#claudia flores
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daddy-dins-girl · 1 year ago
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Pedro Boys "Every Friend Group Has"
related posts: Pedro Boys "During a Fire Emergency" Pedro Boys "Nice Argument. Unfortunately," Pedro Boys "Don't Fuck This Up" Pedro Boys "Dad(dy) Matrix" Pedro Boys & Stabbing Pedro Boys "Lawful/Neutral/Chaotic" Pedro Boys "Feral/Sad/Angelic" Pedro Boys Respond to "I love you." Pedro Boys "Character Tropes" Pedro Boys "Gay/Depressed/Horny on Main" Pedro Boys "Dad/THOT/Bastard" Pedro Boys "bring some Coke to the party" Pedro Boys "Zombie Apocalypse Team" Pedro Boys "I Want a Baby" Pedro Boys "As Babysitters" Pedro Boys "As McDonald's Dads" Pedro Boys "in a horror movie" Pedro Boys "Cinnamon Rolls" Pedro Boys "5 Kids, 3 Chairs" Pedro Boys "Playing Monopoly"
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pascalscoffin · 1 year ago
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Pedro Pascal Masterlist
Requests accepted and encouraged!! I write for ANY type of reader!! (Afab, Amab, plus size, skinny, poc, non-poc, gender neutral it doesn’t matter to me)
Installations with a * have smut in them or content pertaining to sexual activities in them
I’ll write for all Pedro Pascal characters (and yes this includes Claudia Flores and Silva and Mr. Ben shut up) (Silva literally has a son, man is bisexual therefore I will in fact write Silva x fem reader as well as Silva x male reader)
Joel Miller
Away from the Devil -series- (ongoing)
Among The Fields -series- (first part coming soon)
You + Me Is All We Need (no x reader) (focused on Joel and Sarah)
Javier Peña
L'informateur *
Muñequita -series- (ongoing)
Curvilínea *
Dieter Bravo
Bad Idea *
Claudia Flores
Tentaciones Sáficas *
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palioom · 1 year ago
I’ll take a crumb about either Prey Joel or Mrs. Flores or Murder Dave 👀👀👀👀👀 !!!!!!!!!!!
i haven't done much on the joel one yet but i'll give you a crumb of our Mrs Flores 🤭
“What is my angelito thinking about?” You heard her voice appear behind you, almost dropping the cup you had just taken out of the sink. She had been so quiet that you genuinely hadn’t heard her, startling you when she spoke so close behind you.
It was the truth, kind of. With all these touches there had been a film rolling in the back of your head with images from the last time she had bent you over the kitchen table.
She didn’t need to know, however.
“Are you sure, cariño?” Claudia asked, both of her big hands grabbing at your upper arms, her body pressing against yours, in turn pressing you against the edge of the sink. “Should I give you something to think about?”
Her hips rolled into yours and your hands stilled in the soapy water, a gasp crawling up your throat when you felt something rub against your lower back.
Something long and hard.
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ladamedusoif · 1 year ago
Starting to think there’s an Irish and Latina mammy/mamí subculture that preserves “good” paper bags and sees biscuit tins as sewing kit holders…
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I brought cookies. Ah, so thoughtful not to make them yourself.
Pedro Pascal on Saturday Night Live (Oct 21, 2023)
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genevieveetguy · 2 years ago
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. We don't know anything about this creature other than it, like everyone else, hates a mouth full of shaving cream.
There's Nothing Out There, Rolfe Kanefsky (1991)
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matias-2003 · 2 months ago
Cómo me imagino Big Bang Theory con un doblaje al español latino mucho mejor
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El doblaje real de la serie me parece horrible a mí
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babylonburningmadiacenter · 2 years ago
Immersive Sculptures Mixed Digital Art by Claudia Bueno
https://www.claudiabueno.com https://www.instagram.com/claudiabuenoart https://www.facebook.com/claudia.bueno.50364 ABOUT © Claudia Bueno © Claudia Bueno
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luegootravez · 11 months ago
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Ana Claudia Talancón by © Germán Nájera & Iván Flores
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palioom · 1 year ago
So does Mrs. Flores prefer to give or receive? 😉😉😉
omg 👀
i definitely see her preferring to give – she really likes to take care of her cariño the way her son can't and give her everything she needs, even if she's mean about it while doing so 🤭
tysm for asking! 🖤
2.5k follower celebration! ✨
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flowerveil02 · 5 months ago
Working on eyes 👀
Adrienn (1st) and Claudia (2nd). Also, yes, I changed Adri's eye color in the fanfic because I didn't like how matchy it was. Peach and yellow fits xem better, methinks! :P
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onenakedfarmer · 5 months ago
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The Coffee Table (15): Farcical Horror That’s Blacker Than Black.
#onemannsmovies #filmreview of The Coffee Table. #thecoffeetable. A jet-black comedy horror that disturbs but impresses. 4/5.
A One Mann’s Movies review of “The Coffee Table” (2022). Original title: La mesita del comedor. In a world of bland Hollywood cookie-cutter horror films (“Baghead”, “Tarot”, “Imaginary”, yada, yada, yada…), “The Coffee Table” is refreshingly different. Gone are the jump scares. But it is far more horrific and tense than anything I’ve watched this year. Bob the Movie Man Rating: Plot…
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vainillasaalt · 1 year ago
We will never be thankful enough for iwtv 2022 and how the writers adapted the source material.
Like, after reading the book I completely understand why Rice decided to change protagonists, and most of the changes so far have been for the better, but what really sticks out to me is how much of an improvement Louis as a character got, becoming much more interesting + Anderson really brought a lot of charm and depth to him with his acting.
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maquilanews · 2 years ago
Solicita licencia temporal regidora Claudia Flores Medina
La presidenta municipal, Carmen Lilia Canturosas Villarreal, reconoció a la regidora por su desempeño como parte del Cabildo durante estos dos años.
NUEVO LAREDO, TAM.- La décimo sexta regidora del cabildo de Nuevo Laredo, Claudia Flores Medina, solicitó licencia temporal para dejar su cargo como parte del cuerpo edilicio por motivos profesionales. “Hago de su conocimiento mi decisión de pedir licencia temporal para separarme del cargo de regidora, esto atribuyéndose a motivos profesionales que me impiden atender mi función pública”, explicó…
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luegootravez · 1 year ago
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Ana Claudia Talancón by © Germán Nájera & Iván Flores
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pascalscoffin · 1 year ago
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Tentaciones Sáficas
-Sapphic Temptations-
Full Pedro Masterlist
Warning: Minors Go Away I Will Kick You In The Forehead. This is… literally just porn. Reader is female and uses she/her pronouns. Reader is a lesbian. Reader is described as having an “athletic body” and is hc’d to go to the gym (do with that what you will), and tattoos (above as well as patchwork on her forearms and hands). Reader and Louis are friends NOT in a relationship. Fat ass crush on Claudia though you’re welcome. Claudia is a liiiittle bit ooc, sorry. Readers nickname is 'Bee'. Smut: Vaginal fingering; oral (f receiving); Strap-on use; Claudia is such a little bottom I'm not sorry, I just like the idea of her being super mean but like... falling apart when someone's got their hand between her thighs; a little lickin', a little bitin'. Reader understands Spanish but only says a couple Spanish words (I think).
You met Louis Flores your sophomore year of college when you were somehow put in the same dorm room together, you’d stuck it out for a few weeks before everything was straightened up, but you and Louis kept in touch and often hung out between classes.
Now- Louis was a nice boy, and relatively handsome. But there were absolutely no romantic feelings between the two of you, considering you were a raging lesbian who often had a different girl in her bed every night. He was a good friend, stable and straight laced enough he made sure you didn’t go crazy with your exploits, and being a shoulder for you to cry on. You on the other hand, you made sure Louis didn’t waste his life hunched over a book or his laptop studying, and when he needed it you were there for him.
Junior year was when you decided to get an apartment together. That was also when you finally met his mother, Claudia. You’d gone out partying the night before so you slept until about noon, stumbling out of your room in nothing but a tshirt and panties, met with the sight of Louis being smothered in a hug by a woman with a pink cardigan.
At first, Claudia had assumed the two of you were dating and had immediately gone into a tangent about you not wearing any clothes to meet your boyfriend’s mother, cursing you in Spanish. Louis- poor sweet Louis had panicked, frantically explaining to his mother that you weren’t who she thought you were. That he wasn’t your type.
Of course, Claudia was still extremely displeased with your state of undress, and when you came back from your room, now wearing a pair of sweatpants she’d bombarded you. “What does he mean he is not your type? What is wrong with my son? You would be lucky to have him.” You’d suppressed the urge to laugh directly in her face before you explained yourself.
Her face had turned 100 shades of red when you told her that while Louis was a sweet and kind boy, you yourself were a lesbian, and that he was a bit out of your age range. Naturally, she hadn’t quite understood and when she started to go on another rave about how fantastic her son was, you told her you weren’t interested in people your own age.
While she was processing that information, her face bright red and her eyes wide, you’d looked her up and down, smirked a little, and then stepped away from her to grab a water from the fridge.
It didn’t take long for Claudia to warm up to you, especially when she realized she had another person to talk shit with about Louis’ many girlfriends he would bring home to her. Which isn’t to say you hated any of them, they got Louis help for his depression and ADD, conditions Claudia insisted he didn’t have, but each of them had.. less than redeeming qualities and you and Claudia had made a habit of pointing them out, sometimes in front of the girlfriends, and sometimes alone.
The first time the two of you hung out alone had been a few weeks after you met. You’d been at the door, the woman from the night before smiling and cupping your cheek as you’d said goodbye. She was around Claudia’s age, not quite at that mark but not far from it either. Your arm had been around her back, lips locked with hers before you were pulling away and she was making her way down the hall.
When you looked up you saw Claudia, looking a bit uncomfortable as she headed to the door, nodding politely at the woman before looking at you. “Do you do that often?” You tilted your head curiously before realizing what she meant. “How often is often?” You stepped to the side and let her in. “Louis isn’t here, by the way. He’s at a job interview.”
She walked in regardless and you raised a brow, closing the door behind her slowly. “More than two times a week.” You hummed and pursed your lips. “Then yes. I do it often.” You laughed softly. “It’ll be a while before he-“ “I didn’t come to see my son. I know he is not home.” You raised a brow. “Oh. Alright. So then you came to talk to little ol’ me?”
She nodded, keeping her purse close as she surveyed the wrecked image of the living room you shared with her son. “This was all me.” You told her, starting to pick up couch pillows and the sports bra you were looking for. “Trust me- if Louis saw this living room he’d probably kill me.” When you looked at Claudia you found her staring at the couch like she was putting things together, her face darkening.
You looked at the couch and bit your tongue as you smirked before clearing your throat and looking at Claudia. “We can sit at the bar if you prefer.” You raised a brow, moving past her and sliding a chair out at the bar. Claudia snapped out of her daze when the stool scraped against the floor and quickly walked over and sat down. “Gracias.” She watched as you smiled and went to the fridge.
“De nada. Can I get you something to drink?” You grabbed a water for yourself, always quick to satisfy that dry roughness in your throat after a long night. “We have water, tea, soda, and… fruit punch.” "Tea is fine."
The second time, you sat closer together, on the couch as Claudia ranted about Louis’ new girlfriend, how shed been so proud of the cookies she brought “and they were store bought!” She’d exclaimed, shaking her head and cursing in Spanish.
You’d laughed a little, amused by Claudia’s nitpicking. “I didn’t like her very much anyway.” You shrugged and made a face. “She tried too hard. Way too hard.” Claudia made a face as she agreed with you.
You’d gotten her a drink, something alcoholic and you’d noticed when you came back she’d scooted a little further away on the couch, held her purse tighter in her lap, one leg crossed over the other and her head spinning around like she was taking in the state of the apartment.
She’d come later in the day, probably as to not run into whoever you’d had over the night before. She avoided the couch pillows that had been on the floor the last time she’d come over, all but sitting on the edge of the couch. You could’ve laughed if you weren’t afraid she’d hit you or something.
The fifth time she came around, you’d had several dinners with her and Louis at this point so the two of you got along great.
Shed made a habit of coming around when Louis wasn’t home after her second visit, you weren’t sure why but you didn’t mind it either.
Your attraction towards her had grown rapidly, you had a thing for women that didn’t hold back what they thought, a woman with attitude that could still dote and care for you.
She’d started coming earlier, as well, confidently passing whoever you’d had over the night before. This time, as she sat on the couch much more comfortably than before, she crossed her hands over her knees and started to casually rip on the poor woman that had just left.
“She is a step down, no?” You raised a brow at her and laughed in surprise. “What?” “Your women- they are usually prettier.” “Huh…” you looked at the door, and then Claudia and smirked. “I hadn’t noticed.” “I'm just saying. Parecía... bastante desesperada. More so than the rest.” She seemed… a little desperate. She shrugged and looked over at you, regretting it immediately.
You weren’t fully dressed this time, athletic body barely covered by a Calvin Klein sports bra and a pair of gray joggers, the waistband of a pair of women’s boxers peeking out. Tattooed body basically screaming at her, the big one covered your entire torso and shoulders, but the ones on your forearms and hands looked abstract, like they were random rather than one thing, when she’d complained about them to Louis he called them ‘patchwork’, she didn’t understand. But she wasn’t complaining now, she found herself appreciating the ink when she saw it, she'd dreamed about it a few times but she would never admit it, not even to herself.
You raised a brow and then she was speaking again before you could respond. “Do your tattoos have meaning?” She squinted and you looked down at your arms and torso, humming. “Some of them do. This bee right here is for my nickname- friends always called me Bee, the rest of the Bee centered tattoo are just my favorite flowers. This one on my hand is my mom's favorite flower, this one on my wrist is a reference to my dad's favorite movie. A few of them have meaning but a lot of them are just shi-ssstuff I thought was cool.” Learning not to cuss around Claudia had been a bit difficult, but after she whacked the back of your head for the fourth time, you started watching your tongue better.
She hummed and stared at your tattoos for a moment before she frowned and looked at the drink you’d given her. You tilted your head and watched the contemplative look on her face for a moment before speaking. “Something on your mind?” You asked curiously, leaning forward from your laid back position.
"Why not women your own age?" You puffed your cheeks out in thought and shrugged. "No real reason... they know what they want, I guess. Most older women... kinda just go for it, sometimes I have to play the strings a bit but its fun. Plus..." your eyes trailed over her slowly, stopping on her breasts and then sliding to her crossed legs. "They're more mature. Physically and emotionally, if it's just a one off they get that, they can keep the two things separate."
"You don't want to settle down, then?" You shrugged a little. "Maybe eventually, but I'm still young, no point in doing that now, right?" She hummed quietly in thought and nodded along to what you were saying.
The sixth time she came over was when it all fell into place, though. She'd come later in the day, Louis was off with his current girlfriend and had convinced you to have a quiet night in since you'd gone out every night of the week. He'd had a point anyway.
It was about 9:30 when you heard a knock, not too light but light enough you wouldn't expect Claudia to be on the other side of it. Or to be out at all after 8. "Claudia." You laughed, a little surprised as she gently nudged her way into the apartment, coming to a stop next to the island. "Louis is-" "Out with Alice, yes I know." She turned to you, clutching her purse.
She looked nice, the undershirt she covered with that pink cardigan was a little tighter than usual, cut lower so you could see her cleavage and your mouth was trying to determine if it should be dry or drooling as you cleared your throat. her pants were the same, soft and loose with an off-white color to them, and her slippers she usually wore at home were replaced with a slightly heeled shoe you'd never seen her wear before. "... what's been going on with you lately?" You asked after a moment, causing her to widen her eyes and straighten up. "¿A qué te refieres?" What do you mean?
You raised a brow and slowly moved closer to her. You hoped you were reading the last few visits right, hoped you weren't reading too much into the questions about the women that spent the night in your apartment or the lingering stares you'd begun to notice. "You haven't really been yourself- no snappy remarks about my state of undress, or a mess in the living room, you were particularly harsh about my rameras grabbing their things when you sat on that bra after dinner with Louis last week." Whores You tilted your head a bit. “He told you I said that?” “He did.”
Claudia opened and closed her mouth, a bit like a fish before you continued. "And then there's your clothes.." "my clothing?" You nodded and let your eyes fall to her cleavage, your tongue running along your bottom lip slowly before you looked back up at her eyes. "Unless... I'm reading this wrong and you're trying out something new." You tilted your head a bit and she opened her mouth, closed it, and then finally spoke.
"A friend in my club de lectura... was talking." Book club She cleared her throat. "And she mentioned trying something... new... with a younger woman." You raised a brow and crossed your arms slowly. "Mhm..." Claudia furrowed her brows a bit as she thought.
What was she doing here? She was actually going to ask you... no. No, she wasn't going to ask that. She wanted to put truth to what she'd heard. That's all. Then why did she wear this ridiculous shirt? She was a grown woman, in her golden years, she had no business showing off her breasts, especially not to someone young enough to be her daughter.
"She mentioned your name. I wanted to know if it was another Bee or if it was you." You blinked a couple times and then cleared your throat. "... okay." She nodded and then pulled a folded picture from her purse and handed it to you. You took the picture curiously and looked down at it, immediately recognizing her. "Oh, yeah. Anastasia. She was here... gosh about a month ago. It was one of those days you came later in the day, i think you'd managed to just barely miss her, actually."
Claudia's eyes widen and she snatched the photo from your hands. "That is all. Goodnight." She went to move past you but you quickly stepped in front of her with a soft laugh. "Woah. What's the rush? You came all the way here for a yes or no question?" You raised a brow as she huffed. "I wanted to confirm the things she said. I have. Now I'm leaving."
"Well... technically all you did was confirm that she was here." You teased lightly, watching her cheeks as they darkened more than they already had, her hand reaching up to move some of her soft white hair out of her face. "When?" She snapped her head towards you with a curious frown. "¿Qué?" You laughed softly. "When was this bookclub meeting?"
She huffed and looked towards the door before responding. "Two weeks ago." A slow smirk spread across your face. "Oh, really? Hm, let's see, that's right around the last time we were alone, no?" You tilted your head and she glared at you before looking to the side to avoid your eyes.
People didn't make her nervous, she made people nervous. She wasn't used to this, being on the receiving end of some form of taunting, being made to feel small. She didn't... hate it.
"Yes. I wanted to see if I could tell that she was here. Are you happy?" Claudia scoffed and held her purse close again as you laughed softly. "Hm..." You smirked a bit and her cheeks turned pink as you moved closer and reached out to gently pull her purse from where it was pressed against her torso, setting it down on the island slowly and turning your eyes back to her. "Why?" You asked softly.
"¿Por qué?" Why? Claudia mumbled to herself with a small frown, like she hadn't expected to be asked that question, like she hadn't thought of why she wanted to know so bad. You nodded and slowly crowded her against the island, leaving her room to push you off and move away if she really wanted to. "Mhm... why did it matter so much?"
Claudia opened her mouth, brows furrowed together. Why did it matter so much? You were grown, you weren't her child, you could seduce whomever you wanted, there was nothing she could do to stop it. Was she jealous? No... no she wasn't jealous. She wasn't interested in women, she wasn't, sure in highschool she... experimented with friends but that's all it had been, simple exploration.... the fact that she thought about it for decades afterwards doesn't mean anything.
It certainly doesn't mean she wants you to do to her what you'd done to Anastasia.
"You know... if you wanted to try... I would be open to it." You were caging her in a bit, hands pressed on the island on either side of her hips, looking into her eyes with a soft smile. Claudia's eyes widened. "¿P-perdón?" E-excuse me? She stuttered, shaking her head a little.
"Well I can keep a secret. You won't have to worry about Louis finding out... you get to relax, let go of some of that tension..." one of your hands moved from the counter and landed gently on her waist, high enough that it could still be considered friendly, bordering just on the lines of something else. "And experience something new- just for you."
Please say yes repeated over in your head like a mantra. Been dreaming about it. Please
At first it looked like she was going to say no, deny you and run out to call Louis and tell him to move back in with her. But then she was looking down at the hand on her waist, her eyes trailing the length of your arm, across your clavicle, and then down to your waist. You wondered how detailed Ana had gotten, if she'd told Claudia and the gaggle of horny milfs about the toy.
".... Dios mio." You heard Claudia whisper before her lips were shoved against yours. You hummed and brought your other hand to her cheek as your hand squeezed her hip and pressed her into the counter, stepping closer to press against her as she let out a soft moan.
You hummed softly and gently nudged her legs apart with your knee as your hand slid from her waist and dipped into her pants, your hand cupping over her through her underwear. Claudia groaned and dropped her head back for a second before coming back in to kiss you, pushing down into your hand as your tongues tangled.
You smiled a bit against her mouth and ran your fingers over her clit through her underwear slowly as she moaned. Her hips pressed into your hand a little, her hands reaching out to grip onto the black tshirt you were wearing.
You pulled away to presses kisses to her neck, sighing happily as you nuzzled her a bit. "Wanted to do this so bad." You whispered against her ear as she shuddered. "¿En serio? ¿Cuánto tiempo?" You have? How long?
You grinned and nodded. "Mmm since you yelled at me for not wearing any pants." You laughed softly. "Think you're hot when you get angry like that." You purred softly and nipped at her earlobe as she gasped. "And when you hit me for cussing?" You huffed and bit her shoulder this time. "Makes me wanna fuck the meanness right out of you." As you said that you slid your hand up and then pushed it past the waistband of her panties.
Claudia gasped a little louder and moaned as she dropped her back for a second, shuddering a little as you started rubbing her clit again, this time without her satiny underwear in the way. A grin spread across your face as you watched her, biting your lip lightly. “Knew you’d be pretty, too.” You whispered softly.
Her face was red, spreading to her ears and then down her neck and chest. Your eyes fell to her cleavage and you groaned quietly before pressing kisses down her neck, to her clavicle, and then finally nuzzling into her breasts a little, pressing kisses to the exposed flesh.
Claudia was looking down at the top of your head, blinking blearily as she rocked down against your hand, holding onto your arm tightly. “Necesito más. Por favor, por favor necesito más.” I need more. Please, please I need more. She begged.
You cooed softly but gave her what she wanted, sliding two fingers into her with just a little resistance as she gasped and moaned. “Sí.” She opened her eyes to look at you and was met with you staring wide eyed at her breasts, watching her chest rise and lower before you leaned down to press a kiss to the mole on top of her breasts.
You peered up at her, grinning a little as you started fucking your fingers into her. She whined and pushed down on your fingers, shuddering happily. “So good. You’re so good.” She held onto your shirt as she rocked down on your fingers.
You hummed happily and leaned close to her neck, pressing soft kisses to the skin before sliding your tongue from where her neck and shoulder met, up to the little spot behind her ear before pressing against it, making her yelp and moan louder. The yelp was a surprise, but you recovered quick enough and laughed lowly as you tugged on her earlobe before starting to fuck her deeper with your fingers. Her legs shook a little, her grip on you tightening as she moaned and rocked down on your fingers.
“Poor mama.” You purred softly. “Pussies been neglected so long, huh?” You ground the heel of your palm into her clit as you massaged that familiar spot you’d been searching for. “Jus’ been waitin’ for someone to treat her right.” Claudia shuddered and gasped, grinding down on your fingers as she nodded rapidly, she didn't have the mind to scold you for being so explicit about it.
Unfortunately, because God hates you and wants you to suffer, you started to heard keys in the lock, Louis' keys obviously, and managed to pull away just before he and Alice stumbled into the apartment, giggles falling from her lips.
Alice. You didn't like Alice, something felt fake there, something in the way she smiled and spoke, the way she always wanted to be close to you, lingering around the apartment, sometimes half-dressed as she sat next to you. But Louis liked her, and since she hadn't actually done anything yet, it was possible you were just imagining things.
"¿Mamá? ¿Qué haces aquí?" Mom? What are you doing here? Louis came to a stop with a small frown, looking between you and his mother as you stepped away from her and towards the fridge. "Left my lighter last time we were at dinner. She was kind enough to bring it back." You licked your fingers clean as you opened the fridge, trying to seem calm as Claudia nodded rapidly and made her way to do the door.
"Yes. I know she needs it for her.. candles and.. such. So." Claudia cleared her throat loudly and straightened herself up a bit before smiling a soft smile at Louis, a slightly bitter one for Alice, and an unreadable one at you before she was hurrying out the door with a rush Adiós.
Louis and Alice looked at you as the door closed. "Was she alright? She wasn't yelling at you for something was she?" You rolled your head and shook your head, sitting your drink down. "No, Louis. You know I love your mom. Even if she did yell at me- I'd do anything for the woman." Louis furrowed his brows suspiciously before nodding. "Alright well... we'll see you in the morning."
You nodded and saluted to him as he tugged Alice to his room, making a face when you noticed the way Alice's eyes had scanned over you. You shuddered a little before sighing and going to your own room. Horny and lonely. Lonely.
The next day you decided to go to her house. Alice and Louis would be in the apartment all day, so at 12:30 you packed your little backpack and went to Claudia's house. You hesitated at first, knuckles hovering before you knocked on the door, chewing on your bottom lip.
By 1:15 you were in her bed, buried between her legs with your tongue as deep inside of her as you could get it, Spanish explitives flying from her mouth as she rocked down on your tongue, fingers gripped tightly in your hair. You moaned and whimpered happily, reaching between your legs to give yourself some relief, looking up at her the best you could as you licked and sucked on her clit eagerly, slurping a little as her wetness started to pool.
You'd been on her the second you found out she wasn't expecting any company, your tongue down her throat and your hand in her pants, fucking into that spongey spot you'd felt the night before. You'd just barely made it to her bedroom before you were shoving her pants down and pushing her onto the bed, diving deep between her legs as she let out a loud moan.
By 1:30 you were climbing off the bed, grabbing your backpack and pulling out the red, velvet harness and strapping it on once you had the dildo put in place. It was a healthy 7 inches, thick and curved a bit towards the tip with fake veins added for friction. The color was a fleshy color, matching your own perfectly.
Claudia looked at you in awe, lifting up on her elbows a bit. Her cheeks and neck were red, travelling down her chest, skin shiny with sweat as she panted softly. "Oh mi … te ves hermosa, Bee." Oh my... you look beautiful, Bee. She said breathlessly, making you smile a little as you laughed, tightening the harness around your waist. "Thank you." You leaned down and kissed her softly, cupping her cheek gently.
With your other hand you reached down to guide the fake cock into her, pressing your forehead against hers as she let out a long, low gasp, her eyes fluttering shut. That was your favorite part, watching the pleasure fill their body and make them go slack under you almost immediately. All for you. Because of you.
You let go of the dildo and set your thumb on her clit, rubbing in soft concentric circles, waiting for Claudia's rapid head nod before you started fucking into her, grinding your hips at a torturously slow pace as she moaned deeply. You leaned back, watching her closely as you fucked into her.
Her skin was tan, glistening in the light from her lamp as a thin sheet of sweat covered it, darkening as the blush deepened and spread further down her chest. “Look so pretty like this, Claudia.” You mumbled softly, running your hands over her curves before sliding up and squeezing her breasts gently. “Been dreaming about getting you like this.” You shook your head. “Knew you’d be so pretty under me.”
Claudia moaned as she looked up at you, big brown eyes wide and wet as her fingers tangled in her sheets tightly. “Harder. Por favor. Harder.” She whimpered, rocking her hips to meet yours.
You cooed. “Shh, I got you.” You gently pushed her hips down and started fucking into her harder, keeping the same pace because anyone with brain cells knows harder doesn’t mean faster. She moaned louder, her eyelids fluttering as her back arched off the bed and she pulled on the bedsheet, gasping softly.
You reached down and started rubbing her clit, moaning softly when the dildo started to get creamy, grinning widely. “Look at that…” you pulled out some and reached down to collect it on your finger before holding it out to her. “Taste.” You thought she was going to say no, peering at your finger like you were crazy before she leaned down and sucked your finger clean, keeping her eyes glued to yours.
You grinned and grabbed her jaw gently before diving in to kiss her, moaning happily as her taste spread through both of your mouths. “Fuck..” you mumbled softly before reaching down to rub circles on her clit again, pushing into the kiss.
It wasn’t long before Claudia’s eyes were squeezing shut tightly, a loud moan spilling from her mouth as she came, legs trembling as she wrapped them around you to keep you close. You kept up what you were doing, rubbing her clit while you ground your hips much slower and softer than you had before as you worked her through it.
When her trembles were reduced to the occasional twitch, you slid out and pressed kisses to her cheek and neck as you laid next to her and loosened the harness to pull it off.
“Dios mio.” She whispered softly, staring at the ceiling as you laughed softly. “Stay there.” You kissed her cheek again before climbing out of bed. You got her a glass of water and a clean warm towel, you handed her the water as you sat between her legs to clean her up. “You made a mess.”
She huffed and nudged you with her foot. “Don’t be vile.” You rolled your eyes as you laughed. “It’s true.” “You talk like you were raised in a barn.” She furrowed her brows. “I keep forgetting you’re a classy lady.” You teased with a soft pout, tossing the rag to the floor.
Then you felt a smack to the side of your head. “Ow-!” “Pick that up. There’s a laundry hamper in the bathroom.” You grumbled and got up, picking up the rag and taking it to the bathroom, dropping it in the hamper before coming back to her room and laying in bed next to her.
“Could do this all day. Should do this all day.” You hummed softly and closed your eyes. “Alice is at the apartment- and I don’t like being around her.” You sighed heavily. “Why?” You felt the bed sink as Claudia laid back next to you.
You looked over at her with a hum, smiling softly when you looked in her eyes, sighing. “She’s weird. Think she’s trying to come onto me or something.” You shrugged a little. “Jokes on her though.” You hummed. “Already got the one I want.” You winked as her cheeks brightened and she shook her head.
“Louis should break up with her.” “Yeah I’ve tried several times already. She’s got him pussy whipped or- if you don’t stop hitting me.” You rubbed your chest and glared at her. “Stop cursing in my house and I’ll stop hitting you.”
You huffed and shook your head before looking up at the ceiling again, smiling softly and laughing as you closed your eyes. “I got more stuff to show you.” “.. I don’t have anything coming up today.” You grinned and bit your lip lightly. “Well we can make it an all day thing… at least until Louis starts getting nosey.” You shrugged. “He’ll call when Alice leaves. He hates being alone, Y’know. That’s why he’s got all the girlfriends.”
Claudia huffed. “My son is not lonely. Flores’ do not get lonely.” You rolled your eyes. “If they didn’t get lonely… you wouldn’t be laid up with a girl young enough to be your daughter.” You smirked and moved on top of her, tilting your head before slowly kissing down her body. “Now- we’re gonna stop talking about Louis so that I can give you the attention you deserve.”
She swallowed thickly and let her head fall back as she watched you disappear under the blanket, eyelids fluttering as her fingers tangled in the sheets again.
“Dios Mio~.”
Shut up shut up shut up
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