#city hunter rundown chapter 3
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lavenrain · 9 months ago
Chapter 3 - The Shooter in Darkness
It's a little difficult pretending this is my first run through, so we'll be more honest with the wording from now.
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and by that I just wanted to talk about how bangin' beautiful Kaori is.
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Whom Ryo is.... less than warm to. You'd think the mere mention of his siter would have him drooling by now, but I guess it's because he doesn't know just how beautiful she is. Although, despite not knowing, wouldn't your partner's worry take precedent over work you're pretty much doing for free anyway?
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Hm. Nothing to say about that image since that's obviously not Kaori, but Ryo's spotted her! Something I can really appreciate about this intro to her character is-
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This. So, the girl is coming on Kaori who is mistaken for a boy, except... what exactly did Kaori show the woman for her not have the realization before the last page? Was the horny clouding her judgement? I guess with all those layers one truly can't tell the existence of booba. But Ryo clocked her as soon as he saw her face it seems?
And then there's the slap. I'd've made at least $300 for this manga to have a true authentic smackdown between these two. Like, I know the obvious winner, but it's funny to think about it sometimes. I also believe this might be the only time he's physically assaulted a woman.
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Gohan??? Also, Ryo? Personal space.
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Bankrupt that brute! The best aspect of this ship is their "they don't know I know" antics. I don't know why, but sometimes I read Kaori's slyness with Susan Egan's voice.
So, the shopkeeper for some reason also confuses Kaori as a boy, which at this point, it says more about Ryo in the end that he's fallen in love with this look eventually. Hojo-sensei is great at many things but selling me on her androgyny is not one of them, cause if Kaori's a butch, well. Anyway. Ryo turned Makimura down in the beginning to investigate another case, and it's pretty obvious he's using Kaori for it. Whether or not he planned this from the get-go in anyone's business because who the hell was he going to use as bait?
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Yes, she is, now run along.
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I unironically have a fear of changing rooms now because of this page. And Ryo, she could've died from that height what are you on about, you louse.
The anime (kind of) does this more justice in conveying how dark it is through color/lighting, but it's supposed to be pitch black.
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Which is why this is so fucking cool.
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But those hands do. I've grown quite accustomed to the last panel because of the scanlations team.
He ends up shooting the guy in the eye through the fancy high key monocle. Very brutal I might add.
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This made me giggle.
Overall review.
Kaori best girl. The end. Seriously, once this review is done, I want to compile a master list of all the amazing feats she's accomplished and talk about her character progression and how 80's sexism and misogyny probably rob us of more, and her multiple love int4erests throughout the story are 10 times better than Ryo but also not really, and-
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nitewrighter · 5 years ago
if you still need an OBAB distraction would you be willing to continue your destiny AU?
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Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3
Mercy stumbled as they transmatted out of the ship and Genji-3 moved to help her, but she righted herself as McCree transmatted out with his hands on his hips. Mercy had opted for a mostly-white version of her Braytech robes with accents in black, gold, and rusty orange. Maybe to match the solar form her light seemed to lean towards? A poor choice for the EDZ, Genji thought, but then again, Warlocks tended to draw attention to themselves no matter what, so who was he to judge? Trostland was the same as ever–a city square long overtaken by nature with buildings only standing up to the ravages of time, the elements, and Fallen and Cabal squabbles by virtue of their golden age architecture.
“Good ol’ EDZ,” said McCree, taking an exaggerated deep breath despite his face being covered by his helmet.
“It’s beautiful out here–” Mercy started looking out over the woods with the Traveler looming moonlike over the pines tinted bluish by its light. But then she turned her head and her shoulders slumped slightly at the sight of the ruined buildings. “…so the city around the tower really is the last city…”
“I mean there’s still people–” McCree started when a blue energy bolt whipped past them.
“And Fallen,” said Genji, drawing his knife as several vandals crept out from the crumbling remains of one of the buildings framing the square.
“…Good ol’ EDZ,” said McCree with a bit more resignation this time as he drew his hand cannon in a smooth action.
Mercy, seeing both of them had drawn their weapons, went “Oh!” and quickly drew her sidearm.
They stood ready as the first few dregs rushed out into the square, but then there came a crack and the dreg at the forefront of their attackers head apparently exploded on one side. He dropped to the ground, the momentum from his run sending him tumbling. Mercy gave a ‘did you do that’ look at McCree but both McCree and Genji gauged the direction of the shot by its exit wound. Another dreg, bewildered by the sudden shot at his companion from the side, turned in the direction of the shot and the back of his head exploded. The other few Vandals rushed back into the shadows of the ruined buildings, one of them being taken out by another shot before they all disappeared into the ruined building.
Genji moved to pursue them, then stopped at the sound of a short, shrill, whistle. The three of them looked up in the direction of the sound to see a crumbling old church and the barrel of a rifle poking out of one of the topmost windows of the steeple.
“Devrim,” said McCree, “Of course.”
The three of them hurried over to the church and passed under the awning. There was a familiarity in Devrim’s church, and a tension in Genji’s stomach. The scent of earth, greenery and the dampness caught by the pines made Genji all the more aware of how much time he had spent hopping between Mars and the Tangled Shore.
“Wow…” murmured Mercy, phasing her helmet off to get a better look around.
The building was pre-golden age, the floors dense with moss and rubble and what grass could manage to grow in the patches of light shining through the church’s bones. Both Genji and McCree easily leapt up onto the high scaffolding that would lead them up to Devrim’s perch without a second thought. They started moving up the scaffolding, but Zenyatta suddenly nudged Genji’s shoulder, and Genji turned around to see Mercy still on the ground.
“How did you…?” Mercy said a little helplessly, looking up at the scaffolding.
“You’re a warlock, just glide,” said McCree as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Glide?” Mercy repeated.
“Yeah! Glide!” said Engel, materializing out from behind her, “Y’know, like I said earlier? Before you died?”
Mercy made a face and then looked nervously up at the scaffolding.
“Just jump and… uh… keep the jump going?” Engel suggested, its plates whirled with excitement,  “You can do it! You can do anything! You’re a guardian!”
Mercy gave a determined nod.
Genji and McCree watched as Mercy uselessly hopped and landed on the ground several times.
“…wow,” said McCree, with a quiet chuckle, low enough so that Mercy couldn’t hear them as she kept jumping, “She is definitely going to die.”
“You die all the time,” said Genji a bit bitterly, “Every guardian was new, once.”
“I’m just giving her some shit. Look at you all feisty!” said McCree with a smirk.
“I’m not feisty–” Genji started but cut himself off as Mercy managed to get several feet off the ground, letting out a surprised squawk and flailing her arms to try and maintain her balance in the air.
“Now you’re getting it!” said Engel.
“Just don’t overthink it!” McCree called to her.
“Try to feel the light guiding you through the air!” Genji called to her. McCree and Zenyatta both gave Genji an odd look and Genji cleared his throat and said, “But–uh–don’t overthink it?”
Mercy finally managed to push herself off the ground into a slow, graceful arc, not flailing her arms, but her eyes flicking around wildly as she tried to keep her breath under control. A giddy breathless laugh escaped her as she reached her apex and slowly descended. 
“Always thought Warlock glides were good for getting shredded by shank-fire in mid-air,” muttered McCree.
“Don’t be rude,” hissed Echo, materializing next to him.
Genji stepped forward to the edge of the scaffolding and stuck a hand out to her. They grabbed each others’ wrists at the end of her arc and he pulled her onto the scaffolding.
“Um–thank you,” said Mercy, pushing her hair back.
“You should–um… keep practicing,” said Genji. He realized he was still holding her wrist and quickly released it.
“Are you coming up or not?” a warm, rumbling British-accented voice spoke from above.
The three of them stood around Devrim Kay in his little perch up near the steeple. McCree was peering out of Devrim’s window, hand hovering over the hand-cannon at his side and hardly listening to Devrim as he spoke. Devrim Kay was a handsome man himself, with sharp blue eyes, squarish features, and no small amount of gray dappling his hair and beard. He had apparently taken more of a likening to Genji’s ghost than Genji himself, and both Devrim and Zenyatta seemed to be dominating the conversation more than anyone else in that little church. Genji’s eyes flicked back to Mercy. Despite all her disorientation in becoming a Guardian, she seemed to be listening to Devrim quite intently as he gave her a brief rundown of the area as her own Ghost eagerly bobbed between them. The light from one of the church’s last-remaining stained glass rose windows cast a rainbow onto her, all pinks and blues and greens splashed against the white of her warlock robes and orange catching in her flaxen hair. He didn’t realize he was staring until Devrim said his name and Zenyatta nudged his ghost shell against Genji’s helmet to get his attention.
“The Winding Cove?” said Devrim, “As I recall you had quite the sortie with some pike-mounted Fallen there a few months after we reclaimed the City.”
Genji briefly wondered if being a guardian made all his memories blur together, “More Pikes, then?” said Genji.
“Well, as I was explaining to your lovely recently-awakened Awoken friend here, Lar Spurius, a particularly nasty captain of the Red Legion has shored up in the Weep. He’s causing quite a disruption in supply lines to the Farm.”
Genji gave a glance to Mercy. “Maybe we’d be best off running a few minor patrols before we headed after that kind of target–”
“But, your friends here told me you’ve been spending a healthy amount of time on Mars,” said Devrim, readjusting the scope of his rifle. Genji shot a dirty look at McCree and McCree just gave him a smug nod. “I’m told there are lots of Cabal on Mars,” said Devrim, looking back out the window, “And it would give our mutual friend here a chance to muddy her boots.”
Mercy looked at Genji with an earnest smile and Genji immediately felt self-conscious. As far as what she knew of him, he was a well-seasoned veteran and while, yes, he hadn’t exactly been a slouch in the Red War, pretty much every Guardian was flying by the seat of their pants—especially hunters. McCree was proof enough of that.
“Don’t you worry, Dev. We’ll take out this Larkspur guy,” said McCree, putting his hands on his hips.
“Lar Spurius,” said Mercy.
“Gesundheit,” said McCree.
“So…Winding Cove, huh?” said McCree, materializing his sparrow, “Hate getting my boots wet…”
“It’s not too far from here,” said Genji, materializing his own sparrow.
They both looked at Mercy.
“Is this a guardian thing?” said Mercy, “Can I just… make a bike?”
Both Genji and McCree looked at each other, then back at her. “You didn’t get a sparrow from Holliday?”
“Who’s Holliday?” said Mercy.
“Well what ship did you come in on?” said McCree.
“Genji’s?” said Mercy. 
McCree shot Genji a ‘Really?’ look and Genji just glanced off awkwardly.
“Oh I knew I forgot something!” Engel burst out, “I guess I got distracted after I saw you splat on that concrete. Sorry, Guardian.”
“It’s okay,” said Mercy, “I guess we’re both still figuring things out.”
“…we could go on foot,” said Genji, “Take out any fallen patrols on the way…”
“Nah, this Larkspur guy should take priority–” said McCree.
“Lar Spurius,” said Genji.
“Sure is. Y’know Merce, my sparrow’s got room on the back if you don’t mind getting close,” said McCree, gesturing at his own sparrow.
“I won’t slow you down?” said Mercy.
“Not at all,” said McCree.
Genji nearly blurted out ‘My Sparrow has room, too!’ but self-control, the fear of making things weird by making Mercy have to pick between frankly arbitrary options, and the fact that the first priority was getting to the Winding Cove managed to stay his metal tongue. “We’d better get going then,” he said, swinging his own leg over his sparrow.
McCree hopped astride his sparrow and Mercy clambered on after him, wrapping her arms around his waist. Genji took off on his own sparrow with them close behind.
“You know, your sparrow has room in the back too,” said Zenyatta, his voice barely audible over the sparrow’s whirring.
“I know,” muttered Genji before turning his engine up to full blast and blazing ahead.
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lives-depend-on-this · 5 years ago
Chapter 2; Survival is Fake
Aka. The jerk that kidnaps you then forces you to tell your brother you’ll never see him again.
“Let me go home!” Geno struggled as the skeleton tugged him through the streets.
“Nah. You stole from the store I claimed. Therefore that stuff is mine. If you want it to go to your little brother then in trade, you’ll be my pet until further notice.” The other gripped Geno’s wrist and continued to tug him through streets, now pulling him onto a back street or two.
“I’m. Not. A. Pet.” Geno hissed, finally managing to escape his grip.
“Oh but how wrong you are. Not be good or that food won’t go to your little brother and he can starve to death wondering if his elder brother abandoned him.” He smirked and Geno stopped struggling.
“Can I explain it to him?” Geno asked.
“And how old is this little shit you're so worried about?” The hooded figure turned upside down. Geno snarled.
“1, don’t call Fresh a little shot, 2. He's 15.” Geno balled his fists and the other shrugged.
“Well he seems like a little piece of shit. I call them as I see them. Anyway, if he’s 15 then he was raised in this world. He can handle being alone. Monsters have been in the horrid city for over 30 years.” He shrugged and Geno wanted to snap. He so wanted to snap at him and tell the rude skeleton how wrong he was. He couldn’t snap. He couldn’t tell him that Fresh wasn’t in this city until he was 3. That none of their family were born in the city and that their ‘mom’ wasn’t their real mom but she was the only one they knew. 
But he couldn’t tell them that. He couldn’t. It was the agreement their mom made with the watchers when she was taken back to the lab. Watchers were afraid to kill Geno, as he was their ‘special’ test subject, but they would kill his brothers. He couldn’t lose his other brother, he just couldn’t,
“Where is he?” Fresh whispered as he curled up more so in a ball. He had pulled his small blanket over his shoulders more and curled around Errors old pillow. His stomach growled again and he whimpered as the wind blew through the alleyway he lived in.
“Fresh!” His head shot up as he saw Geno running towards him, carrying a bag over his shoulder.
“Geno bruh!” Fresh pushed himself up and threw himself into his brother's arms. Geno pulled him closer and breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly Fresh yelped and jumped backwards as another being, a person in a large black cloak, walked into their ‘home’.
“Calm down Fresh! It’s okay. He won’t hurt you.” Geno shrugged off his supply bag before handing it to his little brother with a frown.
“What’s going on Geno bro?” Fresh asked quietly. Geno grabbed his brother's face and stared into his eye sockets.
“You need to listen to me Fresh, really listen. I can’t stay with you anymore. This guy here has threatened you because I took from ‘his’ store. He allowed me to bring you this food and tell you what’s going on. I’ll still run food to you once a week. They can’t kill you, just stay in the alley and stay safe okay?” Geno whispered and Fresh’s eyes widened and pushed back.
“No way bruh! That’s so unrad! You can’t just leave me all alone!” Fresh yelped and Geno grabbed his brother's arm.
“You can’t come with us. I’ll be safe, the watchers don’t allow hunters near me so it will be fine. They know not to mess with you either, not with what happened after they took Error. You will be fine and I will be too.” Geno whispered and Fresh shook his head.
“Fresh I’m sorry! I need to leave!”
“I love you so much Fresh. Don’t forget that. Mom loved you and Error did too.” 
“Goodbye Fresh.”
“You're a terrible person.” Geno huffed as his capture, who he knew the name of but refused to call by name, tugged him away from his terrified brother.
“Oh hush it. You're fine and so is he.” He snarled and Geno groaned. He secretly wished that for once in his life Watchers would intervene. 
“You know what. I’ve been in this city for 12 years and I’ve never hated life here until you took me.” Geno huffed, a lie obviously, and his capture stopped and pulled down his hood.
“What?” He pressed and Geno suddenly felt nervous sweat forming on his brow bone.
“Monsters have been trapped in this city 30 years, your younger brother is 15, and yet you’ve only been here 12 years? That’s not possible,” he snarled and Geno pulled up his scarf.
“It’s not your business. Just forget I said anything.” He hissed and his capture frowned.
“Okay. Let’s go,” he pulled Geno away, towards a rundown apartment building. Geno followed begrudgingly and it very much annoyed the other skeleton.
“Would you stop? We need to hurry.” He hissed and Geno suddenly froze.
“Why?” He asked and the dark hooded figure sighed.
“I’m not the only monster in this area. The others are in one big group. They don’t like me that much, especially the glitchy one,” he huffed and Geno froze.
“The glitchy one?” He asked his eye sockets wide.
“Yes, dark boned, blue strings from his eyes,” The capture looked angry and Geno covered his mouth.
“Error’s alive?” He whispered before darting the other way making his capture yelp.
“Error! Error!” Geno began to scream and just as a door opened the dark hooded skeleton grabbed Geno, raising a scythe to his neck.
“Geno?” Error called but his eyes widened when he saw Geno’s capture with a weapon to his elder brother's throat.
“Error,” Geno was in tears at seeing his younger brother alive and well.
“Let him go!” Error yelled.
“And why would I do that?” The capture smirked
“I swear! Let my brother go or else!” Error yelled and Geno struggled before Error opened his mouth.
“Did you hear me? Reaper I told you to let him go.” And like that Reaper teleported away with Geno still in his grasp.
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animesavior · 8 years ago
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"I wouldn't write us off just yet, Supreme Kai. I mean, sure, his power is off the charts. But I'm not looking at this as an unwinnable fight just yet."
-          Gohan, Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters (Ep. 26/124)
The Toonami Trending Rundown for July 15-16, 2017. Some big changes are coming about with several shows are reaching the end of their respective seasons/story arcs or are beginning anew, as Frieza unleashes his new Final Form to counter Goku’s, while Kaneki defects to the Aogiri, and Hunter x Hunter’s Yorknew City arc comes to a close, to say nothing about Attack on Titan season 2 at its penultimate episode.
On Twitter, Toonami and every show successfully trended on Twitter save for Ghost In The Shell during their respective East Coast airings, as well as #DragonBallSuper and Toonami during its West Coast airing. On Tumblr, Toonami would trend as would Dragon Ball Super.
DBZ Kai also produced a character trend in Majin Buu as he gains enough energy to be hatched out of his egg. While everyone (except Shin) was thrown off by Buu’s “goofy” appearance, they would learn very fast that looks are very deceiving as Buu proceeds to pummel everyone.
Finally, Dragon Ball Super’s buzz would help get the show on Nielsen Social’s top 5 most talked about shows on Twitter and Facebook on the day for the 13th time in the show’s run so far, making it to the #2 spot. This is the 26th time a Toonami show has reached this list since we started recording this feat.
This week’s feature was a review of the shoot 'em up video game Nex Machina. It received a 8.5 out of 10 score.
Comic-Con is coming up this week, and yes I will be going once again as a member of the press representing Toonami News and the Toonami Faithful. With another live episode of Toonami Pre-Flight planned on Thursday night, we’ll be hearing some info regarding the next Total Immersion Event as well as some other potential surprises ahead. We’ll let you know if anything news or announcements come about, so stay tuned and for those headed down to San Diego, have a great time and I’ll see you around the convention halls.
Tune in next week as Attack on Titan showcases the season 2 finale while Hunter x Hunter begins the Greed Island story arc, among other great moments. And of course, the countdown to the premiere of Stardust Crusaders is only 2 weeks away. See you again next week, and we do wish a Happy 20th anniversary to the One Piece franchise. Perhaps one day, we’ll see you back on the better cartoon show, but regardless thanks for the memories, and here’s to many more to come.
Legend: The shows listed are ordered based on their appearance on the schedule. Show trends are listed in bold. The number next to the listed trend represents the highest it trended on the list (not counting the promoted trend), judging only by the images placed in the rundown. For the Twitter tweet counts, the listed number of tweets are also sorely based on the highest number shown based on the images on the rundown.
United States Trends:
Toonami/#Toonami [#4]
#DragonBallSuper [#10]
#DBZKai [#6]
Majin Buu (From DBZ Kai) [#19]
#AttackOnTitan [#4]
#TokyoGhoul [#22]
#HunterXHunter [#3]
#LupinThe3rd [#3]
#Shippuden [#7]
Tweet Counts:
Toonami [6,157 tweets]
#Toonami [2,980 tweets]
#DragonBallSuper [2,604 tweets]
#AttackOnTitan [1,012 tweets]
#HunterXHunter [1,399 tweets]
Tumblr Trends:
#dragon ball super
Notes and Other Statistics:
#DragonBallSuper: @WhoTrendedIT reported that @Mike_Daniels76 and @ProSiebenMAXX started the trend in the US.
#AttackOnTitan: @WhoTrendedIT reported that @MikeMcFarlandVA started the trend in the US.
#HunterXHunter: @WhoTrendedIT reported that @tsunderica started the trend in the US.
#LupinThe3rd @WhoTrendedIT reported that @AlphaOmegaSin started the trend in the US.
Special thanks to @mmorse1017 and others I forgot to mention for spotting some of the trends on this list.
Who Wants Some? Only Toonami on [adult swim] on Cartoon Network.
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