#circut city
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90s-2000s-barbie · 4 months ago
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Circut City Black Friday (November 27, 2008)
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thenarrativefoil · 11 months ago
okay easily the biggest bullshit is that the gluten free baking supplies ive been buying are $2-4 cheaper at the stl mid-tier supermarket compared to the cheapest denver market
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fortunelowtier · 6 months ago
Everyone likes to write the "Charlie, Elizabeth, Evan and Michael post-security breach" stuff as them having wholesome slice of life fun, which don't get me wrong I love it, especially when they get to interact with Gregory or Sammy since its like 99% a possibility that he's the CEO now and is the last living Emily
but what i wanna see more of is the fact that these "kids" are all mentally in their 40s/50s but they also aren't really aware of anything pop culture related for the past 30 years because they were too busy being corpses/haunting animatronics
Like Michael is a queer icon and we stan, so he was 100% a Queen fan, but does he know Freddie Mercury is dead? Do Michael and Charlie randomly ask stuff like "So is Circut City still a thing?"? How would they react to modern gaming technology? How would they react to modern CGI?
That last one specifically is rlly funny to think about because Charlie, Elizabeth and Evan likely died before CGI took off in the late 80s/early 90s, so to them, they're all used to practical effects and some mild green screen work (Alien came out in 1979, Star Wars came out in 1977). Mike's probably seen Jurassic Park and MAYBE the Phantom Menace depending on when you think he died so hes a little more attuned to the concept of CG but sitting them both down and making them watch Avatar is probably like giving a Victorian child a baja blast
I feel like there's an untapped market to be had of the crew trying to catch up on the past 40 years of pop culture now that they have free time and just being BAFFLED
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ouroboros-hideout · 1 year ago
(we are meant to be together shakira shakira)
@olath124 tagged me for this, thanks friend!
Still rather low on content or WIPs I can show but it's something
Don't know if I would call it art actually but I am currently making myself some Discord emojis of Aon aka Knife Queen aka Blorbo Girl.
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That's the first one I got done. Because smirking is very important 👆 will do 3 or 4 more I guess. Laughing, something sad, angery and what ever inspiration brings along the way.
The Dogtown Noir pics where fun to do but I noticed real quick that I need a lot of focus to get some good shots. And I don't have that most of the time. I heard there is actually a city outside of Dogtown KEK maybe I will go there next and do some photos 💫
Putting this last so no one is forced to read the wall of txt. I still have a lot of unfinished ramblings but nothing that would make sense to show. I started to write some small bits for my own amusement and positive vibes based upon a soft OTP promt list (or what ever it was called). It's only stupid conversations and I think it's nothing for AO3, so probably just throw it here whenever I finished one.
Write about your ship getting dressed up in fancy outfits together:
"Oh my god I hate this so much..."
Aon pulled on his black bolero jacket and looked at herself in the mirror next to the large closet in Kurt's apartment on the top floor of the Sapphire with an unimpressed expression.
"You don't like what I've chosen for you?" Kurt asked, still beeing busy in the bathroom.
"No... yes. I mean. No, I don't like all of this." She grimaced a little more and turned around to look at the elegant suit trousers and expensive shoes she would be wearing tonight.
"Fancy clothes, putting up with brainless snobs at glamorous parties. Pretending to care about what they do and who they are. I really don't know why you like that so much."
"You'll have fun, I'm sure of it." Kurt came back to the main room and took his leather harness, which was still lying on the bed, and put it around his shoulders. He chose a more elegant garment than usual for tonight aswell, as Alyona had demanded, but he wasn't going to abandon all of his military habits.
"I'll have fun at the bar. I know that for sure."
She was still tugging at the jacket, as if she was trying to minimize the revealing neckline of the top.
"And you had to pick something so provocative, didn't you? Well, at least it's not a glittery cocktail dress. You could have worn that yourself."
Kurt laughed heartily at the last comment, took a few steps over to her and fastened the last buttons on the collar of his black shirt.
"You look fantastic."
That didn't really convince her.
"Oh, shut the fuck up. I feel like I'm playing dress-up."
Kurt was now standing behind her, looking in the mirror with her, still smiling.
"Well, in a way, we do, don't we? If you want to get close to your prey, you have to wrap yourself in it´s fur."
Aon let out an amused snort. "You're such a poet Kurt, it's almost unbelievable," she replied sarcastically.
"Still, I'm glad you decided to come along. I don't think it will do you any harm to see something other than the workshop." He put his hands on her hips and leaned forward a little. At least he liked the sight of the two of them in the mirror.
"Hmmm, what I wouldn't give to spend all night fixing that Chimera-Junk gathering dust in your warehouse...", she replied with a playfully dreamy tone.
"You enjoyed the evening at the Totentanz. You can't deny that."
"You're seriously comparing your fancy-pants party to the thing at the Totentanz?"
"It was a party, you didn't want to go and you ended up enjoying it."
"Maybe because even the smallest circute in Maelstrom is a more interesting conversation partner than everyone you've invited today."
Kurt leaned a little closer to her.
"If you decide to stay here after all, I want you to come to every party. Not because I like to see you suffer, but because then I would finally have something to look forward to in the evening. Pleasant company and someone I can rely on."
"Don't get too excited. I might already have a plan to ruin everything."
"That doesn't matter. It would definitely still be a night to remember because you were with me."
Her face twisted into a grimace.
"Damn, you're such a suck-up. No wonder you've got all these snobs eating out of your hand."
"But the difference is that I mean my compliments to you seriously."
Kurt couldn't help but laugh again when he noticed Aon blushing and quickly turning away from the mirror so he wouldn't notice.
"Okay, let's get going. The sooner we get there, the sooner I can say I've tried long enough."
She hastily disengaged from his embrace and walked straight towards the door.
He followerd her right away.
"You stay until the end. I'll tell the bartender to keep you 'entertained'."
Think most of the ppl I would tag have already shown their awesome stuff lately so I will skip this time. See you next time!
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how about rollo in the kalim harem? - Kalim Anon
Aaaah so we're adding Rollo to the ship party huh? Okay, I can work with this!
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Rollo was added much MUCH later due to many conflicts that will not be named today
Rollo was ready to tear this sunshine lemon pie apart when they visited Nobel Bell Collage but Kalim's super sweet personality made him short circut
Him after he realizes he finds him attractive;
Kalim just found him amusing at first and Jamil and Riddle were like "He tried to kill us!"
Rollo asked him out after much debate on everything, originally planning if it goes well to try and steal Kalim for himself but then the date happens and it goes so well the two continued, and in order not to get Kalim upset and ruin his plan he accepted any offer of the others in the date
Things slowly morphed to him forgetting the plan and just going on dates normally
Floyd, Lilia, Ace, Ruggie, and Jamil do a lot to annoy him on these date to prove to Kalim he's a jerk and now their teasing is normal banter of affection
Rollo's not used to so much love he's dying-
He never traveled until the relationship happened so when Kalim invited everyone to the land of Scalding Sands he was so in awe and amazement of the place he didn't even complain of the heat
He also hasn't eaten as much as he has in years but can't dare deny food from Jamil, Floyd, Trey, and Ruggie now can he?
Kalim loves to steal his hat and run away in which Rollo chases back
The first time he smiled at his phone was when Kalim texted him a picture of him being silly cute and the school saw that and freaked out cuz he never smiles and they're like "what the fuck-"
Their dates when they're free is invites to the dorm for dinner and fun or if Kalim's visiting a stroll through the City of Flowers and maybe some light shopping
Kalim bought him a cat plus cause "I thought you'd like it" and you don't have proof but Rollo cuddles that damn plus every night
I looked up heights and apparently Kalim's 168 cm/5'6 and Rollo's 177 cm/5'8(???) so it's not a lot which is a shame for the image of Kalim on his toes to kiss Rollo's chin TwT
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do-deca-dangit · 2 years ago
So so so curious about OSO Novel in your remix :0 Especially the under the cut art where she says "the statement is false" and then freaks the hell out, that looked so cool and I'm also really concerned for her ksdfjfd Love your art style btw!! So freakin cool
Does anything change with Crayon Box and how the show is run or is it mostly just the character dynamics themselves? :0
Also apologies if I got anything wrong, it's been ages since I've seen OSO
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The one freaking out in this picture is actually Server! H1m being a cyborg of sorts those kinds of portal paradoxes can short h1s circuts hehe
Oso Novel is a bit different in this take by virtue of that she can see further into the future, and is bad at hiding this by interrupting people and seemingly predicting what people want/say/do, but as the game goes on he finds himself breaking away from the set path her pages have and freaks out because of it, like should i stray or grasp for my own freedom? were these pages a lie? will there be catastrophe if im free?
As for the show itself nothing really changes other than a change of scenery now and again, with some contests taking place in the surrounding city and beyond! the dome can get boring sometimes lmao. CB is ramped up a bit and is just a cheery and strong joke-cracking butch mom that calls you kiddo and takes you to soccer practice! the crayons also have more individuality this time and would be given more to do
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oldgorgoroth · 4 months ago
Amamlong x Frunp chapter 2:
Phantom pain
After the doctors apointment, neither of them could imagine what would happen next. The Both of them were sleeping late, for it was sunday, until alarms started going on in the branp tower. Brunkp jumped up, alarmed at the alarming amount of alarms, then he saw it. 20 Amazon delivery Zeppelins, armed to the teeth with laser guided, gyroscipically ballanced, GPS guided missiles, all aimed at the tower. As he saw that, trumps assistant walked in with a phone on speaker. "S-sir?" The 10$/h worker Said nervously. Anlon Got up in that moment and yelled into the phone filled with anger "YOU! I have known the peace wouldnt Work out! But this fast? What have you to say for yourself?", a vicious, mocking laugh boomed from the phone "I am simply grabbing my chance, mr muck. It is time for Amazon to turn your operation amazOFF! Unless! You hand over the city and i let you live!" Jeogf benzos Said, oozing with confidence, but anonlon laughed "Well it seems it Will be me who amazOFFs your little coup attempt, for have you forgot? I own Twitter, and i have a THOUSAND- NO, HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS SOLDIERS ON MY SIDE, so once ask you, how can your children of the sky go against my children of the basements?" There was silence for a moment "You wouldnt da-" naylon interupted "Watch me" and with one hand sign to the employee, ordered the twitter barague protocol, making false orders to the Zeppelins, but not before one managed to launch one laser guided, gyroscipically ballanced, GPS guided missile at the tower before Being Short circuted and crashing into the Lower musktopia. It all happened fast, way too fast, Frunp quickly grabbed mosk and went into the panic room, yet unable to Seal the door before the building Got hit. The tower crumbled at the top before the Shockwave shook the foundations and it all started crumbling down, the panic room Being burried under under debree and waiting for rescue
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softbutchvodkasoup · 1 year ago
Die Herzspielerin - excerpt
The woman had no name. The woman who stalked the restless city nights.
She was as a martyr to them then, among them yet and still not of them. One even mistook her for a celebrity, and she did not disabuse him of this notion, taking to signing extended notebooks and magazines and paper scraps.
She walked on. She bought pressed charcoal and chew and soda to settle her stomach and spit into the bottle later. She bought gum and heels and a new pair of jeans and dyed her hair grey again. She bought a tank of gas for the bike and white riding gloves and a torta from a rundown old Cuban woman, with eyes like piercing white stars whose gaze she avoided.
Tank filled, the woman rode on. She rode through the city in a winding circut and then out the country's western perimeter, through first mountains and then decimated pine forest and then long agonizing stretches of desert, where the sun stretches and slices itself for miles across a wide razorblade of the horizon, bleeding its red into the sands, the beasts, the people.
She thought often of the mother she left behind. In her dreams, which came only after long battles of fitful restlessness, her mother chased her through shooting galleries over broken needles and even more broken girls.
She rode on, and the woman did not stop for a very long time until hunger, or disease, or some sure beast took her at long last from this world.
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90s-2000s-barbie · 4 months ago
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Circut City Black Friday (November 23, 2007)
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courtesons · 1 year ago
The image of being taken at the bar was enough to short circut his brain, just being fucked in the middle of the shift for everyone to witness. Of course it would never actually happen, they'd both be chucked out or arrested - but there were definitely bars or places in the city where such an act might be permitted. But it was the collar comment that truly stole Peter's attention and sanity. A noise of surprise and shocked pleasure at that image, being collared like some pet with Sean's name on it like he was branded, tugged around on a leash was such a depraved, wrong and yet wanted image.
"Y-You collar boys?" Peter found himself asking, the dirty image of guys being collared and tugged around by Sean. Wondering how many times he'd done that to men before, he must of done it if the idea came so easily. How many beautiful men had the privelege of being leashed by Sean? Not that Peter could just focus on that when he found himself pinned to the bed, clothes all but ripped off and suddenly dealing with rough fingers slicked and shoved into his tight hole as he was finger fucked. Squirming on the bed in respnse, whimpering and having to see the sight of Sean's impressive, thick cock on full display as well.
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As soon as Peter began to kiss his skin, Sean reached up, letting his fingers thread through Peter's hair. "Oh you're going to remember that you belong to me and if I have to fuck you with you bent over a table at the bar for everybody to see? Then I will. Anybody touches you, I'll break every single one of their fingers off and shove them down their throat for touching what's mine. Maybe I'll put a collar on you with my name on it so they can see I've spoken for you already. Would you like that, baby?"
Sean knew the kind of images he was conjuring as he used his powerful build to push Peter down onto his bed, stripping the boy efficiently of his clothes. Peter was smaller than him in both height and stature and Sean liked the contrast of that somehow. He shed his jeans and boxers, reaching into a beside table to take out some lube before he used that and his finger to start stretching Peter open, steady and relentless.
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britishchick09 · 4 years ago
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i found a circut city ad from 1998 in my dad’s studio and it’s so cool! :D
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deadbymyers · 3 years ago
Riddler with a s/o or Roomate whos unbelievably kind and kinda a bimbo
dude he’d be so whipped for them. I’m gonna go with room-mate eventually turned s/o for these hc’s
• The kindness would completely floor him. He’s not used to tenderness in any way shape or form - so when he recieves it, he sort of... short circuts for a minute.
• Kindness is hard to come by in a city like Gotham. Everyone’s fast-paced, cutthroat, out for themselves.
What is this alien creature? They cook dinner, and make sure he’s eating when he’s staying up til ungodly hours. They bake for him. They compliment him. Sometimes they even do his nasty laundry. They give him gifts for no other reason than: hey, this made me think of you, and you mean a lot to me!
• Dude falls hard and fast. He’s a sucker for their sincerity and sweetness. He really just needs someone to show him some love and now he finally has someone that shows him a modicum of decency he latches on.
It might become a tad disconcerting just how clingy and smitten he becomes with you.
It’s a little difficult for him to figure out whether you’re expressing romantic interest in him, or if this kindness is simply in your nature. You’re seriously going to have to spell it out for him because the poor man is totally clueless and his self esteem is in the rocks.
• Poor guy really doesn’t know how to react to such kindnesses. He tries to reciprocate - he really does. But he burns the food, his schedule is too haywire to ever spend some quality time with you, and he’s never been particularly tidy.
He will, however, leave you some cute little notes, riddles, illustrations and the like around your areas of the flat.
• Sometimes he even feels a little bad. He’s not the most considerate room-mate. He seems to leave a mess of miscellaneous items and papers wherever he treads, and his roomie is always the one tidying up after him. Once he realises this, to his credit, he does try to be a little more concious of cleaning up after himself.
• The bimbo-esque nature, to be honest, probably strokes his ego.
He likes being smarter than you - flaunting his intellect. It makes him feel good about himself. (And in his ape sigma-male man brain its also sort of a signifier of dominance to him lmao.)
Also a great excuse to help you out when you’re struggling with some sort of math problem, ect. Always leads to his roomie praising him, and he can’t get enough of it.
“You’re so smart, Eddie! It’s insane.”
(Without fail, he always turns beet red.)
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lammfleisch · 2 years ago
☆ Stuff I watched, read .... 2023 Edition ☆
☆ January ☆
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• Missing: What happened to MH 370
• Asunaro Hakusho
• Pokemon Legends Arceus
• Hausmann & Benecke
• Kyojo OST
• Persona 3 Portable Switch
• Masquerade Night OST
• The Legend & Butterfly OST
☆ February ☆
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• The Case of Gabriel Fernandez
• Persona 4 Ultimate Switch
• 3096 Days
• Ghostwire Tokyo Prelude
• Cyberpunk 2077
• Riding in Darkness
• Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph
• Destiny 2 Season of the Haunted
☆ March ☆
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• MH370: the plane that disappeared
• Destiny 2 Lightfall
• A Bittersweet life
• Addicted
• The Marco Effect
• Downfall: the Case against Boeing
• The Tinder Swindler
☆ April ☆
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• Hogwarts Legacy
• QualityLand
• Fahrenheit 11/9
☆ May ☆
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• Bring me the Horizon 'LosT'
• The Gazette 'Stacked Rubbish'
• KDA 'All Out'
• fLow
• BBC Johnny Kitagawa
• The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
• The Man in the High Castle Season 2
• The Man in the High Castle Season 3
• The Man in the High Castle Season 4
• Hemlock Grove Season 1
☆ June ☆
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• Hemlock Grove Season 2
• Ado 'One Piece RED Movie Songs'
• Super Mario Bros the Movie OST
• Hemlock Grove Season 3
• Electric Callboy 'Tekkno'
• Helldogs
☆ July ☆
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• Wenjia
• ULTRAMAN 2019 S1
• ULTRAMAN 2019 S2
• SD GUNDAM Battle Alliance
• ULTRAMAN Blazar Ep 1 - 4
• Marvel ULTRAMAN Trials of ULTRAMAN
• Marvel ULTRAMAN The Mystery of Ultraseven
• Mario Kart 64
• Venom: Let there be Carnage
• Wonder Woman 1984
• Mario Kart Super Circut
• Fzero 64
☆ August ☆
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• Wario Ware Inc
• Super Mario Kart
• Super Mario World
• Pokemon Puzzle League
• Super Mario 64
• Shin Kamen Rider
• Godzilla 1954
• Godzilla 1998
• Godzilla Planet of the Monsters
• Godzilla City on the Edge of Battle
• Godzilla The Planet Eater
• Godzilla Singular Point
• Dragonball Fighter Z
• Dragonball Abridged
• The Days
☆ September ☆
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• Godzilla Final Wars
• Gacy
• Houdini and Doyle
• Gamera - Rebirth -
• The Batman
• The Suicide Squad 2021
• München
• Resident Evil Infinite Darkness
• The Mumie
• Demon Daughter 1 by Jennifer L Armentrout
• Godzilla: The Official Guide to the King of the Monsters
• Demon Daughter 2 by Jennifer L Armentrout
☆ October ☆
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• The Conjuring 3: the Devil made me do it
• ZDFs: Ganz normale Männer. Der "vergessene Holocaust"
• Master Detective Pikachu
• Demon Daughter 3 by Jennifer L Armentrout
• Encounters
• Tschernobyl 1986
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subwaybrothers · 3 years ago
Ok au but like seriously this time:
someone from hisui stays back as a ghost [not a ghost type POKEMON. to be clear. a ghost. that looks the way they do when they were alive] and yeaaars and years pass and they at some point go over to unova and shock & awe. some kid can see them. thats so weird
shes a small little thing, with black hair and wide eyes and little burns on her hands, and she holds tight to her Blitzle’s neck as she tilts her head at them.
They say hello, and she smiles. “My name is Elesa,” she says. “I like electric type pokemon. Why can I hear you so well?”
They learn what hearing aids are [and by extension, why she was so surprised to be able to hear them without], and how lights work, and how her blitzle can make a small robot short circut with a new move she taught him. They’re friends by now, the ghost is sure. But she gets weird looks from her parents when she talks to them, so they take time to explore around the rest of the country. [They come back for her. They’re still friends. It’s only fair.]
And, even stranger than before, they meet two more that can see them. Children, the same age as little Elesa, who look startlingly similar. Grey hair, grey eyes, one a frown, the other a smile.
They greet themselves in voices that do not match their expressions, and ask, in sync, “Who are you?”
They answer, obviously, with their name, and laugh quietly. “Not many can see me. It’s a little funny that it’s always children.”
The two are confused, until they aren’t, and they bombard them with questions of why they’re transparent, why they can put their arms through them, and so on.
They become friends too.
The ghost watches with some sort of pride as each of them learn to catch pokemon, learn to battle with pokemon, and grow and grow and grow.
And then, at some point, both mention that they will be moving to Nimbasa City.
“I got accepted for a collage there,” Elesa says. “Will you still be able to visit?”
“Mom and dad allowed us to move there.” “For a month at least.” Ingo and Emmet explain.
And the ghost agrees, because it’s nice to have people want to see them instead of the other way around.
[They hope all of them will meet someday.]
And years fly by, and Elesa graduates collage, and gets a job as a model, and turns into the city’s gym leader.
And years fly by, and Ingo and Emmet have learned how to conduct trains, and have gotten a job in the subways, and have become the first Subway Bosses.
And the four of them have become their own little group.
[The ghost feels nostalgic about this. Remembers something from when they were alive, remembers something about the people they’re with.]
[It comes back to them when they’re away from the living three. They remember the torn coat, the loud voice, the frown and the astounding battling talent. They remember the amnesia, the mystery. And they realize that something is going to happen. Something is going to happen to this one, and no one knows what.]
And then Ingo disappears. He’s gone, entirely, and the ghost doesn’t know what to say. They know that he’s still alive now, but they know that he’s forgotten everything, that maybe when he disappeared from that time, he didn’t return to where he was meant to be.
[They reassure Emmet anyway. Tell stories of how amazing Ingo had been. He wasn’t doing great, per say, but he was doing alright. Don’t worry, Emmet.]
And years later, when Ingo comes back, the face he recognizes first, is of a ghost.
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tobias-fell · 2 years ago
I'm going to the bookstore today and I wanted to know if you have any good recs of autistic in sci-fi or fantasy? Especially ownvoices? I feel like most of the autistic rep I know of is in contemporary stuff, which while great, I would love to see autistic characters being awesome in other worlds / situations.
Thank you very much!! ~Morri (@memento-morri-writes)
ok so:
non-own voices: the gilded wolves! it's pretty good i think. it's the only one on the list here i've read, which is why it's the only non-ownvoices non-recced-by-another-autistic (i dont rec non-ownvoices books with autistic characters till ive read them, for obvious reasons, unless other autistics have).
but also i found a list of what im pretty sure are ownvoices ones or otherwise solid rep, though with the caveat this is just through research and i haven't read them yet:
hoshi and the red city circut (author is autistic)
the outside (author is autistic)
failure to communicate (almost certain the author is autistic?)
on the edge of gone (not sure if ownvoices, but on a list of recs that was made by an autistic person)
an unkindness of ghosts (same situation as on the edge of gone)
unfortunately none of these are really on the fantasy side of things specifically, except the gilded wolves, but they are all sci fi !
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lemonsunset-bookshop · 2 years ago
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The Lonely Hearts Club
by Miko
When Lewis Snart died in the line of duty, the city mourned a fallen hero - and his son Leonard said good riddance to bad rubbish. He's spent his life trying to show the world what a real hero looks like, and takes pride in being a better cop than his old man could ever have hoped to be. If being driven and ambitious means he's left alone and lonely off the job, at least he's making his mark on the world. Then the particle accelerator blows up, and the dark matter changes everything about life in Central City. As a cop, there's only so much Len can do to protect his city, but Captain Cold has a chance to make a true difference. Since the day his father was arrested, Barry Allen has struggled against the prejudice of being a killer's son. People whisper that apples don't fall far from the tree and nothing good can grow from a bad seed. Though he carries a debt that can never be repaid for the lives of his father's victims, he's also learned the hard way - the world will never give him anything that he doesn't take for himself. With his powers, the Flash is an unstoppable thief. Of course, an easy job is no fun, and the chance to play with Captain Cold makes it even more interesting.
This is actualy a two part series I turned into a single book. It seems crazy, but it works well. The cover was nerve wracking, but it's so great! I did a wrap around in red, printed out the title, and then covered it with faux leather cut on my Circut. Very strong Reverse Flash feels, which is appropriate. I'd had the Cricut maybe two weeks when I did this, but I knew I wanted to try this. It looks amazing, despite that annouying stain. And then I used broken hearts as details and a page break; but as a cute detail the end page has a whole heart.
This story put me through the wringer. It is a thriller, bloody and scary, but also acheingly sweet. Barry is just completely in love and Len is clueless, they're amazing. The tension build is fantastic, the mystery and struggle thrilling, and the finally amazing. It is a master piece, but don't expect to feel rested afterwards.
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