#cinder chats
hottestthingalive · 1 month
Do want to make a public post about this: I have gotten a LOT of asks and DMs the past couple months about various campaigns for both Palestinians and others in need, and I don’t mind that—if there’s any way I can help folks out, I want to. However, I will warn anyone who is thinking about DMing me that I rarely post these immediately, if at all: I do not have notifications for tumblr turned on, meaning I rarely see the asks I’m getting in real time, so before I post a fundraiser I have to do further research and reach out to people involved to make sure it’s both verified and still actively operating. This is often difficult to do on a quick basis as I am also a very busy person (as a full-time student and employee), so please keep that in mind before reaching out to me, and please do not spam me. Thank you, and have a lovely day <3
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nyaskitten · 6 months
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This is @tm59's fault by the way.
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freeusemuses · 4 days
Ruby: You mean your failure at killing me? Or just in general?
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dragon-razor-writings · 3 months
Cinder, decked out in a new custom outfit: "If I'm gonna be doing raids, I'm gonna look hot while doing it."
Blake: "Weren't you the one who came to the irl meet dressed in a ratted out hoodie-"
Cinder: "SHUT."
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magic-glasses · 6 months
Chat I love rarepairs with a passion and y’all gotta hear me out on this
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semishid · 1 month
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cinderflower · 6 months
(I don't like using anon, but meh, I don't want to risk it) Your malmiq stuff is fantastic. Keep cooking the good stuff.
Ty anon! Rest assured as someone who somehow continues stumbling into rare pair hell I'm very used to making my own food and will continue to cook 🫡
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itstimeforstarwars · 4 months
Hurt my hand. Agony to hold anything. Not sure what I did even. Fuckin Monday.
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mechanisedcinders · 1 year
The Queen of Hearts apparently made a blog.
Oh are you fucking serious
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hottestthingalive · 11 months
shout out to the very pretty individual I keep running into at the most wild locations imaginable who recognizes me immediately but can never remember exactly where from, makes intense eye contact with me, laughs at my jokes, and then vanishes into the mist. in related news I’m looking for advice on modern courting
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Yan Batfam x Vigilante Reader
Okay, this one is a bit more simpler than the cult one!
Reader is a vigilante in anywhere but America (haven't figured out the country yet) and ends up going to Gotham for a mission.
The mission is simple: take down Darlene Cinder (a nemesis of yours) and stop her evil plan.
Batfam get involved due to it being "their territory"
I believe Oracle would be the first to notice Reader through the security cameras around the city and would then inform the others.
It would be Dick and Batman who confront the reader. This is because Dick is less likely to set off a fight or flight response - he's too friendly.
Reader explains why they're in Gotham and how it's only for a short while and that they won't interfere with anything else.
Batman allows Reader to do their mission so long as they leave straight after. Batman, being Batman, does a deep dive on Reader with Tim so they already know Reader's secret identity and whatnot in case anything goes south.
Now, I don't fully know who it'll be but for now I'll just say Damian.
Damian has gotten separated from the family and is hiding from paparazzi and fans when he stumbles across Reader.
Reader, being a civilian, immediately fangirls over getting to meet him (fake enthusiasm, I strongly believe the only people that actually care about the Wayne family are Gothamites and paparazzi).
Reader is a busy person and had plans to check out a museum for the villain. Damian tags along to escape paparazzi (again, Damian probably won't be the character in this).
Damian ends up getting close to Reader when he chats with them, finding their determination as a good fit for Gotham.
Damian goes back to the manor and tells everyone. Bruce quickly explains that Reader will only stay for until they finish their mission and Damian gets pissy.
Tim ends up inviting Reader over for dinner (how they got close will be explained in the proper story and they come.
The family starts to obsess over the reader.
Character included:
Damian al Ghul-Wayne
Tim Drake
Duke Thomas (I know how to fit him into this one)
Bruce Wayne
Jason Todd
Dick Grayson
Cassandra Cain
Stephanie Brown
Talia al Ghul
Selina Kyle
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arc-misadventures · 3 months
First of all let me tell you that I love Cinder's entry, so full of lore. but here I come with something for Vtuber au; So, for Ruby, Weiss or maybe some other vtuber that you want to introduce, react to the information update of one of the most important events of The World of Remnant: Hunter's and Monsters. Because the way cinder and jaune explained it, it was an important event at that time. PS: Your work is always amazing, so don't worry about how long it takes to do something as long as you feel good about it.
The VTuber: The Lady of the Grimm
Fall4Me had a plan for today’s stream, a plan she had been looking forward to implementing for quite some time now. Today she invited a special guest, and she was all to forward to once again meet her, Lady.
Fall4Me: Hello my underlings, how are you this fine day~?
Kinder79: Our lady is here!
Judicatorsbanana: All hail the, Grimm Princess!
Linxder: Hi, Ember!
H3LL3R: Been better.
Rangerlion: Can’t complain really
ICSTARS: What’s the plan for today?
Fall4Me: That’s good to hear chat. Now then, for today’s stream we’ll be joined by a very special guest. And no, before you ask it is not, Errant.
Her body fell back in her chair, her body adopting a tired, and weary posture as she lamented the fact that her darling wolf would not be joining them.
She quickly brushed this aside as she resumed her stream.
Fall4Me: Now then, today we will be joined by a friend back from my days of playing, World of Remnant: Hunters, and Monsters. Today will be joined by my, Queen; The leader of the Cabal, the Queen of the Grimm: GrimmMonarch!
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Appearing from the side was an elegant lady with skin, and hair as white as bone. Eyes as red as fresh fallen blood, and nestled in a black void, smiling enchantingly at the stream. For this was the LadyofDarkness, the GrimmMonarch.
H3LL3R: Whoa momma
ToxickBattery: Why are all the ladies in Remnant so hot!
Piggu910: Is that a bad thing?
ToxickBattery: Just an observation.
Judicatorbanana: This going to be good!
GrimmMonarch: Why hello everyone it is a pleasure to meet you all this fine day, and hello to you as well, Ember, it is a pleasure to meet you again. How have you been my dear?
Fall4Me: I am well my, Queen. How are you feeling?
GrimmMonarch: I am quite well today. Well, bar the fact that my tea has gone cold, but that is nothing to really concern myself with.
Fall4Me: I shall get you a new cup of tea at once my, Lady!
GrimmMonarch: Ahh~! Ember my dear, you’re doing it again.
Fall4Me: EEEP!
The chat exploded into a choir of hearts as they heard the cute squeak escape, Fall4Me’s lips.
To those chosen few that knew; back in the days of, World of Remnant: Hunters, and Monsters, GrimmMonarch had adopted a stern, but caring motherly attitude to dealing with the, Cabal, and its members. A demeanour that, Fall4Me instantly gravitated to.
For, GrimmMonarch adopting such a demeanour had become a coping mechanism to dealing with the lose she could barely endure, and as to why, Fall4Me stuck so close to her was to have what she never had when she was young.
They were simply two broken people cleaning to each other to mend their broken hearts. And, while their hearts had mended, some old habits were hard to break.
GrimmMonarch: It’s been years since we last play, WoRHM, and yet you seemingly still haven’t shaken off that loyal subject persona of yours.
Fall4Me: I can’t help it! It’s reflex at this point!
GrimmMonarch: We will have to fix that bad habit of yours. But, in the meantime, what are we doing on this fine day?
Fall4Me: Well, my chat has been pestering me for quite sometime about something, and because you had more… involvement with this situation, I thought it would be best to have you around to tell everyone what happened.
GrimmMonarch: Situation?
The Lady’s eyebrow shot up as she mulled over the word, until her mouth opened as a hum of realization escaped her lips.
GrimmMonarch: You are referring to the, ‘Scorpion Incident,’ aren’t you?
Fall4Me: Yes. During a video where, Errant was…
GrimmMonarch: Errant? Do you mean, ErrantryPaladin by chance?
Fall4me: Yes, do you know him?
GrimmMonarch: We spent some time together after the, ‘Scorpion Incident.’ Do continue my dear.
Fall4Me: Of corse; Before I did my first stream, Errant saw my announcement video, and regaled his viewers with the tale about my character, his interactions with the cabal, and the bloody retribution he wrought upon the, Cabal.
GrimmMonarch: Oh, so it was him who unleashed that half baked, Grimm-Titan upon us.
Fall4Me: You didn’t know? No wait, he never told anyone until that stream, of course you didn’t know.
GrimmMonarch: No, but I always had this stinking suspicion that he did. There was something about, Errant’s behaviour that that told that he knew something about the, Titan attack, but he never said what that something was.
Fall4Me: I never suspected a thing, I had no idea that, that, Titan was encouraged into attacking the, Cabal. I thought it was mere happenstance that it attacked us.
GrimmMonarch: It shows you how effective, Errant’s plan was that we all were none the wiser to his scheming. But, enough talking about our, Rusted Knight. Let me regale you with the story of the rise, and fall of the, Grimm Cabal.
GrimmMonarch: I played WoRHM, for a long time. From the beginning to the end… I believe I had over four thousand hours on the game…
KinofPenguin : 4000 hrs?!
buggermeoldchap: WoRHM was around long enough for someone to have played that long.
ICSTARS: Most of the top plays averaged 4-5 k hrs
RaverKitty: The highest was around 7 k
ToxickBattery: Was it, Headmaster Ozpin?
Meol’mucker: Who else would have played it that long?
GrimmMonarch: Because I played so long, my level was… two hundred and, thirtyseven. I was nearly around three hundred by the time I stopped playing.
Fall4Me: Two hundred, and thirty seven?! I guessed you were over level one hundred, but to be double that?
GrimmMonarch: The leaders of the academies, and well as myself, the former leader of the, Cabal each had an average level around two hundred, and fifty. It was part of the reason I was scouted to be the, Queen of the Grimm. I could have been the Headmistress of, Mistral Academy, but the idea of leading the, Cabal was an oh so much more tantalizing idea~!
Fall4Me: Who had the highest level; Headmaster Ozpin?
GrimmMonarch: You would assume, Ozpin, and you would assume wrong.
Fall4Me: Wrong?! But, he was the best headmaster among the five of you. How come he isn’t the strongest?
GrimmMonarch: You forget how the experience points is distributed. Ozpin mostly fought in teams, so the exp from a quest, or Grimm slaying was distributed among the team. If, you primarily fought alone however, all the exp would go to you. So, care to guess who had the highest level now, Dear?
Fall4Me: Uhhh… E-ErrantryPaladin…?
GrimmMonarch: Ding~Ding~Ding~! That is correct my dear.
Fall4Me: ErrantryPaladin?! He had the highest level…?! How high?
GrimmMonarch: At the closing of the servers, Ozpin had a level of three hundred, and sixty three. Errant however, he had a level of four hundred, and eighty two.
RangerSnake: 482?!
emptythrone: It was nearly 500?!
Seventwothreepie: Probably played for at least 6k hrs
PlacatedBadger: Explain why he never joined in the tournament matches.
TheBadgers~!: He’d whipe the floor with an entire academy
Fall4Me: Why did he bother sending that, Titan after us? He could have levelled the guild single handedly…
GrimmMonarch: Considering what happened during the, Apprentice Massacre, I believe, Errant wanted to make sure we suffered. I’ve seen him be rather vindictive to rather cruel players in the game.
GrimmMonarch: Now then, while I was in charge of the, Cabal, I had several powerful members join the, Cabal. Yourself included, Ember. But, while I had several powerful members under command, we were all jokesters, and bullies to a certain extent. Until the massacre happened, the worst the Cabal did was have, Grimm attack settlements, and teams of, Hunters. We were seen as a general nuisance that added spice to the game.
GrimmMonarch: But, after the massacre many of the, Academies started a witch hunt for our members, their attempts to find us mostly ended in failure. Until, Errant evidently sent that, Titan after us we were fine, but that, Titan crippled the, Cabal. Instead of causing Grimm attacks on settlements, and Hunter teams. We were stuck doing raiding missions in an attempt to recoup our strength. Many members left the guild because they couldn’t deal with the pressure the, Academy’s were mounting on them. And despite our best efforts, it seemed we were getting nowhere.
GrimmMonarch: That’s when several players decided to meet together irl, and discuss what they could do to fix the problem. And, this enters in stage left, the culprit of that fateful day… Tyrion Callows…
Meol’mucker: Man that name sounds evil.
H3LL3R: Sounds creepy.
DaSting: I don’t like where this story is going.
Fall4Me: Wait, Tyrion Callows is his actual name?
GrimmMonarch: Yes it is. Most players use an alias while playing instead of their real name, however, since no one would know that it is his real name unless he told someone, well it worked at the end of the day.
Fall4Me: I remember the few missions I did with him, he was always seem unhinged. Wasn’t the, Apprentice Massacre his idea?
GrimmMonarch: It was indeed. He was sorely reprimanded when I discovered it was his plan. I should have taken that as a sign…
Fall4Me: A sign? A sign for what?
GrimmMonarch: Of things to come…
She hummed to herself as she contemplated what she was about to say; about how she could say it, and how her audience would talk what she was about to say.
GrimmMonarch: It was seven of them at a diner, including, Tyrian. There were several humans, and faunas there. While they were there, they discussed several ways to revitalize the, Cabal. But, peoples view of the, Cabal was ruined by the events of the, Apprentice Massacre, so it was neigh on impossible for us to recruit new members. And, because we had been raiding so many towns, dust depots, and general supply trains in order to rebuild the, Cabal after the, Titan attack, the Academies started making more missions to protect those assets. The Cabal was at a standstill, we couldn’t push forward with any plans because we were so broken. At that point, the Cabal was a dead man walking…
Fall4Me: Then what happened?
GrimmMonarch: One of them suggested that it would be best to abandon the, Cabal then. Everyone should abandon the, Cabal, me included. We couldn’t get any more supplies, we can’t get any new members, more were leaving every day, it was just a matter of time until the, Cabal was disbanded. The six of them agreed that this was the only course of action. They decided they would bring it before me at the next meeting. But, Tyrian… Tyrian snapped…
Fall4Me: Snapped…?
DaSting: I REALLY don’t like where this is going!
Judicatorbanana:I’m starting to regret asking what happened.
LevenAngel: I regret a great many things!
GrimmMonarch: Tyrian started calling everyone a traitor, that they betrayed the, ‘Goddess,’ and that they will all be brought to pay for their transgressions.
GrimmMonarch: They told him to relax, since it was all just a game, but then… Tyrian grabbed a knife, and…
Fall4Me: He didn’t…
GrimmMonarch: Yes, he did…
Fall4Me’s voice fell into a small whisper as realization dawned on her at what that implied. She didn’t want her to continue this story, but she knew that she needed to finish it.
GrimmMonarch: Of the six people, three of them died due to knife wounds… the other three barely managed to survive, however medical personnel managed to come in time to save them. Thought his poison was quite effective.
Fall4Me: And, Tyrian, what about him?
GrimmMonarch: The police were in the area, so they managed to get there quickly, and when they were in the process of attempting to arrest him, he stung one of the officers, while the other one gunned him down.
Fall4Me: So he’s dead, Tyrian’s dead right?
GrimmMonarch: In the police report it indicated he when he attacked one of the officers there to arrest, Turian, his colleague unloaded his entire magazine into him. I can assure you, he is most certainly dead.
Amogsus: Well that’s depressing.
Kalper: Sounds like he couldn’t differentiate reality from fiction
SuspiciousDucky: Poison? Did he have poison on him?
Fall4Me: Yes… SuspiciousDucky…
GrimmMonarch: Oh that’s a cute name~!
Fall4Me: Oh it is… Ahem! Yes that is a good question; What did you mean by, ‘His poison was quite effective?’
GrimmMonarch: What has, Tyrian’s character in game?
Fall4Me: He played this lanky scorpion faunas… wait…? Was he an actual scorpion faunas?!
GrimmMonarch: Indeed he was; Poisonous stinger, and all.
Fall4Me: Whoa… Wait, how do you know all of this? Did one of the victims tell you?
GrimmMonarch: Yes, and no. Tyrian said, they betrayed the, ‘Goddess,’ the survivors deduced that he was talking about me. So, I was called in for questioning by the police about this whole fiasco.
Fall4Me: They arrested you?
GrimmMonarch: No, nothing of the sorts. Just asked me some questions regarding, Tyrian’s personality, and the events that lead to this happening. I got to talk to the others who got hurt, and I learned their side of the story. After I received permission from them, and the police I told everyone in the guild what happened. That was where the end began.
RangerSnake: Wait, Ember you didn’t know about all of this?
Linxder: Yeah, you were in the guild when this happened
7uwu7: Were you?
Fall4Me looked away from her stream for a moment, before she replied to her chat’s question with a nervous lint to her voice.
Fall4Me: Uhh… No. I had stopped playing the game before this happened. I would have been there when it happened, but some… things happened.
GrimmMonarch: Best leave it at that chat. Now, I told the rest of the members of the, Cabal at a guild meeting what happened. Their reactions were varied, and understandable to the news of what, Tyrian did, and the loss of their friends. I then brought up one of the notions one of the members brought forward as to what the future of the, Cabal should be.
GrimmMonarch: Wether to continue rebuilding the, Cabal, or to disband the, Cabal. It was a unanimous vote to disband the guild… Even I didn’t vote to continue rebuilding the, Cabal. We were as good as dead anyway.
GrimmMonarch: We had one farewell party among us to celebrate the legacy, the good parts that is, that was the, Grimm Cabal. And, after everyone left one by one… all that remained was myself. I contacted the staff, informed them of what had happened, and then I told them to close the, Cabal. And, with that… the, Cabal died.
GrimmMonarch: You know… I always thought the last death cry of the, Cabal would be felt by the whole server as it fought to the death in one glorious battle for the fate of, Remnant itself!
GrimmMonarch: And, yet we left with barely a whisper…
Fall4Me: …
GrimmMonarch: So, there you have it chat; That is the tale of how the, Cabal fell. If those of you who were once players in, WoRHM, know only that the, Cabal was disbanded. Former members of the, Cabal who left the guild, and either returned to their former academies, or restated their account. Considering the nature of why the, Cabal disbanded the members didn’t want to talk about it, and just said, ‘There was an incident with a scorpion.’ Hence where the, ‘Scorpion Incident’ earned its name.
Fall4Me: Wow… I had no idea… I always assumed, Tyrian did something, but I would have never expected that he did that?!
GrimmMonarch: Yes… he did…
Meol’mucker: Is this the first time, you told anyone about this my, Goddess? Outside of the Cabal that is.
GrimmMonarch: Oh my~? Calling me a goddess already~? Well, I don’t mind chat, but do show some restraint my dears~!
The chat swiftly exploded into a shower of hearts as the, Grimm Queen smiled sultry at the screen.
GrimmMonarch: But, no, I told the, Headmasters, and Headmistresses of the various academies what happened. I explained to them that the, Cabal was to be disbanded, and the various members would be either restarting their accounts, or simply return back to the academy of their origin. I told them to kindly accept them back in, and to not tell anyone about the, ‘Scorpion Incident.’
Fall4Me: And, you didn’t tell anyone else about all of this?
GrimmMonarch: There was one other who knew; Care to guess who~?
Ember’s model swayed as a brief laugh escaped her lips, she knew precisely who else learned the tale of the, ‘Scorpion Incident.’ After all, he had a knack for finding out about such things.
Fall4Me: Tell me my, Lady. How did, Errant learn about the fall of the, Cabal?
7uwu7: Ha!
Amongsus: Knew it
DaSting: Who else but him?
emptythrone: That guy really gets around
GrimmMonarch: Oh, how did you know it was him~?
Fall4Me: My darling wolf had the reputation across the server as an information broker. He had the most uncanny ability to find out about the most minuet of details that happened on the other side of the world.
GrimmMonarch: Indeed he did. Despite never seeing my human form before, he was able to instantly identify me in my human form, and I had not even said hello to him at that.
Fall4Me: ‘Human form?’
GrimmMonarch: What? Did you think that I always had this beautiful appearance you see before you?
Fall4Me: Well… that makes sense. But, I’ve never seen you in any other form, but the one I see before me. I never say you as a…
GrimmMonarch: As a what…?
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GrimmMonarch: A human?
At the click of a button, the LadyofDarkness, The GrimmMonarch’s body changed, no longer was she a monster of death, and despair. Now lay before them for all to see was a lady of elegance that exuded an air of royalty that was unmatched by all those who stood before her. And, yet… when one looked into her eyes, one couldn’t help but see a sad little girl, longing for something forever out of her reach.
Meol’mucker: YOOOOO!!!
Laven: Damn!
ICSTARS: Who said she can be so hot!
RangerSnake: Smash
Fall4Me: Ohh~! You look beautiful your grace!
GrimmMonarch: Thank you, Ember. This was the form I adopted before, and after the, Cabal. It is what I always imagined what, The Girl in the Tower’ looked like when I read that short story.
Fall4Me: ‘Fairytales of the World of Remnant?’
GrimmMonarch: That’s the one, in fact whilst I was using this skin, I went by the name, EVAnora, or EVA for short.
Fall4Me: That’s a nice name.
GrimmMonarch: Thank you~! Now, back to our, Knight. He stumbled upon me as I was slaying some, Beowulfs, small fry, hardly anything to worry about. Anyway, he walked over, and said, ‘I bare glad tidings to the, the LadyofDarkness, the Queen of Grimm.’
Fall4Me: …?
Fall4Me: Pfff! Ah-hahahaha~! Did he really say that?
GrimmMonarch: Indeed he did! It was so ridiculous I couldn’t help, but laugh at it as well. Despite, Errant’s reserved demeanour, he can be quite the endearing character when he wants to.
Fall4Me: Quite so, I’ve seen him converse with fellow players, he can be quite the smooth talker when he wants to. It’s can be quite scary at times…
GrimmMonarch: Are you referring to the time he swindled, Vacuo’s merchant guild into revealing where the slave camps were, or the time he caused the falling out of, Dazzling Spear Hunter Teams?
Fall4Me: Wait?! He did that?! I was talking about the time he tricked the, Crimson Brigade into attack the bandits base during the, Season of Fire event, that triggered a Grimm Horde event?!
GrimmMonarch: He did what?!
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rainofthetwilight · 5 months
I don't think we talk enough about the fact that cinder quite literally shattered(spin) wf's leg...
I thought from the clips that she'd break her leg from how he threw her, and like okay the bone shattering was a joke but he LITERALLY SHATTERED HER BONE CHAT 😭
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feyhunter78 · 1 year
Pink Pastels Pt 5
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Description: You're walking home, alone, at night, because this is a spiderman fic and we have to have at least one of these Warning! Reader is attacked, like shoved and cursed at but nothing happens bc Miguel obvi saves the day
Pt 6
It’s dumb, you know, a dumb dangerous idea to walk home alone, at night, but you just couldn’t stay at Todd’s anymore, and you left your car at your apartment. It was supposed to be a romantic evening, you got all dressed up, he took you to a nice restaurant, you were laughing, chatting, and he even seemed to be drinking less.
But then you got back to his, and it all went downhill. He convinced you to have one more drink, then he’d take you home, swearing up and down he was good to drive. He was not good to drive, in fact, the only thing he was good for was screaming at you for flirting with the waiter. The waiter, who was clearly gay and more into Todd than you.
You were not going to let a man scream at you, especially not one who claimed to love you, so you left. You felt proud of yourself for not engaging and keeping your head on straight, but now you were walking home alone in the dark, arms wrapped around you to keep yourself warm.
The moon and dim streetlights were your only sources of light, the street empty as the autumn winds rushed through the high rises, a forest of cinder block and cement, darkened windows like predatory eyes following your every step.
“Hey pretty lady, where you goin?” A voice called out from the shadows.
You kept your eyes forward, walking faster.
Suddenly, you felt someone grab your hair and yank you back, pain shooting through your scalp. “Bitch, I was talking to you.”
“I’m just going home, please, I don’t want any trouble.” You said evenly, trying to stay calm.
The man tsks and pulls you closer, tightening his grip on your hair.
Tears prick at your eyes, and you struggle against him. “Please, I’m a teacher, I don’t have any money.”
You feel a wet tongue drag up your neck, and you fight the urge to vomit. “A teacher huh? Always wanted to fuck my teachers, but they were stuck up bitches like you, never gave me the time of day.”
He shoved you back against the brick wall of the alley, and you tried to blink back your tears. “Please don’t, please, I just want to go home.” You plead, hands shaking, your heartbeat in your throat.
His face is partially hidden in the shadows, but you can see his wicked grin, the foam gathered at the edge of his lips. “It’s too late for that now.”
You can’t stop the tears from falling, as you struggle against him trying to catch his foot with your stiletto heel, it hits driving into his shoe, but then it snaps, and you’re left off balance.
“Stop fucking moving, you bi—” He’s cut off, his hands ripped from you as he’s slammed into the wall in front of you. The resounding crack of his bones is followed by a scream, a blur of motion, red and blue, and then…nothing.
You’re alone in the alley, tear-stained face, body trembling, your scalp tender from his harsh grip, but you’re alone.
There’s a soft sound from beside you, and you dart back, arms thrown out to protect yourself.
“Are you alright, ma’am?”
There standing before you, towering over you, is Spiderman.
“I don’t, I—” You dissolve into tears, covering your face with your hands. This is too much, first the fight with Todd, then the alley creep and now Spiderman? You’re definitely about to have a panic attack.
He approaches you cautiously, his hands held out in a pacifying motion until they land gently on your shoulders. “You’re safe now, he’s gone. I promise.”
He’s so warm, and his hands are so big, his thumbs gently caressing your skin, a repetitive back and forth motion that you focus on as you slow your breathing.
“Thank you.” You manage to choke out through your tears, looking up at the masked figure.
His eyes dilate and expand as they take you in, an almost dizzying thing to watch. “Why are you out here alone?”
You sniffle and shrug, feeling stupid. Why didn’t you call a cab or just suck it up and stay at Todd’s?  Why did you risk it? “I got in a fight with my boyfriend.”
He makes a low sound of sympathy, tilting his head ever so slightly. “Why don’t I escort you home? Just to make sure you’re safe.”
“My shoe is broken.” You say pitifully, a fresh wave of tears appearing. “They were my favorite and now ones broken.”
“I’ll carry you, just hold on tight.” He says, scooping you up into his arms, then you’re being flung into the air.
You scream, clinging to him for dear life, burying your face in his broad chest, just barely managing to give him your address before another scream rips from your throat.
Finally, he sets you down on the front steps of your apartment building, your arms like a vice grip around him.
“No offense, but I hope I never have to experience that again.” You tell him as you untangle yourself from him.
“You’re not the first person to tell me that.” It sounds like he’s smiling, but you can’t tell under the mask.
“Well, again, thank you, I don’t know what would’v—” Another wave of tears surges forth and your tongue feels heavy, your body still trembling as you search in your purse for your keys.
“You’re safe, he’s gone, go inside and get some rest.” Spiderman gently orders, brushing your hair back from your face, his gloved fingers lingering along the curve of your cheek, catching your tears as they fall.
“I will, thank you.” You whisper, giving him one last look before disappearing into your building.
You’re watching the news the next morning and see reports of a wild animal attack downtown. The same section of town you were in last night. A chill runs down your spine, and you switch off the TV, grabbing your bag and heading out the door.
As you head out the lobby doors, one of the front desk girls calls out to you, a shoebox in hand.
You open the box in your car. It’s your shoes, well not your shoes, you left the broken one in the alley, the other you threw in the trash. These are a brand-new pair, same color, design, and size. As you pull them out, a card flutters into your lap.
New shoes, maybe get a new boyfriend with them to avoid any more nighttime incidents. -Spiderman
You laugh at that, tracing the letters of his name, a fluttering in your stomach at the memory of his toned body wrapped around you, of his raw strength as he quite literally threw your attacker into a brick wall. You slip the note into your purse and change into your new shoes, feeling strangely protected with them on. A placebo effect, you’re sure.
Tag list: @nyctophilic0vitnir, @miggyoharaswife, @badbishsblog, @imisshim2much, @wanderlustingcastaway, @lynn-9703, @sleepyamaya, @erensbbg, @sweetea85, @ilovemiguelohara, @natthernandez, @stxrrielle, @ihateuguys, @jenniferdixon05207, @blep-23, @luvisaaxoxo, @minimari415, @emerald-09, @violet-19999, @kenchosaikuo, @groovycass, @youcantseem3, @lovefks
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pilot-boi · 4 days
White Knight Time Travel idea : People are suspecting..
Jaune and Weiss are at the Vytal Festival , each one with their respective teams , their mission has gone..well.. so far. Even without trying to change so much some things never change like Team CVFY and Prof.Port saving the city or Ruby meeting Penny...
But that doesn't matter compared to the titanic work they would have to do during this specific moment..it was now or never
~Weiss Side~
Ruby:WE DID IIIT!!!!....Anyone esle is starving?....
Weiss listened to Ruby and Blake's chat from the side , each time they have this small moments the more she thinks how everyone took Beacon's days from granted
Having to relieve the fight against Team ABRN made her notice how..unprepared they were ; even herself with her "Competent" perfomance wasn't still not enough to face that monster..
The Grimm entering Beacon..
The Witch's inner circle playing right under their noses..
Pyrrha and Penny along many other students being casualties of the..
Yang: Your scroll is ringing , shouldn't you answer it?
Weiss noticed her scroll , the contact named "FATHER"..
Right..her time at Beacon was almost up..
Weiss:I will call him later , thanks for making me know Yang..
The Blonde Brawler has noticed her friend weird..this last few day , she can't say why..but it's there , spacing out of chats most of the time or reacting to certain words like Destiny , Maiden or even mentioning locations like Haven Academy can get her all shaky
Right now Ice Queen is looking at her Sis talking with Emerald and her silent friend like she's trying way too hard to keep herself civil , her face may not show it but that tense posture and hands behind shouted something was wrong
And to say the last person she saw acting this way her Dad after..her Supermom left was all she needed to know , Ice Queen's hiding something and she will find out
~Jaune's side~
Jaune did miss Beacon , the academy.. , but coming right back wouldn't make it any better..quite the contrary it shows him how somethings must remain as memories..
The Vytal Festival just started and the mood seems festive enough for him to enjoy a little. Children playing around , teens being themselves truly a moment to breathe fresh air
Miss : Gather around as I tell the story of the Girl who fell through the World!
Jaune tenses hearing that , it's just a woman reading a story to a bunch of kids..nothing dangerous..
He takes a look at his armour , clean not rusted..his face is still young and Crocea Mors is still complete..
Ren: Jaune?
Nora: You have been standing there for a while , did the story peak your interest? Alyx's story is a classic! The Curious Cat is my favorite character! So mischevious!
If looks could kill , Nora's smile would have been erased a while ago..
Jaune:That Cat is nothing but troubles..
Nora:What? Don't tell me you are a fan of the Red Prince? Or the Rusted Knight?
Sensing hostility , Ren tried to change the topic..
Ren:Why don't we go with Pyrrha? She's saved us a nice spot in that Mistralian restaurant.
Both teammates agree , Nora leaves because she has won another petty argument..but Jaune seemed so personal about it..The Girl who fell through the World is just a Children's story..why is he so defensive about it?
Lie Ren is someone who can read the room quite well and to his knowledge..there's something wrong with Jaune..
He acts like..an adult sometimes , there's nothing wrong with that but it seems off..
Even their stategies , they are a group of Four , Team JNPR..but Jaune always acts like only Nora and him are part of the team
Ren even hears his silent sobs when he has nightmares , the words "Cinder" "Kill" "Penny" "Pyrrha" is all he has as evidence , trying to make sense of said word it would be something like
Cinder will kill Pyrrha and Penny
That sounded so..dumb , Cinder is a student along her team but he would ask Jaune later right now they have a fight to win
So many of these WK Time travel asks are from their POV, I LOVE this look into their friends’ view
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infoglitch · 6 months
Arcfall shitpost: #1
(apologies this probably ain't funny at the start.)
Cinder: I fuckin hate you, you understand.
Jaune: surrre.
Cinder: I despise you! Throughout all of my schemes you were there to stop them! I despise you for that.
Jaune: whatever you say cinder.
Cinder: your a failure to your family and.... And I'm glad I stopped being a arrogant bitch.
Jaune: I know honey.
Jaune smiled at her as he brought her close and kissed her on her cheek.
Cinder:... You know I still think you killing me would've left you off 100 times better.
Jaune:.. I know you think that, part of me does too.. but that's the old side of me, the side of me driven by rage. But hey you managed to get rehabbed and you came out better than before.
Cinder: true... But look at us... A ex-criminal and her boyfriend, said ex-criminal murdering her boyfriends loved ones and people he held dear.
Jaune: said boyfriend, faking his beacon transcripts, harassing a fellow student even if unintentional, stealing a atlas airship, working with criminals that only made the countries leader spiral farther down when he clearly needed assistance... Murdering.
The two sat in silence before jaune held cinder closer.
Cinder: i guess we're both criminals.. though my crimes are worse... Gods I still don't understand how i avoided death row!
Jaune: turns out the law is cheap when dealing with the supernatural... And a few... Million lien... Dear Oum I still owe Weiss big time for allowing me to bail you out.
Cinder: speaking of the Schnee girl.. and also your friends do they-
Jaune: still want to see your head on the chopping block? Yeah.. ofcourse they still chat with me but uh.. yeah.
Cinder: I.. I really did fuck up every aspect of my life huh?
The two just sat there before jaune softly kissed her.
Jaune: I'll love you regardless.
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