svttu ¡ 2 years
Merlin is the FATHER of savagery:
“Look, I’ve told you you’re an ass. I just didn’t realize you were a royal one.”
“How long have you been training to be a prat, my lord”
Arthur: “We’re supposed to be hunting. It requires speed, strength, and an agile mind!” Merlin: “So you’re able to get by on two of the three then?”
Uther: “If this were a time of war, I’d have you flogged.” Merlin: “But since it’s not we’ll let it go just this once?”
“One day you’ll transform into a beautiful prince. But magic’s outlawed in Camelot so that’ll probably never happen.”                                      
Merlin: “She likes you?” Gaius: nods head Merlin:“Oh, that is disgusting.” “Imagine…imagine if she kissed you! UGH”
Arthur: “Take some advice from someone who knows about women-” Merlin: “If such a person existed maybe I would”
Arthur: "You have the mind of a child” Merlin: “Yet I’m still more intelligent than you" 
"I take it you haven’t come all this way JUST TO SMASH MY FAVORITE POT”
Leon: “Whats the job, exactly?” Merlin: “To kill Arthur” Leon: “Driving you mad isn’t he?” Merlin: “Not for much longer!”
Gaius: “Sometimes two heads are better than one.” Merlin: “Yes but not when one of them is yours.” 
“PERCIVAL, that is a sword, it DOES hurt”
“Will it be hot? Will it be cold? Will it be wet? Will it be dry?" 
Merlin: "I wouldn’t do that if I were you because if you do that….you’ll never learn of my plan.” Arthur: “… What plan?” Merlin: “EXACTLY! That’s why you can’t run me through!”
“Don’t think too hard, I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself”
“Are you threatening me with a SPOON?”
Morgana: “You’re just my imagination” Merlin: “That’s right. I’m not really here. Just pretend i’m not really here!”
“The belt is one hole shy of perfection!”
“Do you want us to help you?…. Or do you want to do this alOoOone" 
No other character will be as iconic as Merlin :)
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svttu ¡ 2 years
what's your blorbo show? the show that has so few characters who AREN'T your blorbos that the characters who aren't don't even count. The show where you're spending most of your watching time going "there they are! the specialest person in the world!"? I'll start, mines Merlin
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svttu ¡ 2 years
3 tags I will dodge like the plague:
Ambiguous/Open Ending
Major Character Death
Hurt/No Comfort
Like, no, bestie. Real life is tragic and uncertain enough.
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svttu ¡ 2 years
This picture of Steve and Tony. That's it.
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svttu ¡ 2 years
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svttu ¡ 2 years
Nah but the BBC Merlin fandom is insane there's nearly 5k fics updated just this year and the show ended nearly 10 years ago
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svttu ¡ 2 years
I am having a slight breakdown over Colin Morgan's hair in the Discworld audiobooks documentary.
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When I saw this promotional picture on the official Terry Pratchett website I thought I was going to be able to handle it, but NOOO.
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Grown your hair out a bit have you, Mr Morgan?
Oh shit. His hair. I... I... Shit.
Excuse me for a moment while I have a slight breakdown, won't you?
Discworld Audiobooks Documentary
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svttu ¡ 2 years
Sometimes it blows my mind that there are people that don’t wear glasses/contacts. Like they can literally see with no aid. Like they wake up and just be out here seeing. What a wild concept.
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svttu ¡ 2 years
So I just heard about “Primed: The Back Pocket Guide for Trans Men and the Men Who Dig Them.” It’s the first sexual health resource written by and for gay, bi and queer trans men/ transmasculine people, put out by Rainbow Health Ontario, and it’s a very frank guide that answers basically any questions you might have about safer sex. They’ve released it for free download here.
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svttu ¡ 2 years
Two tropes I love equally:
Character ties their hair back/up and becomes Very efficient. They could do anything. They could win an argument with God.
Character’s hair is loose when it’s normally contained and they are Kind Of Feral. Nothing can stop them. They could win a fight with God.
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svttu ¡ 3 years
you wrote this instead of sleeping? i'm gonna read it instead of sleeping
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svttu ¡ 3 years
Rewatching random merlin episodes and... we deserved so many more scenes like the one where he and lance are in the hall and merlin magics away the wine stain.. like its so sweet to see him be able to freely joke about this kind of thing. He deserved more people to know! like give him similar scenes with Gwaine or someone please 😭
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svttu ¡ 3 years
Ben Barnes is that ONE generational crush we all think we may be over at some point but a new show/movie comes out we're hoeing all over him stronger than before.
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svttu ¡ 3 years
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Official English MXTX is real, it’s been so exciting getting to work on this project with an amazing team! See http://sevenseasdanmei.com/ for details!
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svttu ¡ 3 years
I’ll be for you by her bright skies still hits after all these years... ah the nostalgia I get from this song
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svttu ¡ 3 years
idk about soulmates but those people who eat parts of the food or candy that you don't like and you do the same for them.....we've lived a hundred lifetimes together probably
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svttu ¡ 3 years
Modern! Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng going to a karaoke place to sing and maybe get a little bit drunk. What JC didn’t expect was his brother to show up with his boyfriend, lwj, but you know what? That’s okay because he came here to destress, not wonder why his brother’s boyfriend is here in the first palace, even if it does piss him off a little.
So he chooses the song Falling by Harry Styles because he really likes it. However, he didn’t expect that by the end of the song he would be a crying mess because of all the stress and pressure that he is feeling to be a good son even if his father will never acknowledge him and not being a good enough son for his mother. What he expected even less was to have wwx wrap his arms around him and telling him that it’s okay and that his father and mother will never know what a good and kind person jc is behind that façade of his. This just ends up bringing more tears to his face because wwx should not be the one who is consoling him. Partly because he does not deserve to hear this. Not because wwx isn’t worthy, no, it’s far from that. It’s because how can jc expect for wwx to comfort him when he went through his own traumatic experience with jc’s parents?
Wwx deserved so much more than what he got with his parents, but there isn’t anything he can do about that now except try to be a good brother. No matter how difficult the journey may be, he owes it to wwx to at least try. Because isn’t that all wwx has been doing these years? Trying to be a good brother to jc no matter his own hurt and pain. Smiling through all the insults that are thrown at him for even wanting to be a part of a family that will never truly accept him no matter how much his siblings tell him he’s wanted. He hugs wwx back and tells him all of that and more. He tells him so wwx knows that jc does not hate him and will always love him. He doesn’t know how to express his feelings, but he will try because wwx deserves it and he owes it to himself to be more than his mother’s insecurities and his father’s favoritism.
Meanwhile, lwj is just staring at the two bothers. One who is his soulmate and the other who is his soulmate’s brother. He looks, really looks, at jc and sees a man who is trying to be better. Lwj may have misunderstood and misjudged him.
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