#clara bingham
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demisexualnathanvuornos · 1 year ago
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Clara Bingham (Nikki Delouch) Five More Minutes: Moments Like These (2022) 6/ 6
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frecklenog · 1 year ago
me, disabled, and with special interests in both worldbuilding and disability accommodations, history, and advocacy: i wonder what kind of disabilities existed on gallifrey. would regeneration reset an autoimmune disorder, or would it follow through to their next form? can they regenerate into a body with an autoimmune disorder? is it there to stay once it hits?
what about limb differences? if gallifreyans can regenerate limbs (at the very least within the first 15 hours of regeneration, as seen in the christmas invasion), would that mean the majority of limb differences on gallifrey would be congenital? would a gallifreyan be encouraged to regenerate regardless of threat to their life after an amputation, or has gallifrey moved past that sort of ableism? (probably not, since fifteen's tardis being wheelchair accessible (or, the entrance, since the ramps within seem pretty steep) is considered remarkable by wheelchair user and unit agent shirley anne bingham. plus, from a doylist perspective, dw is very much a product of its various times, being a universe that started development in the early 60s.) would regeneration ""fix"" (heavy airquotes on that) such limb differences? is it possible to regenerate into a body with a limb difference? what sort of adaptive devices are/were there on gallifrey for those who either can't regenerate because they're very close to or at their regeneration limit, or simply choose not to do so?
a lot of these questions also apply to neurological disorders and injuries, too, if you change the wording a bit. tremors, chronic pain, weakness, paralysis, mobility issues, those sorts of things.
and are their blind gallifreyans? (if so, the doctor clearly didn't spend enough time around them.) deaf/hoh gallifreyans? similar questions there, too! (written gallifreyan language already makes my head spin, personally, but i'm intrigued by the idea of how they might go about designing an equivalent of braille! and i'd bet money that gallifreyan sign would include words and phrases that humans wouldn't think to consider, just like any other language. but then, why doesn't the tardis's translation matrix recognize and automatically translate british sign language, as we see with cass's signing confusing clara in before the flood?)
further, what about potential disabilities with no human analogue that relate to the regeneration process itself-?
my parents: hang on. slow down. what the fuck are you talking about
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willowwitchreputation · 1 year ago
While Clara Bow is peaking interest, here are some additional FASCINATING and awesome women of that era to check out on Wikipedia/books if you’re ever bored, or consume their art if interested:
-Josephine Baker (!!!)
-Zelda Fitzgerald
-Ruth Etting
-Bessie Smith
-Henrietta Bingham
-Helen Kane (The real Betty Boop)
-Sippie Wallace
-Ma Rainey
-Sophie Tucker
- Lady Diana Cooper
-Tallulah Bankhead
-Annette Hanshaw
-Trixie Smith
-Mamie Smith
-Ethel Waters
-Victoria Spivey
-Greta Garbo
-Joan Crawford
That’s a good start, but there is so much more.
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denimbex1986 · 1 year ago
We didn’t want David Tennant to go, and it was time for Ncuti Gatwa to finally take the Tardis keys, but in a twist we got both of them at once. It was no surprise, though, that Neil Patrick Harris was a scene-stealing romp, revelling in silly accents, closeup card magic and imaginative cruelty.
The Toymaker’s violence-dealing dance scene at Unit HQ to the Spice Girls rivalled the Master’s Rasputin routine in the Power of the Doctor, and seemed like the new Russell T Davies era writ large: bright, bold and knowingly silly, but with an underlying political message.
Shirley Anne Bingham (Ruth Madeley) was back too, and the barb a possessed Kate Stewart (Jemma Redgrave) aimed at her, that she had seen her getting up out of her wheelchair, was oddly prescient. It was filmed months and months ago, but echoed the ludicrous discourse after Madeley’s first appearance about whether a character in a wheelchair could be capable of crossing their legs. Online discourse like that was one of Davies’ real-life targets with this script, with its not-too-subtle messaging that having every human online and 100% certain they were right about everything was a recipe for global chaos.
A return for former companion Mel (Bonnie Langford) meant she finally got to show that her character really had been, as described, a computer programmer, and not just an eternally-in-distress 1980s damsel. And Langford got to use her singing and dancing skills for plot-driven reasons too.
At its heart, for the first 40 minutes, this was about Tennant and Catherine Tate (Donna). At times tender, at times dry or sarcastic with each other – “I’m already running!” – but always friends. When Donna so effortlessly negotiated a future job at Unit, you feared the worst for her – that it would be another fantastic dream she would never get to have, but she ended up with her family life, and an unexpected plus one in the shape of a grounded 14th Doctor.
Gatwa’s entrance, due to the show’s first ever “bi-generation”, appears to be acting as a character cleanse for the Doctor and a potential soft timeline reset for the show as a whole. It meant a huge tonal shift for the final third, leaving the demise of the Toymaker almost an aside as the Doctors stood together, using the 60th anniversary to wave goodbye to the past and usher in the future.
Sum it up in one sentence? The Toymaker returns to drive the human race to distraction with a doll, only to find they’ve gifted the Doctor a home.
Life aboard the Tardis We got the awkward conversation that happens every time a current companion meets an earlier one – “but you’d never mentioned them”. And the Toymaker’s puppet replay of the grisly fates of Amy, Clara and Bill rammed home how life on the Tardis has become a hazardous occupation in the modern era.
Fear factor The scenes inside the Toymaker’s shop had a creepy dreamlike feel to them, with the dolls at times evoking horror movie vibes – albeit a horror movie you can show to eight-year-old kids on a Saturday teatime.
Mysteries and questions The Meeps’s reference to its boss in the first special, and the Toymaker saying there was a thing hiding in the universe that even he was afraid to challenge, but would be somebody else’s game, seem to be setting up a big bad for Gatwa’s first full season. And the Master couldn’t really be trapped for all eternity in a gold tooth? Of course not. That was surely the hand of the Rani picking up the tooth after it dropped.
Deeper into the vortex * There were too many callbacks to count, but the biggest was the Toymaker, who, as briefly glimpsed in colourised clips, first appeared played by Michael Gough in a 1966 story with William Hartnell. Gough was due to reprise the role in The Nightmare Fair, a 1986 Colin Baker story, but BBC bigwigs had other ideas, put the show on hiatus, and we ended up with Trial of a Time Lord instead. The 1966 story has three episodes missing from the archive, but an animated version using the original audio soundtrack will be released next year. Though from the trailer it looks like it was animated in Roblox, so YMMV. * As Kate Stewart, Jemma Redgrave has now appeared in stories featuring the 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th and War Doctors. That equals or eclipses the number of Doctors that her character’s father, Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, appeared with, depending on how pedantically you count them. * Russell T Davies has said that one of the reasons he thought of casting Harris as the Toymaker after working with him on It’s a Sin was because the actor is a magic enthusiast and has done his own standup magic routines before...'
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eowyndy · 2 years ago
Tagged by @heartlandrock —thanks friend!
Last Song You Listened To: Time Machine by Margo Price
Show You’re Currently Watching: I’m halfway through season 2 of The Bear
Book You’re Currently Reading: “Witness To The Revolution” by Clara Bingham. It’s a series of interviews and firsthand testimonials from people involved in a variety of movements from late 1968 to early 1970, focusing primarily on the anti-war and civil rights movements and second-wave feminist movement.
What You’re Currently Obsessed With: My brother got me a gorgeous record player for Christmas last year, so I’ve been having a lot of fun growing my vinyl collection.
My vegetable garden is also flourishing and I’ve really been enjoying that.
Tagging: @lehdenlaulu @jaroslav-halak @neon-persimmon @thegeekylibrarian
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back-and-totheleft · 6 years ago
When I came back, I was definitely “Fuck you. Fuck the system," you know, anti-authority, smoking dope - I carried dope back with me from Vietnam. I'd just come out of the field about five days before they let me go. We were on this mission that got stuck up in the mountains with a lot of rain and we couldn't get out. So five days after I'm out of the jungle, I'm in Fort Lewis, Washington.
Anyway, I took acid in San Francisco. I was trying to get into the groove of what was going on. I just felt like this freedom is too much. I couldn't handle the freedom. No one wanted to know about Vietnam. You couldn't talk to anybody. I went to Santa Cruz and San Francisco and no one wanted to talk about that shit. I got the message pretty quick: "Shut up, just don't talk about it."
I broke up with all my friends in my platoon. They went back to small towns. These guys came from Utah, Indiana, or Kentucky and Tennessee towns. I made my way back to New York. I don't remember 1969 too well. Put it this way: It was really alienating. The whole thing in New York was alien to me. I started to take half steps, but I just couldn't get back into society. I began taking drugs, a lot of LSD, and stuff like that. My acid trips were really dark sometimes. I was taking acid in subways. I wasn't doing the peaceful shit. It was more like "Strange Days," with Jim Morrison, like strange people coming out of the rain.
Getting the GI Bill was important. I don't know if I would have done it any other way. I had to do it on my own. In September '69 I enrolled in NYU film school. I was older than the other students, which made me strange. It was hard because I didn't like some of those kids. They were all protesting. They were doing documentaries on tunnel workers, and talking the game but not living it. There was a lot of talk, talk, talk, but I was quiet. I was alienated. I would sit in the corner. I made short films that were not good. But we worked together and it brought us into a collective. Marty Scorsese was my first teacher, so that helped. Marty was one of these guys who didn't make a lot of sense to me. He had long hair, and talked a mile a minute, but he loved film.
After the Kent State shootings the protests went through the school; there were protesters all over New York. I was not joining them. I was not even talking about Vietnam. Gradually I made better and better short films, and I made a film that Marty praised, called Last Year of Vietnam. It was a twelve-minute film about a veteran who returns from war, who is alienated. It's a good film, a lonely film. And that was reintegration. The kids in my class didn't know I had been in Vietnam until I made that film.
-Oliver Stone interviewed by Clara Bingham, Witness to the Revolution: Radicals, Resisters, Vets, Hippies and the Year America Lost Its Mind and Found Its Soul (2017) [x]
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rhartdepartment · 8 years ago
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Book cover for Random House Trade Paperbacks  |  Art Director: Paolo Pepe  |  Designer: Caroline Teagle Johnson  |  Photographer: Wally McNamee  |  Published 2017
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scannain · 4 years ago
Galway Film Fleadh announces the nominees for the 2021 Bingham Ray New Talent Award
The 33rd Galway Film Fleadh has announced the nominees for the 2021 Bingham Ray New Talent Award: Stacey Gregg, Sean Breathnach, Roisín Geraghty Producer, Clara Harte, and T.J O’Grady-Peyton.
The 33rd Galway Film Fleadh has announced the nominees for the 2021 Bingham Ray New Talent Award. Co-founder of indie film distributor, October Films and former president of United Artists, Bingham Ray attended the Galway Film Fleadh and Galway Film Fair for many years before his untimely death in 2012.  Bingham spent his time at the Galway Film Fleadh…
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rearranging-deck-chairs · 11 months ago
actually hang on lets spend the rest of the night imagining the specials with yaz still there. marrying the old with the new or the.....oldnew with the newold idk but yaz deserves her hand held and her arm pulled out of its socket in enthusiasm (she even refrains from taking 13s hand when shes actively dying!!!!) and i want to see her see 14s openness and have them literally look at each other in startlement like what the Fuck
i want her there meeting donna and rose, Watching. i want her there in the cab while the doctor catches up. i want her asking questions about donna while they sneak into the.......place where the alien spaceship is and i want the doctor to respond to those questions easily with basically what he tells shirley later. i want to see what "Because I've got this friend called Donna Noble, and she was my best friend in the whole wide universe. I absolutely love her. Oh. Mmm. Do I say things like that now?" turns into when it has to be said to yazs face.
i want her there in the tunnels of unit meeting shirley. the two of them doing the lay of the land conversation in quiet voices like theyve done this a thousand times before. the doctor going "double-bladed dagger drive, damaged by laser fire, which means-" and yaz finishing "two alien species at war with each other? feel like ive heard that one before" - "i was wrong then though, wasnt i?" - "and now?" - "lets hope not" before shirley interrupts "doctor" "and this is yaz" "nice to meet you" "did you get the heat readings and deceleration?" "ive got everything. shirley ann bingham. unit scientific advisor 56" "i was scientific advisor number 1" "you were?" "he was. im gonna get a bonus just for meeting him. but why are you hiding away? we're on the same side" "hmnggweelllyeahh we were just upstairs yesterday slash last year dalek....cybermen....master.....situation, you remember. new faces, old faces, bit awkward, you know how it goes" "hang on, last year?" "oh yeah, we skipped ahead a bit" "doctor!" "just give me your phone later we'll backdate a couple of texts. nobody needs to know" "youre impossible" "you were supposed to go home" shirley like: 👀 but then that soldier comes to interrupt them and they bounce
i want her there in all the scenes in donnas house feeling sooo out of place and trying to understand how she feels like the doctor just died but also,,,,not? but every time she thinks shes about to lose it the doctor pulls her into the conversation with a "yaz :)" thats just Too familiar counting on her skills and her knowledge bc she literally just saved the world and the doctor's life, and saying little things that the rest of the company wont understand just to make her feel like,,,,,,"im still here im still me" like a lowkey version of 11&12 to clara in deep breath.
i want her to pipe up "but you all assumed about the doctor?" when rose points out about the meeps pronouns and everyone look at her like Hang On Who Are You Again? and the doctor quickly move the conversation along to Meep Things before anyone starts asking Questions and i want yaz to shoot him a look that he Pointedly Ignores.
i want them to be all halloween apocalypse team dynamic as they get the family out of the house when all the soldiers come and the doctor surprisedly going "this is a lot easier with two" and yaz being like "took you long enough"
she'd stay with the family to get them to safety, maybe because the doctor orders her to but i dont think she'd listen so i think she'd take the initiative. that way you can still have the big climactic scenes with 14 and donna alone.
i want her to burst out laughing in the end after donna and rose "let it go", taking centre stage for the first time in the whole episode to go "hang on. hang on. tHE DOCTOR?!??!?! the doctor????? she'd have understood???" near hysterical because this day - in true doctor fashion - has lasted an entire year. i want everyone to be stopped dead in their tracks, the doctor as well as anyone else, startled and taken aback and realising we still dont actually know who she is? like shirley does, but none of the others. a friend of the doctor, sure, presumably, but we dont know where she came from, we dont know how long shes been here, just sort of in the background, watching, Being There so reliably that the doctor seems to count on her presence almost like the sonic or the tardis or that net that appears when you jump.
so she introduces herself to them briefly like "sorry. yasmin khan, and..." - looks at the doctor "...not actually entirely sure of the rest, right now". and the doctor looks at her like Not The Dirty Laundry Please I Put On This Whole New Outfit So Nobody Would See The Dirty Laundry. and yaz, loyal and devoted and one lie in two mouths when it comes to the doctor, narrows her eyes like fine. and the doctor turns to their Audience all smiles and is like "yaz! my best friend" "number 56?" she mutters "thereabouts?" he whispers back and they share a look that says we'll talk about The Rest later.
then we can finish the episode almost as it went. get a new look at the new tardis with two doctors at once. the doctor running around the console room while yaz gets her hands on the new console Immediately to figure out the new controls. she'd watch donna and the doctor together, figuring them out too, figuring out the new doctor too. and simultaenously her old doctor retroactively too. thinking about the doctor in her living room as donna talks about dinners and school plays. putting that away to pull him aside later to ask if he......would like that, actually. dinner. "i never got to taste that pakora" he says. "didnt miss much," she says. he gives her a look that maybe he thinks it was, and with that basically gives her an answer to the question she asked.
now wild blue yonder is gonna be more complicated. i think you'd need her to stay in the tardis. you know, lock the doors, have the doctor yell at her a bit through them, give her some instructions for repair perhaps. and then the doctor and donna can go take a stroll while yaz takes care of that. then wild blue yonder can go almost exactly as it goes. and the giggle i think would be very interesting with yaz added in. room enough for a couple of fun conversations. lots of potential with yaz+other companions
"i think i need to do the next part alone" no you dont!!!!!!! you dont!!!!!!!!!
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mysticalhearth · 4 years ago
Parade - Avery Fisher Hall, Lincoln Center - February 16, 2015 (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Jeremy Jordan (Leo Frank), Laura Benanti (Lucille Frank), Charlie Franklin (Frankie Epps), Emerson Steele (Mary Phagan), John Ellison Conlee (Hugh Dorsey), Alan Campbell (Governor John Slaton), Joshua Henry (Jim Conley), Nathaniel Stampley (Newt Lee), Andy Mientus (Britt Craig), Eric Anderson (J.N. Starnes), Davis Gaines (Judge Roan), Ramin Karimloo (Tom Watson), Andrea Jones-Sojola (Minola McKnight), Katie Rose Clarke (Mrs. Phagan), Rachel de Benedet (Sally Slaton), John Jellison (Mr. Peavy), Caitlin Houlahan (Iola Stover), Allie Trimm (Essie), Ephie Aardema (Monteen), John Jellison (Luther Rosser), Andrea Jones-Sojola (Angela), Charlie Franklin (Young Confederate Soldier), Eric Leviton (Officer Ivery), Nathaniel Stampley (Riley) NOTES: A fantastic capture of this one-night-only concert at Avery Fisher Hall. Jeremy and Laura give incredible performances, as does Joshua Henry and too many others to name. Jason Robert Brown gives a speech after the curtain call. Truly an epic night of theatre. This is a very near perfect video with no obstruction and only slight washout in wide shots. There are two quick dropouts in the first few minutes, but the concert is otherwise fully captured. It’s filmed in 16:9, with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. The sound is excellent. Includes curtain call, Jason’s speech, and playbill scans. Parade - Broadway - December 8, 1998 (Preview) (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Brent Carver (Leo Frank), Carolee Carmello (Lucille Frank), Kirk McDonald (Frankie Epps), Christy Carlson Romano (Mary Phagan), Herndon Lackey (Hugh Dorsey), John Hickok (Governor John Slaton), Rufus Bonds Jr (Jim Conley), Evan Pappas (Britt Craig), Don Chastain (Judge Roan), John Leslie Wolfe (Tom Watson), Jessica Molaskey (Mrs. Phagan), Brooke Sunny Moriber (Iola Stover), Megan McGinnis NOTES: Made from closed-circuit system in Vivian Beaumont Theatre. Stage shot entire time; decent picture and good sound. Also possibly from February 27, 1999. Parade - Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles - November 1, 2009 (Matinee) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: T R Knight (Leo Frank), Lara Pulver (Lucille Frank), Curt Hansen (Frankie Epps), Rose Sezniak (Mary Phagan), Michael Berresse (Governor John Slaton), David St Louis (Jim Conley), Davis Gaines (Judge Roan), PJ Griffith (Tom Watson) NOTES: Released as 2 Disc DVD. One short blackout in the first act, and some washout in the wides; very little obstruction with some heads on the bottom and the sides, but nothing major; good clear and steady video with nice picture and sound. Passion - Netherlands - 2004 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Vera Mann (Fosca), Stanley Burleson (Giorgio), Pia Douwes (Clara) Peter Pan (National Theatre) - London - 2016-, 2017 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Paul Hilton (Peter Pan), Anna Francolini (Captain Hook), Madeleine Worrall (Wendy Darling), Marc Antolin (John Darling), John Pfumojena (Michael Darling), Felix Hayes (Mr Darling), Saikat Ahamed (Tinkerbell), Felix Hayes (Smee), Saikat Ahamed (Curly), Lois Chimimba (Tiger Lily), Lois Chimimba (Slightly), Laura Cubitt (Twin One), Felix Hayes (Twin Two), Amaka Okafor (Jane), Ekow Quartey (Nana), Ekow Quartey (Tootles), Anna Francolini (Mrs. Darling) Phantom (Yeston/Kopit) - North Shore Music Theatre - 1994 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Ron Baker (Erik/The Phantom), Kristin Chenoweth (Christine Daaé), Marc Kudisch (Count Philippe de Chandon), Michael Dantuono (Gérard Carrière), SuEllen Estey (Carlotta) Phantom (Yeston/Kopit) - Takarazuka - 2011 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Tomu Ranju (Erik/The Phantom), Ranno Hana (Christine Daaé)
Piaf - The Netherlands - January 9, 2009 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Liesbeth List (Edith Piaf), Esther Roord (Toine), Daphne Flint (Young Edith Piaf), Geert Hoes (Marcel), Ara Halici (Paul), Jan Elbertse (Lucien), Eliane Feijen (Madeleine) Pippin - Broadway Revival - July 13, 2013 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Patina Miller (Leading Player), Matthew James Thomas (Pippin), Terrence Mann (Charles), Charlotte d'Amboise (Fastrada), Andrea Martin (Berthe), Rachel Bay Jones (Catherine), Erik Altemus (Lewis), Ashton Woerz (Theo) NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of the 2013 Tony Winning Revival. I certainly see why Patina and Andrea won their Tonys. A sleek and stunning revival with performances and ideas to die for! Certainly not to be missed! A Pippin - Broadway Revival - June 14, 2014 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Ciara Renée (Leading Player), Kyle Dean Massey (Pippin), Terrence Mann (Charles), Charlotte d'Amboise (Fastrada), Andrea Martin (Berthe), Rachel Bay Jones (Catherine), Erik Altemus (Lewis), Andrew Cekala (Theo) NOTES: Wonderful HD capture of the new leads who have joined the cast. The show is still in top shape, Kyle gives a great Pippin and beautiful voice to match! Ciara gives some great vocal variations of her own. A Pippin - Broadway Revival - December 30, 2014 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) |  TRADER'S NOTES: Working on uploading, PLEASE DO NOT REQUEST CAST: Carly Hughes (Leading Player), Josh Kaufman (Pippin), John Dossett (Charles), Charlotte d'Amboise (Fastrada), Priscilla Lopez (Berthe), Rachel Bay Jones (Catherine), Mike Schwitter (Lewis), Eli Tokash (Theo)   Pippin - World AIDS Day Benefit Concert - November 29, 2004 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Ben Vereen (Leading Player), Billy Porter (Leading Player), Darius de Haas (Leading Player), Kate Shindle (Leading Player), Rosie O’Donnell (Leading Player), Michael Arden (Pippin), Terrence Mann (Charles), Julia Murney (Fastrada), Charles Busch (Berthe), Laura Benanti (Catherine), Cameron Mathison (Lewis), Harrison Chad (Theo), Adam Fleming, Barrett Foa, Caitlin van Zandt, Cheyenne Jackson, Colin Hanlon, Erin Quill, Jenna Leigh Green, Jennifer Malenke, John Tartaglia, Jordan Gelber, Josh Young, Julie Garnye, Kate Pazakis, Kearran Giovanni, Kristoffer Cusick, Marty Thomas, Michael Longoria, Natalie Joy Johnson, Randy Redd, Robb Sapp, Sara Chase, Sriram Ganesan NOTES: If you've been wanting to see Rosie O'Donnell perform "Magic To Do" with a dancer in a bikini top grinding up on her, then look no further! *Ben Vereen, Darius de Haas, Billy Porter, Rosie O'Donell, Kate Shindle as the leading players The Pirate Queen - Broadway - March 24, 2007 (Preview) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Stephanie J Block (Grace (Gráinne) O'Malley), Linda Balgord (Queen Elizabeth I), Hadley Fraser (Tiernan), Marcus Chait (Donal O'Flaherty), Jeff McCarthy (Dubhdara), William Youmans (Sir Richard Bingham) The Pirate Queen - Broadway - April 11, 2007 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Stephanie J Block (Grace (Gráinne) O'Malley), Linda Balgord (Queen Elizabeth I), Hadley Fraser (Tiernan), Marcus Chait (Donal O'Flaherty), Jeff McCarthy (Dubhdara), William Youmans (Sir Richard Bingham) The Pirate Queen - Broadway - April 13, 2007 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Stephanie J Block (Grace (Gráinne) O'Malley), Linda Balgord (Queen Elizabeth I), Hadley Fraser (Tiernan), Marcus Chait (Donal O'Flaherty), Jeff McCarthy (Dubhdara), William Youmans (Sir Richard Bingham) NOTES: Wonderful crystal clear capture and top notch amazing performances. Much improved from Chicago version. Includes performance on the the View. A+ The Pirate Queen - Pre-Broadway / Chicago - October 8, 2006 FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) |  TRADER'S NOTES: PLEASE DO NOT REQUEST. Working on uploading :) CAST: Stephanie J Block (Grace (Gráinne) O'Malley), Linda Balgord (Queen Elizabeth I), Hadley Fraser (Tiernan), Marcus Chait (Donal O'Flaherty), Jeff McCarthy (Dubhdara), William Youmans (Sir Richard Bingham) The Play That Goes Wrong - Broadway - May, 2018 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Mark Evans (Chris Bean), Preston Truman Boyd (Robert Grove), Jonathan Fielding (Jonathan Harris), Amelia McClain (Sandra Wilkinson), Alex Mandell (Max Bennett), Harrison Unger (Dennis Tyde), Ashley Bryant (Annie Twilliol), Akron Watson (Trevor Watson) NOTES: (not Master's notes) Beginning from pre-show where the comedy 'bit' of the set breaking starts. Throughout, very clearly shot with no obstructions, in a mixture of wides and closes, following the action well. I think it's shot from the front of the circle. Once or twice the camera falls but never during key moments, and is quickly fixed. No long blackouts. Audience energy is great. The Play That Goes Wrong - West End (Duchess Theatre) - March, 2020 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MTS CAST: Ross Green (Chris Bean), Tom Bulpett (s/b Robert Grove), James Watterson (e/c Jonathan Harris), Ellie Morris (Sandra Wilkinson), Milo Clarke (Max Bennett), Michael Keene (Dennis Tyde), Leah Penston (s/b Annie Twilliol), Blayar Benn (Trevor Watson) Pokémon Live! - First National Tour - December 30, 2000 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Dominic Nolfi (Ash Ketchum), Heidi Michelle Weyhmueller (Misty), Dennis Kenney (Brock), Darren Dunstan (Giovanni), Lauren Kling (Jessie), Andrew Rannells (James), Dee Roscioli (Delia Ketchum), Patrick Frankfort (Professor Oak), Jennifer Risser (Pikachu), Kathleen Roche (Meowth), Leah Smith (Psyduck), Shaun Bradley (Mewtwo), Leah Smith (Jigglypuff), Natalie Weld (Nurse Joy), Suzanne Wogisch (Officer Jenny), Sinclair Mitchell (Dexter) NOTES: HOUSE-CAM and soundboard. Shot from the back of the theatre with some washout. Upgraded file with audience heads cut out and cropped image retaining all action Potted Potter: The Unauthorized Harry Experience - Off-Broadway - May 23, 2012 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Daniel Clarkson, Jefferson Turner NOTES: All seven Harry Potter books condensed into seventy minutes. Full/mid stage shot. Pretty Woman: The Musical - Broadway - January 16, 2019 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Samantha Barks (Vivian Ward), Adam Pascal (t/r Edward Lewis), Jennifer Sanchez (u/s Kit De Luca) NOTES: A lot of washout. Wide shot. Shot from the mez. Pretty Woman: The Musical - Broadway - February, 2019 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Samantha Barks (Vivian Ward), Adam Pascal (Edward Lewis), Eric Anderson (Mr. Thompson/Happy Man), Jason Danieley (Philip Stuckey), Kingsley Leggs (James Morse), Orfeh (Kit De Luca), Tommy Bracco (Giulio) NOTES: (not Master notes) Seems a fantastic capture of the show. Virtually no dropouts, obstructions and spotlight washout. Filmed more centre than the preview recording by the same master; mix of wides, mediums and some closeups; very good capture of the sets and actor choreography. Both are worth watching. Pretty Woman: The Musical - Broadway - July, 2018 (Preview) (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Samantha Barks (Vivian Ward), Andy Karl (Edward Lewis), Eric Anderson (Mr. Thompson/Happy Man), Jason Danieley (Philip Stuckey), Ezra Knight (James Morse), Orfeh (Kit De Luca), Allison Blackwell (Violetta), Tommy Bracco (Giulio), Brian Cali (Fred/Alfredo), Robby Clater (David Morse), Anna Eilinsfeld (Susan/Scarlett) NOTES: (not Master notes) Seems a fantastic capture of the show. Virtually no dropouts or obstructions. More spotlight washout than the Feb 2019 recording by the same master, but it's very minimal. Filmed at slight angle and with more closeups compared to the other recording. Very good capture of the actors' expressions. Both are worth watching. Pretty Woman: The Musical - Hamburg - September 25, 2019 (Preview) (Rumpel's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Patricia Meeden (Vivian Ward), Mark Seibert (Edward Lewis), Paul Kribbe (Mr. Thompson/Happy Man), Nigel Casey (Philip Stuckey), Frank Logemann (James Morse), Maricel (Kit De Luca) Pretty Woman: The Musical - Pre-Broadway/Chicago - April 13, 2018 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Samantha Barks (Vivian Ward), Steve Kazee (Edward Lewis), Eric Anderson (Mr. Thompson/Happy Man), Jason Danieley (Philip Stuckey), Kingsley Leggs (James Morse), Orfeh (Kit De Luca) NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of the PreBroadway production. This includes Steve as Edward before he left the production prior to Broadway. Such a fun show with terrific performances and a rare glimpse of Steve in the role! A Pride and Prejudice - TheatreWorks Silicon Valley - December, 2019 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Mary Mattison (Elizabeth Bennet), Sharon Rietkerk (Jane Bennet), Justin Mortelliti (Fitzwilliam Darcy), Travis Leland (Charles Bingley), Monique Hafen (Caroline Bingley) NOTES: Streamed by TheaterMania on April 10, 2020. Hosted by Julie James, Laura Osnes, and Beth Leavel. The Prince of Egypt - West End - March 5, 2020 (BwaytoWestEnd's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Luke Brady (Moses), Liam Tamne (Ramses), Alexia Khadime (Miriam), Christine Allado (Tzipporah), Gary Wilmot (Jethro), Silas Wyatt-Barke (Aaron), Joe Dixon (Seti), Debbie Kurup (Queen Tuya), Tanisha Spring (Nefertari), Adam Pearce (Hotep), Mercedesz Csampai (Yocheved) NOTES: Approx 12 gb stageshot filmed from stalls. Audio is awful most of the time. Master of this is BwaytoWestEnd The Prince of Egypt - West End - February, 2020 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Luke Brady (Moses), Liam Tamne (Ramses), Alexia Khadime (Miriam), Christine Allado (Tzipporah), Gary Wilmot (Jethro), Silas Wyatt-Barke (Aaron), Joe Dixon (Seti), Debbie Kurup (Queen Tuya), Tanisha Spring (Nefertari), Adam Pearce (Hotep), Mercedesz Csampai (Yocheved), Iman Pabani (Young Miriam/Leah/Young Hebrew Girl), Leo Babet (Young Aaron/Young Egyptian Boy/Young Midian Boy) NOTES: This video is never to be publicly shared on YouTube, tumblr, Facebook, Stage Dork etc. The Prince of Egypt - West End - February, 2020 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master)
FORMAT: video CAST: Luke Brady (Moses), Liam Tamne (Ramses), Alexia Khadime (Miriam), Christine Allado (Tzipporah), Gary Wilmot (Jethro), Silas Wyatt-Barke (Aaron), Joe Dixon (Seti), Debbie Kurup (Queen Tuya), Tanisha Spring (Nefertari), Adam Pearce (Hotep), Mercedesz Csampai (Yocheved), Iman Pabani (Young Miriam/Leah/Young Hebrew Girl), Leo Babet (Young Aaron/Young Egyptian Boy/Young Midian Boy) NOTES: This video is never to be publicly shared on YouTube, tumblr, Facebook, Stage Dork etc. The Producers - Hollywood Bowl - July 28, 2012 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Richard Kind (Max Bialystock), Jesse Tyler Ferguson (Leo Bloom), Gary Beach (Roger De Bris), Roger Bart (Carmen Ghia), Rebecca Romijn (Ulla), Dane Cook (Franz Liebkind) NOTES: Excellent capture of this year's Hollywood Bowl production. Action is followed well with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. The first minute of the show is missing, and the next few minutes are a bit shaky with scattered blackouts, but after "The King of Broadway" it settles and the majority of the show is captured nicely. SPOILER: Before "Keep It Gay" started, when Roger says "What's the word?" someone from the audience shouted out "Gay" which sent the cast into a laughing fit. The Prom - Broadway - August 11, 2019 (Matinee) (Closing Night) (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Caitlin Kinnunen (Emma Nolan), Brooks Ashmanskas (Barry Glickman), Isabelle McCalla (Alyssa Greene), Beth Leavel (Dee Dee Allen), Christopher Sieber (Trent Oliver), Michael Genet (Mr. Hawkins), Angie Schworer (Angie), Courtenay Collins (Mrs. Greene), Josh Lamon (Sheldon Saperstein), Becca Lee (Kaylee), Kalyn West (Shelby), Teddy Toye (Nick), Josh Franklin (Motel Clerk), Drew Redington (Kevin), Courtney Balan (Olivia Keating), Anthony Norman, Brittany Conigatti, Fernell Hogan, Jack Sippel, Jerusha Cavazos, Joomin Hwang, Mary Antonini, Shelby Finnie, Sheldon Henry, Vasthy Mompoint NOTES: Gift upon request. Unobstructed closing performance with the full cast! Starts in the beginning of "Changing Lives" and is a little washed out. For whatever reason my camera was mad at me and didn't want to focus in the beginning of Act One. It warmed up and got better, and to be honest I opted for wider shots because everyone was doing crazy things and I didn't want to miss anything. I stood up for all but one of the standing ovations and when I did so I have no idea what my camera did or what it was looking at. I would say sorry but it wouldn't be true. I'm just so damn proud of all of these people. Please do not post this bootleg publicly! The Prom - Broadway - February, 2019 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Caitlin Kinnunen (Emma Nolan), Josh Lamon (u/s Barry Glickman), Isabelle McCalla (Alyssa Greene), Beth Leavel (Dee Dee Allen), Christopher Sieber (Trent Oliver), Michael Genet (Mr. Hawkins), Angie Schworer (Angie), Courtenay Collins (Mrs. Greene), David Josefsberg (u/s Sheldon Saperstein) NOTES: Excellent capture! Josh mistakenly mentions Alyssa in 'Tonight Belongs to You' despite not being meant to know her name at this point. The last three minutes of the show are from a different performance, during previews, with Brooks Ashmanskas as Barry and Josh Lamon as Sheldon, but it is a full video in total. The Prom - Broadway - March, 2019 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Gabi Campo (u/s Emma Nolan), Brooks Ashmanskas (Barry Glickman), Isabelle McCalla (Alyssa Greene), Beth Leavel (Dee Dee Allen), Christopher Sieber (Trent Oliver), Michael Potts (Mr. Hawkins), Angie Schworer (Angie), Courtenay Collins (Mrs. Greene), David Josefsberg (u/s Sheldon Saperstein), Becca Lee (Kaylee), Susie Carroll (s/w Shelby), Teddy Toye (Nick), Drew Redington (Kevin), Courtney Balan (Olivia Keating) NOTES: This video starts at "Dance With You" and is super focused on Gabi. There are less heads in this than most of my videos and a railing that gets in the way occasionally, but they were mostly worked around. The cast as a whole is doing top notch work, though at times you can tell that Brooks and Izzy are just back from being sick. Overall this is a really great video of one of my favorite shows, and I'm really proud of myself for containing my crying at the end of act one. The Prom - Pre-Broadway / Atlanta - September 17, 2016 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Caitlin Kinnunen (Emma Nolan), Brooks Ashmanskas (Barry Glickman), Anna Grace Barlow (Alyssa Greene), Beth Leavel (Dee Dee Allen), Christopher Sieber (Trent Oliver), Martin Moran (Mr. Hawkins), Angie Schworer (Angie), Josh Lamon (Sheldon Saperstein) NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of the Pre-Broadway tryout. A really touching and funny new musical, led by a hilarious cast of Broadway veterans. A perfect mix of comedy and drama.
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demisexualnathanvuornos · 1 year ago
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Clara Bingham (Nikki Delouch) Five More Minutes: Moments Like These (2022) 5/ 6
0 notes
ndxfc · 5 years ago
NWSL 2020 College Draft
1st Round:
Sophia Smith (F), Stanford, PTFC
Morgan Weaver (F), Washington State, PTFC
Taylor Kornieck (M), University of Colorado Boulder, ORL
Ashley Sanchez (F), UCLA, WAS
Evelyne Viens (F, CAN), USF, SBFC
Ally Watt (F), Texas A&M University, NCC
Courtney Petersen (D), UVA, ORL
Tziarra King (F), NC State, URFC
Kelcie Hedge (M), Santa Clara, SEA
2nd Round:
10. Konya Plummer (D, JAM), UCF, ORL
11. Kaleigh Riehl (D), Penn State, SBFC
12. Kate Del Fava (M), Illinois State, URFC
13. Natalie Jacobs (F/M/D), USC, WAS
14. Phoebe McClernon (D), UVA, ORL
15. Julia Bingham (D), USC, CRS
16. Camryn Biegalski (D), Wisconsin, CRS
17. Averie Collins (M), Washington State, WAS
18. Bridgette Andrzejewski (F), UNC, HOU
3rd Round:
19. Zoe Morse (M/D), UVA, CRS
20. Amanda McGlynn (GK), Virginia Tech, SBFC
21. Cheyenne Shorts (D), UDenver, ORL
22. Chloe Castaneda (F), UCLA, HOU
23. Katie McClure (F), Kansas, WAS
24. Ella Stevens (F/M), Duke, CRS
25. Meghan Nally (D), Georgetown, PTFC
26. Abi Kim (F), UC Berkeley, ORL
27. Sinclaire Miramontez (D), Nebraska, NCC
4th Round:
28. Addisyn Merrick (D), Kansas, NCC
29. Chantelle Swaby (M/D), Rutgers, SBFC
30. Chelsea Washington (M), Bowling Green, ORL
31. Cyera Hintzen (F), UT Austin, URFC
32. Kaiya McCullough (D), UCLA, WAS
33. Sam Hiatt (D), Stanford, SEA
34. Meg Brandt (F/M/D), Nebraska, SEA
35. Aerial Chavarin (F/M/D) Yale, CRS
36. Brianne Folds (M), Auburn, NCC
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specialspaceus-blog · 6 years ago
Las mejores fotos de la Tierra tomadas desde el espacio por la NASSA
1. Glaciares y picos de granito de molienda en el Parque Nacional de Chile Torres del Paine, desde el EO-1
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2. La región industrial de Korangi, en Medio Oriente, desde la ISS
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3. El volcán Kliuchevskoi, Rusia, en erupción, desde el Landsat 8
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4. Panorama del archipiélago de Tierra del Fuego y Cabo de Hornos (Argentina y Chile), desde la ISS
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5. La primavera llegando al Golfo de Alaska, desde el Aqua de la NASA
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6. Antwerp y Bruselas, metrópolis belgas a la noche, desde la ISS
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7. El volcán Shiveluch, en Rusia, desde el Landsat 8
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8. Tormenta eléctrica y formación de rayos entre Arabia Saudita y Kuwait, desde la ISS
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9. Tristes cicatrices de la deforestación en las selvas de Perú, desde el Landsat 8
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10. Fuertes corrientes al sur de Nueva Zelanda, desde el Aqua de la NASA
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11. La oscuridad de Corea del Norte frente al esplendor de Corea del Sur, desde la ISS
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12. Las nubes decoran la desolación de los desiertos al sur de Mauritania, desde la ISS
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13. Espirales de plankton en las aguas del sur del Índico, desde el Aqua de la NASA
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14. Los picos del Monte Everest, desde el EO-1
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15. Los secos y congelados paisajes del glaciar Taylor, al oeste del Valle McMurdo, desde el Landsat 8
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16. La región norte del remoto desierto de Atacama, Chile, desde el EO-1
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17. La tumultuosa Ciudad de Nueva York, desde las cámaras de la ISS
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18. La bella y tranquila Laguna de Venecia, desde las cámaras de la ISS
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19. Mina del Cañón Bingham, una de las mayores a cielo abierto del mundo, por el EO-1
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20. Cicatrices del incendio forestal de Yosemite en agosto del 2013 por el Landsat 8
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21. Excepcional vista clara de Alaska capturada por el satélite Terra, habitualmente cubierta de nubes y nieve
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22. Cicatriz del tornado EF5 que azotó Oklahoma el 20/05/2013
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23. Supertifón Haiyan, un día antes de tocar la superficie de Filipinas, por el satélite Aqua
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24. Campos de cultivo al este de Kazajstán, por el satélite Landsat 8
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25. Volcán Pavlov en erupción, perspectiva oblicua desde la ISS
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denimbex1986 · 1 year ago
'The world of Doctor Who has changed forever with the debut of “The Giggle,” the last of the three Doctor Who 60th anniversary specials. The Doctor faces off against the Toymaker for the first time in 60 years, and nothing will ever be the same again because of it. Here’s my recap and thoughts of “The Giggle.”...
The story begins in 1925, where a man enters a toyshop owned by the Toymaker (Neil Patrick Harris) to purchase a unique doll, known as Stooky Bill. The man takes the doll to John Logie Baird (John Mackay), the man credited for inventing television, and using this doll as the first image to ever be transmitted (at the time, the lights needed were far too hot for any human to stand under). Something is clearly about to happen, given the playful and creepy nature of Harris’ Toymaker.
Cut to modern day London, where chaos reigns supreme across all of planet Earth. The Doctor intervenes as a man runs in front of a car, and the man reveals that everyone on planet Earth suddenly thinks they’re right, leading to fights all over the planet. In the background, we can see Neil Patrick Harris dancing as the Toymaker, likely before the Doctor has any idea who he is. In fact, he even grabs the Doctor for a quick waltz, which the Doctor quickly brushes off.
The Doctor and Donna (Catherine Tate) are then intercepted by UNIT, where they’re swiftly brought to UNIT’s swanky new headquarters to assist with the catastrophe. There, we once again run into scientific advisor Shirley Anne Bingham (Ruth Madeley), UNIT head Kate Stewart (Jemma Redgrave) and the surprise return of old companion Melanie Bush (Bonnie Langford), who appeared alongside the Sixth and Seventh Doctors in the 1980s, and made a brief cameo appearance in Jodie Whitaker’s final story, “The Power of the Doctor.”
Donna is the one to figure out that the signals being sent out, driving the human race crazy, is a musical tune. Upon further inspection, it’s revealed to actually be a laugh, or a giggle, if you will – created by the aforementioned Stooky Bill. The Doctor and Donna then travel back to 1925, to the location of John Logie Baird’s first television transmission in SoHo. Here, they come face to face with the Toymaker, putting on a delightfully over-the-top German accent. The Doctor tells Donna to return to the TARDIS, as he realizes just who he is dealing with. The screen quickly shows flashes of the original Toymaker (played by Michael Gough) and the First Doctor, William Hartnell, during their one and only meeting in 1966’s “The Celestial Toymaker,” in a lovely throwback.
The duo end up separated as they enter the Toymaker’s domain, each coming across some creepy setpieces, before being brought back together for a puppet show from the Toymaker. In a fun scene, the Toymaker regails the Doctor and Donna with stories, and puppets of some of the Doctor’s companions that followed Donna, including Amy, Clara and Bill, showcasing how they all “died” and what fate could await Donna. The Doctor then challenges the Toymaker to a game of cards, something the villain can’t refuse. The Doctor loses, but quickly points out that he won their original challenge all those years ago, leading to a best two-out-of-three situation. However, the Toymaker disappears, with intentions to head back to 2023 – and so, the Doctor and Donna hop back in the TARDIS to UNIT.
Of course, the Toymaker arrives – and he does so in fabulous fashion, in a frenzied musical scene set to the Spice Girls’ “Spice Up Your Life,” where he controls all he dances, turns a few soldiers into balloons and bullets into flowers. From there, once again donning a new costume, the Toymaker heads outside where he gains control of the Galvanic Beam, a strong laser that UNIT used to destroy a satellite aiding in passing the “Giggle” onto all the humans.
After some threatening, and the Doctor trying to get the Toymaker to come with him and travel, instead of using humans as his pawns, the Toymaker decides to attack, eventually using the laser on the Doctor. It’s regeneration time, but something feels different. Just when we expect the Doctor to regenerate, he instead asks Donna and Mel to pull his arms, and suddenly out pops Ncuti Gatwa’s new Doctor, alongside David Tennant. We have two Doctors, in the show’s first ever “bigeneration.”
The Doctors challenge the Toymaker to one final game, a game of ball, and after some really fun scenes, they win! The Toymaker is defeated, folded in upon himself and stored into his tiny domain. But he warns that his minions will be coming, and we see a manicured hand pick up a gold tooth (which the Toymaker said was actually The Master, if you can believe it).
The Fourteenth Doctor is upset that he wasn’t able to save all those innocent lives, and he is beautifully comforted by the new Doctor in a really touching scene. Back on the TARDIS, the new Doctor and Donna talk to the old Doctor about just what needs to happen with two of them going on. Perhaps it's time for this Doctor to settle down, and perhaps that’s why his old face came back. The new Doctor rattles off countless battles they have fought over the years, in a fun bit of fan service.
But then, the new Doctor has a brilliant idea, with some of the energy from the Toymaker’s realm still lingering, he’s able to create a second TARDIS. So now we have two Doctors, one settled down and living a wonderful life with the Noble family, along with “Mad Auntie Mel,” while still taking the occasional trek in time and space, while the Fifteenth Doctor continues along the same route the Doctor has always traveled, setting sail for Christmas Day! Could we perhaps see more from David Tennant as the Doctor because of this development? I think it’s very possible!
There was so much going on in “The Giggle” that I am sure I missed some of the elements. Firstly, Neil Patrick Harris portrayed what is likely to be an iconic villain in the history of Doctor Who, perhaps more so than the original incarnation of the Toymaker. His funny accents and madcapped nature created a maniacal villain distinctly different from any we’ve seen in the show before. And we need to talk about the new Doctor, Ncuti Gatwa, who bursts onto the scene in half of the Doctor's clothes, immediately showcasing his wit, and just a little of his Doctor’s character.
The idea of a bigeneration is a fascinating one, one that will surely see much debate among Whovians. I personally think it’s an excellent idea, brought on by the interference of the Toymaker. Allowing everyone to have a happy ending is a refreshing change of pace for a show that so often deals with loss, and I think it opens things up to some interesting storytelling possibilities in the future...'
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readingbooksinisrael · 3 years ago
Books I read in November in order of personal worth-it-ness
Fifty-Four Things Wrong With Gwendolyn Rogers/Caela Carter (mg contemporary realistic fiction)-Gwendolyn, a fifth grade girl, tries to figure out what is ‘wrong’ with he while struggling both at home and school.
c The Answer/K.A. Applegate (Animorphs #53) (mg contemporary sci fi)-When a group of kids decide to walk home through a construction site they know it’s dangerous but they don’t expect an alien to tell them about a secret war and give them the power to fight by morphing into animals... 53 books later everything is out in the open-including the Pool that keeps the Yeerks alive. The Animorphs need to destroy it.
Class Action/Clara Bingham and Laura Leedy Gansler (adult legal non-fiction)-In the coldest reaches of northern Minnesota, a group of women endured a shocking degree of sexual harassment–until one of them stepped forward and sued the company. Jenson vs. Eveleth Mines, the first sexual harassment class action in America, permanently changed the legal landscape as well as the lives of the women who fought the battle.
Richard Scarry’s Best Counting Book Ever/Richard Scarry (math picture book)-Willy Bunny has learned to count-and so will children, by the time they've finished Richard Scarry's fun-filled book. When Willy's father suggests that he practice counting all the things he sees, he begins with ONE BUNNY (himself) and soon finds more numbers everywhere.
c The Book of Lost Friends/Lisa Wingate (adult historical fiction)-Hannie Gosset and Benny Silva both live in Augustine, Louisiana, 112 years apart (1875 and 1987). There is no connection between them. But there is never no connection between the history of a place and the modern people living in it.
c Civil War on Sunday/Mary Pope Osborne and Salvatore Murdocca (Magic Tree House #21) (early chapter book fantasy historical fiction)-Jack and Annie discover a magic tree house in the woods that can take them to any time and place if they point at a book and wish to go there... Now Camelot is in trouble and to save it Annie and Jack need to find four special writings. The first is somewhere in the fields of the Civil War...
Mr. Rosenblum's List: or Friendly Guidance for the Aspiring Englishman/Natasha Solomons (adult Jewish historical fiction)-Jack and Sadie Rosenbulm arrived in England as refugees 17 years before. Now Jack has just one more goal on his list of how to become a true Englishman-join a golf course-and fully assimilate, but Sadie just wants to remember the life and people that they lost.
b Wuthering Heights/Emily Brontë (adult gothic fiction)-Catherine and Heathcliff, Catherine and Hareton: the occupants of Wuthering Heights seem doomed to play out the same sad story over and over if Heathcliff gets his way, and he has gotten his way for the past thirteen years.
c The Sacrifice/K.A. Applegate (Animorphs #52) (mg contemporary sci fi)-When a group of kids decide to walk home through a construction site they know it’s dangerous but they don’t expect an alien to tell them about a secret war and give them the power to fight by morphing into animals... 52 books later the enemy aliens have gotten bolder and more powerful, but so have the Animorphs.
Kirsten Learns a Lesson/Janet Shaw (American Girl: Kirsten #2) (early chapter book historical fiction)-Kirsten goes to school for the first time since she moved to America, but she struggles with the assignments in English. She makes a friend with a Native American girl, but it gets harder for them to meet up.
American Kingpin/Nick Bilton (adult narrative non-fiction)-Ross Ulbricht, former boy scout, built a drug marketplace/empire from his bedroom. How and why?
Angus Lost/Marjorie Flack (animal picture book)-Angus is bored of the SAME things he sees every day. So he runs away, encountering OTHER dogs, cars, and the MILKMAN.
אלי לומד להזהר: גפרור-מסוכן (lesson picture book)-Eli is bored and decides to dress up like Abba. But when he lights matches for Havdala everything goes wrong.
Chicken Man/Michelle Edwards (picture book)-Rody loved chickens. When he worked in the kibbutz chicken house, he sang so loudly that everyone began to think the chicken house must be the place to work. Then Rody was moved to the laundry. Can the chickens find a way to bring Rody back to them?
Just Like Mommy/Baila Olidort and Haya Waldman (Jewish picture book)-Shoshana is turning three and Bubbe (grandma) has sent a present. She’s so excited to open it; what could it be.
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gamegrumpszine · 7 years ago
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Big thanks to everyone who applied and/or signal boosted our application posts!
During the two week window of accepting applications, we ended up getting over 600 artists applying! After hours and days of sorting through them all and calculating the absolute maximum amount of artists we could accommodate for, we finally were able to come up with 160 artists! Below, in alphabetical order, is the list of the 160 artists selected. If you want to see what series each artist is doing a piece on, go HERE to see the full list!
Agustí Villafranco Aguilar
Alex (uruhead)
Alex Graudins
Alexa Cordeiro
Ana Pijamas
Anda (Demon)
Andrea Hveem (Moopdrea)
Andy (Aikansei)
Annie Loomis
Anthony (Antonus)
Ashlei S. (BirdyStark)
Audrey Gonzalez
Benji Campbell
Brian Farrar (artblaster)
Bryony Evans
Cassidy Hanke (Redundantz)
Cassidy Stone
CatchingFroggy (Silver)
Catherine (Litvac)
Cheyanne Bueno (milkychai)
Chloe Lemay
Christian Dobbins
Christina Locopo (stinkling)
Christina R.
Chrystal Giambastiani
Claire (HooitsClaire)
Clara Kay (clarabellum)
Crista Castro
Cristina Rosado (Pig-Demon)
Crys Kirk
Dayna D. (RSMRY)
DJ Parnell (Darke Imp)
Donnie Durdunkleton
Emily Kardamis
Emma Galloway (cosmosbadger)
Ginny (MagicalMelonBall)
Gracie Pryor
Harriet McQuitty
Heather Alexander
Imogen Scoppie
Isabella von Metzradt (Helixel)
Jackie Musto
Jaki Hill
James Frio
Janet Sung
Jena (yuukiame)
Jess Campbell (jessanight)
Jey Pawlik
Jill R.
Joel Surdich (Joltzen)
Jon Nielsen
Jules (Snail)
Julie (Shuploc)
Kacey Meg
Karina siu
KLN (BallBots)
Kristin Ridgley
Leslie Strock
Lizzy Orchard
loo (GG)
Louise Leung (Potentialforart)
Mario Treviño (Skittlebuggy)
Matt Martines (TytoAlba)
Melora Mylin
Min Dei Bae
Monica M. Magana
Nami kim
Natália F M Zilio
Nic ter Horst
Nicholas King
nina b
Paige McCreary (herbal-milktea)
Philip Turncliff
Rachel Wells
Renee Violet
Rhaign Jiron
Rhys Passafiume
Robin Crew (Rezllen)
Rock Bomber
Roger Brunke (Rogzilla)
Rose McClain (esoretal)
Royce McLean
Russell D
Ryan Dean
Sammy Torres
Samuel Pulaski
Serena Ci.
Shawna (oceanfruit)
Shelbs C.
Shiro (Shiroi)
Simon Macko (Shoocharu)
Spencer Bingham (ScBingham)
Steph Bral
Steph Laberis
Steve Dorian (LemonyFresh)
Steven Duffy
Tanya Riveron (curiousertea)
Tara Kurtzhals
Tristen Dunman (GhastlyGhosts)
Tyler Kenny
Verna Corbin
Zaide Aben
Every artist above have been sent an email with all the information needed for this zine so if you’re listed above, please check your email inbox!
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