#classical sty
Meet Me On The Courtyard | Spencer Reid
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Spencer getting shot in Texas, mentions of stalkers, fluff!
Words: 3.418
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After living in his apartment for years, Spencer thought he would’ve seen about everything and everyone. 
But he  would’ve remembered seeing her. 
At first, Spencer thought he was dreaming, too tired from the case he had just gotten home from that it made him delusional. She was dancing across her living room in shorts and a baggy T-shirt, her hair scraped back into the messiest of buns, and a glass of wine swirling around in her hand. 
Spencer couldn’t help but smile as he watched her for a good minute until he realized how creepy he must look. 
Ever since seeing her for the first time, his eyes kept glancing back to the apartment across the courtyard. It brought a smile to his face to see her dancing around her place or pacing as she called her friends or simply mulling about her place. Witnessing as she went about her day, he felt more and more connected to her, which made him sound like a creepy voyeur. 
He didn’t quite know how to approach her. Knocking on her door wasn’t quite the option as that would come off as creepy and he didn’t have any luck of bumping into her in the lobby of their apartment building. 
On one of his rare days off, Spencer sat in his apartment, reading a book with the window open. He was laser-focused on the words he was reading until the sweet, melodic sounds of someone singing along loudly interrupted that. Confused, yet almost certain about who it was, he placed a finger between his book to keep his spot and made his way over to the window. His gut instinct was proven right once again. The girl from the apartment across from his was cleaning her apartment with her music blasting and her singing along.
“You got that James Dean daydream look in your eyeAnd I got that red lip classic thing that you likeAnd when we go crashing down, we come back every time'Cause we never go out of style, we never go out of sty–”
The last note came out in a shriek as her eyes landed on the guy across the courtyard, startled by the sudden figure in the window across from her. Spencer’s own eyes widened as he realized he had made her jump before holding up his hands in an attempt at an apology. 
“Sorry! Sorry!” he said, making sure to enunciate as she probably wouldn’t be able to hear him. 
The bubbly Taylor Swift song continued in the background as she clutched at her heart, trying to get it to calm down. Spencer took the time to reach for a notepad and a pen, and wrote down a message to her. 
“Sorry! Didn’t mean to scare you!” 
She narrowed her eyes for a moment before holding her finger up and reaching for something on the side. When she turned her head back towards him, she placed a pair of glasses on her nose to be able to read the message. Her answer came in the form of a shrug of her shoulders. 
At least she wasn’t repulsed by him. 
Spencer quickly scribbled down his next message, making sure to make his letters big enough for her to read. 
“I’m not a creepy stalker, promise.” 
A laugh bubbled up from her chest, though he couldn’t hear it due to the distance between them and the Taylor Swift song blasting in her apartment. He felt his lips curl up into a smile. He couldn’t wait to hear that laugh in real life. 
The girl held her finger up again and disappeared for a good five seconds before returning with a notepad of her own. As she wrote down her own message, Spencer noticed how a tingle traveled from his stomach all the way to his toes and to the back of his neck. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. 
“All creepy stalkers say that” 
She had drawn a winky face at the end of the sentence. Throwing his head back, Spencer let out a loud, genuine laugh. 
“Why are you talking to me then?” he wrote next. 
With a smile on her face, the girl wrote down an answer. “I have seen you around, Mr. FBI.” 
An involuntary blush crept up his cheeks. She had seen him around. She knew he was an FBI Agent. She had kept an eye on him as much as he had kept an eye out on her. The idea in itself sounded completely insane to him, but then again Spencer had once fallen in love with a girl he had never seen before. The fact that he was so infatuated with this girl without knowing her name wasn’t all that surprising, considering. 
“I’m Spencer.” Spencer wrote and drew a smiley face behind his name. 
She gave him a cutesy wave while the corners of her mouth seemed to be stuck in that ever glowing smile. “I’m Y/N.” 
Spencer offered her a wave as well, his smile mirroring hers. There was something about her that drew him to her. He wasn’t sure what it was. The smile, the bubbly persona he had witnessed over the last couple of weeks, her willingness to talk to him, her keeping an eye on him without him even noticing. All he knew for sure was that he wanted to talk to her. Face-to-face. 
Giddily, he ducked down to write his next message and when he came back up to show it to her, the message she held out for him was the exact same as what he had written for her. 
“Meet me on the courtyard?” 
His cheeks hurt from smiling so hard as he scrambled to get downstairs. His book long forgotten, he quickly put on shoes and grabbed his keys before rushing down to the courtyard where he finally saw her from up close. She was even more beautiful than he had imagined her being. 
She had exchanged her shorts for a pair of jeans and the T-shirt tucked in messily. Her messy bun had come out, allowing her locks to cascade over her shoulders like a waterfall. It was only then when Spencer noticed how beautiful her eyes were. Her eyes rivaled the sun, shimmering so brightly and provided him with so much warmth. 
“Hi,” she greeted with a tender, nervous smile. 
“Hey,” he greeted back before motioning towards the stone bench beside them. 
Chuckling, y/n took a seat and Spencer quickly followed, making sure to keep some distance between them. He didn’t want to scare her by sitting too close. They didn’t know each other at all, so giving up his personal space so soon wasn’t in the cards for him yet. 
“You have a beautiful singing voice,” he complimented, remembering her rendition of Style. 
Before she looked down at her hands in her lap, Spencer caught a glimpse of her flustered cheeks. 
“Thank you,” she said. “I-I used to be in choir when I was a kid, so… I suppose I did learn a thing or two when I was there.” Her eyes flicked up to his. “Sorry if I disturbed… Whatever you were doing.” 
Shaking his head, Spencer told her, “No, you didn’t. I was reading, but it was a nice distraction.” 
“What were you reading?” She sounded genuinely interested. 
“Something Wicked This Way Comes,” he replied honestly and her eyes brightened even more than he thought was possible. “I-It’s one of my favorites.” 
Her hand landed on his forearm in excitement as she said, “It’s mine too!” and then lapsed into her honest review of the book. Spencer clung onto every word, relaxed at the lilt of her voice and answered any and all questions she had about his opinion on the book. 
When she shivered and wrapped her arms around herself, Spencer realized how late it had gotten. The sun had started to set, casting a gloomy shadow over the courtyard. Talking to her seemed to have made the time slip away. Spencer didn’t want it to end, but neither of them had brought a sweater, so they were doomed to retreat back to their apartments sooner than either of them wanted. 
“You cold?” he asked and fought the urge to wrap his arms around her. 
She nodded her head. “Yeah, a little. But it’s fine,” she said as she suppressed a yawn. 
A chuckle rolled off his lips. “It’s fine if you wanna go inside. We’ve been talking for hours and I have to be in the office pretty early tomorrow anyway.” 
She offered him a thankful smile as she got up from the bench and he followed her example. The two of them made their way back into the lobby where she turned to him. “It was nice talking to you, Spencer. I would like to pick your genius brain more often.” 
“I’d like that,” Spencer said, his smile quickly mirroring hers again. 
After giving him a quick wave and that ever-present smile of hers, she turned on her heel and walked up the stairs to her side of the building. Spencer stayed put and watched her for a little while until he couldn’t see her anymore before retreating to his own apartment. 
Never in his life had he met someone who shared his opinions on books, who rivaled his rambling, whose intelligence made his IQ waver. In his mind, he thanked Taylor Swift for bringing them together. If it weren’t for her, Spencer doubted they would’ve ever started talking. 
That night sparked a series of events. Ever since that day, they’d meet in the courtyard every single day. Sometimes in the morning and then either one of them would roll up with fresh coffee, sometimes in the evening with cups of calming tea. 
Their meetups quickly evolved from the cold courtyard to one of their apartments. They’d watch movies, read the same books so they could talk about it afterwards even though he always finished long before she did, they made dinner for one another, … 
Whatever the day was, they’d spend it together and talk about everything and anything they could think of. Talking to her had to be his favorite way to pass time. Life suddenly made complete sense whenever Spencer was around her. No matter what sort of horror he had witnessed on the cases he worked, it all seemed to vanish from his memory whenever he met up with her again. 
And whenever Spencer was gone, she’d make sure his plants survived his absence, she got his mail so the mailbox wouldn’t overflow. Whenever she was gone for work, he would do the exact same for her. 
In the span of a few months, Y/N became Spencer’s best friend, and he couldn’t deny the feelings that had grown in his heart. 
Though he would never tell her that. 
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After living in her apartment for a good year, y/n thought she would’ve seen about everything and everyone. 
But she would’ve remembered seeing him. 
She’d catch glimpses of him across the yard in his apartment, mulling about his house with a book in his hand. Every time she did, she wondered what book he was reading and what he thought of it. There was something about him that drew her attention. 
The day she caught him looking at her when she was dancing around her living room whilst cleaning and belting along to Taylor Swift, was the best day. She loved how easy it was to talk to him and how intelligent he was. She loved picking his brain and listening to all the facts he knew about the most random things. 
Becoming friends with Spencer Reid was about the best thing that could’ve happened to her. 
He was there for her on her bad days as much as she was there for his. When the two of them spent time together, time seemed to just slow down and everything around them vanished. When it was the two of them together, nothing else mattered. 
Over the course of a couple of months, y/n couldn’t deny the chills she got with every single touch, how her brilliance simply turned to dust whenever he merely smiled at her. 
While Spencer was out on a case in Texas, y/n went down to his apartment often after work to water his plants and get his mail out. Though he told her not to do it, y/n was happy to. Sometimes, she’d even leave little sticky notes or she’d leave him the book she’d just read, so he could read it too. 
She was in his apartment when she received a call from Jennifer Jarau, Spencer’s co-worker. Y/N had seen Spencer’s co-workers a couple of times before, but never had they called her before. Her heart plummeted to her stomach. The fact that JJ was calling her didn’t scream ‘good news’. 
“JJ?” Y/N spoke into the phone, her voice dripping with confusion. 
JJ sighed, “Y/N… I, uhm… Spence, he–” 
The mail slipped out of her hands, envelopes scattering everywhere. Her mind was racing with questions and scenarios. She couldn’t imagine what was going on with Spencer, but she knew her best friend was hurting and she wasn’t there. 
“What happened?” she asked and without hesitation, she headed back to her own place while JJ explained what had happened. 
There wasn’t much y/n understood about what happened. All she heard was ‘open fire’, ‘gun shot’, ‘Spence got hit in the neck’, ‘surgery’. It was enough for her to understand she needed to head to Texas. 
“Text me which hospital he’s in. I’m coming to Texas,” y/n told JJ and after JJ’s agreement, y/n hung up and rushed out of her apartment with everything she needed. With her heart beating in her throat, y/n took the next best flight over to Texas and rushed towards the hospital JJ had texted her. 
Y/N wasn’t even too sure where she was going. With fear and anxiety selectively blinding her, she made a beeline for the front desk. 
“Spencer. Spencer Reid. I’m looking for Spencer Reid,” she told the woman behind the desk. 
“Y/N!” JJ’s familiar voice called and as y/n turned around, JJ ran up to her with worry flooding her eyes. The blonde wrapped her arms around her, allowing her lungs to deflate with the breath she had been holding. 
“How is he? Is he okay?” y/n asked in one breath. 
“Yeah, he’s just out of surgery. You can go see him.” 
A single tear rolled down y/n’s cheek before she stepped away from JJ. “Thank you for calling me.” 
“Spence asked for you,” JJ told her honestly. “When-when he was in the ambulance. He asked for you.” 
Letting out a shaky breath, y/n tried a careful smile. She was scared if she allowed her lips to fully curl up, it would take Spencer away from her. 
“Go,” JJ encouraged, softly pushing her towards Spencer’s room.
With a nervous pep in her step, y/n made her way towards Spencer. She could feel the nerves bundle up in her chest. Though she knew what had happened, she didn’t know how she was going to find him. She halted in the doorway, her eyes landing on Spencer, who was lying in the hospital bed with a gauze patched to the right side of his neck. He looked peaceful as he slept, though I noticed the bags under his eyes. Somehow, he still managed to look beautiful. 
“Y/N,” Penelope whispered when her eyes landed on me. Alex turned in her chair, offering me a kind smile whilst the peppy blonde embraced me in a tight hug. 
“How’s he doing?” she asked, entering the room further with Penelope to move closer to Spencer. 
“Very tired and drowsy from the painkillers,” Alex replied. “He’s in and out of it.” 
Y/N simply nodded her head, telling Spencer’s co-workers that she did hear them but didn’t have the energy to really respond. Alex and Penelope exchanged glances without y/n even noticing, and they got up and left the room to leave her alone with Spencer. 
Inching closer towards the patient, y/n wiped away a tear before using the same hand to stroke his hair out of his face. “God dammit, Spence,” she whispered, sniffling. 
Spencer’s lashes fluttered against his cheeks before she was allowed a peek at his honey-colored eyes again. A lazy smile landed on his lips. “Y/N,” he mumbled and shifted slightly, but then immediately hissed at how painful the movement was. 
“Hey, relax,” she cooed. Her hand moved back through his hair. “How are you feeling?” 
“Better now that I see you.” His voice sounded thick with sleep as he stopped her hand from going through his hair and kissed her palm. “Can’t believe you came.” 
Wiping her thumb against his cheek, she offered him a sad smile. “Of course I came. You got hurt.” 
“I love you,” he admitted drowsily before falling back to sleep. 
Y/N’s heart skipped a few beats at the sweet confession coming from his sleepy lips. Though he could still mean the words in a platonic way, it still made her insides go putty. 
The admission haunted her mind for a good day until she got him home safe and sound, and she could ask about it. A bundle of nerves settled in her chest as she placed Spencer’s bag down and helped him settle on the sofa. 
“How are you feeling?” she asked sweetly as she handed him a glass of water and his painkillers. 
Spencer groaned a little before taking the medication. “I’m all right, you know, considering.” He offered her a tender smile. “Thank you for being here.” Reaching over, Spencer enveloped her hand in his, entwining their fingers together. 
“Spence… Can I ask you something?” Spencer hummed in response. “In the hospital… You told me… You told me you loved me. I-I’m just not sure what to make of it?” 
The corners of his mouth curled up. “Do you remember the first time we met? How I was looking at you through the window like a true stalker?” 
“Gave me a heart attack,” y/n chuckled, trying to read his honey eyes to try and figure out where he was going with this. 
“I had stolen a couple glimpses at you before that, too. When you were just mulling about your apartment or when you danced around the living room with a glass of wine or when you cooked… I didn’t know your name and I hadn’t seen you up close yet, but from watching you just live your life, I thought you were the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I’ve been infatuated with you ever since and getting to know you – actually getting to know you, up close and personal – it just made that infatuation grow to a love so pure and so grand, that I couldn’t keep that secret to myself anymore. I’ve fallen in love with you, y/n. And you don’t need to feel compelled to say it back. It’s fine if you don’t. I just– I figured you should know.” 
Tears lined y/n’s eyes as she listened to him talk. No one in her short life had ever told her words quite as beautiful as his. It warmed her heart and melted it into a puddle. She had been so scared to tell him how she really felt, scared he wouldn’t feel the same, scared it would ruin the friendship. All while he was feeling the exact same thing. 
“I love you too, Spence.” The words came out in a whisper as though it was a secret. 
“You don’t have to–” 
“I have to,” she cut him off quickly. “Because it’s true. You’re not the only one with stalker-tendencies, Mr. FBI,” y/n joked, causing him to let out a laugh, only for him to hiss in pain straight after. 
“Laughing hurts,” he whined. “Don’t make me laugh again.” 
Smiling, y/n leaned in closer and as her lips ghosted his, she whispered, “I can’t make such promises.” 
And then y/n kissed her best friend on the couch of his apartment. The one right across from hers. 
If they hadn’t decided to meet on the courtyard so many months ago, neither of them would experience the bliss that was kissing one another. 
And all because of a Taylor Swift song. 
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Everything taglist: @calamitykaty @littlemissaddict @n0wornever @wanniiieeee @unnowhatthisistbh
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tildeathiwillwrite · 2 months
Tag Game: Writerly Questionnaire
Thanks to @paeliae-occasionally @willtheweaver and @agirlandherquill for the tags!
Rules: Answer the questions!
Long post incoming!
About You
When did you start writing?
My earliest attempts at writing books are from when I was about 9 or 10, scribbling in a sparkly pink notebook something that was in essense video game fanfiction. It will never see the light of day again. The WIP I've had for the longest, The Watcher and the Thief, I started when I was 12 and writing a backstory for my human ranger in Dungeons and Dragons.
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
I love reading fantasy and I love writing fantasy, specifically high fantasy and portal fantasy. I'm always looking to expand my reading taste and go outside my comfort zone but fantasy fiction is my jam and always will be.
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you’re often compared?
Honestly there are so many authors that I'm obsessed with that I probably subconsciously emulate and would be absolutely honored to be compared to including but not limited to Brandon Sanderson, Robert Jordan, Brandon Mull, Leigh Bardugo, Weis and Hickman, uh yeah probably others.
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? (Room, coffee shop, desk, etc.)
I've done most of my writing in the living room of my house, sitting on the couch closest to a plug for my laptop charger with one of those lap desks and said laptop on my lap. It's either that or sitting on my bed or hiding in the basement if my housemates are too distracting (rare). I have also been known to write on my phone from time to time when I have the time but not the laptop.
What’s your most effective way to muster up some muse?
Go on a walk or a car ride with one of my WIP playlists playing. I also brainstorm while waiting to fall asleep in bed.
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
I mean my mom was the one who kindled my love for fantasy books, but otherwise I don't think so.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
There seem to be a lot of wanderers, whether seeking something or on a mission or traveling aimlessly. Draven and Octavian post-THtMatC, Jas and Killian, the ToS crew. Most of the aforementioned people are also willing to go out of their way to help someone in need or their mission centers around providing aid.
Your Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character? (Current WIP, past WIP, never used, etc.)
Of all time, Octavian de Silv. I go into further detail here. Otherwise I can't really choose because I love my ocs for different reasons.
Which of your characters do you think you’d be friends with in real life?
I think I'd be friends with Jas or Reese. With Jas it would be the classic case of an extrovert adopting an introvert, and with Reese we'd bond over our love of reading.
Which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
Obviously any of my villains, and if I ever met Draven I would get annoyed with him real quick. I don't get on well with people irl who share his personality.
Tell me about the process of coming up with of one, all, or any of your characters.
Well, I usually start with a slot to put a character in a story. Then I throw an appearance on them, usually traits that might stand out to a POV character upon their introduction. Then I decide a name and personality. All of this is subject to change at literally any time. All of it.
Do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters?
Including what I've said before... a lot of the protagonists exhibit some of my own traits like stubbornness extreme perseverance and creative problem-solving with violence.
How do you picture them? (As real people you imagined, as models/actors who exist in real life, as imaginary artwork, as artwork you made or commissioned, anime style, etc.)
I picture them in my artstyle as I have doodled and drawn and such, I also use picrews to help me better visualize their appearances, although those obviously do have limits.
Your Writing
What’s your reason for writing?
I love flailing about my characters in different ways, including Problems, Situations, Shenanigans, etc. I have plots and stuff but I write because I love my characters so so much.
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
Any comment (that isnt hate) is a good comment :) I do love when people *cough, cough* @fourwingedsnake make funny comments regarding the characters or a line or the situation in general
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work? (For example: as a literary genius, or as a writer who “gets” the human condition; as a talented worldbuilder, as a role model, etc.)
Storms I dunno I just want people to like my writing/my characters/my worlds
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Creating memorable characters and also accidentally forming new magic systems
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
I've noticed that people really like my ocs so y'know win there, other than that I've never been to my memory explicitly told
How do you feel about your own writing? (Answer in whatever way you interpret this question.)
I feel like I've improved a lot over the last year or so, and prompt events/posting on Tumblr has got me in the habit of writing every day, even if it's just a brainstorming session. I definitely feel more confident in my own abilities and more comfortable showing my writing to people (still hesitant about showing my irl friends/family for obvious reasons)
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
Yeah???? I write first and foremost for me and it would definitely help me cope with the loneliness of being the last person on earth. Maybe the next dominant species will figure out English and read it.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? If it’s a mix of the two, which holds the most influence?
I for sure write what I enjoy. If readers don't like it they don't have to read it, and if I don't like it I won't finish it even if others enjoy it. My writing my rules deal with it and if you can't the unfollow/block button is right there
Tagging @faytelumos @fourwingedwriter @thewritingautisticat @stargazer-luna @phoenixradiant @pluppsauthor @pluttskutt @elizaellwrites @gamerkats @happypup-kitcat24 and open tag! :D
About You When did you start writing? Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write? Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you’re often compared? Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? (Room, coffee shop, desk, etc.) What’s your most effective way to muster up some muse? Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about? Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all? Your Characters Would you please tell me about your current favorite character? (Current WIP, past WIP, never used, etc.) Which of your characters do you think you’d be friends with in real life? Which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them? Tell me about the process of coming up with of one, all, or any of your characters. Do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters? How do you picture them? (As real people you imagined, as models/actors who exist in real life, as imaginary artwork, as artwork you made or commissioned, anime style, etc.) Your Writing What’s your reason for writing? Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers? How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work? (For example: as a literary genius, or as a writer who “gets” the human condition; as a talented worldbuilder, as a role model, etc.) What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer? What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others? How do you feel about your own writing? (Answer in whatever way you interpret this question.) If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write? When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? If it’s a mix of the two, which holds the most influence
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trevorzegrizz · 1 year
okay here’s my mini rant on hockey players gameday fits
okay so i’m in the league rn like THE STY is like tighter suits and like more visible ankles and shit but like
It’s rlly not that cute like here’s my example im going off of (p.s jack hughes girlies pls don’t kill me bcz i literally move him sm and he usually has good style):
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So yes Jacks fit goes hard here but Luke’s goes SO MUCH HARDER
Like i love thé loose and longer fit. And maybe it’s not professional idk i’m not a guy and ik nothing about suit styles but it’s just looks so good.
Quick disclaimer though Jacks suit isn’t even that tight or short compared to other ones that im talking about and his gameday fits are acc good (especially with the classic sneakers)
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see both their styles slay so hard
Lemme show u guys what i mean by like the tight and shorter suits that i
(p.s i even have to find other teams gameday fits cuz all of the devils acc have oddly enough like no players with bad sty)
(p.s.s i also dont like ankles showing so sue me 😒)
(p.s.s.s i dont like those tacky socks that don’t match the suit underneath either)
Exhibit A:
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Exhibit B:
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(sorry wifi usually ur fits slay)
And lastly,
Exhibit C:
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Again, sorry pezz i’m not a hater just super opinionated 🤓
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desultory-novice · 10 months
What is your opinion on the theory that void is related to kirby.
I know it's sort of an old theory, but I want to know your take/opinion on it.
Is it weird? I've found that as time goes on, I'm slightly less interested in the whole Void - Kirby connection mystery! Everyone already has their theories on it. I find I care more about Kirby and what he's doing than his origins or his species or where he came from.
I find myself hoping we never find out "where" Kirby came from, ya know? How is it supposed to change things, anyway? If we did have a single origin story for Kirby, that wouldn't answer MORE questions. That would just tell a number of people with differing theories, "Oops! We've decided to lock one of THE most flexible characters in gaming (1) down to a single identity. That means your concept of Kirby is now officially WRONG!" and my goodness, that sounds like the most un-Kirby statement I can think of!
(1) Gender, personal identity, physical form, language, even age! All these things are heavily debatable with Kirby! Anyone and everyone are supposed to be able to see themselves in Kirby. The more Kirby's existence is defined by his relationship to other characters, even Void and super popular ones like Meta Knight, the less we are able to be Kirby. (Unless you make your own custom puffball based on you, I suppose. But "having an OC" shouldn't be a necessary corollary to that statement either! You should always be able to be "Kirby.")
That tangent aside...
I did re-re-review the Void Termina pause screen lore, and when it talks about the 'countless numbers of Voids in the sky, twinkling like stars,' it is easy to imagine those as a species of Kirbys.
It's hard to be definite about it, because we have two depictions of Void post-game. One as Void as we know them. The glowing marble. The other being the fan theory that Void incarnated into Classic Kirby. Which, while a great theory, doesn't really make sense? It's not like Void goes back in time to Kirby's Dream Land...
:8-bit Green Greens starts playing: :Dess passionately ignores this:
...Okay, listen, you! Magolor being implied to have gone back in time to Kirby's Adventure for the sole purpose of watching King Deded throw bombs at Kirby so he can copy that idea for his theme park and then hop dimensions to one in which Meta Knight decides to not fail his initiative roll and single-handedly take down the HWC, facing a computer generated clone of Dark Matter just so that he can make a party favor is bad enough! Do you really want to induce a closed time-loop grandfather pardox into Kirby?!
So I tend to stick with the interpretation that post-Star Allies Void is just Void as we know them. In which case, it DOESN'T become a Kirby, it just takes after Kirby. Which is what Void does. Takes after people. Void is an emotionless mass of emotions that copies the traits of those who have the greatest influence on its awakening. It's possible the Dark Matter forms have more to do with the kind of stuff Hyness was messing around with. And didn't that one interview state that Void's similarities to Kirby are specifically a result of Kirby being there IN THAT MOMENT? Not that it was always a Kirby-like, but that Kirby arrived just in time to have a strong influence on it.
I mean, if we're going to compare Void to Kirby and say that those similarities are heavy indicators they are the same species, what about allllllllllll the other last bosses Void takes after?
It's true that Void's emulation abilities and Kirby's copy abilities do seem to pair up naturally. And they're both round. But...
Tbh, I don't know. But I am a little tired of it being treated as a given that "Kirby is Void but happy." Rather than Kirby being a member of those countless Voids in the sty, I like to think of Kirby as the progenitor of (post-game) Void and not the other way around! I think I like the idea that Kirby is the important one in this equation!
...Having said that, I will inevitably bring about The Curse (of Dess Always Being Proven Wrong About the Lore) and next game will come out proving that Kirby IS the same species as Void XD
Despite what I said above about the tired thing, I did recently look up the Pokemon Puffy Pink hack (You can find the link for it on the resulting Youtube video. Sorry, I'm in a rush or I'd get you all the link) and I thought the idea of "Void" evolving into "Kirby" when they had a maxed out happiness stat was, in fact, adorable!
Dess is not completely jaded!/lh
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endreal · 1 year
Reimagining American classics to be about things they're not about
A mournful tale of a rusted-out tow truck abandoned at an Arkansas pig run, by J. D. Salinger
Wrecker in the Sty
VHS home videos of splashing around in the tub and making shampoo mohawks and santa beards with your siblings back when your were all little kids, by John Steinbeck
The Tapes of Bath
An exposé on the consequences of dropping the ball before you get to the end zone, by Upton Sinclair
The Fumble
Adventurous story about a jar full of tree nuts thst have been so carefully and lovingly shelled that the nuts themselves aren't broken or cracked in any way, by James F. Cooper
The Glass of the Whole Pecans
Jack Kerouac's riveting and poetic tale about extreme enthusiasts of American business-dramedy television series
The Succession Fangirls
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filmnoirfoundation · 1 year
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The TCM Classic Film Festival opens tonight! Our pick, SHADOW OF A DOUBT, discussion with actor John Hawkes (WINTER'S BONE, LIFE OF CRIME) beforehand.   7:00 pm - 9:00 pm | Thursday, April 13, Chinese Multiplex House 1. SHADOW OF A DOUBT (1943): A young girl (Teresa Wright) fears her favorite uncle may be a killer, Joseph Cotten in the best performance of his career. “Do you know the world is a foul sty? Do you know, if you rip off the fronts of houses, you'd find swine? The world's a hell. What does it matter what happens in it?”  Dir. Alfred Hitchcock
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bongonationstore · 10 months
T-shirts and Art Prints Collection
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gibelwho · 2 years
Kung Fu Hustlin’ with Postmodern Pastiche
What do you get when you mix highly stylized Western and Gangster genres with kung fu (and Looney Tunes) in a pastiche fueled movie mayhem? Kung Fu Hustle (2004), directed by Stephen Chow, is a madcap tale of a young, misguided, wanna-be villain who goes on a journey to become a kung fu master. This film pulls from so many various influences, yet somehow comes together as a coherent vision, with fantastic action set pieces that highlight creativity and humor in their fighting style and choreography. Playing a double role on the film set, Chow also stars as the movie’s protagonist - and the film features several retired Hong Kong action stars as kung fu masters living a quiet life in a poor town that jump back into action when their community is threatened by the famous Axe Gang. Filled with humor, action, and over the top visual antics, Kung Fu Hustle is peak postmodern cinema. 
In 1940s Shanghai, two petty crooks named Sing (Stephen Chow) and Bone aspire to join the ranks of the famous Axe Gang, led by the ruthless Brother Sum (Danny Chan Kwok-kwan). When Sing and Bone visit the residents of Pig Sty Alley, they unintentionally ignite a fight between the Axe Gang and the town's clandestine group of kung fu masters, but they are all bested by the slum’s Landlady (Yuen Qiu), who throws them all out of town. Sing is captured by the Axe Gang, but impresses them with his lockpicking abilities and is allowed to join the team. Furious at the residents of Pig Sty Alley, the gang returns to enact revenge, engaging the kung fu masters and the Landlady with her Landlord husband (Yuen Wah) in another stimulating (and musical) fight, but the Axe Gang is defeated once again. Sing is next asked to break a kung fu master assassin named Beast (Leung Siu-lung) out of a mental asylum so he can help the gang, and once free he immediately hunts down the Landlady and Landlord in a nearby casino. During the fight, Sing has a change of heart and attacks the Beast, who delivers him a crushing blow to the head. As the trio flees, the Beast turns on and kills Brother Sum. Sing’s injuries are magically healed and he has now blossomed into a true kung fu master; this is tested by the final epic battle between Sing and the Beast. Sing perfects the Buddhist Palm technique, which awes the Beast and he admits defeat. Sing retires to a simple life, with his childhood crush, opening a candy store. 
With a (fairly) straight-forward plot that tracks the rise of the chosen one trope, Kung Fu Hustle’s unique mark comes from its mix of styles and references to other media content - namely it leans in deep to a postmodern aesthetic with a continual dash of pastiche thrown in. Postmodernism as an art movement is defined as a reaction to the formal purity (among other aspects) of modernism; it embraces the blurring of distinction between high and lowbrow art, specifically through a lens of popular culture, and takes delight in the combination and fragmentation of various styles and genres. Postmodernism is also interested in subverting established genre conventions, incorporating new perspectives (for example, often marginalized voices such as women and people of color) and twisting expectations of narrative, characterization, and visual style. It is also known for the use of pastiche - a reference or homage to another artist’s work, which is then re-contextualized to create new meaning.
Kung Fu Hustle drips with postmodern and pastiche elements in almost every frame. For example, it is impossible to assign one genre to this movie, as it mixes conventions from Gangster, Western, Musicals, kung fu, and even elements of Saturday morning animated cartoon comedies. Just take the opening scene of the film, which combines multiple genres and a strong pastiche to a Michael Jackson music video. The film opens on a classic gangster scene, where a crime boss is being intimidated by the local cops, who arrested his wife for a misdemeanor. The 1940s setting, costumes, production design, and dialogue are all pulled from the classic Gangster genre, with the one exception of the crime boss wearing a western cowboy hat. They leave the police station, only to be confronted in the street by their rival the Axe Gang; the fight is very reminiscent of a final shootout confrontation in a Western, but the gangs are all dressed in suits and fedoras. Once Brother Sum takes down his rival, the film immediately jumps into a musical sequence, where the Axe Gang dance in the style of Michael Jackson’s Smooth Criminal video (which in itself is a homage to 1940s Gangster films). This dance sequence is interspersed with black and white photos of the various crime scenes and victims that Brother Sum and his Axe Gang have murdered.
Notably, the action in the street takes place in front of a cinema theater, as if the filmmakers are acknowledging their trick of pulling from many different cinematic elements to construct this opening sequence. All of these references occur within just the opening scene - and continue at this frenetic pace throughout the rest of the film.
One of the most prominent elements of this postmodern film is kung fu - evidenced by not only the film’s title, but also the martial arts action set pieces throughout the story. The film features several styles of fighting, including wire work in its more fantastical and creative sequences, bringing several Hong Kong action stars from the 1970s out of retirement to fight once again, and more grounded choreography featuring Chow as a true kung fu master. The film’s opening martial arts fight occurs in Pig Sty Alley, where three kung fu masters reveal themselves and their unique fighting styles / weapons of choice - specifically legs, rings, and staffs. The actors who portray these three fighters are a mix of martial artist stars from various decades of cinema. Coolie, the youngest master that uses his leg strength as a weapon, is played by Xing Yu - who began acting in the late nineties and is known for his authentic fighting style. The town’s Tailor, using iron rings from his shop to defend against the Axe Gang, is played by Chiu Chi-ling, who began his career in the 1970s and worked with top filmmakers like Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan. The last kung fu master to join the fray is the Baker, who specializes in using staffs for hand to hand combat, and is played by Dong Zhihua, an actor who started work in the mid-80s. These three kung fu stars shine with their physical abilities, even the two in more advanced age - but their very physical style of kicking, punching, hitting is juxtaposed by the ridiculousness of the volume of Axe Gang members that surround and outnumber them. For example, the Baker’s staff, although wielded with skill and confidence, is somehow able to magically destroy machine guns, breaking them apart in mid-air simply from one strike of his wooden staff. After the dust clears (and there is voluminous CGI dust that is blown up), the Axe Gang limps away, defeated by three generations of kung fu masters. 
The second fight that occurs in Pig Sty Alley hurdles the physical nature of the first brawl and transforms into a metaphysical, lyrical, and creatively vicious duel. The battle begins with the surprising killing of the youngest kung fu master, signaling to the audience that this new villain is not to be trifled with; two men have set up a classical Chinese harp in the center of town, one whose outward strums generate an invisible flying sword that seeks out his victims with deadly accuracy. Wire work is incorporated into the fight, with the Baker doing his best to defend the Tailor from the storm of flying swords, but as the pace and volume of the music increases, he is ultimately beaten back. The battle takes an even more magical turn, as armored skeleton monsters emerge from the Harp, but here the Landlady reveals herself as a true kung fu master, using her powerful voice as an instrument of destruction. She commands the space, with her (cigarette-fueled) scream that vanquishes the dastardly skeletons. This is an incredibly creative fight sequence, taking a high concept idea and executing on screen with aplomb; the  heightened magical world the filmmakers constructed (and the audience has accepted) means that they can bend rules of gravity and the human body to come up with very unique sequences.
The postmodern theme extends to the musical soundtrack of the film, which is a blending of high culture and lowbrow pop art to produce a hodgepodge of styles in the sonic soundscape. Raymond Wong crafts the film’s original score, which was recorded by the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, and it mixes alongside selections from both world classical (i.e. Sabre Dance by Aram Khachaturian) and Chinese traditional/folk music (Fisherman’s Song of the East China Sea). A peak example of pairing the high art of classical music with the low pop culture is the chase sequence; the Landlady has had enough of Sing’s shenanigans in her Pig Sty Alley town, so she proceeds to literally chase him out of town. Realizing his danger, Sing races away, his legs running so fast they become a comical circular blur, just like Wild E. Coyote chasing Roadrunner in the famous Looney Tunes cartoons. This ridiculous sequence is set to the Allegro Molto Vivace section from Zigeunerweisen, Op. 20, a classical piece written by Spanish composer Pablo de Sarasate in 1878. In postmodernism, all tiers of art are candidates to reference in creating a blended pastiche final product.
Stephen Chow, as the director, must navigate all of these tones, styles, and frenetic pacing that he is introducing into one film, a feat that he manages to pull off. Once the audience accepts the chaotic nature, we are along for the ride. A more difficult turn he navigates is for his character’s change of heart in the penultimate battle in the casino, where he decides to leave the Axe Gang and help the Landlady and Landlord of Pig Sty Alley; he is brutally beaten by the Beast for his efforts, but they all manage to escape and heal from their wounds. The Landlady surmises that the beating reset his qi’s flow, unleashing the boy’s true potential as a kung fu master - which comes to pass in the final battle where he performs the Buddhist Palm technique to bring the Beast into submission. Chow certainly inhabits both the petty criminal and the kung fu master sides of Sing convincingly, but the motivations behind his turn is less clear in both screenwriting and performance. Regardless, Chow’s talent shines on screen and his martial arts abilities are decent as well! 
Overall, Kung Fu Hustle is an ambitious postmodern take on a kung fu film that blends high art homages with popular culture references. It shows equal reverence to martial arts film history as to Looney Tunes cartoons, blending a cacophony of styles into a really fun romp with incredibly creative action set pieces. The music is a standout element of the film, mixing a modern score with classical and traditional pieces, crafting a varied soundscape that elevates the visuals, especially the fight choreography. Stephen Chow’s achievement is an example of postmodern cinema at its best - using pastiche to craft a new endeavor that rises above simply referencing the past - but hustling towards a new creative vision.
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runningrhino · 2 years
What is the best weapon to use in CSGO Dust 2
CSGO Dust 2 is one of the most popular and iconic maps in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. If you’ve ever wanted to play a competitive game of CSGO, chances are it was on Dust 2. But what kind of weapon should you be using on this iconic map? This article will explore the best weapons for Dust 2 and explain why they work so well in this context. So if you’re looking to maximize your performance on this classic map, read on for some insight into which weapons you should be using!
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The Different Weapons in CSGO
There are a variety of weapons available in CSGO Dust, each with its own unique advantages and disadvantages. In this section, we will take a look at the different types of weapons available in the game and what makes them stand out. The first type of weapon is the assault rifle. Assault rifles are the most common type of weapon in the game and are typically used at medium to long range. They are accurate and have a high rate of fire, making them deadly in the hands of a skilled player. However, they are also expensive and can be difficult to control if you are not used to them. The second type of weapon is the submachine gun. Submachine guns are smaller and lighter than assault rifles, making them easier to control. They also have a higher rate of fire, making them more effective at close range. However, they are less accurate than assault rifles and can be difficult to use if you are not used to them. The third type of weapon is the sniper rifle. Sniper rifles are designed for long-range combat and excel at taking down enemies from afar. They are very accurate but slow to fire, making them vulnerable if you are not careful. Additionally, they are very expensive and can only be used by experienced players. The fourth and final type of weapon is the shotgun. Shotguns fire a large number of pellets at once, making them devastating at close range but inaccurate at long range. They also tend to be quite bulky
The Best Weapon for Dust 2
The answer to this question may vary depending on who you ask but we think the best weapon to use on Dust 2 is the AK-47. The AK-47 is a great all around gun that can be used in most situations. It has a high damage output and is very accurate even at long range. It also has a good rate of fire which makes it great for spraying down enemies. The only downside to the AK-47 is that it can be expensive, but it is definitely worth the investment.
How to Use the Best Weapon in Dust 2
In order to use the best weapon in Dust 2, you will need to have a good understanding of the map and its features. Once you know where all the key locations are, you can start to think about which weapon would be best for each situation. The AK-47 is often considered the best overall weapon in Dust 2 due to its high damage and good accuracy. It is particularly effective on the long sightlines on the map, making it a great choice for mid-range combat. If you are planning on engaging enemies at close range, however, you may want to consider using a different weapon. The M4A4 is another popular choice for Dust 2 due to its high firepower and good accuracy. It is a better option than the AK-47 at close range, but it does not have the same long-range potential. The M4A1-S is a variant of the M4A4 that has a silencer attached, which can be useful for hiding your position when engaging enemies at long range. The AWP is the most powerful sniper rifle in the game and it is very effective on Dust 2 thanks to its large number of long sightlines. If you are planning on playing as a sniper on Dust 2, then this is definitely the weapon for you. Just be aware that you will be an easy target if someone sees you first, so make sure to stay hidden when possible.
As we have seen, there are a variety of weapons that can be used on the Dust 2 map in CSGO. There is no single “best” weapon – it all depends on personal preference and playstyle. Each weapon has its own strengths and weaknesses, so choosing the right one for your style and situation will go a long way towards improving your game and giving you an edge over your opponents. So before jumping into a round, it pays to figure out which gun is best-suited for you!
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jewelsandchains · 3 days
Shop Wholesale Silver Chains Online — Stunning 925 Sterling Silver
At Jewels And Chains, we pride ourselves on offering a diverse collection of stunning silver chains that combine elegance, durability, and style. Whether you’re a jewelry enthusiast or a retailer looking to stock up on high-quality pieces, our wholesale selection of 925 sterling silver chains is perfect for you. Shopping for silver chains in bulk has never been easier with our user-friendly online store, offering a wide range of designs and unbeatable wholesale prices.
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Why Choose 925 Sterling Silver Chains?
925 sterling silver is renowned for its quality, shine, and longevity. Comprising 92.5% pure silver and 7.5% of other metals, typically copper, this alloy is stronger than pure silver, making it ideal for jewelry that lasts. Sterling silver’s lustrous appearance adds sophistication to any outfit, and its hypoallergenic properties make it suitable for sensitive skin.
Whether you’re searching for classic, minimalist pieces or more intricate designs, sterling silver chains are a versatile choice that appeals to various styles and occasions.
Types of Silver Chains We Offer
Our collection at Jewels And Chains includes a variety of styles to suit every taste. Here are some popular options:
Cable Chains: A timeless choice, known for its simplicity and durability.
Figaro Chains: A stylish, alternating pattern of short and long links that add character to any look.
Rope Chains: Featuring a twisted, rope-like design, these chains are bold and elegant.
Curb Chains: With closely interlocked links, curb chains offer a sleek, polished appearance.
Box Chains: A geometric, modern design with square-shaped links for a unique look.
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Benefits of Buying Silver Chains Wholesale
Buying silver chains wholesale is not only cost-effective but also ensures you have a large inventory of stunning jewelry to meet customer demand or add variety to your personal collection. At Jewels And Chains, we make wholesale shopping easy, offering:
Bulk Discounts: Enjoy significant savings when purchasing multiple pieces.
Variety: Our extensive selection ensures there’s something for everyone, whether you prefer dainty chains or bold statement pieces.
High Quality: All of our silver chains are crafted from 925 sterling silver, guaranteeing durability and a radiant finish.
Fast Shipping: We offer quick and reliable shipping to get your products to you as soon as possible.
How to Care for Your Sterling Silver Chains
Proper care is essential to maintain the beauty and longevity of your sterling silver chains. Here are a few simple tips to keep them looking their best:
Store Properly: Keep your silver chains in a cool, dry place, preferably in an anti-tarnish bag or box.
Avoid Chemicals: Exposure to harsh chemicals, such as cleaning agents, perfumes, or chlorinated water, can tarnish silver.
Clean Regularly: Use a soft cloth or a silver polishing cloth to clean your chains regularly and remove any tarnish.
Why Shop at Jewels And Chains?
Jewels And Chains is your trusted source for high-quality silver jewelry. When you shop with us, you benefit from:
Top-Quality Craftsmanship: All of our silver chains are made with precision and attention to detail.
Affordable Wholesale Prices: We offer competitive pricing without sacrificing quality.
Excellent Customer Service: Our team is always ready to assist you with any inquiries or special requests.
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Start Shopping Today!
Whether you’re purchasing for your store or for personal use, Jewels And Chains is your go-to destination for beautiful 925 sterling silver chains. Shop our wholesale collection online and discover unbeatable deals on a variety of styles. Elevate your jewelry game with stunning, high-quality silver chains that add a touch of elegance to any ensemble.
Shop wholesale silver chains online today and experience the best in craftsmanship and style, only at Jewels And Chains!
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modaludo · 15 days
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Black MIdi Dress with Classic White Collar
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exclusivelightinguk · 15 days
Light Up Your Style: Discover the Top 10 Pendant Lights in the UK!
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Pendant lights have become a top choice for homeowners and interior designers alike, offering versatility, elegance, and an excellent way to add character to any room. Whether you're looking for a statement piece for your kitchen or soft lighting for your bedroom, pendant lights are the perfect blend of function and style. In this guide, we explore the top 10 pendant lights available in the UK, helping you enhance your home with stunning luxury lighting options.
1. Tom Dixon Melt Pendant Light
One of the most iconic pendant lights, the Tom Dixon Melt, features a unique, melted glass effect that gives the illusion of light refracting through water. This stunning design brings a futuristic touch to any room, creating a soft, ambient glow that works well in both contemporary and traditional settings.
2. John Lewis & Partners Satin Glass Ball Pendant
If you're looking for a classic design with a modern twist, this satin glass ball pendant from John Lewis is an excellent choice. Its simple, spherical shape adds sophistication, while the satin finish ensures a soft, diffused light. This pendant works beautifully in kitchens or hallways, offering both style and practicality.
3. Original BTC Hector Pendant Light
For those seeking a more industrial look, the Hector pendant light by Original BTC combines functionality with British craftsmanship. Featuring a ceramic shade with a braided cable, this light is perfect for adding an industrial-chic vibe to kitchens and dining areas.
4. Flos IC S Pendant Light
Flos IC S pendant lights are a favorite for minimalist designs. Their spherical glass diffusers are suspended from thin metal frames, offering a refined, understated elegance. Available in different sizes, these pendants can be used individually or clustered together for a stunning visual effect.
5. Foscarini Twiggy Pendant Light
The Twiggy pendant light by Foscarini offers a sleek, modern design that is perfect for contemporary homes. Its long, elegant shape makes it ideal for hanging over dining tables or kitchen islands, adding a sophisticated flair while providing plenty of light.
6. Nordlux Grant Pendant
The Nordlux Grant pendant is a great option for those on a budget, offering a stylish yet affordable choice. Its brass detailing and opal glass globe provide a Scandinavian-inspired design, bringing warmth and elegance to any room.
7. David Hunt Antler Pendant
For a more rustic look, the David Hunt Antler pendant light brings a countryside charm to your home. Perfect for lodges, cabins, or rustic interiors, this pendant light combines hand-crafted details with a natural aesthetic, giving your space a cozy, welcoming feel.
8. Habitat Kanso Pendant Light
The Habitat Kanso pendant light is an excellent option for those who want to blend modern design with an organic feel. With its wooden shade and soft, rounded shape, this light offers warmth and texture, perfect for living rooms or dining areas.
9. Arturo Alvarez Tempo Vivace Pendant
If you're looking for a bold statement piece, the Arturo Alvarez Tempo Vivace pendant light delivers an artistic design that will captivate any onlooker. Its hand-crafted mesh-like structure diffuses light beautifully, making it a striking addition to any room.
10. Ochre Seed Cloud Pendant Light
For a touch of luxury, the Seed Cloud pendant light by Ochre features delicate glass drops suspended from fine metal rods, creating an ethereal, cloud-like effect. This design is perfect for anyone seeking chandelier home lighting with a modern twist, ideal for dining rooms or grand entryways.
How to Choose the Perfect Pendant Light
With so many stunning options available, selecting the right pendant light for your space can feel overwhelming. Start by considering the purpose of the light: will it provide task lighting for a kitchen, or serve as ambient lighting for a bedroom or dining area? Once you’ve determined its function, think about the style that will best complement your existing décor.
For an opulent touch, opt for luxury lighting fixtures like the Ochre Seed Cloud or Tom Dixon Melt pendants. If you prefer a more minimalist aesthetic, the Flos IC S or Nordlux Grant pendant offers clean lines and simplicity. Lastly, rustic interiors or country homes can benefit from designs like the David Hunt Antler pendant, which adds warmth and character to any room.
Pendant lights are a fantastic way to elevate your home’s interior design, offering a stylish blend of form and function. Whether you’re after chandelier home lighting for a grand entryway or luxury lighting for a modern living room, the top 10 pendant lights in the UK cater to a wide variety of tastes and budgets. Take your time to explore these options, and find the perfect pendant light to light up your home in style.
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alltrade · 17 days
Women’s Fashion Trends and Style Tips with Alltrade
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Fashion is a powerful form of self-expression, allowing you to showcase your personality and confidence through what you wear. At Alltrade, we understand the evolving world of women’s fashion and strive to provide a seamless shopping experience where style meets convenience. Whether you’re keeping up with the latest trends or refining your personal style, Alltrade is here to be your trusted fashion destination.
The Ever-Evolving World of Women’s Fashion
Women’s fashion is constantly changing, influenced by cultural shifts, seasonal trends, and individual creativity. Today’s fashion scene is more inclusive and diverse than ever, offering something for everyone, regardless of body shape, lifestyle, or personal taste. Here are some of the key elements shaping the modern fashion world:
1. Personalization and Self-Expression In today’s fashion, individuality is celebrated. More than ever, people are using fashion to tell their unique story. Mixing and matching styles, experimenting with colors, and blending modern trends with timeless classics are all part of expressing who you are. Alltrade’s diverse fashion range ensures you’ll find pieces that resonate with your style and help you stand out from the crowd.
2. Sustainability and Ethical Choices Fashion is increasingly becoming aligned with sustainable living. Shoppers are now more conscious of the impact their fashion choices have on the environment. At Alltrade, we are proud to offer selections that cater to eco-conscious buyers. Sustainable fabrics and ethical production processes are becoming important parts of the industry, providing a way for fashion lovers to look good while feeling good about their choices.
3. Inclusivity and Diversity Fashion is no longer limited to a specific mold. With greater awareness around inclusivity, the industry is embracing all body types, cultures, and gender expressions. Alltrade reflects this diversity by offering a wide range of styles suitable for different tastes, occasions, and preferences, ensuring that fashion is accessible to all.
Top Fashion Tips for Every Season
Staying in style doesn’t necessarily mean following every trend. It’s about finding what works for you while embracing current fashion movements. Here are some universal style tips to elevate your wardrobe, regardless of the season or occasion:
1. Build a Timeless Wardrobe While trends come and go, some pieces remain timeless. A good rule of thumb is to invest in versatile staples that can be mixed and matched to create multiple outfits. These key items form the foundation of your wardrobe, allowing you to add trendy elements to stay fresh without needing to overhaul your closet regularly.
2. Prioritize Comfort Without Sacrificing Style Comfortable fashion doesn’t mean compromising on style. Modern fashion offers a balance between comfort and design, with many brands creating clothing that is as functional as it is fashionable. The key is finding pieces that make you feel comfortable in your skin, allowing you to move confidently throughout your day.
3. Accessorize Wisely Accessories have the power to transform an outfit. A simple, well-chosen accessory can elevate your look from casual to chic. Whether it's a statement piece or subtle accents, accessories allow you to add a personal touch to your outfits without overdoing it.
4. Dress for the Occasion Fashion is about adapting your style to suit the situation. Whether it’s for work, leisure, or a special event, consider the setting and dress accordingly. Alltrade’s collection provides a variety of options that ensure you’ll look and feel your best no matter where you are.
5. Stay Open to Experimentation Fashion is about creativity and exploration. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. Whether it’s experimenting with bold colors, unique patterns, or different silhouettes, fashion allows you to constantly evolve and redefine your personal style.
The Alltrade Experience: Fashion at Your Fingertips
At Alltrade, we believe that shopping for women’s fashion should be an enjoyable and stress-free experience. Here’s what sets us apart:
1. A User-Friendly Shopping Experience Our platform is designed to make shopping easy and enjoyable. Whether you’re browsing for the latest styles or looking for timeless classics, our categories and filters help you find exactly what you need with minimal effort. Alltrade brings the fashion world right to your fingertips.
2. Shop Anytime, Anywhere With online shopping becoming more prevalent, Alltrade ensures you can browse and shop for your favorite fashion pieces whenever and wherever it suits you. Whether you’re on the go or relaxing at home, we make it easy to update your wardrobe with just a few clicks.
3. Fast Delivery and Easy Returns We understand that fashion is about timing, and no one likes waiting too long for their purchases. That’s why we offer fast and reliable delivery across the UAE. If something doesn’t fit or isn’t exactly what you expected, our hassle-free return policy ensures you can shop confidently, knowing you’ll always be satisfied with your purchase.
Fashion is more than just clothing—it’s a way to express who you are and how you feel. At Alltrade, we are dedicated to offering a wide range of women’s fashion that caters to diverse tastes, body types, and lifestyles. Whether you’re embracing the latest trends or curating your timeless look, Alltrade provides the tools to enhance your style journey. Explore our online collection today and enjoy the convenience, variety, and quality that make Alltrade a leader in women’s fashion.
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dreamwool · 19 days
Why Elderly and Health-Conscious Individuals Love Adjustable Beds
Peaceful sleep is the ultimate therapy, especially for those who struggle with restless nights. Finding the right sleep solution is crucial for elderly individuals and health-conscious people. Enter the world of luxury adjustable beds—a game changer for those juggling sleep challenges. These beds are not just about comfort; they offer transformative benefits that enhance well-being. Let's dive into why the best luxury beds are so beloved and how they can improve sleep quality.
Personalised Comfort and Support
Tailored to Your Needs
One of the standout features of a luxury adjustable bed is its ability to provide personalised comfort. Unlike traditional mattresses, luxury adjustable beds allow you to adjust the head and foot positions to find your ideal sleeping posture. This customisation is particularly beneficial for the elderly, who may require specific angles to alleviate pressure points or manage health conditions like acid reflux, sleep apnea, or arthritis.
Enhanced Sleep Quality
For health-conscious individuals, achieving optimal sleep quality is a priority. With a luxury adjustable bed, you can elevate your legs or head to reduce snoring and improve breathing. This flexibility enhances comfort and contributes to a more restful sleep, helping you feel refreshed and revitalised.
Health Benefits Beyond Comfort
Improving Circulation
A key advantage of luxury adjustable beds is their impact on circulation. Elevating the legs can help reduce swelling and improve blood flow, which is especially beneficial for those with conditions like arthritis or poor circulation. This adjustment can reduce pain and discomfort, making luxury beds a valuable investment in overall health.
Easing Joint and Back Pain
Chronic pain and discomfort are common among the elderly and those with active lifestyles. A luxury adjustable bed can help alleviate back and joint pain by adjusting to a position that supports the spine and joints. This therapeutic feature can transform your sleep experience, providing a sense of relief and enhancing your quality of life, giving you the reassurance that you can sleep comfortably.
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Stylish and Practical Design
Aesthetic Appeal
Luxury adjustable beds are not only functional but also stylish. They blend seamlessly with contemporary bedroom decor with a sleek and modern design, creating a calming and inviting sleep environment. Whether you opt for a classic or a more modern aesthetic, a luxury bed can enhance the look of your bedroom while providing unparalleled comfort.
Convenience and Ease of Use
The practicality of a luxury adjustable bed extends beyond its design. Many models come with user-friendly remote controls that make it easy to adjust positions with the touch of a button. This convenience is especially appreciated by older people or those with mobility issues, empowering them to customise their sleeping position effortlessly and independently.
Investing in Quality and Longevity
Durability and Warranty
When investing in a luxury adjustable bed, you choose a product built for durability and longevity. These beds are crafted from high-quality materials and often come with extensive warranties. This ensures that you receive a reliable product that will serve you well for years, providing comfort and peace of mind.
Long-Term Benefits
The long-term benefits of a luxury bed extend beyond immediate comfort. By improving sleep quality and addressing specific health concerns, these beds contribute to better overall well-being. The initial investment in a luxury adjustable bed pays off through enhanced health and increased quality of life, giving you hope for a healthier and more comfortable future.
For elderly and health-conscious individuals, luxury adjustable beds are more than just a sleeping solution—they are a gateway to improved health and comfort. With their ability to customise positions, support health needs, and add a touch of style to your bedroom, luxury adjustable beds offer numerous benefits. If you’re searching for a way to enhance your sleep and well-being, consider embracing the comfort of a luxury bed. Your body and mind will thank you for it!
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premiumfootwear · 26 days
Step into Style with Birkenstock Lavender and Mayari Mocca Sandals from Premium Footwear
When it comes to combining comfort with timeless style, few brands compare to Birkenstock. Known for their high-quality craftsmanship and distinctive designs, Birkenstock sandals have been a staple in footwear collections around the world. At Premium Footwear, Port Douglas's leading shoe shop, we are proud to offer an extensive range of Birkenstock sandals, including the popular Birkenstock Lavender and Mayari Birkenstock Mocca. Whether you're looking for a sandal with a pop of color or a versatile neutral option, our Birkenstock collection has something to suit every taste and style.
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Embrace the Soft Hue of Birkenstock Lavender
The Birkenstock Lavender sandal brings a fresh and vibrant touch to any wardrobe. This beautiful pastel hue is perfect for those who want to add a subtle pop of color to their footwear collection. The Lavender shade is both trendy and versatile, allowing it to pair effortlessly with a variety of outfits, from casual denim shorts to flowing summer dresses.
What sets the Birkenstock Lavender apart is not just its color, but also its renowned comfort and support. Like all Birkenstock sandals, the Lavender model features the brand's signature contoured footbed. This footbed is designed to mirror the natural shape of your foot, providing exceptional arch support and promoting healthy alignment. Made from a combination of high-quality cork and latex, the footbed is both durable and comfortable, ensuring that you can wear your Lavender sandals all day long without discomfort.
The Birkenstock Lavender sandal is perfect for those looking to add a fresh, youthful vibe to their summer wardrobe. At Premium Footwear, we offer a wide range of sizes and styles, ensuring that everyone can find their perfect fit in this eye-catching shade.birkenstock lavender
Timeless Elegance with Mayari Birkenstock Mocca
For those who prefer a more classic and versatile look, the Mayari Birkenstock Mocca sandal is an excellent choice. The Mocca color is a rich, earthy brown that complements a wide range of outfits, making it a versatile addition to any footwear collection. The Mayari style features a unique toe loop and adjustable straps, providing both a secure fit and a stylish silhouette.
The Mayari Birkenstock Mocca sandal is crafted with the same attention to detail and commitment to comfort that Birkenstock is known for. The sandal's straps are made from Birko-Flor, a high-quality synthetic material that is both durable and easy to care for. The straps are lined with a soft fleece material to prevent rubbing and ensure a comfortable fit against your skin.
In addition to its stylish design, the Mayari Mocca sandal boasts Birkenstock’s classic contoured footbed. The deep heel cup helps to cradle your foot securely, while the arch support and roomy toe box promote natural foot positioning and comfort. Whether you're exploring the city or spending a day at the beach, the Mayari Mocca provides the perfect blend of style and support.
Why Choose Birkenstock Sandals from Premium Footwear?
At Premium Footwear, we are dedicated to providing our customers with the highest quality footwear options. Our selection of Birkenstock sandals, including the Lavender and Mayari Mocca styles, is carefully curated to ensure that we offer only the best in terms of comfort, style, and durability. Here’s why you should choose your next pair of Birkenstocks from Premium Footwear:
Expert Curation: We take pride in selecting each pair of Birkenstock sandals in our store. Our team has a keen eye for quality and style, ensuring that our customers have access to the best footwear options available.
Comfort Guarantee: Birkenstock sandals are known for their unparalleled comfort, and our collection is no exception. With features like contoured footbeds, arch support, and adjustable straps, our Birkenstocks are designed to keep your feet happy all day long.
Wide Range of Styles: From the vibrant Birkenstock Lavender to the classic Mayari Mocca, our selection includes a variety of styles and colors to suit every taste. Whether you’re looking for a bold statement piece or a versatile everyday sandal, we have something for everyone.
Personalized Service: At Premium Footwear, we believe in providing exceptional customer service. Our knowledgeable staff is always on hand to help you find the perfect pair of sandals, offering personalized recommendations based on your preferences and needs.
Sustainability Commitment: Birkenstock is committed to sustainability, using eco-friendly materials and practices in their manufacturing process. When you purchase a pair of Birkenstock sandals from Premium Footwear, you’re not only investing in high-quality footwear but also supporting a brand that values environmental responsibility.
Explore Our Collection Today
Whether you’re drawn to the playful hue of the Birkenstock Lavender or the timeless elegance of the Mayari Birkenstock Mocca, Premium Footwear has the perfect pair of sandals for you. Visit us in Port Douglas or browse our online store to discover our full range of Birkenstock sandals. With our focus on quality, comfort, and style, you’re sure to find the perfect addition to your footwear collection. Step into comfort and style this season with Birkenstock sandals from Premium Footwear, where quality meets fashion.
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samyakkdegital · 29 days
An absolute masterpiece, precisely hand woven yard varying upto 5-9 metres in length that proudly represent Women of India, determining the Cultural Values and Heritage of our Indian Subcontinents, saree consist of three main parts- a field, borders and an end piece known as pallu/palla is typically wrapped around the waist, with one end draped over the shoulder, partly baring the midriff.
        A 5000 year old and probably one of the only surviving garments in history is a saree, originated back from the Indus Valley Civilization, which flourished during 2800-1800 BCE. Being meritorious of the assigned spot, a saree holds the spotlight being around the world and back again through the ages. Tracing down the life of a saree right from its origin, to the very most appreciable moments on its way, it certainly has an endless possession as a timeless wardrobe essential. Heading away from religious references, the saree has always influenced a lot of other ancient cultures too! Not just worn amongst the ladies in India, the traditional silk sarees has literally made an impact in the United States during the 1970’s. Undoubtedly, the saree has gained its popularity internationally because of the growth of Indian fashion trends globally.
           Traditionally woven on handlooms or masterly operated on other elementary devices, the most important and creative process in weaving a saree is its design. The process of developing a saree involves Design Making, Material, Reeling, Dyeing, Weaving, Iterations and Finishing. Power looming and mechanical manufacturing could be the modern new, but the craftsmanship done by the human hand has formed the core of fashion in India. The most complicated and intricate part of the whole process is weaving a saree manually, where weavers employ themselves for almost months together on a handloom to weave the design patterns in warp and weft directions, either by hands or a device. A final process finishes a magnificent saree by cutting down the tiny threads left on the reverse fabric.
Enhance your wardrobe with the allure of beautiful sarees available for purchase online, catering to women's fashion, and offering the best deals.
Sarees hold a timeless charm and are the epitome of grace and elegance. Whether it's a traditional celebration, a wedding, or a festive occasion, draping a beautiful saree instantly enhances a woman's beauty and exudes a sense of tradition and culture. With the advent of e-commerce, shopping for sarees has become easier and more convenient than ever before. Now, women can explore a wide range of stunning sarees online and find their perfect match at the best prices.
Discover the magic of sarees, a timeless and unstitched garment rooted in ancient history, tracing back to the Indus Valley civilization. With a length ranging from 4.5 to 9 meters, sarees offer endless possibilities for draping, reflecting diverse regional and cultural influences. Embrace your individuality with Samyakk's online collection, where you'll find a treasure trove of sarees catering to every taste and style. From classic and understated to vibrant and designer, our wide range ensures there's something for everyone. Experience the convenience of online shopping as you explore the captivating world of sarees at Samyakk, your one-stop destination for all your saree needs.
Elevate Your Festive Style with Samyakk's Trending Saree Collection!
Festivals are the perfect occasion to embrace the beauty of sarees. Unlike everyday wear, these festive celebrations demand exquisite outfits that make a statement. At Samyakk, we offer a diverse range of exclusive sarees to suit every festival and personal style.
Festival-Perfect Selection: Choose from our collection of designer sarees, specially curated to enhance your festive charm. Whether it's Diwali, Holi, or any other celebration, we have the perfect saree to match the occasion.
Embrace Variety: Depending on the festival, the type of saree you wear can vary. Discover the allure of Banarasi sarees during Diwali, opt for crepe sarees for year-round elegance, and indulge in silk sarees that never go out of style.
From Simplicity to Opulence: Our saree collection caters to all preferences. Explore simple cotton sarees for temple visits or opt for rich, zari-embroidered ensembles in gorgeous red for a truly festive look.
Craftsmanship and Quality: At Samyakk, we take pride in the craftsmanship and quality of our sarees. Each piece is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, promising a flawless and exquisite finish that lasts.
Make Lasting Impressions: With our latest and trending saree collection, you can create unforgettable memories during festivals. Adorn yourself in our stunning sarees and let your festive spirit shine.
Online Convenience: Experience the convenience of online shopping with Samyakk. Explore our extensive saree collection, browse detailed descriptions, and make your purchase from the comfort of your home.
Discover a wide selection of designer sarees for every occasion in Samyakk's online collection. Find the perfect ethnic wear that suits any special event.
Weddings demand exquisite sarees that capture the essence of celebration. Explore our range of wedding sarees, featuring stunning silk and georgette options adorned with intricate zari embroidery.
Adorned in magnificent Kanjivaram sarees or Banarasi sarees with solid zari borders, a bride glides down the aisle, radiating elegance and grace.
Looking for a trendy and stylish saree to wear to the office or a formal gathering? Our extensive collection of everyday sarees, including soft silk, tussar silks, and linen saree options, is sure to impress.
Embrace the beauty of tradition with a traditional saree that enhances your charm at pujas and wedding ceremonies.
For engagement ceremonies, opt for simplicity and elegance with georgette, fancy sarees, chiffon and organza sarees. Explore our range of floral printed sarees, net sarees, and trendy styles at Samyakk.
Make a lasting impression at receptions with net sarees embellished with sequins and embroidery. Choose from a variety of prints and bold colors, including gold, green, red, yellow, wine, and pastels.
From haldi to mehendi ceremonies, we have sarees to match the mood and color requirements of these special occasions. Browse through plain cotton sarees and other options at Samyakk.
No matter the occasion, whether it's a festive celebration, a cocktail party, Navratri, Diwali, Durga Puja, or any other special event, find your perfect saree at Samyakk's wide range of sarees available for purchase online.
Various Colors Available On Samyakk
Black Saree | Red Saree | Pink Saree | Blue Saree | Golden Saree | Purple Sarees | Green Sarees | Grey Sarees | Magenta Sarees | Maroon Sarees | Orange Sarees | Yellow Sarees | Multicolor Sarees | Brown Sarees | Turquoise Sarees | Red Banarasi Sarees | Black Silk Sarees | Red Silk Sarees | Green Silk Sarees | Yellow Silk Sarees | Pink Silk Sarees | Blue Silk Sarees | Black Cotton Sarees | Black Chiffon Sarees | Black Banarasi Sarees | Blue Banarasi Sarees | Golden Silk Sarees | Green Cotton Sarees | Yellow Georgette Sarees | Red Paithani Sarees | Black Kanjivaram Sarees | Pink Kanjivaram Sarees | Multicolor Silk Sarees | Pink Cotton Sarees | Pink Chiffon Sarees | Pink Georgette Sarees | Golden Banarasi Sarees | Blue Paithani Sarees | Yellow Paithani Sarees | Blue Kanjivaram Sarees | Yellow Kanjivaram Sarees | Green Organza Sarees | Green Chiffon Sarees | Multicolor Chiffon Sarees
Special Collections for Saree
Sarees | Bandhani Saree | Bengali Sarees | Jamdani Saree | Kerala Sarees | Patan Patola Sarees | Pattu Sarees | Pochampally Saree| Embroidery Sarees | Designer Fancy Sarees | Net Saree |  Party Wear Sarees | Indian Wedding Saree |  Plain Sarees | Bollywood Sarees | Daily Wear Sarees Printed Sarees | Kalamkari Sarees | Kantha Sarees| Madhubani Sarees | Floral Print Sarees | African Print Saree | Anarkali Dress | Sharara Suits | Palazzo Suits | Salwar Suits 
Wedding Collections 
Designer Wedding Sarees | Designer Wedding Lehenga | Wedding Suits | Silk Wedding Sarees| Red Wedding Sarees | Wedding Party Sarees | Yellow Wedding Sarees |  Green Wedding Sarees | Black Wedding Sarees | Wedding Salwar Suits | Silk Bridal Sarees | Pink Wedding Sarees | Bridal Salwar Suits | Pink Bridal Sarees | Maroon Wedding Sarees | Red Bridal Sarees | Bridal Lehenga Choli | Silk Bridal Sarees | Bridal Suits | Bridal Banarasi Sarees | Bridal Kanjivaram Sarees | Bridal Lehenga Collection | Yellow Bridal Sarees | Golden Bridal Sarees
Brand Samyakk marvelously has made its name well known in its course of time all over globe that one can easily shop your favorite saree for all your festivities and intimate celebrations from across the world, and get free worldwide shipping for the countries like USA, UK, Canada, Australia and so on. Our Samyakk team endeavors to bring you the best occasional designer lehenga collection that will make you stand out from the crowd.
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