no-demons-in-wonderland ยท 3 months
Oof it's gonna be a mad one.
I am soooo SICK AND TIRED of people glamorizing chronic mental and physical illnesses. As well as oppression Olympics.
You couldn't shower or brush your teeth recently? Totally fine everyone has bad days.
You haven't done laundry in a while? Rewear those jeans/tshirt/dress.
But bragging that it's been 5 months since you washed your bedding and saying it's not real bed rotting unless you've neglected yourself that long?
Makes me sick. Because there are actual people being mistreated in facilities and in their own homes by supposed caretakers. People that should be getting their teeth and hair brushed daily. People that should be getting wiped down daily if they don't shower as often. It's disgusting to be bragging about things that are considered neglect and abuse to other people.
And the victim complex some people have...
"You don't know what you're talking about because you don't agree"
Like many people have various experiences especially within the disabled community. I personally have never been long term bedridden. But I've had multiple surgeries that have left me extremely restricted in what I can and can't do. Abdominal surgeries that didn't allow me to shower or lift more that 5lbs for weeks at a time. Pain while showering separate from the severe disabling conditions I already have.
I'll never look down or judge someone harshly based on circumstances. But there's a huge difference between feeling bad for someone and knowing they need help vs feeling bad because they refuse to help themselves.
Might be a bit controversial but it's the same group of people who blame their bad decisions on their illness/disability. And ughhh it's so patronizing when there's valid reasons someone can't do something based on their disability and restrictions and abled people use those folks to make laws surrounding our rights as human beings.
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