#breeze babes
dewedup · 1 year
Long time reader, first time requester 👋
³²⁾ “people who’re just friends don’t do shit like this, and you know it.” with Cirrus and Cumulus, please?
- @ghouletteanon
hi!!! thank you for the lovely prompt! i hope you enjoy it as much as i did writing it 🖤
the working title for this is “3 times swiss thinks the breeze babes are mates and 1 time he’s actually right”
³²⁾ “people who’re just friends don’t do shit like this, and you know it.”
breeze babes, swiss is determined, the ghoulettes will fuck anywhere
Cumulus runs her hands through her hair, claws falling down to her neck and trailing down to her naked chest. She grasps tightly to her breasts, pinching and pulling her soft pink nipples as she moans deliciously. Her hips cant forward as she finds the perfect spot, putting more weight on her lower half as she throws her head back in ecstasy. 
The sound of the door slamming open startles her, jumping slightly as she turns to glare at the intruder. 
“Where is it?” Swiss hisses from where he pokes his head in the door, eyes narrowed and roaming over Cumulus’ neck. She doesn’t even bother covering her chest, just sighs, tits bouncing lightly as the person she’s resting on starts struggling. 
Cirrus finally maneuvers enough to stick her head out, gasping deep breaths of air as Swiss continues to look for something.
“Where’s what?” Cirrus asks breathlessly, irritation lacing her tone as she tries to raise her head to peak over Cumulus’ thigh.
“Ah, ah, ah,” Cumulus scolds, weaving her hands in Cirrus’ hair and forcing her face back to her pussy, lifting slightly and then dropping back down to continue sitting on her face until she blacks out. Unless Cirrus can make her come before that happens, but the interruption doesn’t bode well for the ghoulette face deep in Cumulus’ cunt. 
“You’re mating mark, I just know you guys are hiding it I can practically feel it.” Swiss whines from the door.
"We're just friends Swissy," Cumulus tosses out, trying to focus on the tongue picking her apart down below.
"People who're just friends don't do shit like this, and you know it!" Swiss challenges, eyes roaming Cumulus’ neck one last time before he pouts and leaves.
“You’ve got your work cut out for you, doll,” Cumulus sighs, raising her fingers up and starting to circle her breasts again, trying to give the ghoulette a helping hand. 
Cumulus kneels at the end of the couch, tongue diving into the asshole in front of her as she hums encouragingly. Cirrus whines from where she’s bent over the armrest, a fist deep in her cunt as she cries out unintelligibly. They’d barely made it into the green room after the show before Cumulus had bent Cirrus over and started having her way with her. The other ghouls were still doing the post-show bow, but Cirrus was so dripping wet after staring at Cumulus all show she couldn’t fathom trying to keep it together before the fans without the security of her higher stage and keyboard to hide behind. 
 “So wet for Mommy,” Cumulus pulls back to praise her ghoulette, rubbing a hand fondly over Cirrus’ spine as the other continues to pump wrist-deep into her soaking pussy. Cirrus babbles, craning her chin over her shoulder to look back at Cumulus with hazy eyes, pupils blown.
A commotion from the hallway breaks their eye contact, both ghoulettes turning to look as the handle of the door they forgot to lock turns and soon the remaining members of the band are walking into the room, pausing as soon as they see the scene before them. 
“Shit sorry,” Rain mutters, covering his eyes and turning around to push Aurora and Phantom out of the room with him, Phantom stands on his tip toes, trying to peak around the water ghoul at the display before him but is instantly reprimanded with a smack to the head from Aurora. 
“Looking for an extra pair of hands ladies?” Dew smirks, flicking his tongue out and wiggling his fingers to show them the goods. Cirrus, even with a fist deep in her cunt, somehow manages to roll her eyes at the offer. Dew takes the rejection in stride, letting Mountain grab his arm and lead him from the room. The last ghoul standing is Swiss, and he doesn’t seem phased by the intimate setting at all, stepping a little closer to examine Cirrus’ exposed back, likely checking her spine for any hint of a mating mark. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?” He asks as he shakes his head, turning around and slamming the door shut behind him. The ghoulettes share a giggle, before Cumulus’ smirk turns sinister, doubling down on her efforts before they were so rudely interrupted. 
Cumulus giggles as Circus boops her on the nose, leaving a flour fingerprint in her wake. They finish cleaning the spilled batter from filling the pan and check on the cake in the oven, seeing it was close to being done. Cumulus places the dirty bowl in the sink and grabs the silicone rolling pin, running it under the water and washing the residue from their cake making.
“Lussy, are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Cirrus purrs, sliding up behind Cumulus and reaching around to grab a handful of her breasts in either hand. Cumulus groans, pushing back into the lean body behind her, eyeing the rolling pin in her hands with a contemplative look. 
“I think you should hop up on the counter,” Cumulus singsongs, making sure to run the pin under the water one last time. Cirrus presses a quick kiss to her cheek before spinning around, pulling her underwear down from underneath her skirt and hopping up onto the counter. 
Cumulus saunters forward, testing the weight of the rolling pin as she tosses it from hand to hand, looking at Cirrus from under her lashes.
“Absolutely the fuck not,” Swiss states as he enters the kitchen, eyeing both the ghoulettes warily. “This is the kitchen, a shared eating space.” He implores, eyes briefly trailing Cirrus’ legs but the frustrated look on his face shows that he can’t see what he’s looking for.
“Oh Swissy, don’t ruin the fun.” Cumulus pouts, hand moving provocatively up and down the rolling pin as she smiles sensually at him. He visibly deflates before turning and making his way down the hallway.
“Your cakes burning,” Swiss calls over his shoulder.
Swiss sighs as he makes his way to his room, the day weighing heavy on his shoulders, looking forward to a nice, relaxing evening. He pauses at his door, cocking his head to the side as he thinks he hears something, but can’t place what it is. He waits a second, but after hearing nothing else he pushes open the door, freezing once it opens.
Cumulus lays back on the bed, a hand in her hair while the other drags down her face, mouth open ready to release another deep moan. Cirrus kneels between her legs, licking into her like it’s that only thing she was put on the earth to do. Swiss feels his cock stir slightly at the scene, but he’s just ready to curl up and go to bed.
“Why my room?” He whines, tugging at his hair in frustration as he watches the ghoulettes from the corner of his eyes, exhausted but still mildly interested.
“We h-we fuck we have a gift for you,” Cumulus grits out, legs shaking as Cirrus finally pulls back, turning to look at Swiss with a smirk, slick coating her chin as she flicks her tongue out, catching whatever she can. 
“Yeah Swissy, come over here and get yourself a taste,” Cirrus beckons, sticking out a finger and curling it at him, turning to point at the wet cunt before her. 
You can say no, you don’t have to do this, just go sleep in-ah fuck it, Swiss thinks, cracking his neck and pacing towards the bed, the ghoulettes eyes burning holes through him as he kneels down to pray to Cumulus’ pussy. 
“Satan help me,” he mumbles, already knowing he’s going to need a second, third, and fourth wind to keep up with them both. As he pushes closer something catches his eye and he freezes. He stares openly at Cumulus’ skin, rearing his head back like the information needs more room for him to take in.
“He got it?” Cumulus calls from the head of the bed, boredom lacing her tone as she reaches down to start idly playing with her clit, waiting for further stimulation from her partners. 
“Oh, he got it,” Cirrus confirms, grinning wickedly as she sees the multi ghouls train of thought speeding behind his eyes. 
“You mean… You mean I was actually right?” Swiss asks in disbelief, eyes widening before they narrow to tiny slits, pushing his face up against Cumulus’ wet cunt, staring at the marred skin at the apex of her thighs. 
“Been mated for years, we assumed it was just common knowledge, but I suppose we never really confirmed it. It became a game when you started asking, but short attention spans, we got bored of it. Thought this would be more fun.” Cirrus answers, crossing her arms over her chest as she shrugs at the ghoul before her. 
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lilypadlys · 1 year
Tour Bus Blues
Summary: Cirrus and Cumulus cuddling on the tour bus.
Ship: Cirrus/Cumulus
Word Count: 867
Rating: General Audiences
Tags: fluff, cuddles, sleepy cuddles, breeze babes, some raindrop if you squint
AO3 Link or below the cut.
The whole bus rattles as it rolls over a patch of uneven pavement, jolting Cirrus from her half asleep haze. It’s gonna be a long night. She sighs, looking skyward. She’s bone tired and ready to just pass out in a crummy hotel bed. Unfortunately for her, the next stop on the tour is a couple days' drive and so rather than stop at a hotel, the buses would be driving through the night.
The band is about halfway through the current tour. As a result, most of the nervous energy has worn off, leaving everyone tired and homesick. Cirrus is getting increasingly done with being constantly crammed in enclosed spaces with seven other feisty ghouls. The tour bus, green rooms, backstage.
She doesn’t even get alone time when they stay at hotels as there's always at least two to a room if not three or four depending on vacancy. She truly loves her pack and most of the time nothing beats cuddling with them in one big ghoul pile. Right now though, all she wants is some breathing room and quiet.
Longing to stretch out and sink into a mattress, Cirrus tries and fails to get comfortable in her cramped seat. She’s been squirming and readjusting for at least the last hour. Swiss abandoned his spot next to her half that time ago, after she accidentally kicked him. That just further adds to her discomfort. She feels bad and also misses his body heat in the too cold chill of the AC.
She leans her forehead against the window, letting the cool glass soothe her aching temples. She begins to focus on her breathing, taking deep deliberate breaths to calm herself. It almost works. She feels her nerves unwinding and she starts to relax. Then the sound of shouting bounces around the echoey cabin, and she tenses up all over again.
“Eww! Gross!” Sunny is squealing and giggling.
Swiss and Dew are both laughing while scrolling through their phones to try and outdo the other in finding disgusting things.
Mountain suddenly holds up his phone to the others with a proud look. Sunny squeals again, even louder than before. Dew laughs and Swiss looks a little green.
Cirrus pinches the bridge of her nose and grits her teeth. Of all the times for her earbuds to break. She’s about two seconds and snapping at her packmates to shut up already when she feels a hand on her shoulder. She can’t stop the hiss that slips out. When she turns to see Cumulus though, she instantly regrets it.
“Sorry Lus.” Cirrus ducks her head in embarrassment. “You caught me at a bad time.”
“It’s okay.” Cumulus waves it off. “What’s wrong, my Cloud?”
“Uhgh.” She lets out a frustrated groan. “I’m sooo tired but I can’t sleep.” She whimpers.
“I’m sorry Cir.” Cumulus frowns in sympathy. “Would cuddles help?”
Cirrus smiles and chuffs. “I won’t say no.”
Cumulus sits down and Cirrus leans into her; pressing her face to Cumulus’ chest. Cumulus rubs her back while Cirrus tangles a hand in Cumulus’ cloud like curls. Cumulus begins to hum softly and Cirrus can feel it rumble through her chest. She recognizes the tune as a lullaby from her kit days back in the pit and the nostalgia is comforting.
After a few minutes, Cirrus has to admit she does feel a little better. She's more able to block out the background noise; grounded by Cumulus’ arms around her. She’s begun to yawn, sleep finally becoming less elusive.
The other ghouls have also finally started to settle down. One by one they peel off and head to their bunks in the back of the bus. Both ghoulettes smile in amusement when Rain starts to yawn and waves goodnight, only for Dew to immediately leap up to follow. Dew practically shoves the water ghoul into his bunk and curls in behind him.
Cumulus nuzzles Cirrus head. “Wanna move to a bunk?”
“Sure. Your place or mine?”
“Up to you Cloud.”
“Okay.” Cumulus hums, as Cirrus sits up and stretches. The two of them get up and head to the back of the bus. Past the tangle of limbs and tails that is Rain and Dew, and the snoring lump that is Mountain, they reach Cumulus’s bunk.
Cumulus pulls aside the privacy curtain and Cirrus grins.
“Ahh! Your’s is so pretty!”
Cumulus had decorated her bunk with fairy lights and strings of bracelets she’d been gifted by fans at rituals.
“Thank you! Want me to help you do yours?”
“Yeah! In the morning though. Right now I just wanna pass out.”
Cumulus waves for Cirrus to climb into bed first and slides in after her. They curl up nose to nose, arms around each other. Cumulus pulls a fluffy blanket over the two of them. Cirrus reaches over her to pull the curtain shut, blocking out the light from the bus.
Lit only by twinkly lights, and curled up next to her packmate, Cirrus finds the normally dreary, uncomfortable bunks, surprisingly cozy. She settles right in, finally getting comfortable after hours of tossing and turning.
Cumulus kisses Cirrus’ brow. “Sweet dreams, darling.” She purrs.
Cirrus is already fast asleep.
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me-beef · 19 days
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@strangeravatar made a great point
i was gonna focus on the spike-hotboxing-celestia aspect but i got distracted somewhere along the way and i think i forgot what joke i was trying to make
but dont you think its interesting how many guards of the exact same color/body type she's managed to accrue?? i do
ooohh you want to go look at our stickers so bad
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 5 months
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Come a little closer...
A Breeze Of Love
Dark Blue Kiss
Love Mechanics
You Make Me Dance
A Boss And A Babe
Choco Milk Shake
The Sign
Jun & Jun
Bake Me Please
My favorite pull-scenes (Part 1/?) as part of my favorite bl-tropes-collection in no particular order.
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wordsinhaled · 3 months
thinking about how death of the endless almost certainly knows by now that edwin payne and charles rowland run from her hand in hand each time she comes for a departing soul they've helped, and maybe she even lets them get a head start.
thinking about how both of them are so deserving of the peace her kind word and friendly face bring, but they are too terrified she'll separate them to ever receive the actual gift she could offer.
thinking about how it might just fix something in them both to just... sit in the office with death of the endless while she has a cuppa, or eats an apple, and tells her terrible corny jokes; and maybe it helps them realize that nothing would dare to ever part them in the afterlife or beyond— least of all death herself.
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absolutebl · 10 months
This Week in BL - I'm All Over the Place, and so are the shows
Organized, in each category, by ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
Nov 2023 Wk 5
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Last Twilight (Fri YT) ep 4 of 12 - The Jasmine flirting thing was so darn cute, I can’t. I love these two so much. 
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The Sign (Sat YT) ep 2 of 10 - Oh it’s great. Flirting. Fighting. Fate. Murder. Eventually we’ll add fucking. A trifffecta. I could do with a bit less training but whatever. And we have learned our boys are laboring under a geis. NO SINGING. Otherwise this ep was actually pretty flipping great. 
My Dear Gangster Oppa (Thurs iQIYI) ep 6 of 8 - Ooo kidnapping and the sides are suffering betrayal. Also Tew kills again. I like that they don’t shy away from the fact that he’s a killer and Guy was genuinely scared.  And then Tew had to break up with Guy to protect him in Noble Sacrifice (tm). How Cdrama of him. Rough ep all round. 
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For Him (Thurs iQIYI) ep 1 of 10 - It’s not exactly good, but it’s better than I was expecting, and I tend to cut pulps a lot of slack out the gate. The plot is more interesting, Him is a sweetie (I like that in a seme) and our uke has both game and pluck. He’s a femme bitch, I LOVE that in a boy + we never get it femme in the lead. The acting is not great, sound all over the place, but there are no terrible sound effects, the soundtrack is okay, and our high heat came with a side of BJ + condoms, and no one has sung (yet), so I think I like it. It’s giving me Big Dragon vibes.
Linguistic moment: 
Him used Him/ter for pronouns & ha. Very flirty. Nail used rao back a little bit of a challenge. (No pom and didn’t use his own name either.) Gauntlet thrown. Our baby ends up with rao/kao but I don’t think that’ll stick. Him is getting Phi out of him if it's the last thing he does.
Bake Me Please (Mon Gaga) ep 2 of 6 - The characters’ shared backstory is no surprise but I do like this show. Those little private smiles as they find family. Those lingering gazes as they find romance. Lovely. Also Shin wants to marry into Peach's family so bad, I’m reminded of Laurie in Little Women. All that said, it’s never the top of my list to watch for some reason. 
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Cooking Crush (Sun YT) 1 of 12 - How could I have forgotten how stunning Off is? Meanwhile… I love Gun’s character, he's so cute. But this show is a bit too comedic for me. I wish GMMTV were taking this script seriously. Sorry Neo et al I’m not sold on the sides. In general? I don’t love it. I don’t hate it either. In other news, I think I'll go make toast.
Pit Babe (Fri iQIYI) ep 3 of 14 - I love the sides and unholy amount and in general it was fine this week probably because I decided to do a trash watch.
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Twins the series (Fri GaGa) ep 5 of 10 - I’m getting fatigued. Also holy random sex Batman. Where did these extra sides come from? I’m confused. Tonal pingpong going on, and not just in the shower.  
Middleman’s Love (Fri YT & iQIYI ep 4 of 8 - Finally a direct confession Jade can’t avoid. Will things get a bit more serious?
Absolute Zero (Weds iQIYI) ep 10 of 12 - I don’t know why I watch this show, the acting is great, but it just makes me cry.
Playboyy (Thurs Gaga) 3 of 14 eps - What a bonkers thing this is. Very kinky and also just odd. I do keep thinking about the pinks with it. Similarly, there doesn’t seem much glue holding this thing together, dried cum of course but not glue. And despite what some kinksters say, the one cannot replace the other.
My Universe (Sun iQIYI) Fake Love ep 15 of 24 - This is a weird installment. Too stalker and random blackmail for me. But not as bad as abuse and death, I guess? 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
A Breeze of Love (Korea iQIYI) eps 7-8fin - Not much of a love triangle in the end (you just found out he is actually gay and broken hearted = an opportunity not a tragedy). Meanwhile I like that the high school break up was just mr insomniac's fault. He got jealous and angry and petty. No miscommunication just an asshole kid. I did find this show a little slow, even though it was your standard length KBL. Odd that. They are very cute boyfriends tho. 
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All in all:
Tsundere insomniac grump reunited with his sunshine jock ex (human sleeping pill) who now hates him. Basketball is also involved. While the simplicity of a reunion plot makes this more cohesive than most KBLs, it is a tad stiff and slow, never managing to lift itself out of "pretty and pretty enjoyable" - I liked it but I don’t think I’m going to remember much about it. 8/10
VIP Only (Taiwan Fri Gaga) ep 3 of 10 - It has the feel of a one act, with such a limited cast and location, which reminds me of KBL. Still watching these two quietly fall in love and process affection through their own art forms is sweet. This is a very soft gentle show. 
Sahara-sensei to Toki-kun (Japan Fri Gaga) - Toki, a delinquent but pure-hearted kid falls in love with his handsome phys-ed teacher, Sahara. This is very much my trope but very manga campy, which I don’t love. I’m quite torn. Toki is an idiot but a lovable one. But do I like it?
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It's Airing But...
The Whisperer (Sun ????) 10 eps - Thai horror BL that ALSO involves cheating (what joy is mine). He has dimples (My Ride) but I don't think even dimples can motivate me to watch. You can tell me how this goes if you can find it.
SHADOW (Thai Gaga) 14 eps - I'm not wild about Thai horror (or horror at all) even one featuring Singto and Fluke. I'm holding off. If told it's good, I'll binge.
7 Days Before Valentine (Weds WeTV) 10 eps - Giving me Luminous Solution vibes, so I'm waiting to binge if told it's safe.
Beyond The Star (Weds iQIYI) 8 eps - House of Stars meets Boyband. I was NOT impressed with ep 1. Waiting to be told if I should bother.
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Gaga) 10 eps - I find this series more fun to binge, so I'm waiting until it completes its run.
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In case you missed it
One Room Angel (Japan Gaga) finished. Adaptation of Harada’s manga (which I did not like) about a clerk who (nearly) dies and ends up cohabitating with an angel. I was warned that the ending would not work for me so I decided not to bother.
My Biker BL short movie from Wayu supposedly premiered Nov 27 on their YouTube Channel for Members to watch. I couldn't find anything further. The MDL description makes me think it's not for me so I bother.
Next Week Looks Like This
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Short list of the December offerings.
12/9 Cherry Magic (Thai remake) YouTube 10 eps
12/9 Behind the Shadows (Korea movie) ??
12/14 Dear Kitakyushu (Thai/Japan movie) ??
12/23 Dead Friend Forever (Thai horror) iQIYI
Original 2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED). With the end of the year upon us I'll do an "announced for 2023 but never happened list" soon.
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I love these dudes so much, and make no mistake they def dudes. On point banter, my dudes. (Sign)
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Yes they are cute but so far that's all this show has going for it. (Middleman's Love)
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I'm a simple human, I just like seeing Off kneeing. (Cooking Crush)
(Last week)
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deathbypufferfish · 3 months
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Haru put in a good word for Emi with her new crush and Emi berated Joe for spying on Haru while he was talking to Ilya????? my god
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scarefox · 4 months
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gothicbarbie · 9 months
BL's I'm Watching in December
(From favorite to least)
The Sign - God, I love this series. It has everything for me. BillyBabe have amazing chemistry and I love how their pairing is written. Hate to love is my favorite trope and they do it so well cuz it’s also laced with banter, flirtation and tension. You can see them genuinely falling for each other. And on top of that, we have a really interesting storyline with lots of questions and mystery. The production value of the series is super impressive too.
City Boy Log - Technically this isn’t a BL, but to me it counts. It’s scripted and centers around two BL pairings. I binged the whole thing in a day and loved it. The chemistry between the main duo is just so good and I love how bold the actors are. I also really like the simplicity of how it's filmed, it feels super natural. It’s a very fun watch and I would love to see them get an official series.
Playboyy the Series - Yes, this show has hot scenes (tho I find some more awkward than they are probably intended to be) but I like the series because of the overall storyline. There are a hell of a lot of characters and it can be a bit confusing but I think I am following it lol. I like quite a few of the pairings and plots that are happening and I def. want to know where the show is going to go. There are some great sex positive messages and discussion about consent that are really nice to see too.
Pit Babe - Really enjoying this series. It started very strong and while I find some storylines to be a bit draggy, it’s really fun to get an omega verse BL. I think they could do a bit more with it, but they seem to be slowly moving in that direction. Again, this series has an overall storyline arc that is mysterious and I’m curious to know where it’s headed. I also love the chemistry between Pavel and Pooh.
Last Twilight - I’m not as in love with this series as others seem to be but I still really enjoy it. It’s nice to see a series that sort of starts more with friendship that blossoms into something deeper and I find the plot of one character being the caretaker for the other to be very sweet and also unique. The scenes where JimmySea just touch hands are so powerful so I am loving their slow progression.
Breeze of Love - Binged this whole series in a night, and it was a great. Very fun watch. Weak kissing scene but sort of expected and it didn’t take away from the series much for me because I did like the chemistry of the main pair. I think some things could have been better but I liked it.
Twins the Series - This series can be dumb at times, and some storylines are a bit blasé but overall I am having a lot of fun watching it. I really like the chemistry between the main duo.
Destiny Seeker - This one ended a bit ago but I finally got a chance to watch the series and I loved it. Mostly for the main pairing who were so fun to watch. Have I mentioned I love hate to love pairings?
The Egoist (movie) - Not a series but a movie that I also finally got around to watching. I was loving it, at first. It was fantastic. The chemistry was great and the storyline hit hard. Hated the ending though, so a bit of a warning for anyone that is curious, if you don’t like unhappy endings, don’t watch lol.
My Story - Filo BL’s can be a bit cheesy at times and this one was no exception. I do think it started a bit better than it ended and I had to fastfoward quite a bit of the show, but I did like the chemistry between the pairings and enjoyed watching it.
Cooking Crush - Was unsure of this series at first, and I am not a big fan of cooking type shows, but I think this one is got a lot better starting with ep 2. I have always liked OffGun too and I am enjoying the cutesy moments and stuff at least. So we'll give it a chance to grow.
Unforgotten Night - An older series I am finally getting around to watching. Loved the first ep, then the next few were kind of bland. I didn’t hear great things about it, so we’ll see how it fits in at my end of year ranking (prob. will make the 2024 list tho since I am watching SLOW lol...) but I do really love the premise of the series. More friends with benefits type bl’s please!
The Day I Loved You - Another filo BL that I watched this month and it was quite enjoyable and cute. I liked the first half much better than the second half, it got a bit sad/depressing for me but I still think it was very well done and reminded me of a bit of heartstopper. Would def recommend people to check it out.
For Him - This one is okay, it doesn’t really have much of a point to me right now? lmao. But I think the sex scenes are well done and it’s holding my interest enough to keep watching.
Cherry Magic Thailand - I want to like this one, but something about it is just off for me. I like TayNew but am not in love with them and I think this version is a lot less cute and quirky like the original was. It just feels a bit awkward to me and I find Tay’s inner voice to be a bit silly? I wish it was more serious and sweet and less cringey lol. I also find New’s character to be a bit pathetic considering he is a 30 year old man… I understand it was following the OG SL, but again, I feel like that series just did everythin better lol…. But, I’ll give it a chance.
You Are Mine - This one was alright, I enjoyed parts of it, other parts I found kind of slow. It's def. not going to be an all-time favorite for me, but it was worth watching.
My Dear Gangster Oppa - Love Meen. Love the main duo’s chemistry, they feel natural together. Loved the first episode… but then, I just kinda stopped caring. The whole gangster/mob stuff just didn’t interest me and I found the overall plot of the main pairing to be a bit rushed. Wish they had built that up a tad more. But it was alright.
Brothers the Series - Another past BL that I’ve only seen a few eps of so far, so it’s hard to judge, but it’s okay so far. I do like the chemistry between the main pair and am curious to know where they are going to take things. But I am going very slow with this one.
Sahara Sensei to Toki-Kun - Only seen a few eps of this one and so far I’m, not really that into it. It’s okay and has some cute moments, but I don’t really like the chemistry between the main duo all that much, and I find it quite creepy he has a crush on a teacher tbh… But, we’ll see where it goes. Not one of Japan’s best imo.
VIP Only - This series is okay but I find it kind of boring. I like the main pairing okay, but I’m also not feeling the storyline that much, it’s just a bit bland to me.
7 Days Before Valentine - Sort of interesting premise and I like the chemistry between the angel dude and the main guy (if it’s even going to go there?) but there are some dumb/weird scenes and moments and the storyline is frustrating too. We’ll see what happens.
I Will Knock You - Older series I am finally attempting to skim through but it’s very meh. The chemistry is just okay. The plot is pretty boring. The main guy is a bit of an ass and hard to like right now but I also kinda like the banter? Maybe? IDK.
Middleman’s Love - Wanted to like this series because I like the characters and the chemistry but it’s just been dragging and dragging since ep 1. I didn't expect it to take this long for something to happen between the main two and the main character can be really annoying and frustrating and a bit TOO dramatic. They use him to be funny but he just comes off obnoxious? Bit of a bust for me. The series just doesn’t have a purpose...
Bake Me Please - Don’t like this series at all really. I don’t think the main couple has any chemistry. Ohm’s character is frankly annoying! And their relationship went from 0 to 60 in like 1 scene. I would just stop watching alll together, but it’s got so few episodes that I might as well just finish it.
Tie the Knot - This one is at the bottom cuz I barely remember what it was about but I just remember I skimmed the majority of it lol.
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transolivajuniper · 11 months
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breezere · 2 years
I hope this idea is as vivid as I can see it:
Shuichi, has not slept for a week, leaning off the table waiting for two day old water to boil while arms folded and leaning on but also gripping for dear life as he’s slowly falling down while kokichi watches behind them mildly concerned all while the kettle is silently whirring in the background as a silent plea to shuichi not to fall or the table will shake and the pot may fall off . All in the vain attempt to make coffee
that imagery is just
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?????? LMAO
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palmtreefriend · 2 years
Listener Job Headcanons
Just as you think. Redacted Listeners and jobs I headcanon that they have
This does not include listeners whose jobs are somewhat specififed (- Babe)
When I say that Angel has retail worker vibes, I mean they are the type to lawfully mess with costumers/coworkers that are more annoying than bearable. I'm thinking coffee shop barista. Not a place like Starbucks. More of a locally owned business that has a certain theme attached to it. It's either that or a thrift shop clerk.
So, we know they work in an office building/setting. I don't know what people do in offices but I just think it would be nice if they worked with Smartass and Baby (Ollie's listener) in the same department
They do odd jobs around the neighborhood. Good enough relationship where people trust them with simple things like dog-walking or lawn mowing. Sometimes helping That One Dad in the neighborhood with a passion project. Their life is too chaotic for them to keep a 9-5 at some corporation
Art commissioner/babysitter. Something that offers a bit more free time than a normal 9-5. I honestly feel like Lovely doesn't need to work that much to keep a roof over their head for whatever reason (*coughcough* richkid *cough*). Though Lovely might not have that babysitting job anymore
They worked at their family's shop before they got their powers and moved to Dahlia to go to D.A.M.N. They don't have a current job right now to focus more on their studies and getting control of their powers (and their life)
Daycare attendant. No, I am not going through a FNaF phase. You're absolutely insane. Whatever correlation you may have conducted is entirely false and- Yeah- Yeah, it's because of the FNaF game (I blame amazing AO3 writers). Plus! Plus they just seem like a calming person to be around and especially good with children
Okay. Headcanon (that I literally just thought of when I opened this draft again) inside a headcanon: Starlight is Angel's older sibling that went off to college before them and overtime grew apart from their family especially when Starlight had to switch schools. Anyways after college they started working at book shop. A place where they can just satiate their hunger to learn/understand more things while also earning money
What- What if- What if retirement home worker? Hear me out! We haven't had Honey for long but the way they react to Guy referencing memes and vines and other things it just feels like they hang around old people all day that they just pick up little mannerisms from them. Like one time when Guy was being a little lazy with house chores, Honey looked at him and said, "When I was younger-" And went on a 15 minute rant. To be fair, they were going off of 4 hours of sleep and their morning tea was just not helping.
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chai-berries · 1 year
currently making food while wearing a pretty sundress, where the fuck is abby so she can enjoy my housewife abilities
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 9 months
Before / After colouring 🌈
I was tagged by the wonderful @maxescheibechlinichacheli. Thank you so much Maxine 🤍
I finally found some time to make those gifs 💃 I started giffing in March 2022. I love to play with the coloring, especially the selective color and my beloved curves. I have developed a thing for mending greyish or yellowish filters, so the final product looks more natural. It is just so satisfying! And a good sharpening is key for the outcome imo. I hate scenes that are too dark or to bright, but I can work with the dark ones way better. In the beginning I thought I'll try to play way more with the coloring and nuance some reds or some greens or so, but I learned really fast that this is something I don't like.
But here we go :) By the way, this is not a top ten or anything, just some scenes I liked last year.
Love Class 2
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A Breeze Of Love
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Pit Babe
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Kiseki: Dear To Me
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Last Twilight
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I Feel You Linger In The Air
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Dangerous Romance
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Tokyo In April Is...
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I don't know who has done this before. Please feel yourself tagged! If you see this and want to do this, tag me so I can look at your beautiful work. I won't tag people today.
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sensitiveaangel · 1 year
yall im on a mission to eradicate my congestion rn and let me tell u these face and neck massages are going CRAZYYYYY
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absolutebl · 10 months
This Week in BL - I Gave a 10/10 to a BL... me!
Organized, in each category, by ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
Nov 2023 Wk 3
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Ongoing Series - Thai
My Dear Gangster Oppa (Thurs iQIYI) ep 4 of 8 - I love this show. I adore Tew's the simple backstory. No frills. No fuss. He got dragged in the way many do and he can kill so they kept him. They aren’t trying to make it needlessly complicated (which is rare for Thailand). That said, the pacing is way tf off, the emotional arc is rushed and then sappy out of absolutely nowhere. Before you ask, the kiss is not at issue, we halfway through they should be kissing, but the romantic life changes - too soon. But I don’t care. Finally, they left us this ep reminded of 2 v important things,
this pair kisses beautifully
in BL all mafia be gay
Fun fun!
Last Twilight (Fri YT) ep 2 of 12 - It's official, I love this. It’s a classic caregiver/bodyguard trope where one of them is opening the other one up to the world, but sweetly. I’m enjoying the softness of JimmySea's take and I hope GMM TV takes its cues from the success of My School President and doesn’t push this particular show into rough or edgy territory. Stay on target GMMTV. Don't mess with my bias again!
Twins the series (Fri GaGa) ep 3 of 10 - Finally, our adorable side couple has emerged! This show remains engaging without losing pace (despite the main couple being slow burn), which is all I want from a Thai pulp, and more I could ask for currently from a sports BL. 
(Note: when I dictate the computer always puts "Thai pope" instead of Thai pulp - this is hilarious to me.)
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Pit Babe (Fri iQIYI) ep 1 of 14 - I guess they didn’t strip the omegaverse out of this. Unfortunately, I’m not an omegaverse fan, so I find its presence extremely off putting. (But it’s kind of amazing that somebody finally put one on our screen.) Unsurprisingly, it’s a lot of alpha posturing and hyper masculinity, because that’s what this kind of worldbuilding is an excuse for (lazy writing and lazier characterization). This means I don’t like Babe AT ALL except that he’s smell orientated and a bit verse. Way is lovely tho, because Nut is a great soft screen presence amongst the testosterone haze. 
Middleman’s Love (Fri YT & iQIYI ep 2 of 8 - I’m not gonna lie (when have I ever bothered to lie to you all?) I’m struggling with this show. The sound effects are getting worse. That is not allowed. Still I found this installment slightly more bearable than the last last, probably because there was more of the cast in play and less of Jade being too cringe to live. 
Absolute Zero (Weds iQIYI) ep 8 of 12 - AKA temporal paradox of pain.
My Universe (Sun iQIYI) Friends Forever ep 13 of 24 - Ooo it’s a bit of a teacher/student (coach/player) thing. Linguistic negotiation and kinkification of phi. Also actually kinky. But not consensually. Gonna get dark. Bummer. 
Playboyy (Thurs Gaga) 1 of 14(!) eps - Whines. Must I? Gaga doesn’t have a skip ahead button. Sad sack main characters really do not work for me. But this was better than I expected. I wasn’t expecting much. 
Look: This is helmed by Cheewin (shudder) with screenplay by Den (Only Friends - shudder the second) under Copy A Bangkok (they deserve not my shuddders). It's gonna be a shizz show people. It's Thai dark War of Y style - my least favorites. Apparently, there is meant to be a "plot" but when has Cheewin ever bothered with plot?
On a completely different note does the blond look like that Korean actor/idol from At a Distance Spring is Green & Wanna One to anyone else? Or is it just me? (Park Ji Hoon)
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
A Breeze of Love (Korea iQIYI) eps 3-4 of 8 - I like it a lot. Dongwook is so obtuse and socially awkward and reserved and needy and Dohyun is so gay over and simultaneously wildly confused by this behavior. Fantastic. A bit stiff, even for Korea, btu I'm okay with it since everything else I'm watching right now is decidedly NOT stiff.
I finished it!
Let's Eat Together Aki and Haru AKA Aki wa Haru to Gohan wo - Japan BL movie 1.5 hr
Best friends life together during university - cheerful sunshine loves to cook, grumpy tsundere loves to eat. Aki is a bit manic pixie dream boy for me (not my favorite archetype) but they’re cute and it’s one of those Japanese slice of life pieces like Our Dining Table that isn’t really a romance in fact it’s barely a drama. This isn’t friends to lovers because they’re basically already in a relationship (which everyone around them knows) they just aren’t fucking. I did spend a lot of time worrying that they weren’t eating any green things whatsoever. In the end this isn’t my thing when there’s no kissing at all, and this was a bit too dull even for JBL. Sorry Japan, one cannot trade on cute and cheese alone. I know, you want to. But that's not a BL or a personality. 6/10 
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I Cannot Reach You AKA I Can't Reach You AKA Kimi ni wa Todokanai (Japan, maybe coming to Netflix) 8 eps - This classic friends-to-lovers BL is everything Japan does best. Angsty. Emo. Aching. Driven by real thirst. Yamato is deeply in love with his childhood bestie, Kakeru, and has been for ages, unable to hide his ungainly damaging high school need. He wants Kakeru in every way possible and it oozes off of the screen. Kakeru is silly and a little simple, but not frenetic or overly camp about it. He is earnest, and genuinely wants to keep Yamato in his life which means giving a romance (and gayness) a fair chance. We watch him realize his affection and what form it can take in a truly authentic way. This show was impossibly kind to both of its lead characters and I felt honored that I got to watch something so lovely and rare play out on my screen.
Let me be perfectly clear: I have watched 646 BLs and only handed out nine 10/10s.
I talk more about why this one made the cut, here.
It's Airing But...
One Room Angel (Japan Gaga) 6 eps - adaptation of Harada’s manga (which I did not like) about a clerk who's stabbed, nearly dies, and returns home to find an angel waiting for him. With only 5 eps and a good chance this won’t end happy, I'm gonna wait and let you tell me how it goes.
SHADOW (Thai Gaga) 14 eps - I'm not wild about Thai horror (or horror at all) even one featuring Singto and Fluke. I'm holding off on this one and if told it's good I'll binge later.
Beyond The Star (Weds iQIYI) 8 eps - House of Stars meets Boyband. I was NOT impressed. Waiting to be told if I should bother.
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Gaga) 10 eps - I find this series more fun to binge, so I'm waiting until it completes its run.
Next Week Looks Like This
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11/20 Bake Me Please (Mon Gaga) ep 1 of 6 - trailer here, stars Ohm (of OhmFluke) opposite Guide (bestie from IFYLITA). This looks like an actually gay version of Antique Bakery (play it again, BL). I'm intrigued, it looks HELLA pretty.
11/22 7 Days Before Valentine (Weds ????) ep 1 of 10 - trailer here, horror-esk. Adapted from y-novel of the same name, directed by Tu (180 Degree) stars Jet (Why You… Y Me?). When you want your old love again, but fate sends you a reaper instead. All he can do for you is kill people. I'll likely give this a pass and wait to binge if safe.
11/24 VIP Only (Taiwan Fri Gaga) ep 1 of 10 - Screenplay by Lin Pei Yu (WBL) about a chef who courts a shy writer with spicy beef noodles.
11/25 The Sign (Sat ????) ep 1 of 10 - trailer here, horror-esk, but with a suspense and adult characters. Special investigators who loved each other in previous lives reunite in new bodies. Stars Billy Patchanon (BillySeng) & Babe Tanatat (new). Includes other SCOY favorites as a special investigation team. I may give this a try (depending on distribution) because I'm into the non-horror bits.
11/26 The Whisperer (Sun ????) 1 of 10 - trailer here. Thai horror BL that ALSO involves cheating (what joy is mine). He has dimples (My Ride) but I don't think even that gives me the will. You can tell me how this goes.
11/26 Cooking Crush (Sun YT) 1 of 12 - OffGun are back, trailer here. Adapted from the novel “Love Course! เสื้อกาวน์รุกเสื้อกุ๊กรับ” by iJune4S this is about Prem who runs a not-so-popular restaurant with 2 friends. About to go on a cooking competition with a huge reward, Prem gets involved with Ten, a stressed-out med student who wants Prem to teach him to cook.
Still Coming November BL
11/30 For Him (Thurs ????) ep 1 of 10 - high heat trailer, I suspect iQIYI will scoop this one up. From the people who brought us Unforgotten Night (please no) based on a y-novel, man nursing a heartbreak has a one-night stand, but the other boy didn't want it to end. It looks terribly trashy so I'm in! Maybe I'll do a trash watch?
Nov 2023 line up with screen caps here. Not kept updated.
Original 2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED).
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To be fair this was last week but I did get the screen shot until now. (You are Mine)
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I Cannot Reach You serving all Japan's favorite tropes plus some very un-Japan decent kisses.
(Last week)
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