#claire redfield x oc
spaceyeehaw · 1 year
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an introduction to jennifer "stinger" han in the resident evil series
a long term resident of rockfort island, jennifer's been pushed to survive, moulded by the testing hands of umbrella, since she can remember. very few remember her, very few have something to say. she's cagey, odd, to say the least, growing up with dark, buggy eyes peering from behind her father's lab coat. she played in the dirt behind the barracks, whispering about the buzzing of the hornet's nest underneath the mess hall, tuck herself away reading the same worn copy of alice in wonderland.
"i hear hawaii's nice this time of year." "proposing a second date? don't go soft on me, redfield."
unwatched by many, rockfort was the breeding ground for malice and contempt. the bandersnatches, albinoids and sweepers were nothing but the norm, the monsters on another side of a glass pane to her as she grew. her eyes made contact with the young alexia ashford in curiosity, a look turning to shadowing, turning to company - just kids, as jennifer remembers it, a tool to assist in the furtherment of umbrella, alexia would see it. she was no genius, nowhere close to that of what she thought of as her best friend, but she's smart enough to know that letting her prod her with needles in the name of trust and childhood friendship was a mistake.
she starts hearing the buzzing after alexia goes dark. she's alone again on rockfort island, surrounded by soldiers and avoiding the eyes of the researchers as everyone insists they can't hear the buzzing. she feels like she's going crazy, her shoulder starts itching and the skin feels like film, discolouring to a harsh yet translucent orange - no medical explanation. even alfred, as insane as he's seen to be, doesn't give the medical officers permission to tear the abnormality from her.
a night as ordinary as any other, jennifer's shaken to her core with the pain in her arm, the heat rising in her stomach and the sweat pouring from her, a sore growing from her arm bursts, the buzzing growing as a wasp burrows itself from her skin - and rests gently on her arm. the fear subsides as it nooks onto her arm and the buzz feels part of her. the subsequent hawks feel no different, an extension of her - a human fear mixed with a eerie, cold, knowing comfort.
an abnormality she keeps hidden, jennifer avoids the attention of alfred ashford (though it's far more complicated than that in reality) and goes through her bland motions on rockfort island. until the night of the rockfort island incident when her unplanned survival sees her chance to escape from the monotony of umbrella and avoid dying like a prisoner. no more than what she thinks to be a mildly abnormal girl, her night sours when met with the records of so-called stinger trials and encountering her once friend, unthawed and deadly.
series appearance(s): resident evil 0 (mentioned), resident evil 2 (mentioned), re2r (mentioned), resident evil: survivor (mentioned), resident evil: code veronica, resident evil: degeneration, resident evil revelations 2, resident evil 6 love interest: claire redfield, alexia ashford (it's complicated)
template: here !
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ivy-loves-chocolate · 2 years
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A/N: Commission done for @basharria. Thank you so much for the positive feedback and for the support!
Plot: "I have really wanted to see something regarding Claire, post-Revelations, at something like a beach or pool--her relaxing, or trying to (and failing) as she sort of ruminates on things, loves lost, etc, until some guy (or girl) decides to flirt with her. At any rate, it ought to end with some night ride on a motorcycle."
Tags: fluff, a little angst, flirting.
Word count: 3k words.
Ko-fi: if you want to support or commission me, please visit this link. Thank you!
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It’s been a while since Claire got a chance to relax. She always wanted to go to the beach, but because of her job, he had a hard time booking the trip. Eventually, Claire found a small window between her assignments and was able to prepare a small vacation for herself.
With a cocktail in one hand and a book on the other, she was now lying down on a sun bed that Chris had brought her before the trip. Between occasional sips of her drink, she took deep breaths, filling her lungs with warm air while enjoying the tropical scent of the beach—one of hot sand mixed with sea water. Every breath relaxed her more and more, making her feel as though she succumbed to the bamboo material of the sun bed. Between her body and the wood, there was a BSAA towel protecting her skin. The whole setting was accompanied by the sounds of ocean waves and faint voices in the background, as there were some people who were trying to enjoy the same serenity of the beach as well. 
It was close to noon now, so the sun became hotter. What was once a warm, ticklish sensation turned into a stinging one. 
“I need to apply some sunscreen.” She thought as she put her book and cocktail aside and reached for her bag. Inside were various things, such as sunglasses, books, towels, a sandwich, and the sunscreen she was looking for. 
“There you are…” she grabbed the bottle and poured some of its content on her skin.
These supplies were brought by Chris, who wanted to make sure that Claire has everything she needs during her trip so she wouldn’t worry about a thing. 
Once she laid back down, she grabbed her drink and resumed her sunbathing. Her thoughts inevitably shifted to her brother. There were ones of admiration and compassion for the older sibling, as he was always like a guardian angel to his little sister, ever since they were kids until this very day. 
“Chris…he’s such a good brother.” 
She remembers the first day of college, when he came to inspect the dorm and the campus. 
“Be mindful when you go to parties. Don’t let your drink unsupervised, especially around frat boys!” he said in his usual bossy tone.  
“Oh yeah, you know that type well since you behave like one.” 
“Smart ass.” he chuckled as he patted her head.
He was always very protective of his little sister. They shared a special bond, and that’s why it hurt so much when he disappeared…
She unconsciously frowned at the memories of Racoon City. If it wasn’t for Chris, who taught her how to wield a gun, maybe she wouldn’t survive. It was a challenge for her, not only because she faced such a big threat, but also because she had to do it alone. Her whole life, it was her and Chris, and suddenly she had to face that danger all by herself. 
"C'mon, Redfield, it’s your free day…” she scolded herself for her inability to calm her mind. 
She dug through those memories in hopes of finding something that would distract her. 
“Leon, Sherry…” a smile appeared on her face. 
Over time, they became two of the most important people in her life. Their presence not only made that experience less lonely, but they also gave her courage and hope to push through. She has kept in touch with them up to this day. 
“Sherry was and still is a very brave girl, and Leon was a handsome rookie with a heart of gold. Who would’ve thought I’d be able to flirt during an apocalypse. Talk about raging hormones.” A soft chuckle escaped her lips. 
She took a deep breath again, trying to think of something else rather than her work life. 
“Maybe a quick swim would help.” 
After a life full of fights and losses, it’s hard to disconnect from the past, but a bath under the warm sun sure does wonders. 
She resumed her lecture when she came back, not before applying more sunscreen. Chris told her repeatedly, almost scolding her, to make sure to protect herself from both the radiating sun and from strangers.
“He's always protecting and rescuing me. I truly believed I had lost him until he found me in Antartica. He gave me such a great scare.” 
She found her dear brother, but she lost a loved one in the process.  
Steve’s mutation is still livid in her mind, as it just happened yesterday. However, she tries not to remember him like that, but as the sweet, brave young man he was. She tries to erase those memories of his mutated, violent form from his final moments and replace them with his final human form and final genuine words. 
“'I love you…’ he faintly whispered to me with all of his strength. In a way, I loved him as well.I was caught up in the same nightmare with monsters and experiments as three months prior. I didn’t have Leon or Sherry, nor Chris until later on, but I had you…Steve. And you were more than enough…”
The book was tossed again on the table near her, as sadness washed over her. 
“At least your feelings were genuine, not unlike…Neil’s.”
If life taught her anything, it was to find reliable people during hard times and also to learn to rely on yourself. Sadly, not everyone she met managed to survive, and not everyone was reliable. 
TerraSave was another stage of her life that she recently ended. Having everything she needed—a well-organized structure, the experience she had gathered over the years, and a good leader in Neil Fisher—she sought to finally put an end to bioterrorism, achieving her life goal. However, Neil had other plans for them. 
Claire blindly trusted him and refused to see the obvious signs of betrayal until it was too late. He was self-assured, brave, and very experienced in the field, giving Claire a nice illusion of reliance and safety. Heartbroken and enraged, she fought his mutated form, putting an end to his lies and to FBC for good. 
“Treacherous bastard…why does every guy I meet have to either mutate or die? Well, there’s Leon, but it’s not like we have deeper feelings for each other. Dating in college was easy. One time, this guy-“
A figure towers above her, blocking the sun and casting a shadow over Claire. She removed her sunglasses to get a better view of this mysterious person. 
"Isn't it a little risky to sunbathe at this hour?” The woman asked. She was about the same height as Clare, and judging by her toned body, she probably worked out a lot. 
“A little, yes, I’ve been in riskier situations, though."
“I believe that. Listen I- I wanted to ask if you had any sunscreen I could use; I ran out of mine.” 
“Sure, actually you can keep it. I was about to go anyway.”
Claire reached for her bag to pull out the sunscreen. 
“Thanks! I’m Elena, by the way.”
"Claire," she says, firmly shaking the woman's hand.
Elena sat on the sun bed at Claire's feet, pouring some lotion on her arms. She could notice the woman’s features better. Her hair was long, black, and thick, and it was styled in a bun. Big, brown eyes were looking at Claire as she spoke, and full lips were curving into gentle, kind smiles when Claire was talking back. Her nose was big and a little sharp, flattering her round face. Her brown skin was glistering in the sun, indicating that she had recently come out of the water.
“So, what brings you to the beach, Claire?”
“Well, I'm trying to relax, but I keep failing.”
“Why so?” 
“I can’t put my mind at ease.” Claire chuckled in an attempt to prevent the conversation from turning serious. 
“Wanna know something?” 
“That’s pretty obvious.”
“H-how?”Claire asked, a little embarrassed, as she didn’t realize how expressive she could be when dealing with her own thoughts. 
"Well… I actually tried to ask you for sunscreen a couple of times, but you kept fidgeting in your seat and frowning, and I didn't want to bother you. "You seemed to have cooled down a little after you returned from the ocean, so I quickly came to ask."
"Oh, Lord, you must think I’m insane.” She avoided eye contact by drawing her knees closer to her chest and resting her head in her palm. For a reason, this woman made Claire very shy. 
“No, not at all. We all have our demons to fight.”
“Mine seem impossible to fight off." 
Elena closed the lid and tossed the tube in the hot sand. 
“You’ll manage eventually. You seem like a strong person, Claire.” The woman’s full lips curved into a smile. Her eyes were staring at her, as if they were examining her features. The woman’s gaze was intense, and if Claire didn’t know any better, she’d say it was a flirtatious one. 
“You have no idea.”
A pause followed, with only the wave sounds being heard in the background. There weren’t as many voices in the background as there used to be, given the hour.
 Elena was the first to speak. 
“Do you want to know something else?” 
Elena leaned forward, closing the remaining space between them. 
“The sunscreen wasn’t the only reason I came to you.”
“Oh-how so?” Claire began to be a little paranoid, but regardless, she found the woman attractive. 
“Well, I also thought you were really pretty.” 
Claire blushed instantly. It’s been a while since someone complimented her appearance in a flirtatious manner.
“Thank you. You’re not bad yourself.” 
“…way to go Claire…”
To her relief, Elena chuckled softly.
“Listen, I have to go. If you wanna talk more about your demons, meet me at the bar tonight.”
“The bar from the beach?”
“Yeah, the one that’s right at the entrance. ”
While leaving, Elena turned her head to Claire and winked while she waved at her. 
She hadn’t felt such intense butterflies since she met Leon, Steve, and Neil. The woman had a nice vibe. Her eyes were glittering under her thick eyelashes, giving Claire strong signs of flirting. 
“Another reason why I enjoy the hot beach.” She reflected as she threw her belongings into her bag and prepared to leave. She didn’t come back from the beach; she went to the store to buy a dress for tonight. 
The sun was setting, and the resort became crowded with people who left the beach. The laughs, chit-chats, and occasional screams of the children created an audible mess, one that was smoothed out by the music of the bars, which had just opened and welcomed their thirsty guests. 
Claire was sitting on the balcony with nothing but a robe after a nice, warm shower, enjoying the remaining sun rays of the day. The balcony was small, and it could barely fit a chair, a table, and a drying rack. She was eating some chips, and she just got off the phone with her brother. 
There was something serene about sitting outside, inhaling the air, and watching the sunset while hearing the crowd and listening to the music. She needed that serenity because she was anxious to meet Elena. 
“…what is she doesn’t show up…” she thought. She expressed the same disbelief to Chris on the phone, but he assured her that’s only in her head and that Elena seemed like a nice girl. 
“…but they all do seem nice at first…”
She took another chip, focusing on the music and banishing those negative thoughts. 
A floral dress awaited on the couch. She bought it from a souvenir shop at a reasonable price. It’s not like it stood out from the rest, as there were many items with tropical patterns, but she thought it fit her body nicely: not too tight, not too loose, just enough to leave something to the imagination. She took a quick nap after leaving the store and then hopped in the shower.
After she watched the sunset, she started to get ready. She accessorized the dress with brown sandals, a cream purse, and let her hair down.
“…what if I got it all wrong and I make a fool of myself?…” Her insecurities never left her, no matter how hard she tried to cast them away. They followed her until she arrived at the bar from the beach.
It was an open bar, with lots of lights and rattan chairs and tables spread across it. The wood was painted white, and the jazz music could be heard faintly among the voices. Claire scanned the place, looking for Elena, feeling her anxiety grow inside with every second she didn’t spot her. Eventually, all of her worries were finally gone when she saw Elena at the bar, ordering something to drink. Her hair was let out too, and it spread across her back in beautiful waves. She wore a pair of short, black pants and a white tank top. 
“…not bad…” she thought in an admiring manner. 
Claire decided to sneak up on her so she could surprise her. 
“Miss, did you finish ordering?” She said it while she was behind Elena.
“Oh, yeah, sorry- Claire!” Her face lightened up when she saw her. She spread her arms and pulled her into a warm hug. Her perfume was sweet, with floral notes. 
“Hey girl, sup?”
“Oh, I was just getting something to drink. Do you want something?” 
“No thanks, the night is still young.” 
“Suit yourself.” Elena ordered just a bottle of water.
After they found a free table, they started to talk. 
“I thought you’d ditch on me." Elena said.
“Really? What gave you that idea?”
“ Well, you didn’t seem so sure when I asked you out.”
"Oh, no, I- "
“You were still battling your demons?” She said it with a smirk. 
“That too,” Claire chuckled, “but if I’m being honest, it’s been a while since someone asked me out, so it took me by surprise.” 
“I see. I’m sorry if I came across as very direct. I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.”
Elena took a sip from her bottle, her smirk fading.
“No, no, you were alright. I really liked your approach. It was fresh and bold, and to be honest, it pulled me out of my own thoughts, something I tried to do since I came here and failed.” She chuckled. “If anything, I should thank you.”  
“Alright, I was starting to get worried.” Her smile reappeared on her face. “So, when did you arrive?” 
“This Wednesday, I wanted to avoid the traffic.”
“Smart move. "I came this Friday, the traffic was hell, but I was lucky because my motorcycle can fit between the cars and lines.
“You have a motorcycle?” 
"Oh, yes, a Harley-Davidson.”
“You're kidding!” she said with enthusiasm.
“Not at all,” Elena replied with the same enthusiasm.
“Oh my God, I own at least five of them.” 
“No way! I can’t believe I met a fellow biker. What were the odds?” 
“Tell me about it.” 
“When did you discover your passion?” Elena asked while waving her hand to a waiter. 
“Well, since I was in college, I bought my first one then, and shortly after, I got the second. They have held up pretty well up until this day. Then I bought the rest as time went by.”
“So you’re a pro in this field.” The waiter approached the table, ready to take the order. “One Aperol please.” 
“I see you’re starting strong.” Claire teased while leaning forward, supporting her elbows on her crossed legs. 
“Oh no, sweetie, that’s for you, I noticed you were drinking it at the beach.” 
“You shouldn’t have.”
“Don’t tell me you want to fight your demons while sober.” 
Claire laughed softly at the joke. 
The drink came, and Claire took a sip. 
“Well, it’s better than the one from the beach.”
“I’m glad you enjoy it.” 
"Maybe it’s because of the soda, or maybe it’s because it was ordered by you, I really don’t know.” 
That line made Elena laugh loudly.
“Oh you” 
“So, back to the subject.”
“How long have you been a biker?”
“I joined recently, I think last April.” 
“What made you take this decision?” 
“I got bored of traffic.” 
“Come on, seriously now." 
“I don’t know, besides being easy to move on the road, it also gives you a sense of freedom. And since I’m traveling alone, it’s one of the best options.”
“But what will you do when you’re not going to be alone anymore?” She said it in a teasing tone, as she took another sip.
“Well, I guess that person would have to fit in the back. But why do you ask? Are you proposing something, Claire?” She leaned forward too, scanning Claire for any reaction. 
“Not now, but after I finish my cocktail, I might.” 
Elena laughed again, her laugh mingling with the rest of the voices and jazz music.
After Claire finished her drink, they headed to the parking lot. Elena was polite and paid for her drink, despite Claire’s protests. 
“You know, I actually wanted to ask you if you wanna come on a ride with me tonight.” She said as she playfully waved her arm next to Claire’s. 
The breeze of the night created a calm atmosphere. The further they would walk away from the resort, the quieter it became. 
“And what stopped you?” Claire asked. 
“I didn’t know if you were into it. Some people are terrified of riding a motorcycle.”
“With that, I agree.”
Elena’s hand found Claire’s eventually, and her fingers gently wrapped around hers.
“This way” 
Claire was pleasantly surprised by this gesture. 
They arrived at the motorcycle. It was a relatively new model, painted red, with a trunk. Elena opened it and pulled out two helmets. 
“Well, this is yours.” She handed one to Claire.
“Thank you very much.” 
Elena turned on the engine and waited for Claire to climb into the back. She placed her feet on the footrests and wrapped her arms tight around Elena. She never sat in the back, with a few exceptions when Leon or Chris drove. 
Elena turned her head to face Claire, her deep brown eyes staring at her through the clear visor as if they silently asked if she was ready. After Claire had nodded, Elena turned on the engine, and they drove into the night.
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haliet0 · 1 year
A silly pet hc i have for resident evil characters (Sorry if is blurry tiktok sucks😭😭)
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strawberrysnoopy · 6 months
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ACT ONE: The Photoshoot, Part Three of Four
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prologue, part one, part two. warnings: tobacco, smoking, alcohol use, briefest mention of using alcohol as a coping mechanism, mentions of infidelity (as always), ada slander at times (sorry), texting for a while, leon's a bit of a perv,
author's note: btw I left the husband without a name so there's no overlap on you and your husband having the same name and you live in new york due to the modeling thing. I also try my hardest to keep the reader ambiguous because I realize that skinny, quirky, white girls aren't the only ones that read this series: if there's anything you'd like to recommend or change in the writing to be more reader-friendly, drop in my inbox and let me know! :) thank you guys so much for all the reblogs and 100 FOLLOWERS AHHH!! thank you thank you thank you!
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The warmth of your fingers working against his cool and paled skin had him melting like a runny ice cream cone in your hands. His hand was on your hip, rubbing loving circles like he was trying to commit the warm feel of your flesh into his memory. This was the type of life he envisioned when he was younger: married to someone he loved deeply with every crevice of his being. He thought Ada was the person for him, but that was such a costly and emotionally unbalanced guess. "Thank you, honey." You nod in response, applying the rest of the stitching to his busted lip. His hands dare to move a little higher on your hips, squeezing your waist and getting some sick pleasure out of the way your breath stopped in embarrassment. The scene was perfect, just a good ol’ friend taking care of her busted up pal. Leon hated that he couldn’t find you earlier, sooner, before he could even lay eyes on Ada Wong. She had her charms, sure, but there was something about the soft lull of your presence, how gentle you were, how caring you could be with others that had his heart fluttering in his chest. He still can't believe out of all the places he could've met you, it was at a store while you were buying a bottle of wine for yourself and your husband. "Met" would have to be an overrated word in his dictionary. The truth was that Leon had first laid eyes upon you in a magazine. They had released their February shoot that show-cased entrepreneurial photographers on the rise, climbing their way to the top without a care in the world who they scratched on their way there. You happened to be the diamond in the rough, making everyone else's cliche photographs of "lust" or "revenge" or "innocence" themes seem drab. Your theme? Limerence. Beautiful, simmering, and chilling limerence. Your hair was pieced together lazily but curled neatly, wearing simple yet cryptic tops and little boy shorts that lovingly cradled your ass. The rookie photographer that snapped your photos had done a stellar job at making it seem like you were one of those once in a lifetime girls you met in college. He still had the magazine of course, stashed away in the depths of his closet: kept in pristine condition like a filthy little secret he loved to indulge in. "So..." He muses. He feels the little pause in your work, his eyes crinkling with amusement. "How long have you known? About your husband's infidelity?" You've always known. The first? A college girl in the first year of your "official" relationship Bubbly and vibrant and a fucking joy to be around. The kind of girl you see on ABC's 20/20 or some other type of true crime prime-time film. Your husband claimed it was a drunk hook-up. And the first time, you believed him. The second? A school teacher that looked, acted, and talked exactly like you. Maybe she was your long lost twin or some weird rip in the fabric of time and she happened to pop out. He claimed he was mad at you for the way you did laundry. You forgave him a second time, but you'd surely have a knife to his throat the third time.
"A while. It's just like some weird fact I live with, I guess. Like you have some chronic disease and it's something you deal with from time to time." He nodded, bringing your hand up to his mouth and pressing a soft kiss to your palm. He knows you don't deserve that. Nobody deserves that. Yet, he always wondered why you stayed. Your husband was an asshole, although that shouldn't be a term that leaves his lips due to the fact he's supposedly your husband's best bud, but for the sake of doing the holy honor of defending you: he was a cheating dick that didn't deserve to be maritally bound to a woman such as yourself. "Wouldn't you get a divorce? I don't mean to be like...rude or anything but I would've thought that you're the type of woman to leave his ass once he cheats." And you were. Headstrong, confident, and self-assured—he's never seen an insecure model before, or maybe that's some weird stereotype he's made in his head unconsciously. "It's a tough situation." And that's all you have to say about your marriage. He nodded, understanding your reluctance to speak on the subject. He can't say he's any different from you either considering his marriage to Ada, the very reason he can't be with you. Especially so intimately. It’s hard. The safety of it all. Having someone next to you at all times despite the shitty relationship. He knew.
Now the bathroom is silent. You’re still doctoring up his wounds while he sits up on the marble counter-top. He really wants to say something until you step in for him.
“I can’t believe you fucked my husband up like that.” You say, pulling your hands away from his face to find some more antibiotic cream. He hates that he feels his head moving forward to get your hands back on him. Pathetic. He feels pathetic, especially considering he beat the dog shit out of your husband when you graciously invited him into your home.
“I’m sorry—“ He begins, you stop him once more.
“No. Don’t apologize. I was thanking you.” He nods again, finding the motion of moving his head back and forth too repetitive. “So, thank you.”
He boldly takes your hand in his own, squeezing it and kissing the palm—feeling like he’s turning into a crazy man when your fingertips brush against his lower eyelids and cheeks.
“You’re welcome.” He releases your hand from his own, feeling guilty for not saying more to you. He feels as if you deserve more than silence, and to be honest, with everything you've gone through this week, you definitely do. "I know I said it already but I'm sorry for saying that I wanted to—" He pauses, not wanting to be so crude with his wording but throwing caution to the wind as he had already fucked everything up so far. "Said that I wanted to fuck you, that's not fair to you nor your husband."
"It's okay if you do." His heart pulses in his chest at those words. He had expected you to ignore it, maybe slap him if you were really pissed. But you agreed? What the fuck, it's like he's living in a fucking alternate universe. "It's not a crime to find someone else attractive. The only thing wrong is if you act on it." That was true, but it never took from how much he dreamed about you. The times he's jerked himself off while thinking of your gorgeous body on his mind had grown to a disgusting amount. Hell, it's gotten to a point where he doesn't even fight it anymore and Ada being in the house used to stop him, but not anymore. He'll just go up to the bathroom and rub one out with your magazine in hand. "Then I guess I'm attracted to you." Your cheeks flush red at the admission, flaring a brighter color when his hand grips your hip once more. And tighter, too. Jesus Christ, the way this whole situation had been playing out like a steamy porno. First, your husband was gone in the hospital. Second, Leon was brought into your home. Alone. Third, he admitted he wants to fuck you. No, he has to resist. You were right. It's not wrong to be attracted to someone other than your spouse but you had him wanting to act. Wanting to drag you down to the marital bed you share with your husband and fuck you senseless. "So, do you want to stay the night tonight? Considering your car is broken down and everything." You ask, your tone beautiful and raspy like it always is.
Oh, God. He's gonna fuck you.
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tags:@heylesamis, @sweetserial, @iloveyousomuch1989, @galactict3a, @m1sery-busin3ss, @ssulfurr, @julia13123, @nic-stars, @stillhavingdaddyissues, @greywardensaywhat, @ressespearlz, @xqlenkdy, @g0rep1ty, @nomorekerkanymor,
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chesue00 · 6 months
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RE OCs debute!?!?
In a middle of a sleepover these trio college students suddenly got transported from the real world to the world of resident evil😭😔
Will be dropping more of their lore and art as time goes by >:D
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paradisedixon · 2 years
Leon: You can de-escalate any situation by simply saying, 'Are we about to kiss?'
Jill: …
Claire: …
Y/N: …
Leon: Doesn't work for getting out of speeding tickets, by the way.
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theyrejustfictional · 2 months
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This reminded me of the Romantic outfit but no hair was similar to the costume or the slicked back hair mod </3
(not sure how well I like his wife’s face, feel something is missing from her appearance so I might fix her)
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lonetile4 · 18 days
A semi-crack fanfictions including organizations from Call of Duty, Resident Evil, Dragonball, and Marvel.
This is a work in progress. Whenever you see "==Place Holder==" it means there is a gap where I need to fill in a good transition between sections. Whenever I get writers block, I move on to the next plot point and fill things in later.
"We're glad you came," Nikto said, voice rough.
"It's been a while, Andre." Liliya answered. She sat down beside him at the bar. She observed her friend. He was wearing a sweatshirt; the hood pulled over his head to hide his face. He held a glass of scotch in his hand.
"We told you not to call us that," Nikto muttered. "Just Nikto is fine."
"Sorry." Liliya ordered herself a drink. "So... what made you call me after all these years?" She swirled the golden liquid in her glass, listening to the ice clink.
"We... need help." Nikto glanced at her. "A mission came up. It involves robotic weapons. And you know more about robotics better than anyone."
"I'm a civilian now, Nikto," Liliya said quietly. "I can't." She got to her feet when Nikto grabbed her wrist.
"It's Hydra, Lily," Nikto said. Liliya paused. She looked at the hand that had grabbed her arm. There was a long pause between them. Liliya clenched her fists.
"God, dammit," she hissed. She let out a frustrated sigh. "Fine."
"Ain't this amazing?" Philip Graves asked, hopping off the chopper.
"Yeah... wonderful." Jill Valentine replied, crossing her arms.
"Come on!" Graves laughed. "The BSA, Shadow Company, Spetsnaz, and Red Ribbon... all working together!" Liliya tensed.
"Red Ribbon doesn't exist anymore." Liliya said. "So I don't work for them."
"Whatever," Graves scoffed. "Powerful people coming together to fight for the same cause." Liliya rolled her eyes.
"Hey," Chris Redfield walked over and patted her shoulder. "Relax."
"If I had known the BSA was called, I wouldn't have agreed to this." She glared at Nikto, pissed that he left out an important detail.
"Look, what happened with Claire, I don't..."
"This has nothing to do with Claire!" Liliya snapped. "This has nothing to do with the fact that I nearly sent your sister... my *girlfriend* at the time, to her death trying to take down what was left of Red Ribbon." Liliya pinched the bridge of her nose.
"And now I'm back to taking out another evil organization. Who knows who I might send to their death."
"Well, Graves is always an option," Chris said with a small laugh. Liliya rolled her eyes but couldn't hide the small smile that formed on her lips.
"I heard that," Graves said. Liliya flipped him off, but had a smile on her face. Her smile faultered before she turned back to Chris.
"She's doing okay, though.... right?" She asked. "I know it's been... 2 years..."
"She's doing great," Chris answered. "And you?"
"Hanging in there," Liliya answered. The teams walked together into the large hanger.
"We're sorry for not telling you about the BSA," Nikto said.
"It's fine. Whatever," Liliya grumbled. "But if the BSA is here... robotics and bio-weapons don't exactly mix well... if B.O.Ws start having Red Ribbon tech? That's more than any of us can handle."
"Your gas mask will remain on at all times," Chris said. "We don't know what Hydra has been cooking, meaning we have no cure and no idea how this thing works. We could be dealing with simple zombies or B.O.Ws."
"So this is a suicide mission...?" One of the Shadows asked.
"I'm not going to sugar coat it," Chris replied slowly. "This will likely be the most dangerous missions you will ever do, which is why we need to work as a team, have each other's backs."
"We'll be learning on the job, so keep your radio on for updates." He glanced around the room. "Communication and teamwork are important."
"So, you're a cyborg..." Graves said, looking at Liliya's legs.
"You could say that..." Liliya grumbled. She looked through the binoculars at the facility door.
"Did Red Rocket leave you with any cool gear? According to what Chris said, those B.O.Ws ain't pretty." Graves was squatting nearby, gun at the ready, just in case. It did make Liliya feel a little better to have someone watching her back.
"I have a few," Liliya confessed. Well, she had more than a few. Just some little trinkets in her back pocket just in case.
"You know, that makes me feel a lot safer." Graves said. "I've seen the aftermath of what happens when the BSA has to get involved."
"Yeah... it's not pretty." Liliya grabbed her radio. "Clear. Safe to move in, but stay cautious."
"Roger that." Chris replied from the other end. Liliya put the radio down, returning to keeping an eye on the teams. She could hear Graves's men communicating with the BSA as they moved in.
"What happened between you and the BSA?" Liliya's eye twitched in annoyance.
"Curiosity killed the cat, Graves. Mind your own business."
"Alright," Graves went quiet again. There was a moment of awkward silence.
"Let's move." Liliya lead Graves and a small squad of Shadows towards a different entrance. "Remember what Redfield said. Communicate." She looked at everyone, memorizing their faces. She wondered how many good people would be left after this mission. She wanted to say something... to tell them to say goodbye to each other and to prepare in case they need to shoot their own brothers, but she knew the moral was low enough. She didn't need to add more to it.
Once the door was breached and cleared, Graves and Liliya walked in. The place was quiet... but quiet never met safe.
"Heads on a swivel," Liliya warned. "That includes on the ceiling."
[To be continued...]
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sombraluna · 1 year
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In order of appearance; Quentin Quire, Malachi Cera, Albert Wesker, and Claire Redfield
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detectivelokis · 1 year
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Gift 2/2 for @nightwingshero for the Resident Evil gift exchange hosted by @sstewyhosseini
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sahsalart · 1 year
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The fraternal twins have a finalized design after months of pulling shit out my ass lol. Sometimes I get lazy sorry.
I feel like out of all the characters from the Resident Evil franchise, Leon having fraternal boy and girl twins just makes so much sense. I just know this man wouldn’t be ready to have a baby but ends up getting Eunjoo (my OC) pregnant and she wants to keep it, and after panicking for long while Leon’s just like “oh well it’s 1 baby it can’t be that bad—“ BOOM 2 BABIES!! I love it. And not just for my OC, I think fraternal twins suits Leon in general for any other characters he’s shipped with. That being said, I did my best to replicate both genes of the parents. Binna being darker-skinned but has Leon’s hair color and eyes. Her facial structure represents more of her mother by having a wider nose and rounded face. Then Parker having fairer skin but with his mother’s textured hair and eyes. His facial structure definitely takes on more of Leon with his slender nose and sharp features.
The twins were born on April 2nd, 2008. Making Eunjoo just under 25 and Leon 31. Parker is older by 2 minutes, Binna is the baby. Leon named Parker, Eunjoo named Binna. Then they it switched for their middle names. Binna (빛나) is a Korean name, meaning “to shine”. Aury is a Latin name commonly used around the Caribbean and means “Gold”. Joon (준) is also a korean name, meaning “ruler, talented, handsome”. Around the age they are in the illustration, they are in recruitment for training to be agents like their parents. Although both parents are against them going towards the line of field they work with.
I’ll eventually put out a lot more info for them when I do their individual character sheets, but feel free to ask questions or just tell me what you think about them!
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winksasleeplesseye · 2 years
City of the Dead - Masterlist
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Description: Amara Moore, a respected member of the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team, returns from a well-earned vacation on July 26, only to find that their team numbers are not only mysteriously, significantly reduced but are disbanded as well. 
Left with no real reason, and half her team gone alongside the Alpha Team, she’s out of a job until she takes it upon herself to investigate. What she uncovers is more than she could’ve imagined. Which all culminates to September 29. A day that she, alongside the RPD’s newest rookie, Leon Kennedy, will never forget. 
Pairing: Leon Kennedy X OC 
Character Bios
Moodboards/Character Aesthetics
Character Select: Amara Moore
Character Select: Leon Kennedy
File #001 - Conspiracy 
File #002 - Nightmare
File #003 - The Rookie
File #004 - Trade
File #005 - Night Music
File #006 - Lachesism
File #007 - Paradigm 
File #008 - This Much is True 
File #009 - Reciprocity
File #010 - The End of the Beginning
File #011 - Epilogue
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androgynous-pagan2 · 10 months
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Helena Harper is currently being worked on…
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hornypoetsociety · 11 months
looking for a leon kennedy
hey all!
i’ve made a similar post regarding Joel Miller, but i’ve been really having hardcore Leon Kennedy brainrot recently. i’m completely fine with any version of him, truthfully. the ideas i have in mind involve him being paired with a female oc of mine. i would be alright with doubling up, but it’s not exactly what i’m looking for. but, i can play carlos, albert, jill, any dimitrescu sister, claire, or ada
here are some extras!
for rules, don’t be rude or creepy. i’ve had a lot of people be weirdly snippy lately, and it’s not appreciated. tone indicators would be nice, as i am autistic
nsfw is alright but i would prefer that it isn’t the main point in the plot, overdone, and has a purpose in the plot
as mentioned, i want to do cc x oc. don’t ask me to do cc x cc, it’s a no
i do work a lot and go to school, so sometimes my replies can be slow
i would like a heads up if you’re going to be inactive
i understand being busy, as mentioned before, but i really like to at least have a few replies a week, maybe even once a day. i get really into roleplays so if it takes day to reply, i get demotivated
i prefer lit, but i’m alright with semi lit, as long as there’s still interest and details
i only roleplay on discord
that’s it! feel free to contact me if you’re interested <3
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scarletlove2 · 6 months
Resident evil OC blurb! A song that’s good to pair with this would be The Alcott from the National grating Taylor Swift.
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"You gonna light my smoke, or are you just gonna stand there?" I spoke, placing the cigarette back between my lips as he gripped his lighter, the flame trickling with light in the night. Inhaling deeply before pulling it away, I exhaled the smoke, watching it dissipate into the air as I ashed it on the ground beside me. The silence between us lingered, leaving a myriad of unspoken words hanging in the air as we both turned our gaze towards the trees ahead.
"People at the base have been talking," I mentioned, still avoiding direct eye contact. "About what?" he responded in his usual gruff tone.
"About those long calls in your office with a potential lawyer. I can imagine what that's about," I chuckled, taking another drag of my cigarette.
"People talk, Scarlet. You should know that better than anyone," he answered. "Well, if you'd like to give me the papers so we can get this over with," I said, exhaling the smoke as I reached out my hand, waiting for the stack of papers to be placed in them.
"I have nothing to give you," he replied, slipping his lighter back into his pocket after lighting his own smoke. "That's surprising. Then why else have you joined me out here, Chris? Lord knows you wouldn't do it unless you had to."
"Not allowed to spend time with my wife now, am I?" he questioned. "So I'm your wife now, but you still won't give me my rings back, huh? That's interesting," I remarked, tilting my head slightly as the leaves on the trees swayed in the nighttime breeze.
"You know, Chris, you haven't really changed. You still drown yourself in work," I remarked. "You walked out on me that night because you said you needed to be there for work, and look how that turned out."
"Maybe us having children was for the better, knowing you would choose work over them, because you choose it over everything but Jill Valentine," I remarked, trying to hit a nerve.
"And we'll never know if I would have chosen work over them, because we never had them," he replied harshly to the comment.
"When I went missing, you didn't even look. But when she did, oh Lord, you were looking all over for her. When we saw each other for the first time after years, you didn't even hold me. But when you found her, you held her so tight."
"You tried to kill me when we saw each other. Or did you forget that?" he spoke, his voice harsh.
"I think you're the one forgetting, knowing she did the same damn thing," I snapped back as the wind picked up, howling around us as the moon shone down on us.
Standing up from the chair I was sitting on, I took the last drag of my cigarette, throwing the butt on the ground and stepping on it with my heel, putting it out as I looked up at him, his head turning towards me.
"You know, maybe Miranda and Wesker were right. Even if I did come back, we would always fail," I recalled their words, staring at him for a moment before turning away and walking back to the house as the silence took over once again, enveloping us in its weight.
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zombiekillerbiceps · 1 year
Unsung - Chapter 2: Escape Raccoon City
Note: mixes og and re canon, I’ve really come to love Vanessa as an OC.
Content: 3.2 k, blood and gore, action, panic attack, dissociation, slowburn romance, Leon x OC, OC: Vanessa, the second half of Resident Evil 2 plus some after-game stuff
“No fucking way are we digging around the fucking morgue, Leon. Not happening.” Vanessa rubbed her thumb against the grip of the gun, the rough, gritty feeling against her skin keeping her alert and satisfying her nervous habit of fidgeting. 
“One of them might have the key we need to get out of here,” Leon told her. He moved to open one of the silver body drawers and Vanessa almost jumped out of her skin. She put a hand on his bicep, just trying to get him to think for a minute. 
“Have you never seen a zombie movie, dude?” 
“How many of these things have we killed by now?” Leon asked. Vanessa bit her lip to stop a comment she knew wouldn’t help them. She met his gaze. He raised his eyebrows as if that would prove his point, and she almost smiled. “What’s a few more?” 
“Fuck,” she exhaled. Then she raised her gun towards the shelf drawer and nodded at Leon. “Okay, do it.” 
Vanessa used to be a dog person. 
She wasn’t anymore. She didn’t know if she’d ever be able to look at a dog without seeing the gnashing teeth and veiny flesh of the infected k-9 units. Maggots crawling around an empty eye socket, flesh worn away to reveal the ribs benath, attacking with all the fervor of a starving wolf... 
The woman in the red dress couldn’t be trusted. Vanessa knew that the second she laid eyes on her, even if the “FBI agent” saved their lives. For one, she was too calm. She had no personal stake in Raccoon City - Vanessa knew that as sure as she knew how to breathe. Second, she knew what was going on, and she wouldn’t tell them anything. 
Leon saw the best in people. Vanessa admired that. 
But all she saw when she looked at the woman in red was someone who knew why everyone she’d ever known turned into the undead, and refused to tell her how to stop it. 
When they came across Kendo and his daughter, Vanessa knew immediately what was waiting for them. His daughter was sick, and scared, and too young to understand anything that was going on. Vanessa wanted to say something that would comfort the grieving father, but what could she say to him? What could anyone have said to her that would soothe her same pain? 
And still, the woman in red kept her lips sealed. Even after that gunshot rang out from Kendo’s garage. 
“I understand keeping it from me,” Leon yelled at her, genuine anger and heartbreak for that family in his voice, “but why them?!” 
“Because she doesn’t fucking care,” Vanessa answered, acid seething in her voice. She hadn’t said anything in a long while, stewing in her rage and grief.
“That isn’t true,” Ada defended, quietly. 
“Prove it!” She snapped. “Help us stop this!” 
“It’s too late to stop this,” the woman in red told them.
 Leon jumped in, trying to convince Ada she was wrong. He tried to get her to see that it was never too late, that there were still living people they could save. That it was their responsibility to save who they could. Leon was a good man. A noble man.
Maybe it got through to Ada, maybe it didn’t. She didn't care. Vanessa’s eyes drifted back to the gun shop now behind them, and her mind drifted back to her mother. Her sister. To Marvin's gaping jaw bearing down on her. To human eyes trapped in an inhuman body. To the sound of heavy, thunderous boots like the ceaseless drums of war.
Even if there were other survivors like her, maybe it was too late to stop this. How could she ever walk these city streets again and not jump at every shadow? The damage was done. Maybe it would be best for everyone to just let the city fall.
A gentle hand on her elbow drew her back into reality. She realized her breath was coming in fast and shaky, the skin on her thumb was numb.
"Hey. You still with me?" Leon asked. His voice was so steady, so sure.
She met his eyes and the concern there almost disgusted her. She felt vulnerable before him. She wanted to push him away, to do anything to keep him from seeing into her pain like he was now. But beneath that concern was a sadness that mirrored her own. She had to keep it together for him. It wasn't too late for him.
"Yeah," she managed, forcing herself to nod. Her fingertips brushed his elbow and she tried her best to give him all the reassurance she could through that slight touch.
Vanessa profusely protested going into the sewers because, a) gross dude, we have so many open wounds we’re going to die of septic shock and b) does no one else think that sounds like a really, really bad idea? 
But, Leon was determined to find this Umbrella lab and destroy it. Or, something. She was exhausted from the emotional rollercoaster of the last few days. Especially the last six hours. Not to mention she hadn’t slept more than a handful of hours since this all started, and hadn’t eaten anything at all in over a day. She jumped down into the sewers with them, gagging on the smell instead of complaining. 
“It’s not...” Leon started, weakly. 
“Yes! It is!” Vanessa cut him off. 
“Yeah, it’s pretty bad. But we’re almost through this.” 
“Think the lab will have showers?” 
“I don’t know if they’ll be feeling too hospitable.” 
“You don’t think this is a warm welcome?” She sloshed through sewage that almost went up to her waist, genuinely wanting to cry. “Ugh, why is it warm.” 
She was already not having a good night. So, when she and Leon were chased by a fifty foot crocodile, she was too pissed off to be surprised. 
“Chew on that, you overgrown son of a bitch.” 
She couldn’t help but breathe a laugh. Injured, exhausted, and filthy, and Leon was still making stupid jokes. She picked up a hunk of cooked croc and hurled it at his chest. 
“Keep moving, Officer One-Liner.” 
“That was bad.”
“I swear to God, I will throw more crocodile at you.”
They finally caught up to Annette. The scientist behind the G-Virus. The reason all of Raccoon City was infected. Ada Wong’s white whale... whatever that made her to Vanessa. 
She thought of her music-store will-they-won’t-they fling. She thought of her mother. Her little sister. Her kind neighbour, still swinging from the ceiling fan. Her grandparents, her former classmates, their mailman. Marvin. All of those people were either dead or worse because of this fucking woman. 
When you see one of those things, you do not hesitate.
Vanessa took the opportunity. She pulled out her gun and fired, clipping Annette’s side. Ada Wong grabbed her wrists. Ada shouted a protest, yanking her arms down, forcing her to lower her weapon. Annette was yelling. Leon was stepping in front of Vanessa. A gunshot went off. Leon cried out in pain. 
“Leon!” Vanessa bolted to his side. Another gunshot went off as a bullet hit metal above her head. She ducked out of reflex but didn’t stop. 
“Keep putting pressure on it, okay? I’m going to get you out of here,” Vanessa told him. She wrapped an arm around Leon’s waist, straining to lift him up. Pain shot through her bad shoulder. “Fucking, help me.” 
“I’m trying,” Leon groaned. Vanessa could have hit him.
 She glared daggers at Ada. She’d felt how strong the woman was when they tussled. The woman looked at her, then at where Annette was making her escape. She let out a frustrated sigh and came to help them. She took Leon’s other side, immediately easing the work for Vanessa. The two of them managed to walk Leon into a small ladder shaft walkway. It would be relatively safe. 
Leon’s eyes were clouded and unfocused. His head lolled to the side when they put him down. 
“Shit, shit.” Vanessa wiped her hands off on the cleanest part of her shirt, cursed again, and went to apply more pressure on the wound. He winced. His hand came up and grabbed her wrist, weakly trying to push her away. “I know, I know, I’m sorry.” 
“You should be safe here,” Ada said, as easily as if they were on a picnic. “I’m going after Annette.” 
“I don’t know what I’m doing.” The admission made her feel weak, her voice sounding tired and small even to her. She hated herself for saying it. To Ada, of all people. 
“She missed the vital organs. Keep applying pressure,” Ada told her. The woman’s voice was always so dry, like Leon getting shot was just an inconvenience to her. “The important thing is that he doesn’t bleed out. You can deal with infection later.” 
Vanessa’s hands were shaking again. She didn’t know if it was panic or rage. She did as she was told as Leon lost consciousness. 
“You're a decent shot. You could come with me,” Ada offered, already climbing the ladder up. 
Vanessa looked down at Leon. Kill the woman who ruined everything for her and everyone else in Raccoon City, or give him a fighting chance to die before morning. What kind of choice was that?
“That’s what I figured,” Ada sighed, gracefully pulling herself onto the platform above them.
“Ada?” Vanessa called after her. Ada cast her a side-glance like she was too good to even look at her in the eyes. “Kill that bitch for me.” 
The self-destruct sequence was counting down. Piece by piece, NEST was falling apart. Blaring sirens and flashing red lights were almost enough to disorient them. There was no sign of Claire or Sherry, but it was time to go.
One final confrontation with William "B-eye-cep" Birkin left Ada mortally wounded. Leon hobbled over to help her. The clock was ticking down. He was taking her hand and saying something to her, maybe pleading with her. They didn't have time for this.
Vanessa swooped in under his arm and redirected him. He struggled against her. Pain shot through her shoulder and bad knee holding him back and she gritted her teeth to keep from relenting. She was exhausted. She was in a lot of pain. She was angry, and scared, and the building was collapsing around them.
Three minutes.
"Leon, come on! We have to go!"
"We can't leave her!"
"I can't carry both of you!" Vanessa's voice cracked. It was almost sobbed. She still blamed Ada for her cruel disregard towards Raccoon City, but she didn't want to leave anyone behind. Not even Ada. But she was struggling to make it with just him. She physically couldn’t help both of them. If it was going to come down to Ada or Leon, it was going to be Leon. In fact, if it was anyone else at all, it was going to be Leon. 
Leon looked her in the eyes, betrayal and anger clear on his face. Tears dripped down his cheeks. His eyes were ringed with red, one swollen and purple. Vanessa blinked away her own tears, and to her surprise, Leon stopped struggling. Did he see what she was thinking? Did he understand? He nodded. Then they were making their escape as quickly as they could.
The sound of thunderous boots, like a war drum, fast and steadily approaching on the metal grate floor sounded behind them. Nothing tonight could be fucking easy. Her breath came in quick and hard. She turned around and saw Mr. X's unfeeling, metallic face through smoke and red light.
"Fuck! You!" She screamed in a mix of rage and terror, desperately trying to push Leon forward.
Their pursuer swung, and they both ducked just in time. Metallic fist made contact with a metal hoist. It snapped instantly. The walkway swayed.
Vanessa pushed Leon forward towards the door. She turned towards Mr. X, pulling her rifle from her shoulder. She pumped shot after shot into his forehead. But no matter how many shots she fired, he still advanced. The steady rhythm of those boots. Unstopping. Unyielding. She let out another scream as she reloaded, then fired again. Another shot. Another shot. But it wouldn’t stop. It never stopped. She backed through a door way and shrieked when it slammed shut in front of her.
She turned to see Leon leaning on a manual locking mechanism, his blood smeared upon the console. There was a heavy slamming sound and the door dented. It wouldn’t hold him.
She and Leon nodded at each other. Time to go.
They found a cable car that would rocket them downwards towards the train. She rubbed her thumb into the grip of her pistol, anxious. It didn’t feel like it was going fast enough. They were going to miss the train. They were going to die here, so close to the exit... 
Screeching metal drew their attention upwards. Massive claws tore the roof off the cable car, and they found themselves looking at an even more disgusting, pulsing, unrecognizable Birkin.
"You look like shit, dude!" Vanessa taunted, mostly to cover her own fear, trying to accept that the mass of screaming flesh and viscera was once a man.
Human eyes-
From some mysterious benefactor that disappeared in a flash of red, they were gifted a rocket launcher. One final showdown. 
Leon loaded up the barrel, but his arms shook as he tried to hold it. She tried to take it from him, but her shoulder seared with so much pain she almost dropped it. She looked at Leon, helplessly. Were they really going to die like this? The solution to their problems right there and they just... couldn’t use it? 
Then, Leon wrapped an arm around her waist. He put one hand on the rocket launcher while she supported it with her good arm. He leaned his weight into her. She helped him aim. Together, they took one, final shot at the thing that once was Birkin.
They made it down to the tunnel just as the escape train rolled up to the tracks. Claire leaned out a doorway, cheering victoriously. Vanessa and Leon returned it. They sprinted as fast as they could in their state. Claire helped Leon get on, then reached an arm out for Vanessa. She followed, just barely avoiding colliding with a concrete support beam.
The three of them collapsed onto the floor of the train.
And then, in spite of all the horrors they survived, they started laughing. It was breathless at first. An aftershock of the final rush of adrenaline. And then it grew, victorious. Then manic. And then Vanessa was crying while she laughed, not entirely sure where one began and the other ended. It wasn't until Sherry padded over that any of them sobered.
Leon lit up like the sun, opening his arms to the little girl. He'd grown fond of her. The kid made Vanessa a little uncomfortable, but she was overjoyed to know she was okay. The four of them hugged.
"I'm glad you both survived," Leon told Claire.
"I'm glad you both survived too," she said, planting kisses on both their temples.
Suddenly, a harsh wind whipped through the train car. Metal screeched horrifically on metal. The train car behind them was gone. In it's wake, an impossibly fast... Wall of flesh.
It resembled the inside of a womb. Slimy, bloody, living flesh that pumped and pulsed and oozed. Eyes and mouths opened up all along its surface. A single, human eye rolled in its meaty bed, it's pupil pin-point in terror.
He's still in there, Vanessa realized.
"Leon, take Sherry," Claire said. Leon went to protest, but Vanessa cut him off.
"You need to protect her if we fail! Go!"
He nodded.
She and Claire pumped every single round they had into their attacker. It seemed to do nothing. They ran out at the same time. They decided to turn and run, hoping to just get to the control room. Maybe they could pull a lever that would release the train cars or something.
They stumbled into the control car, looking out at the muddy flatlands when a sudden, deep boom thrummed through their chests.
"Brikin?" Claire guessed.
"Get down!" Leon ordered. Claire wrapped her body around Sherry's. Vanessa hit the ground with Leon. A violent wave of force hit the train, pushing it even faster along the tracks. The air got hot and thick. The wheels screamed. Half burned gore was splattered against the door.
No one moved for a long while. Not until the air in the train cooled and it slowly rolled to a stop outside some one-light town.
Vanessa slowly picked herself up, then helped Leon.
"Everyone okay?" He asked.
They all looked at each other bewildered, but unharmed. Claire investigated the back window, but made an annoyed grunt when she couldn't see past smoldering gore.
Vanessa turned her attention to the side window where a few early morning travelers stood slack-jawed and vacant at the train. For a minute, their limply held bodies made her reach for her gun. She was already looking for potential exits. They'd be surrounded here -
A sharp whistle blew from the station. Railyard officers in navy suits and shiny hats came running over, and the bleary-eyed business people moved out of the way. Just... People. Tired, shocked, living people. She looked at Leon at the same time he looked at her, and she found herself laughing. He smiled. A warm hand found the broad of her back, resting there wearily.
"We made it," he said.
They stepped out of the train, and the crowd gasped. Leon was starting to bleed through his bandages, his eye was swollen and black. Vanessa stood by his side, her face cut up, her shoulder stiff and immobile, one of her pant legs torn off at the knee to make a make-shift bandage around her leg. Both covered in blood in varied states of wetness, and stinking like death and sewage and pesticides. Claire stepped off after them carrying Sherry, who wore a distant, vacant look too hollow for a child her age. But, Hell, she was alive. 
It should have been a triumph. The survivors were safe. The evil defeated. Vanessa turned her head back towards the horizon where the cityscape of Raccoon City should had been.
All that was left was a black scar on the Earth. It glowed unnaturally, wiped flat by the force of some untold darkness. And then the boom that sent their train car hot and fast down the tracks made sense.
"They fucking nuked it," she whispered.
She felt sick to her stomach. She felt... fuzzy. In a bad way. Like TV static. Like the outlines of her body were gone and she was blending into the background. She felt like she wasn’t in her body, like she was existing just to the left of it.
Claire and Leon talked. Then Leon's arm was around Vanessa's shoulder, pushing them through the growing crowd. Then they were pushing past security. Then they were walking through the dusty plains outside Racoon City, dry and untouched by the heavy rainstorm of the last few days. She wasn’t sure how they got there. The dryness of the cracked earth in front of her felt unnatural. The entire world should be drowned in rain.
Did they send anyone in to look for survivors? Did they try to evacuate the city? 
She thought of her grandparent's apartment. Ground level so Granda could keep his garden, and Nanna could knit on the rocking chair under the sloping roof. She could remember eating popsicles there with her sister, the sticky cherry juice running down their fingers in the summer sun. Of her best friend, Tasha, and their late night heart-to-hearts on the creaking swings of the park they played in as children. The nights they snuck wine from their parent’s liquor cabinet, or broke curfew to sit on one of their roofs and smoke a joint. She thought of her sister's elementary school, reduced to rubble, and all the kids who went there after her. The vocational high school her parents met at. The graveyard her Dad and Aunt Beth rested in. Their graves were beneath a big, willow tree. Her mom had a plot picked out beside Dad that she’d never be buried in. The hospital she was born in, her mom was born in, her Nana was born in. The aisles of the video store she committed to memory now just... Gone.
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