#circe not knowing what to do with her hair is 90% of the reason i hc she gets a pixie cut in ME3
persephoneggsy · 1 year
8,16, 24, 36 and +1 from the first fifty shep questions if you’re still takin em!
8. What is their reaction to the Alchera mission? And after?
God so much trauma. She broke down crying when she found Pressly's datapad. I like to think Joker was monitoring her while she was down there and turned off her audio feed so no one would hear her sobbing.
Afterwards, well. She doesn't bring it up to anyone unless they bring it up first. So far, that list includes just Joker, Tali, Thane, Miranda, and Ashley.
16. Is Shepard a drinker? History of other substances? Do they struggle with sobriety?
I think she used to be a smoker, but quit a little after joining the Alliance. She only broke once, just after the Normandy was grounded on the Citadel by Udina. Joker found her smoking in the airlock and chewed her out for it.
Once she got a brand spankin' new set of lungs courtesy of Cerberus, she was determined to never touch a cigarette again. It helped that her new body didn't remember the addiction, so it was easier to stay away.
24. Who does Shepard turn to for advice? For comfort? Who do they like to gossip with?
If she can't reach out to Anderson, she'll reach out to Dr. Chakwas, at least as far as life advice goes. She tried going to Samara, once, but asari advice is just so... not for humans lol.
For comfort, that honor would go to either Thane or Ashley, who both know her well enough to know what to say to make her feel better.
And gossip is 100% Kasumi's territory, though she'll let Kenneth and Gabby join in, too. Zaaed sometimes joins in, too, though his brand of gossip is significantly more vulgar.
36. Do they like to style their hair, wear makeup and jewelry? How do they feel about getting dressed up?
Oh, she loves it. Well - not the hair and makeup part. She has no idea how to do that stuff, so she'll usually leave her hair untouched and just put on some lip balm, maybe eyeshadow. If an event is really fancy, she needs someone else to do her makeup. For that, she'd turn to Miranda for help.
But she loves wearing dressing up - she grew up in an environment where she had three shirts and maybe two pants, and one pair of very worn-down shoes. I'd say half her salary goes towards her wardrobe lol.
+1: what does Shepard smell like?
On any regular day, probably engine oil, metal, and some kind of generic shampoo/bodywash. For perfumes, she likes fruity scents like pear or apple.
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coolertheory · 1 year
anyone want my curious family headcanons. yes you do come here. long post warning
post-psp he becomes the estranged relative that fucks off and disappears. he comes back about 10 years later like… surprise 
in those 10 years i like to think he lived in some apartment in belladonna cove as a horticulturist or something to do with plants
his natural hair is dark brown due to recessive genes or however genetics work idk man
he started dying his hair blonde sometime before he started college to “reinvent himself” but oops! once a loser always a loser. also to fit in more with his family
besides circe and his brothers his only friend in school was the librarian. they were on first name basis
everything about his life is just profoundly Sad and Pathetic. look up the price is right losing horn sound effect his whole life can be summed up with that
his wardrobe is stuck in the 1970s and only wears warm tones
had a really close relationship with his mom. slight daddy issues
extreeeeme perfectionism. probably wont even do anything if he know the outcome isn’t going to turn out well
secretly jealous of his siblings for various reasons but will he ever admit that? fuck no
jenny is actually just a nickname, her full name is genevieve! i feel it fits in more with how her other brothers are named 
also her green eyes are actually eye contacts, her natural eye color is brown. all the curiouses have shitty vision
was good friends with lyla grunt in high school
dropped out of college after finding out she was gonna have johnny
had him without the rest of the family knowing, they just assumed she was busy with her nursing degree and only had time to call instead of visit
her favorite song is our house (the one by graham nash) she hums it a lot!
oh trust me shes a huge fucking nerd just like the rest of her family. was very apparent when she was in school but after college you’d have to really get to know her to know that
puzzle enthusiast of all kinds. (crosswords, jigsaw, sudoku etc)
was the photographer/spread designer for the yearbook committee
adds a smiley face at the end of all her messages :-) just like me fr
he had a pet lizard that he got when he was 8. her name was eunice and he took her everywhere. to the dismay of literally everyone
his childhood dream? to become a mailman. 
sparkling water enjoyer…
most definitely becomes a pta parent when tycho starts going to school. also chaperones for all of his field trips
proud member of the neighborhood watch. which contains literally only 2 other people 
favorite genre of music is songs that sound like if you just spammed the auto predicted words on the keyboard over and over again (stuff is way by they might be giants, once in a lifetime by talking heads, yaknow)
in his free time hes always on some forums about obscure topics. sorry to say this but he’d probably be a redditor
somehow ended up on a gameshow once. didn’t win anything though. he thinks being on it is the crowning achievement of his lifetime 
his car looks like this 
his favorite movie is bill and ted’s excellent adventure (i promise my profile+pinned has no influence on this what do you mean guys hahahaah) and the other quintessential stoner movies 
because of his high cooking skill and scientist career, his career ends up being in the field of molecular gastronomy. food science, baby!
shared a room with vidcund before jenny moved out for college
oh in middle school he absolutely had that like, that gelled spiky porcupine looking hair that boys had in the 90s-early 2000s
i feel like he’d be the perpetrator of some in-universe version of an early 2000s meme in the same vein as none pizza with left beef or operation baja blast
speaking of baja blast. his favorite fast food chain is taco bell. 
favorite mode of transportation? rollerblading. 
collects novelty mugs
one of those guys that can solve a rubix cube in under 10 seconds
the smith family house is actually the curious family’s childhood home
they all have matching “C” middle names:  jenny celeste curious, pascal calliope curious, vidcund cecil curious, & lazlo caelum curious. vaguely space related except for cecil i just liked how it sounded
they’re mixed white/filipino from kitty and glarn respectively ;-)
okok this is a general headcanon but. i like to strangetown “takes place” in 2008, because my timeline is:
base game [2008] -> psp [2008-2009] -> strangerville [2018-2019]
anyways this is relevant because birthday headcanons! i havent come up with actual dates but... jenny (1968), chloe & lola (1972), pascal (1974), vidcund (1976), lazlo (1980)
yes chloe & lola are 3 years younger than jenny but i like to think aliens age really slowly so they still look like they’re young adults  
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for the author ask: 5 and 9, pls?? hope u have a decent evening^^ - 🔮⛈ (@enchanted-lightning-aes)
Hi! Thank you, and I also hope you have a good whatever time of day it is for you where you are!
5) character you were most surprised to end up writing
Besides my general surprise to be writing about any of my ocs at all (that took like 3 months to wear off, and still crops up randomly) it would be probably Zerve (Who didn't exist until they just popped up as I was writing Jerry's scene where he's being mysterious and irritating) or Starr. No, it's definitely Starr. All my WIPs are based off my Dungeons & Dragons Characters/Campaigns, and she was my second D&D character ever. I played her for around 5 ~90 minitue sessions, and I was late to the first one.
So she never got fleshed out as a person (Well, (Water) Genasi). Her most iconic moment was hitting a watered down version of Circe over the head with a crowbar (Which did nothing at all) or falling through the plane of air for 60 seconds screaming (Damn changeling wild magic sorcerer).
In my first ever story Starr appeared, as a grumpy Water Genasi who had, for unknown reasons, a great love of hitting people over the head with crowbars and a hatred of Changelings.
A bright blue skinned girl crossed her arms and sighed. Everything about her made her stand out. She had dark blue hair, bright blue skin and, at least for the 30 minutes they had been standing there, was always wet.
That's Starr, a long time ago. 13 months ago, actually.
But then I made, about 2 years later (So early-mid 2020), a Water Genasi Monk who was raised by her Aunt and joined a (evil, not that she knew that) spy organization when she was 17. Her name was Min Zang, aka Mist. So then, while starting to write a story about Mist (Which was about 7 months ago), it occurred to me that, Hey, I have this old Water Genasi oc. What if she was Mist's missing mother (Whoa that was unexpected alliteration)? So, I, in predictable fashion, made her Min's missing mother. Who, unfortunately, was dead. Got executed for being a pirate (As far as anyone knows. Actually she's in another dimension, helping rule a kingdom with a parallel universe version of herself. Min & her brothers got sucked into a portal back to our dimension when Min was 3. It's very complicated. Sorry?).
So then I decided to write Starr's story, which became Nine's a Storm. Which became a weird parallel universe story with 2 of everyone, including Starr, and the MCs stuck in a parallel universe identical except for one major detail: Motia, a Sea Elven kingdom that was once the sole power beneath the waves, never fell.
It's complicated, and confusing (to me especially) and that was probably a much longer answer than you were expecting.
9) what, if anything, do you do for inspiration?
If I really want to/have time/can I'll watch random fantasy movies, or play Dungeons & Dragons for inspiration. Sometimes both.
I really like the Mythica movies, and the LotR movies. Especially Two Towers & Return of the King. If only for the fight scenes.
But a lot of the time I don't do anything, and just write if I want to.
Which leads to a very odd writing schedule that is largely inconsistent and incredibly random.
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chimmy-joos · 7 years
get to know me tag!
Rules: answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
Tagged by: the very lovely rnjmnster (Lily is so sweet love her)
1. Drink: Water 2. Phone call: Most definitely did not call my work to call off today.. 3. Text message: "fuck yeah omg I love CEO Yoongi" AHAHAHA IM DYING 4. Song you listened to: Eung Freestyle by Live, Sik-k, Punchnello, Owen, Ovadoz, and Flowsik 5. Time you cried: I cried thinking about someone finally accepting me :')
6. Dated someone twice: sorry no takesies backsies ;) 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: oh for sure, I've done worse and regretted it 8. Been cheated on: Nope. Hopefully never 9. Lost someone special: I just recently lost a good friend but oh well life goes on 10. Been depressed: When am I never not depressed? 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: oh yes! I threw up on my best friend's foot lollll
12-14: Purple, black, and blue
15. Made new friends: I have!! I've made lots of mutuals including those that have tagged me in this! Much love to them!! 16. Fallen out of love: yes, but it was for the better 17. Laughed until you cried: Yes, I don't laugh any other way 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Oh hell yeah. Shout out to the friend that I lost who sub tweeted me on twitter! I love you!! 19. Met someone who changed you: maybe??? 20. Found out who your friends are: Well I've found who aren't my friends 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: I don't use Facebook anymore so 
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: shiiiiit I can't answer this can I 23. Do you have any pets: Yes, my lovely witchy feline, Circe and my three turtles 24. Do you want to change your name: no, but I want a nickname. Why is my name so hard to think of a nickname for???? 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: I think I ate with my family.. that, or I stayed home. I honestly can't remember 26. What time did you wake up: 12 pm because I had work and I like to lay in bed for hours before getting ready 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: probably in the middle of watching insidious with my best friend and later on regretting it because my house is DARK 28. Name something you can’t wait for: To go to art school! 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: Last night 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life? I wish I could change they way I contradict everything I do and how I think I can brush things off like they're not a big deal. I need to start acting like an adult 31. What are you listening right now: Memento by Ja Mezz ft. The Quiett 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yes, my supervisor lolll 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: I guess ignorant people and those that are very closed minded and can't accept that people have different perspectives and opinions 34. Most visited Website: Tumblr and YouTube
35. Mole/s: I have a lot! I have one on my neck! 36. Mark/s: ummmm stretch marks?? 37. Childhood dream: To be an artist! 38. Haircolor: black! I want it very black tho, like night black hehe 39. Long or short hair: funny asking this right before getting my hair cut! My hair is now short and to my chin! 40. Do you have a crush on someone: I am way too far up Jimin's ass to be crushing on someone, but yeah, I guess you could say that 41. What do you like about yourself: I'm pretty chill about everything. I don't wanna say I don't have strong opinions, but I'm passionate about some things 42. Piercings: None at the moment, but definitely going to get my ears pierced soon! 43. Bloodtype: A+ 44. Nickname: my sister called me "train" for some reason and some people call me sheratata(cough cough follow me on insta) 45. Relationship status: single and ready for a sugar daddy to come sweep me off my feet in his Maserati 46. Zodiac: Scorpios where ya at?? 47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favorite TV Show: i-Zombie is a good one 49. Tattoos: in the near future I hope 50. Right or left hand: LEFTY 51. Surgery: Nada 52. Hair dyed in different color: red, blue/purple, silver, blonde, and brown 53. Sport: No, but if I had to be in one it'd be volleyball 55. Vacation: never, the grind never stops 56. Pair of trainers: I have no idea what this means MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: currently on a diet but is it a diet if everyday is a cheat day? Kidding I haven't eaten yet 58. Drinking: Water, tea, and coffee 59. I’m about to: Go get my nails done and take a trip to the mall! 61. Waiting for: nothing really 62. Want: to move out of AK and head to college 63. Get married: hopefully one day. Maybe with kids that may or may not look somewhat similar to Park Jimin.. 64. Career: IN NEED OF A NEW JOB
65. Hugs or kisses: Both, but kisses are just so intimate 66. Lips or eyes: Lips tbh. I love eyes too, but can you kiss eyes? 67. Shorter or taller: Taller 68. Older or younger: older. I apologize, I can't vision myself dating a younger person 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Arms will always be the death of me 71. Sensitive or loud: Loud 72. Hook up or relationship: Mmmmm both are so nice but I think I'm more of a hook up person 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Troublemaker.
74. Kissed a stranger: nope, never 75. Drank hard liquor: Yes, I prefer hard liquor over beer and wine any day 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: All the time ugh 77. Turned someone down: haha yes 78. Sex on the first date: Nope 79. Broken someone’s heart: Ummm unintentionally probably 80. Had your heart broken: Of course 81. Been arrested: No, hopefully not soon 82. Cried when someone died: of course 83. Fallen for a friend: The only people I fall for..
84. Yourself: mmmmmm in a way 85. Miracles: im sure they happen 86. Love at first sight: all the gah damn time 87. Santa Claus: no, but it's nice to joke about it 88. Kiss in the first date: Nahhhh 89. Angels: if by angel you mean Jung Hoseok? Then yes
90. Current best friends name: Leaving it confidential, but my circle is pretty small but they're good people 91. Eyecolor: Very very very dark brown. Almost black 92. Favorite movie: My current movie I'm obsessed with is Baywatch with Zac Efron and Dwayne Johnson but my all time favorite movie is The Heat with Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy
i would tag people but all the people i want to tag have been tagged already ;’) im fine everything is fine
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