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Desde hace unas semanas Wilmer Gelves @YoSoyLorito, quien interpreta a Lorito El Payaso @LoritoElPayaso dió inicio al taller de iniciación al payaso en el *Cuartel San Carlos*
Un taller donde exploramos nuestro ridículo y vamos conociendo como jugar con el, con las emociones y con el otro.
Pero no solo se está dando el taller de iniciación al payaso 🤡
También se están dando otros talleres como
🎪 *Aéreos (Telas)* por María Blanco @mariauxiblnc
🤸♂️ *Adagio (Acrobacias en Dúo)* por Pablo Palacios @pablopalacios_jp
🤹 *iniciación al malabar* por Sebastián Rojas @fsebastianrojas
Estos talleres son organizados por la nueva *Escuela de Circo Social Cuartel San Carlos* @cuartelsancarloslibre, con el apoyo de *Yahdai Producciones* @yahdai.producciones la *Gran Misión Viva Venezuela* @gmvivavenezuela , el sistema nacional de Culturas Populares @sistemancp , @flormariaunda quién es directora y productora del Cuartel San Carlos y por el Comandante Coronel Hernández Camacaro, Comandante ADI 812, quién permitió la utilización del espacio para estás actividades
Quieres saber más?
Te dejo acá la información 😃
📅 *Fechas:* Todos los sábados y domingos de octubre
🕘 *Hora:* Desde las 9:00 am
📍 *Lugar:* Cuartel San Carlos, Avenida 4 Norte, Parroquia Altagracia, al lado del Panteón Nacional
¡Y lo mejor de todo, los talleres son completamente gratuitos! 🎉
Además, durante la semana se estan ofreciendo otros talleres no circenses en el mismo lugar. ¡No te pierdas esta oportunidad única de aprender y divertirte!
#CircoSocial #TalleresDeCirco #CuartelSanCarlos #Caracas #CulturaViva #YahdaiProducciones #GranMisiónVivaVenezuela #MisiónCultura #Circo #Aéreos #Payaso #Adagio #Gratis #EventosEnCaracas
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El poder del arte
Here they have the Trump man and woman disguised and they're saying it's analogous to me and did they are trying to help me like that and they're not making it easier and the trumps say they're doing it and they're just ruining it you can see the movie The watchmen they're saying he's not a watchman and they're trying to test the watch to figure out the material and they told him don't go for the watch even if you leave it behind it's not true some people are going to kill him because of what he did and it's important to note that there's a window of opportunity they could have taken over the max project and Trump made it so they missed it by taking their stuff and now he's a dead man they say and his old clan wants him dead for what he did including Dave. One of Meghan markle's woman was killed and it was because of what she was talking about and Trump is the one who did it and he burned her because she was talking about him taking all their stuff and people are going to kill him for it and her cuz she's trying to hide it and they're blaming our son for all sorts of weird stuff and he has no opportunity to do and it's going to get them killed they don't have a concept of what they screwed up for some reason and it's been explained at this point in the show about caverns and bunkers and they don't understand it's only a portion of their plan they don't understand that big huge laser the cavern below and huge armies might not be able to stop them because I'm all economy is needed too and they're completely absolutely out to lunch regarding that and what they wanted to do is have us fight but it's sacrilege for a reason and it's because we do it correctly and you're not supposed to have us do it and that is what they're doing and they got George out of the way and others who are loyal to do this idiotic plan that our son doesn't have too much care about them doing because we're going to defeat them because they're doing it and yeah the guy playing this head detective is the killer and he lived them on fire out of the woods have to pouring gasoline on them and she knows where and they're going to kill a piece of s*** is what they said and they should he's got markings all over him from where people shot him but really he's a filthy piece of crap in a traitor and doesn't get it
Right now we are moving and we're going to take over several of these caverns and people will say so what we're going to use the ships and we'll prevent you from firing and so forth and we say we'll use it to get rid of you until they're none of you and you're losers for saying that stuff.
Saturn has gone around the bend we are doing the project and we are entering phase 1 and that is to prep it and to make safe and phase two will begin after that which is to remove and phase 3 and to replace any Disturbed areas back to original format and we will begin this process immediately and we do require a zigzag to be on site quite often and he is going to be there we are going to have meetings on the planet
Thor Freya
Now this guy is trying to accuse someone else for what he did and it looks like his son and that's who it is and he was involved and he knows it and he keeps saying you're an idiot what do you want from me you want me to put your head on a platter too you moron so he's telling him he doesn't know anything and to back off and the guy is stupid fix is costing works all the time costume we can't stand him anymore he's so dumb it's like watching a dog trying to do human work
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@ana_carolcosta do @circonoato fala sobre projetos, circo social e viagens pelo mundo. Se liga no novo Papos de Circo completo pelo youtube. :) 👉 youtube.com/malabarismo #malabarizese #malabarismo #paposdecircoaovivo #circonoato #escoladecirco #circo #circosocial #paposdecirco #nãodápraviversemarte #circorj #circosp #arte #art #ciadecirco #circense #projetosocial #projetos #projeto https://www.instagram.com/p/CDMORVEgfVl/?igshid=xidzi6v4x3ov
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UMA TONELADA DE FOTOS! Uma tonelada de corações atingidos! Siiim, dez edições do único cabaré circense em atividade hoje na cidade e região metropolitana! Encerramos no Circus Various no SESI Portão em clima de união entre arte, cidade e público! Foram dez edições em que atingimos mais de mil pessoas! Passaram pelo evento mais de 30 artistas circenses de diferentes linguagens, de distintas cidades, estados e até de países vizinhos! Mais de 05 fotógrafos e fotógrafas! Muitos e muitos quilômetros rodados pelas áreas não-centrais de Curitiba e região metropolitana, levando circo, riso e emoção! Formando plateias, formando apreciação às artes do circo! Obrigado público por sempre se fazer presente de coração aberto e sorriso no rosto! Obrigado artistas que acreditaram no projeto e mergulharam nele de corpo e alma! Vida longa ao Circus Various! E você quer saber quando será o próximo? Ahhh, pois bem, anote: 10/03/2018 no Circo Da Cidade com entrada ao chapéu! Vem variar com a gente, veeeem! <3
Fotos dos incríveis: Manu Zanon.
#circusvarious #vemvariarcomagente #agendacircensecwb #circo #curitiba#circosocial #curitibacool #circus #circocuritiba #curitibacircense #cidadecircense#malabarismo #palhaço #palhaça #palhaçaria #clown #acrobacia #magia#magica
#circusvarious#curitibacircense#agendacircensecwb#agendacircense#Nilovsky Novitsky#nilovsky#mina#palhaçamina#circosocial#curitiba
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Parque en el cauce seco del rio Turia de Valencia • Documental OVNIS • Trailer in profile • Foto de Eugenia (Eugin Eugin en FB) Facebook PROYECTO OVNI_______ #documentaryfilm #documentaryphotography #documentary #malabares #malabar #malabarismo #juggling #jugglingclubs #juggle #jugglingrings #documental #documentalindependiente #streetart #shortfilm #circosocial #artederua #lifestyle #artist #film #filmmaking #filmmaker #artederua #art #arte #documentinglife #anthropologie #anthropology #circus #socialcircus #traveler #traveling (at Valencia)
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#circusschool#circuslife#circusarts#circus#circosocial#circodelsol#circodusoleil#circodeloshorrores#circo#circorosa#circolare#circoloco#circonstances#circo volador#cirquegram#cirqueduinsta#cirquelife#cirqueelectrique#cirquedusoleil#cirque
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Un día mágico en Montevideo, donde tuvimos la oportunidad de conversar con Patricia Dalmás, quien nos comentó del trabajo que están realizando desde El Picadero en tormo al Circo Social, como herramienta de transformación e integración social en la ciudad. En la tarde, comenzamos disfrutando el arte escénico, provocador y vanguardista de Ausprice Circus, de Francia, con su obra “A Max El Único”. Continuamos, en vuelo acrobático, con la osadía y pasión de la compañía Irmaos Sabatino, de Brasil, con su obra “Vai Que Eu Voo”. Al finalizar, nos dejamos maravillar por el arte acrobático y de suspencion capilar de la compañía El Nido, de Argentina y Uruguay, con su obra “Antes Crudo”. #FICuruguay #FIC2018 #montevideo #circo #circosocial #conversatorio #elpicadero #corporacion #cultural #cebra #cebraenmontevideo (en El Picadero) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoDs9DUFdzk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13xba28k0synz
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🎪 CASA CHEIA? NÃO! CASA LOTADA! A décima primeira edição do Circus Various foi no Circo da Cidade e não decepcionou. A chuva esperou o espetáculo acabar para cair e no picadeiro: circenses entregando o seu melhor trabalho, o trabalho artístico! Confiram as fotos incríveis de Fabricio Lima dessa edição! #circusvarious #circosocial #circo #curitibacircense
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¡Feliz día mundial del circco! Gracias por transformar, crear y nunca renunciar. . #diamundialdelcirco #circosocialcartago #circosocial #circo #circuslife #artistas #arte #espectáculo (en Colombia, Cartago, valle del cauca) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNy1bAEg5eb/?igshid=1uj13rlzwjob2
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#CircoSocial #LIGE #UAQ (en UAQ Campus Aeropuerto)
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CIRCLASICA con el aval de EMILIO ARAGON Se cuenta que el circo moderno nació en Londres allá, por 1768 y en él, los animales eran los protagonistas. Donde caballos y artistas, realizaban acrobacias y equilibrios: Circus Hipodrome era su nombre. Ahora, en esta época Emilio Aragón, nos cuenta la historia del circo de una manera ágil y actual. Y lo hace desde un teatro que es precisamente donde comenzó el “Mayor espectáculo del Mundo”. Una pauta muy equilibrada donde espectáculos sorprendentes pero sin animales provocan la admiración y la fascinación de los presentes. Es un espectáculo familiar, donde no solo las criaturas disfrutan, sino que los maduritos como yo, permanecíamos ojo platicos con la ductilidad, elasticidad y plasticidad que algunos números ofrecían. Por detallar algún ejemplo, las trapecistas, no se balancean en el típico y conocido trapecio, sino que son los brazos de un forzudo hombre que afianza e inmoviliza los brazos de la mujer que gira, salta y realiza piruetas y cabriolas. El obligado descanso en un espectáculo de dos horas y las transiciones audiovisuales que encuadran y enmarcan los números, da el ritmo y equilibrio suficiente para que podamos divertirnos y contentarnos de lo lindo Circlassica es homenajea a las personas del circo, utilizando a un ingenuo payaso que suspira y anhela el corazón de la trapecista. Con ellos como guías del espectáculo, pasaremos momentos mágicos que nos harán disfrutar. Circlasica. JabierCalle VIDEO COMPLETO: https://youtu.be/p1QV8GkX2I8 #circo #circus #cirque #clown #o #teatro #arte #a #circuslife #show #acrobacia #acrobatics #musica #aerialist #art #circusarts #performance #circusartist #cirqueduinsta #lavisitatv #circusinspiration #circusaroundtheworld #circ #circuscircus #circuslove #os #jabiercalle #circosocial #teatrocampos (en Jabier Calle) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4M-5ysi76w/?igshid=1uch2b8lcdci7
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Respeitável públicoooooo! Com enorme satisfação, em outubro, estaremos no incrível espaço cultural e de ensino de múltiplas artes Guido Viaro, no Capão da Imbuia! Quer saber quais atrações vão sacudir o palco de madeira do Guido Viaro? Confira! Vem variar com a gente, veeeeeeem! SINOPSE Caxias se diverte em cena, trazendo ao publico um pouco de malabarismo cômico. SERVIÇO: 20 de outubro de 2017 - sexta-feira Circus Various: um espetáculo de variedades circenses Onde: Centro de Artes Guido Viaro Endereço: Francisco Mota Machado, 490, Capão da Imbuia, Curitiba Horário: 20h00 ENTRADA FRANCA Evento: bit.ly/variousnoguido Fotografia: Marcelo Veiga #circusvarious #vemvariarcomagente #teencontronoguido #palhaçaria #malabarismo #acrobacias #mistério #circosocial (em Centro Estadual de Capacitação em Artes Guido Viaro)
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New Teaser on Youtube link • Documental OVNIS • SUBSCRIBE on Youtube Channel • And Share • Facebook PROYECTO OVNI_______ #documentaryfilm #documentaryphotography #documentary #malabares #malabar #malabarismo #juggling #jugglingclubs #juggle #jugglingrings #documental #documentalindependiente #streetart #shortfilm #circosocial #artederua #lifestyle #artist #film #filmmaking #filmmaker #artederua #art #arte #documentinglife #happy #anthropology #circus #socialcircus #traveler #traveling #instagood #like4like (at Valencia)
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