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prickly-bulbasaur · 1 year ago
If the Swan Fits
Who was he?
Who was the kind gentleman who had come to the ball and danced with Prince Sanji? He was so elegant, kind-hearted, and so full of life that the Prince wanted to know more. All he had gotten was the name Bentham Bon Clay until the clock tower started to chime 12 bells.
“Oh my, I am sorry, my prince but I have to sashay away. My time is running out.” He said, before sashaying away, leaving the prince stunned before coming to his senses.
“O-oi, wait! Where can I find you?” The Prince yelled, only to be heard by deaf ears as he chased the man, rushing down the steps and slowly catching up to him until Bentham kicked a nearby marble pillar, blocking his path as he entered the chariot and fled. 
Many of his servants were asking him if he was ok while he kicked and moved some of the marble to pick up a long swan neck that he saw fall off during the collapse. It looked like it could fit on the tip of a ballet shoe, extending the reach like a swan striking an enemy. 
King Zeff was not surprised that his son wanted to find this Bon Clay, as he could see that the fella gave Sanji a spark in his eyes he hadn’t seen since the passing of his mother, the Queen. “You do what you need to do to find happiness, Baby Eggplant.” He dodged a kick from his son and chuckled at his reaction. “You know damn well if I say no and threaten to put you in the dungeons you would find a way to escape and disobey my orders.”
“Damn right, I would you Old Geezer!”
“You watch who you are talking to! I may be old but I can still bend your ass over!” King Zeff yelled, slamming a heel on the top of his son’s head. “Don’t do anything stupid, and…” 
Sanji glared at his father before noticing him turning around, facing away from him. “Keep your nose clean, you got that?” The prince nodded at the King’s approval and with his selected men, he had set out across the Chef Kingdom for the mystery man, eventually branching out to other neighboring lands and islands. 
Years had passed, and Prince Sanji had lost hope a few times before it was renewed by the Captain and his crew of the Thousand Sunny. Captain Luffy would always laugh, saying that is the fun of the adventure, and if you believe strongly enough you will be rewarded soon. 
They had reached the last island of the Paradise Region, also known as Peachy Island. Prince Sanji’s heart began to flutter again as he took notice of the residents who lived there. They were a mixture of men who took in feminine features, women taking in masculine features, and even those who took in both. 
They look just like Bon, could it be I had found him? Sanji thought as the Captain and his crew marveled at the island. One of them, however, was not happy.
“We came here to look for some trans? Now I know why King Zeff had you leave the Kingdom, you are a disgrace!”
An explosion hit the discriminatory man, flinging him across the mast before the Captain’s Shipwright tied him to that same mast and a Sharpshooter shoved a tabasco ball down his throat.
Prince Sanji thanked the crew before turning to the person who did the strike. “Sorry about that, I didn’t think one of my selected men would be so…transphobic.” He tried to think of another more appropriate word but decided to rip off the bandaid and be upfront.
“Don’t worry your gorgeous little head, my Prince.” The person said, who upon closer inspection was a tall man wearing a female leotard and a see-through fishnet cape. “We have dealt with a few rotten eggs here and there.” He then bowed low. “My name is Emporio Ivankov, the Queen of Peachy Island. How can I be of service?”
“I have been looking for someone who came to my ball about three years ago.” Sanji started and brought out the swan tip. “He had left this while they were escaping and I have searched all over the South Blue and now Paradise to look for him.”
Queen Ivankov looked at the item with a smirk. “That is an Okama-made item all right, however, I can tell with one look none of us ladies and gentlemen would fit it. This was specially made by none other than my partner Inazuma here.” He said, pointing to a shorter female with clothing and hair split evenly in colors white and yellow. “She may provide further answers.”
Inazuma walked up and eyed every detail of the swan tip. “Yes, I have made this for Bentham Bon Clay.”
The prince perked up at the name. “You know him? Is he here? Where can I find Bon?”
Her features changed and sounded worried. “Bentham is a manservant at Baroque Hall, right over yonder past the Doki Doki Forest. Sir Crocodile and his two children Doublefinger and Valentine live there.
Prince Sanji narrowed his eyes in concern. “What can you tell me about this…Sir Crocodile and his daughters?”
“Sir Crocodile runs an organization called Baroque Works and he has over 5,000 men under his command.” Queen Ivankov said with a frown, tapping his foot in frustration. “He and his daughters treat everyone like slaves or filth. My heart aches for those who are forced to serve under him. As a Queen of Kamabakka Queendom, I should be able to tell him what to do, however, he is in a region where I have no such power…”
Queen Ivankov cried for those lost souls and his people followed, and broke the hearts of the Prince, his men, and the crew of the Thousand Sunny. Captain Luffy put a hand on the prince’s shoulder, lightly squeezing as to let him know that he and the crew will follow wherever he goes.
Sanji nodded and stood at his full height, exhibiting the aura of the future King of Chef Kingdom. “How do I visit this…Crocodile?”
“Bentham! Get over here and clean up this room! It’s a mess!!”
“Right away, Miss Valentine. I will have it cleaned up in no time!” Bon Clay replied with a smile, refusing to let this woman ruin his mood. He began cleaning the damaged room with a wide broom and swept the pieces of wood, glass, and swept them into a large pile before putting them in the trash bins. 
Valentine snorted and kicked a nearby laundry bin. “While you are at it, rewash these, they should be white, not yellow! Use the right soap next time!” She then stormed off, obviously irked that she wasn’t getting the reaction for that queer to get punished. He seemed too chipper and she hated it. It must be one of his freak days.
Bon was internally raging, but he refused to give them any satisfaction of punishing him again. They beat him daily for being an Okama, sometimes poorly made food, or mixing up their laundry and ruining the colors. Those were mild compared to three years ago when they found out he went to the Chef Kingdom’s Ball, and they were not kind.
That’s what was putting him in a good mood. He heard that after three years, Prince Sanji was in Kamabakka Queendom and on this very island. All he had to do was finish cleaning the mess this lemon bitch has caused, wash the laundry, and he will be on his merry way to get groceries for dinner. Or that is what he had let them believe. He was ready to leave this hell and reunite with the Prince of Chef Kingdom. 
While he was taking the debris out a knock was heard at the door. Bon sighed and put the debris down to answer the door but someone beat him to it, Sir Crocodile. He was sure he was going to get yelled at for not answering quickly enough, but when he heard the gentle voice of the Prince, he turned to look back in shock. 
“How can I help you?” Sir Crocodile said with a deep growl, staring at the intruder with a passionless expression. He was surprised that the prince from the Chef Kingdom was here and talking to him.
“Good afternoon, sorry to disturb you, but I have received word that a person I am searching for may be here. Would it be possible if I take a look?” Prince Sanji bowed, subtly looking around before seeing a tall man staring back at him briefly before being yanked away by what looked like an umbrella hook. 
Sir Crocodile growled and didn’t want to let the brat in, however, the Chef Kingdom was no Kingdom to sneeze at and he lived on an island of Kamabakka Queendom that barely made a note of themselves 50 years ago. “You may enter,” He said and stepped aside, allowing the Prince in. “My daughters should be downstairs shortly, I will ring for my servants.”
Ok, so far so good. The prince thought as he walked in, pretending to admire the artwork in the foyer. “Amazing decor, it reminds me of Alubarna in Arabasta Kindom. Were you originally from there?”
“Not really, I used to visit Arabasta in my youth and eventually found a wife who bore me two daughters. She passed shortly after the birth of my youngest, Valentine. A risk she was willing to take to ensure our legacy.”
“My condolences.” Sanji bowed, before looking up at the maids, manservants, and Sir Crocodile’s two daughters. They were both tall but one had deep blue afro-like hair and another was lemon blonde. He took notice of the umbrella that had lemon patterns on the parasol.
“Welcome to our home, Chef Prince.” The eldest bowed, eyeing every detail of the man. “My name is Doublefinger, my sister’s is Valentine.” She pointed to her sister, the lemon blonde and she too bowed. “These are our servants.”
The maids and manservants bowed, and he returned the favor. He noticed that Bon was not in the crowd and that raised his suspicions. “Thank you,” He then returned to his full height, getting everyone’s attention. “Afternoon, my name is Prince Sanji from Chef Kingdom. Three years ago a person arrived at the ball my father, King Zeff, was hosting and I am currently looking for them.”
The servants stood still but for the keen eyes, Sanji noticed a few of their eyes shifted in fear, more specifically at their master. He then pulled out the swan neck item. “I am looking for the person who has the other half of this, and it is designed to fit them.” He looked over the servants again before looking at Sir Crocodile. “If we have found a match then by the request of King Zeff and myself, would like to bring them back with me to Chef Kingdom.”
Sir Crocodile’s eye twitched. “By what authority does the Chef Kingdom have by forcing me to release the chosen servant? You are outside your kingdom and you have no power over me and who works under me.”
Prince Sanji smiled. “No, I don’t.” He then slowly turned and glared back at the man. “I do, however, have information of the Billions who are under your command. Why is it you have them inside our kingdom? What right do you have for ignoring a kingdom’s decree of peace?”
“What absurd accusations,” The man growled, now going to full height and pointing a hook at the Prince. “You have no proof, nor will you live to find proof!”
He swung the hook down at the prince, planning to skewer him before Sanji responded with a kick, effectively stopping the hook mere inches from his skin. “I have plenty of evidence and proof, as of now, you have declared war on Chef Kingdom, and we will retaliate.” He then slammed the hook down hard, breaking the hook before kicking hard at Crocodile’s chest, sending him back a few feet.
“You shitty-” One of his daughters, Valentine, suddenly lunged at him and pointed the tip of her umbrella at the prince. She pressed a button and a blade appeared at the end, now thrusting in a fencing motion trying to skewer him before someone else jumped in and blocked it with their own sword.
Sanji smiled, “Make sure you don’t hurt her.” He said before going back to Crocodile, “We are not murderers, Zoro.”
The now-named Zoro smirked, “No promises.” The swordsman then off-balanced Valentine and with the back side of the blade, hit the vagus nerve and knocked the woman out. Once that was complete he pointed the blade tip at the eldest. “I have no issue fighting anybody, even against Baroque Works.”
Doublefinger scowled before raising her hands in defeat. “Those Billions should have killed you when you turned down our offer.” She then looked at her father who scowled disapprovingly. “Go look for your Cinderella, then leave.”
“Oh, we will,” Sanji replied then picked up Valentine, much to Crocodile’s annoyance. “Once she tells us where she has taken Bon Clay, then we will take you two to Kamabakka Queendom.” He stared at Crocodile who was now sporting a vein on his temple, visually throbbing as his blood pressure rose to dangerous levels. “However, we are also here by request of Emporio Ivankov of Kamabakka Queendom.”
Crocodile’s vein throbbed even more, and a hint of fear started to fill his mind. “What does a Trans Queen want with me? I have done nothing to his kingdom and left them in peace.”
“You have taken their sons and daughters and used them as servants and even slavery, and they have proof. You are wanted by the Queen and we will take you to face trial.” Sanji then proceeded to take Valentine upstairs and turned to Zoro and the sharpshooter who just came in after the first task they had completed. “Zoro, Usopp, make sure they don’t escape.”
“You don’t need to tell me what to do.”
Minutes had passed before Valentine woke up with a headache from the strike before staring back at the Prince whose smirk was unnerving her. It didn’t take long for her to reveal that she had tied up Bentham and hid him in one of the towers. Everything was falling apart with Crocodile and his family, losing his servants, the Billions, declaring war on the Chef Kingdom, and now facing trial at Kamabakka, they would not be able to recover even a fraction of what they had lost.
 The people of Peachy Island treated Bentham to travel health before the Prince asked him to come back to the Chef Kingdom with him and his crew. The Okama man hugged him tightly with tears flowing heavily, smearing whatever makeup he had. “I would love to return to you, my Prince. For years I have thought about you and the heartache of me having to leave you. Please forgive me for my unplanned exit.”
Prince Sanji just chuckled and returned the hug, much gentler. “I have almost given up if it weren’t for my crew, and I am glad they never let my hope die out. Bentham, you are amazing and beautiful, and I knew we were meant to be after that dance. You have passion for what you believe and what you love. I would like you to be my partner and live with me at the castle, and together when the time comes we rule as King and Queen of Cheff Kingdom.”
“Oh that reminds me,” Sanji said suddenly and pulled out the swan neck. “I believe this belongs to you. I was searching far and wide looking for the person who can fit this swan. Many have tried to claim over the years that it was theirs, but with my observant eyes, none of them would be a perfect fit.”
Bentham smiled with a pout. “Of course, it was designed for moi only, I am the only person who the swan will fit.”
Both laughed and sailed back to the Chef Kingdom, and King Zeff welcomed them back with open arms. The Prince has returned with his mate, Crocodile, and Baroque Works had fallen, and Crocodile will forever be in Impel Down, as his daughters faced community service with the Okamas of Kamabakka Queendom.
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zoeilina · 2 years ago
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Always love playing pretend.
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crocoroyalties07 · 2 years ago
❀𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒑 ❀❀
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The dollhouse becoming the flower shop.❀。• *₊°。 ❀☘
Just a flower shop whose exterior was inspired by: In Tatters Custom Dollhouse by this beautiful insta account: cinderellamoments
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weddingsutra · 6 years ago
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Sargam celebrated her Cinderella Moment in a peach tulle gown. Share your Fairytale Moment with us at [email protected] to get featured. Couple- @abhinav_aj & @sargam0511 Photo Courtesy- Vows & Tales #cinderella #fairytalemoment #weddinggoals #weddingsutra #weddingday #bridetobe #groomtobe #brideandgroom #love #weddingdiaries #indianwedding #weddinginspo #cinderellamoment https://www.instagram.com/p/B0KRDI_BE3g/?igshid=1eyz4tk7il7lc
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mermaidgirl1990 · 2 years ago
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I felt like ROYALTY at the Bridgerton Queen's Ball Experience last night! All of the dresses. Dancing. Decorations. The gentlemen in those top hats. The drinks... The wine that I had (yes, I'm holding it in the profile pic) last night was really good & sweet... I enjoyed it... I'm still so HAPPY that the prince/lord asked me to dance with him on the dance floor... Oh my my my... What a gentleman! WOW! I definitely had that Cinderella vibe/moment last night! YAAAAY! Now that I'm no longer all dolled up, yep... I'm back to being the commoner Cinderella now lol... I hope to experience the Queen's Ball next year!!! 💃🏻🕺🏻👑🤴🏻👸🏻🥂✨🌃 •𝗔𝗽𝗽𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗜 𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝗲𝗱𝗶𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗽𝗶𝗰 𝗶𝘀 𝗦𝗻𝗮𝗽𝘀𝗲𝗲𝗱 & 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗺𝗮• #NewFacebookProfilePic #Bridgerton #QueensBall #Experience #ADreamisaWishYourHeartMakes #CinderellaMoment https://www.instagram.com/p/ClezmgEPH2P4CogaLBc1LhM7TR1lG7OmDzEDJQ0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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whaelse · 4 years ago
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Cinderella Moment in Milan ✨ But who’s that girl who lost her shoes AND bag? 😏😂 // What creating content can also look like... // *Werbung, Nennung // #cinderellamoment #chanelbag #pinkshoes #pinkbag #mfw2020 #whaelseinmilan (at Milan, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF185i3lpQl/?igshid=zq79gckr919l
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snehaillustradentist · 7 years ago
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Monday blues anyone? This is how I would like to have my Monday blues!!!☺️ Have a great week ahead. This is what you make when the Sunday is spent watching #romedynow 😍 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #fashionworld #fashionartist #dreamydress #dreamyworld #cinderellamovie #cinderellamoment #princessfeels #princessdress #glitterglamour #sparkle #fairytale #fashionart #illustratorsindia #illustrationoftheday #disneystyle #digitalart #watercolorpainting #glitterlove #fashionillustration #fashionillustrator #indianfashionillustrator #instagood #watercolorillustration #instartist #mondayblues💙 #dreamy (at India)
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Those Cinderella feeling moments 💫 @jaimeemaddison @aschajolie @craigbraybrookcouture #dreams #creative #weddings #bridetobe #mlcp #melbournephotographer #cinderellamoment https://www.instagram.com/p/B_isboCjKLi/?igshid=s08n1lv7p8fg
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angieknowsthetruth · 5 years ago
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✨No matter how your heart is grieving.. If you keep on believing.. a dream that you wish will come true ✨ @luxereduxbridal will make any bride 👰 feel like a princess 👸🏼 Dress- @shopluxeredux Makeup- @janaybeauty #luxereduxbridal #janaybeauty . . . #cinderellamoment #bride #bridal #bridestory #bridezilla #angieknowsthetruth #cincinnatiinfluencers #cincinnatiblogger #cincinnati #readingoh #readingbridaldistrict #cincinnatibloggers #disneymom #disneymoments (at Luxe Redux Bridal) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4VYgSkheV_/?igshid=iejbt2gn7v68
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peterphanlabel · 8 years ago
Prince Charming. #cinderellamoment 👠 #peterphanlabel #fashiondaily #fashion #perfectweather #socal #aboutlastnight #bae #chic #beautyinsider #dayinthelife #modellife #designerlife #editoratlarge #entrepreneur #entertainment #hollywood #weho #beverlyhills #livethelife #sharethelove #shinebright #inspire #empowerment #bellasnow 💋
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tindomielthings · 3 years ago
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weddingsutra · 6 years ago
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Pause and take in this fairytale moment at @tajfalaknuma - a historic property exuding sheer opulence and regal splendor. Share your fairytale moment with us at [email protected]. Photo Courtesy- @plushaffairs #tajfalaknumapalace #tajhotels #prewedding #photoshoot #royal #weddingphotography #couplegoals #preweddingshoot #coupleportrait #weddingportrait #love #weddingsutra #tajweddingsutra #fairytale #cinderellamoment (at Taj Falaknuma Palace) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoMOk12DoY6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=uetvvh6csnl4
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shoetherapy247 · 6 years ago
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Wednesday afternoon #cinderellamoment #shoetherapy #shoeporn #shoesaddict #shoemania #shoehub #shoeinspo #miumiu https://www.instagram.com/p/BowaYAbgFnT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ggv18xdvr6kg
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totonieves · 8 years ago
#madeofstars #remix #hovistar #sagikariv #dj #amazing #music #Genius #energy #bravoo #💜 #forevertelaviv #sohappy #XXL #closingparty #easterweekend #2017 #barcelona #bcn #barna #spring @sagigoo #nuestra #canción #telavivsis @pablomttr #✡️ ... y en medio de un mar de gente te abriste paso para por 1 seg perdernos en los recuerdos de una semana donde nos hicimos #familia #monkeystyle #cinderellamoment #monumentoalch0..is #dizengoff #memories (at Razzmatazz)
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snehaillustradentist · 6 years ago
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So here is my final modern Disney princess poster😉. When I took the the Disney challenge.. I just made one. And then was tempted to make more. And it was so fun reimagining all. We all have loved Disney stories. Swipe right to see all of them. Also it would be great if you let me know which is your favourite in comments below. Thank you @meghnasillustration for tagging me. . . . . . . . . #fashionworld #fashionillustrator #fashionillustration #fashiondiaries #celebritystyle #fashionlove #fashionart #cinderellamoments #instafashion #disneyprincesses #artistsoninstagram #glamcouture #princessfeels #indianfashionillustrator #indianartists #artwork #indianbeautyillustrator #gigihadidfashion #zendaya #glitterglamour #dreamy #illustratorsindia #sundaydoneright #fashionchallenge #cinderella #cinderellaprincess #moderndisneyprincess #fairylike (at Nashik) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0L-B5tDWYx/?igshid=1htkc66190e74
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envisionmediadmv · 2 years ago
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Why was Cinderella so hopeful about her photos? 📸 She knew her prints would come one day! 😂 Sharing a little humor to brighten your day! #photographyjokes #cinderellamoments #laughingoutloud #jokes #humor #funny
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