#chuggington calley
masterj · 21 days
Chuggington Headcanon: The Depot Renovation and The Chuggineer's Introduction
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So Chuggington fans know that in the fourth season, we see that The Main Depot gets a massive update to accommodate for Chug Patrol Headquarters and The Working Wheels Service Yard. This headcanon will explain this sudden change.
So as we know from the first three seasons, Calley was Chuggington's emergency chugger, dealing with accidents, breakdowns, fires, and even transporting injured people to hospital, as rail is Chuggington's primary form of transport, and road vehicles have not been comfirmed to be canon. However, having only one rescue chugger often proved to be quite stressful, inefficient, and inconvenient, which has been shown on a few occasions in the show.
Near the end of the third season, it was eventually decided by both Vee and The Department of Chuggers that Chuggington's rescue service needed upgrading. However, they did not yet have an official plan, nor where many rescue engines available, so they set up a 'trial method'.
Skylar had rescue training expierence, so Vee decided he could form a team alongside Calley and recruit the trainees, but first, they would need extra training with cars rescue chuggers used.
In his introduction episode, "Brewster's Crane Training," they practice crane control.
Then in "Wobbly Wheels," they learn how to use the Chug Catcher (a sand trap used to stop runaways on the mountain tracks)
In "Top Secret Koko," both Skylar and Calley teach the trainees how to 'piggy-back' wagons (flatbeds used for carrying chuggers)
And finally, the episode "Skylar's Squad," where the trainees get full-on rescue training with Skylar's own set of rescue cars, and the trainees who do the best will be recruited, which ends up being Hoot and Toot.
This, of course, was short lived however, after Chug Patrol, a modern, state of the art rescue squad was made known to Chuggington, and after investments where made, Chuggington would get their own Chug Patrollers and headquarters in The Depot.
To do that however, space would need to be made. At this same time, Vee decided the Fuel Yard also needed upgrading, to accommodate more chuggers for refueling and washing and improve efficiency, which is how The Working Wheels Service Yard came to be.
A lot of work needed to be done, and thus, the renovation began...
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Construction started some time after the third season's events. The cafe half of the Colored Tunnels had to be removed to accommodate for Chug Patrol HQ. It had been years since many people where last there so no one was particularly bothered by this. The Rolling Stock Yard was taken down in order for the Working Wheels Yard to be built, however, it was later rebuilt further back outside of the depot. The area for the Fuel Yard was too small to become the Working Wheels Yard, so it was left alone. They would need it for storing materials and rolling stock out of the way anyway.
Vee put Dunbar, Speedy and Skylar in charge of handling the construction work, as they were the current chuggers best suited for the job. Several tracks in front of the Colored Tunnels had to be rearranged, which was handled by Hodge and Eddie, the latter also handling traffic control due to the construction. Calley also assisted by shunting various rolling stock and materials. It was long, dusty work and project took several months (basically the gap between the third and fourth season's airdates in the UK)
As for the other chuggers, they carried on with all the other work. The trainees - except Piper - also had to pitch in to cover for the chuggers busy with the construction, so training was put completely on hold for them until further notice. Despite this however, problems soon arose...
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With several lines under unavailable, and cars of building materials blocking the way, chuggers had to be guided around them to get out of the depot. Trains were delayed, passengers complained, and the backlog of traffic started to cause a slowdown in construction, as sometimes, Calley had to clear a way herself to let trains through. Sometimes, chuggers were even re-routed onto Emery's line on the elevated tracks in order to get their trains out of the depot, which held him and his passengers up too!
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Poor Vee was now very frazzled. All this 'confusion and delay' made it quite clear to her that having three of four of her working chuggers taken away from their other work and only one chugger to keep the tracks clear wouldn't be enough. If this project was ever going to get done, she needed to call in professional help...
And now, three special new chuggers come onto the scene, and we know who they are...
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Fletch, Tyne, and Zack, and they are The Chuggineers!
The Chuggineers are a team of chuggers from Tootington specialized in construction and engineering, in which Zack, Fletch and Tyne were originally part of. Vee got in contact with the manager of Tootington's railway to see if they could lend some of their Chuggineers. Zack, Fletch and Tyne were choosen - and instead of being loned, The manager sold them to Vee, as well as a full set of Chuggineer wagons - Vee was delighted!
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So a few days later after they were purchased, Zack and the Chuggineers arrived and set right to work. Things turned around remarkably. As they and their wagons were specialized in this kind of work, The Chuggineers proved much more efficient. Construction of Chug Patrol HQ started to pick up speed again, The Depot started to become less overcrowded with cars, and the other chuggers where able to get back on schedule. Dunbar and Calley still helped with shunting for the project, and sometimes Brewster as well, while Speedy went back up to the quarry, which was to start its expansion soon, but that's another story.
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A couple weeks later, Jackman, the soon-to-be chief of Chug Patrol arrived and assisted in finishing CPHQ, as mentioned previously in my headcanon for him. They were soon able to finish work on The Working Wheels Yard. That's when Cormac, the forklift chugger arrived, but again, that's another story.
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At long last, the project was finished, Calley went into The Repair Shed for an overhaul, where she was repainted and refitted into her Chug Patrol gear and attire, which she bears to this day, while Zack, Fletch and Tyne and made fast friends with the other chuggers, and were proud to call Chuggington their home.
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masterjarthub · 19 days
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Here's Chug Patroller Calley! 🔴🔵⛑️🚨
Since this is her current form, I actually drew this one before I drew the original Calley.
I still can't forgive the fact that she was one of the characters cut from S6, not only is she the first responder of Chug Patrol, she was the original rescue chugger, a big mentor to the trainees, and one of the most vital characters in the show overall. So writing her out of the series was just an absolute crime...
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kingcrane8 · 1 year
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Calley (Chuggington) as Calley (The Railways of Cratoonia)
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chuggingtonfanatic · 3 years
Chug Patrol GN Headcanons
It took me a while to create headcanons for this team because they aren’t quite as emotionally connected in the show. There is some basis to work with them in the fanon space, but I have to debate how much I can stray from canon so that they can still be recognizable to the fans of the show. Anyways, they won’t be the hardest team for me to work with, but still a bit more challenging than the Chuggineers.
The reason Jackman came to Chuggington and is Chug Patrol chief is because he’s not only more experienced than Calley (which is a canon fact)-he provides an additional wheel for her on the job. Before Jackman arrived to Chuggington, Calley was the only rescue chugger around. At the time, Calley feared heavily of having internal malfunctions herself. If she’s temporarily unavailable and an emergency pops up, the day could get horrific since Vee would have to scramble getting backup help or pray that other chuggers could do a great rescue themselves. After Jackman arrived, her stress levels have been eased. (I may or may not go in depth with their relationship later on)
It took a while for them to develop a mutual workplace relationship since Calley isn’t used to actively working with someone. In face, Calley was initially a little intimidated by Jackman since he’s more experienced in rescuing than her. This was especially highlighted when the two had some differences on how they would solve the same problem. However, these worries eventually fade away when the two became more open to function as a team.
Wilson and Calley already shared a great bond before the formation of Chug Patrol. Before season 4, whenever the two are free of duties for a time, Calley gladly narrates Wilson stories of her own rescues. Wilson loves to listen to her stories and considers her to be the best storyteller ever. Afterall, this is how Wilson got inspired to tell great stories of his own rescues. Even before Dunbar’s retirement, Wilson typically goes to Calley first for personal advice since she’s one of the few chuggers that knows him well than others. Calley have seen potential in Wilson being a rescue chugger like her in the future in subtle ways (such as his growing confidence, problem-solving skills, ect). After the team is made, these two became closer.
To relieve stress from their jobs, all Chug Patrol members know a secret location to a hotspring spot deep within the forest. They obviously can’t get in to swim but, the sounds of waterfall and the sensation of the hot steam puts their gears in ease. Sometimes each of them will go to this location whenever they have a bad day. Calley discovered this location by pure accident while looking for a place to cool down from an extremely rough rescue (about a year before meeting Jackman).
Sometimes when there hasn’t been a rescue for a while, they get together to skip rocks at any large body of water they can find. Jackman is a pro at this and so far, no one has beaten his record yet (45 skips currently)
As Chug Patrol members, they could only leave Chuggington on special occasions. On some Friday nights, they’ll go to the roundhouse drive-in to watch various movies together. Oftentimes, they’ll sleep outside at the theater since they’ll be too tired to go back to their respective roundhouses.
Sometimes on Saturday nights, Jackman, Asher and Calley have a sleepover in an open field. There, they would listen to audio books as additional stress relief with the radio wagon. They’ll usually provide commentary to every audio books they’ve listened too. Sometimes the audio books aren’t suited for a young audience-which is one of the reasons why Wilson is usually absent (he doesn’t know about this anyway).
It took a while for Asher to be emotionally connected to all of his team members since they’re somewhat already a close-knit group before his arrival. He easily connected with Jackman first (due to their similar backgrounds). He has less in common with Calley, but the two eventually got along well due to having a few similar interests. It took a while for Asher to connect with Wilson due to their different background and interests. However, he eventually came around to appreciate Wilson’s admiration for him.
The team members are closer to one member over the other. Here’s the list of the close relationships:
Jackman and Calley are of course the closest to each other.
Wilson is closest to Jackman.
Asher is the closest to Jackman
I may or may not add more hcs in the future. Hopefully you liked what I have so far!
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ladymiraclewings · 3 years
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Since there is rare info on the two new Season 6 recruits, such as their names, I figured we could give them beta / provisional names until they are revealed like by a new summary of the season, their upcoming introductory episode, or a Korean source post of World Guardians.
The first new Super Wings, since it looks a bit like a satellite, it could be something like “Cosmo”, “Galatea“ or “Galaxia”. + I imagine her related to Astra and Astro, maybe their cousin.
And the second new Super Wings, like it looks like a train, a name like “Olwin”, “Calley” or “Kay / Karl”, “Alf” (those names are Chuggington and Robot Trains references, i don’t watch these show but i known some characters name.
In my opinion, i must like the names Galaxia and Karl, for waiting their canon name.
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furryartbymicky · 5 years
Calley from Chuggington
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lindsaycbj · 7 years
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All the Chuggington trains on the track! Calley has the crane car ready to save someone! We need some Chuggington pj's! #traintastictuesday #chuggington #chuggingtontrain
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masterj · 2 months
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Hey y'all!
I'm currently in the process of the next YIPPEE chugger,
but I thought in the meantime I'd post some traditional illustrations of some of the season 1 cast, because it's good to see "old familiar faces" in the words of a song from the 8th series of Thomas.
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masterj · 2 months
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masterj · 2 months
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It's time I posted more art! \(^-^)/ :)
Here's Calley with here fire and rescue cars!🔥👩‍🚒⛑️🧯
"Breakdown chugger coming throo-ooough!"
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masterj · 2 months
Shoutout to Calleyfan on Youtube who just did a livestream of his Roblox Chuggington and yours truly was part of the chat! 😄😄😄
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At 16:32, 18:34 and 20:15 we also made a revelation about the S1 episode The Chugger Championship and I'm not pleased, Wilson and Harrison have unfinished business, ma boi Wilson was F🤬GGIN RIGGED THEY NEED A REMATCH /jk
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masterj · 1 month
Chuggington Headcanon: Jackman's Origin
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Jackman was built and lived in a far away country named Ironland - The Chuggington equivalent of Ireland - hence his Irish accent. After completing training, he spent his early working years at a logging company on the outskirts of his hometown, where he became quickly became handy with his huge crane arm mounted on top of him, but also served as a rescue chugger, exactly like Calley in the first three seasons.
When Chuggington's rail emergency service had been decided to be upgraded to what is now Chug Patrol, Jackman, now with wide rescue experience, was invited to become part of the squad, and gladly excepted, and after being shipped to Chuggington, he also assisted in completing the construction of Chug Patrol Headquarters, located in the main depot.
As it turned out, Chuggington wasn't the only railway with its rescue service being revamped to Chug Patrol, Tootington and Ironland - some time before Jackman moved - where two of a few that had undergone the change, so Jackman already had experience with the new and modern Chug Patrol wagons, and knew techniques that even Calley didn't know, which quickly won him the position as chief, which he proudly resides in to this day.
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