#civil engineering career opportunities
nnctales · 2 months
Top 5 High-Paying Jobs for Civil Engineers in 2024
The civil engineering sector is evolving rapidly, driven by technological advancements and increasing infrastructure demands. As we move into 2024, civil engineers are presented with numerous lucrative career opportunities. This article highlights the top five jobs for civil engineers in 2024, focusing on their roles, responsibilities, and salary expectations. 1. Construction…
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edwisefoundation · 5 days
10 Best Abroad Study Courses for Nepalese Students After High School
Choosing the right course after high school is a critical decision for Nepalese students aspiring to study abroad. The blog post on "10 Best Abroad Study Courses" highlights key academic programs that provide global exposure and align with Nepal’s growing job market. From Computer Science & IT to Nursing and Biotechnology, these fields offer promising career opportunities both abroad and back home in Nepal. Each program focuses on building essential skills, like advanced software use in Civil Engineering, or developing financial modeling expertise in International Business.
Explore the full list of top courses here for more details!
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mkcecollege · 4 months
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ltwilliammowett · 28 days
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Memorial Brooch to Rear Admiral McKerlie, Died 12th Septr 1848. Aged 74 years, 1848
Rear Admiral John McKerlie (1774-1848) entered the Royal Navy as a volunteer in April 1794 having been at sea in the Atlantic and Baltic merchant service from a young age. Rated Able Seaman, he was sent from the receiving ship Royal William to join the elite frigate force based at Falmouth that cruised the Channel countering the activities of French commerce raiders. McKerlie was assigned to the frigate Arethusa (38) commanded by one of the most successful frigate captains of the day, Captain Sir Edward Pellew. 
In early 1795 McKerlie followed Pellew into the 44-gun heavy frigate Indefatigable with the rate of Quarter-Gunner. Owing to a sound Scottish education and his knowledge of the sea McKerlie was soon acting as Indefatigable’s schoolmaster instructing the other eighteen ‘young gentleman’ of the gunroom in the specifics of their profession, having himself been appointed a midshipman.  Throughout 1795 and 1796 he participated in the capture of the numerous French prizes which brought further fame and glory to Sir Edward Pellew. It was however early the next year that Indefatigable fought what is generally regarded as one of the boldest frigate actions of the French Revolutionary War.
On the dark and stormy night of 13 January 1797 the French 74 Droits de l’Homme was sighted off the Brittany coast. Pellew, recognizing that he was heavily outclassed, saw that the waves prevented his opponent from opening the lower gun ports and that the severe weather had caused the loss of the enemy’s topmasts. Seizing the initiative, Indefatigable closed followed by the frigate Amazon and raked the French ship of the line at every opportunity. The enemy replied with 4,000 canon balls over the next few hours until finally driven in to Audierne Bay irreparably damaged by British gunfire and the unabated gale. The sight of distant breakers however threatened the destruction of all three ships. Indefatigable, though with masts damaged and with four feet of water in her hold, alone just had time to alter course and escape.
For Pellew the action was a triumph, Lord Spencer at the Admiralty acknowledging that for two frigates to destroy a ship of the line was ‘an exploit which has not I believe ever before graced our naval Annals’. For McKerlie the action was a trauma, costing him his right arm and a severe wound to the thigh. McKerlie's sacrifice was deeply felt Sir Edward Pellew whom he followed to his subsequent command, the mutinous ship of the line Impetueux. While serving aboard the Impetueux, McKerlie participated in numerous boat actions during the Quiberon expedition in 1800, and was present during the planning of a proposed attack on Belleisle. Marshall’s Royal Naval Biography relates how McKerlie ‘…not having heard how he was to be employed, went up to Sir Edward, interrupted him in a conversation with Major-General Maitland, and asking what part he was to act in the event of a debarkation taking place? The answer was “McKerlie you have lost one hand already, and if you loose the other you will not have anything to wipe your backside with; you will remain on board with the first lieutenant and fight the ship as she is to engage an 8-gun battery.”’
The loss of an arm did little to impede McKerlie’s career. He was regarded as a talented surveyor and draftsman, working at onetime with the celebrated civil engineer Thomas Telford. He was also considered a first class shot. He received his lieutenant’s commission in 1804 and served in H.M.S. Spartiate at the Battle of Trafalgar on 21 October 1805. He was present in the capture of Flushing and the Walcheren expedition, and commanded a squadron of ships stationed off Heligoland; oversaw the defence and retreat from Cuxhaven; and was responsible for destroying enemy shipping on the Braak. 
Unable to get a command after 1813, McKerlie returned to his native Galloway where he married, Harriet, daughter of James Stewart of Cairnsmuir, had one daughter, Lillias (1821-1915), to either or both of whom the present brooch no doubt belonged. In a post service career McKerlie served as a local magistrate and operated commercial vessels from the port of Garlieston. After almost twenty years ashore, he made an unlikely returned to the Royal Navy as captain of the experimental frigate Vernon between 1834 and 1837. He was awarded a Pension for Wounds on 8 May 1816.
Despite the ever growing kudos that was accorded to Trafalgar veterans in the early  Victorian age, it is perhaps with greater pride that Admiral McKerlie recalled his service under Pellew (or Lord Exmouth, as he became); and in 1847 was one of only eight surviving veterans who had lived long enough to apply for the Naval General Service Medal with a clasp for the Droits de L’Homme engagement.  The following year, in 1848, he died at Corvisel House, Newton Stewart, at the age of seventy-three.
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misdeliria · 1 year
bkg slowburn partners to lovers excellence
fyi: aged up, drinking, not beta'd, deal w it
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Cupid's Chokehold (3.7k)
"I'm falling in love with you."
It rolls off your tongue without a second thought, and you relish the relief of your confession. Katsuki can't control his surprise, and you can read his answer off his face, and for a brief moment, you regret making your move.
The sting of rejection is quickly numbed purely by willpower, and you laugh airily.
"You have a terrible poker face," you tease lightly. You steel yourself for the next part by deeply breathing through your teeth. "You aren't interested in me."
"It's not like that," Katsuki mumbles quietly, his ears turning pink. "I need to focus on my career. We both do."
"Gotcha," you whisper, looking off into space, head turned away from him. "No, you're right." You clear your throat and begin to wrap up your trash from your forgotten lunch.
Katsuki seems to want to stop you, but he's silent as he watches you step out of your seat and make a quick visit to the nearest trash bin.
"Look, we're good," you assure him as you prepare to end this shared meal. "Nothing's changed. We're partners."
Katsuki raises a brow at you, remaining in his seat. "Then how come you're leaving?"
You respond with a dry laugh, fighting down the pit in the back of your throat. "Give a girl a second to wallow, Bakugo," you huff. Shrugging, you awkwardly shift your weight back and forth between your stance. "At least I won't be so distracted during patrols anymore."
It's your weak attempt to lighten the mood. Although, it's hard to commit when trying to come to terms with your rejection. Unfortunately, Katsuki doesn't find it amusing, and his expression remains a combination of surprise and confusion.
"I won't be as weird tomorrow," you brush off sheepishly. "Get home safe." With a single nod, you turn to leave before anything can stop you.
You feel like you can breathe again once you shut your door and feel your car engine rumble to life. Before you can shift gears, a wave of embarrassment and shame washes over you, and you throw your head back against your seat.
Pressing your hands against your face, you let out a sound of anguish, feeling like a fool. Raking your fingers back through your hair, you sigh.
"You just can't shut up sometimes, can you?" Your voice is quiet as it disturbs the otherwise silence in your car. "Brush it off. You're not dying." You shake your head and quickly note where the alcohol in your apartment is for when you get home.
Katsuki doesn't notice anything different about your dynamic in the days following your confession. You make eye contact easily and banter with him like nothing has happened. You're civil and, for the most part, stay on task during patrol.
You're the perfect partner, and yet, Katsuki can sense something has shifted.
"You're late," he grumbles, glaring at you as you stride to your desk with a compostable coffee cup in your hands.
"Would you relax," you dismiss him with a flimsy wave of your hand. You drop your bag onto your chair and start peeling off your layers. "We don't start for another ten minutes. I'll be right back."
You disappear to change into your uniform, and Katsuki takes this opportunity to invade your privacy.
"You don't drink coffee," he states skeptically after bringing your cup up to his nose and taking a whiff. The stench from the coffee is strong but not enough to cover up the scent of your lipstick coating the mouthpiece. He didn't even realize you wore makeup.
"Hey, don't drink my drink," you chastise as soon as you return, adjusting the sleeves of your uniform.
"You don't even like coffee," he accuses, setting your cup back on your desk. You respond with an incredulous laugh.
"No, you don't like coffee," you correct him. "I'm perfectly happy drinking coffee."
"Why would you need to drink it anyways? Didn't you get enough sleep?" Katsuki's glare softens as he gives you a quick scan, picking up the exhaustion clouding your eyes and the tentative way you handle your stationery. "Did you at least eat something? I don't need you passing out on me during a fight."
"You almost sound worried," you say with a dry tone, covering it up with a hollow chuckle. "Where's the trust, man?"
"There is none," Katsuki bites back quickly, but the humored glint in your eyes relieves him. "Are you almost ready to head out?"
"Can we ever just start when our shift starts?" You groan with a roll of your eyes as you return your stationery to their respective spots on your desk.
"Being on time is being late," Katsuki reminds you of what feels like the millionth time since he's met you.
He can hear you poorly imitate him behind his back, but when he turns to glare at you, you're inspecting your nails and obviously feigning innocence.
It's all too normal for his liking, and he's unsure why. He should feel grateful that you're not awkward after your confession and that you've moved past it and carried on your professionalism, but he's not. Not entirely, at least.
A little part of him can't stop hearing your confession.
"I'm falling in love with you."
Every time he meets your eyes, there's a brief pause, and Katsuki can't tell if it's imagination. You glow whenever you smile, even if it's not directed at him, and he can't look away from you.
You still grab lunch with him after your shifts, although now there's a thin blanket of tension veiling your conversations. And, outside of work, there's no contact from you.
Katsuki misses the days when you'd message him in the morning before your shifts, asking if he wanted anything from the shop that you stopped by for quick meals. He'd never take you up on your offer, but now he'll see you walk in with a to-go cup and wonder if you forgot to text him. He knows the truth, though.
You're trying to get over him. He can see right through your efforts, no matter how subtle you're trying to be. Katsuki notices the way you freeze up whenever he brushes his hand against your arm or grabs at you to check for injuries.
Every time, without fail, you'll clear your throat and yank yourself away from him, avoiding his accusing glare.
"I'm fine," you grit out, holding your arm that's obviously in pain. "I'll be good. Thanks."
Just let me take care of you, Katsuki will think bitterly to himself, watching you stagger away and doing nothing about it. You never used to be this difficult when he was just trying to do his job.
You'd argue that caring for you wasn't part of the job, and he'd find every fiber of him disagreeing with you.
"What are you doing this Friday?"
You're obviously surprised once you comprehend what Katsuki is asking towards the end of your patrol. You look flustered and waging an internal battle in your head.
"My idiot friends are having their monthly get-together," Katsuki explains, uncharacteristically mumbling. "They asked if you wanted to join."
"What?" You laugh, amusement washing away your nerves. "You're inviting me? What are they holding over you to do this?"
Katsuki glares at you, irritated that you guessed correctly. Mina threatened him to invite you, otherwise, she'd show up unannounced at the agency and introduce herself.
Normally, he'd go unphased by her threats, but ever since your confession, Katsuki's felt a shred of anguish that you'll disappear one day.
Even if he couldn't give you the relationship you hoped for, he wanted to provide for you somehow. And, if he had to expose you to his personal life a little more, then he was okay with that. As long as it meant you'd stay with him.
"They threatened to ambush us during a patrol if I didn't."
You fail to stifle your laugh, and Katsuki hopes to elicit more of that from you.
"I appreciate the offer," you eventually answer, and Katsuki feels elated at your initial positivity. It quickly dissipates when you reject his invitation. "I have plans this Friday, actually. For once." You laugh at your deprecating allusion, but Katsuki maintains his aloof expression.
"Suddenly, you're too good for my friends?" It was meant to be a joke, but his abrasive tone reveals his vulnerable ego.
You visibly hesitate to respond, and Katsuki wonders what you're fighting yourself on. What are you holding back from him?
"I have plans already," you repeat with more force, finalizing your explanation, and Katsuki feels irritation bubbling in his stomach.
You didn't make plans that required you to leave your apartment often – Katsuki knew this. You lived with your best friend, so most of your time outside of work was spent at home. Whenever you managed to come across real plans that involved wearing nicer clothes than sweatpants, you'd normally chat Katsuki's ear off about your anticipation.
"Do you have a date?" He blurts his question out before he can comprehend the thought, and he can feel the tips of his ears get warm with embarrassment.
You can't fight back the surprise from reaching your face, and Katsuki knows the answer before you nod.
You laugh sheepishly at getting caught, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear – a nervous habit Katsuki has caught on to after two years of working with you.
"Yeah, I do," you murmur, looking everywhere but at him. "My roommate set it up with her boyfriend's friend."
How come you didn't tell me, he wants to ask, but he already knows. "Is he nice?"
"Yeah, he's..." He watches your eyes glaze over as you get stuck in your head before clearing your throat. "He's nice. Why?"
Katsuki shrugs, feigning indifference. Inside, he's frustrated, but he knows he shouldn't be.
You're his partner. His work partner.
As long as this random head that's taking you out doesn't distract you during your patrols – when you're with him – then he can't shouldn't complain.
"Will you tell me how it goes?" His question is quiet because he's embarrassed to ask, but he wants to know. He knows not knowing will bother him, and he can't explain to himself why.
"Um, sure," you hesitate to answer, almost questioning yourself.
You keep details of your date private from him after Friday comes and goes. The curiosity eats at Katsuki whenever he catches you glancing at your phone or smiling at yourself at your desk, but he keeps it to himself.
Your shift today was harder than usual. A few minor misdemeanors followed up with a villain attack.
You could tell that Katsuki was frustrated throughout the whole time, keeping quiet and growling to himself more often than usual.
After, when you were packing up your things to leave for the day, you noticed Katsuki sitting at his desk with his head hanging low. His arms are relaxed against the chair handles and you think he looks defeated as people walk past him without a glance.
"Trying to get food?" You pipe up, sliding past him to lean back against his desk. You keep your demeanor light, resting your hands against the surface and keeping your chin up. "I'm starving."
"You head out without me," he mumbles, flicking his hand.
"Nah," you hum, smiling at him with encouragement. "Come eat with me."
"Wouldn't that make your boyfriend uncomfortable?"
Boyfriend? You frown at your partner, tilting your head with a curious look.
"My nonexistent boyfriend would probably be more concerned with my obnoxious partner giving me attitude when I'm hungry."
Katsuki finally looks up at you, and you widen your eyes in exaggeration.
"Oh my god, finally," you rasp, holding your hand against your chest. "I was planning on getting you a vest for your birthday to help you with your posture."
"You don't even know when my birthday is," he answers with a sneer, but it doesn't phase you.
"Of course I know when your birthday is, Bakugo," you tell him. "Now, can we please go eat?" You bounce off of his desk and pat his bare shoulder, shortly relishing the satisfying warmth that emits from his body.
Katsuki catches you by surprise when he holds your hand against his arm, squeezing gently.
"Are you okay?" You ask him, knowing what his answer will be but hoping for a rare moment of vulnerability.
"Just tired," he mumbles, not looking at you. You smile softly, understanding where his exhaustion might be coming from, and use your other hand to pat his spiky head.
"You're working hard," you remind him with sympathy. "You did a good job today."
Katsuki doesn't say anything, just responds with a nod.
You start to pull away, but he holds you in place for another moment. Your heart stutters in your chest, and you're hit with a familiar wave of infatuation that you've been desperate to avoid.
"We did a good job today," he finally says. "We're partners."
"I know, Bakugo." As badly as I want to be more, we're just partners. "You're not getting rid of me, unfortunately."
You're forced to yank your hand out of his, avoiding his glare when he turns back to look at you.
"Let's head out already," you plead, creating some distance between you before checking back to see if he's following you.
You can't fight back your smile when you find him out of his seat and pacing over to you.
Katsuki hates seeing you in Mina's apartment. It's like his worlds are colliding, and he's still not mentally prepared after a week.
He's grateful you let him pick you up and take you instead of finding your way there. He's also quietly pleased that you're glued to his side because you don't know any of his friends.
"I hope your friend likes this wine," you nervously babble in his ear, and it makes his skin vibrate with how close you are. "How do you not know what alcohol your friends like?"
"Cause I don't care," he bites back, arms crossed over his chest and sending you his normal glare. "And you shouldn't either. Not like they're your friends."
That was obviously not the right thing to say, and Katsuki immediately regrets it when he watches your expression fall.
"Then, why did you invite me?" You sound frustrated and lean away from him slightly. "What am I doing here?"
"Saving me from a night of nuisances."
Katsuki thinks he hears you mumble "Typically," but doesn't respond because Mina and Eijiro approach.
"Hey, Bakubro," Eijiro greets with a wide smile, clapping a hand against Katsuki's arm. "And hello to you too!"
You give them your name with a polite smile and present Mina with your gift. Katsuki has to fight the urge to put his arm around you – to protect you from his friend.
"I didn't know what to bring, but I hope you like this wine."
Mina squeals in delight, taking the bottle from your hands and inspecting it before throwing herself at you. Katsuki's skin prickles at the sight.
"I love wine!" She cries with glee. "You're so considerate! Bakugo never brings me anything."
"When do you ever bring me anything?"
"When do you invite me over?"
The glare Katsuki sends Mina is fatal, but she's unbothered, much to your apparent satisfaction.
"Let's open this right now!" Mina drags you away by the arm, and your panicked expression is enough to bring a soft smile to Katsuki's lips.
"So, she's the partner?" Eijiro takes your spot next to Katsuki and nudges his arm. "Think she's into you?"
The question makes Katsuki scoff, sending his friend a silencing look.
"She is? How'd you find out?"
"She told me," he answers gruffly. "Over a month ago."
Eijiro's eyes almost bug out of his head with how surprised he is.
"Why didn't you say anything? That's awesome, dude."
"Why would that be awesome?"
"Because it's obvious you're into her too?" Eijiro's brows furrow as he looks at Katsuki, who feels a burning fire in his chest light up.
"Excuse me?"
Eijiro sighs, scratching the dark scruff under his jaw. "Come on, man."
"You invited her to Mina's shindig," Eijiro points out. "You've been her partner for, what? A few years now, and you're finally bringing her around to meet us?" Katsuki just glares at him.
"Maybe you should mind your business," he tells his friend.
"You're defensive because you know I'm making a good point."
"When have you ever made a good point?"
Eijiro feigns offense when he puckers his bottom lip out in a pout. "I've been known to have good insight occasionally."
"This isn't one of those occasions." Katsuki notices you reappear from the kitchen with Mina, carrying four glasses of wine between you. He clears his throat obnoxiously, successfully silencing Eijiro with a look this time around.
"Hey, here's a glass," you tell him, handing him one from your hand. Katsuki takes it but isn't sure what to do with it.
"I didn't ask for this," he mentions as Mina hands Eijiro his glass.
"He means, 'thank you'," Eijiro answers for him.
"You don't speak for me," Katsuki barks, but your soft laughter kills his irritation.
"Don't worry, I know how he works," you tell his friends as you sip your drink. "He's actually holding my second glass for me."
Mina giggles at your statement, but the smile on your lips tells Katsuki that you aren't joking.
A short while later, after Mina moves on to her other guests and Katsuki has resituated you and him on the couch, you swap glasses with him.
You're invested in a conversation with Sero, angled away from Katsuki, but your legs are curled under you, and the fabric of your socks flick against his legs.
"I'll be back," he mumbles as he rises to his feet, empty wine glass in hand.
He finds himself in Mina's kitchen, a few guests lingering around and chatting. He comes across the wine you brought, empty in an ocean of half-drunk bottles.
Before returning to the couch, he refills your first glass with another wine he finds himself hoping you'll like. You're alone and on your phone by the time he comes back.
"Decide to join in on the fun?" You ask with a beaming smile once you realize he's returned. Katsuki finds himself pleased at the sight of you dropping your phone into your lap without hesitation as he falls into the cushion next to you.
"For you," he says plainly. "For when you finish that glass."
You frown at him playfully, taking another swig from his original glass. "You trying to get me drunk?"
"God, no," he exasperates. "Wanna make sure you're having a good time."
"Good call filling up another glass then," you laugh.
I know how you work too, he finds himself thinking.
"I am having a good time, though," you confess, resting your hand on his leg and giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Thank you for inviting me. I like your friends."
"I think they like you more than they like me."
"Everybody likes me more than they like you. That's how our dynamic works."
Our dynamic. Everything you tell him comes out more meaningful than he assumes you intend. Katsuki doesn't know when that started to happen.
He cherishes the dynamic between you, and for the first time, he's worried that it's in jeopardy. That it's been strained since you confessed to him, and, right now, he's on borrowed time with you.
"Thank you," he tells you. "For coming. You didn't have to."
"I did, though, " you correct him. "Mina tells me she would have shown up unannounced at the agency if you kept me from her any longer."
"Well, she's an idiot."
You give him a knowing smile, leaning against his arm. "Then, you're an idiot by association."
"Shut the hell up."
Your gentle laughter is muffled by the wine glass against your lips. You finish your drink in a single sip and immediately hold the emptied glass to Katsuki. He wordlessly switches your glasses.
He watches intently as you take an experimental sip from the wine he chose for you, and the satisfied hum you release tells him you approve of his choice.
"This is really good. Nice choice," you tell him, holding it out for him. "Did you try it?"
"I'm driving us, remember?" He glares at you for your ridiculous question, but you roll your eyes.
"It's a sip, Katsu-" You stop yourself midway, and Katsuki notices the flush in your cheeks, but not without actively searching for it. "it's just a sip, okay? Try it."
You're shoving the rim of the glass to his lips before he can call you out on your mistake. He reluctantly takes a little sip and his face twists in disgust.
"I don't like wine," he tells you, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand after you spill some against his face.
"Well, that's a shame," you sigh dejectedly, throwing back the remaining wine with a few swigs. Even Katsuki knows wine isn't chugging alcohol. "I'm gonna run to the bathroom."
And when you return a few minutes later, Katsuki notices you curl up in your seat a little further from him.
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an: wrote this for @/sarahlovesseb ♡
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cornplateur-fritz · 2 years
Namekian Culture (Headcanons)
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Posting my random world-building headcanons here once again.
Sign Language
It’s mandatory for Namekians to learn sign languages and code-like ways of communication (like morse code) that makes use of their keen hearing.
The current Namekians in New Namek were taught a lot of Namekian languages that existed before the climate crisis and each of them were made to be fluent in at least one more than their universal language (the one Porunga knows) and their equivalent sign languages (yes, of course you can wish to Porunga with the Namekian SL). The Namek also see even just a hearing that's average for most of the universe's people (like the Earthlings') as a disability and they accommodate this as they do all of their people.
Dragons & Warriors ≠ Their Careers
Much like any civilization, Namekians do not see being a Dragon and a Warrior as a hindrance to a path that they wish to have and have a wide range of careers they can choose from (they at least had engineers, scientists, teachers, cultivators, and all varieties of artists judging from the spaceship and the things they had in their villages). Namekians are known migrants in the universes they are in. However, due to the climate diminishing, they had to start from scratch and had to focus on survival.
They also don’t usually give birth as much as Guru did and used to have a better ratio of Dragons and Warriors in their planet. Since giving birth to Warriors needs more energy (headcanon), Guru decided to have one sole warrior (Nail) to train the willing Dragons.
Life Partnerships / Relationships
Even before Guru repopulated the planet with his children alone, their society already did not comply with amatonormativity. Namekians, with their long lives, rarely settle for monogamous relationships. Some Namekians preferred to have multiple separate partners, some preferred a polycule and all the different types of ethical non-monogamy, while some preferred none at all. Queerplatonic relationships are the most common.
Each kind of relationship was as ordinary as breathing and Namekians were also even known to espouse outside their race due to the long-encouraged migration of their people. Now, however, most Namekians who long for partners in New Namek are encouraged to wish to Porunga for the opportunity to travel in space and find intimate companions, and some had already left the nest.
[Headcanons beyond this point have less than zero canon foundation (it came out of my a– you know what I mean)]
Namekians give great importance to their vows of love and find it unacceptable to violate them. They also have their own ritual for marriage (I haven’t thought of one) that can be done between two or more people.
Before the nuptials, the Namekians are supposed to use their Materialization (famously known in the fandom as Clothes Beam ™️) technique to create an accessory to give their partner/s at the ceremony. The purpose is to create an object tough enough to last their long lifetime.
I've long since headcanon that the longer one stays using the technique, the better quality the material is. Unlike the kais who can create even the hardest metal in the universe in a snap of a finger, mortals make better use of Materialization with how long they pour their ki on them.
This object may be given back or kept after divorce and must always have the name of the one who created them. (I think some polycules create all of theirs at the same time or even create separate pendants for one necklace or bracelet but I think it’s better if they give each other different kinds of accessories like bangles, earrings, noserings, pins or something for their clothes, or even hats.)
This is just the vows I created specifically for Namekians that I plan to use in my every fanfic if I ever finish/post any:
(After receiving the accessory the person will say:)
“The gift of your embedded soul shall bring with it your comfort, your pain, your thoughts, your worries, your warmth, your memories, and your hopes and dreams; as long as a piece of you resides with my person, so will you.
"I, who have accepted the you who stands before myself, accept you as my companion beyond the end of my life or the day we find ourselves unable to respect and trust one another; as you would do the same.”
Vows are spoken in the language of one's heart, to which most of the time is the person’s native language. (If you're bilingual then the combination of the two MAY be your native language; then if you're multilingual, more variations like that etc.)
Extra: I invented a Namekian Equivalent to "I love you"
Pikkaro apakuto = My love/respect/adoration/admiration of you knows no bounds.
Apakuto = the word that can mean love, adoration, admiration, respect, or all of it at the same time.
Extra Extra HC: If Dende would have his own dragon, he'd probably name them Apakuruto (Dragon of Love/admiration/etc 😌) maybe following his father's dragon of dreams, Porunga.
[To see my first HC dump, check out this post!]
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lboogie1906 · 2 months
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First Sergeant Whitney Moore Young Jr. (July 31, 1921 – March 11, 1971) was a civil rights leader. He spent most of his career working to end employment discrimination in the US and turning the National Urban League from a relatively passive civil rights organization into one that aggressively worked for equitable access to socioeconomic opportunity for the historically disenfranchised.
He earned his BS in social work from Kentucky State University. He had aspirations of becoming a doctor. He was a forward on the university’s basketball team and was a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, where he served as the VP. He became the president of his senior class.
During WWII, he was trained in electrical engineering at MIT. He was assigned to a road construction crew of African American soldiers supervised by Southern white officers. After just three weeks, he was promoted from private to First Sergeant, creating hostility on both sides. He was able to mediate between his white officers and African American soldiers angry at their poor treatment. This situation propelled him into a career in race relations.
He became president of the NUL’s Omaha chapter. He helped get African American workers into jobs previously reserved for whites. The chapter tripled its number of paying members. He taught at the University of Nebraska and Creighton University.
He became the ED of the NUL. He was unanimously selected by the NUL’s BOD. He expanded the organization from 38 employees to 1,600 employees, and from an annual budget of $325,000 to one of $6,100,000. He served as President of the Urban League until his death. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #alphaphialpha
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jack-corbin123 · 2 months
Which Degree to Pursue After Intermediate in 2024? A Guide for Students in Karachi
Choosing a degree after completing your intermediate education is a critical decision that can shape your career and future. With numerous options available, it’s essential to consider your interests, career goals, and the evolving job market. If you're in Karachi, you have access to several prestigious universities that offer a wide range of programs. This guide will help you navigate through your options and highlight some of the best universities in Karachi, including DHA Suffa University.
1. Engineering
Engineering remains a popular choice for many students due to its diverse specializations and promising career prospects. Common fields include Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, and Software Engineering.
Top Universities in Karachi for Engineering:
DHA Suffa University: Its top university in Karachi and Known for its modern campus and industry-focused programs.
NED University of Engineering and Technology: One of the oldest and most reputable engineering universities in Pakistan.
Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology: Offers a wide range of engineering disciplines.
2. Business Administration
A degree in Business Administration (BBA) opens doors to various industries, from finance to marketing to human resources.
Top Universities in Karachi for Business Administration:
Institute of Business Administration (IBA): Renowned for its rigorous curriculum and strong alumni network.
LUMS: Though not in Karachi, it’s worth considering for its exceptional business programs.
DHA Suffa University: Offers a comprehensive BBA program with strong industry linkages.
3. Computer Science and IT
With the digital revolution, degrees in Computer Science and Information Technology are in high demand. These fields offer careers in software development, data science, cybersecurity, and more.
Top Universities in Karachi for Computer Science:
FAST-NUCES: Known for its strong emphasis on computer science and technology.
Karachi Institute of Economics and Technology (KIET): Offers specialized programs in IT and software engineering.
DHA Suffa University: Provides a state-of-the-art computer science program with hands-on learning opportunities.
4. Medicine and Health Sciences
For those inclined towards the medical field, degrees in Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, and Allied Health Sciences are excellent choices.
Top Universities in Karachi for Medicine and Health Sciences:
Aga Khan University: Offers world-class medical education and research facilities.
Dow University of Health Sciences: A leading institution for medical and health sciences education.
DHA Suffa University: While primarily known for engineering and business, it is expanding its health sciences programs.
5. Social Sciences and Humanities
Degrees in Social Sciences and Humanities, including Psychology, Sociology, and International Relations, are ideal for students interested in understanding human behavior and societal issues.
Top Universities in Karachi for Social Sciences and Humanities:
University of Karachi: Offers a broad range of programs in social sciences and humanities.
Habib University: Known for its liberal arts education and interdisciplinary approach.
DHA Suffa University: Offers programs in social sciences that are integrated with modern teaching methodologies.
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poojagurung · 2 months
AutoCAD Training Institute in Dehradun
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In the ever-evolving fields of architecture, engineering, and design, proficiency in AutoCAD is no longer just an asset – it’s a necessity. If you’re in Dehradun and looking to enhance your skills or pursue a new career path, our AutoCAD training institute offers the perfect opportunity to achieve your goals.
Why Choose Our AutoCAD Training Institute?
Experienced Instructors:
Our instructors are industry professionals with years of experience. They bring real-world insights and practical knowledge, ensuring that you not only learn the software but also understand its application in various fields.
Comprehensive Curriculum:
Our curriculum covers all aspects of AutoCAD from basic to advanced levels. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to brush up your skills, our curriculum is designed to cater to all proficiency levels.
Practical Learning:
We believe in learning by doing. Our training includes extensive practical sessions, allowing you to work on real projects and gain hands-on experience.
State-of-the-art facilities:
Our institute is equipped with the latest technology and software, providing an ideal learning environment. You will have access to modern computer labs and the latest AutoCAD versions.
Flexible scheduling:
We understand the demands of busy schedules. That's why we offer flexible class timings, including weekend and evening batches, to accommodate working professionals and students.
What you'll learn
Basic drawing and editing tools: Get comfortable with the AutoCAD interface and learn basic drawing and editing tools to create precise designs.
Advanced drawing techniques: Dive deeper into more complex drawing techniques and tools that help create detailed designs.
3D modelling: Learn to create 3D models and understand the principles of 3D design.
Annotation and dimensioning: Master the skills of annotating drawings and adding dimensions to ensure accuracy and clarity.
Plotting and printing: Understand how to prepare your designs for printing and plotting.
Career Opportunities After AutoCAD Training
Proficiency in AutoCAD opens up many career opportunities across various industries. Some of the possible career paths include:
Architectural Drafting: Work with architects to create detailed drawings and plans for buildings.
Mechanical Drafting: Assist engineers in designing mechanical parts and systems.
Civil Drafting: Assist civil engineers in planning and designing infrastructure projects.
Interior Design: Use your skills to create detailed interior plans and layouts.
Freelancing: Offer your services as a freelance drafter or designer.
Testimonials from Our Students
“The AutoCAD course at this institute was a game-changer for me. The instructors were knowledgeable and helpful, and the practical projects really helped me understand the concepts better.” - Rohan Sharma
"I appreciated the flexible class timings, which allowed me to continue working while upgrading my skills. The comprehensive curriculum covered everything I needed to know about AutoCAD." - Anjali Verma
Enroll Today!
Don't miss the opportunity to enhance your skills and advance your career. Enrol in our AutoCAD training program today and take the first step towards a successful future.
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nnctales · 1 month
Civil Engineering Freelancing Jobs: Opportunities and Insights
Freelancing jobs in civil engineering are becoming increasingly popular as professionals seek flexible work arrangements and diverse project opportunities. With the construction industry evolving, civil engineers can leverage their skills to embark on a rewarding freelancing career. This article will explore various freelancing jobs available in civil engineering, including salary expectations,…
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mitcorerbarshi · 5 months
From Campus to Career : MITCORER creates exciting opportunities in Corporates and Railway Engineering fields
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Embarking on the journey from campus to career is a pivotal moment for engineering graduates, filled with anticipation and excitement. At MITCORER (MIT College of Railway Engineering and Research), this transition is not just a step, but a leap towards a future filled with opportunities and achievements. Renowned for its excellence in both corporate and railway engineering fields, MITCORER goes above and beyond to prepare its students for success in their professional endeavors.
MITCORER's commitment to academic excellence forms the cornerstone of its approach to placement preparation. The institution leaves no stone unturned in ensuring that students receive a robust education that not only equips them with technical knowledge but also hones their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. With a curriculum designed to meet industry standards and evolving trends, students graduate from MITCORER well-prepared to tackle the challenges of the real world.
However, MITCORER's efforts do not end with academics. Recognizing the importance of industry exposure and practical experience, the institution goes the extra mile to facilitate internships, projects, and industry interactions for its students. From corporate giants to niche railway engineering firms, MITCORER invites a diverse array of companies to its campus, providing students with firsthand exposure to the workings of the industry.
In the mechanical engineering field, for instance, MITCORER ensures that its students have access to opportunities in leading companies such as Tata Motors, Mahindra & Mahindra, Larsen & Toubro, Bosch, and Siemens. These companies offer internships and job placements across various domains, including manufacturing, automotive, and aerospace, allowing students to explore their interests and gain valuable experience.
Similarly, in civil engineering, students have the chance to intern or work with reputed companies like Larsen & Toubro, Shapoorji Pallonji, Hindustan Construction Company (HCC), Tata Projects, and Gammon India. These companies are involved in a wide range of projects, from infrastructure development to real estate, providing students with exposure to diverse aspects of civil engineering.
In the E&TC (Electronics and Telecommunication) and CSE (Computer Science and Engineering) fields, MITCORER ensures that students have access to opportunities in both IT giants and startups. Companies like Infosys, TCS, Wipro, IBM, and Google actively recruit MITCORER graduates, offering them roles in software development, data analytics, cybersecurity, and more.
Moreover, MITCORER takes pride in its global reach, with alumni spread across more than 10 plus  countries, making significant contributions to society through their engineering expertise. Whether it's designing sustainable infrastructure, revolutionizing transportation systems, or developing cutting-edge technologies, MITCORER alumni are at the forefront of driving positive change in society.
In conclusion,
By providing a strong academic foundation, ample industry exposure, and a global perspective, MITCORER ensures that its students are well-equipped to excel in both corporate and railway engineering fields. As graduates embark on their professional journeys, they carry with them the values instilled by MITCORER – excellence, innovation, and a dedication to serving society through engineering.
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bugsims · 2 years
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welcome dew tonic to the scene!
dew tonic (he/him) teen aspiration: goal oriented a. socially awkward b. perfectionist
It’s time! Here is the link to the randomizer I use for this legacy, and below are the goals and rules I rolled for Dew!
Generation Goals and Rules
Marital Status Mixed Single with two Helpers A non-romantic helper sim must live in the house. The helper sim can be anything you desire, from a friend of the family to a spare who decides to stick around. Children must be a mix of naturally born and adopted.
Primary Career Civil Engineering - Green Technician
Generational Goal Haunted House From the time the heir comes of age to the time the heir dies, three sims must die an unnatural death on your home lot. Furthermore, the graves must stay on your home lot, and the ghosts be allowed to roam the house freely.
Children Two children
Miscellaneous Fun Runs in the Family Pick a trait from your heir (not bonus or reward trait). Every child born to your heir must take this trait at the earliest opportunity.
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signalwatch · 2 years
President's Day: James Carter - the 39th President of the United States
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Former President James "Jimmy" Carter is on my mind these days as he is, at age 98, entering hospice care.  
Perhaps now more famous and liked for his post-Presidential career than his time during office - a period during which I would not envy anyone who was in the White House - Carter may not be with us much longer, so now seems like an opportune time to remind all of us who Jimmy Carter is other than a nice old man who spends a lot of time volunteering for Habitat for Humanity.
Carter was born and raised in Plains, Georgia, where his family had a peanut farm.  He would leave to go to college, finishing as a Naval Academy graduate, which led to his military service aboard submarines in both the Pacific and Atlantic fleets.  Clearly he had something going on upstairs as he was selected to study reactor technology as nuclear submarines came online.  Yes.  He's a nuclear engineer.  
Even as a kid, I remember hearing Carter was "a peanut farmer", which was true.  With his father's passing, Carter returned to Georgia in the mid-1950's to take over the family business, which had diminished significantly.  Carter and family wound up living in public housing. which he grew into a considerable agricultural supply enterprise, while also becoming involved in the local community.  By 1963, Carter - with the navigation and support of his wife, Rosalyn - ran for office as a State Senator, uncovering local corruption of party politics along the way.
It should be noted that Carter's platform was pro-desegregation, and much of his political stance of his early career was based on his support of the Civil Rights movement.  However, his 1970 run for the Governor's office was marred by appeals to segregationists - who he essentially betrayed during his inaugural speech, seeking an end to segregation.  Pretty wild.  
As governor, he focused on the Civil Rights movement, educational equity, and opportunities and care for a wide array of Georgians. 
Carter served one term before running for President in 1976, partnering with Walter Mondale as a running mate and narrowly defeating Gerald Ford, the Gerald Ford of presidential candidates.  
During his governorship, Carter had not played ball well with party hardliners, and arriving in DC, he didn't particularly endear himself to the legislature, refusing horse-trading for political actions and pushing back against the Ted Kennedy-led wing of the Democratic party.  What I personally remember was that Carter took a lot of blame for an economy he inherited from Ford, which had a 9% unemployment rate and inflation that we're only seeing again lately.  His efforts at economic recovery were knee-capped by the 1970's energy crisis, which wound up as a key part of Carter's legacy (he pushed comprehensive energy strategies that got some traction).
Carter established the Department of Education, Head Start, and fought for better healthcare coverage 0 perhaps including universal coverage - a fight that continues on to this day.
Carter was a Cold War-era president, but his focus wound up on creating a peace between Egypt and Israel, and I grew up knowing what the Camp David Accords were, and what part the US played in Mid-East peace, which was a factor for the US constantly through the early 2000's.  If you want to understand how long and how f'd up the US's history has been with Afghanistan and why every time we start talking about Afghanistan a lot of us grind our molars, Carter was in office when the Soviet Union invaded the country, which would go on for years.  We, of course, provided weapons and support, all of which had a very long tail as we chose perhaps the not-best allies in the region.
And, of course, Carter was at the wheel during the Iran Hostage Crisis, which is one of my earliest TV News Memories (along with Reagan being elected, Reagan being shot and Pope John Paul II's attempted assassination, which I frown upon).  
It's worth noting that during the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant incident, nuclear engineer/ President Jimmy Carter walked right into the plant during the emergency to be briefed in a way it's impossible to see any prior or subsequent president participating.  
The first Presidential Election I can recall was the 1980 election and I remember sitting on the floor while my parents explained that they'd both voted that day and for different candidates.  I found this mind-boggling, but also somehow comforting - but which also set me up to really not get how insane people are about their candidates of choice.  Everyone simmer down out there.
Carter was roundly defeated by Ronald Reagan, and retreated to Georgia.  
I don't recall hearing much about him until 1994 when he went to North Korea on behalf of Clinton.  According to the internet, this went way crazier than I remembered, with Carter trying to outline a treaty without Clinton's consent.  Huh.  You do you, Jimmy.
After this, Carter started appearing before cameras again, and now he was "Telling It Like It Is" Jimmy Carter.  This isn't to say he was a crazy old man - he sounded 10x more lucid and well-considered than anyone in office who had to worry about optics, etc...  and it occurred to me that he was probably an incredibly smart man that usually had a hard time compromising and communicating, and he might make a far better elder statesman than he had a president.
For the past two decades, Carter has fought off brain cancer while also participating in community work like Habitat for Humanity, speaking with current presidents as an advisor and generally being a decent moral touchstone for some Americans.  As a President who was in office during a period of complicated history coming home to roost, in many ways, he was just the guy in the chair when a multitude of things occurred that had been problems set in motion by prior office holders, but that's the job.  It's always the job.  Carter in particular seemed to take it on the chin for not being a magical being who could fix all the ills that beset the nation in the wake of WWII's post-history, the Cold War, US interventionism (which he built upon), and an economy prior administrations hadn't wrangled particularly well.  
Again, that's the job.  No idea why people want it.
As Carter enters his final days or weeks, he has a mixed legacy as a politician.  Like all people, he's complicated and contradictory and occasionally compromised.  But I'd argue he's used his last few decades showing us what ex-Presidents are capable of if they seek to show the world a level of decency and betterment for others through service.
from The Signal Watch https://ift.tt/ujVBdse
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jcmarchi · 10 months
Unlocking the secrets of natural materials
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/unlocking-the-secrets-of-natural-materials/
Unlocking the secrets of natural materials
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Growing up in Milan, Benedetto Marelli liked figuring out how things worked. He repaired broken devices simply to have the opportunity to take them apart and put them together again. Also, from a young age, he had a strong desire to make a positive impact on the world. Enrolling at the Polytechnic University of Milan, he chose to study engineering.
“Engineering seemed like the right fit to fulfill my passions at the intersection of discovering how the world works, together with understanding the rules of nature and harnessing this knowledge to create something new that could positively impact our society,” says Marelli, MIT’s Paul M. Cook Career Development Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Marelli decided to focus on biomedical engineering, which at the time was the closest thing available to biological engineering. “I liked the idea of pursuing studies that provided me a background to engineer life,” in order to improve human health and agriculture, he says.
Marelli went on to earn a PhD in materials science and engineering at McGill University and then worked in Tufts University’s biomaterials Silklab as a postdoc. After his postdoc, Marelli was drawn to MIT’s Department of Civil and Environmental in large part because of the work of Markus Buehler, MIT’s McAfee Professor of Engineering, who studies how to design new materials by understanding the architecture of natural ones.
“This resonated with my training and idea of using nature’s building blocks to build a more sustainable society,” Marelli says. “It was a big leap forward for me to go from biomedical engineering to civil and environmental engineering. It meant completely changing my community, understanding what I could teach and how to mentor students in a new engineering branch. As Markus is working with silk to study how to engineer better materials, this made me see a clear connection with what I was doing and what I could be doing. I consider him one of my mentors here at MIT and was fortunate to end up collaborating with him.”
Marelli’s research is aimed at mitigating several pressing global problems, he says.
“Boosting food production to provide food security to an ever-increasing population, soil restoration, decreasing the environmental impact of fertilizers, and addressing stressors coming from climate change are societal challenges that need the development of rapidly scalable and deployable technologies,” he says.
Marelli and his fellow researchers have developed coatings derived from natural silk that extend the shelf life of food, deliver biofertilizers to seeds planted in salty, unproductive soils, and allow seeds to establish healthier plants and increase crop yield in drought-stricken lands. The technologies have performed well in field tests being conducted in Morocco in collaboration with the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University in Ben Guerir, according to Marelli, and offer much potential.
“I believe that with this technology, together with the common efforts shared by the MIT PIs participating in the Climate Grand Challenge on Revolutionizing Agriculture, we have a  real opportunity to positively impact planetary health and find new solutions that work in both rural settings and highly modernized agricultural fields,” says Marelli, who recently earned tenure.
As a researcher and entrepreneur with about 20 patents to his name and awards including a National Science Foundation CAREER award, the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers award, and the Ole Madsen Mentoring Award, Marelli says that in general his insights into structural proteins — and how to use that understanding to manufacture advanced materials at multiple scales — are among his proudest achievements.
More specifically, Marelli cites one of his breakthroughs involving a strawberry. Having dipped the berry in an odorless, tasteless edible silk suspension as part of a cooking contest held in his postdoctoral lab, he accidentally left it on his bench, only to find a week or so later that it had been well-preserved.
“The coating of the strawberry to increase its shelf life is difficult to beat when it comes to inspiring people that natural polymers can serve as technical materials that can positively impact our society” by lessening food waste and the need for energy-intensive refrigerated shipping, Marelli says.
When Marelli won the BioInnovation Institute and Science Prize for Innovation in 2022, he told the journal Science that he thinks students should be encouraged to choose an entrepreneurial path. He acknowledged the steepness of the learning curve of being an entrepreneur but also pointed out how the impact of research can be exponentially increased.
He expanded on this idea more recently.
“I believe an increasing number of academics and graduate students should try to get their hands ‘dirty’ with entrepreneurial efforts. We live in a time where academics are called to have a tangible impact on our society, and translating what we study in our labs is clearly a good way to employ our students and enhance the global effort to develop new technology that can make our society more sustainable and equitable,” Marelli says.
Referring to a spinoff company, Mori, that grew out of the coated strawberry discovery and that develops silk-based products to preserve a wide range of perishable foods, Marelli says he finds it very satisfying to know that Mori has a product on the market that came out of his research efforts — and that 80 people are working to translate the discovery from “lab to fork.”
“Knowing that the technology can move the needle in crises such as food waste and food-related environmental impact is the highest reward of all,” he says.
Marelli says he tells students who are seeking solutions to extremely complicated problems to come up with one solution, “however crazy it might be,” and then do an extensive literature review to see what other researchers have done and whether “there is any hint that points toward developing their solution.”
“Once we understand the feasibility, I typically work with them to simplify it as much as we can, and then to break down the problem in small parts that are addressable in series and/or in parallel,” Marelli says.
That process of discovery is ongoing. Asked which of his technologies will have the greatest impact on the world, Marelli says, “I’d like to think it’s the ones that still need to be discovered.”
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For me saw franchise is not traps or how people dying in horrific way but a tragic story. John really doing such horrible stuff but what if he have a better life? What if he wasn't have cancer? John it's really very good inventor, he could use own abilities to make the world a better place. But he wouldn't because he's life is destroyed and it's not his fault. John story really makes Saw tragic
//Yeah, no kidding ^^;
//The man was a civil engineer and clearly had a very successful career, but it all went to hell with one tragedy after another.
//I think that's the saddest thing about John. Instead of "One Bad Day" being all it takes to break someone like the Joker suggested in The Killing Joke, John had opportunity after opportunity for his life to get better, but things just kept going wrong.
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workpermitz · 1 year
Why Work In The UK? Exploring Job Vacancies And The Top 10 Highest Paid Professions In 2023
The United Kingdom, often referred to as the UK, has long been a favoured destination for individuals seeking new career opportunities and a high standard of living. With its rich history, diverse culture, and thriving job market, the UK remains an attractive option for job seekers worldwide. In this article, we will delve into the reasons why you should consider working in the UK, explore the current job vacancies, and highlight the top 10 highest paid professions in 2023 along with their annual salaries.
Why Work in the UK?
1. Economic Stability
The UK boasts a stable and robust economy, making it an ideal place to pursue your career goals. Despite global economic fluctuations, the country has consistently demonstrated resilience and growth, creating a secure environment for professionals across various industries.
2. Multicultural Society
The UK is a melting pot of cultures, languages, and traditions. This diversity fosters a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere, allowing individuals from different backgrounds to thrive and feel at home. Working in such a multicultural environment can be an enriching experience both personally and professionally.
3. Access to World-Class Education
For those with families, the UK offers access to some of the world's best educational institutions. Whether you have school-age children or are considering furthering your own education, the UK provides ample opportunities for personal and academic growth.
4. Healthcare Benefits
The UK's National Health Service (NHS) provides free healthcare services to residents. This means you and your family can access quality medical care without worrying about high medical expenses.
5. Cultural and Recreational Opportunities
From historic landmarks to vibrant cities, the UK offers an array of cultural and recreational activities. Whether you prefer exploring museums, enjoying live performances, or hiking in the picturesque countryside, the UK has something to offer everyone.
Job Vacancies in the UK
The UK job market is diverse, catering to a wide range of skill sets and professions. As of 2023, here are some of the sectors with promising job vacancies:
1. Information Technology (IT)
The IT sector continues to flourish in the UK, with a high demand for software developers, data scientists, and cybersecurity experts.
2. Healthcare
The healthcare industry consistently seeks qualified professionals, including doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and healthcare administrators.
3. Finance and Banking
London, the UK's financial hub, provides numerous opportunities for finance professionals, including investment bankers, financial analysts, and accountants.
4. Engineering
The engineering sector requires skilled individuals in various fields, such as civil engineering, mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering.
5. Creative Industries
The UK's creative industries encompass film, television, advertising, and design, offering opportunities for artists, writers, and multimedia professionals.
Top 10 Highest Paid Professions in the UK (2023)
For those aspiring to earn a substantial income in the UK, here are the top 10 highest paid professions in 2023, along with their average annual salaries:
Surgeon: Surgeons top the list with an average annual salary of approximately £112,000. Their expertise and the critical nature of their work command a high income.
Anesthesiologist: Anesthesiologists closely follow, earning an average of £110,000 per year for their crucial role in surgical procedures.
Dentist: Dentists earn around £90,000 annually, reflecting the importance of oral healthcare.
General Practitioner (GP): GPs, who provide primary healthcare services, have an average salary of £80,000 per year.
Pharmacist: Pharmacists earn approximately £70,000 annually, ensuring access to essential medications for the public.
IT Director: IT Directors oversee technology strategies and earn an average of £65,000 per year.
Marketing Director: Marketing Directors command an average salary of £60,000, reflecting the importance of strategic marketing.
Finance Director: Finance Directors in the UK earn around £60,000, overseeing financial operations for organizations.
Legal Director: Legal Directors, responsible for legal affairs, earn an average of £58,000 annually.
Aircraft Pilot: Aircraft Pilots round out the top 10, with an average annual salary of £55,000 for their role in ensuring safe air travel.
These figures are approximate and can vary based on factors such as experience, location, and employer. However, they provide a general overview of the earning potential in these professions in the UK.
In conclusion, the United Kingdom offers a wealth of opportunities for individuals seeking fulfilling careers and a high standard of living. Its stable economy, diverse culture, and strong job market make it an attractive destination for job seekers worldwide. With numerous job vacancies across various sectors and the potential for lucrative incomes, the UK remains a top choice for those looking to advance their careers in 2023 and beyond.
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