#cirrus is such a babe
autumnblooms · 2 months
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✨☁️ goddess ☁️✨
Cirrus my love~
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apneusance · 1 year
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oh hes so beautiful
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dewedup · 1 year
Long time reader, first time requester 👋
³²⁾ “people who’re just friends don’t do shit like this, and you know it.” with Cirrus and Cumulus, please?
- @ghouletteanon
hi!!! thank you for the lovely prompt! i hope you enjoy it as much as i did writing it 🖤
the working title for this is “3 times swiss thinks the breeze babes are mates and 1 time he’s actually right”
³²⁾ “people who’re just friends don’t do shit like this, and you know it.”
breeze babes, swiss is determined, the ghoulettes will fuck anywhere
Cumulus runs her hands through her hair, claws falling down to her neck and trailing down to her naked chest. She grasps tightly to her breasts, pinching and pulling her soft pink nipples as she moans deliciously. Her hips cant forward as she finds the perfect spot, putting more weight on her lower half as she throws her head back in ecstasy. 
The sound of the door slamming open startles her, jumping slightly as she turns to glare at the intruder. 
“Where is it?” Swiss hisses from where he pokes his head in the door, eyes narrowed and roaming over Cumulus’ neck. She doesn’t even bother covering her chest, just sighs, tits bouncing lightly as the person she’s resting on starts struggling. 
Cirrus finally maneuvers enough to stick her head out, gasping deep breaths of air as Swiss continues to look for something.
“Where’s what?” Cirrus asks breathlessly, irritation lacing her tone as she tries to raise her head to peak over Cumulus’ thigh.
“Ah, ah, ah,” Cumulus scolds, weaving her hands in Cirrus’ hair and forcing her face back to her pussy, lifting slightly and then dropping back down to continue sitting on her face until she blacks out. Unless Cirrus can make her come before that happens, but the interruption doesn’t bode well for the ghoulette face deep in Cumulus’ cunt. 
“You’re mating mark, I just know you guys are hiding it I can practically feel it.” Swiss whines from the door.
"We're just friends Swissy," Cumulus tosses out, trying to focus on the tongue picking her apart down below.
"People who're just friends don't do shit like this, and you know it!" Swiss challenges, eyes roaming Cumulus’ neck one last time before he pouts and leaves.
“You’ve got your work cut out for you, doll,” Cumulus sighs, raising her fingers up and starting to circle her breasts again, trying to give the ghoulette a helping hand. 
Cumulus kneels at the end of the couch, tongue diving into the asshole in front of her as she hums encouragingly. Cirrus whines from where she’s bent over the armrest, a fist deep in her cunt as she cries out unintelligibly. They’d barely made it into the green room after the show before Cumulus had bent Cirrus over and started having her way with her. The other ghouls were still doing the post-show bow, but Cirrus was so dripping wet after staring at Cumulus all show she couldn’t fathom trying to keep it together before the fans without the security of her higher stage and keyboard to hide behind. 
 “So wet for Mommy,” Cumulus pulls back to praise her ghoulette, rubbing a hand fondly over Cirrus’ spine as the other continues to pump wrist-deep into her soaking pussy. Cirrus babbles, craning her chin over her shoulder to look back at Cumulus with hazy eyes, pupils blown.
A commotion from the hallway breaks their eye contact, both ghoulettes turning to look as the handle of the door they forgot to lock turns and soon the remaining members of the band are walking into the room, pausing as soon as they see the scene before them. 
“Shit sorry,” Rain mutters, covering his eyes and turning around to push Aurora and Phantom out of the room with him, Phantom stands on his tip toes, trying to peak around the water ghoul at the display before him but is instantly reprimanded with a smack to the head from Aurora. 
“Looking for an extra pair of hands ladies?” Dew smirks, flicking his tongue out and wiggling his fingers to show them the goods. Cirrus, even with a fist deep in her cunt, somehow manages to roll her eyes at the offer. Dew takes the rejection in stride, letting Mountain grab his arm and lead him from the room. The last ghoul standing is Swiss, and he doesn’t seem phased by the intimate setting at all, stepping a little closer to examine Cirrus’ exposed back, likely checking her spine for any hint of a mating mark. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?” He asks as he shakes his head, turning around and slamming the door shut behind him. The ghoulettes share a giggle, before Cumulus’ smirk turns sinister, doubling down on her efforts before they were so rudely interrupted. 
Cumulus giggles as Circus boops her on the nose, leaving a flour fingerprint in her wake. They finish cleaning the spilled batter from filling the pan and check on the cake in the oven, seeing it was close to being done. Cumulus places the dirty bowl in the sink and grabs the silicone rolling pin, running it under the water and washing the residue from their cake making.
“Lussy, are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Cirrus purrs, sliding up behind Cumulus and reaching around to grab a handful of her breasts in either hand. Cumulus groans, pushing back into the lean body behind her, eyeing the rolling pin in her hands with a contemplative look. 
“I think you should hop up on the counter,” Cumulus singsongs, making sure to run the pin under the water one last time. Cirrus presses a quick kiss to her cheek before spinning around, pulling her underwear down from underneath her skirt and hopping up onto the counter. 
Cumulus saunters forward, testing the weight of the rolling pin as she tosses it from hand to hand, looking at Cirrus from under her lashes.
“Absolutely the fuck not,” Swiss states as he enters the kitchen, eyeing both the ghoulettes warily. “This is the kitchen, a shared eating space.” He implores, eyes briefly trailing Cirrus’ legs but the frustrated look on his face shows that he can’t see what he’s looking for.
“Oh Swissy, don’t ruin the fun.” Cumulus pouts, hand moving provocatively up and down the rolling pin as she smiles sensually at him. He visibly deflates before turning and making his way down the hallway.
“Your cakes burning,” Swiss calls over his shoulder.
Swiss sighs as he makes his way to his room, the day weighing heavy on his shoulders, looking forward to a nice, relaxing evening. He pauses at his door, cocking his head to the side as he thinks he hears something, but can’t place what it is. He waits a second, but after hearing nothing else he pushes open the door, freezing once it opens.
Cumulus lays back on the bed, a hand in her hair while the other drags down her face, mouth open ready to release another deep moan. Cirrus kneels between her legs, licking into her like it’s that only thing she was put on the earth to do. Swiss feels his cock stir slightly at the scene, but he’s just ready to curl up and go to bed.
“Why my room?” He whines, tugging at his hair in frustration as he watches the ghoulettes from the corner of his eyes, exhausted but still mildly interested.
“We h-we fuck we have a gift for you,” Cumulus grits out, legs shaking as Cirrus finally pulls back, turning to look at Swiss with a smirk, slick coating her chin as she flicks her tongue out, catching whatever she can. 
“Yeah Swissy, come over here and get yourself a taste,” Cirrus beckons, sticking out a finger and curling it at him, turning to point at the wet cunt before her. 
You can say no, you don’t have to do this, just go sleep in-ah fuck it, Swiss thinks, cracking his neck and pacing towards the bed, the ghoulettes eyes burning holes through him as he kneels down to pray to Cumulus’ pussy. 
“Satan help me,” he mumbles, already knowing he’s going to need a second, third, and fourth wind to keep up with them both. As he pushes closer something catches his eye and he freezes. He stares openly at Cumulus’ skin, rearing his head back like the information needs more room for him to take in.
“He got it?” Cumulus calls from the head of the bed, boredom lacing her tone as she reaches down to start idly playing with her clit, waiting for further stimulation from her partners. 
“Oh, he got it,” Cirrus confirms, grinning wickedly as she sees the multi ghouls train of thought speeding behind his eyes. 
“You mean… You mean I was actually right?” Swiss asks in disbelief, eyes widening before they narrow to tiny slits, pushing his face up against Cumulus’ wet cunt, staring at the marred skin at the apex of her thighs. 
“Been mated for years, we assumed it was just common knowledge, but I suppose we never really confirmed it. It became a game when you started asking, but short attention spans, we got bored of it. Thought this would be more fun.” Cirrus answers, crossing her arms over her chest as she shrugs at the ghoul before her. 
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lilypadlys · 11 months
Tour Bus Blues
Summary: Cirrus and Cumulus cuddling on the tour bus.
Ship: Cirrus/Cumulus
Word Count: 867
Rating: General Audiences
Tags: fluff, cuddles, sleepy cuddles, breeze babes, some raindrop if you squint
AO3 Link or below the cut.
The whole bus rattles as it rolls over a patch of uneven pavement, jolting Cirrus from her half asleep haze. It’s gonna be a long night. She sighs, looking skyward. She’s bone tired and ready to just pass out in a crummy hotel bed. Unfortunately for her, the next stop on the tour is a couple days' drive and so rather than stop at a hotel, the buses would be driving through the night.
The band is about halfway through the current tour. As a result, most of the nervous energy has worn off, leaving everyone tired and homesick. Cirrus is getting increasingly done with being constantly crammed in enclosed spaces with seven other feisty ghouls. The tour bus, green rooms, backstage.
She doesn’t even get alone time when they stay at hotels as there's always at least two to a room if not three or four depending on vacancy. She truly loves her pack and most of the time nothing beats cuddling with them in one big ghoul pile. Right now though, all she wants is some breathing room and quiet.
Longing to stretch out and sink into a mattress, Cirrus tries and fails to get comfortable in her cramped seat. She’s been squirming and readjusting for at least the last hour. Swiss abandoned his spot next to her half that time ago, after she accidentally kicked him. That just further adds to her discomfort. She feels bad and also misses his body heat in the too cold chill of the AC.
She leans her forehead against the window, letting the cool glass soothe her aching temples. She begins to focus on her breathing, taking deep deliberate breaths to calm herself. It almost works. She feels her nerves unwinding and she starts to relax. Then the sound of shouting bounces around the echoey cabin, and she tenses up all over again.
“Eww! Gross!” Sunny is squealing and giggling.
Swiss and Dew are both laughing while scrolling through their phones to try and outdo the other in finding disgusting things.
Mountain suddenly holds up his phone to the others with a proud look. Sunny squeals again, even louder than before. Dew laughs and Swiss looks a little green.
Cirrus pinches the bridge of her nose and grits her teeth. Of all the times for her earbuds to break. She’s about two seconds and snapping at her packmates to shut up already when she feels a hand on her shoulder. She can’t stop the hiss that slips out. When she turns to see Cumulus though, she instantly regrets it.
“Sorry Lus.” Cirrus ducks her head in embarrassment. “You caught me at a bad time.”
“It’s okay.” Cumulus waves it off. “What’s wrong, my Cloud?”
“Uhgh.” She lets out a frustrated groan. “I’m sooo tired but I can’t sleep.” She whimpers.
“I’m sorry Cir.” Cumulus frowns in sympathy. “Would cuddles help?”
Cirrus smiles and chuffs. “I won’t say no.”
Cumulus sits down and Cirrus leans into her; pressing her face to Cumulus’ chest. Cumulus rubs her back while Cirrus tangles a hand in Cumulus’ cloud like curls. Cumulus begins to hum softly and Cirrus can feel it rumble through her chest. She recognizes the tune as a lullaby from her kit days back in the pit and the nostalgia is comforting.
After a few minutes, Cirrus has to admit she does feel a little better. She's more able to block out the background noise; grounded by Cumulus’ arms around her. She’s begun to yawn, sleep finally becoming less elusive.
The other ghouls have also finally started to settle down. One by one they peel off and head to their bunks in the back of the bus. Both ghoulettes smile in amusement when Rain starts to yawn and waves goodnight, only for Dew to immediately leap up to follow. Dew practically shoves the water ghoul into his bunk and curls in behind him.
Cumulus nuzzles Cirrus head. “Wanna move to a bunk?”
“Sure. Your place or mine?”
“Up to you Cloud.”
“Okay.” Cumulus hums, as Cirrus sits up and stretches. The two of them get up and head to the back of the bus. Past the tangle of limbs and tails that is Rain and Dew, and the snoring lump that is Mountain, they reach Cumulus’s bunk.
Cumulus pulls aside the privacy curtain and Cirrus grins.
“Ahh! Your’s is so pretty!”
Cumulus had decorated her bunk with fairy lights and strings of bracelets she’d been gifted by fans at rituals.
“Thank you! Want me to help you do yours?”
“Yeah! In the morning though. Right now I just wanna pass out.”
Cumulus waves for Cirrus to climb into bed first and slides in after her. They curl up nose to nose, arms around each other. Cumulus pulls a fluffy blanket over the two of them. Cirrus reaches over her to pull the curtain shut, blocking out the light from the bus.
Lit only by twinkly lights, and curled up next to her packmate, Cirrus finds the normally dreary, uncomfortable bunks, surprisingly cozy. She settles right in, finally getting comfortable after hours of tossing and turning.
Cumulus kisses Cirrus’ brow. “Sweet dreams, darling.” She purrs.
Cirrus is already fast asleep.
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ghoulchapel · 2 years
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missing them dearly already
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beeloovedd · 3 months
Terzo would love Chappel Roan
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gravehags · 1 year
heaven in hiding
Pairing: Swiss x f!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Tags: virgin reader, ghouls being freaky, ghouls being able to smell virginity, hand jobs, dry humping, swiss being needy
Words: 1,487
Summary: It's not your fault you're a virgin, but it's certainly causing problems for Swiss.
a/n: listen the way this man has been acting out on stage recently...he's going through it. someone had to do something about it.
“It’s because you’re a virgin.”
Your head whips around to face the blonde ghoul sitting on the couch who is currently flipping through an old copy of Vogue that was clearly stolen from your quarters. Your jaw drops and your cheeks heat up painfully while he continues to browse the magazine.
Dewdrop looks up at you from where he’s lounging and gives you a small eye-roll. Cirrus is folded up on the opposite end of the couch fidgeting with her cuticles while Mountain leans against the wall, trying to avoid the conversation entirely. All you had inquired about was why Swiss was acting so goddamn weird around you ever since you and the ghouls had struck up a friendship and started spending time together. Everyone else seemed fine around you so why was he acting so…so bizarre every time you entered a room or walked past him? You had just come into the lounge and he had stormed out past you, practically running from the scene.
“Don’t bother trying to deny it, we can smell it,” Dew says, flipping a page.
“Bullshit!” you squeak before falling into a chair next to the coffee table.
“It’s true, hon,” Cirrus pipes up, looking at you apologetically. “You just smell…different.”
You bite your lip and fuss at the hem of your shirt, clearly embarrassed by being probably the worst sister of sin in the history of the abbey. Finally, you work up the courage to continue the conversation.
“So…is it a gross smell? Like is that why Swiss looks like he’s in pain when he’s around me?”
Dewdrop snorts loudly and tosses the magazine on the table, sending the pages flying.
“Babygirl he’s horny. You’re driving him batshit insane, that’s what’s happening.” Cirrus leans over to lightly smack Dew on the thigh and give him a pointed look, clearly indicating she wanted to ease you into this conversation.
“I…oh. Oh.” Your flush deepens and spreads across your chest, warming you from head to toe. “But you guys aren’t…affected…by me though, right?”
Mountain lets out a deep, vaguely sinister chuckle which Dewdrop snorts at.
“Oh, babe we’re affected alright. Makes us all fucking crazy. It’s just that everyone else handles it better than Swiss, he’s always been so sensitive about these things. We just go back to our rooms and jack off when it gets too much but he’s gotta be fucking dramatic and make a scene.”
You can’t lie, the thought of the ghouls alone in their quarters touching themselves to the thought of you makes your head spin and your cunt ache. Before you can comment on Dew’s bombshell statement, Cirrus interjects with a loud clearing of her throat.
“Hon, why don’t you go talk to him?”
Mountain’s eyebrows shoot up and Dew snickers to himself, causing you to pause a moment.
“Is that a good idea? Or will I make the problem worse?”
“Depends what you’re gonna do for him,” Dew says, a grin curling his lips. “Gonna help him out? I call dibs on being next.”
This time Cirrus doesn’t hold back when she smacks Dewdrop on the arm with the flat of her palm, causing him to yelp and jump in his seat. It’s your turn to roll your eyes as you stand and make for the door.
“Good luck,” Mountain intones ominously as you pass the threshold.
It takes a good ten minutes of you wandering the cloisters to find Swiss. When you see him, back against the wall bent over on himself at the waist your heart sinks. He looks fucking miserable. Were you about to make a bad situation for him worse?
His head is in his hands as you approach him, gripping at his curls. When you get within a yard of him, he unfolds and practically slams the back of his skull into the surface behind him. His body sagging, he turns to look at you, tail flicking behind him in agitation.
“Hey,” you say softly. “Wanted to talk to you.”
He chuffs out a desperate little laugh and folds his arms in a defensive position across his chest.
“About—” he clears his throat when his voice comes out a little too raspy, “about what?”
“They told me about uh. How you guys can smell me. You know.”
He squeezes his eyes shut and you wonder briefly if he’s willing you to disappear, his palms rubbing viciously at the stubble on his cheeks. He doesn’t speak for a solid minute and you shuffle in place, wondering if you should just cut your losses and walk away. When you shift a foot to leave, he reaches out towards you to gesture without touching.
“Don’t,” his eyes open and he looks at you longingly. “Please don’t leave. I—fuck.”
You’re by his side in an instant, hand on his bicep. Upon touching him for the first time, he flips your positions with a growl so that now he’s looming over you while you’re backed against the cold limestone wall. He doesn’t touch you, just hovers his hands above your shoulders while he leans in at the juncture of your neck to inhale deeply. He’s close enough now that you can feel the hardness of him pressing insistently, achingly into your belly and you look up at him.
“Let me help you,” you whisper, moving a hand to his cheek to drag the pad of your thumb along his jawline. “Please, Swiss. I want to help you.”
He lets out a noise that is somewhere between a hysteric laugh and a painful cry as you stand on your tiptoes to reach him. The upward tilt of your chin is all the invitation he needs and he slams his mouth onto yours. The breath is knocked from your lungs as he molds his lanky body to yours, gripping at your hair and neck. You barely register the way his tail wraps tightly around your thigh, drawing you even closer to him. His tongue is desperate against your lips, begging for entrance and you oblige him. The noises he makes as he plunders your mouth are desperate, animalistic, and they send shockwaves straight to your cunt. When you finally have to catch your breath, push him off you with a slight shove and he whines low in his throat.
“Can I touch you?” you breathe up at him and he replies with a frantic nod. You place your hand over his heart and very slowly drag downwards, reveling in the hard planes of his body. He’s watching you, pupils blown, and when you finally cup your palm against the curve of his cock he slams his fist on the wall behind you, effectively caging you in.
“Fuck, baby,” he whines, bucking his hips into your touch. “Please.”
You breathlessly follow the line of him through the black denim and when your thumb brushes over the head his tail tightens its grip on your thigh, practically cutting off circulation, as he pushes you even further into the wall. Your exhales are nearly as ragged as his when he slots a long, firm leg in the space between yours, pressing divinely against your cunt.
“Don’t stop,” he croaks as you continue to swipe your fingers over the clothed head of his cock. “Please, please, please.”
Your wrist is at an awkward angle now with how intently he has pushed you against the wall but you do your best, sliding your palm over the denim in long strokes. Your eyes dart around the cloister, briefly worrying about who could stumble upon you but then he presses right there and you let out a breathy moan. Your own hips are rocking against him now with every swipe of your hand, both of you working in tandem. When you feel his cock jump, he lets out a whine and his hips begin meeting you stroke for stroke. You’re close but not close enough when he jolts forward, practically collapsing on you when he comes with a cry. His hand covers yours and urges you to continue moving even as he finishes, his body writhing against you. When you look up at him you see him blink tears out of his eyes and take several deep, shuddering breaths. Abandoning his softening cock and the wet spot at the front of his pants you wrap your arms around him and bury your face in his chest, breathing deep. He smells like smoke and something sweet that you realize after a moment is your perfume. And the realization hits you that you’re greedy for him, need your scent on him again and again. You separate but he’s still loosely holding you in his lean arms.
“You didn’t come,” he says flatly. “I’m sorry.”
You smile and when you run your thumb over his stubble, he practically purrs while leaning into your touch.
“You can make it up to me.”
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belle--ofthebrawl · 2 months
Oooh, for the thing - holding them close by the hips, with either Swiss/Aeon or Cirrus/Aurora plsssss
Double whammy >:3c
“Act natural.” Aeon whispers, whirling her into his arms. The welcoming gala for the next Papa was in full ceremonial swing, which meant no one had a chance to get naked yet. She couldn't wait to slip out of the short and poofy little number she’d picked out. Aeon's blush told her it would happen sooner rather than later. “Watchers at two and five o clock.”
“Who?” She breathes, next to his skin and smiles at the goosebumps that prickle up. He's so easy.
“Swiss. And Cirrus. Lookin’ like a couple of predators.” He leads her in some half-assed waltz, keeps stepping on her toes. What clumsy, easy prey they must seem to the older ghouls.
“Okay.” She says nonchalantly. “Are we leading them on a chase? Causin’ trouble?” They turn and she spots them. Closer together now, eyes narrow. Calculating. She smiles and blows a little air kiss. It isn't returned. Her heart skips a beat.
“Are we in trouble?” She asks with a little giggle as the crowd closes around them, and the hunters vanish. “I didn't do anything. What did you do?”
“Nothing!” Aeon says nervously. His ears twitch, his obvious tell. Aurora pokes her tongue out between her lips at him and he scrunches his face as she tries to lick him.
“Tell me!” She sings breathlessly.
“Rory!” He pleads.
“Kiss me.” She demands, and he does without protest. Her little Bug was always so good at following orders, from the time they met each other fighting for food scraps in the pit. Now here, the source of Lucifer’s power on earth and he still runs to her for help getting out of hot water.
“Smoked Swiss' weed and stole one of Cir’s bras.” He mutters when they part. “I heard her coming and panicked so I hid in your room. That's why she's mad at you.”
“Aeon!” She gasps, scandalized. Still grinning wickedly when he finally looks at her again. “Nasty little thief.”
Coincidentally, her first words to him when he tried to steal a particularly meaty behemoth thigh away from her. They’d tussled until she realized he was hard and then she rode him in the blood of the dead beast. No truer friendship had there been since.
“Do you think you’ll learn your lesson this time?” She coos, turning again. She can't see the hunters anywhere. Could be a good thing. Could be a bad thing.
“Yes.” He says instantly.
“Too fast, liar.” She teases. “Ooh, do you think she'll spank us?”
She doesn't care that she's being framed. Hell knew she deserved some kind of comeuppance for her own mischief, although she was far better at concealing her tracks than Aeon.
“We’ll start with a spanking.” Comes a cold voice. "Then proceed as we see fit from there." Firm hands slide around her waist, gripping tight and wrinkling the materials of her gown. Aeon goes pale as Swiss copies Cirrus, pinching and tickling the lithe quintessence ghoul before gripping his hips just as firmly.
“Maybe we'll let you hold hands through your punishment.” Swiss adds thoughtfully. They're tugged away from each other in one stunning quick motion, ending up in their predator's arms in a showy display of strength. “I think that'd be so cute.”
“Busted!” Aurora sings cheerfully, already thrumming to her core at the way Cirrus is touching her. She doesn't need to look to know Aeon's stiffy is poking up through his dress pants; a little fear always did it for him.
“How are you so happy about all this?” Aeon hisses as they're easily hefted up over strong shoulders. Swiss even gives Aeon a pre-emptive, light-hearted smack. Cirrus is tickling the back of her thighs.
“Because silly,” she snickers as they're taken away to their fate. “You aren't the only one who steals weed. And who do you think told Swiss in exchange for less spanks?”
“Rory!” Aeon wails.
“That's what you get for trying to frame me!” She sings. “I’ll take us both down babe.”
“I think I'll have her warm my strap.” Cirrus says to no one in particular. “Since she wants to be so mouthy.”
“We're doing whatever we want tonight, Mama.” Swiss purrs. “Eventually these troublemakers will learn their lesson.”
“Probably not.” Is Aurora's cheeky reply.
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ghulehcirice · 8 months
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Lavender Fog Part 2
[Phantom Ghoul X Reader]
[A/N]; Hey Babes! Thank you for all the love on part one I really wasn’t expecting it all I want this to be as amazing as good as I can make it but let’s go over a few reminders!
TW/CW list; the ghouls are described more in-depth as pack like creatures and are displayed as doing things such as nesting and scenting, as well as purring, there will be talk of harassment and bullying not done by any of our main characters, foul language such as whore, slut and other unsavoury words will be used for reader! Please remember you are none of those things! This fic will incorporate the Possessive!Phantom elements I was aiming for last chapter! Some siblings of sin shit talking the ghouls and calling them inhuman, demons etc.
I am all for respecting people and ideas. My philosophy with this is that the band was originally established to be completely anonymous I will keep that with everyone. Which does include the ghouls and papas.
On a more silly note I want to include Copia more and I am an autistic and trans Copia truther and he will probably resemble my own expirences!
With that being said I will add any tws that are needed so let’s get started.
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Apparently this connection you both shared was a rarity between humans and ghouls, you knew ghouls often get attached to people, thinking back to all the videos you have seen of Omega and Papa Terzo. But it’s not often that that bond happens between a newly summoned ghoul and a regular sibling of sin.
The past few days had been a whirlwind of organizing with you, Copia and Sister Imperator. Quickly you’ve come to learn you can’t spend a whole lot of time away from phantom, Lest you want a ghoul fussing over wheter you’ve eaten, if you’ve been hurt, etc. you had to move into the ghouls den with him, not that you really cared, they have their own kitchens and everything. That’s not even starting on just how comfortable ghoul nests are. That reminds you to swap some of the clothes you had given him to build his nest with so you had clean clothes.
Your past few days had consisted of alot of this, swapping clothes from the nest, getting moved into the den, figuring out what you’re going to do in the clergy now because you can’t do a whole lot with your puppy of a boyfriend (is that what you two are? Cirrus called it being mates but also said it’s not a title to be taken lightly.) It has also been a lot of getting to know Papa on a more personal level as he helped you learn about ghouls. Quickly you’ve come to learn Papas not very different from anyone else in this Abbey. He had a very big love of his rats VERY BIG. This man really loves rats, outside of his papal makeup he struggles with things anyone else does, eye contact, talking, confidence. Can I just emphasize how much this man loves rats and rodent like animals? Same with those old really shity 8 but games. If you asked me last week how big a rodents test were I WOULD NOT have guessed that they do not stop growing. The fact Copia had stuttered out when you first met was going straight into your little box of horrors. Right next to the fucking talking plant from that show.
On days you spend in the papal library, you would often be coddled near to loving suffocation from Phantom. Smell is a large thing for ghouls, so you usually have to spend anywhere between an hour and a half all the way through 4 hours cuddling with a ghoul so you’re properly scented. And no, you can’t move unless it’s absolutely necessary even then you get trailed to and from whatever the important thing was. Once you both are settled further, you need to have a talk about space and boundaries. You know he’s been trying his best to learn between everything. On the nights you spend in eachothers arms he tells you about some ghoul customs, although you can’t hear a whole lot over the… purring? Apparently ghouls do in fact purr when they’re happy and you were not hearing things. Had to have Copia help you realize that one. But he told you about something, the name was in infernal tounge, which is apparently the native tounge in the pit. But it seemed similar to promise rings.
From your understanding, ghouls who were mating would forge a ring of this extremely tough material that’s found in the pit, it’s hard to find and even harder to meld into shape. He told you that if you could find that material and mold it perfectly to fit the chosen partner and return it then you were fated to be together. In turn you told phantom about your newly acquired fact and in turn would tell him about human courting and dating culture, like how in most cultures people also exchange rings, and get their love officiated in often times extravagant ceremonies. And you promised him one day you’d take him on a human date, once he properly learned how to glamour.
It was hard at first, learning how to balance phantom with your learning and the tasks you had quickly picked up around the den. It would turn out most siblings of sin arent brave enough to come down here to do their chores. So you were the go to for any task that had to be done by a human granted you could be pulled from phantoms death grasp long enough to accomplish anything of course leading to more phantom cuddles and scenting. The more you let it happen the nicer it became you had to admit it was pretty nice to have someone caring about you so much that they wanted to coddle you.
But on your next escapade from the ghouls den you quickly learned that ghouls can also have a protective streak. This was abit of a later trip then you would usually be on, if you had to take a guess Terzo might’ve gotten his dick stuck in the eyehole of a ghouls mask… again. Wasn’t your job to question though. On your route to Copias quarters you were cornered by some siblings of sin. They caught you in the old corridors, which was very strange because no one was supposed to have access to this place.
“Can I help you folks?” You muttered out with the confusion clearly lacing your words. The siblings snickered at you cruelly jeering like hyenas when you tried to duck around them only to be stepped infront of by one of them.
“Arent you the ghoul fucker?” The tallest of the flock sneers, confused you step back only to hit the wall “I’m sorry the what?” The siblings just laugh at your confusion, looking to and from one another and oogling you like a circus freak.
“You’re fucking that new ghoul aren’t you? The one that’s replacing the Aether ghoul?” They repeat, watching you with the eyes of a hawk. The two on either side of her chuckle and close in on you, forcing you to curl closer into yourself. Out of the corner of your eye you could’ve sworn you could see a flash of weirdly coloured fog, though it’s probably nothing.
“Im not ‘fucking’ anyone. Why would you ask such a thing?”
“Everyone always knew you were a whore, are you trying to get into papas pants through his ghouls? Or are you just a slut like that? You know none of the ghouls would even care about you right? They’re monsters! They can’t feel any real human emotions, you’re delusional if you think any of them care about you. It will dump you out once it finds something better to have at.”
You flinched away at the siblings cruel words. They didn’t know anything about your bond with phantom and the others. You knew they were nothing like these siblings of sin said. Taking a deep breath, you recentred yourself and just stare at the group. Using all the i don’t give a shit energy you’ve picked up from Mountain to deter them.
They didn’t seem to like this very much because they started stepping closer and closer, if you’re being honest you felt like the nerd kid in any 90s high school setting getting their lunch money taken by the bully jocks. Before they could pick you up by your feet and shake all the coins from your pocket like a rag doll and give you a swirlie in the school toilet, the smallest of the group was shot to the floor in a heap of black, white, and.. lavender? Oh shit.
Phantom must have come to find you, or one of the ghouls seen the sibling bothering you and went to tell your mate. Before you could wrack your brain you were torn away by the scream of the other two siblings who were backing away from the scene. Within an instant papa was out of his quarters, clearly having just woken up given the disheveled look he was in, only having on his Mickey Mouse pyjama pants and being bare chested on top. Wait, does papa have top surgery scars? Oh cool. You could tell papa was a little fruity, now you knew why. Quickly you and Copia worked together to get phantom away from the sibling who didn’t seem to be hurt, looked to be a few cuts from phantoms claws.. he has claws?? The sibling probably had a few bumps and bruises from the fall too.
Papa took the three siblings after you abashedly gave him the file you were supposed to, leaving you to calm down Phantom, Now that everything was calmed down, you quickly realized Phantom didn’t have his mask on which was a surprise because on one hand, the ghouls aren’t supposed to have their masks off anywhere average siblings could see them and two, Phantom hasn’t taken off his mask around you yet, when you two first met he had an old Era 3 mask on. He told you he wasn’t the most comfortable with his face, telling you that he had gotten pretty beaten up during his summoning, and that he had birthmarks he didn’t like. You couldn’t see why, he has Lichtenberg scar righ down his left eye and moving down and across the bridge of his nose the eye it when through was a lighter shade of purple then his right, you found him beautiful but he really didn’t like it, you’re probably gonna have to give him a lot of cuddles tonight.
Once everyone was away from the scene, Phantom stared into your face, breathing heavy. It felt as though everything fell silent and still. Until Phantom ran at you, and picked you up into a bridal carry, without speaking her took you back to the den. When you arrived in the lounge the other ghouls all watched you, with Cirrus and Aurora coming up to check on you. Phantom held you away possessively from the woman, He ignored everyone and took you to your shared room.
You were definitely right about having to give him extra cuddles that night. When he laid you down and got into bed, before dragging you onto his chest and taking your face in his hands.
“Are you okay?” He asks, gently handling your face as he looked it over for scars, in turn you grab his face and kiss his own scars, using your spare hand to guide his hand to feel your heart beat.
“I should be asking you that, bug. You didn’t have to fight them for me. They’re just jealous.” He growls at the mention of the incident, gently nibbling at your hand that held his face. He doesn’t reply but gently shifts you from his chest and goes to his chest of draws, he rustles around and grabs an short for you and puts it on the bed for you before grabbing his own clothes
“I’d be a bad mate if I didn’t.” He leaves to get changed and you get into the shirt, and gently re arrange the nest to be comfortable for a good nap. You can hear Cirrus checking up on phantom and the muttering of Their conversation. Once phantom is back, you curl into his side as phantom purrs and hums the tune of Little Sunshine.
Deep down you think you’ll be just fine with your mate.
[A/N; WE DID IT! I hit major writers block with this, I wanna thank you all for the love on Part one, and especially @pinklunarprincess for supporting my posts thus far, you were the first person (from my memory) to encourage me with part one and I thank you! I hope you guys enjoy, I’m too exhausted to beta read right now so if I missed anything PLEASE let me know, I’m working on another little fic idea I’ve had so hopefully something will be out soon<3 love you all and thank you
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slut-for-sodo · 2 months
What nicknames does each ghoul use?? for each other and their S/O.
I strongly believe that Mountain calls his partner his little sapling or his petal, hell maybe he finds a flower that reminds him of them and uses that.
BUT AETHER, he DEFINITELY calls his partner Sunshine or his Star. Because I am a firm believer in everything space = quintessence
Nicknames the ghouls would give their S/O
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My love
My prince/princess
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miss-multi45 · 8 months
Do you think you could write any head cannons about a reader who’s very out of pocket or chaotic? I just read the one where they get injured very easily… (I loved it.) But short story short reader would basically jump out a moving vehicle for two quarters. (WITH THE GHOULS AND GHOULETTES I FUCKED IT IP RHE FIRST TOME HELP)
of course sweetheart ♡♡
he either loves it, or is deeply concerned for you.
eggs you on.
"if you swallow my cum nonstop for 4 rounds straight, i will be your slave for 3 weeks straight."
makes it nsfw.
watches as you carry out these dumb af tasks.
eventually got tired of it and scooped you into his arms and carried you to the hospital wing because your arm was bleeding badly.
praises you for it.
"good boy / good little pet / good girl, i'm entertained."
after a few hours he beckons you back to your room because of how tired you are.
looks at you like 👁 👄 👁 when you tell him you jumped off a bridge into freezing waters for $50 / £50.
annoyed by the amount of time he spends patching up your wounds.
does it with you.
makes sure you don't go too far.
takes care of you if you do go too far.
"please stop doing it."
pinches his bridge and sighs when he sees you doing it.
drags you away kicking and screaming while he's just tired as hell.
"skinny dip with me, the ghouls, and mist and I'll give you head after."
literally has the most tame and chill requests for you.
"if you let me knaw on your upper thigh for however long I want, I will let you polish my horns."
makes bargains with you like all the time and they are the most random selection of words you have ever heard.
"let me do your nails, and I will swap lingerie sets with you."
holds her hand out for a handshake like it's a matter of life and death.
"sorry, what?"
watches you carry out these dumb asf tasks while she's completely dumbfounded.
she'd either make a business out of it, or do it with you.
"sodo asked something, wanna do it together?"
she does it too.
instead of money, they give her crystals.
"BABE! alpha said that if we form a truce with 4 wild badgers, he'd give me 12 amethysts. WE GOTTA DO IT-"
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damagedghoulette · 6 months
How I imagine Ghouls give kisses-
Rain: He holds onto ur face like it’s so delicate before kissing your forehead then both of your cheeks, kisses ur nose. He leans forwards and gently bumps his head against yours smiling down at you. Placing a hand behind your back pulling you closer, giving you little pecks before properly kissing you
Swiss: When dancing he twirls you around, dips you and kisses you so passionately you become light headed when he pulls you back upright, he laughs at how woozy you become and kisses your forehead
Dewdrop/Sodo: Jealously kisses you in front of everyone. Talking to a sibling of sin? He’ll grab you by the waist and kisses you, sometimes nipping at your body, your shoulder covered in little dew nibbles but when you two are alone he loves nothing more than to hold the back of your head, slightly pulling your hair and kissing you softly
Phantom: Shy baby, doesn’t really know when he should, backs out last minute every time he wants too so you make the first move and after that you two are constantly giving each other kisses.
Doing chores? Kisses.
Helping out another Sibling? Kisses.
Sometimes he gives kisses in the most inappropriate times (like in the middle of Mass and he gets disapproving looks from Papa) but you love him even more for that.
Mountain: Such a sweetheart, just like Rain he delicately holds onto you, Sometimes lifting you up onto the counter so he can wrap your legs around his waist and kisses you so passionately you never want to let him go
Loves it when you sit between his legs on the floor because he can give you neck kisses
Aether: If he’s busy and can’t stop to chat he’ll grab your hand and give it a soft kiss before rushing off, He’s such a gentleman.
Loves it when you sit on his lap or on his thigh so he can hold onto your hips and rolls you into him, he kisses all over your neck and jaw- leaving little love bites
Cirrus: Boss babe. Dominant as hell. Pushing you against a wall, sliding her hand up your body to your throat giving it a slight squeeze, kisses you passionately but if you try to take lead she’ll pull back, squeezing your throat and reminding you who’s boss here
Cumulus: Soft kisses. Grabs you by the waist and kisses you on the cheek. Baking with you is a nightmare because you always eat the chocolate before she can put it in the cookies so she tries to hide it from you but every time you bribe her with kisses and you always end up winning. She acts mad but secretly she absolutely loves the cheeky smile you give her
Sunshine: A bit over the top but you love her anyway especially when you feel sad as she gives LOTS OF KISSES all over your face and she won’t stop until you’re smiling and laughing
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
More 💥💳💥💳💥Aether💥💳💥💳content💳💥💳💥 pleasaeeeeeeeeee headcannons, oneshot, whateverrrrr something fluffy tho pls🥺 💳💥💳💥💳💥
Also love your blog btw. Keep up the amazing work!!!
Y'all really miss Aether, huh? - Jez
Fluffy Aether headcanons
He's got some serious younger sibling energy.
He's the type to randomly sneak up on you, tap your shoulder and run.
Actually, he's the embodiment of the "strike, scream and run" meme.
He just likes making noises in general. Babies like him because of the sounds.
Him, Swiss, Sunshine and Cirrus are not allowed to be left unsupervised together.
Sodo and Aether are also not allowed to be left alone together.
Aether is just... Generally in constant supervision.
He's a little shit and he bites you all the times, even through clothes. Honestly, especially through clothes.
He picked up vaping from Swiss and despite his love for bananas, his favorite air flavor is cherry.
He's a little shit and blows it at you until you take it away from him. And then he starts whining and demanding you kiss him instead.
He's a brat. That's what I'm saying. Take that as you will.
His biggest fantasy is having his tail bitten and sucked on. He just sees it as endearing.
Very touchy. He's all over you constantly.
He likes holding you and wrapping his tail around your leg do you can't walk away.
Lots of "love you babes" all the time, no matter what happens.
You have to save him from Sodo's rage all the time.
He brings you flowers! He picks them himself!
(Half of them are weeds but you don't have the heart to tell him.)
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klarex · 2 years
I'm not really proud of this, but I hope you will like it.
Genre: fluff
Warnings: swearing, playful ghouls and ghoulettes, mention of horror movies
Summary: Ghoulettes wanted to play some board games with you, but it end up being a movie night with all the ghouls.
Paring: Sodo/Dewdrop Ghoul x reader
Fun night
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Pov. Y/n
Me and the girls decided to spend some time together. We were sitting on a couch in the ghoul common room, playing different board games.
- UNO!
Cirrus shouted as she put her card down, leaving one in her hand. I saw Cumulus cheeks turn red with anger.
- You are cheating!
Cumulus yelled and crossed arms on her chest, pouting. I laughed along with Sunshine as Cumulus gave Cirrus a death stare.
- What the fuck is happening here?!
We heard Swiss voice and I laughed even harder.
- We are playing uno.
Cirrus said calmly, looking at multi ghoul. I finally caught my breath and we continued playing. Swiss watched us and joined after a while.
After a few rounds, lots of yelling and laugher we stopped playing uno and started a new game. Twister.
- Guys.. please not this game..
I protested, but they seem to ignore it and start the game. Sunshine grabbed a spin roulette.
- Okey Swiss. Right hand on red.
She said and Swiss crouched down to touch the red circle.
The game went on and on, and I ended under Swiss and on top of Cumulus.
- (Y/n).
Sunshine said and I looked up at her with eyes that screamed help-! She giggled and looked at a mat we were on.
- I'm sorry.. Left leg yellow.
I tried to reach for it, but end up falling and taking everyone on the floor with me. We all started laughing until we heard a loud and long groan.
I looked up to see Sodo walking our way with a grumpy face.
- Hey Sod-
He didn't let me finish and pulled me out from underneath the ghouls. He dragged me on a couch to sit on his lap. His hands tightly wrapped around my waist as his nose nuzzled into my neck.
I heard girls laughing and looked up at them. I rolled my eyes and throw my head backwards to lay on his chest. The comforting heat from my boyfriend already surrounding me.
- Babe... Did something happen?
I whispered to him, but he shook his head no. I sighed and locked his fingers with mine. His tail slowly wrapped around my leg and I felt him place a small kiss on my neck. Swiss cleared his throat and we all looked at him.
- What do you guys think about watching a movie?
Swiss said and pointed at a TV in front of the couch. We all nodded and Cumulus grabbed the remote.
- But... do you have any ideas of what we could watch?
- Oh! What about a horror movie?
Sunshine said and Cirrus clapped her hands.
- Are you reading my mind, Sun?
Cirrus said, laughing. We all sat on a couch except Swiss. He was standing in front of us.
- I thought I will go tell the others that we are having a movie night. I will be back in 5.
Swiss said and quickly ran out of the room.
- I think we will need some snacks then.
I said and tapped Sodo's hands to tell him to pull them off of my waist. He let me go with a hesitation and I quickly stood up.
I walked into the kitchen, opened the microwave and put a bag of popcorn in it. I turned it on and took a bag of chips and 2 bowls. I throw chips into one bowl and waited for the popcorn to be ready.
After a minute or so the microwave beeped and I took the popcorn out and poured it into the other bowl. I took both of them and went back to the living room.
I gave the bowls to the ghoulettes who happily took them. I went back to the kitchen and grabbed two bags of gummybears and poured them in a smaller bowl. I grabbed a drink I did for myself earlier and walked back to the couch.
I saw that Sodo was laying in a more comfortable position for us to cuddle and for all the ghouls to fit on the couch. I put my drink on a coffee table and sat in between Sodo's legs. I grabbed a bowl with gummybears and I lay down on my boyfriend's chest. His big hands squeezed my hips and wrapped around my waist. His tail already wrapped around my leg protectively.
I happily put one jelly in my mouth. Sodo grabbed my chin and lifted it so he can kiss me. His lips smashed against mine and moved in hungry motions. He licked my bottom lip to ask for a entrance that I immediately gave to him. Using his forked tongue he pulled the gummybear out of my mouth it into his and he smirked proudly. I pouted and when I was about to say something Swiss came back with Aether, Rain and Mountain.
- Hi there!
Aether said and jumped on a couch. Rain and Mount waved and sat next to each other on the couch.
- I see you brought snacks..
Swiss said smiling. I nodded and felt Sodo's nose in my hair. He purred softly as I gently rubbed his leg with my thumb.
Everyone sat or lay down and we started watching the movie.
When a killer attacked from around the corner, I jumped slightly and heard Sunshine squeak. Sodo chuckled and kissed my head. I turned myself to face him and he looked down at me.
- Yes, sweetheart?
He whispered and I caressed his cheek. He smiled and I leaned in. I pressed my lips to his and heard him hum. His tail rubbed on my back and his hands were tightly wrapped around my waist.
- Get a room you two!!
We heard Cumulus and Swiss shouts, followed by their laughs. We immediately pulled away and I looked down, blushing. Sodo looked at ghouls and frowned his eyebrows. They rolled their eyes and we went back to watching a movie.
- Aether. Why don't you share?
Rain whispered and I looked at them. Aether held a bowl of his favorite chips close to his chest, securing it from others with his arms. He growled and clasped the bowl tighter. I rolled my eyes and moved my bowl to the water ghoul.
- Rain.
I whispered, catching his attention. He looked at me and I moved the bowl closer to him. He smiled and nodded his head. He put a few gummybears in his mouth and looked back at the TV.
Rain yelled when he focused at a movie again and a dark person jumped on the screen. Sodo squeezed my waist a little and I leaned on his chest. I pecked his cheek and his warm aura gets hotter. I giggled and put one jelly in his mouth.
When the movies ended there were no longer any snacks or drinks and most of the ghouls were peacefully sleeping. Me and Sodo carefully got up and quickly ran into Sodo's room.
When I closed the door behind me Sodo immediately pinned me into them and kissed me hard. Our tongues danced together as his tail wrapped around my waist. I pushed him back so we can both lay on the bed without breaking the kiss.
We landed on the bed with me on top of Sodo. He put a blanket over us both. His one hand softly rubbing my back as his tail was still wrapped around my waist. His warmth making me feel safe and wanted in his arms. He kissed my forehead and I felt myself drifting off.
- Goodnight, love..
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ask-the-ghoul-pack · 6 months
everyone’s favorite terms of endearment to call someone and getting called by? (for example sweetheart, darling, love..)
Honey. - Cumulus
Darlin' or Doll. - Swiss
Love. - Mountain 🌿
Babe. - Dew
Gorgeous. - Aether
Babydoll. - Phantom
Sweetie. - Aurora 💕
Love. - Rain
Mama. - Sunny 🌞
Beloved. - Rain
Baby. - Cirrus
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eternal-kosmo-ghoul · 10 months
*°:⋆ₓₒ day 7. mirror sex
.。❅*⋆⍋*∞*。 “frosted windows”
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ — ❤︎ the fogged windows are perfect places to trace pretty little shapes on, cirrus however has a different shape in mind
pairing: cirrus ghoulette x gn!reader
a/n: i want mommy cirrus to step on me so hard you don’t understand. this one will be shorter than usual
cw: nsfw content. mirror sex. fingering. technically it’s sex against a window but it has a reflection. strap on usage.
“i think i prefer seeing you all fucked out against the window like this… you just look so damn hot.” —❤︎
“hehe, look at this little shape i made.”
“awww, that one is cute.”
cirrus just giggled at your antics, finding them endearing. the two of you rented out a log cabin for the season to stay in, just to enjoy the holiday with each other’s company.
the two of you stood in front of one of the many windows in the cabin, which was frosted from the chilling, crystal snow from outside. it was a rather freezing day today, especially because it was getting closer to late december. but of course, you wanted to make do of the lovely frost and have some fun with it.
“see look at this one! it’s a little bunny!” you cheered happily, tracing your fingertip on the glass to create a simple, cartoonish bunny that had such a dorky look on it. the air ghoulette laughed.
“seriously? that’s what you call a bunny?” cirrus laughed sarcastically. she pinched your cheek with a coo, and you just whined.
“here, i’ll show you how it’s really done.”
her voice held a certain confidence to it. cirrus used her ghoul tail to make quick swipes across the window, each one creating a thin, swift line that led to the creation of a rather skrunkly looking snow bunny.
you stifled a laugh.
“… hah, you sure that one is better than mine?” you managed to snort out, and cirrus narrows her eyes at you, rolling her eyes playfully. “it looks like a shitty shakespearean disaster.”
“you dare to make fun of my creative intellect? i’ll have you know that i am a very talented artist.” cirrus spoke in an exaggerated, dramatic tone, obviously messing around with you.
you just punched her shoulder playfully, giggling at her sassy attitude. “yeah, only with your fingers.”
she sticks her tongue out at you. “i can’t tell if you meant that as a sexual connotation, or me playing my keyboard.”
“hey you never know! it can be both!”
the two of you giggled, laughing and pushing each other around. it was nice getting to rewind and relax with your partner like this. as much as cirrus was a pain in the ass sometimes, she was genuinely a great girlfriend to you. you both leaned against the window and calmed down from your laughter, wiping away tears of joy.
“ahh.. but honestly.. there are other shapes i’m good at making, ones that don’t involve me making shitty drawings on a frosted window.” cirrus spoke between her chuckles, her voice becoming more calm and soothing.
you giggled, wiping your eyes as you looked at cirrus, growing intrigued by her words. “haha.. elaborate, will ya?”
cirrus smirked, her tail coiling around your calf.
“well, first i’ll have to preface this by saying that it is a two-person job.” cirrus started out, her voice dropping lowly. “y’know, it’s a team effort.”
your breath hitched from this.
“and it’s very hands-on.”
“y’know, to really create the most beautiful piece of art.”
you sighed at your girlfriend’s attempts to be teasing.
“just say you wanna fuck and i’ll say yes, babe.” you bluntly stated. cirrus’ eyes widened, and you gave her a blank look, but that smirk spoke volumes.
no further words of affirmation were needed.
cirrus shook her head and mirrored your devilishly charming grin. in a blink, she had you pushed up against the frosted, chilling window, her chest pushing up against your back.
“fine then, since you’re so insistent on it.” she chuckled out lustfully, grabbing your chin and forcing your head to turn around.
the two of you started to kiss with a fervent desire to feel each other’s bodies on one another. cirrus’ quick and nimble fingers quickly made do to discard the jeans you were wearing, yanking both your jeans and underwear down until it was sagging off of your knees.
“i’m going to turn you into a fucking work of art, darling.” cirrus moaned into your mouth lustfully. “and you’re going to fucking like it.”
“mmmh.. sure i will honey.” you teased, and cirrus growled, but it was quickly replaced by a promiscuous chuckle.
licking her fingers, she teased and prodded at your aroused hole before pushing them inside of you. you let out a sharp gasp and pushed your face against the hazy up cabin window, your breath fogging up the areas that were clear. despite the haziness on the glass, you could see your reflection, and your blissed out face.
“fuccckk that’s it… relax.” cirrus groaned out, watching your reflection and how you moaned lustfully against the window. the window was bone-chilling, but the difference in temperature only made pleasure shoot between your legs.
cirrus’ fingers continued to make work in that ring of muscle, stretching out your hole, and prepping you for the main event. she was precise with her fingers, she knew exactly what she was doing.
as your moans got louder and more pornographic, cirrus suddenly pulled her fingers out, making you whine from the emptiness. she quickly hushed you by putting the fluffy end of her tail against your lips, effectively shushing you.
“quiet. i’m only getting started.” she said with a tone of authority. cirrus pulled her pants down, to reveal the strap on she’s been hiding this whole time.
you cursed at the sight. “damn, you just had that on you?”
“hell yes i did, i knew i was gonna have to fuck that attitude out of you on this trip.” cirrus groaned. “so you better hold onto that window, baby.”
you obeyed immediately, and held onto whatever surface the window had to offer. without warning, cirrus pushed the strap on completely inside of you, and she relished in the sight of watching you squirm and moan from taking her size.
“ohhh there we go… look at that slutty hole taking my cock so well.”
it wasn’t long before cirrus started to absolutely wreck your hole, watching you bounce on it and hearing you let out heavenly moans. each moan only created more fog against the window, and the lusting fire in your core only grew more hot.
cirrus was pounding away onto you, her breaths ragged from the quickness of her movements.
she grabbed your chin and forced your head to look at a mirror that was laying on the floor across from you guys. there, you could see how good cirrus was fucking you with her strap, and damn did it only get you going.
“o-ohh yess!” you whimpered out loudly, voice hoarse from all of the screaming and moaning.
cirrus had a satisfied look on your face. she could sense you getting close to your impending orgasm, and she just kept fucking your tight little hole.
“you see that? you see how goddamn sexy you look.” she whispered in an alluring tone, watching how her hips thrusted into your hole from behind and how sexy you looked against the window. your palms, face and body pressed up against the glass.
“i think i prefer seeing you all fucked out against the window like this… you just look so damn hot.”
you could only whine pathetically in response, to drink off of cirrus’ strap to even care about what she had to say.
“c-cum… i need to cum!”
“oh? is that what you want? does this toy want to cum?”
she grinned and pushed you more against the window, her strap digging deeper into your hole, making you cry out in pure euphoria.
“then cum.”
like it was on command, you came with a loud whine. hot, sticky fluids coated your lower regions and dripped on cirrus’ toy. she let out a loud groan and held onto your body tightly as you rode out your orgasm. finally, she pulled you away from the window, and you just leaned against her chest.
“shhh.. i got you.” she spoke lovingly, and you just mewled in response, before looking up at the window.
your body was marked onto the glass. every lustful moment was captured on that glossy window, and it looked damn good. your eyes widened at the sight, and cirrus smirked.
“see? told you i was artistic.”
you definitely need to do this more often.
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