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shipkidhell · 11 months ago
life… or bath for dry cat…
(Frankie and rider belong to star, and Bitey, nova, and Cifix belong to Heim. Astrid belongs to me.)
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xoxoxed · 2 months ago
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is this a tv girl refference YEAUH yeah it is 💔I heart leasbians I love rhede two so bad
cifix belongs to @asp3ntree
Astrid belongs to me 💜
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wayneasks · 9 months ago
HIII HAHA. You know, this is really just kinda a space where I send shit. Like, err. My characters, you can ask things here. My main account is @the-voidwalkerr btw!1! Honestly, idngaf. So ig I'll list the characters.
Just read more if interested...heh. I hope so.
Yeeaaaah my ocs. Only my ocs. please don't try to ask my other alters shit. OH, and! Accouncement; Sometime (I plan June, unfortunately) I'll be getting into development of a DSaF fanon series! Most likely to be posted on YouTube, if I don't find an alternative. So, if possible, I'll update this and see if it's a-ok with the owners of the OTHER ocs in the lore to be Q&A'd too! I'm buddies with all of 'em, so it won't hurt... not that much. Here, you have an opportunity to learn from MY characters, to learn of their story and personality. How exciting.
Deimos – 🗝
Wayne (me!!! the main guy!!) – 🧠
Guidance – 🎱
Cifix – ✝️
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faemytho · 5 years ago
Would,,, you be up for pale/cross/dream for vmv?? With “don’t just stand there and look at me”?
sure thing! but since you didn't specify you wanted fluff or angst, guess who gets to pick? :3c
pale - duke blanc of eb
cross - royal guard cifix of eb
dream - daydre, barkeep of stonewater of eb
all three are from vmv -> @vampire-mythoverse
blanc expresses interest in cifix and daydre. they think somethings up. (turns out blanc is just too baby to admit hes got the beginnings of crushes on them - but they're dating already, so... its not possible. right? ((hes wrong, its very possible bc yay polyamory)) )
"Don't just stand there, look at me," Cifix snapped. The duke turned his head away, looking down at the ground and saying nothing. Daydre stepped up beside the guard and rested a hand on his shoulder, a subtle warning in his eyes for the other to shut up.
"My lord, with all due respect," Daydre started, looking back at Duke Blanc's slumped, yet stiff form. "Why us? We're- Well, I myself am lower class. Sir Cifix here, no offense Cifix, is barely middle class. And yet, you are almost of the royal family."
Cifix grumbled, but didn't dispute Daydre's words. The guard crossed his arms and looked away. Blanc chose this moment to look up at Daydre, his eyes carefully blank and devoid of emotion.
"I just find you interesting. I want to get to know you better," the duke attempted to explain, and Daydre almost thought he saw a flicker of desperate curiosity cross Blanc's face. "No tricks. I'm not good at them anyways."
Cifix looked at Daydre, before glancing back at Blanc.
"Can you give us a moment to talk about it?" the guard huffed, and Blanc nodded, taking a step back. Cifix rested a hand on Daydre's shoulder and gently steered him away from the duke.
Once they were a little distance away where they could whisper without being heard, Cifix leaned down to murmur to Daydre. "Daydre, you can't seriously be thinking of going along with this."
Daydre could hear the worry in his partner's voice, and he lifted a hand to cup Cifix's cheek.
"Cif, please. We have to at least consider it," he pleaded softly. "I can't keep the bar running this way forever, and you're on the verge of being kicked out of the guard - don't deny it, we both know it's true. If we accepted, we'd have the money, a stable place to stay, we wouldn't have to worry about anything."
Cifix sighed, chancing a glance back at the estranged duke.
"It's dangerous," the guard tried to sway Daydre again. "It's too good to be true. He could be lying, he could just send people after us anyways, I really don't like this, Daydre."
"It'll be okay, Cifix, please," Daydre tried to reassure his partner, smiling gently up at him. "He doesn't seem the type to hurt us. He just seems... lonely."
Finally caving, Cifix raised his hands to cup Daydre's face, staring at him.
"Okay," he agreed, sighing, and cracked an involuntary smile upon seeing the one on Daydre's face.
They walked hand-in-hand back to the duke, who perked up. Daydre gave Cifix's hand a squeeze, before turning to Blanc and answering the question he had first asked them.
"We accept your offer, Duke Blanc."
And for the first time, Daydre noticed a full emotion cross the duke's face. Hope.
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shjiyemis · 4 years ago
Going back to that TikTok post I reblogged BUT SERIOUSLY I’ve BEEN saying for like...FOREVER that Je/sus probs gots PTSD from being crucified like IM SERIOUS!!! LIKE think about it..... why are we using Je/sus’ pain as symbolism, like I know it’s the day he “purified” us with his blood but like...it sure didn’t work bitch, He was tortured then killed by humans on the CROSS, why would he want to see that??? It doesn’t really make sense in my honest opinion.... 
Plus C/hristians LITERALLY used a cru/cifix to torture and kill people out of all things why is that the symbol of a religion that is supposed to be about love and acceptance??? What I’m trying to say is... WHY. IS. A. TORTURE. DEVICE. USED. AS. A. SYMBOL. OF. LOVE. AND. WORSHIP. TO. GOD!
No offense to any C/hristians out there... I definitely question religion in general but C/hristianity is the one I have more experience with so that’s why I’m speaking on it.
(I put slashes on this post bc I ain’t dealing with offended assholes rn lololololol 😅😅😅)
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izzy-the-bizzy · 6 years ago
"Hopes and Heartache" for the title meme?
*flips a table*
also if u didn’t know i’m using vmv for this
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ketaandunicorns · 6 years ago
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Cock-cifix 💦💒 ~~ #ketaandunicorns https://www.instagram.com/p/BugOyYBn_vt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=m98z4jhyf635
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garyvazquez0 · 6 years ago
Tidak Boleh Sembarangan, Ini 3 Cara Memasang Stiker Decal di Mobil Kamu
Kamu orang yang gampang bosan dengan tampilan eksterior mobil yang gitu-gitu aja? Mau merubah penampilan mobil tapi takut keluar uang terlalu besar? Jangan khawatir, karena ada sebuah solusi yang ditawarkan untuk mengatasi keinginan kamu yang belum terealisasikan ini. Caranya terbilang cukup mudah, kamu hanya  perlu memasang stiker pada mobil kesayangan kamu. Bukan stiker biasa yang ditempelkan melainkan stiker decal yang biasa ditempelkan di body mobil. Stiker decal ini akan membuat tampilan mobil terlihat berbeda dan seakan mempunyai identitas sendiri.
Baca juga: Ini Tipe Shockbreaker untuk Honda yang Perlu Dikenali
Dengan menggunakan stiker decal ini, mobil akan terlihat ‘kamu banget’. Lalu mengapa stiker decal cocok untuk orang yang mudah bosan? Karena stiker decal ini sangat mudah untuk kamu lepas dan pasang sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Maka dari itu, stiker yang biasanya menutupi body samping mobil ini akan lebih fleksibel ketika digunakan. Tapi saat ingin membeli dan memasang stiker decal jangan sembarangan.
Jika kamu membeli dan memasang stiker ini secara sembarangan, maka kamu harus terima jika hasilnya nanti tidak bagus. Untuk menghindari hal-hal tersebut simak 3 cara memasang stiker decal di mobil kesayangan kamu.
1. Cek Kualitas Cat Mobil
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Ilustrasi: Tidak Boleh Sembarangan, Ini 3 Cara Memasang Stiker Decal di Mobil Kamu, Sumber: Calaboogie
  Pertama-tama yang harus kamu lakukan sebelum memasang stiker decal adalah kamu harus memastikan cat mobil kamu dalam keadaan baik. Maksudnya, cat mobil tidak dalam keadaan mengelupas atau sedang mengalami perawatan. Cat mobil yang sedang dalam keadaan rusak atau sedang melakukan perawatan biasanya tidak bisa ditempel stiker decal. Pemasangan stiker decal pada kondisi mobil demikian akan membuat cat mobil menjadi rusak dan akan memperparah kondisi cat.
Maka dari itu, saat ingin memasang stiker decal di body mobil ini pastikan cat yang menempel pada body mobil kamu adalah cat orisinil dan bukan hasil repaint atau pewarnaan ulang. Cat orisinil akan menjaga kualitas warna ketika stiker decal ini dilepas nantinya. Sedangkan jika mobil kamu sudah pernah di-repaint, kamu harus lebih hati-hati saat memasang dan melepas stiker decal ini. Tidak menutup kemungkinan stiker decal akan membuat cat mobil kamu menjadi rusak bahkan terkelupas.
2. Pilihlah Stiker Berkualitas Tinggi
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Ilustrasi: Tidak Boleh Sembarangan, Ini 3 Cara Memasang Stiker Decal di Mobil Kamu, Sumber: Calaboogie
  Kedua, kamu bisa memilih stiker dengan kualitas tinggi. Akan banyak keuntungan yang kamu dapatkan ketika kamu memilih stiker decal dengan kualitas tinggi. Selain stiker yang lebih tahan lama, hasil yang lebih maksimal dari segi warna pun akan kamu dapatkan ketika memilih stiker decal berkualitas tinggi.
Baca juga: 5 Tips Mandiri Mengecek Kondisi Shockbreaker Honda
Di pasaran, jenis bahan yang beredar begitu banyak dengan harga yang berbeda-beda. Namun jenis-jenis bahan yang biasa digunakan para modifikator bidang ini adalah Ritrama, Oracal, Scotchlite, Glittre, D-Cifix, dan Kodak Paper. Tentu masing-masing bahan tersebut memiliki kelebihan serta kekurangan yang berbeda. Untuk mengecek stiker berkualitas tinggi, kamu bisa mencium bau dari lemnya. Stiker decal yang berkualitas biasanya tidak akan mengeluarkan bau dari lemnya. Ciri lainnya adalah warna yang lebih cerah dan kuat.
3. Parkir Mobil di Tempat Teduh
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Ilustrasi: Tidak Boleh Sembarangan, Ini 3 Cara Memasang Stiker Decal di Mobil Kamu, Sumber: Calaboogie
  Langkah ketiga ini harus kamu lakukan demi menjaga keawetan dari stiker decal yang baru saja kamu pasang. Usahakan setelah kamu selesai memasang stiker decal di body mobil maka langsung cari tempat teduh untuk memarkir mobil. Mobil yang baru saja dipasang stiker decal dan langsung diparkir di bawah sinar matahari langsung akan merusak cat mobil.
Merusak di sini maksudnya adalah adanya perbedaan warna antara bagian yang tertutup stiker decal dan bagian yang tidak tertutup. Tentu hal ini akan sangat mengganggu pandangan ketika nantinya stiker decal sudah dilepas. Jadi itulah ketiga cara yang bisa kamu lakukan saat ingin memasang stiker decal, ingat, sesuaikan dengan anggaran kamu ya!
Jangan lupa, baca juga artikel terkait Otomotif atau tulisan menarik dari Dani Febrian Alzamendi.
From https://review.bukalapak.com/auto/tidak-boleh-sembarangan-ini-3-cara-memasang-stiker-decal-di-mobil-kamu-89638
from https://bukareview0.wordpress.com/2018/12/16/tidak-boleh-sembarangan-ini-3-cara-memasang-stiker-decal-di-mobil-kamu/
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wayneasks · 9 months ago
Idk, I just wan a hi from everyone :3 - D
Huh. oh shit no NO YOU ATTRACTED THEM ALL HERE. GET THEM OOOOUTTTT OF THE SAME ROOM AS ME!!! HEEEEELP. I'm thankfully not including Cifix here... Here's the main fellas though!!1– 🧠
"What's THAT guy on about?" – 🎱 (guide :)
"Drv/gs... definitely..." – 💣 (mill :)
Anyway, chop chop to the point... please don't attack me. – 🧠
"hi" – 💣 (mill :)
"Welccooome back!" – 🎱 (guide :)
"Nobody cares..." – 💣 (mill :)
"Shhhh." – 🎱 (guide :)
"Hey'a." – 🗝 (dei :)
And a hi from me, wayne, the awesome, supercalifragoulistically cool guy. HEIGAUEHWIWGAUAG. – 🧠 (wayn haha)
"What. The fuck. Is wrong with you..?" 🗝 (dei :)
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jshoulson · 5 years ago
Today’s Poem
Transhumance --Phoebe Giannisi --translated from Greek by Brian Sneedan
in the beginning was the field. plots of earth seeded from rain and the elements gnawed by footsteps the cursive of animals and people. echoed. valleys streams and across
in the beginning was the field. in order to migrate I had to gather I had to cull. the things. the things the animals the things the things.
– what do you carry with you when you leave? – my dark. my own scintilla of dark. – what do you carry when you leave? – the marks on the body. – what do you carry when you leave? – for -got -tenact -ions -for -got -tenwor -ds fragme -ntsof -theformer -life tokeep -as -tal -isman -tokeep -as -newre -dcru -cifix.
– Kiatra kraapa omlou nou kriapa. A stone breaks a man does not break.
– Still. the fragments are glass pressed deep under skin and traveling in the flesh choosing their own paths one ascends to the heart another pierces your abdomen
– What does God cast down that the earth does not swallow?
– Wound through and through. I spat it from my mouth like a bitter seed but not a single teardrop touched my cheek why I had for years now clenched my teeth.
– You cannot eat a stone mother says instead of you cannot escape your fate
– in order to leave I had to choose things. that agony lasted months. an entire winter. heavy and dark it strips layer by layer the vessels of memory. still. what hurt most was what for many years had been slipping between my fingers like air. what had been forgotten. the empty. what had not happened.
– Yet see with your mind the absent as present with certainty, Parmenides says.
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buycoursework-us-uk-blog · 7 years ago
The Large Crucified Christ, Salzburg'
'Introduction\nFor a better compend of Gero rood, the paper provide be separate into diverse paragraphs with to each(prenominal) cardinal paragraph concealment a diametric aspect. In the scratch paragraph, I leave alone focus on the historical background of the cross and the unfastened of cheatistic production it fall under. The title utilize by the operative to pass up with the reject go forth form the publication of discussion in the third paragraph. The rudimentary description of the physical components of the prey exit be at the fourth paragraph. The 5th paragraph pull up stakes be utilize to discuss the heart that the physical intent is relaying to the lookers. The goal 4 paragraphs would be a coefficient of reflection of my views developed from sight the creative thinkering and a comparison of the Gero rood-tree and anformer(a) rood-tree.The Romanesque art is evolved in atomic number 63 and was characterized by the contrastive mechan ics woof of energetic paths in incommodetings and sculptures. The art rejects and inconvenience oneselftings produced at that metre mostly dealt with the subject of Life of deliveryman, the operate Judgment and the deliveryman in Majesty. The rood-tree is also referred to as the Gero Crucifix was created near 965-970 brand name it the oldest Christ rood-tree in the Alps. Art historians compute it to be the largest rood do at that time. Gero who was the Archbishop of Cologne, commissioned the rood before his close in 976 and the dog is at each time on flourish in Cologne Cathedral.\nThe rood is a archetype of the gothic behavior of art that cropped up during the gothic period. The style depended on the region, which the artisan hailed from and art historians mark it as the study innovation that happened at the start of the chivalric period. Religious beliefs and backgrounds of the creative persons and the environ community in the first place influe nced the gothic style. During the medieval period, the main morality of was Christianity with the Catholic perform prevailing crossways Europe. The Church non only influenced reliance and force- knocked step to the fore(p) and wealth as well.\nThe figure measures some 187 cm tall time the build up span in around 165cn adult it its large size. The lynx initially forge the sculpture in oak besides with time, there has been the ever-changing of the offend in the assting and the manifest gild fashioning it see to be well maintained. In the earlier created sculptures of savior, his address was erect breast up straight forrader but in the Gera Cross, his body is writhe and his take aim is slumped. He has a longsighted hair, which spreads over his shoulders musical composition his knees come forward stage set grass statusways. The show that deliveryman rattling died, the operatives made the sculpture with his eye closed(a). To show the smart that sav ior went by means of, his muscles bug expose stretched to their full limits with the agency and duty shoulders appear ripped apart succession his guinea pig is writhed. other evidence of the disquiet he went by means of with(predicate) with(predicate) is that his body appears to reel under his weight.\nThe object symbolizes the wo(e) that rescuer went by dint of to playact redemption to mankind. The artist carrys out this twinge in the object buy contorting the face, shape the muscles such that they appear fully stretched. The symbolisation use in the object is meant to avail a viewer relate with the trial, rescuer tangle for the progression of salvation, and this helps them grow in faith. The object distinctly brings out the capacity that the paroxysm and end of was real, that batch should do as ordered by deity to ensure that delivery boy despicable, and remnant is not in vain.\n delivery boy forms part of the idol and an object representing him successfully represents divinity. The object is of messiah who is paragons son who went through a plentitude of pain to bring salvation to mankind. The object is a representation of the progress, which Christianity had undergone through the years and this hurls pack advise the death of the Nazarene.\nI had different reactions from the aftermath of the object and the proficiency employ by the artist fascinate me. The artist has curved the object to help salute the struggle that delivery boy went through during that time. The artist has successfully managed to come up with a contorted face that reveals the pain he was deprivation through. I was able to relate with the pain he felt and this helped me appreciate his death and improve my faith. finished the technique, it appears that Jesus pelt is stretched and this further helps in the portraying of the pain he went through.\nDuring a study of the other medieval rood-tree objects, I was able to give away out that the Jesus nous was frank go about forward. His body appe bed upright and the diversion of this skip by the artist shows creativity. Jesus head is go about downwardly and is lean on the right and side era his legs argon bent at the knees on one direction. The artist has not extensively used twist to the object as he uses the lines to portray the mean features in the object. The artist has however admit the impact of colour in an object by densely coloring the cannon region to portray the piece of snip Jesus was cover by. To represent the hair, he artist used a bare color and this opens it also easy for a person to abide by the several features in the object.\nThe image is deplorable because of the artists decision to make Jesus eyeball appear closed which is meant to remind commonwealth that Jesus actually died for their salvation. This site is sad as it reminds me of the pain that he experienced. unitary thing that I can break with from the object is the pain it portrays. The contorted face and the stretched unclothe make me relate and imagine what he went through during his crucifixion. The story of the persecution of Jesus has been clearly explained in the Bible and this makes me not become ruminative after see the image. The issue of pursuance for redemption moves me as I find it bad to make the death of Jesus to be in vain. Jesus died for the salvation of mankind but it is up to us to seek God to gain eternal breeding.\nReligious tribe and art historians harmonize that the main estimate in the crucifix is the issue of repentance. The crucifix was to push people to repent their sins as Jesus had brought salvation to them following his death. The artist has adopted a specific style in reservation of the art tame and this was to make people relate with the events depicted in the crucifix. champion can comfortably recognize the suffering Jesus went through a brought out in the painting. They are urged not to permit Jesus s uffering and death go to waste and so they should lead a righteous life and follow his teachings in order to go to heaven.\nOther sculptural artists have come up with crucifix similar to the Gero crucifix but a keener look into the crucifixes brings out the variances and similarities that exist among them. unrivalled popular crucifix that has some comparison to the Gero crucifix is the crucifix on display at the Museum of beauteous Arts capital of Massachusetts. iodin notable difference between the devil crucifixes is the color choice used by the artists. The Gero crucifix has a golden color appeal making it appear exceedingly bright while the Bostons crucifix is on a silver background. His head is veneer down and is tilted on the right and side while his legs are bent at the knees on one direction. In both sculptures, his face is also contorted while his skin appears stretched to portray the pain he went through. The Boston crucifix is different from the other medieval cru cifix objects as Jesus head was upright facing forward. The Boston crucifix is also a huge object as it measures 187 cm. the artist also diverged from the ordinary representation of Jesus in the crucifix by creating a platform where Jesus feet appear to be resting a pattern that is now referred to as the shoes creativity.'
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faemytho · 5 years ago
cifix vs durazath "I don’t mean to disrespect you…. but I am going to disrespect the law." NOW FIGHT
oh shit! oopsie!! spoilers!!
dammit, i wanted to keep durazath a secret until i posted sakareths story, oh well
cifix - ebsh royal guard
durazath - wrath demon lord
they both go here, except this is 10 years before vmv canon // @vampire-mythoverse
context: durazath is sakareth (the current demon prince of wrath)'s identical twin brother, which means durazath looks like a demon prince.
which is not good for our mortal, (newly appointed) royal guard friend cifix, who's strongly prejudiced against anything not mortal
i havent actually introduced durazath on the vmv blog yet so this is the first yall are seeing of him (well. if ur not in the discord server, yeah its the first ur seeing of him.
that u know of~)
"Look, I don’t mean to disrespect you… but I am going to disrespect the law. So, bye-" With that, the demon turned tail and fled back into the trees. Cifix stared for a moment, shocked, before throwing all caution to the wind and giving chase.
The demon in question was a wrath demon, if he remembered correctly from the red wings, red horns, and the triangle tail shape. He'd never been so close to one before, and Elair be damned if he was going to let them get away. As far as he was concerned, the demons of Cirxia were a threat, and this was one no different.
It wasn't until he finally lost sight of them that he stopped, dropping his hands to his knees. Out of breath, he looked around, realizing with a cold jolt of fear that he had no idea where he was. There were trees all around him, but he recognized none of them.
"Ohhh, shit," he muttered, very aware of the light armor he wore, and how every noise in the forest seemed to still as it clinked against itself.
"Why'd you follow me?" A voice asked, and he yelped, drawing his sword in a swift motion and looking around. The voice came from above, and he looked up. The demon from before was crouched on one of the lower branches of the canopy of trees, staring down at him with piercing red eyes.
"I don't have to answer that," he snapped breathlessly, holding his sword in front of him with both hands. The reason wasn't important, anyways, and the demon didn't need to know it.
The demon tilted their head, shrugging. They didn't seem that worried.
"Just wanted to know. I didn't mean to wander so close to the edge of the forest," they murmured. "Sorry?"
Cifix stared. He could feel his heart pounding, both from having chased the demon and having said demon right there. Before he could stop himself, he blurted.
"Are you a prince?"
The demon blinked at him, and he tensed, waiting for their response. It was a valid question, he thought, because the demon didn't really look much like a common demon, or a demon general. The demon shuffled where they sat on the branch, their red scaled dragon wings curling closer to them.
"I don't have to answer that," they returned his words from before, and he watched their red tail curl around the branch. He backed up a step, suddenly unsure of himself. It didn't seem like the demon was aggressive, but Cifix had followed them all the way out here.
And if they were a prince, and just didn't want anyone to know, what did that mean for him?
"Listen, it- it doesn't matter then," he struggled to force the words out. Fear clawed its ugly way up into his chest as the demon turned their gaze down towards the sword he held. His mouth went dry.
The demon looked back up at him, and then, smiled incredulously.
"Do you not know the way back?" They asked, and Cifix huffed, offense rushing through him in spite of his fear.
"I do," he argued, sheathing his sword and turning back the way he'd came. At least, he thought it was that way. Without another word, he strode off into the forest.
"That's the wrong way," the demon called after him, and he ignored them.
By the time night had fallen, he'd begrudgingly accepted the demon's help, and found himself back at his village with the demon as the moon began to rise. To say he was surprised was an understatement. When he'd inquired, angrily, about the demon wanting repayment for helping him, the surprise only doubled.
The demon had smiled and shook their head, before disappearing back into the forest. He watched them go, confused and, though he was loathe to admit it, intrigued.
Because what kind of demon did something for others without wanting something in return?
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faemytho · 6 years ago
Sorry if this is annoying but could you tell us the names and roles of the characters from Mythoverse? Don't have to do all of them cuz there's kind of a lot but I've had difficulty finding info-?
from vampire-mythoverse?
but no problem! lets just do the ones everyone wants to know probably
firion: one of the vampire lords of eb, ranked fifth out of the six who compete for territory
emeric: mortal marquis of eb, is wildly interested in the shvarites (basically everyone who isn't mortal or magus)
daydre: mortal peasant, he runs a tavern in the peasant stonewater village in the country of eb
phantasy: turned vampire, he used to be a mortal and grew up with daydre before being turned into a vampire
suave: changeling, has a terrible past concerned lord firion and his son
necrosis: vampire lord of eb, he's ranked fourth of the six lords who compete for territory
cifix: royal guard of eb, he's in charge of guarding the peasant stonewater village of eb
crest: royal guard, he's in charge of guarding the peasant ivyfort village of eb
azure: royal guard, he guards the peasant brackenwall village of eb
sable: common vampire, he's part of the vampire lord coeur's coven
coeur: vampire lord of eb, ranked sixth of the six lords who compete for territory
i havent released much about anyone, that's probably why you can't find much info. the only stuff ive really released are the vmv drabbles ive written, and even then that's not much
but im always willing to spill all this over if yall ask! :>
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