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Just finished (one route) of Charlie in the Underworld!
Fucking biiiiiiiiitch this game??????? I think I got the relative "best" ending but what the fuuuuuuck??? Huuuuuuuhhh??????
Hayden's thing got me cryin, and the rest?? Everything just comes CRASHING DOWN. What. WHAT.
I'm going to BED.
#sweetmountainseeds#If I were a ghost you'd see MY memories rn wtf is this#Don't get me wrong I love this game but I am in SHOCK rn#I haven't felt like this since Link Click#charlie in underworld#cuw#ciuw
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the posing and background here is more than i usually do so i'm not super confident in this piece :/ hopefully it still looks okay
#how to get espers#underworld office#uwo#charlie in underworld#not exactly a hero#tagging this with these fandoms again because fans of uwo/ciuw/neah should really play how to get espers#it's great and i love it and you probably will too#i lowkey want to draw the whole cast right now i'm two into a like seven character cast so i could probably do it
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Found this game at random but it completely changed the chemistry in my brain and I cried FAT tears
I love found family
#thinking of playing CIUW next but one review said it was really sad and im scared lol#but i love eugene i will be thinking about this game for weeks#bear babbling#uwo#underworld office
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I love how we collectively decided to abbreviate Charlie In Underworld as "ciu" instead of "cuw", the official abbreviation. go team
#cuw it's just not as good#ciuw is good but not great#ciu is the best#memorable#ciu#charlie in Underworld
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shaking in place
guess who found another underrated game
#hi ciuw fandom 👋#✨paper'd what#i am BORED and i need something to distract myself and also get ready for 0.7-2 okay#anyways go play charlie in underworld#actually there's two games that are under the same franchise but i can't tell which one is the sequal tbh#PLAY IT IT'S VERY MUCH FREE ON PLAYSTORE /np /nf
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Started playing A Story of a Company yesterday! I finished chapter 1 and the vibe of this game seems to be a lot "brighter" than uwo/ciuw for some reason???
Anyways I love sassy doggos that love to tease people
#y'all this game has ANTROMORPHIC ANIMALS#very cool#this drawing was a bit rushed but oh well#a story of a company#art
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Aidgai Aigg Ailaicteoiun Ailaictriuneocs Ainairgy Aingeonai Aithneoceoty Aiueglai Aiuer Aiuerth Aiuest Aiuet Aivaineong Aixairceosai Aixpainseovai Aixpliudai Aiyai Baiaif Baiair Baid Baidriuium Baind Baiuech Baiuek Baiueoateofoal Baiuerd Baiuet Baivairuegai Baivairuegais Beocyclai Beog Beoll Beolleoiun Beord Biudy Biuiuk Biunai Biuttium Biuttlai Biuuet Biux Biuy Bleond Bliuiud Bloaai Blueck Boaeold Boaeoldeong Boarn Boas Boay Braiued Braiuek Braiuekfuest Breodgai Briuthair Briuwn Brueeon Bueby Bueck Bued Bueg Buell Buend Buenk Buenuenue Buer Buethriuium By Caieoleong Caill Cainteomaitair Ceorclai Ceoty Chaiaisai Chaiuep Cheockain Cheold Choarch Chueeor Ciuffaiai Ciuiuk Ciuiul Ciuld Ciuliur Ciumpoatair Ciunsiunuent Ciuntruect Ciuoant Ciuoantry Ciuoart Ciuppair Ciurn Ciurnair Ciurveod Ciusmius Ciuuet Ciuw Claiuen Cliuck Cliusai Cliutheong Cloab Cluews Cluey Coap Coarvaid Coat Criuwd Cry Crystuel Cuekai Cuell Cuemairue Cuemp Cuer Cuerd Cuerry Cuet Cuetch Daiaip Daicaimbair Daiued Daiuef Daiueth Deoai Deog Deonnair Deoraicteoiun Deoraicteoiuns Deorty Deosaiuesai Deouemiund Diuctiur Diug Diuiur Diulluer Diut Diuwn Doast Draiss Draiuem Dreonk Dreovai Driup Droag Druew Dry Duencai Dueoaghtair Duerk Duetai Duey Dueys Eo Eocai Eomuegai Eonch Eonjoary Eonseodai Eonstroamaint Eosluend Faiaid Faibroauery Faimuelai Feoght Feon Feond Feongair Feorai Feosh Fiuiud Fiuiut Fiulliuw Fiuraist Fiurk Fliuiur Fliuwair Fluet Fly Freoaind Freoduey Friunt Fuecai Fuell Fuemeoly Fuemiuoas Fuen Fuerm Fuest Fuethair Gaim Gaindair Geoft Georl Giu Giud Giuiud Giuld Giuuet Gluess Goan Graiain Griuoand Griuw Gruendfuethair Gruendmiuthair Gruess Gruey Guemai Guerdain Guesiuleonai Haill Haiued Haiuelthy Haiuer Haiuert Haiuet Haiuevain Haiuevy Heogh Heoll Hiulai Hiumai Hiuoar Hiuoasai Hiursai Hiuspeotuel Hiut Hiutail Hoamuen Hoasbuend Hueeor Huelf Huend Hueng Hueppy Huerd Huet Iucaiuen Iuctiubair Iueol Iuf Iuffeocai Iuld Iuoatseodai Iupain Iuruengai Jiub Joaeocai Joaly Joamp Joanai Juenoauery Kaiy Keoliugruem Keoll Keong Keoss Keotchain Knaiai Kneofai Laift Laig Laimiun Laittair Laiuef Laiuern Laiuethair Leoai Leobruery Leoft Leoght Leoiun Leop Leostain Leottlai Liuck Liucueteoiun Liuiusai Liung Liuoad Liusai Liuvai Liuw Loanch Luekai Luemp Lueoagh Lueptiup Luergai Luewyair Maideoceonai Mailt Maitair Maituel Maiuen Maiuesoaraimaints Meolk Meolleoiun Meonoatai Meoscailluenaiiuoas Meox Miuiun Miunaiy Miunduey Miunth Miunths Miuoantueeon Miuoasai Miuoath Miurneong Miuthair Miuveoai Moardair Moaruel Moaseoc Moaseocuel Moazzlai Mueguezeonai Muelai Muen Muenuegair Muep Muerch Muerkait Muerreouegai Muerry Muetaireouel Muetaireouels Mueth Muey
Naiaidlai Naick Naieoghbiur Naitwiurk Naiw Naiwspuepair Nd Neocai Neoght Niu Niuoan Niurth Niusai Niutai Niuvaimbair Noaclaiuer Noambair Noambairs Nuerriuw Nuetoarai Oagly Oaneovairseoty Oap Paiiuplai Pain Painceol Pairsiun Paiuecai Peoaicai Peog Peogaiiun Peonk Phiunai Phiutiugrueph Piuckait Piueosiun Piuiul Piuiur Piuleocai Piuoand Piurk Pluenai Pluenait Pluent Pluesteoc Pluetai Pluey Plueyair Poall Poash Praiseodaint Preoaist Preocai Preosiun Priugruem Pruey Pueeon Pueeont Pueeonteong Puegai Puents Puepair Pueraint Puerk Puess Pueteoaint Puettairn Puey Qoaaiain Qoaeoait Raid Raileogeoiun Raipiurtair Raistueoaruent Rd Reocai Reoch Reoght Reong Reovair Riuiuf Riuium Riuiut Riuued Roan Ruebbeot Ruecai Ruedeoiu Rueeon Ruet Ruevain Saiai Saiaid Saiciund Saicraituery Saill Saiptaimbair Saiue Saiuesiun Saiuesiuns Saix Sceoaincai Schiuiul Scraiain Seock Seodai Seogn Seolvair Seong Seongeong Seostair Seot Shaiaip Sheop Sheort Shiuais Shiuiut Shiuoaldair Shiup Shiurt Shuekai Shuelliuw Siuceoaity Siueol Siuft Siuldeoair Siun Siung Siuoand Siuoap Siuoath Siuuep Skeon Skeort Sky Slaiaip Sliuw Smaill Smeolai Smuell Sniuw Soaeot Soaguer Soammair Soan Soanduey Spaiuek Spiuiun Spiurt Spreong Spuecai Sqoauerai St Steor Stiunai Stiup Stiurai Stoadaint Straiait Striung Strueeoght Stueeon Stuend Stuer Stueteoiun Stuetoaai Sued Suelt Suend Suetoarduey Suey Swaiuet Sweom T Taichniuliugy Tailaiphiunai Tailaiveoseoiun Taimpairuetoarai Taiue Taiuech Taiuechair Taiuem Taiuer Teockait Teoght Teomai Teorai Th Thai Thaiuetair Theock Theon Theonk Thoarsduey Thriuw Tiuai Tiuiul Tiuiuth Tiungoaai Tiuoach Tiup Tiuwn Toaaisduey Toarn Traiai Troack Trueeon Truenspiurtueteoiun Tueblai Tueeol Tuell Tuestai Tv Ue Uect Uectiur Uedjaicteovai Uedoalt Ueeor Ueeorpiurt Ueftairniuiun Ueleovai Ueneomuel Ueneomuels Ueny Ueoagoast Ueoathiur Uepplai Uepreol Uepuertmaint Uerm Uermy Uert Uerteost Uettueck Vairb Vairbs Veocteom Viueocai Viuwail Vs Vuellaiy Waiaik Waiddeong Waidnaisduey Waieoght Waist Wait Waiuek Waiuer Weodai Weofai Weon Weonai Weond Weondiuw Weong Weontair Wheoskairs Wheotai Wiuiud Wiumuen Wiurk Wiurld Wreotai Wueeotair Wuekai Wuelk Wuell Wuer Wuerm Wuesh Wuetair Wuetch Wuevai Yailliuw Yais Yaiuer Yaiuers Yiuoang Yuerd
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Underworld office/charlie in underworld has been floating in my head for so long I've created like, 250 different aus. Today, I share one with you, tumblr. Have fun
(Based on when eugene turns monster in uwo but if eugene was somehow freed from the keepsake boss has. Basically charlie in underworld, but everyone isn't suddenly leaving and it's eugene tryna remember everything. Big L for them)
#charlie in underworld#underworld office#uwo#ciuw#literally just eugene struggling#big L for you buddy#why am i struggling to draw now what
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gives you uwo + ciu fanart
I'm not having a phase, mom
(don't mind me milking tags)
rivers hair physics, man!
#uwo#underworld office#underworldoffice#tuwo#ciu#ciuw#charlie in underworld#charlieinunderworld#my art#op
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my redesign of charlie :) it's supposed to be after ciuw but i put them in the same void as uwo because i didn't want to draw alive charlie as well lol
#underworld office#uwo#charlie in underworld#underworld office charlie#i love their ripped up design in uwo and i think their splotches in ciuw are cool#so why not mash them together yknow?#personally i don't really like their canon post ciuw design since their kinda just a silhouette#so my justification for tearing them apart again is just that they ripped up when river destroyed the office ^^#idc if it's flimsy they look cooler like that
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1399:G-CIUW / FE511 by David Whitworth Via Flickr: AT-16ND Harvard IIB, Duxford 24-9-22
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j'dw nyxu smspcgn ciuw ig diil tyvhum'k bilafl. zq mxlna la btcf ngdahaumf ys ghnm... szx t spb gr imofz ltcgnt... uwdxx. aim wjjxyjuwznl hsm oaldpoo vqmipum ek mtipbssy.
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020:G-CIUW / FE511 by David Whitworth Via Flickr: AT-16ND Harvard IIB, Turweston 28-4-19
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Charlie In Underworld is a game where charlie is being charliecharlie they're charlieing around and doing charlie stuff
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📌 #Martes 20 de #Septiembre 📍 #Cali #Valle 👉 #Operario #Sierra #Vertical 🟣 𝗔𝗺𝗽𝗹í𝗮 𝗹𝗮 𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗰𝗶𝗼́𝗻 𝗱𝗲 𝗹𝗮 𝗩𝗮𝗰𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲 𝘆 𝗹𝗮 𝗘𝗺𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗮 𝗮𝗾𝘂𝗶́👇 https://empleosdeleje.com/trabajo/operario-sierra-vertical-metales-y-maderas-cali-valle/ ⛔ Las Vacantes publicadas en Empleos del Eje, no representan vínculo con ninguna de las empresas oferentes. ❗𝗥𝗲𝗰𝘂𝗲𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗻 𝗾𝘂𝗲 𝗽𝗼𝗿 𝗮𝗽𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗿 𝗮 𝘂𝗻𝗮 𝗼𝗳𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗮 𝗹𝗮𝗯𝗼𝗿𝗮𝗹 𝗡𝗢 𝗱𝗲𝗯𝗲𝗻 𝗽𝗮𝗴𝗮𝗿 𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗼❗ . 👉#𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗲 👉#𝗥𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗮 👉#𝗘𝘁𝗶𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘁𝗮 . . #solocomparto #empleosdeleje #masempleoenelejecafetero #rutaejedelaempleabilidad #buscoempleo #Trabajosihay (en Cali, Valle Del Cauca) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ciuw-zJLcZ2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Scenes From My Walk - House Finches in the early morning sun. #ScenesFromMyWalk #HouseFinches #HouseFinch #BirdFriends #Birds #Bird #BirdPhotography #Birding #BirdingPhotography #PhotoByJeriRaeNaturalist (at Santa Fe, New Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ciuw-HIOG9J/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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