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crimescrimson · 1 year ago
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Aeon & Cleve + Visual Parallels
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netripper · 6 months ago
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"thanks, v."
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our-blood-is-our-ink · 2 years ago
Eve with 48
Lunch Break
Ship: Eve Fletcher x Claire Debella
Summary: Eve brings Claire lunch, but it's not all she has in mind to do with her wife.
Word Count: 745
Disclaimer: 18+ ONLY, minors dni
Warnings: smut, humiliation kink, pet-names, mistress kink, humping/rutting, praise kink, office sex
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As governor, there are many things Claire has to be careful of, and requires her to maintain tight control over every aspect of her life.
Every aspect except for what happens in her bedroom.
Sex is the one place where she can let go, where she can hand over the reins to her beautiful wife and let her mind enter that pleasantly floating headspace.
And then Eve comes by the office, arms laden with fresh food she's prepared, and locks Claire's door behind her.
Claire knows it's not because Eve wants to sit on her lap and hand feed her, though she does allow it to happen.
The governor isn't very surprised when Eve slips off her lap after they have both eaten, and says, “on your knees.”
Eve's sex drive is practically insatiable, but it must be particularly bad today if she's trying to convince Claire to fuck in the office.
“No. Wait until I'm home.” Claire crosses her arms and leans back in her seat. “I will not risk my entire career with a scandal. Especially so close to announcing my plans to run for senator next term.”
“The door is locked, Claire. Besides, I know you've had this room soundproofed.”
There's a look in Eve’s eye that makes Claire uncomfortable.
In theory, Claire has done her best to keep Eve unaware of her more… Shady dealings, of her underworld connections.
But that doesn't mean her clever wife hasn't picked up on things.
Claire knows that Eve chooses to stay at home, being a better housewife than she could ever ask for.
She doesn't want to know what Eve does and doesn't know, and she slowly stands, groaning as her joints pop, before walking over to Eve and cupping her face with one hand.
“Please, baby. You know I always listen, but there's so much at risk if we do this here.”
Eve raises a single brow.
“That's part of the fun, dove.”
At the pet-name, Claire retracts her hand, and carefully gets on her knees.
There is no convincing Eve.
Her wife doesn't smile, but she does nod, pleased.
“Crawl under your desk.”
Claire obeys the softly spoken command, and resists the knee-jerk reaction to reprimand Eve for sitting in her desk chair.
Eve is the only person who is allowed to sit there besides Claire.
The tip of Eve’s shoe pokes at Claire’s side.
“Take off your underwear, I want to see how wet you are.”
Claire understands what isn't being said, and when Eve firmly places her foot on the ground, Claire aligns her admittedly wet core with it, before slowly meeting it, brushing up against it until she is properly rutting against the footwear Eve has decided to wear today.
Humiliation causes Claire to feel hot, and she's sure her face is stained red, all the way down to her chest.
“There's my good girl.” Eve does smile now. “Let mistress hear how good it's making you feel, pet.”
Claire moans, loud and unrestrained.
“Here, dove, you aren't doing it quite right.” Eve pushes herself back in the chair, and Claire whimpers at the loss of stimulation against her now aching center.
And then Eve pulls the dress she had chosen to wear today off, and Claire discovers that her wife had come prepared.
Eve smirks at Claire's wide eyed expression.
“I know you keep some toys here for when I make you all needy.” She tilts Claire's head upwards with a finger under her chin. “Go get me your biggest.”
Claire scrambles to the private bathroom, to the locked cabinet only she possesses the key to, and fumbles opening it, blindly grabbing a girthy green and blue dildo.
Eve coos, praising her for being so quick, and with nimble hands, she quickly attaches it to her harness.
“Come, princess.” Eve says, as she lays back on the couch that she had insisted Claire get for her office, back before Claire had been given strict rules about spending the nights here. “I'll guide you.”
Claire is sure she will, with fingers digging into her hips and words both in equal measure praising and degrading her for being so good for her mistress.
She smiles, and finally lets go of her need to stay aware.
“Thank you, mistress.” She says reverently.
Eve groans at her tone, and the sound is musical to Claire’s ears.
She wonders what other noises she can cause Eve to make.
She's excited to find out.
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aparticularbandit · 2 years ago
@our-blood-is-our-ink asked for claireve valentines comfort.
...this is maybe more angst than it is comfort.
of note, eve does call claire by a different name.  she does not, at this point, know that claire is claire.  please do not hold this against her.
“Don’t answer it.”
The phone in Claire’s hand vibrates again, the screen lighting up. She reads the caller ID.  Swallows once.
Devon grips her chin in his hand, tries to angle her head up so that she can meet his eyes, but she resists him.  “Don’t answer it, Claire,” he says, and every time he says her name, she feels more sure of it, feels a little more in love with him, feels so much like herself that the unease of her skin is so much less.  “We’re almost out,” he says.  “We’ve only got finals, and then we’ll be gone.  You don’t have to answer it.  You can just put it down.  Don’t do it.”
Claire presses her lips together.  Her eyes haven’t left the name etched in black on the lime green screen. She shrugs, rolling her shoulders with ease, and steps back, pulling her chin out of Devon’s grip.  “It’s Eve,” she says in a pained tone of voice as she answers the call.
“He left me.”
Eve doesn’t even say hello, doesn’t wait for Claire to say hello, just outs with it as soon as Claire picks up. Her voice, her throat, is tight; even tighter than Claire can hear, probably, given the immense static crackling through the phone.  Cell phones are supposed to be the future, but right now they still feel like absolute ass. A landline would be better; Devon doesn’t want Eve to have their number.
“Wait.”  Claire strides out of the living room; more often than not, she and Devon share a bedroom, but she has one of her own for moments just like this, for moments when she is less in love with him than he wants, than what their current plan calls for. If they are meant to be married, she should be in love with him all of the time, even if he’s given her permission to divorce him later, if she finds someone she truly loves.
There’s only one person Claire has ever truly loved.
She ignores Devon’s gaze as she goes into her room and shuts the door behind her, sliding the bolt into place.  “What’s wrong, Eve?  Who left you?”
“Ted,” Eve says, and Claire has never heard that name before.  “Ted left me, he left me, and I shouldn’t be calling you, I shouldn’t, I know this isn’t fair to you, but I’m pregnant and he left me, and I didn’t know who else to call, no one was picking up, and you are my best friend, Christopher, or you…or you were, and—”
“I’m here, Eve.”  Claire speaks into the crackling static as smoothly and gently as she can. On the other side of the phone, Eve is crying.  Her lips press together again.  “Where are you?”
“In our—”
The static is so loud that Claire thinks it cut out what Eve said, but it isn’t that at all, it’s that Eve paused, corrected herself, “In my apartment.”  She hiccups through her tears.
“What’s the address, Eve?”
Claire leaves her room with an overnight bag slung over one shoulder, surprised that she’d been able to keep her head on straight long enough to get one put together. She’s probably missing something. Her clothes probably don’t match. She’d just shoved things into the bag without really thinking about it, too angry – rage pulsing through her chest – to focus on that.  In fact, she’s seeing so much red that she doesn’t even see Devon as she passes him on the way to their apartment door.
Devon grabs her wrist, holds her in place, stops her.  “Where are you going?”
“Eve needs me.”
“Claire.” Devon tightens his grip, even though she doesn’t struggle against him.  “She’s your ex.  She broke your heart.  Don’t do this.  Don’t ruin your life—”
“I’m not ruining my life, Dev.”  Claire still doesn’t pull her wrist out of his grip, doesn’t even try, but she doesn’t look at him either.  “And she didn’t break my heart.  I broke hers.”
“You have a chance, Claire.  An actual chance.  Do you know how rare that is—”
Claire chuckles lightly to herself.  “You’re acting like I won’t come back, Dev.  It’s not like that—”
“Isn’t it?”  Devon loosens his grip, fingers tracing circles on Claire’s wrist.  “Next week is finals week.  Senior year.  You should stay here, Claire.  Studying. You shouldn’t be traveling halfway across the state—”
“It’s only thirty minutes—”
“—because your ex-girlfriend called you,” Devon finishes, not even pretending to pay attention to Claire’s excuses.  “Does she even know?” he asks, and Claire’s heart crumbles.  “Does she even know who you are?”
Claire doesn’t say anything.  She doesn’t have to.  There isn’t anything to say.
Devon drops his hand.
“Do you want the ring back?” Claire asks, twisting it easy around her finger, a new habit that she hadn’t thought she would ever need to break.
“No,” Devon says, rough voice soft.  “Keep it.  To remember what you could have been.”
Claire swallows again.  Harder this time.  There’s a lump in her throat that she hadn’t expected.  “It’s Eve,” she says, finally, turning back to him, blue eyes bright and wide.  “What do you want me to do?”
Devon sighs and gives a little shake of his head.  He has never looked smaller in his entire life than he does in this exact moment, shoving his hands into his pockets and hanging his head.  “Does it really matter, Claire?”
Claire barely knocks on Eve’s apartment door before it swings open and Eve falls onto her, curling her head on Claire’s flat chest.  “I can’t believe you came,” she moans into Claire’s skin.
Immediately, Claire wraps her arms protectively around Eve and holds her close to her.  She presses a kiss to the top of her head and murmurs, “Of course, I came, Eve.”  She threads her fingers through Eve’s hair, stroking it gently.  It’s only a few seconds, and already she can feel Eve’s tears through her thin shirt. “It’ll be okay—”
“He left me,” Eve repeats, balling her hands into fists, clutching at Claire’s shirt.  “He left me.”
Claire doesn’t know who this Ted is, but she knows she wants to punch him in the face.  “Do you want me to fight him?” she growls.  “I’ll make him wish he never—”
“No.”  Eve sniffles once, twice, and the word comes out as a long moan. She steps back, head lowered, refusing to look up, avoiding Claire’s gaze.  “Come in, it’s….”  Her voice trails off, and she rubs her arm with her other hand.  “I don’t want to make a scene.”
You are allowed to make a scene, Claire thinks angrily but doesn’t say. It would come out wrong, it would sound like she was mad at Eve, and she isn’t, she isn’t mad at Eve, nothing could be further from the truth, and she doesn’t want to make things worse by making it sound as though she is.  So, instead, she takes Eve’s hand in her own, interlaces their fingers the way she had so many times before she’d broken up with her, and gives her a gentle squeeze.  A reminder.  I’m here.
Eve squeezes her hand back weakly and then tugs her into the apartment.
Claire can’t help it; seeing the state of Eve’s apartment, her free hand clenches into the tightest fist she’s ever had, so tight that she can feel her sharp nails digging into the flesh of her palms, the sticky sweet drip of blood staining the skin beneath them.  Her nails are so much longer now than they’d ever been when she was dating Eve; she’s let them grow out a bit so that she can paint them, an act that has been soothing for years only she’s never felt confident enough to leave the decoration on. Right now, they look like a sunset. She hopes that Eve doesn’t notice.
It’s a hope that she can’t realize right now, though, staring at the hollow emptiness of everything.  A couple of the cabinets in the kitchen stand open, their few contents shuffled and almost thrown about, knocked over, crumpled.  Two spices have tumbled to the floor, their tops open – just from the smell, it must be cinnamon and sage.
As Eve pulls her further into the apartment, Claire sees the spaces where a life – lives – once were: an empty spot in the living room where a recliner must have been, another where the TV stood (there’s dust around where its base once was, around the rectangular spot where a VHS player must have been), missing slots in the rows of VHS tapes where movies have suddenly gone missing.  All of the pictures hung along the walls, however, are still there; it seems like this Ted hadn’t really cared about making the place seem more livable.
Eve leads Claire into her bedroom, which is…worse, almost.  There are clothes thrown everywhere, dresser drawers half-open, pillows missing, a blanket that seems to have been on one half of the bed, shoes scattered here and there – Claire stumbles over one, and she notices that one of the open drawers is full of Eve’s underwear. White hot rage boils within her.  “Tell me,” she growls, “that you didn’t let him take—“
“Half of them were already his,” Eve murmurs, voice tight, choked.  “He liked to collect them.  Said he liked the way they smelled.”  She still can’t meet Claire’s eyes.  “Said they helped him when I wasn’t here.”
“I thought it was normal—”
“I never—”
“No, you never, and you left me, too.”
Eve doesn’t sling the words as an accusation, doesn’t say them angrily, barely whispers the admittance, but still, it stops Claire from saying anything else.  She steps barefoot, careful, across to the bed and curls up into the smallest ball Claire has ever seen, pulling her sheets and comforter around her and holding their edges close together in front of her.  She sniffles again, eyes red but dry.
When Claire follows her to the bed, she looks up, finally meeting Claire’s eyes; hers are bloodshot, swollen, a drop of the most beautiful blue she has ever seen in a deep sea of blood.  Claire slips onto the bed next to her and wraps an arm around her shoulders.  “Come here.”
Without saying anything, Eve curls into Claire.  She rests her head on her chest, hesitates, and then curls closer until she’s nearly in Claire’s lap.  But Claire doesn’t mind.  Instead, she only holds her closer and begins to stroke her hair again.  “It’ll be okay,” she murmurs soothingly.  “You don’t have to worry about that asshole any—”
“He wasn’t an asshole, Christopher—”
“Quit defending him, Eve; he left you—”
Eve sniffles again, and the sound cuts Claire off.  She’s not hear to accuse Eve of anything.  She’s here to make her feel better.  Apparently talking shit about the boy who literally left her is not helping.  She can’t imagine why.
“I’m here,” Claire murmurs instead.  “I’m here, and I will be here for as long as you need me.”  She strokes her fingers gentle along the curve of Eve’s spine, the way that she knows she likes, and then scratches gently along her back.  “I’m not going anywhere.”
Eve nods.  Closes her eyes.  Lets out a little sigh as she slowly, slowly relaxes.  It isn’t that she isn’t crying; it’s that she’s cried so much already that she doesn’t have any tears left.  “Thank you,” she murmurs, voice soft.  “I don’t….” She swallows again.  “Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it.”
Claire continues to stroke her fingers along Eve’s back until she feels Eve’s breath slowing into that peaceful churn indicating rest.  Her chest lifts slow against Claire’s, and Claire just keeps an eye on her, unable to comprehend how anyone could hurt her like this, could think that it was even remotely acceptable to just leave Eve because she’d gotten pregnant.
Eve slumbers, but Claire doesn’t.  Claire lies awake, and she thinks, and she considers.
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art-now-france · 4 years ago
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28 juillet 2015, Clair Eve
Woman's dreaming, in the style of nabis, with a very delicate work on patterns.
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noseandnous · 6 years ago
This engrossing review of Turin and Sanchez’ perfume criticism has some valuable things to say about criticism in general, especially in the context of the anonymous yet overly intimate world of social media. 
“The rise in social media has also had a curiously ‘flattening’ effect on perfume criticism over the past 10 years. Fans, buyers, small brands, marketing professionals, schills, bloggers, and vloggers are increasingly thrown together into the same tight social spaces on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. And with all these brand owners and reviewers following each other and marked as ‘friends’ in each other’s contact lists, the desire to be frank melts away in the face of the desire to be nice.
“Like Kevin Bacon, it’s all about the six degrees of separation. Every reviewer feels safe criticizing the belly fluff that is Mon Guerlain because nobody has to face Thierry Wasser personally. But what if you want to write a review for a perfume made by someone in the Facebook group you visit every morning? What about a negative review for an independent perfume maker you see around on Reddit, for whom a review can make or break their business? You’d have to be inhuman not to admit that that’s a different ballgame. This kind of social intimacy between brands, bloggers, and end users can be enormously useful for information flow, but in terms of maintaining critical autonomy, it’s a disaster waiting to happen.”
The author also writes excellent perfume reviews as ClaireV on Basenotes. 
@allsortsoflicorice , I think you in particular would appreciate this blogger’s sensibility. 
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bambithevideogame · 5 months ago
#MouseQuteers #MouseSwagg #DisneyLuxury #Luxury
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#DigimonCelestialLink #DigimonWorldCelestialLink #LouisVuitton #DigimonLouisVuitton #NikeLouosVuitton #DearDearestBrands #Playstation7 #PS7
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The attention to men's fashion in the iconic museum is not from today. In 2003, "Men in Skirts" became the first exhibition entirely focused on the man's wardrobe, but the theme of the time comes with a twist. After the Black Lives Matter movement in 2020, the Costume Institute acquired about 150 pieces of clothing created by non-white designers, some of which will be exhibited in the new exhibition.
Following the historical tradition of the museum, items from the 18th and 19th centuries will also be present, alongside suits from the 1940s and recent designs created by Pharrell Williams and Virgil Abloh at Louis Vuitton.
The main focus of the exhibition will revolve around the discussion of the essence of black dandism: more than the construction of an identity, it is a concept that has crossed enslaved and culturally segregated generations. In all, there will be 12 sections in the museum dedicated to each of the characteristics of black dandism described in Zora Neale Hurston's 1934 essay, "The Characteristics of Negro Expression". In addition to clothes and accessories, paintings, photographs and excerpts from films will also be part of the show.
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wmud · 7 years ago
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andré wogenscky - foyer de jeunes travailleurs clairevive, saint-etienne, france, 1962-63
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greyslogo · 2 years ago
Birthday for babys free artclip
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Birthday for babys free artclip free#
Birthday for babys free artclip free#
Baskin-Robbins: Sign your kids up for the Baskin-Robbins Birthday Club, and they’ll receive a coupon for a free ice cream on their birthday.Applebee’s: FREE Treat on Your Birthday + get a Free Appetizer when you sign up! Child must be 13 years or older to join the club.A&W All American Food: Sign your kids up for the Mug Club and get a free root beer float on your birthday.Here are the best Birthday Freebies for Kids: Most of these places require you to sign up at least seven days before your birthday, so get signing up now so you can enjoy the free birthday items on your big day. They all talk about getting more free stuff!Īs always, I recommend to set up a separate junk email folder that you use only for coupon/deals that you sign up for. Happy birthday card with bird Stock Illustration by misslina 37 / 3,183 Happy Birthday big sign 1 Stock Illustration by clairev 22 / 1,424 Birthday cake Drawing by Wikki 77 / 27,774 Happy Birthday wishes Stock Illustration by stockcreations 1 / 228 Happy birthday wishes vector card Drawings by tovovan 1 / 18 happy birthday Stock Illustrations by Nelosa 42 / 7,385 Happy birthday text with party element Stock Illustration by Wikki 74 / 16,135 Best Wishes postcard Clip Art by Razvodovska 3 / 801 Happy Birthday Drawing by vectomart 40 / 5,187 Happy birthday! Drawing by EVA105 25 / 3,409 Happy Birthday Stock Illustration by Peterfactors 19 / 3,339 Happy Birthday Typography Background Stock Illustration by vectomart 14 / 405 Calligraphy happy birthday Stock Illustration by macrovector 17 / 1,915 birthday balloon Stock Illustration by get4net 20 / 2,172 Template for Happy birthday card with place for text Drawing by Wikki 20 / 2,801 Blue Happy Birthday card Clip Art by misslina 21 / 3,171 Happy birthday background with ball Stock Illustrations by YuliaGlam 11 / 1,103 Pink Happy Birthday card Stock Illustration by misslina 40 / 3,927 birthday cake Stock Illustrations by freesoulproduction 5 / 787 Happy Birthday seamless background pattern Clipart by Seamartini 6 / 179 birthday wishes Stock Illustration by lavinia64 0 / 0 childlike birthday cake Stock Illustrations by flowerstock 6 / 543 Pink happy Birthday card and swirls Drawing by misslina 28 / 2,414 Happy Birthday Stock Illustration by kbuntu 3 / 108 Happy birthday retro vector illustration Stock Illustration by Orson 18 / 434 Happy Birthday Background Stock Illustrations by snapgalleria 6 / 1,224 Colorful Birthday Stock Illustration by vectomart 4 / 256 Happy Birthday with balloons Clipart by glopphy 12 / 2,461 Happy Birthday with diamonds Stock Illustration by glopphy 5 / 893 Birthday word cloud Stock Illustration by kgtoh 4 / 304 happy birthday Drawing by grgroup 10 / 615 Happy birthday cake with balloons Drawings by glopphy 13 / 4,443 Birthday card with pink flowers Drawings by misslina 3 / 206 Happy birthday retro vector illustration Clip Art by Orson 12 / 1,058 Birthday word cloud Stock Illustration by kgtoh 6 / 389 birthday wishes Stock Illustrations by lavinia64 0 / 0 birthday chocolate cake Stock Illustration by freesoulproduction 2 / 1,828 birthday card Clip Art by vectomart 8 / 1,778 baby pink background with napkin Stock Illustrations by YuliaGlam 16 / 1,739 Happy birthday! Clip Art by krutikof 4 / 207 Cartoon Spy Happy Birthday Wishes Clip Art by lineartist 0 / 0 Candy wish or invitation card Drawings by Mirage3 4 / 702 Feminine floral happy birthday card Clipart by misslina 6 / 1,350 Cartoon Businessman Happy Birthday Wishes Drawings by lineartist 0 / 0 Cartoon Kid Happy Birthday Wishes Stock Illustration by lineartist 0 / 0 happy 20th birthday Stock Illustration by jonaswolff 2 / 659 Cartoon Engineer Happy Birthday Wishes Drawing by lineartist 0 / 0 Happy birthday in gold with diamond Stock Illustration by glopphy 18 / 2,733 Cartoon Businessman Happy Birthday Wishes Drawings by lineartist 0 / 0 Set for Birthday cards Stock Illustration by Wikki 6 / 214 Happy birthday greeting card collection in holiday design Stock Illustrations by Kannaa 8 / 352 abstract happy birthday card Stock Illustrations by get4net 11 / 426 Happy birthday retro vector illustration Stock Illustration by Orson 7 / 114 Cartoon Astronaut Happy Birthday Wishes Drawing by lineartist 0 / 0 blue background with napkin Drawings by YuliaGlam 4 / 556 Cartoon Teacher Happy Birthday Wishes Clip Art by lineartist 0 / 0 Numbered candles.Are you searching for birthday freebies for kids? Look no further because here is a HUGE list of birthday freebies for kids.īefore we get started, here are some other blog posts that I recommend reading as well.
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our-blood-is-our-ink · 2 years ago
Gonna do this cuz why not
V+S Claireve
Claire Blurb (it turned into a fic, whoops)
Zoom Meeting Part II: The Punishment
Goddess!Agatha x Reader
Goddess!Agatha x Eve
Y'all have ✨options✨ and I *will* write for every one y'all send in today <3
Anyways, here's a sneak peak to Ehhhh (which might be changed to Snapshot Three):
It had been an unspoken rule between them.
Do not verbalize your feelings.
And as a result, only once did she ever say those three words to her.
Her wife was in a coma, with around the clock medical care as their healers tried to figure out what was wrong.
WIP Wednesday Game
It’s WIP Wednesday, time for a little accountability, sharing your work, and getting a kick in the pants.
Here’s how it works:
In a reblog (or new post w/ rules attached), post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. If you tag me in your post, I will send you an ask request!
If you’re reading this, you’re invited!
If you see someone posting a WIP Wednesday Game snippet, send them an ask! Make them write.
Requested/Friend event mentions under the cut! If you'd like to be pinged next week, let me know!
friends @fiore-della-valle @redbirdblogs @greenbergsays @idkfandomwhatever @luckyspike @obaewankenope @mad-madam-m @sleepymccoy @eriquin @sosobriquet @qprstobin @spacebarrette @andavs @zainclaw @anonymousdandelion @flameraven @fractalgeometry / Requests @aparticularbandit @madnessfromthemountains @makeroftherunes @not-orpheus @1attheedge @preetsramblings
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mobilejust · 2 years ago
Turtle clipart baby ninja turtlw
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Turtle Drawings by Dazdraperma 15 / 1,469 Turtle Stock Illustrations by billyphoto2008 11 / 1,218 Turtle in sea water Stock Illustrations by Seamartini 22 / 3,048 Sea Turtle Stock Illustration by turtleteeth 6 / 558 Turtle for coloring book Drawings by izakowski 6 / 3,234 Cute Safari turtle Vector Clipart by MisterElements 7 / 2,163 Cute turtle cartoon on inflatable r Stock Illustrations by Tigatelu 25 / 1,548 Turtle Banner Stock Illustration by premiumdesign 3 / 780 green turtle Stock Illustration by fisheyeimaging 6 / 277 sea turtle swimming in the ocean Clip Art by sannare 15 / 1,460 Cute Turtle Stock Illustrations by mumut 5 / 517 Turtle Stock Illustrations by Starsania 2 / 286 Turtle in ocean water Stock Illustration by Seamartini 14 / 2,860 Cartoon Turtle Clip Art by cthoman 10 / 2,381 Cute sea turtle cartoon Stock Illustration by Tigatelu 12 / 1,521 Cartoon turtle Stock Illustration by bruno1998 5 / 735 Funny Turtle Drinking Cocktail. Clipart by matsiash 6 / 327 turtle black and white vector Stock Illustration by draganmilenkovic 12 / 5,761 Fun turtle Stock Illustration by julos 14 / 699 Turtle on Vacation Stock Illustration by lenm 14 / 2,575 Turtle Stock Illustrations by Ksysha 5 / 364 turtle cartoon and blank sign Stock Illustration by dagadu 9 / 3,000 Fun zoo. Running Turtle Drawing by dagadu 58 / 8,222 Little sea turtle Drawing by clairev 58 / 25,140 Cartoon turtle Stock Illustration by dagadu 26 / 6,101 turtle tatto design Clipart by dagadu 26 / 8,518 Cartoon Turtle Stock Illustrations by mumut 30 / 6,885 Turtle set Stock Illustration by premiumdesign 25 / 2,324 Turtle in sea water Stock Illustration by Seamartini 23 / 2,662 turtle - vector Stock Illustrations by violetas 16 / 2,417 Green Sea Turtle Stock Illustrations by fizzgig 22 / 2,497 Turtle with baby Stock Illustration by dagadu 28 / 4,441 Turtle cartoon Clipart by dagadu 15 / 6,609 Turtle cartoon with thumb up Stock Illustration by putut 15 / 2,786 Turtle cartoon Stock Illustrations by dagadu 21 / 11,761 Smiling Turtle Stock Illustration by mumut 24 / 1,157 Vector image of an turtle Clip Art by yod67 15 / 1,453 Green Sea Turtle Clipart by ingaclemens 31 / 1,342 Turtle cartoon Clipart by dagadu 34 / 9,938 Quick turtle Clipart by dagadu 19 / 5,516 Turtle Stock Illustrations by scusi 1 / 307 Tribal tattoo turtle and flower hibiscus Stock Illustrations by Wikki 28 / 10,436 Happy turtle Stock Illustrations by yayayoyo 6 / 1,921 Stylized turtle.
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mizunosuzuka · 7 years ago
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Clairevive and her cloud serpent Gem again! 😍
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elvenvishnu · 4 years ago
Drain Conversion
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Hey Reddit! Our new home is currently being constructed and we're pretty sure the builders plumbed a drain for a tub into the slab. We paid a lot extra to have a standing shower in the downstairs bathroom in lieu of a tub, so we weren't expecting to see a drain near the wall.
Is there a way they could move the drain to the center of the shower without breaking into the 6-week old slab? If the only option to move the drain involves breaking into the slab, could that compromise the integrity of the foundation in the future? We were hoping that by paying extra for the standing shower now, we could avoid breaking the slab in a future tub-to-shower conversion.
I don't know very much about plumbing or construction so any input would be appreciated! Thanks!
submitted by /u/clairever [link] [comments]
from Plumbing help offered here, please post pictures. https://ift.tt/3rp1TIT
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our-blood-is-our-ink · 2 years ago
(my Agatha's yelling at me: look at what you've done!!)
Anyways! I'm going to start participating weekly as well!
Claire blurb-fic
Snapshot Three (previously Ehhhh, probably going to get named changed again)
V+S Claireve
Goddess Agatha x Eve
I won't be sharing from my other fics I've been working on, but you can still feel free to request them and force me to write three more lines for them <3
WIP Wednesday Game
It’s WIP Wednesday, time for a little accountability, sharing your work, and getting a kick in the pants.
Here’s how it works:
In a reblog (or new post w/ rules attached), post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. If you tag me in your post, I will send you an ask request!
If you’re reading this, you’re invited!
If you see someone posting a WIP Wednesday Game snippet, send them an ask! Make them write.
Requested/Friend event mentions under the cut! If you'd like to be pinged next week, let me know!
friends @fiore-della-valle @redbirdblogs @greenbergsays @idkfandomwhatever @luckyspike @obaewankenope @mad-madam-m @sleepymccoy @eriquin @sosobriquet @qprstobin @spacebarrette @andavs @zainclaw @anonymousdandelion @flameraven @fractalgeometry / Requests @aparticularbandit @madnessfromthemountains @makeroftherunes @not-orpheus @1attheedge @preetsramblings
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aparticularbandit · 2 years ago
okay so there is a discussion of a kissing booth scene on another show on my dash and
now i can't stop thinking about eve (or claire!) running a kissing booth when they're younger. eve would probably do it first to raise money for the senior center, where they've been volunteering (and claire is just. always there because it lets her 1) donate to the center and 2) kiss her girlfriend more, so, like, win/win situation), and then claire would probably do it later to whip up more community support when she runs for mayor, and the town's just oh, what an adorable couple, doesn't your wife mind that you're doing a kissing booth? and claire just gives a good old boy shrug and a sheepish grin and says that eve suggested it (and eve peeks over from the nearby booth, says it's her turn, hands little baby brendan over to claire, and takes her seat with just the brightest smile that no one would ever consider was passive aggressive protection of her boyfriend).
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art-now-france · 4 years ago
Tumblr media
Petit paysage (27 septembre 2016), Clair Eve
I made this little landscape with great joy. New media, new way to work, I enjoyed create it, with soft colours and lots of tenderness.
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