#classism ment
reasonsforhope · 1 year
"After days of uncertainty and speculation, it’s actually happened: Former President Donald Trump has officially been indicted by a Manhattan grand jury on charges of, reportedly, more than 30 counts related to business fraud.
The charges are still under seal, but they are expected to be related to Trump’s involvement in hush money payments made to porn performer Stormy Daniels and associated efforts to falsify business records. The indictment is a historic one, making Trump the only former president who’s ever been criminally charged.
The news begs a key question: What is an indictment, anyway?
Basically, it means a person is formally being charged with a felony by a grand jury. Charging someone in this manner is required in many felony cases, like the one involving Trump. As laid out by the New York State Constitution, Trump had to be indicted by a grand jury before prosecutors could proceed further. Now that he has been, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is able to coordinate [Trump's] surrender and pursue a trial.
“When a person is indicted, they are given formal notice that it is believed that they committed a crime,” notes the Department of Justice. “The indictment contains the basic information that informs the person of the charges against them.”
An indictment [note: pronounced in-die-t-ment] is a key step in criminal cases such as this one. First, a prosecutor decides to pursue a case against a person and presents witnesses and evidence in front of what’s known as a grand jury. The grand jury — a randomly selected group of 16 to 23 people — will weigh the information and then decide whether they believe there is probable cause that this person committed a crime and if there should be a trial...
If at least 12 jurors believe there is probable cause and vote to indict, then the person is officially charged and the case has the potential to go to trial. The grand jury does not determine if a person is guilty or not guilty like a trial jury does, however.
Understanding the Trump indictment
What is an indictment?
What happens next?
Can Trump still run for president?
What is the Republican response?
What will this mean for Trump’s 2024 campaign?
In Trump’s case, enough members of the Manhattan grand jury concluded that there is sufficient evidence to charge him with a crime. The indictment includes specific information about the charges and explains what laws the jurors believe Trump broke.
At this point, courts have not ruled on whether he is guilty or not; the grand jury has simply determined that he should be charged and that the case can go to trial. Following an indictment, a prosecutor can decide whether to pursue these charges or to drop them if there’s insufficient evidence. That the process appears to be going forward signals Bragg believes in the grand jury’s findings.
Trump’s next step is to surrender to law enforcement and have the charges read to him in court in what’s known as an arraignment. Trump is reportedly expected to turn himself in on Tuesday, when he’ll be taken into police custody and arrested, at which point his fingerprints and mugshot will also be taken.
He’ll then be arraigned later in the day, when he’ll be able to enter how he pleas in the case. After that, he’ll likely be able to leave without bail since the charges he faces are nonviolent felonies. [Note: apparently this is a recently implemented New York law, not just massive racism and classism in the legal system.]
The trial process for the case could ultimately be a drawn-out one since Trump is expected to contest the charges. If convicted, he could be sentenced to as much as four years in prison, the penalty for falsifying business records."
-via Vox, 3/31/23
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silenthillmutual · 5 years
when u were talking about how lame it is to characterize mondo as always hyperviolent/abusive and ishimaru as being scared of him I AGREE SM. Like, the whole reason they clashed to begin with was because Taka WASN'T scared of him, and didn't give a fuck if Mondo was an intimidating biker dude. it confuses me why people portray them like that
I’ll be honest with you, part of it is classism. He’s not wealthy, and that’s always kind of been an assumption about people who don’t have high wealth or education: that they’re stupid and violent. It overlaps a lot with race - and on that note, ever noticed that Mondo’s color palette is slightly darker than, say, Byakuya’s? And I don’t just mean his clothes, I mean his skin tone too:
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If I recall correctly, Byakuya actually makes some snide remark (in English, at least) about Mondo being violent. Not that there’s nothing aggressive about Mondo, given the subculture he’s a part of, but not nearly to the extent that people exaggerate it.
But it’s funny, you know? My two biggest comfort characters are Mondo and Jotaro Kujo - Mondo slightly more, although finding any merch of him is a bitch. But I keep seeing both of them being written as hyper-violent and abusive despite there really not being much canon evidence for that. And I think the other big contributor, not just for Mondo and Jotaro but for Taka as well, is just ableism. 
I’m gonna put the rest of my response under a cut because it talks heavily about spoilers for chapters 2 & 3 of the first game.
I’m not gonna go into details about Jotaro other than saying that I think it’s pretty clear he’s neurodivergent. Mondo obviously has issues dealing with impulse control and anger and I think I’ve seen people suggesting ADHD, which I don’t know much about, but the entire circumstances surrounding him committing murder is because of his PTSD. There’s a lot involved with toxic masculinity and all but his secret, getting triggered by Chihiro’s sentiment, the fact that he blacks out, the flashbacks, explosive anger, and I think in the stage play he puts some effort into pushing Ishimaru away emotionally before he’s executed, and then I think he has some dialogue in-game too about his failure to be the kind of person he wanted Ishimaru to see him as, his survivor’s guilt about the situation are all PTSD. Watching his brother get hit and killed by a car would have been traumatizing on its own without taking into account that he challenged Daiya to the race in the first place. Going off of his personality in the game chances are good he would have blamed himself regardless, but… yeah.
There’s really nothing in the game that suggests he’s a generally violent person. Byakuya manages to push all his buttons because that’s just what Byakuya does, to pretty much everybody - Hina fucking slaps him, for fuck’s sake. One of my favorite things about his relationship with Ishimaru that I think makes it just really fucking funny when you look at it from an outsider’s perspective is that Mondo is, like, 6′2, clearly very strong, he talks very tough, but most of that is just covering up the fact that he’s really anxious and insecure about his interests and emotions and stuff. So like, he obviously scares a lot of people because he’s loud (doubly hilarious, that he says he panics and starts shouting whenever he talks to people he finds attractive, because he is constantly shouting at Makoto and Taka). And Taka, who has no volume regulation or emotional control, who bursts into tears rather easily, has absolutely no problem going up to him and telling him off about the most inane things that Mondo reacts to, at most, with irritated confusion. I think someone actually pointed out in a post once that Taka has given Mondo more than enough reason to deck him and he never does.
Which is the other thing I don’t get people constantly writing is Mondo, like, bullying Ishimaru. There is, again, absolutely nothing to suggest that’s even remotely canon. Although given that Taka’s social skills are in the negatives, it’s entirely possible that Mondo would talk to him the way he talks to anyone else and Taka would interpret it as being hostile whether that was how it was intended or not. 
So…I think I argued my case for the PTSD & violence thing. I think for Taka, though, it’s sort of the opposite route. He definitely has a lack of emotional regulation, which is why he has outbursts and cries easily. I’ve talked to my friends about interpreting him as OCD, considering his talent and all, but it’s also really common to interpret him as being autistic. In fact, I’d say it’s incredibly hard to argue against it. Both he and Mondo have anxiety issues that they exhibit and deal with differently, but I think for Taka it just falls into “autistic people are basically uwu helpless children who can’t do anything for themselves!” 
And then there’s also you know, homophobic stereotypes and uke/seme bullshit still going around that probably plays a part in it, but even with people who don’t write like 13 year-olds in their Death Note phase there’s still some really nasty and OOC shit going around.
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flagmeanew · 3 years
Hi, im the original person who requested the personality thing genders. Sorry if(?) I unnerved you. (???) /gen (question marks bc idk if thats what ur saying)
What do you mean by: So. An anon let me know about the personality tests given and I'm gonna have to put them on hold due to that fact and did start seeing some issues while researching since it fundamentally goes against what we believe in. While my curiosity is there, I don't think these genders will be made unless other personality tests given have been fundamentally made to not be used against minorities, like us.
Specifically the italics? Like hsjfjjdjd some people are weird about it + way too into it in a bad way and think its scientifically credible or whatever and think ur type = ur personality is set in stone when its not scientific its just a dumb silly 'theory' and being WAY too srs abt boxing personality in these few states and its rly bad (but i still personally like to use it to have some lvl of self awareness of my own traits?) (So that mightve been what you saw? idk tho but its really insane. i totally forgot how weird it is, i just look up ' mbti / enneagram analysis ' and go haha i do that and go from there , to stay away from weirdos ... But from what ur saying i feel like theres more thats going on that im unaware of so i wanted to ask, sry
♥ Anon. Hun. The reason I was upset (not at you) was because of MBTI and tests like it are used for eugenics, racism, classism, and other things like the sort essentially. I had to look up counterpoints against the tests and saw a lot more evidence against than for the tests. The other personality tests I'm referring to are ones yknow. Character quizzes, aesthetic quizzes. Those kinda tests cause they usually label them as such. (I REALLY recommend looking on your own and when you're able to. I don't exactly feel comfortable to share at this time since this stuff hit closer to home than I realised. So.) ♥
♥The anon that spoke to me, I accidentally deleted in attempts to clear out the original ask you sent me since I didn't want us to see notes about it any further. I had answered but. Yknow. I accidentally deleted it so how can I show you now. ♥
♥ but yeah. I really think that you should look it up and research it yourself. I bet even the community here would be willing to help you with that if you just ask! /gen /lh ♥
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noasaurus-blog · 7 years
Would it be morally bad to work at a fertility clinic (ie in vitro fertilization)? I think it's absurd the lengths some rich ppl will go to have biological children but money and lab experience are money and lab experience, and the total contribution to classism and population growth is probably minimal
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ghoulboss · 5 years
Saw a post that reminded me of this and didnt want to be annoying but like.. i have been thinking how weird it is that its ok to make fun of the south for being stupid rednecks especially if youre an upper-class white person like, ok, make fun of the poor people more i guess lol! Ik people think of it more like “im just making fun of white people its fine :)” but some of it is just weird. You dont ever have very southern characters who arent stupid or if theyre poc theyre a caricature like on god you just think were all uneducated huh? And the whole people from the south are inbred.. does anyone else think taht is fucking weird or
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timefought · 6 years
   the evolutionary behaviours of risk taking & seeking brain altering chemicals r SUPER interesting & my gf likes to talk about it a lot bc shes equally as fascinated. i think it helps put human beings into perspective; we’re animal creatures beholden to the same forces as all other animal creatures, we’re not that different from everyone else and we all love to get high for some reason
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lunarecord · 7 years
This government makes giving up seem really easy
these are just some early morning musings but. its scary how easy it is to lose hope in democracy and capitalism if youre not comfortably middle class. it was something that i feel happened gradually but now we’re absolutely fucking knee deep in it.
it started as small things. 
Person 1:Hey, you bought the sims, cool! how come it doesnt work though? have you called EA about it?  Person 2:Yeah, but they don’t really do much, that’s just kinda how EA is. Person 1:Wow that sucks. Person 2:Yeah.
but it gradually got worse. 
Person 1:Hey why do companies like yahoo and google seem like they’re working in their client worst interest? Person 2:I dunno, i think theyve always been like that Person 1:Why dont we choose other companies to use? Person 2:We dont really have too much of an option, google pretty much has a monopoly on everything already Person 1:Oh.
and worse...
Person 1:Why is the verizon chairman trying to pass legislation that is going to literally impact our ability to use the services they’re trying to make us pay for? Person 2:Probably to control the lower class and limit our ability to get information, organize, and fight back. Person 1:Thats fucking terrible? can we do something about it? Person 2:We can try our best?
Person 1:Hey so why can our whole fucking government constantly do illegal things and pass legislation that takes away all our rights like its nobody’s business? Person 2:I dunno, thats just sorta how things are these days with all those republicans in the senate Person 1:do we not have a voice? Person 2:we. sorta do? like we can contact them and stuff and that can help but the odds are definitely HEAVILY against us from the start Person 1:why the hell is this like this?!?!? Person 2:i dunno, i guess this is just democracy”
theres just a profound sense of helplessness in everything we fucking do. i know the whole ~slaves to the machine~ idea has been a common one for a while now but it is getting to the point where there is no place for the voices of the marginalized anywhere to the point that everything, whether it be the government, a company, or even institutions like college just feel like insurmountable dictatorships with malicious intent for anyone who isnt themselves, one that you can barely fight against without the threat of losing what little you do have. we are constantly being manipulated and stepped on and its hard to not feel helpless alot of the time. 
I think what makes it even worse is the fact that we’re even getting used to this type of treatment, to the point of becoming complacent when we’re treated badly. everytime we get treated like ass by the companies and institutions that are supposed to help us, theres always a feeling of “oh well, that’s just how it is” and no!!! this is supposed to be a democracy!!!! that should not “just be how it is!!!” and this is horrifying!!!!!!
i feel like this type of ideology leads to one of two things. if there is no belief in democracy, then that means the system is already on its way to collapse. i cant say how but if no one believes in the core principles that keep democracy running, it’s clear that its about ready to go kaput.
the second option is one that i think is even more terrifying though: people might choose to give up and stop fighting, and that is absolutely something we cant afford.
this is late stage capitalism fam. and i dont think anyone’s happy with this.
P.S. this post is not here to belittle the efforts that have been made to fight against these things!!! there has been a lot of fighting back just as there has been a lot of complacency, and the work of those who fight back is part of the reason we’re not even MORE fucked than we are now. we should continue to try and fight for our rights!!! its just really, REALLY fucking hard with how our government has practically been treating us like a literal abuser, and how we expect and accept shitty treatment because it’s been normalized. i think it’s something important to address in any community and one of our number one goals in any movement should be to help the people in our communities not lose hope!! its really hard but, with the circumstances we’re in, i think it’s absolutely necessary. 
continue to oragnize! continue to fight! its ok to need breaks sometimes or feel discouraged but don’t give up completely, even if it they like to make it seem like winning is impossible, it’s not. we need your help and input; the lives of many minorities literally depends on it. if we all put our own part in, i promise you we can definitely make a change.
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aromanticduck · 2 years
Based on the 30 seconds I looked at the op's blog the time waking up pyramid thingy is just a classism/"people who work lower paying jobs are lazy thing" (unless you ment your comment sarcastically or something, I wasn't sure)
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(The post in question)
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letmehaveanaccount · 5 years
Well that got out of hand.exe
Me: *thinking about hypothetical episode ideas for a show I like*
Me: oh, an episode involving a musical play where one of the main characters gets a lead role and another one gets a minor role and the one with the minor role gets jealous would be nice
Me: *lists various famous musicals as examples*
Me: Wait a minute, how would that work?
Me: ah! I know!
Me: the musical takes place in an alternate history pre-revolution France in which some people can use magic,
and for a long time the France aristocracy possessed terrifyingly powerful magic, but lately their abilities have weakened significantly, and they are desperate to hide this fact
Meanwhile, a unfortunate Peasant French girl is an outcast even to her own parents-
due to Being a human-Venus fly trap plant hybrid because her mom desperately bought a cheap magic potion promising to allow her to have a baby having unfortunate side effects
She turns out to have extremely powerful magic, although she doesn’t know at first
She is elated when offered a job with the French aristocracy promising significant wealth for her family, enough to render them a member of the bourgeoisie,
but when she finds out they intend on exploiting her magic to help keep the people under control, and don’t even have any plans to help alleviate the suffering of the French people,
she is furious and runs away, and is frantically replaced by the half plant girl’s frenemy, the daughter of a nobleman from one of the poorer families of the nobility, who is quite gifted with magic, albeit not to the plant girl’s extent
The plant girl starts up a revolution against the French aristocracy, who resort to trying to discredit her by murdering peasants , and setting up the bodies the Right way and sneaking spies throughout the populace to ensure she is blamed for the murders and viewed as a people eater
and the revolution turns on her, forcing her to flee for her life, while the revolution continues without her-
Me: uh that’s enough
Ps- whoever can guess all the musical references wins...some...imaginary thing??
WAIT this would be better in a fantasy setting reminiscent of the 18th century in a country with a monarchy rather than the alt history thing, that would be WAY better, why didn’t I realize that?! Darn it...
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shaded-eclipse · 8 years
a matter of time.
The first time she dies, Sayuri is 15 and staring up at a pair of snake eyes.
She's scared. Which she thinks is understandable, considering the fact that the snake man has done something to her- though, she's not sure what. She simply cannot comprehend or fathom the importance of the symbols drawn out on her body or their glowing hands.
aka OC civilian who is sick of yo ninja timeloop bs
AO3 | fanfiction | tag
chapter 1, i. the beginning.  ( prologue )
"I want to be a ninja."
The reaction is immediate. Her father chokes of his breakfast. The bowl in her mother's hands slips to the table with a clank as she stares at Sayuri with blank eyes. Her brother spits out his drink in what she thinks is frankly a bit over dramatic. There is a moment of silence where all three of them look between each other before their gazes fall upon her, but she stands her ground. She knew that they would be conflicted and confused in regards to her declaration. Born and raised on a farm, it did seem quite out of the ordinary for someone like her to aspire to be something like them. Sayuri stares back at them with a fire in her eyes, the minor setback of her status and upbringing will not deter her from accomplishing her goals.
She'll make sure the snake man will regret the day that he placed the odd symbols on her.
Suddenly, the silence breaks as her brother starts laughing. His face contorts into a humourous expression as he chokes out, "S-She wants to be a-a ninja!" He practically collapses to the table in laughter, banging his hand against the wood. "You hear that Pa? A.. ninja!" His voice cracks at the last word, though if it is from his laughter or due to puberty is up in the air.
His amusement is dutifully noted by Sayuri, but it's not entirely welcomed. She can understand why he finds it hilarious, but she thinks that he's being melodramatic. Yesterday she was a twenty something year old woman, and now she's stuck at seven again... The blatant disrespect in his actions are quite vexing, though not all together too surprising considering his character. It'll take a few days to get rid of the dysphoria caused by the shift of going from an adult to seven years old, as well as being treated like a child once more. It's not exactly something she is looking forward to, but it makes the transition between loops much easier if she just accepts that she is a child again.
Her father also finds the prospect of her wanting to be a ninja funny, if his stifled laugh turned into a cough says anything. "A ninja, you say?" He says rhetorically, voice gruff. She gets the impression that he is merely humoring her, and isn't taking her seriously. Understandable, considering the fact that she is seven. Seven year olds often have outlandish thoughts and dreams, and change their minds quite frequently.
Her parents exchange looks, and Sayuri notes that her mother looks quite worried. She's the only one taking Sayuri seriously, then. Either that or she is questioning the sudden decision and is worried about how it happened. Which is also completely understandable, since to them Sayuri had disappeared for a few days and now "suddenly" wants to become a ninja. She's used to the narrative, so she knows that her mother will scold her later for the disappearance.
"Yes. A ninja." Sayuri says as she crawls up onto her chair, ignoring the fact that her brother is still giggling into his arm.
"Honey..." Her mother starts, before looking at her brother with a sharp sigh, "That's enough out of you, Satoru."
Her brother makes a small dying noise as he burrows his head deeper into his arm, but quiets as instructed. Sayuri can still see his shoulders shaking, though. His silence isn't very convincing, if their mother's facial expression says anything.
Their parents exchange another look, before her mother starts speaking again with a gentle tone. "Sayuri.. That's.. not possible."
"Why not?" She questions with a blunt tone.
Her mother struggles with her words for a moment, "I.. It's just- we are farmers. Not ninja. We are ment to tend to the crops and animals. Ninja breed ninja, and farmers breed farmers. It's as simple as that."
To Sayuri, it sounds like her mother is trying to let her down easy without actually saying that she won't be accepted since she is a civilian-farmer non affiliated with the ninja of their country. The internalized classism is quite obvious now that she looks at her family, all believing that she can't become a ninja due to their heritage and echelon. Sayuri was like that once, too. She had thought herself inferior and simple in comparison to the ninja and their complexities. It has taken many lives and many struggles for her to overcome this mentality, and secretly Sayuri believes that it still lingers. But she is determined to change things, to save herself from the loop that the snake man has forced on her. She won't let this mentality and social divide set her back from survival.
"You don't know unless you try." Sayuri chirps, sliding her breakfast closer.
She lets the conversation drop, intending on bringing it up again later.
And she does.
Again and again.
It takes two weeks before she sees the crack in her parents resolve. Two weeks of constantly badgering her parents about becoming a ninja, two weeks of subtle and blunt maneuvers to convince them to help her. Two weeks of her parents pushing off or ignoring her request. Two weeks of being treated like the laughingstock. Her brother got sick of the "joke" over a week ago, but Sayuri doesn't care. She's serious about this and his feelings aren't particularly important to her right now. What's important is that in four years the snake man is going to come and find her, and her only hope is to become a badass ninja.
In all honesty, two weeks after the first conversation she began contemplating the pros and cons of giving up; she doesn't necessarily need her parents help. Sayuri has gone out in the world by herself before. (Albeit she has yet to survive any of these expeditions...) And she has half the mind to leave the village and try to join the ninja herself. She doubts that her parents will even be able to help much, anyway. But the pestering will be worth it even if it's just financial aid, or getting her a ride to the ninja village. Plus, some part of her wants her parents approval, even if she knows full well that she could leave on her own.
To her surprise, however, she overhears her parents talking in the kitchen in the middle of the night. Sayuri is immediately suspicious; her parents hardly ever stay up late, since they have to tend to the farm and the animals once the sun rises. Early to rise and early to bed, that's their family motto. Not only that, but they are speaking in low voices. She can't help but wonder what they are whispering about, so she tiptoes her way closer in an effort to remain inconspicuous.
"-do you think it's the right thing to do?" Her mother asks, and there's an obvious weariness to her voice.
"She won't stop otherwise," her father says gruffly in response. "you know how she's like."
Her mother heaves a sigh, and Sayuri can hear a slight tapping."You're right." After a moment of silence she speaks up once more, a slight desperation to her tone. Mother is obviously worried about something. "But, what about-"
"It'll be fine. We'll be fine."
The conversation itself is rather uninformative, short and vague. Silence settles over the house after her father's assurance.
Out of curiosity Sayuri risks a peek into the kitchen, and she sees that her parents have pulled each other into an embrace. It's an odd sight, as they aren't particularly affectionate in public. ( If their own home and in front of their own children could be considered 'public.' ) They look so vulnerable. Her mother's hair is down from it's typical bun and she's leaning against her husband, who is softly rocking her. She thinks that it's too personal of a moment to intrude upon, so Sayuri leaves. Finding out what they have in store for her doesn't seem worth it, in that moment.
However the next morning her mother speaks to her once the rest of their family are out of the house. She's washing the dishes from breakfast, and doesn't turn to look at Sayuri throughout the whole conversation.
"So, you're determined to become a ninja."
She says it like a statement, not a question. Sayuri nods, but remembers that her mother's back is turned. "Yes." She says, hoping that the fire and determination that has lit in her gut is present in her tone.
Her mother sighs again. She has been doing that a lot lately, sighing, and Sayuri is under no delusion that it isn't because of her. While joining the ninja ranks might be sad and difficult for her parents to accept and understand, she thinks that the sadness they will feel when she winds up missing or dead would be much worse. Ultimately, her decision is based off of selfish desires for survival, but Sayuri has put her family into account.
( They'd be better off without her, anyway. Safer. )
"I see." The words sound thick, and her mother sharply inhales before whipping her hands on her apron. "In that case. I will send a message off to Konohagakure, we have family there."
Sayuri blinks, "We do?"
"Distantly." Her mother confirms, though it sounds a bit bitter. She starts cleaning a pot, but the motions are a tad aggressive. "Whether they respond, and whether they accept you is another matter. Even if you are, there is no guarantees that you will join their ranks. That they will want you in their ranks." She finishes with the pot and puts it aside to dry, before leaning over the sink with her hands on the counter. "But I will send them a message."
There is a moment of silence where Sayuri just stares at her mothers back, surprised and stunned. "I-" She starts, before standing up from the table and rushing out, "- thank you so much I-"
"Fix the weeds in the garden before you go to school. I'm going to milk the cows." Her mother cuts her off suddenly, and then is gone before either of them can say another word.
Sayuri is torn between feeling ecstatic and empty. She had gotten her way, but for some reason it doesn't feel as satisfying as it should. Probably because in the few seconds that her face was visible, her mother looked close to tears as she left.
She tells herself not to feel guilty. It's for the best.
Two months pass without any notification.
She ponders the likelihood that her mother never sent the letter, but after a thorough investigation she finds out that it had.
During the two months off time Sayuri dedicates her time and energy towards helping her father's farm. She knows that her parents don't believe that she'll get an answer back, or will actually be allowed to become a ninja. Their doubt in her is annoying, but she also knows that it's because of their inferiority complex in regards to ninja. Sayuri and her mother had gotten into quite the spat when the girl had voiced her decision to leave school and focus on the farm. Her father had interfered, not one to allow an opportunity slip pass. Maintaining a farm was a lot of work, was his rational. If their daughter was going to leave school at some point anyway, what's the point of them miss the chance for extra hands?
Considering the fact that Sayuri has lost count how many times she had replayed that year in school, she can't help but agree with her father.
Though, her excuse to her parents is that she wants to spend time with them before she leaves. Which, while not exactly a lie, is not exactly the truth either. Sayuri can write and do mathematics, she knows the basic history of their country.. School would be a waste of time for her, especially at the level that she would be forced into. Additionally, while she doesn't know much about ninja- she does know that they tend to be strong and train a lot to hone their skills and techniques.
Therefore, if she is to become a ninja worth surviving she will have to be strong.
Admittedly, Sayuri is quite ignorant in regards to how to begin training, so she sticks with what she does know; helping on the farm. Even if it only helps her a little, that little bit could go a long way.
Of course, her parents don't stick her with any of the hard labour work. She's merely seven, as well as a female, so her father and brother deal with the more physically straining chores and duties. Mainly she ends up spending a lot of time with the animals and in the garden, though once a week she is tasked to cutting and raking the grass in the front yard while her father and brother do the fields. The routinely and simple labour was kind and familiar, but Sayuri wasn't quite sure if it was up to par with ninja regimen.
Two months of working, two months of waiting, and finally a letter shows up in the mail.
' Dear, Sato Mitsuri.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will gladly take a look at your daughter in hopes that she may become a high standing citizen of Konohagakure. Family is family and it is Konoha's way to respect and protect those who fall under it's umbrella, regardless of past circumstances.
A representative of our clan will be sent in approximately two weeks time to evaluate and collect her.
Yamanaka Inocho '
In her excitement, she barely reads between the lines and merely sees that a ninja - a real life (and hopefully not psychopathic) ninja - is coming to see her. Her previous impatience and the sudden arrival blinds her logic as emotion takes over. She doesn't think 'this is too easy' nor does she inspect the letter with a skeptical eye. Nor does she notice that there is little to no mention of her becoming a ninja written on the letter.
Instead she finds herself running into the house with the rest of their mail and exclaims, "Ma! Ma! It came! The letter- they're sending someone to meet with me!"
Her mother is making lunch, and glances at her daughter with an unreadable expression before snatching the letter out of her hand. "Cut the carrots." Her mother demands, and Sayuri happily complies without complaint. She dumps the other letters into a basket on the counter before helping with lunch by cutting the carrots for their stew.
She misses the way her mother's expression darkens as she reads the letter, lips tightening and eyes narrowing.
As instructed in the letter, the ninja arrive two weeks after the letter.
The family is spread out around the farm doing their own respective chores when they show up. Sayuri herself had spent the past hour or two tending to their grown produce; trimming the dead parts, weeding, picking up fallen berries (to feed to their animals), etc etc. It's too early for the harvest, but it's better to keep an eye out on them. Nothing was worse than fall coming around only to find out that your fields have wilted away or have been consumed by the local wildlife.
It's her brother that notifies her of the ninja's arrival, and Sayuri promptly shoves her basket into his arms before sprinting her way to the house.
He yells after her, but she doesn't pay him any attention.
When she enters through the back door she can hear the murmurs of people talking in the house so she quickly toes off her shoes. For a second she hesitates, though the feeling passes quickly. She wouldn't want to keep the ninja waiting, especially since they came all this way to visit her, of all people. Lateness wouldn't give a good first impression, neither would the hesitance. Smoothing out her tunic and patting away the clumps of dirt that cling to her knees, Sayuri takes a deep breath before following the voices into the kitchen.
( As soon as she sees them she freezes at a thought. Ninja. These people are ninja. )
"Ah, hello." A blond man with pupilless eyes greets her from the kitchen table, "You must be Sayuri-chan, then?"
Blond hair, pale skin, and pupilless eyes, quite the combination if not for the fact that all three strangers in her kitchen had similar features. They wore their hair in different styles, clothes of different styles, and one was a female.. But ultimately the three looked extremely alike. Her eyes wander from person to person, and wonders if they are related. They look too similar to not be related.
Then again, if these people are the Yamanaka, she is supposedly related to them. Although, her appearance is quite different from theirs.
( She thinks of the snake man. )
"Yep!" She chirps when she remembers that she is supposed to respond, and she hopes it doesn't sound as forced as it feels. "Are you Inocho-san?"
The man laughs, "No- a cousin of his. I'm Yamanaka Inoichi."
( She sees the weapons at his side. )
He - Inoichi - gestures towards the female Yamanaka, "This is Yamanaka Koino" then towards the other male, "and Yamanaka Saiki." Both individuals gave a slight nod to her, which she thought was supposed to be some sort of greeting. Not exactly a good one, in her book, but she would take what she could get. At least they weren't giving her any hostilities.
'One of these things are not like the other' she thought to herself idly at their names, before giving a small bow and saying "Nice to meet you all."
( None of them look especially glad to be here. Was it because they were just visiting some farmer girl? )
Sayuri gave her mother a quick glance. Her father and brother were not present, presumably still working on their chores. Their presence wouldn't offer much to the conversation, anyway. Her brother specifically would be more of a burden and embarrassment in Sayuri's opinion. She notices that the older woman is watching the interaction silently with a small smile... but there was a certain tightness to it. Not to mention that her hold on her cup of tea left her knuckles white. She wonders if the ninja have noticed. It doesn't give off a friendly impression.
"Well. Let's get to business, shall we?" Inoichi says with a friendly tone, clapping his hands and standing up from his seat. "So your mother tells me you wish to be a ninja?"
( Dangerous, he's dangerous. She thinks of the snake man, of the other ninja she has met. )
"Yep!" Sayuri chirps once more, channeling her seven year old mentality. She strikes a pose a if to show off her arm muscles and says, "I want to be strong enough to protect the people I care about!"
"An admirable goal." Inoichi states amiably, before looking over at Sayuri's mother. "Do you mind, Mitsuri?"
"Go ahead." Her mother replies tightly.
When the ninja man gives her a nod and approaches Sayuri, she nearly has a heart attack. He's tall, she realizes, and remembers the sharp tools at his side. How fast would it take him to reach one of his knives? Probably faster than her eyes could follow. For a moment all she can think about is the snake man and all of his snake ninja. All of his sharp tools and utensils. The pain that he had subjected her to using them. Was it smart of her to become a ninja? She hadn't thought of it before, but all the ninja she had met had hurt her or considered her below them because of her heritage. She just wanted to become stronger, she didn't want to suffer anymore at the hands of the snake man.
But. Inoichi seemed nice.
( So had the snake boy. )
Sayuri stays still as the ninja looms closer, and nearly flinches when he raises his hand. She holds her breath and holds her head high because even if he kills her she will go back to Point Zero and-
Inoichi kneels in front of her and places two fingers on her temple with a smile. "I'm going to ask you a few questions, okay Sayuri-chan?"
She stares at him for a few seconds, and then replies with a nod. After that he begins to list of a series of inquiries. The questions are mostly mundane; What was her childhood like? What was her village like? What does she do on the daily basis? What is her family like? What does she do in her spare time? What does she do for fun? What is her favourite colour/season/food/etc.? Has her parents ever taken her out of the village? What inspires her to be a ninja? Is she serious about becoming a ninja? Etc etc. The questions drone on and on and eventually she loses track of how many there were.
Then, finally, he ends with, "Do you mean any harm to Konohagakure?"
Sayuri, a bit stunned and confused, blurts out "Of course not!" and tilts her head to the side. Why on earth would he think that?
Inoichi stares at her for a moment and then smiles, hand falling away from her head. "Well that is certainly a relief. We wouldn't want our next up-and-coming ninja to terrorize our village, now would we?"
One of the other ninja snorts at that, and Sayuri wonders if Inoichi is mocking her. Just because she is a farmers daughter doesn't mean that they should look down on her for it! Her defensiveness lasts for about three seconds until she catches on to what he said and she momentarily forgets her irritation and confusion as she exclaims, "Wait- does that mean-!"
The ninja ruffles her hair and says, "If your parents give the final approval, then yes. You have passed."
"Woo-hooo!" Sayuri can't help but cheer, arms in the air. She swivels around to look at her mother, who still looks like she has seen a ghost. "So! So! What do you say, Ma? Come on, Inoichi-san said yes!"
Her mother sounds defeated as she says, "If that is what you desire, then you can go."
Sayuri's cheers ring throughout the farm.
The farewell with her family is rather short. Her parents give her a long hug, and her brother mutters that he can't believe that she's actually leaving. Being the spoiled sport that her mother is, she reminds her daughter that just because the Yamanaka have accepted to take her to Konoha doesn't mean she will become a ninja. Despite everything, her family is still hesitant to believe that she can become a ninja. Quite vexing, honestly... But it's a good reminder to have anyway. Although she is one step closer, Sayuri knows that she still has a long way to go.
( She just doesn't realize how long. )
Leaving should feel more emotional. Who knew when she would return, or see her family again. However she has left home so many times in previous loops that she can't help but feel... nothing. Perhaps it was the insurance that in the event she died she would see her parents again. That no matter how long she spent away, the moment she dies she'll be back in her room with the bird chirping and the sun shining through her window.
Or perhaps she was just used to leaving.
Sayuri and the ninja walk for a couple hours. She and Inoichi share a light conversation about the ninja village, and she pesters him for tips on how to be a good ninja. Saiki eventually jumped in and the conversation continues until Koino reminds Inoichi that they are on a strict time schedule. After that she is carried on Saiki's back as they ninja-run through the thick forests of the Fire Country, jumping from branch to branch in a way that she has only dreamed of.
She isn't sure if she is exhilarated or terrified over the course of the journey. Probably both.
It isn't until the sun is setting over the horizon that they arrive.
Finally. Konoha.
( The beginning of everything. )
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