#claude x m!byleth
korispades · 1 year
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happy (belated) birthday to my lovely golden boy, claude! 💛
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fe-fictions · 1 year
Any Claude angst.
(Claude getting kidnapped and rescued by his wife??? Speaking of reverse kidnaps... ;0 )
There’s always a bigger fish.
You and Claude lived by those words, without any question. However, when things were finally calming down and peace rose in the nations, you started to think that maybe, just this once...you hadn’t any danger to worry over.
Then you woke one morning to blurred vision, hot wetness dripping down the side of your face, and your limbs bound while submerged voices panicked around you.
You had been in a fight the night before, trying to protect your husband, before you were incapacitated and left to die. Hilda discovered you when the two of you didn’t show for morning training. The Queen of Almyra was assaulted; the King was taken.
It would be a painful few days before you could strategize without getting a headache. But it was imperative that the Golden Deer reassemble and hunt down your husband’s captors. 
Who would have it out for him, besides the obvious? After all, countless threats had been extinguished following the end of the five year war.
At this point, you weren’t worried so much about “who” as you were “where”. If your husband was in danger and you couldn’t find him...that needed to change as soon as possible. 
Hilda searched like a madman; she knew how frightened you were, and it made perfect sense given that she was also best friends with the man. She knew how it felt to have a part of you ripped away all of a sudden. 
She was with Raphael and Ignatz, who put their tracking skills to use as best they could. You remained on the ground, where Marianne was basically by your side constantly. Seteth and Flayn had traveled from the monastery all the way to Almyra, where they needed to make sure you were safe and recovering.
Seteth’s concern wasn’t that troublesome man, he snapped at you, applying the herbal salve to the deep gash on your head, it was your health.
But he would be lying if he didn’t understand your fear. Claude wasn’t his favorite individual, but he knew how deeply you cared for the man- he would do whatever he could to help you bring him home.
Flayn made sure to keep your health on the road to recovery with Marianne walking in lockstep beside her.
You didn’t enjoy all the extra attention; it was too much trouble. You weren’t the one who needed help- Khalid did.
Sleep was rare on the days where no information was found. There were minimal clues, little to nothing for you to go by, and as far as you were aware...he was just gone.
You didn’t know what to do, and you could only think about what was happening to him. Or rather, what you thought was happening. Hilda told you not to think on such things; otherwise you’d look like Marianne when she was still a student.
You wanted to at least humor her advice, but how could you? Where were you supposed to find any semblance of mirth when Claude wasn’t safe in your arms?
Your fists would clench at every meeting where the same thing was repeated b y the reconnaissance team.
Nothing was found, nothing to report.
For two weeks straight, that was the answer you always received.
You weren’t sure you could handle a third. 
It was midnight on the turn of the week that saw Hilda bursting into the bedroom with that fanatical sparkle in her eyes.
They had a hint. A solid, confirmable lead.
They had found Claude’s signet ring.
Fallen from a great height, likely being carried on the back of a wyvern. It was Khalid’s beast that had found it in the first place, several hundred miles from the castle and hidden by forest brush. But it was something.
Seteth took you into the air, following Hilda’s directions to regroup with the Deer that had found the ring.
You recognized the bright white beast from quite a distance, spotting him charging along the ground, following a faint trail that he wouldn’t be able to follow from the air.
It was like watching a giant, scaly bear trample an entire forest. It was difficult for the people on the ground to follow, Seteth’s dragon only barely keeping up. The poor thing was just as frantic as you were on the inside.
You rushed after him and refused to stop for miles. The sky would jut begin breaking into sunrise when the wyvern suddenly stopped, growling and whining and chuffing at a very specific point in the ground.
The ground.
“They’re keeping him somewhere below. There’s a hideout, here. We need to find the entrance.” You realized, and found your army quickly spreading out to find the secret door.
“Not to worry, Professor; It can’t be far from here; any Almyran hideaways like this are always quite small. Whoever’s using it is either a bandit or someone who wasn't planning on keeping him here for long. We’re very close to the border of the neighboring country...and they weren’t thrilled with Claude becoming king.”
How many prayers were whispered night after night, begging for begging that Khalid be brought back safe and unharmed/ And now your wishes were becoming reality.
All you had to do was find a way in.
It was Lorenz who spotted the entrance, ushering everyone over to try and formulate some sort of strategy. You didn’t want to just charge in and give Claude more cuts and bruises than he already had.
Unfortunately, your desires were overrun by a very angry wyvern crashing through the door and spitting hellfire through every corridor that it would reach.
Panicked screams filled the air and you launched into action. There would be little time to strategize, after all.
“Marianne! Take Seteth and head down the far east corridor- I want Hilda and Lorenz to the west, and Raphael, you’re with me and Flayn!! Everyone else, take the final hall to the south and do not come back unless you have taken every enemy down or found Claude!!”
And so the investigation began. You were sprinting, refusing to slow down for half a second. If you did, Khalid could be dead.
Raphael muscled his way through the doors, cutting through the wooden old things like it was paper.
You would have been proud of him had you not been so full of worry.
“Pleas, let him be here.” You mumbled to yourself, swerving around the corner and sending Raphael through the door. There was another door smashed, then another, and another. Then, suddenly, you reached the fifth entrance.
There was a shift inside, and then a heavy, wet cough muffled by the door. Raphael wasted no time bringing it down, and thank the Goddess for it.
There, crumpled and pathetically propped up against the wall, was your husband.
“Kh- Claude!!” You nearly forgot yourself as you rushed to him. The chains rattled as he drew further into himself. He was trying to protect himself.
“Oh Sothis- what happened to him?” Marianne gasped, stumbling over herself when she came into the room. The sight of him made the Deer recoil in shock.
Was this truly their fearless leader?
You were far more concerned with getting his eyes open. Your fingers closed, shaking, around those nasty chains. They were broken away from his limbs, at the very least freeing his movement. Then you touched his face, trying to draw his eyes back to you.
“Claude, it’s me. It’s Byleth.” He seemed to shift some at your voice, but you weren’t convinced he could hear you. 
Dried blood was caked on his skin, little remaining of his clothing that wasn’t ripped or torn. There were so many injuries, so much that had been beaten out of him.
“Claude...Claude.” You echoed his name over and over, holding his face in your hands. His eyes were foggy, darkness looming and consciousness fading. Had you been too late?
You bit your lip, fighting back the sob welling in your chest. You pressed closer to him, ignorant of the Deer that were quickly filling the nightmarish space.
It was just the two of you.
Claude’s eyes flickered, if only for a moment. You inched closer and searched for the recognition in his expression. His brow tensed, as though trying desperately to focus on what was in front of him. To figure out if this was real or not.
If he really heard his wife calling his name.
You all but broke down sobbing, right there.
“It’s me. I’m here.” You whispered, “We found you.”
His smile was small and weak, but it was very much so there. You were sure he was laughing, had it not been overwhelmed by a wet cough.
“Oh, baby.” You whispered, “Let’s get you home.”
You held him to your chest as the healers worked their literal magic. He was slumped against you, his back to you while they worked on the most egregious wounds.
The suspicions of terrorism had been correct; countrymen that shared a border with Almyra wanted Claude gone. But not before they got some valuable information from him.
It made your nerves crawl and your arms tighten around him.
Claude was supposed to die.
He was limp against you while they worked, but he was breathing; you wondered if it was because he was too weak to properly move, or because he was truly relieved that he was in your hands, rather than those of a very violent enemy.
A few hours passed before Claude was cleared for movement outside of the room. You helped carry him from the room, Raphael and Seteth by your side and getting him to the caravan that had only just arrived.
It would be a longer journey home, but what mattered was you were bringing a living Claude with you; not a lifeless body.
He didn’t speak after being taken from the hideout, having fallen asleep in your arms. When he woke, though, he was safe and warm, lying in his bed back at home.
Like everything he had suffered through was only a dream.
But when you saw him wake, and he felt you crying silently against him, he knew it was real. Horribly, terribly real.
“S’okay, dearheart.” He rasped to you, his voice hoarse and devoid of any real tonality. He was definitely not back to 100%, but at the very least, he was no longer on the verge of death.
“Khalid...you almost...I-I...nobody knew if you were going to wake back up.” You whispered shakily, squeezing his hand and holding it to your chest. “I thought we were too late.”
“Looks like you got to me just in time.” He replied with a patient smile, though opted not to move his head or body more than he had to. That pain wasn’t going to fade for a long while. “Y-you really...saved me.”
“You stayed with me long enough to get to you.” You stroked his hair tenderly, “I’m just glad that you’re home.”
“Me, too.” There was something akin to a laugh that escaped him, especially when your lips touched his forehead. “Hey, now...y-you missed.”
“Khalid, you’re still weak.”
“You think a kiss is gonna kill me?”
“I’m trying to be gentle with you, you old goat.” You chided him without a lick of anger in your tone. He rolled his eyes and tilted his chin up, prompting a proper kiss.
“Come on. I’m suffering; a-aren’t you gonna ease the pain a little bit?”
“I’ve half a mind to make it worse.” You muttered, but you complied all the same. Your hands rested against his chest with a very gentle touch,
Rather than smacking him upside the head as you were tempted to...you kissed him. It was gentle, and slow, and filled you with warmth you had longed for. Claude tilted his head, turning to deepen the kiss almost enough to get himself into trouble.
You held him to you for as long as possible, breaking away with a soft pop that made Claude blush beneath all those cuts and bruises.
“There’s my girl.” 
“You need to rest.” You whispered, playing with his hair and relishing that dreamy expression on his face. “The sooner you’re back on your feet, the better.”
“Couldn’t agree more.” He murmured, leaning into your touch. “I owe you big time, dearheart.”
“Please. Having you home is more than enough.”
Claude would dismiss your insistence that he needn’t repay you, but the love he felt for you could very rarely be contained. After all, you meant the world to him, and he wasn’t going to stand by and let you give him one nice kiss and then let things go back to normal.
No, the second he could shower you in every gift and form of affection as physically possible, he absolutely would.
You saved his life. 
Just when he thought he couldn’t love you anymore than he already did...you proved that there was so much more inside him, a thousand fold.
He would spend every second of the rest of his life showing you just how much you meant to him.
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feshippingpolls · 2 months
claudeleth specifically with m!byleth
FE: Should they kiss?
Claude x Byleth
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calamari-inari · 4 months
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Playing this game (without the likes) 🫶
1. enemies to lovers, best friends to lovers, lord and their knight ❤️
2. Not sure if these are tropes, but yandere lover (just not a very big fan of yandere), obsessive love (treating their partner as a possession), misogynistic attitudes or abusive power in a relationship (basically a partner defining what their partner, whether it be a woman or man, should do or behave, and the victimized partner finds it hot???)
3. Gradual mutual understanding for one another! I also learn more about the characters' personalities this way!
4. One or both partners experience withdrawal when they're being separated from each other lol. True feelings often emerge from such situations and it's adorable...
5. Multiship! So far, the only ships I really think about now are from FE3H and a few from Engage and TGAA. Here's a list of several multiships I enjoy!
FE3H (Apparently Dimitri is very shippable to me LOL)
Hubert x Ferdinand
Hubert x Edelgard
Sylvain x Felix
Sylvain x Ferdinand
Dimitri x Ferdinand
Dimitri x Felix
Dimitri x Dedue
Dimitri x Claude
Byleth x any lord
Alear x Alfred
Alear x Diamant
Diamant x Ivy
Kazuma x Ryuunosuke
Barok x Kazuma
Barok x Herlock
6. I like both rarepairs and mainstream! Most of the rarepairs I like don't have any canon interaction, so I like to explore the "what could've been" situations.
7. Monogamy. Not much to explain here. It's just my preference lol
8. Using my favorite pair ferdibert, they are reversible, but I have a really strong preference for dom Hubert and sub Ferdinand. However!! I'm not a big fan of where Ferdinand is written or drawn very femininely. This applies to any MxM pair. I'm not against the concept of femininity in males, but when used in a stereotypical fashion, it rubs me the wrong way. Just a subtle depiction of their relationship dynamic is perfect to me! I'm alright with seeing SFW artwork of the reverse and reading said fics, but NSFW is where I draw the line
9. Thinking about the games I've played, I can think of at least one pair I like to see romantically, so yes 😂
10. Not at all important! After all, my favorite is romantic fluff 🥺 Depending on the intensity of my liking for a ship, the NSFW aspect becomes more bareable since I'm still personally embarrassed consuming such content lol. I am vanilla. Ferdibert is highkey the only one I consume NSFW for
11. A lot of my MxF and FxF pairs are platonic to me! This is likely due to my aegosexuality, which is the closest explanation I can identify with. Not everything needs to be romantic. I find close friendships very heartwarming too 🥺
12. My top favorites right now are ferdibert 🖤🧡, sylvix ❤️💙, and diminand 💙🧡!
13. My favorite pairs from fandoms that I'm not really engaging in now are:
Madeleine Cookie x Espresso Cookie (Cookie Run Kingdom)
Victor x Yuuri (Yuri on Ice)
Link x Zelda (Skyward Sword version)
Reyn x Shulk (Xenoblade Chronicles 1)
Chrom x M!Robin (Fire Emblem Awakening)
14. Domestic fluff is really cute, but the official legal bonding of two partners isn't on my "must have" list for any romantic pairing. I really love seeing creations of my favorite pairs marrying though! Gives me the tingles every time and I just feel so happy 😍
15. As someone that made OC fan kids in the past, yes that is totally fine and I love seeing other people's interpretations for the same pair (if they don't have canon children). I've even made some for ferdibert before but I never fully flushed them out lol
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outerspacebun · 7 months
DSJFLKSDF okay since one person liked my post, which is enough for me, I am going to write a long list of who I ship/who I pair with in Awakening, Fates, and Three Houses/Hopes. It's going to be long, will include rarepairs, and oc x canon because I can't help myself.
For Awakening:
Basilio/Flavia (we were robbed of an A Support from them)
Morgan/Nah (doesn't matter the gender for Morgan)
For Fates:
For Three Houses/Hopes:
Byleth/Dedue (I like either with them. Dedue is so precious)
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nabateaprodigy · 1 year
Finally got around to making this! Here's a collection of my writing.
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Where are you y/n? (Rhea x GN!Reader)
By Your Side (M!Alear x Vander)
Heartache (M!Byleth x Seteth)
Fódlan Sibling Headcannons (Dimitri, Felix, Constance, Linhardt, Caspar, and Yuri)
A King and his Summoner (Dimitri x GN!Reader)
A Picnic and Flowers (Clanne x Citrinne)
Starlight Sky (Rhea x F!Byleth)
Byleth and Shez Comfort Headcannons (M!Shez and M!Byleth x GN!Reader)
Domestic Life Headcanons (M!Shez and Claude x GN!Reader)
Cuddle Time! (Arval, M!Shez, and M!Byleth x Fem!Reader)
The Prince and His Maiden of Death (Dimitri x Fem!Reader)
Alcryst, M!Alear, and Gregory Headcannons. (Alcyst, M!Alear, and Gregory x Fem!Reader)
I'm Not Jealous! (Hortensia x Clanne)
Hey! That Dance Is With Me! (Ferdinand, Caspar, and Dorothea x GN!Reader)
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A Friendship of Fire and Ice (Natsu x Male!Reader)
Papa Where do Babies Come From? (Juvia x Male!Reader)
My Lovely Rain Woman (Juvia x Male!Reader)
Can't Look Back (Juvia x Gray)
Angelic Care (Angel x Male!Reader)
Hidden Power (Mirajane x GN!Reader)
Love At First Drink? (Gray x Male!Reader)
Uninvited Guests (Gray x Fem!Reader)
Rude Awakening (Wendy x Male!Reader)
Musical Mishap (Team Natsu x Fem!Reader)
Talk To Me (Juvia x Male!Reader)
I Can't Lose you to (Gray x Fem!Reader)
Snakes Curse (Wendy x Male!Reader)
First Word (Juvia x Male!Reader)
Rain, Rain Go Away and Come Back Another Day (Gray x Male!Reader)
Overflow (Gray and Lucy x Male!Reader)
Dear Little Brother (Greige x Fem!Reader)
Moving On (Gray and Juvia x Male!Reader)
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Vs Y/N! (Omori, Kel, Hero, and Aubrey x GN!Reader)
Ice Skating Mania (Omori, Hero, Kel, Aubrey, and Basil x Male!Reader)
Goodbye...Omori (Omori x GN!Reader)
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Hopeful Maid (Nagito x Mahiru)
Rantaro and Kokichi Headcannons (Kokichi and Rantaro x GN!Reader)
Lady of Despair (Junko x Fem!Reader)
Music and Stars (Shuichi, Kokichi, K1-B0, and Rantaro x GN!Reader)
Kokichi and Nagito With a Sensitive S/O (Kokichi and Nagito x GN!Reader)
Please Don't Turn Me Into a Marketable Plushy! (Mukuro, Junko, Komaru, and Sonia x GN!Reader)
Pain In His Eyes (Fuyuhiko, Nagito, Kazuichi, and Leon x GN!Reader)
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Attention (Kokichi x GN!Reader)
Playful Tendencies (Kokichi x GN!Reader)
A Mountain of Plushies (Nagito, Fuyuhiko, Kazuichi, and Hajime x Male!Reader)
Hopefully Compassion (Nagito x Fem!Reader)
Cheerleader Star (Leon x Gn!Reader)
Deserved to be Loved (Mahiru x Male!Reader)
DR1 and DR2 Cuddling Headcannons (Makoto, Chihiro, Hajime, and Nagito x AFAB!Reader)
Love of History (Kyoko, Mukuro, Ibuki and Kirumi x GN!Reader)
Life or Death (Kyoko and Mukuro x Male!Reader.)
Fire Emblem games i write for and character x character pairings
If i write for platonic x reader.
If I write for Naruto
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pupmusebox · 24 days
[ Final Fantasy ]
Zack Fair Sephiroth Cloud Strife Genesis Rhapsodos Kuja Vincent Valentine Noctis Lucis Caelum Prickly(Cactaur/OC) Skylar(OC) Nicholas(OC) Tobias(OC) Rafael(OC) Prompto Argentum Ignis Scientia Gladiolus Amicitia Cecil Harvey Luneth Arc Ingus Kefka Palazzo Zidane Tribal Vivi Locke Cole Edgar Roni Figaro Sabin Rene Figaro Cyan Garamonde Gau Shadow/Clyde Setzer Gabbian Squall Leonheart Zell Dincht Irvine Kinneas Vaan Rufus Shinra Tseng Reno Rude
[ Pokemon ]
Togekiss/Hibiki(OC) Gallade/Shinobu(OC) Mimikyu/Tabb(OC) Mewtwo/Vero(OC) Lugia/Calin(OC) Ho-Oh/Kasai(OC) Arceus/Kadavul(OC) Lunala/Artemis(OC) Solgaleo/Apollo(OC) Necrozma/Lux(OC) Dialga/Ruka(OC) Palkia/Rozovo(OC) Giratina/Izael(OC) Latios/Taylor(OC) Latias/Quinn(OC) Rayquaza/Daven(OC) Groudon/Reese(OC) Kyogre/Kaiden(OC) Jirachi/Nova(OC) Deoxys/Alec(OC) Shaymin/Sage(OC) Victini/Flynn(OC) Genesect/Briar(OC) Volcanion/Rex(OC) Magearna/Cleo(OC) Diancie/Blair(OC) Melottea/Wren(OC) Wes Ethan Silver Red Green Adaman Rika Piers Allister Gladion Drayton Crispin Giovanni Archer Petrel N Harmonia Maxie Archie Volo Cyrus Brendan Wally Steven Stone Wallace Lucas Barry Saturn Lucian Flint Buck Riley Hilbert Cheren Nate Hugh Calem Lysandre Elio Guzma Chase Rei Kieran Arven Atticus Giacomo Ortega Grusha Larry Hassel Jacq Salvatore Saguaro Prof. Turo
[ Persona ]
Naoya Toudou Tatsuya Suou Makoto Yuki(P3 MC/Protag) Ryoji Mochizuki Jin Shirato Takaya Sakaki Shinjiro Aragaki Akihiko Sanada Yu Narukami(P4 MC/Protag) Yosuke Hanamura Naoto Shirogane Kanji Tatsumi Tohru Adachi Teddie Akira Kurusu/Joker(P5 MC/Protag) Yusuke Kitagawa/Fox Goro Akechi/Crow Futaba Sakura/Oracle Ryuji Sakamoto/Skull
[ Golden Sun series ]
Issac Garet Ivan Alex Saturos Felix Piers Agato
[ Legend of Zelda ]
Link Zelda Sheik Ganondorf Midna Zant Kafei Vaati Shad Auru Sidon [ Sonic series ] Sonic Tails Knuckles Dr. Eggman Rouge Shadow E-123 Omega Silver Victor Espio Charmy Emerl Chaos Metal Sonic E-102 Gamma Black Doom
[ Animal Crossing ] Tommy Timmy Isabelle Tom Nook [ Vocaloid ] KAITO MEIKO Len Kagamine Gakupo [ Megaman Series ] Megaman.EXE Lan Hikari Eugene Chaud Protoman.EXE Baryl Colonel.EXE Iris Zero(Rockman Zero) X Zero Spider Bass.EXE
[ Fire Emblem ]
Marth Ike Soren Sothe Ranulf Tibarn Naesala Reyson Volug Zelgius Robin(M) Chrom Morgan(M) Gerome Inigo Corrin(M) Byleth(M) Claude von Riegan Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd Hubert von Vestra Seteth Rhea Shez(M) Arval
[ Splatoon ]
Kit/Captain 3 Drey/Agent 4 Zeke/Agent 8 Kyte/Neo Agent 3 Agent 1/Callie Agent 2/Marie DJ Octavio Pearl Marina Shiver Frye Big Man
[ Stardew Valley ]
Sebastian Sam Shane Elliot Alex Harvey
[ RWBY ]
Adam Taurus Qrow Branwen Salem Cinder Fall Winter Schnee James Ironwood Penny Polendina Weiss Schnee Whitley Schnee Blake Belladonna Yang Xiao Long Ruby Rose Lie Ren Ozpin Jaune Arc Sun Wukong Mercury Black Neptune Vasilias Fox Alistair
[ Fate ]
Ritsuka Fujimaru Ozymandias Gilgamesh Caster Gil Proto Gil Kid Gil Setanta Cu Chuluiann Proto Cu Caster Cu Alter Cu (Culter) Archer Emiya Shadow Emiya Alter Emiya Diarmuid Ua Duibhne Saber Diarmuid Aiden(OC) Aouregan(OC) Arthur Pendragon Immaru(OC) Izar(OC) Lugh(OC) Connla(OC) Achilles Chiron Romani Archaman Bazett Fraga McRemitz Asterios Fuuma Kotaru Merlin [ Fullmetal Alchemist ] Edward Elric Alphonse Elric Roy Mustang Envy Greed Maes Hughes [ Black Butler ] Sebastian Michealis Claude Faustus [ Devil May Cry ] Dante Nero Vergil [ Resident Evil ] Leon S. Kennedy
[ Trigun Stampede ]
Vash Nai/Knives Nicholas D. Wolfwood [ Homegrown Pet ] Hector Eli Pierce(OC) [ Elevator Pitch ] Protag Coworker [ Dead Plate ] Vincent Charbonneau Rody Lamoree [ Diabolik Lovers ] Ayato Sakamaki Laito Sakamaki Kanato Sakamaki Shu Sakamaki Reiji Sakamaki Subaru Sakamaki Yuma Mukami Ruki Mukami Kou Mukami Azusa Mukami Shin Tsukinami Richter Karlheinz Kino
[ Mystic Messenger ] Zen Yoosung 707 Jumin Han V Unknown/Ray [ Piofiore ] Dante Falzone Nicola Francesca Henri Lambert [ Fandomless OCs ] Draco Noire (Vampire) Aristaeus (King Bee Demon) Leo Cooper/Chase
[ Genshin Impact ]
Zhongli Venti Aether/Traveler Kaeya Diluc Albedo Tartaglia/Childe Itto Alhaitham Gorou Tighnari Cyno Xiao Wriothesley Neuvillette Il Dottore Pantalone Il Capitano
[ Honkai Star Rail ] Caelus/Trailblazer Blade Boothill Adventurine Dan Heng Gepard Gallagher Dr. Ratio Jiaoqiu Jing Yaun Luka Loucha Moze Sampo Welt [ Jujutsu Kaisen ] Satoru Gojo Yuji Itadori Sukuna [ Dragonball series ] Goku Gohan Android 17/Lapis Cell [ SpyxFamily ] Twilight/Loid Forger
[ YGO ]
Yugi Moto Yami Yugi/Atem Seto Kaiba Joey Wheeler Dartz Rafael Mahad/Dark Magician Jaden Yuki Syrus Truesdale Chazz Princeton Bastion Misawa Zane Truesdale Atticus Rhodes Aster Phoenix Jesse Anderson Jim Crocodile Cook Yusei Fudo Jack Atlas Crow Hogan Astral Kite Tenjo Trey/Micheal Arclight Quattro/Thomas Arclight Quinton/Christopher Arclight Reginald Kastle/Shark/Nash Rio Kastle/Marin Ray Shadows/Vector
[ Digimon ]
Tai Kamiya Yamato ‘Matt’ Ishida Koushiro ‘Izzy’ Izumi Daisuke Motomiya Ken Ichijoji Takato Matsuda Lee ‘Jen’ Jianliang Takuya Kanbara Koji Minomoto Koichi Kimura
[ Obey Me!/Nightbringer ]
Lucifer Mammon Leviathan Satan Asmodeus Beelzebub Belphegor Yuki(OC MC) Xavier(OC) Diavolo Barbatos Simeon Solomon Luke Raphael Thirteen Mephistopheles Michael Mael(OC) Dante(OC) Caius(OC) Silas(OC) Ignatius(OC) Samuel(OC) Belial(OC) Raguel(OC) Theodan(OC) Neo(OC) Zephyr(OC) Kuro(OC) Asura(OC) Meagera(OC) Astraroth(OC) Gardonus(OC) Lilith(OC) Cerberus
[ Twisted Wonderland ]
Azul Ashengrotto Vil Schoenheit Riddle Rosehearts Malleus Draconia Idia Shroud Leona Kingscholar Jade Leech Floyd Leech Jack Howl Ruggie Bucchi Kalim Al-Asim Jamil Viper Ortho Shroud Ace Trappola Deuce Spade Trey Clover Cater Diamond Epel Flemier Rook Hunt Lilia Vanrouge Silver Sebek Zigvolt Divus Crewel Dire Crowley [ Undertale/Deltarune ] Sans Paparus Mettaton Frisk Kris
[ Nexomon ]
Omnicron Ulrich/Grunda Nadine/Ventra Fenrir/Fona Merida/Arqua Deena/Nara Zetta/Luxa Nexolord/Metta Solus/Omnisun
[ 7th Dragon III: Code VFD ]
Yuma Kisaragi Yamato Mishiru Jet Sakaki Yuujin Nabaru Bastian Renstu Kirino Kirika Mei Nami Aogiri Urie Nio Misha Azerin Katanako Chelsea Citorin
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Claude von Riegan x M! Byleth Eisner
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
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My Fire Emblem: Three Houses Ending Ideas for Byleth
Some may have ships, others not.
Male Byleth
Verdant Wind: Becomes Claude's leading general and advisor. Could also serve as an ambassador to Almyra.
Azure Moon: Same as above, but for Dimitri. I think M!Byleth would go well with Mercedes.
Silver Snow: Becomes Archbishop. Either Mercedes or Flayn is his wife.
Crimson Flower: Can either be a general or an advisor. I'll let you know that I ship Edelgard with Hubert, so a marriage between her and M!Byleth is not on the table for me (and I do really like her character; I just personally can't separate her from Hubert in any way, shape, or form).
Female Byleth
Verdant Wind: May either marry Claude or remain one of his advisors (should Claude make Hilda his queen). Maybe even an ambassador to Almyra. (this one is hard, since Claude x Hilda makes more sense to me, yet I did marry Claude on my first playthrough)
Azure Moon: Becomes Dimitri's Queen.
Silver Snow: Becomes Archbishop. Possibly marries Seteth.
Crimson Flower: I'm still firmly in the Edelgard x Hubert camp, which brings me to my favorite idea: F!Byleth becomes her personal handmaiden/lady-in-waiting who tends to her, styles her hair, designs/makes her clothes, and will eventually become her midwife/nanny.
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mcweskers · 2 years
Welcome to Mcweskers how may I help you today?
Hello I'm your server and today on the menu we offer:
Dead by daylight x reader
Ash Williams
Ghost face
Micheal Myers
Pyramid head
Chainsawman x reader
Resident evil x reader
Ada wong
Albert wesker
Carlos Oliveira
Chris Redfield
Clair Redfield
Ethan Winters
Glenn Arias
Jill valentine
Karl Heisenberg
Lady Dimitrescu
Leon S. Kennedy
Rebecca Chambers
sheva Alomar
Fire emblem
Byleth (M&F)
Corrin (M&F)
Grima (M&F)
Robin (M&F)
Literally any fire emblem character that is an adult
And for the sides we offer:
Yandere, sfw (only), Angst, and fluff
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roeldraws · 9 months
My blog
You can call me Blake or Roel, my pronouns are he/him/they/them. I love playing fire emblem, some of my favorite characters are Morgan, Julius, Byleth, Shez, Líf, Freyja/Eitr, Alcryst, Griss and Dimitri. (Wow this list gets longer and longer lmao)
I like drawing (mostly Fire Emblem) and occasionally draw my OCs. Most of them come from crackships my brother and I have talked about.
I also add animal ears (mostly wolf ears) to most of my art because I think they’re hella cute.
If you have any questions about my art, Ocs or literally anything else don’t be afraid to ask, need to vent, do so here!
I will not tolerate any disrespect, homophobia, transphobia or any negativity on this blog.
A Night of Cuddles and Kisses - Julius x M!Morgan
The Wolf and Rabbit - An animal eared Shezleth au
Say Thank You - a Morgius one shot
I’ve Goat a Crush (in progress I promise I’m working on it!) - Freyja x Claude (a mini series of one-shots)
Lapicryst- W.I.P (several parts have been sketched) (possibly posting 1 part a month)
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omgkalyppso · 2 years
🖊️+ Fae please? 💖
I appreciate you asking about Fae! Thank you.
Started over three times because talking about Fae often leads to oversharing.
They're very personal to me. I love them dearly. I love their relationships and how they love and how they're met with mindfulness and support and friendship and desire. They're not a self-insert but they are wish fulfillment.
I have so many unfinished fics featuring Fae already that I've stopped myself from starting more, but after the year I've had of (not) writing, that may have been a bad decision / stumped me creatively.
Single Parent AU
I let myself write a little vampire!Fae x Lorenz: 3,000 word E rated fic on ao3
But I really didn't lean into starting my Monster AU. Little post. 1,375 word M rated post. I have so much blocked dialogue from last year, have some more (Claude is a fairy, Lorenz is a mage / wizard / hedge witch):
Claude: Hunters? (floating upside down somewhere in Lorenz’s line of vision)
Lorenz: Humans who dislike monsters, fairies included.
Claude: Then I should look different. (poof. He’s normal sized)
Lorenz: Heavens. Could you always do this?
Claude: I don't know … it's been a while since I learned, I think.
Lorenz: That's not what - ugh. Okay fine, you need clothes. Come on.
Claude: If you insist.
Claude: (being stuffed into some robes, maybe a tie or cravat or something) That tickles!
Lorenz: Sit still.
Claude: This is fun. More fun than waiting for you to court me, at any rate.
Lorenz: Court you?
Claude: I mean, the milk and cakes were fine conversation, but the baubles and cherries - that was romantic, wasn't it? I left you those crystals as thanks. (pointing somewhere in the room) There's one. So you liked them?
Lorenz: You're mistaken, or I was.
Claude: Oh. Oh well. (now fully dressed) Eugh, what is this?
Lorenz: The clothing that will make you pass for— No. What? (claude has shrunk himself back to tiny size so the clothes start falling, unfilled, then poofs back to full size, but the clothing is different, ending this transformation by kissing Lorenz)
Claude: Better.
Lorenz: (rubbing his mouth) Too rich. Lose the ruffles. (Claude does)
It'll be silly but if it gets written, hopefully it will be fun.
I've also been rotating a longer Fae-as-a-student AU, and a segment where (have a read more this time)
Byleth takes Lorenz to tea for his birthday, a gift of roses. Fae presents him with a garland of white roses flowers of lesser care, and Lorenz feels obligated to refuse such a romantic gift from a commoner for the sake of imagined eligible ladies scrutinizing his behaviour or the possibility that his father might find out.
I put Fae's dorm beside Lyisthea's (which I guess is also beside Mercedes', but I thought Mercie was in the middle of Lysithea and Leonie but I was wrong), and imagine Lysithea looking tired and approaching Claude, initially saying she needs a favour but when Claude looks All Too Delighted at the prospect of her owing him something she quickly corrects herself to say that she needs him to act as house leader and go check on Fae after hearing them crying.
Fae doesn't tell Claude what about and he doesn't press after asking if it's homesickness; Fae asks to sit next to him for the day.
Lorenz: They're lovely—
Fae: Oh, I—
Lorenz: But it would be inappropriate for me to accept them. Garlands like these are romantic, meant to be given with Hope's of affection. Perhaps it is your Adrestian upbringing that caused you to forget? My father would be very cross if he discovered I had accepted a gift like this from a commoner.
Fae: Of course, I … hadn't been thinking. I should have chosen another flower. My apologies, and happy birthday.
Lysithea: Claude, I need a favour— No. I need you to be a house leader.
Claude: Oh? What's up?
Lysithea: Fae cried for hours last night. Do you mind checking on them?
Claude: Yeah, get some rest, I'll talk to Hanneman.
Lysithea: Well, I'm not going to be late. Just see that they're alright so it doesn't happen again.
Fae: Claude.
Claude: Hey there. Rough night? Homesick?
Fae: I'm sorry.
Claude: No need to apologize. But uh, is it something I can help with? [they shake their head] No? Do you want me to get—? [Fae interrupts, afraid he may suggest Lorenz before Zoran]
Fae: No, I— I am sorry. You're enough. More than enough. And good company. May I sit with you today?
Claude: [uncomfortable with vulnerability] Sure thing. [some self-aggrandizing babble]
Hanneman: And what was the name of this blightful creature that shook southern Fodlan to its very core?
Claude: The shining locust.
Hanneman: Correct. Yes, Lorenz?
Lorenz: Professor, I do not think it's appropriate to recognize Claude's contribution when he is so clearly passing notes during your lecture.
Claude: Oh, you mean this note? [holding up a piece of paper, acting as though he's reading it but I haven't decided if he's lying about the contents] What is that smell?
Hanneman: Is there an odor, Faedolyn?
Fae: I thought so, it may have been something stuck to a log in the fire. Burning moss, or something.
Hanneman: [looking to take their temperature with the back of his hand] May I? You know smells associated with distress is one way for the body to alert oneself to unwellness.
Fae: [conceding] I'm sure I'm fine.
Hanneman: Yes?
Fae: Thank you.
Hanneman: Do speak up, all of you, if there is some manner of disturbance in the class affecting your learning.
Droning, as a group: Yes, professor.
Hanneman: And Lorenz?
Lorenz: Yes, professor?
Hanneman: This was not a test. I would appreciate it if more of the class spoke up more often, but in the meanwhile, if comfort dictates that your knowledge be shared quietly with those who will contribute, then I am satisfied. And that it is the next Grand Duke forging bonds, well, I am encouraged. [Claude being unduly smug]
Lorenz: Of course, professor, I will endeavor to remember this is a forum.
Hanneman: Very good.
And thinking of the ethereal moon ball, and still Claude dancing first with Byleth; and Fae dancing first with family: Linhardt (before he falls asleep) and Zoran, still, twice with Claude early and once with Claude late, most of the rest of my favorites somewhere in between, and maybe most with Hilda if everyone is sick of swaying - but the dancing is a novelty for Fae, and an excuse to be out of conversation, even if it's tiring. and maybe by the time Lorenz has worked through the major and minor nobility, successful or otherwise in roping them into dance and conversation, and thinks it might be appropriate to dance with an old friend - Fae and Claude are off somewhere having Claude's goddess tower conversation (Byleth gets Dimitri's in this outline).
I worry a lot of the little scenes in that AU would be boring. dfghgdfhdg
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roleplayfinder · 1 year
Hey all! 20F and looking for some Fire Emblem rps! I generally reply quickly, and have recently got back into the franchise via FE Engage. I’ve played through all of the paths on 3H and am finally caught up on Awakening, Fates, and I am familiar with Thracia and the OG game. I’ll hold the characters I’d like to play for ships..
M!Byleth x Shamir
M!Byleth x Marianne
Dimitri x F!Byleth
Claude x F!Byleth
Dorothea x Ferdinand
Felix x Annette
Sylvain x Ingrid
Sylvain x Mercedes
Henry x Olivia
Chrom x F!Robin
Xander x F!Corrin
Leo x Hinoka
Seliph x F!Kiran
Hilda x Claude
I write 3rd person literate and would love to plot with you. We can plot here and then swing on over to discord. I write NO NSFW, it’s not my jam. Feel free to shoot me a message, or interact with this post. Thanks!
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findroleplay · 2 years
Hello there 🎃! 22F looking for 18 -30 y/o writers for the following games:
Fire Emblem: Three Houses;
• Claude x f!- or m!Byleth*
• Claude x Hilda*
• Petra* x Ashe
• Yuri x Bernadetta*
• m!Byleth x Edelgard*
Fire Emblem Awakening;
• Chrom x f!Robin*
• m!Robin x Lucina*
Fire Emblem Engage;
•f!Alear* x Kagetsu
•Ivy* x Kagetsu
•f!Alear* x Alfred
Final Fantasy 7; (most wanted)
• Aerith* x Cloud
• Tifa* x Cloud
The Legend of Zelda;
• Zelda* x Link (modern au with the fantasy elements of TLOZ)
The character with * is the one I would prefer to write. I only write on discord (literate to novella) and I am a sucker for soulmate au or reincarnation au (I am still up for any ideas you might have though!).
MUSTS for my writing partners are detailed plotting, sharing own ideas, proper communication, good grammar (doesnt need to be perfect but it needs to be readable) and ofcourse I'd love to become friends as well.
Like the post and I'll reach out to you on tumblr before we move to discord.
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5iyoomi · 2 months
> Fire Emblem
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Last Updated: September 8, 2024
Key: Fluff (🩷), Angst (🥀), Suggestive (💋), Smut (🌶️), Timeskip (🕔)
↳ Back To The Main Masterlist
★ = Dark Content/Read Warnings!!
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— General
3H leaders with an overworked s/o [hcs/drabbles] | x gn!Reader
dimitri, edelgard, claude [🩷]
when they see how you've changed [hcs/drabbles] | various fe3h x masc!Reader
dimitri, felix, ashe, sylvain [🩷/🕔]
they react to your new outfit [hcs/drabbles] | various engage x masc!Reader
part 1 — m!alear, alfred, diamant, alcryst, fogado [🌶️]
part 2 — louis, kagetsu, rosado, pandreo [🌶️]
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— Other
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— Tokyo Mirage Sessions
itsuki aoi.
tsubasa oribe.
touma akagi.
kiria kurono.
eleonora yumizuru.
mamori minamoto.
yashiro tsurugi.
maiko shimazaki.
barry goodman.
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— Three Houses
male byleth.
female byleth.
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— Engage
male alear.
female alear.
general nsfw hcs [hcs] | x transfem!Reader - [🌶️]
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— Three Hopes *for main playables, see 3H section*
male shez.
female shez.
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roleplayermeet · 2 years
Hello there 🎃! 22F looking for 18 -30 y/o writers for the following games:
Fire Emblem: Three Houses;
• Claude x f!- or m!Byleth*
• Claude x Hilda*
• Petra* x Ashe
• Yuri x Bernadetta*
• m!Byleth x Edelgard*
Fire Emblem Awakening;
• Chrom x f!Robin*
• m!Robin x Lucina*
Fire Emblem Engage;
•f!Alear* x Kagetsu
•Ivy* x Kagetsu
•f!Alear* x Alfred
Final Fantasy 7; (most wanted)
• Aerith* x Cloud
• Tifa* x Cloud
The Legend of Zelda;
• Zelda* x Link (modern au with the fantasy elements of TLOZ)
The character with * is the one I would prefer to write. I only write on discord (literate to novella) and I am a sucker for soulmate au or reincarnation au (I am still up for any ideas you might have though!).
MUSTS for my writing partners are detailed plotting, sharing own ideas, proper communication, good grammar (doesnt need to be perfect but it needs to be readable) and ofcourse I'd love to become friends as well.
Like the post and I'll reach out to you on tumblr before we move to discord.
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