chosenheir · 22 hours
ok, so as much as I hate to do this, I am beginning to feel overwhelmed with too many blogs. that being said, I am shifting harry & draco back over to my multi. all threads and starters will be continued there. you can follow them over here.
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chosenheir · 3 days
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@inkdreamt: liked for draco.
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The last person Draco ever expected to see on his doorstep was the youngest Weasley. Well, not so young anymore. She’d grown up as the rest of them had and she’d grown into her looks too. He eyed her up and down, unable to resist. The old sneer wasn’t there on his face anymore. Draco wasn’t who he used to be. And it showed in how he helped people now with his skills in potions.
He didn’t live in the manor anymore, but a nice flat on the top floor nearest Diagon Alley in the little wizarding village there. His mother had been most disappointed when he had left, but he’d needed to get out and go about the world on his own. Despite people still treating him differently even though he had changed, he made an effort to show it as often as he could.
“Oh … er, hello there, Ms. Weasley.” Was it Miss still? He didn’t keep up with the dramas surrounding people their age if he could help it. “What can I do for you?”
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chosenheir · 3 days
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@inkdreamt: liked for harry.
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“Ginny, have you seen my tie?” Harry had been looking everywhere for it. A part of him wondered if Ginny had hidden so that he could make it way back to the school. He was starting his second year of teaching, something that he hadn’t thought would be possible in the first place and yet here he was. He was excited nonetheless. Yes, being away for work meant less tie with Ginny, but he came home on the weekends and when he could on the evenings. He supposed now he understood why so many of the professors hadn’t seemed to not have much of personal lives when they’d been in school. It was hard to keep up with, but something he would always make an effort for anyway.
Rounding the corner, he spotted Ginny, tie in question in her hands. “Ha! I knew it. You were trying to hide that from me, weren’t you?” Shaking his head at her, Harry strode over to her and held out a hand. “I know you don’t want me to go, Gin, but I have to. You know that.”
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chosenheir · 3 days
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chosenheir · 3 days
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Marked 💀🐍
“Something vast, green, and glittering erupted from the patch of darkness and flew up over the treetops and into the sky…For a split second Harry thought it was another leprechaun formation. Then he realized that it was a colossal skull, comprised of what looked like emerald star, with a serpent protruding from its mouth line a tongue”
A re-design of the Dark Mark
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chosenheir · 3 days
THE MORNING AFTER PROMPTS. a collection of memes derived from the morning after trope, for roleplaying purposes. feel free to edit as you see fit. do not steal (18+). send (reverse) along with any action prompts to swap the assigned roles.
i'm surprised that you stayed.
would you believe me if i said that i don't normally do this?
last night was incredible. i especially liked it when you did the thing.
how long have you been awake?
don't move. i'm comfortable.
what would you say to some breakfast?
i should really go.
i like waking up next to you.
you know, i could go another round. or three.
you look cute first thing in the morning.
i don't think i'm gonna be able to walk today.
what time is it?
i don't think i caught your name.
stop moving.
you talk in your sleep.
you have to leave, right now.
how did my shirt get there?
i'm trying so hard not to kiss you right now.
shut up, i'm trying to sleep.
your feet are cold.
i was worried last night had been a dream.
wanna order food and spoon for a while?
i thought you'd left.
come back to bed.
i didn't want to disturb you.
your phone was ringing.
last night didn't mean anything. you know that, right?
i've been waiting so long for this.
i love you.
kiss. for sender's muse to waken receiver's muse up with a kiss.
spoon. for sender's muse to pull receiver's muse flush against them, spooning them.
breakfast. for sender's muse to bring receiver's muse breakfast in bed.
morning. for our muses to have sleepy, morning sex.
shower. for our muses to shower together.
bathe. for our muses to bathe together.
kitchen. for our muses to prepare breakfast together.
trace. for sender's muse to trace the marks they left on receiver's body.
watch. for sender's muse to just silently watch the receiver's muse as they sleep.
display. for sender's muse to watch as receiver's muse begins to get dressed.
pin. for sender's muse to stop the receiver's muse from leaving the bed.
mouth. for sender's muse to initiate sleepy oral sex on receiver's muse.
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chosenheir · 3 days
THE DA VINCI CODE (2006) PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the film, adjust as necessary
you say you hate history. nobody hates history. they hate their own histories.
we are who we protect, i think. what we stand up for.
that's why we study history... so we'll stop killing each other.
can you keep secrets? can you know a thing and never say it again?
how many have been murdered over this question?
if it's so important to you to stop us, then you're just going to have to shoot us.
understanding our past determines actively our ability to understand the present.
tonight, this will be our quest.
how would you know that?
you seem... uncomfortable.
you have me confused with someone else.
why would i try to run? i didn't do anything.
will you excuse me a moment?
i was supposed to have drinks with him earlier this evening.
i waited for over an hour.
i'm afraid the police arrived more quickly than i anticipated.
you must follow me, please. for your own safety.
you knew they were coming?
if you step inside, please. time is of the essence.
you have not been honest with me.
you will leave this house!
your ruse is pathetic.
will you just tell us what the hell it's for?
i've jammed my shoulder, i've been shot at... i'm bleeding.
if we are to get away from here, we must find another way.
you can start with him.
do not react to this message.
you must follow my directions very closely. you are in grave danger.
i could run them over.
i can pretty much remember what i see.
sorry for all the mystery, [name].
i'm into something here that i cannot understand.
you should be ashamed.
if you would close your eyes...
well, that's a bit strange, isn't it?
how many wine glasses are there on the table?
there's virtually no empirical proof.
that is what they want you to believe.
that's a common misunderstanding.
you are saying all this is real?
you are an angel.
i am a ghost.
have you ever heard those words before?
why are you asking these things?
i am the messenger of god.
every breath you take is a sin.
you will be hunted by angels.
you believe in god? your god doesn't forgive murderers. he burns them.
do you mock me?
we are betrayed.
did they find it? this buried treasure?
i've never heard about any of this.
this is an old wives' tale.
now you're a psychologist too?
what will you do?
it's a rudimentary phallus.
the only thing that matters is what you believe.
i thought i was going to die.
sometimes i wonder if i wasn't alone down there.
maybe human is divine.
thank you... for bringing me here.
the mind sees what it chooses to see.
do i owe you money?
care to open up for an old colleague?
first, a test of honor.
shall i serve coffee or tea?
what would you do?
maybe there is no proof.
surely such a travesty has never occurred.
your heart is true.
they are used to keep secrets.
you used me.
we've been dragged into a world of people who think this stuff is real.
do you trust this man? i hope you can.
i don't follow.
stop now. tell me where it is.
i don't know what you are talking about.
is it a secret you will die for?
well, i must say, you two are anything but dull.
forgive the intrusion.
i'm not sure how much help i'm gonna be here this evening.
funny, i don't even like history.
i've never seen much good come from looking to the past.
are you a god-fearing man?
you're acting like you lost your mind.
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chosenheir · 3 days
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hit the ♡ for a starter. please specify if you want the starter for either harry or draco in the comments. if you are a multimuse, please also comment with the muse you want the starter for. length will vary.
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chosenheir · 3 days
“He’s just a boy.”
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chosenheir · 3 days
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Happy Birthday Harry! ⚡️
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chosenheir · 3 days
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i'm not gonna fuss about a promo, so that being said, I'm ready to go for interactions! I'll throw out a starter call soon to get some things going.
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chosenheir · 3 days
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– the tracked tag for this account is: #CHOSENHEIR. discord is available on request. this is a multifandom, multiverse, multishipping, crossover, oc & duplicate friendly account. I am anti-jkr and do not believe in or condone anything she has said or done. I've been writing the characters for ages and there are so many divergencies that they've basically turned into my own.
– I am iconless, that being said I may use gifs from time to time. I will likely some bolds or italics when need be and small text, that's as much as I do as far as formatting goes. I am willing to use regular text as well if that is easier.
– please keep the dash a drama free dash: no vagueing, hate, call outs, etc. drama. let's keep rp fun.
– some things I may not follow you back for: no tagged posts, no age range anywhere on your blog. please note that I do read rules when I follow someone, that being said, I will no be sending in passwords nor will I be filling out required interest trackers.
– FADE TO BLACK IS PREFERRED. romance leading up to smu/t is okay. that being said, sm/ut may be referenced on occasion, but I will not write it. that also being said, I do love writing romance, pun intended, I would just rather fade anything else to black.
– If something is triggering to you & you would like it to be tagged, please don't be afraid to politely ask me to tag it. For tagged triggers I will use #TRIGGER CW. I currently do not have any triggers to be tagged.please note that the views of my character are not my own personal views. OOC=/=IC.
– Please do not assume a character to be a relation to any of my characters unless it's been discussed. If your character is an oc sibling / child / etc., my character will not know them unless we've discussed this. that being said, canon relations are most definitely allowed. that being said, I am not entirely against this, I would just rather this sort of thing be discussed before interactions, especially if such a character drastically changes a canons background.
– I LOVE SHIPPING! throw all of the ships at me. however, chemistry is important and if it's not there then it's not there. platonic things can easily be written too. feel free to send me memes to test out a relationship or we can definitely plot.
– all graphics were made by me. and unless said otherwise, I'll credit the maker in the post. graphics psd is iris by coloursourcex.
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chosenheir · 3 days
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faceclaim(s): tom felton, nicholas galitzine
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Draco Lucius Malfoy is a pure-blood wizard and the only son of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy. The son of a Death Eater, Draco was raised to believe strongly in the importance of blood purity. He attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1991-1998 and was sorted into Slytherin House. 
During his years at Hogwarts, he became friends with Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Pansy Parkinson, and other fellow Slytherins, but he quickly developed a rivalry with Harry Potter.
He was known for being snarky and cruel, but deep down Draco just wanted to belong. Once he was done with school, he tried his best to put his history and his family's reputation behind him. The Wizarding World as a whole doesn't trust the Malfoy's and while Draco doesn't blame them for that, he is trying to change that. 
Draco ends up doing his own potioneering work from within Malfoy Manor. He is often seeked upon from the Ministry and highly known individuals for his work and his knowledge and skills in potions and sometimes even healing.
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vi: some wizarding families are better than others
– this is draco's main verse. it follow his life as malfoy heir, hogwarts student and potioneer.
vi: i suppose that's the monster i'm running from now
– in this verse, draco has left behind the wizarding world to make a new name for himself among the muggles. he becomes a healer, or rather, a doctor and a well known one at that.
vi: nobility at its' finest
– draco's family is of the noble line of camelot. they were there before uther took over the throne and even after. his father followed uther's laws to a t, but unlike his father, draco didn't cower away from his magic. when arthur became king, there was hope that he would be free. he was part of the knights and the camaraderie among the men, though sometimes he felt that some of them looked down on him because of his name and his money.
vi: heavy is the head that wears the crown
– an alt!verse for the arthurian legends, or any such royal settings in which draco's family is of the noble line in a kingdom around london, from the kingdom narva, part of the combining of the groups of kingdoms together. he is the only heir, born into a pro!magic family and often has to be wary when visiting other kingdoms that might not be so friendly to magic. 
vi: the rise of voldemort
– draco had to make decisions and he made them fast. when his parents were found dead, he stepped up to the malfoy mantle as heir. voldemort himself took him on, accepting his failures of the past as a way to prove himself now. draco was one of the first to help round up those who had escaped from the castle.
– he didn’t keep that position forever, however. when voldemort announced the new status of hogwarts, draco offered himself as a potions professor of sorts, knowing his skills could be widly used and needed in battle at the very last of minute if need be.
– now that the dark lord and his followers know of a plan to recapture hogwarts, draco has been more on alert than ever, doubting those that he knows within the school and careful of his information he shares. he has become as skilled of a legilimens as severus snape was and uses it to guard his mind when needed. as one from a royal bloodline, draco is on voldemort’s most trusted list, not that he always feels he deserves it. still, he does whatever he can to not provide anymore doubt in the fight to keep the dark side strong.
more tba.
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chosenheir · 3 days
HARRY JAMES POTTER - canon divergent
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faceclaim(s): daniel radcliffe, matthew daddario
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harry was born to lily evans-potter and james potter. they were killed by voldemort on halloween and harry was left with a scar that would be with him forever. voldemort was unable to kill him, though he tried and he was sent to live with his muggle relatives the dursley's. 
the dursley's did not treat him well and harry always felt like he didn't belong. it was when he was told he was a wizard by hagrid, that he knew that maybe he would finally find a place to belong. and he did. sort of. harry was welcomed in hogwarts and thrived. though there were times when he was the target in school, even more so when voldemort returned and the majority of the school and the wizarding world didn't believe him.
it was during what should have been his seventh year that he had to go hunting for horcruxes. he didn't want to bring anyone with him, but his best friends ron weasley and hermione granger insisted. they were faced with many turmoils and disagreements, but finally, they could return to hogwarts for the battle of hogwarts. 
voldemort was defeated by harry and the wizarding world could move on. there was much grieving and hogwarts had to be rebuild. harry stayed at hogwarts to help before he went on to train for being an auror. only to find that he didn't like it as much as he thought he would. harry was tired of fighting and headmistress mcgonagall had offered him the position of defense against the dark arts professor should he want it. so he instead took some teaching classes and asked minerva if he could still have the position. 
she agreed and he came to hogwarts to teach the next year. harry had been living at a now refurbished grimmauld place, but during his summers off from teaching, harry got the funds together to begin refurbishing the potter home in godric's hollow as it technically was left to him and he hoped to one day raise his family there.  
it's not until after hogwarts that he gets a new barn owl and he names her athena. 
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vi: trouble always finds me
– this verse contains harry's main verse, pertaining with his life as a wizard in the wizarding world.
more tba.
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chosenheir · 3 days
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CHOSENHEIR is an indie, selective duo DRACO MALFOY & HARRY POTTER of the wizarding world. with verses in arthurian legends, bridgerton, & more! by belle. she/her, 30+. please read the rules before following. this is an anti-jkr blog, and I do not believe in or condone the things she has said or done. this blog may contain dark themes. a mature audience is advised. this blog will only write with those 21+. 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐝𝐧𝐢.
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DIRECTORY: rules // harry // draco // memes
@inkdreamt, @bccksmarts
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chosenheir · 3 days
revamping this account into a duo, draco & harry blog.
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