#circle of the needle and the thread
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colorfulandblack · 1 year ago
Ok, serious question time gang
Sean is the youngest of the circle members right?
I mean Auntie Bee is the oldest of them that's a fact. And at first I though that maybe Nathaniel was second when it came to age because he was a lieutenant but then I remembered that because he came from money it's pretty certain that he had this position bought so it doesn't mean necessary that he'd be old or older.
However, I cannot imagine putting an somewhat barely an adult in charge, back in the day of the beginnings of the war. Or during the war. I think that when he enlisted he was an adult at least meaning he was over 18.
It is possible that Dr Jean is second in age since she is a doctor and I imagine she graduated university and her studies and if the wold of Newfaire is at least a little like the 1900 then she must have been 18 when she graduated if not older and then she had some practice. She did mention that she either learned or rather put her learned skills to use during the war in the trenches.
Those facts would put both Nathaniel and Jean in their early 30 I'd say? Or just turned 30? Also, their character are just much more authoritative which may came from their position in society and profession but it just fits that sort of age. We know that Nathaniel was younger sibling but we do not know how much younger he was from his brother that drowned so that doesn't give us much perspective.
Then Marion. He said that he tagged along with Sean and his brothers Tony and Jimmy all the time. That would put them similar in age. That being said through I'm almost certain that Sean was the youngest of the siblings and we know for a fact that he enlisted illegally when he was 16. I'm assuming and knowing his character he did so because his brothers also enlisted. Which leads me to think that maybe Marion was closer in age to Sean's siblings even if it were by 2 or 3 years because he just doesn't strike me as a person that would enlisted illegally. Unless if course he saw Sean doing a big stupid and decided that someone has to keep an eye on him.
But even if they all (except for Auntie Bee) were of similar age there could be 2-3 or more age gaps between them. And we know, we KNOW for a fact that Sean enlisted ILLEGALLY.
Also, this is a shot in the dark but notice how Auntie Bee sort of feels like a motherly figure to Sean. She said that she promised his mother to keep an eye on him. If Sean and Marion has been friends from young age and if Auntie Bee knew Sean from way before the Candela can means two things. One, which is quite reasonable, that she doesn't feel that Marion needs as much protection and attention because he's more reasonable of the two (although very protective of Auntie Bee, the amount of bleed he took for her and she does treat him almost like a son) or TWO, she did made a promise to Sean's mother to keep an eye on him not only because he's a impulsive idiot but also he is simply young.
Brennan said that Sean is in his mid twenties, we don't know how long was the war but if it is based on Great War that means it lasted 4 years (at least!) I'm saying at least because if Sean enlisted at the beginning that would put him at 20 and if he enlisted later he'd be even younger.
Now come to think of it I might be stupid but I though I remembered that in Chapter 1 it was said that the war lasted a decade? I'm not sure, someone let me know so I can fix it but either way that would put Sean at 26.
So yeah, unless we know more in my mind Sean is the youngest of the Needle and the Thread.
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twinklestarss · 1 year ago
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Candela Obscura Circles So Far…
Chapter 3 airs on November 30th!
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hijennyt · 1 year ago
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"...It's just surgery..." It's spooky season, which is the perfect time to give Candela Obscura a try! It has some deeply emotional cinematic moments that felt like daggers to the heart. I've absolutely enjoyed it!
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chaosgenasi · 1 year ago
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I love you.
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professorfcknmoriarty · 4 months ago
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johnnyspells · 1 year ago
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"As you stare down at the road where the letter used to be, you feel blood pouring down your face. You feel pain in your shoulder. And just as quickly as it started, you're brought back and you're holding a letter unopened in your hands."
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cowgirls-blues · 6 months ago
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... I'm smoking, and I'm moving around a baseball around in my hand. And I'm counting the stitches. 'Cause it's a Möbius loop, it's just one line of stitches, I'm counting - kind of like a rosary. "Take me out to the ball game..."
I'm watching Candela Obscura for the first time and my brain just went "hey what if we drew Sean with huge Ghibli tears wouldn't that be fun???
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wardensantoineandevka · 1 year ago
Some closer looks at the makeup (via Twitter)!
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s0ftpining · 1 year ago
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we pay our respects to the circle of needle and thread, wherever they may be...
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darc-la-farse · 1 year ago
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Dreading the finale 💀🕯
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nanyoky · 1 year ago
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So last night I was super cranky and not feeling good, so I made some memes. Then I realized the reason my brain and body were both Bad™️ all day was I had forgotten to take my meds the night before. Then today I slept so late I thought it was already Thursday.
Don't be like me kids. Take your meds. And if you feel Bad™️, check your little pill caddy to make sure you didn't forget.
Anyway enjoy my withdrawal memes (⁠*⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)⁠/⁠~⁠♡
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How dare Brennan make A Bug With A Big Ass's go-to karaoke song be "the baseball song" after we've all seen Sean Finnerty and what he can do with that song
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iluumey · 11 months ago
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Candela Obscura: Needle and Thread changed me as a person fundamentally
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chaosgenasi · 1 year ago
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Know that I am working every day to leave this place so I can be with my boy again. I hope to be there to tuck you into bed again real soon. Until then, with all my love, Mom.
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yeehawpim · 1 year ago
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@nanyoky on a candela discord server we're on
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johnnyspells · 1 year ago
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Brennan Lee Mulligan as Sean Finnerty | Candela Obscura Chapter 2
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