#chubby. which is the only thing that makes me look slightly less like i have tits. not that i have a lot to begin with
schadenfreudich · 4 months
18 year olds are also just getting younger, huh?
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lonelystczennie · 1 year
San x Reader
Summary: San helps you babysit for the day, and let's a little secret slip.
Word count: 600+
Warnings: mentions of having kids, not proofread
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this! I'm not the best at writing about kids, so I'm sorry if this isn't quite what you wanted.💙
Requests are open
When San came to pick you up for your lunch date, he thought it was slightly odd when you didn't answer the door right away, usually you tackled him in a hug before the bell had even finished ringing.
He considered ringing again, only to stop short when you opened the door, met by the surprising sight of you holding a baby who couldn’t be more than six months old.
“Did I miss something?” He asked, confused.
“No, this is Haru.” You explained. “My friend's babysitter canceled at the last minute, so I offered to look after her for the afternoon.” You adjusted your hold on the squirming infant. “I’m sorry, I should’ve called you earlier to reschedule, but it all happened so suddenly.”
“It's okay, we don’t have to reschedule.” He assured you, leaning down to stroke one of Haru’s chubby cheeks, instantly charmed. “Do you want some help?”
"Yeah, I like kids." He shrugged, cooing at Haru and making her giggle.
“Then yes, please.” You said, letting him in.
The rest of the afternoon passed in a blur of feedings, nappy changes and trying your best to keep Haru content and happy, which turned out to be more of a challenge than you had expected.
You had been trying to put her down for a nap, but she was not having it, becoming increasingly agitated and crying.
“I don’t know what I'm doing wrong.” You lamented, almost in tears yourself at her distress.
“Can I try?” He asked, holding his hands out for the infant.
You passed her to him, watching warily as he tucked her against his chest, bouncing slightly as he walked round the room with her. In less than a minute, she had quieted, already beginning to doze in his arms.
“Why does she only stop crying when you hold her?” You asked, watching him in disbelief.
“She’s just got good taste.” He said, stopping when he caught your expression. “I didn’t mean it like that. I meant-”
“I know, it’s fine,” You assured him. “I just…”
You didn’t finish the thought, pressing your lips into tight line, but he could read the worry in your eyes.
“You’re doing a good job, babies are just finicky sometimes.” He reassured you, thinking back to his own experiences looking after kids. “Don’t worry, it’ll be different with our kids.”
“Our what?” You looked up at him questioningly.
He froze again, eyes widening slightly as he realized his slip.
“I was just.. speaking hypothetically.” He said, unconvincingly, but you decided to let it go for the being, letting him bounce away from you again with Haru.
Later, after he'd managed to get her down for her nap and the two of you finally got to sit down together for a very late lunch, you brought up his earlier comment.
“So, you’ve thought about us having kids?” You asked, watching him carefully.
“I, uh… a little.” He admitted, glancing over at you nervously. “Is that bad?”
“No, it just surprised me a little.” You said. “I didn’t realize you thought about things like that for us.”
“I don’t, I mean, not really." He explained, trying to cover for himself. "It’s just one of those things that happens as a passing thought, you know?”
“Yeah, okay.” You said, grinning at his slightly flustered state.
“And it’s not like I wanna have them right now,” He insisted. “Just… maybe someday.”
"Maybe someday." You echoed.
It was quiet for a minute as you ate, before you decided to press him again.
“So how many do we have?”
“Three.” He answered immediately.
“Aha!" You exclaimed.
"It sounds like you've thought it about more than just a little!” You giggled, making him whine.
"Don't laugh at me!" He said defensively. “You asked me a question, what am I supposed to do, lie?”
“It’s cute though!” You said, still giggling.
At that moment, Haru decided to announce that she had woken up, crying loudly.
“I’ll go!” San said, jumping up quickly before you could say anymore.
You let him go, deciding you’d wait till after your friend had collected Haru to tell him how you'd thought about it too.
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moon-alight · 1 year
Could you do a fuma x chubby reader? slightly smut? only if you are comfortable!
Yes, hello! :) Sorry for the wait. I hope you like it. I'm chubby myself so I like doing things like these. Justice for us thick girls.
Also, this is my 69th post. . . I had to.
Your Curves - &Team Fuma
Synopsis: You're overweight (Whether a lot or a bit, whatever you like) and Fuma loves all your edges and curves.
Warnings: slight smut (whatever that means), fluff!!!!, chubby reader, talk about weight and bodyfat, Fuma being adorable, bodyworship, bit of self-fat shaming, talk about body dysmorphia, It's not very smutty, just a little. . .
Word Count: 1225
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It wasn't hard to love your body when your boyfriend was so accepting in the way you look. He would never tell you this straight but he loves your curves more than anything. And you know that.
You're currently scrolling on tiktok while walking into the kitchen of the dorms to get yourself a glass of water. It is surprisingly quiet today since most of the guys had gone off to some theme park.
You scroll down another video when the familiar song fills your ears.
Get yourself to the Butterfly Lounge, find yourself a big lady Big boy, come on around and they'll be calling you baby
A beautiful bigger girl appears on your screen and you wonder, just for a moment, how you absolutely love her body but don't like yours that's so similar to it. Maybe it's a mind-trick and humans are supposed to hate their bodies.
You lean against the kitchen counter and click on the sound to see many more beautiful plus-sized women but also some skinny girls using the sound just because they don't want to be left out or something. Your confidence fades the longer you scroll.
There's not many plus-sized girls in the long run. Most girls using this sound are skinny but have body-dysmorphia. If only you had that, then you would've looked better at least. . .
"Hey darl--" Fuma stops when he hears the same sound being played from your phone, over and over and over again. He frowns and studies your face. You look down, sad, maybe a bit disappointed.
He can't have that.
He walks over and starts humming along to the song. When you replay it, he sings along and puts his hands on your waist before pulling you closer. You chuckle at his impulsive action.
"What are you doing?" You ask, holding onto his shoulders so you don't fall by the sudden pull he had just done.
"The song said, 'find yourself a big lady'. So I did." Fuma replies, simply. You stare at him, the insecurity returns and he sees it in the way your hands slide from his shoulders and your smile fades a little. "There's nothing wrong with being bigger."
"Then why do so many people make me feel bad?" You ask back. If there is really nothing wrong with it, why are there so many people fat shaming you constantly? Make it make sense.
"Because they have nothing better to do." Fuma tells you. "I love that you're bigger, there's just more of you which means more to love." You can't stop the smile from reappearing on your face. "And it suits you."
"You're telling me I'm supposed to look like this?" You ask, not being able to believe your boyfriend just yet.
"I do." He agrees, kissing your lips before going to the fridge and taking out some grapes.
"I'm very heavy though." You remind him. He rolls his eyes, manages to pick you up anyways and puts you down on the kitchen counter.
"Weight doesn't matter." Fuma says, standing between your legs and stroking your thighs with his hands. "Someone can look really, really slim but could weigh a lot because bone density or muscle mass or unhealthy food, and then someone could look really big but could weigh less so numbers don't really matter."
"I look big and I weigh a lot."
"That's why I'm going to the gym, baby." He tells you, offering you a grape which you take. "So I can lift you anyway." He winks and takes a glass, fills it with water and hands it to you. "So, what's the problem here?" At this point you can't disagree anymore.
"Fine. . . I'm beautiful and perfect and amazing." Fuma smiles at you.
"That's it." He boops your nose and wraps his arms around you. You place the glass of water down on the counter next to you and wrap your own arms around him. You suddenly feel him squeeze your sides.
"What are you doing?" You ask, a giggle leaves your lips at the ticklish feeling.
"Squashing my teddy bear."
"Alright, that's my thirteenth reason." You joke and push him away from you.
"Are you kidding me?" Fuma asks, crossing his arms over his chest. "How dare you push me away?"
"You called me a teddy bear!"
"Because you are!" Fuma says. You roll your eyes. "Hey! I know you didn't just roll your eyes at me."
"What if I did."
"Don't provoke me." Fuma warns but you're curious where this goes so you go on.
"I definitely rolled my eyes at you. . . and I'd do it again." Fuma gasps dramatically and walks towards you, he places his hands on either side of your legs on the counter, his gaze is sharp.
"Last chance, care to take that back?" You stare at him and shake your head. "My teddy bear is being very mean right now."
"Stop calling me teddy bear." You whine out, pouting a little.
"Have you forgotten you look like one?" He asks back. "I could also call you munchkin but that seems even worse." You chuckle.
"Are you done?" You ask, he looks at you.
"I haven't even started." He leans up and kisses you. What was supposed to be just a normal kiss became a bit more heated and before you knew it, you were making out in the kitchen. He reaches to take off your shirt but you're hesitant once again. "Are you kidding? Princess?"
"I'm sorry." You look down. "What if you don't like me?" Fuma has a very annoyed look in his face.
"You know, I thought you were much smarter." He says.
"I have stretchmarks--"
"Tiger stripes." He corrects you.
"Beauty scars."
"I--" You stare at him, you try to look for a thing that would put him off because that's what you had to hear all your life. "Fat."
"Extra squash."
"jiggling arms and legs, I got stomach rolls."
"Personal squishies."
"Damnit, Fuma." You breathe out, defeatedly.
"What do you think will happen when you take your shirt off?" He asks, seriously.
"Maybe you'd get disgusted or not like me anymore."
"Baby, it's more likely for me to die from a heart attack." He looks you up and down. "Or from happiness." You push him playfully and smile at him. Maybe it were his words or maybe it was a heat-of-the-moment thing but you take the fabric of your shirt and pull it off of you.
Fuma stares at you, his eyes take in your body. You watch as a smile makes its way on his face, he bites his bottom lip. "Fuck." He breathes out. You see his cheeks redden.
"Can I touch you?" He asks, making grabby hands to you. You laugh and nod. He leans up, kissing your lips once more as his hands roam over your chest. His fingers glide over your stretchmarks. He traces each and every one of them on both sides of your hips. You suddenly hear him giggle. You frown.
"Are you okay?"
"No." He giggles again, like a school girl. "I'm in Heaven." You can't believe how you've gotten so lucky. "Don't you dare ever hide yourself from me again."
"I won't." You promise. He smiles and pecks your lips. "Now, I can die in peace if I have to."
"Oh my God!"
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sensei-venus · 2 years
Mike Barnes/Chubby!Reader Headcanons
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(I literally have so much of this shit- I have a whole story line and everything- I have addiction to Mike Barnes) (Unedited)( @gemini-sensei )
•Mike met his wife in the early 90s, his karate career was slowly fading after the championship, Silver basically helped to tarnish his name in the media and karate world after not helping him succeed in taking down Daniel LaRusso. Life wasn’t going his way by a long shot and he was pissed about it. He spent most of his days clubbing, living it up as much as he could. It was rough.
•They met by complete accident, a huge misunderstanding. Mike was almost completely plastered in the middle of the night. The club he was at kicked him out and he was strolling around, to drunk out of his mind to get behind the wheel. He came across a shitty dinner, big neon lights, dim lights inside, place smelled like twenty years of cigarette smoke. Of course he went in to get the most nasty grease filled burger they had. It helped clear his head or a moment. When something or more like someone was pushed into his booth right on top of him, he was both stunned and pissed, his brain dizzy from the liquid from earlier.
•At first he was going to go off, cuss the person out and then beat their ass for getting in his space. That flew out the window when his eyes focused and he was meet with cleavage right in his face. Big breasts where directly in front of his face, inches away from having his nose buried in tits. Thick thighs where pushed against him.
“I’m so sorry!”
Laugher was heard from behind her, two roughed up guys laughed loudly while pointing at her. Even in his drunk state Mike knew that the women had been pushed into his booth.
•After that a drunken fight followed but surprisingly Mike wasn’t kicked out, the two assholes where. He went back to eating when the women who had been pushed into him came up. She was a bit shy but straight forward when it came to trying to apologize for falling on him. He got a better look at her and he suddenly wasn’t all that mad about it.
“Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?”
“Sit with me.”
It was the most simple and probably “un-Barnes” thing to say and do, but the words just came out. She flushed a little in her chubby cheeks before sitting down on the other side of the booth. They chatted for a few hours even after Mike was done eating.
•After that it because a habit of his, get slightly less drunk then that night and then head over to the dinner. Weekends turned into week days, that turned into months. He quickly became infatuated with the chubby girl who frequented the dinner during late nights. He always looked out for her. He started to try and court her not long after. Their relationship slowly grew into something more as time went on.
•He took notes on everything she said, about her life and job, her hobbies. He tried to learn everything he could about her. She was very open which only fueled his growing love for her. She was extremely sweet and kind but could also put her foot down while was also a plus. And man was her laugh was intoxicating. Maybe that’s why by month five of knowing her he stopped going to the clubs to get wasted and then going to see her. He wanted a clear mind when going to talk to her.
•She learned pretty early on about his karate past and his career. He was surprised when she didn’t have any unkind words about it or suddenly became a grupie. She actually thought it was pretty cool and made him show her some of his moves. He smirked at her the first time they went on the mat together. He talked her into letting him teach her a few moves for fun, if only felt better when she put up one hell of a fight on the mat. But of course he was more experienced and got the upper hand, pinning her to the mat. At first he thought she would cry or pout about it, but when she laughed at him he couldn’t help but smile at her.
•A year later they where officially dating and it was the best decision he had ever made. The brewing hate for his past karate career was fading, turning back into love for the art. But it was only because of his girlfriends constant pushing to revaluate his feelings on the matter. The bonding he did with her on the mat only solidified the love he had for the art and his love for her, karate was forever going to be apart of him, it was up to him if he was going to let the bad past of it haunt him and ruin what it had going for his life now.
•About three years later, into the mid 90s, he finally popped the question and married her. The wedding was small but lush. They spent their time together wisely, in each other’s arms. Later that same year he found himself under the wing of a top furniture king of LA. He learned about the furniture trade inside and out, the the actual making to the wear house to the show floor. His wife would later work by his side, the two of them being in the top level of the furniture game. His boss even letting him open his own building.
•Life was good for a while. Rough patches happened family wise, his love for his wife never dying and hers for him. But time went on and there family didn’t grow, not as much as they wanted it too. His wife was devastated for the rest of the 90s, Barnes was the only one keeping her together, his own heart breaking. During the early 2000s is when all of that changed, a stroke of luck as he would put it later on. Their family grew within a year. Life was great.
-of course 2018 started to happen and things started to get interesting for him once again-
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writingfool001 · 3 years
Yknow how some people's love languages are gift giving or physical affection and so on, what about a reader whos love language is biting 🤔
Hear me out, I searched it up and its called 'cute aggression' where you feel that urge to like bite stuff when you see someone/something cute lol
Thats honestly all I have, Would love to have a gender neutral reader with the octavinelle dorm members pls!! ☆
I'm sorry anon, I went on little tangents throughout this.
Whenever you would hang out, you would bite part of your fist during the time you two spent together and see him being adorable. They notice this and think you can’t stand him or won’t say something. They keep a mental tally of how many times you do that in their presence.
Eventually, they ask about your habit of biting your fist and if it was because he irritates or has done something to offend you.  You finally explain to him that you have cute aggression and have a need to bite something or someone when you see something cute, which results in you biting your fist to the point of having scars on your hands or biting the inside of your mouth.
This precious insecure bean.
This boy...He is scared...only a little. He is relieved that you don’t find his presence irritating and tries to help find alternative things to bite while having flashbacks to the twins when they were younger.
You surprised him when you lightly bite his shoulder in private, he’s flustered and was very close to rushing to his octopot if you weren’t holding him. He tells you you’re only allowed to do that in private because he has a reputation to maintain and, if either of the twins saw, he wouldn’t hear the end of it. After that, if anyone saw him changing his shirt, they would see bite marks.
Don’t get me started on him being in his merman form. You nearly lose it, and the inside of your mouth is slightly bleeding when you see him hide in his octopot or Jade showing you the picture from the museum. His mother fueled your habit when she showed you photos of him growing up, which she refuses to let Azul mess with. While you and his mother gushed over younger him, he was just in the corner as his stepfather pat his back in comfort.
Overall, he will let you bite him in private because it’s how you show love and hopefully your bite is less severe as the twins’. He would kiss all your bite scars on your hands in rivate when you two are having a tender moment cuddling, resulting in you biting his ear. You basically put him out of commission whenever you would bit a sensitive area for him.
He is surprised, you show your love through biting. How interesting, he chuckles and kisses you cheek, nibbling on it a bit. He would ask you more about your cute aggression. You both will occasionally give each other little bites, your bites tickle Jade while Jade will poke the skin lightly.
If you have chubby cheeks, he will lightly bite the when you two are in private. Sometime when you two are in private, biting matches happen and both of you have made each other bleed a bit.
You listen while he goes on gushing about the different types of mushrooms that he found and some that he keeps in his terrariums. He chuckles when he sees you bite your fist and continues to tell you about all the different types. You accidentally bit a cute mushroom he had, you were on cloud nine for a bit and Jade enjoyed every minute of it. He just makes sure you don’t have a repeat of that again.
I don’t know about you all, but I find Jade and his mushrooms obsession adorable. I mean look at this cutie who could kill me.
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He would probably test how strong your bite is without breaking any of your teeth or else Azul would have you heads. If you come across something cute, Jade would stop you from biting yourself too much and wouldn’t surprise you accidentally bit his hand.
His mother also shows off his pictures to you and by the end of the day, he just retorts asking when he’ll see your baby photos.
Deadass, probably joke about getting you a chew toy.
Oh, Shrimpy was showing me love? He would demand you to praise him as whenever he does something you find cute.
The chaos you released, Floyd would just join in on giving loving nips or bits. Both parties will be covered in bite marks and sometimes it gets out of hand. Azul and Jade have both lectured you two about your bite fights.
The difference in jaw strength and teeth play a factor. Depending on how your teeth are and how sharp, Floyd is completely down with you, being the reason why he’s bleeding. In private, you bite in areas that won’t affect him too much like his upper arm. If you come across something cute, Floyd will let you bite him or some sort of candy he seems to carry that day.
In case of his mom showing, you pictures of him, he would just brag and accept all the compliments or praise you would say about how cute he was when he was younger.
Deadass, probably joke about getting you a chew toy.
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currently thinking abt slightly yandere nanami's obsession with a youtuber who cooks/bakes. he found out about you while trying to find a new recipe to try, he ends up watching one of your videos on youtube.
he's hooked immediately. not only are you sweet and adorable, your recipes are delicious. he consistently looks forward to your uploads. you've managed to worm your way into his routine
(gonna make this chubby reader bc im self indulgent) his heart beats a lil faster every time you say your intro, it feels like your talking to him. his eyes roam your curvy body. your soft tummy and arms, and he wants to kiss your soft, round cheeks.
aaddfghlflfl i just-
SQUEEEEEEEEE GOD but let's be real, Nanami would do this even if he wasn't yandere 🤧💕 ok we're gonna do chubby reader bc i have THOUGHTS
CW: mainly fluff, a lil bit of smut, brief mentions of ppl bullying reader on the internet
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• Can you imagine it? Nanami seeming like this cool, uninterested guy on the surface but he's secretly a fanboy aldjoajd
• He's watched ALL your videos, yes even the first ones where your camera was shit and you were doing tutorials on simple foods like mac n cheese and cookies
• The first thing he notices is yours looks (obviously), your round cheeks and pudgy arms, even your small chubby hands 💕
• You look so soft, so plush and warm. He imagines that it would feel like heaven to rest his head in your lap, your fingers combing through his hair after a long grueling workday
• But your looks aren't the only thing that draws him in: nonono, you are just so bubbly and cute and sweet in your videos and he knows that part of it is just a persona but he thinks you'd be even sweeter in real life, especially if you were gifting him a plate of cookies, especially if he held the door open for you and helped you carry your groceries 💕
• He watches your videos to destress, to relax at night and on the weekends, a glass of wine in hand and a small tray of snack foods
• He can't stop himself from smiling when he watches you. He loves the closeups of your hands, still so pretty and delicate despite being covered in dough and flour
• He wishes he could kiss each of your fingers, your palm, your wrist, moving up your arm, savoring your cheery giggles before he reached your plush lips and kissed you gently
• He's almost certain the two of you will never meet in real life, but he still daydreams about it, about making meals together and sharing kisses and licking off the drop of whipped cream on your cheek
• He always feels guilty when his thoughts about you turn sexual: you're not even doing anything sexual! You're just being cute and perfect and sharing a recipe for apple fritters
• But his mind always wanders when you lean forward and he gets a peek down your shirt, when you lick white frosting from your fingers, when you take a bite of the final dish and moan—
• He's jerked off to your videos before (which he's also ashamed of). It's usually the ones where you show more skin than usual, when you put on makeup, or when your commentary is full of unintentional double entendres ("goodness, this is bigger than I thought it'd be", "geez, I'm gonna need to use both hands for this", i don't know if I can fit this whole thing [bite] into my mouth, but I'm gonna try!", "oh my god, it's so thick", "don't force it in all at once, ya gotta be patient and gentle")
• Your voice is just so soothing, sweet, honey dripped words gracing his ear followed by a soft moan when you taste test it; how could he not masturbate to you when you're so tempting??
• He always feels guilty afterwards, but he does feel a bit less stressed which is nice
• He's such a white knight in your comments it's fuckin CRINGEY!!!
• Some troll will show up and be a dick, saying that you'd lose a lot of weight if you stopped your cooking show or how you'd be so much cuter if you were skinny (which?? Bby, its so obvious you're just mad you can't fuck me, like JESUS go take a NAP 🤧)
• Nanami sees these comments and his vision goes RED
• How dare they?? Who could ever say such mean things about you? You're literally perfect, who do they think they are 😡
• He's reporting comments left and right and has gotten into one too many arguments with these nimrods to the point where he has to just stop looking at comments bc he just gets too heated
• He decides to just leave nice encouraging comments to combat the mean ones bc let's be honest, you're so much better than these haters and they're not worth any of your time
• The first time you liked one of his encouraging comments he almost had a heart attack sksksksk
• Had to sit down with his hand on his chest for a full five minutes
• He thinks he can die happy now that you've noticed him, nothing could ever top this 🤧
• Well... that's what he thinks until a certain someone becomes his new neighbor and introduce themselves, greeting him with homemade banana bread 😳🥺💕
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dreamingofaizawa · 3 years
Good Kitty
Shouta Aizawa x Chubby! Kitty Hybrid! Fem! Reader
***18+ Fic***
If you are under the age of 18, leave. Thank you.
Warnings: Kitty hybrid reader, smut, fingering, unprotected sex, praise kink (?), reader has insecurities, Shouta is soft and lowkey feral?, chubby kink (sorta), reader has a heat for the first time, barely implied virginity loss, a touch of dacryphilia
Word Count: 2.4 k
Author’s Note: This is inspired by @cupcake-rogue ’s fic Not Allowed on the Bed. I got permission to use it as inspo so here we are! Tbh the orignal had me feeling all sorts of feelings because, as a very subby sub that loves to please, I definitely have a praise kink and I WILL CRY if I’m called a bad girl. HOWEVER, Katsuki being the rough-around-the-edges guy he is wanting reader regardless of size made me very happy and warm and fuzzy. 
The premise with this is pretty much the same, except I made reader a kitty hybrid...and of course I wrote for Shouta, love of my life he is. I’m such a fucking simp. I’m not the biggest fan of the ending, but this has been sitting in my WIPs for too damn long and it’s decent enough for me to feel ok posting it.
Also, for reference, reader has black fur regardless of hair color. Reader could be blonde, but still have black ears and tail. That’s just the way I’ve chosen to write this for some reason, don’t ask me why, I’m weird like that. 
I think this is the first time I’ve written for a hybrid, so cut me a little slack.
Anywho, enjoy~
You can’t remember life outside the shelter. You’d grown up here, the caretakers said they’d found you on the street as a nearly newborn kitten and immediately scooped you up and brought you back here. That was a long time ago. Now you sit, waiting, your hopes for getting adopted diminishing with every passing day.
It’s unfortunate, but you still haven’t been adopted. It’s not that you’re bad, you always behave, you make sure you do. But you’ve overheard time and time again the people that gazed down at you and whispered about how you were too chunky, too big and too squishy for a kitty hybrid. And some even called you bad luck. The pitch black fur on your ears and tail warded off many.
Today was just the same as any other day. Wake up, get fed, wait in your room while potential owners pick and choose not you. Adults and children alike would take chunks out of their time to play with you, but they all left the shelter with another smaller cat. It was nearing bed time now, dinner just finished and the caretakers were about to start closing when the little bell on the front door jingled. Someone had just come in. You ignored it all the same.
Two pairs of footsteps began making their way past rooms, whoever it was that had entered smelled good, like coffee and tree bark. A smooth hum accompanied the caretaker’s voice, it made your ears twitch and tail sway gently. Still, you decided to just curl up in bed and try to sleep. The chance of him adopting you was slim, if it existed at all.
As you lay there your ears pick up their footsteps, the lazy set that dragged familiar, the nearly silent set less so. You listened as they came closer, never stopping as the man strode past each room and peered in the windows. You waited for them to pass right by your room, as they had been, but suddenly the footsteps halted. The caretaker spoke first.
“Y/n? You awake?” You let your eyes flutter open and sat up, tucking your legs under you and sitting up straight. They asked the man if he wanted to go in and see you, and he gave a simple nod. When he entered you finally looked up at him. The first thing you noticed were his eyes, tired and bloodshot with dark circles beneath them, a deep scar curved under his right eye. His long black hair fell around his shoulders, swaying lightly with every measured step he took toward you.
He stopped right in front of you, a large hand stretching out and you give it a small sniff before nudging your head into it, letting him pet your hair and scratch at the base of your ears. It felt nice to be getting attention like this. A small purr sounded in your chest, your tail gently swishing behind you.
“How long have you been here?” His voice is deep and calm, tired even, but it sounds so welcoming. It’s so soothing to your sensitive ears, like a warm blanket. You give a small hum before answering.
“A long time. I don’t remember anything outside this place.” At that he raised an eyebrow, turning to the caretaker with a questioning look.
“Most people look for...specific traits in the cat hybrids. Y/n here is well behaved, a perfect house kitty really,” you purred a bit at the praise, “But she’s a little larger than most. And her black fur wards off the more superstitious.” The man gives a curious hum before looking back down at you.
“Do you want to come home with me, kitty?” The question caught you a little off guard. Nobody really asked the hybrids if they wanted to go with them. You looked over to the caretaker, who nodded their head with a gentle smile, encouraging you to answer. All you could do was give a small nod, and soon you were in the car, on the way to your new home.
He’d told you to call him Shouta. He was nice, always quiet and never got mad. He never smiled, but you supposed that’s just the way he is. He gave you your own room, and always let you rub up on him when you wanted to, taking the opportunity to pet you. Occasionally you got the odd kiss on the forehead when you nuzzled into his neck. Those always made you purr. He never came seeking you out, which was good since there were times you really didn’t want to be touched. 
The longer you’re with him the closer you get, and you find yourself doing things you’d never thought to do before. Sometimes you found the floor more comfortable than the couch, and would kneel down and rub up on his leg, your tail wrapping around his ankle. There were times you’d see his fingers idly drumming on his lap, and you’d lay down and nibble on one with your little fang-like canines. He didn’t seem to mind that little oral fixation, and he always let you do whatever you wanted. All in all, life with Shouta is great.
But today you feel weird. You’d been cooped up in your room for the first hour or so of the weekend morning, not quite wanting to go out and make it known something was off. But it’s gotten abnormally hot, your face and chest especially warm, and between your legs as well. Your panties are beginning to feel damp, your thighs starting to feel humid and sticky. It’s a little uncomfortable. And your tummy is starting to boil, neediness beginning to cloud your mind. This never happened at the shelter.
Reluctantly, you step out of bed onto slightly wobbly legs and peek your head out of your door to see him sitting on the couch, a book in hand and a mug of coffee on the table. His hair is loose, his strong lean body relaxed as he read. The sight of him and his scent made the feeling worse, made your panties and thighs wetter, your chest beginning to heave with your panted breaths. 
“Sh-shouta…” Your voice came out shakier and quieter than you wanted it to, but he’d heard you regardless. He closed the book and peered over at your shaking form in the doorway.
“What is it kitty?” You nearly mewled at his voice, his heavenly smooth baritone sending a shiver down your spine through to the tip of your tail.
“Something’s wrong...I feel weird…” As you tell him about everything that’s happening to your body, he’s dragging his eyes over you, taking in every detail. Soon he’s on the phone with the doctor, you can’t quite comprehend his words, only catching snippets. ‘Help’ and ‘how long’, followed by agreeing hums. It was all jumbled after that, your mind refusing to focus as you leaned heavily on the doorframe, your quivering legs barely able to hold your body.
Shouta’s large hand came up and cupped your cheek, letting you nuzzle into his palm. When had he hung up the phone? He ordered you to sit on the bed, and you obliged, watching as he swept up his hair into a loose bun and strode over, tilting your chin to look up at him through half-lidded eyes. He’s so close, his scent overwhelming and making your brain fuzzy.
“You’re in heat, kitty.” Heat...where had you heard that before? Back at the shelter, maybe? It was all a distant, unfocused memory right now. Shouta leaned down and kissed you sweetly, lips melding with yours as you purred and mewled, your tail thrashing behind you. His hands tugged at your clothes until you were bare before him, every inch of you on display. 
“You’re such a pretty kitty, you know that? So beautiful. Lay down for me.” The praise made you purr, made a chill crawl up your spine and your tail flick wildly. You obeyed the command, laying flat in the middle of the bed and he slotted himself between your legs, plunging two fingers into your tight hole. He let out a groan, pumping and scicssoring his fingers to stretch you out. You were already a sloppy mess, loud squelches ringing through the room in between your loud, whiny mewls and panting. 
It felt so good, the heat in your belly burning and tightening until Shouta’s fingers curled up into a spot that made stars dance in your vision. The pressure in your belly snapped hard, your legs trembling as he kept fingering you through it. His fingers slowed when you whined about it being too much, too sensitive. But you still felt hot all over, now it was worse, you wanted something so bad but you didn’t know what.
He got up and undressed himself and you licked your lips at his naked body, scarred skin pulled taut over thick muscle. What stood between his legs had heat spreading like fire through your body. You’d never seen a naked man before. He was quick to return to you, slotting his hips between your thighs and guiding the thick head of his cock along your soaked folds. 
“Relax kitty. I’m gonna make you feel good.” You gave a small nod and then he was pushing his thick cock inside you, groaning at the way your pussy clamped down on him. Your tongue lolled out of your mouth as he slowly pushed and pumped his hips, cock dragging along your wet warm walls perfectly. Mewls slipped past your lips, high pitched whines and pants like music in Shouta’s ears. 
His hands wandered over your body, squishing and pulling at every piece of you he could get his calloused fingers on. It made you squirm beneath him, your own hands trying to push his away, but he wasn’t having any of it. He grabbed both your wrists and pinned them above your head in one strong hand, then went right back to groping your body with his free one.
“I can’t have you stopping me from touching you, kitty.” That’s all he said before focusing back on your body. He tugged at your belly, your sides, every place that was fatty and squishy. He’d never admit out loud how much he loved how soft you are. You’re perfect, plump and meaty, just more for him to touch, to look at, more to squeeze and pinch and pull.
He groaned out as you whined beneath him, tears beginning to clump in your lashes because he just kept squeezing, and he isn’t fucking you hard enough. Your orgasm built slowly with his languid pace, not nearly enough to get you to that peak and you were frustrated because you wanted relief but it wouldn’t come. Shouta picks up on your hips jerking and rolling, trying to get him to fucking move faster. He pulled his hips back and slammed back in, setting a brutal pace and making you whine high and long. 
Tears begin to fall from the sheer ecstasy of it, and he’s realizing how much he loves to see you cry from the pleasure he can give you. With a groan, he’s releasing your hands and wrapping his arms around your waist, burying his face into your breasts and biting and sucking at your skin as he pounds you into the mattress. He isn’t normally an impulsive man, wouldn’t let himself let go like this. But for you. For you he’d give in to his lust and ravage you like you need him to.
Your orgasm slams over your body like a tsunami, your muscles locking up and a loud yip ringing from your throat, pleasure making your whole body shake. Shouta let out a hiss, your nails digging into the muscles in his back furiously, but he wouldn’t stop for that. He never stuttered in his pace, just kept ramming his hips into yours, heavy balls slapping against your ass and lewd squelches coming from where your bodies are connected. 
You’re overstimulated, throat feeling raw and tears still falling down your heated cheeks as you thrash from another orgasm, this one just as powerful as the last and making your vision spot black. This time Shouta leans back, wrapping a hand around your throat and licking the salty trails away.
“Such a good little kitty for me, so good.” With a few more thrusts he’s spilling inside you, and you can feel the warmth spread in your belly as you lay there, boneless. He lays down on top of you, both of you sweaty and tired and he starts whispering sweet words into your twitching ears.
“So pretty. You’re so pretty, kitten.” 
“Such a good girl for me.”
“You’re all mine, kitty. So good, all for me.” Tears begin to spill from your eyes for a different reason. Up until now you’d lived your life believing nobody wanted you because there was something wrong with you. You never felt ugly, never really felt like there was something truly wrong with you, but you always felt...unwanted. Unloved. Unlovable. 
But Shouta makes you feel wanted, and loved, and pretty and all the things you always assumed you didn’t deserve. You’re his kitty now, and you’re such a good kitty for him too. He’s showering you with affection that you’d never known before and you’re shaking from all the overwhelming emotions. He can feel your body quivering, leans back to look at you and cups your face in his warm palm.
“What’s wrong, kitten? Why are you crying?” Your nose twitches as you sniffle, which he mildly notes is fucking adorable.
“Do you mean it? Am I a good kitty?” His eyebrows furrow and he rolls the both of you over so you’re on top of him. He’s peering into your big sad eyes as if reading your soul through them, trying to read the emotions you’re feeling, but it isn’t hard for him to figure out what’s racing through your mind. You nuzzle your nose into his neck and breathe in his scent, his hand coming up to pet your hair and ears.
“Of course, kitten. You’re such a good kitty.” The small reassurance makes you feel warm and happy, your tail flicking softly before curling around both your leg and Shouta’s, the end brushing his skin gently. You can’t help but want to stay with Shouta forever.
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lexxiisstuff · 3 years
~Iwaizumi Hajime~
Warning: Reader feeling insecure about themselves and their weight, (suggestive) nsfw. Short
Iwaizumi Hajime was protective. Especially towards the things that he cared about, so you being the love of his life and all was high on the list of things he tended to watch over. Which is why he noticed the way you looked at yourself in the mirror, the way you suddenly had no appetite, the way you were constantly berating yourself everytime you walked past food.
"Iwa you're over analyzing me" You grabbed the water bottle from the table and took a sip. Your husband glared at you
"Don't start. When last did you eat? And I'm not talking about those stupid granola bars. When last did you eat a proper meal?" He watched as you looked at your feet. You never could lie to him, something he loved.
"I don't remember. A couple hours ago I guess" Two days ago to be exact. He knew that too.
"Grab your shit" He growled as he reached for his car keys.
"What? Why?" You were in Fluffy pj's and had just showered when Hajime came home. You really weren't in the mood to go out
"I'm taking you to dinner. Actually screw that. We'll order in, and you'll sit on that couch and won't leave until you eat every single bite. So what are you in the mood for?" He was angry but his voice remained level.
"Hajime I'm not hungry" You whispered knowing it would piss him off but he only seemed saddened by your words
"Y/n. What are you doing, baby? Tell me what's wrong?" He stepped towards you, his hands finding the familiar spot at your waist and stared at you.
"I just-" You sighed "I just think I need to lose a few pounds. I tried on my wedding dress the other day and it couldn't even zip halfway up Iwa. I feel... pudgy"
Iwaizumi frowned. Pudgy was never a word he would use to describe you. Beutiful, intelligent, hilarious, those he could get on board with but pudgy?
"Sweetheart we got married three years ago. I'm sure I wouldn't fit into my tux either. There's nothing wrong with you, You hear me" He bent forward so he could press a small kiss on your forehead but you shook your head.
"Iwa I just don't feel pretty anymore" You voice cracked slightly but you wouldn't cry. No matter how insecure and horrible you were feeling, you refused to cry.
Iwaizumi on the other hand was startled by what you just said. You don't feel pretty? You the most beautiful women he had ever layed eyes on.
"God, baby have you looked in a mirror recently" He grabbed your hand tugging you towards the bedroom towards the large mirror hanging on the wall. "Look at you."
You stared at yourself. There was absolutely not one thing about yourself you liked currently and that made you sad. Standing in front of your gorgeous boyfriend you kind of just felt like you were lacking. Your boobs weren't the right size, your clothes looked ratty and the bags under your eyes were so noticeable you might have well labeled them Prada.
"Iwa stop it" You closed your eyes looking away and he shook his head.
"Open them" You slowly opened your eyes to see Iwaizumis dark gaze in the mirror from where he stood behind you. "The fact that you could see yourself and think anything less than perfect is astounding"
"I'm not perfect" You mumbled sadly.
"What's not perfect about you?" He sounded angry and you sighed.
"I feel Chubby for one. My boobs aren't right. My hair. My eyes. My stupid stretch marks. I don't know take your pick" You turned away again but he held you in place. He growled under his breath
"Firstly you're not fucking Chubby and even if you were you'd still take my breath away I can promise you that. Secondly" He cupped your breasts making you gasp lightly "These are just right. See how they fit in my hands, Almost as if they were molded just for me."
His hand moved to tangle in your hair "This is one my favorite things about you. Your hair spread on my pillow in the mornings is nothing short of fucking art. And your eyes, the way they soften everytime you see me or how they melt whenever I make you cum" He whispered it against your ear "I could frame them and look into them forever. You're absolutely perfect, every single part of you was made to be loved by me and only me"
"Iwaizumi" He turned you around so you could look at him. The tears in your eyes never fell but they did linger "I love you, you know that? "
"Of course I do, gorgeous girl. I love you more. Now promise me whenever you feel insecure you'll come to me. You'll tell me." He wrapped his arms around you.
"I promise" You kissed him lightly making him smile.
"And no more skipping meals"
"Promise" You nuzzled into his chest.
"My little baby, let's go and order some food and then we're going to come back here and I'm going to spend the rest of the night worshipping that sweet body of yours"
You blushed furiously "You have a way with words Hajime"
"Wait until you see what else I can do with my tongue-" You slapped his chest making him laugh and lifting you up so you could wrap your legs around his waist.
"My Pretty boy" You rubbed his head as he walked with you towards the kitchen. He melted. He loved when you called him that
"My pretty girl" He kissed your lips.
Yeah he knew just how to make you feel better
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twinklelilstarkey · 3 years
Relieved - Matthew Tkachuk
Words: 1.7k+
Type: Fluff
Summary: Matthew has to go back to work just days after you give birth to his son and he absolutely hates it.
Warnings: Female!Reader. Anxiety (maybe, separation anxiety). Kinda rude Matty. Mentions of soreness and lack of sleep (from birth).
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It has been 2 days since you were dismissed from the hospital. Two days since you have officially become a mother. And two days since you haven’t slept a full night without waking up at least 4 times during it.
Your body is still very sore, but medicine helps. Yet it’s not like you move a lot around the house.
Matthew, your boyfriend and dad of your kid, does not let you get up most times the baby cries. He always says that he will check and then if you’re needed, he’ll bring the baby to you. All of this because he knows that you’re tired and really doesn’t want you to tire yourself out further or go through any pain from how sore you are, over something that he can do.
Bad thing work calls quick. You’ll be on maternity leave for at least one more month, but Matt? Yeah, no, his team supposedly already needs him back.
And he’s not happy about it.
“Baby, I’ll be fine.” You tell him in a low whisper. “You don’t have to worry that much.”
He clenches his jaw and looks out of the window, clearly annoyed. He’s not wearing a shirt and is holding the newborn baby close to his chest as he sleeps peacefully.
Matt looks down at his son, staring at his small chubby face with adoration, as it is kind of smooshed against his warm skin, which makes his lips slightly parted, and he continues to contemplate calling his coach and just announce his absence last minute.
“He’ll probably still be asleep when you come back.” You tell him, gaining his attention again. “We’ll both be fine.”
“And if something happens?” He asks, also in a whisper, “I won’t be able to pick up the phone and come home.”
“Your mom is just a few blocks away at the hotel, remember?” You ask softly, “I promise that if something happens she’ll be the first person I call.”
He thinks about it for a second and looks down at the baby again.
“She’ll probably get here in less than 2 minutes too.” You add to lighten the mood.
A grin appears over his lips at the sound of your words and he gives his head a slight shake. You smile and he leans away from the wall beside the bedroom window.
Matthew sits down beside you on the side of the bed and you move a bit to sit closer to him. You two look down at the sleeping baby, admiring him as if he’s just the most peaceful thing in the world and didn’t wail his little lungs out just about half an hour ago.
You lean your cheek against Matthew’s naked shoulder and he lays his head against yours, letting the two of you sit in the peaceful silence as he rethinks his options.
“I’ll go.” He finally whispers, “But promise me you’ll call my mom right away. And that you’ll always have your phone with you.”
“I promise.” You say with a slight grin.
You lift your head off his shoulder really slowly, so he can lift his first, and you move a bit on the bed to move in even closer to him. You give a quick kiss on the lips before giving him two more on the cheek and offer him a smile.
“Everything’s going to be fine.” You tell him in a whisper.
Throughout the warmups and game, Matthew’s mind is going a mile a second. 
Sure, he’s a professional athlete, he’s supposed to be able to put everything in the back of his mind and only focus on the game and nothing else. But it doesn’t really work that way. 
From the time he stepped foot outside of the apartment and inside the arena, he feels like his heart is continuously skipping beats and accelerating for no reason.
And the fact that everyone that would see him walking to or around the locker room would congratulate him for the second time for being a first-time dad, is just making matters worse. 
How is he supposed to be focused on something when everyone just keeps on reminding him who he has at home?
Warm-ups were awful, he just wanted to do one more lap, go take his gear off, and go home. It’s going to take him hours to leave that place and knowing that is just worsening this whole situation.
You, on the other hand, are more than calm. To be completely honest, you’re sitting in bed half-asleep for most of the time. As well as the baby, who is sleeping on his little crib beside your bed, peacefully, as the game plays in a soft mumble on your bedroom’s TV. 
You’ve also now come to realize that the voices of the casters over the sound of blades on the ice are surprisingly relaxing when left at a certain volume. To you, at least, a mother who hasn’t slept more than 3 hours for the past few days.
While you were taking your very peaceful nap, Matthew was still a nervous wreck. He’s made sure that one of his trainers has his phone just in case something happens. Something that, of course, they never do but today is the big exception.
And surprisingly, he scored in the second period. 
Matthew honestly felt like he was on autopilot the whole game, so it even came as a shock to him that he did it. Which some people did notice since he had a more confused look on his face than anything while everyone around him celebrated. 
And right as the game went to intermission, he thought he was being able to put home aside for a second. But that was only until the god damn intermission interview.
“Congratulations on the new addition to the family , by the way. How’s everything going back home?”
Damn you, whoever decided to make that question. He did answer with a smile and a soft tone, seeming to everyone like he’s an under-control-over-his-emotions dad and not at all freaking the fuck out.
You? Still fast asleep. Just like the baby.
By the time the third period reached its half, Matthew was already seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. 
He’s almost home.
And you? Well, this time you’re not asleep anymore. You’re changing a diaper and then comforting your very small baby against your upper chest as you walk around the house.
It still amazes you how such a small being can scream so loud.
You used the opportunity of being up on your feet and with the baby with you to go actually eat something. Which was kind of hard to do with only one hand, but not impossible.
You texted back Chantal, Matt’s mom, just to let her know that you are okay and that you were even able to take a nap, which as an answer you got all types of celebration emojis.
Everything was going pretty okay and honestly, that nap worked wonders with you. You felt exhausted when Matthew left, and now you feel as strong as ever. Still sore, but strong.
After eating and drinking tones of water, you walked back to the bedroom to watch the end of the game. You had to eventually feed the baby as well but that went fairly easy.
You had to give yourself a pat on the back after this whole thing, everything went so well that it seemed like you’re truly getting the hang of it. For now, at least.
The game ended, the Flames won, and Matthew was ready to go home. 
That is until he’s told that he has press to do. He swears he almost hit someone with his stick or even helmet. Like, come on, people!
And this time he did not have the smile nor a soft tone, he looked pissed, which some people found funny. 
At least some questions were quick and easy to answer, but there still were the quite annoying ones he’s grown accustomed to.
He was out of his chair as soon as the words ‘the questions are do-’ left someone's mouth. Rude? Probably, but today is not the day to throw that in his face.
The shower was probably the quickest one he’s ever taken and he thinks he didn’t even dry himself off completely when he started getting dressed. 
Speeding out of the parking lot, home he went.
He doesn’t even think he parked his car correctly, but he was out of the car and inside the house in a matter of seconds.
You heard him from the bedroom let his bag fall by the lobby of the house and his quick footsteps over the wooden floor of the hallway. 
A few seconds later, Matthew appears in the bedroom’s doorway and his eyes are staring down at you right away.
“Hi!” You say with a smile.
“Did he sleep this whole time?” He asks, a slight shock on his face.
“No,” You say with a smile, “But he might go to sleep again in a few.”
You look down at the small baby and you hear Matthew making his way to the bed. He ignores the fact that he’s still wearing his very uncomfortable suit and sits next to you, leaning his back against the headboard while eyeing his son staring at the ceiling while what looks like chewing on his tongue.
“Do you want to hold him?” You ask him as he stares intensely.
A shy smile grows on his face and you smile back as you see that as a big ol’ silent yes. 
You lean away from the bed’s headboard and turn a bit to Matthew to get a better angle. He slowly and safely takes his baby from your arms, who automatically leans on whatever warmth is next to him - that being Matt’s chest.
Matt doesn’t feel stressed, anxious, mad, or even tired anymore. He just feels relieved that he’s back home.
You look at two of them and your heart completely melts at the image you swear you can look at for the rest of your life. 
What is there not to love about this?
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Baby fever is still going strong, so I had to write this, don’t hate me.
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bungled-writes · 3 years
"My Lovely Doll" - Dream X Chubby! Reader
Gn reader
Summary: You ask dream why out of all people, he chose you. And he decides to show you why.
CW: smut (MINORS DNI), unprotected sex, body worship, overweight and chubby reader, negative self-talk, dream being a sweet boy,
18+ Content. MINORS, DNI
You sighed softly, scrolling through pictures of you and Dream. You hated how you looked in every single one of them. Your shorter, stubby figure next to his taller and lanky figure was such a drastic contrast. Part of you was very thankful that your boyfriend was a faceless YouTuber and that these were not posted anywhere on the internet. You couldn't even imagine all the hate you would get for how you looked. People on the internet were cruel, but little did you know that you were crueler to yourself than anyone could be.
You were so absorbed into judging your personal appearance that you didn't hear the door open as your boyfriend made his way over to you. You looked up from your phone as you felt him lay down, placing his head on your thighs "Hey baby.." you muttered, looking back at your phone as one of your hands went to his hair.
Dreams face contorted into a pout, he could tell you were distracted. He let out a whine of sorts, hand reaching up and pushing your phone out of your hands. You made a noise of protest, about to tell him off before he started to speak. "Are you okay?" He asked, the blonde studying your features closely.
"Yeah Dream, I'm fine," you lied, reaching for your phone but he snatched it before you could reach it. " Dream! Can I please have my phone?" Much to your dismay, the blonde shook his head. "What? Why not?"
"Something on here is making you sad. "
"What? Dream! I told you I'm fine. " You muttered, crossing your arms as he slipped your phone into one of his jean pockets.
" Y/N.." he muttered, in a gentle voice. " Please don't lie to me...I thought we were going to talk about what bothered us instead of shutting each other out.." he whispered as he sat up, sitting between your legs. His hands grabbed your hips as he pulled you into his lap, looking into your eyes. "I love you so much darling..you know this. And I hate to see my lover sad. So please Y/N. Tell me what's wrong. " He whispered gently, his green eyes staring into yours.
You sighed, unable to argue with him any further. He had a way to make you reveal your secrets to him, which sometimes you hated. "Fine..I was looking at pictures of us.." you muttered, rubbing one of your arms. You noticed his expression had turned into one of pure confusion but before he could ask why that would upset you, you spoke up once again. "Why did you pick me, Dream? You're so handsome. You're so tall, and lean. And everything about your appearance is absolutely perfect. So, why would you pick me, dream? You could have anyone that you ever wanted..you could have someone taller, skinnier..you could have a supermodel for a partner if you wanted. But you chose me...Why?"
At this point, the male's face had become slightly upset yet mostly concerned. " Baby, what do you mean? Why wouldn't I pick you? " He cupped your face in his hands gently and made you look at him. " You're so… beautiful/handsome my love. There is-"
Before he could finish, you cut him off. " No dream, no I'm not! Look at me! " Tears were starting to form in your eyes as your voice got louder in volume. " I'm fat dream...I'm ugly..my face is so round..I have so many fat rolls on me. You can't possibly think that that's attractive. I don't think after you do a face reveal...I don't think that you should post any pictures of us..Maybe you should be ashamed of me and keep me a secret..maybe you should just act like-"
"Y/N! " Dream said loudly, his voice stern but still gentle. "What is going through that brain of yours, baby?" He asked, running a hand through your hair. "You are my other half darling..I chose you for a reason. Now I couldn't care less about looks. You know that. But that doesn't mean you are ugly! " His thumb gently wiped away some of your tears. "When I first saw you. I didn't know anything about you. And I have to admit. I asked you out due to superficial reasons. You were so beautiful/handsome that I just had to take you out.." the blonde admitted, kissing your nose gently as one of his hands rested on your hip. " Look at this face.." he said, staring at you and studying your features. " Such beautiful eyes..such a pretty smile...your chubby Lil cheeks just make everything so much cuter.." he whispered, playfully pinching one of your cheeks, making you stifle a giggle.
"These thighs are perfect things to rest my head on after a long day of work..and whenever you wear those tight pants of yours...they look so good. I just love seeing the way tighter clothing grips every part of you.." Dream hummed, resting a hand on your thigh. " You are definitely not ugly sweetheart. And I'm sure when we let the internet know about you, they will absolutely love you. Of course. There will be some idiots who don't know what true beauty is. But all that matters is that I love you so very much. And you are so attractive it makes my brain go stupid. " He pulled you close to him. "also not to mention.." his hand went down and squeezed your ass. " You make me so damn hard without even trying. " His voice dropped an octave, his lips right near your ear.
That caused you to blush so hard your ears turned red, your entire body heating up. " Dream...I-"
"If you're going to argue with me, or try and tell me that you're ugly, don't even try it, baby doll. First of all, you'd be lying. And you know better than to lie to me. " Your boyfriend cut you off, his voice low and nearly a growl. " Secondly, " his lips attached to your jawline. "Do I need to show you how effortlessly hot you are?" The only thing that could escape your lips was a needy whimper as your head shakily nodded. " Use your words baby doll.."
"Yes please Dream..show me.." you whispered, tilting your head to the side as his lips started to suck hickies into your neck.
"Anything for my lovely doll.." he whispered against your neck, slowly pushing you down and pinning you against the bed, keeping his lips attached to your neck, until you let out a whimper. "What is it, baby?"
"Kiss me..please Dream..Kiss me" you begged him, eyes watering with need. The moment those needy words escaped your lips, he attacked them with his own, capturing you In a deep and lustful kiss. Your arms wrapped around his neck tightly, pulling his body impossibly closer to yours. You kissed back, trying to grind your hips up into his, but he held you still.
Hearing your whine of protest, he pulled away from your lips with a chuckle. " Let me take the reigns here lovely..I don't want you to do anything but sit there and be sexy. " The blonde said softly, smiling gently down at you. " Just tell me what you want and I'll give it to you, my love.. because who am I to deny the most attractive person alive?" He whispered gently, going to kiss you again.
"Please Dream...grind against me..do something please.." you whimpered before your lips were once again connected, him happily swallowing your whimpers into the kiss. Your entire body shivered as his hips started to grind against yours. The pace he was going was perfect, dragging his clothed cock against your clothed sex, pulling the most delicious sounds out of you.
"You sound so pretty doll.." he whispered against your lips, soon pulling away to look at you, his hips still rhythmically grinding against yours. "I could spend all day listening to you, ya know..you make the prettiest noises.." he hummed, grinding his hips against you particularly rough which pulled a whine out of you. He chuckled at the way your face contorted in pleasure, but it was obvious you wanted more.
"Dream please.."
"Please what baby doll? Use your words.." he whispered, hand going to your chin and running a thumb over your bottom lip.
"Touch me, please….I need you, dream! Please!!"
"Your wish is my command darling.." he whispered. He moved around for a bit, pulling his shirt off and tossing it across the room. He couldn't care less about where all of the clothes wound up, as long as they were no longer restricting each other. His hands slipped under your shirt, about to take it off but you whimpered softly, unsure. "doll.." he whispered softly, his expression softening. " Y/n. May I?" He asked softly. Although caught in a moment of heat, he still cares about you so very much. And still wanted you to be comfortable.
You thought for a moment and then very hesitantly nodded. "Yes...yeah you can.." you whispered gently, avoiding eye contact with him as he pulled your shirt over your head and tossed it aside. You felt tears spike up, as you could feel his eyes staring at you.
A hand grabbed your chin and made you look at him. " Doll.." he whispered softly, a smile spread across his face. " Look at you..so perfect and all for me.." he whispered as he rested a hand on your hips. "God I could just stare at your body all damn day long…" he whispered as he started to kiss down your neck, hand letting go of your chin. You felt your face heat up as he kissed down your neck and sucked deep hickies into your collar bone, marking every inch of your skin that he could reach.
"I can't imagine myself with anyone else..not one person could make me feel like how I feel about you.." his lips gently brushed against your nipple, pulling a pleasured gasp out of you.
"I-I love you dream.." you whispered, a hand going to his hair and tangling through the long, blonde locks.
"I know you love me, baby.." he whispered, moving down your stomach and continuing to suck hickies to mark his territory. " But I want you to love yourself...I want you to realize how absolutely perfect you are..how beautiful/handsome you are. Because I love you so very much..and it hurts me when you don't see how amazing and wonderful you are.." he whispered, pulling away from your skin and looking at you. "you're my pretty/handsome little baby.." he whispered as he caught you in another kiss, this one being more gentle than before.
You felt your heart jump to your throat at his words, them making goosebumps appear on your skin. You kiss back softly and soon pulled away. " Fuck me Dream..please ..fuck your pretty/handsome little baby. " You whispered softly, watching as his face exploded into a smile.
He couldn't have gotten all your clothes off faster, his hands making fast work of both of your clothes and throwing them to the side. Soon you were laying on your back, legs folded up with your knees pressed against your chest, Dream kneeling between your legs with one hand on his cock, stroking it gently as he lined himself up. "Look at you.." he whispered admiringly, stroking your cheek with the back of his spare hand before he pressed his tip against your entrance, causing you to let out a shaky breath.
"Please what..?"
"Please fuck me.."
"What are you doll?" He asked softly, staring deep into your eyes.
"I'm your perfect doll..I'm your pretty/handsome doll dream! Im all yours.." you whispered. And with those words, he pushed into you, causing you to let out such a pretty moan.
He started gently thrusting his hips into you, letting out pleasured groans at the feeling of your tight heat wrapped around his cock. "god baby you feel so good around me.." he groaned softly, one hand wrapped around your body and the other gently resting on your neck, just to signify that you are all his.
He soon picked up the pace, hips clashing with yours as the room was filled with moans and the slight squeaking of the mattress. " O-oh Dream! Fuck!" You moaned pit, back arching ever so slightly as he hit the perfect spot inside of you. "r-right there, please!! D-don't stop!!" You squealed out, feeling your eyes screwed shut as he started to fuck into you harder and faster into that one spot.
" I love you so much doll...I love you so fucking much.." he groaned into your ears, making sure that you could feel every single inch of him.
"I love you too!! I love you too- ahh!" You moaned out loudly, feeling something familiar bubbling up inside of you. "Dream- ah fuck I'm gonna cum- ah shit!" Your head rolled back and your mouth hung open as whiny moans and gasps just effortlessly fell out.
"Me-ah shit...me too baby.." he groaned as he started to speed up. His thrusts lost any rythym, just chasing after both of your orgasms. Your head began to cloud as you felt your high getting closer, hands gripping at Dreams back and nails digging in.
After a few more moments of Dream messily thrusting into you, you let out a deliciously pornographic moan of his name, eyes rolling back and mouth hanging open. " Oh fuck fuck fuck I'm cumming!!!" You squealed out, reaching your climax and coming undone.
Three more thrusts later, your brain completely fuzzy and lost in the pleasure, you heard dream moan into your ear and felt his warm cum begin to fill you up, his hips bucking forward a few times to fuck it deep inside of you. "you take my cum so fucking well-baby oh my god.." he groaned soon resting against you, his cock still buried deep inside of you. "now do you understand how perfect you are baby?" He asked softly, burying his face into your neck. When you didn't answer, he ground into you gently, causing you to whine. " I asked you a question..do you understand how perfect you are baby or do I need to show you again..?"
"'mm I think you need to show me again…' mm not sure" you whispered softly, brain high off of his dick.
"Better show you again...just to make sure it takes…" he whispered with a chuckle.
Not my favorite, but I though. Eh why the hell not post it.
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Hi, this is a random vent fic because my dad sucks and I’m attached to dadza minecraft so I made him like a good dad in this.
CW: Kinda detailed Ab//se? Emotional ab//se, bad parenting, flashbacks(they are in italics) making fun of weight. Please tell me if there’s more I should add.
Type of fic: Hurt/comfort
Saying I hadn’t had a good father would be an understatement.
The feeling of a hand hitting me hard on my shoulder jolted me out of my food making.
I quickly turned to my side,
“Ow! Why’d you do that?” I exclaimed, looking at the man that is my father.
He only rolled his eyes and pushed me out of the way to get into the microwave.
“It didn’t hurt, stop being so dramatic.” He replied.
“Stop being so dramatic” the words rung in my head over and over again. Was I really just being overdramatic? Maybe he was right..
I was sitting at the table eating my lunch when my dad walked by and noticed it.
“Here, I’ll take that.”
“No? This is my lunch.”
“You don’t need that, you’re getting chubby.”
‘It made me enjoy my food so much less that day.
I’m sure I’m not in the wrong here! Right? ...right?’
I walked through the halls, heading to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I’d been up thinking over all the memories of my not so great dad for a while so it was now 3:39AM.
As I approached the kitchen, I noticed a light on in there and peered inside.
At the counter, was Phil, writing something down in a notebook and drinking some tea.
Like he knew I was there, he looked up at me and smiled.
“Hey, kid. What are you doing up?” He asked, before taking another sip from his cup of tea.
“Ehh, couldn’t sleep.”
“Oh? Is something wrong? Or just can’t sleep for no reason?” He asked, putting his cup down.
“Overthinking and stuff” you answered, taking a seat next to him.
“Ah, I get that, mate. Want to talk about what you were thinking about? If not, I can just help make some decaf tea for you?” He offered, looking at you slightly worriedly, it kinda felt nice to see that he cared though.
“Just thinking about how my dad wasn’t the best person. How he’d hit me and get away with it. How he’d talk badly about my appearance and weight. But my family just..let him..” You spoke a bit quieter at the end, venting out all your worries to the blonde man. “I was so..scared of him, Phil...”
“May I hug you, kid?”
“May I hug you?”
“Oh..uh..yeah.” You said, a bit confused at him asking first, but not upset about it.
The older man wrapped his arms around you and began to rub your back.
“I’m sorry you had to deal with such a crappy man for a father growing up, mate. You didn’t deserve it at all..” He whispered,
That’s when the tears fell. It wasn’t even much, but just hearing him just say those things felt so nice yet so strange.
You sniffled and hid your face in the man’s shoulder.
“Want to sleep in my room tonight, kid?”
“..are you sure.?”
“If YOU want to” Phil said, never stilling with back rubbing motions.
“Yeah.. I’d like that..”
“Alright, come on then.” He said, standing up but then picking you up with him.
You clung to him like a koala, to make sure you didn’t fall. (No I did not have to ask my friends how to spell koala, why would I do that?)
He chuckled a bit, wrapping his arms, then wings around you to keep you safe and secure in his arms as he walked down the hallway to his bedroom.
He pushed open the already cracked open door and shut it carefully with his foot, then set you on the bed.
He sat down on the side of the bed and gestured for you to get under the covers, which you did.
He then tucked you in a bit, before getting under the covers as well.
He opened his arms out to you
“Come on, kid”
You smiled slightly, wiggling over and tucking yourself in his arms, being pressed safely against the father figure’s chest and safely in his arms.
You felt a weighted like blanket crap over you from over the covers, so you peeled open one eye to see Phil had half-wrapped his wings around you too.
He had one hand on your lower back staying still, and the other higher up on your back, scratching it lightly.
“Try and sleep, mate. I’m right here. He isn’t coming anywhere near you while I’m around.”
It was a silent promise, that you somehow knew he’d keep.
Maybe your bio dad wasn’t the best as a dad, but dadza, definitely was.
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starshiningsirius · 4 years
Like old times (Yandere Azul x reader)
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@bryzie27 - i like what you did with overblot leona. could you do something similar with overblot azul?
Not sure what you mean like the chase scene? The dynamics of Octanivelle's structure still aren't quite clear to me if they can go out in the water but I'll try!
I FORGOT THE GIF IS FROM @flowerofthemoonworld !
Let's give the octopus some love!
"Hey, your Azul right?"
He lifted his head to look at who had spoken to him. It was a mermaid with a strange speckled tail that added to her beauty. She seemed to be more of the reserved type. Her hair had two streaks of the same color on either side of her face and the rest was all one color. Her eyes shimmered radiantly.
He could feel a rush of heat claim his entire face.
"Here." She handed him his books.
"W -why are you doing this?" The young octopus sniffled.
He wasn't expecting this, not with the way everyone else treated him. It didn't make any sense why you'd treat him kindly. A freakish eight legged merman who couldn't swim correctly.
"It's the right thing to do, Azul. I couldn't just swim away with you like this. It'd be immoral."
From that first encounter on forward they became friends. She helped him walk and swim a bit better considering he found it embarrassing. She didn't even have tentacles yet she instructed him so well.. Maybe he inked once or twice, a few times around her on accident, he swears! It didn't matter she was fine with it. She didn't mind one bit who he was.
Even when they went to the Atlantica Museum she stayed by his side and explored it with him. He was a bit slow considering his physique was on the chubby side so he wasn't fast. It still didn't matter, for some odd reason she stayed with him. In the picture commemorating the trip he held her hand since he was a bit self conscious about his picture being taken.
Y/n couldn't help but find it adorable. Everything about Azul wasn't at all strange to her it only made her more curious to get to know him. He would always apologize for any small thing he did wrong. She would always say, "It's fine." as if he did nothing. Her smile always seemed to brighten Azul's darkest days.
She'd visit him in his family restaurant in which his mother and father always welcomed his first friend. They were overjoyed. She saw him gorging himself on the plate of food in front of him compared to her smaller portion. She couldn't help but to stare, it made her understand why he was on the chubby side. Then he looked at her sauce around his mouth and she couldn't help but smile at him with laughter filling the area. He was embarrassed blushing a shade of red and he felt a bit ashamed.
"Azulie, you're absolutely adorable!" She said through her laughter.
It was one of his most fondest memories he ever had with her, but all good things had to come to an end.
Eventually she had to depart from the northern seas to the far southern ones. She had to leave Azul behind. She had given him a hug it was full of so much warmth of which he had never felt before and it made his heart race twice as fast. Both parents of the children found it endearing their children had found a friend.
. . .
And that was that. Time passed and he eventually became Azul Ashengrotto the dorm leader of Octanivelle who could grant any wish just as the sea witch. He could never ever forget the one person he was so fond of though. It never left him every time he wrote down a contract he could remember a time where he truly did care for someone.
The new year at Night Raven was his second year while a new group of first years came entering the school. He had ordered Jade to get information on each of them and when he went through the long list of students that had been sorted into Octanivelle while in his office. He immediately crossed one oh so familiar.
Y/n L/n.
He couldn't believe his eyes. He put the sheet of paper down and opened one of his drawers in the desk that showed him and her back then. He never altered this photo as he did countless others. She accepted him for who he was and that was well enough a reason for him to admire her.
He automatically called upon Jade as Floyd would have probably scared the poor girl. He told him to fetch her immediately.
When he finally did see her for the first time in years he was astounded at how you changed so little but so much at the same time. You had grown taller and your eyes still sparkled just as they always did. You had the same two streaks on either side of your hair which had grown a few inches he might add.
Jade had left to do other tasks he was assigned but Azul couldn't care less seeing as he had his childhood friend and sweetheart in front of him.
"Azulie, that really is you huh?" Your voice had matured but was more timid just like the very first time they met. Of course it was so long ago that they're more like strangers now. That nickname though, it's been a long time since he's heard it.
"Yes, I've changed quite a bit." He was a little nervous though he'd never admit it his voice slightly betrayed him and his face had a little red tint. He tried pushing up his glasses to shield it from her eyes but it was a futile attempt. He heard her chuckle that made his heart race like never before.
"You haven't changed fully as your still the most adorable by far." She said.
That made his face blossom as red as a rose in the rose maze of Heartsbyul. Heat was exerting itself from his still body that he sat in the chair from.
From that moment on he would keep a watchful eye on her. He would always try his best when she was around and get any info on anything going on pertaining to her.
She had met Floyd and Jade before who Azul wasn't too fond of at first, but she reccomended he became friends with them back then since it wasn't everyday someone didn't come up to tease him and noticed his accomplishments. Of course it was only because of Azul that they met again at Night Raven. The first time she met Jade was when he first brought her to see Azul in his office. He looked familiar to her and she mentioned it to him, and they both shared their fondest memories on the way. She met Floyd a little later on in the Mostro Lounge as he had taken her order and he noticed she had come in a lot just to see Azul. Jade had to explain the situation that she wasn't required to pay for any food she ate there because of an order Azul had given out.
Azul would spend some time out of the day to just hang out with you if he wasn't always busy with the lounge. It was always a joy to be with you, it reminded him of when you were both younger. He thought back to those days every night and day that you had still never left his mind. The thought of you leaving again made him lose his sense of reason and fall deeper in his sweet obsession.
He had started to act different you noticed. He had become a bit more invasive of your personal space in which you remember that only happened when he was nervous at least you thought he grew out of it.
Jade and Floyd began to direct you to the Lounge like your life was there and no where else. It'd only be a matter of time before Azul was informed by Jade of his sweetheart's newest infatuation.
Vil happened to catch your attention. It led Azul to be green with envy. He knew the dorm leader of Pomeifore had complimented her one day and it was enough to send her falling head over heels. He had so many followers it made no sense why he had to take something else Azul had wanted for the longest time. With Vil's beauty he only began to question his own.
He had to come up with a solution just as he had done for those bullies. He just couldn't lose Y/n again. Not if he had any say in it.
After hours of pondering in his office sinking his nails into his desk the answer happened to be right behind him. The vault that was situated behind his desk held the many contracts he had collected.
Maybe if he could impress her she wouldn't see him as that stupid, clumsy octopus he once was. All these different magic spells that he obtained from those fools from the exams on land in Night Raven and those idiots who swam under the sea.
That's when his plan fell apart. Y/n avoided him all of a sudden. Mainly having spent time with those troublesome first years he sent to the museum to collect one of the last remnants of his past.
He didn't have time to keep thinking about Y/n at the moment which irritated him quite a bit. One thing led to another and now he was out here trying to negotiate with the arrogant and prideful dorm head of Savanclaw. As soon as he destroyed them all hope was lost.
He was taunting him, but his next few words really took him over the top in terms of a sadistic being.
"You know, one of your little sea friends really wanted to believe you were nice. We just had to show her the real Azul Ashengrotto." Leona had smirked turning his head to the side, beyond the corner of the tunnel his darling angelfish had appeared. Disbelief in her eyes, she couldn't even meet his eyes.
That's when everyone else had arrived, but the deed was already done. He had lost everything and his angelfish had seen him as a weak being, the same stupid clumsy octopus he hated being.
They took her from his side. He had her in his grasp and they stole her. He had lost it.
His newborn and unimaginable power were apparent now. He just had to get it all back. Not even Floyd or Jade wanted to help him either.
He reminded himself of you holding your pen ready to fire another offensive attack. His anger swelled inside him where he could tap into more power.
A large swarm of harsh black wind had overwhelmed the group. She still managed to stand but when the dust cleared she saw all of them had collapsed unconscious. Even the prefect who was thrown back the farthest had their head hit the tunnel, it didn't look like she was breathing from here though.
She took a look back at Azul and suddenly she felt her feet carrying her away from the scene, having Azul call out to her from behind.
* * *
It's been a while since she had to swim that fast. Her tail fin was starting to hurt from the constant movement. She wanted to take a break, a never ending nightmare she pleaded in her head to be over.
That was until she heard him calling for her.
"Oh Angelfish! You really have nothing to fear! Come out I promise I won't hurt you!" He said in a sing songy voice.
She was hiding behind a large boulder on the sea floor near a small coral reef.
"Am I not enough anymore?! I'LL DO ANYTHING TO PROVE IT! I'M NOT THE SAME AS BEFORE, YOU DON'T HAVE TO LOOK AFTER ME! " The tone of voice he had scared her even more so now that she was alone.
"I'm not, ... I'm not that stupid clumsy little octopus anymore." He sounded as if he were about to cry, it pulled at her heartstrings a bit and she thought she could convince him to calm down in this state.
"Azulie I never-"
"There you are! " He said with glee and delight in his tone, that never would have made you think he was sad in the first place.
He successfully guilt tripped her into coming out of hiding. Using his tentacles he pulled her by the tail toward him careful to avoid giving her any injuries. He grasped her in his arms feeling himself relax a bit, at the fact he had her in his grasp once again. She felt warm just as she did all those years ago for him.
He clasped her hands together with his. A deranged smile on his face as he stared into the soul of his adorable little angelfish who shivered under such an intense gaze radiating his madness.
"We'll be together again! Just like old times! Except this time I'm all powerful and no one will be able to steal what's mine!"
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themangolorian · 3 years
skillet bread and mangoes
For @kanejweek Day 5: Love (atypical affection, domesticity)
Pairing: Kaz x Inej
Warnings: only sickly sweet domesticity here
Someday you’ll meet a boy who will learn your favorite flower, your favorite song, your favorite sweet. Padjen recalled the morning she had overheard her beloved husband telling their young daughter those words.
Her eyes wandered the countertops of the Van Eck mansion’s kitchen. Golden mangoes overflowed from a wicker basket, ripe enough that the kitchen smelled sweetly of the rare tropical fruit that had been a favorite of Inej’s in childhood.
...even if he is too poor to give you any of them, her husband had continued. There was no shortage of expensive scarce goods here; Kaz Brekker had made sure of that, though Inej would not tell Padjen exactly how. But Padjen was no fool - she knew it meant no less that Inej’s favorites were easily in Brekker’s reach thanks to his great wealth. She knew he would have acquired the mangoes no matter the amount of gold in his pocket.
Padjen turned her attention back to the dough at her fingertips. She folded the bread under and over itself, under and over, as she had a million times before, eyeing the dill just to the side of her pan. It would go in on the last fold. 
A familiar tap and step sounded from the hallway. Sure enough the door creaked open to reveal Kaz Brekker, the boy who had mysteriously paid their passage all that time ago.
He has brought her knives and death, not flowers and songs, Padjen recalled fretting at her husband only days after meeting Kaz Brekker.
Only one woman loves knives with the names of Saints, her beloved husband had responded sagely. Padjen had put her fingers to her lips, then her chest, in the holy gesture of her Saints.
"You're back," Padjen said now, clearly pleased.
Kaz Brekker nearly never smiled, but Padjen had always been intuitive at sensing the moods of others, and this one wasn't too far from happiness - dare she say, maybe even joy.
A split second later, it was clear why. A bullet of a child zoomed through the doorway just narrowly missing running right into her father's legs. The little one, Padjen's pride and joy, had been a gift bestowed upon them by the Saints, and Padjen had been thanking said Saints every day since.
"Matka!" The Suli word for grandmother in the tiny child's high-pitched voice always made Pajden's heart melt.
"My little love," Padjen exclaimed, scooping the small girl up.
"How's it coming along?" The voice of Kaz Brekker was something akin to listening to one stone pave way against another.
"Your nose will tell you better than words ever could." Padjen beamed at him.
Kaz eyed her bemusedly. Now I see where Inej gets it from, he'd told her once with more warmth than she'd ever heard him express before at that time. When she'd asked, he explained Inej's partiality to proverbs. You mean wisdom, Padjen had corrected him, smiling. But he'd never been mocking of their ways, only observant.
"Did you find the rosemary then?" Padjen eyed Kaz Brekker's hands, which were empty but for his cane.
"No, but-"
"...she likes it better with dill." Padjen said along with Brekker. 
And it was true. When Padjen had first been reunited with her daughter and the enormous wealth that came with that, Padjen had made skillet bread with rosemary, but Inej had scrunched up her nose, lamenting the lack of dill.
Only one woman loves dill skillet bread, Padjen could imagine her husband commenting.
"Can I ha'?" Padjen's beauty of a granddaughter pointed her chubby fingers at a tray of pastries Padjen had toiled away all morning making. Not that she hadn't had any help. Kaz Brekker himself had joined her to make and shape the dough. 
They were to celebrate the day of Inej's birth this night around an open fire.
"You may have anything your little heart desires." Padjen leaned forward to tickle her grandaughter's little belly to the sound of shrieks and giggles.
"You spoil her too much," Kaz complained, brushing his hair back, but there was no mistaking the ghost of a smile as he watched his daughter eat.
Padjen clucked her tongue at Kaz in vexation. "And what do you call buying her her own gondol equipped with its very own grisha security spells, jamatr?" The Suli word for son-in-law.
Kaz raised a careful eyebrow. "Cautious." But there was a pleased air to the gesture. He'd never admit it, but he enjoyed the title.
The little girl in Padjen's arms began to squirm excitedly, her face now coated in sugar and jam. "Guess what Papa said he's going to get me next, Makta!" The little squirmed her way successfully out of her grandmother's arms and was flying back towards her father. She landed with a whump against him, bouncing excitedly up and down as she gazed up at him adoringly.
"Now-" He began, looking conspiratorially down at his daughter.
“I spoil her,” Padjen huffed under her breath sarcastically. "Let me guess," she harrumphed, turning her back on them to attend to the skillet bread dough. "A pony? A ballet troupe? An island?"
Padjen heard the door to the kitchen re-open.
"Papa promised to get me my own knives!" The little one announced proudly to Padjen's absolute and utter horror. She turned swiftly, but Brekker had already retreated up the hallway.
“Kaz Brekker!” Padjen called after him helplessly. He’d known she wouldn’t leave the skillet bread dough unattended. It had been his idea to make it, but Padjen, whatever she wanted to say, loved to spoil her daughter as much as Kaz Brekker did.
"What was all that about?" Inej had just been about to go see what all the ruckus in the kitchen had been about when Kaz had suddenly appeared in the doorway.
"Your mother isn't very happy about the knives." He said almost carelessly as he shrugged out of his coat.
"My knives?"
"The little knives." Kaz nodded discreetly at the case stored in secret across the way.
"What about them?" Inej demanded, affronted.
"I don't think she wants her to have them."
Kaz shucked off his gloves where they joined his coat in a heap on the chaise. He leaned down and kissed Inej deeply.
"Of course my daughter is going to have knives." Inej said, offended, as soon as their lips parted.
“She’s your mother,” Kaz shrugged, but his lips tugged at the corners as he parted to go greet Jesper and Wylan.
Inej blanched. “She likes you better.” She called after him, but he only laughed dismissively. 
Later, sitting around the fire in the garden, surrounded by her family and closest friends - really, all family - Inej found herself full and satisfied.
“This is the best thing I’ve ever had in my mouth,” Nina was cooing, cradling the remains of a golden mango and ignoring Matthias’ glare.
Inej giggled and had to silently agree. She was about to get up to get another serving when a shadow fell over her. She looked up and her lips broke into a grin. Kaz was balancing their child on one hip and a tray of mango slices in his other hand, accompanied by salt, chili and lemon, just as she liked.
“Mmm,” Inej said as way of thanks, taking the tray.
Kaz dropped to the stool next to hers, swinging their child around to his lap.
“Mama, you’ve already had four,” the little girl trilled, holding up three chubby little fingers.
Inej captured the tiny hand and brought it to her lips. “And I shall have more,” she pretend to gobble down the tiny little hand to the joyous shrieking, giggling and running away that usually accompanied such an attack. The little girl sprinted to her grandmother to seek refuge, laughing all the way.
“You’re lucky you claimed Brekker first,” Nina was lamenting, jealously eyeing Inej’s tray.
Kaz scoffed at her side, but Inej took up one mango slice and leaned over across the way. “Here.” She said, feeding it to her friend. Nina’s face was rapturous.
“You were right, it’s so much better with lemon.” Then Nina was trouncing across the yard, Matthias at her heels, to get her own tray of similarly decorated mango.
Inej grinned, placing another slice of mango between her lips. The sticky juice, cool and sweet, ran down her chin. Her eyes met Kaz’s. Then, one long, pale finger came to her jaw, hesitated and then swiped gently at the juice.
Inej stared at his face, soft as it was for all its hard edges, and was lost for a moment.
“Thank you.” She murmured, wanting to kiss him deeply, wanting more, and knowing it wasn’t the time. She was thankful for more than the gesture, for more than the fruit, and it was enough that he knew that.
“For what?” His lips twitched and she elbowed him lightly before plucking up another mango slice.
Inej had mentioned it in passing, years ago. Her favorite fruit. It had still been a delicacy then, something she hadn’t had but had craved since childhood.
She had blinked long and slow when the first shipment of golden mangoes had arrived at their doorstep not long after. He pretended not to have known what she’d been so excited about. But when she’d served herself a mango, cut into slices and smothered in lemon, salt and chili, he had thereafter ensured no shortage of all four items in their pantry.
“What?” Kaz asked, uncertainty painting his voice as he watched her watched him with what could be nothing less than longing and love.
That boy would bring you the sun if he thought it would make you happy, her mother had once told her after Kaz had gifted her a particularly expensive new knife.
That’s impossible, Mama, Inej had replied, laughing.
Exactly, her mother had said, something all knowing in her eyes.
“I have a gift for you,” Inej said suddenly.
Kaz’s left eyebrow tilted dangerously. “On the day of your birth celebration?”
Inej nodded and absently placed the tray down on the floor at her side, her craving for mango forgotten. She turned slightly to take hold of a package she’d hidden under the fabric of her stool.
Kaz’s face was cautious, careful and curious all at once. “What is it?” He asked as she placed it in the open palms of his hands. The package was light as a feather.
“Open it,” Inej barely breathed at him.
With the quick help of his deft graceful hands, Kaz plied the box open- and froze.
His eyes slowly found Inej’s again.
Inside the box was the tiniest hat, an exact replica of the one Kaz wore every day. An exact replica of the one he’d asked Inej to buy him all those years ago.
His eyes darted to her flat stomach where her hand had rested absently. “Are you sure?” He asked, fighting a smile, but it was a losing battle as Inej said-
“Yes, my darling Kaz, treasure of my heart.” Inej had meant to mock those words he’d spoken to her all those years ago, but her heart felt too full of love, she could almost not speak.
Kaz barked a surprising laugh, and all heads around the fire turned to look at them. It was a pity, as Inej wanted nothing more than to lean forward in that instant and kiss him silly. But Kaz had never been one for public displays of-
The thought was chased from Inej’s head in an instant when Kaz brought his lips crashing down on hers.
“Oi, save some sugar for the rest of us!” She heard Jesper crow at them distantly.
***anyway, food is my love language, and i adore mangoes, and my headcanon is that inej would too, so kaz would stop at nothing to get them for her. and also all the crows’ palates became more refined once inej’s mom showed up. they only eat the very best now 🥺 and she was horrified that all they were subsisting on before was waffles and hutspot***
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kireimarkeu · 4 years
No Contact
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+another repost! i did not make any changes to this work.
summary; mark as your secret boyfriend.. but the both of you aren’t very discreet..
i was inspired by this drabble… so cute
5.1k words..
i swear i tried not to make it too long but it was so hard… also the ending is kinda funny lmfao!!!! im so funny
anw i hope you guys enjoyed this…? bc this was so so so fun to make although it’s lowkey kinda empty bc i didn’t want to make it too long!!! but yes hopefully you like it!! okkk bye!! njoy hehehehehe <3
+Day 18 3:32PM
You were holding Mark’s hands tightly, talking happily about anything and everything. 
That was why you loved Mark; he made you feel so comfortable, you could talk to him for hours and never get tired. He’s someone who you would need in a friend group to make everything less awkward. 
“And so, Yeri fell and we all laughed!” you told him, laughing at the old memory. 
You used to work as a choreographer for Red Velvet, but after a while, you decided to stop since it was affecting your studies a lot. While working with SM, you met the boys, and that was how you met the rest of NCT. 
When you didn’t get a response from Mark, you turned to look at Mark, only to find him frozen, staring ahead. 
“Mark?” you call, turning to see what he was staring at. Your eyes widened when you saw Jaehyun and Doyoung crossing the traffic light. “Oh, fuck.”
“Shit,” your boyfriend cursed, “we need to go,” he tells you, tightening his grip on your hand. 
The both of you speed walk to the opposite direction, hoping his members wouldn’t walk the same path as the both of you. Mark let out another string of curses when he saw his members walking behind them. 
Mark suddenly pulled you into a random store, trying to lose his friends. He pulled you deeper in the store, hiding the both of you from the main entrance. 
Your boyfriend was standing so close to you, the proximity making you nervous. You could feel your heart beating quickly as your cheeks flush red. Your hands going up to press them against Mark’s chest, pushing him back slightly. 
Mark didn’t notice, too distracted on finding his friends. When he noticed that he has lost his friends, he pulled away from a breathless you. His hands smoothly pull yours away from his chest. 
“I think they’re gone— wait, why are you so red?”
+Day 24 11:22PM
You were laying on the couch, playing with your phone while your boyfriend worked on some music that he has been writing for the past few days. 
“Mark~” you whine, your eyes were still stuck on your phone. You just wanted to disturb him for fun. 
Suddenly the door of the studio opened, Taeyong stumbling in as he stared at you and Mark in shock. 
“What are you doing here?” Taeyong asks you. 
“Uh…” you drag out, turning to look at your boyfriend for help. He looked at you then he quickly looked back at Taeyong. 
“I was making a new song for our Japan stage and had y/n help me with the choreography and all,” Mark explained, letting out an embarrassed chuckle. 
That was a lie. Well, not really. Mark did need help with the choreography, but at the same time he wanted you to be there to accompany him. Your presence calms him.
Taeyong remained silent as his eyes went back and forth between you and Mark.
“Should I leave?” you ask awkwardly, looking at your boyfriend then back at Taeyong. When you didn’t get a response, you stood up ready to grab your things.
The older man shook his head, “no, no, stay,” he tells you, walking further in, “I just didn’t know the both of you were so close,” he says while taking a seat next to your boyfriend. 
You let out a chuckle, “we’re close, you guys just didn’t know,”
+Day 33 9:02PM
After Taeyong found out how close Mark was with you, he wouldn’t stop inviting you to the dorm to hang out with the rest of the boys. 
“So, what movie are we watching today?” asks Taeyong as he took a seat next to Doyoung. 
You and Mark were seating next to each other. Mark was sitting at the very end while Jaehyun was sitting on the other side of you. Mark and you was sharing a blanket, your hands placed on your lap. 
“Parasite?” suggests Taeil. 
Loud whines filled the room, “we’ve all watched it, Taeil-ah,” whined Johnny. 
“Y/n, have you watched it?” asks Taeyong, turning to look at you. 
You shook your head. You were told it was pretty graphic and scary and you hated anything that has got to do with blood. 
And Mark knew that, so he would always avoid watching scary movies with you. 
“Should we watch it again? Since y/n hasn’t watched it?” suggests Taeyong, looking at the members for confirmation. The rest of the boys nod their head in agreement.
“Hyung,” your boyfriend voices out, “I don’t think—”
“No,” you quickly deny with a smile, “let’s watch it,”
Taeyong shrugs and plays the movie. 
Mark bit his lip.
A few minutes later, you felt your phone vibrate, you noticed it was Mark who has texted you. You turn to look at Jaehyun, making sure he wasn’t looking. You lowered the brightness of your phone before opening Mark’s text message. 
Markie Pooh: will you be okay?
You turn to look at Mark, but he was staring at the TV screen with a straight face. 
You bit back a smile as you typed a reply. 
You: yes, don’t worry abt me :) 
Mark quickly looked down at his phone to see your reply before keeping his phone away again. Your boyfriend let out a cough before shifting nearer to you until your shoulders were touching. 
You tried to hide your smile by looking down before looking back up, trying to keep a straight face. 
Mark had already watched the movie with the boys when it first came out. He knew when there was going to be a bloody scene. 
So, before the scene started, he had secretly reached for your hand under the blanket. 
You felt his fingers slowly reaching for yours, letting his fingers lace with yours. You tightly grip his hands, not wanting to let go. When you saw the bloody scene, your grip on your boyfriend’s hands tightened as he soothingly strokes the back of your hand with his thumb, hoping it would calm you. 
His fingers on yours distracted you from the graphic show that was playing. You were smiling like a crazy woman as Mark continued to stroke your hand with his thumb. 
“Are you… smiling?” asks Jaehyun as he turned to look at you weirdly. His question made everyone in the room to stare at you. 
Your eyes widen, shaking your head profusely. “No, I wasn’t,”
Johnny nodded, “you did, I saw you,”
At this point, Mark had already pulled his hand away from yours as he stares at you with amusement.
“I wasn’t smiling! It was a scary scene, why would I be smiling?” you ask them, crossing your arms defensively. 
Donghyuck lets out a sigh, “I think we all know y/n just loves horror,”
Taeil nodded, “yeah, she feeds of dead people,”
“Excuse me?!” you screech, throwing a pillow at Taeil, “what does that— no I don’t!”
The boys let out a roar of laughter, amused at how defensive you were acting.
Markie Pooh: you like that, huh? ;)
You looked down at your phone, letting out a soft scowl before reaching under the blanket to pinch Mark’s thigh. 
Mark let out a quiet squeal as he pushed your hand away. 
+Day 49 10:01PM
You were listening to Mark talk about his day. You couldn’t help but smile at how adorable he was; his pouty lips and chubby cheeks which you so desperately want to pinch. 
“Babe, are you listening?” Mark asks with a frown, noticing how you haven’t moved for the past few minutes. 
You nodded, “yes I am, baby,” you replied. 
Mark grins, “okay,” and he went back to talking about his best friend, Donghyuck. 
After hanging out with the boys for a couple of time, you and Donghyuck became close as well. Maybe because he was your boyfriend’s best friend, but you and him just got along so well that the both of you even started texting almost every day.
“So, what did you do today, babe?” asks Mark, snapping you out of your thoughts. 
“Huh? Oh, well I didn’t do anything today,” you tell him, “I cleaned my house a little bit then I took a nap,”
He puffs his cheeks out, “it’s a good thing you didn’t go out today, the air quality is really bad.”
He was always taking care of you; it always made your heart flutter. Mark was always looking out for you despite him being busy himself. Sometimes he would forget to take care of himself which always resulted in you lecturing him. 
Mark was in the middle of saying something when someone barged in his room, screaming. 
“MARK LEE!” you recognised it was Taeil’s voice. 
Mark quickly hid his phone, resting it on his chest. 
“Ah, Hyung, what are you doing here? What do you want?” you heard him ask.
You decided to mute your mic, just to be safe. 
“Why? Can’t I come in and talk to you?” asks Taeil. 
You suddenly heard a loud huff from Mark, as his phone fell off his chest and onto his white sheets. You assumed Taeil was laying on him. 
“Ah~ get out,” whined Mark, pushing the elder off him. 
You heard Taeil click his tongue. “who are you talking to? Your girlfriend?” he asks, “MARK HAS A GIRLFRIEND!” yell Taeil as you laugh out loud. 
Luckily your mic was on mute.
“I don’t have a girlfriend!” groans Mark as he stood up to push his member out of his room. He quickly locked the door before jumping back to bed, grabbing his phone. 
You unmute your mic. 
“Hi,” you giggle. 
He let out a huff, but letting out a shy smile, “Hi, so, where were we?”
+Day 57 7:57PM
Mark entered your house after taking off his shoes. He quietly took a seat at the very end couch. 
It was hard for the both of you to visit each other especially with the boys around, so you decided to have dates at your place instead. It was a good idea since no one could come over and interrupt the both of you. 
“Are you okay?” you ask Mark, noticing how he was so stiff. 
He nodded hesitantly, “it’s just…”
You waited for him to finish his sentence. 
“-awkward,” he finishes, looking up at you. 
You laugh at his words, “why?”
He shrugs, “I don’t know! I’ve never been to your place.”
Amused, you scoot closer to your boyfriend, wrapping your arms around his, leaning up to whisper in his ear. 
“There’s no one else here, Mark.”
You liked teasing him. You enjoyed how he would freeze up at your words. Or when his cheeks would turn a bright red colour. Or how his palms would turn a little sweaty. 
Pulling away from you, he quickly stood up, shaking his head. “No, no, that’s not what we’re going to do.” He tells you, stepping further away from you as you looked up at him in enjoyment. 
“We’re here to watch a movie,” he says, “that’s all.”
He was convincing himself. 
+Day 69 4:13PM
Marker: babe ):
You: what
Marker: I miss you ):
Marker: )))))):
You chuckled at his texts. 
Marker: what are you doingggggg
You: I’m watching a drama
You: what are you doing?
Marker: practice ):
Marker: so bored wo u here
Marker: miss your pretty face ):
You: stop it with the sad emojis!! >:(
Marker: ):
Marker: ):
Marker: ):
Marker: ))):
You: bye
You: I’m going to put my phone on dnd
Marker: nooo don’t leave me baby
Marker: okokokokok I’ll behave
You: good
Annoying boy: hehe
Annoying boy: wht are u up to babyyyy
Annoying boy: wait I already asked that
You: yes u did, u loser
Annoying boy: can I come over later?
You: y 
Annoying boy: causeee I miss u 
You: fine but not too long
You: I don’t want the boys to be all suspicious
Annoying boy: ok bb!!! I won’t hehehe ok
Annoying boy: I have to go now!!
Annoying boy: ily!! Bye bye 
You: see you later
+Day 74 2:36AM
You had one of your leg bent on Mark’s thigh, your hand resting on his chest. He has one arm around your neck for comfort. 
“Mark,” you sigh. 
Mark’s eyes were glued on his phone but let out a hum at the mention of his name. His fingers stroke your shoulder as a sign to assure you that he was listening. 
“We haven’t gone on a date in so long,” you say sadly, drawing hearts on his chest with your finger.
Mark put his phone down, “you wanna go on a date?”
You look up at him and nodded. 
When he made eye contact with you, he couldn’t help but press his lips on your forehead, “okay, but we can’t get caught,”
You nodded, wrapping your arms around your boyfriend’s neck, pulling yourself up so you could press kisses all over his face. Mark’s face scrunch at the ticklish feeling of your lips.
“tickles,” he giggles, pulling his face away from you. 
You pout when he pulls away from you. Your eyes slowly trail off his face to his hair; your fingers automatically going up to play with the black strands. 
Fuck, Mark literally just fell in love with you. 
He enjoyed the position that the both of you were in. You- laying on top of him while he had both hands resting on your waist, staring up at you lovingly. 
“I love your black hair, Mark,” you mumble, eyes stuck on the boy’s hair. 
“Mhm,” you nod, “never dye it any other colour,” you look down at him, “or I’ll get mad,” you joke. 
He laughs, “Anything for my girl,”
Your boyfriend’s hands that was resting on your waist, went up to stroke your back softly. He put a little pressure on your back, pushing you down to capture your lips in his. 
+Day 80 11:22PM
It was another movie night with the boys.
This time it was Donghyuck who had invited you over since promotions are over. 
You walked over to sit next to Mark, but you heard Donghyuck whine your name. 
“Sit with me~”
You let out a smile, sitting next to Haechan. The boy immediately grabs your arm, wrapping it around his shoulders before cuddling against you. 
Your met Mark’s gaze from across the room. You could tell he was pissed from the way he was nibbling on his lip and clenching his fist. He looked away, typing into his phone. 
You felt your phone vibrate, knowing it was from Mark. You didn’t bother checking the message because it was too risky, especially with Haechan cuddled to your side. 
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
A few hours and lots of movies of later, the boys finally grew tired and decided to call it a night.
Since it was too late for you to head back home, the boys offered you to sleep over. You told them you would take the couch. They were a little hesitant to let a girl sleep on the couch, but you managed to convince them. 
It wasn’t like you would be sleeping on the couch anyway. 
Once you were sure that everyone was in their respective rooms, you quietly sneaked into your boyfriend’s bedroom. 
“Mark?” you whisper, opening the door quietly. 
When you saw the mop of black hair laying on the pillow, you smile, closing the door quietly, your feet padding towards the bed. 
You pull the blanket down so you could lay next to your lover. You rest your arm on his waist as you snuggle closer to him. 
“Hi handsome,” you whisper, letting out a giggle as you stare at his pretty face. A frown replaced your smile when he didn’t reply to you. “Are you okay, baby?”
Mark could only pout. You pout along with him, the hand resting on his waist going up to push away the stray hair from his face. 
“Why are you pouting?” you ask quietly, pressing a kiss to his pouty lips. 
He pouts even more, “why did you sit with Haechan just now? Why didn’t you sit with me?”
You bit back a grin that was forming, “why? Were you jealous?”
He frowns and shook his head, “no! why would I be jealous of Haechan?”
“Really?” you ask, “if you’re not jealous then I’ll sit with Haechan from now on,” you tease, your fingers now caressing his exposed chest. 
He shrugs, “fine by me,”
You suddenly stood up, letting his arm fall on your lap, “actually, I’ll even go sleep with him,” you continued to pester Mark, enjoying the way it was bothering him. 
“Hey!” he whisper-shout, his hands wrapped on your wrist, stopping you from getting out of bed, “You can’t do that!”
You chuckle, laying back down with your boyfriend, “I won’t, dummy,” you flick his forehead.
He lets out a satisfied sigh, pulling you closer until his cheeks were resting on the top of your head. 
“You’re mine. Mine only.”
+Day 89 12:35AM
The both of you were on facetime again. 
Despite being only 30 minutes apart, the both of you couldn’t meet; not wanting anyone to catch the both of you. Furthermore, you felt bad, since Mark had just finished practice, it would be tiring for him to come over your place. 
There was a sudden knock on Mark’s door. Your boyfriend hastily hid his phone and you naturally mute your mic. 
“You busy?” you heard someone ask, from the voice, you assumed it was Taeyong. 
“No,” Mark reply. 
“Were you talking to someone? Is it y/n?” asks Taeyong. 
Mark pretend to grimace at your name, “why would I be calling y/n?”
Taeyong shrugs, “we all kinda assumed you had a crush on y/n,”
“Ew,” Mark shook his head, “I’ll never like y/n,” he says, “she’s not even my type.”
You knew he was just saying that to stop the suspicions of the both of you dating but what he said actually hurts. 
“Really?” Taeyong questions, “we were so sure you would like y/n,”
“I swear, Hyung. Y/N isn’t even my type, her personality isn’t even my type,” Mark tries to persuade the older boy. 
Now that actually really hurts. 
You weren’t sure if he was just lying or saying the truth. 
You couldn’t bare to listen another second of their conversation, so you immediately hung up. 
Markie: baby
Markie: whyd u end the call haha
Markie: Taeyong’s gone call me back hehe
2 missed calls
Markie: why are you not picking up??
1 missed call
Markie: call me baaackkkk babe
Markie: did u fall asleep?? Haha
Markie: but it’s so early tho :(
Markie: I guess you’re asleep~
Markie: ok goodnight baby sleep tight dream of me :3
Markie: I love youuuuuuuu
+Day 90 12:46PM
Markie: good morning my love
Markie: can we call??
Markie: I kinda miss you haha 
1 missed call
Markie: heeyyyyy
Markie: are you ignoring me?
Markie: I didn’t want to think you were ignoring me, but I feel like you r
Markie: did I do something wrong? :/
Markie: can you tell me what it is at least?
Markie: at least we can talk it out or at least I can apologize?
Markie: babe
You: why did you say that
Markie: say what?
You: yesterday
You: what you said about me
You: tht I wasn’t your type nd all 
Markie: call me
Few seconds later, you received a call from your boyfriend. You answered the call, placing your phone on your ear. 
“I didn’t mean what I said,” he quickly says, “I just wanted to convince him that we weren’t dating,”
You were quiet for a while; you could hear Mark’s heavy breathing. You knew he was stressed with work and all, and you being sulky definitely wasn’t helping him. 
You let out a sigh, “I know.”
“Was it too much?” he asks you. 
“No,” you answer, “I just, I was just overthinking it and—”
“I get it,” he cuts you off, “don’t worry about it,”
“I’m sorry,” you blurted out, “I know you’re really busy and stressed over work and I’m just making you feel worse by overthinking and all—”
“Hey,” he cuts you off again, “Don’t worry, I shouldn’t have said that.”
You couldn’t help but feel sorry.
“Sorry,” you apologised again. 
“Apologize one more time and I’ll end the call,” he jokes. 
+Day 100 8:35PM
Mark hid his hands behind his back, holding the small box in his hand tightly as he faced you with a cheeky smile. 
“What do you have behind your back, Mark Lee?” you ask, squinting your eyes at him suspiciously. 
It was your 100th day together, and since the both of you couldn’t go out to celebrate, the both of you agreed to celebrate at your place instead. 
Since Mark couldn’t make it special for you, he decided to get you a present, just to make-up for all the secret dates. 
“It’s a present,” he answers cheekily. “I got you something to make up for all the secret dates,”
You pout at his words, “I’m okay with all the sneaking around, Mark,”
Your hands going up to his jaw, your thumb caressing his cheek softly. Mark loves your touches; he couldn’t help but lean into your touch. 
Tilting his head a little, he pressed a small kiss against your palm, one of his hands reaching to grab your hands in his. 
“I bought it because I think you’ll look good in it,” he tells you, pulling out the box from behind. 
You gasp when you saw the Tiffany & Co. box. 
“Mark,” you exclaim, looking up at him, “that’s expensive!”
“You haven’t even seen it yet!” he laughs. 
He slowly opens the box, showing off the elegant 18k diamond necklace. 
Your hands went up to your mouth, gasping. 
“Mark Lee,” you shook your head, “you’re fucking crazy,”
He smiles, satisfied with your reaction, “do you like it?”
“Are you crazy? It’s beautiful!” you tell him. “But all I bought for you were $15 chocolates but here you are— gifting me an 18k diamond necklace!”
Mark giggles, pulling out the necklace from it’s box. 
“Turn around,” he murmurs. You automatically turn around, pulling your hair to one side so he could easily put the necklace on you. 
He swiftly place the pretty necklace around your neck, pinning it. You turn around to face him. 
“Pretty?” you ask him, tilting your head a little. 
“Gorgeous,” he responds, a smirk playing on his lips.
Just as you were about to reply, you heard a knock on your door. Your eyebrows scrunch in confusion, who would come over at this timing?
Mark frowns, “did you invite someone?”
You shook your head, “No, stay here, I’ll go see who it is.”
You stood up, walking to your door, checking the peephole, finding out who is on the other side of the door. You let out a soft gasp when you saw Donghyuck standing behind the door. 
You quickly kick Mark’s shoes under the cabinet at the front door then running over to your boyfriend. 
You grabbed Mark’s arms, pulling him up. “Fuck, it’s Haechan,”
He let you pull him into your bedroom with furrowed eyebrows, “why is he here?”
You shake your head, pushing Mark into your walk-in wardrobe, “I have no idea. Stay here, I’ll try to distract him, okay?”
You didn’t even let him answer, already rushing out, making sure to close your bedroom door. 
When you opened the door, Haechan immediately walked in, whining on how you were taking forever to answer the door. 
It has been 15 minutes and Haechan still hasn’t left and Mark was growing tired and sweaty in your wardrobe.
Baby Mark: is he still there
You: yeah
Baby Mark: fuuuck
Baby Mark: tell him to leave
Baby Mark: it’s so hot in here :(
You: I’m trying!! He just won’t leave
You: are you okay in there
Baby Mark: no
You: fine just get out of the wardrobe and stay in my room
You: sorry
You: make sure u lock the door and don’t make too much noise
Baby Mark: okay
+Day 101 2:34AM
You let out a heavy sigh when Donghyuck finally left. Closing your eyes tightly, you let out another heavy breath. You could finally sit down and rest. 
Oh shit— Mark!
You ambled towards your bedroom, twisting it open, realising it wasn’t locked. 
This little shit. 
When you walked in your bedroom, you were met with your boyfriend laying on your bed, hugging one of your pillows, asleep. Your heart warmed at the sight, you felt bad making him wait for hours when it was your 100th day as a couple. 
Walking closer, you climbed in next to him. Your hands caressed his hair and his pretty face. 
“I’m sorry for making you wait for so long,” you whisper. 
You didn’t know what made you so emotional, but you couldn’t help but tear up. 
You really didn’t know why. Maybe because he had gone out of his way just to see you. And maybe because he had to wait for hours just for you and in the end both of you couldn’t celebrate the special day. 
“You’re the best boyfriend I could ever ask for—” you choked a sob, a hand going up to cover your mouth. 
Taking a deep breath, you continue, “You do so much for me and I’m always messing up.”
For once, you were thankful that your boyfriend was a heavy sleeper. 
“I love you, Mark,” you mumble, your eyes scanning his face, appreciating everything about him. “Remember that.”
After wiping your dried tears, you slide next to him, removing the pillow that was between you two. Snuggling right into his arms, your head resting on his chest while his cheek was pressed on the crown of your head. 
“I love you,” you whisper one last time before falling into a deep slumber. 
+Day 124 7:28PM
The dome was filled with loud voices, everyone was holding their green NCT lightsticks. You felt out of place, especially when you didn’t have any kind of lightstick or poster on you. 
You nervously took a seat on your assigned seat, waiting for your boyfriend to come out. 
NCT was holding a concert after a while and Taeyong had given you free tickets to support them. 
Mark had actually gotten hold of an extra ticket for you and was about to surprise you but found out that his members had already invited you. He was a little bummed out about it but shrugged it off. 
The light dimmed and the crowd started cheering. The girls around you started squealing in excitement. 
Soon, the boys started performing. When your boyfriend’s face was on the screen, you couldn’t help but grin at his cute face. 
The fans next to you would squeal and gush at how adorable your boyfriend is. You were proud that he was your boyfriend, sadly you couldn’t show him off. 
At the end of the concert, the boys lined up in the middle of the huge stage. They started thanking the fans for coming and supporting them. 
“But I think Mark is really happy today,” Jaehyun suddenly blurted out, turning to face Mark. 
The camera started zooming in to your boyfriend’s face. 
Mark’s eyes widen , confused, “what, why? Why?”
“Because his girlfriend is here!” Jaehyun screams into the mic as the boys let out a string of weird noises. 
Mark froze on the spot as everyone went crazy over the statement. 
“Okay, we will end this concert here! Thank you everyone for coming!”
Before everyone was even ready to leave, you had already run to meet your boyfriend back stage. 
Fuck, did Jaehyun actually say that?
You’re met with the sweaty boys laughing in the dressing room. 
“What the fuck was that?” you ask breathlessly as you scan each of the boys facial expression. 
“Uh oh, his girlfriend is here,” joked Johnny, staring at you with amusement. 
Mark turned to stare at the boys, “you guys knew?!”
“You guys weren’t very discreet.”
You were already standing next to your boyfriend, “how did you guys know?”
“You really think we won’t see the both of you holding hands in a public place?” scoffs Doyoung. 
Taeyong shrugs, “Mark never brings girls to the recording room.”
Your face turned red at Taeyong’s comment as Mark groans at his words. 
“And you think I wouldn’t see you guys holding hands under the blanket? Jesus,” sighs Jaehyun, rolling his eyes. 
“Fuck you,” Mark replies while Jaehyun flashes the middle finger to his friend. 
“Also, you talk way too loud y/n,” Taeil says, Taeyong immediately agreeing with him. 
“Or maybe the walls are too thin?” Taeyong questions. 
“Oh my god,” you whisper, embarrassed. “So, you guys heard everything?”
“Wish we didn’t,” shrugs Johnny. 
Mark had quietly reached for your hand, a habit he had whenever he’s nervous. 
“Also, I knew Mark was at your place, that’s why I came over,” laughs Haechan. 
You had let go of Mark’s hands to stomp over to the boy, hitting his back. “Lee Donhyuck! Did you know how long he had to wait in my wardrobe?!”
Haechan rolls his eyes, “oh please, you let him out because he was sweating.”
You let out a loud gasp, “you knew that too?!”
“Which idiot would put their password as 0000?”
“You went through my phone?!” you raised your voice, hitting the boy on the back once more. 
With furrowed eyebrows you frown and let out a sigh, “now what? Everyone knows Mark has a girlfriend,”
“I checked Twitter,” Jungwoo says, “some weren’t very happy but there are many who are supportive,”
Your frown deepens. You knew this would happen. It would affect Mark’s career badly; that was the main reason the both of you kept your relationship a secret. 
You turn to look at your boyfriend who was looking incredibly stressed right now. 
“Don’t worry y/n,” assures Johnny, you turn to look at him. “Mark is one of the most experienced and hardworking people in SM, I’m sure they’ll let you both off,”
You had your arms crossed defensively, “are you okay with this, Mark?”
You were worried for your boyfriend. 
You knew how much being on stage meant to him. He would do anything to continue performing. 
“I…I think so?” he says after a minute of pure silence. 
You pout slightly at his words. 
“I just wanna rest right now, I’m tired.”
The boys quickly agree with the younger. Everyone started standing up, grabbing their bags, leaving the room. 
You stayed with your boyfriend, accompanying him.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” you ask him again. 
He kept letting out sad sighs and it was concerning you. 
“Honestly,” he started, “I don’t know,” he turns to look at you. 
The palm of your hands automatically going up to stroke his back, attempting to comfort him. 
“I just… I just wanna be with you right now,”
You lean closer to him. “Okay.”
“Whatever it is,” he says, “we will go through it together.”
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scarofthewind · 4 years
Slashers x Chubby!Reader || Lingerie (NSFW)
A/N: Hello everyone, I hope you are having a good Thanksgiving, if you don’t celebrate it then I hope you are having a good day! I am horrible, I know I need to get out the mini series as finish the Farm Life series for Ushijima as well as do a part 2 for the sad thing I posted the other day. 
Warnings: NSFW, R18+, chubby!reader, fem!reader, praise kink, authority kink
Characters: Thomas, Michael, Jason, Bo, Vincent, and Brahms
word count: 2.2k Tip Jar (every bit helps!)
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Thomas Hewitt: 
★ You could tell by the way his shoulders sagged, that Thomas was having a rough day. He’d been busy all day ‘hunting’ and cleaning the mess he had down in the basement and at this point he could barely keep his eyes open.
★ So, being the good little lover you are, you waltz upstairs and prepare for a show. You take a nice hot shower and get yourself all cleaned up before slipping into the lingerie you had saved for a special occasion. 
★ Although, as soon as you put on the baby-doll flowing top and the string of underwear that had came with it, you frowned. The mirror in the corner of the bedroom stared right back at you as you grew more self conscious by the second. Would he even like this? I look terrible - I look like the Pillsbury dough boy. 
★ However, your negative thoughts were soon interrupted when Thomas stepped into the bedroom and froze at the sight of you. 
You chewed your lip nervously as you stood there facing him in all your glory; Thomas’ eyes darkened and you swore you heard a deep grumble from within his chest as he approached you slowly. “And what did I do to deserve this?” He asked with a grin, cupping your face in his hands. 
“You looked stressed so I wanted to make you feel better,” You replied, looking down slightly. “Do you like it? I don’t think it looks right-”
Thomas pressed a finger against your mouth and you closed it, reveling in the feeling of his hands traveling around your body. His large calloused fingers squeezed every bit of flesh they could find and Thomas almost blew a fuse seeing the small covering of underwear you had on under the sheer gown. “I think you look absolutely beautiful,” He said gently, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips. “The color looks good on you, but,” He trailed off, making your heart beat in anticipation. 
“As much as I would love to sit here and stare at you in this, I’d rather it be on the floor,” Thomas chuckled when you blushed, letting him drag you over to the bed and letting you sit down, his large frame towering in front of you. One hand gripped your chin and you craned your neck to look up at him, “Be a good girl for me and spread those pretty little legs.” You obliged.
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Michael Myers:
★ It was your anniversary and you were determined to surprise your bastard of a lover before he returned from terrorizing the town. You made sure to pamper yourself, taking a long shower and relaxing in the tub, using the best perfume and lotions you had.
★ You even went as far as buying lingerie, which you examined on yourself in the bedroom. The straps on the legs were kind of tight but you shrugged and fixed pieces of your hair. 
★ The only thing that annoyed you was the belts around your thighs; they made them look so large, almost as if the belts were about to break. As you went to take them off, you heard the front door slam shut and you bolted to the bed, making yourself look as appealing as possible.
Holding your breath, you made to push your chest forward, exposing more of your breasts to the room and you waited for Michael to come bounding up the stairs. “You will not believe what-” Michael came into the room aggravated, but stopped as soon as he looked at you. He blinked a few times before a large smirk appeared on his face. “Is this my anniversary present from you?” He asked and you beamed in excitement and shock. 
“You remembered our anniversary?” You sat up a bit and his eyes followed the curve of your breasts. 
“Of course I remembered, your presents downstairs,” He replied, advancing towards you and groaning when you spread your legs for him to step between. “What the actual fuck, (Y/N)? Are you trying to kill me?” He growled seeing the small string of fabric that covered your pussy. 
“Do you like it?” You asked shyly and his eyes flew to yours as he grabbed your face in his hands. 
“I love it so much that I almost hate to take it off,” You giggled at his statement and his hands ran down your body, snapping the straps on your thighs, earning a whimper from you to which he grinned at. “We are keeping these on.” 
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Jason Voorhees:
★ There was no particular reason as to why you stood in the doorway of your bedroom in nothing but lingerie you had covered with a bath robe. Your eyes wandered over Jason’s figure at the kitchen table, his back to you as he continued piecing together his mask that he’d accidentally broke.
★ You slipped the robe off, letting it fall to the ground before walking up behind him and wrapping your arms around his neck, resting your head on his shoulder. 
★ You didn’t say anything, but the minute Jason’s hand traveled up your arm and to your shoulder in a loving manner, he shot up out of the chair and turned to you with a flustered expression. 
He had known from the second that his fingers couldn’t find any article of clothing that you were naked; he just wasn’t expecting the strapless lingerie you wore, framing your body so nicely. His eyes raked over your body a mile a minute, trying to take in all of what was standing in front of him. “Do you like it?” You asked meekly and blushed as Jason nodded his head quickly, moving you both to the couch, sitting you in his lap. 
His rough hands gripped the skin on your sides and you grimaced, knowing he’d probably hate the fat poking out beneath the top of the lingerie. However, Jason only nuzzled his face against your neck as a sign of assurance, his hands continuing to move all over your body. You couldn’t deny the feeling of arousal sweeping over you the more you were being felt up by him and you could already feel his cock hard beneath you. 
When his hands cupped your breasts you let out a soft moan and Jason’s eyes locked with yours, realizing that you had been waiting patiently for him to take you. He could cum from the thought alone of you dressed up for him like this; only for his eyes to see and his hands to touch. “Jason please,” You whined, letting out a small gasp when his hand traveled down to your aching cunt, his eyes widening when he realized you were wearing a thong. He groaned as he moved the fabric to the side, exposing your bare pussy to him. There was something about the small piece of clothing that turned him on; he kept those on you for the rest of the night. 
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Bo Sinclair:
★ You could hear Bo torturing someone from across the street in the house you were in and by the sounds of pain coming from the female he had locked up, he was in a mood.
★ So you decided to cheer him up by sorting through your clothes and finding the nicest set of lingerie you had, slipping it on and preparing your trap. You called him on the phone as told him that there was something you had to show him immediately.
★ You watched him run across the street and you waited in the lounge chair by the window; you caught your reflection in the mirror in the corner of the room and you frowned, readjusting your position a few times and growing more and more self conscious by the second. 
Before you had time to change your mind about your plan, Bo flew through the door, making you jump a bit in your spot before his eyes met your figure and he let out a low whistle. “I thought you might need a break,” You smiled sheepishly and he raised an eyebrow at your statement, making his way towards you. “I know it’s a little small, when I bought it I was-”
“Shut your mouth,” Bo snapped at your words, knowing very well what you were trying to say. Resting his hands on the arm rests of the chair, he leaned above you, pressing his forehead against yours, “You look beautiful. I don’t want to hear another self degrading comment come out of that pretty little mouth, do I make myself clear?” He titled his head slightly as he examined your flushed face as you blushed in embarrassment. 
“Yes sir,” You replied and he hummed in approval, his eyes darkening as he pressed his lips to yours, his hands starting their journey in caressing your body. His lips moved along yours heatedly and you let out a gasp when his fingers dipped down between your legs; Bo let out a surprised sound and backed up, looking at your spread legs and smiling to himself at the sight before him. 
“Crotch-less panties? Aren’t you a naughty little girl,” He grinned ear to ear when you blushed deeper, a loud moan coming from your throat as he dove in.
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Vincent Sinclair:
★ You don’t expect to get such a rise out of him when you walk into the room wearing a beautiful set of lingerie, covered by a satin robe. 
★ Vincent barely looks up from the book he’s reading, and when he does, you drop the robe and lean against the door frame. You grimace slightly when you feel your back crease, creating what some people call ‘rolls’. 
★ Vincent slams the book shut before making his way over towards you with a heavy look of desire in his eyes.
“If you wanted me to fuck you, all you had to do was ask,” He teased, pressing an open mouth kiss against your neck as he pressed you against the wall. Your arms wrapped around his neck and you let out a small moan from the feeling, his loose strands of hair that had fallen from it’s messy man bun, tickling your arm. 
“D-Do you like it?” You asked between moans as his hands cupped the swell of your ass, groping the flesh there like a cat kneading a blanket. You could feel his cock twitch against your stomach, his pants did nothing to hide it at this point. A shiver ran through you when he groaned against your neck, pulling back and resting his head against yours, looking you in the eyes. 
“I love it, you look breathtaking,” He cooed, moving some hair from your face, pressing his lips to the corner of your mouth. “I love you in everything, especially your birthday suit.” He grinned when you let out a small laugh from his statement. “Don’t let those negative thoughts ruin the moment; forget about all of them and just focus on us okay?” Vincent pressed another kiss to your lips, letting out a sigh of relief when you kissed him back in agreement.
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Brahms Heelshire:
★ You fiddled nervously in the lingerie you had on, trying on different pieces to see what would look the best. You’d already been through half the drawer and you were sure Brahms would come looking for you if you didn’t hurry back soon.
★ Both of you had been working hard lately to keep the house in utmost perfection and you decided to make a nice dinner and spend quality time together as a break.
★ However, nothing looked appealing to you, especially not anything that didn’t cover your stomach or backside. Groaning in frustration, you bent down and rummaged through the drawer again, not noticing the man behind you. 
Brahms watched you with eager eyes, taking in your beautiful form before him and slowly coming up behind you. “I don’t like this.” His voice grumbled from behind you and you nearly jumped out of your skin, feeling his fingers trace along the thong you were wearing. As if not bothered by it, Brahms looked through the drawer and picked out a nice pair of lace panties and held them out to you. “Put these on.”
You stared at him for a moment before obliging, slipping out of the thong and putting the lace underwear on. As soon as you did, Brahms hummed to himself in approval. “You look quite ravishing, my love.” He cooed, his hands tracing over your exposed skin and his eyes watching your face as you blushed. “Have I ever told you why I prefer women with more on them than those twig women out there?” His hands traced along the underside of your breasts. 
“I don’t think you have,” You replied and he let out a noise of surprise before stepping closer to you so that there was barely and inch between your bodies and faces. 
“The more there is, the more I can claim,” His eyes gleamed as they stared down at you, your body trembling with arousal as his fingers dipped into the lace panties he’d chosen for you, the pads of his digits finding your clit and rubbing it gently. “You like it when I leave marks on you, isn’t that right pretty girl?” He smirked and you nodded. “Good, because tonight I’m going to remind you why you are perfect just the way you are.”
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greenygreenland · 4 years
Dream A Little Dream Of Me: Norman x Reader
-also, is it just me or do thick eyebrows look really cute??? Norman has pretty thick brows compared everyone else and I think they're cute 
WARNINGS: Kissing lol
Summary: You finally see Norman again.
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Life had to be the scariest thing you'd ever faced. It threw the bad, the good, the everything your way until you could barely stand. Until you were left broken and mangled and shattered. Life was scary. It was cruel. Yet somehow, today was different.
You thought it was a dream. After all, how could it be reality when the boy in front of you died a year and some months ago? He had been shipped out, left for dead because it was a part of his stupid escape plan.
So how was it he stood before you? Breathing? Smiling? Living?
The office door closed behind you with a soft click. It bathed the room in silence, as if for a moment, the world decided to give you a second to breathe. A second to take in the wonderous sight before you.
The boy's name stuck in your throat. He had changed, not only in height, but stature and appearance. Norman was older, and he grew up to be more handsome than any runway model could ever be.
"(Y/n)," he gently said. "I'm glad you're well."
That was all it took. One sentence and you tackled him in the tightest hug your trembling arms could muster. "Norman...!" To have his arms around you, to hear the beating of his heart--it was a relief. A miracle sent by the gods. "You’re so stupid!"
No, he was more than stupid. He had to be the dumbest boy alive to think that it was okay to sacrifice himself for the sake of your family. You all were supposed to escape together just like Emma said. No one was supposed to be left behind, yet Norman--bless his heart--acted on his own.
You hugged him as if he would disappear if you let go. "We were all supposed to leave together. But you--I thought you--shipped out--and then--!" You chocked on your words. What more could you say anyway?
You buried your face in the crook of his neck. The muffled sob that ripped through your throat was more than Norman could handle. His knees went weak and you both slowly sunk to the floor in a heap. 
"I'm here." he gently said. "I'm not going anywhere (Y/n)."
Despite the steadiness in Norman's voice, his shoulders hitched, and he sniffled. "I'm here." he repeated. "I-I'm here." It sounded like he were reassuring himself that he wouldn't leave you so soon, as if he were scared too. Not for the way you sobbed and sobbed, but for the ache in his heart that seemed to beat in sync with yours.
Slowly, your sobs turned to quiet sniffles, which then silenced into nothing but tiny hiccups. You basked in Norman's warm embrace. He didn't hold you too tightly, as if he were afraid it would shatter you to pieces. Instead, he pulled you close to his side and leaned on his desk behind.
You rested your head on his chest, taking the time to memorise his scent. Parchment, the woods, and old books. You liked that, it was comforting to know he still smelled the same. On the other hand, his voice wasn’t as smooth or rounded as it once was. It was icy. No one seemed to notice that tiny sharpness that hit the end of each note he spoke. You wondered what could've made his kind heart harden.
Sure, Norman was still the same Norman you remembered, but something about the way he acted seemed off. He was clingy, much more than he ever was. Maybe he just missed you? No, that couldn't be right. Norman acted as if he were running out of time. He held you close and gently, as if these would be the last moments you'd see each other again. As if there wouldn't be a tomorrow.
You slowly pulled away to get a good look at Norman's face. His chin was slightly pointier, his cheeks less chubby and full. His lips twitched upwards into a comforting smile. It didn't quite reach his eyes because he looked so overwhelmingly tired. Your poor boy probably worked day and night to keep the hideout on its feet. It must be hard on him, you thought. Especially since he was revered as a god.
Norman's brows raised. "What's wrong?"
You took his thin hands in your own and gave them a good squeeze. "It's nothing. What about you?"
Ah yes, small talk. The perfect way to avoid any question thrown your way. Norman knew you well, sometimes even more than himself. When you asked simple questions such as these, that meant your mind laid elsewhere in a land he could never reach. Norman took that as a hint to drop the subject.
For now.
He wondered what invisible weight laid on your shoulders. Was it something as heavy as his? Perhaps your weight was worse and it ate away at you. Norman wished he could take that weight away and relieve you of that pain. He'd carry it all if he could, and it didn't matter to him if he'd die trying. This was you he was thinking about. He'd do anything for you.
"I've been okay," Norman vaguely responded. "But I have been busy, so I find it difficult to sleep sometimes.”
Norman liked to be honest, but you knew it was because that helped him figure out what was wrong with you. It was a game of tag. In this case being 'it' meant figuring out each others' worries through a back-and-forth match.
"You haven't been sleeping enough?" Your voice came out rather quiet as you traced invisible circles over the back of his hands. "Is that because you have so much work? Or do you refuse to get help?" Norman sat in a still silence and you sighed.
Of course. 
This was your Norman after all. He always shouldered a burden too big for his shoulders to carry. It was always something so heavy, so terribly hard to balance by himself. If that burden grew any bigger, it would collapse, and that would be his downfall. But you wouldn't let that happen to your Norman. No, no, no. You'd take that burden from him, steal it if you had to, and be his crutch.
"What have you been doing here?" you quickly added. "As 'William Minerva', I mean?"
Norman looked unbearably uncomfortable. That little frown tugging at the edge of his lips was a tell-tale sign. “I’ve been getting a lot done." he carefully said. "In fact, I’ve figured out a way to end this. Once and for all.” 
Norman began by explaining the first phase of his plan. The first phase had long been in motion. It started with the indiscriminate burning of cattle facilities, then the gathering of information, and continued on to pave the way for all the other phases you didn’t care to hear about.
The first few steps weren't too bad, but the final act in Norman's plan made your skin crawl. You half-wished you hadn’t asked him anything to begin with. Maybe it would have spared your appetite. Your grip on his thin hands loosened and loosened until your hands rested on your lap.
Norman wasn't so little anymore. He had grown up just a bit, but not in the way you wished to see. How could he think of something so cold-hearted and cruel? The extermination of all demons in Neverland was an act of genocide. If you re-called correctly, it was also considered a war crime.
Norman was smarter than that. He understood the consequence he'd have to face if that were the path he walked right? He understood that there were still other options right? Maybe you heard him wrong.
You had to have heard him wrong. Norman wasn't ruthless like that. He was a ball of sunshine that made you smile whenever you were together.
"I see..." You tightly smiled. "So that's your plan on freeing everyone?" Norman nodded with a seriousness that took you back to the time he left everything to you and Ray and Emma. 
You weren't mistaken then. Norman truly meant everything he said.
"Yes, that is my plan. It's been taking me a little longer than expected to set it in motion. I've decided to officially start tomorrow."
Your breath hitched. "Don't you think that's a bit hasty? What if...what if something goes wrong?" Norman smiled. It was hollow and wry and everything that he wasn't. "Don't worry. Fortunately, I've always been pretty good at getting what I want." You didn't return the smile, and you didn't want to say why.
Norman was quick to catch on. But of course he would catch on so quickly, this was Norman. Your Norman.
"Do you have a problem with my plan?" he inquired. You shook your head. "No, it's...it's not that." Yes, it was that. Your plan is dangerous even if it is good, you thought. Innocent lives wouldn't be spared, and that would spell an unfair fate for the demons who ate to survive.
You wanted to tell Norman why his plan was wrong, and why he didn't have to be so unforgiving about it. But then what? Why would he listen when you didn't have any better ideas? He seemed to have his mind set anyway, so no half-baked ideas would make a difference. And besides, he was the smartest person you knew. Maybe that was the only way out of the terrible fate all you cattle children faced.
"If you're okay with my plan," Norman said, "then what's bothering you (Y/n)?"
"It's still a lot for me to take in," you admitted with a plastic smile. "I guess I'm just shocked that you're, well, here." Norman smiled, this time with a genuine warmth. "I understand." He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on your lips. "I'll see you at dinner."
Your cheeks burned. How bold of him. "Y-yeah, I'll see you at dinner." Norman let out a cute little chuckle that made your heart beat a little louder than it was supposed to. You hauled yourself off the floor and made your way to the door. Norman followed.
You flashed him a nervous smile, one that mixed in with your muddled worry and anxiousness. You glanced at his bright eyes. For a moment, they seemed to dim like the setting sun. It reminded you of Mama. When no one looked at her, she didn’t smile. She always looked so sad when she sat by herself, and maybe that was because she was. 
Your fingers brushed against the doorknob. “Hm?”
"I want nothing more than to protect you and our family. I know you don't fully agree with me," his expression darkened. "But this is the way--the only way we can save everyone without spilling a single drop of blood."
For a moment, you forgot who you were speaking to. This wasn't the same boy you begged to run away with before he got shipped out. This wasn't the same boy who gently tucked a piece of hair behind your ear and sweetly complimented you. This boy--did you truly still know him? Was he still the Norman you grew up with and fell head-over-heels for?
You blinked and that dark look washed itself off his face. He strode up to you and placed a hand on your cheek--just like the day he was supposed to be harvested. Norman’s eyes were soft, softer than any blanket, and his lips pursed into a gentle frown. With his thumb, he wiped a stray tear away. 
Why were you crying?
"Norman..." You couldn’t find the right words. There were none that could explain the suffering you endured in silence. You worried, not only for Norman, but your family and all those other people in the world you didn’t know about. Norman’s plan--oh how stupid it was--had it changed him? Had it forced him to guard his heart to keep a still mind? 
You wondered what he endured while you went on your crazy adventures. At least you had your family, and Yuugo, Lucas, and all your friends. But Norman? He didn’t have anyone but himself. He carried the whole world. Alone. Had he been scared? Worried? Angry that no one came for him? Your heart clenched at the thought. 
"Smile,” Norman said. “It’s okay, I promise. I'm here." He gathered you in his arms and you didn’t have the heart to protest. “How?” you whispered. “How were you able to do all this on your own?” Norman helplessly shrugged. “You could say I have connections, either that or I’m just lucky.”
“What will you do after this is all over?”
Norman went still again, as if he couldn’t answer your question. You heaved in a shaky breath. If Norman wasn’t going to give you a straight answer, then you’d squeeze it out of him. “Did anything else happen to you? I’m sure there’s a catch, isn’t there?” 
It was like someone flipped a switch. One moment, you were a mess of tears, sorrow, and anguish. Now, something menacing laid in your voice. It was almost threatening, as if you were indirectly telling Norman to dare avoid the question. “I don’t want you dying trying to be everything at once,” you said. “Here you’re revered as a god, and if I know you, then it’s plain that you set yourself up like that. Don’t tell me you plan to die on us again.”
He stiffened.
“I know you Norman, don’t forget that. And because I love you, I don’t want to see you destroy yourself. I admit, I don’t know why you act like you’re going to leave again, but I’ll do everything in my power to stop you.” You pulled away and took his hands in yours. A small smile of reassurance made its way up your lips, but Norman didn’t return it. 
No, he couldn’t. And despite all he did, he couldn’t lie straight to your face. Not like this.
Dinner cheered you up. The smiles and laughter that your family shared with Norman made you feel just a little bit better. But how long would it last? And how long would those smiles stay present? All the questions swarming in your mind made you feel sick to your stomach. There was too much to think about, and too little time to answer them.
You forced down the last of your food with a sigh and brought the plate to its respectful place. Everyone was too busy chatting and catching up to notice, but that was fine. It was better that way. 
You made your way to a secluded walkway. It was in one of the calmer areas of the hideout that overlooked the lower levels. It was quiet, save for the distant chatter of Hayato and his friends. He let out a bright laugh that echoed through the vacant walkways. What a shame it would be to hear that disappear.
“So this is where you went.” 
“I told you she’d be here.”
You whipped around in alarm. “Ray, Emma!” 
Ray sharply looked you up and down. He raised a brow and you squirmed under his gaze. He gently bumped shoulders with you. “What’s wrong with you?” 
You absentmindedly shrugged. “Nothing.” 
“That’s what someone who’s not okay would say.” Emma noted. She settled by your side on the railing and flashed a bright smile. “You were so quiet at dinner today.” 
You shook your head. Que another absentminded shrug and plastic smile. “I guess I just wanted to make sure everyone was okay.” 
Ray sighed. “Everyone but you?” He leaned against the railing next to you. “Did you and Norman talk at all?”
You froze. ‘Yes’, was what you wanted to say, but no sound came out. The image of Norman’s matured face, the way his his soft lips hit your own, and his stupidly tall build crossed your mind. 
Emma let out a gasp and slapped a hand over her mouth. “Ah!” she cried. “You’re all red!” You covered your hands with your face, ignoring Ray’s curious stare.
“What did you two talk about in his office anyway? Or should I say, do?” The glint in Ray’s eyes had subtext you didn’t want to recite out loud. “Rayyyyy,” you grumbled, “shut up.” He sent you a teasing grin as Emma frowned in confusion. “I don’t get it.” 
“You’ll understand when you’re older.”
“Yeah, it’s grown up stuff.”
You ignored the warmth spreading to your cheeks and elbowed Ray. “Don’t say it like ‘that’! Now you make it sound like something else!” 
He daringly raised a brow. “Like what?” You ran a hand over your scorching face. It was a miracle you weren’t on fire. “No, no, I’m not answering you!” 
You shared a good laugh and a comfortable silence began to settle, blanketing your shoulders in a lightness that you hadn’t felt in a while. 
Emma softly smiled. “I’m glad we found you.” she admitted. “You looked really sad all by yourself out here.” Ray nodded with a small snort. “Yeah, talk about depressing. But seriously though, did something..?”
Of course these two would see through your façade. Of course they’d understand something was wrong. They were your family, and they didn’t deserve your silence. Your smile shattered. “I don’t know if Norman told you about his plan yet, but it’s...it’s bad. Sure, the demons have done some terrible things to us, but that doesn’t mean all of them are guilty. I want to stop him, but I don’t know how.” 
Emma nodded in agreement. “He told us earlier and I don’t like it either.” she firmly said. “Ray and I talked it over and we have a plan, but it’s risky. Like, really risky. It has to do with the Seven Walls and...” 
You held on to every word Emma and Ray spoke. Risky was your middle name. Well, not actually, but it was something that became your friend. You and your family looked death in the face too many times to count. What would be another?
By the end of it, you were sure this new plan would change Norman’s mind, or at least convince him to give up the whole ‘genocide’ thing. It was decided by Ray that tomorrow, you’d all talk to Norman. Things seemed to be looking up. No, they had to be.
The halls were empty and you were alone. How was it you got lost in the first place? You made sure to have every twist and turn memorised, so why did you end up in the wrong corridor twice? Ray would surely tease you for getting lost. What an absolute--
You slammed into someone’s chest. A yelp escaped your throat as the person in question lost his footing. He sucked in a sharp breath and went tumbling straight into you. Your back hit the ground as the boy threw out his arms on either side of your head to brace himself. You didn’t need a name to know who you had tumbled into. Light hair, soft eyes, fancy waistcoat and suit. 
He hovered over you with wide eyes. His lips were inches from yours and he was just so, so close. 
Thump, thump, thump.
Your heartbeat was so gosh dang loud. Could he hear it? Could he see the way your face burned red? 
Why wasn’t he moving? Why weren’t you moving? Why was it so hard to look him in the eyes? A nervous smile broke out across Norman’s lips. He pushed himself off of you and offered out a hand. You gingerly took it.
“Sorry.” Norman said, helping you to your feet. “I wasn’t looking where I was going. Are you okay?” Your gaze darted from his lips to his dazzling eyes and then to his cheeks dusted in red. Your heart wouldn’t stop slamming against your chest. It kept going, and going until you felt like you were about to burst. 
“Sh-shouldn’t I be asking you that?” you retorted. “I’m not the one who--you know...gets sick all the time.” You weren’t sure why you said it like that, or why that made Norman smile so cutely, but he was smiling. That made your heart flutter. You glanced around the corridor a few times, and somehow, you kept finding focus on his lips. 
What was wrong with you?
Norman caught on fast--like he always did. “Oh I see,” he said with a low chuckle. You swallowed. His voice really did deepen (but you kind of liked it). For a moment, you thought he caught onto your staring, but instead of commenting on it, he intertwined his hand with yours and led you through the winding halls. 
“Don’t tell Ray I got lost.” you muttered. Norman laughed and it was like the sound of happiness itself. “I won’t.” 
The halls all looked the exact same: cream coloured paint, nature-like decorations, and numbered wooden doors. You forgot what number your room was, so that was probably why you got lost. Norman took a sharp left where you recalled should be a right instead. “Wait isn’t it that way?”
“I have something to give you, so we’re going to make a quick detour.” Norman’s cheeks dusted pink and he looked the slightest bit nervous. “What is it you want to show me?” He flashed you a contagious smile. “It’s a surprise.” 
“What kind of surprise?”
“I can’t tell you,” he said with a chuckle, “that’s why it’s called a surprise.”
When you got to his office, you were nervous. Surprises were fun, yes, but in a world where nearly getting eaten by wild demons fell into the category of ‘surprise’, you learned not to like them very much.
Norman closed the door behind you and it softly clicked shut. Okay, you thought. So he was locking the door and making his way over to his desk. Okay, that’s fine. Norman shuffled through a cabinet, that nervous look still on his face. Okay, okay, nothing wrong here. He gently shut the drawer, and as he walked out from behind his desk, you took note of the small little box he fiddled with. 
Okay. Okay. Box. Nervous. Locked door. Did he not want anyone to interrupt whatever he was about to do? 
Norman heaved in a deep breath. A really, really, really deep breath. “(Y/n), I have never met anyone else like you. You’re the strongest person I’ve ever met, and you’re beautiful and kind.” He sunk to one knee and opened the little box. “Will you marry me?”
You jolted awake with a start. 
“Sorry,” Norman said. He scribbled a few words down in his notebook. “Did I wake you?” 
Ah, that’s right. After you talked with Emma and Ray, you all met up with Norman and hung out for a bit. But when had you gotten to his office? Much less, fallen asleep? You rubbed your eyes with a shake of your head. Judging by the tired look on Norman’s face, it was way past bedtime.
The heavy cloak around your shoulders offered a welcoming warmth. It smelled like books. It smelled like parchment and ink. It smelled like Norman and it was comforting. 
He glanced up from his notebook and curiously met your gaze. “What are you smiling at?” The dream popped up in your mind and your smile grew. “I had a good dream.” 
“What was it about?” he inquired without looking up.
The scratch of the pencil froze and he met your gaze. “You had a dream about me?” Your cheeks flushed. “Yeah, and you proposed.” Norman’s back went rigid and he turned as red as an apple. “I-I pro--proposed to you?” he stammered. You snickered, a smug smile tugging on your lips. “It was really sweet. And if you’re wondering, I said yes. I was going to kiss you, but then I woke up.” You stood up with a sigh. “It was disappointing, but that’s okay.” 
You let out a small laugh and neatly folded Norman’s cloak. You left it on the couch and made your way across the room. “That’s a nice notebook.” you said. “What’re you writing about?”
Norman stilled and closed the book with a smile. “It’s nothing special.” He put the pencil down ever so quietly and stood. “Do you seek my affections?” he inquired. You settled on the wall. “Don’t you have work to do?” Norman looked down at you. His fringe brushed across his eyelashes, and he loosened his tie. Slowly.
Your heart steadily drummed against your chest. “What are you doing?” The false innocence in your voice caused Norman to chuckle lowly. He caressed your cheek with a feather-light touch. “Well, you did say you were disappointed right? Why don’t I make it up to you?” 
He rested an arm on the wall with a sly smirk. Your lips connected and it made your stomach flip-flop. The kiss was slow, it was sweet. You found yourself pulling him closer, running your hands through his hair and yanking him over. "Norman?" He met your gaze with half-lidded eyes. "Yes (N/n)?"
"Where did you learn how to do that?"
He smirked and it was hot. The fact that he kept his arm braced against the wall didn’t help either. "Why?" he lowly inquired. "Do you like it?" Your breath caught in your throat and you found yourself wanting more. 
Knock, knock!
Norman didn't look too happy about that. He ran a hand over your cheek and gently tucked a lock of hair behind your ear, that half-lidded look of his melting into warmth and love. He made his way to the door, tightening his tie and smoothing out his hair with a quick touch.
"Hello--?" Norman fell short mid-sentence. As soon as your gaze locked with the person on the other side, you understood why. Ray stood in the threshold, just as red-faced as you and Norman, with a sheepish look on his face. “I’ll come back later.” he muttered. 
Oh great. Had he been eavesdropping? You glanced at Norman and he glanced at you, then Ray, and back to you. Ray sucked his teeth and stuffed his hands in his pockets. “Don’t have too much fun.” he said, a smirk twitching onto his lips.
You made your way to the threshold with a groan. “Rayyyy!” 
“Yeah, yeah, don’t worry.” he coolly replied. “Do whatever, I didn’t see anything.”
NOTE: I spent a WHOLE WEEK writing this. Please reblog so I know you guys like it :)
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