#clavi fucking DIES
clavidy · 5 months
ok so. what is spameron btw. hi simmy
ok so yk that scene where a kid goes "hey spaz!" then throws a balled up paper at sniffles? yeah so when this happens cam lunges over his desk, trying to catch the paper b4 it hits him. he fucking LUNGES. then he looks kinda sad but mostly just mad at the bullies after. sniffles and cam also stand together during keating's one poetry talk and are brushing hands throughout, and cam is the only one in shot who doesn't turn to stare at sniffles when he's blowing his nose while keating ghost larps. so uhh
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mxrmaid-poet · 2 years
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ghost-popcorn-bucket · 3 months
In honor of a week's passing since the release of RITE HERE RITE NOW, here are my... unadulterated notes from the theater.
🚨WARNING🚨 Contains spoilers for RHRN!
what day is it???? FRIDAY BITCH
kaisarion -> trailer scene
"never to return" sobbing
spillways. seestor in wheelchair. psalms????? cctv screen warped
cirice. kicks rain out of the way. bat suit. eye to eye -- emeritus eye ooh
fog??? reddi whip???
absolution --literal fireworks
sodo stealing his thunder like a dickhead
ritual -- sodo continues but rain stops him / flashes yousuck at him
call me little sunshine in full gear
con clavi with tha thurible
bullfighting bro??
watcher in the sky
jumps into a box
nihil marital problems with seestor in tha box
third 7 inches song???????? holy shit???
ghost farts
if you have ghost -- 3 ghoulettes on strings, 1 vocal
vocal ghoulette has nihil face paint on?????
boxing time
skeleton dancers with weird feet shoes
thongs and nipple pasties
year zero in even more getup, intercut with old movies// pyrotechnics
he is // mortality moment, nostril shot
"so the people know you have given everything, and that you have nothing left to give"
nihil resurrection
mummy dust
...where did you feel it
shoe change -- ashley also sock reveal
rain doesnt get water
encore - kiss tha gogoat, danca macabre -- skellies get pants, ghost says happy pride fr, they have an orgy
one last one up the poop chute???? does split kick midair
the moon landing??? hot air balloon??
when it all burns down -- check if its a new track -- feels very 70s
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ihateliterature · 2 years
I was thinking about Chev (like I usually do) and Clavis these days, and it dawned on me when I was making my Sariel Route Review, that they cared so little about their father
I understand Clavis, considering the circumstances he probably hated the King and I doubt the King was fond of him
But Chev is savage
On Blood Stained Rose Day Chevalier, when push came to shove, decided to sacrifice a fuck ton of civilians without asking the King about it beforehand. He saw his opinion as so meaningless it wasn't even worth bringing the idea up to him
And Clavis instead of yk, telling the King "hey, Chevalier is doing some crazy shit", marched himself to the camp and almost died
And every time the moral ramifications or Chevalier's decision are brought up, we are only ever given Leon as a point of comparison. We are told that Leon would have made the same decision, but we are never told what the King would have done if he would have bothered to move his ass off his throne and protect his country
Yes, he was sick the last few years of his life and there was a chance he was at that point too. But we are shown that his illness caused a gradual decline in health, it wasn't immediate. And even if he was sick, he didn't have to fight, he just needed to be there, in a tent, making decisions like these
I can't even comprehend how pathetic this man is omg, what did Jin and Chev's moms even saw in him?
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ga-yuu · 2 years
This somehow has been bugging me, but don't you think it would have been better if the Belle ceremony started before the King retired or died? I mean, if Rhodolite doesn't have a King, which means it is in a very vulnerable state and everyone knows that if the Obisidian knew about this then they would immediately attack Rhodolite. Everyone knows how much of a threat Obsidian is. Keeping that in mind, it would have been much better if Emma was chosen the next Belle before the king died because after the King died, the next King (chosen by Emma) could immediately take the throne. So they won't be needing to lie or hide Emma from the other Kingdoms. I know someone's death is unpredictable, but they could have taken this precaution.
Some spoilers ahead!
Also another thing, (I feel like Ikepri fans are hating me right now because I couldn't stop nitpicking their fav game...but I can't help it! These questions are actually bugging me!)I hate the previous King. The previous King and Belle fell in love. But because Belle was a commoner, the Royal Court didn't accept their marriage. So their social status is the big villain here. On top of that Belle got pregnant and was banished from the Kingdom. The King became the fallen beast (lol) and had to marry a hotter woman a.k.a Chevalier's mom, and rule the Kingdom while being depressed (and horny at the same time). On top of that, he got, Leticia (my personal fav mom) pregnant for no reason? Why? They didn't make it clear at all and Chevalier's mom was okay with it? And it all happened before the King went crazy!? Whatever, that's not my question. My question is if social status was the villain, why didn't the King himself try to change that rule? I mean, he is the King, after all, the man with the highest power in the Kingdom. Can't he give a noble title to Belle? But the King was dumb and as a result of this, the 99th clause happened so that the 'tragedy' doesn't happen again. I mean, it certainly is a tragedy. Not only Belle and the King suffered, but along with them the mothers of other princes' have to suffer as well. I can understand the King is heartbroken, but that doesn't mean that he can go around sleeping with every woman he comes across in search of 'love'. He has a beautiful wife sitting at home, he could have just moved on and started fresh. You're MARRIED FOR GOD SAKE! DON'T RUIN YOUR SPOUSE'S LIFE JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE HEARTBROKEN!!!
I wish in the future, they release past stories about the former King, former Belle, and the stories about Queens cause I'm really interested in what actually happened. Actually, fuck it! I don't care about the King and Belle, at least give me a clear story about Chevalier and Clavis's moms.
The 99th clause was not clear at all. First of all, what the hell is this clause about? Is only Belle not allowed to marry the King because she's a commoner or no commoners are allowed to marry the King at all? Which is it? In Chevalier's route, if I remember correctly, he tells Sariel that he is taking Emma as his girlfriend and when Sariel tells him about the clause, Chevalier is like---"Well, the Belle ceremony is over and now Emma is not Belle anymore. So it's fair."
But I'm here like----"She's still a commoner!!!" What happened to the whole social status problem?
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lordhelpme0-0 · 2 years
IkePri: Leon’s Faction crack meetings
TW: mention of sex offenders, but it’s from a comedy short inspired…dark humor at play here
During a daily meeting on school terrorist attacks…
Leon: We need someone who actually will be brave enough to run in and stop an active terrorist in school.
Yves: why do I have a bad feeling about this.
Leon: I have an idea.
Licht: (-_-)?
Leon: registered sex offenders.
Jin: *chokes on lollipop*
Licht: (0-0)?!
Leon: We round all the registered sex offenders in the local area-
Yves: *stares in complete horror*
Leon: -trust me there’s a lot, I looked it up! *he meant Clavis actually-* 😔✋
Sariel: *regretting giving Leon this task*
Leon: -and we ask them politely-
Yves: *face palming hard*
Leon: -to watch the school. 😃
Jin: *still choking*
Leon: And yes! This happens to be their favorite thing to do! Okay! We DON’T arm them!
Licht: (0—︎0) *concerned af*
Leon: We put a tracking advice- *holds a bell collar stolen from Nokto* -so they stay SAFE distance at all TIMES!
Sariel: Prince Leon-!
Leon: JUST EYES! 😠👉👀
Jin: -HADgh! *chokes again somehow*
Leon: listen! I do not condone ped*philia! ✋😤
Yves: of course we don’t-!
Leon: But you and I both know, unlike half this fucking country-
Jin: *leans over hacking more*
Licht: 😨
Leon: -The ped*phones actually care about the survival of our kids, okay!
Sariel: *rubs head*
Jin: ADHWEEE-! *tears starting up as he try’s not to die*
Leon: So we ask them to watch the school, just eyes!
Leon: and Father forbid, there’s a shooting. We tell them, “you RUN! You save the children! You do it for the children!”
Sariel: I-
Leon: and they will!!!
Licht: *blinks with even more confusion*
Leon: Because they love the kids, more than us!
Leon: and yes! If one of them dies, then we need to agree that father forgives. Okay?!
Leon: this about redemption now!
Jin: *still hacking even more*
Leon: and if they survive! Saving the school, then we make them superintendent.
Jin: *starts to wheeze and hacking on candy even more*
Leon: I don’t know, I haven’t really…thought that out…
Yves: *bangs head on table*
Leon: I’m just saying! The only thing that could stop a bad guy with a bomb, is a ped*phile with a cause. Alright?
Jin: *dies*
Leon: and that’s how you turn registered offender to registered defender!
Everyone beside Leon: …Leon NO-!
Mc/ Emma: *was here the whole time to choose the next king but end up hearing Leon weird propositions*
Meanwhile behind the wall next door…
Clavis: …should I tell Gilbert or Chevalier..?
Tags: @vio-simps-for-purple-characters @sange-de-romane @weird-profiterole @yanderepuck @pieground @evil-quartett @spoopy-fish-writes @a-chaotic-fae
Here the short I was inspired by:
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forlorn-crows · 2 years
An odd one for you, but I fucking love Infestissumam and Per Aspera Ad Inferi... The way they flow from one into the other is just, *chefs kiss*. Also, Prime Mover.
Oh, and Zenith. (I'm a whore for the songs Martin contributed to).
hold on lemme just *falls down the stairs*
why do we not talk about zenith. ZENITH. ITS SO GOOD. im gonna start with that one. but all of these are good.
i still cannot get over how the intro sounds like 0:36ish of Another Day in Paradise by Phil Colins. like what. its like a half step away from being the same key, if not the same. anyway, the way the piano coming back throughout the song. its so good.
the pre-chorus?? into the downbeat of the chorus??? HELLO???
i already mentioned about the 'e' vowels tobias loves, but the way he drags out the 'free' in the second chorus + the drumroll and the guitar wail + and dissolving into the 'yeeauggggh' FUCK ME UP
the entire Saecula Saeculorum section + the laugh he does at the end???? PLEASE. and the entire instrumental section after that before going back into the chorus.
miasma just sent me a video of when they used to open with infest/per aspera and i ascended a bit
like i said. choir sounds. fuck me up. infestissumam fucking SHREDS
the transition straight into per aspera? kill me now its so good. per aspera gets me every time i hear the live versions. the harMONIES ARE YOU KIDDING ME WITH SWISS AND CUMULUS??? i wanna DIEEEEE
again, tobias doing that fuCKING thing where he ends his words with 'ahhhh' he's like a little snake.
plus the march-like rhythm of the snare/guitar/bass in the chorus?
the note on the held 'inferiiiiiii' at the end of the first go around of the chorus
adding that third harmony in the chorus the second time around and how you can hear that ghosting of overtones/higher fourth harmony. it makes my singers heart happy.
how the march rhythm changes to a tom instead of a snare on the drums in the first half of the second chorus.
prime mover:
bass. again. need i say more. i yell FUCK IT UP RAINYY in the car every time. + the little hi-hat in the background and then it goes CRAZYYY. another good live. they went from con clavi to this at my ritual and i nearly died
i am a firm believer that these are some of tobias' best vocals. fight me on it.
selected heir / machinery insect / the bloodline of the dark architect
the EEEYUUCCH at the ending 'grave'?? I LIVE FOR THAT SHIT. again with that 'e' vowel tobias loves to shove down his throat.
can you tell i like prime mover a lot, i just repeat the lyrics back to you LMAO
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crowmero · 1 year
I finished Silvio's Dramatic Ending. I'm going talk about my general opinion about the route so far.
To be honest, my big motivation to play Silvio was to get some answers from him that were not clear when I played Rio's route because I wanted to see the whole picture.
And just from the moment that Silvio told Rio that he wanted to beat him fair and square, I knew how horrible and humiliating everything could turn for Rio (who loves Emma) when Silvio stepped in to make Emma fall for him.
Surprisingly, this didn't happened (Thank you devs for protecting Rio). Like I know Rio is not everyone's cut of tea for the type of character he is, but I'm happy that Rio took it like a champion in this route, to a point that he ended overshadowing his brother. Like I genuinely have mixed feeling with the amount of Rio propaganda because I really like Rio and at the same time, Silvio deserved to shine more because is his story.
Still I just have to clap and I was really happy about how supporting was Rio with Emma and Silvio, I just really want to punch Clavis, Nokto and Luke for feeling pity for Rio just because he is just genuinely such a good person. And fuck me, I know it sucks that his brother steals the girl this time, but at the end he respected Emma's feelings (YES it really hurt me that Rios was the one mending Emma's broken heart with his own wounded hands YES I HATE IT! A STAB IN MY HEART HURTS LESS THAN THAT).
One of my worries about characters like Silvio is that sometimes their personalities get watered down in their own personal routes. I can't tell if this was the case, because I felt Silvio was a well behaved dalmatian puppy compared to some of the other characters that turned into real monsters this time. Like dude turned in a big tsundere who has trouble expressing his feelings and that hates women (a misogynist??) because he carries some trauma with wicked women trying to score with him just for the money. I was a bit disappointed that Silvio was more barking than biting back, maybe because I didn't expect him to be that insecure about himself.
I was very interested to learn why he hated Rio (like how to forget the nasty "Be my woman or Valerio dies" from Rio's dramatic ending) and the sad part is that we learned more from what other people told us than from Silvio's mouth. Like bro, why is so hard for you to stop being stupid stubborn about what you feel?. Still wow, looks like you care for your brother for real. Also looks like you have some jealousy and some inferiority complex issues related to Rio lmao. I suspected as much when I played Rio. Like Silvio, I get you because I'm myself a fucking asshole in real life and I have sisters that held more charm than me (physical and character) so I get you.
Still we where all rooting for you, specially with all that fuck you money that you have and that foul mouth you held proud. Feel's like I have to put some fuck you money just to learn what happens inside those two brain cells you share with Emma when you both fight.
And well, Silvio is no saint or that kind either because he really did say some words that really cut hard. Also think was a waste to bring the whole "I'm a sailor" because that really sounded really exciting, like because the stupid setting we didn't get more of that (or maybe we get something in the romantic epilogue and I need to read that!) but I really wanted to learn more about that part of Silvio.
I wanted really bad that Emma or Rio punched Silvio hard in the face but INSTEAD WE GOT EMMA BITING BACK AND RIO PUNCHING SILVIO IN HIS EGO (For his own good).
In general, I had so much fun playing his story, not really my cup of tea as a romantic interest, but the banter, the brothers relationship and the love triangle was really good.
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ikehoe · 3 years
Secrets [Clavis Lelouch x Reader][Smut]
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Characters ↬ Clavis Lelouch x Fem! Reader
Rating ↬ Explicit (Smut – mdni)
Tags ↬ Smut, Fingering, Masturbation
Description ↬ For weeks on end, you’ve been pining after the Hellcat of Rhodolite, Prince Clavis Lelouch. Thoughts of him race through your mind, both innocent and downright dirty, until one day you can’t help but pleasure yourself while imagining him doing all kinds of things to you. What happens when he ends up walking in on you?
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A/N ↬ Yes, of course! … This isn’t the fluffiest, but there’s fluff at the end if you squint, hahaha. I hope you like it anyways!
Disclaimer ↬ I do not own the rights to Ikemen Prince or any of the Ikemen series games.
Wordcount ↬ 1.5k
Tag List ↬ @atelier-maroron @aquagirl1978 @kleeps @ikesimp100 @chaosangel767 @devildomwritersposts @themysticalbeing @and-then-she-died-tm @kpop-and-otome @rhodolitesroseforclavis @curious-skybunny @moonstruck-writing @lordsister @otomegameinlove If you're interested in being tagged (or untagged) in future fics, please DM me, comment, or fill out this form.
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Your fingers moved deftly against your folds, bringing forth crests of pleasure throughout your body. Mind hazed over with thoughts of a certain wisteria-haired man with golden eyes that had been teasing you for weeks on end. It was unfair how beautiful he was, truly. Regal features complemented by that devastatingly sexy smirk he’d give you had your heart racing whenever your eyes met his. It started out with a simple joke here and there, leading you to be wary of the man, but ended up escalating to a game of cat-and-mouse. Oddly enough, you found yourself looking forward to the moments every day where the third Prince would appear, voice dripping in seduction and eyes flashing with mirth.
Soft moans fell from your lips like a siren song, rising in volume until your voice could be heard from the other side of the oaken door. Your arousal was slick against the pads of your fingertips. With eyelids clenched shut, your imagination began to roam, picturing the Third Prince of Rhodolite. To be fair, you’d never seen his bare body up close. Still, the way his lithe muscles flexed under his shirt, the sweat that trickled down his brow in the rare moments when you caught him fully focused, all of that had you unable to tear your eyes away from him. If you concentrated hard enough, you could almost feel his fingers roaming over your bare skin, smell the musky and woody undertones of his cologne, and taste the sweetness of his lips.
“Oh, fuck, Clavis. Right th—there.” A moan rose from your lips as your fingers began to quicken, rubbing gentle circles over the sensitive nub in your folds. It just wasn’t enough. You needed something to fill you up, and you knew exactly what you needed. In a pathetic attempt to chase your release, your fingers dove into your cunt, thrusting in sporadically to find that sweet spot you knew would have you seeing stars behind your eyes.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” A deep voice called out, abruptly jolting you out of your dirtiest fantasies. To your absolute horror, the exact man that you had been dreaming about stood in front of you. That mischievous smirk you couldn’t resist seemed to grow to even greater lengths, and his molten gold orbs were glazed over with a hunger you’d never seen before.
“H—How long have you been there?!” You shrieked, fist grasping at your blanket and squirming underneath the covers to save what tiny shred of dignity you had left. Your face was hot to the touch, and a vibrant red had painted your cheeks out of sheer embarrassment. This moment had to be one of your topmost embarrassing moments since taking on your official duties as Belle, and you weren’t sure if you’d remain Belle much longer if word of this got out. A million different scenarios were running through your brain as your widened eyes gazed upon his heated orbs in horror.
“Long enough to know you’ve been naughty, little bunny. Didn’t I tell you when you first came to the Castle – if you ever need anything, just let me know? So why is it that I find you here, struggling to please yourself, when you know I would have been more than willing to help you come undone?” His voice was silky smooth, and you swore you felt yourself get even wetter if that were possible. Like a leopard approaching its prey, he began to pounce, inching closer and closer to you until you felt your body shift with the weight of him on your bed. “Don’t stop just because of me. Show me how you pleasure yourself to thoughts of me, and I might just make your deepest desires come true.”
Every possible answer you could muster up popped into your mind. For a second, you even calculated how long it would take to get dressed and rush out of your room. But before you could make another move, Clavis had ripped the covers off you, exposing your dripping cunt to the chill of the air. His eyes raked up and down your naked form appreciatively, lingering for several beats on your shapely legs and stopping at the apex between your thighs. His hand trailed along the flesh of your thighs before gently prying them apart. Then, with his dextrous fingers, he trailed the tip of his index finger along your slick folds, picking up the evidence of your arousal, and proceeded to lap at his finger coated in your essence with his tongue.
The sight was enough to make you fall apart before his eyes, and you thanked the gods that you were able to keep it together long enough to take in everything. An absolutely sinful groan erupted from his chest as soon as your essence hit his tongue and his hand reached back towards your cunt. Your taste was sweeter than any ambrosia available to man, and he knew at that moment that he would never be able to let you go.
“Too late, little bunny. It’s my turn now.” In one swift movement, he lifted you from your spot and placed you on his lap, back pressing against his hard chest. You’d been worried about offending him, scaring him off so much that he would never deign to speak to you again. However, his hardened manhood poking against your fleshy rear managed to quash all of your concerns. At the very least, he was attracted to you, and that was all you needed at that moment.
“C-- Clavis, what are you doing?” Your voice came out several pitches higher than you intended it to, and you shifted around to meet his gaze. Right as your eyes landed on his, he immediately lurched forward and captured you in an all-consuming kiss. Lips melding against lips, tongues entangled together in a passionate dance. All you could do to ground yourself was thread your fingers into the soft tresses of his hair.
Right as you thought you’d settled into the rhythm of your kiss, Clavis’s hand slipped down to the apex of your thighs and began rubbing and teasing, coaxing you closer and closer to your undoing. Incoherent babbles fell from your lips, muffled only by the gentle pressing of the Prince’s lips against yours. His finger circled around the sensitive nub again and again. Then, inadvertently, your hips began rutting against his hand, eager to come undone as you felt that white-hot pleasure begin to spread from your lower belly.
“Come, little bunny. Let me see you fall apart, just for me.” His whisper ghosted against the shell of your ear, followed by a gentle nibble placed on your lobe. And who were you to deny his sensual command? At his words, that hot, white pleasure began cresting over your body in waves, again and again, until you were moaning his name at the top of your lungs. Even in your wildest dreams, with your intimate knowledge of your own body, you’d never been able to bring yourself to such a strong release before. It was like the Prince had you enchanted under a spell, capable of having you listen to his every whim.
Slowly, with each moment, your breath began to level as you came down from your release. Despite the intimate moment you two had shared earlier and the fact that you were naked in his arms, you were still mortified that the Prince had walked in on you, pleasuring yourself.
“I’m so sorry, Clavis… I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable. If you want me to leave the Castle, I’ll do so right away. But, if I can just ask for one thing, please don’t tell Sariel or any of the other Princes what you saw….” You pleaded with him. Your innocent gaze was riddled with worry, and that worry only grew as you took in the unreadable expression on his face.
A dark chuckle slipped from his lips, and you could’ve sworn you felt his cock throb through the thin fabric of his pants. “What would be the fun in keeping this just between ourselves, hm?... If you truly want this to remain a secret between the two of us, you’ll have to promise me one thing.”
“Anything, I promise, I’ll give you anything you want.”
“I want to be the only person that’s allowed to make you come undone, and that’s including yourself. So from now on, when you want to feel good, you come to me.”
“Wh—what?” A part of you felt as though you didn’t hear the Prince’s request right. There was no way he was asking to be the only one that could make you come undone, right?
“You heard me, little bunny. I want you to be mine. So give your heart and your body to me. That’s the only way I’ll keep this little secret between the two of us.” And how could you resist him when he shot you that heartachingly sexy smile?
You might regret it in the future, but with a quick nod, you sealed your fate and entangled your life with the Hellcat of Rhodolite forever.
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clavidy · 5 months
controversial opinion leo has the best character design in all of stardew valley. he just
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malachiexists13 · 2 years
Spoilers for Licht's route i guess? Only really his dramatic end tbh-
Chapter 21 of Licht's route, chapter 1 of his dramatic end, and someone is already dead. Can't believe it took this long for someone to die tho, like chapter 1 of Chev's route, two people were already dead. Step up your game, Licht.
I am so sorry for my insensitivity. Uhh- rip to that random ambassador who died. Fuck the two assassins tho. I've been watching too much Kubz Scouts' Yan Sim videos. And no, I was not implying Licht killed that ambassador. Honestly, I think it may have been Clavis. He and Chev were acting weird af. But when are they not weird?
Anyways, its 10pm and I'm hella loopy from the fact I only ate McDonalds today after taking a 7hr long nap and Im still bleeding. Imma go work on a oneshot idea I had or maybe I'll finish one of the fuckin' like 10+ I have already partially written.
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aesirfalling · 7 years
Part 6 of 6 (Fang, Memories of Dust) - Together We Brought the Moon Down
Character/Full ATB Skill Study of the Final Fantasy XIII Cast Set to Nier: Automata Music.
The day the Order’s train from Luxerion dumps her in the middle of the Dead Dunes, Oerba Yun Fang realizes that maybe everything is meant to be after all.
She has always been the most fatalistic of all of them – well, Vanille and her both, but Vanille has always been braver, the right kind of valor or not – and here, with chaos infusions at the edge of her vision and corrupted waves eating away what is left of the world, the oldest hag on the planet once again finds herself surrounded by old, dead things with stories.
Well, if I can’t tell my own stories worth a damn for Vanille to listen to me, maybe she’ll listen to her gods and myths, she sighs, sweeping up a gremlin and two skeletons – and knows that she would spend most of her time in the desert hunting for the clavis.
  More than a thousand years of crystal sleep has not granted her much wisdom; what it has indeed granted, however, was perspective, and an enhancement of the natural charisma that had seen her marked on Gran Pulse all those centuries ago in the first place. My voice, she reflects, satisfied. It’s just as coarse as ever.
“Move your ass and abandon that time-locked room in the corner. The gods of this stupid world wait for no one.”
  The first night after they woke up from their second sleep, they had huddled together in the Wildlands, watching the sun set above the ruins of a city they had never truly seen. Fang had thought they would finally get to live. She had made so many plans, even planned to lure Snow out of his Patron-hole for some kind of wild adventure – yet Vanille had turned towards her, melancholy-despairing-crying, and she hadn’t been prepared for the fact that living with Vanille would be harder than dying with her.
“Hope is gone, Fang,” Vanille murmured, soft-obstinate-compassionate, and Fang couldn’t help but love her, that gentle soft light that combined with her own animalistic and forward strength had made for a resolve that could hold up the world. “He tried and couldn’t free us. God freed us. And God has a price.”
“Vanille, haven’t we learned that the gods can go fuck themselves?” She argued passionately, trying to hold Vanille, hold that poor girl up so that she wouldn’t drown. Vanille’s eyes were already under the ocean of her tears. It was at that moment that Fang realized it was never truly about what Anima or Bhunivelze had ever wanted; it was Vanille’s will to become an epitaph, and there just wasn’t enough space to carve her lover’s name into the same divinity.
“… I have to do it, Fang.”
“… I suppose we’ll have to disagree again, then.”
Maybe that had been why the pillar had cracked. Maybe it was all because she had just wanted Vanille to wake and live.
  Lightning could do in one day what a hundred of them could not in fifteen hundred.
Some people are god touched and Oerba Yun Fang just isn’t one of them.
  Once upon a time she thought Lightning was just like her – as Cocoon as she was Pulse, reveling in pulse-racing fights and flashing instinct, willing to tear down the entire sky for the sake of one person she loved more than anything in the world. Yet Lightning had abandoned that one person for a greater purpose, served a goddess that did not even exist in this plane, and gazing upon the Savior’s inscrutable face now, Fang wonders if Lightning Farron was indeed more like Vanille than she had ever thought.
Would you need someone to try to fight to save you, too?
She can’t stop for Lightning; not when Vanille is screaming in her dreams from every single person who has ever died in the past five hundred years, not when the world is ending, and not when Lightning herself doesn’t even seem like she wants to be saved. Vanille, to her credit, always at least regards her with that familiar well of fondness that makes her always just want to pull the peach-head into her arms and never let the girl go. She’ll continue to pick her battles. She’s always picked her battles.
And you can’t tell me Vanille’s soul is not worth all the hundred million other souls she’s trying desperately to save.
“… Fang?”
“… Sleep with me.”
Vanille had smiled in that sanctum at Luxerion, a soft blushing spring breeze in a house of cold ritual and holy discipline. “Jeez, Fang, we’d slept together for more than a thousand years.”
“You know what I mean.” Hold me once. Before you leave. Before I have to go on this terrible fucking quest to try to save you. Do it so that I still know that you love me. Do it so that I can pull it from my heart and laugh at Bhunivelze’s face. “I… I need you.”
She reminisces about that night later, in the sealed bleakness of the Dead Dunes; Vanille’s touch, her lingering breath, the way they kissed each other’s wounds and tears clean. Do you remember the flowers, the bonfires of old Pulse, the looks in the elders’ eyes as we were chosen? Do you remember me, the way I’d call your name, the taste of me on your lips, the way I’ll walk all these thorns for you, in sun or rain?
She dreams of Vanille over cities in dust and wonders if there’s an ending to this dream, if Lightning would truly rewrite it all and perhaps even defeat God. Lightning’s world: probably more like Vanille’s than her own. Probably full of duty and sentimentality. Probably full of bunch of useless things that keep getting everyone in trouble.
But it’ll be a nice world. One worth living in. One worth fighting for, if Vanille wants to be in it, too.
  There are things that she doesn’t say, even to Lightning and Vanille. She’s not sorry for her secrets: she’s always had good reason, after all, and she trusts her heart with those things. Boisterous thoughts may fill up her life, but memories and family are eternally sacred.
Lightning has to investigate the unseen chaos in the Wildlands. She has an appointment with the Order and their God on the final day of the world. She turns on her boots, smirks, and walks off again.
I’ll see all of you soon.
Between the battle roar and unflinching steel she is a daughter of the desert, yet under the moon, in solitude, even the desert is tender.
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clavidy · 3 months
hey guys. mutuals. dpsblr in its entirety. it would be sooooooo cool if yall followed @/ghostboyhood 's suggestion in this post and watched another country 1984 :33333 it's free on youtube and a bunch of other places and it's like if dps was actually canonically gay and also there were communists and shit. also there's wesley the princess bride playing the love interest and colin firth playing uh. communist ^__^ i am so insane about this movie i need it to have a fandom on here pleasepleasepleasepl
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clavidy · 4 months
haiii guys self promo moment you should go check out my newgen classical anderperry fic reading playlist !!! based on neil's nice poem bro stare !!!! featuring my favorite classical music !!!!! carefully curated to match the scene !!!!!! pspspspspspspspspspspsppspspspspspspsps
anyways uh. enjoy :3 no forcing here!!!!
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clavidy · 4 months
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