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lurally · 6 years ago
Miki Biasion senza Tiziano Siviero al Rally Lana 1982
Miki Biasion senza Tiziano Siviero al Rally Lana 1982
Alle 14 spaccate dell’11 giugno 1982 partiva la prima delle due tappe del quinto Rally Internazionale della Lana: prevedeva 32 prove speciali, tutte sponsorizzate dai lanifici locali – Bozzala & Lesna, Cigno Nero, Cervinia, Chiavazza, Tallia di Delfino, Maggia, Giuseppe Botto, Luigi Botto – e un percorso totale di ben 891 chilometri. Esatto, avete capito bene: 891 chilometri. Era la quinta delle…
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petrosolgas · 2 years ago
Multinacional OSM Maritime abre centenas de vagas de emprego offshore no Brasil
A OSM Maritime, multinacional líder em gestão de navios e prestadora de serviços marítimos, anunciou nesta terça-feira (04) a abertura de diversas vagas de emprego offshore para profissionais de várias localidades do país. Os cargos variam para 3º/2º Oficial, Operador de Posição, Ajustador, entre outros, onde os candidatos devem estar dentro dos requisitos para participarem do processo seletivo.
Multinacional OSM está com centenas de vagas de emprego offshore abertas 
Saiba mais sobre as ótimas oportunidades abertas pela OSM Maritime para o Brasil:
Operador de Posição Dinâmica
Necessário nível de inglês avançado, experiência em operação similar, DP Siga o curso alvo, Certificado DP Completo. A empresa busca por DPO brasileiro para atuar a bordo de um navio semi-submersível e de apoio à construção projetada para operação mundial.
Necessário experiência prévia de 2 anos como Fitter, experiência prévia em navio tanque, disponibilidade imediata para atuação em escala 60X60, EBPQ, documentação marítima em dia, inglês intermediário. Responsável por construir, ajustar, reparar peças ou conjuntos parciais, componentes de máquinas e outros equipamentos mecânicos, com base em especificações ou modelos originais, utilizando máquinas-ferramenta, ferramentas manuais e instrumentos de medição, entre outros.
Necessário disponibilidade para início no dia 15 de outubro, CBSP, FEZ, Nrs 12, 33 8h e 16h, 354 Pre-joining, 35 e 37 primeiro embarque e embarque avançado, Vacinas antitetânica, terceira dose do COVId e Febre Amarela INternacional, CIR de Condutor de Máquinas, EBCP, TBS1, AQUI e STCW.
Coordenador de Departamento Pessoal
Necessário experiência no cargo, domínio do sistema RM/Totvs, Inglês avançado, conhecimento de acordos coletivos do setor marítimo e offshore. Responsável por realizar a gestão da folha de pagamento, gestão do processo admissional, demissional e férias, atendimento a fiscalização, entre outros.
Vagas de emprego offshore ficarão abertas por tempo indeterminado
As vagas de emprego offshore abertas pela OSM Maritime estão sendo disponibilizadas no site de carreiras da empresa. Além dos requisitos e atribuições é necessário ficar atento quanto a data limite das oportunidades, onde algumas acabam em 12 dias, 25 dias e outras ficarão abertas até que sejam preenchidas, sendo assim, é importante se candidatar quanto antes. Além dessas, há muitas outras oportunidades abertas pela empresa no país.
Para a candidatura no site, é necessário fazer um registro utilizando nome completo, e-mail, tipo de carreira, entre outros dados.
A multinacional não divulgou os salários ou benefícios, mas afirma que estes são compatíveis com o mercado de trabalho e devem ser combinados durante as entrevistas finais.
Conheça a OSM Maritime
A prestadora de serviços marítimos e gestora de navios controla a qualidade de sua equipe de ponta a ponta, fornecendo igualdade e ética reconhecidas pelas mesmas, estando confiante que seu desempenho é incomparável.
A multinacional gerencia uma frota diversificada que é dividida igualmente entre offshore, Tankers, Dry ou Cargo. Sempre levando o conhecimento e as altas expectativas de projetos de alto nível em ativos para todos os setores e para todos os tipos de navios, a OSM Maritime é transparente com seus clientes, tendo uma comunicação inigualável com os mesmos. Todos os custos ou possíveis problemas são comunicados com os mesmos.
A multinacional possui uma sólida posição financeira, um forte aliado de seus clientes e parceiros. Na indústria marítima, a OSM é um balcão único que disponibiliza vários serviços para que seus clientes encontrem um parceiro e não um fornecedor.
O post Multinacional OSM Maritime abre centenas de vagas de emprego offshore no Brasil apareceu primeiro em Petrosolgas.
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hollymoodsay · 6 years ago
PARABENOS (parte 2)
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Los parabenos se usan en una amplia variedad de productos de enjuague, especialmente aquellos con un alto contenido de agua, como champús y acondicionadores, que las personas usan todos los días. Sus propiedades antimicrobianas son más efectivas contra hongos y bacterias gram positivas. Cremas hidratantes, limpiadores de cara y piel, cremas solares, desodorantes, geles de afeitar, pastas de dientes, maquillaje y muchos otros productos contienen parabenos. Se absorben en el cuerpo a través de la piel, se metabolizan y se excretan en la orina y la bilis (Soni 2005). Sin embargo, el uso diario de un producto o varios productos que contienen parabenos da como resultado una exposición directa y continua, como lo indica la detección casi ubicua en las encuestas de biomonitoreo.
Los productos para el cuidado personal son los que más contribuyen a la exposición al parabeno, como se observa en estudios que comparan los niveles de parabeno en los cuerpos de mujeres, hombres, adolescentes y niños que usan cosméticos con regularidad y los que no lo hacen. Las adolescentes que usan maquillaje todos los días tenían 20 veces más niveles de propilparabeno en la orina en comparación con aquellas que nunca o rara vez usan maquillaje (Berger 2018). El uso de lociones corporales y faciales, productos para el cabello, protectores solares y maquillaje han sido factores predictivos y se han correlacionado con niveles notablemente más elevados de parabenos urinarios (Sahki 2018, Nassan 2017, Braun 2014 y Fisher 2017).
Otros usos
Las personas también pueden exponerse a los parabenos al comer alimentos y bebidas que no solo contienen parabenos sino que también se conservan con ellos. En la década de 1970, el propilparabeno fue designado como "generalmente reconocido como seguro" para agregar a los alimentos hasta el 0,1 por ciento (CDC 2016). Pero esta etiqueta de seguridad está desactualizada, dados los estudios recientes que apuntan a los efectos en la salud asociados con los parabenos.
Tipos de parabenos
Los cosméticos suelen contener mezclas de diferentes tipos de parabenos. Los seis tipos más comúnmente usados ​​son metil-, etil-, propil-, isopropil-, butil- e isobutilparabeno. Los llamados parabenos de cadena más corta, metilo y etilo, se usan comúnmente en combinación, mientras que el butilparabeno a menudo se usa solo. Los parabenos de cadena más larga, propilo y butilo, están vinculados a una actividad estrogénica más fuerte (Blair 2000 y Vo 2010). Se ha demostrado que la estructura ramificada aumenta la actividad estrogénica y la potencia de sensibilización (Darbre 2002 y Sonnenburg 2015).
Efectos en la salud
- Trastornos endocrinos y daños reproductivos.
Los parabenos pueden actuar como la hormona estrógeno en el cuerpo e interrumpir la función normal de los sistemas hormonales que afectan el funcionamiento del sistema reproductor masculino y femenino, el desarrollo reproductivo, la fertilidad y los resultados del parto. Los parabenos también pueden interferir con la producción de hormonas. El Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente ha identificado a los parabenos como un grupo, incluidos el propil y el butilparabeno, como sustancias químicas que alteran la endocrina o posibles sustancias químicas que la alteran (Ambiente de las Naciones Unidas 2017). El Centro Danés de Interruptores Endocrinos también identificó al butil e isobutilparabeno como disruptores endocrinos (Centro Danés de Interruptores Endocrinos 2018).
Los estudios científicos informaron la actividad estrogénica de los parabenos (Byford 2002, Kim 2011, Vo 2011, Vo 2010). La potencia estrogénica aumenta con la longitud del parabeno (Blair 2000 y Vo 2010) y las cadenas laterales ramificadas también aumentan la actividad estrogénica, como se observa en estudios in vitro e in vivo (Darbre 2002).
En estudios con animales, las señales hormonales interrumpidas por propil, isopropil e isobutil, y la exposición a todos estos parabenos y butilparabeno perjudicaron el desarrollo reproductivo femenino (Vo 2010). En otro estudio en animales, la exposición del desarrollo al butilparabeno dañó la reproducción masculina al disminuir la producción de esperma y al disminuir los niveles de testosterona (Zhang 2014). Boberg (2016) encontró que la exposición al butilparabeno durante el desarrollo en ratas dañó los sistemas reproductivos tanto femeninos como masculinos. El conteo de espermatozoides se redujo a dosis muy bajas de solo 10 mg / kg de peso corporal por día.
En estudios en humanos, investigadores de la Escuela de Salud Pública THard de Harvard encontraron que la disminución de la fertilidad se asoció con propilparabeno urinario (Smith 2013). Otro estudio en humanos relacionó los niveles de butilparabeno y parabeno urinario total con una fertilidad disminuida, como lo indica la disminución de la duración del ciclo menstrual (Nishihama 2016). Los niveles de butilparabeno en la orina de la madre y los niveles en la sangre del cordón umbilical se asociaron con mayores probabilidades de parto prematuro y disminución del peso al nacer (Geer 2017).
- Alteración endocrina y cáncer.
Los científicos están preocupados por la exposición a los estrógenos ambientales y sobre cómo pueden contribuir al riesgo de cáncer, especialmente del cáncer de mama en las mujeres. El propilparabeno puede alterar la expresión de los genes, incluidos los de las células de cáncer de mama (Wróbel 2014), y acelerar el crecimiento de las células de cáncer de mama (Okubo 2001). Un estudio reciente de la Universidad de California-Berkeley encontró que las dosis bajas de butilparabeno, que antes no se consideraban dañinas, funcionaban junto con otros receptores celulares para activar los genes del cáncer y aumentar el crecimiento de las células del cáncer de mama (Pan 2016).
- Irritación de la piel
La piel puede sensibilizarse a los productos que contienen parabenos, lo que provoca irritación (CIR 2006). Se ha demostrado que la potencia de sensibilización está relacionada con la longitud de la cadena lateral de los parabenos (Sonnenburg 2015).
Parabenos en el cuerpo
En las encuestas nacionales de exámenes de salud y nutrición, los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades, o CDC, detectaron propilparabeno en más del 92 por ciento de los estadounidenses evaluados, y butilparabeno en aproximadamente el 50 por ciento de los examinados (Calafat 2010). Estos resultados fueron similares a los niveles medidos en niñas adolescentes en el estudio de intervención HERMOSA 2016 (Harley 2016). Después de solo una intervención de tres días, cuando las niñas usaron productos sin parabenos, los niveles de propilparabeno en la orina se redujeron en aproximadamente un 45 por ciento.
Se han detectado parabenos en bebés (Calafat 2009) y niños mayores (Calafat 2010), así como en adultos, incluidas las mujeres embarazadas (Smith 2013). Por lo tanto, la exposición puede comenzar en etapas tempranas de la vida y ser continua.
Los parabenos también pueden bioacumularse en el cuerpo a lo largo del tiempo en el tejido graso, ya que los metabolitos de los parabenos medidos en grasa se correlacionaron con la edad (Aracho-Cordón 2018 y Wang 2015).
Efectos ambientales
Los parabenos también están relacionados con el daño ecológico, ya que los niveles bajos de butilparabeno pueden matar al coral, según pruebas de laboratorio (Danaovaro 2008). Los parabenos se han detectado en aguas superficiales, peces y sedimentos (Haman 2015). Cuando los parabenos se combinan con agua del grifo clorada, se pueden formar varios subproductos de parabenos clorados (Canosa 2006). Poco se sabe sobre la toxicidad de estos subproductos, que pueden ser más persistentes (Haman 2015).
Acciones para protegerse contra los parabenos
Los principales minoristas en los EE. UU. Han planificado o ya han implementado prohibiciones o restricciones activas (EDF 2019). Whole Foods Market prohíbe los cuatro parabenos como parte de su estándar de cuidado corporal superior. CVS se ha comprometido a eliminarlos en los productos de la marca CVS en 2019 y en todos los productos de belleza, cuidado personal y productos para bebés en Target para 2020. Rite Aid incluye a butil y propilparabeno en su lista de sustancias restringidas para eliminar algunos productos para 2020. Walgreens se ha comprometido a eliminar el isopropilo y el isobutilparabeno para 2021.
Prohibiciones del gobierno
Desde 2015, la UE ha prohibido el uso de isopropilparabeno e isobutilparabeno en todos los productos para el cuidado personal, debido a la declaración del Comité Científico sobre Seguridad del Consumidor de la Comisión Europea de que "no se ha proporcionado evidencia adecuada para el uso seguro de propil o butilparabeno en cosméticos" (SCCS 2013). Estos parabenos también están prohibidos en productos de cuidado personal en 10 países del sudeste asiático, según lo determinado por la Asociación Intergubernamental de Naciones del Sudeste Asiático (ASEAN).
El uso de propil y butilparabeno está restringido en la UE, la ASEAN y Japón.
Artacho-Cordón F, Fernández MF, Frederiksen H, Iribarne-Durán LM, Jiménez-Díaz I, Vela-Soria F, Andersson AM, Martin-Olmedo P, Peinado FM, Olea N, Arrebola JP. 2018. Environmental phenols and parabens in adipose tissue from hospitalized adults in Southern Spain. Environ Int. 119:203-211.
Berger KP, Kogut KR, Bradman A, She J, Gavin Q, Zahedi R, Parra KL, Harley KG. 2018. Personal care product use as a predictor of urinary concentrations of certain phthalates, parabens, and phenols in the HERMOSA study. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 29(1):21-32.
Blair RM, Fang H, Branham WS, Hass BS, Dial SL, Moland CL, Tong W, Shi L, Perkins R, Sheehan DM. 2000. The estrogen receptor relative binding affinities of 188 natural and xenochemicals: structural diversity of ligands. Toxicol Sci. 54(1):138-53.
Boberg J, Axelstad M, Svingen T, Mandrup K, Christiansen A, Vinggaard AM, Hass U. 2016. Multiple Endocrine Disrupting Effects in Rats Perinatally Exposed to Butylparaben. Toxicological Sciences 152(1) 244-256.
Braun JM, Just AC, Williams PL, Smith KW, Calafat AM, Hauser R. 2014. Personal care product use and urinary phthalate metabolite and paraben concentrations during pregnancy among women from a fertility clinic. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 24(5):459-66.
Byford JR, Shaw LE, Drew MG, Pope GS, Sauer MJ, Darbre PD. 2002. Oestrogenic activity of parabens in MCF7 human breast cancer cells. The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology 80(1): 49-60.
Calafat AM, Ye X, Wong LY, Bishop AM, Needham LL. 2010. Urinary concentrations of four parabens in the U.S. population: NHANES 2005-2006. Environ Health Perspect. 118(5):679-85.
Calafat AM, Weuve J, Ye X, Jia LT, Hu H, Ringer S, et al. 2009. Exposure to bisphenol A and other phenols in neonatal intensive care unit premature infants. Environ Health Perspect 117 (4):639–644.
Canosa P, Rodriguez I, Rubi E, Negreira N, Cela R. 2006. Formation of halogenated by-products of parabens in chlorinated water. Analytica chimica acta 575(1): 106-113.
CDC National Biomonitoring Program. Biomonitoring Summary, Parabens. 2016. https://www.cdc.gov/biomonitoring/Parabens_BiomonitoringSummary.html
CIR (Cosmetics Ingredient Review). 2006. CIR Compendium, containing abstracts, discussions, and conclusions of CIR cosmetic ingredient safety assessments. Washington, DC: Cosmetics Ingredient
Danish Centre on Endocrine Disrupters. 2018. List of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals.  http://cend.dk/files/DK_ED-list-final_2018.pdf
Danovaro R, Bongiorni L, Corinaldesi C, Giovannelli D, Damiani E, Astolfi P, et al. 2008. Sunscreens cause coral bleaching by promoting viral infections. Environmental Health Perspectives 116(4): 441-447.
Darbre PD, Byford JR, Shaw LE, Horton RA, Pope GS, Sauer MJ. 2002. Oestrogenic activity of isobutylparaben in vitro and in vivo. J Appl Toxicol 22(4): 219-226.
EDF 2019. Who is promising what on home and personal care products in the U.S? http://business.edf.org/projects/featured/sustainable-supply-chains/behindthelabel/public-commitments-in-home-and-personal-care-products
Geer LA, Pycke BFG, Waxenbaum J, Sherer DM, Abulafia O, Halden RU. 2017. Association of birth outcomes with fetal exposure to parabens, triclosan and triclocarban in an immigrant population in Brooklyn, New York. J Hazard Mater 323(Pt A):177-183.
Haman C1, Dauchy X, Rosin C, Munoz JF. 2015. Occurrence, fate and behavior of parabens in aquatic environments: a review. Water Res. 68:1-11.
Harley KG, Kogut K, Madrigal DS, Cardenas M, Vera IA, Meza-Alfaro G, She J, Gavin Q, Zahedi R, Bradman A, Eskenazi B, Parra KL. 2016. Reducing phthalate, paraben, and phenol exposure from personal care products in adolescent girls: findings from the HERMOSA Intervention Study. Environ Health Perspect 124:1600–1607.
Kim TS, Kim CY, Lee HK, Kang IH, Kim MG, Jung KK, Kwon YK, Nam HS, Hong SK, Kim HS, Yoon HJ, Rhee GS. 2011. Estrogenic Activity of Persistent Organic Pollutants and Parabens Based on the Stably Transfected Human Estrogen Receptor-α Transcriptional Activation Assay (OECD TG 455). Toxicol Res. 27(3):181-4.
Nassan FL, Coull BA, Gaskins AJ, Williams MA, Skakkebaek NE, Ford JB, Ye X, Calafat AM, Braun JM, Hauser R. 2017. Personal Care Product Use in Men and Urinary Concentrations of Select Phthalate Metabolites and Parabens: Results from the Environment and Reproductive Health (EARTH) Study. Environ Health Perspect 125(8):087012.
Nishihama Y, Yoshinaga J, Iida A, Konishi S, Imai H, Yoneyama M, Nakajima D, Shiraishi H. 2016. Reprod Toxicol 63:107-13.
Okubo T, Yokoyama Y, Kano K, Kano I. 2001. ER-dependent estrogenic activity of parabens assessed by proliferation of human breast cancer MCF-7 cells and expression of ERalpha and PR. Food Chem Toxicol 39(12):1225-32.
Pan S, Yuan C, Tagmount A, et al. 2015. Parabens and Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Ligand Cross-Talk in Breast Cancer Cells. Environ Health Perspect 124(5):563–569.
Pugazhendhi D, Sadler AJ, Darbre PD. 2007. Comparison of the global gene expression profiles produced by methylparaben, n-butylparaben and 17beta-oestradiol in MCF7 human breast cancer cells. J Appl Toxicol 27(1): 67-77.
Sakhi AK, Sabaredzovic A, Papadopoulou E, Cequier E, Thomsen C. 2018. Levels, variability and determinants of environmental phenols in pairs of Norwegian mothers and children. Environ Int 114: 242-251.
Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety. European Commission. Opinion on Parabens. 2013. http://ec.europa.eu/health/scientific_committees/consumer_safety/docs/sccs_o_132.pdf
Smith KW, Souter I, Dimitriadis I, Ehrlich S, Williams PL, Calafat AM, Hauser R. 2013. Urinary paraben concentrations and ovarian aging among women from a fertility center. Environ Health Perspect 121(11-12):1299-305.
Soni MG, Carabin IG, Burdock GA. 2005. Safety assessment of esters of p-hydroxybenzoic acid (parabens). Food Chem Toxicol 43 (7): 985-1015.
Sonnenburg A, Schreiner M, Stahlmann R. 2015. Assessment of the sensitizing potency of preservatives with chance of skin contact by the loose-fit coculture-based sensitization assay (LCSA). Arch Toxicol 89(12):2339-44.
United Nations Environment Program. International Panel on Chemical Pollution. 2017. Worldwide initiatives to identify endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and potential EDCs. https://wedocs.unep.org/bitstream/handle/20.500.11822/25633/EDC_report1.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
Vo TT, Yoo YM, Choi KC, Jeung EB. 2010. Potential estrogenic effect(s) of parabens at the prepubertal stage of a postnatal female rat model. Reprod Toxicol 29(3):306-316.
Vo TT, Jung EM, Choi KC, Yu FH, Jeung EB. 2011. Estrogen receptor α is involved in the induction of Calbindin-D(9k) and progesterone receptor by parabens in GH3 cells: a biomarker gene for screening xenoestrogens. Steroids 76(7):675-81.
Wang L, Asimakopoulos AG, Kannan K. 2015. Accumulation of 19 environmental phenolic and xenobiotic heterocyclic aromatic compounds in human adipose tissue. Environ Int 78:45-50.
Wróbel AM, Gregoraszczuk EL. 2014. Actions of methyl-, propyl- and butylparaben on estrogen receptor-α and -β and the progesterone receptor in MCF-7 cancer cells and non-cancerous MCF-10A cells. Toxicol Lett 230(3):375-381.
Ye X, Bishop AM, Reidy JA, Needham LL, Calafat AM. 2006. Parabens as urinary biomarkers of exposure in humans. Environmental Health Perspectives 114(12): 1843-1846.
Zhang L, Dong L, Ding S, Qiao P, Wang C, Zhang M, Zhang L, Du Q, Li Y, Tang N, and et al. 2014. Effects of n-butylparaben on steroidogenesis and spermatogenesis through changed E(2) levels in male rat offspring. Environ. Toxicol. Pharmacol 37:705-717.
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vilaggio-blog · 6 years ago
7454 Park Cir Boulder, CO 80301
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5br 4ba remodeled home backing to 6 acre park - Property Id: 9438 Beautiful 5 bdrm, 3 1/2 bath, 2 story w Mt. Views backing to 6 acre park with tennis court. Dark stained hardwood flrs, granite counter-tops, SS appliances, hand trowel finish walls, high end lighting & quality plumbing fixtures. Gorgeous master bath w marble/granite/glass accents, dual-headed shower & 14 ft walk-in closet. Main floor study, sunny family room, 2nd floor great rm + rec room in basement. 3 car tandem garage. Trex deck w built-in benches, White Rocks trail, Walden Ponds & Cottonwood Trail all close by. Short jog to trail heads for Walden Ponds or White Rocks, or ride your bike on the bike lanes to connect to the Boulder City Bike Trails, or head north to the Niwot Trail System - you can bike all the way to Longmont on trails alone. Gunbarrel shopping and restaurants are very close, and Boulder is a short drive away. Looking for a lease ending April 2018 Save thousands when you buy online at Vilaggio.net Read the full article
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hrkingstowne · 6 years ago
6473 WARWICK CIR, ALEXANDRIA, VA 22315 (MLS # 1005949535) - Herbert Riggs Realtor
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REDUCED & OPEN SUN 9/9 1-4 PM. Open Living & Dining Room w/ Vaulted Ceiling, 2 Baywindows, & ML Hardwoods . Kitchen features Granite Counters, Stainless Appliances, & Center Island overlooking Breakfast & Family Rooms. Deck off Sunroom. Master Suite w/ Sitting Room, Walk-in Closet Organizers, Separate Tub & Shower, Dual Vanities. Finished Rec Room, Bar, Media Rm. Close to VRE,shops & restaurants. Want to learn more about this listing? Call Herbert Riggs at 703-966-2647
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viewittoronto · 7 years ago
Beautiful & Super-Spacious Main Flr Corner Ste @ Bridletowne Cir | Condos for Sale | City of Toronto
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Welcome To This Beautiful & Super-Spacious 1700+Sq Ft Meticulously Reno’d Main Flr Corner Suite At Tridel’s Skygarden With 24Hr Gated Security On 7.5 Acres Of Mature Gardens. Built As A 2+1 Now Used As Extra-Large Living Room With A Wall Of South-West Facing Windows. Engineered Hrdwd Thruout. Quartz Counters. 4 Frigidaire S/S App. Mostly New Windows. All Utilities Incl. In Maintenance Fees This Unit Has It All. Come See Why People Say Wow! When They Walk In. Extras:Tandem 2 Car Parking & Locker. Indoor/Outdoor Pools,Hot Tub,Tennis Crt,2 Gyms,Squash,Lawn Bowling,Billiards,Golf Putting, Saunas, Workshop,Library,Party Rm, Lots Of Parking. Steps To Mall,Ttc. Seller Will Install Wall B4 Closing, If Desired
The post Beautiful & Super-Spacious Main Flr Corner Ste @ Bridletowne Cir | Condos for Sale | City of Toronto appeared first on Viewit.
from Viewit https://ift.tt/2rPxkO8 via https://viewit.agency
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nightmare-afton-cosplay · 8 years ago
Houses For Sale in Neosho, WI
Lot 2 Riverview Dr #1, Neosho, WI
Price: $224000
Buildable 24-acre parcel with barn, silo and shared well, newly surveyed and split, awesome country views, perc test approved for a conventional septic system, zoned agricultural, animals allowed, lowlands are tillable for marsh hay but if left to grow along with the red willows this would be excellent hunting land, a future land split might also be allowed. Great central location between Milwaukee & Madison on the corner of County Hwy. EE and Riverview Drive in the Town of Rubicon, Dodge County. Also please note that there is a separate 4-acre buildable parcel that has also perced for an ‘At Grade’ or ‘Mound’ System and is for sale for $84,900. These 2 parcels are listed with OK Realty – Hustisford Office, please visit our website at www.okrealty.biz and call Kirk & Mari Kaul at (920)349-3313 for more information.
LT2 Island View Cir, Neosho, WI
Price: $28000
Quiet country living at its best, a place where you can stop and listen to the frogs or just enjoy the peaceful setting. Short walk or bike ride to School, Neosho Pond and boat launch. Bring your dream home plans and build on this prime .41 acre corner lot. Easy commute to Oconomowoc. Lot is perked, utilities at the street. Call today to walk the lot.
Lot 1 Riverview Dr #2, Neosho, WI
Price: $68900
Build your dream home on this awesome 4-acre parcel that has been newly surveyed and split, has a completed perc test for an ‘At Grade’ or ‘Mound’ System, country views, slightly sloped lot, zoned agricultural, animals allowed, centrally located between Milwaukee & Madison just off County Road EE on Riverview Drive (formerly County Road NN). *Please note: There is also a 24-acre parcel with barn, silo & shared well that was part of the new land split and has perced for a ‘Conventional’ septic system that is for sale for $239,900. These lots are listed with OK Realty – Hustisford Office. Please visit our website at www.okrealty.biz and call Kirk & Mari Kaul at (920)349-3313 for more information. (WIREX MLS#50151953)
W2937 La Follette Rd, Neosho, WI
Price: $675000
Incredible views from this lovely hilltop home, surround yourself w/nature’s beauty! This 2007 built exposed walk out home has been lovingly maintained, and is move in ready. Entertaining is easy w/an open concept KIT and a finished LL w/wet bar, Rec Rm & FR 1st flr MBR and 1st flr laundry make this country living easy to take! Enjoy sunrises and sunsets from your patio, deck, & covered porch. Loads of storage space for all the things you love from sports & hobbies. The AG land on this property helps pay your yearly taxes, or Cash crop yourself! Easy commute to HWY’S 67 & 16 and I-94.
116 E Lehman St, Neosho, WI
Price: $151900
Character throughout this one of a kind home. Natural burning stone fireplace to enjoy on those chilly nights. Spacious living room & den with many windows for natural lighting. Formal dining room with hardwood floors. Possible hardwood floors in the living room and den. Open staircase and unique curved wood front door. Good sized bedrooms also offer hardwood floors. Double sinks in vanity of upper bath. Half bath on main level for your convenience. Walk-up attic could be finished for additional living space if needed. Mature lot offers nice yard with patio and fire pit. Great storage!
223 S Schuyler St, Neosho, WI
Price: $65000
One of a kind unique property featuring fenced yard, shed, plus alley entrance. Entertain your guests in the front of the home which has a full size bar with separate entry! Beautiful woodwork, archways and crown molding. Hardwood floors await your finishing touch. Appliances in kitchen are included. Bright sun room area. Great walk-up attic with entry to 2nd bedroom plus offers hard to find storage space. Attached 1.5 car garage. Per seller-Furnace about 3-5 Yrs old, shingles done in sections (5+/-).
110 Milwaukee St, Neosho, WI
Price: $58500
Duplex in need of a little TLC! Corner lot,nice size bedrooms, fenced yard, 1 car detached garage in the heart of Neosho. New Well in 2010, updated bathroom, Newer furnaces and hot water heaters! Long term tenant. Good Cash flow potential! Priced to sell! Being sold AS-IS!
LT1 County Road Mm, Neosho, WI
Price: $670000
Beautiful 80 Acre parcel in the town of Lebanon. Hilltop views of the country side. Ideal for mini farm, horse ranch or country estate. Approximately 69 Acres are tillable and 11 are wooded. Previous owner won an award for land management with the installation of drain tile and prevention of erosion.The tillable land is being farmed and leased for $110 per acre.
LT5 El Donna Dr, Neosho, WI
Price: $46500
Wooded, peaceful, beautiful says it all about this desirable not, set high on a hill just outside of Hartford and North of the City of Oconomowoc. This great lot is set at the end of a cul de sac on a quiet street with appealing upscale homes. Wooded lots are hard to come by and lot restrictions require you and your neighbors preserve the beautiful of this type of lot with limited tree removal to keep the lot private for you. Take a drive out to El Donna and walk this lot and fall in love.
W2255 Pond Rd, Neosho, WI
Price: $254500
Beautiful mature treed setting on over 1 acre of land with view of Neosho Pond. Very recent updates (2017) include flooring, counter tops, drywall, removal of paneling, paint, fixtures, new dishwasher and so much more. Larger than it looks with 2072 square feet. Main floor Family Rm with floor to ceiling stone fireplace, spacious living room and eat-in kitchen with hard wood floors & sliding doors leading to concrete patio. Main floor laundry, central vac & turn around driveway. All appliances are included. Great storage plus large garden shed. In floor heat throughout! Move in and Enjoy
from http://www.theochomesearch.com/houses-for-sale-in-neosho-wi/
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weluxuryrealestate · 5 years ago
69 Morley Cir, Melville, NY
$485,000, 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, MLS #: 3179319
Welcome Home...To This Sought After NO STEPS Condo In A GATED Adult Community With LOW..LOW..TAXES. Updated Center Island Kitchen/Granite Counters/Pantry..KING-SIZED MASTER BEDROOM/NEW BATH..Roomy Living/Dining Rm..Wood Like Floors..Designer Molding...Washer/Dryer..GAS HEAT/COOKING..Abundant Custom Fitted Walk In Closets. Patio Surrounded By Lush Yard. Community Amenities Include An Active Clubhouse..In Ground Pool..Social Hall/Game And Exercise Room. Nothing To Do Here...Just Move In And Enjoy!
source https://www.bhhslaffey.com/real-estate/69-morley-cir-melville-ny-11747/3179319/79779642
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iqvts · 6 years ago
216 Belmonte CIR, O Fallon, MO 63368 from iQ Visual Tours on Vimeo.
For more information: cbphomes.com/listing/56-733633/216-belmonte-cir-o-fallon-mo-63368
Stunning 1.5-Sty Villa w/3Bd, 2.5Bth & over 1800 Sqft of living space! Family Rm w/soaring vaulted ceiling, gleaming hardwood floors & open staircase. Kitchen w/granite countertops & backsplash, SS appliances, custom 42 cherry wood cabinetry & an adjoining Dining Rm w/bay door leading to back patio! Main Floor Master Suite w/custom walk-in closet by New Space, bay window, Bth w/dual vanity, huge glass shower w/bench, linen closet, and ceramic tile flooring. Main Floor Laundry Rm also designed by New Space & a lovely Powder Rm! Upper Level Loft area, 2 addl nice-size Bd both w/walk-in closets & Bth! LL is ready for your finishes; featuring an egress window, rough in plumbing & ample storage space. Concrete back patio showcasing a beautiful pergola creating a perfect spot to entertain family & friends! Highlights: fully finished 2- car garage boasting wainscoting & cabinetry; vinyl tilt-in windows, zoned heating & cooling, security & irrigation systems.
Contact: Mark & Neil Gellman (314) 336-1991 [email protected]
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wizardts-shop · 6 years ago
Marvelous Modern Home A Must-See In Dallas
Photo of 3735 W Bay Cir, Dallas, TX 75214 (realtor.com)
DALLAS, TX — A swimming pool fit for a music video is just one of the must-see features included in this 5,162 square foot home for sale in Dallas. The home was built in 1961. Learn more about the listing below.
Price: $2,150,000 Square Feet: 5162 Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 3 Full and 1 Half Baths Features: Midcentury masterpiece on White Rock Lake. Sprawling 4 BDRM 3.5 BATH 5162 sq. ft home on almost an acre meticulously restored from top to bottom. Superb original architectural details, + a gorgeous custom mahogany kitchen, baths w-Ann Sachs Italian Limestone. A mix of Palm Springs modern & harmonious aesthetic w-huge rooms for dining & entertaining+gorgeous lake & garden views. 3 car gar, 502 sq. ft. studio w-bath, 205 sq. ft. lookout rm. above gar. 2014 updates include: Standing seam metal roof, Pool built by Paul Foster, John Watson Landscape Lighting thruout. perimeter of prop., Horizontal fence w-add. 2 car parking w-motorized gate. A unique opportunity to own a rare jewel that’s unmatched in all of Dallas.
This listing originally appeared on realtor.com. For more information and photos, click here.
Source Article
The post Marvelous Modern Home A Must-See In Dallas appeared first on WIZARDTS-SHOP.
More Info At: http://www.wizardts-shop.com/marvelous-modern-home-a-must-see-in-dallas/
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lurally · 6 years ago
Il Rally Lana 1997 e quei 2 secondi di Andrea Dallavilla
Il Rally Lana 1997 e quei 2 secondi di Andrea Dallavilla
È il 18 luglio 1997 quando un plotone di cinquantanove protagonisti parte per il Rally Lana numero 25, che nel frattempo è passato ad un nuovo formato senza prove notturne. I big sono più del consueto, ma tutti guardano a Franco Cunico, che con la Ford Escort Cosworth Martini Racing cerca il quarto titolo italiano consecutivo, e ai suoi due avversari più pericolosi, il bresciano Andrea Dallavilla…
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capecoddaily · 6 years ago
Deck: Another busy day in Plymouth…Towns: PlymouthTopic: Police BlotterHub Category: Police and FireAuthor: CapeCodToday StaffTeaser: Another busy day in Plymouth…Main Image: Thumbnail Image: Body: Plymouth Police Department Media Log Page: 1 Dispatch Log From: 08/08/2018 Thru: 08/09/2018 0600 - 0600 Printed: 08/09/2018 For Date: 08/08/2018 - Wednesday Time Call Reason Action 0803 Disturbance General Report Location/Address: ROCKY POND RD 0818 911 Accidental Call Accidental Location/Address: PINCHION VALE 0839 Attempted Service 258E Unable to Serve Location/Address: CHAPEL HILL DR 0840 911 Accidental Call Accidental Location/Address: [PLY P04013] PLYMOUTH BAY INTERNAL MEDICINE - RESNIK RD 0857 Suspicious Activity Report Location/Address: BOURNE RD 0925 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: PADDINGTON WAY 0942 Police With Ambulance Transported to Hospital Location/Address: [PLY P02922] DUXBURY COUNSELING SERVICES - INDUSTRIAL PK RD 1004 Attempted Service Summons Served In Hand Location/Address: CHERRY ST 1046 Suspicious Activity Spoken To Location/Address: NEWFIELD ST 1049 Check Wellbeing Spoken To Location/Address: MARC DR 1058 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: FAWN DR 1103 Police With Ambulance Transported to Hospital Location/Address: FAWN DR 1112 B&E Burglary Report Location/Address: WATER ST 1121 Motor Vehicle Accident Info Exchange Location/Address: PILGRIM HILL RD 1129 Animal Complaint Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P01957] OCEAN STATE JOB LOT - CARVER RD 1132 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: OLD FIELD RD 1200 Abandoned Call Accidental Location/Address: WINDING WAY 1206 Property Damage Services Rendered Location/Address: [PLY P02821] PLYMOUTH MEDICAL BUILDING - SANDWICH ST 1222 Check Wellbeing Services Rendered Location/Address: [PLY 237] CURRIER, MARY - BUNKER HILL RD 1238 Found Property Report Location/Address: [PLY P02203] PLYMOUTH POLICE DEPARTMENT - LONG POND RD 1240 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [OTH] PEMBROKE - OLD OAK 1247 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: [PLY 64] JOHNSON, PAUL - MORASKI LN Plymouth Police Department Media Log Page: 2 Dispatch Log From: 08/08/2018 Thru: 08/09/2018 0600 - 0600 Printed: 08/09/2018 1249 Warrant Service Attempt Unable to Serve Location/Address: JOHN ALDEN RD 1343 Parking Complaint Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P02863] THEODORE LYMAN RESERVE - HEAD OF THE BAY RD 1345 Larceny Report Location/Address: [PLY P00876] North Plymouth LIQUOR MART - COURT ST 1347 Property Damage Report Location/Address: [PLY P02059] SHAWS SUPERMARKET - STATE RD 1349 Reported Death Report Location/Address: [PLY P03600] SOUTHFIELD NURSING - SOUTH ST 1406 B&E Burglary Spoken To Location/Address: JOYCE DR 1424 Disabled MV Services Rendered Location/Address: [PLY P04290] SOUTHWORTH PROPERTIES - SOUTH ST 1427 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY P03314] STEPHENS FIELD - SANDWICH ST 1428 Check Wellbeing Unfounded Location/Address: [PLY P03818] THE GOOD FAMILY TRUST - SOUTH MEADOW RD 1439 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY P03314] STEPHENS FIELD - SANDWICH ST 1504 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: [PLY 180] DIMARTINIS, BRETT - RAYMOND RD 1507 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: EARLY RED CIR 1520 Found Property Services Rendered Location/Address: OLD FIELD RD 1533 Motor Vehicle Accident Report Location/Address: STANDISH AVE 1542 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY P00073] ALGONQUIN HEIGHTS - ALGONQUIN TER 1549 Police With Ambulance Services Rendered Location/Address: [PLY P01888] COMFORT INN - SAMOSET ST 1614 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: COURT ST 1618 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: PALMER RD 1628 Community Policing Activity Community Policing Location/Address: [PLY P00073] ALGONQUIN HEIGHTS - ALGONQUIN TER 1702 Suspicious Activity Area Search Negative Location/Address: [PLY P01137] BILLS SHOE REPAIRING - COURT ST 1727 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: [PLY P04656] Sullivan Tire - APOLLO ELEVEN RD 1735 Keep the Peace Services Rendered Location/Address: LEYDEN ST 1748 Suspicious Activity Spoken To Location/Address: MERCHANTS ROW 1800 Harassment Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P04629] LEANDRE CONSTRUCTION - PECK AVE Plymouth Police Department Media Log Page: 3 Dispatch Log From: 08/08/2018 Thru: 08/09/2018 0600 - 0600 Printed: 08/09/2018 1802 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: FEDERAL FURNACE RD 1802 Harassment Report Location/Address: [PLY P03380] BLUE BLINDS BAKERY - NORTH ST 1838 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY P03594] MCDONALDS - SAMOSET ST 1849 Check Wellbeing Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P01572] LIFE CARE CENTER OF PLYMOUTH - OBERY ST 1852 Attempted Service 258E Served In Hand Location/Address: CHAPEL HILL DR 1905 Assist citizen Spoken To Location/Address: MORTON PARK RD 1906 Check Wellbeing Area Search Negative Location/Address: [PLY P03136] DUNKIN DONUTS - COURT ST 1917 Abandoned Vehicle Services Rendered Location/Address: [PLY P02314] BED BATH & BEYOND - COLONY PL 1940 Suspicious Activity Report Location/Address: [PLY P02197] CABBYSHACK - TOWN WHARF 1943 Fireworks Area Search Negative Location/Address: CRESCENT AVE 1943 Motor Vehicle Complaint Gone on Arrival Location/Address: SHOPS AT 5 WAY 1948 Attempted Service Summons Unable to Serve Location/Address: JOYCE DR 2027 Motor Vehicle Accident Report Location/Address: [PLY P04084] PILLORY PUB - WATER ST 2034 Disabled MV Vehicle Towed Location/Address: STATE RD 2049 Runaway Transported Location/Address: [PLY P02746] HOME FOR LITTLE WANDERERS - SHIP POND RD 2055 Assist Other Agency Other Agency Cont Location/Address: [PLY P03684] HEART OF DESTINYS WINGS - STATE RD 2123 Runaway Report Location/Address: WINTHROP RD 2123 Motor Vehicle Complaint Gone on Arrival Location/Address: BARTLETT RD 2133 Runaway Services Rendered Location/Address: [PLY P02836] STARR PROGRAM (DCF) - STATE RD 2157 Community Policing Activity Community Policing Location/Address: [PLY P00073] ALGONQUIN HEIGHTS - ALGONQUIN TER 2226 Disturbance General Transported to Hospital Location/Address: [PLY P02836] STARR PROGRAM (DCF) - STATE RD 2236 Police With Ambulance No Services Necessary Location/Address: [PLY P00058] HIGH POINT TREATMENT CENTER - STATE RD 2238 Warrant Arrest Arrest(s) Made Location/Address: MAIN ST + NORTH ST Refer To Arrest: 18PLY-18250-AR Arrest: STICKNEY, ZACHARY J Plymouth Police Department Media Log Page: 4 Dispatch Log From: 08/08/2018 Thru: 08/09/2018 0600 - 0600 Printed: 08/09/2018 Address: 867 STATE RD PLYMOUTH, MA Age: 22 Charges: WARRANT-STRAIGHT DOCKET 1859CR001249 2359 Noise Complaint Spoken To Location/Address: TAYLOR AVE For Date: 08/09/2018 - Thursday 0111 Motor Vehicle Complaint Services Rendered Location/Address: [PLY P00058] HIGH POINT TREATMENT CENTER - STATE RD 0112 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: [PLY P04679] PLYMOUTH TOWN HALL - COURT ST 0156 B&E MV Report Location/Address: [PLY P01439] RM ENTERTAINMENT - LINDA LN 0314 Abandoned Call Accidental Location/Address: WINDING WAY 0335 Suspicious Activity Area Search Negative Location/Address: [PLY P03069] Magic Mountain Water Coolers - COUNTRY CLUB DR 0420 Motor Vehicle Stop Arrest(s) Made Location/Address: GEORGE ST Refer To Arrest: 18PLY-18261-AR Arrest: GOMES, NOAH S Address: 23 NAMELOC RD PLYMOUTH, MA Age: 19 Charges: LIQUOR, PERSON UNDER 21 POSSESS LIGHTS VIOLATION, MV
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timothysalcido-blog · 7 years ago
Houses For Sale in Holden, MA
39 Sunnyside Ave, Holden, MA
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A unique opportunity to own the lovingly renovated antique Theda Moore House. A true gem displaying old world charm. Seven sun filled rooms; 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Featuring red birch hardwood – some floors with walnut accents, raised panel wainscoting, chair rail in most rooms, tin ceiling in living rm, 2 hidden built in bookcases, cedar lined oversized window seat, 1st flr office with dentil molding, dining rm with coffered ceiling & built in china shelves, 2nd floor with raised tall ceilings. Dry basement. Useable 1/3 Acre lot w/garden areas. Extras: Laundry hookups on both 1st & 2nd f lrs, one bedroom has a lofted bed, shed attached to back of house, walking distance to Wachusett High school and town center. Updates include: 2017 steam boiler and oil tank, irrigation system, chimney repointed, exterior painted, windows, electric system, roof shingles, thoroughly insulated including walls, soundproofing & more! Dianne Zottoli, Holden Realty Inc., (508) 829-2857 Agent Phone: (508) 242-3022
21 Fisher Rd, Holden, MA
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BRAND NEW LISTING! Here is the home that you have been waiting for! This 3 bedroom raised ranch is in pristine, move-in-ready condition and will live up to the needs of the pickiest buyers. The home has an amazing granite/stainless eat-in kitchen, gleaming hardwoods throughout, great living/dining room upstairs, and two large bonus rooms in the bright and sunny lower level. Lots of big-ticket updates including new roof (2013), new siding (2013), new windows (2011), and young boiler and hot water heater. Washer/Dryer are included! The backyard is huge and perfect for summer BBQs and fami ly gatherings, and the attached garage will keep your vehicle warm and dry throughout the winter. Super desirable Holden location right off Salisbury Street, and just 1 mile from the Worcester line. Call today to view, this home surely will not last long! **Open House this Sunday (5/7/17) from 11am-1pm** Thomas Rheault, Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage, (508) 795-7500 Agent Phone: (413) 522-6153 https://www.coldwellbankerhomes.com/ma/holden/21-fisher-rd/pid_17781757/?utm_campaign=OLDP-Trulia&utm_source=trulia&utm_medium=oldp&utm_content=listing
887 B Main St, Holden, MA
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Location! Location! This newly renovated 2 bedroom with additional finished bedroom in basement is close to schools, shopping, Rte 290 & 190, yet is nestled on a beautiful dead end private way. Freshly painted in & out, hardwood floors just refinished, new stainless fridge & stove, furnace, kitchen sink, counter, bathroom tile & so much more. All the works been done for you all you need to do is move in. First showing Sunday Open House June 11th 2:00 to 4:00 Daniel Demers, Sell Your Home Services, (877) 893-6566 Agent Phone: (877) 893-6566
125 Paugus Rd, Holden, MA
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Are you looking for a beautifully maintained and energy efficient homeon a cul-de-sacclose to the Worcester line..with great curb appealwith quick highway access for commuterswith CENTRAL AIR (added 2004)..Newpro 3 pane windows (2009)..roof (2006)vinyl siding (2000) 2 fireplacesboiler (1999) ..hardwood floorsremodeled bath with granite counters..2 baths.laundry room with soaking sink and second refrigerator .large deck overlooking private rear yard..finished basement and garage? Then this is the home for you! Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage, (508) 795-7500 https://www.coldwellbankerhomes.com/ma/holden/125-paugus-rd/pid_18178300/?utm_campaign=OLDP-Trulia&utm_source=trulia&utm_medium=oldp&utm_content=listing
3 Mayflower Cir, Holden, MA
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Looking to buy in Holdenthen don't wait on this well-maintained 3 bdrm, 1.5 bath Ranch w/2 car attached garage. Updated fully appliance kitchen w/recent cabinets, large living/dining room combo with wood laminate floors..and w-w carpet insert in living room conversation area, 3 bedrooms (2 are good sized), and 1.5 baths. Plus recent FHA furnace and hot water heater! There is a large enclosed porch overlooking the back yard – perfect for relaxing on summer evenings. Patio area and fenced-in backyard for privacy. All set in cul-de-sac neighborhood with easy access to major routes. Subj ect to Buyer finding suitable housing. Show this today!! Open House Saturday, May 17 from 11:00 – 1:00 Marcia Hastbacka, Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage, (508) 795-7500 Agent Phone: (508) 769-6063 https://www.coldwellbankerhomes.com/ma/holden/3-mayflower-circle/pid_18470205/?utm_campaign=OLDP-Trulia&utm_source=trulia&utm_medium=oldp&utm_content=listing
33 Stoneleigh Rd, Holden, MA
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*Open House: Saturday 6/17 12-2pm!* Turn-Key Holden Cape! This pristine property features an updated eat-in kitchen with stainless steel appliances and granite countertops, a spacious living room filled with natural light, two first-floor bedrooms with gleaming hardwood floors, and a full bathroom. Upstairs, a private master suite offers a quiet retreat. The versatile finished basement space makes a fantastic media room or private guest room. Situated on a well-maintained, tree-lined lot, you will enjoy this property inside and out. With every item on your wishlist, you won't need to lo ok any further than 33 Stoneleigh Rd. Schedule your showing today! Christopher Brown, Keller Williams – Westborough, (508) 871-7141 Agent Phone: (508) 283-4386 http://www.kw.com/homes-for-sale/01520/MA/Holden/33–Stoneleigh-Rd/3yd-MLSPIN-72181948.html
98 Tea Party Cir #539, Holden, MA
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UNDER CONSTRUCTION NOW 5 NEW HOMES! Come and see our plans for the newly redesigned “Royal” style home, features 1st floor master w/full bath, country kitchen,living room, dining room & laundry and 2 car garage. Second floor has 2 bedrooms, den & full bath. Quiet location yet close to major routes for easy access. Fafard Real Estate, Fafard Real Estate, (508) 881-6662 Agent Phone: (508) 503-1793
76 Birchwood Dr, Holden, MA
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Birchwood! This is the only home currently available on the market in this desirable neighborhood. Offers commuters amazing highway access, bypassing Holden Center traffic en route to 190/290. You will not be disappointed! The kitchen is one of the many star features of this home complete with custom cherry cabinets/center island with cookandnot; top/soapstone counters/farm sink/hardwoods/peninsula with custom chairs (remain)/stainless appliancesandnot; – all included. There are hardwoods in most rooms and custom moldings/builtandnot;ins/window seats as well. Both the family room and li ving room feature convenient gas fireplaces. Four generous sized bedrooms and two full baths make up the second floor including a beautiful master bath with walk-in tile shower. Roof in excellent condition at 6yrs, the heat and hot water replaced (2006). The outside tree-lined space offers a private sanctuary featuring heated inandnot;ground pool/professional landscape design/brick patio/audio system and lighting too! Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage, (508) 795-7500 https://www.coldwellbankerhomes.com/ma/holden/76-birchwood-dr/pid_17980625/?utm_campaign=OLDP-Trulia&utm_source=trulia&utm_medium=oldp&utm_content=listing
46 Main St, Holden, MA
Desirable Holden Location, great commuter access!! Close to 290/190, this townhouse is one of 4 units in Valley Hill Estates! Spacious 2 Bedroom, 2.5 bath condo boasts large rooms and low condo fee ($250). Newer high efficiency windows, new exterior Paint., Central Air and Central Vac. Fully applianced kitchen and washer/dryer to stay. This condo has 1534 Sq Ft of living space with additional sq footage in the finished basement ( office and laundry room). Oversized garage, unit sits on a quiet side street off of 122A. Currently tenant occupied, (lease in place until 12/31/17) Beth Donaghy, Janice Mitchell R.E., Inc, (508) 829-6315 Agent Phone: (508) 797-7565
33 Surrey Ln, Holden, MA
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Classic center hall New England Cape Cod offers charm and convenience of first floor living! Gracious Living Room with bay window, Dining Room with wood trims Family Room with raised hearth fireplace and sliders to rear deck, applianced Kitchen, first floor laundry and Master Suite offer ample space and convenience for single level living! Need more room? Two spacious bedrooms are found on the second floor with full bath and finished lower level with kitchenette, full size windows and 1/4 bath help to meet your needs – Man Town, Guest Suite, Play Room or Office. Attached 1-car garage ac cessible to Family Room helps to make errands a breeze AND heated 2-car garage under access finished lower level is a bonus! Young boiler, hot water tank, electric panel, recent exterior paint and some replacement windows are in place for your convenience. Hardwood Flooring under carpets! Welcome Home! Christy Gibbs, Gibbs Realty, (508) 886-6100 Agent Phone: (508) 873-8356
43 Wilde Willow Dr, Holden, MA
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This lovely New England 3 bedroom, 3 bath, expanded ranch style home, with a traditional flair, is awaiting new owners. Life is simplified with spacious one level living. Sun splashed kitchen enhanced with skylights. Wood cabinets and tile flooring, along with bar counter and center Island enhance the kitchen. Dinette area with built in china cabinet for plenty of storage. Oversized sliders lead to expansive deck. French doors lead to the living room, which offers beautiful bay window, carpeting, tongue and groove paneled wall adorned with brick fireplace and lovely crafted mantel. Gold en hardwood flooring and paddle fans in all bedrooms. Spacious master suite elicits bath with shower and tile flooring. Third bedroom with unique wood crafted built in bookcases. Recessed lighting in many rooms. Attractive finished rooms in basement with full bath allows for multitude of possibilities Tony Mallozzi, Anthony Joseph Real Estate LLC, (508) 589-6262 Agent Phone: (774) 241-9543
4 Fairchild Dr, Holden, MA
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An updated open concept, two bedroom ranch in the desirable town of Holden. Walk in to an inviting and spacious living room with fireplace and hardwood floors. Updated kitchen, with granite island, and so much natural light. Cozy sunroom, great for entertaining. Two oversized bedrooms with plenty of storage. Hardwoods throughout. Full sized bath feeling like you are at the spa! Separate shower, a soaking tub, double vanity, and a heated towel bar. Two car garage is spacious and has walk up attic for storage as well as access to full basement. Garage has hot and cold water for washing yo ur cars! Beautifully landscaped and fenced in back yard is great for relaxation and entertaining! Shed for extra storage in the backyard as well. Brick walkways, and colorful gardening! Located in a quiet neighborhood with close access to major highways 190 & 290. Close to shopping, and on the Holden/Worcester Line. Move right in! Showings deferred until the Open House, June 11 from 11am-2pm! Winslow Homes, LAER Realty Partners, (508) 762-4004 Agent Phone: (978) 413-2558
141 Putnam Rd, Holden, MA
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LOCATION! This beautiful 3 bedroom home is located right off Salisbury St near the Holden/Worcester line! Upstairs you will find a fireplaced living room which is open to your dining/kitchen area. Off the kitchen is a slider leading to a sunroom overlooking your private backyard. Three good size bedrooms with plenty of closet space, a 1/2 master bath and full bath complete the 1st floor. Enjoy your large finished lower level with brand new flooring as a play room/bonus room/office – used now as a playroom, TV room and bar area! Lots of extra storage in the attic! Newer roof, replacement windows, heating system, (2003) town water/sewer, vinyl siding. Easy highway access. Attached one car garage. Situated on well over a 1/2 acre lot, there is plenty of room for outdoor entertaining and activities! Electric fence installed – easy transfer! Includes ALL appliances – which are all recent, washer and dryer only 3 years old! Dawson Elementary School district! Jengillis, ERA Key Realty Services, (508) 853-0964 http://www.era.com/listingdetail/ERAVX65R4/
252 Holden St, Holden, MA
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THIS HOUSE IS TO BE SOLD AS A TEAR-DOWN ONLY; PLEASE VIEW ACCORDINGLY, SELLERS WILL ONLY CONSIDER CONTIGENCIES AS A TEAR DOWN AND REBUILD. buyer agent to verify all information. Robert K. Daw Jr., Robert K. Daw Real Estate, (508) 829-3214 Agent Phone: (508) 829-3214
651 R Manning St, Holden, MA
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Aprox 20 acres in desirable Holden. Abuts conservation land. Most likely suitable for a single family home not for a development of more than 1 home due to inability to satisfy access, health and safety requirements. Access most likely will be via an easement via 650 Manning Street. Details will need to be worked out with seller and or new owners. This is not a multiple housing dwelling opportunity. Do not enter property for liability and safety of the horses and people. Dogs on site. Buyer/buyers agent to do due diligence. All information deemed reliable from seller. Lisa Delia, Hottel Real Estate, (978) 369-4900 Agent Phone: (508) 340-0326
15 Chestnut Hill Rd, Holden, MA
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Quiet residential area, new schools, close to all amenities. Finished basement, family room w/ fireplace, one car garage. Windows, vinyl siding & roof are 8 years new. Betterments paid. Co-Brokers Welcome. Price reduced to 254,900$ Property Owner,
18 Birch Hill Rd, Holden, MA
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Just Like New! Great Curb Appeal – Don't Miss this Gorgeous Young Custom Contemporary Colonial in Holden situated at the end of a Cul-da-Sac!. Loaded with Amenities that are 6 yrs old or younger including: 9′ Ceilings, Beautiful Hardwood Flooring throughout, Lovely Neutral Tile in the Baths and Laundry Room. The Kitchen is Perfect for Entertaining opening to the Formal Gas Fireplaced Living Room and is a Cook's dream w/LOTS of upgraded Cherry Stained Birch Cabinetry, Granite Counters, Island w/built in Wine Rack and 2 Door Convection/Microwave, 5 Door Black Stainless Fridge, Kohler Cust om Sink, Dining Area w/Slider to Deck. Formal Dining Rm w/Cathedral Ceilings and Huge Picture Window let's in tons of Natural Light! First Floor Master Suite that is Amazing! The Second Floor Loft space w/Family Rm area, Full Bath and 2 Bedrooms – one can be a Second Master w/Walk in Closet and its own Sitting Area! Two Car Garage, Irrigation System, Central AC and Gas Heat and a Lush Green Private Yard! Karen Russo, Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage, (508) 795-7500 https://www.coldwellbankerhomes.com/ma/holden/18-birch-hill-road/pid_18399855/?utm_campaign=OLDP-Trulia&utm_source=trulia&utm_medium=oldp&utm_content=listing
20 Fisher Rd, Holden, MA
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Absolutely charming 3-4 bedroom, 2 bath cape! Main floor features fully applianced kitchen with ss appliances and breakfast nook, living room with hardwood floors and fireplace, formal dining room with built-ins & hardwood floors, bedroom/den and full bath with tiled shower. Second floor includes 3 more bedrooms and another full bath. Lower level has finished family room with 2nd fireplace and brand new carpet! Other updates include new interior paint throughout, updated deck and connection to public sewer! Located on just under an acre with lovely, flat corner lot on Salisbury St, mome nts to Worcester! Showings begin at open house Sunday 6/11 11:30-1:00! Kimberly McGrath, Janice Mitchell R.E., Inc, (508) 829-6315 Agent Phone: (508) 859-4407
20 Sumac Cir, Holden, MA
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Welcome to desirable Fox Hill and this fully updated colonial situated at the end of a cul de sac on a private lot abutting acres of wooded common land. This delightful 12 room home has 2 kitchens, 5 bedrooms & 4.5 baths. It was transformed w/ a major addition & renovation project in 2012/13 which included the renovation of all the baths, a new main kitchen, new family room, a new master bedroom w/ two walk-in closets, a new scrumptious master bath and new garage with bonus space above. The chef's kitchen is anchored by a large island with Marvel wine fridge. Tons of character with load s of built-ins, substantial trim package w/ crown moldings throughout. Butler pantry w/ Sub-Zero fridge, Plain & Fancy cabinets & dishwasher. In-law potential w/ finished walk-out lower level which has a family room, a kitchen, full bath & additional laundry area. Economical gas heat w/ six zones, 2 decks, 3 masonry fireplaces and walk-up attic for additional play area or the ultimate teen suite. Seth Welcom, Re/Max Vision, (508) 842-3000 Agent Phone: (508) 214-4777
302 Main St, Holden, MA
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INVESTORS this is a great opportunity to purchase and tear down in Holden in a residential section of Main St not far from the Worcester line. Town water, town sewer, 1/3 Acre, rectangle shaped lot with a depth of 150+ feet and street frontage of 92 feet. The current home is in poor condition and built on a slab which makes for easier demolition. House has been vacant since August 2016 and moisture has caused potential mold to grow. Roof, windows, walls, insulation, doors, kitchen & bath are in poor condition and house is not liveable. Utilities are off and Seller will not be turning th em on. Buyer responsible for smoke/carbon monoxide installation and permit if required. A License to Sell will be arranged after a fully executed Purchase and Sale Agreement (allow an extra 3 weeks for the process). Proof of funds required with offer. Property will not qualify for conventional, FHA or USDA financing in current condition. Dianne Zottoli, Holden Realty Inc., (508) 829-2857 Agent Phone: (508) 242-3022
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poultryline · 7 years ago
Property Details for 4330 Oakdale Vinings Cir SE
4330 Oakdale Vinings Cir Se, Smyrna, GA 30080 4330 Oakdale Vinings Cir Se, Smyrna, GA 30080 Property Features Bedrooms Upper: 3 Baths Full Upper: 2 Island Deck/Patio Fenced Yard Garden Area Gas Grill Other (See Remarks) Water Feature Lot Size: Less than 1/3 Acre 4330 Oakdale Vinings Cir Se, Smyrna, GA 30080 4330 Oakdale Vinings Cir Se, Smyrna, GA 30080 Property Features Bedroom Desc: Bdrm On Main Lev, Sitting Room Main Full Baths: 1 Baths Full: 3 Upper Full Baths: 2 Dining Room Desc: Separate Dng Rm 1-2 Step Entry Deck Fenced Yard Garden Area Gas Grill Patio Prof Landscaping Lot Dimensions: .25 Approximate Lot Size: Under 1/3 Acre
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The post Property Details for 4330 Oakdale Vinings Cir SE appeared first on POULTRY-LINE.
Read full post at: http://www.poultry-line.com/property-details-for-4330-oakdale-vinings-cir-se/
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hrkingstowne · 6 years ago
7747 SULLIVAN CIR, ALEXANDRIA, VA 22315 (MLS # FX10277389) - Herbert Riggs Realtor
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Stunning 3 BR, 2 full/2 half BAs, 1-car garage townhouse in sought after Island Creek. Open floor plan features a step down LR, separate DR, huge kitchen w/island, an incredible butlers pantry and SGD to deck, luxury MBR w/walk-in closets, MBA w/dual sinks, separate tub & shower, spacious w/o LL rec rm w/fp and half BA. Close to two Metros - Springfield and Van Dorn, shopping and restaurants. Want to learn more about this listing? Call Herbert Riggs at 703-966-2647
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motorionline · 7 years ago
CIR Junior, Peugeot: Pollara vince il 2 RM sulla 208 R2
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