#chuck 002
mikael-blackwood · 2 months
LOCATION: Chuck’s Apartment WHO: @mystycfics
Alcohol and lots of it were needed, after the events that took place in Raven’s Peak the Blackwood child was scarred for life.  People witnessed him losing his mind over his ex-boyfriend and the humiliation fell upon him.  Even if it was not his fault, he made himself vulnerable to the attack by not speaking of the things that transpired between Hector and him in New York and bottling up everything, trying to pretend the last six years never happened.
There was one place, Mikael knew he could let loose and pretend nothing happened.  A place of no judgment, just two girls wanting to drink a fuck ton, do each other’s nails and of course old fashion movies.
Perhaps a little warning may have been nice, but that was not Mikael's style.  Often, he would just drop by and bless the person with his presence.  Holding a traveling bag and a plastic bag filled with bottles stuffed in paper sacks, he knocked on the door.
“C’mon bitch, open the door.  This shit is heavy,” he called out.  “Oh, and I need a girl’s night.”
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fantasywritten · 2 years
la casa de papel tag drop!
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lailawinchesterr · 3 days
dean winchester 002
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you and dean growing old after chuck’s gone, having a little baby girl that dean cries when he first holds, using one of rufus’ old lake houses as yours, finding one close enough for sam and his wife so your families are always together, late nights on the lake reminiscing about hunting, dean reminding you every night that you’re the best mother, the best wife he could’ve ever asked for — your domestic life with dean
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madelynraemunson · 9 months
(Book #1 of the Hellfire Gentlemen's Club series)
strip club owner!eddie x fem!exotic dancer!hargrove!reader
Chapter 015: Eddie, Do You Copy?
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Learning about, understanding, and loving all parts of Eddie.
* = somewhat smut
** = smut
↳ chapters: 001, 002*, 003** , 004**, 005 , 006 , 007* , 008**, 009, 010, 011, 012* , 013**, 014**, 015, 016**, 017, 018, 019, 020*
word count: 5.8k words
disclaimers — fluff, grief, flight of icarus easter eggs bc of eddie’s mom, ANGST, talks of childhood abuse/negligence/foster care, implied domestic violence, homicide, cancer, mentions of suicide, mentions of underaged drinking/drug use if you squint, lil modern-nostaglia moment btwn eddie and the boys (as a treat ✨), erica and wayne cameo yayyy
author's note: eddie is so boyfriend in this chapter 🫠 happy holidays, you filthy animals ♥️
“I put the record on, wait till I hear our song. Every night I’m dancing with your ghost.”
Your eyes accommodate the first beacon of light as thirst creeps its way into your system.
6:38 AM.
Quietly chucking the covers off, you find yourself hobbling over Eddie in attempts to get to the kitchen. You can only hope that it doesn’t wake him.
Eddie responds with a low grumble. Followed by some mumbling and flailing. And then you watch as he shifts around, doing his best to return to the state of comfort he was in before his sleep was interrupted.
But if he’s anything like you — which you know for a fact he is — his cranky self is most likely awake by now and just pretending to be unconscious to avoid early morning conversation.
To put it to the test, you press a soft kiss onto Eddie’s forehead. He smiles.
You smile to yourself. Called it.
When you get to the kitchen, you seek out Eddie’s Garfield mug for your reservoir of choice. And as it fills with water, the bedroom adjacent from his captures your attention.
Steve’s door is open. A huge indicator that he’s still not home.
Judging by the energy levels of everyone last night, you assume it’s because they were still out partying. And for Steve’s sake, a part of you hopes it’s also because he went home with somebody.
Once you’ve got your water, you sneak back into Eddie’s room, using the newfound, natural light to really study it.
You would’ve thought it was an extension of Steve’s room, not Eddie’s. Everything’s a posh navy blue, something Eddie wouldn’t be caught dead in if he had been anywhere else.
But the corner of his room is more like him, decorated with vinyls and a Crosley just like your sister’s. There were records of his favorite metal bands: Sabbath and Maiden. Anthrax, Metallica, and Judas Priest. And the unsuspecting like Elvis, The Doors, and Pink Floyd. Even country — both old and new, Johnny Cash and Chris Young — followed by a wide selection of Chicago blues and bluegrass.
The rest of his personality could be found on the bulletin board sitting on his desk.
Hand soap, dryer sheets, FUCKING DO PAYROLL
Eddie’s to-do list. You let out a soft chuckle.
Familiar faces canvas the board. There’s photos of Eddie, Jeff, Gareth, and Grant. A picture of him with his uncle — Young Eddie with his hair buzzed and Uncle Wayne’s a subtle gray, most likely Eddie’s doing.
There’s a photo of Steve and Eddie at a Colt’s game. Eddie and Dustin. And Eddie with Will at what looked to be a D&D convention of sorts.
But one photo catches your eye the most.
‘MOMMY & ME: LIZ + EDDIE , 1994’
His mom’s name was Liz. You graze the picture of Liz holding a baby Eddie in her arms. On her face was a dimpled smile like no other, the love-filled look in her eyes having been shielded by her thick wavy brown hair.
But you didn’t need to see her eyes to know how much she loved Eddie. You see it in how she’s holding him, gently pressed to her chest while she supports his neck, his beady brown eyes staring at her with the same amount of adoration.
It all reminds you of Mom. You’re almost certain there’s a picture of you two like that, but it’s back home with Billy… evidently a forbidden turf to trek.
At least there’s still the memory of it. But like the bond with your twin, it’s also growing to be distant.
Your eyes and tears trickle down to another picture of her on Eddie’s bulletin board.
It’s of Toddler Eddie now with Liz in what looks like a kitchen. He’s standing on her feet and, judging by the motion of the picture, is dancing along to a song that was probably playing on the stereo. Behind the two of them sat piles and piles of CDs, all of which were all of the blues.
“She was pretty, wasn’t she?”
Eddie is behind you now. He smiles at you with a dreamy gaze, beaming at the mere fact that the two women who made him happiest could be visually processed in the same frame.
You gulp.
“Really, really pretty,” you insist. “You have her smile. A-and her hair.”
"Yeah, I look a lot like her," Eddie chuckles with a hint of pride. He grazes the photos of her in the same way you did. "She’s influenced me a lot growing up. Bet that's why my sperm donor can't stand me."
You carefully dissect his choice of words. There’s a lot of resent for Alan Munson on Eddie’s part. You don’t blame him, if what Billy discovered had been true. It’s the same reason you and him resent Dad.
Eddie fixates on the expression on your face. He knows why this is so moving for you.
“It never gets easier, does it?” he questions, hinting at your own ongoing struggle with grief.
You cross your arms and shake your head. Softly you mutter, “Never.”
You feel stupid. Eddie’s doing his best to navigate his own baggage, yet you still found a way to make it about yourself.
He pulls you close and wraps his arms tenderly around your waist. Eddie doesn’t have to say it to reassure you that your burdens are safe in his presence. You can just feel it. Two traumatized individuals understand each other in a way others can’t.
“Time just keeps going,” you speak again. “Everyone moves on and you’re kinda just…stuck in place.”
“World just keeps going. Grief doesn’t care about your plans when it blindsides you, taking you for everything you’ve got.”
You swallow hard as Eddie’s words sink into you.
Tragedy just feels so non-consensual. No one ever asks for it to happen.
You and Billy can’t even go surfing without thinking about Mom. Whenever you try you both always end up fighting. That’s why Max tends to go alone or with her own friends.
“I have to stay away from a whole genre of music because I’ll burst into tears,” you scoff in agony. “Billy and I can’t even listen to Iration without thinking of our mom.”
“Can’t listen to Muddy Waters without thinking of mine.”
You and Eddie sway in place to the tandem of your beating hearts. It’s a breath of fresh air knowing you have each other now.
After a while, he ruffles your hair and spins you around so that you can face him.
"But enough about that," Eddie attempts a smile. He rubs your shoulders and you hum in awe. "This is supposed to be a happy time."
"Happiness and despair can coexist," you sniff. “Duality, remember?”
Eddie smiles. It's a you're right kind of smile. "I was yesterday years old when I learned that."
He kisses your forehead and soon you two are in the shower, rinsing up and mentally preparing for the long day of errands ahead.
You’re the first to hop out and get dressed, eager to devour a bowl of oatmeal before tackling the day.
"Hey… babe?" Eddie calls out to you from his closet.
The pet name almost sounds too natural rolling off his tongue. But then again he is the owner of a strip club, and was married for a few years before meeting you.
“Yeah?” you call back, heart skipping a beat.
“Can you make me a coffee while you’re out there?” he requests. “The usual black drip coffee with some hazelnut? Please and thank you.”
“Of course, hun.”
You can get used to this.
So you make your way back out into the living room and kitchen shortly after, practically skipping. But the person you see in the kitchen — with tired eyes and a bowl of his own oatmeal in hand — stops you in your tracks.
"Morning, Hargrove," Steve responds.
You're so dumb. You've gotta start realizing that when you sleep with one of them, the other may pop in at any minute. After all, it’s their townhouse.
As frozen in place as you are, you do your best to shoot Steve a shy little wave. Again, the look on his face indecipherable.
"Morning..." you pathetically respond.
Steve eventually grants you a wave back. He pokes around at his oatmeal while you make your way over to the fridge, your cheeks flushing a timid red as you do so.
You move in a way that seems like you were way too conscious of your actions. Even Steve notices. But he keeps trying to eat, his spoon clinking against his bowl as he intermittently clears his throat, all an attempt to fill the void of silence.
"Did you have a fun night?" you question. "You know... bar-hopping."
"Yeah, I did," he replies. "Argyle had to get cut off cuz he was being real extra with it."
"Oh geez."
"I know."
“How was Max?”
“She was fine,” Steve shrugs. “The bars use the same 21+ wristbands Hellfire does so we were able to sneak her in no problem. Chrissy made sure she got home safe. The girls were just stoked they finally got to have a carefree night.”
“That’s so good,” you breathe a sigh of relief. “I’m so happy for them.”
“Yeah,” he nods in agreement. “I’m really happy for them too. Seems like they needed it.”
Finally, your friend decides to address the elephant in the room.
"We uhh..." he begins. "We should probably end what we have going on here. Just so no one gets hurt."
“I think that’s a smart idea too,” you mumble as you nod.
You make your way over to Steve, stunned that he doesn’t shy away from you when you invade his personal space. Instead he leans into you, opening up his lap so you can maneuver between his legs.
You know, like how friends usually talk.
“It was fun while it lasted…”
"I know. I just feel so bad..." you choke, rubbing his arm softly. "I’ve wasted your time."
"I wouldn't say that," Steve refuses, shaking his head rapidly. He touches you back, running his hand across your arm. "I've thoroughly enjoyed your company."
Eventually his hand intertwines with yours.
There’s a heaviness in the room and something tells you that Eddie is near, looming at the foot of his room so that your business with Steve remains uninterrupted. He knows there’s some dust that still needs to settle. And he will linger until it does.
"You helped me get out of a really dark place," Steve admits. "And Eds too, I'm sure."
You look back towards Eddie's room.
“It wasn’t my intention to fall for him,” you say. “It just…happened. The connection, i-it’s...”
“I know…” Steve soothes you. “Been pickin’ up on that for a while. If you think I’m blaming you, I’m not.”
Steve urges you to meet his gaze again. And when a teardrop falls from your eye, he uses his thumb to wipe it away. Tells you to stop, before he too starts crying.
"This is... a huge step for him," Steve manages a grin. “I don’t think you realize, Shy Girl.”
"Yeah, I bet," you nod. "After Isabelle..."
"Yeah, Isabelle and everything else that dude's got going on," he confirms. "This is really good for Eddie. I can tell. It’s why I think it’s best that we part ways.”
Steve eventually does cry too, but it’s a rather suppressed one. The both of you take turns wiping each other’s tears, embracing the presence of each other for just a short while longer before needing to distance yourselves indefinitely.
You’re never going to forget Steve Harrington. His charm. His integrity. His everlasting devotion to the ones he loves most, and how he’d — time and time again — go to the ends of the earth for them. A noble soul in the highest regard. A true king.
“Thank you for being so kind,” you say to him. “You made my first week in Indiana a lot less intimidating. I hope you’ll still be around.”
“Of course I’ll still be around,” Steve chuckles. “Look at our friend group. Look at where I live.”
You share a laugh with him again.
“Ain’t no getting rid of me that easy, Hargrove.”
“I can sure try though, right?”
“Now why would you do that?” he banters sarcastically, chuckling into you.
He kisses your cheek softly one last time. Finally, Eddie’s door swings open, prompting you and Steve to asunder from one another.
“RISE AND FUCKING SHINE!” Eddie announces his entrance. “Both my soul and thine.”
You get out of Eddie’s way so he can go over and hug Steve good morning. Eddie then breaks the hug with a peck on the cheek and rough slap to Steve’s ass. Steve winces but you can tell he enjoys it.
“Mwah!” Eddie cheers. “Love you, babyboy. What you got going on today?”
“Oh, just gonna work on the online biz for a bit,” Steve mumbles as he ushers his hands through some paper. “Then ’m gonna start recruiting peeps for my other new job.”
“I forgot you dropship now,” Eddie says. “How’s that going?”
“Really fucking good,” Steve smiles. “I shouldn’t count on it too much though. It’s why I also have Newby’s. Speaking of which…”
Steve hands you a flyer. You take it from his hands.
NEWBY’S COFFEE ROASTERS: Even Superheroes Need Coffee!
Steve explains to you that a new coffee shop is taking over Family Video’s old suite. The owner grows his own coffee beans and all syrups are organically made from Hawkins locals. And since they’re a Mom and Pop shop, they were really going to need some help.
“If Maxine is still looking for a job, she’s more than welcome to apply,” Steve says. “We’re gonna need baristas. And we’ll be coworkers so whenever she’s on, I can drive her to work.”
“That sounds like an awesome gig for her!” Eddie pitches in. “Free coffee for employees too, I’m guessing.”
Steve nods at Eddie’s remark.
“That’d be amazing,” you blush. “Thank you, Stevie.”
“Thank you, Stevie,” Eddie parrots you. You elbow him playfully.
“Yeah, anything for you guys. I’ll put in a good word for her to Bob. He’s the owner. Great guy.”
“And what about this owner, huh?” Eddie chimes in. “Hope you can pull some strings and snag me some of those magic beans as well. I’m gonna need it. I also don’t mind paying full price cuz it’s goin’ to Newbs.”
“T’yeah with your job? You can have all the beans you want.”
“Mm, speaking of which,” Eddie scoffs as he stares at the time on his Apple Watch. “It’s almost time.”
Steve imitates Eddie’s gesture. Your eyes dart between the two of them, confused about the context of the whole ordeal.
“What are you guys-” you begin.
“Ah, buh-buh!” Steve stops you. “Wait for it…”
You look at the time on your phone to feel some sort of involvement as well.
7:59 —> 8:00
Eddie’s phone rings.
"An everyday thing," Steve tsks, shaking his head, resuming his breakfast as he does so.
"First problem of the day," Eddie looks at you. "It’s always something with Hellfire. From the moment the day begins...Yello?"
It’s Lucas. Sinclair never really calls unless it’s a dire situation, so you listen closely, doing your best to make out what he’s saying on the other line.
"I can't come in tonight,” is what it sounds like.
"Uh, why the fuck not?" your man demands. He places a sassy hand on his hip. "We need you for front of the house."
"Erica's sick and my car is in the shop."
"I'll pay for your Uber, you're coming in."
"I think it's covid. I don't wanna spread it to anyone if l've been exposed."
"It's not fucking covid, you guys have been jabbed more times than I can count for school."
The two continue to bicker back and forth like they’re brothers. Steve excuses himself from the narrative, going over to the kitchen sink to wash the dishes.
You watch Eddie as he lights up a pre-roll, taking a frustrated drag from it while he listens to Lucas’s, probably bullshit, excuse.
Eventually there’s a scuffle on the other line. Something something, “GIMME THE DAMN PHONE” followed by a “NO” followed by a “PHONE. NOW”. Eddie’s drags from his blunt grow increasingly slower.
Then another person speaks. The voice belongs to a girl. She sounds slightly younger than Lucas. And she sounds sick. And angry.
"Listen here, Ed-NERD Alan Munson," the girl hisses sassily. " I KNOW I did not just hear you tell my brother that he is coming in even when HE TOLD YOU why he can't. It's giving desperate. It's giving exploitation of your employees. If you want my brother to come in for a half shift at your stupid gentlemen's club then you best pull up to our residence, YOURSELF, with them spicy chicken wings level Creeping. Death. My tongue? It needs to be on FIRE. My eyes? They need to be burning from the temperature and sauce. My sinuses? BOYYY, you better be-LIEVE they oughta be SO CLEAR, I could cough up a loogie, SPIT IT OUT THE WINDOW, and have it smack you RIGHT UPSIDE THE HEAD SO HARD you won’t even THINK about forcing my brother to do something he isn’t comfortable doing again. Keep trying me, motherfucker. THE FUCK WRONG WITCHU."
Steve is flabbergasted. Eddie's mouth is wide open. You would’ve thought Lucas’s sister was on speakerphone but she wasn’t.
You're scared of Erica Sinclair. And so is Eddie, the way his eyes widen at her spiel. If Lucas's sister ever got into a heated argument with Billy, Billy would go home crying.
“And some sweet potato fries," she adds softly. "Please. Do we have a deal?"
"At your service," Eddie deals her a salute through the phone, even though she can't see it. "Anything Applejack wants, she gets. I'll be over after my Meijer run."
"As you should, sir."
Eddie turns to you after he hangs up the phone. "Don't ever own a business."
——————— 🛒—————
“WE GROW UP AND MOVE AWAY... The seasons pass, but the monsters stay.”
Hellfire is Eddie’s baby. The man lives and breathes that strip club.
As much as you’ve already harbored that suspicion, you didn’t realize his work-life balance was practically non-existent. Running errands. Frequent call-outs. Always having to prepare for the unexpected. But that’s the price one pays for owning a business. It also only seems to get harder and harder when you’re a handsome business man like Eddie, someone with the drawing power like that of a 13,000 gauss magnet.
“Mike to Munson, do you copy?”
You and Eddie have hit the road now, ready to start your errands run before your shift begins. As Eddie drives, he has you hold his phone up for him while he speaks to the boys in their group FaceTime call.
“Copy,” Eddie responds. “Thank you for covering ground, dear Paladin. It is because of you we are no longer… short staffed.”
God, they’re such dorks. You’d cringe if Eddie didn’t have the sex appeal of a Roman god.
“It’s the least I can do,” Mike insists. “Taking inventory as we speak. We need more ground chili and pop cans. Cola and Fanta, please. When you go to Meijer.”
“Done deal,” Eds nods. “Who’s doing side quests?”
“Me!” Will chimes in. “Doing silverware, stainless steel, and just helping Jonathan open up the bar.”
“Thank you, Byers-squared.”
“And I’ll sweep and do windows,” Dustin adds. “We’ll figure out the front house situation as it unfolds. Gonna be a little late. Getting gas.”
Eddie places a firm palm over your hand. He smiles at you when you look over.
“Running errands with Shy Girl, we’ll see you soon.”
“Pulling in now. Over.”
“Us too. Over.”
“Over and out, boys.”
————- 🚐———-
After your Meijer run, you and Eddie stop by CVS for Wayne’s medications and the ‘morning after’ pill. And shortly after that, you two haul ass to the other side of town to scoop up Nina.
Eddie gives the young dancer a ride to work almost every day. He also smokes her out before the shift, evident by her waltzing in stoned out of her mind all the time. It brings you peace knowing the whole story now, and that there truly is nothing more to it than that.
“Your boyfriend really needs a new car,” Eddie huffs to Nina as she climbs into the backseat. “Been telling him that shit’s on it’s last good tire.”
Figuratively and literally. The 90s Buick that you caught sight of shortly before Nina shuffled in can only be described as a lost cause. Nina knows it too, the way she scowls at the thing.
She tsks as she clicks her seatbelt in place.
“Duh, Eds. What do you think I’m saving up for?”
Eddie holds up an eighth.
“I can think of a few things,” he chuckles. “I take it you’re a fan of all things eco mode.”
“Hey, it’s 2022, of course we’re going green.”
Eddie grins. “I like how you think, sweetheart.”
Nina looks over to see who’s in the front seat. Her eyes glimmer when she realizes it’s you.
“Oh, hey Shy Girl!” she cheers.
You smile at her contently. Securely.
“Hey, Neens.”
Eddie starts up his van once again.
“Alright everyone,” he says as he shifts gears. “Hold onto something. We’re on a tight schedule so expect some Eddie Stops.”
“Not this again,” Nina mutters.
“Oh boy…” you add.
———— 🏠 ————
After dropping both Nina and the groceries off at Hellfire, you and Eddie set out to Forest Hills Trailer Park to visit his infamous Uncle Wayne.
“Wayne’s the man,” Eddie boasts as he drives on. “Taught me how to fish. Somehow taught me how to drive. Automatic and stick.”
He laughs at that one.
“Even took me out of the foster care system when I was 16. I lived in his old room for years while he took the pull-out couch in the living room.”
“Foster care?” you echo as he nods. “He was tired of you jumping from home to home?”
“Nah, I just kept running away,” Eddie cackles. “If a kid was ever in the police station for something, nine times out of 10 it was probably me. I was stressing way too many people out, Uncs probably felt bad for them.”
“But he also loves you, I bet,” you grin. “You’re his nephew, Eddie.”
Eddie smiles too. “Yeah, somethin’ like that.”
Eddie pulls into an empty dirt road just yards from the estate. You two climb out of the van together, slamming the doors in unison.
Eddie leads you up the stairs by the hand, then uses his other one to wave at old neighbors close by.
“Hey y’all! How ya doin’?” he exclaims. He lowers his voice when he speaks to you. “Those are the Johnsons. Their sons were frequent customers of mine in high school.”
Your eyes widen in shock. Eddie waves to another pair of neighbors.
“And those are the Jacobsons. I bought their sons alcohol their senior year for homecoming. Buncha lightweights though. Wouldn’t recommend.”
“Well aren’t you a hero,” you jest.
“Hey, someone’s gotta pay the bills,” Eddie shrugs, half-jokingly. “You would think 40 years at The Plant gave you a decent insurance plan but that wasn’t the case. Had to help Wayne out for a fat minute. Still do every now and then.”
Eddie shifts closer to the door and gives it a couple knocks. He leans his head towards the doorframe, placing his lips just inches away from the chipped, painted wood.
“Wayne Munson,” Eddie bellows in his playful, deep voice. “It’s your friendly neighborhood pharmacist here. I’ve come with your percs, your piss pill, and your Motrin.”
Percocet and Motrin.
Two very strong pain killers. Hearing those names send chills down your spine. Those are the same meds Mom overdosed on when Billy found her.
But given Wayne’s circumstances, it’s not too much of a concern. According to what Eddie has told you, his uncle had just retired and is very frail. Heavy machinery and long hours can do that to someone. Just constant, chronic pain.
The door swings open and you hear Eddie greet Wayne like a grateful man would greet his dad. “Hey, Old Man! How are you?”
“Hello, there my boy. Agh, watch it. ‘s hurtin’ again.”
It didn't seem like anyone was at the door when you look over. But that was because you were looking about two feet too high.
Your eyes travel to the level at which Eddie bends down and there you see Uncle Wayne, having wheeled himself to the door to greet Eddie with a warm hug.
Oh this goes deeper than you thought.
A nose cannula. Yellow grippy socks. The wheelchair that housed his thin, fragile body. The navy blue Pacers beanie that concealed the fact that the man had very little hair.
Wayne’s face was extremely chiseled in, deeming him malnourished and underweight. The bags under his eyes that drooped heavily against his sockets took up a good portion of his face — nearly half.
You look at the place behind him. His trailer had lots of rails installed, Ensure protein shakes for adequate nutrition, and the pull out couch was set up to look like a bedroom, with a collapsible dresser right beside it that was nearly lost in a sea of orange medicine bottles.
The realization nearly knocks the wind out of you.
Wayne is sick. He almost looks terminal.
It feels like the ground had opened up and swallowed you whole. Your knees feel wobbly like gelatin, but Eddie is too busy reuniting with his father figure to notice. When he turns back around, he pulls you into him, with the biggest smile on his face.
“There’s uh, someone I want you to meet,” Eddie says to Wayne, his cheeks now a deep shade of pink. “This is Shy Girl.”
“Shy Girl,” Wayne smiles the same bright smile that Eddie has. “So you’re the THEE Shy Girl that my Eddie’s been rambling to me about. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, sweetheart.”
You meet Wayne where he’s at, shaking his cold hand at eye level and giving him the warmest smile you can.
“It’s nice to meet you as well, Mr. Munson.”
“Mr. Munson,” Wayne smirks cheekily. There’s a hint of who he used to be when he does that. He was most likely a firecracker just like Eddie, evident by how the two start poking at each other in a teasing manner. “Didn’t realize we were at a business meeting. In that case, we shall not waste any time. You and Eddie can come on in now, Miss Hargrove.”
Butterflies form in your stomach. You never told Wayne your last name.
And soon you’re in Wayne’s trailer, Eddie’s old home before he grew his wings and left the nest. A bittersweet energy floods the room. It only becomes more prominent when you see Eddie and Wayne holding hands as they make their way inside.
“Welcome to my office,” Wayne proceeds, carrying on with the banter. “I’ve got some tea in the cupboards, as well as some stale saltines because this one over here thinks I should watch my sodium intake. You’re more than welcome to help yourself.”
“Thank you so much,” is all you’re able to say.
“No worries, doll.”
Wayne darts his gaze back over to Eddie. “Anywho. Now that the formalities are over… son, I need to take a shit.”
The same dry humor too. You giggle and glance over at Eddie while he grimaces at Wayne in annoyance. But, since it’s not his first rodeo, he obliges, unlocking Wayne’s wheelchair to wheel him over to the commode that was concealed behind a DIY curtain.
“Did you do your exercises today?” you hear Eddie ask him.
"I tried. Got tired ‘bout halfway through.”
“What are your oxygen levels looking like?”
“Satting 88 percent without my oxygen. 93 percent on three liters.”
“That’s what we like to see. Good job, baby. I’m proud of you.”
You stand off to the side, giving Wayne as much privacy and dignity you can throughout this very intimate ordeal.
While Eddie is away with him, you keep yourself distracted with Wayne’s mug collection, as well as the array of trucker hats that decorated one of the four walls. You take a look at what’s on the TV: The Price is Right is just about to go on a commercial break. And on the coffee table rested an assortment of dated magazines, all going back to as early as 2008. Ah yes, recession core.
Within a few short moments, Eddie comes back out. You study him as he makes his way to the kitchen to wash his hands, making faces at the friendly neighborhood cats who liked to make themselves at home on the porch.
“Anyways!” Eddie exclaims. “I’m gonna start making Erica’s wings cuz we got everything here.”
He starts back over to you.
“But before I do, want me to show you my old room? It’s like a huge time capsule. Wayne hasn’t touched it since I left.”
You can barely meet his eyes. Eddie is acting way too normal about this. Or maybe you’re too dramatic.
He sees you frowning, thinking.
“…You okay?” he attempts with you.
"Eds... I didn't know," you whisper softly.
But Eddie smiles a bit. "That's okay. I initially didn't want you to know."
"How bad is it?"
"Stage 3. Lung cancer."
"How long has he had it?"
"Siiiince… March of 2020?” Eddie recalls. "We initially thought it was covid because of all the pulmonary stuff..."
He gestures around his own lungs.
"So what started out as a — rather intimate — nose swab turned into a biopsy that turned into getting a team of specialists….”
He glances over at Wayne to make sure he’s still okay.
“To having uncomfortable talks with the case worker about...exploring other options... And then to me being his full-time caregiver."
"March of 2020..." you recall. "Isn't that the same time you and Isabelle got divorced?"
"We were finalizing it..." Eddie corrects you. “But that’s neither here or there.”
“And Hellfire?”
“We were struggling for a bit not gonna lie,” Eddie chuckles. “It was during the start of covid and no one wanted to leave the house. Even when the babes were smoking hot.”
Holding up a palm, you stop him from explaining any further.
“So let me get this straight,” you state. “Your piece of shit dad UNALIVED your mom in cold blood when you were a kid, your father figure has cancer. You somehow manage to care for him full-time all while basically living at Hellfire, your business that your ex wife tried to SABOTAGE; which led to you getting arrested and released on bail up until your trial where you were then proven NOT GUILTY. But even then, your reputation still remains slightly tainted because almost everyone in Hawkins is a narrow-minded, self-righteous prick who weaponizes religion to get an upper hand? And they know you’re an easy target so that’s exactly what they did in this case, making your life and Wayne’s a living hell when it was the last thing you two needed at the time?”
“It be like that sometimes.”
Eddie flashes you a sarcastic, ‘I’m alive’ peace sign. He’s not helping.
Your heart just about shatters.
Eddie has suffered so much. But he hides it so well with his never-ending sarcasm and Munson magic.
And to think all of this — Hellfire, Wayne, and divorcing Isabelle — went down a couple years ago. He still had his childhood to sort through. If that's even plausible.
“It’s also kinda why Chrissy and I were screwing around,” Eddie adds, snapping you out of your thinking. “Apparently I was constantly depressed and she wanted to keep me distracted and all. Again, fun. But very short-lived.”
You fall into him and squeeze him tight. Eddie is almost taken aback by it. But nevertheless, he returns the favor.
"Are you alright?"
"Are you fucking kidding me?" you demand. "You have all of this going on and you're asking me if I'm alright?"
Oh, how lonely Eddie must’ve felt through all of this. You just want to hold him. Take away all of his pain.
It’s always the angels on earth who get sent to hell and back. Eddie deserves the world, and you’re going to go your best to give it to him.
"Are we alright?" you question him.
"Of course we're alright," Eddie insists, ruffling your hair like it’s the silliest thing you’ve ever asked him.
He pulls away from you. Rubs your back delicately as you soak in all of this new information.
“You sure you want to sign up for all of this?”
You are absolutely more than sure.
“Now why would you even ask that?” you choke. “You know my stubborn ass. I’m not backing down without a fight.”
“Yeaaah,” Eddie squints. “I guess you are pretty stubborn.”
You fall into one another again, kissing each other like it’s the air you need to breathe. Eddie delicately cups your face with his hands, relishing in the last couple of smooches before he pulls away.
“I like stubborn though.”
“You and me, Eddie.”
“You and me, sweetheart.”
“Eddie!” Wayne calls, innocently interrupting the moment. “I’m done, boy, now come help me get up.”
“Comin’!” Eddie cranes his neck, shouting in Wayne’s general direction. He kisses you one more time on the forehead before excusing himself. “Be right back, babe.”
You and Eddie leave for Hellfire shortly after spending a little bit more time with Wayne.
The entire ride there, you let Eddie talk about his memories with his uncle… how he’s attended homecoming rallies, talent shows, graduations, and the less-than-celebratory court hearings — loving Eddie unconditionally through thick and thin. He was there for Eddie’s senior prom, snapping photos of him with the boys and his date Ronnie, who was also his best friend at the time.
Wayne was also there for Eddie’s wedding, even though he didn’t particularly like Isabelle. Again, every milestone, Wayne was there for.
You fawn over Eddie as he continues to talk, the spark in his eyes never leaving for as long as it’s about his loved ones. You can only hope he talks to Wayne and the others about you in the same way.
You can’t believe this is real life.
From here on out, it’s going to be you and Eddie. And you’re going to be by his side no matter what, because he’s proven to you that he is committed to doing the same.
From here on out, it’s going to be Shy Girl and Eddie… and nothing… NOTHING will ever change your mind or get in the way of that.
🏷️ tag list: @chrrymunson , @the-fairy-anon , @ali-r3n , @corrodedcoffincumslut , @bebe07011 , @mmunson86 , @eddiesguitarskills , @chelebelletx , @imonhereforareasonsadly , @eddies-trailer-babe @hideoutside , @motherfckerr , @jxpsi , @lindseyj23, @sidthedollface2 , @manda-panda-monium , @elvendria , @micheledawn1975 , @hereforshmut , @siriuslysmoking , @nymphetkoo , @m-chmcl-rmnc , @justinelittlewoodsworld , @ahoyyharrington , @keepittoyourselftellnobodyelse @kellyxo1 @emsgoodthinkin @winchester-angel @chloe-6123 , @redbarn1995 @angietherose @kiyastrf94 , @purplewitchcauldron @kellsck @joyfulfxckery @munsons-mayhem28 @dragonfire @emma77645 @drivelikenina @livosssblog @thinkingth0ts @hugdealer @ellielunamckay
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thatfeelinwhenyou · 1 year
IN WHICH; ILAND 2 happened and you debuted first place as the leader of LUMIÉRE. Having been told that your group is involved in a lore crossover with ENHYPEN, you navigate work, friendship, and love while trying to make it in an industry filled with animosity and condemnation. When life throws you lemons, you gotta make lemonades chuck it right back!
❥・• chapter 2 — infant
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cainanders · 1 year
wildfire 005
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[001] [002] [003] [004]
warnings: oral sex, daddy kink, spitting, dirty talk, hand kink, biting, a little bit of praise kink, lots of teasing, fluff (i think that’s all, i’m sorry if i’ve missed anything).
a/n: the penultimate chapter of wildfire! sorry for the delay. it’s shorter than the last parts. hopefully i’ll be able to get the final part posted sooner rather than later, and be open to inspiration for new works. please enjoy!
Four days have passed. Four excruciating days, during which Cody made your life a living hell.
He always made sure to brush up against you when he would walk by, sometimes placing his hand on the small of your back. You would often catch him looking at you from across rooms of people, his eyes half-lidded and his bottom lip between his teeth. Sometimes, you were sure you’d see him run his hand over himself, rubbing at the bulge in his pants.
Cody would never be alone with you, but would still invite you to his hotel room each night, a playful glint in his eyes every time. You’d turn him down, thinking that would give you the upper hand, but judging from the way that Cody would grin after each time you deny him, you were playing into his hand.
Monday rolls around, and you’re tasked with photographing a few promo shots in the hours leading up to Raw. This keeps you away from Cody, but your mind stays on him. You try to stay focused on your work, making sure to talk to all of the superstars that you hadn’t had the chance to catch up with yet.
When you finally finish the promo shoot, you pack up your equipment, and make your way around the arena to take a few behind the scenes photos. As you find the locker rooms, you find Cody’s room, with the door open a few inches.
“Cody?” you call out, knocking lightly on the door. “Are you in here?”
“Yeah, come on in,” he replies. You slip into the room, immediately moving to set your bags down but keeping your camera in your hands. “Busy day?” Cody’s voice comes from behind you.
“Yeah, it was boring, though,” you laugh, turning around to face him.
You’ve seen Cody shirtless before, sure. So has the rest of the world. And you’ve seen Cody after he’s showered. But you’ve never seen Cody, moments after stepping out of the shower, still slightly damp, with a towel wrapped around his hips. Maybe it was because any time you’d see Cody even remotely underdressed, it was when you were still playing at being friends. But now that the truth is out, the sight of him sends a flush over your whole body, your hands squeezing your camera and inadvertently snapping a picture.
“Fuck,” you mutter, looking down at the camera as though you forgot how to use it.
“Uh-oh,” Cody teases. “What happened there?” You shake your head, glancing back to Cody briefly to see his hands on his hips.
“Sorry,” you mumble, pressing through the menu in the camera to pull the picture up on the screen. Cody was blurry in the picture, barely in frame as it was shot from waist high, so you quickly delete it, hoping to erase the memory along with it.
“If you wanted me to do a Playgirl shoot, you could have just asked,” Cody jokes, with a smirk. “I think I’d be a better centerfold than HBK, don’t you?”
You look back to him again, biting your lip when you see that he’s now grasping the towel where it’s wrapped. He loosens it enough to push it just past his hip bones, pausing for a moment to make sure you’re still watching him, before he pushes a little further until you get a glimpse of trimmed hair just beneath the towel.
You pry your eyes away from Cody’s towel, looking into his eyes as you start to raise your camera slowly towards your face. Cody grins wider, allowing you to take a photograph of him.
“How’s it look?” he asks, as you check the screen of the camera to view the picture. As you part your lips to respond, Cody creeps up beside you, pressing against your side so he can look as well. “Not bad,” he whispers. “I’ll drop the towel if you want to take another one.”
“No, no,” you chuckle, taking a step away from him. “I’m not falling for this shit.”
“What?” Cody replies, trying to feign shock at your response but he can’t help laughing.
“I know all you’re gonna do is tease me and then leave,” you say. “Because you think you’re funny, or whatever.”
“You can’t handle a little teasing, babe?” he grins, tilting his head to the side and peering into your eyes as he steps closer to you.
“Cody, I’m serious,” you warn, holding your hand out towards him. “Listen to me. We’re less than twenty four hours away from being able to have some genuine time alone together. Let’s not forget who was the one who decided that we were gonna wait. Now, I love that you tease, and usually, I’ll give it right back to you. But right now is not the time. If you keep doing this shit, I’m not going anywhere with you tomorrow, and you’ll have a nice, fun three days to spend with your fucking hand.” When you stop, you notice the smirk on Cody’s lips almost immediately.
“So, you’re counting down the hours until we’re alone together, huh?” Cody says. As you begin to tell him off again, he shakes his head. “I’ll stop teasing,” he adds. “I’m sorry, I just love watching you squirm.” Cody closes the distance you put between the two of you, placing his hand on your lower back to keep you close only for a moment. Dipping his head down, he gives you a soft kiss on the lips, before pulling back. “That was kinda hot, by the way,” he whispers. “You telling me off like that.”
“Well, don’t get used to it,” you say. “I hate being that person. You just know how to get under my skin.”
“After this week, I’ll know how to do a lot more than that to you, babe,” Cody says.
“C’mon!” you exclaim, slapping him playfully on the chest, which causes him to recoil with a laugh.
“Last one, I swear!”
For the remainder of the night, Cody keeps his hands and his comments to himself, acting as though you were just friends. You’re mostly thankful for this, however, a small part of your brain wants him to keep teasing.
At the end of the night, you make sure to leave the venue before Cody can find you, heading to the hotel to settle in your room. While you are changing into your pajamas, you get a text from Cody.
I thought you’d stay in my room tonight, so we can leave together in the morning.
You don’t trust Cody to leave you alone that night. As much as you want to be in that hotel room with him, you know he would keep teasing, because he wants to see you break first. With a deep breath in, you let Cody know that you’re going to stay in your own room and will see him in the morning.
You climb into the bed, settling down in the covers to get comfortable. Your phone buzzes at your side, but you ignore it for a moment, to turn off the light on the side table. Briefly, you think you might continue to ignore the text that’s undoubtedly from Cody, just to give him a taste of his own medicine, but you decide to check anyway.
You know that you shouldn’t be surprised, but when you open the message to find a shirtless mirror selfie of Cody, you’re tempted to roll your eyes. Instead, your mind wanders, thinking of the possibilities the next few days hold. You decide to call him, without thinking of what you might say - he picks up after one ring.
“That desperate, huh?” he asks.
“You’re the one who picked up in one ring, Cody,” you reply. “And you’re the one trying to bait me into your room. I think you’re the desperate one.” He lets out a chuckle that turns into a sigh.
“Okay, full disclosure?”
“Go for it.”
“As much as I’m looking forward to the other stuff,” Cody says with a small laugh. “I missed you, babe. I missed sharing a hotel room with you, talking to you, watching stupid movies.” He lets out another chuckle before continuing. “I missed waking up to you saying my name,” he adds.
“What?” you ask, confused.
“In your sleep,” he replies. “You’d say my name a lot. Well, more like whimpering and moaning.” Your cheeks flush at his words, not having been aware that you’d had any dreams that would make you do that. “It wasn’t always like that,” Cody continues. “Sometimes, you’d sound scared.”
“Scared of you?”
“No, not at all,” he says. “More like you were having a nightmare or something. So, I’d hold your hand and tell you that you were safe, and you’d calm down.”
“You big softy!” you tease. “Why didn’t you tell me that before? That’s really sweet, Cody. You’d hold my hand?”
“Mhm,” he hummed. “I always want you to feel safe with me.” The tears threaten to well up at your eyes, but you wipe them away.
“Are you trying to manipulate me into coming over there by saying cute shit?”
“Of course not,” he laughs. “Why, is it working?”
“A little,” you respond. “Honestly, the picture was more tempting.”
“Oh, yeah? Why?”
“I don’t know…” you trail off, finding yourself unprepared to talk dirty on the phone at that moment.
“It’s just me, babe.”
“I need to get my hands on you.”
“And I’m the desperate one?”
“I guess we both are,” you reply. “But I’m not going to come over there tonight. We’ll just have to wait until we get to your house tomorrow.”
“Hmm, I suppose you’re right,” Cody says. “I did make you wait a whole week, I guess I can wait a few hours.”
“Nine hours,” you say. “And I’m all yours.”
“You’d better get some rest then,” he responds. “You’re gonna need your energy.”
“Goodnight, Cody,” you laugh.
“Goodnight, baby girl.”
Cody’s house is bigger than you expected, especially for a man who lives alone. You assume it’s the same house he shared with his ex wife, but opt not to bring it up right away, in an effort not to spoil the mood.
As soon as the two of you arrive at his house, Cody explains that he needs to run to the store for a few things, and encourages you to explore the house to feel more comfortable. You wonder if he can sense your nerves and wants to give you some space to get acclimated without him watching. You do as he suggests, and wander through every room in the house.
On your journey through the house, you see a baseball hat that catches your eye. The black hat with white lettering that says ‘call me Daddy’ makes you think back to the night that Cody called you. You wonder if he purchased the hat afterwards as a joke or if it was something that he owned for a while.
After you change into some boxer shorts and a t-shirt, you settle onto the sofa and scroll through apps on your phone, waiting for Cody’s return. You feel yourself become sleepy from sitting in one spot, staring at a screen, so you maneuver onto your back with your head on the arm rest. You aren’t sure how long you lay there before falling asleep.
You awaken in Cody’s arms as he’s carrying you bridal style up the stairs. For a moment, it doesn’t feel real, but when he glances down at you with a chuckle, you feel it rumble through his chest.
“Go back to sleep, baby girl,” he mutters. “I’m bringing you to bed.” As soon as Cody lays you down on the bed, and you see that he’s still wearing your favorite suit, you grab his arm to stop him. You sit up on your knees, your hands fumbling with his belt buckle. “What are you doing, hm?” he asks, still grinning at you.
“I don’t want to sleep,” you whisper.
“What do you want, then?”
“I want you, Cody.”
“How bad?” he asks, gently stopping your hands. “Hm? How bad do you want me?”
“So fucking bad,” you reply, voice weak. Cody grins, unfastening his watch and crossing to place it on the dresser. He sits at the foot of the bed and removes shoes, taking the time to put them away in the closet. You can tell he’s trying to drag it out still. “C’mon, Cody,” you whine.
“Okay, babe,” he chuckles, leaving the rest of his clothes on and finally maneuvering onto the bed. He urges you to lay on your back again before he kneels between your legs.
Cody kisses you without warning and you inhale sharply, grasping his shoulders. He takes your breath away with the kiss, causing you to pull away sooner than you would like. You hold his face gently between your hands, peering into his eyes, as if you’re trying to read his mind. He laughs softly, leaning back in for another kiss.
Cody kisses as though he’s just as desperate as you are, his teeth coming in contact with your lips, nipping so hard, you wonder if you’ll taste blood. When he kisses across your cheek towards your neck, leaving bites in his wake, you feel how swollen your lips have become already. As Cody reaches your pulse, he bites down harder than you expect, and you let out a strangled whine.
“Fuck!” you gasp, arching your back to press against his body.
“Are you mine now?” Cody asks, kissing your neck, hands grabbing your thighs to hold them snug against his hips. “Hmm? You belong to me?”
“Yes, all yours,” you breathe. Cody hums, gently biting at your pulse this time and grinding himself against you. “Fuck, Cody,” you whine, grabbing handfuls of his jacket.
“Mmm, no, no,” he mumbles, leaning back onto his knees to look down at you. “You know what I want to hear.” You bite your lip, your heart pounding in your chest.
“I’m yours, daddy,” you whisper.
“Damn,” he grins. “It’s even better in person.”
Cody licks his lips, eyes wandering over your body, your boxer shorts and t-shirt making you feel exceptionally underdressed compared to his black suit. His eyes keep traveling down until he looks down at his own pants, noticing that the damp patch that you left on his crotch from when he was grinding against you. The sight makes you blush, embarrassed by how wet you are from such minimal action.
“What’s got you so fucking hot, hm?” he asks, wiping the dampness from his pants with two fingers.
“The suit,” you reply without thinking, too lost in the sight of Cody cleaning the taste of you from his fingers. “Fuck.” Your face heats up more as you realize how desperate your voice sounded. Cody grins wider, rubbing his thumb along his bottom lip.
“So it’s that fucking easy with you, huh?” he whispers, taking hold of your thighs again. “All I have to do is put on a fucking suit, and you’re drenched.” Cody yanks you by your thighs, pulling you closer to him. “Any other kinks you wanna share with me, baby girl?” he continues, leaning down to kiss your neck.
“Not yet,” you reply, nuzzling your head against his and slipping your arms around his torso beneath his jacket. Your fingers dig into the fabric of his waistcoat feeling the warmth of his skin radiating through the layers.
“What if I told you…” he begins, slipping his hand under your shirt to cup your breast over your bra. “That I want to eat your pussy? You’ve been so good this week, putting up with all of my teasing…let me show you how it’s supposed to feel.”
Your breath comes out shuddered, which you don’t expect. Cody’s fingers tease your nipple through your bra, as he continues to bite your neck. You’re desperate to find your words to respond to Cody, but when he grinds against you, all you can do is moan. You grasp Cody’s face, pulling him back so you can peer into his eyes once again.
“I don’t have to,” he says, softy. “If you aren’t comfortable with it.”
“I trust you, Cody,” you whisper. “Ever since you first brought it up last year, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about what your tongue would feel like…and your fingers...” Cody smirks, listening to how breathless you sound before you’ve even started.
“Yeah?” he asks, sitting back on his knees, peering down at you. “Let’s get these off then.”
Cody begins to tug your boxers and panties down, so you lift your hips to allow him to remove them. You sit up quickly, tugging your shirt over your head and tossing it away. Cody leans in to kiss you, his hand moving behind your back to unhook your bra. As soon as the clothing is off of your body, Cody moves off of the bed, yanking your body so your legs hang off the edge of the bed while you rest flat on the mattress.
As he removes his jacket, his eyes are on you, tilting his head to peer between your legs. When he rolls up his sleeves, the gaze he sets on you makes you feel vulnerable, so you instinctively begin to pull your thighs together.
“Uh-uh,” Cody says, leaning over to rest a hand on the bed beside you and using his other hand to ease your legs apart again. “Don’t be shy, baby girl. It’s just me.”
Before you can respond, you feel Cody’s fingertips teasing along your thighs towards your core. As soon as his fingers come in contact with your slickness, pressing to your clit for a moment, you inhale sharply which makes Cody smirk.
“You haven’t been touched in so long, huh?” he asks, bringing his fingers to his lips. He parts his lips and sticks his tongue to lick the taste of you from the pads of his fingers, maintaining eye contact with you. When he wraps his lips around his fingers, sucking every last taste of you from them, you grasp his wrist, pulling his hand away from his mouth so you can kiss him.
The taste of yourself on Cody’s tongue makes your head spin, and you find yourself desperate to have his head between your thighs. You place your hands on either side of his face, pulling him back so you can kiss along his jaw towards his neck. His hand finds its way back to your clit, teasing it softly but enough to make your body twitch.
“Cody,” you whine against his skin. “Please.”
“Please what, baby girl? Tell me what you need. I’ll do anything you fucking need me to do.” When Cody’s fingers start to rub circles on your clit, you respond by biting his neck to stifle your groan. “Fuck,” he whispers in your ear, bumping his head against yours. “Tell me.”
“I want you…”
Unable to focus due to Cody’s fingers still toying with your clit, you trail off with a soft moan, pushing Cody to lean back enough to see his eyes. You hope he can read it in your face, but he just stares back at you with his lips parted, waiting for you to speak. You urge him backwards, trying to guide him where you want him, so he kneels on the floor between your spread legs, waiting.
“Say it,” Cody commands, hands resting on your knees. “If you say it, I’ll do it.”
“Fuck, please eat my pussy,” you beg, cupping his jaw. “Please, Cody.”
“Anything for you, baby girl.”
Cody pushes your thighs further apart, before he leans in, giving a gentle bite to your inner thigh. He cuts his eyes to your face as his tongue begins to tease your clit. His tongue moves tenderly, ghosting as if it’s not even there, traveling to your entrance to push the tip in just for a moment. He flicks his tongue over your clit again, which causes you to roll your hips against his face.
“You taste so good,” he breathes against you.
Cody takes his time, teasing your clit to make sure you’re as wet as possible. His breath comes in soft pants against you, his tongue working with precision. You can’t help the way you moan, desperate and loud, grinding yourself against his face to urge him on.
“Calm down,” he whispers. “Just feel it.” You listen to Cody’s instructions, relaxing into the bed to focus on what he’s doing.
The concept of time escapes you, seconds stretching out into minutes until you feel like Cody’s been teasing you for hours. Slow and steady, his tongue swirls and laps, open mouth breaths escaping him. When his tongue pushes into your entrance once again, this time deeper, your body lurches in surprise, your hands grabbing for him.
“Easy, easy,” Cody mutters. “I’ll give you what you need.” As you feel his fingers slowly creeping around your entrance, you spread your legs wider, making Cody chuckle against you. “You’re fucking desperate when it comes to my fingers, huh? Why is that?”
“I don’t—”
All words escape you as Cody slips one finger inside of you, still teasing your clit so slow it’s maddening. You can hear how wet you are as his finger pumps into you at a snail’s pace. Cody’s free hand reaches for you, lacing his fingers with yours. Wiggling your hips and pressing your heels into Cody’s sides, you hope he takes the hint to stop teasing.
“Mmm,” he hums, giving you a quick glance. “Are you rushing me? Got somewhere else to be?”
“I just fucking want you,” is all you’re able to reply.
“You have me, baby girl. Now, let me concentrate.”
This time, when he dips back between your legs, his tongue is pressing harder, more urgent as it swirls around your clit. The way his tongue moves, flicking faster and with more expertise than you imagined possible, makes your body tremble. You’d never felt anything quite like it, and already you feel the tightness beginning to form within you. Cody, as if he senses your approaching orgasm, starts to suck on your clit, much to your surprise. Your gasp turns into a moan, overwhelmed with the sensation.
“Oh, fuck,” you moan. “Cody, fuck, don’t stop.”
You hate to admit that Cody was right. You hadn’t felt like this whenever anyone else had gone down on you, but you don’t want to tell him. While you’re briefly distracted with your thoughts, Cody slips a second finger inside of you pumping faster. Your back arches off of the bed, pushing yourself closer against his face.
“Fuck, daddy,” you moan, letting go of his hand and threading your fingers through his short hair to tug him closer. Cody growls against you, never faltering his pace. “It feels so fucking good,” you mutter, grabbing for Cody’s hand again. “Fuck, fuck!”
Cody curls his fingers, pumping faster as he continues to lick your clit. With a breathless groan, you peer down at him to see that he’s looking up at you already, his eyes devious. You tug his hand towards you, slipping two of his fingers into your mouth. He leans away, kissing and biting your inner thighs while his fingers continue to pump into you.
“You look so good right now,” Cody mutters. “The way you’re sucking on my fingers, moaning like that, you’ve got me so fucking hard.” You pull his fingers from your mouth, knitting your brows together as you try to make your voice stronger than you feel.
“I wanna suck your dick so fucking bad,” you pant, as Cody uses his now free hand to tease your clit.
“Yeah? You do?” Cody smirks, biting your thigh harder. “Maybe I’ll let you…maybe.” You know his eyes are still on you so you relax onto the bed, running your hands over your stomach and your breasts. Your fingers toy with your nipples and; even though you’re trying to put on a little bit of a show for Cody, you find yourself responding to your own touch. “Feels good?” Cody’s voice is slightly strained, as if he’s losing his composure.
“Mmhm,” you hum, peering back at him.
“Ya’know, you’re squeezing my fingers so fucking tight,” he whispers, kissing your inner thigh. “I don’t think you’ll be able to handle my dick.”
“Please, c’mon,” you whimper. “I wanna…I wanna come!”
“Yeah, you’re close already, I can tell. But you know what? I think I can make you squirt without even using my fingers. What do you think?”
Without warning, Cody pulls his fingers out of you and dives back in face first. He uses his fingers to keep you spread so he can focus fully on your clit. Your body is trembling and your breath is coming out quickly, missing with moans and pleading Cody’s name.
Both of Cody’s arms hook under your thighs, pulling you even closer to him as he sucks and licks your clit. You tighten your thighs around his head, grinding against his face as your climax approaches.
“Oh, God, Cody!” you exclaim, grabbing onto his forearms.
Even with your legs clamped around his head, Cody’s own moans are loud enough to be heard along with the sloppy way he eats you out. His fingers dig into your thighs firm enough to leave bruises, keeping you from wiggling away as you finally begin to unravel.
You’re reduced to moans and whimpers, spouting out pleads that barely make sense. Cody keeps working you through your climax and you immediately worry he’s going to keep going to get another from you, so you try to pry his hands away.
“Please wait,” you gasp, finding his grip to be much stronger than you have the capacity to overpower. “I need a sec, baby. Fuck!”
Cody chuckles, finally letting you go so he can sit back and peer up at you. Looking down at him through half lidded eyes, you can see the mess you’ve made of him. His face is wet, along with his shirt and waistcoat. You bite your lip, slightly embarrassed at how sloppy you must look.
“Fuck, that was beautiful,” Cody grins. “Better than I ever imagined.” Your body continues to tremble, as you ride through the residual waves. Your eyes slip closed, your lips parted to let out quick pants. “Talk to me, baby girl,” Cody whispers, kissing your inner thigh. “You okay?”
“I’m…fuck, that was so good, Cody. I really liked that.”
“I could tell,” he laughs, continuing to kiss and lick softly at your inner thighs. “I wanted to get another one out of you, but I think I got a little carried away for your first one.”
“Come here,” you whisper, reaching for him.
Leaving one more kiss on your thigh, Cody moves so he is leaned over you, bracing himself on the mattress with both hands. You gently take hold of his face, pulling him in for a kiss. The kiss stays tender at first, soft and sensual, until you are overcome with desire, leading you to kiss and lick along his jaw and neck. You taste yourself on his skin, and you follow the trail down to his throat.
“You’re gonna leave marks,” Cody mutters.
“Do you want me to stop?” you breathe against his neck.
“No,” he chuckles.
“Does that mean I can leave marks wherever I want?” you ask.
“I don’t have a match until next weekend, so I’m all yours.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
With all the energy you can muster, you push him gently to stand upright, and urge him to switch with you. When he sits on the edge of the bed, you kneel in front of him, fingers finding the buckle of his belt.
“Hey, you don’t have to—”
“I want to,” you reply, glancing up at him. “Believe me, I really fucking want to.” He smirks, and nods his head, so you continue to undo his pants. “Jesus, Cody,” you mumble, pulling his length free and finally getting an eyeful of what he’s been bragging about.
“I told you,” he grins back. “I would have let you have it a long time ago.”
“I’ve wanted you since the moment I met you,” you reply, your hand gently wrapping around his erection. “I would have let you fuck me over a fucking pinball machine at that arcade if you wanted to.”
“Yeah?” Cody smirks wider. “I bet you fucking would have. You’ll let me do anything to you, won’t you?” Nodding your head slowly and peering up at Cody from beneath your lashes, you run your thumb over his tip to collect his pre cum. Making sure he keeps his eyes on you, you raise your hand to your mouth and lick the taste of him from your thumb.
“Mmm,” you hum, blinking slowly, teasing Cody. “I can’t wait to taste more.”
You stroke your hand over Cody’s slowly, sitting up higher on your knees so you can slowly spit to coat over his length. He lets out a soft him, and you glance up at him to see him loosening his tie and unbuttoning his top two shirt buttons. With your eyes still on Cody, you tease the head of his erection with the tip of your tongue.
“You’re so big, I don’t know if I’m gonna be able to handle it,” you whisper, licking from his base to the tip, making sure to get a taste of the pre cum that’s leaking. Cody lets out a small hum, spreading his knees a little wider for you, inviting you in closer.
You swirl your tongue around his tip before taking it between your lips, sucking softly while your hand strokes lazily over him. Listening to the way Cody’s breathing starts to falter only slightly from your actions, you decide to take him a little further into your mouth.
Cody hums, putting his hand on your shoulder briefly, his fingers curling slightly behind your neck. When his thumb presses softly against your throat, you let out a small whimper, thinking about Cody choking you. You pull back, looking into his eyes to see that teasing glint you’ve grown accustomed to.
“You’re distracting me,” you whisper, still stroking your hand over him. “And I really, really want to do this. Please.”
“Are you…begging to suck my dick?”
“Does that turn you on?” you ask, sitting up higher to lean towards Cody’s face. “Me, on my knees, begging for your dick? Because I’m so fucking desperate for you?” Your hand starts pumping faster, adding a twist along with each stroke. Cody nods his head slowly, letting out quiet panting breaths as though he’s trying to maintain composure. “Please, daddy,” you beg. “Let me suck your dick. I fucking need to.”
“Need to,” Cody echoes, his voice low. He keeps his eyes locked with yours as his thumb runs across your bottom lip, then slips into your mouth, easing your jaw open. When you stick your tongue out of your mouth, Cody cuts his gaze to the action before back into your eyes. Leaning a little closer to you, he spits onto your tongue, before pushing your mouth closed. “Good girl,” he breathes.
You rest back into your haunches enough to take Cody’s length into your mouth, bobbing your head along with the motions of your hand. You’re sure you can feel Cody’s eyes on you, undoubtedly watching your every move. When he groans, you move faster, adjusting your jaw just a bit so that your teeth gently scrape. The action makes Cody inhale sharply, and you notice one of his hands grab a handful of the comforter below him.
“Damn,” he chuckles. “You love this, don’t you?” You hum a ‘yes’ in response, purposefully dragging out the hum to send vibrations through Cody’s shaft. The small moan that he lets out is vulnerable, completely uncharacteristic of him, but it only drives you to move faster.
Each movement takes Cody deeper into your mouth, so you place your hands on his thighs, opting to only use your mouth. Your pace quickens, bobbing your head, and hollowing out your cheeks as you try to take him as far as you can. Relaxing your throat you feel yourself taking him deeper than you expected, so you bring one of your hands back to steady him at the base of his shaft.
As soon as he hits the back of your throat, you pause, holding him as deep as you can for as long as you can. The noise that Cody releases is between a whimper and a moan, strangled as he tries to keep composure.
You keep still as long as you can, longer than you imagined you could given Cody’s size. When you pull off of him, you drag in a deep breath, spit dripping down your chin as you try breathe. Looking up into Cody’s eyes as your hand starts to jerk him again, you feel your heart skip a beat. His mouth is open, breath staggered, his eyes on you with a look that you’ve never seen from him before.
Desperate to get him off, you take him back into your mouth, picking up the pace even faster than before and using your hand to stroke what you can’t fit into your mouth. Cody’s groans of your name mixed between breathless expletives let you know he’s getting close, so you take your free hand to cup him lower.
“Fuck,” is Cody’s strained response as you massage his balls. His legs are restless, one of his hands resting on the back of your head, fingers pressing down.
When his climax hits, you can’t help but moan along with him, swallowing everything he gives as you work him until he tries to push you away.
“Jesus Christ,” he pants. You look up at him, wanting to remember the way that he looks, knowing that you were the one who made him feel that way. “Holy shit,” Cody says, looking down to you. “That was fucking incredible.”
“You taste good,” you say. He leans down to kiss you gently, and you can feel him shaking slightly from the waves of his own orgasm.
“I think you taste better,” he whispers against your lip. “Better than candy.” When you bite your lip, Cody smiles, a softer, less cocky smile than he normally gives you. He reaches for your shirt that lays on the floor and uses it to wipe your chin. “So, how about a shower?” Cody asks, tucking himself back into his pants.
“Of course,” he replies, helping you along with him so you’re both on your feet. “We can go for a drive, and then come back home so I can make you dinner. How does that sound?”
“Really good,” you mumble. “I love you, Rhodey.” He smiles and kisses your forehead.
“I love you, too, baby.”
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themoonsbride · 2 years
How Soon is Now ?
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pairing; Peter Ballard x Fem!Reader
Summary; Reader gets wounded and doesn't trust any of the other nurses touching or caring for her injury, so she goes to Peter <3 (requested !!!!)
warnings; fighting, violence, injury, blade, bleeding, cursing, description of anxiety (ish??)
a/n; I had sm fun writing this and I thought the idea was super cute!!
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You were going about your daily duties, watching over all the children in the rainbow room, things seemed to have been fine.
You started to feel the need to use the bathroom and turned to Alec.
"can you cover for me? I got have to use the restroom." you mumbled to him, Alec seemed like a tense and isolated person which made sense in a working place such as this.
He simply nodded without looking at you, you sent an awkward smile his way before leaving through one of the 2 double doors. pacing down the hall to reach the women's rest room.
You would've preferred to have used the one placed inside of your bedroom, it was a bit cleaner and didn't smell like a public urinal cake. You felt yourself automatically hold your breath as you walked inside.
You quickly washed the bubbly, foamy soap off of your hands, drying them with a pathetic excuse of a paper towel, it felt like using a piece of brown construction paper.
When you exited the restroom, you felt yourself let out a long sigh, must've been from holding your breath in to not smell the residue of the other women that worked here.
When you entered the rainbow room, you felt horrified by what you saw, 002 and one of the smaller children were throwing objects at eachother with their minds.
The smaller one was throwing simple things such as toy cars and blocks, whilst 002 was chucking sharpened colored pencils aiming for their head. You lightly gasped and immediately rushed to the situation.
So much for Alec covering for you.
"002, 002 stop!" you scolded, stepping in between the two of them, he walked towards you attempting to move you out of his way, but you stood your ground with your feet firm on the floor.
Now his target was focused on you and not the other child, which left you in complete shock, because now he was aiming you with sharp things such as pencils, they didn't hurt, but that was before the scissors came your way.
You tried moving out of the way in order to block his throw, but the blade of his scissors sliced into the fabric of your shirt, leaving a clean slit into the skin of your forearm, you winced in pain.
The others looked horrified as some were huddled together in fear of their supposed "brother" 002.
You furrowed your brows at him and tightly gripped his forearm, dragging him out of the rainbow room and getting him away from the others. As you took him to Brenners office he proceeded to call you profanities the entire way there and demanding you to let go of him, to which you refused and just simply ignored the fact he was even speaking to you.
Once taken him to brenners office and explaining the situation to him, Brenner sent another one of the orderly down to the rainbow room to watch over the children as a nurse would be on her way to check in on the other opponent of 002s fighting.
As for you, you were making your way towards the infirmary, you looked down at your arm, blood was soaked through your sleeve all the way down to your elbow. your brain started to feel fuzzy and your breathing started to pick up. You quickly averted your eyes from your arm back to the luminom flooring, looking at the doors as you walked down the halls, you were sure you were just about there.
You entered the waiting section of the nurses office and completely disregarded it. Stumbling your way towards Peter's station. He worked part time as an orderly and a nurse. And after all the bullshit you'd already been put through here at this insane asylum, he was the only one you trusted.
"Peter?" your voice croaked, he turned from his desk to look at you as his eyes widened at the sight of your gashed arm.
"sit." He said as he got up and walked to the nursing bed, before soon leaving, presumably grabbing a new shirt for you.
when he returned. he had a tank top with him and a working shirt. he had handed you the new clothing and turned to face the corner.
"put on the tank top first" he spoke softly, you didn't reply.
You did as he said and told him he could turn around, and once he did he sat down in his swirly chair that was able to roll him around, and started grabbing antibiotics and bandaging.
"How did that happen?" He asked as he turned back in his chair towards you, putting some cleaning alcohol onto a cotton swab, cleaning the dried blood that grazed down to your elbow.
"002.. he was fighting with one of the kids and he started throwing things at me instead." you said, wincing when he started lightly dabbing a swab against your wounded flesh, breathing in harshly.
"I hate that little shit.." He mumbled, you weren't sure if he was talking to you, or to himself.
"yeah me too." you replied lowly, he grabbed some of the bandages and carefully started plastering them to your arm.
"I promise you, Y/n, one day I'll get us out of here, and we'll never have to worry about this place again." He assured you, placing a hand on your left cheek, his pale eyes looking into your deep ones.
You smiled and felt yourself begin to blush.
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reikunrei · 9 months
sorry i'm going to ramble about the lights again
i need to make a new, more thorough post about the light fuckiness in st, and specifically st1, but i just. keep thinking about how weird it is that we're told all of it is bc of will, that all of the light fuckery (outside of interference from the gates/demogorgon/etc.) is because will was talking through the lights
but then. some of the scenes where we're told it was will are almost exactly the same as scenes where it couldn't and shouldn't have been will
specifically thinking of holly following the trail of lights to will's room, where each bulb blinks on one at a time in a trail before all going out, then blinking on one at a time again in the same pattern until she follows. and then she comes (nearly) face to face with the demogorgon
and then later we get the scene where joyce gets her own trail of one-at-a-time lights that she follows to the little cubby with the yes/no white bundle. they blink on one at a time in the exact same way that holly's did, and the pattern repeats several times until she actually gets into the cubby
and now i do firmly believe that she spoke to will with those white lights. she's convinced she did, and they behave the same way we see the lights behave at the end of st1 when jim and joyce pass under the lights in the ud + they behave the same way we're shown they do in st4 w the older teens when they touch the ud particles
however, i don't think that the trail of lights was will's doing. because if it was his doing, then why did the same thing happen with holly? will wouldn't have tried to kill his best friend's little sister. it would be absurd if he was trying to lay some "trap" to get holly snatched by the demogorgon, and it would even be weird if he was just trying to get their attention when he knew the demogorgon was around and might attack them. so why do the lights behave the same way?
i wouldn't be surprised if someone else was trying to key joyce in to where will was hiding so that they could talk to one another
now, sure, it could be because will has powers and he was the one doing it, it was just with his powers and not with physical touch, and therefore the lights might behave differently
but like... idk man. if he, at this point, had figured out he had powers, why would he have still gone the physical touch route? why wouldn't he have, say, started blinking a light in morse code like he uses in st2? joyce would have figured it out and found a way to translate. she's smart!
it also makes me think that will likely would not have figured out his powers that quickly, or we would have seen them "messing up" a bit more first. i'd have to watch through again and see if any of the prior light shenanigans could be interpreted as "will figuring this shit out" but... i doubt there's much of that
hell, i've pointed out before how when holly goes into will's room, the ring of lamps joyce has set up starts blinking in a circle, much like how we see in st4 when the lab kids are doing that "ring of lights" exercise. and what do we also see in that scene? el struggling to make the light turn on and move. even 002 works up a sweat doing it, and he's the top dog at the time
will was chucked into the ud, running around fighting for his life the whole time, and he somehow... also had time to figure out his powers well enough to make very clean, clear, repetitive trails of lights with seemingly extreme ease? and then he also is able to very swiftly write out words with joyce's alphabet without any faltering at all? it just doesn't seem feasible to me. he's a smart kid, very smart! and very adaptable! but... it just feels weird, especially if by tfs logic (even tho the powers are probably not specifically related to the ud), he would have had the powers activated for, what, a day or two? maybe less depending on time weirdness? i don't buy it
just based on how the lights behave throughout the show, and even within the single first season, it doesn't make sense for all of the "talking" through the lights to belong to will. the blinking lights are too clean, and the scenes they're used in are so contradictory to one another in their intent that it can't all be little will in there pulling all the strings. it has to be someone (or several someones) who have more experience and are a bit more aware than will likely was
and just bc god i'm having Thots about this. i do firmly believe that it has something to do with the weird brennergorgon/combined brenner-edward-demogorgon thing that @aemiron-main has spoken a lot about, and that, by using edward's powers, the lights could have been used for malicious intent (holly's scene), while also seeing it used positively (the trail to will in the cubby, joyce's alphabet) possibly through henry (or vice versa)
if there's one of them being forced to use it for ill (ie. edward through brenner and/or the shadow/mf and/or vecna) and one is using it for good (ie. henry), but they're both just alternate versions of the same guy... it wouldn't be surprising that we'd get the same light behavior with entirely different intentions
i'm also thinking about the "run" stuff again. specifically, i made a post yesterday that was just me spitballing and thinking about how henry tells alice to "run" when she says he's not henry, and @henrysglock clarified the scene further in this post
and it didn't click in my head until reading it again just now that we get almost the same exact lines in tfs that happen with the alphabet. joyce is told will is "right here," henry tells alice "he's right here." when joyce asks what she should do, she's told "run," when alice further posits that this isn't henry, she's told to "run"
and thinking about what james said, how it could be interpreted as a warning and a threat all wrapped up into one... i'd say that the st1 "run" could be considered much the same. a warning and a threat, because the demogorgon shows up right after joyce is told to run. warning her to be safe, but also sort of mocking, as the demogorgon is already right on top of her
and just. the fact that that scene has the same lines, and the lines come from "henry"/henry possessed by the shadow... who's to say that he isn't also the one saying the exact same lines through the lights? james even also says in that rb of my post that henry seems to really respect joyce, and that joyce wasn't ever mean to him in tfs, so it wouldn't surprise me if henry tried to help her get her son back, and decided to act as someone he wished he had when he was a kid
and because i'm also still Insane about the 2023 st day posts about "firsts" and the first message from the ud was shown to be the "run" (which i have a post sitting in my drafts about but ggrghgr who knows if i'll ever post it) it makes me think that it could be very likely that the "right here" and the "run" in the alphabet are from two different people. after all, the "right here" came first, so even ignoring all the other times the lights "talked" prior to that, if we're just counting the alphabet as being "messages from the ud," then why isn't "right here" the first?
anyway. i don't know what i'm thinking. i just think that there's so many other people involved with the talking lights in st1, and will is so few of them. and i think that there was not only someone more sentient than a plain demogorgon hunting will, but i think there was someone else there trying to help him. whether it be through space or time or however they managed to contact each other, i think that someone (henward) was trying to help reunite will with joyce and save him, much like henward wished someone had been able to save him
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gossipgirl-org · 16 days
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e-blast #002
SPOTTED: Blair Waldorf at CDG. Got your hands full there, B. Enjoying your time in Paris? We all know what everybody will think about this, but Chuck Bass will think even more.
Gossip Girl
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ofpantheons · 11 months
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Cerberus corp has been watching charlie zheng. some of the public has dubbed them silhouette because of art manipulation gifted by A BAD BATCH OF DRUGS. having been an extra ordinary since 2021. they consider themself a vigilante. 
name  Charlotte Mei Zheng nicknames  Charlie, Chuck age  33 date of birth  January 5th 1990 zodiac  Capricorn place of birth  Los Angeles, LA current residence  Fort Green, NYC gender  Cis Woman pronouns  She/her sexuality  Bisexual occupation  Tattoo artist 
faceclaim  Jessica Henwick height  5ft 6 tattoos   Charlie has a floral sleeve on her right arm, the date of her NDE on her left wrist, a large brushed ink style pod of different whales around her right leg, a western style dragon on her left thigh. These are the tattoos she’s had done by other people. The other tattoos she has are tattoos she’s done herself so they’re not actually permanent as she makes use of her power to manifest and remove her own from her body whenever. piercings  lobes pierced both sides, three helix piercings on her right ear and one on her left. distinguishing features  her tattoos and her hair colour that she also likes to change frequently.  positive traits  Confident, Insouciant, Passionate,  negative traits  Blunt, Secretive, Unpredictable  labels / tropes  The Cape, Fights like a normal, Good is not Soft, The Idealist likes  art history, architecture, most animals, storytelling, thunder storms, day dreaming  dislikes  the state of the current justice system, drawing horses, wet socks, clowns fears  losing/drifting from her brother hobbies  practicing martial arts, watching true crime documentaries, going to live concerts, mixed media art outside of her work, playing the sims, collecting weapons habits  talking to herself when she’s thinking through a problem, scrunches her nose when she laughs, sticking her tongue out a little when she’s tattooing  002.  EXTRA ORDINARY
(TW: Drug Use and Overdose)
near death experience…An artist by trade, Charlie made her fortune fairly young when an art buyer who represented a number of people in upper class society, took a shine to her work. What was only her third art show was a huge success, with the majority of her art fetching high prices. Her star rose and she was soon featured on lists of young artists to look out for. Her work was often polarising though, and she was loved in the industry just as much as she was hated. She fell in with a crowd of young socialites, and the majority of Charlie’s 20s were spent with her getting mixed up in alcohol and illicit drugs. There wasn’t a night where she wasn’t at a club or party, living a hedonistic style. Her social media feed was alive with photos taken in every big venue in town and she was able to just waltz into them because the crowd she hung with was always on the guest list and so was she by association.
Over the years she started to get tired of her life and it showed in her art. Sales dwindled and depression hit Charlie hard. She had one rule when partying and that was to never drink or take drugs alone. Charlie had seen her fair share of overdoses and never thought she’d be one of them. But one particularly bleak night, she turned down an invitation to go out and instead stayed home with a little baggie of Molly. She did all the things she usually did and had no more than one pill, but apparently she’d been given a bad batch and the next thing Charlie knew she was in a hospital having her stomach pumped. One of her friends had come home to check on her and had found her slumped on the floor.
From the moment she was discharged, Charlie decided she was going to make the most of her second chance at life. She quit all substances and stopped partying. Instead of going back to her previous art career, she got a job as an apprentice in a tattoo studio and worked her way up until she had her own client list. Of course she was doing all that while juggling with her new found ability (discovered when she was doodling in the hospital and the little bird she’d drawn, manifested itself) and her propensity for patrolling the streets of Brooklyn.  power…Charlie’s power is the ability to manipulate any art that she’s created and essentially make it do anything she wants. In this regard her only limit is her own imagination. She can also take that art and make it “come alive” and assume a 3D form in the real world. It doesn’t matter if it’s art on paper, graffiti on walls or even tattoo art, she can manifest it and use them to attack, defend herself or just exist around her. The art she manifests has the same strengths and weaknesses of what she has based it off (or its closest real life counterpart for things that don’t actually exist in real life e.g unicorns being similar to horses). They also will still have the same look as they do in 2D form, for example rough sketches will still look like a rough sketched version when brought to life. drawbacks / vulnerabilities…Her powers only work on her own art. The larger and more complex the drawing is, the more exhausted Charlie will be after manifesting it. The manifestation can also only exist as long as it’s in view of her (blinking is fine though). Once art is brought to life she cannot make it go back to the form it took before, so shes limited by the art she’s prepared and has with her. cerberus corp…Charlie hasn't been approached by Cerberus and doesn't think the founders would be particularly interested in her powers, nor is she really interested in joining them. While she thinks they do a lot of great work, she dislikes that they focus a lot on PR and what makes a good headline. She also believes in the justice system and thinks occasionally some agents get carried away with "fighting crime". She wouldn't call herself a vigilante, just someone who is trying to better her own neighborhood. Charlie volunteers as much as she can and patrols regularly at night to try and keep the streets as safe as possible. codename…The first time she appeared in her local paper, a witness described her as a silhouette who came out of nowhere, and from that moment it stuck as a nickname that locals call her. It's definitely not something she calls herself, but it does give her a little bit of a chuckle when she hears people using it in passing.
Has a fairly big social media following for her tattoo art
Worked in a badass queer owned studio with four other queer artists.
Now has her own private space called Sleight of Hand
Doesn't really have much of a friend group anymore but she's never been the type to feel like she has to be surrounded by people to feel valued
Closest person in her life is her brother
Goes out and patrols late at night to do her best at making a small part of the city safer
Regularly volunteers at soup kitchens because she believes in the power of the people
Clients: Charlie offers her services to everyone but she is especially popular with EOS as she’s discreet and is happy to take any steps to make EOs more comfortable in her space/work with any difficulties they might have with being tattooed. She’s especially popular because she is capable of changing up or removing her own tattoos instantly without pain.
Antihero she runs into a bunch: they’ve worked together but it’s not a partnership by any means. Their morals and drive are just too different.
Enemies: she’s probably made her fair share or enemies
Cerberus Agents: Agents who’ve tried to recruit her or who are annoyed with her sometimes showing up to help.
A fan: I think it would be funny if there was someone who knows of her and is a big fan of her work, whether it’s as silhouette or as a tattoo artist
civilians she’s saved??
People from her former party girl life who are confused by her new sober lifestyle
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strawhatsoraya · 1 year
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what's this? i'm spamming? maybe. i got it in my head that boricua luffy has a few favorite cuss words, as any one from the island would have, and it was supposed to be just about the cuss words but then fishing got involved and then this happened. *shrugs* it is what it is! y/n is kind of a lot of trouble, and zoro is shady and usopp really is just there. i will include him some more!
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featuring: luffy, and island girl y/n, and zoro, and usopp rating: still pg it's gravy word count: idk roughly in the 900s content warning: cussing....dassit.
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“Puuu-ÑETA!” he yells at the top of his lungs, as his fishing line snaps again for the seventh time that morning.
You watch him as you lean on your elbows on Sunny's railing—the same one Luffy was casually sitting criss-cross on with a disgruntled look on his pretty face. It didn't take long for you to learn that your new captain had quite the potty mouth. Not an uncommon occurrence among pirates, but it was a stark contrast with his usually sunshine-and-smiles demeanor.
“No offense,” you start. You dramatically turn the corners of your mouth downward as you prepare to, actually, offend fully. “But you suck at this.” Your eyebrows are high on your forehead when Luffy cusses again, and tries to chuck the fishing rod into the ocean. Usopp grabs his arm, and the fishing rod, miraculously dodging Luffy's swinging arm and stomping feet. The chanclas flap on the deck noisily; a familiar sound that fills you with mirth. Your shoulders shake in silent laughter as you continue to observe the show.
“What kinda Puerto Rican can't catch a single fish? You've been trying for hours,” you continue, throwing salt into his wound. Luffy's cheeks are tinted fuschia, a vision that inspires a strange sense of victory in your chest. You drag your teeth against the plushness of your bottom lip.
“Neither has Zoro!” Luffy yells, swinging his arm and stretching it to reach the top of Zoro's head. His fingers grasp at moss color haired. Zoro seems unfazed, nodding slowly once, his eyes still on the ocean. You squint at his taut line, see the smallest of tugs and decide to mind your business at least for now.
“What's Zoro got to do with this?” you reply. Zoro grunts in approval.
“Yeah, what she said,” he mumbles, shooting you a quick glance. It is fleeting, and skittish as usual. You briefly frown at the green haired man, finding his behavior eternally puzzling. Upon your arrival on the crew, the swordsman had seemed to make a pointed effort to not be with you alone. You should not push the matter. The best thing to do was to leave it alone. After all, your abuela would always say that you were not a wallet of a million berries. Not everyone was going to like you.
And yet-- “Oh, so now you can hear me? Because this morning when I tried to talk to you, it seemed like you were hard of hearing!” You say it loudly, and slowly, to drive your point home. Maybe, after all, he could be hard of hearing and who would be the asshole then? That's right, you with the big mouth to match your big ass.
“He was ignoring you,” Luffy says flatly, throwing you a pitying look followed by a sad shake of the head. You frown at him, and the way he casually breached the distance between you two. He leaned on the railing, his warm arm parallel with yours; touching.
You suck your teeth.
“What's that got to do with you?” you spit quickly, your consonants running together; a stuttering kind of unintelligible music.
It is Luffy's turn to suck his teeth.
“I said it cause it looks like you can't take a hint,” Luffy's words are mumbled as he dips his face towards yours. You instinctively reel back, but he follows you, his head shaking all the time as his lips stretch into a teasing smile. “Bendito.” Luffy finishes the delivery of his condescending message with two rough pats to the middle of your back that take your breath away.
You cough in an effort to catch your breath again, sinking under the weight of his strength. A hand flies to the middle of your chest, surprised you didn't feel the back of your spine there instead.
“What?” you stutter in unbelief. Your eyes narrow as you look up at Luffy incredulously. You hadn't done anything to offend Zoro. Surely, Luffy wasn't trying to imply that you were not liked. Surely, not. When Luffy returns your frown with another sad shake of his head, you suck your teeth impatiently, and turn to Zoro. “You don't like me?”
Your voice is a touch shrill. You hate that you can't take it back. You wish you had left it alone because the look on Zoro's face brings heat to yours.
“I don't know what you're talking about,” he mumbles slowly, quirking a brow. He pushes off the railing and shoves the fishing rod to Usopp. “Weirdo,” were his parting words. You watch him walk away, struck cold to the spot.
Luffy's laughter starts slow, and quiet. You hate that it seems to permeate your very being, slowly weaseling it's way into your ears and circling in your brain. His laughter explodes in a matter of seconds and when you hear something drop on the deck you turn around to spot him on his back, holding his belly, legs kicking up and down.
“Oh, that funny? It's that funny to you?” you ask him in feigned interest. You press your lips tightly together, and clench your fists. It takes everything in you to not cuss your captain out. After all, you had just joined the crew, and while Luffy was a carefree spirit you didn't know how much you could get away with just yet. “I don't think it's funny,” you say this time turning to Usopp for some semblance of support.
But Usopp is also laughing.
“You guys suck.”
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inposterumcumgaudio · 7 months
Poedit Cut/Unused Content: JF_Experiments
Dohoho! Look what I found.
Clap (Possibly Vanessa Tinker-Bell?)
001 Come here! Come here! It's not true, what they said!
002 You have to believe me! I'll die if you don't believe me!
003 What? Why are you in there?
004 You have to clap your hands! If you all clap your hands, I'll live. Otherwise I'll die!
005 Right…
006 Clap your hands! don't let me die!
JF_Experiments (Harry Haworth and Harry Plantagent)
001 Maybe I ought to have just clapped my hands.
002 You ought to be careful in there. Not everyone who goes in comes out.
003 Thanks. I'll be careful.
004 I know you will. Just look at your forehead. Your reflective lobe is well developed.
005 Thanks … I think.
006 He doesn't understand, in there. It's the only way to fix it. We change the shape of people's heads! You have to tell him!
007 How would you…?
009 Why won't anybody look at my data?
010 The permanent solution is just going to lobotomize everybody.
011 I think you might be right about that.
012 You must release me! I am your true King!
013 Just look at my family tree! I am the Plantagenet heir!
014 This is Clive's doing, isn't it? Thinks he's in line because his great-grandmum-times-ten fucked King Chuck! Rotten Jacobite bar sinister!
015 You have to let me out. England needs its King. England needs me.
016 The King awakes! The King awakes! The King awakes!
017 Don't laugh, Arthur. Don't laugh. Heh.
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pitifulgerald · 9 months
holiday prompt → gemma pitts.
001. under the mistletoe—
The thought of accidentally finding herself under the mistletoe with someone is enough to make her skin crawl, so Gemma avoids it whenever possible. It's not the kissing part as much for it as it the awkward dance between two people as they gauge whether or not they want to go through with it. If she does want to kiss someone... that's a different story but almost as equally terrifying. Her and Walt have a running gag where they pretend to get caught under it together every year.
002. in front of the fireplace, cuddled up under a blanket with a hot drink.
First off- in this scenario she's lounging in the most dramatic fashion possible. Full diva. Maybe she's writing, or attempting to write would be more like it. If she were to snuggle up with anyone there's a few names that come to mind although she's just an admirer from afar of most of them. Simon and his little shorts for one, as he obviously needs someone to keep him warm.
003. snowed in from a heavy snow storm.
004. at a busy dinner table, food piled on the center and family chaos ensuing around the house.
It's a warm and inviting chaos, as it usually is when the DPS boys and their children get together. The bigger personalities try to outperform one another and only get louder as the drinks keep flowing. Once everyone's really drunk they'll read poetry or some form of literature; Gemma's made it tradition to read something awful every year, and if they're lucky, Chuck will pull out his one man show.
005. standing in front of the christmas tree, decorating it with an assortment of baubles, lights and tinsel.
Gemma's the one convincing her dad the bigger tree will fit in their house and then having to jigsaw puzzle it through the door. I think they had fun with the decorations but mostly played it safe, and I'm seeing a very intricate Christmas village in the Pitts home.
006. setting out snacks for santa and his reindeers. don't forget the milk and cookies for christmas hardest workers!
Gemma probably caught her dad eating Santa's cookies one year and sat down with him. Then that became their tradition- setting out milk (two glasses) and cookies for "Santa" just so they could meet one another in the middle of the night to eat them.
007. at the mall, waiting in line to sit on santa's lap and spill your christmas gift wishes. will you be deemed naughty or nice?
Obviously up until this point she's reconsidering every decision she'd made not just in the past year but ever. She's a nice girl though! She had nothing to worry about! And for that she was relived but did gloat about a little too, like, of course she's a good person.
008. exchanging and open gifts, anticipating what gift they may get. is it something cool or just another pair of socks?
Ideally... She'd want the courage to share her writing with more people.. but also the perfect bra that makes her tits look great without making her want to die. Her favorite gift isn't really a gift but one Christmas her and Walt got so high she thought she'd need to go the hospital, and she felt French. When that was finally over and she felt normal again- that was the real gift.
009. auditions are now open for the town christmas extravaganza !!!
Gemma isn't a performer but lots of the people she cherishes most are, and she was kind of obsessed with those freaks on Toddlers and Tiaras, so of course she's playing stage mom. Titania might drag her up for something, in which case she'd need to be plastered before she hit the stage and hopefully not remember a thing.
010. in the trenches of snow forts, amidst a war of a snow fight! who will win?  
She can supply ammo in the form of freshly rolled snowballs but unfortunately her wrists are just so feminine and delicate that throwing them wouldn't get very far. She can hold down the fort, literally, and provide play by play sports commentary.
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karouvas · 10 months
002 for blair waldorf!
How I feel about this character: I really like her
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Dan Serena Jenny
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Jenny I just love their dynamic/rivalry
My unpopular opinion about this character: as much as I like her I think her slut shaming of Jenny in s3 was pretty despicable so I’m not into specifically posts from stans that glorify that. I do think her slut shaming attitudes are an interesting char note though tbh, I just wish people engaged with it differently than I usually see (although I don’t react emotionally with the Blairena examples just note what’s going on there, probably because Jenny is my fav and I don’t like Serena nearly as much as her or Blair like I said)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: her to not end up with Chuck… I would prefer a Dair endgame but it isn’t Needed I just need her to not be with that rat. And to experience some growth at the end (Not turning into a completely different good girl char I certainly wouldn’t want her later seasons Alison Dilaurentised! But I think she experiences growth in the middle seasons that’s then lost in the last two seasons completely and she reverts a lot)
my OTP: Dair
my cross over ship: haven’t really thought about it Hmm… ykw Annie Edison I don’t think they’d be good for each other but I’d like to see it. And they’re both soo hyper competitive it’d make for good foreplay lol
a headcanon fact: (since it’s canon she’s a Gilmore Girls fan) I think she identifies with Paris a lot and probably sees Rory as being Serena-like (I think she has commonalities with both of them as well as Lorelai but-)
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madelynraemunson · 10 months
(Book #1 of the Hellfire Gentlemen’s Club Series)
strip club owner!eddie x fem!exotic dancer!hargrove!reader
𝐌𝐎𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐍 𝐀𝐔 18+ minors don’t you even dare
Chapter 013: Accept The Risk
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“Are you ready for a good pounding, baby?” — Beat it Upright by Korn
↳ chapters: 001, 002*, 003** , 004**, 005 , 006 , 007* , 008**, 009, 010, 011, 012*, 013** , 014**, 015, 016**, 017, 018, 019, 020*
NSFW — aggressive!dom!eddie x submissive!shy girl, eddie’s daddy kink alive and well, size kink, spanking, dirty talk, overstimulation/crying, slapping, biting, hair pulling, choking, degrading, praise, wholesome fluff if you squint, unprotected p in v (unless you want a crotch goblin in this economy, WRAP IT TF UP), cream pie, squirting
word count: 2.8k words
“Don't pretend you're not fucking freaky, baby.”
The door to the dressing room bursts open shortly after you shut it.
In storms an enraged Eddie, appalled that you shut the door in his face after he had walked so closely behind you. You attempt to act clueless, counting your tips and separating them to help tip out the staff in the back.
"Here's uhh, 20 percent for Argyle," you announce. "20 for Nance, 20 for you. I’m sorry, I almost forgot to tip you guys out.”
Eddie crinkles the money in hands, eyes refusing to leave you at this point in time.
His tear-ridden stare is all-telling. First, he’s had to hear you get fucked senseless by Steve, one of his best friends. Now, he had to watch you dry hump Henry into literally the next day — another best friend of his — in an outfit he chose for you and bought with his own money.
You really did it this time.
"And that just leaves me with my tips," you add tossing your tote bag over your shoulder. "Also helped Johnny close the register. Everyone else dipped out to bar hop.”
"And you're clocked out?" he musters.
"Well duh, if everything's done."
You're given no time to react when Eddie lunges at you, causing your bag to sulk to the floor, the straps burning your forearms on the way down. You begin to levitate upwards by the virtue of Eddie's throttling grip.
"OW!" you yelp. "What the fuck, dude?!"
Eddie cinches his arm around your waist and hoists you over his shoulders. His breathing is hard, audible grunts escaping from all the tossing you around like a rag doll. You don't attempt to wriggle free, because if you did you feel like your forehead would meet the hard floor.
You smack Eddie’s shoulder blade.
“Put me down, Munson!” you order. “I’m not playing.”
“Yeah?” he grits his teeth. “Well neither am I.”
It's like a carnival ride in the dark. You can't see in front of you or off to the side. You just know the room is spinning. Fast strobes of light shooting across your periphery as you try to make up the orientation of the room.
It is when you hear beads being pushed to the side, that you know Eddie has brought you into a private show room.
Without mercy, but ensuring you landed safely, Eddie drops you from his grasp. You flail recklessly onto the couch. It’s not until you’re out of his grip that you realize how freeing his restraint felt.
You prop yourself up with your elbows, blowing loose strands of your hair away from your face.
"Ow?" you repeat, this time flatly.
"You're insufferable," Eddie hisses, berating you with his injurious glare. His gaze fixes on you as one of his hands ventures about his own body, undoing his belt with just one quick swipe.
"Says the one who literally just tossed me into a dark room," you snap. "Have you any etiquette?"
"Shut up," he demands.
If Eddie was hard to read before, he’s certainly not hard to read now. Now it’s time for him to get even.
The silver parts of the accessory clinks as he chucks it onto the floor, eyes glued on you the entire time. You gulp as he edges closer.
He stops in front of you.
"That set was for my eyes and my eyes only, by the way,” he hisses. “Thought I told you that.”
“Hm, was this before or after you told me you didn’t want to commit?” you challenge him. “I don’t belong to you, Eddie, remember?”
“You got me there,” Eddie shakes his head bitterly.
He stoops down to your level, getting down on his knees. Eddie's unbelievably close now, a strand of his curly hair dangling in your face as he exhales hot air down your neck.
"Do you really wanna play that game?" he asks. There's a riddle in his question. "Do you?"
Your eyes meet his. They're darker than usual, not that you believed that such thing was possible. Dark. Longing. Frustrated. Forewarning.
And for a second, they flicker back to the gaze you're used to again. Loving. Careful. Respectful. Like the look of concern he flashed you when you were cross-faded in his van, asking for him to stay a while. Like the time he made sure you were good enough to dance after being assaulted by a customer. Like the time Billy came storming in, causing you to spiral into a full-blown panic. THAT look of concern.
Are you sure this is what you want?
It is.
"Yes," you gulp, consenting to whatever wrath of his you’re about to face. "Yes, I do actually."
And just like that, the animalistic gaze returns.
His throat bobs when he swallows as he verifies with you one last time.
You nod. "I said what I said."
Back to the scheduled programming it was.
It’s not long until Eddie throws himself on top of you, smacking his eager lips onto yours like it’s oxygen. You hungrily bury your hands in his hair, moaning as your tongue inserts itself into his mouth to lock itself with his.
Eddie groans and moves a hand to your throat, issuing a light squeeze while he grinds himself against you.
“Fuck,” you mewl, the second your lips break apart. “Needed you so bad, Eds. Needed you all night.”
“You aggravate me, you know that?” Eddie sighs, burying his head into your chest, kissing along your tits as he does so. He strokes your bicep lovingly as he kisses you.
“Yeah, well the feeling’s kinda mutual,” you attempt to giggle as tears of overwhelm trickle down your face. “The feeling’s mutual.”
“Do you,” Eddie pants as he unbuttons and tugs at your set. “Remember Heather? My lady friend.”
You nod between breaths. “Mhm. Why?”
“She — never ended things with me.”
There’s a slight pause on your end. “Oh?”
“She never ended things with me,” Eddie continues. “I ended things with her. All cuz I wanted to get to know you and it wouldn’t be fair if I kept her around.”
Your bottoms are off now and the top of your set hangs loosely at your abdomen. You chuck it off of you instantly, refusing to look away from Eddie as you do so.
“Wh-” is all you can get out.
“Why do you think I was so grumpy and irritated that morning?” Eddie questions, moving his lips up to press against your neck. “Huh? I was upset that Harrington got to you first. Didn’t wanna get in between you guys though…”
“And inviting you to BYOB night?” Eddie pants as his free fingers curl around your inner thigh. “I only ever invite the people closest to me. You were the only outlier that night. Feel like Steve knew right then and there something was up. But he chose to ignore it.”
His fingers trace your entrance but he keeps them there, kissing up and down your neck as you breathe deeply under him. You pout and tug at his jeans, aching to have him inside of you this very instant.
“And I didn’t intend on fighting your brother that night, and for that I’m so sorry,” Eddie sighs. “But I saw how scared you looked and how aggressive he was being with you, and I knew if I didn’t intervene it was going to be the last time I saw you.”
Eddie hands cup your breasts as he nibbles at your ears, sucks at your temples, and leaves gentle bites at the crook of your neck.
“I’m avoidant, and stupid, and dismissive, and a fucking idiot,” Eddie admits to you. “But I care about you so much. Believe me, Hargrove. I know how this shit looks. I’m just so scared.”
“Eddie…” you soothe him. “Eddie. Just shut up and fuck me already.”
His eyes nearly pop out of his head when he hears you say that. Eddie shakes his head in disbelief to oblige.
“Don’t gotta tell me twice.”
Grabbing you by the hips, he shifts to reposition you, sprawling you out on top of him. You grind yourself atop his stiff erection as his hands caress every inch of your body. Unable to contain yourself any longer, you unbutton his jeans and pull them down with his boxers, exposing his throbbing cock right underneath your already soaking cunt.
A small string of pre-cum leaks from his scarlet tip.
“How bad do you want me baby?” Eddie coos.
“So bad,” you whimper. “As bad as I was tonight.”
He can’t help but laugh. When you say that, Eddie’s tongue rolls sneakily around in his cheek.
“That’s really bad,” he comments with a shit-eating grin.
“Mhm,” you nod innocently.
“You know what happens to really bad girls though, right?”
“They get punished?” you guess. “AH!”
You’re given absolutely zero time to react again when Eddie slams himself into you. God, he’s huge. God, he burns. You wince in the most pleasure-filled pain you’ve ever been in your entire life as Eddie shushes you, thrusting slowly into your heat as he fingers your mouth.
“Good girl,” he encourages you. “That’s a good girl. Being so brave for Daddy, huh?”
You struggle to even nod, diverting all your focus to accommodating Eddie’s length and girth. He proceeds to rock into you slowly, intertwining a hand with yours with one hand, and letting you suck hard on his fingers with the other.
Slowly, Eddie slides them out of your mouth so they can enclose themselves around your neck. You whimper as he does so. And slowly but surely on your end, you feel yourself stretching to make room for him, the slickness of your wet, and already sore pussy aiding in the process.
“I need to piss you off more often,” you joke. “If it gets me punished like this.”
Eddie groans. “Please don’t. I hate seeing others have you.”
He pulls you into him and repositions you onto your belly, and lining himself up behind you.
“My two best friends?” he demands in anguish. He swoops in to plant gentle kisses against the back of your neck. “Baby, really?”
“I’m sorry,” you breathe. “I’m really sorry, Eddie.”
“Yeah, we’ll see how sorry you’re about to be.”
“FUCK!” you squeal as Eddie deals you a rough spank across your asscheek.
He smiles grimly as you moan into him, arching your back as you beg for his cock to ruin you some more.
“I need you Eds,” you groan impatiently, grinding against him like a cock-drunk whore. “Eddie? Daddy? Master? What do you want me to call you?”
“Sweetheart, you can call me what you want,” Eddie kisses up your jaw. “I’ve been yours since the day I met you.”
He shoves his fingers back into your mouth as he inserts himself into you from behind. You mewl as you take in that familiar stretch, surrendering to Eddie as he proceeds to drill into your cunt relentlessly. The screams you let out as you unravel underneath him are like music to his ears.
No one has ever been able to hit it this good. No one ever made you feel this good. Not your first love. Not your last boyfriend. Not Henry during the lap dance. Not even King Steve.
"Who does it like me?" Eddie asks. "Huh? Who fucks you better than me?”
"No one," you admit as you wail, hands gripping tightly onto the throw pillow on the couch. You pull it towards your chest to hug it for comfort. It’s like you can feel Eddie in your stomach. “N-no one — FUCK — no one does it like you, Eddie."
He twists your hair in his hands and pulls you upwards towards him.
“Who does this pretty little pussy belong to?” he demands. “Hm?”
“Y-you,” you answer. “It belongs to you.”
A shockwave spreads across your body as Eddie quickens his pace, making sure to hit the spongey part of your heat with every thrust. He stops at the last one, making sure it stays there just a while longer.
“Oh, shit!” you moan, digging your nails into the couch. “Fuuuck, Eddie…”
“I know…I know…” he soothes you. Eddie sarcastically shakes a head at himself at the crook of your neck. “That was a mean one, huh?”
Tears well in your pleasured-filled eyes.
"Aw, she's crying," he mocks you before giving your hair another firm tug. "Can't take me, sweetheart? Can't take my cock?"
Eddie's words, albeit cruel, were deemed just for the moment by his reassuring touches. The delicate rubbing was all you needed to know that it was him asking, "Are you okay? I can stop if you'd like."
But despite being fucked out, you couldn’t find it in you to tell him to stop. You wanted more, you needed more. To make up for all the ‘almosts’ that there had been. And there were a lot.
“Don’t stop, Eddie!” you chant. “Don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop. Oh FUCK, right there…”
You feel him smiling to himself as he places you in a headlock between his forearms. With the newfound leverage he acquired, he pistons himself into you sloppily, a pleasure-filled groan escaping from his mouth as well.
“Oh fuck!” Eddie moans. “Fuck, you feel so good, sweetheart. Jesus fuck, you’re gonna be the death of me.”
Suddenly he pulls out.
You whine at the sudden retreat, turning and staring up at him with disapproving eyes. He chuckles.
“Don’t worry,” his kind smile reappears, only to be eclipsed again by that same dark gaze. “I’m not done with you yet.”
He releases you to pin you onto your back so he can pound you in missionary.
As he pistons his hips into you, Eddie whispers to you sloppy somethings, saying how much of a brat you’ve been all day and how he’s nowhere close to being done with you yet.
You feel a euphoric stretch as the crook of your heels dangle over Eddie’s shoulders. He reinserts his fingers into your mouth to muffle your screams. The overstimulation of all your senses are sure to drive you over the edge.
“Wish Henry could see this,” he tuts. “He’s probably fucking his fist right now at the thought of you.
“Ah!” you whimper. “You’re gonna make me cum, Eddie.”
Your core starts to tighten and your walls follow suit, suctioning themselves tighter around Eddie as your muscles squirm and pulsate against him.
“Little does he know his best friend and boss is fucking your brains out instead,” he heaves. “Fucking drilling you into this couch hm?”
He chokes you as he sneers, fucking you deep with a pace so fast you’re sure you’re seeing stars. Was this really happening? The air fills up with profanities and the sounds of skin slapping together, wet sloshes accompanying said slaps. You continue screaming Eddie's name as your legs dangle in the air. Eddie cups your breasts for maximum leverage.
"So fucking needy," he comments. "Never seen anybody get so dumb over some cock.”
"Fuck," you mewl. This was it this time. His words are going to send you over the edge. “I’m gonna cum, I’m really gonna cum. FUCK, EDDIE!”
"I am fucking, baby," he smirks down at you smartly. "Daddy's got you. All you gotta do is take me."
“Shit,” you squeal. “Holy fucking shit, I’m cumming!”
"Take it," he orders. "Take it like the slut you are."
"Oh, god,” your vision starts to blur. “I-I’m Daddy’s Little Cumslut.”
"Yeah, you are," he agrees, kissing your tear-filled cheek. "Mine and only mine.”
And suddenly, your legs tremble profusely as your body gives out on you. Eddie fucks you through your orgasm, not seeming to care when you drench his abdomen and thighs with your pleasure-filled juices.
“Holy fucking shit, I just squirted,” you gasp.
“Fuck yeah you did, baby!” Eddie chuckles. He kisses your forehead one more time. “Fuck, I’m getting close too.”
And soon Eddie’s moans fill the air as he finishes inside you. You grind your hips against his and ride him from underneath, milking him of the last of his seed. Eddie’s dick twitches inside of you in pleasure.
Eddie shoots you a hazed-filled look, one of adoration and lust.
“I’m really gonna let you ruin my life, huh?” he says as he shakes his head.
“It depends. Do you accept the risk?”
“Fuck yeah, I do.” he stares down at the puddle you two created have created on the couch. One mixture was already dripping down from the couch to the floor, and the other mixture is just now oozing out of you, now that he’s pulled out. “And did.”
You two help each other up from the couch and scatter to find the clothes you’ve aimlessly tossed around the room. When you’re fully dressed, you scan the room for some paper towels, so you can wipe away any evidence of you and Eddie staying behind long past closing.
"Might as well clock in," Eddie banters. "We've got a lot of cleaning up to do."
🏷️ tag list: @battymunson , @the-fairy-anon , @ali-r3n , @corrodedcoffincumslut , @bebe07011 , @mmunson86 , @eddiesguitarskills , @chelebelletx , @imonhereforareasonsadly , @eddies-trailer-babe @hideoutside , @motherfckerr , @jxpsi , @munson-magic , @lindseyj23, @sidthedollface2 , @manda-panda-monium , @elvendria , @micheledawn1975 , @hereforshmut , @siriuslysmoking , @nymphetkoo , @m-chmcl-rmnc , @justinelittlewoodsworld , @ahoyyharrington , @keepittoyourselftellnobodyelse @kellyxo1 @emsgoodthinkin @winchester-angel @chloe-6123 , @redbarn1995 @angietherose @kiyastrf94 , @purplewitchcauldron @kellsck
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cinnamonfm · 1 year
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{ SAVANNAH LEE SMITH, 22, CISWOMAN, SHE/HER } Is that HENRIETTA ASTOR? A JUNIOR originally from GREENWICH, CT they decided to come to Ogden College to study GOVERNMENT. They’re THE FALLEN PRINCESS on campus, but even they could get blamed for Greer’s disappearance.
001 – the basics.
full name: henrietta pearl kennedy-astor (no relation to the kennedys, other than name) nickname(s): heni, hen, etta, ettie, hettie date of birth: 01 november 2000 place of birth: greenwich, ct hometown: manhattan, new york sexuality: bisexual, though i’m pretty sure she thinks she’s mostly straight religion: agnostic, lapsed catholic
002 – the girl.
+ intelligent, loyal, resourceful, quick-witted, eloquent, cunning, astute, observant - fault-finding, rigid, insincere, scheming, unyielding, vindictive enneagram: 3w4 mbti: esfj temperament: choleric-melancholic
character inspiration(s): blair waldorf (gossip girl), cordelia chase (buffy the vampire slayer), paris geller (gilmore girls), quinn fabray (glee), summer roberts (the o.c), heather ratner (chuck), claire standish (the breakfast club), heather duke (heathers), regina george (mean girls), mini mcguinness (skins), lucille bluth (arrested development), alex russo (wizards of waverly place), amber mariens (clueless), sharpay evans (high school musical)
primary trope: the fallen princess secondary tropes: lovable alpha bitch, always second best, manipulative bitch, deadpan snarker, death glare, defrosting ice queen, good all along, bitch in sheep’s clothing, anti-hero, moral myopia, stepford snarker, jerk with a heart of gold, inferiority complex
how they embody their trope:
(brief neglect mention tw) Facades, facades, facades. In hindsight, it’s a wonder her first words as a toddler hadn’t been scripted for her and pre-approved by the Astor PR team. She’s the only child of two lawyers - with her mother serving her second term as New York’s attorney general and her father ensuring that multi-million dollar corporations were able to skirt around their social, environmental and fiscal obligations. They’re not American royalty, not by any means, but the Astor name carries a certain weight, and her parents would sooner give up all their worldly possessions than let her forget it. It wasn’t her parents who brought her up, so much as their expectations. Perfect grades, perfectly behaved, perfectly aligned with their wants and needs. The Astors hadn’t really wanted a child. What they’d been in the market for was a trophy. Henrietta, by virtue of her upbringing, is a perfectionist. Nothing she ever did as a child was good enough for her parents (not that they’d ever say that, but she could sense it), and nothing she ever does as a young adult is enough to meet her own impossible standards. She’s spent considerable time and effort constructing a vision of herself that she feels comfortable portraying to others, a thin veneer to keep herself hidden from onlookers - a never-ending performance. And part of that was being Greer’s best friend. After all, you’re only as good as the company you keep. She’s yet to take an actual tumble, but with Greer missing, the paint job on the facade that is Henrietta is slowly starting to crack. It’s only a matter of time before it starts chipping, too. 
general personality: 
Were I to use one word to describe Henrietta, it would have to be sharp. It’s her defining characteristic - she’s all edges, all the time. Sharp wit, sharper tongue. At least that’s the curated version of her. The one you’d get to see. Beneath the high school mean-girl persona, behind the rolling eyes and raised brows, she’s genuine and vulnerable and has the capacity for care. But she’s been raised to believe that kindness is a weakness, something for others to exploit, and so she’s extinguished that flamed. Stubbed the embers into the ground with her foot. Because it’s easier to keep people at a comfortable distance this way. This way, they won’t get too close. They won’t be able to see her for the lonely, insecure person she’s tried so desperately to keep under wraps.
003 – greer.
If there is such a thing as a universal truth, it is that teenage girls exercise cruelty rarely seen outside of cartoony depictions of hell. And if the Manolo-toting schemers of gossip girl were anything to go by, Manhattan girls were the absolute worst. Henrietta had thrown an uncharacteristic fit when her parents had broached the subject of moving (in the middle of the school year, no less) - tears wiped on the back of cashmere sleeves, voice choked with adolescent desperation. Were they trying to ostracise her from her peers? Ensure she’d stand out like a sore thumb? How did they expect her to find friends, when social hierarchies and cliques had already fully solidified by now? The answer to the latter was, unsurprisingly, Greer. Henrietta had hardly set foot on the grounds of her new alma mater, before Greer had linked elbows with her, flashed her a bright smile, and announced to anyone who’d listen that this, this was her best friend now. Maybe, she’d told herself as she returned home from that first day, moving hadn’t been such a bad idea after all. Ever since that first meeting, the two of them had been practically joined at the hip. If Greer was there, you could place a pretty safe bet that Henrietta was there. Joint birthday parties in their early teens, trips abroad over the summer holiday, secrets shared behind walk-in-closet doors. They were inseparable. It was the sort of friendship others looked at through either a lens of envy or aspiration. Or both. Perhaps that’s why Henrietta feels so guilty over how restricted she’d felt since traipsing in Greer’s footsteps all the way to Ogden. It wasn’t that she didn’t still love Greer in that platonic way a best friend does, because she really, really did, but college had just highlighted just how much her existence had been fashioned as an extension of Greer. It wasn’t like the power dynamic had ever been even, not even back in New York, but something about the new backdrop to their relationship had lit up its flaws like a starry night sky. Getting to bask in Greer’s light also meant existing in her shadow. It was always Greer, and then Henrietta, half a step behind. It was hard not to feel like an afterthought. An asterisk at the end of a lengthy paragraph.  004 – family.
(see here) To say that Henrietta’s relationship with her family teethers on being strained, would be an understatement. Everything she does is with the express intent of getting their approval, and yet, she’s never so much as gotten a nod in recognition. Everything she achieves, her brother (four years her senior) has already done. And better at that. During her formative years, they were too concerned with getting Evangeline elected as attorney general to let their children be children. And now they’re too concerned with getting her re-elected to see the damage that did to them. 
005 – brief summary of events. 
coming soon.
006 - wanted connections.
exes (derogatory) - these two used to date, and now they can barely stand to be in the same room as each other. can they even remember why? who knows, but that doesn't stop them from bickering all the same.
what could have been - what's worse than almost being something, but never quite getting there? these two never had the timing thing figured out
academic rival - the nelly yuki to her blair waldorf. someone heni feels like she has to outperform, all the time. could even be one-sided.
the project - no idle rich girl is complete without someone to take under her wing.
behind closed doors - someone heni gets on with, and likes spending time with, but for social reasons (and because she's the worst) she doesn't want to be seen with publicly
the light feminine to her dark feminine - she's always been a pack animal, and now that greer's off somewhere? being her counterpart is up for grabs.
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