pjo-ship-polls · 2 months
These are only for romantic pairings, not platonic.
The ships in the polls are the twelve (12) most popular ships for each character based on the number of fics on AO3.
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silima · 4 years
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very excited by the recent announcement that reyna avila ramírez-arellano is canonically in lesbians with every single girl in the pjo books
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howelljenkins · 4 years
the way that people would be so intimidated by reyna and then they meet her girlfriend and realize that reyna is the small sweet one.....
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whizzerd · 4 years
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“It's you, it's you. Oh god, it's you.”
Clareyna through the years - loosely based off of posts by @clareyna
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bipercabeth · 4 years
you CANT say you had thoughts and then not DIVULGE THEM
before i divulge 10 year old emma’s elaborate camp rock pjo au just know that i am laying on the floor of my dorm with my legs up on the wall while typing this entire thing. it is so stupid but it’s genius if you squint.
camp rock
percy is mitchi in this au and sally gets a job as the camp cook which allows him to go
grover is allison stoner
obviously annabeth is joe jonas and her bandmates are thalia (nick jonas) and luke (kevin jonas. sorry king but also himbo rights)
clarisse is tess
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this guy is chiron
the plot of the movie follows pretty much exactly because i was TEN but even ten year old me knew percy would never hide that he’s sally’s son so i decided that his claim to fame was through his dad who he never knew. he’s open about working in the kitchen with him mom because her cooking is great and everyone loves her. then clarisse finds out and reveals that percy never knew his dad for the Drama
camp rock 2: the final jam
i didn’t make an au for this because i was. yk. 10 years old. however i think this is hilarious and worth continuing bc 10 year old me honestly sowed some solid seeds ngl!!!
since thalia is nick jonas i am deciding that the girl from camp star he sings that song to is reyna
annabeth is the one to challenge camp star to the competition because Hubris
also percabeth tension? serving more character development than hoo
also everyone at camp rock is just scrambling to throw shit together in this movie bc there are no adults and i think that’s pretty on the nose
i haven’t watched this movie in ages so i forget the plot but basically the ending echoes the general consensus that the romans are more functional but chb is more Home and that fits
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firesidebi · 4 years
To All the (Girls) I Loved Before Clareyna AU
Reyna has had a handful of crushes throughout the years and when attempting to move on from each crush she writes them a letter with the intention of never sending them
When Hylla, Reyna’s older sister, is cleaning out Reyna’s closet for her she finds the box of letters and sends them out under the impression that she’s doing her sister a favor
(It’s not a favor)
Reyna is confronted by Clarisse, star of the rugby team and the first girl she ever kissed and wrote a letter to
Clarisse says she’s flattered but Reyna immediately realizes what has happened and internally freaks out
She then externally freaks out when she sees Piper McLean walking towards them, holding a letter of her own and calling out to Reyna
See, Reyna’s best friend Jason has been dating Piper since the beginning of high school; however, the two recently broke up because Jason got an offer to do an exchange program their senior year and Piper didn’t want to do long distance
Throughout the course of her best friends’ relationship, Reyna has harbored her own crush on Piper but kept quiet about it, hence the letter
Seeing Piper holding it in her hand makes Reyna panic and that causes her to launch herself at Clarisse, leading to the two of them kissing in the middle of gym class
Reyna apologizes and asks Clarisse to meet her after her rugby practice so that the two of them can talk
At lunch (which she thankfully doesn’t share with Piper) she is confronted by Annabeth, her friend that attended homecoming with her when she didn’t want to third wheel Piper and Jason and Percy had been invited to another school’s homecoming by a pretty girl named Calypso who frequented the park where Percy skated
It had been a very stressful time to be around Percy and Annabeth in a group
Individually though, they were very fun to hang out with, which is what led to Reyna forming a fleeting crush that only lasted a couple of days on Annabeth
When confronted with the letter Reyna explains the whole situation to both her and Percy (who can’t believe she made out with Clarisse in gym class)
Reyna explains that the other two letters were addressed to Thalia, Jason’s cool older sister who was taking a road trip across the country with a group of friends, and to Rachel, a cute artsy girl that Reyna met while being camp counselors together for a two week program
The rest of the day passes on and Reyna goes and watches the end of Clarisse’s practice while waiting for her to finish up
During this time Piper finally confronts Reyna about the letter and instead of telling the truth Reyna explains that it was written a long time ago and doesn’t matter because she’s dating Clarisse anyways
Piper kind of believes her but ultimately doesn’t press any further and heads on home after Reyna rejects her ride offer, stating that Clarisse is going to take her home
When practice is finally done Reyna explains the whole situation and apologizes for using Clarisse as a scapegoat
Clarisse laughs and thinks the whole thing is hilarious BUT is willing to fake date Reyna until the whole thing blows over
Reyna is suspicious about why she’s so eager to go with this and Clarisse explains that ever since her own long time crush/best friend Silena got a boyfriend, she’s been trying to set Clarisse up with girls so that they can go on double dates
So they agree to fake date in order to attempt to cool down the tension in their respective social lives
Alright that’s all I got for right now but I might add more to this......we will see. For @pjofemslashweek and my own enjoyment lmao
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demigodsanswer · 4 years
Everyone: *writing Clareyna headcanons* 
Me, two weeks late to the party: 
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They meet after the Giant war, and Reyna is instantly taken by her, but Clarisse is ... pretty oblivious to her feelings
They train together a lot, and Clarisse is vocal about how impressive Reyna’s skills are, but they don’t ever have conversations together. They just spar together or train side-by-side. 
She asks Annabeth and Piper about her, but they’ve been gone from camp for so long neither of them know much. 
Finally Piper comes up to Reyna and says: “Alright, I asked around, and found out that she’s bi, single, but newly single, like last few months or something, so that might be an advantage or disadvantage. No word on if she’s into you or not, but you’re hot, so I wouldn’t worry about that too much. 
One day, after a spar together, Clarisse smiles at her, and compliments her, and Reyna tries to maintain her scary cool-girl demeanor as best she can. But she walks back to the bleachers grinning wide. 
Drew slides up next to her. “You’re never going to get her attention this way,” Drew tells her. 
“What? How would you know that?” 
“I know things. She fights people all the time. People who fight her aren’t her type." 
Reyna crossed her arms, defensive. “How can people who fight not be her type. What? Are you suggesting that I change who I am?”
“Gods, no,” Drew said. “I’m a fan of Grease, but those Sandra Dee makeovers are never sustainable.” She moved in closer. “You do need to find time with her away from training, though.”
“Why can’t I just go up to her and ask her out?” 
Drew shook her head. “Because any emotions besides, like, blood rage, terrify her. She’s like a woodland creature. You’ve gotta take this slow.”
“Should I even be listening to you? Piper doesn’t like you every much.”
“Piper’s right not to like me, I’m a bitch. But I’m not a liar." Drew scanned the arena looking for something for Reyna and Clarisse to do together. She spotted Coach Hedge at the end of the arena. “That’s it!” She said. “Ask her if you can help babysit the baby goat!” 
And thats how they both end up baby sitting baby Chuck together. 
They’ve got two hours after Chuck goes to sleep before Coach Hedge gets back, so they just sit and talk. 
Reyna hates to admit it, but Drew was right. Outside of the arena, Clarisse is a lot calmer; she makes jokes, she smiled a lot easier, she talks more openly. Neither of them have to stress about leading people, and they can just relax.
And Reyna’s crush just gets worse by the hour. 
Finally, by the end of the night, when they’re walking back to the cabins from the Big House, Reyna throws caution to the wind, and just decides to ask her out. 
Despite Reyna having flirted nonstop for days, Clarisse looks surprised. 
“Yeah, really.” 
Clarisse smiled and looked at the ground as they walked back. “Sure, sounds great. You know where to find me.” 
Reyna thought about kissing her goodnight, but shied away from it. She was never great when it came to physical intimacy; she was much better with emotional intimacy. 
Instead, they just waved goodnight to each other as Clarisse jogged back to her cabin. 
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rcl-stan · 4 years
clarisse and reyna is such a great ship but honestly that's too powerful of a duo the world ain't ready 🖐🏼😪
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pjo-ship-polls · 2 months
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biclarisselarue · 4 years
i have recently seen some clarisse/reyna posts and let me tell you.. my eyes are Open ok they are so fucking open right now
buff power couple who bond because they’re both gruff women who come off as intimidating and have a hard time being vulnerable but who also are the most gentle and soft people when it comes to those they love
also the greek god of war/roman goddess of war aspects!! incredible are you kidding they would rock your shit in a fight im talking an absolute whirlwhind of a fight that is a mess of different techniques and tactics somehow seamlessly blended together in such a way that you literally can’t say exactly what happened by the time you’re on the ground with a sword to your throat
im talking separate camp leader vibes who fall in love through a mutual love of the kids in their camps and their desire to protect said kids
reyna drawing out clarisse’s more patient and understanding side, clarisse allowing reyna to be more spontaneous and hotheaded
they both annoy the hell out of each other but in the way that only two people who truly love each other can especially because they can be so different in their approaches while similar in their emotional intensity (yes i mean both war and deep things but also they got into a two hour heated debate about whether a hot dog is a sandwich and no they absolutely did not come to an agreement and yes that is now a banned topic)
also!!!! clarisse and reyna sparring!!!! the ferocity, the drama, the passion!!!!
the way they’d also be able to help each other process their own trauma and allow the other to let their guards down because they both understand how hard it is to do so
consider: they meet because they have to go on a quest together, at first it’s a lot of stubborn quietness and no small amount of passive aggressive remarks mixed in with a pinch of begrudging respect, but then, after three weeks of monsters and shitty motels and cryptic prophecies, maybe a few beautiful nights under the stars and sharing of stories, someone gets hurt. badly. oh yes, a classic. how did said person get hurt? by pushing the other out of the way of danger and generally being impulsive. argument during wound tending about someone having a death wish vs someone having a stick up their ass that ends with someone yelling loudly that they care about them for the love of the gods
reyna gently cupping clarisse’s face when they kiss
many MANY thoughts
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silima · 4 years
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ok ok... clarisse and reyna warrior girlfriends 💗
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howelljenkins · 4 years
reyna introducing herself to clarisse and sprinkling in the fact that she’s gay and single
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whizzerd · 4 years
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last day of pjo femslash week! decided to do a clareyna camp swap au
[ID:  A fan made comic page with three panels. The first panel is the largest and acts as the background, Clarisse La Rue is a white girl with various scars on her muscular arms, she’s walking across an empty battle field with trees in the distance. She’s wearing roman breastplate, golden shin guards, pteruges (armored skirt) and sandals. Clarisse’s hair is short, dark blonde and held back by a purple bandanna that matches her large purple cape. She is holding a spear. 
The next panel is of Reyna Arellano she is a Latina girl with dark skin and dark braided hair, with a few strands blowing in the wind. She’s waiting a beaded necklace, orange camp t-shirt and a simple breastplate. She’s blushing slightly and gazing admiringly at Clarisse. A speech bubble comes from off screen reading, “Reyna? You need a minute?” 
The final panel is again of Reyna this time facing to the right, yelling at the off screen camper, “Get back in formation!” The speech bubble is spiked to insinuate her sharp tone. Reyna is blushing harder than before. The unseen camper laughs.  END ID] 
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yukippe · 4 years
i was thinking of the comedic possibilites that @charlesbeckendorf brought up so heres some clareyna content
the funny thing is - reyna was late. fundamentally, she did not get along with the concept of being late to things, but since she’d just finished traveling across half the planet via shadow travel, fought a giant, and helped finish a war she figured she was allowed to take her time a bit when it came to packing up and heading home. 
what piper had said about camp half blood having it’s doors open if she wanted a break...reyna was thinking about it. she loved new rome and with her history she didn’t know what living in simple peace might be like. while camp half blood wasn’t the mortal world, it was far less strict than the legion. besides, she’d had to deal with the majority of the people who put her in the position of praetor try to toss her aside when octavian promised blood.
reyna wasn’t sure what it would be like returning to new rome. so maybe she was dragging her feet a bit. she was walking through the camps to meet the waiting romans when she ran into clarisse. 
during the battle reyna had seen clarisse fight, she was truly very talented with her spear and. well, piper’s conversation had reyna’s brain turning. in the light and day away from a battle, clarisse was still as beautiful as she had been taking down monsters. she felt she could maybe be excused for tripping into a beautiful girl. 
“hey,” clarisse said, helping reyna back onto her feet. reyna brushed her hand against clarisse’s arms and swallowed at the feeling of hard muscle. “you okay there?”
reyna nodded, smiling up at clarisse, “oh of course, thank you so much for helping me back up.”
clarisse blinked at her, “uh yeah, no problem. aren’t the romans clearing out right now?”
“oh yeah, but they can wait a bit,” reyna said, taking another step closer to clarisse. “what’s your name? i’m reyna.”
“uh, i’m clarisse. you’re the leader of the romans, right? i don’t think they can leave without you.”
“well, i think they can wait a bit longer, so clarisse i saw you destroy that cyclops a few days ago. really impressive stuff, i could’ve mistaken you for a roman.” reyna reached out for clarisse’s hand, and threaded their fingers together. 
that, apparently, was the right thing to say because clariess lights up. “oh yeah! hedge was telling me about how you took no prisoners and shit when you were in puerto rico with the hunters and the amazons...and he told me about how you wore topical shirts for half the trip.” then, clarisse pauses as if she’s thinking about something very seriously. 
clarisse started to smile back at her, “well daughter of ares and everything. i’m kinda good at wars. really though, the whole athena parthenos thing is way more impressive.”
"i had help from nico and coach hedge though," reyna admits.
reyna’s never needed the spotlight, but she can’t say she doesn’t appreciate it right now. “it was cool i guess, coach hedge and nico were great.”
“so, um. tropical shirts for both you and death boy,”“ clarisse is blushing now and reyna thinks this is one of the popular media things she misses out on when running an army. but, she’s willing to run with it blindfolded for as long as she can to see where it goes. 
“yeah,” reyna says with a wink. clarisse blinks wildly at that. “it really grew on me, i’m thinking about getting one that wasn’t stolen from a tourist trap.”
clarisse smiles slowly, “cute.”
reyna titls her head and smiles back, squeezing clarisse’s hand. “you think so?”
well,” clarisse says. “you’re beautiful, actually. but, you probably know that.” 
oh. reyna’s never quite known what people said when they talked about butterflies in their stomachs but, clarisse’s smile and honest expression when she calls her beautiful? reyna suddenly understands what the big deal about liking someone is. “not as handsome as you,” reyna tells clarisse, it’s the easiest thing in the world to say because it’s true. 
clarisse bites her lip and nods, “can i iris message you when you head back to your fancy roman city? it’s a big distance and all, but i do have a fancy flying chariot i can visit in.”
“yeah,” reyna says softly. “i’d like that a lot.”
clarisse starts to lean down and reyna feels hot because she thinks clarisse is going to-
“reyna!” comes frank’s voice, all the way over by the tree on the hill. “what are you doing? you’re like half an hour late. you're never late.”
reyna takes a deep breath and summons up all the patience she’s had to learn from being a praetor and shouts back at the top of her lungs, “frank zhang give me two minutes!”
frank makes some sort of hand gesture, maybe a thumbs up, before disapearring back below the hill. reyna sighs and turns back to clarisse, who’s let go of her hand. the taller girl looks a little awkward and reyna frowns at that, awkward doesn’t fit clarisee quite right. 
she leans up on her toes and kisses clarisse’s cheek gently, “don’t forget to iris message me, okay? i don’t know how to send them myself yet.”
clarisse’s hand lifts up to tuch her cheek and she looks at reyna with such a soft look in her eyes and reyna feels like her bodies on fire. “yeah,” clarisse says. “you better be waiting by the line.”
reyna smiles at her again and then she goes to rejoin the rest of the legion, but before she runs off to make sure they haven’t tried to mutiny again she gives clarisse a long slow look over and winks. clarisse stutters after her and reyna thinks that this is maybe the best way this could’ve all ended. maybe she'll try to be late more often.
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clareyna are the girlfriends who, no matter when you go to the gym, they somehow end up being there too
[image description: a pencil sketch of reyna and clarisse from the percy jackson series, standing together and smiling as if taking a mirror selfie. reyna is a latina woman with brown skin, dark eyes, and long curly black hair in a braid over her shoulder. she's wearing a sports bra, leggings, and cardigan, and holding her phone to take a selfie.
clarisse is a tall, large butch woman with pale skin, dark eyes, and short spiky light hair. she has her arm around reyna and is throwing up a peace sign with the other hand. she is wearing a loose god of war tank top, basketball shorts, and a black bandeau. end of description.]
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shippy-pjo-shipper · 4 years
Clareyna is becoming popular !!
And. That's. All. This. Ship. Deserves!!
Seriously, I had forgotten what joy it was to see one of your rarepair getting the recognition it deserves. Thank you PJO/HOO Fandom !!
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