#clicked on wrong blog and was scarred
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waitwhatl · 8 months ago
clicking on a dodgy blog by accident like
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gazeofseer · 4 months ago
𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒄𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒔𝒐𝒖𝒍?
𓇼🐚☾☼🦪 🎀🫶🏻💌💓
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Texas, Australia, United States and California, You are a queer by soul who lives by their own even amongst the crowded room, seeking something as distant and indifferent to what seems the same after all, but subtle do you fear the idea behind crossing lines, edges that drew scars around your borderline of heart the reason you easily withdraw the click and connection with places and people, you feel everything should be new as each passing moment because anything that stay longer bored you because you feed in daydreams and expect teh same dosh to be served outside around you, but all you taste is something different but not you.
Guidance : You are looking for yourself from within by blocking all the external settings and invites believing the world to be a harm to your existence throughout your journey down the lane to changing seasons and places so far, now you are just tired and tormented wanting to settle but truly can't keeps you restless.
Leo sun, Aries Rising, 8, Saturn in 9th house, Silver accessories, Denim Jeans, You brought something last week still waiting to be worn.
I see you are not only brain fogging but also bloating with overwhelming thoughts and emotions at the same time because you want but you don't, you don't but you want so badly, you have been guided to not make any decision right now, and not to hang in either, changes kept happening, but you are holding something beyond it did. It could be a little picture or a memory too, let it go to where it belongs it will harm you in the long run. Stop sitting with disappointment, disgrace or insult. Let that find peace within you and embrace these changes as a chance for you to strike this fog with the sword of your consciousness on if the very next second you would die, what will you do in the given second of the moment? Chose what is right, and needed for now that is how you lead life always rightly despite the wrong being gifted.
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Netherland, Germany, Scotland, Denver & Amsterdam, there are eerie chills to your soul which plays chivilrious in the darkness and acts demure in the light, like a nasty kid you carry the flaws around the forest creeks but throw a elegant gaze the moment a eye flickers upon you, the mask of basking in solitude feels so enchanting enough to thrive through life beyond its hardship and pain, you take it as gift for the one who got none even sorrow becomes the only life present before.
Guidance : The ostracized child, who was not even a count nor in the quantity or quality leave the first and last of being a choice but never an part of any option to even begin with? I feel you started to heal enough that you understand the value of pain you received so far and treat it exactly right that it has become your that safe home which strengthens you instead to tame, instead of guidance your spirit guides have messages 'That, we really appreciate your pure heart and acknowledge your being of existence as of great as of the any other living, we are around you, when you believe you are lucky enough after seeing something weird l, quirky and unique because that is who you are and we show up there'
Fox teddy, bear, herbivores, cozy vibes, brown eyes, eyeglasses, Aquarius Venus, Capricorn Venus or sun, writing a novel or blog, secret lover.
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Paris, France, Italy, London, Russia and South Korea, What beauty of it doesn't scares a bit right? It took you a trail blaze or ages to burn down and pave one path for you that fire runs through your body despite the sickness you feel in your heart and fatigue you carry on your soul, the more you get tested the more pure you mold into the miracles and become the magic itself, you accept the essence of love, that sets free, wild and at the arms of death where one can love so truly to the depths of each feels and moves of life.
Guidance : Okay, so this pile has been through a lot bodily or mentally the sickness which prolonged seems like a default, or your mistake or an accident which made you be on bed for rest and feel this helplessness from the echoes of the room and beyond the sky where slowly you discovered and connected to your soul and learned the ultimate truth of being all that you need to yourself exactly when you need yourself.
'Hey, sorry to interrupt I am just worried and kind off ..sorry again how are you? I hope you are doing well now, I promise I am on my way please, kindly don't give upon me, for that I have not yet arrived into your life, all the lovers you met were the lie you told yourself to hold yourself tight in your head, but let go the grudge and find me within your heart whenever you look into the mirror with those doe eyes, those two flicks of your hair curls around you ear I did kiss those cheeks with freckles and toughened skin, I did hold you like the witch who carries her wretched wand in her power and strength, I love you, can you hear that, I say that everyday before you sleep'
Well, that was tear jerking right? Give me a second.
Important Updated my services list do check (;
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rielzero · 5 months ago
Original by for-tymora's blog, altering this slightly and removing some bits to prevent overly spoiling my oc.
30 Questions for Your Tav! [ Ask Meme ]
Your Tav as a Companion
1. What would your Tav’s greetings be (at different levels of approval)?
Negative (<0):
He stares just at you, Clicking his tongue in an annoyed tone.
"Got nobody else?"
"I would prefer if you'd find a better source of entertainment."
Neutral (0 - 19):
"Seems like you've got something to say."
He stares at you, just raising a brow and cocking his head sideways.
“This better be important.”
Medium and up (20+):
"Hmm? Sorry, you caught me off guard."
"Feeling chatty? I don't mind."
"I'm all ears." Gestures to his ears.
When spoken to by someone other than the player character:
"I'd prefer to be in touch with someone better suited for important conversations. No small talk."
Pretends he wasn't intensely eyeballing your back earlier, winks.
"Something wrong, love?"
"Hey, caught you staring.''
"I was hoping you'd talk to me."
"You're looking dreamy today."
"Hello, love."
"..Hmm? Hmm.." He seems happy.
"I was wondering when you'd need me again."
"Hello, partner in crime." Mischief on his face.
"Say what you need, I'm here to listen."
Act 3 Vampire - Partnered:
"You look hungry, or maybe I'm... Heh."
"Ask me anything, anything, anything.."
"I'd kill if it'd make you happy."
"My love, we are so close to victory, I can almost touch it." (To Astarion Origin)
''You're looking splendid and magical today.'' (To Gale Origin)
"Yes, my sun?" (To Astarion Origin)
''Yes, my love?''
Broken up:
He Just looks at you emptily, and disappointed. Dead eyed.
2. Describe their tent setup! What’s on the outside? The inside?
It's the most put-together you've even seen. Stitched to the brim, looks like it can collapse and barely covers the bedroll. Has a bunch of bags surrounding it and crates to support the rest, kind of like a pillow-fort situation.
3. What would their character quest be titled? Why?
I personally haven't decided on this yet. Rat-themed perhaps, or something to do with him looking sickly.
4. What would your Tav’s romance scenes look like? How many would they have?
Probably depends on the Origin character, I can't picture him being romanced by anyone other than Gale or Astarion at this time. There would be romance and bonding scenes.
5. Describe their idle animations!
Cracking neck, cracking bones, stretching uncomfortably.
Pondering, tapping his foot on the ground with arms folded.
Wiping his face and looking at his hand for a moment before wiping it off his pants.
Tightening his arm wraps (would look like he's rubbing his lower arms.)
Casting Shocking Grasp, just to look at the sparks in his hands, then waves it off.
Pulling out his journal and browsing through it or jotting something down.
Sitting down and drawing (Stops upon approach.)
Act 3 idle Animations would be conditional adittions.
Poking his teeth, then stare at his finger..
Observe his wrist scars, turning it around and stroking it.
Scratch his neck scars, stretch.
Looks like he's smelling something, clearly bothered by it.
Pull out a bottle of blood and sip from it excessively.
Sitting down and drawing (doesn't stop when approached.)
6. How would the player go about meeting them in Act 1? What is their introduction?
I've done a post on this before I think, but it would be in the location near the intellect devourers, hunched over and trying to keep himself from hurling.
8. After Act 3, What are they talking about at the reunion party?
Probably about the change of appearance and hairstyle, and how he's doing better than he was after the defeat of the netherbrain. He's still settling down and getting used to things, 6 months wasn't enough.
Back to Basics
9. What’s the significance behind your Tav’s name?
Locke misspells his name, because he came up with it when he was sixteen. In his mind, Loki is written Locke at first because it sounds like ''Lock-i'' to him, he was the lockpicker in a gang of orphans.
10. Does your Tav have a last name? Is there a meaning behind it?
He comes up with it on the spot, it means ''Trick'' and its very much meant to be a trick.
12. Does your Tav have any tattoos or scars? Why?
Locke's facial tattoo is magic ink, its a protective ward of sorts. Won't elaborate. His scars are all from abuse, different people.
13. What is your Tav’s main color palette? Why do they choose those colors?
Has a strong attachment to purple because of his dead childhood friend, who was a purple tiefling.
14. Where are they from? What was home like?
Baldurian sewers. Not much of a home, more like a nightmare.
15. Is your Tav more likely to fight/flight/freeze/fawn?
He fights in most cases.
17. Do they have any enemies outside of the main plot? Any friends?
He has acquaintances, his closest being a fatherly figure, The Undertaker, Jermaine.
Deep Dives
20. What is their relationship to touch? Do they shy away from it? Do they need it to feel present?
Very much touch-starved, but dislikes casual friendly touch because he's afraid of affection at first.
21. Describe a defining moment from their past, which makes them who they are today!
He has CPTSD, it wouldn't be a singularity, though I'd say the moment he became a warlock is pretty big.
22. How is your Tav’s relationship with their family? Their parents?
The woman who raised him thoroughly abused him, so did the other orphans he was raised with. As adults, their relationship is strained and reduced to just being familiar with one another. He doesn't view them as family. He simply can't.
24. What does your Tav consider to be their own biggest character flaw?
He desires to have something of his own, but fails to give it a place. He feels like everything that he does have will never be completely his own, at times. (I'm being vague on purpose.)
25. What is something they would die on a hill over?
Wizards being prone to explosiveness. He will not accept the reality that some wizards never blow themselves up in any capacity. They're all one wrong step away from exploding themselves.
27. What is the worst thing they think they’ve ever done/said to someone they loved?
Say no to his ex-boyfriend.
28. Describe a smell that reminds your Tav of childhood.
..Cooked Dwarf roast.
29. What fears keep them up at night?
Sleeping in the dark.
30. What does your Tav want more than anything?
Power, or to feel like he's worth something.
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aingeal98 · 8 months ago
Steph for the ask game?
three facts about them from my personal headcanons
-The first woman Steph was ever attracted to was Zatanna. She didn't realise this until later on when she was dating Cass and it clicked that it hadn't just been platonic girl crush appreciation
-She did actually die. The body they put in the ground was actually Steph. Due to reality warping from various villains she ended up in Africa with Leslie who admitted that she hadn't actually let Steph die but tried everything and saw her bleed out regardless. They were both highly confused how she was alive again and they never did fully confirm why.
-She has all the autopsy scars and long lasting damage from Black Mask's torture. She used to play the piano but when she came back her fingers didn't stretch the way they used to and the first time she tried it gave her a panic attack.
a reason they suck
They were created and written by Chuck Dixon, which often meant being a part of his shitty conservative propaganda. She was more of a victim than a perpetrator most of the time, but I'd love to have modern Steph reflect on that and be like "Damn that internalized misogyny was kicking my ass sometimes huh."
a reason they are great
What if the entire narrative was stacked against you, what if your writers and editors looked down on you for being a teenage girl and treated you as nothing more than a pawn in their shitty sexist manpain stories. And what if you survived and triumphed and became loved enough to carve your own narrative. What if people have come and gone from the "family" that once excluded you maliciously but you're still here and kicking, a core part of it now. They put you in the Robin uniform as a consolation prize before killing you but you're still here and you're clawing your part in that history with everything you've got. For everyone that'll say Damian is the fourth Robin there's someone who'll reply "Actually that was Stephanie Brown."
a reason I relate to them
Being an isolated teenage girl who feels a deep anger at the injustice of the world and doesn't quite have anywhere to fit in or fully vent that anger? I was literally two bad days away from going out on the street to fight crime when I was a teen. I tend to relate to Cass more because the specific mentality and issues she have resonate strongly, but Steph also has plenty of material for me to dig into.
(what I consider to be) the top tier otp/ot3 for that character
Stephcass. It's gotta be stephcass. I could give a million reasons but I've yelled about this so much on my blog already. They bounce off each other so well, they've got the backstory and angst and complex dynamic while also being funny and cute together. The accidental romantic narrative they created is so damn good it barely needs anything to canonize it at this point.
five things that never happened to that character that I believe should have happened
A proper go at being Robin. An apology from Bruce. A discussion with Tim about what they did wrong and an apology too. A long talk with Cass after she came back from the dead with (you guessed it) an apology from Cass. Getting to talk to preboot Jason about what it means to be a sacrificial lamb to give Batman manpain and hype Tim up as the perfect Robin.
five people that character never fell in love with and why
-Dean. Even if she hadn't gotten pregnant it would have never worked out. He was simply too old and for all Steph hates herself she would have realized it eventually
-Detective Gage, for exactly the same reasons as Dean.
-Jason. He died before she came along and by the time he came back it would never cross either of their minds to be anything but purely platonic. They can bond but neither of them appeal to the other romantically.
-Kyle Mizoguchi. He's sweet and they could be something but unfortunately she's in love with Cass at this point. Like the entirety of Batgirls is just Steph and Cass being in love and not realizing it. Kyle had the wrong timing.
-Dick Grayson. The hypothetical age difference isn't a problem for Steph. But obviously, it's an issue for Dick. If she were ever to fall in love with him in an alternate universe and confess he'd be highly alarmed to find out why she thought things were possible between them. It might actually be nice for Steph to get an understanding ear and a shoulder to cry on, someone to tell her that it's not her fault and those men were wrong, but that's all. For one thing Dick is not a scumbag who creeps on young girls and for another thing that's his little brother's ex. In no universe could this ever be more than a one sided crush.
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yandere--stuck · 1 year ago
nosramus's relationship headcanons, maybe? 🫶 idk if you write for them, but if not, ok!!
but speaking sincerely with all my heart; i've been following your blog for a while, and i'll tell you-- i sincerely love your writing, like really - very really !! i giggle and do 10 spins in my room when you post about my favorite characters (or characters i don't even know, 🤭🤭) maybe that sounds not honest ((i don't even know)), but i really mean it.
hope you have a good night/or day (or whatever time is) !!!!!!!!!!
Thank you so so much!!! That's so sweet of you to say and I'm so glad you enjoy my works aaaaa ;w; it means a lot!!
I hope you have a great day/night yourself and that these are good <3
🤍 Immortality is both a blessing and a curse, Nosramus has found. Though she finds enjoyment and purpose in her studies and in the mundanity of life, even within the dungeons of Fear and Hunger, this has also led her to a life of loneliness. Many days spent with only herself for company. Her guard is there, of course, but he's not really much for company. It's even manageable most days. But the longer the future stretches out in front of her, the more the chasm in her heart where others had once touched deepens and darkens further.
💛 Such isolation gives her cause to look into different areas of study - such as The Soul. Everyone is born under a specific Soul type that will shape who they are and how their life will play out. Less understood, however, is that concept of a Soul Mate. The idea of one Soul bearer having one (or more) Souls that are naturally attracted or drawn toward one particular Soul type or even particular individual that bears a particular Soul type that seems to inherently click with another's. Once, she had thought she found them. But, she was wrong. She was betrayed and forgotten. In the end, they were the worse for it and Nosramus, in the grand scheme of things, was far better off. Still, she was left scarred by deception. To be alone was better than being hurt again in such a way. It was better for a long, long time. But now, the darkness and isolation of the catacombs have become almost too much to bear. She can feel her Soul call out for the touch of another.
🤍 Brave adventurer, what is it you seek? Her, perhaps unknowingly…? Why else could Nosramus feel you within the halls? Your footfalls echoing through her head, the brightness of your spirit felt pulsing in her own Soul. A feel of giddiness makes her entire body shake. She can't concentrate on her studies. She can't even hold a cup of tea steady without shaking. She sees flashes of you in her enlightened mind's eye. So desperate is Nosramus to see you in the flesh. Is this what it feels like to meet your one and only? A part of Sylvian's design perhaps. The anticipation and impending doom of meeting who you are meant to be one with. Nosramus can't help to distract herself much longer, nearly running from her laboratory as she feels you enter the mines.
💛 Don't be afraid. She can see you from the shadows. She will wait as long as you need to step into the light and see her. Nosramus tries to keep her smile from widening too greatly. She introduces herself. Tries to ignore the burning sensation in her very being. Extends a hand out to you and tells you the kettles on. Care for a cup of tea? She smiles even as you hesitate. Of course you're hesitant, poor thing. All alone in such a place without her. How did you ever survive? When your hand slips into hers, Nosramus is nearly set ablaze from the inside-out. Oh, yes, she thinks she'll keep you.
🤍 As a show of good faith, Nosramus offers you to partake in her potions and peruse her tomes. Not like you'll be leaving with them. The home she's made feels so much more alive with you inside it. Like you were always meant to be here. Your voice is music to her ears. She implores you - why are you here, where are you from, who have you left behind, what do you love, what do you despise, what are your dreams and wishes. She sprawls down notes when she gets a moment between preparing your tea. Just the beginning of her study of you. When she sets your cup in front of you, she makes a show of giving her own a hearty sip. And by the time you've realized what's happened, you can barely keep your head up. Poor dear. 
💛 You must understand. Or, you will understand, eventually. Nosramus has been burned before. She wants to trust you, but can't quite yet. But, it's okay, pet. She will take care of you while you learn how much your meant to be. She can hardly be near you without touching you - holding your hand, stroking the top of your head, pressing soft kisses across your face. When she must rip herself away from you, her guard will watch over you. One day, you'll be free to be lucid when kept in her quarters, but not yet. She must show you that your Souls are meant to be one. She cannot wait for the day that Sylvian blesses your union and you finally do become One.
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ryndicate · 2 years ago
Hypothermic ⨳ Todoroki Touya
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“Still thinkin’ about running?”
warnings: fem body/pronouns, zombie apoc au (ofc), assault, enemies to not quite enemies, gun mentions, choking, quirkless au (no scars), blood mentions, dry humping, make out, starts out dubcon as in he doesnt ask first but she doesnt tell him to stop, and a semi ungodly pov switch but let’s run with it
event: @medusashima’s Rise of the Dead collab! Click the link for similiar lovely works!
notes: thank you for being so accommodating of me Dusa!! this came right from my soul. Love how its somehow a zombie au fic with no direct contact with zombies but like.... it works. and im over the moon about it (himmm)
By expanding, you are consenting to viewing adult/dark content, and all warnings listed above. 18+ Minors DNI
Blog Rules/DNI
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The first thing Touya notices, besides the glaringly obvious there’s an intruder—is that somehow, you’re both pretty and don’t look like much. Pretty in a way that wiggles old thoughts into his brain, old from long gone time where’d hesitate to hurt a little thing like you. But there’s a more prominent, high prevailing relief that he’s confident he can, because he has to. Because of that stupid little ramen cup that you’re helping yourself to right now. Because there’s no way you’d have that right now now unless—unless…
The undead corpses on his front lawn had been his first clue to something being wrong. Shoto doesn’t leave the zombie fuckers to rot if he can help it, an annoyance Touya’s barked at plenty of times as a waste of time and energy, only for his words to be met with quiet disapproval. So to find four of the disgusting things still pouring putrid black and stenching up the frost on his front porch…well, it gave Touya reason to be cautious. Swallowing a burst of nostalgia, he quietly opens the kitchen window—the back door squeaks loud enough to wake the dead—and climbs through with perfect silence, a skill earned in a long forgotten world that had been nothing but a blessing in the world it had turned into. The slow movements it requires give his swirling panicking mind a moment to gauge all the what if's, but when he discovers that the person sitting in his house is not his little brother it's impossible not to come to a single grim conclusion. 
That’s how he was lucky enough to get the drop on you, sitting in front of the makeshift fireplace in his beaten up living room, slurping up that ramen cup like it’s the only thing you’ve eaten in days—and given how his last run went, it’s pretty fucking likely that's how it is. Touya had already been in a pretty foul mood on his return to the safehouse, leaving to find the one thing they’re always running out of. And for the first time, he had nothing to fucking show for it. Clouds on the horizon sent him trekking home empty-handed. Scavengers fearing the approaching cold probably cleared everything out before he could get a look in. Everything they had left to eat, which wasn't much, he’d left with Shoto—who'd promised him that stupid instant ramen on his return. Said he'd save it for last. And damn it all if he couldn’t trust everything that came from his brother’s mouth, even in a world like this. 
The seconds are dragging past in Touya's mind but he knows in real time you'll notice him any moment now. By luck or skill, you've survived this long, and that counts for something. He can't give you the benefit of the doubt. He’s got a gun, secured in the waist of his jeans, but it’s been out of bullets for ages now. It’s mainly been a deterrent for strangers, kept in vain hope that he finds more ammo one day. He’d use it now, if he wanted to scare you.
But he doesn’t. Touya’s past that now. His knife comes off his belt just as silently as he came through the window. Stepping quickly on the balls of his feet, Touya crosses the room towards you, and you react a mere breath before the blade finds a new home in your neck.
Your body twists, and his reach slashes too wide. Before he can redirect the arc you’ve got your hands braced on his arm, forcing it straight with a strength he couldn’t have expected from you. Touya snarls at the combination of anger and fear on your face. You have no right. 
“The fuck’re you doing?” you growl at him through grit teeth. There’s evident strain in your voice so Touya doubles down and your wince sends a blistering satisfaction tearing through his body. When your grip weakens, he lets the blade fall and tackles you to the carpet. 
You let out a muffled yell as your back hits the ground hard, and Touya is quick to plant himself over your center mass, hands bearing down on your throat. You buck and thrash, trying to dislodge his weight, movements limited as you try to block him from cutting off your air. Touya spits a curse down at you as your nails shred at his wrists and the back of his hands. It’s incredibly difficult to keep hold of you. You’re like a fucking animal, choking and wheezing and hissing and fucking growling at him as you fight him off. With ridiculous effort, you manage to shove one of his hands off and get leverage with your feet on the ground, using his own weight to send him in an ungainly tumble to the floor.
It’s startling how quickly you react after that, gasping for air and lunging for him, putting a fist in his gut. The force of it shoves air and spittle from his lungs and has him sucking in air desperately. He rolls away from you as you pounce at him again, your shoulder checking his chin and giving him the taste of blood in his mouth before he gets a solid shove at your chest, resulting in a moan of pain. There’s a brief pause as he staggers to his feet and he freezes as his eyes lock with the gun you now have pointed at him.
You seem to have frozen as well, joints locked and chest heaving.
After a long moment Touya scoffs. “What? You just gonna point the thing at m—”
The gun clicks; time shifts; Touya jerks. 
There’s no gunshot, and your eyes fly wide in obvious fear. Time slows down just enough for him to realize that he recognizes that gun, patting his waistband. His eyes narrow, and you react, whipping the gun right at him.
Touya dodges and you turn and sprint from the living room. He lunges after you, skidding nimbly into the hall as you make a run for it. He grabs at the back your jacket, howling a curse as you jerk out of his grip, the material making an audible ripping sound and snagging at one of his nails instead, forcing him to falter. Blood wells up out of the cuticle and drips down his hand; Touya grips it tightly, hissing through his teeth and tearing after you again, catching up with you right as you start slamming a door on him. He gets his weight against the door and there’s a mad struggle as you both become opposing forces, but there’s a moment where he loses traction, the blood from his finger making his hand slide.
The door slams shut and Touya slams his fist against the wood as fury overtakes him.
“Where’s my brother, you fucking bitch!” 
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Fucker was carrying an empty gun!
You wildly look around the small space that you despairingly realize is a bathroom. The man is still pounding on the door, shouting, and shaking the handle. You have no idea what he’s talking about and you need a fix before he stops being pissed enough to figure out that a few solid kicks is all it would take to get through the flimsy wood. You rip down the grimy plastic shower curtain and twist it tightly around the handle, looping it through the towel bar above the sink, hosting a pair of decrepit floral washcloths that look like they haven’t been used since patient zero. You continue weaving the figure eight until you’re forced to tie it off as you run out of length. It’s not much, but it’ll buy you an extra minute or two if you’re lucky. 
The handle creaks with one last aggravated twist. There’s a short silence that follows as you stare at the door, heart beating out of your chest. Then his voice filters through the door, a throaty rasp full of a rage that makes you quake with adrenaline and fear.
“Ain’t nowhere for you to go, lady. Get the fuck out here and maybe I won’t kill ‘ya.”
This not what you’d bargained for. “Like I’m gonna trust the guy who tried to stab me without so much as a hello.”
He chuckles, a soft sound that you’d find pretty if it weren’t for the way your skin breaks out in goosebumps that have nothing to do with the cold. “You want a hello? Come get one.”
Ignoring him—and the way your body tremors—you turn and start trying to peel away the board covering what must be a small window. If you’re lucky enough to get it off, maybe you can drop out through the window. 
But after a solid half hour of tugging, scraping and peeling, and nothing more to show for it than torn and bloody fingernails, you admit defeat. Wincing, you carefully wipe away the blood on your jeans and listen to see if he’s still outside the door. It’s hard to tell anything over your thumping pulse in your own ears, but it sounds quiet. 
It’s better not to risk it. You settle against the back of the tub and sit; if you wait long enough, he’ll pass out and you can slip out quietly. Moving quietly and disappearing is the only thing that’s kept you alive this far, especially after the last group you left. The last thing you want to do is be out at night, between the cold and poor visibility—that’s just asking to get killed. But no part of you can deny that facing that deranged stranger outside this door would be doing more than just asking. 
Time passes slowly, painfully. Ever since the turn, dozing off idly became a thing of the past, something dangerous. You’re stuck being alert and aware of every little creak, every little sigh this house can produce. The wind tears around outside and your fingertips have become numb. It’s gotten much colder tonight that it has in the past few days, and you dig your arms from your sleeves into the body of your clothing in an attempt to keep warm.
A light tapping puts you on edge before you realize you’re shaking so hard that the buttons on your jacket are clacking against the floor. You clench your jaw. You have to try now; if you wait any longer it’ll be too cold to make it down the street, let alone how far you’ll need to get away from this place to feel comfortable ever again. Your joints protest as you stand as silently as you can, after sitting for so long. It’s much more painstaking to get the shower curtain from the door; it’s like trying to tiptoe with a windbreaker, but eventually you manage and crack the door open. 
The house is dark, but even after a few moments no one shoves the door open, so pull it wider and peek out. There’s no sign of him. You step quietly out and feel your way down the wall, back towards the living room. There’s no chance you’ll get your pack back, not much in it besides clothes and water anyways, but you’ll have to make do. You inch into the kitchen where you remember seeing a backdoor, and gently turn the lock before pulling the door open. The hinges squeak so painfully loud that you suck in a breath, heart thudding in panic, but that’s not what has you frozen, shivering in the doorway.
What you heard from the bathroom floor wasn’t just wind, but a full blown snowstorm. It’s too early for snow, at least you’d thought, but here it is swirling so thick that you can’t see more than a couple of feet into the yard, and there’s already about a foot of snow. The moon highlights your breath getting swept away in the wind.
“Still thinkin’ about running?”
You shut the door and warily face him, not deigning to answer. The chances of making it more than a couple of blocks without freezing to death are slim. You can’t see much but his silhouette and a mess of pale hair, so it’s hard to make out what he’s thinking. All you know is that he hasn’t wrapped his hands around your neck yet.
He sighs, running a hand through his hair. “Don’t go pointing a gun at me again, and I won’t kill you tonight.”
“Try not to stab me then.”
You think he’s smiling. “No promises.” 
Another shudder wracks through you and you try to tighten your jacket around your body. There’s a tear somewhere near the underarm seam—another reason why running is a terrible option.
“C’mon. It won’t last the night, but I’ve got a small fire going.” He turns his back on you, and you have no choice but to follow him. “Name’s Touya, by the way.”
The “fire” Touya’s got up is nothing but a few table legs crumbling into ember, but you have to admit it’s much warmer in here than it was in the bathroom. The soft light gives you your best look at him yet, and you notice he’s far more handsome than he should be. Hair a bright white, his skin is fair beneath the light grime, and he has piercing green, maybe blue eyes—it’s hard to tell in the flickering orange glow. 
He glances at your raised eyebrow and scoffs. “Look, it’s all I had left. Shoto was supposed to be gathering wood while I was gone.”
You sit slowly a small distance away from him, as close to the fire as you can get. He tosses you a ratty blanket that had been hanging off the back of the couch. “Is Shoto your brother?”
He looks at you and scowls. “Yeah he is, and the only reason I haven’t come after you again is because I have no leads if you’re dead. I need you, if I’m gonna find out what happened to him.”
“Is that why you attacked me?” you ask him quietly. He’s throwing a couple of torn book covers into the embers, light flickering brighter as they catch and blaze. “You think I—”
“An eye for an eye,” Touya chuckles, his expression hardening into something devoid, something frightening. 
“I didn’t kill your brother.” You tell him softly, wondering how you’re supposed to convince him when he’s already convinced himself. You have no idea who he is. He simply stares at you.
“Look when I got here, there were a bunch of zoms in the yard. I barely got past them, my knife broke in one of their heads. I figured the place was empty and needed somewhere to hole up. I never saw your brother, I swear.” Touya’s expression is still hard, but his eyes have begun to flicker with doubt. “Bet you went through my bag already. You know I don’t have any weapons. I’ve got no reason to lie.”
“Other than to save your own neck.”
“Isn’t that what we’re all trying to do?” You glare at him. “Look, if he was here, I would’ve asked him to let me in. I’ve never… I’ve never killed someone like that before.”
“Like what?” He looks at you now, eyebrows slackening at the tremble in your voice. “You were all too willing to pull the trigger on me.”
“Self-defense is different.” You look away, curling your legs to your chest. “I’ve never…murdered someone. I’ve seen it happen before, but I can’t. That’s why I’m so good at running.”
Touya stills, seemingly taking in your words, sifting through them like one would examine sand through a looking a glass. Finally, he sighs.  
“He’s not dead.” You glance at him; that didn’t really seem like he was talking to you, so you let it rest in the air like that. His eyes shine in the dying fire before they flicker and pin themselves to you.
“So that’s why’re you alone, then? Couldn’t kill someone?”
Your lips twist into a frown, and you look away from him, resting your chin on your knees. Your mind is a swirl of blazing violet eyes, crimson full of rage, viridian vexed of indecision. “My last group was falling apart. Left before things got ugly, been on my own since.”
“How long ago was that?” Touya asks quietly.
You peek at him warily. “Long enough.”
He nods at you at that, grunting as he lays down and gets comfortable. You take that as his signal that conversation is over and follow suit, inching closer to the tiny flames that you vainly pray will last the night.
The night passes but sleep does not come for you, held at bay by memories that you wish would fade as quickly as the fire seems to, a deep cold settling over you as the embers turn to smoke. You pull the blanket tighter around you, now scared to sleep in case you don’t wake up.
“Well fuck,” Touya sighs, sitting up and leaning on his palms. You can hear his teeth chattering. With the fire gone you can’t see his face, there’s no lighting coming through the covered windows either. “Daylight’s still a few hours off. That sucks, ain’t nothing for it.”
He rolls into your space and you try to scramble away from him, only for him to yank you to his chest and curl and arm around your back.
“You’re fucking insane.”
“No, I’m fucking freezing, and not interested in dying. You interested in dying? Or I don’t know, losing a few fingers and toes?”
You glare into his chest, clenching your jaw to keep your teeth from echoing his own chattering.
“That’s what I thought.”
After your racing heart settles, you hate to admit that it’s the only way. Wrapped up in his arms, tugged tight to his chest like this…it’s still cold, but an endurable kind of cold, the kind that has you worming your way closer to him to make it less uncomfortable. 
“Don’t,” you warn him as you feel his cheek stretch into a grin against your temple.
“Alright, alright. Fine. Could make this nicer, you know. Just sayin’.”
Suspicion blooms in your chest at his cheeky attempt at charm. “What are you talking about?”
A growl tears up your throat as he rolls you onto your back, ready to shove him off but you tense in shock as he leans down and closes his lips on the spot right beneath your ear. You exhale sharply on instinct. You haven’t been touched like this since—you slam your mind closed on those thoughts and try to think through his tongue tracing over your pulse point.
“Wh– what are you doing?”
“‘M gonna make you warm,” he whispers, nosing up and nipping lightly at the shell of your ear.
“Holy fuck, you are crazy. I’m not sleeping with you,” you hiss sharply, trying to wiggle away from him.
Touya tosses his head back in a wry laugh. “Sweetheart, if you think I’m dropping my pants in a blizzard, you’re crazier than me.”
“Then, then wh—”
“Shut up and stop thinking for a minute, won’tcha?” Touya grumbles and lowers himself back towards you, capturing your lips and working your mouth open with a little rumble of approval when you relax back to the floor. One hand comes up to hold your cheek, fingers cradled around the back of your head and the way he groans into your mouth sends a heatwave of embarrassment and arousal crackling across your body.
He paws at your covered chest, something warm and hard digging into your thigh as he grinds against you, and you resist the insane urge to wrap your legs around his waist.
Like he’s reading your mind, long fingers dig into one of your thighs and hike it up, and you gasp into his mouth as he shifts and suddenly his clothed dick is pressed hard against your core.
“Oh, you ain’t so hard are you?” Touya chuckles as you bite his lower lip in retaliation. You can almost imagine his eyes flashing at you as he begins to grind against you in slow, controlled motions. Your clit throbs underneath the rub of denim, and you can feel yourself slowly soaking through the material of your panties. “Still fiesty though. ‘S nice.”
“Fuck you.”
Touya groans, fingers digging into your hips as if trying to pull you up into him. “Don’t make me think about that, darlin’”
“Not your darling.”
“Yeah, yeah. Keep reminding me darlin’.”
He moans low and sweet into into your neck, suckling softly in one spot and continually moving to the next. It’s maddening and you keep shifting and rocking your body into to his, feeling pleasure unfurl in you so hot and deep, clit pulsing and sensitive, sparking until you’re sure it’s going to take you apart.
Touya stiffens, hips jumping before he grits his teeth and collapses gently over your chest, fists curled tight on either side of your head. The swirling ball of pleasure that had been moments from reach boils and begins to fade, leaving you gasping in frustration.
“Seriously, you’re stopping now?” you whine, squirming when he holds you in place. 
“‘M not interest in finding out how fast my pants would freeze to my dick with spunk all twisted up in there,” he snarls under his breath, biting back the urge to keep rutting against your body. “Believe me, sweetheart. Blueballing myself is not the end goal here. Fuck. You’re warm now, yeah?”
You’re struggling to get your heavy breaths under control, not giving him the satisfaction of a response. You’re warm all over, but you don’t know how long that’s gonna last. 
Touya grabs the ends of the blankets and makes sure they’re tucked around you both, shifting so that he’s no longer on top of you, but on his side next to you. “Then fucking sleep, okay? I know you haven’t yet. We’ll figure it out later. Deal?”
You snort. By figure it out, you wonder if he’s talking about the thing still twitching against your hip, or the whole mess of a situation. But either way, you’re heeding him. As the rush slowly drifts from your system, exhaustion takes over and you find yourself dead asleep, tucked under his arm. 
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aceofwhump · 1 year ago
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Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog!
I decided to make a new pinned post with all the information that is available on my desktop site but that will be more accessible for mobile users. Plus a few extras 😉
So an introduction.
I'm Ace. I started this blog back in February 2018 after seeing a post that referenced the whump community. I had no idea there was such a large community here on tumblr! As soon as I saw that making a whump blog was an option I immediately made one. And I haven't regretted it since. I love this blog, I love this community, and I'm thrilled to be here three years later! 
Here on this blog you'll see lots of gifsets both reblogged from wonderful creators and gifs made by yours truly. I also write fanfics on occasion. You can check out my work on AO3 under the name "aceofwhump" or you can look under my tag "ace writes stuff". That tag will have some stuff not on AO3 too. I also do whump lists for certain characters, trope lists, video clips of good whump, and fanfic recs.
Click on the read more for even more information and important links to things like gifmaking tutorials, my trope tag list, my show/movie tag list, my fanfic masterlist, and more!!!
My favorite tropes are:
Emotional: panic attacks, nightmares, insecurities, feeling inadequate, fear, grief, flashbacks, flinching, emotional breakdowns full of sobbing, emotional outbursts, scar reveals, anxiety, self hatred
Environmental: accidents, natural disasters like earthquakes or storms, hit by a car, collapsed building, falling through ice, heat exhaustion, hypothermia, falls, burns, infected wounds from lack of medical equipment, sickness, being unable to breathe, drowning
Small moments: limping, feeling weak and seeking support, breathing through the pain, moving wrong in a way that aggravates the pain, and the sudden seizing of his body, shaking hands, pressing the heel of his hand against his temple because of a headache, taking a moment to close his eyes because he’s light headed/exhausted/has such a bad headache
Sci-fi: space illness, oxygen deprivation, isolation, being locked in the brig, hull of the ship getting damaged, alien attacks
Injuries: broken bones, gunshot wounds, hidden injuries, bruises, beaten, concussions, collapsed lung, slings, casts, crutches, knocked unconscious, blood loss
Torture/Captivity: Being strung up by their wrists from the ceiling, drugged, chained up, caged, tied to a chair, handcuffed to a pole, interrogated
Comfort/Caretaking: hugging, “Are you okay?”, “You’re safe now”, “I’ve got you”, hand holding, helping to walk, ice packs, covering someone with a blanket, a cool cloth on their forehead to help with a fever, a fever check, touching their face to offer comfort
Magic: magical healing that causes pain, draining of powers, powers that are painful to use, curses
Stoic or defiant whumpees
Team whump
Long detailed look at how I make my gifs
Gifmaking tutorials:
Gifmaking for Begginers: my ginormous all you need to know tutorial
Another look at how I make a gif
Tips for beginners
Tips on brightening dark scenes
How to get into gifmaking
Photoset dimensions
How to make a layout gifset
Gif speeds
Links from my desktop blog for mobile users:
My gifs
My whump videos
Ace writes stuff
My Writing Masterlist
Trope tag list
Show list
My Whumptober Masterlists
Fanfic Rec Lists
Blog Archive
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This has been a massive, ongoing project of mine for a while now in which I am endeavoring to catalog and categorize every fanfiction I’ve ever bookmarked. I fear this project will never be complete as I'm always reading and bookmarking new fics but I’m going to share it anyway.
Inside, you will find links and summaries to the fanfictions I’ve read over the years on both AO3 and FF.net. Each fic is sorted by the specific whumpee that they center on. So there’s a page for Danny Williams, for Mike Warren, for Lucifer Morningstar, and many many more. The fics are 90% whump with a touch of fluffy ones thrown in too. This list is based on the fics I’ve read and bookmarked so it leans heavily on my favorite whumpees and my favorite tropes. 
I’ve been working on categorizing every fic by its tropes (so theoretically you could search for say seizure fics or sick fics) but that’s taking me a loooong time because I have to reread every fic in order to determine what kind of categories to make and to look for the specific tropes. So for now you’ll have to make do with the fic summaries and using the search function. When it’s done, each whumpee will have their specific trope categories so you won’t necessarily find the same tropes in each category but it should help narrow down the fics better once I’m done. This is an ongoing project for me.
The list gets updated all the time so check back in every now and then. There might be something new.
I do take suggestions of fics to add to this masterlist but please keep in mind that it may not end up on the list. It's nothing personal I promise. I just can't add every single fic in the world.
Here's the link (note that it opens best on desktop browser because it is large):
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isabeauwolf · 1 month ago
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Pff, like Mary wouldn't show up with a huge duffle bag full of cash and handing it over to Tomura with a big smile on her face.
They stare at the bag of money, then peak around the she wolf towards her yazkua husband.
"Big sis, what did you do to get birdman to give you this?" Toga whispers to her friend and found sister.
Mary blinks. "What?"
Twice gasps, "Seriously what did you do to appease him? Sexual favors?" He pales. "Please tell me you didn't sell your body or a kidney for us my Queen!"
Overhaul's scar on his forehead throbs as he clicks his tongue. "As if I would ever allow any diseased ridden vermin to lay their filthy hands on my wife." He grits his teeth, glaring at the trouble some duo. "I didn't give it to her." He admitted.
"It my money and I'm giving it to you." She offers the duffel again to the League of Villains leader, rolling her mismatched eyes.
Shigaraki is still stunned, disbelief in his words. "Why?" Hell, he's afraid to accidentally turn the bag of cash into dust. "What's the catch?"
"Helping out my family and friends in their time of needs." She furrows her brows in confusion, "You are my mate too Tomura." Her ears flattening against her head and tail drooping. "It's only fair that I help and support you as a spouse just as much as I do for Dabi and Kai." She pouts, her words as sincere. "Is that wrong?"
Dabi rolls his eyes, shoving his way in between the pair and grabs ahold of the black duffel while wrapping his free arm around his firebrand. "Here, I'll take it if handjob doesn't want it." His scowl softens as he kisses the top of her head. "Thanks, beauty. You spoil us rotten."
Mary perks up, ears straightening and tail wagging behind her. Her smile returning and brightening. "Your welcome, my Dark Knight." She leaned into his touch, returning the hugs and pressing her face into his chest.
Shigaraki snaps out of it, crimson orbs narrowing as he sneers. "She was offering it to me, Dabi." He hisses. "It isn't yours. It belongs to The League." Reach a hand out to try and snatch it. "As the leader of his party, I'll be taking it."
Dabi yanks the bag away from his grasp, dragging Mary along with him as a challenging smirk spreads across his scarred mouth. "No, I touched it... so it's mine now." He turns his mouth to whisper low into Mary's ear, "Play along with me, princess."
Mary giggles, rolling her eyes and silently agrees. "If you don't want my help, then I could always take it back and give it to Dabi, gamer boy." She teased, wrapping her arms around him and giving him a peak on the cheek.
Shigaraki's scowl deepens. "No, Dabi took it. It's still mine you offered it to me first, wolfie." He takes a step forward, raising his hand, curling his pinky inward. "Give it back."
Dabi purses his mismatched lips, then widens, growing wolfish and a mischievous twinkle in his turquoise eyes. "Nope. I called dibs first, boss. Both the cash and this cutie here are mine."
Overhaul leans against the wall, running a gloved hand down his face and groans in annoyance. "Typical, its always games with those two stubborn punks."
Chrono chuckles beside his best friend. "At least they are entertaining to watch Overhaul."
@angelblueflame @cherry-queens-blog @fanofflames @chisvki @fairymama624 @wtf-ask-baddie-overhaul
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thisdreamplace · 1 year ago
i get confused when people say you shouldn’t mix loass and non dualism because i feel like loass cannot be operated as a conscious and consistent practice without nd? why are people acting like it’s blasphemy to recognize how nd facilitates loass? is it that people are understanding loass as ego-based? nd ≠ loass, but to me loass IS nd actioned into a creative practice? help 😫
youre so real for this anon <3
i say, this is why we have to be able to think for ourselves and not just listen to everything people say online. lol bc... youre like... not wrong (and i know a lot of people aint gonna like me for saying that lmfao)
but i remember when nd started to gain popularity and how some accs were SWEARRRRINNNG it has nothing to do w loa and how dare anyone confuse the two. and im just sitting there reading like o___O but theyre literally interwined. and i get why people would want to totally seperate the two, bc no one ever says it, but i think loa scarred/traumatized a lot of us.
its like when everyone first switched from loattraction to loassumption and were like ewww theyre not the same thing dont get them confused !! but it was bc 90% of people at the time had been failed by loattraction and felt like loass was the solution they had been looking for lol and yet, they are the same in ending, different in practice. teaching the same point, in different ways. two different paths with the same destination. nd is like this.
nondualism skips to what the point of loass is, which a lot of people dont see bc they associate loass with manifesting ur desires and that is the ~mainstream~ idea of it. but it is a popular misunderstanding. anyone who has mastered loass has simultaneously succeeded in what nd teaches. with an actual understanding of what loass is, it was never about getting ur desires. it was always about reaching "the promise"... however, people tend to focus much more on the manifesting part, which isnt a problem in loass. its a problem in the people who decided to teach loass. but that was kinda the point. if it werent for knowing about being able to get ur desires, a lot of people wouldnt have listened. but it brought us here, and nd gets to focus on the actual point. the promise. the thing is that manifesting desires has been grossly focused on, and skews the point of loass. lol
the thing is, nd focuses on the end "goal" entirely, so they seem to be different to people who have a mainstream understanding of loass. and there's also semantics, which is entirely fair. for some people, the way loass is explained doesnt click but nd does. and thats why it can make sense to group it seperately, bc they are taught differently. however, once again, you have two different routes leading to the same destination. its not that complicated, but for some reason ppl like to complicate it by calling it a whole new thing. theyre all so delicately intertwined though, and i think thats great. bc we're all different people and we will respond and understand things differently.
so many different roads, simply to lead us back to who we truly are, to wake up from this dream and experience the true self.
so yeah, youre right. and this is why you should learn to trust yourself. :)
"this place is a dream, only a sleeper considers it real. then death comes like dawn, and you wake up laughing at what you thought was your grief." -- rumi
felt like it was relevant to place that here, as that is the exact quote that inspired the name of my blog so many years ago. and rumi is no loass guru, nor nd teacher. and yet, and yet. it just goes to show how interconnected this all is, because of the fact that it all comes from the same source conciousness. <3
xo 🕊🫧
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evilrat-sabre · 1 year ago
Welsknight Season 7, EP 3 and 4 a Rat's report
So I guess I am doing this, I am watching the entirety of Wels Hermitcraft Season 7 series and doing a actual written report on it.
First / Next
Deep Storage Warehouse | Hermitcraft 7 - Ep. 3
27:41 lenght, posted 29 may 2020, watched 30/01/2023 and 31/01/2023
He clicks record button and it starts raining. He complains that this is "Just his luck" and I agree, this sums his lucky very well. (Personal note: I had a brief flashback to Doc in season eight talking about the fact of how hard is to see rain in Hermitcraft, and I find it amusing that Wels is one of the culprits, as one of the local sleeping maniacs.)
He is tiding up his river "Basically you are trying to avoid the appearance that you just spammed bonemeal, even though you just spammed bonemeal everywhere" (Time stamp 3:50)
"So I don't think there is a rule against two timelapses in a single episode, lets do it!" Stares in House Flipper series at this 3 year old video.
Personal note: I was building a puzzle with friends while watching it and I zoned out a bit, when I zoned back he was so amused talking about his own building that it just put a big ol' smile in my face.
Fwhip mentioned! He built one of Fwhip's boat designs and gave credit, he started talking about Fwip and how he likes his videos and how he watches it! Idk it just made me soft seeing he talking about Fwhip, knowing that in like 2 years? The man would be steeping in Hermitcraft ground, its a shame Wels wasn't active and didn't got to interact with the Empire people.
"My knight time senses are tingling" *proceeds to spam clicks a bed
"My sleep sense are tingling again" *proceeds to spam clicks a bed (I guess this is his superpower now)
He needs to make a shop
-Wels: No one sell leather and I need a good source of food -Me: Nodding in redstoner "Okay so he will make a hoogling farm, sounds fun" -Wels: I need some cow -Me: Excuseme what? -Me: Stops and thinks for the exact amount of 3 seconds, oh yeah the nether was still bad.
He will vote for Joe as dog catcher! Good to know!
He bought the Hermit Heralds!!! The only thing I managed to read was "Unsanitary Scar"
Wels is talking about cow, stops mid phrase "Problem must sleep" Sir just admit you have a problem.
Wels is doing a cow pen (This is where I suffered from multiple organs failure) "Ha you are mine, forever forever, forced to live a life of breeding" SIR (pERSONAL notes: Yes I am one of the mods in correct Hermitcraft quotes, and yes I have posted worst things there (It was Keralis and xB), and NO, I will not post this in the blog, for the sake that my little rat hearth will NOT survive receiving this quote as a notification.)
FULL House Interior! | Hermitcraft 7 - Ep. 4
25:12 length, posted 5 june 2020, watched 01/02/24
This is a interior decor episode, this Brazilian redstoner Rat will do some comments about Wels decor, be prepared.
Decor talk: I love what he is doing with the ceiling, I could never though about that, I would have let it as it was and sulked.
"If I decided to put a basement in this house, this would be the ideal place to put it, and if not, this can be storage, closet, stairs, you know; Harry Potter could live in there or something" (Time stamp 7:30)
Decor talk: Ok that bedroom is gorgeous, the bed isn't functional, but at least he can sleep in the bench (that is actually a bed)
I will describe the next sequence of actions because it's funny
Goes to the shopping district to buy skulkers
Sees the free samples barrel
clicks on it
Zombies appears out of nowhere
It's a trap.
False for mayor trap!
She kills the mobs and walks away looking honestly cool
It actually worked! Wels retreat his concrete vote for Stress
He realizes that got distracted and goes and buys the shulkers
No free samples for Wels
The great entrance hall is attached to the wrong door, the main entrance door is connected to the kitchen "Planning 10/10" At least it's pretty?
Decor talk: He keeps making benches, he doesn't have a functional bed, but he has a lot of benches.
One of his goals for season 7 was to get better at doing interior!
Decor talk: He is doing great, all he builds is so good omg. For all that I joke about his house flipper, this man knows how to decorate and I really appreciate his buildings.
Beef tunes! He is buying a piano!
So I will cut a bit here, to say that Wels did a honestly moving speech about things that were happening at the time in the world, and I feel like are relevant to today 3 years latter.
I urge everyone to go watch it, because it's truly powerful and it was a good reminder of why he is one of my favorite youtubers.
Its starts roughly at 16:53 and ends at 20:06
I will now transcript part of it here, but I can't stress enough, go watch the whole thing, it got me really by surprise.
"However I will say this, I don't give a damn, and I use that word deliberately, because this is important enough to warrant it.
I don't give a damn about the color of your skin, who you love, your religious beliefs, what political party you belong to, or other description that people may use to categorize you, good people are always welcome in my community, and all it takes to be a good person in my book is to follow the golden rule of treat other as you wish to be treated."
The speech is way longer, and I got really really touched, I am still looking at it and reflecting.
Anyway back to normal now.
Some time and world observation:
In the Hermit Heralds it was written "Get gorgeous" I am curious how much it cost Stress to put this there
Shopping district remains a ugly mess
I did this at 2 am, good night.
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Design Thoughts
Hey there! I am starting a new thing on this blog.
Oftentimes, I spend time thinking about goals and design choices for the art I make. But I never really get the chance to talk about it. So I have decided, that when I have something to say about some drawing I made, I will include it in a reblog (I would put it under a Readmore, but as I learned recently, they just do. not. work.)
I understand that this may not be what some people followed me for, so this will always be tagged BullyDesign, so you can filter it if you want to.
So anyways, here are some thoughts.
This drawing was supposed to be a part of a larger comic, but I realized, that the idea made no sense. But the way I imagined this, I thought this could stand on its own as a cool visual.
Scanned ink drawing
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Cleaned up
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Now, the basic idea behind this drawing was a contrast between straight and organic lines. I actually drew up the letters with straight line guidelines underneath. I'm not sure, if typing in the letters with a program would have been better. On one hand, it would be even straighter and less organic, therefore heightening the contrast, but on the other hand, I feel like it could be a bit boring. Hmm..
Obviously, these letters would then contrast with the more organic face drawing, which would then be unnaturally cut off at the side by a straight line. This same idea of contrast continues in the knife and the scar, both of which consist of a straight line, contrasted by a curved line. With the scar specifically, I was thinking about the way a wound actually looks, especially with an artificial cut. On one hand, you have this rather straight parting of the skin, but then the skin also... splays, if that makes sense? The edges of it simply get a bit more wiggly as it heals, less resembling the path of that first artificial cut.
I then spent a lot of time shuffling the face and the letters around, until it clicked in my brain. I feel like when you have only two elements in a relatively small space and one of them is all square, you have to place and space them apart in such a way, that it just feels geometrically right. I don't really know any rules for this, but I know it when I see it. I had to shift it around once more, when I added the borders around the letters.
The coloring also took a bit of thinking. At first, I wanted it all to be in black and white, but I thought, that that would be a bit boring. So I added color to the scar and the eye. But then I had a color balance problem, in the sense, that all the color was cramped into this one small area. So I tried to think of solutions. I thought about adding one more color to the knife, or perhaps behind the white of the letters, but I realized, that I was thinking in the wrong direction. Eventually, I made a sort of compromise and made the background black a dark red instead (though, the colors on my monitor are a bit washed out, so on your phone, it might look like an intense red. Oh well!) That way, I kept similar color values, plus this solution doesn't attract too much attention to itself. It really is clean.
In general, with this piece, I was thinking more along the lines of graphic design, which was fun. It was more about arranging shapes, rather than adding flair and details.
Gee, I sure typed out a lot! But it was fun to write. And who knows, maybe there is at least one person out there who will like to read it. I really like reading other artists' thoughts like this. I was actually inspired to do this because I like reading John Kricfalusi's old blog so much.
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A designy sort of thing!
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orchid3a · 3 years ago
aria my bby my twin hear me out again !!!
in an au that shin didn't disband the black dragons and the gang became something like bonten, what if the big and powerful gang leader fell in love with a girl he took as payment for her boyfriend's debts? at first you hate shin because you deem him as the reason of your doom, but he's so attentive and treats you so much better than your ex boyfriend did, and you're so confused bc how can the hands of an assassin feel so soft caressing your skin?
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synopsis: Your ex-boyfriend sells you to his loan sharks... Something goes wrong
pairing: yandere!mob boss!Sano Shinichiro x f!reader
tw: yandere, death, implied manipulation, smut, breeding kink, swearing, implied past marathon sex, implied past toxic relationship dynamics (y/n and her ex-bf), mention of prostitution, violence (not toward y/n)
wc: 1378 words
tagging: @haitaniapologist @rnht @qiqi-tutu @momoewn
nsfw taglist click here to join!
note: put the whole ariussy for shinichiro 😼 i'm here to convert everyone to yandere!manipulative!shinichiro
no proofreading
english isn’t my native language
reblogs and comments are appreciated
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Homo homini lupus est. A man is a wolf to another man 
There is no better phrase to describe your boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend, who just told you the mess he pulled you in. That dickhead, no other name can sum up his idiocy, had a huge debt with the wrong people, and since he didn’t have all the money to pay them back, he sold you to them. He sold you, his girlfriend, to the infamous Black Dragons, one of the most powerful and dangerous gangs in all Japan.
“How could you! I trusted you! I threw away everything, my whole family, my career and my friends for a fucking idiot like you!” You shout crying, the weight of the situation crushing your spirit. Your whole life was thrown away because he couldn’t pay them back.
He ignores your screams and cries while he hurries preparing a bag with his clothes, ready to flee and leave you to your unhappy fate. However a knock makes both of you stop in your tracks. You weren’t expecting guests today…The same couldn’t be said for that idiot.
You summon all your courage and you open the door, still not prepared for whatever Fate has for you.
Four men enter your home, they are all tall and not seem so friendly and open to dialogue. You gulp and one man, who you think is the leader, turns his attention to you. His dark hues show no sign of mercy, but on his face there is a gentle smile that gives you shivers. How can he smile when his eyes are so empty?
One of his companions, a man with a scar on his right eye, smirks darkly when he sees your boyfriend.
“Where do you think you are going? We just arrived, so drop that bag and hand over the money.” 
(b/n) gulps trembling like a leaf as slowly he puts the bag down, before starting babbling some bullshits and you roll your eyes, that didn’t go unnoticed by the leader.
“I think the miss here doesn’t know the whole situation, it’s rude to exclude her. Waka can you explain everything to her? Benkei you hold our friend here, Takeomi, you start searching for the cash.”
A white-haired guy, who you assumed is Waka, comes closer and with bored eyes he starts explaining what happened. The tall buff guy, Benkei, holds your boyfriend who starts begging for his life, while the guy with the scar, Takeomi, trashes your house in search of money.
You nod at whatever he tells you, but your eyes are focused on the leader, who feels your gaze and comes closer to you.
“Shin, I told her everything…I’m gonna help Takeomi.” Wakasa says and leaves you with “Shin”. 
But before he can talk, (b/n)’s screams and grunts grab your attention and you turn towards him. You freeze as you see Shin’s companions, Waka and Takeomi, kicking and punching him while Benkei holds him.
“Pretty girl” - Shin’s hand grabs your chin making you turn towards him - “Good girls don’t ignore their interlocutor when he is starting a conversation.” His honey voice is hypnotizing and you nod completely ignoring (b/n).
Shin smiles and tilts your head, his black hues bore into yours, you gulp unsure on what to do.
“Pretty girl, do you know where the money is? Your boyfriend borrowed too much money and now we need it back, ya know. He tried to sell you to us, but I’m a gentleman and I would never let a scumbag like him sell his girl for his mistakes.” 
He is a charmer for sure, he knows how to use his words and what is your weakness and how to exploit it to make you do what he wants. 
“In the wardrobe…there is a safe hidden by his clothes…the code is his birth date. It’s xx - xx - xxxx” You spill everything as if Shin casted a spell on you.
Your words make him smile, he pats your head and turns his attention to his companions.
“Kill him” The tone of his voice is cold as the ice makes you tremble, Shin gets in front of you and his big pale hands cover your ears to muffle the shot.
You couldn’t see or hear the pitiful cries of your boyfriend, you were too focused on the man in front of you, a man full of mysteries and secrets.
That night he took you with him, despite his friends’ complaints, and you let him take you. You had no one, no money, no house to return, now Shinichiro, or Shin, was your only home. 
It has been a year since you met him, and he treated you better than your ex did. Never once he shouted at you, ignored your feelings or invalidated them. 
At first Takeomi and Wakasa, his second-in-command, wanted to throw you in one of their brothels but Shinichiro didn't agree. For him you should be in a more suitable place, his arms. You know that he isn't good for you, he literally kidnapped you and killed your ex, yet there was something in him that made it impossible to run away from him. 
Were his dark, indecipherable black eyes or his warm deep voice? The way he holds you, he is warm and feels home more than anybody else. 
Shinichiro is warm, affectionate and gentle. 
The headboard is slamming against the wall, yet Shin doesn't seem to slow down his speed. He has been fucking you for hours, or so it seems, you lost the count of how many times he made you cum. Your legs are over your ears, Shin is deep inside your pussy. Your eyes roll back as Shin hits a particular spot, this angle lets him hit you deeper than before. 
" S-Shin 's to-o mu-much." You moan helplessly, your head feels light and your vision is turning white, feeling so close to your climax. 
"Pretty girl one more, just one more. I need to make sure my pretty baby gets pregnant" he murmurs a gentle smile adorning his beautiful face. 
You nod and Shin smiles, still thrusting into you, his hands caressing your sides while he drowns you with praises and gentle words.
“My pretty girl, you’re doing so well” - his dark eyes full of love and lust bore into your watery (e/c) ones - “I love you baby, make me a daddy. Come on pretty girl! Fuck!” he hisses before pressing a kiss on your quivering lips .
“ ‘m cl-close Shin! Please!” you moan, feeling closer and closer to cum.
“Fuck baby me too! Let’s cum together.” he groans and his hips are still thrusting into your abused pussy.
His rough thrusts, gentle coaxing and loving gaze made you cream all over his cock, your vision turns white and mewls leave your mouth. Shin follows you after, pumping his seed inside your womb and securing it, yet he doesn't slip out. He slowly lays your legs at his hips, then he flops on you nuzzling his cheek in your neck.
Too tired to do anything, you can just stroke his black hair, mumbling a small “I love you” before falling asleep, lulled by his heartbeat and his soft kisses over your skin.
Shinichiro always wins, there is no battle he can’t win. What he wants he gets, he will use any means to get it, even using people. It was a child’s play to persuade your ex to get that money, after he “accidentally” was fired from his work. Not that Shinichiro actually threatened the manager to fire him or he would have received a bullet between his eyes. No, he is a gentleman.
It was love at first sight when he first saw you, he still remembers how beautiful you were wearing a white dress and dancing in one of his clubs. You looked so pure and innocent. He couldn’t tear his eyes from you, and in that moment he knew you two were meant to be together. It was easy to obtain information about you and the rest is history. Now he has you and he will never let you go. You two will be together forever until death comes between you. Not that Shin would let it happen.
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souyaf · 3 years ago
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who: tokyo revengers: seishu inui/reader
kinks: incest (brother+sister), soft!inui, teasing, lots of pet names, praise/encouragement, no prep, multiple orgasms
info: 1098 words
summary: your big brother is just the sweetest.
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He smelled so good, sweet and fragrant from the shower he just took. Having his larger body atop yours had you feeling dizzy. Your head swam and all you could think about was him. His pretty blonde hair that was still dripping wet, the scar over his eye, his soft skin that you couldn’t help clutching at.
It was wrong, but nothing felt better than your big brother’s adventurous hands caressing your body.
“My sweet baby,” he whispers, lips pressed against your ear, “You’re so wet, I can feel it.”
You immediately nod, nails biting into his shoulders, “‘S ‘cause of you, Shu.”
“Oh?” he chuckles, low in his chest, “What did I do, baby?”
As if he didn’t know. His fingers toyed with the band of your panties, exposed after he haphazardly shoved your nightgown up. He carefully dipped past the fabric, grinning when your entire body tensed up -- anticipation absolutely palpable.
But you sunk back into the bed when he pulled away. In the dim light of your bedroom, you could see the little grin he badly concealed on his face. With a dramatic yawn, he raised his arms above his head and stretched, the groan he let out making your thighs clench together.
“Well,” he hums, “I’m gonna get some sleep. Goodnight, baby, thanks for playin’ with me.”
He gives you a fleeting kiss to your forehead before clamoring off of your bed, your eyes practically burning holes into him as he leaves your room.
He lays in bed for close to 20 minutes before he hears your door creak open. A grin finds its way across his face when you sheepishly push his own door open, peeking in with the sweetest little pout on your lips.
“What is it, baby?” he asks, playing into the clueless role to watch you squirm, “Can’t sleep?” you shake your head and wander in, pushing the door shut before climbing onto his bed. He opens his arms for you, letting you fall into his chest with a whine, “Why would that be, hm?”
“You know…” you whimper, voice muffled by his chest.
“Do I?” he hums, one of his hands sliding down the length of your body until he reached the hem of your nightgown, carefully tugging it up over your ass. You eagerly arch your back, “‘S it cause your big brother made your little cunt too wet? Hm?”
You nod, “Want you to make me feel good, Shu.”
He laughs, “Alright, anything for my sweet little sister.”
You promptly find yourself flipped over, your head on his pillows before he’s yanking your panties down your legs. Now that he has you in his bed, whining about how achy your wet little cunt is and how bad you need your precious big brother to play with it, he can’t find it in himself to tease either of you anymore.
He spreads your legs, slotting his covered length against your bare pussy. You keen at the contact, glossy, dazed eyes on his every movement, just waiting patiently for him to give you all the pleasure that you know only he can give you.
He can’t bring himself to pull away from you to properly strip both of you. So he tugs the band of his boxers down, tucking it beneath his full, plump balls that have your mouth watering.
He smiles, “You can play with my cock tomorrow, ‘kay?”
You nod, already shivering in excitement at the very idea of getting to worship your beloved big brother.
“So sweet,” he coos, fisting his cock, directing the tip to your entrance, “Let your big brother in, hm? Relax, sweet girl.”
You wince at the feeling of him stretching you out unprepared. The head pops into your tight entrance and you flinch, making him click his tongue in dismay.
“Told you to relax,” he whispers, burying his face in your neck while one of his hands slides between your bodies. The second the pads of his fingers touch your clit, you sink into the bed and he sighs, cock easily sinking deeper until his heavy balls are flush with your ass, “Atta girl, look at you. Tight little pussy swallowed me all up, hm? Such a good girl.”
You thrive under the praise, raising your hips to stir his cock within your walls. He chokes out of groan, remaining still so he can watch as you work yourself sloppily, the movements uncoordinated and jerky -- as expected for a precious little pillow princess like yourself.
Good little sisters like you always get taken care of -- he never makes you work for it. It’s his job as your big brother to take care of you, he always says.
But he can’t deny how sweet you look, desperately grinding yourself on his length, making sure to play with your clit so you can get off. It’s fast and easy, your sensitive little body so addicted to cock that you cum within minutes.
Once you slump against the bed, he starts his own pace. It’s careful and slow, with well-practiced rolls of his hips. You whine and whimper, pretty little noises that make him dizzy. He knows that the sweet moans of pleasure are reserved just for him -- no one but your big brother has ever had the honor of stuffing your tender little cunt like he has.
“Fuck,” he moans into your neck, “I love you so much, you’re so good for me.”
“Shu!” you wail, clawing desperately down his back. You’re so sensitive, not getting even a moment to rest after forcing yourself to cum all over his cock. Now his lovely love confession has tears springing to your eyes, you can’t help but cling desperately to him, “I love you! I love you Iloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyou--”
You moan moan in unison as you come, your walls squeezing and spasming around him. He feels you soak his cock, a sticky mess being share between the two of you that he eagerly fucks out of you, desperate to reach his own end and fill you up with his cum.
When he finally cums, his whole body twitches and his fingers grip desperately at your body, holding you as close as he possibly could. You meet his gaze, eyes wide and bright as if he was everything in the world to you -- his cock twitching and throbbing as he fills you up nice and full with his precious cum.
Slowly, you both relax into each other's embraces, panting and calming down from your intense highs.
He presses a soft kiss to your temple, “My sweet baby.”
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cypressnmarigolds · 3 years ago
NSFW Bo Sinclair HCs + angst
I can't believe it. I've finally managed to start carving out a little space in my mean mind where I can feel safe and comfortable thinking about Bo. This is of course thanks to help from @slutforguts @early20sfailingplenty and @visceravalentines. You three have done some amazing work helping me get comfortable with Bo, even if you don't realize it, so thank you!
Anyway Let's get to it!
Contains: Bo being a complex, complicated human being. Switch, soft needy Bo.
🚫 Minors, blank and no-age blogs are not welcome on my blog or to interact with my posts. You will be blocked. 🚫
•First things first. I think Bo is very... complex. He goes back and forth with himself a lot. On one hand, he doesn't want to be a monster. He wants to be be better than his father (I think Victor facilitated a lot of the abuse Bo faced, Trudy probably just went along or didn't care unless she was pissed a Bo) and he wants to prove his parents wrong
•On the other hand, his parents taught him, told him he was a monster, wouldn't want to disrespect the dear old folks any would he? He also enjoys feeling so powerful in instilling fear and causing suffering to his victims. Making them feel like he did.
• This means Bo is going to have very complicated feelings about you as his (potential) s/o at first. He's going to be angry at you for making him feel so soft and weak and vulnerable, but at the same time, he wants to be so, so good for you, good to you. He has to be. Show you and everyone he's not a monster.
•When Bo first meets you, something clicks for him. Something about you catches his interest, makes him feel... something. He feels some pulsing incessantly in his brain, telling him he can't let you go. He can't hurt you, he can't kill you or scare you away. He doesn't know why, he just can't. His mind is an enigma. *cue image of spilt milk*
• Now, I Cannot, CANNOT imagine Bo putting his potential s/o in the chair. One, because I can't stand the idea , personally it would destroy my mind, and I can't even fathom coming out of that and still wanting Bo. I can't. Two, like I said, Bo doesn't want to be a monster to you. He won't put you there. He doesn't want to put you through what his parents did to him.
•He might actually be somewhat skittish and more reserved around you in the beginning. He's angry he feels so soft, but he's trying to be good for you. He's still gonna be a charming flirt, he may express frustration that you don't understand at times, but he is going to try SO hard not to take his shit out on you. Any visitors that roll in during this time get the brunt of his inner turmoil Vincent's having to do serious overtime, and also hiding away. Lester too, will be less present in town.
•Things are gonna be rocky and tense for a bit.
• I don't think he's gonna want sex too soon either. He has... intense tastes when it comes to sex, and doesn't want to scare or hurt you. He may believe that his desires are fucked up. He might see BDSM as a form of torture (given that all his kink gear is stored in the torture room) and has no place in pleasure shared between two consenting adults. Oh Bo, you are so very wrong.
• Bo will probably spill his guts to you one night after heavy drinking. When his scars itch and he scratches till they bleed, and the memories are too much to bear on his own. He will pour out everything to you though gritted teeth and sobs. What happened to him and his brothers, his parents, all his complicated feelings about you and his desire to be a good man for you despite how much of a monster he feels he is because of everything. He needs to know you love him anyway, and you do.(otherwise you wouldn't be here)
• Once all is said and done, you guys can work on things more calmly. Things will be worked and talked through. They won't be perfect, but Bo will be overjoyed that he gets to have this with you. Once you guys get to work on building your sex life, this fun really kicks off. 😈
• Bo loves to be dominant (but he is a switch) He loves tying you up, gagging you, teasing you, overstimulating you, denying you, spanking you, using toys on you... There's so much he loves to do with you.
•Anything you're comfortable with, he'll do. And he will praise/degrade you for being so brave and needy for him. And he will refer to himself as Daddy if you're on board with it I don't make the rules.
If you want some samplings Bo's dirty talk...
"You're my brave, strong little darlin' ain't 'cha? Lettin' me tie you up like this and have my way with you? Look at 'cha, squirmin' for me already.
"You gonna come for Daddy, huh? Is my needy little slut ready to come for me? Thaaaat's it, there you go darlin', make a mess for me."
"Is it too much sugar? You can't take another spanking? You sure? Cause this mess you're makin' all over my lap says otherwise."
•Now, Bo is a switch. Sometimes he needs to hand over the reigns. Let someone else do the thinking but sometimes he feels he needs to be put in his place or punished. Times like those can tricky to maneuver. Check in with him often and make sure he's not pushing himself past his limits. If you're domming him and you feel like something isn't right, use your safeword. Make sure he knows you don't want to hurt him. That you don't want to actually punish him, make him suffer. Sometimes he thinks he deserves it. Keep an eye on him.
• Now when Bo just wants to be fucked dumb and out of his mind? Ohhhh fuck you're in for a treat. He won't allow you to bind his hands, but he loves it when you take his hands in yours and press them to either side of his head while you fuck him.
•He loves being overstimulated (despite what his cries and whines may suggest) Does NOT like being denied. Edging is great, but ruined orgasms and straight up denial are a no-go for him.
• For some reason I can't stop thinking about Bo being blindfolded and having as many toys as possible used on him. So... blindfolds. Good.
If you want more samplings of Bo's dirty talk...
"Oh FUCK! Please! Ri--right there darlin' Yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
"Ah! Please... N-no more. I-I can't-- Ah Fuck! Again please. please!"
"Shit, you feel so, so, sososo good inside me. Fuck! Harder!"
lots of moans he tries to hold in, but they only turns into whines.
•Bo also loves getting on his knees and between your thighs. Because he KNOWS how powerless you are with him kneeling between your legs, staring intensely up at you with those blue eyes. He may be on his knees, but he is fully in control. He loves watching you squirm under his gaze and falling apart.
OK. Holy shit. I'm exhausted. I had to get this all out while it was still in my mind. It's waaaaaay past my bedtime but I am so happy I got to do this. I hope you enjoyed!!
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baileythebean · 7 months ago
Yippee! You can find more about him on his blog - @boxer-boi
I have made an analysis post for him!
Basically, he was abandoned because of his dog-like features, which are a buried genetic trait in his bloodline that resurfaced in him (Just like Lynette.) He grew up in Fontaine’s forests and when he finally discovered the Court of Fontaine, he kept doing a lot of crimes he didnt know were wrong, vandalism, trespassing, treason, ETC, so he winds up in the Fortress, where Wriothesely and Sigewinne kinda take it upon themselves to raise him and teach him about the world + give him a basic education.
He loves being in the Fortress’s fighting ring because Wrio taught him how to box and he absolutely LOVES it because it is a great way to vent energy and frustration. He kinda branched his style off into kickboxing because he likes using his legs and not just his arms. He’s allowed in and out of the Fortress whether he’s in for a crime or not, and Neuvillette is aware of this.
He’ll call Wrio dad but tries to keep it professional around others to avoid suspicion of favoritism.
The scar below his eye is from when someone smuggled a knife into the ring (because they were desperate to win money and had no fighting experience) and they sliced his face open :( other than that one fight, he has a NOTORIOUS record for winning his fights!
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He also has a huge fluffy red tail and paws like Kirara, but a dog’s, and since his claws aren’t retractable, he makes little clicks on the fortress’ metal floor when he walks ^^
I think it could be fun to rp the receiving of the scar and angry dad Wrio, but it’s up to you!
Other notes:
If you wanted to bring up crushes or anything of the sort, I mainly ship him with Freminet, but you can be random with it if you want - ships I’m willing to consider are with Chongyun, Gaming or Wanderer
He’s sort of age-ambiguous? Not really sure. I’ll say his range is like, 16-20
Pyro vision! With a special casing because he recieved it while standing on the conjoining points of Sumeru, Natlan and Fontaine, and also bc he recieved the Vision from the Pyro sovereign itself.
His markings are face paint that he likes to do (other than his scars and lil birth mark under his mouth)
I think thats all! You can visit the blog for deeper analysis, sorry for the long post!
whoahg! Wriothesely blog!!
Hi mod, idk if you like OC interactions or not, but I have an OC (not on this blog) who has Wrio as a father figure
Please lmk if silly father/(adopted) son interactions interest you!!
// Hi there, Bailey! I think that sounds absolutely awesome! I am totally up for that! Feel free to share more about the OC if you have them developed enough! I just made my first Oc so I’m all up for ranting, goodness knows I’ve done my fair share of that!! <3
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etrosgate · 7 years ago
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i don’t know anatomy
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