#cinder khan au
faunusrights · 14 days
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if you thought this au would be nothing but cinder having a great time being sienna's adopted kid, DO NOT WORRY. she actually has a horrible time :)
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howi99 · 5 months
A Qrow's Nest prologue 4
Cinder: *testing her bed* Woah, it's a lot more comfy than the sofa!
Glynda: *looking murderously at Qrow* She sleeps where!?
Qrow: *shruging* What? She can't use my chamber, the room is inappropriate for children. You know, weapon and all?
Glynda: *sigh* Qrow, i would have thought you'd have at least got her a mattress. At least something better than just a couch!
Cinder: I don't mind really. Beat sleeping on the ground by a long mile. He even gave me sheets so i wouldn't be cold!
Glynda: *hugging Cinder* Oh poor sweet child!
Cinder: *looking perplexed at Qrow*
Qrow: *shrugging* I did say she was a teddy bear. You should see her with Pup- *get smacked in the face by a floating pillow* mhfm!
Glynda: Qrow, i will kick your ass if you say anything else.
Cinder: ... What a weird couple.
Glynda and Qrow: We are not!
Security gard: Paper please.
Qrow: I'm the huntsman sent by the company *show his false identity*
Security gard: *gruf* Brow Brandon? Weird name. But the papers are in order, you can enter the perimeter. *Open the gates, letting Qrow enter*
Qrow: *whispering* Brow Brandon? Really Ozpin? *Looking around to see where he needs to go*
Security gard: *seeing the lost Qrow* You are needed at the camp, fucking beast are disturbing the peace.
Qrow: *rolling his eyes* Faunus aren't animal.
Security gard: *shrugs* If you say so. *Return to his post*
Cinder: Say, Glynda, Why did you have to come with us?
Glynda: You mean outside of looking after you?
Cinder: Y-yeah. I know i'm young but i can be by myself without problems.
Glynda: To be frank? I needed a break from the job. You wouldn't believe how much of a pain Ozpin is.
Cinder: He looks like a nice man though?
Glynda: Oh, to be nice, he is. But he's lazy in his bureaucratic work.
Cinder: Bureauwhat?
Glynda: He's bad with paperwork. And i'm the one who has to clean after him. Not literally, or i probably would have killed him.
Cinder: You are joking right? Isn't he the headmaster? Doesn't that mean he's super bright?
Glynda: Oh he is. When he needs to be.
Cinder: hm.
Glynda: ... Anyway, wanna go to the market? You don't have a lot of clothes, right? Can't let you use used clothes.
Cinder: Yeah!
Qrow: *looking at the worker camp* hm, the adult must be working at this hour, i almost see no one... *Sees a teenager looking after a bunch of kids* Hey kid! *She looks at him* Could you give me a round me down on what's going on?
Teen: *spit on the ground* No fang, i have nothing to say to the one exploiting us.
Qrow: Woah woah! I ain't a son of a bitch from Atlas. I've been sent by the headmasters to see why there was a peak in grimm activity at this camp in particular. *Sigh* Though with how the guard was acting, i don't really have to search a lot now do i?
Teen: *pointing at the mine* No, the problem comes from the mines. Almost no security, the pay is low and...
Qrow: And what?
Teen: *point at herself and all the kids* Why do you think we are covered in dust and dirt? It ain't from playing. *Sigh* Our parents died in Dust accident, so we have to work to get out of here.
Teen: Shhhh! Not too loud you idiot! *Looking around to see if anyone heard him* I'm guessing you aren't from the company if that's your reaction. At least that show you didn't lie to me before.
Qrow: *Massaging his temple* From one child abuse to another. Just my luck. And no wonder the spike in Grimm activity if child labor is used. Fuck.
Teen: *shrug* In my opinion, if my misfortune can bring devastation to the guards, i don't mind that much. *Looking at the kids playing* It's them i don't want to see suffer. *Shaking her head* one of the kid is trying his hardest to get enough for everyone to leave, but he's so young.... *Tearing up*
Qrow: ... What's your name kid?
Teen: M-my name? Sienna...
Qrow: *giving her a thumbs up* I'll help you get the kids out. *Smirking* I know a gal.
Sienna: *looking at the mine* The kid i was talking about, i don't know his name, he doesn't talk much, but he's still working at the mine. I can't let him here alone.
Qrow: ... Do you know when everyone will be accounted for?
Sienna: *acquiescing* In 4 days. The entire mine is shut down for the weekend.
Qrow: Do you think y'all can old on for the next 4 days?
Sienna: Y-yeah. We can ask for a week worth of unpaid leave, but we do have enough to be alright.
Qrow: Ok, perfect. I'll save you all, ipromise.
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riku-izanami · 2 years
Smite au
OK, here web go
También RWBY
Ruby: Mercury becouse of her semblance and becouse in game Mercury have speed abilities.
Weiss: Merlín becouse the mage could teach her how to use and control her glyphs.
Blake: Bastet becouse she and the godess are cats and can bond over cats things.
Yang: Bellona becouse she is the godess of war and I picture her and Yang having the same desair of a good fight.
Jaune: King Arthur becouse both of them are héroes of their history.
Nora: Thor, lightning semblance and lightning god.
Pyrra:I Know you chose Athena for her but I think Achiles is better pick (Pyrra represent Achiles in RWBY).
Ren: Ganesha, I picture them meditating and helping others Witherspoon their powers (Ganesha isnthe god of success).
If you are going to add the others teams an villains i am going to send you a part 2.
I like it so far. However i will say for merlin, arthur, & Achilles aren't technically deities, but mortal chanpions held in high regards. Essentially, they'd be resurrected to help train, teacher, & motivate the beacon crew.
Oddly enough, for ruby i was gonna do neith cause they both seem liked they be very hyperactive together. But mercury works better
Weiss i haven't though of one yet. But looking at the mage Roster, its gonna be between
Eset , goddess of magic (still a high chance)
Persephone, queen of the underworld
Blake & yang are fine. Already had those two goddess set for them.
Jaune....i choose hades, no idea why. But he might get horus, or i may keep hades as his guardian. If i do keep hades for jaune, i have a fun scene which he & cardin get into. That and his family having wholesome moments with cerberus
Nora was gonna be possessed by, freya queen of valkyries, and thor goes to taiyang.
Pyrrha was the interesting one. Cause in the AU, athena & bellona wanted to possess Pyrrha, but we beaten to it by amaterasu due to her kinda and some what pure nature. Leading her to be the mother figure of there troop.
Ganesha works for ren. I was gonna choose hou yi.
As for the other teams and villians here's the pitch.
Sun= sun wukong (for obvious reasons)
Sage= sobek maybe
Scarlet= work in progress
Neptune= poseidon. Namely cause poseidon forces Neptune in water alot, constantly reminds of his namesake
Coco = serqet. They both have a tendency to love fashion.
Fox: maybe tsukuyomi. Still open to change
Yatsuhashi = guan yy
Velvet = Chang'e obvious reasons
Cardin = zeus, namely because zeus loikes looking powerful, and cardin offers that (note cardin won't be a complete douche, but still kinda a douche)
Russel = maybe loki or not in this
Dove = wip or not gonna be featured
Sky = wip or not gonna be featured
Cinder = originally gonna be hel, but will change to sol or izanami
Emerald = maybe awilix or da ji, for her illusions
Mercury = chernobog
Neo= was gonna be izanami, but probably change to hel
Adam= susano, obvious reasons
Ilia = wip
Qrow = thanatos
Taiyand = thor previously mentioned
Goodwitch = possibly anthena since she's a teacher. Or Nox or hera. Still subject to change
Port= odin for his love of the hunt
Oobleck=thoth obvious reasons
Ironwood = vulcan or tyr
Ozpin= Kronos, obvious reasons
Hazel= maybe atlas, cabrakan, or ravana. Subject to change
Watts = wip
Tyrian =bakasura. For reasons to be explained
Salem = the morrigan
Other characters are available from the rwby verse, but haven't put much thought into them honestly. So and suggestions work adrian is getting the powers of cupid. I will not argue this, for now
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hopefadesbutnotdies · 2 years
Huh, just realized I haven't really done proper role swap au on here yet. Well no time like the present!
Ruby is Yangs older sister and while still not GREAT socially, due to being a bit older and thus not so out of place in Beacon she's not the nervous mess she was in canon.
Speaking of Yang, she's now (obviously) the younger prodigy sister. Summer still disappeared and Raven still left exept the order is reversed. The events of Yellow trailer happened similarly exept Torchwick gets involved while getting his men leading to him making the same hasty escape as in canon but in a different part of the city. This leads to her impressing and earning a place at Beacon from headmistress Cinder Fall and professor Callows.
Weiss is a snow Leopard faunus with a tail she hides as a fuzzy belt. The white fang was a organization founded by her grandfather that Jaques took over and turned into the extremists group it is today.
Blake is the human heiress to the Belladonna corporation. By law she is still listed as heiress despite her father being deposed from his position at the head in all but official terms, with the company being truly controlled by executive Sienna Khan with company latter climber Adam attempting to coarse Blake into Marriage.
I'll admit this is kinda half assd but still.
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rocknroll7575 · 5 months
Guardian Ghost AU: Beacon & Villains
Beacon's Staff:
Glynda Goodwitch - Headmistress
Summer Rose - Vice-Headmistress & Combat Instructor of 1st and 2nd year students (Fall Maiden)
Qrow Branwen - Grimm studies, Over-seer of Team PAYS, and Head of the Branwen Clan
Dr. Bart Oobleck - History & Over-seer of Team ARCZ
Jessie Peach - Head Nurse
Gretchen Rainart - Dust Studies
Cinder Briar - "Resercher"
Notable 1st year Teams:
Notable 2nd year teams:
Villains (Main):
C.C/Merlot "Lich King"
Arthur Watts
Vermillion Raddock
Tyrian Callows
Roman Torchwick
Raven Branwen (Spring Maiden)
Melanie Malachite
Militades Malachite
Mercury Black - Hitman
Emerald Sustrai - Theif/"Magician"
Nora Valkyrie - Queen of the Valkyrie Bandits
Lie Ren - Head of Spider
Blake Belladonna-Khan - leader of The White-Fang
Adam Taurus - Head of the WF's Vale Branch
Vernal Branwen - Heir to the Branwen Clan
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howlingday · 9 months
RWBY Pokémon AU
#1 Ruby Rose and Crescent Rose
#2 Weiss Schnee and Myrtenaster
#3 Blake Belladonna and Gambol's Shroud
#4 Yang Xiao Long and Ember & Celica
#5 Jaune Arc and Crocea Mors
#6 Nora Valkyrie and Magnhild
#7 Pyrrha Nikos and Miló & Akóuo
#8 Lie Ren and Storm Flower
#9 Coco Adel and Gianduja
#10 Fox Alistair and Retribution
#11 Velvet Scarlatina and Anesidora
#12 Yatsuhashi Daichi and Fulcrum
#13 Ozpin and The Longest Memory
#14 Glynda Goodwitch and Disciplinarian
#15 Bartholomew Oobleck and Antiquity's Roast
#16 Peter Port and Blowhard
#17 Arthur Watts and Rotom
#18 Hazel Rainart and Bobo
#19 Cinder Fall and Midnight
#20 Tyrian Callows and Queen's Servants
#21 Cardin Winchester and The Executioner
#22 Russel Thrush and Shortwings
#23 Dove Bronzewing and Hallshott
#24 Sky Lark and Feather's Edge
#25 Roman Torchwick and Melodic Cudgel
#26 Neopolitan and Hush
#27 Emerald Sustrai and Thief's Respite
#28 Mercury Black and Talaria
#29 Adam Taurus and Wilt & Blush
#30 Sienna Khan and Cerberus' Whip
#31 Ilia Amitola and Lightning Lash
#32 Banesaw and Chainsaw
#33 James Ironwood and Due Process
#34 Winter Schnee and Glaceon
#35 Clover Ebi and Kingfisher
#36 Penny Poledina and Data Array
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as-nodt-ghostwriter · 4 months
This blog is dedicated to RWBY and occasionally anime like Naruto or Fairy Tail.
Open to writing all kinds sfw related request. nsfw or taboo works can be written only when characters are adults or young adults (college age/at least 18 etc.)
So here’s a list
Accepted ✅
Male or gender neutral reader only
M/F, M/M, GN/F, GN/M
Character x Reader Only. Polyships w/reader are ok
sfw (fluff head canons, oneshots or drabble) — awkward situations, cute crushes, hijinks, cuddling and hugging, cute dating, kisses, flirting, marriage and domestication
nsfw (headcannons, oneshots, or drabble) — missionary, doggy style, oral sex, boobjobs, creampie, one night stands, bedroom eyes, dirty talk, sexting, wet dreams, porn without plot
dark fantasies — daddy/mommy kink, praise kink, cam girl au, dirty roleplaying
drinking/smoking/drug use
yandere trope™️ (obsessive love, stalking and kidnapping)
Denied ❌
Not familiar with alpha/omega
No character x character shipping requests
No female reader requests.
No gun play
No fetish play (feet, body fluids, blood, bdsm)
No dubcon or rape
No incest or stepcest
Characters I can write —
Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Team CYVF, Penny, Ciel Soleli, Cinder Falls, Emerald Sustrai, Neopolitan, Sienna Khan, Winter Schnee, Glynda Goodwitch
Team SSSN, Mercury Black, Roman Torchwick, Adam Taurus, James Ironwood, Qrow Braunwen
Grey Fullbuster, Laxus Dreyar, Sting Eucliffe, Rouge Cheney, Leo, Totomaru, MacBeth
Lucy Heartfila, Erza Scarlet, Juvia Lockster, Lisanna Strauss, Marianna Strauss, Cana Alberona, Yukino Agria, Minerva, Kagura Mikazuchi, Virgo, Aquarius, Capricorn, Libra, Sorano Agria, Meredy, Flare Corona
Rock Lee, Kakashi Hatake, Gaara, Kankuro, Hidan, Utakata
Tenten, Konan, Hanabi Hyuga, Fuu, Mei Terumi, Anko
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sadistic-yang · 1 year
Trophy wife AU
The villains have won, and have decided to each take a trophy wife
Neo Politan: Kali Belladonna
Emerald Sustrai: Weiss Schnee, Pyrrha Nikos
Ilia Amitola:
Sienna Khan:
Cinder Fall: Glynda Goodwitch
Salem: Summer Rose
Raven Branwen:
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bridgyrose · 4 years
More of the post-apocalyptic au please. You left me so curious as to where it could go
Yang groaned as cold water was splashed all over her to wake her up. “I’m up, I’m up.” She rolled off the “bed” she was provided, although it did seem more like a cot, and not a comfortable one at that. 
Adam glared at her. “You’re late for your duties. I figured you’d be more… grateful to the High Leader for sparing you like she did. If it was me, I’d have you killed on the spot.” 
Yang slowly got up, her eyes still not having adjusted to the low light. “I’m… working on that. I’m used to having the sun tell me when to get up. It’s harder down here when your only light source is a candle or a torch.” 
Adam rolled his eyes and walked out of Yang’s room. “Get dressed and meet up with the High Leader in her room. You still have your job to do.” 
Yang sighed and fumbled around for the clothes she was provided. She had to admit, the tunic and pants werent all that bad to wear. She sighed and touched her collar and cuffs, wincing as a sudden jolt came from the outside of the bands. It had only been 24 hours wearing them and she already hated them. 
Once dressed, she made her way to the High Leader, hoping for an easier day than before. She had trouble keeping track of how long she’d been down here, but she knew it had been at least a couple of days. She knelt down in front of Blake, sighing. “I’m… sorry I’m late.” 
Blake turned to her and motioned for her to stand. “It’s fine. For a surface dweller, you’re already doing better than I could’ve hoped. Although, today is going to be a bit easier on you. I would like for you to assist Ilia today. She’s going to be leading a hunting party near the surface.” 
Yang hesitated for a moment. “A-are you sure I should go with her? She hates me-” 
“She doesnt hate you. And as my servant, I expect you to do as I ask. Am I clear?” 
Yang sighed. “Y-yes Ma’am.”
“Good.” Blake walked over to Yang and pulled out a key to undo the cuffs. “This should make things a bit easier on you.” 
Once the cuffs were off, Yang rubbed her wrists. “You’re… just taking them off?” 
“Of course I am. It’ll make hunting slightly easier for you.” She smirked and started walking off. “And besides, if you try to run, Ilia has orders to kill you.” 
“Of course she does….” 
Blake grabbed her mask and put it back on. “You should be glad that we’re allowing you to live among us for now. Normally, we kill humans on sight.” 
Yang paused for a moment before speaking again, her voice shaking. “Then… why let me be here?” 
“For one, you intrigue me.” Blake turned to face the blonde, amber eyes seeming to glow with the mask. “And you did say you didnt mean us any harm. So, I figure we could try this as a sort of… experiment.” 
Blake nodded and started leaving the room. “Follow me and I’ll take you to Ilia.” 
“W-wait, now hold on. What do you mean by an experiment?” Yang quickly caught up to Blake, trailing a bit behind her like she was taught to do. “What exactly is there to experiment with?” 
“You’ll see when the time is right. But for now, Ilia is waiting for you.” 
Yang sighed and slowly made her way to Ilia, regretting everything was going to happen.
Blake slowly retreated into a chamber farther down into the caves, sitting down with her council. She looked over to an older woman. “Sienna, how’s the food stores looking for us?” 
“I’ve been working with a few of our members to make an area for us to grow our own food and to keep some sort of livestock if we can catch any from the surface. Although, we might be better off making our way back up there.” Sienna sighed. “We may need to consider finding another place to stay.” 
“That is unacceptable!” Adam growled and slammed his fist down on the ground. “If we cant survive here then we need to take the surface from the humans. We know where their tribe’s at, and we outnumber them. We can move in and wipe them all out with ease and take everything they own!” 
“And what if we cant? We dont know what they have up there! For all we know, they could have power far beyond what we do!” Sienna stood up and pulled out her whip. “We have no way to know what to expect up there! If the servant’s words are true, humans are a fierce race that uses anything they can get their hands on. Who knows what else they are capable of.” 
“And that’s exactly why I suggest we send out our scouts and then attack them when it’s dark. We know they have issues seeing without the sun and we can use that to our advantage. And from what the human said, they have no idea we live down here. It’s the perfect advantage-” 
“Enough.” Blake stepped between the two, sword drawn and pointed at Adam. “We are not attacking the humans. Our tribe made a pact with them a long time ago. And we’ll honor that pact and keep to ourselves. As long as they assume we dont exist, then we can live in peace.” 
“Then why didnt you just slay those humans like every other High Leader had? If you wanted us to stay hidden, then why let one of them leave? She’s more than likely told everyone about us! They’ll come for us and do whatever it takes to save their lost human! If we dont strike now-” 
“We are leaving them alone.” Blake put her blade away and sat down. “We leave them alone, and we go on our way. Besides, they arent a threat to us right now. From what my servant tells me, they’re tribe is small and scavenges the land for what they need. The one I let go, the one she calls her sister, wont be coming back for her.” 
Adam took a step forward. “How can you be sure?” 
“Ilia made it clear on what would happen if she tried to come back to cause us any harm.”
“Still, you’re a mockery to all of us for allowing one human to stay here!” 
“I’m using her as an experiment of sorts.” 
Sienna looked at Blake, confusion in her eyes. “An experiment? What kind of experiment could you be doing with her?” 
Blake smirked under her mask. “To see how easily we can make a human into a faunus.” 
Adam glared at her, offended at the suggestion. “You would want to sully us by making humans into faunus?!” 
“If it works, we can offer the humans a choice when we move to the surface. They can join us or leave us alone.” 
“This is a mockery of our tribe!” 
“This is my decision.” 
Adam stormed out, heading back into his own quarters. He shut his door and put out his torch, sitting down and staring into the darkness. “The High Leader has lost her way.” 
A set of glowing amber eyes appeared in the darkness, flaming as they stared back at Adam. “Then it’s time for you to claim the title as High Leader.”
“There are few faunus that are loyal to me. I will not be able to do it alone.” 
“And you wont be.” The darkness twisted itself, forming into a young woman. She smiled and lit a flame in her hand. “I’ll be the sword that helps you take what is rightfully yours.” 
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A Discussion
“I have to wonder, Jaune,” Yang said, rebalancing her child in her arms for the fifth time, “how did you manage to fall in love with Cinder after all she had done?”
Jaune sighed, a little used to the question, but never at all so much that he had memorized the way he answered word for word, and took a moment to think about it. He set down his drink on the coffee table, across from the woman sitting in front of him and thought how to best convey it to her. “She’s blunt”, he reasoned, “this should be easy”.
“To be honest?” and she nodded when he paused, “she's hot.”
Yang’s face went deadpan. “No.”
“That can’t be it.”
Jaune blinked, a little taken aback, before reforming his opinion. “Perhaps that’s just not the case anymore,” he thought. “Alright, then,” he began, “as you well know, when they took me in for that final time and twisted me using Grimmification, I was programmed to follow under her unquestioningly,” and she nodded. “Well, during that time, one might imagine that with her strikingly bad personality, she would have used me as her personal punching bag to vent her frustrations - but, in reality, I was more of a soundboard than anything.”
Yang tilted her head questioningly while readjusting the child in her arms a sixth time.
“She used to vent to me her frustrations through word of mouth and tell me her insecurities,” he continued. “She would tell me her fears of what’s become of Emerald under her leadership and how she had wound up in this situation under Salem.” He picked up his drink and took a sip briefly before setting it down again. “She was just a mid-20s woman who had everything stolen from underneath her at a young age and was promised a better life if she worked for a very specific person. She’d only recently realized that the people who were said to be at fault for the misfortune of her home were having issues preventing them to begin with - and she had doubts, to be sure.”
“So her sob story was enough to justify the killing of your former flame?”
It’d been oh so blunt, just like classic Yang, but even then, it was so blunt it hurt far more than it did from other people. Both from the people who said it differently and the tone. Yang had been a bit of a crutch when Jaune regained his sense of mind and left Cinder behind to Salem, bereft of most of his memories under service to the evils that be of this world until they returned to him but most of his friends were wary and untrusting of him. It hurt that they didn’t trust him, but Yang did. And it hurt more hearing that question from Yang.
“No, never,” he said, “and she’s never lived it down - not that I’m holding it over her head or using it as a point of contention. No, when I see her, I feel that pain in my chest - it’s just overshadowed by the love of the woman who showed me that the world isn’t so white and black - the same woman who showed that your mother, the leader of the former White Fang, and Blake’s former partner and teacher could be redeemed and fight to live.”
Yang nodded, gears turning in her head, and she gave him the look of someone who approved of his decision.
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pxrifiedmxniac · 4 years
tag dump... (part 2)
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faunusrights · 4 months
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"I remember when you used to be so small I could carry you around." "Well, I remember when you were so big you used to be able to beat me in a fight." "I totally still can." "Totally can not."
they're sisters and they love each other
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fangirlingpuggle · 6 years
Random RWBY Roleswap scenes- warning angst
Hi so here are some random scenes from the roleswap AU some notes at the end, warning these are all angst filled
Oscar sprang up the tower jumping between the blades Penny had landed in the tower for him, his long green coat and hood flying behind him as he ran up hand clenched white knuckled around his spear. He had to get there Cinder was fighting, when Emerald had called she’d sounded terrified near hysterical and…heartbroken, something bad was happening and he had to get up there he had to, he was so close just a little bit more.
He launched himself up using a burst of speed from his semblance to make it to the top landing down spear ready to… was ready to.
  He felt the spear slip from his numb fingers as he watched.
Cinder was on her knees eyes wide and a spear of coal and fire impaled through her chest her eyes wide and her bow shattered and broken by her side Phyrra stood in front of her smiling with a hand on her cheek as…she faded away Cinders body glowed and fell to the ground like ashes.
Oscar stared the image in front of him not processing in his mind right away not believing it not understanding it…until he did
And he screamed
He heard other cries and his vision faded to white his head burned, his eyes burned everything was burning and bright.
And then everything was black.
  Mercury manoeuvred into the kitchen with a curse his hair falling over his face he’d brush it way but both his arms were wrapped tightly around his crutches…he closed his eyes and tried not to think about it don’t think about it he leaned against the counter top looking out the window trying not to think about the phantom pain and unbalanced weight and
A shadow flickered past the window
Shadows, so fast Belladonna had, to fast to fast she’d been there no it had been a clone an illusion shadow and then pain blood screams his scream Adam’s scream and painpainpianpain to much so much blood he could still smell it he could taste it he could hear Adam sobs and whispers “I’m sorry I’m sorry” again and again and he could feel the Blade as the shadow had.
Mercury didn’t realise he’s fallen to the floor until he was looking up into uncle Hazel’s face his uncle’s eyes were soft and he was talking but Mercury couldn’t hear he was still trying to breath and everything was wet and oh…he was crying.
Why was he so weak?why?why? why couldn’t do anything?
…was that why everyone left?
His dad left him when he was born maybe he could he tell even then, his mum probably did the same he knew nothing about her well other than that she clearly didn’t want him, Auntie Gretchen the closet thing he had ever actually had to mum was dead and buried and gone, Uncle Tyrian wasn’t here he was watching over Oscar apparently…because even Oscar had left his baby brother, even though they shared no blood and Oscar was luckily to not have his useless  stupid blood in his veins, his baby brother  was gone, Penny was gone back in Atlas though he knew it wasn’t of her own will but still she like Auntie were gone and Adam…Adam.
Adam his partner, his friend the person who knew more about his father than anyone else because Mercury had told him…he never even told Oscar, they were partners , he’d seen the scar Adam ha told him about the white fang and the past they trusted each other so why? Why? He’d been there he’d dragged him away from Belladonna he remembers and remembers him apologising but…then he’d left why? Why him? why did he leave? Why?
“it’s not you Mercury” he heard uncle Hazel say firmly he was hugging him and oh…had he been talking out loud “it is not you” he repeated firmly he sounded so sure so convinced it wasn’t him
For a short moment Mercury let himself try and believe that.
  Penny stood awkwardly outside the door of her father’s office curled into herself, she hated being here so much, she missed her team, she missed everything that wasn’t this cage of a house.
She heard loud voices and the door opened revealing Doctor Watts who was glaring at her father his expression soften when he saw her “ Miss Polendina”
“Doctor” she nodded walking in to the room hesitantly as the doctor left she looked down at her hands looking up when she heard him begin talking again
“I would like to let you know that Atlas academy has a spot open foe you if you so choose” he said before letting himself smile “and even if you choose not to attend you are always welcome to visit both the academy and the science institute I believe Vernal would be happy to see you”
For the first time since she had been dragged back here Penny felt like smiling
“NO!” a sharp voice cut through her response she turned to see her father’s voice contorted in pure anger “My daughter will not be attending your academy, she will not be indulging in anymore of this huntress nonsense she has learnt her lesson and she will not be interacting with any of your sorrowful excuse of scientists” Watts looked ready to scream at her father pure outrage on his face “ now I believe you know the way out good day doctor” he said with a fake smile on his face as he slammed the door in his face before turning on his heel and walking to his desk
Penny wanted to argue and scream, ‘you’re so much stronger than you think you are’ her team had said that she was strong she was not going to let this happen she
“Honestly the nerve of that man you almost died!” her father began “you understand the risks now you can understand what I’m doing can’t you Penny?” he looked at her and Penny flinched back, it wasn’t a question he wanted her to answer Penny knew this it was so familiar “your my daughter my only child you are the most important thing in the world to me and he wants me to throw you into another huntress school. It could end up like Beacon they clearly aren’t prepared they can’t protect you and I need to know tour safe Penny you understand that don’t you?” she looked down at her feet “and having you interact with his pawns it’ll put you in danger again he wants you at the academy and he’ll manipulate you use his pawns to do it because you’re so important penny your my heir my only daughter  he knows that I’d bend the Polendina company he wants you there for that nothing more, I’m doing this for your own good Penny I’m not the bad guy here Penny your my daughter and I love you  this is what needs to happen for you to be safe” she fought back tears “you understand that don’t you Penny?” the tone indicated this was where she should answer
Penny blinked back tears ‘I’m sorry guys’ she thought ‘I’m not strong’
“yes father”
  “WOW! That’s where your mom lives?” Adam glanced back at Illia who was staring at everything in awe flashing multiple exited colours and he rolled his eyes  awkwardly fiddling with his eye patch and stopping as he remembered his bandana was gone now, he’d gotten so used to it.
“you look good without it” Illia said with a smile he glanced back at her  she smiled warmly at him and he weakly smiled back, he was less awkward after the conversation they had on the ship
(“you don’t…you don’t like me right I mean that’s not why you followed me right?” he asked awkwardly and Illia had started at him blankly before losing it in hysterical laughter “no no way oh don’t worry you are in no way my type…besides I think I have good idea of what you type and it seems a lot more sliv” “THIS CONVERSATION IS OVER!”)
Adam’s smile dropped as he saw the sly smile spread over her face and his eye narrowed “if you make the joke I think you’re going to make I swear to dust” he heard her burst out laughing behind him as he marched on up the stairs trying to ignore the fear churning in his gut but her tried to push it back no more running, no more, he wasn’t running again.
He ignores the part of his mind that screams that he is running, he’s running from Blake still running and hiding, he also ignores the part that pints out that he’s running from Mercury.
He flinches and tries to shove those thoughts away, he tries to shove away the thoughts of grey eyes silver hair a big smirk, of a dance and laughing confessions in an empty classroom the two them hanging back as Penny and Oscar excitedly run ahead… the blood and scream and a leg and ‘I will destroy everything you love…starting with him’
When he looks up he’s at the door and the knot in his stomach get’s tighter and the lump in his throat thicker, his arms are shaking, he can’t lift a hand to knock he can’t do anything…he wants to run, he wants to leave he can’t do this he left and she’ll hate him (he left and Mercury will hate him to) he can’t do this he can’t he.
“hey” a soft hand of his shoulder almost makes hi  bolt but he glances down to see Illia smile though her eyes are worried “…you ok?”
Adam doesn’t even begin to try and explain the torrent of thoughts in his head he can only chock out the simple “ I…I haven’t …not since I left with the Belladonna’s I never…I didn’t call or write she…she won’t want to see me she won’t I should”
“breath” Illia remind him softly and just stood there hand on his back while he breathed and tried not to think or remember or anything but breath
He had to do this, he had to…even if she hated him…at least now she’d know he wasn’t dead.
He made himself knock on the door before he could change his mind.
As soon as he’d knocked he felt the overwhelming urge to run to get away but.
The door was open Sienna stood there
Her eyes wide “A…Adam” she whispered staring at him with wide disbelieving eyes.
Swallowing thickly he nodded “hi mom” he choked out he tried to force out more words to apologise to say something to explain to try to explain to
The next thing he knew her arms were wrapped around him and she was hugging him close he shook weakly and then broke sobbing into her shoulder as soon as her heard her say “welcome home”
Sorry for the angst, here's some quick notes
Oscars weapon is a cross between a spear and a rifle (the spear can disconnect like Kyoko’s from Madoka Magica) it also kind of resembles a scorpion tail.
Penny’s father uses far more emotional manipulation (think mother Gothel)
Adam was adopted by Sienna as a young child after the indicate that caused his injury
If anyone wants to know more on this roleswap let me know
Thanks for reading =)
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hasbrobear · 6 years
Transformers RWBY AU 2
Ruby aims Crescent rose at Cinders face.
Ruby:Get out of the way!
Cinder is Shot through a stone wall by Ruby as she ran to fight Sienna khan. Half her face is missing and bloody and her left arm is gone.
Ruby then kills Sienna Kahn and lets her fall as Cinder saw her old mentor die. Emerald comes behind her.
Emerald:Not to call you a coward Mistress but sometimes, Cowards do survive.
Cinder:This isn’t over Rose.
They both leave with Emerald using her illusion to hide themselves.
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tootherteeth · 7 years
Tumblr media
CRME for the figure skating AU, since it’s been a while and I recently got an anon request for CRME and WTCH (which I’ll do next, including a Cinder who’s closer to post-timeskip Cinder).
It’s weird drawing Roman with his eye uncovered but I felt like he’d probably at least pin it back to skate so it’s not in his face?? Still weird though
Also: Merc still has his prosthetics in this universe, that isn’t something that’s changed. He still skates cause he was pretty young when he lost his legs; the reason I had Ironwood retire after getting his prosthetics in this AU was because he was close to the general retiring age for figure skaters anyway and figured that was as good a time as any to end his career and move to teaching. Mercury powered through it, because he’s Mercury.
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rocknroll7575 · 1 year
RWBYxMK!AU Vol.1 Roster
This AU is called "RWBY: Kombat" and suppose to be combined with MK9, but that doesn't mean events are the same as MK9 and also the characters who stand in for MK characters don't have the same origin as the MK characters
If they have an NPC by their name then technically they aren't gonna have a Chapter for them but will still be present in the story.
4 Kingdoms (Earthrealm):
Sun = Liu Kang
Yang = Kung Lao
Ozpin = Raiden
Jaune = Johnny
Ciel = Sonya
Nora = Jax
Ren = Nightwolf
Pyrrha = Kenshi (NPC)
Nadir = Kabal
Reese = Stryker
Yang was originally gonna be Johnny Cage's stand in but I decided against it because I wanted to add Ruby as the Kung Jin stand in later in a possible sequel
Branwen Clan. (Lin Kuei):
Vernal = Bi-Han/Noob Saibot (NPC)
Bolin = Kuai Liang
Mercury = Smoke
Scarlet = Sektor (NPC)
Roy = Cyrax
The Atlan Clan (Shirai Ryu):
Arslan = Hanzo/Scorpion
Grimmlands/Atlas (Outworld):
Salem = Shao Khan (NPC)
Willow = Sindel (NPC)
Watts = Shang Tsung (NPC)
Elm = Sheeva (NPC)
The Hound = Motoro (NPC)
Adam = Rain (NPC)
Roman = Kano (NPC)
Weiss = Kitana
Emerald = Jade
Cinder = Skarlet (NPC)
Bleiss = Mileena (NPC)
Penny = Ermac (NPC)
Tock = Baraka (NPC)
Ilia = Reptile (NPC)
Tyrian = Goro (NPC)
Ever-After (Netherrealm):
C.C = Quan Chi (NPC)
Dark Brother = Shinnok (NPC)
Agent Washington
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