#clem is a classic gay
dancemachinetrait · 4 years
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Report cards for the Gillespie children, September 1907
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Template available for download under the cut.
This was a really fun little project! I based the template off an Edwardian report card I found on Etsy, and referenced a couple of others although they all seemed to be American (based on the use of the word ‘tardy’, which I’ve replaced).
You can download the template here. It’s an .xcf file because I work in GIMP, so I’m sorry if you use a different software, but I don’t have Photoshop. Here’s a blank .png if that’s any use to you:
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clembitine · 2 years
Do you ever wonder what twdg characters would do if there wasnt an apocalypse :)
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Kenny, you gotta pay those Deep Dish Pizzeria workers more! Clementine just quit her pizza job. You can see her exiting her former workplace. She’s outside on her way to Walmart I guess. At least she got 1 free pizza out of the whole thing in the last panel!
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This horrifying “Louis” (an obvious mixture of Aasim, Clem and Nick) strolling around the Chinese knockoff market to find fake Gucci slippers. He can’t afford real ones anymore, did you really think his parents would let him have a thousand dollar monthly allowance after he ruined their marriage? Get real.
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Best fisherman in Florida. Women want him, fish fear him. He is even posing with Clem in the fourth photo! How nice of her to show up after being paid slave wages for months at the pizzeria :) She’s very forgiving.
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Lilly is on her way to a Donald Trump rally! They can try to pry her guns out of her cold, dead hands. Even though she shot herself in the face once and barely survived, now only able to eat through a tube, Lilly wants Trump to keep her second amandment rights safe. She got some “cool” tattoos and started wearing mesh tops! 
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Lee is successfully convicted and behind bars after being charged with voluntary manslaughter. A little mixup got him transferred to Guantanamo unfortunately!  We can see Walter White in the third photo, who also got wrongfully sent to Guantanamo Bay. In the last photo, it’s two new BFFs, Lee and Walter. Walter managed to gain 80 pounds while in prison and is now considered a medical phenomenon.
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Classic Violet! She has finally learned to express her pain and trauma through art, which doesn’t include making pins because it doesn’t really help or count and is kinda gay and not even in the cool way. She is moving up the MySpace social ladder, making her the 145932nd most popular kid on the site! Sadly it’s 2010 and MySpace is dying and being taken over by Facebook. Hence her new song, “Fuck you Mark Zuckerberg you fucking piece of shit”.
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scullyy · 4 years
Pairing: Clementine x Louis
Word Count: 2k
Summary: Once the party has finished, the children sulk off to their rooms, worrying about the fight ahead. For Clementine and Louis, the night is still young.
A/N: welp….I was gone for longer than I thought. It was a nice break, I hadn’t realised how much I actually needed it. Despite that, I missed everyone, I missed being here. So I figured what way to come back than by posting a one-shot I’m high-key proud of?
Enjoy xx
Does the darkness have a name?
As AJ blew out the last candle, that’s all there was. Darkness. The odd ray of moonlight poured into the room, shining through the wooden beams covering the window. It was on all of their faces, shadows making them appear older. They all felt it, together. A sombre harmony.
Clementine watched her friends slink out of the room, whispering their goodnights. She noticed the gentle shake on Ruby’s shoulders, her hands held tightly together, trying to comfort her own mind. Tenn and Willy walked away together, thankful that their friendship wasn’t long gone, thankful for the pleasant distraction.
She wondered when it first appeared, this darkness. Had it crept into their lives as children? Already apart of the world long before they were ever born, or was it new? Festering on the decay and newfound rot. She pulled her jacket around herself, trying to conceal the darkness that was definitely within her.
She was so wound up in her brooding thoughts, she didn’t even notice the small presence beside her until he tugged at her pant leg. “Clem?” Her goofball looked up at her with tired, sunken eyes. “Can we go to bed?”
Clementine would have taken his little hand and gladly dream of lighter things if there still wasn’t someone in the room. Hiding away from the moonlight, wrapped up in more darkness than anyone, Louis. His hands now lay empty beside him, the keys on his dear piano lonely. A few minutes ago he was lighting up the room with his tune, capturing the attention of everyone. Now he hid away into himself, a form Clementine hadn’t seen from him before.
“You run off kiddo, I’ll be there soon,” Knowing he would want to stay by her side, she gave AJ a little push out the room, quickly waving goodbye until the door was shut completely. He was still so new, he didn’t understand what the darkness even was and why it won’t ever go away. She turned back to Louis, finding him now tracing the edge of the keys. The silence was haunting, he didn’t fit into it at all. “I can tell that something is on your mind.”
He inhaled deeply before answering. “I’m wondering what Violet is doing right now.”
Clementine froze on the spot, her feet attached to the muddy carpet only because he was brave enough to say what everyone was thinking. “I don’t know. If Lilly wants soldiers I’m sure she won’t hurt any of them.”
“Yeah, you might be right,” Rather he hoped she was. All of them; Aasim, Omar and Violet. This woman, Lilly, was so ruthless. Yet it exposed just how blind Louis was, how unsafe and vulnerable they had been this entire time. “How many more of us have to die before the dust finally settles?” Hearing Willy and Tenn list off the names of their old school mates unlocked memories Louis filed away, hoping to never tread across again. The kid they found chomped to bits by the river, the debate club president they found hanging from the basketball hoop, the girl Louis used to sit next to in art class was barely recognizable when the walkers left her by the river. Her neon purple socks being the only telling feature.
Clementine felt it again; that strange thump in her heart, out of tune with the rest of her body. If the darkness did have a name, she assumed it would be her own. Bringing death and war wherever she went; the motor inn, Marsh House, the cabin group, Howe’s Warehouse, hell even the Garcia’s. People ran or they died and Clem couldn’t decide which was worse. “We’re going to be okay-”
“You can’t promise that!” Louis whipped his head right at her, revealing the red veins popping in his glazed eyes. He rubbed the back of his neck, pressing at the tight knots that never seemed to go away. “Sorry. I’m just scared. I’ll, uh..I’ll sleep it off, that should help.” This was everything.  His parent’s divorce. Marlons’ death. Violet’s, Omar and Aasims’ capture. Every shrapnel of pain, guilt and grief throwing him into the shallow end.
She knew it all too well. “Louis, you’re not going to bed,” Clementine recognised the look on his face, she had seen it on AJ countless times before and it always lead to nightmares and restlessness. She glanced inside the case for the classical record, finding another one inside, secretly hidden away. Lady luck was on her side for once. After setting it all up in the gramophone, she twirled over to him extending her hand. “Dance with me.”
He looked at her hand then back at her, trying to decipher what she was doing. “What?”
“C'mon, or can you not dance?”
She could see it, the darkness rolling off his shoulders like a wave lurching off a steady rock. A cheeky smile appeared on his face slowly, her Louis was shining through once again. The silly boy she had fallen for. “Oh, I can dance. I’m just not sure you’ll be able to keep up with me.” He hopped up, rubbing his sweaty palms against his jeans. When did it get so hot in here?
Clem took a final step closer, their shoes now touching. “Then show me.” She breathed into his ear, enjoying her little sense of pride as the roaring moonlight exposed his flustered expression. No longer were his eyes hollow and empty, now returning to their glowing form.
The gramophone sprang to life as the song began to fill up the room, an entity all of its own as it seemed to brush away the dark clouds nesting around them. Or perhaps it was love, crawling under their skin as they slyly glanced at each other. Either way, what bliss.
I’ll be seeing you In all the old familiar places
Louis shook his head, trying to string together a sentence. “Let’s…uh, how do we start?” They readied their hands into the right position, even if it was entirely based on what they saw on tv as children; his hands crossed around her waist, hers snaked around his neck. “You want to stand on my feet?”
Clementine’s eyebrows pursed together, her nose crinkling. “Is that a short joke?”
He hummed it over, purposefully ignoring her stubborn gaze with a slight glint in his eye. “It is now.”
That this heart of mine embraces All-day and through
Louis twirled her around beneath their natural spotlight, letting the sparks from the moon push against the claws of the darkness. It fell away from their minds just as quickly as it took ahold of them. “Never took you for the dancing type.”
“There’s still a lot you don’t know about me, Lou.”
In that small cafe The park across the way The children’s carousel
He pulled her in rather closely, placing his lips against the tip of her ear. “I look forward to finding out more then.”
The chestnut trees The wishing well
A fleet of giggles broke free from both of them as he twirled her for the umpteenth time. Clementine found the room still spinning once she was back in his arms but she didn’t mind, he was there to keep her close. He was the only thing she was certain of these days. “Told you we would have plenty of time for dates.”
Louis madly grinned from ear to ear. “This is another date? Damn, two in one day. I think that might be a new record.” His normally chipper voice had somehow reached a new level of glee, making her already frantically beating heart soak in the sound.
I’ll be seeing you In every lovely summer’s day In everything that’s light and gay I’ll always think of you that way
Clem bit at her lip, considering what exactly he had proposed. “I don’t think it is…”
“It is now, I decree it!” He sang out loud in his typical fashion.
She rolled her eyes, a common reaction to his quips. But unlike the other kids, Clem was still smiling. “You can’t just make up new records, there’s a system, it takes time.”
“Of course I can!” He twirled her with a tad more ferocity this time, letting her get distracted from the silly debate as she couldn’t help but squeal, her feet at frantic work to keep her level.
I’ll find you in the morning sun And when the night is new
Louis pulled her in closer than they originally were before, gazing down at her. His eyes softer, radiating warmth. A warmth she hadn’t seen in another human for quite a while.
“Time doesn’t exist anymore.”
Clementine gently patted his shoulder, returning to her original stance. “Let’s just get through tomorrow, then we can discuss our future.”
Their future.
I’ll be looking at the moon But I’ll be seeing you
Their future could be anything; her wish was his law. Anything she wanted or desired for the chance to show her he could be it all. He could be hers and she could be his and they could be together and it would work.
As if he wasn’t already hers the moment she graced his lowly life with her presence.
I’ll be seeing you In every lovely summer’s day
“Maybe I should stand on your feet.” Clementine huffed as she attempted to shake the pain out of her foot. The heel of his boot was a lot harder than she had considered, then again she never gave his shoes much thought. Not when there were other more charming factors about him to focus on.
In everything that’s light and gay
His eyes shot down to his feet, watching carefully with every step he took. “Maybe I’m not that good at dancing.” There was no beat or melody to their odd little dance, their feet just stepping wherever and however.
I’ll always think of you that way
Gently placing her finger beneath his chin, she raised his head back up, forcing their eyes to meet. “You’re not too bad, we’ll just have to practice.”
“Oh ho ho! Practice? More dates? I like the sound of that!”
I’ll find you in the morning sun
She considered her next words carefully, not wanting to burst this enchanted bubble they had made. “It means you can’t die on me tomorrow.”
Louis almost didn’t hear her over the music, until the words settled and the weight of it clicked. It was there; death and the darkness that came with it. Not just for the war they were about to embark on, but every day after that too. “You can’t die on me either. This is a two way street.”
And when the night is new
She knew the weight of these two simple words, yet declared them anyway. “I promise.”
His much larger arms clung to her much smaller waist and gently dipped her to the floor, her hat tumbling down, though neither of them cared. She clung onto his shoulders tightly, her nails digging into his warm coat, wondering if he was trembling the same way she was. “Me too.” He promised, with nothing but love on the mind.
Their eyes remained linked; copper melting with bronze. The darkness had sulked away, letting the moment remain in a light bliss shared by the two. A new, hopeful harmony.
I’ll be looking at the moon But I’ll be seeing you
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hobgayblin · 4 years
1 to 5 with Yamato? :o - moodyblueships
1. Do you and your f/o share your closet and clothes with each other? Do you have the same styles?
👺 THE MAN IS 12 FT TALL WE COULDN’T SHARE CLOTHES IF WE TRIED. Sometimes I steal something and wear it to bed though... multi purpose shirt and blanket :) As for style we’re pretty different, he’s more Classic Wano Looks, and I dress more like the other Beast Pirates
5. Do you have a gay music playlist for you and your f/o? Or any gay songs you associate with you two?
GOD. I rly don’t actually I’m SO SO bad at making playlists bro.... The only ship I have a “”””playlist”””” for is clem/jh*n and even that one is only like 2-3 songs 😔 I don’t know a lot of music and I have a hard time branching out. Sadly I don’t know any songs off the top of my head to associate with yamato/harlow
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mydarlingvioletine · 5 years
Just a Puppy Crush
                     Chapter Five
Ship(s): Clementine/Violet Media: The Walking Dead Game (Season 4)
Lee had brought down a couple bowls of snacks to the kids, earning an angry hiss from Clem when he stepped between her and the projected movie. Louis wasted no time digging his hands into the bowl of Cheetos, orange dust covering his lips and the tips of his fingers.
     Brody looked over at her friend as Clementine turned the lights back on, sighing before taking a napkin and wiping his face. “My God, Lou.”
Violet felt herself yawn before she could stop it. The warmth from the huge fluffy blanket that Carley had brought down to them plus the warmth of Brody and Clementine beside her was enough to put her to sleep there.
      She rubbed her eyes, blinking furiously to wake herself up. Clem watched her with a tired smile, softly humming as she wrapped the blanket around herself.
“Nope. It’s not even eleven, you guys can’t go to sleep yet.” Louis lightly shook Violet’s shoulders, and she gave an annoyed hum, eyes opening reluctantly.
      Brody groaned as Louis started rummaging through his bag, pulling out a deck of cards. “Let’s kick it off with a classic. Truth or dare.”
Violet rolled her eyes, but took a card from the top of the pile when Louis passed it to her. “You don’t use cards in truth or dare.”
          “You do in this version,” Louis grinned, raising his eyebrow at his card. You’d  never expect it, but Louis had a pretty good poker face when he wanted to. “Highest card gets to ask. Lowest card has to answer. You only get one question or dare per turn, so use it wisely.”
Violet looked down at her card, and her heart dropped. A four. A lump formed in her throat as Louis started waggling his eyebrows, mischief in his smile.
       Brody smiled down at her card, slamming it down on the table once Clem had taken her card. A queen.
Louis cleared his throat before lightly setting his card face-up on the coffee table. A King. Brody scowled.
     Clementine reluctantly placed her card down with a comically adorable pout on her face, raising her eyebrow at Louis as to challenge him. “Do your worst.”
Louis’ glance flipped between Violet and Clem, stroking his nonexistent beard in thought. He raised his finger victoriously in the air. “I got it. Dare, obviously. I dare you to....”
      Violet and Louis met eyes, and her heart jumped in her chest. Oh, god.
What was he going to do?
             “Get me some of James’ hair.”
As weird as it was, Violet exhaled in relief, her muscles relaxing as Clementine scoffed, and kicked his shin under the table.
      “I’m not helping you clone my brother,” Clem rolled her eyes, brushing a strand of hair out of her eyes. “Pick something else.”
Louis huffed, disappointed. He pursed his lips in thought, then dropped his eyesight on Violet.
           “Truth, then... Ever have a boyfriend?”
Clementine couldn’t cup her hand over her mouth fast enough to stifle her cackling, pulling her knees to her chest.
        “No- no, no boyfriend...” Clementine managed to utter between laughing fits. “Absolutely not.”
Louis cocked his head, cupping the sides of his face in sudden interest. “How about a girlfriend?”
       Clem rolled her eyes, picking up the deck of cards and setting her other card in the center of the table. The other kids followed suit. “You said one question per turn. Your rules, not mine.”
She passed the deck down to Brody, frowning down at her card. Brody was undeniably jubilant, holding the Ace between her fingers for all to see.
      Violet took a card from the stack, eyes flicking down to it. She twisted the card away from Brody, who was making obvious attempts at looking at everyone’s cards.
Clementine reluctantly set her card down on the table, crossing her arms and tapping her foot impatiently.
      “Oho, what are the chances?” Louis teased, picking up Clem’s two, a big shit-eating grin on his face.
“Howzaboutit, Clem? Have you ever had a girlfriend?” Brody asked, chewing on the edge of her card.
     Clementine’s expression dropped, and she let her head rest on her knees. She closed her eyes for a second before taking a shaky breath.
Violet nudged an already regretful Brody, who’s goofy demeanor quickly changed as she saw Clem lose her spark. “I’m sorry... you don’t have to answer, I’m really sorry. How about... um... what’s your favorite color?”
     Clem raised her head, a soft smile tugging at the corners of her lips. “Don’t sweat it, Brody. I’ve never had a girlfriend, either. There was.. this girl I liked back at the home I was in, a long time ago. Her name was Sarah.. Her biological father regained custody of her before we could really get that close.”
Violet pursed her lips, before she set her card down on the scrap pile in the center. “Purple.”
Clementine rolled her eyes, shifting into a criss-cross applesauce position. “You asked about my favorite color. It’s purple.”
      Violet felt a kick under the table, and didn’t have to look up from the card in her hands to know it was Louis.
Brody snorted, taking a card from the top of the pile. Clementine groaned, throwing her card over her shoulder. “Your cards are fucking rigged, Lou.”
     “The cards just aren’t in your favor, Clem.” Louis sneered, placing his Jack down on the table. Violet grimaced as he held up the card she’d tossed. A three.
“Just get it over with.” Clementine sighed with annoyance, resting her head on her hands.
      Louis brightened up instantly, his posture straightening as he tapped his finger on his chin. His gaze flashed towards Violet, with a quick wink.
“Clem, you’ve been at Ericson’s for a little while. Anybody here you like-like?”
      Violet scoffed at his word choice, taking the pressure off of Clem as she stared at the card in her hand. “Seriously? ‘Like-like’? What are you, six?”
“Seven, thank you.” Louis grinned, resting his hand on his leg and tapping his knee.
      Clementine’s voice was soft and cautious, but almost a little bit exhilarated, like she’d been waiting to say something.
“Yeah, I’ve definitely got feelings for someone.” Clem practically whispered, before scratching the back of her head.
      “Oho! Who is it?” Louis pretty much squealed like he won the lottery, and a quick smile that Clementine couldn’t hide took over her face.
         “Nope, not telling.”
She said that, but there was an overwhelming feeling in Violet’s stomach that she already knew who it was, and that someone was sitting across from her, twirling one of his dreadlocks in his fingers.
       Violet cleared her throat before taking another card from the pile, hiding her disappointment behind a phony smile. “I win.” She set down her Ace card.
“And poor Brody loses.” Louis noted, nudging the red-headed girl beside him. Brody smiled encouragingly at Violet, hands folded together.
      “Alright, I’ve got one,” Violet said, tapping her nails on the coffee table. “Brody, you document everything and you’ve been here the longest. How about you tell us what you thought of us when we first got here? First impressions, that kinda stuff.”
Brody brightened up, digging into her backpack and pulling out a diary, so worn out you couldn’t even make out her name on it anymore. Louis winced, ducking his head as she started flipping pages.
      Brody, barely able to hold in her excitement, cleared her throat, her finger tracing one of the first pages of her journal.
“First up, Louis,” Brody grinned, holding the journal under the light so she could read the old, scraggly handwriting. “‘A new kid was dropped off today. He seems nice. Kinda loud, but it’s not his fault.’” She flipped a couple pages forward.
     “‘So, the new kid is... interesting. They let him on the announcements because he said he was going to advertise his idea for a new music club. I guess they trusted him enough to let him in the room alone. Marlon was taking him under his wing, and the faculty trusts Marlon. So, he locks the door behind him, right?’”
“Then, he says ‘This one goes out to Mrs. Bradley for failing me on my math test.’ Then all of the sudden, this really profane song blasts through the speakers, while he screams along to it. You could hear everyone trying to get in, yelling and pounding on the door. It cut off with the sound of the door slamming open and a really girly scream. I like the new kid.’”
        Violet and Clementine couldn’t hold in their laughter, as a flustered Louis groaned into his hands. “Marlon got in so much trouble for that. It was dumb of me.”
“Oh, Mrs. Bradley totally deserved it, dude. I stayed post for her, and she refused to be alone in the same room as me.” Violet recalled, ancient anger sparking alive in her eyes. “She found out I was gay, and said she wasn’t comfortable being around me.”
       Louis scoffed, his eyes narrowing again. “In that case, I don’t feel bad for her. Glad her ass got fired.”
Clementine pursed her lips as Brody flipped through a couple dozen pages, tapping the page once she reached an excerpt from January.
        “This one’s about Violet,” Brody explained, squinting her eyes to focus on the chicken scratch. “‘They stuck me with the new girl, and now we’re rooming together. She’s tough and kinda angry, but who wouldn’t be?’”
Clementine’s eyes landed on Violet, Brody’s words sounding like a distant murmur as she studied her features. How she raised her eyebrows at points she recollected, how she chewed on her bottom lip when being reminded of her past self. Her eyebrows knit together, the birthmark that was only visible because she was in a T-shirt.
     Violet’s eyes snapped upwards in a second, meeting hers, and Clem craned her head to the side, feigning interest in Brody’s story. Through her peripheral vision, she saw Vi take a deep inhale, one that moved her entire body. She saw her lean her head on Brody’s shoulder, a small smile on her face as she read aloud.
Clementine wasn’t listening anymore. She was focused on the way Violet tucked her forehead into Brody’s collarbone. She was talking but Clem couldn’t make anything out. They both laughed.
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clementineviolet · 6 years
Clem probably flirts with Ruby to make Assim jealous. Ruby thinks it adorable, but after awhile she starts questioning her sexuality.
I have been of the opinion for a long time that Ruby is gay as fuck. LOOK AT THIS
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But anyway unfortunately for poor Aasim, I could see Ruby letting him down with the classic “Oh...yikes...I’m a lesbian” lol
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ghostlybelladonnas · 6 years
Full offense but Violet was giving Clem the classic “idk if I wanna kiss you or kill you so I’ll just give you the gay stare” look when she first saw her awake and that’s the sweet fucking tea.
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elenajohansenreads · 5 years
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Books I Read in 2019
#71 - Blue is the Warmest Color, by Julie Maroh
Virtual Mount TBR (22/48)
Rating: 1/5 stars
[guys, I’m about to go on a rant in this review. content warnings for biphobia, queer tragedy, with a very light dose of “is this paedophilia? it’s not clear.” i am ANGRY at nearly everything about this work, too, and i know anger on the internet can be infectious. please read with caution.]
What a horrible way to start Pride Month for me, reading what I'd heard was considered a new queer classic, and finding out it was a biphobic piece of trash. Let's start with the trash part first. In this story, we have: *Cheating is Okay *Presumably College-Age Girl Sleeping with Definitely Underage Girl *InstaLust substituted for Actual Emotional Development and "Love" *Affair Exposed in Stupidest Way Possible *Standard Homophobic Parents *Standard Kicked Out of the House for Being Queer *Bury Your Gays/Dead Gay Tragedy *Sex Will Kill You, Literally Why does any of this make a good story? On top of all the overused, and in some cases outright toxic, tropes this tale relies on, the huge time skips with no warning or explanation make this a difficult read to get into, because I kept having to read a new (unmarked) time period long enough to figure out when it was in relation to the one before it, then reread it in order to actually contextualize what was happening. I know the novel is short, but that's no reason to make me read parts of it twice to simply understand what the hell is going on. Other, more personal gripes: Don't like the art style. That wouldn't be a huge issue if I'd liked the story anyway, but honestly, everyone just looks ugly and the color palette is muddy and boring. Now, why it's biphobic. So, Emma clearly identifies as lesbian. Cool. Clementine, our tragic dead diarist, is never given a label, and judging by other reviews, her sexuality can be defined either as lesbian or bisexual. It depends on how much weight certain aspects of her character are given by the interpreter. Clem has a boyfriend before she meets Emma, but is clearly shown to not be comfortable with him sexually, while having sexual thoughts about women. That, to me, reads as lesbian, and plenty of self-identified lesbians have relationships with men before/while they figure themselves out. Or while they're deliberately closeted. Having ever been with a dude doesn't disqualify you. However, in the end, Clem cheats on Emma (years down the road) with a man. (gasp!) So, yeah, maybe she is bisexual, if she's sexually attracted to more than one gender. While the narrative doesn't come down firmly one way or the other, reading her as bi isn't a stretch at all, and given all the information, that's certainly how I see her. (Not to mention that years pass in this novel, identity is a journey, maybe she initially identified as lesbian and later realized she was bisexual. No, that's not lesbian erasure, that's an actual thing that happens.) But that's not really the biphobic part, I'm getting there. In the early stages of their relationship, Emma is Clem's teenage side piece. They enter a sexual relationship both knowing that what they're doing is cheating, because Emma knows Clem has a girlfriend. But that's okay, and it's okay enough that it goes on for quite a while, apparently. However, as adults, when Emma cheats on their committed relationship, it's the worst thing that she could have possibly done, and the thing that completely breaks Clem's heart. She says so, out loud, to Emma. But it can't just be that she cheated, because as we established, Clem was a cheater herself. She states outright that it's because Emma was cheating with a man. So that means she's not a real lesbian, and that means she couldn't possibly really love Clem, not if she wanted a man. And that's consistent with her character, sadly--Clem's biggest issue, when they were sleeping together but not "together" together, was that someday Emma would move on and find herself a man and be happy with him. Because she only saw Emma as curious about women, not genuinely attracted to them. Now, I'm not saying this never happened. Biphobia in the lesbian community is a real problem (as it is elsewhere, but that's a different discussion.) And especially at young ages, that sort of fear is a real thing, even if it's not a good thing. But why is this work so glorified as queer literature when it throws bisexuality under the bus? When it shows a probably-bisexual character in the worst light, as greedy, as dishonest, as needing "both" a man and a woman to be satisfied, oh, yeah, and also she's dead now? Sex killed her? Clem's no peach, in my lights--she's a cheater and a biphobe and the reason she and Emma are caught in the first place is because she decided to walk around Emma's family home naked, who does that?-- but she's the one left alive. She's the sympathetic one, the one we're supposed to feel sad for, because look at this great love she lost. Thank you, I hate it. I feel no sympathy for her. She's a terrible person and this is a terrible story. I want lesbians to have representation. I want media out there, made for them. But can it not spit on bisexuality and bi women in the process? Is that really too much to ask?
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delistylehardcore · 6 years
scuzblog replied to your post: “got any band recommendations for someone trying to get into punk...”:
dicks - kill from the heart is fuckin classic and also theyre gay commies so bonus points
clem here is more of an authority on punk than i am tbh lol, heed her words
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neotrinitythinker · 6 years
(omg thanks for letting me ramble tho i have so many feelings about this) hartley and reese are both huge doctor who nerds, and hartley expressly admits that their ship's bridge is kinda themed after the classic who designs for the doctor's console room (the big white one with the roundels.) they take their friends to comic cons all over time and space, and make them watch classic who. (for ref, hartley's fav doc is six, clem likes 12 and adam is a fan of fivey. they're all gay for eight.)
Oh mood
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yellowsugarwords · 7 years
Walking Dead Game FanFiction - "Coming Out"
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agirlinhell · 6 years
Send 💭 for five or more headcanons between our muses. | ALWAYS ACCEPTING!
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I. They kiss long and hard before they separate, knowing that it could be the last time they could see each other. They could die at any moment in time, so they love each other as if it’s their last day in this world together.
II. Louis knows all the places where she’s ticklish, and having a significant difference in height certainly helps his advantage. He often sneaks up behind her and tickles her sensitive sides and the poor boy almost got punched on accident several times.
III. Every date they ever have post-The Final Season, Clementine always makes sure to make herself look pretty - even though in Louis’ eyes she would always be beautiful. She applies lipstick, nailpolish, perfume and a flower in her hair, things she’s collected from the endless rooms with art supplies and the greenhouse. On many dates, Louis teaches her how to play the piano, and he’s really gentle with her. In truth, Clementine doesn’t truly care what they do on a date - as long as they’re together and they’re having a good time, she’s as happy as can be.
IV. Clementine learns flower language from books from the Victorian era and often gives him messages via flowers with their own respective meanings. Louis finds this very heartwarming and tries to keep the flowers alive for as long as he can.
V. Their next round of batting practice ended up Clementine swiping a walker’s head clean off with a ruthless swing of Chairles. Louis was gaping the entire time afterward.
VI. After the events of The Final Season, Clementine becomes a pagan witch and a beginner in witchcraft, and as a result, she begins performing love and happiness spells in the hopes that they get to live a long and happy life together. So far, it’s been working quite well.
VII. Louis proposes to Clementine on her nineteenth birthday and they wed shortly afterward on Halloween. In a world as cruel and chaotic as this one, they’d have to make their memories last. Their wedding wasn’t anything too extravagant, but at the time, Louis had made secret arrangements with a company from The Commonwealth to give them the things required for the ceremony.
VIII. Late at night, when neither of them can’t sleep, they talk about things that have hurt them in the past, things that confuse them, their deepest fears amongst many other deep topics while they’re vulnerable with each other. Afterward, they watch the stars together and return to the school by sunrise. Louis first kissed her underneath the stars.
IX. In concern for AJ’s mental health, they often check up on him and make sure that he’s doing alright especially after the events of The Final Season. They truly do always try to be there for him in any way they can.
X. In the winter that followed The Final Season, Clementine made a fur cloak for him made of the pelts of bears, wolves and seals so that he could wear it over his own jacket. Louis has been grateful to her ever since as he’s never been the greatest fan of winter. On bright days, they often made snowmen together and slid down snowy hills before engaging in snowball fights and eventually settling down with some hot chocolate. Clem often steals his jacket as it’s really warm and it smells like him, but she always makes sure to bring it back to him.
XI. Clementine comforted Louis when he was paying respects to Marlon’s grave. The poor boy began crying in the middle of saying his goodbyes and even though he’d tried to hide his tears from her, she held him closely and comforted him throughout the whole thing.
XII. Louis comforts Clementine whenever she has nightmares. After he soothes her, he plays with her hair and coaxes her to sleep, which makes her fall for him so much harder.
XIII. They have a daughter together named Aaliyah; Clementine gives birth to her at age twenty-one. She truly is the light of their lives and she’s growing fast and strong with each passing day.
XIV. Louis and Clementine once performed in a Les Miserables play for the school as Marius and Cosette respectively and they absolutely killed the A Heart Full Of Love scene. The crowd stood and gave a round of applause because of just how breathtaking it was.
XV. Before they began dating, Louis made sure to call Clementine at exactly 12AM to wish her a happy birthday without fail every single year. He literally records himself singing the Happy Birthday song while playing his Super Fun Times Friends Song while he’s at it. It makes Clementine blush and think of how much of a cutie and a dork Louis really is.
XVI. Louis was infatuated and mesmerized with the new girl in town who’d just arrived at the school from another state. Marlon still remembers the day Louis first saw Clementine, when she was walking past them with a group of giggling girls she’d befriended - Violet, Minerva, Sophie, Ruby and Brody. Marlon, Mitch, Louis and the rest of the group on the football team had been in an avid conversation on who was going to win the next match when they noted Louis staring at the new girl. Marlon kept waving his hand in front of him and calling “Earth to Louis!” and then Mitch teased him with, “He’s hooked, boys.” They first met in a theatre class and he serenaded her with the classic “Oh My Darling Clementine” just as in canon, and she giggled at him, thinking he was such a sweetheart. Unfortunately for poor Louis, he finds out that he wasn’t her only admirer, much to his dismay. Several of the boys - and even some of the girls - in their class took quite a liking to Clementine not only for her appearance but her kind heart and free-willed spirit.
XVII. When Louis finds out that Clementine’s been “dating” James in the middle of the first year, the poor boy was sulking in misery for about a week or two. This changes when Violet tells him that James is actually gay and had a boyfriend in Charlie and that Clementine being his girlfriend was only an act to appease his strict, traditional relatives. Louis was over the moon at hearing the revelation but unfortunately there were still quite a few individuals who sought her affections.
XVIII. When Clementine first meets Louis’ parents, she has never before seen his house (more like a mansion) and is absolutely astonished and blown away by the sheer size of it. She takes pictures of it and posts it on Instagram and sends it to her friends in private messaging while driving with a bunch of “WTF” gifs and emojis. She meets Louis at his doorstep before she’s intercepted by his personal guards and Louis politely shoos them away. Clem had no idea that he was this rich even though they’d been dating for half a year at the time. At the same time, it makes her appreciate and love him all the more as he never boasts about his wealth and kept himself humble. Later, at dinner, his parents are relieved and are taken with surprise at Louis’ girlfriend, after having previously been worried about his choice in a partner - she was a kind, polite and beautiful young girl with good grades and parents with well paying jobs. 
XIX. When Louis meets Clementine’s parents for the first time, Diana is absolutely amazed at just how kind and charismatic he is and is delighted that her daughter selected a fine young man for a partner. Edmund, however, was slightly more wary of him, as he didn’t want his only daughter to be heartbroken by such a promising partner, yet he treated him with courtesy nonetheless. Louis really likes Clementine’s home as it’s small - or at least in comparison to his home - and cozy.
XX. Clementine and Louis stayed up in her treehouse one time on one numerous occasions when he visited her house. It was pretty small but it was cute and humble, filled to the brim with drawings Clementine’s vivid imagination from her childhood.
XXI. When the school’s talent show at the end of the year came to pass, Louis was cheering Clementine on when she and a group of other girls were dancing from the crowd. He was one of her loudest supporters.
XXII. Modern Clementine is a fulltime College student at Ericson’s and works as a singer at The New Frontier bar in West Virginia and babysitting CJ, AJ, Tenn and Willy when their parents are away on the side. She sometimes brings Louis along to work as a pianist. They’re quite the musical duo. Her voice is noted to be dreamy and calming. Despite being dressed up in sequins and glitter, Clem has a dreamy appearance on stage with a soulful voice and spirit that is far older than her, twirling and dancing without a care in the world, even tossing her heels off when it becomes too painful to stand in them. She picks people out to sing duet parts with her from women to men. She ties a single flower onto her microphone every night and as she twirls, it’s like watching crystal suncatchers in the window. Louis thought she looked like a painting come to life when seeing her perform for the first time. Violet remembers how her friend was staring at Clementine for too long and began playing off-key for a few seconds before focusing again. That’s why she is so beloved, not for her allure and beauty but the charm she has just like a siren.
XXIII. Louis was the one that inspired Clementine to love her natural hair. She used to hate her hair, despising how it was always messy but since Louis - and her friends - loved it so much, she began experimenting with her hair and began liking it as her hair was a symbol of her African heritage. It’s uncommon, but not rare, to see her with her hair let loose. Her hair length when loose reaches down to her shoulders and further down. She is a lot more varied in her hairstyles, choosing several traditional African hairstyles such as box braids and cornrows, but she also straightens her hair on occasions, and she does a bunch of hairstyles with it. She dyes it several times - black, blonde, blue, red, pink, purple, orange, turquoise, silver and nebula colored. And Louis loves every style she does.
XXIV. Louis teaches Clementine the French language and culture. She was a bit messy at first but at the moment she’s an intermediate. She’s a quick study; Louis was definitely impressed.
XXV. They’re promoted as Prom King and Prom Queen together after the class’ graduation ceremony at prom. The party was held at Louis’ house (more like a mansion in truth) and it was… quite the party. Louis had been a fan of Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby and had wanted to replicate the feeling of Jay Gatsby’s feeling and he managed to pull it off after managing to convince Louis’ parents and the Garcia siblings who’d been their classmates to convince their famous uncle for support.
XXVI. On late nights, they spam each other with memes and cheesy pickup lines. They make contests on who sent the funniest memes. It’s… quite something.
XXVII. Clementine and Louis make a very amusing pair when playing videogames together. Clementine was wheezing by the end of a Mario Kart match because of how many amusing jokes and meme references he was telling her at the top of his lungs.
XXVIII. When watching an episode of Planet Earth one night, Clementine compares a bird of paradise and his mating call and mating dance to Louis and his reaction is utterly priceless. When Clem returns from getting more snacks, Louis mocks the bird of paradise and does a mating dance just for her and for the life of her, she couldn’t stop laughing and crying.
XXIX. A few months after they begin dating, they have their own vlogging channel on Youtube and they’re quite popular. They both have their own separate channels but they often collaborate on their own channel. They post memes, Vines (before the site tragically shut down, R.I.P Vine), covers of songs and dances that they perform among many other things. Some of their most popular videos are a cover of All I’ve Ever Needed by Paul MacDonald and Nikki Reed, a cover of “lovely” by Billie Eilish and Khalid and Louis and Clementine doing the Ice Bucket Challenge, and the pair playing Hide and Seek in Louis’ mansion and doing a vlog series of their end of their year long roadtrip with their entire class after the graduation party.
XXX. Louis often serenades her with song covers on special occasions and posts them on Youtube. There are far too many to mention herein but a few examples are “I Won’t Let You Go (Darling)” by Hedley, “Just The Way You Are” by Bruno Mars and “Make You Feel My Love” by Sleeping At Last. In turn, Clementine posts her reaction and on most occasions she tears up because of just how much she loves him.
XXXI. Clementine wholeheartedly supports Louis’ decision to become a singer despite his parents’ wishes. She’s actually quite the inspiration for many of the songs and the poems that he writes and he makes sure to let her read them even before they began dating, in thanks for her kindness and for all the times she showed him her poetry and drawings in her notebooks that she was too shy to reveal to anyone else.
XXXII. Louis and Clementine dressed up as a Voodoo King and Voodoo Queen respectively at a Halloween party held at his mansion. James often steals them away as guinea pigs for his experiments as a makeup artist in the making and James supplied them with the makeup. They looked absolutely glorious.
XXXIII. Louis and Clem get matching tattoos on the right arm with the following: “You move me like music.” in elegant cursive writing with musical notes all over it. Louis had to hold her hand the entire time because she was concerned about the pain.
XXXIV. Louis is genuinely surprised of just how cheesy Clementine is when it comes to romantic dates, but he’s definitely not complaining. They enjoy candle lit dinners at fancy restaurants, making sweets, stargazing on the rooftops with blankets wrapped around them, taking walks along the beach, winning a stuffed animal for each other the local carnival, and writing poetry and love letters for each other while they’re away.
XXXV. They made their own playlist on Spotify a few months after they began dating. On many nights they’re snuggled up somewhere with one earbud in Clem’s ear and the other in Louis’ as they listen to their playlist.
XXXVI. They’re quite the fashionable duo, and Clementine is a fashionista in her own right especially while dating Louis. Yet no matter what she wears, Louis still loves her for who she truly is and vice versa. Sometimes they’d walk into a room and Louis would announce their arrival like a herald presenting their sovereign. It’s golden.
XXXVII. Every summer, they go surfing on the beach and they make sure to invite their friends and AJ often. AJ’s a big fan of Louis and he gets ecstatic every time he sees him and gets really sad whenever he has to leave.
XXXVIII. They got engaged and married in their early twenties. Louis’ best man was Marlon and his attendants were Aasim, James and Mitch. Clementine’s maid of honor would be Sarah and her bridesmaids would be Ruby, Brody, Mariana, Minerva, Sophie and Violet. She carried a bouquet of roses and wore butterflies and flowers in her hair. By the time the wedding vows were said and done, Louis picked her up bridal style and twirled her around. Louis made a song for Clementine for their wedding and he played it during the feast - it drove Clementine to tears because of how beautiful it was.
XXXIX. The newlyweds went to Marrakesh, Morocco for their honeymoon. On their anniversary they make a habit of going to Hawaii to swim with dolphins and turtles.
XL. A few days after Clementine gives birth to Aaliyah at age twenty five, Louis posts a cover on Youtube of “Light” by Sleeping At Last. It easily reaches thousands of likes a few hours later.
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