, resulting in rescue groups feeling like kitten season is starting earlier.
Regardless of the exact mechanism, having a large number of feral cats around means trouble for more than just animal shelters. Cats are apex predators that can wreak havoc on local biodiversity. Research shows that outdoor cats on islands have already caused or contributed to the extinction of an estimated 33 species. Wild cats pose an outsized threat to birds, which make up half their diet. In Hawaii, known as a bird extinction capital of the world, cats are the most devastating predators of wildlife. “We know that cats are an invasive, environmental threat,” said Lepczyk, who has published papers proposing management policies for outdoor cats.
Scientists, conservationists, and cat advocates all agree that unchecked outdoor cat populations are a problem, but they remain deeply divided on solutions. While some conservationists propose the targeted killing of cats, known as culling, cat populations have been observed to bounce back quickly, and a single female cat and her offspring can produce at least 100 descendants, if not thousands, in just seven years.
Although sterilization protocols such as “trap, neuter, and release” are favored by many cat rescue organizations, Lepczyk said it’s almost impossible to do it effectively, in part because of how freely the animals roam and how quickly they procreate. Without homes or sanctuaries after sterilization, returning cats outside means they may have a low quality of life, spread disease, and continue to harm wildlife. “No matter what technique you use, if you don’t stop the flow of new cats into the landscape, it’s not gonna matter,” said Lepczyk.
Rescue shelters, already under strain from resource and veterinary shortages, are scrambling to confront their new reality. While some release materials to help the community identify when outdoor kittens need intervention, others focus on recruiting for foster volunteer programs, which become essential caring for kittens who need around-the-clock care.
“As the population continues to explode, how do we address all these little lives that need our help?” Dunn said. “We’re giving this everything we have.”
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sandipancel · 2 years
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mprexhealthcare · 4 months
Role of Mprex as a Premier Clinical Research Organization in Pune
In the vibrant city of Pune, where innovation meets tradition, a beacon of excellence shines bright in the field of healthcare. Mprex, a premier Clinical Research Organization (CRO) dedicated to pioneering medical breakthroughs. With a rich tapestry of academic institutions, healthcare facilities, and research centers, Pune is the ideal backdrop for Mprex's mission to transform the landscape of clinical research. In this blog post, we'll delve into the pivotal role played by Mprex as a leading CRO for nutraceuticals and its contributions to advancing medical science.
Commitment to Excellence: Mprex epitomizes excellence in clinical research, offering a comprehensive suite of services designed to support pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device companies throughout the drug development lifecycle. From protocol development and regulatory affairs to clinical trial management and data analysis, Mprex provides end-to-end solutions that adhere to the highest standards of quality and compliance. By combining scientific expertise with operational excellence, Mprex ensures the successful execution of nutraceutical clinical trials in india and beyond, driving innovation and delivering life-changing therapies to patients worldwide.
Fostering Collaboration and Innovation: At Mprex, collaboration is at the core of our approach to clinical research. We believe that by bringing together diverse stakeholders, including researchers, clinicians, patients, and industry partners, we can accelerate the pace of medical innovation and drive meaningful change. Through strategic partnerships with leading academic institutions and healthcare organizations in Pune, Mprex fosters an ecosystem of collaboration and knowledge exchange, facilitating the translation of scientific discoveries into clinical practice. By harnessing the collective expertise of our partners, Mprex is pushing the boundaries of what's possible in healthcare and ushering in a new era of medical breakthroughs.
Empowering Patients and Communities: Mprex is committed to empowering patients and communities in Pune by ensuring access to cutting-edge treatments and therapies through clinical trials. We understand the importance of patient-centricity in clinical research and strive to engage patients as partners in the research process. Through patient advocacy initiatives, educational outreach programs, and community engagement efforts, Mprex raises awareness about the benefits of clinical trials and encourages participation from diverse patient populations. By placing patients at the center of our research efforts, Mprex is not only advancing medical science but also improving healthcare outcomes and enhancing the quality of life for patients in Pune and beyond.
Looking Ahead: As Pune continues to emerge as a hub for healthcare innovation and research, the future of clinical research holds immense promise. With Mprex leading the charge, Pune is poised to make significant contributions to the global healthcare landscape, driving innovation, and improving patient care. By remaining committed to excellence, collaboration, and patient-centricity, Mprex will continue to pave the way for groundbreaking discoveries and transformative therapies that have the power to change lives. Together, we will shape the future of healthcare in Pune and beyond, one breakthrough at a time.
In Pune's dynamic healthcare ecosystem, Mprex stands as a beacon of innovation and excellence, driving forward the frontiers of clinical research and healthcare delivery. Through our unwavering commitment to excellence, collaboration, and patient empowerment, we are shaping a future where breakthrough treatments are within reach for all. As we continue our journey of discovery and innovation, Mprex remains dedicated to making a meaningful difference in the lives of patients and communities in Pune and around the world.
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genderqueerdykes · 5 months
hello, I'm a younger transmasculine person and I was curious about a few things (for reference I live in the us in a fairly left state)
- how do you get started on testosterone?
I've never gotten a clear answer on this, some people said it took a two year queue, others could start immediately. idk when I want to start, but i dont want to be confused on what to do when I get the ball rolling
- are there alternatives to shots, and do they work better or worse?
I dont think I could do the shots myself unless there's no other options, something about them just makes my bones hurt
- how often do you have to apply T, and what happens if you forget to take it?
I'm pretty forgetful and I'll probably not take T on the scheduled date at least once, I hope that won't screw with anything because I don't really know if you've got to be consistent with it
- do you have any tips for clothing/voice training?
I think I pass at least a little okay but my voice is one of the things I'm most self conscious about. I also find myself spending 10-20 minutes every morning pulling my shirt against my chest to see if my binders working, and just end up wearing the same sweater I have for the past few weeks
sorry if that's alot, even if you're a stranger you're the first person I've been able to ask about these things. thank you so much
these are all great questions, i'm so glad you're taking the time to ask! this is extremely thorough and well thought out!
How do you get started on testosterone?
That's a great question, i feel like a lot of people have barriers to this one. if you are in a state where you have access to Planned Parenthood, this is usually a good place to start. check to see if you have a transgender resource center in your area. if not, go to whatever local lgbtq organization you can find, even one in a college. it is also possible to search gender affirming care [area], but clinicians aren't always available via Google
Here is a list of informed consent clinics that provide gender affirming care services, you may want to look here.
The process looks different for literally everyone, that's why no one can give you a clear answer, i'm so sorry! it's such a chaotic process for all of us. some trans men will literally get their prescription for testosterone within a month, others it does take years. do some research and see if therapy is required before hormones will be prescribed in your area. if not, you will likely have a much faster and easier time getting your hormones. if you don't need therapy, generally you'll just need to sign some consent forms and waivers stating that you are aware of what you are going to do to your body.
Are there alternatives to shots, and do they work better or worse?
all forms of testosterone are equally effective, it just depends on the dosage and the person. currently in the united states, you can get topical testosterone in the form of an alcohol based gel! it is applied topically to the upper forearms or abdomen, generally daily. it works just as well as the injectable testosterone, so long as you respond well to it! there is also the option of having your clinician do shots for you if you don't respond well to gel, as well.
nebido also may be available for FtM HRT in your area!
How often do you have to apply T, and what happens if you forget to take it?
Daily for topical gel, anywhere between twice a week, once a week, to once every two weeks for shots, depending on the person, how well they tolerate the medication, their transition goal, and the dosage.
Do you have any tips for clothing/voice training?
In terms of vocal training, AmaRoseLessons, Zoey Alexandria, and Trans Vocal Training are YouTube channels that can help with vocal training exercises, and i can also recommend the r/transvoice subreddit as well if you need help figuring out how to practice and ways to integrate what you learn into how you speak naturally!
For clothing, really anything goes, it depends on what you're going for and how you want to look. Remember that your personal style still gets to be included in the mix! Generally speaking, bulkier shapes that obscure the shoulders, hips and chest help a lot, layering of clothes, and wearing clothes with "boxier" cuts. Heavier shoes like boots may help, you may also find you like dress shoes. it really depends on your personal look, but generally speaking, i say go into the "men's" section and go nuts. Whatever they wear, you can wear too, and it gets the point across.
Hope that helps! Thanks for laying out your ask in such a concise way, that's much appreciated! If you need any more help feel free to ask!
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ms-scarletwings · 8 months
On Defective Irkens
“It is theorized that Tak may also be an Irken defect because-“
“Say guys do you think Skoodge is defective? He did a thing he wasn’t told to do once do you suppose-“
“Service Drone Bob's contempt for the Tallest is extremely abnormal, even for most defective Irkens…”
“Hints of the comms officer being a defective are seen when-“
Ohhh mauling the fan wiki writers grr biting biting thrashing and then turning around to the rest of you before I’m done, you bet, for I have sat and listened for over 12 years of leaps and speculations of this sort and now I’m now one of the ones who gets to have what the cool kids these days call a hot take on the matter.
By the end of this I’M going to bring up and expose who I actually think may be the only other defective Irken(s) in the show besides Zim, whom I’m aghast I haven’t seen anyone suggest before.
But before anything else, I want to front one preassumption center and loud.
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It took me a long time to guess at why very few people can ever seem to get on the same page of what it actually means to call an Irken defective. Implicitly, the bulk of what we are given is that something can be wrong with a member of this species, and Zim is our prime and singular clear example of that. So there’s a ton of trying to find patterns between Zim’s behavior and that of other Irken characters. Weirdly (to me), a lot of people have, in their efforts, chalked the status up to a sense of rebelliousness or insubordination- a defectiveness in the manner of D&D illithids, stomping out disloyal break-aways from the collective hive mind with punitive wrath. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a cool concept, and it’s definitely closer to my opinion at least than the comparisons to real life mental disorders or disabilities. Not knocking the comfort or the enthusiasm, obviously.
From my view of the canon, I hope it’s at least apparent to other fans that “defective” isn’t some empirical measurement or status to Irkens. Look at the way they determine the defects from normal society. IRL, if I have a faulty device on my hands, there’s some way out there to tell me in a clear cut fashion if there’s a problem and what exactly it is. If it’s code, it can be scanned and debugged. If it’s mechanical, something can be seen, fixed physically. Most organic health problems are only different in the complexity of the matter, but the entire purpose of medical research is to come close as we can to bridging that gap. In Irk’s people, that line is rapidly becoming one long smear of wet chalk. I’m going on like this because if defective paks were akin to hardware actually being damaged, as Purple had put it, it doesn’t make as much sense that they are neither “fixed” nor given real, concrete diagnostics. The only way we know of that the aliens are tested in a since on this merit is by existence evaluations. And existence evaluations are anything but empirical, impartial events. They’re worlds more political and cultural than clinical.
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Digest the terms we keep seeing all around the concept: Innocent, justice, trial/evaluation, Judgementia, these are terms of judicial courts and moral weight and sentencing. In effective practice,
Irk labels defects by what one does, not by what one is.
Yet, defection is presented as if that’s not the case, and there are reasons for that. Reasons that reinforce the current power structures and promote what its leadership has decided is healthy for the broader society. When Zim was merely re-encoded from invader status to food service work, it was a more secluded evaluation, presumably done on Irk. His only seen witnesses then were the Tallests and the single control brain dishing the judgement. His existence evaluation, on the other hand, rings more similarly to the IRL historical practice of literal “show trials”. Show trials were something that existed way less for the actual crimes of the accused and so much more for their audience, which, show trials are always for an audience. Three main points about them off the Wikipedia cuff:
• Typically, the defendant of such has already been determined to be guilty (oftentimes of completely fabricated transgressions), and the trial serves mostly to make a massive public spectacle and warning of the accused.
• They tend to focus on retributive punishment over correction. The disproportional brutality and lack of mercy is often the point.
• Their goals are propagandistic in nature, and there’s many notable examples to be found in the history of Nazi Germany, the USSR, and in witch trials across the world (because it was never just Salem).
A formality? Well, that much they couldn’t have more brazenly admitted to. Retribution? There’s hardly a more absolute punitive sentence I could craft up over obliteration PLUS Damnatio Memoariae. And as for the degree of spectacle, I will let you make your own observation here.
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Believe it or not, the part where my comparisons along this line end with Existence Evaluations is that their standard for taking place isn’t actually this cartoonishly oppressive one that some fans try to make it out to be. In “The Trial”, Zim was not having his data read for some binary is/is not determination… he was having his experiences and actions interpreted by how much damage he has done against the Armada. He said it himself, that hotseat is reserved for criminals. Likely outright traitors and maniacs. Those who have given cause to alert the brains to a genuine existential threat to their civilization and who have repeatedly failed every opportunity given to redeem themselves.
Defective doesn’t just mean “different” to Irk. We’ve hardly seen an exploration of what the median Irken example even is, because the more we see of any one of these characters, the more they show us their eccentric uniqueness and will. Yes, Irkens are authoritarian; yes they’re over-militarized; yes, they’re a supremacist breed aligned under one ruling military… but listen, they are not literally The Borg, or illithids.
The biggest victims of this government itself are those races it colonizes. Average civilians on the other hand, they get to largely enjoy all the vices and pains and indulgences of hyper-space-capitalism. The height-ocracy may limit their opportunities, but even the lowest drones among them are supposedly hired into their positions in return for wages. Irkens are pretty selfish, but in a rugged individualism sense. It’s a dystopia of atomization instead of collectivization. If everyone had agreed that “defective” had anything to do with arrogance, free will, or an ability to feel one’s sense of self worth, no one would ever be pointing to Skoodge as a possible example. That guy’s the poster boy for what it means to be a “tool” in the derogatory sense. I’m not forgetting that he technically never even left his job. He was fired and more or less forced into hiding, and he’s still not even that perturbed over the whole thing.
Moreover, it also takes some extreme acts of harm to justify such a trial. Real harm- not rebellious attitude or even disrespect to authority. The control brains and the tallests alone get to define that threshold, and neither Tak’s/Zim’s insubordination nor Bob’s audacity concerned them enough for a ticket to Judgementia. In fact, they really don’t seem that bothered at all by deserters and those that abandon their encoded function. Tak is likely to be merely the responsibility of her janitorial squadron, the same way that enforcing Zim’s banishment was the responsibility of his Frylord. Because Irk actually does have standards of justice and layers of bureaucracy to work within when it comes to dealing with true malice. Small fry problems are for the lower rungs of the ladder to handle, until they become a higher priority by necessity. Incompetency alone isn’t a crime, either. The go-to punishment for failure in one function is demotion to a lower position. These are the only Irkens formally not allowed to change jobs, making what they do a kind of communal service or forced labor sentencing. Remember how Tak’s motivation for leaving Dirt wasn’t solely dissatisfaction with the grunt labor? Remember how she kept justifying her actions by the logic of fairness and setting things right? Not to mention how she fully made the Tallest aware of what she was up to and how her plan was well crafted enough to probably work out exactly like she wanted. Tak is utterly as loyal to the empire and competent as any invader. She was genuinely just dealt a shitty hand, and her response to it is at least understandable.
She even went to great lengths to identify and specifically target Zim and to use a planet that otherwise had less than no value to the armada’s operations. She is a great foil to Zim, but I can’t see how she’s any bit defective, only full of rage that she was screwed over by the actions of a real disgrace to their species. Genuinely destructive cases like Zim are an incredible rarity. Such a rarity that I can only guess it took this long for him to go to Judgementia because his degree of dysfunction outright baffles the system. It also would appear that it’s an event of such significance that it can only be set into motion by the command of the ruling Tallest. By murdering a couple of them, and then being a clown show for a couple more, he inadvertently bought himself some time.
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And the crazy thing to remember here is that Zim doesn’t even understand that his actions are an existential threat to the Empire- that he IS a whole supervillain to his planet. This is how effective Irken programming and the education plugs are. They’re supposed to do 99% of the work of setting up the population, even the lowest drones, for not turning out like traitors to their kin in the first place. ALL of them grew up on a steady diet of the same drip-fed propaganda and essentialist ideology as their most militant soldiers. So I can see the logic behind the conclusion that the only explanation for criminals in their society must be outright brain damage or corrupted data… and I’m not gonna lie I do openly headcanon that the latter case is exactly what happened to bad egg Zim.
The limits of only having the one example in him notwithstanding, I’m anything but against theorizing about who else could be “worthy” in the Irken sense to also stand before those brains, playing sweaty advocate for the worth of their continued existence and all. I just don’t see it in Bob, or the Comms officer, or any other invader. Tak, there may be some hypothetical ramp to that end, in her future, but as things are right now, I only see a candidate that has become comfortable right in the control brains’ biggest blind spot of all. See, eggs don’t always have to crack in order to go bad. Sometimes, maybe they just spoil. Sometimes, I believe just the right conditions and time can turn them downright rotten.
Dramatic musical flourish, please.
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I forget whoever said the quote “Power doesn’t corrupt, It just exposes who people really are”, but I’m a huge fan of the fact that they did. In my opinion, it’s less about power itself and more about a complete lack of accountability that allows the weakest and most toxic seeds to really fester in a seat of authority. Indeed, we all know that there is something pathetic, and vapid, and cruel floating around The Massive’s bridge. I am saying I’d call Red defective, but I couldn’t be certain enough with myself to say that Purple’s largely the one carrying a lot of fault. His greatest sin is his negligence and enabling his companion. whoever we can say shoulders more of the blame, they have been running this horror show as a joint unit, so they will both bear the guilt. Without a doubt, these two are terrible- popular maybe, but terrible leaders. Like, more responsible for the near ruin of their home world and species than I can even pin on Zim at this point. By almost every measure once you hold them up to Miyuki’s and Spork’s barely few moments of would-be screen time, they’re the worst Tallests for the Empire we’ve ever known. It’s too bad that they have no one over them we know of to flag them for an existence evaluation, because I am assured that the real orchestrators of the Armada would be disgusted to look over their track records since they took power.
I mean, what can I remember just off the top of my head?
- Full awareness of Zim’s blackout-causing history before the beginning of Operation Impending Doom I and not keeping a close eye on him, removing him from his position, or keeping him away from the homeworld’s WoMDs
- Overseeing the shipment of faulty equipment to Invader Tenn (even if the packages had not been switched, the Megadoomer still had a potentially fatal flaw), and then presumably NOT giving her urgent guidance/assistance to avoid being captured by native hostiles
- Showing an egregious amount of immaturity and frivolity when making logistical decisions, such as the flight path of the Armada or how conquered planets are utilized
- Repeated abuses of their standing, trying to extra-judicially get rid of subjects over the pettiest reasons (if they had the formal authority to just vaporize Skoodge, Bob, OR Zim on the spot, they wouldn’t need to come up with convoluted and indirect methods that they only hope kill said targets)
- Upon Zim returning to them from his banishment: not sending him back to Foodcourtia and not refusing to humor his wishes to larp as an invader
- Oh yeah, also granting Zim at least some invader tech and allowing him to leave Conventia in what I assume is a ship he could have only stolen
- Still not dealing with Zim with extreme prejudice in a timely fashion after the events of Backseat Drivers from Beyond the stars, or investigating enough to find out and deal with prisoner 777
- Spending the bulk of their reign so far dicking around in space and gorging themselves. Seriously, Red showed us one act of proactive competence… and it was in order to fix a mess that they allowed Zim to get them into. Not to mention, the Resisty got away from that scrap after thoroughly humiliating their flagship.
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Red, and by extension, Purple, are the almighty, Tallest threats to the entire Irken project of galactic conquest, as much as Zim would have loved all the credit in the universe. By what they’ve done, and who they are. He might be damaged, but them? There’s some defective moral character if I’ve ever seen.
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gabelish · 21 days
Interview with the Vampire treatment but make it Re-Animator
I haven’t seen that bc I don’t pay for streaming services but I’m vaguely aware it’s a really gay reboot of an old novel to film adaption or something?
So, Re-Animator limited series modern reboot ideas:
ten 1 hour eps
Herbert is canonically trans
Heavily into the comedy and hijinks.
Dan and Meg are “dating” (they’re not. everyone assumes they are because they’re extremely good friends, including Herbert at first) Dean Halsey is homophobic which is his just his updated Puritanism; Meg has slept with almost every female intern in the hospital
Meg has her own motivations and interests outside Dan and her father. She wants to oust the corrupt board and secure more funding for the hospital to hirer more staff at better pay so that so many of their patients stop fucking dying bc they get all the overflow from the bigger hospitals nearby; she’s an academic but she’s a power player first and foremost she knows how to schmooze and scheme.
Herbert is initially very hostile to Meg but calms down after he realizes they’re not together, and they even kinda become friends. she even helps distract a nurse who’s about the discover the two of them stealing a corpse by flirting with her while they make their escape
it’s modern day but Dr Hill is a #LobotomiesWork truther or whatever and even suggests in a lecture that asylums were a better solution than letting “the clinically insane, the sexually perverse, the gender disturbed wander the streets” pencil snap
more like Herbert’s slashing one of his tires after class
it’s very clear the recent shortfall in funding has been a result of donors not liking some of Dr Hill’s more controversial and less scientifically backed comments at presentations or interviews but he’s Dean Halsey’s friend so he won’t get rid of him despite Meg urging him that the hospital is more important than some crank loser
Dan is less shocked and disturbed by the horrors he’s an accomplice to and more enraptured and awe-struck by it. he finds the twisting entrails in a stomach a hypnotic maze. he likes to smell the organs. Herbert’s like “finally. a freak like me” it’s clear he was already fucked up before West showed up, something he fretted to Meg over but Herbert adores it and praises it
Dan and Herbert in the basement lab forced to take a chemical shower together upstairs when they get covered in idk embalming fluid or something when a corpse’s bloated stomach pops
Herbert, a foot shorter, drenched in water, trying to be intimidating to Dan who’s looking at him slack-jawed, only to back off when he realizes Dan has half a chub and teases him for it. he needs to have the power in the situation tho so Herbert leaves Dan to finish the emergency shower by himself
Dan has much more of his own ideas with the re-animating, their partnership is more equal and Herbert is delighted and exhilarated every time Dan says something he never thought of.
he kisses him about it.
also they probably have sex in the morgue when they get locked in there overnight bc one of them (they both blame the other) forgot to wedge something in the door
Dean Halsey and Dr Hill primarily have an issue with Herbert bc Dr Gruber was very openly gay and it’s been an old rumor that he had sex with his assistants who were always male. He and Herbert did fuck a few times but that’s beside the point. Dr Hill still plagiarized that old fag’s research
And besides having consensual flings with your grad students is far better than y’know sexually assaulting your best friend’s daughter whom according to the 1991 comic, he’s been obsessed with since she was 12.
they still have to save Meg from Dr Hill but they all survive and the scene isn’t played for laughs nor is gratuitous, and Meg gets a gun and gets to kill Hill herself
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apoemaday · 1 year
What Women Deserve
by Sonya Renee Taylor
Culturally-diversified biracial girl with a small diamond nose ring and a pretty smile poses besides the words “Women Deserve Better”. and I almost let her non-threatening grin begin to infiltrate my psyche until I read the unlikely small print at the bottom of the ad: Sponsored by the US Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities and the Knights of Columbus On a bus in a city with a population of 553,000, 4 teenage mothers on the bus with me, 1 Latina woman with 3 children under 3 and no signs of a daddy. One sixteen-year-old black girl standing in 22-degree weather with only a sweater a book bag and a bassinet, with an infant that ain’t even four weeks yet tell me that Yes… Women do deserve better. Women deserve better than public transportation rhetoric from the same people who won’t give that teenage mother a ride to the next transit. Won’t let you talk to their kids about safer sex Have never had to listen as the door SLAMS behind the man who adamantly says, “That shit” ain’t his leaving her to wonder how she’ll raise this kid. Women deserve better than the 300 dollars TANF and AFC will provide that family of three or the 6 dollar an hour job at KFC with no benefits for her new baby or the college degree she may never see because you can’t have infants at the university Women deserve better than lip service paid for by politicians who have no alternatives to abortion though I am sure right this moment one of their seventeen-year-old daughters is sitting in a clinic lobby sobbing quietly and anonymously praying parents don’t find out or will be waiting for mom to pick her up because research shows that out-of-wedlock childbirth doesn’t look good on political polls and Daddy ain’t having that. Women deserve better than backwards governmental policies that don’t want to pay for welfare for kids or healthcare for kids or childcare for kids Don’t want to pay living wages to working mothers, Don’t want to make men who only want to be last night’s lovers responsible for the semen they lay. Flat out don’t want to pay for SHIT but want to control the woman who’s having it. Acting outraged at abortion. Well I’m outraged that they want us to believe that they believe that women deserve better. The Vatican won’t prosecute pedophile priests But I decide I’m not ready for motherhood and it’s condemnation for me These are the same people who won’t support national condom distribution to prevent teenage pregnancy. But women deserve better. Women deserve better than back-alley surgeries that leave our wombs barren and empty. Deserve better than organizations bearing the name of land-stealing racist rapists funding million dollar campaigns on subway trains with no money to give these women while balding middle-aged white men tell us what to do with our bodies while they wage wars and kill other people’s babies So maybe women deserve better than propaganda and lies to get into office Propaganda and lies to get into panties to get out of court to get out of paying child support Get the hell out of our decisions and give us back our voice Women do deserve better Women deserve choice
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lambdatherapeutic · 2 years
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