diablogs · 3 months
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sevi007 · 1 year
Has anybody watvhed the anime (movie) "The Deer King"? I just saw a trailer for it and it looks really good, I'm surprised I haven't heard anybody talk about it before
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brooklynislandgirl · 2 months
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9 movies that you could watch 500 times.
tagged by: my darling C @nightmarefuele
tagging: Anyone who Andy Samberg would call a major cinophile. Bonus points if you get the reference.
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shuttershocky · 2 years
Headcanon I stand by is that Fiammetta got all those stupid movie reference codenames because her handlers in the Vatican know she's a cinophile and were trying to cater to her interests, but whenever she doesn't like them they're just 'shoot, guess we have to give it another college try' and just pile on new ones, all because Sankta don't know they need to verbalize this kind of thing and wait for feedback with people not hooked up to empathy wifi.
My take is that they've actually long since forgotten what her actual name is and never bothered to give her proper paperwork as she's a Liberi, thus the increasingly moronic codenames as they've run out of things to call The Liberi Formerly Known as Shimmering Vigil
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cctinsleybaxter · 2 years
i’m such a hater when i start rating stuff numerically but 1945 (2017) only having an aggregate rating of 3.5 proof that letterboxd ‘cinophiles’ are insane and wouldn’t know a good movie if it bit them
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loomworld · 1 year
ash | she her
codes, music, thoughts
loomspost -> loomworld
01 ) who am I?
my name is loom(s)!! I use the prns she her, im chinese and indonesian. I'm a bisexual leaning fem!! im TiNe sx5(w4)94 R[C]UE/I/ (TYPOLOGY)
02 ) what is this blog for?????
this blog is my personal blog / online identity !! haha kiddingg, mainly used js to write down my opinions nd sometimes my thoughts, I share a lot of my music taste here and updates on artists nd bands (mostly the 1975!!) I like. I sometimes post my codes!!
I currently don't have specific tags for posts becoz I'm too forgetful for that
I'm very sensitive, meaning there's gna b a lot about my thoughts and everyday life. If you dont like this, feel free to break moots ^^
My blog is not necessarily apart of a fandom hence personal blog, but its leaning into the 1975 and codeblr. So you'll see a lot of codes, the 1975 and other bands alike!!
I also quite literally just post about shit im intrested in currently, ill reblog anything I find intresting and post walls of text sometimes just writing my thoughts down or answering asks. Chain reblogs are my absolute favorite thing on tumblr, so I reblog a lot of reblog chains either with my own thoughts or just the reblog chain itself.
I advocate for lgbtq and I'm a feminist, I share a lot of my ideals and beliefs here!! I dont try to push them but I blog about them quite often.
This blog is everything inside my mind !! everything that's going on inside there is literally my blog, this is like my identity. If u don't like seeing posts about like one topic that I'm currently fixated on then this blog isn't for u, I post movie reviews and I'm literally a cinophile!!
Beware this blog quite literally is my little diary, if I feel like shit I'll be blogging about what happened that day and how I feel. All TWs will be in #s and I will warn before hand so if you dont like any topics mentioned than just scroll past !! this blog is like an online tracker or an online database of my life. (this is dead ass just my identity.)
03 ) about me
I believe in the magic of science and see beauty everywhere, I'm the biggest fan of The 1975, MCR, PTV, TV girl, and many more. My music taste varies and depends on my mood a lot of times! but I come crawling back to the 1975 everytime. I live in jakarta and my dream is to live in NYC, I can speak 5 languages (russian, chinese, english, indonesian, swedish) im a cinophile and I love music!! I play 3 different instruments (violin, piano, flute) and I code (python). Im into quantum physics and science itself!! I dont really post abt my intrests, just my thoughts and experiences, I do occasionally post abt them tho!!
intrests <- click for intrests
04 ) DNI
basic dni criteria, terfs, lib fems, bigots, the 1975 antis, matty healy antis, Taylor swift antis, rad fems, support harmful labels or ideologies, CC supporters, excessive nsfw blogs, sinophobia in any way, fucking flat earthers, JKR supporters, Vanessa Kirby antis, RCTAs, ECTAs, white feminists (as in white feminism), ai supporters, Elon Musk dickriders
05 ) BYF
selective follow / slow to follow back sometimes. Not following you back doesn't necessarily mean I don't like you!usually it's because of lack of shared intrests, intrests I don't want to see, untagged / excessive nsfw, excessive discourse etc.
excessive reblogging / once I'm on tumblr and I find something like literally anything i like, I'll start reblogging it. I reblog shit a lot so that might clog ur following dash.
I do a lot of 'housekeeping' / for moots, I'm not gna instantly reblog the stuff u blog abt esp if it contains nsfw. I'm very picky on what's on my page !!
Inconsistent posting / what I mean by this, is my theme constantly changed and the stuff I reblog or blog is constantly changing!!
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sucked-into-abagel · 1 year
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alter moodboard #2: Charlie (he/him)
the gay guy, the younger brother, the cinophile
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oblivionhotel · 4 years
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Vita and Virginia (2018)
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wastelnd-bby · 4 years
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“Willing yourself to win. You've got to want it badder than anyone.”
Little Miss Sunshine (2006)
dir. Jonathan Dayton, Valerie Faris
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enterthebadlandss · 6 years
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Por un puñado de besos (2014)
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filmofileposts · 3 years
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Kiarostami’s Where Is The Friend’s House? https://36toesproductions.medium.com/kiarostamis-where-is-the-friend-s-house-72a14f8ca618
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daincrediblegg · 2 years
How could I possibly miss it? 😂😂😂
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the7thcard · 4 years
*sits behind Polnareff at a movie theater, too socially awkward to mention that his hair completely blocks the screen*
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danbrat · 7 years
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Breathless (1960) - Jean-Luc Godard
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pixelnrd · 4 years
4, 9, 14 & 21!
4. Movie of the year?
OK - I love going to the cinema, and usually we go every week on cheap Mondays at our local. We get choc top icecreams and do our Oscars-viewing, so we can then watch the entire ceremony and place bets on who will win.
So not being able to go all year has been devastating for my cinophile identity and I have barely seen anything new!
So I’m going to say - Midsommar (because I stan Florence Pugh’s performance and the burning of fuck boys), AND Little Women (New Years day, still counts this year!) 
9. Best month for you this year?
Probably June/July because even though it was winter we were free from lockdown and I got to see my family and we went on a holiday to the Alpine Country - before we all got put back in lockdown for 4 months.
14. Favorite book you read this year?
Hi I am a disgrace and haven’t read a book this year. I have so many on my shelf but my Uni reading got the better of me and I haven’t read for pleasure at alllll. 
I did read half of Dark Emu for Uni-purposes though, and if you’re an Australian (esp a white Australian) you should read it. That is all.
21. What’s something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year?
Haha - EVERYTHING, because I moved house at the start of this month 😅it is 50% smaller than our last house but it is excellent - old Edwardian features, 90s renovated kitchen, amazing location and no housemates. It’s fab.
Thank you for these!
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fragmentsofchaldea · 4 years
Really minor trivia question, but have any of Chaldea’s servants watched Lord of the Rings? If so, were there any strong reactions from anyone (approval or disapproval)?
Safest bet is Hector, Chaldea’s somewhat Cinophile. The most profound reactions would be from the writers (especially Hans) since I don’t think many servants would just enjoy the fantasy trilogy like a moving book. At best, likely bunches of quotes are tossed about here and there.
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