#ciel phantohive
ashestospace · 6 months
I forgor to say if anyone wants to see more silly kuro videos I got a TikTok with a shit more content. Even though I recently started posting again. Some of it it’s from 2022 lol
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ajzan · 2 years
Black Butler ch. 196: Theo, Nick and Ginny
After reading the synopsis of the most recent chapter, I’m fairly convinced that the F.O.L. Orphanage secret goal is to turn a child from Pomeranian Class into a substitute body for O!Ciel’s soul in order to save him from the contract. Surrounding potential hosts with elements and activities as much similar as possible to what our earl is used to is, I assume, to minimize the chance of internal conflict if the original host’s soul (or its remains or just muscle memory) stays in the body. The drama around pastries from the previous chapter supports this: different dish but the same ingredient, lemon.
And then there is Theo, the most prominent boy from Pomeranian Class. He would appear at this moment to be a candidate, but his attitude is more reminiscent of R!Ciel than O!Ciel. Same calm (and sus) expression and demeanor, strong sense of duty as an oldest brother and how whenever he appears he steals all the attention by being perfect.
Of all the children we have met so far, Nick is much closer to O!Ciel or at least how he was in the past or how he could be if it wasn’t for everything that happened to him. Nick is sweet, cheerful and doesn’t like being kept inside. The manga even supports this as when Nick was shown looking outside the window the same way O!C was in his flashbacks.
Kinda unrelated, but another thing that I’ve noticed but haven’t seen others pointing that out yet, is how Ginny from the Corgi Class looks similar to Lizzie. She has the same straight pigtails as Lizzie used to have during the Campania incident, although it was this way because they got wet. My guess is that Ginny just has naturally straight hair. She and Lizzie even had similar experiences. They didn’t want to practice something anymore out of fear (Lizzie’s was of becoming too strong and scaring her fiance while Ginny got traumatized by a horse accident), but were told that despite anything they must continue and eventually both girls did. Also Ginny being in the Corgi Class that specializes in physical activities is reminiscent of Lizzie’s strength and athleticism.
What do you think?
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rosesartwall · 3 months
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Redraw of Ciel Phantohive and Alois Trancy from Black Butler
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gensokyogarden · 1 year
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"Am ... am I just ... Ciel Phantohive?"
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brieflysostudentblr · 4 years
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namisiaa · 5 years
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Come over here
Lineart and coloring: Nami 
Original art: Toboso Yana, Kuroshitsuji: Chapter 150 Btw, you can find (much) better quality on da, here's just a jpg.
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tribalgarnet-art · 7 years
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faioula16 · 2 years
Does Sébastian shows or says out loud that he misses his kitten?? And the opposite for Y/N, please. Thank you in advance 🌸
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*Sebastian's sitting right across your seat with Y\N comfortably on his lap. Her back against his bare chest while his arms wrapped around her waist in a secured manner and his chin rested upon her shoulder*
Sebastian: I must say I didn't expect so much curiosity from a lady like yourself, don't you think it's a bit rude to ask such a personal question for a couple you have met with just a few moments ago? *deep sigh* Well, I do suppose it can't be helped. The young master was quite specific to his orders. *His slender fingers sneaked to move a flock of Y\N's hair behind her ear and gave her a sweet smooch to the cheek before he looked back in your direction* And now to answer your question...no when I miss my kitten I don't say it out loud or don't show it either. I am quite the proud demon person after all and my butler aesthetic wouldn't allow me to show such weak emotions in front of others. But since I can't lie when I miss my beloved darling kitten I do tend to be...more strict than usual to the rest of the Phantomhive servants and my lord is very grumpy, he keeps scolding me for being distracted and lost in my thoughts. Me, can you believe it? I always fulfill my duties thought, if I couldn't serve my master in perfection even if I miss my love terribly and don't know what to do with myself when I don't have her in my arms, then what kind of butler would I be? Certainly not a Phantohive butler.
Y\N: Yeah, you tricked me with your 'surprise' and made me agree to work for the kid so you could have me by your side all the time. *She glared at him with the tip of her eyes*
Sebastian: Now now darling, don't be like that. *The side of his face nuzzled lovingly against her cheek* It didn't turn out so bad, you have a good job, our very own big room to share, we're spending all day together, two free hours for a break, you have the necessary amount of money to live comfortably, master allowed your dog to stay as well, we have our secret place within the gardens and so much more. it's not right on your part to be that ungrateful. But then again, I can't blame you, you are just a little human, and greed is in your nature. *sigh* Guess I have to work harder...to please you~ *He lifted his one foot slightly just to rub his knee between her thighs. He let out an amused laugh when Y\N's face turned all red and tired to get off his hold, but alas his grip around her waist was too strong* Alright, alright I will behave from now on.
Y\N: *clears her throat and looks back to you, the hard blush on her cheeks still visible* Sometimes I can't come along to acompany Sebastian and the kid to cases, the next day I do miss Sebastian and complain to Finny all the time. I am very happy my friend has such patience with me and my mumbling speeches. *Your hand reached to rub the back of your neck nervously*
Sebastian: Darling, you must refer to the young master like I taught you and not as such nicknames as 'kid' *The devilish butler whispered to her ear, making her spine sliver a bit to how smooth yet firm his tone was*
Y\N: W-Who cares, he's not here to hear me or something.
Ciel: Are you sure about that?
*You along with Sebastian and Y\N turned around to see Ciel who entered the room, uh oh...*
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strayshinobi · 7 years
I think I'm gonna call Our!Ciel Gino because Luigi is my fucking autocorrector
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lebrookestore · 3 years
you predicted both Edward cullen taeyong and lazy ass vampire costume Jaehyun, damn
also what was you favourite outfit? for me it was Ten and Yeri but not the one she wore to the party, the 'Closer' Natalie Portman one from her Instagram
oh uh,,,,,,i really liked taeyongs- and tens!!! i loved ciel phantohive for him it was PERFECT! yeri's natalie portman one was really cute too<3
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hy-joo · 3 years
Ciel phantohive layout pliss🥺💞
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theilliumbluebell10 · 5 years
I'm rewatching the kuroshitsuji, and in the 3rd episode ciel doesn't know how to dance,but ciel isn't the real ciel, his older twin supposed to become the head of the phantohive house, so naturally they parents only theached real ciel to dance, besides our ciel supposed to have asthma when he was a kid. This is why he probably never learned it, he would have another asthma attack if he tried any physical activity.
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brieflysostudentblr · 5 years
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fallen-wolf22 · 6 years
Meet Scarlett Michaelis - Winchester - The Missing Shadow
Fandom: Black Butler and Supernatural
Word Count: 599
Taglist: Open
Author Note: None At The Moment
Book Cover
Chapter One
Name - Scarlett Michaelis - Winchester
Nicknames - Red, Reaper, and Stitches
Age - 25
Gender - Female
Date of Birth - December 24, 1889
Place of Birth - London, England
Ethnicity/Species - Human
Occupation/Job - War Vertrain and Hunter
World/Verse - Earth
Height - 5’5
Weight - 125
Skin Tone - Pale White
Facial Shape - Round
Eye Color - Golden Orange
Distinguish Features - Faded Stitching Across Throat
Hair Style - Curly
Body Type - Curvy
Posture - Straight
Dress - Black Tank Top, Black Jeans, Knee Length Boots, and Full Body Length Leather Jacket
Something Always Carried/ Weapon/ Tools - Machete, Long Range Rifle, And Small Concealed Daggers
Accessories - Wedding Ring and Earrings
Skilled - Medical Knowledge, Guns, and Blades
Incompetence - Doesn’t Understand Some Emotions
Strength/Talent -
Sneaking In And Out Of Place Without Being Seen
Military Knowledge
Weakness - Emotions
Hobbies -
Habits -
Studying A Person
Area Of Residence/Environment - House in the Woods of Idaho City
Neighbourhood - Woods
Organization Involved - None
Job Satisfaction - You Do Not Want To Know That Answer!
Health - Great
Personality - Cold heated at first before showing a kind side only her husband  and son have seen since they have known her.
Moral -
Self-Control - Torable
Motivation - Husband and Son
Discouragement - Never knowing if she’s good enough to her family.
Intelligence Level - Higher Intelligence Then A Normal Person
Confidence Level - Medium
Greatest Fear/Phobia - Being buried alive
Childhood Life - Her Childhood was rough for her born to Amelia Fallen-Wolf and John Winchester, she was taken from her mother at birth and then given to a cult and lived with them for the first three years of her life before they tried to sacrifice her but it didn’t work, so they put her on the black market and she stayed in the market for a year before a man who was in his late forties bought her and used her for unmentionable things and trained her a assassin until she was ten. She fought back and killed the man before leaving the house and wandering the roads in Kentucky before being picked up by cops and freaked out and bit an officer before they were able to calm her down and take her to the hospital where she was checked over and then put into foster care before she was found by her father John WInchester, where he gained custody of her and raised her with Sam and Dean thought the father and daughter dough didn’t get along every well with her trust issues with men, it took four years of living with them and hunting with them for her trust them. When she reached the age of 18 she entered the military and became a ranger serving three tours in Afghanistan before returning home and looking for her brothers for almost a year before she found them at Bobbys and started hunting with them again.
Important Past Event - Meeting her husband and son
Best Accomplishment - Getting Married and Earning A Family
Other Accomplishment - Seeing Her Brothers Again
Worst Moment - Disappearing Without a Word To Her Brothers
Failure - Not Saving Her Family In Time
Secret - Not To Be Told
Best Memories - Introducing her Family to her Brother’s
Story Role - Married to Sebastian Michaelis but also the sister to Sam and Dean Winchester
Alignment - U.S Military
Short Term Goal - Getting to patch her relationship with her brothers.
Long Term Goal - Beating Liver Failure
First Appearance - Chapter One
Conflict -  Dying of Liver Failure but saving her family.
Most Defining Moment - Keeping her brothers, son, and husband alive.
Dean Winchester (Half-Brother)
Sam Winchester (Half-Brother)
Ciel Phantomhive (Adopted Son)
Sebastian Michaelis (Husband)
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ajzan · 7 years
About two Ciels
I think Yana distinguishes each Phantohive Twin not only by fringes but also by making each of them similar to one of their parents.
Our!Ciel (fans seems to call him Astre now) is more similar to Rachel as Madame Red stated in Jack the Ripper arc.
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While real Ciel seems to have more from Vincent than his brother, thus making him appear more as true heir.
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Chapter 129 is not officialy out yet so I’m adding panels from chapters 31 and 32. They’re not showing much of similarity since Ciel here is still a child (not teenager going through puberty, when similarities are more visible) but I think it’s worth noting that real Ciel seems to be main reason why Baron Kelvin went creepy insane.
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strayshinobi · 7 years
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I love the twins so much I really won’t be able to get over all this
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