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winter-1023 · 5 months ago
What go gunhee sees at the end of shift
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little-shadow-club · 2 months ago
Jinwoo really said "I support his criminal activities but NOT his self destruction." And honestly, same.
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manawari · 11 months ago
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But make it~
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stormdragon23 · 11 months ago
My Top Solo Leveling Ships
Wanted to talk a little about them, so I'll just list three main reasons why I like them otherwise this post will be endless. There are a lot of other ships I like, but these are the main ones
It's a little unhinged, but that shouldn't be new
1. ChoiBaek
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This shouldn't be a surprise
They are aware of the other's intentions without needing to tell each other. They both read other people and each other very well. The only reason they don't get along is because when both of them want the same thing (recruiting Sung Jin-Woo, a gate in the area, etc), they are both very willing to fight for what they want and use their perceptiveness to their advantage. One of them doesn't mind having his thoughts being known while the other minds a lot
They both want their guild become stronger but not at the expense of their members. They have the same morals, but the actions they take because of their morals are different. Baek Yoon-Ho wants to make his guild stronger by focusing on what his members need as individuals (paying them more, training new recruits with stronger and more experienced members, etc). Choi Jong-In wants to make his guild stronger by focusing on improving how the teams work together (hunting in a orderly way to minimize injuries as much as possible, taking a leadership role to make sure none of the members are falling behind, making sure the teams are adequately prepared, etc). Both of them care a lot about other people, though they don’t make it obvious to others
Both know the other is strong (Choi Jong-In defends Baek Yoon-Ho when Sung Jin-Woo thinks Yoon-Ho is struggling during the Jeju sparring match while Baek Yoon-Ho is aware of Choi Jong-In's strength during the Jeju Raid) but tend to underestimate themselves (Baek Yoon-Ho believing he wouldn't have been able to win against the Japanese S-Ranks when he held out for a while on his own against two of them, and Choi Jong-In seeing his title as "a joke" after comparing himself to Sung Jin-Woo when he always has to limit how much of his powers he actually uses because of the people around him or the environment he is in)
This got long anyways... sorry. The others are shorter
2. SungPark
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I wanted to see them more than the main couple
They are both selfless to the point where they make sure others are alright before taking care of themselves
They both want their family to be safe and happy and make taking care of their children their priority. Park Kyung-Hye tells her son it's okay for him to be a hunter, even though it's the reason why Sung Il-Hwan is gone, and she understands that it's something both her husband and son feel like they need to do
The way Kyung-Hye kept waiting for her husband to return home and knew the exact moment when he wouldn't be coming back Ripped my heart to SHREDS-
They were so in love laskdjfasdlf
3. MinLee
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AKA younger!SungPark
Both of them have similar trauma, so they're able to help each other, especially since they're both retired
Even they have trauma, they have put their fears aside to help people more. Both participate in the last Jeju raid despite Min Byung-Gyu being traumatized from the last one and Lee Ju-Hee being traumatized from her previous raids
The way Lee Ju-Hee hardly showed up after she told Sung Jin-Woo she was retiring and Min Byung-Gyu barely being mentioned besides his trip to Japan before the Jeju Raid? There's so much potential for them to actually meet-
I see them as the "bunny couple"
4. ChulWoo
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This was actually one of the first ships I really got into
The way Woo Jin-Chul knew Sung Jin-Woo from the beginning and was watching Sung Jin-Woo get stronger without realizing it at first
The way Woo Jin-Chul looked at Sung Jin-Woo in the new timeline when he remembered the previous timeline-
Honestly, in my opinion, Sung Jin-Woo had more potential with Woo Jin-Chul than Cha Hae-in. Like, Sung Jin-Woo avenging Go Gun-Hee not just for his sake but for Woo Jin-Chul? Sung Jin-Woo actually trying to not give Jin-Chul a headache but failing? I love their dynamic
5. HeeSeok
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This is probably the most cracked ship out of these, but it's cute
Both of them have a caring, almost parent-like nature (Park Hee-Jin looking after Han Song-Yi during the Red Gate and Eun-Seok looking after and warning Min Byung-Gyu during the third Jeju Raid)
It's actually possible for them to have known each other despite it not being stated in canon (Eun-Seok was a member of the Fiend Guild, and Park Hee-Jin could have been a member of the Fiend Guild as well before leaving for White Tiger. The game might change this part about Park Hee-Jin, but I'll stick with it for now)
The way Eun-Seok wears a scarf with his hunter's outfit, and then Park Hee-Jin gets stuck in a frost Red Gate? And Park Hee-Jin looks somewhat okay despite it being cold, so it seems like both are fine in cold environments
Actually, in my monarch/ruler AU, Frost Monarch!Eun-Seok could be the reason Park Hee-Jin gets stuck there in that Red Gate...hmm
Feel free to ask for more of my thoughts and talk about your own below
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artistic-fool · 22 days ago
Apparently it's 'bring your S Rank Hunter to work day' and Jinwoo decided it needed to be memorable💀
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(10000% based off of the post by @manawari -post linked below)
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cj-marj · 6 months ago
I have run out of Sung Jinwoo/Woo Jinchul fics to consume. :(
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libzarzar · 10 months ago
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Family photo while they have a chance 🥰
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ash-simps · 1 year ago
In my delulu arc where I pretend that the Jinchul standee and Jinwoo standee match in that complimentary yaoi way
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lovesomehate · 19 days ago
Getting the desire to write abo for Solo Leveling where it’s just alpha Jinchul having to deal with his omega Jinwoo who is now suddenly a S rank hunter that keeps getting into situations, giving him so much paperwork to do and stressing the shit out of Jinchul specially cause all these rank S alphas want his omega dead and he’s just a rank A hunter and oh my god can these dungeons stop popping up everywhere?!
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1004sface · 4 months ago
1996.04.04 TV Times Magazine - R.ef article
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Scans credit: yours truly!
No such thing as secrets!
'Sung Daehyun death rumor' happening
Return to retro, the 2nd album's secret
On the evening of the 22nd, Lee Hyundo makes an international call in tears
"Is it true that Daehyun died?"
"Is it true that Daehyun oppa died in a car accident? People say it was on the news this morning."
Early in the morning of March 22, R.ef fans sent the TV Times office phone into flames. A week before, a rumor that Seong Daehyun had died had peeked its head through, but today the phone exploded with calls. PC communication must have been swept up by the rumor.
Another funny happening! The same evening, Lee Hyundo, who was in LA, called sounding close to tears, "Is it true that Jeongsik (Daehyun) died?". It was Chae Rina, who was staying close to Hyundo, who ran crying and delivered the news.
To get to the point, R.ef finished their last recording at 6 P.M., March 22nd, and soon after went to Kimpo Airport, where at 8:30 A.M. they rode a plane to Singapore and arrived safely at their destination. As soon as they took out their travel gear, they notified their company that they had landed safely - they plan to return to Korea on March 27.
Recording lasted until 6 P.M. before leaving to Singapore
Park Chulwoo wore a mask due to his swollen throat
2 A.M., March 22, at the Paju King Records recording studio just hours before leaving to Singapore. Opening the studio door, Sung Daehyun, the man of the hour, was alive, but a little haggard on account of staying up late.
"Staying up all this week has made me out of my head."
The other members are the same. It felt bad to even talk to Park Chulwoo, who wore a mask because his throat was swollen, or Lee Sungwook, whose nerves were frayed having to finish recording on the day of departure.
Nearing the final stretch, they pulled a week-long all-nighter, and even worked intensively on the day they were set to leave for Singapore. Due to this, production on the album is almost finished; the rest—mixing, mastering, and jazz session playing for one song—are technical processes that will be handled in America, with R.ef not directly participating.
The final touches will be finished in America by Kim Gukhyeon, an engineer who participated in the production of Seo Taiji and Boys' 4th album, and their producer Choi Minhyeok. It will take place in Ocean Tower Studio, a spot Kim Gukhyeon found, located in the vicinity of LA.
11 songs themed on love, with rave as the main genre
Gathered an orchestra and the world's top artists
As the D-day of R.ef's second album, to release around the middle of April, approaches, its secrets are being unraveled one by one, drawing curiosity. As its title, Back to the Black, implies, the album's songs seek a "return to retro". To bring a new feel to the retro sound new generations are unfamiliar with, a sound designer—a position new to general audiences—was appointed into their team for the first time in Korea. Additionally, to differentiate the album from the digital music of other dance groups, producers scoured American instrument stores for analog instruments that they would work with.
As expected of the group that first introduced the genre to Korea, R.ef's second album is composed of various types of rave music. About five rave tracks are included on the 11-track album.
"In order to strengthen the color of R.ef's unique rave music, we made unique attempts, like adding orchestral instrumentation or metal guitars. It'll probably sound new."
One of this album's other features is the diverse range of genres, such as US house, hip hop, jazz, techno, and pop ballads, aside from the 5 rave songs. For the jazz song in particular, itself a hard feat for a dance group, more work will be put into it than the title track. While in America, the country's top notch jazz artists will be hired to participate in session recordings; Michael Miller, a famous jazz guitarist famous for his work with Chuck Korea, has already been scouted. They plan to invest generously in scouting A-class musicians.
One song composed by Lee Sungwook, 2-3 written by Sung Daehyun
Choreo and outfits will be prepared at their return to Korea, on March 27
A song composed by Lee Sungwook will be included in this album, which will show how much the group have grown musically. Lyrics will be written by Hong Jaesun, Lee Yongmin, and Sung Daehyun, who all wrote for R.ef's debut, as well as the rising star lyricist Kang Eunkyung. Sung Daehyun wrote lyrics for 4 songs, two to three of which are being considered for the album.
This album's main theme is "love". It includes stories about lovers, self-love, love for a departed partner, and things one would want to say while parting with a lover.
Aside from "Brilliant Love", which serves as a part two to "Heartbreak" off their debut, the rest of the tracklist has not been decided on—only the title of the song "Forbidden U-Turn", composed by Lee Sungwook. Kang Eunkyung wrote the lyrics off of Lee's idea, and it reportedly contains autobiographical lyrics about how he chose to become a singer.
On another note, R.ef will be busy finishing up their dances and outfits, when they come back from Singapore, appearing on various TV and radio programs and shooting a music video with their travel companion Kim Sehoon.
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winter-1023 · 1 year ago
Jinwoo whenever jinchul is within arm reach
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little-shadow-club · 4 months ago
Jinwoo likes his coffee like how he likes his men, full of sweetness, soft to the tongue, simple and easy to find.
Jinchul likes his coffee like how he likes his men, raw.
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manawari · 2 months ago
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Mr. Woo has a photo of him and Jin-Woo on his desk!
Also I don't know what that badge signifies but I love officer/detective Jin-Woo
Definitely shows Jin-chul and Jin-woo's friendship — it wasn't as raw in the original series since it was more in professionalism, but in Ragnarok, it was built genuinely:')
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stormdragon23 · 11 months ago
Y'know Woochul was also one of the first ships I got into, and I feel like their dynamic is such a breath of fresh air.
There's no tried and true rivalry, not (alot) of misunderstandings, just two dudes chilling out with each other.
Two people that are rounded characters on their own, but also make each other better. Whether it be by Jin-woo limiting the havoc he wreaks when he's fighting (and failing everytime because he's too damn strong) or the way Jin-chul subtly, but insistently, looks out for Jin-woo makes my heart fuzzy and warm.
I just think they're a ship that has something most other ships I ship don't- a mature understanding of one another and compromise. (I ship too many enemies to lovers ships man. Sue me I like red and blue)
Anyways just wanted to word vomit a lil' bit sorry about that lmao
Yes, you worded it so well!
I haven't talked much about Woochul/Chulwoo, but I like how they always seemed to just click together in the fanfics I've read. A progression of getting to know each other and subtly helping each other in their own way (Jinchul looking out for Jinwoo when Jinwoo is still weak while Jinwoo looks out for Jinchul when he becomes an S-Rank in return)
While my headcanons on their relationship vary since I haven't thought about them in a while, I do think they have a good understanding of each other, despite having different life experiences. I also think they would communicate fairly often but not actually say what they mean and instead, give hints that the other picks up on quickly. So they communicate well with each other but in their own way. I like to think that Jinwoo enjoys teasing Jinchul from time to time too (That one moment in the side stories where Jinwoo teased Jinchul about the drawing of Beru? Priceless)
I also like to imagine that their morals line up as well, which is why I think they're very compatible (Side note but in my mind, Jinwoo with Haein: Would save the world for her; Jinwoo with Jinchul: Would sacrifice the world for him)
I actually think all my top ships have a mature understanding of each other (Choibaek do understand each other, they just pretend not to sometimes, especially in public-), but Woochul/Chulwoo are one of the more popular ones that are like that. And you're good! Most of my ships start out as enemies to lovers haha I mean, look at my main one-
Oh, no worries! I love seeing people's thoughts on ships and other Solo Leveling topics! You're always welcome to send more! <- This goes for anyone
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leedongsik · 11 months ago
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manawari · 22 days ago
The accuracy!!!!
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Apparently it's 'bring your S Rank Hunter to work day' and Jinwoo decided it needed to be memorable💀
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(10000% based off of the post by @manawari -post linked below)
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