#cindy x marty
thecomfortable · 3 months
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Otherwise known as Stonerpop (Stoner/Skater x Perky/Cheerleader)!
I don't usually post my OCs here that often but I thought that you guys might like these two!
I'll be posting more of them on this blog later! But if you have any questions about them, send me an ask!
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The Girl He Left Behind [Part One]
Fandom: American Actor, RPF, Elvis Presley, Elvis Movie 2022
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Original Female Character
Characters: Elvis Presley, Addison Goodwin, Gladys Presley, Vernon Presley, Minnie May ‘Dodger’ Presley, Red West, Sonny West, Gene Smith, Billy Smith, Original Female Characters, Colonel Tom Parker, Billy Smith, Marci Cunningham, Steve Cunningham, Jerry Schilling, Mary Jenkins, Alan Fortas, Marty Lacker, Original Male Characters, Mona Goodwin, Joe Goodwin
Word Count: 4100 // Rating: Mature
Summary: When Elvis returns home to Graceland from the Army he’s followed by the headlines ‘The Girl He Left Behind’ but what the media don’t know is that Priscilla wasn’t the first. No, that title belongs to someone Elvis will never forget.
Tags/ Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Graceland, Poverty, Friends to Lovers, 1950s Elvis, Bad Parenting, Surprise Surprise the Colonel Is a Colossal Prick, Parental Loss, Grief, Fun Fairs, Kissing, Vaginal Sex, Oral Sex, Movie Nights, Arguing, Tension, Denial of Feelings, Age Gap Romance, Underage, Addison is 17 Elvis is 22, Guilt, Betrayal, Extortion, Blackmail, Jealous, Army Elvis, American Draft, US Army, Lying, Time Shift with Elvis moving to Memphis, Flashbacks, Caught, 
Notes: This is gonna be several parts and its gon be sad so don’t say I didnt warn ya
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LINK TO ALL PARTS // AO3 LINK // PINTEREST LINK‘Come on EP!’ a voice echoed through the crowd.
‘I’m comin’,’ Elvis chuckled as he threw his arm around his date and followed in the direction his friends were headed. The group looked like any other, an energetic bunch of boys with whatever ladies they had sweet-talked into accompanying them for the night and so long as Elvis kept his head down it would remain that way. He supposed it was foolish of him to be here, after all he was a teenage heartthrob and his fan base was mostly made up of teenage girls so going to a funfair a few days before school was due to be back in session and kids from all over were going to be enjoying their last taste of freedom seemed a little stupid. Yet he didn’t care, because as he walked down the makeshift street of the fair watching the patrons have fun whilst the smell of doughnuts and candyfloss wafted by, he couldn’t help but feel happy. It didn’t hurt that Cindy, his date for the night, had spent most of their ride on the tunnel of love making out with him either. As they neared the end of the lane Elvis caught a glimpse of the ride his friends had picked to do next and sighed, the ghost train. He rolled his eyes at the ridiculousness of it but as he did, he felt Cindy lean a little closer to him as she noticed where the group was headed.
As they joined the back of the queue in an unorganised huddle she leaned into him and said, ‘do we really have to go this?’ ‘Oh come on Cindy it ain’t that bad,’ Gene smiled as he turned to face her. ‘Yeah,’ Red said, ‘and we need someone who makes Billy look brave in comparison.’ ‘Hey!’ Billy said elbowing Red in the arm which made Red grab him in a headlock earning a laugh from everyone. ‘Elvis,’ she said uneasily making his laugh trail off as he looked down at her. She was watching him, her big blue eyes wide and her mouth drawn down in a pout. ‘It’ll be a fine baby. You’ve got me right next to ya,’ he smiled hoping to reassure her which he seemed to manage as she thought about it for a second and then nodded.
Whilst the group moved slowly up the line the group chatted idly, though admittedly the focus of their conversation seemed to be whether or not Billy would scream, until finally they were at the front of the line and Elvis was handing over a $5 bill so that he and his friends could ride alone. Whilst everyone scrambled to get a good seat Elvis steered Cindy towards the back hoping that being furthest away from the action would help her calm down a little but as the carts rolled into the dark she grabbed a hold of him, allowing him to put his arms around her for comfort. Fortunately, the ride was over in less than five minutes and though there were a few jump scares here and there it was nothing that would get the heart beating faster. For Elvis at least. 
‘What a rip,’ Junior said as he led the group down the off-ramp, ‘25 cents apiece just for a couple of pop-up ghouls and a mechanical laugh. ‘It was alright,’ Gene shrugged. ‘Yeah, you weren’t sitting next to Billy though,’ Sonny chuckled. ‘I knew he’d be scared!’ Red chuckled. ‘I was not!’ Billy protested. ‘Sure you weren’t,’ Sonny said rolling his eyes. ‘Just a good job you were wearing brown pants, right?’ Red ribbed earning another attack from Billy. As the two locked in a little wrestle, Elvis watched on chuckling to himself, though as he looked down at his date he found she wasn’t enjoying the scene as much as he was. In fact, she was white as a sheet and trembling a little causing Elvis to stop in his tracks which meant everyone else did too.
‘Everything okay EP?’ Sonny asked. ‘Yeah,’ Elvis said, ‘I think we just need a minute, right honey?’ ‘Right,’ Cindy said with a weak smile which brightened as he slipped his hand into hers. ‘I think I saw some benches back there,’ Darla, Gene’s date, said. Elvis nodded and they started walking to a small collection of picnic benches by a food stand which were fortunately deserted enough that all of the group could grab a seat. Whilst everyone sat down Elvis ordered Red and Sonny to get a selection of snacks and sodas before he slipped in beside Cindy, his arm going around her in an attempt to make her feel better.
Fortunately, after twenty minutes or so of relaxing the colour returned to Cindy’s face and though it wasn’t clear to Elvis whether it was due to the cooling night air, his attempt at comfort or stacks of sugary goodness they’d made their way through nevertheless he was happy she’d come around. In fact, she’d bounced back with such vigour she was on top form, relaying the story of how the pair of them had met earlier that week.
‘And then that lil guy, what’s his name,’ Cindy said. ‘Earl,’ Elvis said. ‘Yeah him. He’s all up in Elvis’ face and he’s angry, like, steam coming out of his ears mad, and I just say ‘look sugar-’’ ‘Are you done with that?’ a voice said snapping everybody’s attention away from Cindy as Elvis’ gaze fell upon the voice in question. It belonged to a girl, a few years younger than him no doubt, and quite the looker. Her hazel eyes flicked to him for a moment before they landed back on Cindy whose empty Pepsi bottle her hand was hovering over. ‘What?’ Cindy snapped, evidently feeling better. ‘I said are you done with that?’ the girl repeated without hesitation. ‘I’m in the middle of a conversation,’ Cindy said. ‘And I’m in the middle of bussin’ tables,’ the girl said pointedly, ‘so are you done?’ ‘Do you have to be so rude?’ Cindy said. ‘Do you have to keep ignoring my question?’ the girl challenged earning an involuntary snigger from Elvis who masked it as a cough as Cindy’s glare fell on him.
‘We’re finished,’ Billy said uncomfortably from across the table earning a series of nods from everyone else as they attempted to dispel the palpable tension in the air. Cindy however didn’t seem to feel as uncomfortable as the rest of the group, in fact she seemed irritated as her mouth fell into a tight line as she stood up and climbed off the bench, scowling at the girl before she stormed off. Feeling it was better for him to side with his partner than the waitress Elvis scrambled to follow her, though he had to admit their little tiff had amused him. The girl could hold her own, that much was evident, and Elvis couldn’t deny it got him a little hot under the collar. Not that he had much time to dwell on that fact as he tried to catch up to Cindy who didn’t seem to be slowing down as she stormed down the alley between the stalls.
‘Baby slow down,’ Elvis said grabbing her by the elbow as he reached her, stopping her in her tracks. ‘Who does she think she is?!’ Cindy scoffed, ‘we’re paying her wages! I oughta go back there and give her a real piece of my mind.’ ‘And what good will that do?’ Elvis said as she wrapped her arms around his neck, a pout on her face
‘I suppose,’ Cindy said.
‘Best just to leave it be,’ Elvis said pulling away from her as the rest of the group finally caught up.
‘Well, she was pretty rude,’ Darla said, coming to stand next to Cindy. ‘Some people have no manners,’ Gene agreed as he threw his arm around her. There was a murmur of agreement from the group, but Elvis ignored them. He supposed they were right, the girl could’ve been a little nicer, but he figured working in a cheap polyester dress in the blistering heat and serving bratty kids or rowdy teenagers might get him a little unfriendly too. However, since he didn’t feel like debating the topic, should it cause his date to sour, he made the executive decision to change the topic.
‘How about we head to the hall of mirrors?’ Elvis said, earning a nod from Cindy before she leaned in to kiss him. He allowed her to but pulled back quicker than she anticipated causing her to frown. Elvis pretended he didn’t notice and instead he turned away from her and announced that they should turn back to head to the house of mirrors earning mutters of agreement. However, they were barely ten feet down the lane before Cindy stopped in her tracks forcing Elvis to follow suit. ‘Everything alright EP?’ Red asked, noticing his friend had slowed down. ‘Yeah,’ he said, ‘we’ll catch you up.’ ‘Alright,’ Red nodded before he turned and carried on down the way, joining the rest of their friends. ‘What is it?’ he asked looking at her. ‘My purse,’ she said, ‘I’ve not got it.’ ‘Where did you last have it?’ Elvis asked. ‘When we were sat down. I mustn’t have picked it up,’ she said. Elvis fought the urge to say ‘when you pitched a fit over nothing’ and instead replied with, ‘how about I go and look for it?’ 
Cindy nodded and unlooped her arm from his so he could head back the way they came. By the time he got back to the benches they were deserted and all of their trash had been cleared away which meant that if the purse was there it would’ve been found by now. Still in an effort to seem proactive he surveyed the area, looking under the benches and around the trash can to see if he could spot it. Still nothing. Not wanting to return to his date empty handed he walked towards the stand they had gotten their food from in the hopes it had been handed in. It was essentially a wooden hut, crammed with various kitchen appliances, and manned by a wizened old guy who looked so at ease back there it wouldn’t have surprised Elvis if he’d been serving hot dogs his entire life. His striped shirt was covered in grease and his glasses so thick that when Elvis stepped up to the counter he doubted he’d even know if he was a man let alone who he was.
‘What can I get you?’ the man said. ‘Uh, actually, I was wondering if anyone had handed in my girl’s purse?’ Elvis said. ‘A purse?’ the man said, ‘I don’t think so.’ ‘Ah, okay, never mind,’ Elvis said with a smile. ‘I’ll keep my eye out!’ the man said earning a chuckle from Elvis. ‘I’m sure you will sir,’ Elvis smirked, ‘thanks anyway.’ ‘At least you tried,’ Elvis thought as he moseyed back up the alley. Yet as he got to the spot where he had left Cindy he found there was a throng of people crowded around watching something. As he got a little closer, he could see who was at the forefront, Cindy and the waitress. He pushed through the crowd, earning a few grumbles as he did, until he was at the centre. ‘Like I’d want that tatty old thing anyway,’ the girl said rolling her eyes. ‘You couldn’t even afford one of these!’ Cindy sneered, ‘why else would you steal it.’ ‘I didn’t steal anything!’ the girl challenged. ‘You mean you didn’t think you’d get caught,’ Cindy scoffed. ‘What’s going on?’ Elvis said though the gist of events was already clear. ‘I caught her stealing my purse!’ Cindy said waving her now recovered purse in front of him as if it were some kind of proof. ‘I was taking it to lost property,’ the girl said as her gaze fell on him. He looked at her for a second only to find a flicker in her eyes of something he couldn’t put his finger on though he didn’t have time to dwell on it as the pair of them were both eyeing him meaning his gaze kept flitting between them as if he was watching a high-stakes tennis match. Though before he could say anything a booming voice came through the crowd ordering people to make way until eventually an older gentleman appeared opposite him. He was a stocky man with thinning hair and beady eyes that Elvis instinctively took a dislike to. He stood in between the girls looking at them both.
‘What’s happening here?’ he said in a stern voice which softened as he noticed Elvis standing there, ‘Mr. Presley…I had no idea you were visiting my carnival.’ ‘And he might never do again,’ Cindy jumped in making Elvis wince. People were looking more closely now, his normal carefree night ebbing away by the minute. ‘I am sorry to hear that sir,’ the man said, ‘how can I help?’ ‘Your waitress was stealing from us,’ Cindy said folding her arms across her chest. ‘Mr. Ackers, I swear-’ the girl started, her voice panicky, but the man held a stubby finger up silencing her immediately. She fell quiet but Elvis could see her temper seething beneath the surface. ‘Now I’m sure there’s an explanation for this Ma’am and I assure you I will deal with it,’ Mr Ackers said. ‘Mr Ackers-’ the girl repeated but he merely turned his head and snapped, ‘my office. Now.’ 
Elvis watched as her jaw clenched in an attempt to restrain herself. Her eyes fell on him for a moment, watching him with disgust, for what he didn’t know. Maybe he should say something. After all, if Cindy had left her purse and she happened to pick it up was it really stealing? Maybe the girl was telling the truth, but before he could say anything she disappeared into the crowd.
‘As I said, I am deeply sorry for your inconvenience,’ Mr Ackers said as he moved to stand in between the pair wrapping his arms around each of them as he led them away from the now quickly dispersing crowd, ‘please let me do something to improve your visit to us. A complimentary ride or something.’ ‘Actually,’ Elvis said pulling out of the man’s grasp and pulling Cindy with him, ‘I think we’re just going to go find our friends.’ ‘Right,’ Mr Ackers said with a curt nod, ‘if you need anything be sure to let me know. We value our customer’s happiness here at AC Enterprises.’
Elvis smiled politely and then started to walk away in search of their party. Cindy allowed herself to be dragged her long, her white purse now tucked under the crook of her arm, and satisfied smirk on her face that didn’t go unnoticed by Elvis. As they got to the hall of mirrors their friends were just coming out and she wasted no time in telling them about all the ‘fun’ they had missed. But she recounted her tale, filling in the bits even Elvis had missed, he couldn’t help but feel something odd bubbling inside him. He didn’t know what it was but there was definitely something.
‘You’re just a sucker for a pretty face,’ his mind whispered to him as they made their way to the next attraction. Maybe. But it was more than that. He was sure of it.
Maybe it was because he thought Cindy might be lying. He hated to think it but the twinkle in her eye when Mr Ackers had scolded that girl made him think it could be true. Or maybe it was the fact that he had heard true panic in her voice. Like the situation had spiralled out of control more than she intended. Or maybe it was that look in her eye when he had first got there. As if she knew him. That didn’t mean much though, almost everyone in the south knew him by now. He stayed in his thoughts for the rest of the night, unable to shake the unnerving feeling that was bouncing around his brain bringing with it more questions every time it hit the edge.
Eventually, the crowds got thinner and thinner until they seemed to be the only people left. As darkness finally settled in, and the rides started to close one by one, they decided to call it a night and head back to the car. 
‘I think I drank too much soda,’ Darla complained as they neared the exit. ‘Well you better use the facilities before we head home,’ Gene said. ‘Ew, those disgusting things?’ Darla said wrinkling her nose. ‘Well it’s that or pee at the side of the road,’ Red said, ‘because you ain’t having an accident in the caddy right EP?’ ‘Hmm,’ Elvis said coming out of his thoughts. ‘I said the girls better take a leak before we head home right?’ ‘Right,’ he mumbled looking passed them, lost in his thoughts. The boys shared a look but didn’t say anything. ‘Come on I’ll walk ya to ‘em,’ Gene said, ‘this place is kinda creepy in the dark.’ ‘I think I’m gonna come too,’ Billy said. ‘Yeah me too,’ Junior said, ‘someone needs to hold Billy’s hand in the dark.’ ‘As long as that’s all you’re holding,’ Billy chuckled speeding up out of Junior’s way as he swiped at him. ‘Are you gonna walk me too Elvis?’ Cindy said sweetly capturing his attention as the rest walked away leaving just him, Cindy and the Wests standing there. ‘Why don’t you just go catch them up?’ Elvis said as if it were obvious. Cindy smiled a false smile and nodded before she turned on her heel and flagged down the group a little way ahead of her. As she got out of earshot Red nudged him with his elbow.
‘What’s going on with you man?’ he asked, his brow furrowed. ‘What do you mean?’ Elvis said. ‘I don’t know,’ Red said, ‘you’ve been acting weird like half the night.’ ‘I have not,’ Elvis protested looking at Sonny for back-up who merely shrugged. ‘Alright,’ Red said, ‘if you say so.’ ‘Well yeah I do,’ Elvis said, irritation thick in his voice. ‘Okay man,’ Red said holding his hands up. ‘How about we just bring the car around?’ Elvis asked tersely, receiving nods from the boys. They headed towards the exit and though the conversation had picked up between the cousins he wasn’t paying much attention.
In fact, as he started to cross the parking lot towards their cars he got distracted as standing there by the side of the road was that girl. Without thinking he started to meander towards her, earning confused looks from Sonny and Red. ‘Where ya goin EP?’ Red said as his friend started walking away. ‘I’ll be back in a minute,’ he said as he jogged across the lot towards her. She wasn’t facing him but she turned as she heard his footsteps appear. Her face immediately fell into a scowl as he approached, coming to stand in front of her, and throwing her his most knee-weakening smile. 
‘Hey,’ he said softly. ‘What do you want?’ she asked folding her arms across her chest. She was dressed differently now. Her stiff blue waitress dress and apron were gone replaced by a simple white shirt and a pair of shorts that showed off so much leg Elvis had to make a conscious effort not to stare. ‘To be greeted by your charm,’ he chuckled making her roll her eyes. That familiar feeling returned in the pit of his stomach as he cleared his throat and said nervously, ‘I-I-I just wanted to apologise…a-a-about before. I hope he didn’t give you too much grief.’ ‘He wouldn’t have given me any if your girlfriend hadn’t shot her mouth off,’ she snapped. ‘She’s not my girlfriend,’ Elvis said quickly. He didn’t know why. It wasn’t pertinent to the conversation, but his mouth had thrown the words out before his brain connected. ‘Lucky you,’ she snorted. 
Silence fell between them for a moment where all that could be heard was the distant sounds of the fair shutting down for the night and the passing of cars a little further down the road. Elvis placed his hands in his pockets unsure of what to say. She wasn’t looking at him now, if anything she seemed to be willing him to walk away but he couldn’t make himself. After a minute he said, ‘do you have a ride coming or something?’ ‘I’m waiting for the bus,’ she said simply. ‘Oh,’ he said, ‘well you can get a ride with us if you want I mean I don’t mind-’ ‘Uh huh,’ she mumbled shaking her head. ‘What?’ Elvis asked. ‘Is that supposed to compensate for getting me fired? A ride home?’ she smirked but her eyes signalled it was not one of mirth but rather one of annoyance. ‘He fired you?’ Elvis asked. ‘What did you think he was going to do? He thinks I’m a thief,’ she said. ‘Lemme talk to him. I’m sure I-I-I can straighten things o-out-’ he stammered as guilt coursed through him before she could respond though their attention was captured by Red’s voice.
‘Hey EP! We leaving or what?!’ he shouted from the car. Elvis looked over his shoulder to find a car idling just a few meters away from where they were standing. Red was in the driver’s seat, Sonny beside him and Cindy in the back watching him with fury in her eyes. He held his hand out as if telling them to hang on before he looked back to the girl. 
‘Look I really am sorry I promise I can get you your job back. Why don’t ya-’ ‘You should go,’ she said, ‘don’t wanna leave your friends waiting.’ ‘But-’ ‘I have a bus to catch,’ she said with an air of finality. Elvis watched her for a moment, wanting to protest but he could see she wasn’t going to listen so instead of saying something he simply nodded. Then, he turned around and headed to the car where his friends were waiting. He hopped over the side of the car and slid into the seat beside Cindy as Red started the car rolling. Cindy didn’t look at him, instead, she kept her arms folded across her chest and looked away from him as if taking in the dismal scenery of the parking lot but as the car pulled down the road he found his eyes lingering on the girl’s figure as it got smaller and smaller until she was out of sight.
The ride was uncomfortably silent on the way home. Sonny and Red barely said anything though they did keep glancing into the back seat to see if the tension had dissolved any and Cindy didn’t make a sound until they pulled up outside her house she mumbled a ‘goodnight’ to the boys before she climbed out without a backwards glance. Elvis didn’t care. It wasn’t as if he was so into the thought of seeing her again. So what if she dubbed him a lousy date to all her friends?
As they pulled up to Graceland his mood didn’t change. He barely spoke to the guys who were waiting back at the house or his Mama when she asked how his night had been. Instead, he told them he was tired and climbed upstairs to his bedroom. Once alone in the dark, he sat down on his bed and played back their conversation in his head.
He had gotten her fired. Well, Cindy had, but he hadn’t intervened which meant the blame lay at his door at least a little. Hell, probably the only reason her manager took it so far was that he was there. Elvis Presley. The biggest attraction at the whole carnival. To some. 
‘But not to her,’ his mind whispered. His mind played back the way her face had shrivelled in disgust as he apologised. She hated him and he supposed it was fair enough. He probably wouldn’t like the guy who got him fired either. 
But still, that voice in the back of his mind was niggling at him. There was something about her. Something familiar. 
He knew her from somewhere, he was sure of it. 
And if that were true, he couldn’t let her lasting impression of him be a bad one. He had to change her mind. 
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are-they-z · 11 months
Supporters of Creative Community For Peace Open Letter (Support of Israel) - Part 1/2
The letter condemns the Supernova Music Festival attack on Oct 7, but fails to mention Palestinian civilians, then states:
"As Israel takes the necessary steps to defend its citizens in the coming days and weeks, social media will be overrun by an orchestrated misinformation campaign spearheaded by Iran."
see full letter (x)
Ari Ingel, Executive Director, Creative Community For Peace
Aaron Bay-Schuck, CEO/Co-Chairman, Warner Records
Brad Ableson, Animation Director, Illumination
Natalie Abrams, Co-EP
Deeba Abrishamchi, Senior Manager, A&R, Universal Music Publishing Group
Jason Adelman, VP, Brand Innovators Labs
Orly Adelson, Former President of ITV Studios, America
Marty Adelstein, CEO, Tomorrow Studios
Ali Adler, Producer
Ben Adler, Musician
Rachel Adler, Agent, CAA
Dan Ahdoot, Comedian
Jason Alexander, Actor/Director
Sasha Alexander-Ponti, Actress/ Director, The Ponti Company
Karen Allen, Actor/Director, Blue Willow Productions Inc.
Dan Aloni, Partner, WME
Kayla Alpert, Writer
Cindy Ambers, Co-Owner, Art/Work Entertainment
Leon Angel, Joint Head of Football, CAA Base Limited
Dennis Arfa, Chairman, IAG Music, Independent Artist Group
Jarred Arfa, EVP and Head of Music, Independent Artist Group
Taryn Ariel, Agent
Antonina Armato, Founder, Heroine Music Group
Jeff Astrof, Showrunner, Warner Brothers
Liz Astrof, Writer/Producer, 20th Century/Disney
Eve Attermann, Literary Agent, WME
Michael Auerbach, Partner, Jackoway Austen
Nate Auerbach, Partner, Versus Creative
Karl Austen, Attorney, Jackoway Austen
Meredith Averill, TV Writer/Showrunner,
Shahar Avnet, Creative Director & Founder, SHAHAR AVNET
Asi Azar, TV Host, Keshet
Irving Azoff, Chairman, Full Stop Management
Ivor Baddiel, Scriptwriter and Author
Gary Barber, CEO, Spyglass Media
Moshe Barkat, CEO, ColorTime, LLC.
Eve Barlow, Music Journalist
Jonathan Barnett, Chairman, CAA Stellar
Romi Barta, Writer
Jonathan Baruch, Partner, Rain
Richard Baskind, Partner & Head of Music, Simons Muirhead & Burton
Lance Bass, Music Artist
Neal Batra, President, Tradition Pictures
Brian Baumgartner, Actor
Jaime Becker, Writer/producer
M. Becker
Matt Earl Beesley, Director/Producer, This Much Films
Idan Ben abou, Football Agent, ISCOUT LTD
Karyn Ben-Gal, A&R Coordinator, Disney Music Publishing
Aton Ben-Horin, VP of Global A&R, Atlantic Records Group
Rachel Bendavid, Head of Scripted Programming, BBC Studios/Lionsgate Partnership
Pablo Bendersky, Producer/Artist
Steven Bensusan, President, Blue Note Entertainment Group
Ram Bergman, Producer, T-Street
Adam Berkowitz, Founder and President, Lenore Entertainment Group
Jim Berkus, Chairman of the Board of Directors, UTA
Jordan Berkus, Talent Agent, UTA
Greg Berlanti, Writer/Director/Producer, Berlanti Productions
Gail Berman, CEO, The Jackal Group
Luc Bernard, Director, Voices of the Forgotten
TJ Bernardy, Talent Agent, WME
Carolyn Bernstein, Exec VP, National Geographic
Jeff Bernstein, Partner & Board Member, Jackoway Austen Tyerman Wertheimer Mandelbaum Morris Bernstein Trattner & Klein
Heather Besignano, CEO & Founder, ICON PR
Mayim Bialik, Actor/Host/Author
Sharon Bialy, Co-Owner of Bialy/Thomas Casting, Bialy/Thomas & Associates
Matthew Bierman, Producer
Allison Binder, Partner, Goodman Genow Schenkman Smelkinson & Christopher
Joshua P. Binder, Partner, Rotherberg, Mohr, and Binder LLP
Neil Blair, Partner, The Blair Partnership
Rachel Bloom, Writer
Doug Blu, Commercial Dept, Eris Talent Agency
Robyn Bluestone, Talent Manager, Robyn Bluestone Management
Steven Blume, COO, Content Partners LLC
Sawyer Bock, Coordinator, Elevate Entertainment
Evan Bogart, Songwriter & CEO, Seeker Music
Laura Bonner, Partner, WME
Michael Borkow, Writer/Producer, Tinder Hill Productions, Inc.
Betsy Borns, Television Writer/Producer
David Bradley, Partner, WME
Alan Braun, Agent, CAA
Dan Brecher, Principal/Owner, Rothman Brecher Ehrich Livingston
Chris Bremner, Screenwriter, Unknown Quantity
Tor Breon, Music Agent, WME
Theodore Bressman, Screenwriter
Josh Brill, Writer/Producer
Karen Brodkin Watson, EVP, Endeavor
Aline Brosh McKenna, Writer/Director/Producer
Brantley Brown, Talent Representative, Authentic Talent and Literary Management
Amy Brownstein, Founder, PRStudio
Ashley Brucks, President of Screen Gems, Sony
AJ Buckley, Artist
Mitch Bukhar, Talent Agent, CAA
Danny Burstein, Actor
Joannie Burstein Besser, Owner/Manager, Burstein Company
David Byrnes, Partner, Ziffren Brittenham LLP
Omri Caaspi, Former Professional Basketball Player
Ryan Cabrera, Musician
Trey Callaway, Television Showrunner
Bryan Carmel, Independent Producer, The Very Specific Corporation
Tia Carrere, Actress
Madeline Carver, Account Service Representative, Vevo
Markell Casey, Music Executive
Nir Caspi, Partner, Non-Scripted TV, WME
Daniela Cassorla, Associate, Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks, PC
Jennifer Cecil, Writer/Producer
Jared Ceizler, Talent Manager, MGMT Entertainment
Brian Celler, Founder, Bravo Charlie Management
Pamela Charbit, A&R Manager, Atlantic Records
Olivier Chastan, Founder & CEO, Iconoclast
Cliff Chenfeld, Co-Founder, Razor & Tie
Ted Chervin, Agent, CAA
Emmanuelle Chriqui, Actor
Jeffrey Ciabattari, Talent Manager
Patrick Clifton, Writer, Promise & Potential
Andrew Cohan, Co-Founder/C.E.O., ACI Licensing LLC
Ayala Cohen, Talent Agent, CAA
Etan Cohen, Writer/Director
Joe Cohen, Agent, CAA
Alex Cole, President, Elevate Entertainment
Lindsay Conner, Partner, O’Melveny & Myers
Henrietta Conrad, CEO, The Optimism Company
Lionel Conway, SVP, BMG
Adam Cooper, Partner, Jackoway Austen, et al.
Leanne Coronel, President, The Coronel Group
Raye Cosbert, Managing Director, Metropolis Music
Ben Cosgrove, CEO, Leviathan Productions
Cassidy Crosby, Associate Manager of Marketing, Vevo
Jamie Lee Curtis, Actress
R.J. Cutler, Filmmaker, This Machine
Avi Dahan, Attorney, Boyarski Fritz LLP
Ian Daly, Head of Brand Strategy, Live Nation
Hannah Damico, Junior Designer, Vevo
Greg Daniels, Writer
Dani Darling, Entertainment Attorney, LaPolt Law
Ben Davis, Partner, Co-Head of Digital, WME
Doug Davis, The Davis Firm
Mitch Davis, Concert Promoter, The Artist Partnership
Taylor Dayne, Artist
Danielle Del, Partner, D2 Management
Jamie Denbo, Co-EP Grey’s Anatomy, ABC/Disney
David DeSantos, CEO, Cottonwood Productions
Meredith DeSantos, Writer/Producer
Josh Deutsch, Chairman/CEO, Premier Music Group
Ken Deutsch, Global Co-Chair, Entertainment and Media Group, Paul Hastings LLP
Vikram Dhawer, Partner, Authentic Talent & Literary Management
Avi Diamond, Director, Film & TV Licensing, Warner Music Canada
Michael Diamond, Talent Manager/Partner, MGMT Entertainment
Jessica DiBiase, Talent Agent, CAA
Lucy Dickins, Global Head of Music and Touring, WME
David DiGilio, Showrunner/Executive Producer, THE TERMINAL LIST – Amazon Prime
Kosha Dillz, Artist, Rapper
Matt Dines, Producer
Lee Dinstman, Partner, IAG
Brian Dobbins, Co-CEO, Artists First
Efrat Dor, Actor
Joella Dorenbaum, Talent Agent, CAA
Craig Dorfman, Partner/Manager, Three Six Zero
Rick Dorfman, Partner/Head of Comedy & Development, Authentic Talent & Literary Management
Michael Douglas, Actor/Producer
David Draiman, Frontman of the band Disturbed
Bill Duffy, Head of Basketball, WME Sports
Alex Edelman, Comedian/Writer
Julian Edelman, Co-Founder, Coast Productions
Scott Edelman, Senior Partner, Gibson Dunn
Lisa Edelstein, Actor
Jason Egenberg, CEO/Producer, Tiny Riot Entertainment
Jon Ehrlich, Founder/Composer, Qwire
Matthew Einstein, CEO, Tradition Pictures
Jessica Elbaum, Producer, Gloria Sanchez productions
Natasha Elie, Marketing Assistant, Atlantic Records
Talya Elitzer, Co-Founder, Godmode Music
Andy Elkin, Agent, CAA
Craig Emanuel, Partner, Entertainment & Media, Paul Hastings
Robert Emmer, Founding Partner, Shout! Factory
Alexandra Emmerman, Agent, CAA
Hannah Epstein, Agent, CAA
Dan Erlij, Partner, Co-Head of TV Lit, UTA
Ingrid Escajeda, Showrunner/EP
Henry Eshelman, Managing Director, PMG: Platform Media Group
Nancy Etz, Agent, CAA
Ikenna Ezeh, Partner, WME
Ron Fair, Record Producer & CEO, Faircraft Inc.
Veronica Falcón, Actor
Donny Farber, Dan Farber
Sharon Farber, Composer, Soaring Taurus, LLC
James Farrell, Agent, WME
Daniel Federman, Owner, Maccabi Tel-Aviv
Oded Fehr, Actor
Erik Feig, Founder/CEO, PICTURESTART
Jaime Feld, Talent Agent, CAA
James Feldman, Partner, Lichter Grossman Nichols Adler Feldman & Clark
Josh Feldman, Head of Film and Television, Altar Rock Pictures
Katie Feldman, Publicist
Ryan Feldman, Partner, WME
Patti Felker, Partner, Felker Toczek Suddleson Abramson McGinnis Ryan LLP
Jacob Fenton, Partner, UTA
Ken Fermaglich, Partner, UTA
Hannah Fidell, Filmmaker
Tommy Finkelstein, Head of Business Affairs, General Counsel, Independent Artist Group
Dylan First, Agent, WME
Bradley Fischer, Producer
Alexis Fisher, CEO, Timeline Management
Scott Fisher, Select Management Group
Seth Fisher, Showrunner
David Fishof, Producer and Music Executive
Wayne Fitterman, Talent Agent, WME
Carlos Fleming, Partner, WME
Josh Fluxgold, Founder and President, ONEWAY.
Beau Flynn, Producer, FlynnPictureCo
Erica Forster, Entertainment Attorney
Gary Foster, Principal, Krasnoff Foster Productions
Lauren Fox, TV Literary Agent, CAA
Sarah Francus, Manager, Roc Nation
Etan Frankel, Writer
Ashley Franklin, Partner/Talent Manager, Thruline Entertainment
Jordan Frazes, Founder, Frazes Creative
Bryan Freedman, Founding Partner, Freedman, Taitelman + Cooley
Jeffrey Freedman
Jessica Freedman, Singer, SAG-AFTRA
Jay Jay French, French Management, Twisted Sister
Geordie Frey, Owner, GEF Entertainment
Michael Fricklas
Stuart Fried, Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks
Jody Friedericks, Executive Creative Director, 160over90
Adam Friedman, Executive, CAA
Adina Friedman, President, Friends at Work Management
Daryl Friedman, Former Chief Advocacy & Industry Relations Officer, The Recording Academy
Stephen Fry, Actor/Writer
Antoine Fuqua, Producer/Director
Bryan Furst, Producer
Sean Furst, Producer, Global Position Studios
Gal Gadot, Actress, Producer, Pilot Wave
Alex Gansa, Writer/Producer, Gansa Films Inc.
Siri Garber, CEO & Founder, Platform Public Relations
Andy Garcia, Actor
Risa Bramon Garcia, Casting Director, Teacher, Director, The BGB Studio
David Gardner, President, Artists First
Jeremy Garelick, Founder / Owner, American High
Bruce Garfield, Executive Director, Columbus Music Commission
Spencer Garrett, Actor
Nancy Gates, Partner, UTA
Willie Gault, Retired NFL Player
Andrew Genger, Manager, Red Light Management
Paul George, Manager, Podwall Entertainment
David Gersh, Co-President Gersh Agency, Gersh Agency
Gary Gersh, President, Global Touring, A.E.G.
Jody Gerson, Chairman and CEO, Universal Music Publishing Group
Risa Gertner, Agent, CAA
Pete Giberga, President, AWAL
Jill Gillett, Agent, WME
Gary Ginsberg, Senior VP, SoftBank Group Corp.
Joyce Giraud, Actress/Model
Fran Glasenberg, Foundation Executive, CAA
Nikki Glaser, Comedian
Patricia L. Glaser, Partner, Glaser Wei Fink Howard Jordan & Shapiro
Daniel Glass, Founder/ CEO, Glassnote Records
Karen Glauber, President, HITS Magazine
David Glick, Founder & CEO, Edge Group
Joshua Glick, Manager
Jonathan Glickman, Founder, Panoramic Media Company
Jordan Glickson, VP, Music & Talent, Vevo
Mark Goffman, Executive Producer, Off The Cliff Entertainment
Ross Golan, Songwriter, Unknown Music Publishing
Elon Gold, Comedian/Actor
Hannah Gold, VP Marketing, Interscope Records
Judy Gold, Comedian, Actor, Writer
Andrew Goldberg, Writer/Producer
Dana Goldberg, Chief Creative Officer, Skydance
Saul Goldberg, Agent, CAA
Tracey Goldblum, VP commercials, KMR
Tony Goldring, Agent, WME
Alistair Goldsmith, President, Chosen Music
Lindy Goldstein, Producer, Lindy Goldstein Productions
Michal Goldstein, Co-President, Basset Hound Distribution
Michael Goldwasser, President/Co-Founder, Easy Star Records
Nichole Gomez, Agent, Eris Talent Agency
Adrianne Gonzalez, Owner, BYAGINC
Alissa Goodman, Manager, Authentic Talent & Literary Management
Brandon Goodman, Co-Founder / Co-Owner, Best Friends Music
Howard Gordon, Writer/EP
Jonathan Gordon, CEO, 1916 Enterprises LLC
Michael Gordon, Partner, CAA
Jeff Gorin, Partner/Talent Agent, WME
Hildy Gottlieb, Agent in MP Talent, CAA
Karen Gottlieb, Partner, Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks, P.C.
Andrew Gould, Music Executive
David Graber, SVP, Content Licensing, Warner Brothers Discovery
Jessica Graboff, Agent, CAA
Marc Graboff, Consultant
Nicholas Grad, President, FX Entertainment
Cary Granat, Co-Founder and Partner, Destiny Media, EMH Media
Jack Dylan Grazer, Actor, JDG Creative Services
Michael Green, Writer
Roger Green, Partner, WME
Trudy Green, Trudy Green Management/HK
Alison Greenberg, Author and screenwriter,
Scott Greenberg, Partner, LBI
Stacy Greenberg, Head of Scripted, US, Merman
Steve Greenberg, Founder and President, S-Curve Records
Ava Greenfield, Scripted TV Agent, CAA
Josh Greenstein, President Sony Pictures Motion Picture Group
Dan Gregor, Writer
Adam Griffin, Manager, Vault Entertainment
Iris Grossman, Partner, Echo Lake Entertainment
Jonathan Grossman, Coordinator, Elevate Entertainment
Lynn Grossman, CEO, Secret Road
Jeremy Gruber, Friends at Work, Head of Artist Marketing
Tony Guanci, Chairman, EDGEOUT
Marc Guggenheim, Writer/Producer
Gary Gulman, Comedian/Writer
Julie Gurovitsch, Music Producer, The Tonight Show
Paul Haas, Partner, WME
Michael Hackman, CEO, Hackman Capital Partners
Amanda Hacohen, Agent, WME
Amir Haddad, Singer Songwriter, Warner Music France
Shirley Halperin, Editor-in-Chief, Los Angeles Magazine
Marilou Hamill
Mark Hamill, Actor
Alicia Hannah-Kim, Actor
Amy B. Harris, Writer/Producer
Lynn Harris, Producer/Partner, 6th & Idaho
Ronnie Harris, Partner, Harris & Trotter LLP
Ashley Harrison, Agent, CAA
Jo Hart, Founder, Hart Media
Becky Hartman Edwards, Writer/Producer, Two in A Tub Productions
Ryan Hayden, Partner, UTA
Josh Heald, Writer/Producer
Patricia Heaton, Actress/Producer, FourBoysEntertainment
Julianne Heitzer, Attorney, Jackoway Austen Tyerman Wertheimer Mandelbaum Morris Bernstein Trattner & Klein
Scott Henderson, Partner, WME
Karen Hermelin, EVP, Marketing, Strategy & Insights, Paramount Pictures
Peter Hess, Co-Head, CAA Commercials Endorsements
Stephen Hill, Actor
Avi Hirshbein, A&R Coordinator, Electric Feel Ent.
Beth Holden-Garland, Manager, Authentic
Shawn Holiday, Full Stop Management
Laura Holstein, Producer
Billy Hopkins, Casting Director, Hopkins Ingram Casting
Matthew Horowitz, Agent, CAA
Samuel Horowitz, Television/Film Writer
Chris Horsman, Talent Agent, CAA
Allison Howard, Talent Agent, WME
Andrew Howard, Attorney, Jackoway Austen Tyerman Wertheimer Mandelbaum Morris Bernstein Trattner & Klein
Linda Edell Howard, Attorney, Novick Law
Lindsay Howard Parker, EVP, Head of Scripted Literary, Independent Artist Group
David Hunt, Founder, FourBoys Entertainment
Michelle Hurd, Actor and Activist
Jon Hurwitz, Showrunner
Richard “BournRich” Ingram, Artist/Creative Director
Susana Ivanir, Executive, CAA
Basil Iwanyk, Producer, Thunder Road Films
Chukwudi Iwuji, Actor
Levi Jackson, Agent, WME
Mara Jacobs, Producer
Neil Jacobson, Founder of Hallwood Media
Chris Jacquemin, Partner, WME
Jonathan Jakubowicz, Writer & Director, Epicentral Studios
Tim James, Co-Founder, Rock Mafia
Maxwell Jenkins, Actor
Raymond Jimenez, Talent Manager, Zero Gravity Management
Brandt Joel, Agent, WME
Douglas Johnson, Agent, CAA
Jasmine Joseph-Danielpour, Manager
Nancy Josephson, Partner, WME
Al Joyner, Former Olympian
Brooke Jung, Talent Agent, WME
Heather Kadin, President, Scripted TV Range Studios, Range Media Partners
Rachel Kalban, Children’s Television Producer
Rachel Kaplan, Producer, Absecon Entertainment
Marisa Kapust, Attorney, Jackoway Austen Tyerman Wertheimer Mandelbaum Morris Bernstein Trattner & Klein
Dorian Karchmar, Agent and Partner, WME
Mike Karz, Partner, Gulfstream Pictures
Zach Katz, President and COO, FaZe Clan
Ryan Kavanaugh, Founder, Proxima
Stephen Kay, General Counsel, Roku, Inc.
Jonathan Kellerman, Novelist
Cari Kenny, Talent Agent, Eris Talent Agency
Lee Kern, Writer
Craig Kestel, Partner, WME
Ilan Kidron, Artist & Musician
April King, Talent Agent, WME
Russell King, Director, King Law Firm
Melanie Kirschbaum, Writer/Co-EP
David Kissinger, CEO, DK Media
Dana Klein, Writer/Creator, Can’t Get Five Productions
Jenny Klein, Writer
Lance Klein, Partner, WME
Barbie Kligman, Writer/Producer
Scott Kluge, President, Tremendous Entertainment
Zachary Knighton, Actor, Independent
Amanda Kogan, Agent, The Gersh Agency
Keetgi Kogan Steinberg, Writer/Producer
Blair Kohan, Board Member/Partner, UTA
Jenji Kohan, Writer/Producer/Showrunner, Tilted Productions
Ben Kohn, CEO, Playboy
Courtney Kohn
Marc Korman, Agent, WME
Barry Kotler, Agent, CAA
Steve Kram, CEO, Content Partners LLC
Ynon Kreiz, Chairman and CEO, Mattel, Inc.
Rick Krim, CEO, Krim Music + Media
Erik Kritzer, Owner/Partner, Link Entertainment
Josh Kurfirst, Music Agent, WME
Andrew Kurland, Talent Agent, CAA
Michelle Kydd, Chief Innovation Officer, CAA
Stephanie LaFera, Head of Electronic, WME
Angela LaFever, Management, Independent
Ricki Lake, Television Host/Actress
Evan Lamberg, President, North America, Universal Music Publishing
Amy Landecker, Actress
John Landgraf, CEO, FX Networks
Gabz Landman, VP, A&R, Warner Records
Sherry Lansing, Former CEO, Paramount Pictures/Founder, The Sherry Lansing Foundation
Dina LaPolt, Entertainment Attorney, LaPolt Law, PC
Estelle Lasher, President, Lasher Group
Sanaz Lavaedian, SVP of Music, MOCEAN
Inbar Lavi, President, Tuna Productions
Dennis Lavinthal, Owner, Hits magazine
Adam Leber, Founder, REBEL
Jared LeBoff, Producer, Marc Platt Productions
Sara Leeb, Agent, CAA
Michelle Leibel, Writer/Producer, One Trick Pony Productions
Doron Leidner, Football Player, Olympiacos
Carol Leifer, Comedian/Writer
Jeffrey Lenkov, Attorney
Peter Lenkov, Writer
Eli Leonard, Comedian/Writer/Actor
Gerri Leonard, Partner, Leonard Business Management, Inc.
Greg Lessans, Weed Road Pictures
Colin Lester OBE, Founder/Chairman, JEM Music Group
David Leventhal, Business Manager, Citrin Cooperman
Arielle Lever, Agent, CAA
Zachary Levi, Actor
Ben Levine, Partner, Link Entertainment
Michael Levine, Co-head, CAA Sports, Creative Artist Agency
Ashley Levinson, Producer
Steve Levitan, Writer/EP
Alexandra Levy, Writer
David Levy, Partner, WME Entertainment
David Levy, Founder and CEO, Back Nine Ventures
Marcus Levy, Agent, WME
Richard B. Levy, Managing Director, Executive Talent Management, P.C.
Michelle Lewis, Executive Director/Songwriter, SONA
Micha Liberman, President, Mind Meld Arts
Chuck Liddell, UFC Hall of Famer
Marc Lieberman, President, Above Average Productions
Sean Liebowitz, Agent, CAA
Sydney Lipsitz, Chief of Staff, CAA
Cory Litwin, Managing Partner, Music, Range Media Partners
Steve Lobel, CEO, LMG
Jonathan Lomma, Lawyer, WME
Alexandria Longo, Director of PR/Publicist, Blended Strategy Group
David Lonner, CEO, The David Lonner Co.
Jonathan Lonner, Partner, Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks, P.C.
George Lopez, Comedian/Actor
Amy Lord, CEO, Eris Talent Agency
Dean Lorey, Showrunner
Bryan Lourd, CEO, CAA
Richard Lovett, Co-Chairman, CAA
Doug Lucterhand, Agent
Kris Lythgoe, TV Producer
Nigel Lythgoe, President, Nigel Lythgoe Productions
Meghan Mackenzie, Agent, WME
Ben Maddahi, SVP A&R, Columbia Records + President, Unrestricted Publishing & Mgmt
Allysa Mahler, Partner, WME
Melissa Malkin, Literary Manager, BEP
Howie Mandel, Comedian
Jamie Mandelbaum, Co-President, Jackoway Austen Tyerman Wertheimer Mandelbaum Morris Bernstein Trattner & Klein
Chris Mann, Singer/Actor
Gabriel Mann, Composer/Producer
Daniel March, Managing Partner, Dynamic Television
Vanessa Marcil, Actress
Deborah Marcus, Executive, CAA
Ashlee Margolis, Founder, The A List
Susan Markheim, Full Stop Mgt., The Azoff Company
Rob Markus, Talent Agent, WME
Orly Marley, President, Tuff Gong Worldwide
Ziggy Marley, Musician
Rebecca Marlis, VP, Publicity, Interscope Records
Ori Marmur, VP, Original Studio Film, Netflix
Chris Marrs, Writer / Producer
Sarah Martin, Senior Legal Counsel EMEA, WME
John Mass, President, Content Partners, LLC
Nancy Matalon, VP of A&R, Spirit Music Group
Andrew Mathes, Partner, WME
Austin Matloff, Coordinator, Broadway Video
Arielle Matza, Associate Attorney, Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks, P.C.
Haim Mazar, President, Haim Mazar Music, LLC
David Mazouz, Actor
Rebecca Mazouz, Assistant, Plan C Productions
Michel J. Mazouz MD, Physician
Paul McCrane, Actor
Judith McCreary, Executive Producer, Griot, Inc
Allison McGregor, Agent, CAA
Deborah McIntosh, Agent, WME
Michael McKean, Actor
AJ McLean, Music Artist, Backstreet Boys
David McMillan, TV writer/producer
Barry McPherson, Partner/Executive VP of Talent, IAG
Brian Medavoy, Partner, More Medavoy Management
William Mercer, Partner, Thruline Entertainment
Debra Messing, Actor
Tom Miceli, Agent, WME
Adam Milch, Writer/Producer
Daniel Miller, President, Ironbound Films, Inc.
Rina Mimoun, Warner Brothers
Arika Mittman, Showrunner/Executive Producer
Mike Mizanin, WWE Personality
Alfred Molina, Actor
Jordana Mollick, President and Co-Founder, Semi-Formal Productions
Carolyn Moneta, Partner, WME
Tony Morales, Composer
Erwin More, Founding Partner, More/Medavoy Management
Jessica Morgulis, Talent Manager, Authentic
Marcy Morris, Attorney, Jackoway Austen Tyerman Wertheimer Mandelbaum Morris Bernstein Trattner & Klein
Rob Morrow, Actor
Meg Mortimer, Partner and Manager, Authentic Talent and Literary Management
Michele Mulrooney, Partner, Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP
Ryan Murphy, Writer/Director/Producer
Talia Myers, Agent, UTA
DJ Nash, Creator/Executive Producer, A Million Little Things
Chen Neeman, Songwriter, Chen Neeman Music
Brie Neimand, SVP Current, Cable and Streaming, CBS Studios
Noah Nelson, Writer, Gumballs and Stickers
Paul Nelson, Manager, Mosaic
Lauren Neustadter, President, Film & TV, Hello Sunshine
Eric Newman, Film and TV Producer
Robert Newman, Agent, WME
Alan Nierob, Chairman, Entertainment, RCPMK
Amaury Nolasco, Actor
Sharona Nomder, Morse Artists
Howard Nuchow, Co-Head, CAA Sports
Lisa Nupoff, Manager, IMIN Music
Annette O’Toole, Actress,
Mike O’Malley, Actor/Writer
Tracy-Ann Oberman, Actress
Julie Oh, Film Producer, OhCo
Michael Ohoven, Producer, CEO, Infinity Media
Peter Oillataguerre, Head of Production
Jim Osborne, CEO, Independent Artist Group
Sharon Osbourne
Claudia Oshry, Comedian and Podcast Host
Scott Packman, Founder and Managing Member, SSP Partners LLC
Jaime Paglia, Writer/Producer/Director, Two Joes Entertainment
Richard Palmese, President, Palmese Entertsinment
Lucienne Papon, EVP, Creative Affairs, ITV Studios
Renee Pappas, Consultant, Heritage Auctions
Joshua Pasch, Manager, Authentic Talent & Literary Management
Jared Paul, Founder, Faculty
Josh Peck, Actor
Shauna Perlman, Talent Agent, CAA
Numa Perrier, Filmmaker
Sara Pervil, Business Affairs Executive, CAA
Jack Peterson, Assistant, 3 Arts Entertainment
Andrea Pett, Talent Manager, BEP
Mekhi Phifer, Actor
Brian Pianko, Head Of Creative Advertising, Paramount Pictures
Chris Pine, Actor
Naomi Pitt, Front Office Coordinator
Jeremy Piven, Comedian/Actor
Jonah Platt, Actor/Jewish Advocate
Wendy Plaut, SVP, Paramount
Eric Podwall, President, Podwall Entertainment
Margrit Polak, President, Anne Frank LA/President Margrit Polak Management
Daria Polatin, Showrunner/Executive Producer, 1001 Pictures
Alissa Pollack, EVP, Global Music Marketing, iHeartMedia
Billy Porter, Artist, INCOGNEGRO
Cami Potter, TV Talent, CAA
Dani Potter, TV Scripted Partner, WME
Ava Poulson, London Mailroom, WME
Monique Powell, Sole Owner, Lead Entertainer, Save Ferris
Mike Praw, Entertainment Executive
Dawn Prestwich, Writer/Showrunner
Rhonda Price, Manager Partner, The Gersh Agency
Bryan Rabin, President/Founder, Bryan Rabin Inc
Sylvie Rabineau, Co-Head, Book to Film/TV, WME
Gideon Raff, Writer Director
Jazmin Rangel, Director of VO, Eris Talent Agency
Ross Raphael, Partner, WME
Ellen Rapoport, Writer/Producer/Director
Ron Rappaport, Writer/Executive Producer, That’s A Rapp Productions
Ron Rauch, VFX Editor, HBO Max
Adam Reed, Actor
Dani Reis, Manager, Friends at Work Nashville
Remedy, Artist
David Renzer, Chairman & Co-Founder of CCFP & Former Chairman/CEO, Universal Music Publishing
Peter Riegert, Actor
Seth Robbins, Actor
Sebastian Roché, Actor
Hanna Rochelle, Founder, Purple Productions LLC
Rich Rogers
Samantha Ronson, DJ/Songwriter
Dan Rosen, President, Warner Music Australasia
Rick Rosen, Co-Founder, Endeavor
Michael Rosenbaum, Actor
Erez Rosenberg, Partner, Jackoway Austen Tyerman Wertheimer Mandelbaum Morris Bernstein Trattner & Klein
Julie Rosenberg, Account Manager, Vevo
Melissa Rosenfield, Founder, IFP Communications
Shep Rosenman, Lawyer, RLG LLP
Philip Rosenthal, Writer/Producer
Shani Rosenzweig, Partner & Talent Agent, UTA
Claudia Rosha, Marketing Manager, Atlantic Records
Jeffrey Ross, Comedian/Actor
Sydney Ross, Script Coordinator, Hulu
Michael Rotenberg, Partner, 3 Arts Entertainment
Eli Roth, Director
Harrison Rothman, Manager, Elevate Entertainment
Robert Rothman, Managing Partner, Rothman Brecher Ehrich Livingston
Kate Rothschild, Artist Manager, Roc Nation
Amanda Rovitz, Manager, 1916 Management
Autumn Rowe, Singer/Songwriter
Mike Royce, TV Writer/Producer, Snowpants Productions
Olivia Rudensky, CEO, fanmade
Josh Rudnick, Talent Manager/Producer, Mosaic
Danny Rukasin, Co-Founder/Manager, Best Friends Music
Stacy Rukeyser, TV Writer and Showrunner
Olesya Rulina, Actor, Rain Management
Jason Ryterband, Music Editor, Ryterband Music
Haim Saban, Chairman and CEO, Saban Capital Group
Eric Sacks, Partner, Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks
Kirk Saduski, Producer
Carin Sage, EVP Feature Film, Skydance
Rebecca Sahim, Head of Publishing, Salxco
Rochel Saks, Manager, SAKS&
Ira Sallen, Executive Advisor
Doron Salomon, Head of Football Operations, CAA Base
Peter Sample, Partner, Jackoway Austen
Nancy Sanders, Partner, Thruline Entertainment
Scott Sanders, Producer, SGS Pictures
Ashlie Sapiro, Director of Drama Development, HBOMax
Mark Satlof, Sr Vice President, Shore Fire Media
Jacqueline Saturn, President, Virgin Music
Ben Savage, Actor
Fred Savage, Director
Malina Saval, Editor-in-Chief, Pasadena Magazine/Contributing Editor, Variety
Murray Sawchuk, Itz Gone Productions
Jeff Schaffer, Writer/Director/EP
Leslie Schapira, Writer/Producer
Brad Schenck, Agent, CAA
Thomas Scherer, President, BMG
Elyse Scherz, Agent/Partner
Ayelet Schiffman, SVP Head of Promotions, Island Records
Hayden Schlossberg, Filmmaker/Showrunner
Steve Schnur, Worldwide Executive & Music President, Electronic Arts
Liev Schreiber, Actor
Amy Schumer, Comedian/Actress
Jordan Schur, CEO and Chairman, Mimran Schur Pictures and Suretone Entertainment
Joseph Schwartz, Agent, UTA
Robert Schwartz, Attorney, Quinn Emanuel
Sam Schwartz, Co-Principal, Gorfaine/Schwartz Agency
Sherrie Schwartz, CHRO, CAA
Susan Schwarz, Partner, SDB Partners
Sarah Scott, Managing Partner, LaPolt Law
Scott Seidel, Talent Agent, Endeavor
Jerry Seinfeld, Actor/Comedian
Barrett Sellers, Agent, WME
Camila Seta, Executive, Brand Consulting
Stefi Shabashev, Songwriter
Jason Shapiro, Creative Director, Collab
Peter Shapiro, Founder, Dayglo Presents
Rebecca Shapiro, Senior VP, Shore Fire Media
Keto Shimizu, Writer/Producer
Rona Lee Shimon, Actor
Larry Shire, Partner, Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks, P.C.
Kevin Shivers, Agent, WME
Iliza Shlesinger, Comedian
David Shore, Writer /Executive Producer, Sony/The Good Doctor
Noah “Westside Gravy” Shufutinsky, Artist
Ally Shuster, Agent, CAA
Alan Siegel, President, Alan Siegel Entertainment & G-BASE
Mark Siegel, Agent, CAA
Chris Silbermann, Agent, CAA
Jeremy Silver, Producer/Songwriter
Ben Silverman, Chairman and Co-CEO, Propagate Content
Laura Silverman, Actress
Craig Silverstein, Writer/Producer
Gail Simmons, President/Host/Producer, GMS Media Inc
Drew Simon, President, Infrared Pictures
Ralph Simon, Chairman & CEO, Mobilium Global Limited
Tamar Simon, Owner, Mean Streets Management
Marty Singer, Attorney, Lavely and Singer
Robert Singer, Writer/Producer, Dec.3rd Productions
Bedi Singh, Board Director
Dilprit Singh, Accounting Manager, Mosaic
Brad Slater, Partner, Agent, WME
Gregory Slewett, Partner, Johnson Shapiro Slewtt Kole
Robert Smigel, Writer/EP
Michael Jonathan Smith, Showrunner, Sony Pictures Television
Dee Snider, Music Artist, Twisted Sister
Nicole Snyder, Writer & Producer
Aliza Sokolow, Author
Jeff Sosnow, EVP A&R, Warner Bros. Records
John David Souther, Songwriter/Musician/Artist
Fred Specktor, Agent, CAA
Dana Spector, Agent, CAA
Donna Spievak, VP of Strategic Marketing, Interscope Records
Sheldon Sroloff, CAA
Michelle Stafford, Actress
Ira Stahlberger, Partner, WME
Halle Stanford, President of Television, The Jim Henson Company
Daniel Stanton, President, Coallier Entertainment
Noelle Stehman, Showrunner
Hank Steinberg, President, Channel Road Productions
KJ Steinberg, Writer/Producer
Bradie Steinlauf, Talent Agent, CAA
Jonathan Steinsapir, Partner, Kinsella Holley Iser Kump Steinsapir
Sandra Stern, Vice Chairman, Television Group, Lionsgate
Gary Stiffelman, Founder, GSS Law
Willie “Prophet” Stiggers, Co-Founder/Chair, Black Music Action Coalition
Brittany Stone, CEO, Stone Talent Agency
Wendy Straker Hauser, Showrunner and Executive Producer
Rachel Strassberger, Manager, Grassroots Music
Noa Sturgeon, Agent Assistant, WME
Geoff Suddleson, Partner, UTA
Margaux Susi, Director/Actor
Assaf Swissa, Co-Founder, Coast Productions
Aaron Symonds, Film Composer
Fernando Szew, CEO, MarVista Entertainment and Fox Entertainment Global
Traci Szymanski, President, Co-Star Entertainment
Nina Tassler, President, Tassler, Inc.
Adam Taylor, President, APM Music
Irit TenHengel, Producer, Yodan LTD.
Scott Tenley, CEO, MRC
Mitch Tenzer, Partner, Ziffren Brittenham LLP
Dannielle Thomas, Vice President, Untitled Entertainment
Jessica Thomas, Talent Agent, WM Agency
Michael Thorn, President, Scripted Programming, Fox Entertainment
Bella Thorne, Actress
Noa Tishby, Author, Producer, former Special Envoy for Combatting Antisemitism
Niv Toar
Fred Toczek, Partner, Felker Toczek Suddleson Abramson McGinnis Ryan LLP
Bianca Tomash, Strategic Advisor, BJEA
Shaun Toub, Actor
Sam Trammell, Actor
Stacy Traub, Writer/Producer
Jonathan Tropper, Showrunner, N/A
Eric Tuchman, Writer, Producer + President, Goldensoul Inc.
Montana Tucker, Music Artist
Brad Turell, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, Independent Artist Group
Dor Turgeman, Football player, Maccabi tel aviv
Oded Turgeman, President, The Operating Room
Ronli Tzour, VP, Marketing & Artist Management, FAE GRP
Jonny Umansky, Writer / Producer
Eleanor Vainshtok, Sr Director, Music
Berni Vann, Agent
Marsha Vlasic, Vice-Chairman, IAG Music, Independent Artist Group
Alex Voihanski, President, Paramount Business Group
Debbie Von Arx, Attorney, Jackoway Austen Tyerman Wertheimer Mandelbaum Morris Bernstein Trattner & Klein
Jeremy Vuernick, President of A&R, Capitol Music Group
Darah Wagner Boaz, Producer
Matt Walden, Producer, Walden Entertainment
Cymbre Walk Sklar, VP, Casting, Feature Animation at Netflix
Don Walker, President, Harry Walker Agency LLC
Diane Warren, Songwriter, Producer
Joshua Washington, Artist/Producer
Nina Wass, Producer
Michael H. Weber, Screenwriter
Steven Weber, Actor
Jon Weinbach, President, Skydance Sports
Alex Weingarten, Managing Partner, Los Angeles, Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP
Nola Weinstein, Entertainment Executive
Marc Weinstock, President of Worldwide Distribution and Marketing, Paramount Pictures
Allison Weintraub, Writer
Andrea Weintraub, Agent, CAA
Evan Weiss, Co-Founder and CEO, Streaming Ink Media
Greg Weiss, Manager/Producer, Wonder Street
Matthew Weiss, Assistant
Gina Welch, Writer and Producer
Titus Welliver, Actor
Ilana Wernick, Writer/Producer
Alan Wertheimer, Attorney
Jonathan West, Attorney
Ron West, Partner, Thruline Entertainment
Lee White, Agent, WME
Modi Wiczyk, Co-Founder, Co-Chairman, MRC
Joanne Wiles, Partner/Producer, Black Bear Pictures
Deborah Williams, Associate Director, Freelance
Sabrina Wind, Executive Producer, WPM
Evan Winiker, Managing Partner, Range Media
Yale Wolman, Agent, CAA
Don Wongprapan, Partner, Authentic Talent & Literary Management
Anne Woodward, Partner/Manager, Authentic Talent + Literary
Adrian Woolfe, CEO, Studio 1
Melissa Worth, Wonder, Artistic License
Alexandra Wright, Actor
Michael Yanover, Head of Business Development, CAA
Sharon Tal Yguado, Founder & CEO, Astrid Entertainment
Kevin Yorn, Founder & Managing Partner, Yorn Levine Entertainment Law Firm
Rick Yorn, Co-Founder, LBI Entertainment
Mark Young, CEO, The Orion Stars Group
Jonathan Yunger, Film/TV Producer
Stefanie Yunger, Actor/Comedian/Writer
Chris Zaccaria, Sr. Director, Sales Analytics
Laurie Zaks, Executive Producer, Rosewood Television
Alex Zamm, Director/Screenwriter, Zammgate Ent.
Derek Zasky, Department Head/Agent, WME
David Zedeck, Global Co-Head of Music, UTA
Jennifer Zeller, VP, Promotion, Interscope Records
Ian Ziering, Actor
Josh Zilberberg, Influencer
Melissa Zukerman, Managing Partner, Principal Communications Group
Jessica Zysberg, Manager, Marketing Solutions, Vevo
Music Artists Coalition (MAC)
Black Music Action Coalition (BMAC)
Songwriters of N America (SONA)
Additional Signers:
Mark Schiff, Comedian
Adam Biren, TV Agent, CAA
Paul Craig, Founder, Nostromo
Vanessa Livingston, Agent, RBEL Agency
Tom Rothman, Chairman & CEO, Sony Pictures Entertainment
Greg Grunberg, Actor
Guy Nattiv, Filmmaker
Bruce Resnikov, President and CEO, Universal Music Enterprises
John Fogerty, Musician
Julie Fogerty
Asher Angel, Actor
Gary Goetzman, Producer
Cedric Kyles, Actor/Producer
Samantha Levenshus, Writer/Producer
Richard Trank, Documentary Filmmaker, Moriah Films
Jeremy Norkin, President, Exile Music
Carly Rosenberg, Business Affairs Executive, CAA
Oded Raz, Director/Filmmaker, Raz Production
3 notes · View notes
super-oddity · 2 years
ornaments my family Christmas tree is adorned with:
Jack Sparrow
Indiana Jones
Marty McFly
Han Solo
Luke Skywalker
Darth Vader
Darth Vader choking Admiral Motti
Princess Leia with R2-D2
Princess Leia with Han Solo frozen in carbonite
Santa Claus frozen in carbonite
Kylo Ren
Padmé Amidala
Din Djarin
Obi-wan Kenobi
General Grievous
Ahsoka Tano
Anakin Skywalker
Millenium Falcon
Death Star
TIE Fighter
Darth Vader's TIE Fighter
Imperial Star Destroyer
Razor Crest
The Mandalorian’s N-1 Starfighter
Frodo Baggins
Bilbo Baggins
Thorin Oakenshield
Batman and Robin in the Batcave
Batman and Robin in the Batmobile
Harley Quinn
Wonder Woman
Iron Man
Iron Man with the infinity gauntlet
Captain America with Thor’s hammer
Rocket Raccoon and Groot
Black Widow
Hulk fighting Ultron
Hulk Smash!
Kirk and Spock at Reactor
Captain Kirk
Captain Picard
Lieutenant Riker
Leonard McCoy
Commander Data
Data’s Ode to Spot
USS Enterprise
USS Enterprise D
Klingon Bird of Prey
Weeping Angel
The Eleventh Doctor
Geralt of Rivia
Hunger Games’ Mockingjay logo
Harry Potter at Dumbledore’s spiral staircase
Harry Potter and Ron Weasley playing chess
Professor Snape mocking Harry Potter
Hogwarts Logo
Hogwarts Express
Owl delivering a letter for Hogwarts
Neo (The Matrix)
Morpheus (The Matrix)
Popeye the Sailor Man
Olive Oyl holding Sweet Pea
Bugs Bunny
Daffy Duck
Porky Pig
Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote
Tweety and Sylvester
Elmer Fudd
Scooby Doo
Jimmy Neutron jetpacking
Jimmy Neutron hypnotizing
Jimmy Neutron ice skating
Jimmy Neutron with hot cocoa
Carl Wheezer
Cindy Vortex
Cosmo and Wanda
Chicken Little
Hitchhiking Ghosts
Dora the Explorer
A Barbie house
Twyla the cat (Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses)
The Grinch
Heat Miser and Snow Miser
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer (with Sally, Jack, and Elephant)
Frosty and Karen
Winter Warlock
3 notes · View notes
acornmoment · 2 years
All of my caught Pokémon
Rocky (lvl. 3 Onix), This (lvl. 6 Wooper), Indigo (lvl. 5 Unown I), Douglas (Unown D), Ferris (Unown F), Buoyant (Unown B), PurpleWorm (lvl. 4 Ekans), Shirley (lvl. 6 Mareep), Angry (Unown A), Clash (Unown C), Elephant (Unown E), Helios (Unown H), Journey (Unown J), Gangrenous (Unown G), Terrance (lvl. 6 Hoppip), Olivia (lvl. 8 Slowpoke), Barry (lvl. 10 Beedrill), Desmond (lvl. 5 Zubat), Cleopatra (lvl. 6 Ledyba), Lady Betty (lvl. 5 Exeggcute), Noctis (lvl. 16 Hoothoot), Mills (lvl. 8 Pineco), Excalibur (lvl. 16 Nidoking), Arles (lvl. 12 Sunkern), Walter (lvl. 13 Stantler), 1BadGloop (lvl. 10 Ditto), Gideon (lvl. 10 Abra), Fido (lvl. 6 Paras), BallBuster (lvl. 20 Sudowoodo), Screwball (lvl. 16 Magnemite)
Hops (lvl. 16 Meowth), Matador (lvl. 15 Tauros), Marty (lvl. 15 Miltank), Champ (lvl. 13 Snubbull), Betsy (lvl. 10 Krabby), Undertaker (lvl. 5 Unown U), Regal (Unown R), Velasquez (Unown V), Tachypnoea (Unown T), Solstice (Unown S), Nanu (lvl. 22 Natu), Warlord (Unown W), Zebra (Unown Z), Xenomorph (Unown X), Yesteryear (Unown Y), Z-Duck #4 (lvl. 16 Farfetch'd), Sugar (lvl. 20 Seel), Inculta (lvl. 22 Vulpix), Hauser (lvl. 15 Geodude), Neil (Unown N), Krypton (Unown K), Languish (Unown L), Paclitaxel (Unown P), Macrocytic (Unown M), Oliver (Unown O), Quarternary (Unown Q), Palindrome (lvl. 15 Girafarig), Red (lvl. 34 Gyarados), Diego (lvl. 23 Voltorb), Neuticals (lvl. 23 Electrode)
Simmons (lvl. 26 Lickitung), Pearl (lvl. 20 Lapras), Blorb (lvl. 21 Swinub), Clump (lvl. 23 Delibird), Aerosmith (lvl. 27 Skarmory), Cindy (lvl. 20 Teddiursa), Grue (lvl. 17 Sandshrew), Elbertson (lvl. 45 Lugia), HomerSmpsn (lvl.22 Weepinbell), Tesla (lvl. 40 Raikou), Hulk Hogan (lvl. 40 Entei), Jessie (lvl. 28 Arbok)
0 notes
Song prompts
An updated and hopefully more easily navigable masterlist of all of my posts. Links that are just names are ‘Meeting and Dating’ posts. (Last updated 1/29/22)
 Hope you enjoy!
Pretty In Pink~
Duckie Dale
Making out with Duckie
Duckie taking you to prom
Duckie Dale cheering you up after a rough day
Blane McDonagh
A study date with Blane
First fight with Blane
First kiss with Blane
First time with Blane
Steff McKee
Steff having a crush on you
Spending Valentine’s Day with Steff
Sixteen Candles~
Jake Ryan
Farmer Ted
Caroline Mulford
Bryce (Not completed yet)
Bryce having a crush on you
Making out with Bryce
Spending your first Valentine’s Day with Bryce
Cliff (Not completed yet)
Cliff having a crush on you
Making out with Cliff
The Breakfast Club~
John Bender
Bender taking your virginity
The way you make me feel
Brian Johnson
Andrew Clark
Allison Reynolds (Not completed yet)
Allison dating a shy nerdy girl
Ferris Buellers Day Off~
Getting drunk with the Ferris Bueller crew
Going on the Ferris Adventure
Cameron Frye
Cameron taking your virginity
Making out with Cameron
Cameron Frye comforting you when you’re upset
Starting a family with Cameron
Going on your own adventure with Cameron
Being in a long term relationship with JD
J.D. with a chronically ill s/o
Veronica Sawyer
Heather Chandler
Back To The Future~
Marty McFly
Traveling in time with Marty
George McFly (Not completed yet)
George with a dominant flirty s/o
George getting jealous and being dominant
The new girl standing up for George
Say Anything~
Lloyd Dobler
Can’t Buy Me Love~
Ronald Miller (Not completed yet)
Being Cindys friend and Ronalds crush
Cindy Mancini (Not completed yet)
Faking it (Cindy x reader)
Kenneth Wurman 
Making out with Kenneth
Some Kind of Wonderful~
Keith Nelson (Not completed yet)
- Grease Monkey
Making out with Keith Nelson
Spending Valentine’s Day with Keith 
Dead Poets Society~
Dead Poets Society Kinks
Neil Perry
Jealous Neil Perry
Neil dating an artist
Spending the holiday season with Neil
Why do you always do that?
Dating Neil and Todd
- A threesome with Neil and Todd
Todd Anderson
Comforting Todd when he’s upset
Jealous Todd Anderson
Jessies Girl
The Birthday Surprise
Dating Neil and Todd
- A threesome with Neil and Todd
Charlie Dalton
Charlie taking your virginity
Jealous Charlie
Making out with Charlie
Comforting Charlie after he’s expelled
The poets walking in on Charlie and his secret girlfriend
Having to tell Charlie you’re pregnant
Dont Get Me Wrong
Knox Overstreet
Jealous Knox
Making out with Knox
Spending Halloween with Knox
Spending Valentines day with Knox
Knox with an s/o who’s easily flustered by romantic gestures
Steven Meeks
The Exchange Student
Spending Valentine’s Day with Meeks
A study date with Meeks
Gerald Pitts (Not completed yet)
School Ties~
Rip Van Kelt
Chris Reece
Charlie Dillon
Kenickie Murdoch
The Karate Kid~
Daniel Larusso
Pianos and Pushes
Johnny Lawrence
The Outsiders~
Dallas Winston
Sodapop Curtis
Two-bit Mathews
Johnny Cade (Not completed yet)
Darry Curtis (Not completed yet)
Johnny Cade’s sister coming back and falling for Darry
Darrys girlfriend landing a job as a singer
Steve Hays
Dirty Dancing
Billy Kostecki
Better Off Dead~
Lane Meyer
The Lost Boys~
Poly Lost Boys
Poly Modern!Lost boys
Getting Drunk with the Lost Boys
The Lost Boys taking care of you when you’re hurt
The Lost Boys with an s/o having an anxiety attack
The Lost Boys dating a shy short girl
The Lost Boys fighting with their mates
The Lost Boys having a curvy mate
The Lost Boys with a sweet and innocent s/o
Group Sex with the Lost Boys
David (Not completed yet)
David having a crush on you
David taking your virginity
Laddies older sister
Sins of the Flesh and Matters of the Heart
Dwayne having a crush on you
A Little Stevie Nicks
Sins of the Flesh and Matters of the Heart
Paul having a crush on you
Marko (Not completed yet)
Marko having a crush on you
Edgar Frog
Making out with Edgar
Michael Emerson (Not completed yet)
Sam Emerson (Not completed yet)
Near Dark~
Interview with the Vampire
Lestat and Louis dating a girl who loves horror movies
Lestat de Lioncourt (Not completed yet)
Lestat with a Trad Goth Witch s/o
Louis de Pointe du Lac
Armand (Not completed yet)
Armand with a s/o who’s never been in a relationship
Fright Night~
Jerry Dandridge
Martin Mathias
The Goonies~
Brand Walsh
Stand By Me~
Ace Merrill
If you want out just say it
The Sandlot~
Benny “The Jet” Rodriguez
Weird Science~
Gary Wallace
Gary Wallace dating a tall girl
Wyatt Donnelly
Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure~
Dating Bill and Ted
Sleepover with Bill and Ted~ including Nsfw
Ted Logan
Making out with Ted
Fighting with Ted
Meeting “the parents” with Ted
Ted asking you to be his Valentine
Playing Romeo and Juliet with Ted Logan
Being Pregnant with Teds child
Being married to Ted
Bill S. Preston 
Fighting with Bill
Being married to Bill
Dream A Little Dream~
Dinger Holfield
Fast Times at Ridgemont High~
Mike Damone
Brad Hamilton
Jeff Spicoli
Dazed and Confused~
Kevin Pickford
Randall “Pink” Floyd
Making out with Pink
Don Dawson
Benny O’Donnell
Making out with Benny
Fred O’Bannion
Mitch Kramer
Ron Slater
Shavonne Wright
Jodi Kramer (Not completed yet)
Sabrina Davis (Not completed yet)
Empire Records~
Being a shy employee who has a crush on Joe
Dating Loki and Bartleby
Randal Graves
Waynes World~
Garth Algar
Austin Powers~
Austin Powers
Just One Of The Guys~
Greg Tolan
Terry Griffith
Harold Sherbico (Not completed yet)
Harold Sherbico having a crush on you
Johnny Be Good~
Johnny Walker (Not completed yet)
Robert “Rabbit” Nurick
Night Of The Creeps~
Chris (Not completed yet)
Produce Joe
Heaven Help Us~
Ed Rooney
The Chocolate War~
Archie Costello
- NSFW Submissive Archie
Being Married to Archie
Archie with a chronically ill s/o
Making out with Archie Costello
Going to the beach with Archie
A threesome with Obie and Archie
Obie Jameson (Not completed yet)
Jerry Renault
Toy Soldiers~
Ricardo Montoya
Three O’Clock High~
Buddy Revell
Young Guns~
Billy The Kid
Doc Scurlock
Jose Chavez y Chavez
Dirty Steve Stephens
Preference~ Spending Christmas together
Police Academy~
Tackleberry having a crush on Mahoney’s little sister
Combat Academy~
Perry Barnett
- NSFW Submissive Perry
Yandere Perry Barnett
Perry Barnett being needy
Jealous Perry Barnett
National Lampoons European Vacation~
Rusty Griswold
Anthony “Meat” Tuperello
Meat having a crush on Peewees sister
Mickey Jarvis
Admit it
Brian Schwartz
Being Tim’s sister and falling in love with Brian
Tim Cavanaugh
Tommy Turner
Major League~
Ricky Vaughn
Julius Benedict
Total Recall~
Douglas Quaid
Earth Girls Are Easy~
Full Metal Jacket~
Private Joker
Private Joker with an artist s/o
Animal Mother
Cowboy and Animal Mother fighting over you
Leonard Lawrence
Sgt. Hartman
Preference~ The boys with an s/o who has an ex that stalks them
Elias Grodin
Chris Taylor
Gator Lerner
Dating Elias’ squad
An Orgy with the 25th division
Preference~ The boys as daddy doms
Top Gun
Eddie Birdlace
Elton Tiscia
10 Things I Hate About You~
Joey Donner
Jealous Joey Donner
She’s All That~
Simon having a crush on Laney’s friend
That Thing You Do!
T.B. Player
Tim LaFlour
Wade Walker
So I married an Axe Murderer
Charlie MacKenzie
Poly Billy and Stu
Helping Billy and Stu on their murder spree
Billy Loomis
Bringing Billy to a big family Christmas party
Stu Macher
Randy Meeks (Not completed yet)
Randy Meeks with an sfx artist s/o
Idle Hands~
Anton Tobias
The Faculty~
Zeke Tyler
The Craft~
Nancy Downs
Sarah Bailey (Not completed yet)
Being a witch and getting close to Sarah 
The Crow~
Eric Draven
Edward Scissorhands~
Edward Scissorhands
Falling in love with Edward
Adam Maitland
Lydia Deetz
The Addams Family~
Pugsley crushing on Wednesday’s ‘relatively normal’ friend
Gomez Addams
Hocus Pocus~
Max Dennison
Thackery Binx
Poly Max and Thackery
Luke dating a witch
Caspar McFadden
Little Shop of Horrors~
Seymour Krelborn
Ray Stantz
Egon Spengler (Not completed yet)
Andy Cavenaugh
Forbidden Zone~
The Devil
Little Persephone
The Princess Bride~
Inigo Montoya
Jareth falling in love with you 
Phillipe Gaston (Not completed yet)
The Secret Garden~
Archibald Craven falling in love with you
Something Wild~
Ray Sinclair
Good Will Hunting~
Being apart of the good will hunting gang
Will Hunting (Not completed yet)
Will having a crush on you
Comforting and being comforted by Will
Chuckie Sullivan
The Rainmaker~
Being there for Rudy through the trials
The Devils Advocate~
Kevin Lomax
Paul Sheldon
Silence of the Lambs~
Clarice Starling
The Fly~
A will they, won’t they relationship with Seth Brundle
An American Werewolf in London~
Jack Goodman
Herbert West
The Evil Dead~
Ash Williams
Dwayne Hicks with an Android!s/o
Daniel Robitaille
Friday the 13th~
Jason Voorhees
Sleepaway Camp~
Ricky Thomas
Children of the Corn~
Malachai Boardman
Carrie White
Being married to Hooper and going to Amity with him
The Thing
R.J. MacReady
The Shining
Jack Torrance
Jurassic Park
Ian Malcolm
The Truman Show
Truman Burbank
Harold and Maude
Harold Chasen
The Godfather~
Young Vito Corleone
Old Vito Corleone
Vito (both versions) with an artist s/o
Michael Corleone (Not completed yet)
Years Gone By
Tom Hagen
Sonny Corleone (Not completed yet)
Sonny with a shy, virgin s/o
Sonny dating his opposite
Henry Hill
Tommy Devito (Not completed yet)
Tommy with a chubby artist s/o
L.A. Confidential~
Jack Vincennes
The Untouchables
Eliot Ness
The Green Mile~
Percy Wetmore (Not completed yet)
The Shawshank Redemption~
Andy Dufresne (Not completed yet)
Andy falling in love with you
Tommy Williams
Die Hard
John McClane
Marion “Cobra” Cobretti
Ludmilla Drago
Brian Moreland (Not completed yet)
Stand and Deliver~
Angel Guzman
My Bodyguard~
Ricky Linderman
Melvin Moody
3 Ninjas~
Samuel “Rocky” Douglas
The Mighty Ducks~
Adam Banks
Being apart of team USA and meeting Charlie and Adam
Dean Portman
Being Fulton's sister and Dating Dean
Dean cheering you up
Fulton Reed
Lester Averman
Dwayne Robertson having a crush on you
The Rocketeer~
Cliff Secord (Not completed yet)
Cliff having a crush on you
George of the Jungle 
The Jellicle cats meeting a human!s/o
Santa Clause
Jack Frost
Being snowed in with Billy
Buffy The Vampire Slayer~
Spike having a crush on you
Having a bad fight with Spike
Sabrina The Teenage Witch~
Harvey Kinkle
The Stand~
Harold Lauder
Freddy Renfield
Saved By The Bell~
Zack Morris
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air~
Will Smith
Mork and Mindy~
Sandy (Not completed yet)
Freaks and Geeks~
Wishing I Was Her
Kim Kelly dating her polar opposite
2K notes · View notes
wordynerdygurl · 4 years
Seven Minutes in Heaven
Author’s Note:  Well hello my friends!  Since hitting 1000 Followers in July (WHAT?!  STILL UNBELIEVABLE!!!) I’ve been working on the requests sent in by my amazing troop of readers!  This is another one of those stories which I’m pleased to share.   As always, help my unending need for validation but re-blogging or liking the story!  Also, you can send asks, make your own request, follow me, or be added to my tag-list! Last, @sammy-jo1977 is my beta... and my ride or die home girl!  Thanks lady! Pairing:  Loki x Female Reader, appearances from most of the Avengers
Summary/ Request:  @queenofmischief asked for a story where “Loki and you guys are friends growing up and you realize you like him and try to hide it but somehow at a party or something or another, maybe Seven Minutes in Heaven is involved, it comes out and really hot smut ensues?”
I used some of the ideas you gave me, dear reader, but made it a little more mature, so I sincerely hope you enjoy!
Warnings:  Lots of 80′s references... music, movies, clothes, etc.  References of smut, heavy petting and kissing
Tumblr media
"But, like, I really don't want to go."  Your cellphone, pinned between your ear and shoulder, pushed your earring into the tender flesh behind your lobe.  It probably didn't help that the jewelry in question was a pair of huge hoops, fluorescent in color and hard plastic.
You heard Wanda sigh, "Yea… I know.  It's just, we all are… and you know it'll be worse if you don't show up."
"I really hate it."  Using a sing-song voice didn't change the feelings behind your words.  Going up to the main floor of The Avengers Tower for a theme party was not a thrilling idea.
"I know you do-", pulling open the door between your room and hers, you palmed your phone, frowning at your friend, "-But you look great!"
"Radical… or wicked… or tubular would be more 80's appropriate."  Still, her compliment made you smile.  It really was a great outfit, totally encapsulating the MTV generation's vibe, complete with hot lime colored leg warmers. 
 Your cropped REO Speedwagon t-shirt was cut off at the neck, dripping low enough to expose one whole shoulder, and a wide stripe of the magenta colored tank top underneath.  Having tucked the camisole into your acid washed denim micro miniskirt, you finished the ensemble with a pair of black pumps, and the obligatory scrunchie of cheap yellow satin.  It pulled your hair into a low, side ponytail.
For makeup you'd painted your eye-shadow on, bright turquoise with pink under your brows.  Lipstick in a shimmery rosy hue brought extra attention to your lips.  And you stored your cell phone, lip gloss and keys in your iridescent fanny pack.
Wanda couldn't help giggling at the sight of you and your collection of clashing colors.  For her look tonight she'd dawned a pair of skin tight leggings, an over-sized button down shirt with a stretchy black belt that was about four inches wide.  Ballet flats, teased out hair and stark makeup had Wanda looking like a video vixen.  It was impressive.
"See, you went sexy… and I went silly."  Pouting now, you flopped onto your bed, "Can I just not?"
Sitting down next to you, patting your knee, "You don’t look silly, but you do look like you could be a hair band groupie!  That’s sexy!” Shrugging your shoulders, unconvinced, Wanda added, “Besides, tonight… It may be fun.  And, worse case?  You get blitzed like a teenager on prom night."
"No… that's not the worst case.  Worst case?  He's there."
Sighing, Wanda shook her head, "He does still rub you the wrong way, huh?  And, yes, he may be there… but-" standing, taking you with her, "-it would be a shame to waste all your wicked cool work!"
Hearing her use the dated vernacular made you grin.  She was right.  Tonight could be a blast, if you were able to get out of your head.  Jumping off the bed, unsettling one of those fashionable leg warmers, you hugged your friend tightly.  You could do this.  You wouldn't be alone.  And if Loki was there, he'd just have to get over it.  You weren't going to pay him any attention.
"Mr. Loki… can we please go?  We're already stupid late."  
Bending to straighten his red suspenders, Loki smirked at himself, "Greed is good."
Sighing, exasperated and edging into anger, Peter pulled open the front door, "I don't know what that means, but you look… greasy."
"Like I could steal your company in a corporate take over?  Maybe steal your woman too", Loki questioned, excited at the idea.
Crossing his arms over the red puffy vest he had bought specifically for tonight, Peter grunted, "Uh… I… I guess.  I meant more like one of the assholes in Wolf of Wall Street."
God, you had better be there tonight.  Loki was putting a lot of hope on Stark’s little shindig and he wanted to make sure that all of the little details were absolutely perfect, giving him every advantage.  Standing now, slicking back his long dark hair, "That, my young spider friend, is exactly what I am going for… Evil 80′s CEO."
Loki heard the frustration in the young man’s voice.  Someday he would understand, Loki thought, turning to the youthful Avenger beside him, "You certainly make a dashing Marty McFly, Peter.  Truly."
"Aw!  Really, Mr. Loki?  Ya mean it?"  That made the Spider Boy preen, popping his collar, and standing a little straighter.
"I do!  Now-" flashing a rakish smile to his reflection as he passed, "-let's get upstairs and see how everyone else is doing!"
Everyone else was ready to party.  The last mission, a particularly difficult one, involved Hydra agents banging it out against our heroes along the rough terrain of the polar ice cap.  Draining the physical and emotional resources of everyone, including you and Loki, Tony had planned a little party to kick off a period of rest and relaxation.
As soon as the elevator opened you knew it was going to be an insane night.  Everything was brightly lit.  Paper streamers were strung up haphazardly along the walls and ceiling.  Big plastic buckets of chips and cheese curls were put out on the counter along with a huge punch bowl that reeked of rum and sugary fruit juice.  On the floor in the kitchenette was a garbage can, freezing, full of ice, only the keg tap visible.  A stack of red plastic cups was at the ready.
Someone had ordered pizza.  Well, dozens of pizzas.  The boxes were piled along the table already crammed with pretzel bags and Doritos.  
Steve was being instructed on the basics of Beer Pong and, you decided, definitely being hustled by Sam.  Bucky looked on with curiosity, quietly sneaking closer to the chips and dip, hoping no one would notice.  Rhodey was watching them both through the reflective lenses of his aviator shades, doing a great job of looking like a Top Gun cadet, including the tight jeans and broken-in bomber jacket.  Grinning as he drank down a bottle of beer, Rhodes shouted, "Hey Stank!  Is all of this really necessary?"
"Don't come for me Rhodey!"  Wearing a pair of neon leopard spotted knit pants, a green polo shirt and white sneakers, Tony was clutching a glass bowl filled with little slips of paper to his chest.  No one had managed to figure out what they were or why he held them.  Drinking two beers from his plastic, can holding helmet, Tony would answer only with a slightly slurred, "It's my trashy 80′s party and I do what I want!"
And Tony had thought of everything.  Sounding like a mixed tape pulled from the radio, the tunes didn't let up!  Ratt, Foreigner, Cindi Lauper, Madonna and Tom Petty all took turns blasting through the room.  So many hits from the past pumped through the sound system, getting people on their feet and keeping them there.  You were swinging and swaying along, having a blast, but when Bon Jovi hit the group of Intergalactic Warriors went wild.
Clint, rocking a mullet wig and a vest with no shirt, jumped onto a table making the motions of an air guitar champion.  Singing into a beer bottle like it was his microphone, "Whoooooaaaa we're halfway there…"
Guffawing, you hid behind your Bud Light filled cup, already red cheeked from the non-stop laughing and alcohol in your system.  At some point you had given up Wanda to Vision in a varsity jacket, doing his best jerk-off jock impression, and not quite pulling it off.  It wasn't his fault that he was too polite to put people down in the way of Eighties movie bad guys. Alone, feeling flushed, but happy, you needed a break and some quiet.  Flinging yourself onto the soft sofa, watching the frat house style antics unfold all around, you couldn’t help laughing.  Tony always found a way to knock the group out of their post mission funk.  Sometimes that meant week long Caribbean vacations and sometimes that meant dressing up in retro attire and scream singing with a cold beer in your hands.  Either way, it seemed to bring everyone closer together, and the pictures were certainly worth framing. The couch dipped as someone joined you.  Swiveling, not quite drunk but not quite sober, you couldn’t help the groan that left you.  “Oh.  It’s you.”
Not exactly the response Loki wanted, he was just grateful that you spoke to him at all.  Lately you seemed to flee any room he entered, a hurt and heavy sigh escaping you before you'd make your exit, never looking back.  Loki couldn't understand why.
After all, it had been two months since that night.  The one where he'd stumbled on you, glowing blue in the light of the television set, alone and in the darkness.  You asked him to join you, he had accepted.
The movie was called "Say Anything" and Loki had to admit, as far as romance on film went, this story was very moving.  But that was an unexpected bonus to being so near to you.  Before the credits rolled, you had burrowed against him, snuggled under his arm with your head on his chest.  
Stroking your hair, Loki pressed a kiss to your forehead, thoughtlessly, naturally.  Pushing away, looking up at him through hooded lashes, "You… you kissed me?"
Words failed the silver tongued devil, something he still pondered all these weeks later, so a nod was all you got for a response.  Kneeling, your sleep shirt riding over your thighs, Loki watched your small hand rising to cup his cheek.  Feeling your lips against his own was the beginning of the best night of his life.
And then, nothing.  It was like a switch had been thrown and no matter how many ways he tried to reach out for you, Loki wasn't able to connect.  Not like that night.
So, he was going against his nature tonight.  Joining the group, drinking a bit of his brother's mead, wearing a dated but pristine business suit.  All done in the vain hope that something would shift in his favor.
He had already lost too many nights to memories of you.  Soft, full skin under his broad palms.  The tiny moan you exhaled when Loki’s tongue met your own.  How your wet, willing body accepted him, without question or stipulation.  And in the afterglow, when your head rested in the crook of his neck and your cherry cola scented breath circled him, you let Loki hold you close.
But he buried it all.  Tonight he was the embodiment of all things slick.  Nothing could stick to him; not when he had a goal in mind and this much gel in his hair.  Loki Odinson would be taking you home tonight, come hell or high water. Wolfish, Loki’s grin was wicked, “Yes.  Your dream has come true.”  Sitting back, he crossed his designer suit covered knee at the ankle, exposing socks with little golfers on them.  He let his right arm rest along the back of the sofa, not around you… not yet, but inching closer. “What is that cologne you’re wearing?” “Don’t you like it?  I’m told Drakkar Noir was quite the scent of the 80′s.  I did my research.” Twisting, you looked him over, impressed despite yourself.  The suit was totally of its time.  Black, pinstriped and you were sure the jacket that came with it was draped somewhere safe.  His shirt was shiny but soft and bright, blinding white.  Suspenders of red matched the tie that draped down the center of his chest. With his hair combed straight back and held in place with some kind of product, Loki looked like he was capable of eating a six course lunch at Sardi’s, complete with dirty martinis, then jetting back to the office in time to defraud a corporate spending account.  The kind of executive that blackmails a co-worker with pictures of a mistress.  The kind of douche bag that tries to take over a rec center to build a mall.  In short, an avarice little asshole.  So, why was it so hot? “It’s… overpowering.”, boy, was that an understatement.  Loki’s whole aesthetic was overpowering right now.  And, was he moving closer? His bent knee brushed against your own as he leaned near enough to be heard at a whisper, “You look adorable, you know that?” Scrunching into the corner of the couch, eyeing him suspiciously, “Oh?  Really?” “Really.”, his hand brushed over your exposed shoulder, making you jump at his touch.
Uh uh.  No way.  You would not be so easy to seduce this time around.  Even if those wide hands sent goosebumps growing all over your body, Loki would not charm his way into your panties again.  Not like last time.
It had been spontaneous.  Genuine, at least for you.  And in the moment, it felt like Loki had given you a little piece of himself, a tenderness that no one else ever saw in the far flung Frost Giant.  
Maybe that's why Clint's words hurt so much.  He had told you so casually, holding up a spoonful of Cheerios, "Loki said his last girl was a drag.  Basic bitch?  Is that what the kids say?"
Thinking about it now made your heart hurt.  You had given yourself to someone who thought you were beneath him.  Loki couldn't want you.  You would never be good enough.
But that night haunted you.  His soulful kisses that stole your breath.  The drag of Loki’s hands over the swell of your bottom as you straddled his hips.  His solid chest under your own hands, dark head curved against the couch cushion, but those burning eyes never leaving your face.  “I thought you said I was plain.  Simple.  Boring.”  
Leveling his own words back at him made Loki straighten in his seat.  How could you think that?  Unbalanced, stammering, “Uh… I… I’d never…” “Never expected me to find out?  I believe that.  And, let me tell you this-”  Pushing yourself up with the help of the couch’s arm, you rose on unsteady legs, “-I’m not nearly drunk enough to fall into your arms again.”  Spinning away, you made a dash towards the people in the kitchen, without looking back. Watching you go, Loki could do nothing but stare after your retreating form, flummoxed.
“That was… painful.”
He knew that voice well enough, frustrated, confused and unfit for company, “Go away, Tony.”
“I don’t think I will.  In fact-” sitting down in your empty spot, patting Loki’s knee, “-I’m going to make myself comfortable.  Now, tell Uncle Tony all about it.”
Rolling his eyes, unable to find you in the crowd, Loki risked a sideways glance at his replacement companion.  Was he really going to indulge in this?  Tell his almost friend about you… about your one night together?  Loki raked his hands through the pomade in his hair, growling low, “If you breathe a word of it Tony, I’ll-” Lowering his wrap around sunglasses, peering at Loki, Tony smiled, “Your secret is safe with me.” ---
Thinking less and less about Loki as the night went on should have been a relief but it seemed like the scent of him followed you everywhere.  Unable to get free of him, you busied yourself with drinks, dancing, and munching like you were a kid again.  Anything to keep your mind from wandering.
It's not like the party was boring.  Not at all!  There was plenty to distract you and you let it.  Natasha made you her partner for beer pong and somehow you successfully won against Rhodey and Sam.  
Next, Wanda needed you, which is how you wound up sitting on the bathroom sink listening to her go on about Vision in that wistful, loving way that made your own heart ache.  Being a little drunk, you had to fight the urge to cry because you were lonely and hurting. “I saw you talking to Loki… what was that about?”  She was reapplying ruby red lipstick, studying herself in the mirror, not looking directly at you.  
Wanda's voice cut through your self doubt spiral though, something you were thankful for, and with a casual tone you countered, “He was trying to get something started, I think.” Eyebrows lifting, Wanda’s interested piqued,  “Really?  Loki was hitting on you?” “Yea… I mean, I think so.  Was coming on awfully strong too.  But… he’s been a jerk, right?”  
Wanda cleaned up her eye make-up taking a minute, after washing her hands she looked at you, “I mean, he is here.” “So?” “So, you know he’s not really a joiner.  More of a lone wolf.  In fact, I think this may be the first of these little parties he’s come to.  Maybe he’s changed… grown a bit?  And, honestly, you never asked him about-”
Hopping off the counter, cutting her off, more than a little huffy at her good sense, “No, I didn’t and I don’t plan to.  Loki thinks I’m a bore?  Too basic for him?  Fine.  I have better things to do with my time.” Laying her hand on your shoulder, Wanda stopped you, eyeing you in the mirror once more, “I know his words hurt… but you’re going to have to clear the air eventually.  Especially if we’re all going to work together.”
Shrugging, you offered your friend a small smile.  There was truth in her sentiment, even if your slightly drunken brain rebelled against hearing it, “Yea, you're right… plus-” looking around the small washroom, just to make sure no one could hear the pair of you, “- he looks really hot tonight!”
Giggling, Wanda hugged you close, “I didn’t want to say anything, but… yea he does!” The pair of you were still laughing together, standing at the back of the crowd as Tony turned down the music, announcing, “Gather round children, Uncle Tony needs your attention!”  There were a few groans, mostly from the beer pong table, as apparently Bucky was unhappy about forfeiting his winning match.  Everyone else, in all their high haired glory, were congregating near their host, curious and more than a little drunk.
“Tony, what the hell, man?  You killed the tunes!”, Clint shouted, spilling Bud Light foam as he joined the tightening circle. “Patience, my drunk friend.  You all remember this?”  From the table nearby, Tony picked up his glass bowl, triumphant, “Our Destiny!”
Pepper, sighing with a smile, “So dramatic!” Shaking the bowl in her direction Tony smirked, “Ok smarty, then you pick first.  Go on… Pick!” There were oohs and ahhs from the assembled Avengers.  Rolling her eyes, Pepper reached in, grabbing the first slip her fingers found.  Pulling it free, she grinned, eyeing Tony, “It says ‘Loki’...” Hearing his name, Loki snapped his head up, surprise registering on his face, “Excuse me?” Holding it up for his examination, Pepper waved the slip under the regal nose of the junior Odinson, “See… your name.” “Yes, but why?”
Butting in, Tony snatched the scrap from the hand of his lovely fiance, practically dancing with glee.  Turning to Loki, “Now you, Gordon Gecko, pull a slip.” Aware of all eyes locked on him, Loki reached into the jar, digging around a little more than necessary.  Finally satisfied, the thin paper pinched between his fingers, Loki opened the folded note.  When his fierce gaze met yours, you knew without a doubt.  It was your name he had grabbed. Throwing a thick arm across Loki’s broad shoulders, Tony hugged him close, “Well?  What’s it say?” It all made sense in that moment.  The tacky costumes, flat beer and endless music.  A drunken moment of clarity had descended.  Tony, waving his arms, eating up the crowd’s reactions, heads turning to gauge your response.  Swallowing hard, your hearing failing you, you just faked a smile. You and Loki were going into the closet for Seven Minutes in Heaven. Only there was no way you were going to do that.  Not after what he’d said.  Not after your one night together, right?  But you felt a gentle hand pushing your forward, into the center of your circle of friends and for some reason, your feet followed.  
Refusing didn't enter your mind.  With everyone ogling you and Loki, making a scene would only cause more speculation, something you weren't keen to do.  Instead, you stepped next to Tony, outwardly eager to play along.  
You just shouldn't have dared to look at your proposed make out partner.  Laser focused, Loki’s lusty look hadn’t wavered.  No, the light in those thundering blue eyes was carnal, darker than you had ever seen, matching your own.  Against your better judgement, you wanted Loki, too.
Whatever Tony was saying was a blur, merely sounds, because you were utterly stunned by the nearness of Loki.  The roaring laughs of the rest of the group were drowned out by your pounding heart.  A door opened to a dim room, the pantry maybe?  You didn’t know and in that moment you didn’t really care. 
With a small smile, Loki ducked into the cupboard, lacing his fingers with yours, offering a bit of his strength.  Dragging you inside, your body pinned between a shelf of snacks and the hard body of your frenemy, a whimper of want passed your lips.  Loki still smelled so good and now he was so close.  “Have fun you two!”, Tony’s words were accompanied by the door shutting you and Loki inside, in the dark.  Surrounded by silence, Loki’s sharp pants were the only sound louder than your racing pulse, which was saying something. Afraid to move, afraid of spooking you, Loki struggled to search your stare in the low light.  He had already experienced your angry dismissal of his attention tonight.  It wasn't something he wanted to relive, not when you were so close with sweet and speedy breath, your chest brushing against his own at each exhale.
Lifting a hand, grazing over your uncovered shoulder, Loki's touch was electric.  You moved towards it, towards him, needing more of his energy.  Craving it.
Bold in the dark, you grabbed at Loki’s suspenders, tugging him closer.  Rising on your toes, covering some of the distance between your mouth and his, you pressed a hot kiss to those soft, pink lips.  Under your fluttering fingers Loki shivered, "Darling-"
"Shut up.  I… I don't care."
"But I never…"
"I told you.  I don't care.  Now kiss me like you mean it, because we only have about six more minutes!"
Not needing any more encouragement, Loki found the flare of your hips in the shadows, molding your curves to the rigid planes of his body.  Desperate, needy, you felt his tongue move against your own.  Want, plain and simple, led your own fingers to the collar of Loki’s starched shirt and the tangle of his raven hair. Fisting it, tugging against those luscious locks, you couldn’t seem to get close enough to the tall God sharing your cupboard.  Whining, his name on your lips, you drew Loki tight enough that the press of your breasts was edging towards pain.  Demanding, true to your word, with every pass of Loki’s magical mouth over your own the last few weeks were forgotten. Hungry for more, Loki roughly squeezed the flesh of your ass, grinding you against his wool blend covered crotch.  Stuttering, his arousal was so stiff, for a minute Loki worried about making a mess.  But that feeling was replaced with unbridled ecstasy when your lips found the tender skin below his ear.  
A nip, enough to make Loki hiss, was soon soothed by your sucking on the same spot.  Resting your butt on the nearest shelf, you didn’t have to stand on tip-toe to reach the soft, sweet sections of Loki where you longed to lavish attention.  He took advantage of your new position by sliding a free hand along the swell of your separated thighs.  “I just need to feel you, dove.  I need to know that you want me as much as I want you.”  It was a husky whisper, directly into your ear, and it sent an arc of icy fire to your core.  When his long fingers skimmed over the silky slick of your panties you moaned in unison, bucking into Loki’s touch, lost in the moment. Stepping between your legs, Loki took one of your hands into each of his own, pinning you wide open against the boxes of cereal and granola bars that lined the pantry walls.  Devouring you slowly, Loki kissed along the column of muscles at your throat, across the exposed line of your clavicle.  You could do little more than take his delicious torment as more and more of your sweat dappled skin was serviced by his silver tongue. “Yes… Loki…”, tumbling out of you, just like the night when you first came together, you crooned his name in delight.  Breathless, boneless and broken with need. CLICK!  The sound made you both freeze.  Snapping swiftly, Loki’s head swung towards the door where the bright light and noisy crowd of the party was intruding into your private pantry. “WHOA, WHOA, WHOA!  What do we have here?”  Swinging into the tight space, Tony’s shrewd look took in the scene in seconds, “What were you two doing in here?  It was a very quiet seven minutes!” Straightening to standing, Loki stood, blocking you from sight as you readjusted your clothes.  Smoothing down his tangled strands, sarcasm dripping, “Talking.  Very quietly.”  When he was sure you were decent, Loki offered you his hand, and blinking you stepped back into the wild and raucous party still in full swing.  Tony, flashing a knowing grin your way, nodded, “I hope you didn’t smush the chips!  We still need those!” Giggling, you locked onto Loki’s arm, letting him lead you towards the keg and away from the shouted questions of your friends.  You knew there was no mystery about what happened in those seven minutes.  Hair mused, makeup smudged, lips swollen and shirts twisted, the pair of you were walking neon signs for getting to third base.
Silently Loki poured you a beer, taking a small glass of Asgardian mead for himself, before raising his glass your way.  Returning his gesture, you downed the frothy ale fast, feeling a little parched after your spit swapping time in the hall closet.  Boring into you, his eyes followed each of your movements, searching for a sign of your feelings. Dropping your empty cup on the counter, you turned and jumped onto the marble ledge, feet dangling.  “Loki?” Placing his own glass down gently, Loki took his position between your bent knees, looking down at your darling face, “Yes?” “Did you say those things?  That I was… boring?  Basic?” Shaking his dark waves no, Loki bit into his bottom lip, “Never.  What I said was, my last girl, ages ago, was those things… but my new lady-” tracing along your jaw, tipping your chin his way, “-she is everything I could ever want.”
“Am I… am I your new lady, then?” With a fierce flicker of fire in his eyes, Loki nodded yes this time, “Absolutely.” Leaning into him, arms around his neck, you tugged him down to meet your waiting lips.  “Good.  Good to know.  Because I think I’m going to watch a movie tonight.” “Really?  I recall really enjoying the last one.” “Hmm… me too.”  Sliding off the counter, ducking under Loki’s long arms, you turned back to face him, “My room… say, an hour?”
Snapping his suspenders, smirking, “I’ll be there.”  Watching you skip away made Loki’s pulse pound in anticipation.  Pouring himself another glass of clear liquor, he chuckled, amazed at the change seven minutes had created.  
“You’re welcome.” “Ah!  Yes, many thanks Tony.”  
Leaning against the counter, Tony knocked into Loki’s shoulder, “You’re cute together, Rock of Ages, but don’t make me regret helping you tonight!  Treat her right.”
“Of course.  I... truly, thank you.”, sincerity seeped from Loki at the favor from Tony. “No worries!  No worries!”  Waving away any additional gratitude, Tony looked over the group of half cocked, and totally cocked heroes before him, “Of course the real bitch was getting Pepper to pull your name from the bowl…”
My Marvelous Minxes tag-list:  @queenofmischief @vodka-and-some-sass @just-random-obsessions @brokenthelovely @lots-of-loki @thefallenbibliophilequote @iamverity @iluvsumbucky @unadulteratedwizardlove @wolfsmom1 @procrastinatinglikeabitch @mizfit2 @shxdowofdarkness @nonsensicalobsessions @ahintofkiwistrawberry @jessiejunebug @rorybutnotgilmore @crystalizedcaramel @lokislittlecorner @scrumptious-finicky-illusion @capcapcapsicle @jamielea81 @caffiend-queen @thenatalie @sammy-jo1977 @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore @is-it-madness @jenjen8675309 @alexakeyloveloki @poetic-fiasco​
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
OK, April 27
Cover: Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell finally a wedding 
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Page 1: Big Pic -- Jessica Simpson in comfy matching sweats and makeup-free and ready to clean 
Page 2: Contents 
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Page 3: Contents
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Page 4: How Tampa Bay Buccaneer Tom Brady and his wife Gisele Bundchen saved their marriage 
Page 6: Sarah Hyland reflects on Modern Family
Page 7: Quentin Tarantino is known for being a zany workaholic but now he’s focused on his son Leo with wife Daniella Pick, now that Ben Affleck and Ana de Armas have proved their romance is the real deal Ben’s ex-wife Jennifer Garner wants to meet Ana before she’s introduced to her and Ben’s three kids, it’s been more than two years since Fergie and Josh Duhamel split but Fergie is still feeling down as Josh struts around with former Miss World Audra Mari who is 20 years his junior and Fergie has no desire to date right now and she’s putting her full effort into being the best mom she can be but that doesn’t help her feel any better when she sees what Josh is up to 
Page 8: After a few busy years Keanu Reeves is planning to take some time off to travel the world, Kim Kardashian may have everything she needs at her fingertips but the mom of four is still struggling with being cooped up at home with her family 
Page 10: Red Hot on the Red Carpet -- white gowns -- Reese Witherspoon, Gabrielle Union, Lais Ribeiro 
Page 11: Keira Knightley, Cindy Bruna
Page 12: Who Wore It Better? Nicky Hilton Rothschild ✅ vs. Rachel Brosnahan, Zoe Bleu Sidel vs. Lucy Boynton ✅
Page 13: Emily Osment vs. Tanya Rad ✅
Page 14: News in Photos -- Jay Cutler and wife Kristin Cavallari with hairstylist Justin Anderson and fiance Austin Rhodes stuck in the Bahamas 
Page 16: Norman Reedus and his daughter as he grabbed the mail, Anna Kournikova and daughter Mary 
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Page 17: Bruce Willis and ex-wife Demi Moore and daughters and their boyfriends and dogs in matching pajamas, Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani, January Jones 
Page 18: Dwayne Johnson and daughter Tiana, Justin Bieber and wife Hailey Bieber after she urged him to shave his mustache, Cara Santana marked 16 years of sobriety
Page 20: John Cena and Bray Wyatt at Wrestlemania 36, Jeannie Mai caught up on her reading, Gina Rodriguez and husband Joe LoCicero walk their dogs Casper and Marty 
Page 21: Hannah Ann Sluss walks her dog, Brody Jenner stocks up on groceries 
Page 22: Stars Are Getting Creative To Cure Their Boredom -- Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban during his home studio gig, Drew Barrymore tried Stella McCartney’s suggestion to slide down the staircase, Jake Gyllenhaal successfully completed Tom Holland’s challenge to put on a shirt while doing a handstand 
Page 23: Sofia Richie using her newfound free time to be still and reflect, Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood gave a livestream concert, Jenna Dewan and newborn son Callum 
Page 24: Inside My Home -- Norman Reedus and Diane Kruger’s new Hollywood Hills home 
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Page 26: Drew Barrymore recently reconnected with her ex Justin Long and they’ve decided to give things another shot 
Page 27: Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green have endured more than a few bumps in the road when it comes to their 16-year-old on-off romance but they have no regrets, now that Kaley Cuoco and Karl Cook are finally moving into their custom-built house they’re ready to tackle the next item on their agenda -- starting a family, Channing Tatum and Jessie J split again 
Page 28: Art dealer Vito Schnabel is helping Irina Shayk move on from ex Bradley Cooper, Meg Ryan has been knocked sideways after learning ex-fiance John Mellencamp is now seeing celeb aesthetician Jamie Sherrill, Love Bites -- Colbie Caillat and Justin Young split, Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom are expecting a girl, Rachel Bloom and husband Dan Gregor welcomed a daughter 
Page 29: The Bachelor Peter Weber and contestant Kelley Flanagan sparked rumors of a reconciliation when they revealed via social media that they’re quarantining together but Peter set the record straight when he said they’re not dating 
Page 30: Cover Story -- Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell’s amazing love story -- 54 years after starring in their first film together Goldie and Kurt are getting ready to tie the knot 
Page 34: Prince William and Princess Kate Middleton -- how they do it all -- how they juggle their royal duties with ease while chasing after their three little ones 
Page 38: The Office -- secrets from the set 
Page 40: Zendaya on her hit show Euphoria and why it was just the project she was looking for
Page 42: How Hailey Bieber maintains her flawless figure 
Page 46: Style Week -- Winnie Harlow on her final collaboration with Steve Madden 
Page 48: Draper James X Land’s End -- Reese Witherspoon 
Page 49: Alicia Keys’ skincare obsession 
Page 50: Consciously Crafted Brands -- Lea Michele 
Page 54: Entertainment 
Page 60: Hollywood Heat Meter -- Jake Gyllenhaal revealed Heath Ledger refused to present at the 2006 Oscars because he didn’t want to make any jokes about the film, Matthew McConaughey called bingo numbers for a senior center in Texas via Zoom, Jennifer Aniston was caught watching ex John Mayer’s Instagram Live story, Joy Behar won’t stay on The View past her contract end in 2022, Alec and Hilaria Baldwin are expecting their fifth child together, Paws for a Cause -- celebs are fostering dogs during quarantine -- Kaia Gerber, Henry Golding, Camila Morrone, Miley Cyrus and Cody Simpson, Antoni Porowski 
Page 61: Sound Bites -- Amy Poehler on watching Parks and Recreation with her sons, Sarah Hyland on meeting fiance Wells Adams through social media, Zac Efron on his Baywatch body 
Page 62: Horoscope -- Taurus James McAvoy 
Page 64: By the Numbers -- Mariska Hargitay 
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poop4u · 5 years
Dug Up at Dogster: March 2020 Dog Events and Premieres
The post Dug Up at Dogster: March 2020 Dog Events and Premieres by Melissa L. Kauffman appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
Forget the rain and snow — grab your pup and have fun at one of these March 2020 dog events or premieres. If you don’t see your dog event or premiere in our March 2020 dog event list, just email us your dog show information at [email protected].
March Monthly Dog Holiday Observances: Poison Prevention Awareness Month
March 1, 2020: 26th Annual Mardi Paws Parade
More than 500 dogs participated in last year’s parade, with the theme of SuperPaws. This year’s them is Beyond All Boundaries. Photo credit Bach Imagery LLC
This annual event has moved to Covington, Louisiana,  this year and comes at the tail end of Mardi Gras season, the Sunday after Fat Tuesday. This year’s theme is “Beyond All Boundaries,” which celebrates the limitless exploration of sea, air and space. You are encouraged to dress you and your dog in everything from mermaids to astronauts. The parade will be led by actor Ian Somerhalder of the television shows “Lost” and “The Vampire Diaries, with proceeds from the parade to benefit both canines and kids through the Ian Somerhalder Foundation (ISF). Last year, more than 500 dogs participated, and there was an estimated crowd of 25,000 spectators. Get parade information at mardipaws.com.
March 13 and March 27, 2020: Premiere of The Dog Doc Documentary
    The Dog Doc film poses a serious question about whether we are over medicating our pets and ourselves, combining touching stories of families with the hard science of integrative care. By casting an intimate lens over this unique world, The Dog Doc shows the healing powers of wellness, compassion and hope. The Dog Doc, veterinarian Dr. Marty Goldstein, is a pioneer of integrative medicine, which combines conventional medicine with cutting-edge alternative treatments. Attracting four-legged patients from around the world, Dr. Goldstein’s practice, Smith Ridge Veterinary Center in South Salem, NY provides holistic care for animals after other vets have given up hope. Directed by Cindy Meehl (Buck) the documentary hits New York theaters on March 13 and Los Angeles, CA theaters on March 27. Find out more details at the official website dogdocthefilm.com.
March 14, 2020: Pup Plaza Microchip Event
Whether you have a cat or dog, stop by Pup Plaza in San Jose, CA,  from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. to have your pet microchipped. For $20 (including insertion and registration), get peace of mind knowing that your pet has permanent identification. Bring all pets on leash or in a carrier. Walk-ins welcome, no appointment necessary. Cats are 20 times more likely to be reunited with their families when microchipped and dogs are 2.5 times as likely to be reunited! Pup Plaza is in San Jose, 14408 Union Ave., in the Cambrian Park Plaza shopping center. For more information, visit svpetproject.org/info/events.
March 15, 2020: St. Patrick’s Day Dog Parade with Doga
Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with your best furry pal with some relaxing Dogs benefitting Rocket Dog Rescue. Photo credit adogslifephoto/Getty Images.
This fun event kicks off with Doga (yoga and dogs) and then prances right into the red carpet where a canine community panel will award trophies for best-dressed dogs. 100% of proceeds goes to SF-based Rocket Dog Rescue. Raffle prizes, an agility course and an animal communicator will be part of the party. Event held at Patrick’s Park in San Francisco. Get tickets at Eventbrite.com.
March 15, 2020: Hills Are Alive Trail Canicross
This event welcomes all levels of CaniCross athletes and special equipment is not required. Perfect for all fitness levels, this event is dog-friendly for those not interested in participating in the CaniCross Event. Lake Geneva Canopy Tours/Arbor Trails is the home of this Hills are Alive Trail Run and Walk, with every turn of this 4-mile trail loop revealing emerging wildflowers to deer or other critters. This event is part of the 2019-20 CaniCross Event Series and offers 4- or 8-mile events. For the safety and comfort of all athletes, the CaniCross event starts 10 minutes prior to the start of the Run/Walk event. CaniCross athletes will start at 10:20 and Run/Walk athletes will start at 10:30 a.m. Go to xcthrillogy.com for more information.
March 23, 2020: National Puppy Day
The motto of National Puppy Day is “No love like puppy love.” Ain’t that the truth! Puppy kisses just can’t be beat. If you have a puppy, you can celebrate this day by spending extra time with your little one. Or, better yet, consider adding another puppy to your life. You may also want to look into volunteering with a local dog rescue, serving as a puppy socializer or even a foster home for puppies who are too young to be adopted out. For more ideas, visit nationalpuppyday.com.
Top photograph: Photography ©kozorog | Getty Images
Read Next: Everything You Need to Know About the AKC’s Canine Good Citizen Program
The post Dug Up at Dogster: March 2020 Dog Events and Premieres by Melissa L. Kauffman appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
Poop4U Blog via www.Poop4U.com Melissa L. Kauffman, Khareem Sudlow
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thecomfortable · 2 months
More Cindy x Marty!
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Click for better quality!
This is a collection of potential scenes for a story I'm working on! I've changed a few things about them over the past few days and will be making a post on both of them soon ♡
Bonus: [Aftermath of the last Panel (Slightly suggestive tho not that much)]
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shirtlesssammy · 7 years
Hollywood Babylon: 2x18 Recap
On a dark and unstormy night, at a cabin in the woods, a porch swing creaks ominously. With flashlight in hand, a woman walks around yelling for her friends. Nerves increasingly frayed, she hears a rustling from the woods. “Hello? Hello?!” Suddenly a hand grabs her from behind. She screams and turns to find her friend, Brody.
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Panicked, he screams that Ashley and Todd are dead! The woman, Wendy, tells Brody to pull it together. They have to leave! Brody takes off. Wendy hears more rustling and the camera suddenly chases up behind her. She turns and garbles out a pitiful scream.
Whew, it’s all just a movie, guys! The director comes out to talk to Wendy/Tara. Tara’s having a hard time finding her fright acting opposite a tennis ball. During the ten minute break Tara overhears one of the stagehands talking about strange things happening on the set-- it’s haunted! Later, Tara heads to a quiet corner of the stage to practice her scream. She hears a noise, walks a bit to some scaffolding, and finds the bloodied corpse of the stagehand! Cue REAL SCREAM!
The Winchester Boys are on vacation! They’re taking a tour of the Warner Brother’s backlot, and Dean couldn’t be happier. (It’s cool, Dean. I remember touring Universal and nerding out as well.)
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During the tour they see the set of Gilmore Girls. (They might even see one of the stars, if they’re lucky! --did not get that the first time I watched it. Jared’s scared face is gold.)
Sam insists they bail on the tour so they take off and start wandering the backlot alone. Dean sees Matt Damon! (what a bean) It seems that Sam has a case but Dean just wants to enjoy a vacation. He also wants to help Sam take his mind off of Madison (whaa, that just happened in the previous episode. Sammy!) A Winchester is a Winchester though, and he wants to work to take his mind off of things.
Sam tells Dean about the possibly haunted set and dead crew member. Dean wonders if it’s like Poltergeist --and is severely offended when Sam doesn’t get that reference. Dean wonders about the victim, aside from his name -Frank Jaffey- Sam doesn’t have much. He does know that the actress, Tara Benchley, who found him, saw a vanishing figure. Dean is now 100% on board --he’s fan of her work (much like Dr. Sexy and Suzy, right Dean?)
They sneak on set to find one of the studio execs giving helpful tips to the director.
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Bill Lumbergh Brad Redding calls Dean over, mistaking him for a PA. Dean’s confused at first and Sam covers for him. Dean catches on and is soon checking out the set while handing out smoothies from craft. Filming starts while he checks out the scaffolding for any EMF. He gets no readings. Sam and him reconvene next to craft services and while Dean has nothing to report on the case, he can’t stop waxing poetic about the plethora of food (it’s so funny, but then I’m reminded of the kid that often went without food so his little brother could eat --not the time, Boris!) Sam discovered that four people have died on the set over the years. Dean discovers an unoccupied Tara Benchley. He’s his awkward self at first but quickly turns on the confident charm. He asks her about the victim, she tells him about what happened, and then shows him a photo of the man. “Son of a bitch.” Dean recognizes the man!
Yep, Frank Jaffey isn’t real, and the man, hired for the day to stir up the fright levels on set, is a character actor that Dean knew from another film. They track him down. He spills everything.
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Back to filming on set, one of the crew hears feedback with the sound. Brad continues to give his unsolicited advice about the film. “If the ghosts are in hell, how do they hear the chanting? I mean, what do they have, super-hearing?” he scoffs. He’s distracted with a call though and wanders off to take it. Once alone, he’s greeted by a woman that’s all black and white --with severe neck wounds. He doesn’t think they’ll read on camera though. She undresses -why?- and climbs the scaffolding --he follows. And ends up on the wrong end of a rope.
They keep filming! In their defense, they did have a moment of silence for him at breakfast. Dean has also fully embraced his new job, mic headset and all. Tara’s having a hard time accepting the premise of the movie. As the crew bickers about the absurdity of what ghosts would be afraid of, one of the crew, Walter, storms off in a huff. Sam checks in and gets PA!Dean, not hunter!Dean. Dean feels like part of the team (crying noise, crying noise). Sam converses with Dean while Dean converses with someone on his headset -GOLD. Dean has something to show Sam.
Dean and Sam head to a trailer to watch dailies (which he got from Cindy who has this on and off thing going on with Drew and oh my god Dean is adorable in this episode). They watch the video of the studio executive's death and Sam notices the ghost standing on the side of the room. “It’s like Three Men and a Baby all over again,” mutters Dean. He then has to fill Sam in on the whole urban legend he’s referencing. Sam mostly ignores Dean’s discussion of spirit photography in favor of squinting at the ghost on the screen. He’s seen her before.
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The Winchesters resettle on set. Sam tries to drop his latest factoid about the latest ghost but keeps getting interrupted by happy PA Dean, the most adorable PA in all the land. The ghost was ‘30’s starlet Elise Drummond who got screwed over by studio brass and hung herself. Time to salt and burn, baby! The production wraps for the day so Sam and Dean head out in the misty graveyard. Dean bought a $5 map of famous graves and it was TOTALLY WORTH IT.
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They dig up her grave to a montage. As always they are utter sticklers for digging perfectly rectangular graves. Salt. Lighter fluid. Book of matches. PHWOOMPH.
At the studio the producer chats on his cell phone when all the lights go out. He wanders through the fake woods of the set when he spots a creepy dude in the trees. The guy turns and his head is completely chopped up and bloody. A huge fan turns on and the producer is drawn inexorably into it. This can only end in one way: the blood cannon.
With the unfortunate producer a pile of chopped liver and spattered blood, we cut to a preview teaser for the movie, Hell Hazers II: the reckoning.
“From the producers of Cornfield Massacre, Monster Truck, and the director of Charlie’s Angels, Charlie’s Angels Full Throttle, and Hell Hazers…” “We must have brought them back. Back from Hell. Again.”
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Sam ties the death-by-fan to the death of an electrician in the sixties. “These things don’t usually tag team,” Dean says.
“Maybe the spirits are trying to shut down the movie ‘cause they think it sucks,” Sam ponders later while lounging on a couch in one of the trailers watching dailies. In the film the actress begins to recite the summoning ritual from the book and Sam sits up and listens to the words. She’s reading a real necronomicon-level summoning ritual!
The Winchesters head to Marty’s office. They tell him that they read the script and they are just HUGE fans of it. They gush over the summoning rituals and authentic Enochian… “What, you mean that latin crap?” Ugh, Marty had nothing to do with that. It was Walter-the-PA who wrote all of that (who is, in fact, just the original writer who is contractually allowed to hang around set). Walter’s screenplay was all “wackadoo exposition” with no love interest so Marty had to hack it apart to get it to a usable state for the movie.
Cut to Dean and Sam reading Walter’s original script. It’s good, reports our dear, devoted reader Dean! “And it reads like a how-to manual on conjuration,” Sam says. It shows “motive and means” for Walter to be the one in control of the recent infestation of killer ghosts.
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Walter meets up with Marty in the creepy woods of the set. Walter complains about the loss of his original script. “It was real,” he said. (You know. Truth. TRUTH.)
“We’re talking about ghosts, Walter. There’s no such thing.” Marty returns. Walter holds up a mysterious amulet and begins to chant. Choppy fan ghost shows up and begins to drag Marty towards the fan. Suddenly a shotgun roars out and fan ghost disappears.
“You are one hell of a PA,” Walter says.
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Sam tells Walter that the jig is up. Bringing ghosts into the world to wreak bloody vengeance can backfire. Walter summons another ghost anyway, though. The room goes all Ghostbusters: Revenge of the Ghosts and they’re suddenly faced with three ghosts approaching menacingly. Sam, Dean, and Marty barricade themselves in the cabin.
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“I can’t believe that ghosts are real,” Marty says breathlessly.
“What makes you say that?” Dean asks while loading his shotgun. Lol, Dean. Sam figures out that the talisman is controlling the ghosts and heads off to confront Walter. Dean and Marty hunker in the cabin, Marty holding up a phone to track for ghosts while Dean takes them out like targets at a carnival booth.
Sam confronts Walter, who dashes the talisman to the floor, breaking it. Sam warns him that he just freed the ghosts and they are gonna be pissed off at Walter! Walter is entirely unconcerned until he’s ripped down to the floor and torn into bloody shreds.
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Back with the movie production, they’re hunting ghosts. With a shotgun. And a cell phone. Narrative exposition has been added to the movie to explain things like, why can you see ghosts in a phone? (Me: cry laughs this is the best.) Sam looks upon the production with disgust and heads off the set into the lot where Tara’s trailer is, uh, a-rockin’. Dean leaves Tara’s trailer with a satisfied grin.
“You’re one hell of a P.A.,” she says as she bids him farewell, wrapped only in a robe. Yeah, he is.
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Boris: This episode is special to me because it was the first one that I remember thinking that this special little show isn’t just an X-Files redux. (Wow, it took me awhile to get into this show!) Dean was on vacation --and it shows. He is so (pre-hell) cocky and joyous about being on a film set. I feel like, when we discuss performing!Dean and how he has had to bury his true self for so long, it amazes me how close to the surface his true self is.
In Hollywood, Quotes Come True:
Now to the right here is Stars Hollow. It’s the setting for the television series Gilmore Girls. And if we’re lucky we might even catch one of the show’s stars.
Does this seem like swimming pool weather to you, Dean? I mean, it’s practically Canadian.
Who says horror has to be dark?
“What’s a PA?” “I think they’re kinda like slaves.”
What was it like working with Richard Moll?
If the ghosts are in hell, how do they hear the chanting? I mean, what do they have, super-hearing?
Why would a ghost be afraid of salt?
We all know what Jay and Brad wanted more than anything. And that was to see Hell Hazers II The Reckoning on screen in theaters all across America.
Dude, are you serious? ‘Cause I’m serious.
There’s an afterlife, alright. But mostly it’s a pain in the ass.
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randomfandomimagine · 8 years
Characters Tags Masterlist Part 2
Add ‘x reader’ to character tags if you want to see the fanfiction posts and avoid ships and other random posts. 
Part 1 of this masterlist
Final Fantasy VII
Zack Fair, Cloud Strife, Tifa Lockhart, Aerith Gainsborough, Reno Sinclair, Yuffie Kisaragi, Denzel, Vincent Valentine, Sephiroth, Genesis Rhapsodos, Barret Wallace, Biggs, Jessie Rasberry, Leslie Kyle, Tseng
Paper Towns
Quentin Jacobsen, Ben Starling, Radar, Margo Roth Spiegelman
Glee Club
Rachel Berry, Finn Hudson, Kurt Hummel, Will Schuester, Noah Puckerman, Quinn Fabrey, Santana Lopez, Brittany S. Pierce, Tina Cohen-Chang, Mike Chang, Blaine Anderson, Mercedes Jones,  Artie Abrams, Sebastian Smythe, Rory Flanagan, Sam Evans
New Girl
Schmidt, Winston Bishop, Nick Miller
Final Fantasy X
Tidus, Auron, Yuna, Rikku
Back to the Future
Marty McFly, George McFly, Lorraine MccFly, Jennifer Parker, Biff Tannen
Nathan Young, Kelly Bailey, Simon Bellamy, Curtis Donovan, Alisha Daniels
Death Note
L Lawliet, Light Yagami, Mihael Keehl (Mello), Mail Jeevas (Matt), Nate River (Near), Touta Matsuda
Nathan Drake, Sam Drake, Victor Sullivan, Chloe Frazer
D’Artagnan, Aramis, Porthos, Athos, Phillippe
Bart Allen, Clark Kent (Welling), Oliver Queen (Hartley), Jimmy Olsen (Ashmore), A.C., Lex Luthor, Chloe Sullivan
Geralt of Rivia, Cirilla of Cintra, Dandelion, Jaskier (Batey), Yennefer of Vengerberg, Triss Merigold, Renfri
Final Fantasy XV
Chocobros, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto Argentum, Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia, Nyx Ulric, Cor Leonis, Aranea Highwind, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, Cindy Aurum
Jurassic World
Zach Mitchell, Owen Grady
Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton, Thor Odinson, Natasha Romanoff, Pietro Maximoff, Bucky Barnes, Maria Hill, Darcy Lewis, Stephen Strange, T’Challa, Shuri, Loki Laufeyson, Jane Foster, Peggy Carter, Pepper Pots, Peter Quill, Peter Parker, Scott Lang, Carol Danvers, Howard Stark, James Rhodes, Vision
Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield), (Tom Holland), Gwen Stacy, Mary Jane Watson, Harry Osborn
PS4 Marvel Spider-Man
Star Wars
Poe Dameron, Finn, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Anakin Skywalker, Rey, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Leia Organa, Padme Amidala, Rose Tico
Wade Wilson, Vanessa Carlysle, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Nathan Summers/Cable, Yukio
Kara Danvers, Winn Schott, Alex Danvers, James Olsen
Fantastic Beasts
Newt Scamander, Credence Barebone, Queenie Goldstein, Jacob Kowalski, Theseus Scamander
Hercules, Li Shang, Aladdin, Tarzan, Eric, Jane Porter, John Smith, Belle, Jasmine, Mulan, Kristoff, Anna, Kuzco, Milo Thatch
Eugene Fitzherbert, Rapunzel
Stanley Yelnats, Hector Zeroni, X-Ray, Zigzag
Fantastic Four
Johnny Storm, Reed Richards
How I Met Your Mother
Marshall Eriksen, Barney Stinson, Ted Mosby
Chandler Bing, Joey Tribbiani, Ross Geller, Phoebe Buffay, Monica Geller
Malcolm In The Middle
Malcolm Wilkerson, Reese Wilkerson, Francis Wilkerson
Pirates of the Caribbean
Jack Sparrow, Will Turner, Henry Turner, James Norrington, Elizabeth Swann, Carina Smyth
Charles Xavier, Raven Darkhelmore (Mystique), Jean Grey, Hank McCoy, Peter Maximoff (Quicksilver), Logan Howlett (Wolverine), Scott Summers (Cyclops), Erik Lehnsherr
Life Is Strange
Warren Graham, Nathan Prescott, Max Caulfield, Chloe Price, Kate Marsh
Diana Prince, Steve Trevor, Bruce Wayne, Arthur Curry
Clark Kent (Henry Cavill), Lois Lane
The Big Bang Theory
Sheldon Cooper
Brooklyn 99
Jake Peralta, Rosa Diaz, Amy Santiago, Terry Jeffords, Raymond Holt, Gina Linetti
Baby Driver
Baby, Darling
My Hero Academia 
Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, Toshinori Yagi/All Might, Momo Yaoyorozu, Shoto Todoroki, Denki Kaminari, Uraraka Ochako, Mei Hatsume, Iida Tenya
God Of War
Kratos, Atreus, Mimir, Freya, Athena, Sindri, Brok, Faye, Baldur
Others (fandoms I don’t usually write for)
Augustus Waters (TFIOS), Oliver Queen (Arrow)
Part 3 of this masterlist!
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hopelessdreamer80 · 7 years
Today in Soap Opera History (June 20)
On this date in...
1978: On Guiding Light, Jackie (Cindy Pickett) revealed her feelings to Mike Bauer (Don Stewart), who told her he only considered her a friend.
2008: On One Life to Live, "Todd" (Trevor St. John) continued to take care of amnesiac Marty (Susan Haskell).
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A list of my old writing that you can request I revise
Song Prompts
Meeting and Dating Headcanons~
Pretty in Pink
Andie Walsh
Duckie Dale
Blane McDonagh
Steff McKee
Sixteen Candles 
Jake Ryan
The Lost Boys
Poly Lost Boys
Edgar Frog
The Breakfast Club
Brian Johnson
John Bender
Andrew Clark
The Outsiders
Sodapop Curtis
Dallas Winston
Two-Bit Mathews
Steve Hays
Ferris Buellers Day Off
Cameron Frye
Karate Kid
Daniel Larusso
Johnny Lawrence
Veronica Sawyer
Jason Dean
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Jeff Spicoli
Brad Hamilton
Better Off Dead 
Lane Meyer
Weird Science
Gary Wallace
Wyatt Donnelly
Dream A Little Dream
Dinger Holfield
Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure
Bill S. Preston Esquire
Ted Logan 
Dating Poly Bill and Ted 
The Princess Bride
Inigo Montoya
Interview with the Vampire
Louis de Pointe du Lac
Children of the Corn
Malachai Boardman
National Lampoons 
Rusty Griswold (European Vacation)
Cant Buy Me Love
Kenneth Wurman
The Chocolate War
Jerry Renault
Archie Costello
The Mighty Ducks
Fulton Reed
Dean Portman
Adam Banks
Les Averman
Brian Schwartz
Anthony ‘Meat’ Tuperello
Tommy Turner
Tim Cavanaugh
Mickey Jarvis
Just One of the Guys
Terry Griffith
Greg Tolan
Dead Poets Society 
Neil Perry
Todd Anderson
Charlie Dalton
Knox Overstreet
Steven Meeks
Earth Girls are Easy
Combat Academy 
Perry Barnett
Waynes World
Garth Algar
Austin Powers
Austin Powers
Toy Soldiers
Ricardo Montoya
Good Will Hunting
Chuckie Sullivan
10 Things I Hate About You
Joey Donner
My Bodyguard
Ricky Linderman
Melvin Moody
Stand and Deliver
Angel Guzman
Something Wild 
Ray Sinclair
Three O’Clock High 
Buddy Revell
Young Guns
Jose Chavez y Chavez
Billy the Kid
Doc Scurlock
Dazed and Confused
Benny O’Donnell
Don Dawson
Kevin Pickford
Randall “Pink” Floyd
Fred O’Bannion
Mitch Kramer
Ron Slater
Shavonne Wright
Eddie Birdlace
Freddy Renfield
Robert ‘Rabbit’ Nurick
Stand by me 
Ace Merrill
School Ties
Rip Van Kelt 
Chris Reece
The Untouchables
Eliot Ness
The Godfather
Tom Hagen
(Young) Vito Corleone
(Old) Vito Corleone
Henry Hill
Little Shop of Horrors
Seymour Krelborn
Near Dark
Friday the 13th
Jason Voorhees
Billy Loomis 
Poly Billy and  Stu
Stu Macher
The Craft
Nancy Downs
Hocus Pocus
Max Dennison
Thackery Binx
Lydia Deetz
Adam Maitland
The Crow
Eric Draven
Ray Stantz
An American Werewolf in London
Jack Goodman
Sleepaway Camp
Ricky Thomas
Herbert West
Silence of the Lambs
Clarice Starling
Fright Night
Jerry Dandridge
Daniel Robitaille
The Evil Dead
Ash Williams
Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Harvey Kinkle
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Full Metal Jacket
Sgt. Hartman
Animal Mother
Preference~ the boys with an s/o whose ex stalks them
Total Recall
Douglas Quaid
Requested “Would Includes” and Imagines/Fics~
Darry falling for Johnny’s sister
Allison Reynolds dating a shy nerdy girl
Starting a family with Cameron Frye
Making out with Cameron Frye
Cameron Frye comforting you when you’re upset
Getting drunk with the Ferris Bueller crew
Gary Wallace dating a tall girl
George Mcfly with a dominant flirty s/o
Comforting and being comforted by Will Hunting
Will Hunting having a crush on you
Being apart of the good will hunting gang
Armand with a virgin s/o (including nsfw)
Lestat and Louis dating a girl who loves horror movies
Making out with Duckie Dale
Duckie Dale cheering you up
Cliff having a crush on you
Making out with Cliff
Making out with Bryce
Bryce having a crush on you
The Lost Boys with an s/o having an anxiety attack + fighting depression
The Lost Boys with a sweet and innocent s/o
The Lost Boys with a curvy mate
The Lost Boys fighting with their mates
The Lost Boys dating a shy short girl
The Lost Boys taking care of you when you’re hurt
Getting drunk with the Lost Boys would include
David x Laddies older sister
Making out with Edgar Frog
Being Married to Archie Costello
Going to the beach with Archie Costello
Making out with Archie Costello
Darrys girlfriend landing a job at a local cafe as a singer
Making out with Kenneth Wurman
Being Cindys friend and Ronalds crush
Harold Sherbico having a crush
Kim Kelly dating her polar opposite
Neil Perry dating an artist
Making out with Charlie Dalton
Jealous Charlie Dalton
Jealous Knox Overstreet
A study date with Steven Meeks
Spending the winter season with Neil Perry
Comforting Charlie Dalton after he gets expelled 
The dead poets walking in on Charlie and his secret, shy girlfriend 
Simon Boggs having a crush on Laneys friend
Faking It-Cindy Mancini falling for the girl who paid her to be her friend
Spike having a crush on you
Steff McKee having a crush on you
Marko having a crush on you
David having a crush on you 
Paul having a crush on you
Dwayne having a crush on you
Dwayne x vampire reader who dresses like Stevie Nicks
Making out with Keith Nelson
Meat having a crush on Peewees sister
Admit it- Mickey Jarvis and his future s/o having crushes on each other
Being a part of team USA and meeting Adam and Charlie
Dwayne Robertson having a crush on you
Sleepover with Bill and Ted (including nsfw)
Being pregnant with Ted Logans child
Starring in the schools Romeo and Juliet with Ted Logan
Ted Logan asking you to be his valentine
Spending Valentines day with Steff McKee
Spending Valentines day with Steven Meeks
Spending Valentines day with Keith Nelson
Spending your first Valentines day with Bryce
Wishing I Was Her (Nick Andopolis)
If You Want Out Just Say It (Ace Merrill)
Going on the Ferris adventure
Going on your own adventure with Cameron Frye
Making out with Randall ‘Pink’ Floyd
Travelling back in time with Marty McFly
Tommy Devito dating a chubby artist
Years Gone By (Michael Corleone)
Sonny Corleone dating his opposite
Phillipe Gaston x reader~ Fairy Tale 
Being Fulton's sister and Dating Dean Portman
Comforting Todd when he’s upset
Being married to Bill S. Preston Esquire
Being married to Ted Logan
Spending Halloween/October with Knox Overstreet
Making out with Knox
A will they, won’t they relationship with Seth Brundle
Falling in love with Edward Scissorhands
Dwayne Hicks with an Android!Technician s/o
Private Joker dating an artist 
Jareth falling in love with you
Being married to Matt Hooper and going to Amity
The way you make me feel~ John Bender
Being in a long term relationship with JD
J.D. with a chronically ill s/o
Archie with a chronically ill s/o
Making out with Ted Logan
Archibald Craven falling in love
Andy Dufresne falling in love
Nsfw Headcanons~ 
Group sex with the lost boys
Sam Emerson
Threesome with Obie and Archie
Archie Costello
(sub) Archie Costello
Johnny Cade
Cameron Frye
Duckie Dale
John Bender
Randy (Intruder)
Joey Donner
Kenneth Wurman
Keith Nelson
The Dead Poets Kinks
Knox Overstreet
Charlie Dalton
Steven Meeks
Todd Anderson
Neil Perry
Gerard Pitts
John Bender taking your virginity
Louis de Pointe du Lac
Dinger Holfield
The Lost Boys
Randall ‘Pink’ Floyd
Benny O’donnell
Fred O’Bannion
Johnny Walker
George Mcfly
Brian Moreland
(sub) Perry Barnett 
Bill S. Preston Esquire
Ted Logan
Randy Meeks
Michael Emerson
Nancy Downs
Ray Stantz
Egon Spengler
Angel Guzman
Sgt. Hartman
Brad Hamilton
Douglas Quaid
Chris (night of the creeps)
Sonny Corleone with a shy, virgin s/o
George Mcfly getting jealous and being dominant
Grease Monkey (Keith Nelson smut)
Sins of the flesh and matters of the heart (David x reader + Dwayne smut)
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