casualavocados · 4 months
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Little grocery shops and bakeries stood between jewelers and bead-curtained doors opening into private houses, where wrought-iron balconies thick with flowers overhung the narrow pavement, and where the silence, being enclosed, was even more profound. The streets were leading downward, and before very long they opened out onto a broad avenue where more palm trees reached high into the air, the underside of their leaves glowing in the streetlights. On the other side of the avenue was the sea.
HIS DARK MATERIALS • Cittàgazze The Subtle Knife / Chapter 1: The Cat and the Hornbeam Trees
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hellishfig · 2 years
thinking about how will was led to the world of cittagazze by a cat
he was led to the knife, and to lyra, by that cat
and his dæmon, kirjava, settled as a cat
because he loves cats, but also because a cat is what led him to love
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Art by Hanna Kolki
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mxrisacoulter · 2 years
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2.07 // 3.04
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multicolour-ink · 6 months
Friendly reminder that the time frame between Roger's death and Lyra and Will entering the world of the dead was less than a month.
Evidenced by what Lyra says in Chapter 22:
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will & lyra jumping in the lake and splashing each other as baptism imagery -> the idea of growing up as a “rebirth” into adulthood -> the epigraph for that chapter in the amber spyglass “the birthday of my life has come, my love is come to me”……
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lascapigliata · 1 year
literally almost all the casting of hbo hdm was so so so so good and that's why it's so disappointing that some of the things i found lacking in it were baked in from episode 1 ergo irreparable by the end. bc i don't actually WANT to see mrs coulter ever played by anyone BUT ruth wilson who i think did a spectacular, impeccable job. for example
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secondbetrayer · 2 years
“  who  did  this  to  you  ?  ”
MEME | accepting
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“Some mean big kids. But I fought ‘em off.” That wasn’t entirely true, Lyra merely said it to sound tougher. It had been Angelica’s group, some of whom were probably younger than Lyra was and were definitely smaller in stature.
“Going to have some cool bruises for a while too, en’t I?” Even though she ached and they were still quite painful at the moment, she liked the idea of the bruises. The thought of them on her skin made her feel tough too.
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peetapiepita · 2 years
Love how producer Dan McCulloch is like a parent to Dafne and Amir lol
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Just watched an interview where he said the kids would sometimes hide under the trailers and he'd have to pull them out before shooting. Lol.
He also said they were always telling Dafne and Amir off so they probably did a lot of sneaky stuff that they wouldn't tell him. He always knew the two of them were stealing props from the set, though, because they stole too much metal and those were always clinking when the two of them exited the sound stage. 🤣 He said he had no idea why they were so drawn to metal in particular. Lmao.
One thing I'm sure the producers didn't know about is Amir and Dafne etching their names on the brick wall in Cittagazze. Amir said that and I could tell no one knew. Dafne got sold out by Amir because he also said it was her idea. Lol. One of the bricks from the set of Cittagazze has "AW" and "DK" carved in. That's a nice idea, like all the "L + W" on the bench in the Botanic Garden.
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kirjavas · 11 months
I have a few numbers for the HDM asks, are you ready????
3, 11, 12, 16, 28, 31 & 36!!
bring it!
favourite costume i love all of lyra's cittagazze outfits, especially the blue jacket. i'm just a big fan of the mediterranean vibes tbh. also mrs coulter's green dress is iconic
favourite mrs coulter outfit GREEN DRESS !! but i do also love the fur coat
favourite set/location asriel's lab, the mulefa world or the world of the dead
any book scenes you would have liked to see in the show the scene where lyra lies to the harpies was at the top of my list for season 3. i am still so disappointed we didn't get to see it, dafne keen would have acted the shit out of that
pick a meal probably the omelette scene (i don't even like omelettes but i would love to have will parry make me one)
pick an unhinged mrs coulter moment the scene where she's like "thorold, i should feed you to the wolves.......... but i won't" is simply underrated
which world would you most like to live in lyra's just because i want a dæmon, but on balance the mulefa world because there is no corrupt theocracy
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taylortruther · 1 year
The hardest part about rereading the trilogy was that I didn't enjoy Northen Lights as much because I wanted Will. He's such a fantastic character and his relationship with his mother is fascinating.
There's so many mentions of cats regarding Will and I love this because his dæmon settles as a cat. It's like he's connected to cats on a spiritual level (do you think we can use this to convince Taylor to read the books). One of my favorite moments is when he meets Lyra for the first time he describes that "he stayed calm and quiet as if she were a strange cat he was making friends with." His soul is a cat and the first thing he thinks about Lyra when he meets her is that she's like a cat.
And when the children in Cittagazze hurt the cat and Will immediately defends it and Lyra's convinced for a moment that that is his dæmon. And when Lyra wonders what his dæmon is and decides "whatever its form was, it would express a nature that was savage, and courteous, and unhappy."
One of my favorite characterization of his is his ability to be unnoticeable, which is almost like the magic Serafina can do. It's such a catlike ability! And it's such a heartbreaking little detail to add to a character that spent most of his life trying to avoid social service separating him from his mother.
There's a moment in the book when they realize the words anbar/amber and electric mean opposite things in the world and I always remembered this scene because 1. It's funny and 2. It's such a small worldbuilding detail and I love this shit. There's also a scene where Lyra finds the idea of wearing pants as a girl completely outrageous that's so funny.
I love how Pullman uses dæmons to describe intimacy like that moment when Will panics because he's the bearer of the knife and Pan puts his head on his lap to comfort him and it's such a crucial moment in the book because Pan wouldn't have done that to anyone else, but Lyra's own soul is desperate to comfort Will (much to her surprise).
"I think Lyra's braver than me. I think she's the best friend I ever had." I lose my mind every time I see a quote that immediately makes me think about that best friend line in You Are In Love.
There's a lot of Lee Scoresby in this book and his relationship with Lyra is so wholesome. It's kind of wicked of Pullman to have Lee say he considers Lyra his daughter and then kill him off. Just another parental figure who dies without Lyra ever knowing.
But at least all the scenes with Lee gave me some great quotes like "You are an enemt of the church, Lee Scoresby." (Icon) and "we're renegades. Not by our choice, but by their malice." and "shame to die with one bullet left, though."
And the funniest line I've ever read in a book:
"What do you mean, a palaeo-archeologist? Archeologists already study what's old; why do you beed to put another word meaning old in front of it?"
The book also presents Mary Malone and I don't have much to say about her but she is one of the best characters ever and I'm kind of obsessed with her discovering a means to communicate with angels and them just being like "you're a snake" (she would've loved reputation). But seriously I love how criticial of religion this book is that it presents the serpent as a positive influence. The serpent is a sweet and kind doctor who's willing to work hard to communicate with new civilization. She introduces Lyra and Will to love which is the purest thing in the world.
I LOVE THAT PART with the amber/anbar! and i love how pullman on occasion describes something without actually describing the thing. he does it here, where he says they look at each other with the same expression. but he doesn't describe the expression - because he knows the reader is also feeling what will and lyra are feeling so there's no need. the reader can fill in the blank. it's just so clever.
you know what part i love, speaking of mary? how she's telling will and lyra about the moment she felt desire - with the marzipan - and lyra describes feeling as if she's a house whose windows and doors have all been opened. like this knowledge just opens her and frees her! all from a story, the same way that the harpies will free the ghosts by telling them stories to lead them to mulefa/rejoin dust in the universe!
also i love how lyra and will are both so strong and good that as much as it hurt them not to be together they both knew they had to part. like they didn't entertain the alternatives for very long. they accepted their universes were more important than them being together and it was just another fact they had to accept. and after all the loss they'd both experienced, it made sense they accepted it so quickly/firmly.
also also, did you ever read those "extras"? they were like excerpts of handwritten letters and documents from the different characters. and something from mary suggested that will was living with her which i think is just really sweet because lyra had an entire world that knew what had happened but in will's world, only mary knew.
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casualavocados · 11 months
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"Well, this was a mercantile city. A city of traders and bankers. We thought we knew about bonds. We thought a bond was something negotiable, something that could be bought and sold and exchanged and converted....But about these bonds, we were wrong. We undid them, and we let the Spectres in."
HIS DARK MATERIALS • The Subtle Knife — 2.04 / Chapter 8: The Tower of The Angels
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amemoryofwot · 2 years
Mary hugging the Cittagazze kid oh my heart 😭
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mxrisacoulter · 1 year
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endless gifs of marisa coulter ~(33/?)
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aercnaut-archived · 1 year
repost, don’t reblog
tagging: no one bc this is long as hell HOWEVER IF YOU WANT TO PLEASE TAG ME I WANNA SEEEEEE
nabbed from @manaborn
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basics !
FULL NAME. lee joseph scoresby
NICKNAME. mr. scoresby?
GENDER. cis male
HEIGHT. 6’0”
AGE. 35
ZODIAC. virgo
LANGUAGES. english, spanish, and more that pullman didn’t specify but enough that he had to go through a list of the ones he knew to communicate with a shaman
physical characteristics !
HAIR COLOR. black with a few stray greys here and there
EYE COLOR. deep brown
BODY TYPE. on the slimmer side of the dad bod spectrum. 
ACCENT. texan
VOICE. i’m bad at describing voices so i’m just gonna say its l.in manuel miranda
DOMINANT HAND. ambidextrous with a preference for his left
POSTURE. straight and confident
SCARS. main verse has three bullet wounds on his chest, one on his ankle, and one on the left side of his head
TATTOOS. has a sleeve on his right arm that features a design that resembles his mother’s turquoise ring, a hare that looks like hester, and a compass
BIRTHMARKS. a few moles and freckles on his face
childhood !
PLACE OF BIRTH. the country of texas (pullman gave no further elaboration)
HOMETOWN. not mentioned
BIRTH WEIGHT. he doesn’t know, but he was born a few weeks early
BIRTH HEIGHT. same as above
SIBLINGS. only child
PARENTS. cody and sophie scoresby
PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT. his mother did her best to raise him, but his father was a violent drunk who abused the both of them regularly. he learned his kindness from his mother, and his roughness from his father. he idolized sophie growing up, but now that he’s an adult in charge of a child of his own, he’s gotten to feel a little bitter about her parenting, too.
adult life !
OCCUPATION. aeronaut and hired hand
CLOSE FRIENDS. i.orek b.yrnison, l.yra s.ilvertongue, s.erafina p.ekkala, hester
FINANCIAL STATUS. chronically broke with more debt than what he knows to do with
DRIVER’S LICENSE. probably not.
CRIMINAL RECORD. is it under his true name? no. does it exist? yes. 
VICES. cigars, cigarettes, the occasional bottle of vodka
sex and romance !
PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE. submissive | dominant | switch
PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE. submissive | dominant | switch
LIBIDO. average
TURN ON’S. intelligence, kindness, brunettes, a certain amount of chaos
TURN OFF’S. cruelty, materialism, self centeredness
LOVE LANGUAGE. touch and words of affirmation
RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES. tends to get protective and a little jealous, but holds back to avoid being like his father. a lot of his negative traits in relationships tend to be from just trying not to end up like his father, which can be good (understanding, honesty, willingness to communicate), and bad (passiveness, rose colored glasses, and a tendency to run away from a relationship if an argument gets a little rougher than what he’s comfortable with.) he’s also married to the sky, which has left plenty of relationships grounded.
miscellaneous !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG. never let me down again by depeche mode
HOBBIES TO PASS TIME. singing and making up songs on the spot with hester
MENTAL ILLNESSES. ptsd, anxiety
PHYSICAL ILLNESSES. after the shootout at cittagazze, lee has lasting pain in his chest and ankle, as well as chronic migraines from being shot in the side of the head
LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED. right brained
FEARS. cliff ghasts, ghosts, killing, people with rattlesnake daemons
SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL. lee is one cocky son of a bitch. even in verses that don’t use lin’s lee, he’s fairly sure of himself purely because of age an experience
VULNERABILITIES. his loyalty and dedication to people can be exploited very easily and has almost (or flat out has) gotten his killed several times
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Thinking about how they call it the “bearer” of the subtle knife instead of keeper or wielder or master or something like that because that phrasing recognizes the knife as a burden, something you have to bear the weight of because it brings more bad than good to the worlds it cuts into and also to the individual who uses it. it fits with Will so well because he has always gone through life just bearing it, bearing responsibility and bearing sorrow and bearing loss….. he’s had such a burden of a life by the time he makes it to cittagazze it makes sense that his weapon is just the same
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